#vibe check via data collection
cringefaildiaz · 3 months
alrighty folks i've been ignoring a lot of the interviews in an attempt to stave off the delulu but have seen SO many takes on my dash, what's the consensus
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deancas-stabfest · 9 months
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Last year was the debut of our precious child, DeanCas StabFest (FUNSIZED), and in the very humble opinion of the mods, it was a smashing success! we promised to bring you guys some stats to explore how the fest went down.
NB: The data is skewed more towards the fic, rather than the art. we know this, and we are sorry. we love love LOVE all the artists, and want to explore all that metadata as well, but we also want to protect copyright. The metadata for the fic is accessible manually from AO3 (the mods have been toiling in the spreadsheet mines for weeks), or was provided to us by the participants via the masterpost form. However, getting more metadata on the art would require us to feed the full images into an analysis program, and we just can't trust that data won't be misused.
The art metadata that is present in this Wrapped was attained either by human eyeball, or by using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.02, which was released on March 5, 2001 and does not have online capabilities. It has plenty of other capabilities, okay. Do not underestimate the grampa software. There is a HOT WAX filter. Also it was paid for ONCE. none of that subscription crap. suck our dicks adobe
NB2: STABFEST WRAPPED is not about competition (except for competing to make StabFest 2023 even more unhinged than 2022.) We are not ranking the participants; we are lining everyone up to give them a smooch on the forehead. There will be a few individuals mentioned here and there, but every team has oodles and oodles of data that we've been crunching, and everyone was part of making DeanCas StabFest 2022 into this handsome, virile beast.
Missed the Fest, or want to refresh your memory? Check out the MASTERLIST:
Part One
Part Two
You can also check out the StabFest2022 collection on AO3.
Alright, let's go!
Pitcher, Catcher? Author, Artist?
DeanCas StabFest 2022 (Fun-sized!) had 33 teams: 27 in the regular bang and 6 in the reverse bang. 31 authors and 25 artists participated. Three people participated as both author and artist, leading to a total of 53 participants. One person was on multiple teams as an author and four people were on multiple teams as artists.
Author/Artist switch hitters: KaylieMalinza (teams 4, 10, 12, 27, 200, and 600), Maple (teams 28 and 15) and Swirlycloud (teams 16 and 20.)
Mega Author: MBQ (teams 13, 14, and 15)
Mega Artists: Biscuit_tin (teams 100, 21, and 13), Lauryn T. (teams 22 and 27) and Mortea (teams 19, 25, 500, and 700.)
(yes, the two participants who were on the most teams (5 and 4) are the mods, but this was a pinch hitter/oh god the reverse bang is too smol situation okay don't look at us like that this isn't like the scene in chocolat where the antagonist breaks into the candy shop and gorges on everything this was SACRIFICE for the SAKE OF THE FEST. also it was fun and the mods regret nothing.)
What It Says On The Tin
Of the 33 teams, 22 of them showed STAB in the artwork and 7 of them referenced STAB in the fic title. (this was interpreted fairly loosely--if the STAB was imminent or the aftermath was visible in the art, and if the title held any mention of stab, cut, slice, etc. we counted it as a yes.) Of the 26 fic which did not reference STAB in the title, 3 did reference the stabbing implement.
You Must Be This Tall To Ride
Of AO3's four ratings, the majority of the fic were rated Teen and Up, and the next most common rating was Mature. There was only one brave fic rated General Audiences--but that may have more to do with people rating higher than needed out of caution. No one wants a nastygram from a puriteen who thinks Disney is too risque and scary for children. Anyway--the MPAA doesn't give official ratings to fanfic. We go on vibes, and reader beware.
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Yeah, I Figured That Much. What Are You?
Of the artwork, 22 of the entries were digital art, 10 were traditional/physical, and 1 piece appeared to be mixed physical and digital (we were guessing on traditional vs digital art and may have gotten it wrong sometimes! sorry.) A 1:2 ratio of traditional to digital was a very pleasant surprise.
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The STICKERS had a pretty good spread, too, with notable outliers being only 1 team receiving the Rebar of Shame and a whopping 18 teams receiving the Cannon of Canon Complicity. In total, 50 stickers were awarded. Special shout out to MBQ, who managed to qualify for every sticker across their three entries. The Rebar of Shame would have been so lonely without you.
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Weapon of Choice
Speaking of rebar, there was a tasty variety in the stabbing implements used. 8 teams had multiple implements, leading to a total of 41 implements. Far and away the most used implement was a knife--5 instances of the OG demon knife, and an additional 14 knives of various types--cooking, hunting, ka-bar, etc. , for a total of 19. The runner up was the angel blade, clocking in at 5 instances, with arrow and sword coming in behind at 3 and 2 instances, respectively. The most exciting implements, however, are those which were unique, only one instance each.
Of all the implements, we estimate that 34 of them were used for their intended purpose--needle, syringe, and scalpel, for example--with 8 very special implements being employed "off label."
We can beat those numbers this year, team!
Let's make 2023 StabFest off label AF.
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According to the Lore
Of the AO3 tags, it should come as no surprise that there were 33 iterations of STAB, and 30 iterations of Castiel/Dean Winchester (tabulated separately from Castiel & Dean Winchester--some fic were tagged with both.) The Sam Winchester character tag also showed up 19 times (not including variants such as "Injured Sam Winchester," pairing tags, or, a mod favorite, "pray for sammy.") Canon made an appearance in 22 tags--including Canon-Typical Violence as well as Canon Elements, Canon Compliant, etc. Angst and Blood showed up in 11 and 12 tags, respectively.
A few more tags were cherry picked for the chart below; including every tag would be very difficult, since the 33 fic were tagged with a staggering total of 372 unique tags.
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The mods would like to give a special shout out to the freeform tags. They were delightful in situ and tantalizing out of context. Here are our top ten favorites, in no particular order:
a frankly concerning number of references to Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah (All That Remains, by DoctorProfessorSong)
author was craving s'mores while writing this (Hunger Pains, by Followsthebees)
copious use of frog analogies?? (apologue of the boiling frog, by howldean)
dean is re-hymenated and as smooth as a baby's bottom (Rescue Burrito, by KaylieMalinza)
But Dean Forgives Him Because He's Smitten (Just Like Knitting, by FriendofCarlotta)
cas has a metaphorical c-section in here and that’s all you need to know (Fill Thyself with the Word of God, by themauvesoul)
Sam and Cas come up with a crazy idea and Dean counts to ten in the background. (The Good Old College Try, by silver_penny)
Cas triggers his own trauma by jerking off to the wrong thing (eros and thanatos, by autisticandroids)
oh well it's Cas what would you expect?! (Dusk When I Met You, by MiracleofWinchester)
There is also taco salad somewhere (Happy Kitty, by MBQ)
The mods also, with glimmering eyes and trembling hands, present a gold star to the tag that Understood The Assignment:
Apologies for attempted murder doubling as intricate rituals also (By your hand, by SlopeSlippers)
Thanks, buddy. StabFest feels Seen.
My True Form is Approximately The Size of Your Chrysler Building
As StabFest is FUN-SIZED, it should come as no surprise that most of the fic had fairly low word counts. With a required minimum of 1,500, 5 fic were between 1,500 and 2,500 words, and 8 were between 2,500 and 3,500. With a grand total word count of 183,643 spread across 33 fic, the average word count is 5,464--but since the median was only 4,397, then clearly the three fic with word counts over 15,400 were outliers adn should not have been counted.
The stab-free zone between 10k and 15k requires further study. 🧐
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The art sizes had no measurable minimum--the rules just stated one art piece minimum, with no details about dimensions, resolution, etc. Some curious numbers shook out, though.
