#vinny hong scenarios
sol-tani · 26 days
⟡ : asking them for money
pairings. og members of hummingbird crew x gn!reader/fem!r
genre. fluff, established relationships, prank
warnings. cursing, nose bleed (dom), minu’s is the only one that uses gendered terms.
✶ jay (jahyeon) jo
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✶ june (junsu) lee
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✶ vinny hong
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✶ minu yun
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✶ dom kang
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𖤓 – please let me know what you all think of this! I want to write more windbreaker content and this is to test the waters for more posts for the characters + I am almost caught up with the webtoon (I’m at pt.4 chapter 20 I think as of now) so perhaps more characters once I get closer to catching up.
© sol-tani — all content belongs to this blog, don’t steal, copy, repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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dorayakichan · 9 months
Scenarios: Fem!reader, flirting with Windbreaker characters and their reactions
a/n: Hi! This is my first Winbreaker x reader post on here, I hope you like it and I'm sorry in advance for any grammatical mistakes I may have made while writing this.
You had always had a thing for Noah since becoming part of the ‘Light Cavalry’. In the beginning, you thought it was just admiration for how good she was but over time, you had found your heart growing fonder of her everyday more and more.
As you started realizing that those feelings were not just admiration, you decided to try your chances. You knew she liked Owen, but maybe? Why not? What was there to lose? 
She was sitting down on the couch of your shared apartment, scrolling through different channels while you had just come out of your room to get a glass of water. 
As you had finally come to terms with your feelings you decided to use this moment as a chance. After getting the glass of water, you sat next to her on the couch extremely close, making the woman turn her attention from what she was doing to you.
“What?” she asked, eyes looking extremely bored at yours. 
Deciding against giving her an answer, you moved your hand to tuck the hair behind her ear. Glancing at her lips and then her eyes, face inching closer and closer, one of your arms moved behind her holding your body against the couch as you got even closer.
“You know Noah….” you whispered eyes never leaving hers. As hers started growing bigger, she tried to move away from the close proximity. “I’ve always wanted to tell you this….” Your body followed hers trapping Noah between the couch and you.
“You’re so so damn hot, I'd kill to have you be mine!” you finished whispering those words to her slowly, before getting up and walking away. Going inside your room and closing the door.
Leaving Noah, wide-eyed staring at your back as you closed the door. Were you joking? Was what you said true? Why did you leave like that? There were many questions, on her mind, as she stared into space trying to recollect every moment she had spent with you and every word said. Searching for signs…and that’s all you needed, her to start thinking about you.
“Guess this is going to be much more fun than I expected!” You said smirking as you were lying down on your bed.
During his stay in Korea, Harry had become obsessed with korean fried chicken. He would order it all the time and not eat anything else. Yes chicken is good and meat is healthy but too much of anything is still not good. 
So you decided to interfere, and although you knew how demanding and hot-headed he was, you couldn’t just let it be. But how were you going to do that? That's what you were not sure about. All you knew was that you had to do it one way or the other. As you heard the doorbell ring you knew what was coming so you ran to get the food before he could even get up.
After getting the chicken you saw Harry sitting on the dinner table ready. “What are you doing?” you ask him, acting as if you didn’t know. “Bring the food!” Harry, who wasn’t having it ordered impatiently. “Which food?” you asked, taking the plastic bag and sitting on the couch.
“I’m not in the mood for games, just bring the food already.” Harry got up striding with clear footsteps towards you. You opened the packaging and took one of the chicken legs. Immediately taking a bite. Harry was standing in front of your sitting figure with both arms crossed. “Ok I’ll give it to you.” you agreed standing up on the sofa. Although there was still some height difference between you and Harry even if the sofa was added you could reach him slightly at least. 
You took another bite, opened your mouth, and approached his face. “What do you think you’re doing now?”. You closed your mouth chewing and ingesting it. Harry's annoyed expression hadn’t changed from before as he looked at you. You smiled deviously: “If you want to eat it come and take it from my mouth.” You knew playing this way with Harry was going to end up annoying him more and he would leave but what you didn’t expect was that when you took the other bite Harry forcefully wrapped his arm around your waist yanking you closer and actually kissing you. 
His tongue entered inside your mouth as he steadily worked on taking the chicken bite from you when he finally pulled away your shocked expression made him smirk. “Don’t play like that with my food.” He warned you, taking the plastic bag full of chicken and leaving you replaying what had just happened again and again, unsure how to feel.
It had all started when everybody suggested staying at Vinny’s house with Shelly running to take a shower inside and meeting his mom. Now you were all eating sitting around the small table in Vinny's home. As you all talked and laughed the time went by and it was time to sleep.
When dividing the rooms Vinny’s mom gave you and Shelly hers as she claimed that she was going to work a night shift so she would not return home until the next morning. You and Shelly were lying down when you heard the door close shut and as if you had touched the on button Shelly immediately rose up from where she was lying. “What do you think the guys are doing?” 
“They might be getting ready to sleep,” you answered nonchalantly scrolling on your phone. “C’mon let’s go and see, It’s a sleepover, it will be boring if we don’t do something fun.” Shelly started begging you, nearly dislocating your shoulder from your arm as she pulled at it.
