#unhinged whumper
whumpanthems · 4 months
Blood - My Chemical Romance (defiant whumpee, lab vibes)
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber (whumpee getting tortured)
I'm so tired - Fugazi (tired/exhausted whumpee)
Dr. Sunshine is Dead - Will Wood and the Tapeworms (slightly unhinged Whumper)
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sleepyiswhumping · 2 months
The Emperor of Blood and Bone
Content: Blood, Creepy Whumper, Gore, Smoking, Violence
Jasper hummed as he walked, almost dancing around the room. He was in a delightful mood, and getting his hair done would make his day. He walked over to the bin, tossed his cigarette, and exhaled softly. Grinning, he turned to where Griff sat, bound and gagged. Wordlessly, Jasper chose an empty jar off the shelf and, grabbing a knife as he passed the rack, began to work.
Griff's muffled screams and muted cries were barely audible behind the gag, as Jasper slowly pressed the knife into his skin, the razor-sharp edge penetrating the flesh with ease. He dug deeper, the blade slicing through the fat layers, watching eagerly as the blood flowed, swiftly pouring out of his arm. He had already moved the jar into position, and it caught the blood perfectly, every drop pouring into the container. Jasper was glad he wasn't wearing his fancy gloves for this, the blood and tears would've stained the leather. He smiled at Griff from behind his sunglasses, watching with perverse joy as Griff sobbed, huge, terrible sobs that shook his whole body.
Jasper began to undress after he had stitched Griff's arm together and left him to recover. It would do no good to stain his clothes, after all. Jasper shook out his snow-white hair, allowing it to flow down his back, resting just below his shoulder blades. Unscrewing the jar of blood's lid, he grinned and, wearing nothing but underwear, began to pour the blood into his hair. The heavy, sharp, metallic scent of blood filled the room. Jasper was slow and methodical, only using a bit at a time, massaging it into his scalp, and running his blood-tinged fingers through his hair. Sometimes he'd dip the longer chunks of his hair into the jar, allowing them to soak briefly, before he pulled them out, relishing the feeling of the thick, metallic blood rolling down his body.
As he finished, Jasper sighed in delight. You just can't get the same deep, crimson hue with any hair dye, he thought. Admiring his gorgeous hair in the mirror, Jasper smiled. The few flecks of white-red he hadn't fully soaked just added to the allure. Grinning widely, he patted his hair dry and began to redress.
After redressing and putting his makeup on, Jasper left his room and walked to the throne room. As he sat, his pet, a beautiful bearded vulture, alighted on the arm of his throne. He smiled, gently scratching the scavenger's head. Turning to face his subjects, The Emperor of Blood and Bone motioned for the court to begin.
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when-the-feet-hurt · 2 years
cw: beating, emeto, murder
To revel in the feeling of bruised, bloody flesh on your knuckles is wrong.  To think of desperate pleas as music is wrong.  To want more is wrong.  Everything is wrong.
But what is wrong?  What is right?
Punching this limp heap of muscle and bone is wrong, but it feels right.  Whenever Whumper’s knuckles collide with Whumpee’s cheek, whenever they lift up their head by their hair and slam it against the floor, a primitive excitement coursing through their veins as Whumpee’s head lolls to the side, their eyes glassy, their face wet with tears and saliva.
Heaving, Whumper stands up.  They put their aching hands on their knees, and as they catch their breath, they admire the way Whumpee’s limbs are bent so unnaturally, the way blood dries on their pale skin.
And even though their own limbs ache, Whumper pulls their leg back and kicks Whumpee as hard as they can.  Whumpee coughs weakly.  Again, Whumper kicks them, shivers running down their spine as the tip of their sneaker juts into the soft flesh of Whumpee’s stomach, pale yellow bile dribbling from Whumpee’s mouth.  For a moment, Whumper stops and admires the way the thick substance settles on Whumpee’s thin lips.
How is this wrong?  How could this possibly be wrong?
People enjoy such mundane things like playing sports, walking, reading, drawing, playing music, so why can’t Whumper enjoy this?  What’s so fun about doing any of those things anyway?  There’s no excitement in any of those; Whumper’s tried all of them.  Sports tie you down with rules about not hurting other players.  Walking without a destination is stupid.  Reading makes them restless.  Whenever Whumper tries to draw, all they get are weird stares and hushed whispers from sick, green faces.  The music they play doesn’t sound the same as the screaming, the begging.  
So, with all of this in mind, why is it so wrong?  Whumper’s just doing something they enjoy.
Whumpee coughs again as Whumper stomps on their ribs, a smile stretching from ear to ear on their face, eyes shining with glee as bone eventually gives in to the worn sole of their shoe.  The pleas slowly stop.  A chest stops rising and falling.  Caught up in their fun, Whumper notices none of this —but when they do, they don’t care.  They continue.  After all, who would throw out a perfectly good toy just because it has a few defects?
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fanatichistory · 2 years
Scene Prompt 15 pt.1
CW: beat downs, cruel whumper, unhinged whumper, tw restraints
Soooo I am getting into the habit of doing my little whumpy scenes in parts again but at least it’s not a series? teehee Let me know what you all think! I’d like to improve my whumpy writing >:D
Whumpee whimpered and flinched each time Caretaker grunted and gasped every time Whumper's fist connected on some part of their body.
They were unhinged tonight. 
Whamming Caretaker blow after blow, hitting and kicking.  And all because of singing.
All Whumpee did was sing Caretaker to sleep to help them with the nightmares. And Whumper had caught them.
Caretaker was always looking out for Whumpee, saying that they were the ones who were the one singing and taking the beating from Whumper. 
And the guilt tore Whumpee up every. freaking. time. This time was no different.
Whumper grabbed Caretaker by the hair, pulling their head back to a painful angle and began slapping their face to bring them back to awareness when Caretaker began to lose consciousness.
Whumpee saw their chance to try again to reach Whumper.
"Please stop! Whumper please, hurt me instead!" Whumper continued to ignore Whumpee. Just as before. As if they weren't even there at all.
Whumper had acted like Whumpee wasn't there when they repeatedly beat Caretaker to the point where Whumpee had eventually stopped begging. 
Chained to the wall as they were, their collar prevented them from stopping Whumper either.
Only beg. 
Which as they resumed their begging, this slowed Whumper down and they looked in Whumpee's general direction, allowing a small flower of hope to bloom in their chest.
That's when Caretaker mumbled some gibberish which focused Whumper's attention back onto them and launched Whumpee back into fear mode. 
Whumper didn't look like they were going to stop and they became afraid they were going to beat Caretaker to death if they continued any further.
"Whumper!" Smack. "WHUMPER GODDAMMIT!"
Whumper paused and tight narrowed eyes slowly rose from Caretaker's crumpled up form that now fell to the floor when they let go of their hair to pierce Whumpee's wide blown fear filled eyes.
