#ur Mind
stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Vader and the twins going on a long hyperspace flight. He’s sitting silently between them with his arms crossed like usual and the kids are just chatting when Vader’s respirator starts making a weird noise. They’re worried until Leia looks at Luke and goes, “….is he,,, snoring??”
you raise an amazing point for canon as well: nobody would have any goddamn clue if Vader fell asleep in imperial meetings. and even if you did, you don't wanna be the guy who says "hey is the ultrapowerful sith lord who can and will kill me with his mind sleeping through this spowerpoint* presentation?" bc if he's not, he'll kill you for saying that. vader's on napping at work xgames mode
*(spowerpoint is space powerpoint)
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pinkwindowwithin · 4 months
2000's varigo are so cringe varian dedicates this song to hugo ^___^
it's so them fr
This is canon now. Varian burns it into the mixtape cd he makes for Hugo. He quietly hums the tune as he’s running his fingers thru Hugo’s hair while they’re cuddlin
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eddiesghxst · 6 months
Eddie and reader who are enemies and cant stand each other she hates his flirty attitude and dopiness and eddie hates her short fuse and the fact he thinks shes the prettiest girl he’s ever seen
And one night him, harrington wheeler and buckly are drunk and walking the streets of hawkins and it comes to their attention that the new burlesque club has opened up and they think why not find some entertainment i mean who doesnt like pretty girls dancing to good music
Reader whos finally found a way to maybe just maybe make her way out of hawkins and showcase her talent on stage to whoever might be watching
The lights drop and she walks out onto stage a mic in hand and starts singing ‘tough lover’ and eddie swears hes never felt so light headed, maybe its the fact his drunk maybe its the fact there are so many pretty girls around and he doesnt know what to do with himself
Untill the lights pick back up and eddies heart drops when he notices that the pretty girl thats got him feeling so high is the same pretty girl that hates his guts…. And shes half naked
Readers loving the attention until she shes a few friends of hers and that stupid munson and his pretty fucking eyes sitting right at the table in-front of the stage she swore was empty before she walked on stage
But the show must go on and eddie swears hes never been so hard
Got bored and brain full of ideas hope you don’t mind lovely 🫶🏻
Also The way i dream to work in a burlesque lounge but have no coordination what so ever but a girl can dream
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and what if at the next gig corroded coffin has at the hideout, the gang drags you along (because they don’t know about the little feud you and eddie have going on) and eddie ends the show with a cover of the song reader danced/sang to and and and🫠
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veryinnovative · 2 months
hello ino. have u seen the 2006 classic (best movie ever) aquamarine? the movie about a mermaid on land who has one week to prove love exists or else her father will force her to go through with an arranged marriage she does not want? the movie where she wears little starfish that compliment her as earrings and pours copious amounts of salt into her water before she’ll drink it and lives in a water tower with an inflatable dolphin?
just thinking about that. bc mermaid reg. I also think he would enjoy drinking salt water and flirting with the beach’s lifeguard.
i am going insane this is right out of the recesses of my mind im crying rose. i remember my refreshed mermaid obsession around my high school era and scrolling imdb looking for all mermaid movies 2 binge. i do NOT remember all the details but i am going insane abt jegulus-ifying this. i had 2 open it up and go rewatch some scenes bc now 10+ yrs later i realize how fucking funny this movie is
that one scene in the bathtub but it's regulus, tail hanging out, eating his fifth ben and jerry's tub venting to pandora how all human men are terrible and that he will use his redeeming qualities to make another fall in love with him
'he chooses her over me? she's a fish' :sob:
the dude going 'im going 2 get my rescue board' when there's a literal raging tsunami. why did this movie never receive its oscar
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senditothemoonn · 1 year
Hi, tintin anon here :D (working up courage to come off anon lol) just dropping in to ask if you've ever considered Alasdair with glasses?
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I have not…but now you’ve definitely infected my brain 😳
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bagelrites · 7 months
Asking this feels like I’m the blonde cheerleader in the horror movies who’s about to say Bloody Mary into the mirror for the third time unbeknown got that it’s already been spoken twice before and I will am about to unleash some sinister evils into the world that will lead to my end but: bagel I’m so scared rn WHAT are the skephalo demons everyone’s vaguing on my dash this time
nah nothing too crazy happened, just saw some old Skeppy selfies because skeppy updates on twitter posts his sub tweets at the end of each month, and it got us all talking about how crazy bad is for not jumping on him immediately because he's pretty. (And also apparently one of them was originally posted with the caption "wish you were here </3" which he then deleted and replaced with a black heart emoji. So that.)
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foolsocracy · 10 months
We have science, art, humanities, and now Harry - the 4th - business.
LMAOO WAIT. They r the perfect trifecta. All 4 corners of higher education in one friend group
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obwjam · 30 days
HAHAH imagine a tiny that’s best buds w/ hinata and becomes just as nervous around tall, intimidating players as he does. (I guess the other teams know the tiny exists anyways) The tiny gets lost at some tournament and cannot find karasuno to save their life and is just freaked out when they get help from some unexpected players (like aone, oikawa, ushijima, or iwaizumi)
stop im literally obsessed with this, i can imagine ushijima finding the tiny, scooping them up and, without uttering a single word the entire time, he just marches them back to hinata and dumps them back into his palms and walks away in total silence 😭 all he would do is stare at the tiny and they would be TERRIFIED but after that the tiny is like “is… is he a good person” like just so enamored
getting help from oikawa or iwaizumi would be such a pain bc oikawa would not leave them the fuck alone lmao he would just tease them and try to ask prodding questions about karasuno while iwaizumi is just like can we please just bring them back so we dont have to deal with this like he’s lowkey freaked out by a tiny but still wants to help
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fellhellion · 9 months
I need to hold Shadowheart to my chest oh my god babygirl we gonna get you out of that cult
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maybeimamuppet · 7 months
what if you had a side blog called "maybeimaman". would that be messed up or what
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starlooove · 8 months
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mushiewrites · 2 years
I’m so glad you like the lava blob idea because I have A LOT of plans for it. Especially with comfort 4K. Just imagine 4K suddenly feels Sapnap is having a bad day and drops everything to rush to him. Wrapping him up in the lava blob and Sap is giggling all the while because he knows what’s coming but like it’s just too warm and soft and the tickles are so soft and comforting and he feels like a kid again while 4K coos and teases him
coven you’re killing me 🥺 4K just seems so playful and happy and nice and he loves Sap so so much. Him dropping everything to run to Sapnap to make sure he’s okay is just so sweet 😭 and Sap knowing how the lava blob tickles but not really attempting to stop it or escape it is just so 🥺 My heart is absolutely melting like just the image of 4K sitting with Sap, who’s covered in the lava blob giggling away and also fighting sleep bc of how gentle the tickles are and how warm he is. And 4K just teasing and cooing and maybe running fingers through Saps curls and just helping him feel better 😭
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dog-violet · 2 years
oh btw chuuyas trans in song of the sea
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spooksier · 6 months
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passages that make you whisper "oh my god"
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genderkoolaid · 5 months
i don't know what autistic person needs to hear this but they are not watching you. the entire world is not constantly waiting for you to do something weird and laugh at you behind your back. you do not need to constantly self-police whenever there's the slightest chance another person might see you. you have a right to be your autistic self in public spaces. stop fighting yourself for their sake.
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boytoyinc · 2 months
hi. non penetrative sex is often more intimate. more on this later
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