#pro abort hypocrisy
pro-birth · 3 months
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From Secular-Pro-Life
[ID: Two photos sit opposite one another. The photo on the left is of a woman holding a sign that says, “I am a progressive pro-choice woman running for congress. My run is possible because of the abortion I had at 18.” The other photo is also of a woman holding a sign, as well as her child. The sign reads, “They told me I couldn’t be a successful teen mom so I’m proving them wrong.” End ID]
On a personal note, as the daughter of a teen mom who had to fight against pro-abortion, sexist bs just to have me AND succeed, I don’t want bigoted child killers claiming to represent me. You don’t get to preach how awesome it was to be able to kill your child for “success” and then turn around to say people like me, the literal could-be victims of abortion, should be represented by you. Fuck that noise. Less death, more love and support. Do better and be better.
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prolifeprowoman · 2 years
Anyway if the right to bodily autonomy truly overruled the right to life, my best friend never would have been admitted to a mental hospital after her suicide attempt because "it's her body she can do whatever she wants with it"
My great uncle never would have gotten help for his alcohol addiction because "it's his body he can do whatever he wants with it"
My cousin never would have been sent to the emergency room after he overdosed because "it's his body he can do whatever he wants with it"
I never would have been admitted to the eating disorder treatment facility that saved my life because "it's my body I can do whatever I want with it"
^ None of us wanted help at the point people intervened. I literally thought that exact same way when I was first admitted. I thought it was so unfair that they could tell me what I could and couldn't do with my body, because it's my body. But I came to realize as I recovered that the right to bodily autonomy has never, ever been more important than the right to live, and that's something I am very grateful for, for my sake and for my friend and family members.
If your right to bodily autonomy can't even infringe upon your own right to live, what on Earth makes you think it can infringe upon someone else's?
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memethewoke · 2 years
Memes of the Day #BabiesLivesMatter
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politijohn · 2 months
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sparksinthenight · 6 months
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Bryan Lyman ✔️: Coleman-Madison offered an amendment requiring the state of Alabama to pay for medical care to the age of 3 for any child it requires a woman to carry to term. It was defeated 23 to 6. #alpolitics
Rev. Peter Preble: Once they are born they don’t care.
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cimerran-714 · 5 months
I figured that it would be helpful to call out ten of the most common pro-choice arguments that you might notice online. I'll preface it by saying that I am not a philosopher (or at least not yet), but I am a person with common sense, and you can see through these "arguments" if you have two brain-cells left.
Also, I understand that there are good PC arguments out there (although they are of course not successful, for a strong argument doesn't necessarily have to succeed). I am only arguing some of the most insane and ridiculous ones you'd spot.
If you want to go through some really good claims made by pro-choice/pro-abortion advocates, I'd recommend David Boonin's 'A Defense of Abortion'. It'd help you instead of you having to regurgitate whatever you are spoon-fed by the leftist cult. Go check out that book even if you're pro-life, because it's a great one.
Let's get started, shall we?
A human embryo/fetus is not human:
Yes, it's both human and alive. Biologists agree with this (including pro-choice biologists), and even pro-choice philosophers acknowledge this. This is basic empirical reality. And you only have to open an embryology textbook to know how wrong you are. Also, these people can never explain what species the fetus belongs to if not "Homo Sapiens".
2. It's just a "clump of cells".
All of us are made up of cells. Some are "clumpier" than others. And plus, it's not merely a clump of cells: the embryo is a human organism in its earlier stages of development, and very soon is also differentiated as it grows. That's like saying that it's okay to destroy a car because it's just "a bunch of metal thrown together".
3. It's not a person/sentient, yadda yadda:
Irrelevant and it's the same logic that slave-owners used to own people. Human rights is species-based, and the embryo/fetus is human. That's all that matters. These people love to make up ridiculous, arbitrary criteria to justify their bigotry.
4. You cannot force people to donate their organs...
Not the same thing at all. You cannot be forced to save people, but that doesn't mean you can actively kill them. This is the difference between killing someone and letting them die. There is a significant moral difference between deliberately pushing someone off a cliff and not saving someone who's hanging off a branch at a cliff. Abortion is the former.