“Ughh, okay.” You followed her as you both went in front of their door. “Maybe we should knock fi….” But why even bother saying it in the first place Shelly didn’t let you finish, as she flew the door open revealing some of the guys half shirtless, staring wide eyes at you two. “Let’s play!” She went and sat right next to Jay not even glancing at anyone else. 
You all sat down to play truth or dare. As you sat next between Vinny and Dom the game started. Some rounds of truth and funny dares passed until your turn came. “Hmm, so what dare shall I give you?” Shelly pondered not even giving you the chance to decide, yet you didn’t mind you could also notice that the game was getting boring because most were avoiding the dares. “....” your eyes meeting hers waiting. 
“Make one of the guys next to you blush.” “What?” your unfazed expression changed into one of disbelief “Make one of these two blush?” you pointed at Dom and Vinny. Shelly nodded. “I wouldn’t….” Dom was about to say but was quickly cut off by you. “You better not finish that sentence or I'll tell Yuna what you just said.” You gave him a stern look. You were very supportive of them both being in a relationship and Yuna was your friend so no way in hell you were doing things like that to Dom. 
On the other hand, Vinny who was sitting on the other side was single so you didn’t mind. “Now Vinny come closer.” You ordered the boy an ounce of emotion in your tone of voice. He raised an eyebrow. As no one else talked. “Ughh..fine I’ll do it properly but don’t blame me if you fall for me after this,” you told him getting closer, your eyes changing as they stared at him seductively. As you got slightly closer one of your hands touched his which was on the floor. You lowered your eyes signaling for him to look as your fingers slowly started sliding up his arm reaching his shoulders, they didn’t stop there as they moved on his collarbone and then neck. 
Your eyes moved up meeting his gaze. The room was silent as you seductively smiled, grabbing his shoulder while pulling him closer. Your faces were inches apart and Vinny already seemed like he was caving in, but your goal was to make him blush. You moved your head, lips reaching his ear, you stopped, lips barely reaching his ear as your warm breath caressed his skin. “You’re very cute, do you know that?” you told him your voice barely above a whisper.
As you pulled away you saw as his ears had become red together with his face. He was not blushing; he had turned into a whole tomato. 
“This is annoying.” He got up leaving the room as fast as he could, making everybody in the room burst out laughing at his expression.
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megvmins · 1 year
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dumbass (affectionate)
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xxxdegenerate · 9 months
also send me requests!
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ayylovley · 3 months
Could you do some windbreaker characters with a fem s/o that likes to wear lolita dresses :) you can choose the windbreaker characters I can’t decide they are all so hot ^ - ^
Yess hope you enjoy ✨
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔵 𝔏𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔞 𝔣𝔢𝔪 ��/𝔬
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✧.* JayJo
Once he saw you for the first time he’s bug-eyed and curious. Normally your style isn’t common so you stand out a lot. Some people around you compliment you and ask where you got your outfits. Others are annoying and mean and want to make fun of you and sometimes it’s very subtle. But Jay is very observant and can see the talking shit behind your back, and he’s not going to have any of it. Even if he doesn’t know you that well your style grabbed his attention, so little by little he’ll start talking to you. Being one of the people that compliment you but something was different with him, his smile was warmer and his body language exposed slight interest. Whatever you wear is his excuse to talk to you, for example if you’re holding an umbrella on a nice day he wants to talk about your outfit and then ends up asking more questions.
Conversations become about what type of music you guys like, what artists, recommendations, anything you recommend he will listen to it once he’s at home while he’s studying. But he can barely concentrate because you’re on his mind constantly. The music turns into eventually exchanging phone numbers to talk more, Jay is trying to stay friends for very long though because a month later he asked you out. Now that you guys are dating anything you wear he loves, even looking up the Lolita style online to search for dresses and accessories and send you pictures of them ‘Do you like this?’ ‘This reminds me of you.’ ‘I think you’d look good in this one’
He’s more protective of you because ain’t no way he’s gonna let anyone make fun of you now. Warnings and threats can turn into physical fights because people are so petty. He teaches them a lesson though, and he’s extra romantic with you afterwards. He admires your confidence and how you embrace yourself he doesn’t want that to end. A confidence booster, for sure. He’s your biggest fan, probably wants to take pictures of you a lot. Even if he doesn’t show it, trust me he’s obsessed with you and wants to be around you every second of every day
(That was long idk what happened just brain meats poured scenarios out of my head)
✧.* Vinny Hong
(This got a bit angsty)
Ok Vinny isn’t going to be as… responsive to how he likes your style, but he still thinks it’s really cool. If you’re dating him since he’s poor he’ll feel guilt for not being able to afford to buy you more outfits but at least he can afford flowers that match the color of what you’re wearing that day on a date. Whatever he can’t afford, he comes up with a plan to give whatever he has. He acts cold but he genuinely cares about you and wouldn’t want to lose you for the world. If you’re still dating him when he’s rich that’s when he’ll spoil you. He doesn’t expect anything back he just wants you to be happy.
