#vibey <3
quotidian-oblivion · 1 month
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Imma have uhhhhh- 🪙🪙 50 cents bet on Tim /j
Nope, sorry, your 50 cents are gone. Tim's one of the easier ones.
The most stressful characters I've ever written are actually the Joker and Arthur Pendragon.
The two are completely unrelated of course.
Joker - because I want to get his character right. I don't just want to write him off as another evil psycho character, I don't want to just simply write off any characters in any of my fics except those who have a minor or unimportant appearance. I want to present the Joker as the Joker. He's stressful because there are so many sides to him and so many interpretations and so much unpredictability. I haven't formed my clear opinion or expression on which Joker I believe is the best one, I just have a feeling of "yes" or "no" when presented with a version of the Joker.
Arthur Pendragon - because he just has too much going on with him 😅 I want to capture all his aspects and all his strengths and weaknesses, but he just has too much thanks to the show being all over the place with him. Instead of ignoring aspects from the show, I typically like to include everything canon says about the character then add a totally possible headcanon or twist the interpretation in a way which fits the version of the character I believe it should be. So in terms of Arthur, I take the aspects of the show then add a headcanon or twist the interpretation to present the version of Arthur I agree with. For example: There's a scene in the show where Arthur uses Merlin as a stepstool to climb on top of his horse. Now the whole fandom HATES this. Including me. So I added a headcanon of "Arthur and Merlin had a bet and Merlin lost so this was the result" and twisted the interpretation of him belittling Merlin as a humorous thing the show did into "Arthur isn't belittling Merlin but is actually smug and is taking delight in winning the bet against him because that's just how their relationship goes!"
So yeah lol. When it comes to Arthur, I actually have to stop and think before writing him XD
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WE FINISHED THE ASK FEST!!! This was the last one in my inbox! Thanks for taking part in this askfest with me Vibey <333 Hope you enjoy your asks ^^
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sleepis4theweak · 6 months
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love April 2003? Cause I love her
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seefasters · 11 months
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taz steeplechase ep 32 doodles
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llolianarchives · 10 months
Our little home is not appreciated enough so I shall take matters onto my own hands and spread self-indulgent ideas 😤😤😤 Behold! PS: I made something like this before so this is like a revised version.
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The Ramshackle Ghosts were each given personal names by the Prefect, corresponding to the ghost's existing letter.
This was done after Yuu got tired of calling them Ghost [insert letter of the alphabet] all of the time, whilst also adding to their individuality.
Why did the Prefect have to give them names? Don't they have names of their own? Well, they used to when they were still a part of the living. The ghosts still remember who they were and what they excelled at (such as being a chef or a magift player) but they cannot claim namesakes or identities as their own when they're already dead unless you harbored much significance when you were alive, recorded in history to not be forgotten such as Eliza.
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"Ghost A" is now "Archie" — very rough and tumble. He is a ball of ferocious, mischievous energy enough to rival Grim's own. Despite his size, Archie is quite the fighter. His first reaction to the Prefect's problems is to suggest that they duke it out headfirst! But in truth, he is plenty caring and easily fusses over Yuu and Grim's physical health (complete with dark humor). He teaches the duo sports whenever the opportunity arises. His extreme head ruffles are the silliest things.
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"Ghost B" is now "Bernard or Bernie" — who's full of joy and fun (maybe that's why he's so plump). He's always ready with a joke to brighten Yuu's mood, always eager to please Yuu and Grim by pampering them with already-in-the-house gifts or food. Spooky mischief is his favorite pastime. Yuu believes that he gives the best hugs and cooks the best food.
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"Ghost C" is now "Clyde" — who's generally a very laid-back and lax individual. Among the three, he's one of the wiser ghosts, always willing to set aside his tomfoolery for a heart-to-heart conversation with Yuu, giving advice and being an open ear. However, he still is, of course, a lover of mischief and spooks. (Note: Do not accept the “therapeutic” cigarettes he offers.)
