#utagawa kuniko
ahaha-fvckjjj · 5 months
I am once again here to remind you that this abomination of a man is a loving father/dilf
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Haruaki: You guys are reading hamlet, right? What’s one of the recurring themes in Hamlet?
Kuniko: Oh, Oooh, Ooooooh, call on me! Betrayal
Haruaki: Very good, very good. Ok, now who can give me a good example of betrayal?
Rensuke: Oh! Um, when Hamlet sends Rosencrantz and Guildstern on a boat to die.
Haruaki: Exactly- Hamlet betrays his friends.
Hijita: Which is super fucked up because only a fucking dickhole betrays his friends
Beniko: Well, maybe he wouldn’t if his friends weren’t a bunch of selfish bitches who had already betrayed his girlfriend in the first place.
Haruaki: That’s mostly right! Rosencrantz and Guildstern were going to betray hamlet first.
Fuji: Well maybe if Hamlet’s girlfriend had known her place instead of being a whiny little bitch, everything wouldn’t be so fucked up!
Beniko: Well maybe if Rosencrantz and Guildstern didn’t tried to set up two dickholes to make love with the girl that he was in love with like two skanky little cock wranglers, they wouldn’t have got put on that fucking boat!
Fuji: That doesn’t mean that Hamlet should go attempt to blow up an entire fucking school and almost ruin fucking everything!
Mame: And maybe if people would have chilled the fuck out, Ophelia wouldn’t felt like she had to jump off of a goddamn bridge!
Haruaki: Ok, I think we moved a bit off topic, but I loved the energy, guys! Love the energy.
Rensuke: What page does the school bombing attempt happen on?
Kuniko: Don'tworry, Ren-kun. Apparently, today is not going to be a learning day.
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himshoo · 4 months
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I feel like as a society we need to talk about Satsuki more. For all her appearances where she isn’t a blob in the background (which is only like 2 btw) she just has this crazed wide-eyed expression and is just generally off putting. She has so much potential considering her personality and dynamic with Kuniko, like wdym she would not admire the deranged school doctor who’s the father of the person she can control. Also her interactions with Kurahashi in the Kyoto matchmaking chapter where she just a hyper menace was actually so good. In my mind her, Kurahashi and Toubyou would be such good friends like look at them.
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(that whole panel is actually so cute)
She is so silly i need more content of her.
Same goes for the other people of the class, cuz im pretty sure Akibe doesn’t appear outside of Oota, same thing Koizumi with the crush on Ame. Like please let the girls have personality and screen time.
This is why I really want the anime to include more appearances of the minor characters and flesh out the early parts. It has the opportunity to set up more of the characters personalities and dynamics early on. Like even in the background such in the finding a club chapter they can include Kurahashi, Kashima and Toubyou on the basketball team.
Anyway my delusions grow each day I await updates on the anime.
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kadekae · 5 months
Like father like daughter
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certified-boyliker · 1 year
Despite what my sister may think, I don't enjoy being a liar, so,
Here is the greatest manga that you've never heard of:
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School (JP: Youkkai Gakkou No Sensei Hajimemashita)
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So, I'm not one to make too many essays or go on and ramble about something online, however, this series is just not popular enough in my opinion.
(everything will be under the cut, don't wanna bother people! and warning, this is long.)
So, what is A Terrifed Teacher At Ghoul School?
Terrified Teach (what I shall be calling it) is a supernatural, slice of life, and comedy manga created by Mai Tanaka. The story revolves around a young man named Haruaki Abe who is a cowardly man obsessed with sailor uniforms (worry not! he really just likes the uniforms and admiring them).
He has dreams of being a teacher, however, at his first teaching job, he ran out withing a short amount of time. He took a year off from finding anymore jobs, until he's approached by the principal of a high school and is asked to be the new Japanese Literature Teacher. He accepts, and is soon whisked away to Hyakki Academy.
Something he doesn't realize is that Hyakki Academy is not a school for humans, rather it is a school for youkai, and features a wide range of youkai that attend and teach at the school. And while he starts working at the school, he also learned that he has anti-youkai powers that can siphon out a youkai's spirit energy.
He spends his time at Hyakki Academy trying to become more confident and hone his anti-youkai powers. He also manages to befriend many of his students and some of the teachers at the school.