You won’t be able to see Vinny as much due to crew business, but once he makes time for you he doesn’t want to leave you. These times are actually the hardest because if he’s going through it he will want to hold you. No need for words when you finally see each other he just wants to be in your arms again. And once he has to leave again he is even worse than before, your smiles just give him peace and comfort again and he needs that more than ever.
✧.* Dom Kang
Dom is simping… you’re a goddess to him that whenever he sees you he gets flustered and embarrasses himself a little. He’s not shy about showing how much he loves you, random kisses, hugs from behind, lots of compliments. He likes to brag and show you off (didn’t mean to reference the Doja Cat song lmao) But seriously he does… Especially when you’re rooting for him during the tournaments and he wins. He’s proud of himself and especially when you shower him with praises and hugs. Watch him melt and turn into a puddle.
✧.* Shelly Scott
One of the most romantic characters and your biggest supporter. If you don’t pull the strings she does and a lot of the times being the flirty one. You got her attention with your stand outish style like Jay. She genuinely wanted to be your friend at first, but she fell first and she fell hard. You fell hard too from how her charismatic personality and caring so much was pulling you in. It’ll take a little longer to confess to each other because you both assume you might not be into girls. But with little hints from Shelly, it started with subtle flirting comments like “If you were my girlfriend I’d spoil you.”
Finally she got the courage for just one date and see how it goes. Pretty much by the second date you’re official. She’s a bit clingy but that’s just her way of showing that she loves you. When she was training hard twitch her dad to help Humming Bird unfortunately she couldn’t reach out to you much but would send occasional texts like ‘😚’ or the cutesy love gifs
✧.* Wooin Yoo
Wooin might fun of you… Especially when he met you, but in his head he thinks he looks good and he can think it’s pretty hot that you don’t care what people think. And just like Dom, I feel like he enjoys when you watch him during his races. But compared to Dom, Wooin is kissing his own ass, “did you see how awesome I am, babe?” So you’d probably be mostly quiet until he’s done talking about himself or notices that you’re not saying anything to hype him up and comments on it
If someone made fun of you that’s when his limit comes because only he can make fun of you. He doesn’t care who it is even if his crew were to make fun of you. Though that wouldn’t really happen because 1. They know Wooin would be pissed 2. They actually don’t care how you dress. Surprisingly when you spend more time with The Sabbath Crew they aren’t as mean as you thought. Well, compared to your own boyfriend. But really when it comes to Wooin he is on high alert when you’re out with him making sure no one is looking at you the wrong way
✧.* Joker
Joker is the quiet type. But he’ll make up with it with physical touch and kisses. Just like Wooin he can’t stand it when people talk shit. Except Wooin doesn’t get into fights unless he’s provoked to, Joker on the other hand is violent. So he isn’t giving any warnings he’s giving a punch to a face. If you tell him that you don’t like when he gets into fights he will just not do it in front of you
On the cutesy side of things you met his brother and he thought you were cool. And his new puppy might finally have a babysitter while he’s in tournaments if you’re ok with it. If not he can just take the puppy with him like usual. Now he has someone to gush over animals with.
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koiiiiijiii · 3 months
M A S T E R L I S T (editing)
navigation with my thoughts
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general headcanon | may insert any char.
jay jo
1) general headcanons
2) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
3) random
hong yoo bin
1) friend’s sister (dom’s sis! reader)
2) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
3) x gyaru! reader
4) love trope headcanons
5) sabbath x middle east! reader (plat.)
6) random
7) nightly rituals
sung kwon
1) perverted habits
dom kang
1) love trope headcanons
2) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
3) falling asleep
4) nsfw (links probably inactive)
5) tiktoks
min u
1) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
2) random
1) nsfw headcanons
2) tiktoks
3) x gyaru! reader
4) random
1) thwarted date
2) x hummingbird crew member! reader
3) nsfw (links incl)
4) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
5) nsfw (links probably inactive)
6) sabbath x middle east! reader (plat.)
7) random
1) platonic (x sis! reader)
2) peculiar thoughts (x drunk reader)
3) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
4) possessive wooin (lil bit yan! wooin)
5) falling asleep
6) nsfw (links probably inactive)
7) possessive!wooin short scenario
8) x vinny sis! reader headcanons
9) tiktoks
10) love trope headcanons
11) sabbath x middle east! reader (plat.)
12) random
13) nightly rituals
hyeok kwon
1) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
2) love trope headcanons
3) neighbors to lovers
4) sabbath x middle east! reader (plat.)