Not swearing at Whumper was one of the rules and always, always called for punishment.
"I s-said stop!"
"Did you now..." The corners of their lips turned up into a predatory smile as cold dread began to fill Whumpee's limbs.
Whumpee gulped as cold sweat prickled their forehead. They could do this. For Caretaker, they could this. They owed Caretaker for all the times they covered for them.
Whumper's boots audibly thumped in tune with Whumpee's heartbeat as they walked their way over and crouched down, taking their chin and forcing Whumpee's gaze to meet theirs.
"So what would you have me do then?"
"L-Let us g-go?" Whumpee cried out when their head cracked into the concrete wall behind them, pain splitting through their skull when Whumper gripped their chin again and forced held their gaze.
"Try again." Whumper's voice dropped low and full of warning.
"Hngh...h-hu-hurt me...instead?"
"Hurt you instead? Is that right?" Whumper's voice was sickly sweet, their thumb petting Whumpee's chin as if in thought when Caretaker stirred across the room.
Seeing the anger flash across Whumper's at the sound of Caretaker's voice, Whumpee reached up and grabbed Whumper's arms in a steel grip they didn’t even know they had yet. 
Whumper still had a hold of their chin, eyes locked on each other as Whumper's body tensed waiting for Whumpee's next move.
Whumpee wasn't stupid. There was no way out for them or Caretaker.
And Whumper needed a punching bag but it couldn't be Caretaker. With the grip they had on Whumper, Whumpee put as much force as they could into their voice as they continued to hold Whumper’s gaze.
"Hurt me Whumper."
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oddsconvert · 8 months
"Stop! Whumpee! Where are you going?!" Caretaker shouts, pounding their fist on the car window as Whumpee turns over the engine.
"To kill Whumper. Don't try to stop me or get in my way, Caretaker... I won't hesitate to go through you."
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whumpshaped · 6 months
also. im in a mood. if you have an rp account for your absolutely horrible and very mean whumper can u tag them please
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"dont come any closer" whumpee squealed backing away from whumper, who was holding a knife
"alright, i wont" whumper stopped in their tracks, letting whumpee take a breath of relief before they threw the knife at them from where they stood
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justsomewhumpee · 2 years
Thinkin about a whumpee that's undercover on a mission. They're at a gala full of important people and their job is hunting down their target- whumper, to gather intel on them. Whumpee goes as an attendee, dressed to the nines. They chat with guests and have a decent time, meeting an old friend who had also been invited.
Eventually they get to work. They find out where whumper is hanging out and make their way in that direction. As they're passing through a dark corridor they're suddenly grabbed from behind, a sharp pain ripping through them at the same time.
"Well, well.. I guess you managed to find me, huh?" Whumper hisses into their ear quietly as they continue pressing the knife into whumpee's torso.
All they can do is let out a strangled groan before whumper rapidly pulls the knife away causing them to collapse, slumped against the wall.
"Stop looking into matters that don't concern you. Next time I won't be so kind." Whumper sneers down at them before storming away.
Whumpee clutches their side, slumped in the corner on the floor. They hiss in pain before realizing that they have to get out of this mess before they jeopardize their entire mission.
They shakily come to a standing position, relying on the wall for support with one hand as their other applies pressure to the wound. They check over themselves, and realize that if they hid under the coat they had on, they could hide the injury as they escaped the party.
They button the front of their overcoat, concealing the dark splotch of blood on their shirt. After grimacing through another wave of pain, they take a deep breath before walking with purpose back towards the exit.
They manage to reach the lobby, exit in sight, before hearing their name called from behind them.
"Whumpee, hey! Where are you heading?" The old friend they had been chatting with earlier was headed their direction.
Whumpee spins around, trying to conceal that anything is wrong.
"Oh hey! I was just headed home," They begin to explain. "I'm just super tired.." Whumpee chuckles nervously.
The old friend frowns disappointedly, "Aw man, but its been forever! I was hoping we could hang out some more?"
Whumpee smiles sadly, truly appreciating the offer. "I'd love to, but-" they're cut off by their excited friend before they can finish.
"Then stay! Please? I have to tell you about the missions I've been on lately, and then show you this-" They excitedly begin a run-on sentence, obviously a little intoxicated judging by their speaking volume alone.
Whumpee goes on autopilot, the sharp pain in their side becoming an intense throbbing sensation instead that seemed to sink into their bones. They nod and smile as they listen to their friend go on about the crazy assignment they had just returned from. They were beginning to feel faint.
"...-Have the time?" Whumpee comes back to the present, having drifted into thought. Friend is staring down at them expectantly, still grinning.
"What?" Whumpee blinks at them dumbly, no longer able to think cohesive thoughts.
Friend furrows their brow in concern at their out of place confusion. "Do you... Have the time..?" they repeat.
"Oh," Whumpee shakes their head slightly with a soft chuckle as they unbutton their coat, reaching into their inner pocket for their phone. "Ah, sorry. Like I said I should get going. I'm very tired."
Friend notices their hands trembling as they undo the buttons. "Hey, are you alright? You're shaking really badl-" They cut themselves off abruptly as whumpee rummages around for their phone.
Whumpee glosses over the question as they pull out their phone.
"Yeah, It's like half past.., Uh, w-why are you looking at me like that?" Whumpee finally looks back up at their friend, who's expression had gone serious and their eyes wide.
"You're hurt. Badly." Friend mutters in a low voice, fear evident.
Whumpee stood with phone in hand and coat unfastened, revealing the dark blood stain that had spread across the front of their shirt, doubling in size since they had last seen it.
Whumpee realizes their mistake, quickly looking away as they attempt to button their coat again. They try to keep breathing through the constant pain as the sound of their friend's concerned voice becomes more distant.
Their vision starts to swim as they sway lightly on their feet. Suddenly, the ground is coming up to meet them as they collapse. They can vaguely register the sound of their friend's voice shouting their name as hands try to grab them before they hit the ground.
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feverflushed · 2 years
Since y'all seem to like asthma related stuff so much, let's go:
-Tiny little wheezes coming straight from whumpee's chest.
-And the cough! Coughing all the time. Allergies? They cough. Sick with a cold or the flu? Cough. Cold weather? Cough. Exercise? Cough. Second hand smoke? COUGH.
-Their lungs are really sensitive, so their colds settle in their chest every time and it takes them forever to get better.
-Whumpee always has inhalers lying around. In their pockets. In their bag. In their car. Around the house. Everywhere.
-Frequent check ups and doctor's appointments. They probably hate the spirometer, because it makes them cough, of course.
-Distinctive, whistling cough, that sometimes is so severe that it makes the poor whumpee throw up, or makes it difficult to eat and sleep.
-Itchy skin before an episode.
