#blood tests
anonymousangstmonster · 5 months
Prompt #21
After the Spectra incident left the teens of Amity Park suspicious of others being ghosts, they and their parents demand the mayor to do something. He calls for every citizen to get blood drawn and sent to the Fentons to test for ectoplasm.
How do they react when their son’s blood sample tests positive?
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rosewind2007 · 11 months
With a spoon…because it will hurt more
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Imagine you’re reading a document which is explaining the details of a scientific trial to you, a trial you are considering volunteering to be a participant in…a guinea-pig to use the metaphor…
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…if the document describes blood sample volumes, would you rather the volumes given were in milliliters (and do you prefer the abbreviation ml or mL?) teaspoons/tablespoons or something else?
For example:
We will take approximately 75mL of blood at this visit
We will take approximately 75ml of blood at this visit
We will take approximately 5 tablespoons of blood at this visit
Comments are very gratefully received
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potsiepumpkin · 2 years
Doctor: “Great news! Your blood tests look all normal!”
Me who knows something’s wrong:
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softersolace · 18 days
second acupuncture appointment today - and results of my cortisol and other tests should come in tonight if I'm lucky. Fingers crossed!🤞
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fatgirlgetsfitatlast · 4 months
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Well, a mixed bag on the blood test this time. Some improvement in Cholesterol numbers, but no improvement in Hemoglobin A1c, which is really annoying, given how few times I went off Low Carb and had a treat in the last few months... like 2 or 3x, IN 6 MONTHS! So annoying.
I looked back at tests from 2017, when I was working out more frequently and weighed less, and the A1c was about 5.3, so it never has been super low. Does it get super low? I don't know. I'm going to have to do more research on it.
I have a DR appt tomorrow to go over all this, so we'll see what they have to say about it all. These doctors haven't been as asshole-y as some I've had, so hopefully they will have something useful to say.
I really don't want to go on more meds; I'd like to get off the BP meds I'm already on, but that isn't in the cards at this point either.
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mobileblooddraw · 5 months
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Blood tests serve as vital diagnostic tools in the realm of healthcare, offering valuable insights into our overall well-being. Whether it's for routine check-ups, monitoring chronic conditions, or investigating specific health concerns, understanding what to expect before a blood test is crucial. #Bloodtests
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klc-archive · 17 years
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Young Dracula: 1x13 ‘Blood Tests’
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crystallinecryptid · 6 months
Got blood drawn for the first time today. I loved seeing it fill up the vial, but I'm not such a fan of the fact that strangers have my blood now.
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lilleluv · 1 year
Baby's First Beats: What to Expect at 8 Weeks Pregnant
Congratulations on making it to week eight of your pregnancy! This is an exciting milestone as your baby is growing rapidly and starting to develop recognizable features. By now, your baby is about the size of a raspberry and is beginning to resemble a tiny human being. While you may not be showing yet, you might be experiencing some early signs of pregnancy such as nausea, fatigue, and tender…
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vaidyaslaboratory · 18 hours
Comprehensive Health Checkup vs. Lab Tests- A Complete Guide
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Discover the importance of comprehensive health checkups over standard lab tests with Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory in Thane. Regular checkups can detect potential health issues early and provide a thorough understanding of your overall health. Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory offers tailored health checkup packages for different needs and age groups, ensuring personalized assessments with detailed blood work, imaging tests, and specialized screenings. Role of Pathologists in Medical Diagnosis: Understanding the crucial role of pathologists in medical diagnosis, their expert staff ensures precise interpretations of test results for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans. Find the best health checkup packages and take the first step towards a healthier future with Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory in Thane.
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alan-tel · 6 days
Celiac and Iron Blood Test
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Earlier this week I had 2 blood tests performed. The first 1 was to check my iron level. It was done 1 month after after I had my last infusion of iron. My iron was low due to Celiac and it was believed to be the cause of my Restless Leg Syndrome.
The second test was to check for gluten antibodies. This was done to see if my gluten free diet was working.
The results:
The iron level has returned to the middle of the safe range. The question will be if I can maintain the level with diet.
The antibodies test is negative according to a message I received. This indicates my gluten free diet is also working.
Hopefully with time my Restless Leg Syndrome and fatigue will improve.
Image by Anna from Pixabay
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kardgme · 12 days
I'm so tired of these appointments bro
Like 4 a week
I've got a whole therapy team of like
Lemme count
Idk if I'm missing anyone. I just used the first letter of their name
One wants to take me out to a river to talk with folding chairs and some coffee
Sounds weird eh? Well living in a trap house gave me slight agoraphobia due to coming home and being immediately overstimulated with no hiding place.
So I avoid going out because of the return emotionally coaster
Idk if I wanna go to. A nice empty lake see how beautiful and then come home and feel like im too fat to fit in my own house cause of the hot mess
That's body dysmoprhia for you
Got a hold of some injections for a diet thing kills your appetite it's one a day ima take like 3 shots a day
So I met one yesterday, C and she's my grief counselor
Then tomorrow it's A the one who makes me leave my house to deal with the agoraphobia I hate it tbh
I get ADHD paralysis all day waiting for these people
N might help me volunteer at the spca I mentioned it and routines, I need those
Monday I see the results of my tests I'm a. Bit nervous they don't usually call back
Then biopsy the skin cancer spots on my left leg and wait for that answer and wait for the mri and ct scans to see my beautiful inoperable tumor that lives rent-free, giving me issues socializing
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Lab Results, Jan 2023
I got my lab results back from the blood and urine tests the doctor did on Wednesday. The highlights are:
Cholesterol is high, but not OTT high. I feel like continued low carb dieting and exercise can improve these numbers.
My A1C number is high for someone without diabetes, but I'm sure I am diabetic, though it is under control because of doing keto for the last month or so. For someone with diabetes, it says the diabetes is well controlled.
Blood glucose is IN NORMAL RANGE! I know this would not have shown in normal range prior to me dropping the sugar and refined carbs from my diet for the last month or so. I'm SUPER HAPPY about this.
Urinalysis shows traces of ketones, which means am in ketosis. This IS GOOD! (this is not the same as ketoacidosis, which is dangerous). I am worried that this might confuse my doctors, because many of them don't subscribe to the low carb eating and being in ketosis theory of health, but I guess we'll see when I go back.
Overall, I'm happy with what the last month and a half of (mostly) eating low carb and exercising have done for my lab results.
I do have high blood pressure (142/100 per the nurse at the doctor's office), and will start taking LOSARTAN 50 MG TAB for that today. I hope that continued weight loss and healthful eating and exercise will make that unnecessary in the future.
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cancer-researcher · 24 days
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clinikk · 29 days
Looking for a general physician clinic in Koramangala? Visit our clinic for comprehensive medical care. Our experienced doctors provide personalized treatment for a wide range of health concerns. Book your appointment today!
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