5. Women would die...
All states have life-threat exceptions built into it, so this is just deflection. And yes, there are doctors who refuse to perform entirely legal abortions, but that is their fault. It IS legal. They're just cowards, and you can't blame the law for this because they already make this exception.
6. You cannot force your views onto others:
If you support democracy (and, you know, voting) you're forcing your views onto others. That's how law works.
7. The child would grow up in poverty, yadda yadda yadda...:
We don't kill born children because of these reasons, so it's a ridiculous claim. You don't solve poverty by killing the poor.
8. They are just pro-birth:
Statistics show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats. Also, just because they don't agree with your method of helping people doesn't mean that they don't care about born people. You see, it's like saying "A fire-fighter rescued someone from a fire, but they don't want to pay out of their pockets to look after them throughout their lives. They don't actually care!"
9. Showing pics of fetuses belonging to other species as a gotcha:
Yes, mammals of different species look the same in their earlier stages, but that doesn't mean there isn't a difference between them. This is, once again, bigoted slaver logic (to want to kill people based on their looks).
10. Men cannot have a say because:
As men are directly affected by this, they absolutely have a say. They are fathers too, and remember that they're the ones who have to pay child support.
There you go. I am not expecting you to be pro-life yet if you are not, but I hope that I have cleared your head up somewhat.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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Like, it’s me. I’m the one who had an abortion for “selfish” reasons. I’m the one anti-choice women can point to and be like, how horrible that these women kill their babies for their own convenience! They mean me when they want women forced to give birth to children they don’t want. If they had their way, I’d have a 12 yr old right now and be stuck in contact with my ex. I still don’t want those women to be pregnant when they don’t want to be. Like, this isn’t fucking hard.
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pro-birth · 8 months
Sophie asked if they could help her daughter, but the doctors said at this age there was nothing to be done. They said that if she did survive because of medical intervention she ran the risk of being disabled. And though Sophie argued that other babies born at 22 weeks had survived and thrived, the doctor told her not to believe what she read on the internet.
I talk a lot about medical malpractice involving pro-choice doctors mismanaging miscarriages because of their politics about pro-life laws. The other side of the fence? Also pro-choice doctors mismanaging preterm birth and lying to their patients over ableist attitudes.
Baby killing isn’t medicine. It never will be, and the longer you ignore injustice against unborn babies and their mothers, the longer it will take to make real changes for both.
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
Where the fuck are you, Pro-Life activists?
You rage when some random woman decides to abort an embryo that barely has a brain or any human characteristics but when a neonate, an actual goddamn baby, is slowly dying from lack of food and care in Palestine, you are silent. Get your priorities straight. A baby that has a chance of survival outside the womb is worth more than a million embryos.
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sher-ee · 14 days
“The “unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn.
You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe.
Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.”
Methodist Pastor David Barnhart
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thingstrumperssay · 2 years
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Pro-lifers be like “it’s okay when I do it!
Also there’s a study here confirming this claim.
And here’s a Twitter thread of somebody who worked in a clinic making appointments for “pro-lifers” all the time!
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I don't know what it is with black Republican men specifically and being pro-life after paying for an abortion for their wife or their girlfriend.
Mark Robinson, the man who is running for governor of North Carolina, publicly calls abortion murder and has promised to ban abortion in the state if he is elected.
Yet, somehow when the social media posts he made admitting to paying for an abortion for his wife resurface, now all of sudden - abortion was "the wrong choice" and now they're on a "spiritual journey" and "adamantly pro-life?"
So, it was fine when you and your wife wanted to get an abortion, but when other women want and abortion, it's the "murder of the most innocent human beings on earth?"
This is why nobody likes pro-lifers and this is why nobody likes black Republicans specifically.
Nothing is ever a rule when it applies to them.
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 4 months
Two things that are just hypocritical AF to me
Being anti abortion and pro-hook up culture
Being a pro abortion and vegan (not like just eating vegan but like also being actively against eating animals/animal products)
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