The width of the pieces ranged from 500 to 2048 pixels, with a median of 1280. The height ranged from 386 to 4716, with a median of 1280. (NB: some artists did multiple pieces for a single team, such as a main art piece and a banner, or multiple main art pieces. E.g., that 4,716 comes from three pieces of 1572 pixel height being combined.) In total, the StabFest art from all 33 teams is 36,433 pixels wide by 41,378 pixels tall. Perhaps some enterprising soul can convert that to football fields.
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File size, as reported by Windows Explorer, ranged from 49.1kB to 4670kB with a median of 638.5kB. Bear in mind that some of these pieces would have been resized by tumblr or another hosting service, and of course, multiple pieces for the same team are added together. The total size, based on the files currently available, is 25630.08kB, or 25.63MB.
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Certain People, Special People, Can Perceive My True Visage
What's most fun is the little option is Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.02 to show the number of unique colors. These ranged from a minimum of 11,323 (The art for Forest Fever) to a maximum of 894,465 (the art for Light Me Up With Your Ardent Sword--hi res versions available on AO3), with a median of 95,293. You'd think the sum of the unique colors would be HUGE--and yes, if you add up all the numbers you get a whopping 4,616,209--but of course there's going to be a lot of overlap.
After combining all the StabFest art into a single MEGAZORD, like the Power Rangers, we see that the number of unique colors is much smaller: 2,272,549. That means there are 2,343,660 colors which are shared by at least two entries. Isn't that sweet? It's like the art is holding hands.
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Because The Mods Commanded It. Because We Have Work for You.
Well, that wraps up StabFest2022 Wrapped. If you had fun last year and want to see what StabFest Wrapped2023 will look like, please check out the new features (femslash!! new stickers! A DISCORD) and mosey on over to the sign up form. And please take a gander at our promo post tag and see if something catches your fancy for a signal boost.
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polldatavisualizer · 7 months
tumblr poll results are often misleading for polls that involve more than one variable
my mission is to create representations of data collected in tumblr polls that allow the data to be interpreted meaningfully, and to improve statistical literacy on this website.
if you’re like me, you’ve probably looked at polls interrogating more than one variable, you know, ones like this:
OPTION 1: Yes, and I’m a horse that uses tumblr - 0.1%
OPTION 2: No, and I’m a horse that uses tumblr - 0.7%
OPTION 3: Yes, and I’m a human - 69%
OPTION 4: No, and I’m a human - 30.2%
and thought to yourself, “man, a bar chart without any kind of normalization is a super confusing and possibly misleading way to represent these data.” or maybe that’s just me.
I feel strongly about good data viz, and I started doing this for myself because I was curious how certain poll results would look if the data were represented better. this is (mostly) a lighthearted blog.
if I reblog your poll and you want my reblog deleted, tell me via the ask box and I’ll delete it—but you need to provide a reason (“this poll was a joke” is a perfectly valid reason, as is “I don’t like your vibe”—you just have to tell me something). this is because lack of statistical literacy and bad data representation being seen by large swaths of young impressionable tumblr users genuinely concerns me a little bit. please note (before you, poll creator, get offended) that tumblr’s polling system is at fault here, not you, poll creator, trying to collect information with a very limited data collection tool.
you can submit polls you want interpretation for and I’ll do my best. rules for submitting polls:
the poll doesn’t have to have closed, but I won’t interpret the data until the poll closes. for obvious reasons.
you can submit joke polls, but I will treat them the same as any other poll.
some polls are formulated in such a way that makes the data collected inherently uninterpretable. if you submit a poll that I feel is uninterpretable, I will say so. don’t get mad, it’s my opinion.
please DO NOT submit polls from fandom-oriented poll blogs (character tournaments, the like). I just don’t care and don’t want to get caught up in drama surrounding those sorts of things.
about the mod: I’m an adult. mid 20s. my pronouns are he/him. I am white, transgender, autistic, and queer. I’m a biologist, which is a field with a serious data misinterpretation and misrepresentation problem, which is why I’ve got this big ass chip on my shoulder.
I do data viz in R using ggplot2, which is overkill for this application, but it’s fun for me, and stupid easy to crank out plots. I’ll publish all code I write for this blog. Learn R! She’s open source! She’s kinda wacky and illogical sometimes as a result but we love her!
no terf shit. no racist shit. no cop shit. no zionists. kill yourselves and go to hell. will do my best to check OPs for these things but if I reblog a poll made by someone who falls into any of these categories please let me know ASAP so I can delete and block.
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epimains · 2 years
Camo birkenstocks
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Camo birkenstocks series#
SPARTOO also reserves the right to share the data collected on the website for commercial purposes if you have ticked the box CHECK THE BOX TO RECEIVE SPECIAL OFFERS & PROMOTIONS FROM SELECTED THIRD PARTIES.įor more information, you may refer to the privacy policy on our terms & conditions page, under the heading titled “Personal Data”. SPARTOO reserves the right to collect personal data relative to site users, most notably via “Cookies”, mentioned in article 8. You may also, for any legitimate reason, oppose the processing of your personal data. BIRKENSTORY 28: Hermann Gerland He was an assistant coach to Jupp Heynckes, Louis van Gaal, Pep Guardiola, Carlo Ancelotti, and Hansi Flick. Casually Kyoto Sleek, clean lines and an adjustable closure just as easy. Main view of Womens Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Lugged Leather Sneaker. 4.5 out of 5 stars Birkenstock Mayari Vegan 110. 4.2 out of 5 stars Birkenstock Kids Arizona Camo (Toddler/Little Kid/Big Kid) 59.95 ( 9) Birkenstock - Mayari Vegan. Plush Platforms Lifted teddy styles with the same support as Birkenstocks. Womens Birkenstock Boston Soft Footbed Clog - Black. Birkenstock Kids - Arizona Camo (Toddler/Little Kid/Big Kid). In compliance with French law 78-17, titled “Data Protection” dated 6 January 1978, modified in 2004, you have the right to access, to rectify, to request and, should the need arise, to appeal the data about you, which can be done by contacting:īy email to: post to: SPARTOO SAS, 16 rue Henri Barbusse 38100 Grenoble-FRANCE Shearling Showstoppers Effortlessly chic and oh-so-soft. SPARTOO.COM is registered with the CNIL (French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty), under the number: 1182432. This information is registered in our customer database. In other news, better images of the adidas Yeezy Boost 350v2 MX Grey have surfaced.The information requested from you is necessary for SPARTOO to complete your order. Visit to find clothing, accessories, shoes. Who would want to blend in when you can stand out These new camo sandals from this seasons collection are the perfect addition to your spring wardrobe. These should are reportedly set to release at select retailers and later this holiday season. Shop for Birkenstock Womens Arizona Soft Footbed Camo Double Banded Sandals at.
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These materials are then doused in a series of neutral tones, from white to light cream, which complement the clean and simple look of the silver metallic lace toggle, the jewel Swoosh, and the blocked out Air bubble.įor a closer look at this WMNS exclusive Air Max 1, check out the official images below. Anatomically shaped cork-latex footbed Upper: Birko. In addition, the mesh that typically dresses the model’s toe box and collar is replaced by a much smoother nylon. Iconic style complemented with the signature comfort of the BIRKENSTOCK footbed. Raised toe bar is designed to encourage the natural gripping motion of your feet. Two top straps with buckle closures for an adjustable fit. If you find a lower price on Birkenstock Camo Sandals somewhere else, well match it with our Best. SKU: 9373275 Made of acrylic and polyamide felt fibers, this material is a soft fabric with a smooth leather-like finish. Shop Birkenstock Camo Sandals at DICKS Sporting Goods. The base itself is noteworthy, too, incorporating premium suedes and leather throughout the entire construction. Keep your vibes cool in the casual Birkenstock Arizona Camo slip-on sandal. More are due to release later this year, including but not limited to this WMNS exclusive offering, which features a wide range of modifications.
