#vanity crimson rivers
oh-piledriver · 4 months
just finished my reread of crimson rivers and was wondering about vanity's name...i absolutely ADORE her and vanity is a word that typically holds an ugly meaning so i was thinking "hm, odd choice"...but doing something in vain is a futile effort. vanity tried so hard to survive and everyone else worked to help her too, but it was in VAIN. maybe im late to this realization but i wanted to post
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 10
chapter 18:
1. remus is just free to exist around sirius. every mention of that makes me HURT
2. and i know that remus sets/asks sirius to break boundaries but i LOVE sirius setting his about remus not fucking around with memories because he has issues with that
3. AWWW another wolfstar kiss! i’ll never get used to these
4. omg the wolfstar neck kisses are making ME realize how much i miss neck kisses. honestly, straight up, those are better than sex
5. nooo baby! i’m so sorry that sirius was made into a sex symbol of sorts for the hallow. that sucks. no one deserves that, especially not a child (when it began occurring for him)
6. it hurts that james knows he wouldn’t kill for his own sake, and he’s only killing to protect regulus and get him out of here
7. “Really, James takes great pride in the fact that no one annoys Regulus like him.” LMAO
8. “Blinking violently, James clears his throat and says, "Oh, yes, keep talking about math. There's absolutely nothing more attractive. You're a swot. If you tell me what the mitochondria is, I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself."” ASLDJFKDHDKSJNSMSN LOSING MY SHIT
9. wait. hold up. regulus used to write poetry about james. holy shit. i love this development so much
10. PETER!!!!!!!
11. 😧 reg is mad at james and all he wants to do is put a knife to james’ throat and hope he moans. holy fuck “So exposed to violence that it's even starting to blend with sex.” that’s both a wild thought and a sad thought
12. GOD regulus doesn’t trust james, but he trusted evan. that hurts like a motherfucking truck
13. god it hurts that vanity, peter, and the others can’t all survive. they don’t deserve this
chapter 19:
1. VANITY!! babbyyyy she’s gonna die nooooo
2. the ant juice to keep her warm 😟😟
3. 😬 they’re gonna make a bridge. i’m not sure about that. that worries me. and peter lighting the fires. this entire thing is gonna end with one of james’ allies dead
4. “”Oh, and the 'best friend's brother, secret history, forbidden love' way also.”” 😭😭😭 not vanity’s description of jegulus
5. vanity asking about what sex is like and james IMMEDIATELY shutting her down 😭😭
6. being scared about the bug- i’m with james on this one.
7. 😧😳 omg not dylan, peter, AND irene. (NO SHAME OR JUDGMENT ON MY BEHALF) holy shit.
8. 😭😭😭 i love when any one of the tributes talks to the sky to talk to their mentors, friends, or family
9. irene and james betting on a jealous regulus 😭😭😭
10. the bridge worked. i’m honestly so shocked
11. this bug (vespa) is stressing me tf out
12. about the bug, vanity is like 🩷😊✨🪲 and james is like 😟😬🙅🏽‍♂️
13. i’d like to make the guess now: autistic vanity
14. not james being turned on by reg talking mean to him. this is ridiculous 😭😭
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fullmoonyy · 5 months
currently reading Crimson Rivers and I've never struggled so much with a fic... people just keep dying (as if it wasn't a Hunger Games au💀), I'm genuinely scared tho.
And, bitch, more than 2000 pages is INSANE, love that for us✨
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samisamousa · 1 month
Crimson Rivers Spoil !!!
I was thinking about something. I don't if it is said in the fic, but at the end of the first book, I'm sure James would think he failed at saving Vanity, but her, she did save him. Just the fact that she was the one who took Vespa's venom and he used it to save his and Regulus' life made him feel guilty because he couldn't make her live a long life, but she made him do it.
(I haven't read the second book, so I don't know if he dies in it)
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starsarestories · 10 months
She never got her first kiss.
She never got to fall in love.
She never got to go home.
Her prince never saved her.
Her prince killed her.
Her prince is dead.
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i was about to fall asleep but i had a thought about crimson rivers and now i hate myself:
in the latest chapter we find out that riddle’s most powerful weapon, the horcrux, isn’t infallible thanks to vanity, a young girl that died before getting the chance to actively help the rebellion.
regulus in canon found out about voldemort’s plan involving the horcruxes when he was eighteen, but died before getting the chance to destroy it/tell someone about it.
vanity and regulus are fucking parallels and now i want to cry !! they both helped neutralising/destroying the horcruxes!! girlbossing from the afterlife!!