-During bad attacks, caretaker helps them sit leaning forward with their elbows on their knees to open up the lungs.
-The uncontrollable jitters and anxiety they get after taking their inhaler (that stuff is just the worst, sometimes the medication is worse than the illness itself!)
-When they feel better after taking their meds, but they have to deal with the aftermath, aka coughing up junk for the rest of the day.
-Sleeping propped up on pillows.
-Broken blood vessels on the face and tears rolling down their cheeks from the effort of coughing.
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whumperfully · 2 years
CW: failed murder attempt, failed escape attempt, begging, manhandling, drowning, creepy/intimate whumper, unhinged whumper, conditioned whumpee, psychological manipulation
Also marks off my bthb:drowning
Inspired by this prompt by @whumppromptoftheday
Whumpee tiptoed into the kitchen, careful not to let their breathing get too loud. They quietly approached the drawer in the far corner, eyes darting around their surroundings. Slowly. Very slowly. They opened the drawer and took out the sharpest longest knife they could find.
They turned the wooden grip around in their bandaged hand until it fit. Yes. It definitely seemed sharp enough to be able to easily cut through whumper. This was the day they were going to be free. They-
"What are you doing here so late at night, darling?" The voice made whumpee's blood run cold.
They whipped around as fast as they could and fell to their knees, head bent low.
"Were you trying to make me a midnight snack? How sweet." Whumper moved closer. "Why didn't you ask me for permission beforehand, hmm? I mean, seeing you here soo late at night is bound to arouse suspicion, no?" Their hands gently ruffled whumpee's hair.
"Yes, Master." Whumpee's voice was barely above a whisper.
"I don't need a 'yes', sweetheart. Although, I do appreciate the 'Master'. Tell me-" Their grip tightened in a moment, pulling whumpee's head up to lock eyes with them. "-why did you come down here?"
"You didn't mean to hurt me, did you? You can't be this foolish, right?" The grip around their hair tightened until whumpee was sure it would rip all of it out.
A whimper escaped their lips as they attempted to shake their head, throat too dry to speak.
"Then tell me-" Whumper crouched down, letting go of their hair to grab the knife out from behind whumpee. "-what is this?"
Whumpee trembled, tears ready to stream down their face. "M-master I-"
"You really think I can be fooled with your lies, pet?" Whumper patted their cheek. "I know you better than you know yourself."
"Plea- please! Mas-"
"Shh." Whumper placed a finger on whumpee's lips. "Let me think." Their eyes scanned their surroundings. "Let's see... Oh! I know!"
As they began to walk towards the sink, whumpee perked up. They knew what was coming next and-
"Master, please!" They fell forward to get a hold of whumper's pajama bottoms. "I'm sorry!" They choked out through their sobs. "I was tired and couldn't think straight! Please please please! I won't do it ag-"
Whumper kicked whumpee in the ribs, hard enough to make them roll across the floor to the fridge in the corner.
As whumpee heard the tap being turned on, they began to cry, curling up on themself. They hated this punishment. So. So much. They would take a beating over it any day.
The sound of the water disappeared and whumpee shifted closer to the wall.
"I'm sorry, Master. I'm really very sorry." They sobbed as whumper approached them.
"Sweetheart-" Whumper grabbed their arm to pull them up. "-I know you're sorry. I know you're very very sorry. But that's not enough." They guided the trembling whumpee to the sink. "I want you to remember this. Forever. So that you can never ever think of trying this again."
Before whumpee had time to hold their breath, they were shoved underwater. They stayed still for as long as they could but as they reached the one minute mark, their desperation overpowered them and they began to thrash against whumper's grip. Anything to convince them to let them out.
Yet whumper only pushed them in deeper. Until their nose hit the bottom. Until their back was painfull arched. Until they could only stand on their toes.
Their chest tightened. Their head felt too light. They-
Whumper finally pulled their head out of the water, letting them take a huge breath before-
Their feet were lifted off the ground once more. Water entered their nose. They opened their mouth for some relief but it only got worse. Their throat was in a cagecagecagecagecagecage-
Their head was lifted up once more but they got even less time to breath before-
They couldn't breathe. They were going to die. Whumper had finally decided to kill them. They had been bad. They had been bad. Whumper was going to kill them. They couldn't breathe. They shouldn't have- they couldn't breathe. Whumper was going to- they couldn't breathe. They-
Whumper took their head out of the water again and they hadn't even taken a full breath before-
They couldn't take it. Not anymore. They didn't wanna die. They couldn't die. They would do anything to not die. Why do they have to go through this? Whumper's words echoed in their mind. They had been bad... Of course... they had bad thoughts... They had tried to kill Master... Master only wants to make sure they don't repeat their mistakes.. Of course... Of course they... Of course they deserve this-
Whumper pulled their head out the water and threw them down to the floor.
Whumpee was frozen. Their mind still stuck in the water. A kick to their back and they began to cough, desperate to suck in as much air as they could.
"Shh shh whumpee." Whumper chided, their tone soft and sweet. "You're being too loud. You know I don't like loud noises, especially when I'm sleepy."
Whumpee clamped their mouth shut, trying to breathe through their clogged up nose. They couldn't afford to ruin Master's mood again.
Whumper leaned against the sink, yawning. "Much better. Oh, right. It's very late now, darling, isn't it? We should really get some sleep." They crouched down beside the trembling whumpee. "Give me your arm, please. Here, I'll help you up."
Whumpee whimpered, too weak to move.
"Oh! You poor soul! Don't worry, sweetheart-" They put an arm below whumpee's knees and another on their back. "-I'll just carry you, hm? I'll even let you sleep with me, okay?"
As whumper pulled whumpee up into their arms bridal-style, whumpee closed their eyes. It was strange. They felt good. Whumper's pajamas were so soft. So warm after all that cold water. As whumper began to walk, whumpee couldn't help themself...
"Thank you, Master." Their voice was too low. They hoped Master could hear them.
To be honest... they weren't sure why they were thanking whumper. They had hurt them, hadn't they? But now they were carrying them in their arms... so gently... so softly... It felt good... They didn't understand how... why...
"It's alright, whumpee. I'm sure you'll remember this lesson now. Don't worry. If you ever do forget, I'll remind you again. Again and again. As many times as it would take to help you get better." Whumper pressed a soft kiss to their forehead. "Just rest now, hm? No need to worry."
That's right... Master would take care of everything... Pets shouldn't think that much anyway... They deserved what Master gave them... That's all...
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Whumpee has been conditioned in isolation for so long they don't remember their life before captivity. The innocent looking faux bedroom whumpee was sealed in was the only place they could remember ever being. They were never awake when anyone entered their little prison. They would have assumed no one ever entered at all, but to believe that they'd have to ignore all the hot meals, changed bedsheets, and... gifts.