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Fast delivery, full service customer support. Description: Berkinstocks, white camo, 38. Now complemented with the a tone-on-tone trendy camouflage look, as well as a tonal microfiber footbed liner and buckles for a sleek and athletic look. Shop Women's Birkenstock Silver White Size 38 Sandals at a discounted price at Poshmark. In honor of the Air Max 1‘s 35th Anniversary, Nike has brought out a number of inline styles just as unique as their collaborative counterparts. CLASSIC CAMO The legendary two-strap design from BIRKENSTOCK - the Arizona.
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12abm01group14 · 2 years
"On Becoming Medium: Gen-Z Individuals as Modern Communicators"
Blog Entry # 1 Vibe Check: How Gen Z is changing the way we communicate
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The first generation to grow up with a phone, Zoomers are not only used to being constantly connected—they’re also used to being hyper-adaptable, creative and acutely aware of the world around them. Not only do they prefer casual forms of communication, like texting or direct messaging, they also rely heavily on abbreviations, acronyms, emojis and slang to convey meaning.
First thing’s first: everything in short form is bound to capture their attention. Gen Zs are the masters of the TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) method of communication. Communication with this generation needs to be to-the-point and visual, or you’re unlikely to hold their attention. And if your communication doesn’t use inclusive language (think: gender neutral), you’ll lose them too.
One of the most characterizing aspects of the Gen Z dialect is the use of emojis to communicate. They’re a quick, easy, and informal way to connect, convey emotional meaning, commiserate with one another, and make people laugh. They’ve become an integral part of written language. So much so, that Gen Z have even started to formulate their own emoji language. A single finger emoji 👉 might mean you’re literally pointing to something, but two fingers pointing in together 👉👈 could imply feeling shy or bashful. Gen Z has also replaced the crying laughing emoji 😂 with a skull 💀 or coffin ⚰️ emoji to say “I’m dead” (as in they "died" from how hard they were laughing).
Top 10 Ways to Effectively Communicate with Generation Z
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Known as the “instant generation,” Generation Z is the first group in society raised entirely on technology. They’re mobile-based and expect immediate answers to questions—and, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling, also prioritize one-on-one communication. Higher education institutions that don’t adjust to Generation Z’s communication style may run the risk of being unable to effectively connect with them.
Fortunately, there is technology tailored to reaching Generation Z applicants. Contemporary marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms have features such as a mobile app, allowing admission teams to respond to messages quickly. Prospects’ phone numbers are also readily available, encouraging and enabling texting—Generation Z’s preferred method of communication. The list shown below provides 10 tactics to help you best connect with Generation Z.
Use mobile and app-based technology – Generation Z is tech-savvy and on-the-go. App-based communication allows them to receive the instant feedback they crave, while multitasking multiple conversations.
Respond quickly – As “digital natives,” they’re used to in-the-moment responses. Promptness of reply to questions helps you compete with the many other messages they receive.
Text – This is by far Generation Z’s preferred communication method. It allows for timely responses that can be managed anytime, anyplace.
Communicate one-on-one – Despite their emphasis on mobile technology, according to this survey, 39% of Generation Z say one-on-one communication is the most effective form. Take the time to speak with them individually—whether through text, or face-to-face.
Personalize as much as you can – Attention spans are now shorter than ever, with some estimates at around 6-8 seconds per content piece. Personalization is a way to combat this, giving you the means to connect more deeply with prospects.
Evolve based on interests and engagement- Gen Z expects communication to evolve depending on what they like, and how frequently they contact you. They expect you to be as savvy as they are, making good data collection all the more critical.
Be e-mail selective- Less than 20% of Generation Z reports they’re likely to use e-mail for professional purposes. That doesn’t mean e-mail marketing is obsolete, but it does mean you have to be careful about what you’re communicating via e-mail, and how frequently.
Be authentic- As a population constantly bombarded with brands and advertisements, Generation Z prizes authenticity above else. They describe themselves as “loyal, compassionate and genuine” and expect the same in their communications.
Emphasize practicality- Gen Z spent their formative years in the great recession, so they tend to be frugal and outcomes-based. Focusing on practicality—like the value of a degree—can help keep prospects engaged.
Utilize Instagram- This is where you’ll find Generation Z on social media. They value “compelling micro-moments” that appeal to shorter attention spans and draw them in visually.
Top Reasons Why Gen Z Love Online Communication
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Here are some of the reasons Gen Z love communicating digitally:
Smartphones Have Become An Extension Of Their Bodies
Futurists such as Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurweil realised many years ago that mobile phones would eventually become “brain extenders.” Even in those early days, they saw how these devices could enhance a person’s cognition.
In 2021, their vision is now the norm. Data suggest that 65 percent of Gen Z and Millennials take their phones with them to the bathroom. A further 52 percent say that they regularly check their phones in the middle of the night. Two fifths say that it is perfectly acceptable for them to check their phones during family dinners.
Digital Communication Offers Convenience
Gen Z are also attracted to digital communication because of the sheer level of convenience that it offers. As a generation, they are accustomed to instant gratification - getting what they want from the digital realm immediately. 73 percent of Millennials, for instance, say that they will give up on a brand if it doesn’t provide them with answers in 10 minutes or less. And a further two out of five say that they will switch to a different brand after just five minutes. Digital communication tools allow them to contact relevant parties quickly instead of having to wait in a call centre queue.
Online Texting Is Less Stressful
Many young people find the prospect of a regular voice call stressful on a psychological level, which is another reason they are so keen to seek out digital channels. All the way back in 2014, texting had become more common among people under the age of 50 than calling. And now that process has accelerated to the point where the vast majority of all digital communication is in written form.
This transition from voice to text is happening for a range of psychological reasons, but they mainly relate to stress. Texting is easier for a number of reasons:
The person on the other end can’t hear your tone of voice
You don’t have to keep the conversation going and fill pauses
You can do other things while you text to maximise your time
You don’t have to worry about background noises or poor reception
You get time to think about your answers
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munozchristiansen46 · 2 years
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ajaykhannasblog · 3 years
Important information about Online KBC Game for All KBC Lovers
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In this fundamental course we will rigorously zero in on the progressive game demonstration of India and this blog is uniquely for the admirers of the live show Amitabh Bachan as each Indian organization client you can be remembered for the KBC Winner 2021 rundown consequently. Assuming you need to check the champ list 2021 I will disclose the whole methodology to you all in the most little difficult way. Every one of the true records and information is accessible on our site for your ease. We give plenty of new refreshed victor’s records with bio-data.
Greetings to the companions of the comrades of companions of the partners the current affairs and general knowledge questions are crucial in the Online KBC Game. The show's premise is really straightforward: each contestant must reply to the host's question. The reward money will be awarded to the person who provides all of the correct responses. A number is a mystery code number issued to you by our authorities that assists you with becoming an intriguing client and when you participate in our game show and become a lucky client and win a reward, this lottery number aids you with collecting your prize money efficiently.
How to boost your chances to become KBC Winner 2021?
I'm pointing to KBC's devoted hopes for a simple manner to enter your name in this game show without any type of registration via hotline numbers for participation. This game is linked to all organizations, and your sim card flexible number can be added to the KBC Winner 2021 list. If your mobile number isn't listed in the victor display, you may contact us using our authority hotline number.
Every day, you will be picked in the Online KBC Game as a result of this game redirection. The winner will receive a lottery reward of Rs. 25 lakh. The individual will also receive much more endowments from their prestigious organization. The organization recommends that you re-energize your card every day in order to increase your chances of winning the reward. One of the most well-known groups is KBC. This is incredibly useful when choosing KBC champions for the winners.
How KBC followers can registered themselves via Mobile phone?
Individuals who have reacted to the enrollment questions precisely and have been shortlisted by the randomizer subordinate on certain pre-characterized reservation measures will be reached, telephonically, for extra assessment. Without a point of reference for the verifiable scenery of KBC Winner 2021, the tryouts including a Common Information test and video settlement will be coordinated exclusively by implies of SonyLIV. After the online tryouts, personal gatherings will be coordinated of the shortlisted candidates through video calls.