5) random
6) before final
1) computer dates
2) nsfw headcanons
hwangyeon choi
1) love trope headcanons
2) nsfw headcanons | pt. 2 |
3) my honest opinion on him
4) threesome
sangho choi
1) nsfw headcanons
2) falling asleep
3) tiktoks
4) random
5) short sketch
1) sharks and orcas
2) tiktoks
3) random
4) perverted habits
owen knight
1) love trope headcanons
2) falling asleep
3) nsfw (links probably inactive)
4) jealousy
5) tiktoks
harry shepherd
1) love trope headcanons
2) nsfw headcanons
3) tiktoks
4) random
1) nsfw headcanons
2) tiktoks
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ru songs series
ru songs + lookism boys (kim joon goo)
ru songs + lookism boys (gitae kim)
ru songs + lookism boys (kim gimyung)
ru songs + lookism boys (park jonggun)
ru songs + lookism boys (na jaegyeon)
park jonggun
1) nightly rituals
ma taesoo
1) nightly rituals
2) nsfw
multiple characters disgusting headcanons
jake kim x reader x samuel seo
daniel x reader x jay (short sketch)
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reesespeanutbutterfuck · 11 months
imperfectionist (vinny hong x jo!reader)
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 4
part 3 | part 5
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
part warnings: fem!reader, gifted!reader, cursing, mentions of blood & violence, graphic description of wounds, jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), physical descriptions (resemblance to jay, jay's mother, heavily implied asian features) intelligent!reader, second person's pov (you, you're, your), reader is NOT yumi. wb main story SPOILERS
You didn't have the chance to react once you felt the cold blade of the knife penetrating your flesh from behind. The grip of your hand on the glass shard loosened from shock, causing it to drop from your hand down to the ground, making a high-pitched clank!
He pulled the knife out from where he stabbed on your back and gestured to the man lying on the floor to move. Damn it! This was their plan from the start! That's why the first man carried no weapons!
You backed-up and fell backwards, butt-first. You shut your eyes in pain. The man whose face was bleeding hastily scrambled on his feet to collect his stance and harshly pulled your bag, they flipped the bag upside-down and your things fell scattered on the concrete ground. You didn't see clearly, but you were sure they took your important belongings like your wallet and phone. When they're done taking everything valuable, they quickly scrammed and left you alone. 
"Hah, I'll get you back, fucking bastards! Get your asses back here!” You gritted your teeth in pain. The first time in a while that you got into a fight again, but at the cost of getting stabbed.
Did they get away with that, from so much anger, your guard was off! You limped your way to sit against the concrete wall of the alley. You tried to search for your phone but you remembered that those monsters took it. I'll kill them.
Your eyes widened in horror when you felt your own blood from your behind. Shit. This wasn't a part of what you expected to happen tonight. You remembered your medical stitching staples, they couldn't possibly have taken those. They're inside your bag, but you didn't know where it went when your things scattered, and you can't see from the dark.
Your scrambling was interrupted when someone stopped directly in front of you. You thought it was one of those fuckers that doubled-back to either kill you or retrieve the rest of your belongings. But to your surprise, the stranger standing across from you didn't do anything. You can only look down to his feet. You only caught a glimpse of mud-stained, red old skool shoes. No, this isn't what either the mobs were wearing. 
“Who're you?” You squinted up at him.
“I knew it. Pesky girl. I finally found you.” That voice…
“Do I know you?” your eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion, ignoring the name he just called you.
His feet stepped back. “You. What are you doing here?”
“Who are you?” You repeated your question. You were starting to feel the sharp pain on your back and a small movement makes it worse.
“You're the girl who stitched me up months ago. Heard your voice cursing someone while walking by, I thought it sounded familiar.”
Oh… Oh.
"Ah…” You grinned and looked down in amusement. “So you remembered. What an awful scenario for a reunion.”
You relaxed your limbs to slump against the wall more. You heard taps of a finger clicking on something only to realize he's trying to open his phone light when you finally got a glimpse of illumination when he finally turned it on. And even if he's against the light, you can see him. There's that familiar fluffy, fiery red hair.
It is him.
You twisted the corner of your lip upwards as it curved into a mischievous smirk. “Looks like deja vu, Vinny Hong? Only with switched roles this time?”
“You have some serious nuts in your head to joke even while bleeding to death. Want me to stitch you up, too?” He sarcastically countered, like it was a normal occurence for him to look at fresh blood, too.
You kicked your feet against the concrete ground and with a slightly hopeful tone, you asked, "Can you do it?"
"Do what?"
“Stitch me up.”
He blinked behind his phone light. “...Are you being serious right now?”
You twisted your lips and laughed, “Serious as in I'm-losing-blood-as-time-passes-and-I'm-going-to-die serious.”
“Are you sure you're that girl from that night? You were more tamed and quiet the first time I saw you.” His eyes drifted on the blood on your hands.
“Well that's because tamed—in fact, is not me.”
It's been months since that incident. And this is the first time you saw him after never expecting to cross paths with him again. With the unintentional help he was providing by turning his phone light on, you got a chance to have a clearer sight to rip the seam of your uniform undershirt's end. Vinny didn't say a word nor move a muscle for a moment. You can feel his eyes following what you're doing. He squinted his eyes very slightly as he seemed more suspicious of you. He wonders how can it be possible that you're this calm and still able to think practically despite being stabbed? 
You started struggling to push yourself forward and sit properly as you tried to reach behind you to cover the stab wound with the cloth. The part of the shirt slipped off your hand as you let out a sharp hiss. This is not going to work. I need another person.
Vinny only firmly held his phone up. He's not capable of doing medical procedures, but at least he was making an effort to help you even in the simplest way. You cursed under your breath and inhaled a nostril-stinging amount of oxygen.
“Help me.” You kicked the ripped cloth to the side. You can't use it anymore, it's contaminated.
“...Well unlike you, I don't know how to stitch a wound up.”
“Can you at least try?”
"Are you crazy? I'm not you!”