Whumpee couldn't remember ever meeting whumper personally, and they couldn't tell if they loved or hated them. Whumper often left books or toys whumpee wanted, or foods they wanted to try. But they always came with whumper's notes, photos and momentos. Whumpee didn't exactly have much else to do besides absorb these intimate details of whumper's life and feelings. Whumpee really felt as though they knew whumper, from the details whumper presented to make themself look sympathetic to the ugliness underneath. It was a pretty good distraction from how little whumpee knew about themself by comparison.
But no matter how much they learned, whumpee knew they couldn't ever trust or truly be close with whumper. The person that had been drugging their food and holding them captive for years? The one that never showed their face whether whumpee was laughing at a joke or sobbing at night under the weight of the situation? Then there were the razors and needles. Just hidden around the room now and again for whumpee to nick themself before they disappeared again. And how could whumpee forget the days out of the blue where the food made them sick or delirious? Vomiting, terrified, feverish... bleeding, crying, or even just lonely, whumper never comforted them. Whumpee always had to pick themself back up alone. They refused to mistake whumper for anything but twisted and selfish.
One day it was just, over. Whumpee woke up in an identical room, but this was the first time they'd heard cars passing by on the street. The door to their bedroom actually just opened into a hallway now. But it wasn't like whumpee had anywhere to go. All they could think of was to track down whumper. They had no idea what they would do, except that they had to force them to tell whumpee why. And in case whumper really did abandon them, really did get sick of watching, whumpee had the perfect plan. They didn't remember anything about themself anyway so they would be whumper. Whumpee set out into the world going by whumper's name, and they had seen enough photos to style themselves like whumper without a reference. Next was getting in contact with whumper's friends- Whumpee was going to make whumper regret sharing that information. By impersonating whumper, there was no way whumper could ignore them and just disappear forever. If whumper didn't confront whumpee soon, whumpee was going to completely assume their identity and take over their life.
And soon someone did confront whumpee. Caretaker was pretty confused at first, they couldn't imagine why anyone would bother posing as them, a person with no money, power, or connections. It didn't take very long for caretaker to track them down, whoever this person was sure wasn't very careful, but getting the whole thing sorted out was still annoying as hell. The very last person they were expecting to find when they agreed to meet was long lost whumpee.
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
A Drop of Honey—Flowers
Um.. idk where this came from. I hate it. I hate it so much. BEE DOES NOT DESERVE COMFORT. FUCK THIS.
Brain wants more bee so uh. If you have requests for certain drabbles or whatever now’d be your time
Cw: captivity, past abuse, mentioned restraint/torture, noncon touchin (not spicy), mentioned past drugging, fluff. Awful, sickening fluff.
Friend was in a good mood.
And not the torture-Bee-until-they’re-satisfied sort of good mood.
No, they were in a good mood.
From the moment they woke up, Friend had felt strangely happy. Throughout the day, that content had only grown. They had finally gotten around to readjusting the satellite on the roof the day before, and after a bit of fidgeting with the wires, the old little T.V. in the living room finally worked. It only received a dozen or so channels, but it was better than nothing. When they went to make breakfast, their tea had come out just right, with the perfect amount of sugar and cream. And Bee- Bee was behaving better than they had in weeks. Friend didn’t have to repeat themself once all morning, never had to raise their voice or fist.
It was a good day.
Sometime mid-afternoon, after Bee had finished their daily chores, the two sat in the living room quietly, Friend lounged back on the couch and Bee sitting by their feet, unmoving as Friend absentmindedly fiddled with their hair. The T.V. droned on some mindless show, mere white noise as the two relaxed. It was warm outside, and even warmer in the cabin. It was a comfortable sort of warm though, the kind that lulled away at a person’s mind and soothed every bit of tension in their body.
Somewhere in the pleasant silence, as Bee watched flecks of dust drift through the air, illuminated by the golden rays of sunlight that shone through the gaps between the boarded up window, Friend got an idea.
“Why don’t we go outside?” They asked, sitting up suddenly.
Bee perked up slightly, their eyebrows furrowing, sure they had misheard. “…outside?” They echoed, twisting so they could see Friend.
For a moment, they feared that this was just some cruel joke, a test maybe, where Friend would get their hopes up and then punish them for it. But as Friend nodded, they could see that their smile was genuine.
“We could go out to the garden for a bit?” They grinned widely, clapping their hands aa they stood up. “It’s a beautiful day, it would be a shame to waste it inside,”
Bee blinked, face twisting in confusion as Friend held their hands out, practically bouncing in excitement.
“Come on, lets go!”
Bee barely had time to wonder where the fuck this was coming from before Friend grabbed their hands, and quickly pulled them up.
They stumbled slightly as Friend pulled them across the room, almost tripping over their own feet as they were dragged to the door.
Friend let go of Bee’s hands, holding out a finger in a “pause” motion, before fishing their keys out of their back pocket.
Bee waited, nervously shifting from foot to foot as Friend slowly unlocked each latch on the door, one by one until they finally undid the deadbolt and flung open the door.
Bee nearly melted as the warm summer breeze hit their skin, gently blowing back their hair.
Friend giggled—actually giggled—before grabbing Bee’s hand once more, stuffing their keys back in their pocket and skipping outside, leaving Bee to stumble as they tried to keep up.
The moment their bare feet hit the overgrown grass, Bee’s mind exploded, overwhelmed by an euphoria which they hadn’t felt in a long time. Their confusion broke away into a wide smile, their eyes lighting up. A moment later, they found their footing, hurrying along with a laugh as Friend pulled them around the house to the little overgrown garden around the back of the house.
God, how long had it been since they’d been outside?? It sure felt like forever. This was the first time Friend had taken them outside without restraints or chains, or with them drugged up so much they couldn’t walk on their own.
It felt so good to be able to walk around, to breathe the fresh air without the pressure of shackles against their wrists, without the aching pain of old wounds or the pounding headache of whatever pills Friend slipped into their lunch.
Bee never wanted it to end.
Little purple and white wildflowers bloomed everywhere, all sorts of flowers poking through the rusted white fence. Bee’s excitement only grew as Friend pulled them right up to the fence, unlatching the gate and pulling it open.
Friend smiled, stepping aside so Bee could see the garden clearly.
“Why don’t you pick some flowers, BB?” Friend laughed, giving Bee’s hand a small squeeze before letting go.
Bee looked back at them, their jaw dropping slightly, not even minding the nickname. “Real-really?” They whispered, unbelieving. It was just too good to be true.
“Really!” Friend nodded, gesturing to the garden. “Whichever ones you like!”
Bee’s smile widened, a laugh bubbling from their chest as they quickly crouched down and got to work.
They spent nearly an hour in the garden, plucking weeds and pruning the overgrown plants. It had been so peaceful. And Friend had sat there, helping where they could but really just letting Bee do their thing while they watched. At one point, they had even gone inside to get both of them glasses of lemonade, leaving Bee outside on their own. It was the most free they had felt in years.