I managed to make that description without any spoilers, everything I just explained (minus the befriending) is gone over in the first chapter.
Why are you advertising this manga?
I love this manga! And, there are three main reasons I love it:
The Characters and Relationships
The Arcs and Storylines
The Way Mai Tanaka Writes the Story
And so let's get into these reasons
The Characters and Relationships!
So, we start with probably the biggest factor to comedy and slice of life series, the characters and how they interact with each other.
When it comes to Haruaki, it took a while for anyone to become friendly with him or fond of him. The only people who seemingly got close with him quickly were Maizuka Mamekichi and Koutarou Hijita (though, Hijita was a dick to him at first).
Aside from Haruaki, our major characters include:
Sano Mikoto: A rather sadistic and secretive young man. He dislikes showing affection and tends to be embarrassed when complimenting Haruaki
Mamekichi Maizuka: A cheeky young ma who likes to be carried. He tries to seem very cute and innocent, however, he has a clear dark side, likely due to how his family is.
Hijita Koutarou: He is a lazy person, and dislikes doing any home/classwork. He always tries to find ways to look at girls, however is usually stopped.
Zashiki Beniko: A shut-in who has a way with technology. She likes playing video games and didn't go into class for a long period of time due to playing video games.
Tamao Akisame: A young man who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. However, with Haruaki's help, he tries to get better at his exams and his understanding of Japanese and literature.
Nyuudou Rensuke: A smart young man, also hides his past and family situation. He tends to be very kind and a bit of a mentor to his classmates, however, he can get angry and violent easily.
Utagawa Kuniko: A kind and sweet young woman. She is also smart, and works with Nyuudou to lead the class. She tries to aid typically the girls in the class in various things
Miki Rintarou: The youkai-studies teacher, and a terrible drunkard. He also hides his family situation and tends to keep himself far from other people.
Hatanaka Izuna: The spookology teacher and discipline teacher. He tries to keep a cool head, however, has a shorter and more explosive fuse than Nyuudou, due to him being a former delinquent.
The Prinicpal: The principal of the school, with a very secretive past. Most of the teachers are unsure why he decided to hire Haruaki in the first place, and has a dislike of some of his staff for destroying his school... various times.
And the list goes on with characters who aren't major throughout the series, but are important in certain arcs and parts.
When it comes to friendships, they tend to be between characters who have known each other for a while or have some sort of connection.
The friendships that the series starts with and develops are:
Sano - Mame: Sano is a person who adores small animals, and especially seems to like tanukis. Sano likes carrying around Mame and hates it whenever someone injures or insults him, being quick to anger.
Hijita - Beniko: Hijita and Beniko are childhood friends, and Hijita is the person who got Beniko into video games and he blames himself for her becoming a shut in.
Sano - Mame - Beniko - Hijita: They often hang out together on this off days. They also scheme together, though Sano tries to leave himself out of it and tries to pull Mame out of it too
Nyuudou - Tamao: They're best friends. Tamao initially wants to be Nyuudou's cat when they grow up, though, he knows Nyuudou would find this stupid.
Nyuudou - Utagawa: They're both the class representatives and have great chemistry when it comes to them working together.
Hatanaka - Haruaki - Miki: Hatanaka and Miki were friends in high school and they are also the only teachers who aren't afraid of Haruaki and his anti-youkai powers.
Tanaka does an incredible job at showing the relationships between the characters and developing the relationships, especially when it comes to Haruaki and his students, like Sano and Nyuudou. And the way she crafts the characters to fit so perfectly in the series and to make their actions and goals seem so believable and to make the reader wonder about what one character said in an early chapter and make a full arc/set of chapters surrounding it.
2. The Arcs and Storylines
I have had a debate about my sister as to what constitutes as an "arc" compared to "a set of chapters focused on something", so I shall be using my definition as an arc.
To say the exact amount of how many arcs there are would be impossible, but there are a few major ones, so, I'll say there about 5-7 arcs in this series, though, most are just in between/before the very major, plot heavy arcs.
And, like I said in the previous part, many arcs are callbacks to something a character had said in a previous chapter. Not only that, but these arcs and chapters and the characters that are important to the arcs change after them and it's noticeable and realistic.