The Ghosts are skilled at sewing clothes of their own (hence their tailored hats and capes). They were the ones who made Yuu and Grim's Halloween costumes, but they've also helped Yuu expand their wardrobe by using extra textiles and fabrics. The ghosts sew ribbons for Grim as well (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
They love oldies music. Stuff like ABBA, Don McLean, Micheal Jackson, Queen, John Lennon, The Smiths, Air Supply, The Carpenters— you name it!
They can also shift their voice into an exponentially low range, similar to Alto, Bass, and Baritone. Every now and then, they comically break into a chorus for fun.
Prior to the building's renovation post-VDC, 70% of its rooms were either barricaded still, or very unclean. Yuu and Grim, themselves, had yet to fully explore their dorm in fear of collapsing wood, nesting bugs, or hidden rats— things that they didn't want to deal with if they could help it.
A garden stands in the dormitory's yard, by the farther side of it. Yuu had taken up gardening sometime after BOOK 1. They discussed with Grim that walking back and forth to the canteen wasn't very efficient. It started small and expanded into bearing vegetables and fruits. Eventually, the prefect built an arch trellis for the vines to grow, bringing the whole look together. (Note: While the produce their garden grows does give them the opportunity to cook/ bake at home, their inventory still wouldn't last the entirety of the winter holidays. It also wouldn't be efficient to eat the same meals over and over.)
Birds like common sparrows, crows, and ravens tend to perch or nest on Ramshackle's barren trees. They're such a regular sight that Grim and Yuu have stopped trying to drive them away, instead welcoming them into the property.
Ramshackle, while seemingly unimpressive at first, does wield an aura of unease once you're indoors. When you're wandering the halls by yourself, it oddly feels as if you're being watched... Something vague might've peeked out from a corner. Or, did that painting just glance at you? It totally did. Are you mad? This feeling is increased tenfold in the evenings. Yuu and Grim were disturbed by this initially, but have come to accept it as the house's second nature. Ace, Deuce, and the VDC boys were also victims of this phenomenon.
When Yuu and Grim first began cohabiting in Ramshackle Dorm, the Prefect had given him an intense cat bath to wash away any grime, tangled-up fur, or Seven forbid... fleas.
Grim sleeps with Yuu on the bed but doesn't use the blankets, instead opting to curl up beside his henchman or lie flat on Yuu's stomach (much to their annoyance and Grim's amusement).
He pouts when Yuu is away for too long, concern and loneliness crawling underneath his skin because how dare his henchman leave their boss like this?!
Despite how much he complains about housework, gardening, maintenance, and such, he still tries his best to help out whenever Yuu works. It actually ends up being rather fun though.
The Headmage occasionally comes over for tea and chats with a box of whatever snacks he's managed to grab. Usually, however, it's only because Crowley has another heinous assignment for the Ramshackle Duo.
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taikanyohou · 11 months
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#Just Sung Ho laying his head on his boyfriend's Jun Sung's leg.
HIS MAN 2 (2023). Episode 9.
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bildads-shoes · 6 months
So Aziraphale, as Supreme Archangel, has the power to re-instate Crowley as an angel. What if Aziraphale is therefore capable of voluntarily making himself fall?
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 4 months
╰  🍊 ˚ ᴍʏ ᴛʀᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ ᴛʀᴏᴠᴇ. 🍯✨
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⩩ chippy being the mvp she is. 💘 happy galentine's indeed !! | 2.11.24
. . . we'll grow as we go 🌱 . . .