That night, when they went to sleep, a large vase of flowers sat on their nightstand, filled with roses and tulips and daisies and all of the brightest, most colorful flowers they could find. Friend had made them a nice dinner, and they felt comfortable and full, their mind heavy with exhaustion but their conscious light. Friend had promised, on the terms that they behave, they’d take them out again tomorrow. Bee was so excited they couldn’t stay still, sitting up every so often to touch the flowers or rearrange the bouquet.
The day had felt like a dream, a surreal fantasy that couldn’t be reality. The Friend they knew, the sadistic torturer who took every single chance to hurt them, couldn’t possibly be the same person who took them out to the garden, who sat and laughed with them just hours earlier.
For the first time in a while, Bee fell asleep happy.
@painsandconfusion @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumpasaurus101 (Lee you werent on the tag list but too fuckin bad you are now)
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catnykit · 12 days
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘖𝘧 𝘕𝘰𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴
𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠
This is the ✨️context✨️ And stuff. Hope you enjoy!
Even so this is only an introduction and the real series will not have a chronological order,This is before the actual series tho,So it works as a prologue
The masterlist is at my masterpost
Thanks,and welcome.
Word Count: 3,268
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𓁹 𓁿 𓁹 𓁿 𓁹 𓁿𓁹 𓁿 𓁹 𓁿 𓁹 𓁿 𓁹
The morning mist gave the whole environment a gray tone, almost sad, along with the unforgiving cold, which the young woman could not afford to avoid with a simple leather jacket, but it's not like she had more money for something that could keep them warmer
Her bike wasn't the most appropriate for winter either, even more when it looked like the clouds were close to snowing (or hailing if Deidamia was unlucky enough, which was not uncommon).
The streets were full of puddles,and some people,they were more puddles than people at that hour. It has rained at night. It was cold,but she tried her best to ignore it.
Even with that, she still had to cross a road in an hour. After all her low-paying job as a cashier was in the middle of nowhere! The cold was dull,Maybe she was getting used to it
Well,She could barely make it through the month, but it was also the only job that would accept her. And Deide didn't know if she was going to be able to get another job with her junkie appearance. The people of the small town she lived in people tended to know eachother,But she was a shadow in the place
All people just looked at her,at her eyebags,and just shrugged it off or gave her a slight stare of pity,Her turquoise eyes, mostly rare,Got constantly ignored for her messy,Sick nature,sometimes she wished she could grab a gun and shot all of their eyes—nonono it was better to think like that,maybe,then,they would notice just how hard—
Nobody really had to care. it was not in their bussiness. She just needed to get to her shitty job,Pass throught the damm 10 hours shift,Get her shitty paid-off,And Go back home in the same cold trip
Her bike slid uncontrollably in one of the rain puddles. She had always thought that rain was beautiful, but at that moment she could understand the cliché scenes from the movies.
Deidamia fell with a loud,metallic crash,along a splash of water,In her side.
Ouch,The bike didn't come out unscathed either. It had scraped hard against the wet pavement. The pedal chains had come loose,Ow ow ow—
She sitted up,Panting,Fuckfuckfuckfuck—
Deidamia quickly tried to get up,Ignoring the dull pain all over her right side,and the cold,The Cold,It suddenly got sharper tham usual,She was soaked,Covered with street water from head to toe,maybe she broke something too,doesnt matter...
Deide picked her now wet,likely broken bike and started walking in the curb
This was gonna be a shitty day. She could feel it. In the soaked cold, Those were very common.
She wouldnt walk to her apartment,But she couldnt walk to her work either
And nobody noticed still. She needed someone who would care,There was no one,no one-
Her job would fire her if she missed a rainy day. Or any day when she didn't have lethal sickness and she wasnt in the hospital.
She was gonna lose her job,she was gonna lose the tiny bit of money she had,she was gonna lose her shitty apartment,she was gonna lose that shitty life she was leaving and that she needed to live because if not she would end worse,so much worse,—
She stared at the pedal chain, it couldn't be that bad ,She just tried her best to put the damm chain back in place and poof! It was ok,The bike was just bruised,just like her,
But it was ok! the bike could keep going,just like her even if everything hurted,even if no one really cared,why was she even alive,having to handle this every day—
Didnt matter! Deidamia quickly got back on the bike, and continued her journey to the road.
She just mindlessly drove with her bike,The cold persisted,But there was nothing she could do,so it made no sense to try to avoid it. The fog aslo persisted even when she finally arrived at the gas station,The sun was a bit more up by the time she reached there,And yet everything persisted. The road was not so diferent from the town,Shady and misty
Okay,time to do it again,To just smile and pretend everything was just so,so ok
Deidamia entered the store and could not help but hug herself and shiver,greeted with the cold air-conditioning, And the Absence of customers.
Normal. Atleast she didnt had the night shift. Sometimes random changes happened,it was nasty,She couldnt sleep a second in her shift because the bussiness owner would check the cameras and deduct from her paid-off any minute she closed her eyes
Maybe deide should try to find a new job. But....there was simply not time.
Neither support,Neither money to wait..
The wind from the trip had already dried his clothes, now what was left was to simply put on the green aprons and it should be fine.
She walked to the checkout counter,The other cashier had alredy left,Likely some minutes ago.
Okay. She was alone now.
She leaned against the counter and waited, Humming random melodies of song she had forgotten long ago,Sometimes deidamia thought And she felt like crying, But she quickly shook herself up and stood up straight when the door to the store opened.
A random woman along a child entered to buy some random stuff for a trip,candy and child stuff,Along a set of pencils for some reason,maybe school?
It was weird,she was homeschooled after all.
They left,leaving a bit of money that the owner of the store—bussiness would likely take the majority of it....
Maybe deidamia was overreacting,it was not such a bad job,she really didnt do anything more than just standing there,Trying her best to not fall asleep,Handling customers,putting numbers in the cash register,Handling customers,putting numbers in the cash register,Handling customers,
A random man came to buy some equally random cigarrates,
So she put back the smile,which was everything she could do to make sure customers and other people didnt notice her eyebags
Then there was this other woman who told her she could put makeup in,and aslo glared at her the whole time,Complaying about how slow the sistem was and....
Did she even knew how hard she was trying to not bash her head until it broke in the damm counter—
Deep in,Deep out, she just quietly kept smiling and kept putting number in the cash register,It was fine,The money was there too,it was fine
The aslo random woman was gone too. Okay.
Then it kept going,Another person said that she looked cute,she was too distracted to respond before the door was closed again
Then there were other people who said the prices were up,And deidamia didnt anwser,She just stayed quiet and did her job,Handling customers,putting numbers in the cash register,Handling customers,putting numbers in the cash register,Handling customers,
She almost closed her eyes after about 4 hours,They were still six to go. Now the mist was gone atleast...or thats what she could guess from the windows,She was not allowed to leave,just walk around and accommodate things on the shelves.