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The whole choice cycle will be done online because of the cross-country lockdown forced to stop the spread of the novel Covid.
What are the technical aspects of KBC gameplay?
K.B.C game is additionally accessible for download you can download it on your computer. Now android version of this gameplay has been introduced quite recently it’s a piece of really good news for the contenders. You can play these games on the off chance that you might want to appreciate being in a tough situation. This offers an opportunity to win 7 crores through the game actually like the typical game. Kaun Banega Crorepati is patched up a little by adding 14 inquiries rather than the ordinary 15 and this game does likewise.
KBC web amusement is exceptionally much just like the standard interface amusement. You'll be postured 12 requests to form a tycoon. You've got 4 potential answers, 30 seconds clock and you'd moreover be outfitted with 4 lifesavers to assist you to win 1 crore. You ought to be selected to play the amusement online for nothing. So required for all bury and purposes to be on KBC and get that vibe? You'll be able to begin at Play Virtual Online KBC Game. You would like to do a one-time selection with the cycle which would start your play. This will cause you to feel simply are playing KBC with A.B and those who do not cherish it.
I tried to cover most aspects of this diversion and if you want more informational write-ups you can show your desire by leaving your message in the comment box.
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Best Oregon Coast Shopping Antique Stores
Cannon Beach is pure pleasure to explore, whether you're a client or only a browser. Contemporary portray, sculpture, blended media, jewellery and more from native and nationwide artists. Domestic & worldwide wines & specialty meals in Nye Beach Oregon Coast shopping since 1998 https://oregonsnorthcoast.com/.
Wondering where you’ve heard the town title “Tillamook” before? Taste the answer at theTillamook Cheese Factory, the place samples of cheddar, cheese curds and delectable ice cream demand a cease. All along the coast, dozens of Oregon state parks provide great spots for hikers and campers. Favorite parks for tenting embrace Fort Stevens and Nehalem Bay (both on the north coast) and Honeyman on the central coast.
The Heron's Nest features a big number of presents, collectibles and souvenirs for all ages. Also it’s Christmas 12 months-round at The Heron's Nest with traditional and beach theme decor and gifts for the vacations.
Nye Cottage offers up beads, beading provides, playing cards, books, and presents. It lately moved only a wee bit up the street to 258 NW Coast Street, # I. Newport Tile Works is an artisan tile studio with handcrafted photographs impressed from the shore and the garden. These individualistic tiles are excellent as accent items or for full bathroom, kitchen, or home installations.
Cannon Beach galleries are caught within the '80s, rife with bronze bear sculptures and rainbow sunsets. For anyone able to vomit on that next watercolor of Haystack Rock, Archimedes is not a lot a breath of recent air as a hallelujah chorus. Limited-edition prints show Darth Vader blowing an epic bubblegum bubble or Dan May's depressed storybook creatures, which will look familiar to anyone who's attended a Portland road honest.
The Kite Company is positioned immediately on Highway 101 in Newport. For a style of the dramatic Oregon coastline, drive 10 miles (sixteen km) west of Tillamook to Cape Mears, the first stop on the popular Three Capes Scenic Drive. Enjoy Cape Lookout and Cape Kiwanda before rejoining Highway one hundred and one a few half-hour south of Tillamook. Cannon Beach, 20 minutes further down the highway, can appear a world away, with a laid-again, artsy seashore-city vibe that compels visitors to take it gradual — particularly when the solar is setting behind picturesque Haystack Rock.
This store is Anthropologie-meets-Macys, with a classy seaside fashion. Offering two levels and 6,000 sq. feet, you may savor a visible feast of housewares, furniture, work, clothes and jewelry. The art of interiors is on lovely display in each detail, with each room staged in such comfy magnificence and refined design that you will wish to cozy up and transfer proper in.
Where to Shop?
Monthly author visits, annual e-book festivals and other occasions are provided as properly. World of Gifts in Seaside is the place buyers can discover a large choice of odds and ends as well as trinkets and souvenirs.
features a rainbow of gemstone jewellery from the whimsical to the elegant, in addition to crafts and artworks by a wide range of artists. Glass artwork, bronze and wood sculpture, and metal wall hangings are additionally specialties of the house. For extra data on Nye Beach, see For extra info on Newport, see Beach Connection's digital tour of the area. The items at Toujours Toujours Boutique is a hub of exotic, eclectic, energizing, thrilling pure fiber clothing and accessories for girls, often with a world flair and all the time distinctive.
Seafood carry items to remind you of the bounty of Oregon's ocean and river sources.
Pick up your java at Waves of Grain Bakery (3116 S Hemlock St.; 503.436.9600), which serves domestically roasted Sleepy Monk coffee—along with delectable cinnamon rolls and sticky buns.
Well thought to be the whale watching capital of the Oregon coast, the western edge of Depoe Bay is outlined by a wonderful cliffside seascape that's excellent for recognizing whale spouts.
Surrounding Haystack Rock to the north and south, a white- sand beach invitations sunbathing, sandcastle constructing, and sometimes good conditions to fly a kite.
The organized interior makes the shop straightforward for you to navigate to the trinkets and treasures that you want.
Despite a relatively low inhabitants (less than 1,000 folks), Manzanita supplies plenty of cultural attractions together with stay music, which might usually be heard flowing via the streets. Manzanita additionally supplies a properly-stocked market and loads of places to spend the evening, together with the welcoming The Inn at Manzanita. If you occur to be visiting in September, particularly in case you are a dog owner, make sure to check out the annual Muttzanita Dog and Beach Festival. Inland and surrounding town, the Siskiyou Mountains provide a shocking backdrop and much more to explore.
The Aspirin Shop
Patrons of the Seaside Thrift Store will discover clothes, jewelry, collectibles, furnishings plus many American made and unique gadgets. Blue Bond Studio and Gallery options work by artist Blue Bond carried out in oil on canvas. Animals, people, still life, and surroundings footage delight guests.
Explore Places to Shop
Blue can also be a trainer, and enjoys passing on his huge knowledge to novices and skilled painters alike. The Westport Winery Tasting Room in Seaside presents wine, olive oil, vinegar and gourmand food tasting, plus a fantastic number of wine, decor and coastal gifts. Beach Books is a regionally owned guide retailer that includes best sellers and titles by regional authors.
The Blue Heron additionally presents a wonderful petting farm for the children to visit. If you are in search of a incredible place to eat lunch, attempt the Blue Heron Deli with fresh baked bread and do-it-yourself soups and salads. For a great coastal getaway with out the crowds, Manzanita encourages guests to benefit from the seashore nevertheless they like. Manzanita is a bit more sleepy than different towns on the coast, and this provides to the enchantment if you are looking for a spot to rest and loosen up.
The retailer shares more than 6,500 square ft filled with delta kites, dragon kites, field kits and critter kites. In enterprise since 1991, the retailer also supplies banners and flags.
Spirit of Oregon
The only beach scenes listed here are pop artwork prints from former REI designer and California surfer dude Erik Abel. It's snack time, and lucky for you this retail attraction, with two areas, offers a generous inventory of free samples and treats. Here in the heart of cranberry nation, lovely bogs line the panorama and a rich harvest historical past continues to grow. For nearly 50 years, this household-owned enterprise has created a bounty of cranberry-infused creations, together with candies, cookies, jellies and chocolates. Tradition still runs this show, where all candies are made by hand in small batches — from Oregon's very personal cranberry capital.
