#urrrrgh why is he so beautiful?!
hisokas-toybox · 2 months
Thinking about what an absolute idiot Hisoka was during the York New arc...
Explains to Kurapika how he's very cleverly managed to infiltrate the Phantom Troupe and has been working for them, gaining their trust for years so that he can ultimately learn more about/fight their leader
EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. Where he is with the troupe, he is doing absolutely nothing to help them
Literally standing/sitting minimum 5 feet away from them and just watching them work or shuffling his cards as they do whatever 'mission' they've been given
Bro does not lift a finger
Doesn't even bother to sit with them when they have 'meetings'
Occasionally makes a snarky remark to piss them off
And they all hate him
None of them trust him at all
As soon as shit goes down, he's their first suspect (and it WASN'T even him that time....)
And when he does finally do his big 'It was me all along who betrayed you" / Fight me" reveal at the end?
Nobody is surprised
My dude. You did not infiltrate the Phantom Troupe
You did not work for them
You did not gain their trust
You didn't even TRY
You wasted years on this and it still never got you a fight
0/10 for effort
What a loser idiot clown (affectionate)
I think this was the point I realised I loved him
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th0mas1ut · 3 years
🎄ᴀ ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs: ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 19th
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´・ᴗ・` “ "why are you bonking yourself in the head with an empty wrapping paper tube?" ” + “because it's fun!”
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a/n: i want to have his babies i’m so soft for kita it’s official i’m a kita lovebot hmu in the ask box or fill out this form to be tagged also like and reblog if you enjoyed this to spread the christmas cheer! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
+ christmas tags form: @fee-btheweeb + @justifiedtoast​ + @bokutosimper9000 + gen tag form: @trifliz​
<3   gen tags; ask box; masterlist
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you almost let out a shriek as you ripped the wrapping paper for the third time.
it was the holiday season; which meant wrapping presents for friends and family. more importantly, kita's grandma: one of the most sweetest people you had ever met in your entire life. the first time you had met her, after kita has requested you come over for dinner, you'd barely walked into the house before she had wandered right over to you, crossing her arms behind her back as if to analyze you. you'd frozen in your steps, terrified that one of the important people in kita's life was about to send you away, when she'd let out a hearty laugh while taking your soft face in her wrinkly, aged hands and beaming at you with a joy that made your insides double over with relief.
"look at you!" she'd cried with an old, drawn out accent. "so beautiful... kita, you better marry her quickly, ok?" you could feel the heat rising to your face from that last sentence, unable to look at kita or his reaction.
you heard a soft laugh behind you, and a happier voice that followed.
though you knew his grandma was just teasing the both of you, he sounded almost delighted at her immediate blessing. after she'd pinched and kissed both cheeks, you turned to look at kita with your bright red face, looking quite bashfull, though it was nothing compared to the warm fondness he was feeling while looking at you in that moment, like remembering that you're the sun.
it was why you needed to make this christmas perfect. even though you knew kita's grandma loved you like her own, and you loved her like your own grandmother, you needed kita to know how special his whole life was to you, including volleyball, and his family, and his dedication to routine - something you couldn't help but begin to follow as well, after dating him for so long - you were just starting to get your shit together because of him.
you let out another groan, the ripped wrapping paper clenched in your fist. the tea set you had purchased had gone through at least three or four different wrapping papers, but you just weren't able to tape the corners right. the paper was sticking out in weird angles, and you had already finished one wrapping paper roll. you had more, but...
you began to whack yourself in the head out of frustration, extremely irritated at your incompetence. no amount of youtube videos was going making this any easier, as you'd tried already, and now you were suffering from a serious migraine, worsened by being hit by a thick cardboard tube.
"why are you bonking yourself in the head with an empty wrapping paper tube?"
the tube stopped in mid air, hovering over your red forehead as you slowly turned your head to gawk at kita. his hands were in his pockets, and he looked concerned as well as slightly amused. you wanted to burst into tears from the further frustration of not being able to hide his grandmother's gift from him either, so instead you just took a few deep breaths that made you look like you'd just run a marathon and then proceeded to laugh like a exhausted lunatic.