“Just a couple staples will suffice.”
“Think of me as paper–”
“Agh! Fuck. Nevermind, I'll do it myself. Just please get my medical staples!”
"You can't reach behind you. You're going to kill yourself faster if you do whatever hell you're planning to do. You can't die yet, I still have questions to ask,” he looked around before his gaze drifted to your face once again. “I'll call an ambulance.”
“No… No!” You reached for his arm. “No hospital. I told you, I can do it myself.” Your grip on his arm tightened slightly from the pain of the wound and at the same time, a non-verbal way of begging him not to take you to the hospital. The way you grabbed his hand with your shaking ones was unintentionally parallel to the way he gripped yours before he passed out the first time you met.
He spared you a glance, without any trace of compassion. “That's what I told you too when I was in your place, but you didn't listen.”
“The circumstances are different!”
“How so?”
You avoided his question as you pulled his hand close and you touched your own face and neck with his large hand.
"The fuck are you doing?!"
His fingers coiled as he tried to avoid touching your skin and retrieved his hand before you can even bring it down to your chest—the upper chest, not breasts.
"Direct physical contact and fingerprints. You can't escape me now."
And then he took a moment before he realized what you implied. Now his irritation is growing stronger. “You…!” He backed away with a frown.
"I'm always one step ahead of everyone. Bring me my duffel bag!”
“Please... I really can't go to the hospital.”
“Why not?”
You almost ripped your hair off with vexation. Can he stop with the questions?! People are so fucking annoying!
“Because of my mom! She'll kill me!"
He scoffed. "So you're saying Miss Model Student is scared of her mother finding out about her tendencies of beating people up in deserted alleys?” he snickered, “I wonder why."
“That's none of your business, and you don't know what really happened!”
He knows there must be a reason why. You reached forward and pulled on his fiery red hair lightly. And your brain didn't miss registering how unexpectedly soft his hair was. Your banter was going on fast that it was as if the both of you were just spewing nonsense. You were desperate and he wasn't willing to do anything other than to bring you to a hospital.
“You don't understand… My mother, her co-workers will see me, and they'll tell her I...”
Vinny gaped his mouth pensively. So your mother works in a hospital.
“Well, shouldn't she find out? You're her daughter. She must be worried for you.”
“You clearly don't know how my mother takes things for, especially from me.”
He detected how your mother was clearly an issue, a sore spot to you—like how some things are for him, and he wasn't meaning on rubbing salt on your wound, so he just gave up tried to say something else to divert the topic.
“There's no other option for you but to go to the hospital. Either that or nothing.”
You had a staredown for a few seconds. Before you sighed and gave up. Maybe you'll just think of something to hide the traces of what happened tonight.
“Fine. But you'll accompany me.”
“What? No!”
“Yes, you will.”
Frustration was visible on his face as he thought, Good heavens, just why am I always surrounded by stubborn people? 
You woke up lying on one of the common beds in the E.R. You didn't bother getting a hospital room, so the only thing covering you from the busy environment outside right now were the forest green curtains surrounding the hospital bed.
“You awake?”
Your head panned to your left side. Vinny was standing with crossed arms in the far left corner. Vinny? He's still here? Why didn't he leave?
You felt like shit. He was looking especially a little blurry tonight. Until you realized you weren't wearing your glasses anymore. You squinted and looked at Vinny again until your eyes adjusted and finally saw him clearly. And only now did you realize that his eyes are two different colors—Heterochromia!
You stumbled up but your knees shook causing you to almost fall down—if you didn't catch yourself in time. You saw how his arm rose and twitched forward a little to catch you, possibly on instinct but still he didn't make enough effort to really catch you, though. It's fine, you can hold yourself up alone. 
“You... You stayed?”
“You told me to, after all.” He side-eyed you to make sure you weren't going to stumble again. “Watch it.”
Vinny only agreed to accompany you to pay you back for saving his life the first time you met. Not about you dealing with the expenses, but you taking it up yourself to stitch someone hands-on. You saw him crossing his arms again in your peripheral vision.
You side-eyed him. “How's your scar? Was it bad?”
“Cut the crap. I didn't ask you to help me in the first place, so I'm not going to thank you.”
Dear. The audacity and arrogance of this man.
Finally, your head turned to him and darted him a sarcastic smile. "Nice to see you still holding up, then. That means I did the sanitation properly. And don't worry, I don't want to hear your expression of gratitude. I don't need to, and I never expected to."
Your conversation was interrupted when the curtain opened. It was an attending doctor to check up on you now that you're conscious. The wound wasn't that deep and because you were taken to the hospital immediately luckily you didn't lose a high volume of blood, but the doctor still recommended you to stay in the hospital for a while. But you know you can't.
When the attending doctor was done checking up on you for the second time—the first one not being a problem because you were conscious when you arrived and you only fell asleep because of the side effects of the anesthesia, Vinny approached you.
“Can I go home now that you're awake?” He sat at the chair near your hospital bed. Upon scanning you and looking at your current state, it's like nothing happened. You didn't even look shook, not one bit.
"A little while more until my mom's co-workers leave, and you can go home. I also need someone to talk to right now.” Curse this hospital for being the nearest one.