She was getting a bit hungry,luckily before leaving home she always carried a pack of cookies,It never actually made the hunger go away,And she likely should start just making a lunch
But Oh Well,There was simply no time,she aslo needed to do other things,she was bussy,And atleast she didn't starve in her job
Sometimes she would purposely make things fall and then pick them up as a distraction. But she stopped doing that when she broke a bottle and had to pay it. She felt like a child back that day—
It was better to not think about that.
Then another man,Who deide deicided to call giant instead of admitting to herself that anyone who was more than six feet would be able to pick her up,put some sport drinks in the counter and stayed quiet the whole time
It was nice to not have a totally unnecessary conversation for once.
Again,she put numbers in the cash reguster and then,The man was aslo gone.
A random man bought some equally random cigarrates— Wait,Wasnt that alredy...no...
Every day, every week, it felt like a loop, Especially when some people bought the same thing or looked alike, Sometimes it gave her the illusion that she was trapped in a circle because of that, Sometimes she couldn't tell one day from the other
deidamia sighed,There it goes another hour. She felt asleep aproximately 10 minutes accidentally,She did not get a bit of sleep due her shitty apartment not having heating while the temperatures drop to 41 degrees, And her neighbors having aproximately ten dogs who hated eachother,And sometimes it was just her mind. Quietly telling her that something felt wrong. That she shouldnt sleep when her life was like that,That she needed to do something more than just crying,That she needed to fucking do something—
Deep In,Deep Out,
She simply started humming again,Everything was Fine,Yes,Yes! She just needed to distract herself a little longer—
And then,someone enter the store again.
They had a black mask covered their entire face What was that in their hand? Suddenly,Her heart started beating faster Nononono....Not now,please not now
Deidamia's eyes widen as she gasped as a not-so grown man walked to the counter while holding a gun. The man shooted the two cameras in the celling with the handgun,essencially cutting the recording
Was this the end? Really? After nothing,really nothing? Before she could even blink,There was now a gun pressed in her forehead
—"Give me all the cash,Or i'll shoot!"
She thought for a second,This was all she had,One day that she didnt pay rent again and her landlord would kick her out. This was meant to pay it....Is this really the end? Everything felt slower. Before realizing that the hand of the man was shaking,why,even with the mask,he seemed as nervous as her? She stared at it,At the gun,realizing then just how small everything felt. Her own life,reduced to a way to get money. And it didnt even felt weird.
—"You didnt heard me!? The cash,now!"
A sudden rage just overtook deide,Maybe it was at herself,Maybe it was at the man,maybe it was at the world itself,But it was because she hadn't realized until that moment she had lost the fear of death. She only feared hunger,cold,She only missed sleep,Care Not that she would get any of that. Not anymore. So with the lack of fear that only a blinding rage can give,She punched the man's wrist and,before he could even react to pull the trigger,if he really dared to,Deidamia had snatched the gun.
Deep In,Deep out—
No,Fuck it.
Suddenly,Time was at normal again
She was sweating cold,and standing infront of an armed thief,Whose gun was now in her hand.
The man was terrified,It was his first time mugging someone and it has gone wrong somehow.
It was not deidamia's first time getting robbed,it was just her first time being close to a gun.
She was holding a gun. She was pointing it at the thief
It felt weird. In no other time,She felt that amount of a situation. The thief was holding both of their hands up,still shaking,
This was the middle of nowhere.
The man's voice was low,but it didnt crack.
—"You wouldnt shot."
Deidamia suddenly cracked a genuine smile,It was the first time in months,Maybe a year she did that,And then she anwsered,Her voice loud and clear,God,She couldnt belive it was her voice,not anyone else anymore,not anymore,not anymore
"Do you wanna bet?"—
There was Nothing to worry,really,They were kilometers away from any cop,from the town,from Anyone,really
She suddenly felt so powerfull,It felt good,It felt very good.
The man slowly started to walk away,But she shot at his feet. The gun was loaded and made Deidamia go back a little.
Great. Great! She didnt have to be the puppet anymore
This was ridiculous,She was gonna get charged with murder if she did anything,She just needed to call the police,
Even behind the mask,The man seemed terrified. Maybe she was losing it,Maybe she had alredy gone mad.
She spoke again,Trying to sound as intimidating as possible,Still,her voice was quiet,It was always quiet,
—"Come here."
Deidamia kept pointing the gun at the man as he came to the spot she pointed in the ground,Some meters away but technically beside her
Deidamia kept pointing the gun as she opened the door and turned the open signal in the door to closed. Now there was no one.
no one but her and the damm thief
Calm down,You cant do anything,You cant just murder a man,Thats wrong thats—
—"what are you even doing?"
But she couldnt shake the exciting,Good feeling of having a gun in her hand,And a terrified masked man infront of her.
He was goimg to shoot her,Then she should shot him—
Nono,She couldnt just let her thoughts consume her right? Right? Those were just intrusive...impulsive...intrusive....uh...
Deidamia was shaking too,She coud not tell if it was due excitement or fear
It was time to give them something they could not ignore
She needed to test it. To taste it.
She walked closer to the man,Cornering him
Well,How the tables have turned.....
—"what would you do for your live?" After you tried to take mine
The man gulped,He looked desperate
—"You cant just...Anything,I'll do anything,please just-"
She looked away,She could not belive what she was about to do.
You are a monster. Aint they all too?
Deidamia cringed (and winced) at her own words. Holy shit,Did she actually did that,But,
The man's eyes went wide again
And he did.
She tried to hold down a giggle,Holy shit,It was intoxicating,So damm intoxicating,Was this what control felt like? Her hold in the gun tightened,Intoxicating,addicting
She wanted to shot.
Nonononononononon what was happening whatwhy was she doing this this—
This was sick. She should just call the police—
—"please dont shot,I have a life,"
—"I dont have one to regret it."
The words slipped throught deidamia's lips,accidentally,and before she knew—
There was blood all over. She had done it. The man's masked forehead had a bloody hole. They had collapse to the ground,a small pool of blood was growing under their head. She had done it. She had really done it,she killed someone. And It felt good. So good. She was standing over the corpse of a stranger,And she was smiling.
Then Deide snapped out of it.
She was terrified,holy shit,She Murdered someone,She—
The cameras were still broken.
Deep in deep—
He's dead,He's fucking dead
There is no evidence except the corpse,Its gonna be okay,It felt so good—
Nonononon,It was not good,She is a murdered,Now she has a corpse,
Deidamia stared down at the dead man in shook before relizing with horror. She needed to hide it. She needed to hide the body,The evidence—
Deep in,Deep out,Deep in,Deep out
Okay. Okay,
Everything from then went quick. As if she was back to being in automatic mode.