Also, do not be fooled by the first few chapters of this series, as lighthearted and funny and sweet as they can be, this series will rip your heart out when it comes to some of the major arcs, especially later in the series.
She also makes the arcs make sense and sometimes when referencing back to some of the chapters, she even puts little notes as to which chapter she references to.
3. The Way Mai Tanaka Writes the Story
This was clear and obvious in the last part, but I adore the way Mai Tanaka writes the characters and the story.
When it comes to seeing character change like with Sano or Haruaki, when you re-read the series and see how they acted at the beginning compared to how they act in more recent chapters, there's a clear and obvious development in the way they act to their friends and how they think things through when it comes to different situation.
The way that she foreshadows future arcs is beautiful and it makes the reader think "Oh! I wonder what this means and what will happen here!" especially when you catch on to her foreshadowing and makes you wonder and wonder "What will happen here?!" and "Where will she go with this?!"
As a former BNHA fan and as someone who did this himself, I dislike it when things seem to made up on the fly. Of course, not everything in a series will be meticulously planned out for more authors and artists, that's a hard thing to do. It's not easy planning like 20-30 chapters in the future when you make a scene with some of your characters.
However, an author shouldn't just make things up on the fly for the majority of the series and draw it out longer than one might think it should. And Mai Tanaka does a good job at pacing her series, especially since it is a comedy and slice of life, which one can get away with making it a bit longer than usual than other types of genres, but even so, she made 38 chapters before hitting summer break with her characters. She has paced this story beautifully, and I am all here for it!
Now, I wrote this entire essay with my laptop at too low of health and I have not that much more to say, so I leave you all with this essay, and my suggestion:
Read A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!
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mooniace · 5 months
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utagawa kuniko
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
The Renren arc post
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Just a little compilation of the details in chapter 67 to 77, this almost certainly isn’t even all of them
warning: very long. a lot of images
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(link) first of all, not renren arc proper, but the hoodie haruaki was wearing in volume 10 was hatanaka’s from when he was a student
like i mentioned in the timeline post, this whole arc happens over 1 day. wack
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(Chapter 68) ebisu-sensei, if i recall, sir, werent you spying on your mii-kun? we still havent gotten to that plot point yet like at all
Seating Arrangement
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(chapter 69, nice) a month before this chapter was released, the author tweeted the seating arrangement for the class
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(made in google sheets by me, link to the tweet)
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(chapter 69) the flowers in the background here are anemones, anemone coronaria.
they mean a couple things, but the gist of it is like “love”, “truth”, “suffering”, the works
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(chapter 69) utagawa’s birthday is april 14th. this is more of a headcanon than anything, but there’s a chance its the date she died.
she specifically points out it’s april here, and although the next scene where rensuke’s mask comes off probably doesn’t happen on the same day, i’m pretty sure it doesn’t happen too long after this
it’s definitely not the day takahashi found her as a gashadokuro, since that happens 2 months after she died
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(chapter 74) of course, there’s a chance its just her birthday as a human. rensuke doesn’t mention if theres any reason he’s giving her the ring, but it might be for a birthday present
by the way, and this is relevant, “utagawa kuniko” is based off utagawa kuniyoshi, a woodblock print maker and painter, who made the depiction of the gashadokuro. he died on april 14.
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this is super nothing, but 305 is a number that comes up a lot for just being a number. its:
hatanaka and mikis dorm room when they were students
rensuke and hijitas room now (confirmed to be the same room as hata and miki)
haruakis hospital room in vol 7
renkas hospital room (not the same hospital)
im told it has something to do with onmyoudou, but i cant find anything online. its probably nothing. but im pointing it out so itll haunt you on future rereads too lol
also, hatanakas birthday is 5/5 and mikis birthday is 3/3. cute
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(chapter 70) this book that got knocked off the table is what prompts haruaki to call takahashi, and i spent a while trying to figure out what it is
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its... probably the laid back youkai dictionary? would make sense
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also, i didnt notice this before writing this, but its the gida taxi business card! cute!
Woah Holy Shit
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(chapter 70) wait. he straight up took off his mask to threaten haruaki. geez seimei-kun you got to see his sexy face before all of us!! kyaa!!