He clicked his tongue and begrudgingly leaned back on his seat. Your stomach grumbled a little. You only ate bunggeopangs this whole evening. You haven't had any proper meal.
Upon hearing, a little while later, Vinny fished in his pocket. When he looked up he find your eyes were elsewhere.
“[Y...Y/N].” He was quite hesitant to call you by your name for the first time. He wasn't even sure if he got it right. Your head turned to him and he showed you what he's holding in his hand. It was your Matcha-flavored kit-kats.
Your face lightened up in anticipation. "For me? You shouldn't have!” 
He handed you your duffel bag too. “They found those in your pocket in the operating room.”
"Right, I totally forgot about that. Pass it here.”
He tossed the matcha kit-kats to you. You offered him some but he refused. While you were busy eating for comfort, he kept staring at the side of your face.
“If you have something to ask, go on.” You told him without looking in his direction.
“Where did you learn to stitch wounds? Are you a serial killer or something?”
You contained your laugh. Serial killer.
“That was a temporary stitch. It's not exactly meant to hold up there for long.”
"I'm not that level of an idiot. I looked at it. And I know a clean stitch when I see one. I know that's not your first time. What are you hiding?”
You appreciated the subtle implication in the comment he made on the quality of your stitches—which you took as a positive feedback.
“I told you the first time. Volunteer work in hospitals.”
He raised his eyebrows in doubt. You rolled your eyes, hiding your smirk as you tried to be serious. This dubious grouch is surely getting on my nerves. “What? Do you think I stick needles on people for fun?”
His lips agape. He really can't believe the bizarre thing coming out of your unfiltered mouth. Maybe the anesthesia was making her mouth more unfiltered, he thought.
“You have an odd sense of humor.”
"You're just unfunny.”
"How did you know my name? I don't remember telling you.” because you left before he woke up the first time you met.
“Oh, right. Truth is, I heard from you again because of Minu.”
“Minu… You know him?” Vinny's eyes darkened, waiting for you to elaborate about your connection with Minu. Bingo.
“He's my schoolmate. Where did you go off to? They said you weren't home earlier. They tried to call you from outside your house.”
Vinny remembered ignoring Sung's texts of "Where are you right now? Someone's here to see you." that were only marked delivered. He finally pieced everything together. Sung's text, Minu coming to his house. It means Minu's the one who came to his house with Sung to see him earlier.
“Why did they come to see me?” 
You swallowed the kit-kat you were chewing before answering, “From what Minu told me, Sung came to our school personally to ask help for your personal conflict.”
“So you learned about my screwed up life?” Sung Kwon, that little shit. he thought.
“Think what you want to think. But I'm not here to comment about your life.” You answered. He sat in silence after that.
“Join the biking crew.” You directly looked into his hetero-colored eyes.
His mouth slightly agape. He knew exactly what you were talking about, and it's not as if he's going to pretend not to.
“Why not?”
He looked annoyed. He rolled his eyes. The way his reactions were just what you're expecting out of him is entertaining. “I'm leaving.”
“Don't. I still need your help.”
“I doubt you do. With the way you're annoying me, I think you have just enough energy to hold yourself up.”
“Just listen, they're lacking a member. Minu's biking crew needs you.” And you need the biking crew.
“Why don't you join?”
You sighed. This again?
"I have a lot of responsibilities weighing on my shoulders right now. The pressure's not getting any lighter.”
His expression changed a little. Like he was holding himself back from saying something.
“What?” Your brows furrowed.
“Nothing. I just thought the Student Model Princess dub was a joke.” He only called you that to poke fun at you, but he didn't know you were actually suffering from it. Had he known, he wouldn't have had.
“Oh, you're being empathetic now? You're really good at swinging between moods.”
He rolled his eyes, look who's talking. “Sure. Should I learn to stitch people too so I can be more similar to you?”
"You seem to have a lingering attachment to my stitches. Do you want me to open up that stab wound of yours and stitch it up again?”
He grimaced in distaste. “Attachment? Barf.” 
Just as he was bantering with you, as much as he doesn't want to admit, your enigmatic personality is quite amusing and foreign to himself-claimed dullness. It's crazy how you can manage to make him respond even if he doesn't want to anymore.
“I'll pay you back for the hospital settlement you paid last time.”
“Don't bother. It wasn't my money anyway.” It was, but you couldn't possibly care about money.
“Doesn't matter. I'll still pay you back in some way.”
“You just did tonight. When you brought me here. That's enough payment.” you opened another packet of a matcha kit-kat. 
Your eyes caught the dried bloodstains on your shirt. You then reached inside of your duffel bag. Your clothes were still inside, the clothes you packed sure came in handy. Now all you have to do is change your clothes.
“Hey, can you please turn around?” You turned to Vinny whose attention was somewhere else. 
"No." He had enough of your teasing and you might be plotting another one of your schemes. He won't fall for your tricks again.
“Fine, if you say so.” You started to lift the ends of your ripped, blood-stained uniform top, revealing your bare skin.
"The hell!" Vinny quickly looked away and turned around when he realized what you're about to do. You wouldn't actually flash your chest to him you did it to annoy him.