"because it's fun!"
kita looked at you with so much confusion that you couldn't help but explode into a fit of giggles at his face, astonished by your reason. you were always pretty straight forward with him, and he hadn't exactly ever seen you this close to a meltdown, so he decided to just walk on over to you and sit down next to you on the bamboo mat, eyeing the crumpled up tissue paper all over the floor. as much as he was tempted to clean this whole mess up, he instead took your face in his hands, rubbing at your cheekbones to console you. his genuine efforts made a mess of your heart, your body turning into mush in his hands as you crawled into his lap, desperate for touch. you wrapped your legs around waist as he rubbed at your back to console you, trailing soft kisses from your cheek down to your collarbone affectionately.
he looked up at you gently, craning your neck so he could read your eyes. "are you alright, love?"  
huffing, you pointed at the tea box you had gotten for his obaachan accusatorily, like you were accusing it of committing a murder. you had planned to keep it a surprise, but at this point you weren't going be able to transport the tea box without anyone seeing it if you couldn't cover it in wrapping paper.
"it's - i can't wrap presents." you admitted with haste, pouting at your struggle. "i've been trying to, i even watched some video on youtube; i don't get it."
kita hummed, looking sympathetic as well as thoughtful. "maybe think of it like folding something," he offered, gently moving you off of his lap as he reached for the box and another tube of wrapping paper ( you noticed he hadn't brought who the present was for yet - though you were sure he knew already ). he softly smiled as he slid the tea box right in front of him, fighting the greedy urge to lean over and kiss you earnestly; he was so touched at how much time you'd spend with his grandma, aware of exactly what she'd wanted this christmas. it was so touching, to know how you noticed all the little things, and he couldn't believe how much he loved you. you seemed oblivious to his inner thoughts, as your eyes followed his hands with wonder as they gently set the box on top of the wrapping paper and seamlessly set to work with the scissors and tape, making creases and folding perfect edges until it looked like something right out of a macy's display. you could feel your jaw slowly dropping in astonishment from the efficiency of it all, so jealous of him you were practically oozing your despair.
kita looked up at you, letting out an amused laugh at your reaction. he let out a sigh, taking your hand in his and pressing his soft lips against your skin, making you all mushy again. he was sure his grandma was going to love your present - and he knew that there wasn't anything more you could do to make him fall in love with you. you were perfect, and perfectly his.
"when will i be a great grandma, kita?"
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hisokas-toybox · 7 months
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First coffee in my new Hisoillu mug designed by the lovely bungeepuppet and available to buy here:
Photos might not do it justice since they were taken on my phone but the quality is excellent and so cute I absolutely love it!!!
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hisokas-toybox · 27 days
Final post for today and it's actually my own content for a change! Chapter 5 of Hopes and Fears.
As the first exam of the year approaches Illumi's workload ramps up, along with his stress levels. How will he handle making an unexpected and shocking discovery along the way?
NSFW warning: This chapter ends with the first smut scene of this series. If you want to avoid NSFW content stop reading at "A good night's sleep, that's what Illumi needed." There's no plot between here and the chapter end. Otherwise, enjoy 😉
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hisokas-toybox · 9 months
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Happy Hisoillu week everyone! Here is my one (and only) submission for this year.
Day 2 - Married life/domesticity
I was going for the stereotypical marriage trope of husband watching TV on sofa while wife does all the housework. In the process I pictured Hisoka dressed in Freddy Mercury's drag outfit from the I want to break free video and then this monstrosity was born.
Apologies it's not the best quality, I'm not much of an artist (don't look too closely at the hands, they hurt me) but this was fun to make - however cursed it may be.
Not sorry!
speech bubbles read: Hisoka: 🔷 Hmmph! You know, when you suggested I perform more "wifely duties," THIS wasn't what I had in mind. 🖤
Illumi: Shhh, I can't hear the T.V.
Illumi: Also, what are you WEARING?!
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hisokas-toybox · 5 months
Hopes and Fears Chapter 3
Under the weight of his parents expectations, and with memories of the past echoing in his mind, Illumi tries to put some distance between himself and Hisoka. However, will his attempts to set boundaries go as he expects it to, or will history repeat itself, leaving lines crossed and feelings hurt?