Bevens' Market & Deli
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Days 1-3, the journey begins
Day 1
On the morning of November the 5th, I woke up with a blocked ear and a severe lack of sleep. Unfortunately, coffee could only fix one of those problems. After getting dressed my wonderful girlfriend, Sarah, drove me to the Gold Coast airport where we met up with my Mum and Sister. After a tearful goodbye, I met with the rest of the students travelling on the same flight and at 7:00AM we boarded our flight to Cairns. The inital flight was one of comfort as I had a row to myself, listening to music in my one good ear and eating stale lolly airplanes while staring at the gorgeous Great Barrier Reef. I managed to fit in a session of Smash Bros. with Caleb before departing once more. The six-and-a-half hour flight to Narita airport consisted of me applying ear drops and watching an interesting anime on Netflix to pass the time. Upon arrival, I collected my belongings and bought an unlimited data sim to use on my phone for the month which only cost 6000 yen (Roughly 80AUD). After everyone was together we took the Keisei line to Narita station where we met up with the Leigh Sensei and the rest of the group. After giving our luggage to the Kirinoya Ryokan owner, Katsumata San, we took a short walk down the streets of Narita towards our ryokan, taking in the views along the way. After we arrived I was required to take off my shoes and wear slippers while walking along the hardwood (a very common practice in Japan) then into another pair while walking on the tatami mats. There was even a seperate pair just for the bathroom. After putting my bags away in the room I shared with Ethan, I went to the dining area and ate a delicious traditional dinner prepared by Katsumata-san’s family. Afterwards I went to bed to prepare for the next day.
Day 2
After a traditional Japanese breakfast of fish, nori, omelette, rice and miso, the group and I went to the scenic Narita-san park where we saw dozens of huge multi-coloured koi fish and visited a Japanese caligraphy mueseum and then to the Narita-san Shinshoji temple where we saw the locals praying with incense and money offerings. After the temple tour, I walked back to the Ryokan with Katsumata-san, making small talk (as best we could) about Narita and our lives. Katsumata-san was kind enough to have his son drive me to the local ENT clinic to get my ear looked at so I could avoid an infection. It turns out Katsumata-san’s son was a big fan of video games, which made making conversation a piece of cake. After getting my ear cleaned out I felt like a new man and was ready to tackle to rest of the tour. I was dropped off at the Aeon mall and met up with some of the boys to get some lunch and check out the shops. I finally got to try Mister Donut and it was so good that it has ruined all other donuts for me. After eating we wandered around, buying some bits and pieces here and there that would be useful on the tour, we began the lengthy walk back to the ryokan just as dusk was settling. After returning and eating the katsudon and side dishes prepared for us, Katsumata-san let us see his family heirlooms including a 100+ year old gun, a katana, the helmet of a samurai and some interesting wooden face masks which everyone got the chance to hold and take photos with. Once dinner was finished, Billy, Ethan, Caleb, Arnold and myself took a small stroll down to the local Family Mart where we bought some snacks and a few cans of the infamous ‘Strong Zero’ which had a 9% alcohol content. This was the first of our many mistakes that night… After returning to the ryokan we drank our drinks and definitely felt the effect kick in. The suggestion of a second trip to family mart was floated around until finally we left to buy some more drinks (Our second mistake). I couldn’t get over how cheap the food and drinks are in convenience stores in Japan. A 500ml can of alcohol was 220Yen, roughly $3AUD. After our final purchase my remaining memmories of that night seemed to dissapear as fast as the alcohol did…the last thing I remember was poorly organising my futon before falling fast asleep.
Day 3
My third morning began with two unclogged ears but one pounding headache, I guess I didn’t drink enough Pocari Sweat. After packing our bags we had a final traditional breakfast at the Kirinoya Ryokan, although I didn’t have the biggest appetite… After gathering my bags and walking to the station, the group and I then spent the rest of the day travelling north on a series of local trains towards the Tochigi Prefecture and eventually, Nikko via the Tobu Railways limited express line. After arriving in Nikko we struggled to get all the groups into taxis, they were probably frightened off by the big group of suitcase dragging gaijin. The remaining group took the local bus to the closest stop and then walked to the Turtle Inn which we were staying at. I was rooming with Oliver and Caleb this time in a small tatami room with futons. After settling down our things, we all went to explore the local scenery, including the Kanman-ga Fuchi Abyss which follows the Daiya River. This path was lined with jizo statues which adorned pink knitted caps which were supposed to help them in the afterlife. The scenery was astoundingly beautiful and I could tell that would be a common theme in Japan. After walking through the path and taking lots of photos, we went to the vibrantly red Shinkyo Bridge which was built in 1636 and stretched across the Daiya river. After taking a small tour through halls of the Kanaya Hotel (the oldest western-style hotel in Japan) and viewing its rich history of famous guests, we went to Gusto’s Diner for dinner. I had the 'Meat on Meat’ special which was exactly what you’d expect it to be. After dinner, Ben, Leigh, Matt, Arnold and myself went back the the Kanaya Hotel and paid a visit to the bar. While the vibe and setting was very appealing the service was less than kind and came with a high price tag. A fun experience with some good company but I probably wouldn’t go back. After drinks the five of us made our way back to the Turtle Inn and shared stories in the lobby until the late hours of the night. It was a good chance to get to know everyone. Afterwards we went to bed to rest for the big day ahead.
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How to Choose a Wedding Photographer
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The photos from your big day will be an ageless keepsake of a genuinely uncommon day. Wedding picture takers can be extravagant, have practical experience in various styles, and offer an assortment of levels of administration. Picking a wedding photographic artist takes cautious idea and thought about what kind of pictures you need to archive your big day. Do a lot of research and meeting various applicant before settling on your decision.
Choose what style of wedding photography you like. There are various styles of wedding photography, and various picture takers will work in various styles. Set aside some effort to find out about and find out about the various styles and consider which one suits you best. A portion of the principle wedding photography styles are as per the following:
Customary, or exemplary: here a picture taker will work from a 'shot lean' to ensure that they catch all the conventional pictures, and those the couple have explicitly mentioned.
Photojournalism: this is all the more a narrative style, where the photographic artists will tail you and take less 'presented' pictures, rather attempting to recount to the tale of your wedding in a typical naturalistic style.
Illustrative photography: this style is a mix of the initial two. It incorporates presented pictures, however there is more accentuation put on loose and casual stances, but still with cautious piece.
Design: this style will in general be more sensational than the others, and will cause the subjects to show up progressively stylish and styled.
Start looking early. Booking your wedding picture taker ought to be one of the main things you do after you have booked your scene. Wedding picture takers are sought after, particularly in the busiest occasions of year for weddings, and a considerable lot of the best ones will be reserved a year ahead of time.
In the event that you are having an out-of-season wedding, or getting hitched on a Sunday, a top picture taker will be simpler to discover at moderately a surprising bit of news.
For weddings at the most well known occasions, take a gander in any event a year ahead of time.
For weddings at less prominent occasions, a half year may be sufficient.
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Request individual proposals. The best wedding picture takers will in general build up a notoriety, and might be known locally to your companions are family. Start your pursuit by asking individuals you know and trust in the event that they have any suggestions, either through close to home understanding, or informal. Converse with individuals you realize who have hitched over the most recent couple of years and get some information about their experience.
On the off chance that a companion suggests the picture taker she utilized for her wedding, solicit to look the collection from photographs.
Remember that individuals have various tastes and thoughts for what makes great wedding photographer click here.
You can likewise ask some other experts you are procuring to take a shot at your wedding. A wedding organizer will have amazing contacts.
Abstain from procuring family or companions. It might be enticing to contract someone you know to be your wedding picture taker. You might be drawn towards procuring somebody you trust, who knows you and your accomplice well, and you think will comprehend what sort of pictures you need. While this may turn out superbly well, all things considered, this individual won't have the specialized aptitudes and experience to give you the best photos.
Consider if this individual has the specialized information of light and photography to foresee and rapidly right any issues that may happen.
Inquire as to whether she has an extra camera of high caliber.
Does she have experience working with enormous gatherings of individuals?
Would she be capable and glad to go through throughout the day, possibly 8-12 hours, behind the camera and not taking an interest in the wedding as a visitor?
Search on the web. An extraordinary method to scan for wedding picture takers is to look on the web. There will be countless individuals publicizing their administrations, so consider how you can center your inquiry all the more intently and tight down the outcomes. Search for individuals with a lot of understanding and loads of data about themselves and the photography they produce. You ought to likewise hope to check whether they work with an aide or solo.