“I have to change. My roommate will freak out if she sees the blood on my clothes. Don't look until I say it's cool, and make sure no one opens the curtain.”
You told him he can turn around when you did finish changing. He faced you but he was still awkwardly avoiding you with his eyes. You shook your head at his awkwardness. Is this really the man who beat Dom's ass up?
“I'm fully clothed now. Don't let your mind fly anywhere else. I was only messing with you.” you scrunch your face.
He couldn't hide his annoyed expression, “Well, you really should stop.”
You both fell silent. It came to his mind how he was supposed to be fuming about his unfortunate life, but somehow, he forgot how fucked up his life was for a second, and the only thing he cared about right now is to reciprocate your ridiculing. Really, how can you do that?
"...You're annoying." Vinny crumpled the side of his lips snarkily as he opened his mouth again after a while.
"No, you're annoying." 
"The anesthesia must be seeping in your brain right now. I didn't know it makes people insane as a side effect.” 
You nodded sarcastically. “Yeah, yeah. Because of your attitude, it makes me regret not twisting that knife that night when I had the chance.”
“You know what? I really should be going home now.”
“Wait.” You stood up slowly and pushed the curtain a little to take a peek outside. Your parents' co-workers are gone. Finally. “They're gone. You can go. Thanks for your company, Vinny Hong.”
“Sure.” He checked if he forgot anything before he opened the curtain. 
“Oh, and before you go,” He glanced back at you, waiting for what you'll follow.
You tossed him a keychain—A cat wearing a tomato hat meme.
“About joining the crew, you should give it a thought. And that...” you pointed at the tomato cat that resembles him, “...that's the only trinket of mine I could give you as a token of gratitude. I made that myself, it's hard resin.” He averted his eyes and looked down for a seconds as if he was contemplating. After a few seconds, he closed his palm, enclosing the keychain inside his hand as he looked back up to you.
You were left standing there as you watched as he stepped out of the hospital. Without your realization, your expression turned back to being blank. It was as if it only sunk in now that you're alone again—something you didn't feel when he was there.
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blueparadis · 2 years
❝ Cross the line ❞ + (Owen Knight,Vinny Hong,Jay Jo,Dom Kang,Joker,Wooin )
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+. CWs—» : afab-reader, explicit and non - explicit smut, suggestive themes, sub - dom dynamics, roleplay, powerplay, oral activities, foreplay; just some headcanons and scenarios before they're inside you.
+. NOTES—» this is my first post on webtoon content; so plan to write more. tap to view my works.
⌗ tags: @zoraedits @dejwrites @sukunababy
Owen is soft and gentle yet so sly and perceivtive. He likes to have you underneath him, especially when he is about to go down on you. He will take his time exploring your body, testing your patience until he finally gets rid of your underwear. He is not much of a talker but he'll whisper magical things into your ears; like: “Want me to mark your body? Hmmm? Or should I eat you until you squirt?” He loves your body scent that he rubs his nose against your nape while his muscular toned arms sneak into your panties. “is this for me?”, he remarks and without providing a moment to answer he takes his slick wet fingers rubbing them on your puffy lips saying, “I can smell how wet you're.”
Vinny is a very cocooned guy and hence he's always embarrassed in your presence. It takes a little while for him to warm up to you. “No! No, you don't have to...”, he retorts when you start to unbuckle his belt. But he doesn't want you to stop because he wants to give you what you need, satisfy the lust he sees in your eyes when he offered you his half-burnt cigarette the last time. "Just stay still", you'd remark and he listens like a good boy who lets you suck his cock. The more you push his cock inside your mouth, the more you could feel your warm clit folds. Your free arm deliberately reaches down to your feminity yet a firm grip clamps around your wrist. "Uh-uh, you're not touching yourself until I cum", he hisses making you suck on his aroused cock as he stares down at your exposed body.
Jay is extremely introverted and maintains a thin line between calm and chaos, between rules and breaking the rules. He likes to press you against the wall, or the bed; his hand being solely used to hold you down as he kisses you until you gasp for air. Your chest heaves up and down vigorously as he goes down, rubbing his nose and finally taking your boobs in his mouth. Your legs are restless, unsteady as he sucks your hard nipple followed by a slow bite. "No no no! stay still baby, 'm not gonna hurt you", he mumbles as he peppers kiss along your neckline pressing his knee against your warm feminity.
Dom is such a sweet and goofy guy. He is way too shy to take the first move but once you've made him comfortable he is a little hard to control. After all, it's a fool's move to try and compete with him in strength. He loves to kiss your nape when he is hugging you from behind and if you turn your face leaning for a kiss, he gets a little carried away. his hands slip under your shirt, fondling your boobs, rubbing and squeezing, pinching your nipples making you pull away from the kiss. "Sorry, did that hurt?", he asks only to stare at your pouty face.
Joker no doubt contains a wave of erupting anger, yet he is so serene in bed. He likes to have you on top of him whether he is seated or layed underneath you but he still likes it when you give him the upper hand. "Let me know if I hurt you", he meekly says as he grips your ass cheeks rubbing his member against your thin panty while his lips suck your pulse point. "Oh, Goghd! AhhhHaaah", you gasp and your ear is blessed with a sweet chuckle as he pressed his naked chest against your boobs. He coos, "Girl calm down. I've barely even started." to which you would just say that you're trying to inflate his ego all the more.