She picked up the corpse and put it in the freezer,putting his–It,Its head under a rag so it doesnt spill more blood,She grabbed the cleaning materials from the storehouse and cleaned as much as possible,she had five and a half hours to do everything,She cleaned the mop until it was spotless of any red and then threw the water off the sink
She grabbed the corpse and stared at it again. Should I bury it? Should I chop it into pieces and then bury it? Where would i bury it? Maybe feed it to animal? Maybe—
Maybe she should burn it.
Deide had a lighter in her pocket. To when she genually felt she was gonna freeze.
She could burn it.
She had the store closed for 2 hours,her payment—
Deide could say it was stolen. She could say that the thief simply disapeared. That she needed to have a refound. She didnt killed them,She didnt—
The corpse looked gross after 2 hours. She was so gratefull she didnt take away the mask.
Deep in,Deep out,
She was alone. As always,alone,
This time it waa a good thing. Sort of.
Deide went outside and grabbed a gasoline can,It was stolen
She had to drag the corpse out. She tried to pick it up,But she was not able to hold it,Was she too small? She ended up dragging it out from the back door,No way doing it in the front where the gas station was. She ended up pouring the gas in it. She put the lighter closer... And closer. And—
Suddenly,Everything was orange,Red,
It was hot. She forgot that part
Deidamia stepped away,Almost getting burned with the flame.
She waited and waited.
It was her fault. It felt good. It felt so good,And it had been over so quick. Like everything. Why. Why why. Why did she liked it. Why did she wanted to do it again Maybe it was fair. Maybe. Just maybe. Maybe.... Maybe it was what she needed. That was fucked up. She killed someone. It was fucked up that someone tried to kill her.
Deep in,Deep out
The smoke raised in the sky She prayed no one noticed it.
After long minutes,The corpse had been reduced to ashes.
She sighed and went for the same towel she used earlier,To end the remaining fire
It was gone. So quickly.
It was gone.
After that,she simply used a broom and a dustpan to pick it up and then flush it down the toilet.
It must be humiliating to,instead of being buried,End like that,Deidamia thought.
She then simply opened the store again and kept going. Hiding the gun. And deciding to keep the towel with her.
And again,People came.
The rest of the 3 hours and half left of the shift felt like being on a diferent reality
The dawn came.
It was time to go.
When the owner of the shop asked where the money of four hours of shift went,She said it was stolen,That a man gunpointed her and shot the cameras
When they asked where the towel was,She said it was stolen.
They belived her.
There were no consequences.
There were no consequnces.
There were no
That night was one of the longest. She wanted to do it again. She needed to do it again.
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so thats it. Haha,I cant belive i finished it. Hehe.
Anyway not too many authors notes,Im tired
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snakebites-and-ink · 3 months
What can I say, I was in a mind control/brainwashing mood. I’ve also lowkey been on a living weapon kick for a while, so I guess it was inevitable I would combine the two.
If the flow or voice of my writing changes unexpectedly in this one, that’s because I skipped around like crazy and wrote adjacent chunks of this at totally different times. 😅😅😅
CW: Brainwashing, mind control, captivity, corruption, dehumanisation, somewhat creepy whumper, bad ending (for the hero anyways 😈). I think I got a little unhinged with this one….
Hero was brought before their enemy, held between two of Villain’s goons.
“Villain.” Hero glowered. The villain came closer and looked them over.
“I’ve finally caught you,” Villain said, smiling. “Oh, you’re going to do great things for me.”
“I’ll never help you!”
“Not of your own free will, you won’t. But I believe I’ve found a way around that.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Villain didn’t elaborate. Hero was taken to a dark room and forced into a chair with a gratuitous number of restraints. They tried to fight, but eventually ended up strapped down. And then more thoroughly strapped down. Restraints all over their limbs, across their torso, then something that wrapped around their forehead.
“I’d tell you that resisting is useless, but I don’t expect you’d listen,” Villain said from off to Hero’s side. “Well, I’ll see you later, Hero.”
Hero could hear the infuriating smile in Villain’s voice even though they weren’t looking at them. Hero growled slightly and tugged against the restraints—which didn’t give way, of course, Villain wasn’t that careless.
Hero heard the door shut, and just like that they were left alone in the darkness.
At first, Hero wasn’t sure what Villain had been talking about. Of course, they weren’t happy about the restraints and captivity, but none of it seemed out of the ordinary. They could handle this. Villain’s insinuations made them a little nervous, though. Villain wasn’t the type to make idle threats.
When they got bored and irritated enough, Hero tried shouting. No response. Still, they felt they could handle this. It’s not like their nemesis’ smug face was much better than isolation anyways.
It wasn’t just isolation that they were dealing with. Hero wasn’t certain how, but Villain was messing with their head without even speaking to them. It hadn’t been immediately obvious, but it was too consistent and drawn out now for Hero to explain it away as just their imagination. Lies were slithering their way into Hero’s mind in a manner similar to their own thoughts, but far too methodical to be just that. Sometimes Hero even experienced feelings that didn’t belong, however briefly. Hero knew they were lies, and could consciously reject them, but they couldn’t block them out.
Hero figured the most likely culprit was the weird band thing Villain had put across their forehead. It was thick and clunky enough to have some weird technology in it, and it didn’t seem a necessary part of their restraints. Hero wiggled and thrashed their head as best they could, but it seemed to be fixed in place too well for them to get it off that easily.
Hero had bruised themself struggling. Probably scraped a little too. They were sore in countless places from pulling and fighting against the restraints, but it had all been in vain. Nothing seemed any looser, and that horrid device was still well affixed to their head.
They were not giving in. With a physical struggle having proved useless, Hero turned their efforts at resistance inward, focusing on fighting whatever Villain was trying to do to them in their own head rather than in the physical world.
Hero was agitated. They didn’t feel quite right. They couldn’t be sure that whatever Villain was using on them wasn’t already having an effect. They countered it as best they could with their own thoughts, but they couldn’t be sure.
Hero felt sick. It was like what Villain was doing made them all messed up inside. They weren’t sure if it was a psychosomatic result of an emotional reaction they were having, or if some part of Villain’s treatment actually had a physical effect on them, but Hero was feeling nauseated. And just…off. They squeezed their eyes shut and made a sound that was a little too pathetic for their taste. They didn’t feel right. They wanted out.
Hero was still feeling unwell when Villain checked in on them.
Hero was transferred to a different room and restrained in a different position, but they were kept just as secure as before. Their captor strode into the room, seeming far too comfortable for Hero’s liking.
“Villain,” they spat, jerking ineffectually against their restraints with the automatic urge to fight their nemesis.
“Got some fire left in you, I see. Tell me, do you still remember your name?”