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isabella13hope · 7 months
Yk it’s bad when you can’t even think about bugs anymore without remembering vanity in crimson rivers.
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kjmarauder · 1 year
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Vanity is such an innocent soul😭🥺
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actuallyitskal · 1 year
zar is a fucking genius.
remus figuring out the answer to making immunity for horcrux hornets? genius
the whole recipe for immunity going back to vanity? the teenage girl obssesed with bugs? that was like 40 chapters ago, what a genius.
the fact that is all ties up together, and things from first area start to make sense after the second, and there's other things that are explainable only through things that happened at the very beginning is so fucked up, yet SOOO brilliant.
my adhd brain is scratched just the right way. this is so gooood.
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ihugjfp · 1 year
Crying real tears. Vanity I love & miss you.
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vmwaffles · 2 years
someone: "It's just an oc from a marauders fanfic, it can't hurt that bad-"
Vanity: I'm still waiting for my prince to come save me, you know
me in future tense: *sobbing*
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 11
chapter 20:
1. god, i’m glad to know this bridge plan is stressing sirius out too
2. i love sirius’ pure ANGER at how reg and james’ love story is broadcasted to everyone when sirius knows that they deserve privacy.
3. 😟😧 is peter going to be a
5. 😧 vanity noooo
6. 😟 hodge would have turned 15 tomorrow. and james just pushed him in the river. fuck, well, that’s something james is gonna think about forever
7. i am NOT gonna get over vanity’s death
8. reg’s knife throwing skills came into use and yikes. i wish it didn’t have to
9. (bad timing, but nonbinary mathias has my heart)
10. oh god. irene asked regulus to give her mercy and kill her. this. wow. this hurts in ways i can’t describe.
11. everyone is fucking dying, and james just got hurt, and reg is trapped on the other side of the river. jfc this chapter is wild
12. reg, you’re having a panic attack. i understand those. listen to me and jsut follow my voice and breathe with me, okay? in and out. 1…. 2…. 3…. 4…. good. breathe please. i wanna help so bad. please i wish i could help reg breathe.
13. god, it’s hurts that in sirius’ pov, he knows that this is the biggest breakdown reg has EVER had
14. sirius, don’t do something stupid
chapter 21:
1. 😧 THIS is how the plan is formed? sirius talking to slughorn about two victors making it out as long as they’re from the same district? wow. i was almost looking forward to the death pact, while also knowing it would be out of reg’s character (and james’) so it would be unsatisfying. i like this a lot, actually
2. dorcas leaving her home in the most ratty-ass pajamas to run four miles 😭😭 she’s still a queen to me
3. marlene’s reaction is heartbreaking, honestly
4. i love how there’s the line about dorcas caring for vanity and hodge. she cares. marlene asked her to, chapters and chapters ago. and dorcas cared. this hurts
5. 😟 regulus is so angry that he plans on avenging james with what i assume is the most torturous murder to others
6. !!!!! is reg about to take that hint from slughorn? does he realize james is alive?
8. remus comparing sirius’ excitement about slughorn’s decision to a dog >>>>>>
10. sirius expects people to not listen to him, so he tells remus to just tune him out, but remus loves to hear sirius talk. <33333 they’re made for each other
11. sirius having worn a dress before and enjoying it >>>>>>>
12. “”Really, your body is a galaxy, and your scars are your stars."” (remus making sirius feel better about his scars) OH MY GOD!! this is gonna be my equivalent of atyd’s “you were beautiful”
13. remus’ shirt is off and sirius wants to cry over how gorgeous he is. (when i first had sex, i cried over how pretty my partner was. i do not judge sirius for this reaction)
14. the way remus gets his moony nickname in this fic, with his scars being compared to moon craters >>>>>>>>>
15. despite sirius wanting to have sex with remus, i love his decision to wait so he’s mentally in the right place for it. and i love remus’ treatment of sirius’ relationship to sex. that’s exactly what i, as an aroace spec person, needed to hear
16. i’m so fucking PISSED that the hallow took away sirius’ acceptance of pleasure. remus and i are gonna fucking take down the hallow for that
17. authors notes say that sirius is demisexual, and i am all on board. another demisexual!! me and sirius are twinning! i love this!!
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artthoufruity · 1 year
Everytime Zar updates a fic I have to do an hour of self care to get into the right headspace to read it
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child0fcain · 1 year
the other night i had a dream where i somehow saved literally everyone in crimson rivers and i cannot even begin to explain what i was feeling when i woke up
like this was me for a solid 20 minutes 🤗
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She lingers. She lives on in Remus’ blood now, and she’ll live on in everyone who will survive thanks to her.
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