pro-birth · 9 months
Research finds that women seeking abortion believe providers should offer them the option to view the ultrasound. But providers don’t always do so, and abortion advocacy groups (Planned Parenthood Action, NARAL, ACOG) oppose measures requiring providers to do so.
Please note I’m not referring to legislation saying women must view ultrasounds. I’m referring to legislation requiring medical personnel offer women the option to view their ultrasounds — an opportunity they can accept or decline.
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cinamun · 11 months
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Things Fall Apart will continue
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sybmecomics · 11 months
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I feel like ultrasounds are what's always shown on media when it comes to pregnancy. There's lots of blood tests too! But today I thought to highlight the ultrasound process in NZ. And yes. You are encouraged to drink 1l of water before the scan for better visibility.
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Amazing research about the great Manta Rays .
Check it out !
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drforambhuta · 2 months
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Advancement in Imaging Techniques for Arthritis Diagnosis:
Conventional methods for diagnosing arthritis, like clinical assessments and lab tests, often lack precision in early detection and assessing disease severity accurately. However, the evolution of sophisticated imaging technologies has revolutionized the diagnosis and monitoring of arthritis by offering improved visualization of joint structures, inflammation, and damage. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and nuclear medicine methods have significantly contributed to understanding the pathophysiology of arthritis, enabling tailored treatment plans and better patient outcomes.
1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI has become pivotal in arthritis imaging due to its exceptional soft tissue contrast and ability to capture images from multiple angles. It provides detailed images of joint anatomy, cartilage health, synovial inflammation, and bone marrow abnormalities, facilitating early detection and precise characterization of arthritic changes. Advanced MRI techniques like diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) offer further insights into tissue structure, blood flow, and metabolic activity, aiding treatment decisions and monitoring therapy response.
2. Ultrasound (US): Musculoskeletal ultrasound is increasingly used in arthritis imaging for its real-time imaging capability and non-invasiveness. It allows visualization of synovial inflammation, fluid buildup, erosions, and soft tissue abnormalities with high clarity. Doppler ultrasound enhances sensitivity by detecting abnormal blood flow, providing valuable information about disease activity. Technological advancements have made portable and high-resolution ultrasound devices more accessible, particularly in rheumatology clinics and general health screenings.
3. Computed Tomography (CT): While MRI and ultrasound are preferred for arthritis imaging, CT complements them by focusing on bone changes, joint alignment, and surrounding structures. High-resolution CT scans detect bone erosions, osteophytes, and subchondral cysts, which are characteristic of various types of arthritis. Cone-beam CT (CBCT) and dual-energy CT (DECT) further improve CT's utility by reducing radiation exposure and enhancing tissue contrast, making it valuable for preoperative planning and comprehensive health assessments.
4. Nuclear Medicine Imaging: Nuclear medicine techniques like positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) provide functional imaging for assessing metabolic activity, inflammation, and bone turnover in arthritic joints. By using specific radiopharmaceutical tracers, nuclear imaging offers insights into disease activity, treatment response, and prognosis. Hybrid imaging modalities such as PET/CT and SPECT/CT combine anatomical and functional information, improving diagnostic accuracy and guiding treatment decisions in arthritis management and overall health evaluations.
Early diagnosis of conditions like arthritis can be made by undergoing regular health checkups. There are many good hospitals in India that offer health checkup packages for undergoing a regular full body health checkup.
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pregnantsessions · 5 months
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moriparty413 · 10 months
bad apple is the doom (1993) of animations
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turnipoddity · 1 month
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local vet adopted a cat
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imaginatal-blog · 2 years
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babyultrasound · 2 years
There was a time when parents waited till birth to know their baby’s gender but this is not the case anymore. Advancement in technology has made it possible for would-be parents to know their baby’s gender before birth. Excitement and liberty to make choices drives parents to go for gender determination. For more information, click here.
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manicpixiemeatboy · 9 months
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For the sake of preservation, I DO have to post this here, too.
Miguel has this ultrasound pic in his wallet xxx
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The reason pregnant women get ultrasounds rather than MRIs. This is too disturbing.
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transamus · 5 months
hey my birthday is coming up in less than a week (the 7th) and i have an endoscopy on the 4th but every penny i have is going to rent bc i can't finish my work & get paid until my boss is able to get me the rest ov the info i need (on the 6th). if anyone is able to help or just wants to shoot me smthn 4 my bday donations would b greatly appreciated <3
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drforambhuta · 5 months
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Integrating urinary tract infection (UTI) screenings into thorough health assessments requires a nuanced strategy involving a series of diagnostic examinations. These tests may include:
• Urine Analysis: This initial assessment scrutinizes a urine sample for red and white blood cells, bacteria, and other substances. An anomalous result may suggest a UTI, prompting further inquiry.
• Urine Culture and Sensitivity: Cultivating the urine helps pinpoint the specific bacteria causing the infection, aiding healthcare providers in selecting the most effective antibiotic treatment. Sensitivity testing ensures the chosen antibiotic is active against the identified bacteria.
• Imaging Techniques: In certain instances, healthcare providers might suggest imaging studies like ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scans. These can unveil structural abnormalities in the urinary tract that could contribute to recurring UTIs.
• Cystoscopy: This procedure entails inserting a slender tube with a camera into the urethra and bladder, allowing a direct visual examination of these structures. Cystoscopy aids in identifying anatomical issues, stones, or other factors contributing to UTIs.
• Blood Tests: Comprehensive health assessments may involve blood tests to evaluate kidney function and overall health, providing valuable insights into potential complications arising from UTIs.
Doctors suggest choosing a health checkup package that includes the above tests to help in the early detection and management of UTIs. There are many good hospitals in Delhi that offer different types of health packages to choose from, such as a full body health checkup at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi.
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mindblowingscience · 14 days
Bats, as the main predator of night-flying insects, create a selective pressure that has led many of their prey to evolve an early warning system of sorts: ears uniquely tuned to high-frequency bat echolocation. To date, scientists have found at least six orders of insects—including moths, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers—that have evolved ears capable of detecting ultrasound. But tiger beetles take things a step further. When they hear a bat nearby, they respond with their own ultrasonic signal, and for the past 30 years, no one has known why.
Continue Reading.
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pregnantsessions · 5 months
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