Hero cursed Villain instead of answering. Of course they still remembered their name, but they weren’t giving Villain any information that might make Villain’s nasty little project easier.
Villain was unphased by the vitriol. “Hmm. Sounds like it’ll take a while.”
“What will take a while? What exactly are you doing?”
Villain shrugged with the slightest of smirks. “Don’t worry about it. By the time you find out for sure, you won’t mind. Now unless you have something productive to say, I think we’re done here.” Villain beckoned to one of their henchmen.
“No! Don’t put me back in there!” Hero wished they could have said that in a way that sounded remotely threatening, but they just sounded desperate. They couldn’t let Villain change them, couldn’t lose themself.
“I’m afraid there’s not much of an option. Unless you’ve miraculously decided to change sides?”
“I’m not helping you. I’m not helping you.” Hero pretended they were only saying it to spite their captor, and not saying it partially to reassure themself. “I won’t do it.”
“We’ll see.”
Hero screamed and fought as Villain dragged them back there, but it wasn’t enough. Villain had them secured too well for it to result in anything but a few more scrapes and bruises.
Hero went back to the darkness, back to the restraints and the sickening feeling of Villain’s messages sidling their way into Hero’s brain.
They tried to fight it. They really did. But Hero couldn’t keep it up all the time, not for this long. They found themself slipping. Not listening really, but letting things through. It wasn’t right, and it wasn’t what they wanted, but it was easier.
They picked up their efforts at resistance again when they caught themself, but the fact that they caught it happening multiple times was telling enough. 
Hero’s humanity felt further out of reach than ever before. It didn’t really feel like a person anymore. That wasn’t a good feeling. Hero wept.
It couldn’t remember its name. That was distressing. It wasn’t supposed to be able to feel distress, but it did. It wished it didn’t.
It had been told its name was 491. It supposed that must be true.
Something was still wrong, though. Its feelings weren’t quite right. It didn’t feel like this was how things were supposed to be. It knew things were meant to be this way, really, it just didn’t feel right. Maybe it just needed more time.
The weapon didn’t feel distressed anymore. It didn’t feel much at all. Villain had fixed it. It was working better now, not experiencing incorrect feelings or going against what it was made for.
It wasn’t going to fight against them any more. It would do what it was told, as it was meant to. It wouldn’t struggle anymore, or have bad emotions like it had when it was working wrong.
It understood what it was, and who it belonged to. It was a weapon, forged by Villain and for their purposes. The resemblance it had to real people was a testament to Villain’s craftsmanship rather than any sort of indication of its humanity. Its maker and owner was very skilled, and someone more than worthy of its best.
It didn’t know how long it was before Villain got it out of its restraints. Not that such things mattered to it. It was Villain’s to keep where they wanted, and they needed to make sure it was fixed and working right.
“How are you doing now?” they asked once it was freed and standing.
“Operating properly, sir.”
Villain grinned. They ran their hands over the weapon, inspecting, and it stayed in place and let them. Villain looked over it hungrily.
They slapped its face. It showed no reaction except to turn its head to face forward again afterwards.
“Perfect,” Villain purred, leaning on its shoulder and twirling a finger in its hair. 491 didn’t react to the handling.
Villain grabbed its hair and pulled its head back, exposing its throat. Not a very strategic position to put the weapon in, but of course its owner could do whatever they wanted with it. “Will you tell me what you are?” they breathed into its ear.
“Your weapon, sir.”
“That’s exactly right.” They released it and righted its head. “And you have no problems with that? No problems with doing whatever I say?”
“Of course not. That’s what I’m made for.”
“Yesss. Perfect.”
Villain took a step back and looked over their weapon once more. They were smiling, with something like victory in their eyes.
“Your precious hero agency won’t stand a chance,” Villain said gleefully.
“Sir?” 491 didn’t understand; the hero agency didn’t belong to it, nor did 491 think of it as precious.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s just…a figure of speech.”
“Yes, sir.”
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sleepyiswhumping · 2 months
Freak, 2
Content: Blood, Noncon Touching, Noncon Kissing, Creepy Whumper, Intimate Whumper, Defiant Whumpee, Violence, Choking
Unsettled, Whumpee stared nervously at Whumper.
“You’re a fucking freak, you know that? Unhinged piece of shit.”
Whumper chuckled, kneeling. They ran their hand gently down Whumpee’s face, lifting their chin with a finger, so Whumpee was looking into their eyes again. 
“Darling, you have the prettiest eyes. I might just keep them, when I’m done with you.” Whumper remarked, staring deeply into Whumpee’s eyes, Whumper’s icy gaze piercing through Whumpee. 
Whumpee couldn’t bear it any longer. They flung their head forward again, trying to get Whumper away. Whumper was ready this time, however, and, sliding their hand past Whumpee’s chin, they caught Whumpee by the throat effortlessly, hand wrapping tightly, cutting off their airway.
“Oh, baby. You’re so feisty,” Whumper teased, as they leaned closer. 
They licked their lips, then pressed them against Whumpees, their iron grasp preventing Whumpee from pulling away. At Whumpee’s groans of protest, they purred, then dug their teeth into Whumpee’s lower lip. Whumpee’s groans turned into shrieks as Whumper sank their teeth into Whumpee’s skin, biting harder and harder, until their teeth split the flesh, filling both of their mouths with warm, salty, metallic blood. 
“Oh, what’s the matter, darling? I thought you liked pain? Or is it just when I get hurt?” Whumper pouted, licking the blood off their lips. 
Whumpee screamed, thrashing, trying to get out of Whumper’s grip, but their screeching faded as Whumper tightened their grasp, squeezing Whumpee’s throat tightly. 
“Come now, don’t make such a fuss. We both need our fun.” Whumper hissed.
Freak, 1
Saw deranged Whumper in the comments. This deranged? I'm having fun writing this, despite it not being the best and quite an odd dynamic.
Taglist: @morning-star-whump, @lthrboy Also tagging: @makemake22 and @whump-queen. You two seemed QUITE interested in this, but lmk if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist proper for the next parts :D
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i need to write more interrogation scenes
dingy rooms with just one light overhead
too bright rooms where getting any sleep is impossible
unbearable quiet and no human contact
constant noise that makes it impossible to think
good cop bad cop
an interrogator so absolutely unhinged whumpee isn't sure they're even going for the info and not just mindless torture
a methodical and cold interrogator who's Definitely going for the info
an interrogator so sweet that whumpee is inclined to just speak. they just want this to end and whumper is promising safety and rest
whumpee giving up the information between sobs, feeling humiliated and guilty
did they betray their friends? their family? or an organisation they didn't care for but one they know will come after them for this betrayal and hunt them down?
whumpee is let go afterwards. now they're hunted
whumpee is kept as a hostage. they're being protected by the enemy
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