You can scan for individuals in a particular area, similar to your city.
Search for picture takers as indicated by their specific style.
Consider your spending limit and focus on the rates cited by the different picture takers you find on the web.
Analyze a picture taker's online nearness. Similarly as with anyone promoting themselves on the web you should contemplate how they present themselves. Attempt to discover audits of the individuals you are keen on via looking for their names. You ought to be wary of audits and be set up to make up your very own psyche, however information should you have as much as possible.
Be mindful of being affected too intensely by pictures on the site of a photographic artist.
In spite of the fact that this is an extraordinary method to get a vibe of the picture taker's work, there have been examples where individuals have taken or purchased photographs taken by another person, and displayed them as their own.
Attempt to look into the up-and-comers completely to maintain a strategic distance from any potential tricks or deceives.
Make a waitlist. When you have experienced the profiles and seen a portion of the photography of various wedding picture takers, you have to limit this down to a sensible number. At that point you can mastermind to meet, meet, and investigate the arrangement of your picked not many. Contemplate who you need to meet, and think about what components are most essential to you.
It very well may be difficult to pass judgment on someone from a site, however you ought to attempt to get an image of their character, just as their specialized aptitudes and individual style.
Consider whether you need contemporary, narrative, or maybe design style photographs.
Consider including someone on your waitlist who is a little over your financial limit. It could be helpful exercise to assess what every picture taker accommodates the cash charged.5
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klein42kaya · 2 years
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Hermes Silk Scarf Replica Silk used to be extremely regarded being a lush material that merely the wealthiest ought to put on. Available in many designs, supplies and patterns, pajamas could be chosen in accordance together with your necessities. wikipedia scarf Because in distinction to different sellers who're simply drop-shippers, we manufacture our personal replicas and assure that our replicas are the best obtainable anywhere. If you’re serious about buying your first replica purse, let me simply say welcome. I’m throwing you a mini celebration in my head for you. There is so much information on the market that you have to know. This is definitely one of the most well-known and most copied models, a great piece of Hermes History. Silk scarf named ‘Eperon d’Or’, designed by Henry D’Origny and issued the primary time in 1974. The silk printing system utilized by Hermes makes it possible to breed very elaborate prints even in the smallest particulars. Thanks for the sharing of such data we'll pass it on to our readers. This is among the useful publish.I like your blog simplicity.This is amongst the developed and good post.Good info. Kizi one hundred le ofrece sólo lo mejor te escojan juegos en línea free of charge. Play all the highest rated friv4school, friv flash games right now. Bloxorz online the objective is to tumble a rectangular block via every stage and deposit it into the sq. gap on the end. According to the pictures offered on the positioning every thing was good. But when it arrived I realised that it's much lighter than an genuine one even before I opened the packaging. I put the headband on the scales and the burden was fifty two gr. There must be a copyright “ ©HERMÈS” mark with the “C” in a circle with the word Hermès–NOT “Hermes-Paris’. Again the second ‘e’ must have a French accent mark. The composition of an Hermès scarf is a crucial consider determining its authenticity. To make their scarves, the model uses 100 percent silk loomed in-house and a blend of wool, silk or cashmere however by no means polyester. The scarves shall be lightweight and silky in feel and will all the time maintain shape. Is an official stockist for all Low Price Swiss Watches listed on this web site. Is a quantity one retailer of Swiss Replica Chanel , and is also essentially the most visited impartial watch website. We think that true well being requires the care of each the body and the thoughts, so diet, train, and lifestyle are all topics that we are interested in. Real leather and alloy buckle Color because the picture in all cloth international locations, engravings and accessorie.. This very easily reversible belt combines two iconic supplies - Damier canvas for casual class a.. https://phoenet.tw/replica-scarfs-shawls/hermes-scarves-replica.html Fake Hermes Scarf HJ01205 style, take a glance at this superb Hermes Scarves! Fake Hermes Scarf HJ01148 type, check out this superb Hermes Scarves! Copy Hermes Scarf HJ01102 fashion, take a glance at this amazing Hermes Scarves! High Quality Designer Hermes Scarves In Stock!!! You're in the best place for reasonable Hermes Scarves. The information which you have provided is better than one other weblog. You will discover lots of approaches after visiting your submit. Good writing article writing you may have shared with us . Alot of blogs I see today don't really provide something that I'm excited about, however I'm most definately fascinated in this one. Just thought that I would publish and let you know. Slim, ’40s-meets-’70s suiting with a preppy, Japanese vibe appeared in collections far and wide. Later, actress Grace Kelly, then engaged to Prince Rainier of Monaco, is alleged to have used certainly one of these bags to hide her pregnancy in the course of the Nineteen Fifties. Because she was photographed continuously, the coverage catapulted her purse to international popularity. In 1977, Hermès formally renamed the model for her, and the Kelly bag was born. 2021 New Replica Fake Hermes 140CM Scarf HJ02119, take a look at this superb Hermes Scarves! 2021 New Replica Fake Hermes 140CM Scarf HJ02118, try this amazing Hermes Scarves! 2021 New Replica Fake Hermes 140CM Scarf HJ02117, take a look at this superb Hermes Scarves! 2021 New Replica Fake Hermes 140CM Scarf HJ02116, check out this wonderful Hermes Scarves! 2021 New Replica Fake Hermes 140CM Scarf HJ02115, take a glance at this superb Hermes Scarves! Replica Hermes Handbags Online Store © 2022 Designer Replica Hermes Handbags Store, Hermes Replica Online, Replica Hermes Belts.
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dayquercus · 3 years
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example (internship as travelling as working holiday , a stipend would be better or to cover the travel fees) paid psychology research participants if I could get paid 20 quid an hour for tutoring , may(100%) never be STEM (? kind mum asked me how much , suggested it depends on her for I don’t have a brain for business) ; _ 20.10.21 
‘maison de moggy’ - daytime 🐱 . late night cafés - 9pm / 12am - humans . “american diner vibe” ‘twin peaks’ demo discovering series : Mindhunter 🤔 …. science fiction , old time Fringe (intelligence) ;
“ It costs £13 per year and you can pay by debit or credit card. There’s no charge if you’re a volunteer. If you are in the process of getting a standard or enhanced DBS check. (free upgrade with gratitudes , 3 jobs , still aiming for that ….) (experience / resilience / intervention / criminal offenders) must have a very high level of confidence in interviewing vulnerable person and must have excellent speaking and comprehension skills. have insight into the ethics of working with vulnerable groups. Students will be required to undertake Protection of Vulnerable Groups clearance prior to the project beginning. should also have experience with, or a high motivation to learn qualitative methodologies, potentially including grounded theory or Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. focuses on understanding the social and emotional development of children and adolescents currently in residential care. To date we have observed some of the young people interacting with their carers and teachers and coded their attachment (secure, insecure, and three types of disorganised) to them. We have also carried out interviews with the adolescents and coded them for a range of themes. We plan to continue this work and add to it by engaging the young people in a range of hands-on interactive tasks. Specifically, these will tap emotional recognition, emotional understanding, relationships and attachments to others (e.g., biological parents, strangers, peers). (love to developmental psychology) explore links between the adolescents’ attachment to their carers and other aspects of their lives. It may include carrying out speech analyses, attachment coding, coding of emotion recognition tasks and transcriptions of already conducted interviews. In addition, students may collect additional data via an online platform. the (assumed/perceived) mental health outcomes of clients (anonymised; taking confidentiality and professional restrictions of disclosure into account), and wellbeing of the practitioners. Participants will be experienced therapists in the UK, recruited via social media and mental health organisations, who would need to be HCPC registered. ” conclusion : qualitative research > quantitative research (data coding : not with sadistic numbers)
0 notes
gary--martin · 3 years
The folks setting examples
To follow on from my prevous post, I have put together a list of some of the organisations that particularly stood out for me, and have helped shape my thinking, and therefore shape Third Nature. Resonate Resonate is a co-op streaming platform that works on a pay for what you play model. They have a 9 point manifesto that calls for a fairer, transparent internet where people own their own data, and co-own the platforms they use. Resonate's model encourages more active listening, resisting the urge to treat music as nothing more than audio wallpaper. And for consumers they claim that through their pricing model, on average it turns out cheaper to pay for what you play. It allows artists to not only own their work, but co-owning their networks and the platform itself, allowing them to set the terms on which to distribute their art. At Third Nature, artists will be encouraged to use Resonate in addition to Bandcamp for recorded music releases. Ampled I wasn’t quite sure what Ampled was when I first came across it, but the keywords floating around on their website drew me in: 'co-op' 'ownership' 'transparent' 'equitable' 'ethical' 'community'. On closer inspection I found out that it is a platform that works similarly to patreon (but for music projects only), where fans/supporters can subscribe to your account/channel paying a monthly fee you set. In exchange you provide access to exclusive content. There is a great artist guide that gives you an idea on what to offer and for how much, and how to even announce your use of the platform. It is suggested that you don't use this as a platofrm to release your 'main' content, but supplementary works or behind the scenes insights to your projects. We can't really use this platform as a label, but I have an account for my personal music project which I intend to use more in the coming months after my next two releases. I will also obviously share this platform with other members of the label and encourage its use if they have plans to share supplementary content.