Finally The Goddamn Nyuudou House Heist, This Post Is Getting Long
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(chapter 71) this seems like a throwaway “wow cool operation about to start” line, but this is probably talking to yamazaki or ame
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(chapter 71) on first reading, you probably either glossed over this or thought “ok anti youkai power time” directly going against his conditions with renpapa that he wasnt going to use it (which you may or may not also have glossed over on first reading)
but rereading this knowing its yamazaki changes that (not by much, since its just 2 sentences and he doesnt act on it, but yknow, fascinating)
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(chapter 72) here too, when he prioritizes getting mujina out with the intel
also how kurai doesnt even gloat too much even though he caught “haruaki”
even if it wasnt immediately revealed 1 panel later, you probably would have caught on to something being up with just this
or it would be the fact that it was revealed already theres a separate team in chapter 71
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(chapter 73) again, here, when sano prioritizes tamao even though “haruaki” is with them too
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ah, yknow, one o’ them “call forward”s, one o’ them “back-foreshadowing”
Amaaki Content
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(chapter 76) finally getting to the chapters i did. i kinda hate reading my own chapters since i stared at them so much theyre burned into my brain, i hope theyre like, done well. if i had infinite time and energy i would totally redo these first chapters i did. in fact i kinda did, i had to come back and fix some text bubble shaping and phrasing before i posted these anywhere. anyway this has been totally irrelevant.
super un-haruaki-like expression, but im a amaaki liker hehe
a comment on bilibili really opened my eyes, its that this came from ame’s own feelings about haru teaching at hyakki (crying and punching walls rn)
The sky’s clear...
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We’re All Fools Compilation
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(chapter 76) it was at this moment, that i realised: “OH RIGHT HIS FUCKING BRACELET”
anyway, heres the His Fucking Bracelet Or Lack Thereof compilation
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I mentioned this in my google drive translation notes, but you can really see how the author purposely showed ame’s right hand at every opportunity
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(chapter 77) he’s riding gida here, not just for fun, but because he got jabbed with his own immobilization drug by kurai in chapter 75.
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um. i hope i translated this in a way that made sense.
anyway this has been the renren arc post wahoooo!! super incomprehensible i hope i get better at this probably wont tho!! i wanna make a post like this for the seimei student arc and also kyoto arc too
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smallestgalaxylemon · 3 years
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Did one of these but for the yohaji cast
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ahaha-fvckjjj · 9 days
I went through the wiki gallery of Takahashi and I found this!!
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Akira: Octopi could hug four people simultaneously because God blessed them with the ability. However, they don’t even hug one person because they have made a covenant with the devil. Any questions?
Kuniko: Where’s Abe-sensei, and why are you filling in for him?
Akira: In a better place now. Sit down immediately.
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himshoo · 3 months
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Speed paint below cut
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Satsuki always has the red-eye that appears in photos
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Kuniko: Sano-kun, you're testifying in an aggravated assault case tomorrow, and Abe-sensei is worried about how you'll present yourself on the stand.
Sano: Why? I'm fine on the stand!
*Testimony #1*
Sano: Look, I'll make this real simple so even these dumdums can understand.
Sano, to the jury: MAN DID CRIME.
*Testimony #2*
Sano: Sorry, could you make her stop doing that weird thing with her face?
Haruaki, next to a crying Kuniko: ...Crying?
*Testimony #3*
Sano: And when this is over, I'm gonna find you and break those little fingers.
Douman: Could the witness *please* stop threatening the stenographer?
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Hatanaka: (to Beniko) Miss Warashi, do you find something funny about the word "tromboner"?
Beniko: No, sir. I was laughing at something outside.
Koizumi: She was looking at Sano!
Class: Beniko likes Sano!
Hijita: She does not!
Class: Hijita likes Beniko!
Kuniko: He does not!
Class: Kuniko likes Hijita!
Nyuudou: She does not!
Class: Nyuudou likes Hijita!
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Kuniko: You see, Croquet is a lady’s game.
Beniko: That’s debatable.
Beniko: I’ve played before and, let me tell ya, the temptation to misuse the mallets is awful.
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Yamazaki: When does a joke become a dad joke?
Akira: When it becomes a parent.
[They laugh]
Utagawa: Please... just kill me already
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Utagawa: Nyuudou-kun just walked in, told the cat how much he loves him, held his face in his hands, stared into his eyes and gave him forehead kisses. Then left the room.
Renjou: And...?
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