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( divider respects : @chachachannah + @4hyei !! )
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azurdlywisterious · 2 months
i should be sentenced to permanent fallout 76 loading hell for how often i give butch songs to sing that i know for a fact he would scoff at but im sorry butch u would sing bobby's part in the act 1 finale of urinetown i dont make the rules
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sundalion · 1 year
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I have this one picture of two frogs just chilling, and I like fricking love frogs so I was like hmmm and then I redrew it as turtles. Yeah. Yeah just have it shush look it’s the turtles, my thought process totally made sense shush
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jessfandrawer · 11 months
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Come and Get Your Hug #4: Groot Timelapse playlist (videos are posted on Mondays and/or Thursdays):
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 month
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
Imma jump around the list so it’s not going to be in order :D
Noooo problem! :) idm you jumping around
I can do both! Though it's been a while since I took notes or wrote long things by hand, so it's gonna cramp, but I can type but also write by hand and don't mind either. I've been writing since I was a smol and didn't have devices, so I'm used to writing by hand.
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rtnortherly · 3 months
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Finally made that other Tav based on this post
Went with archfey and based the whole story on the Näcken/Nøkken/The Neck/Nixie?? Basically this is Corwynn. They were destined to be a bard, but due to some mighty hubris, he thought it'd be a good idea to pick up some fey music skills, and it bit him in the ass. Now they can no longer sing, or play any music until thee fulfill the conditions set for him.
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gorillawithautism · 4 months
i'm getting "starbucks equivalent" for breakfast because my dumb brain won't let me make my own breakfast <3
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mackmp3 · 9 months
hihihiiii firstly your music taste is aweosme and I’ve been slowly wanting to get into the kinda genres you like so I was wondering if you’d be able to suggest some artists? Literally any, as many or as little as you want :D
oh my gosh thank you thats so sweet! i can absolutely recommend some artists! :D
first off, PJ Harvey my beloved, her most well known stuff is like grunge / punk blues type stuff, i love her more than i can express - good places to start with her are the songs Rid Of Me, Man-Size, Down by the Water, Sheela-Na-Gig, and the album To Bring You My Love which is one of my favourites ever ahhhhhhhnhnnghngn i love her so much <3
Radiohead, they're Very well known so chances are you already know some of their songs just from cultural absorption - their (arguably) best album is Ok Computer, but if you like it then the Bends is more alt-rock, Kid A is electronic/experimental, In Rainbows is sort of more acoustic but not really? but those are the best ones to start with
Talking Heads, new york new wave band, also Very well known but they have some bangers, especially some of their earlier stuff, the first half of The Name of This Band is Talking Heads is really really good
Einstürzende Neubauten are a German industrial band, a lot of their stuff is really not easy listening but Ende Neu is pretty good to start with, the first track might be a bit rough to start off but the rest is pretty chill
if you're into more chill indie-rock type stuff, Grandaddy are really good, they're sort of the origin of that sound like alex g has, also Neutral Milk Hotel, their album In The Aeroplane Over the Sea is peak indie music. also the Dunedin Sound is 80s90s indie rock from my country, you can find spotify playlists of that too but the soundtrack to the film Topless Women Talk About Their Lives is excellent primer on that if you're interested
shoegaze (& dreampop) are really good genres also, the spotify-made playlists for them are actually pretty good, but Souvlaki Space Station by Slowdive and loveless by my bloody valentine are good to start with
also the Beths are a super cool band from my country also, similar vibes to Bears in Trees
ooh and i just remembered, someone else asked me a similar question to this a while ago and i made this post and a playlist for them - my taste has changed a little since then but it's there if you'd like it!
i will always always give music reccomendations if you ever want anymore, or like specific songs or something, you seem pretty cool i hope you like some of this stuff hehe i know a lot of alternative music can be kinda intimidating to get into so i really hope this helps :) <3
(also i've been listening to dominion/mother russia by the sisters of mercy a lot recently it's a total banger hehe)
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lavampira · 2 years
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LON LAURIER. miskatonic university alum, curator at the providence museum of natural history and curiosities, and occult hobbyist.
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
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welp those done & over with. kinda dont wanna quick access the weekly just for the namecard challenges but also not sure if im in the mood to do the SQ today either...... since im p sure the mid fight cutscene will play normally even if ur doing quick access for a weekly :/
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