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The final note about Ampled is that I met virtually with one of its co-founders, Austin Robey, to learn a little more about the platform and what a co-op was. I stumbled across Ampled through an article in the Creative Independent written by him, called 'How to start a cooperative'. This was super inspiring, and I was reading the article, it was describing all these things I wanted to get from this project. The call with Austin was also very helpful, and at that time it was also just really great having a conversation with a stranger. When I was discussing my vague plans for the project he mentioned that what I was describing was a co-op label - and told me to look up Dreams of Field Recordings... Dreams of Field Dreams of Field Recordings is an artist-managed cooperative record label run by The Hotelier, Emperor X, and other artists who join the cooperative. The label runs with the following three principles baked into their operations. NON-PROFIT MOTIVE: 100% of the label profits must be reinvested into member-artists and their releases. DEMOCRACY: Major decisions will be made by a board of all artists signed to the label on a consensus basis. RANSPARENCY: Label financial statements, including a list of all label/artist revenue and costs, are available to the public above. I watched their webinar which was livestreamed on Youtube, and now available on their website. They lay out how they intend to operate, holding their hands up to things they don't know, and give some links to organisations that explain the legalities of setting up a co-op (albeit in USA). They also mentioned that they wanted to see more co-op labels being set up and discussed the idea of them being connected via a co-op of co-ops. As if I could get a more direct sign to start a co-op label!
Spirit Level Spirit Level don't really tie themselves down to the focused definition of a label anymore, and I'm not sure they operate as a cooperative, but they are certainly an artist-led collective that release music, and share many of the values that the other orgs liste above have. Their 'about' is a click through list of statements about what they ARE and ARE NOT, giving a more mysterious and vague vibe about them. And beyond their music releases it was a little difficult to find out what they get up to, partly because they don't have social media accounts (hmmm, might check in with them about this). However I did find an article on Medium that did a kind of wrap up / look back to projects they have worked on and published. I really like their 'quiet' vibe of just getting on with doing stuff rather than shouting about it constantly. And they also work on projects beyond straight EP/Album releases, which is something Third Nature will encourage also. As the use of platforms is so carefully considered at Third Nature, perhaps it may be important to create some sort of doc for prospective artists so they can understand why this is, explaining each of the platforms and how they operate.
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enterprisepoint · 3 years
News reports and useful tips on POS and POS System Solutions.
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. The coffee shop where the baristas seem happy to serve you. The bar where you always feel welcome after a long day’s work. Or the restaurant that always delivers on-time and throws in some extras.
The ideal customer for your business is the one who comes back time and time again. When it comes to getting people in the door, it’s always easier to get someone back then to find brand-new customers. Retaining an existing customer is five times cheaper than acquiring a fresh face. Loyal customers are also much spendier—averaging checks that are about 67% higher than a first-timer. Growing a loyal customer base is a key to growing your business and keeping it profitable year-over-year. But how do you get people back in the door? The most important thing is a solid customer retention strategy.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
What is customer retention?
Customer retention refers to a restaurant’s ability to retain, or keep, the existing customers that it has. Rather than spend all of your time (and money!) trying to put new people in seats, a customer retention strategy seeks to spend time bringing existing customers back.
How do you measure customer retention?
Customer retention is measured by a customer retention rate. Simply, your customer retention rate is determined by active customers at the end of a certain period (a month or a quarter), minus customer acquired and divided by how many customers at the end. Here’s a formula, courtesy of HubSpot:
Customer Retention Rate = ( (# Customers at End of Period – # Customers Acquired During Period) / # Customers at Start of Period) ) X 100
Say you have 100 regular customers at the start of the year, gain 40 new customers, and have 10 regulars churn, or not return. ( (130 – 40) /10 ) ) x 100 = 90% retention, which would be insanely good. A 2015 study found that nearly 70% of customers don’t return to a restaurant after their first visit, putting the average restaurant customer retention rate at about 30%.
Why is customer retention important?
Customer retention is important because it measures how good your restaurant is at making your customers happy and bringing them back in the door (or ordering delivery). Customer retention is one of the most cost-efficient ways to grow your business. A study conducted by Bain & Company determined that a 5% increase in customer retention rate can lead to an increase in profits from 25% to 95%. It’s a large range, but even at the low end a significant amount of money back into your business.
Simple customer retention strategies for restaurants
Collect customer information (and use it!)
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One of the most important steps in building your customer retention strategy is the collection of customer information. Once you have access to a guest’s contact info, it creates the opportunity to reach them via email or text and let them know about special offers, new menu items, changing hours, and more.
The simplest way to collect customer data in a quick-serve or fast-casual restaurant is to have customers supply it on a sheet of paper at the register. Once every few days, add that info to a spreadsheet of customer relationship management software like Constant Contact or HubSpot. Many restaurant website builders also allow you to put a sign-up form on your website. The basic information you should be collecting is first and last name, phone number, and email address.
It may sound a little easier than it is, as people aren’t always willing to give you their information. To make sure you are successful, give them a good reason to. Let them know what to expect and entice them with exclusive deals or early access. This applies to in-person asking as well as online forms. You have to earn it!
For full-service restaurants, many POS or reservation systems can also help collect data for you. Restaurant software like SevenRooms and ResyOS have deep capabilities that can even save diner preferences, like their favorite table, drinks, and more. The most important thing, however, is that you have a means of getting in touch with your customers when they’re not sitting down.
Recommended Reading: How to Boost Customer Retention with Your Restaurant’s Online Marketing
Engaging Social Media Accounts
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Chances are your guests will interact with your restaurant on their phones more often than they will in person. It’s essential that your restaurant’s social media presence is one that people want to follow. This means having a strategy of intentional posting and a content plan. Use our guide to help create a posting schedule and strategy that will highlight your food, team culture, and the overall vibe of your restaurant. Once you have a strategy in place, here are two great ways to make the most of your social accounts:
User-generated content
You don’t have to take every picture that you post on your feed, nor should you. Take a look at what your diners are posting and tagging you in, and with their permission, repost them. This is called User Generated Content (UGC), and it’s an excellent means of engaging your customers and converting them into ambassadors for your restaurant. It also gives existing customers an incentive to post—who doesn’t love a shoutout?