This may be the fastest I've ever written and published so many chapters! This fic is really consuming me whole... Enjoy this latest update and as ever, if anyone wants to be put on a taglist for this one, let me know ❤
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hisokas-toybox · 8 months
Accidentally came up with a new AU Hisoillu prompt today
I was trying to describe what it is that amuses me so much about the differences in personality and behaviour between Hisoka and Illumi to my husband. This descended into me describing them as: two very different species of monster both trying and failing miserably to act human to reach their goals.
Hisoka is basically some fae-like pixie who thrives on causing chaos and violence wherever he goes. He has no rules. loyalty, morals or thoughts. His head is filled with only chaos, which he'll spread as far and wide as he possibly can. Did not get the memo about subtlety and blending in with other humans and can always be easily picked out of a crowd by his eccentric appearance and weird behaviours.
Illumi meanwhile, is more like some kind of cave goblin, or bridge troll. He is just as dangerous and violent as Hisoka and kills without hesitation. But, he's more predictable about it than Hisoka. He has rules, there are conditions that need to be met before he'll kill. He performs best as a "human" in his own domain where he feels comfortable and in control. However, the further out of his comfort zone he gets, the less well he is able to maintain the "human" disguise, and the more his monstrous traits begin to show in ways that are frankly bizarre, (burying himself in the dirt during the hunter exam, for example) or ruthlessly and unnecessarily violent.
If you are unfortunate enough to meet either on their own, it's bad and you'll need to keep your wits about you if you want to survive.
Put the two together?
You're going to die and its going to hurt (also there's a strong possibility they'll take out a whole city along the way).
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hisokas-toybox · 2 months
Apologies for the ridiculously long wait, but chapter 4 of Hopes and Fears is finally here!
Faced with the possibility that he went too far, and fearing developing a reputation as bully following their last fight Illumi vows to apologise and make amends with Hisoka. Will he find forgiveness or has the damage been done?
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hisokas-toybox · 5 months
Hopes and Fears Chapter 2 is here!
Between the new student being his worst nightmare, and his academic rival... existng. Illumi's plan for a studious, focused first day of senior year is NOT going as planned.
Enjoy and as ever if anyone wants added to a tag list for this fic, let me know ❤
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hisokas-toybox · 5 months
Merry Christmas!!!!
As promised, here is chapter 1 of my latest hisoillu high school au fic Hopes and Fears, enjoy! ❤
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hisokas-toybox · 5 months
Christmas Eve treat drop No.2
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I've dropped a few hints here and there for this one, but I'm delighted to officially announce that from tomorrow (as a real christmas present) I will be sharing Chapter 1 of my brand new Hisoillu fanfic 'Hopes and Fears.' Both on here and over on A03.
More details below...
This one will be a High School Au set in the regular world (no nen or Hunters etc) with characters aged up/down accordingly to make the story work as best it possibly can. I've played around a little with characterisation here as well. Main reason being, in this au they are not assassins, murder clowns and gangsters, they're just regular teenagers navigating the regular world!
The base idea for the story came to me in some kind of manic ADHD hyperfixation moment, and within a week I had almost the full thing plotted out. It's looking to be around 16 chapters at the moment but we'll see how that goes as I continue to write it. I will also be continuing with Turning Point as well though that may take longer as its a much slower paced story (current plan stands at a whopping 30 chapters... With more likely as I actually GET to writing the ideas properly).
There is some Hisoka/Chrollo content to this one. Which I sincerely apologise for, but it's necessary for the story and something I'll try not to show too much of. Rest assured though, Hisoka/Illumi are the endgame pairing as it should be.
I'm excited to share this with you all tomorrow, and as always hope it's something that you'll enjoy (constructive feedback/engagement with the story, welcome always!). If anyone would like to be added to the taglist for this one, let me know (it will also be on AO3 so subscription is also possible over there).
Merry Christmas Eve! ❤
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hisokas-toybox · 1 year
Attempted to draw my fave boy with his hair down looking all sexy like this...
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Unfortunately, due me having basically no artistic talent whatsoever I ended up with something more like this...
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For obvious reasons I have given up for tonight and I won't be posting my failure. But know that I am cackling and possibly going to stick to writing for now.
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