The rules of engagement
Your social content strategy is nothing without engagement from your customers. To help spur engagement, comment on and like any posts that tag your restaurant. This doesn’t have to eat up your time, either. Set aside a few minutes each day during downtime to check in on your restaurant’s social media accounts and respond to any comments, direct messages, and comment on/like any new posts. This includes the less than positive ones, if there are any. According to a study by Thanx, customers who get a response to their feedback are 22% more likely to return to your business. It’s a low effort-high impact way to get people coming back.
Recommended Reading: Simple Restaurant Marketing Plan for 2020
Reward Their Loyalty
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Customer loyalty programs have been around for a while, but they’ve seen tremendous growth over the past few years thanks to the restaurant industry’s digital evolution. And the stats back it up. According to a study from Accenture, loyal consumers spend an average of 66% more than their “non-loyal” counterparts. More than half of loyal customers (55%) will recommend your business to their family and friends. 12% would publicly defend your business on social media. A customer loyalty program is a surefire way to entice your guests to return, not churn.
The great thing about implementing a customer loyalty program is that it is only as complex as you make it. Here are two ways to set up customer loyalty:
Go lo-fi with simple punch cards
One tried-and-true way to get customers back is a simple punch-card. This can be for hot beverages like coffee, pastries, or other small items. Don’t be afraid to get creative, either; King David’s Tacos in New York City has punch cards for breakfast tacos—buy 10 get 1 free. Punch cards are cost-effective, too. With some simply-designed business cards and a hole punch, you’ll be on your way to higher customer retention.
Implement a digital loyalty system
Digital loyalty systems are also an increasingly popular option. Usually integrated via your POS, digital programs give a lot of flexibility as to how customers can receive rewards. They can be based on a spending threshold (spend $50, get $5) or an item threshold (buy 5, get 1). Digital programs are also useful for automating things like customer birthdays—who doesn’t want a free treat on their day?
As for setting it up, many POS systems have loyalty programs that integrate right in and can track customers spending via email, phone number, or even the card they use to pay. Here are a few POS companies that offer loyalty systems:
Great food and even better service
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“Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard.”
In his bestseller Setting the Table (a book everyone in hospitality should read), Danny Meyer graced us with some of the best advice there is when it comes to having a successful restaurant.
You can do everything that we mentioned above, but if your service or food is not up to standards, customers are not going to come back. In a recent study of restaurants by Deloitte, they found that what customers value most in a restaurant is friendly and hospitable employees. The second most important? Feeling empowered to make choices and having feedback valued.
A great staff starts from the hiring process and continues on through proper training and performance evaluations. Your staff, too, needs to feel engaged and empowered to do their job quell in order to succeed. Customer loyalty is formed with positive experiences. You can’t provide that to guests if your staff is not engaged as well. Make sure that both sides of the equation are balanced
Recommended Reading: Employee Engagement Best Practices for Restaurants
It applies to delivery, too
The recent reliance on delivery doesn’t mean that service is not as important as dine-in. You can provide excellent delivery service as well. Is it someone’s third order in a week? A handwritten card or free cookie goes a long way in making them think of you when they open up their phones to order in again.
Closing thoughts: Simple Customer Retention Strategy for Restaurants
At the end of the day, the customers that make or break your restaurant are the ones who come back time and time again. They’re the ones who post on social about you and suggest your restaurant to their friends. These simple strategies for customer retention will help you keep your customers coming back.
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D.J. Costantino
Hi! I’m D.J., 7shifts’ resident Content Writer. I come from a family of chefs and a background in food journalism. I’m always looking for ways to help make the restaurant industry better!
The above article was first published on this site.
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source https://www.enterprisepointofsale.com/simple-customer-retention-strategy-for-restaurants/
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edsenger · 3 years
User Testing from a Safe (Social) Distance
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Alt: A researcher doodle joins a video call from the couch, wearing a lab coat and bunny slippers. They say, “Can you hear me?”
Here at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters, we’re always stressing how important it is to test your health materials with your priority audiences. And during COVID-19, remote testing may be the only safe way to do it. So this week, dear readers, we’re sharing tips for successful remote user testing:
Work around WiFi barriers. Don’t let a lack of high-speed internet limit your pool of potential participants — there are ways around this common hurdle! You can talk to participants over the phone and avoid the internet entirely — or send session materials via snail mail to avoid screensharing issues. If your heart is set on high-speed internet sessions, try bringing the web to your participants! Find recruiters who can safely open their facilities for folks to join remote sessions. Or work with local community partners who can help provide internet access and distribute testing materials.
Mix up your methods. Now’s a great time to explore unmoderated forms of data collection, like a video diary activity or unmoderated click testing. Or try a mixed-methods approach with moderated and unmoderated activities — this will provide richer data and help you focus live sessions on your most important research questions.
Create a cozy remote environment. When possible, let participants join from whatever device they prefer — whether that’s a desktop, phone, or tablet. Do a tech check at the start of the session to make sure everyone’s comfy with the format. And take time to build rapport before diving into the subject matter. With the right approach, you can bring a cozy-living-room vibe to the sterile void of Zoom.
Plan ahead for success. Talk with your team about how you’ll troubleshoot throughout the session — like extending session times to account for technology problems, having someone on deck to help fix any issues that come up, or prioritizing your discussion questions in case internet woes cut your session short.
As you conduct remote studies, be sure to keep track of what does and doesn’t work for your team and priority audiences. If you don’t get it perfect the first time, you can apply your lessons learned to future studies!
The bottom line: Social distancing doesn’t have to ruin your user testing game — get user feedback with remote testing.
Tweet about it: #COVID19 throwing a wrench in your research plans? Don’t despair! @CommunicateHlth has tips to set you up for remote user testing success: https://bit.ly/3gVvHHZ #HealthLit
User Testing from a Safe (Social) Distance was originally published in wehearthealthliteracy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
User Testing from a Safe (Social) Distance published first on https://brightendentalhouston.weebly.com/
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jesseneufeld · 3 years
User Testing from a Safe (Social) Distance
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Alt: A researcher doodle joins a video call from the couch, wearing a lab coat and bunny slippers. They say, “Can you hear me?”
Here at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters, we’re always stressing how important it is to test your health materials with your priority audiences. And during COVID-19, remote testing may be the only safe way to do it. So this week, dear readers, we’re sharing tips for successful remote user testing:
Work around WiFi barriers. Don’t let a lack of high-speed internet limit your pool of potential participants — there are ways around this common hurdle! You can talk to participants over the phone and avoid the internet entirely — or send session materials via snail mail to avoid screensharing issues. If your heart is set on high-speed internet sessions, try bringing the web to your participants! Find recruiters who can safely open their facilities for folks to join remote sessions. Or work with local community partners who can help provide internet access and distribute testing materials.
Mix up your methods. Now’s a great time to explore unmoderated forms of data collection, like a video diary activity or unmoderated click testing. Or try a mixed-methods approach with moderated and unmoderated activities — this will provide richer data and help you focus live sessions on your most important research questions.
Create a cozy remote environment. When possible, let participants join from whatever device they prefer — whether that’s a desktop, phone, or tablet. Do a tech check at the start of the session to make sure everyone’s comfy with the format. And take time to build rapport before diving into the subject matter. With the right approach, you can bring a cozy-living-room vibe to the sterile void of Zoom.
Plan ahead for success. Talk with your team about how you’ll troubleshoot throughout the session — like extending session times to account for technology problems, having someone on deck to help fix any issues that come up, or prioritizing your discussion questions in case internet woes cut your session short.
As you conduct remote studies, be sure to keep track of what does and doesn’t work for your team and priority audiences. If you don’t get it perfect the first time, you can apply your lessons learned to future studies!
The bottom line: Social distancing doesn’t have to ruin your user testing game — get user feedback with remote testing.
Tweet about it: #COVID19 throwing a wrench in your research plans? Don’t despair! @CommunicateHlth has tips to set you up for remote user testing success: https://bit.ly/3gVvHHZ #HealthLit
User Testing from a Safe (Social) Distance was originally published in wehearthealthliteracy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
User Testing from a Safe (Social) Distance published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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