Wooin is a firm believer in freedom. He likes it when a little birdie is given the taste of vast sapphire sky, unable to control the gush of happiness, yet so eager to fly. "Hey now, stop fighting, you're gonna hurt yourself", he hisses pressing your face against the wall as he grips your hand in the valley of your waist. He kisses your cheeks softly while his free hand roams all over your belly as inhales sharply. As much as he enjoys your vulnerability his heart screams for solace to come to you. His thin arms wrap around your body as he coos, "Ya'know I would never hurt you", to which you say," hm -hm I know" and that's what he needs a stable reassurance
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ghostrights · 3 years
I think about this drama entirely too much. Again, have my thoughts:
For plot reasons Mr. Hong had to die – him only getting hurt/seriously hurt would have maybe made Cha Young leave Wusang, but it would not have made Vincenzo and Cha Young so thirsty for revenge and blood that they’d play as dirty as we got to see. YC would have almost physically held them back from half of the things that happened and it could have soured his relationship with Cha Young even worse, as either she’d feel betrayed that her father doesn’t trust her to do what is right, even if slightly against the law, or they would have to lie to YC, going behind his back, to achieve what they want.
But, listen: YC saw V & CY interact maybe 3 times. He was running around because of the researcher who contacted him, fighting with CY or drinking with (and openly liking) V. Imagine a crack scenario where either V&CY from later episodes (all 16 aired thus far), where they have their married dynamic, somehow time travel to the begining when YC stil lives, or YC gets thrown into the later episodes. Imagine, how in the begining he would be kind of relived his daughter is happy to see him, and gets along with V, whom he started to trust (even if his methods are sligtly out there moraly for him, and his motivations unclear). Imagine him being kind of happy that those two get along, CY finally on the good side of the fight and then realising they really get along well, too well even.
He only knows Vincenzo as the fairly quiet, thoughtfull, crooked lawyer, who’d still help him fight for justice. So maybe slight hangups about them working together, as CY is his only child, but he’d let it pass. They’d even each other out, right?
Instead all they do is feed off each other; V being amused if not outright delighted at CY being her crackhead self, sharing and carrying out illegal and moraly very dubious plans together, they also got all the tenants into it too. Not only that, but this Korean-Italian who was mildly annoyed at being threatened allows himself to be buldozed over by CY on the regular, poked at, manhandled, made fun of; her springboard for more crackhead and illegal lawyering practices. And he can’t tell her no. He threatened people with no sweat but if his daughter has a wrong idea Vincenzo half hearedly disagrees, but smirks and holds her coffe and bag, or himself makes it happen. Or worse, he gives her these ideas himself. And they behave as if they’d been married for the better part of a decade, yet no one remebers them dating.
HYC unintentionally took to heart the proverb, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions; he said pretty please to the devil, and the devil responded your daughter looks like my future wife. Happy wife, happy life.
RIP Mr. Hong, but his heart wouldn’t have managed with all this.
(Him knowing that Vinny is Mafia would have made him weep)
Conversly, I think Mrs. Oh would have been kind-of-okay with what V&CY pull of on a regular Monday; she might have been worried for their safety, but seeing her reaction to Min Seong, where she and CY almost tore his hair out in the hospital and that scuffle in the courtroom from the flashback – that is where Vinny gets his rampant temper from, though his expression and execution of it was clearly finnesed by his life with the Mafia.
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mdmakki · 2 years
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before you follow:
-this blog, unlike my last one, will be sfw and nsfw/dark content. so id would be appreciated if anyone +18 doesn’t/internet with nsfw or dark content. if you’re under 18 please, please, blog these tags: 𖨆♡𖨆—nsfw & 𖨆♡𖨆—dark content ( it makes me genuinely uncomfortable to think minors read my +18 content)
-i may not post much straight away, i’m still trying to get back into writing. but i love interacting with people so feel free to use my askbox at anytime!!
-if you’ve come to bring hate leave.
-i shitpost a lot so if you don’t wanna see that block the tags: ̗̀➛—shady shit talks and ✧.*—shady’s smoking
-i love nicknames! but pls lmk if there is any you are uncomfortable or if you don’t like them in general! ones i love being called are: (shady) baby, love. angel. bitch. masc and fem are okay. but some days i may prefer one over the other i’ll b sure to make it clear!
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-pls make sure to read through b4 requesting or just coming into my inbox!
-requests & thirsts are currently: closed
-i’m not obligated to do your request just remember that. :)
-as of now i’ll only be writing hcs/scenarios
-i write nsfw, sfw & dark content (but make sure to check if i’m ok with some things first!)
-i write fem, gn and male reader, just specify which you’d prefer!
-pls and thank you is appreciated:)
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who/what i write for
seijoh 4(minus oikawa)
kyotani kentarou
tendou satori
aran ojiro
suna rintarou
kuroo tetsurou
—tokyo revengers
hakkai shiba
keisuke baji
yuzuha shiba
nahoya kawata
shinichiro sano
—attack on titan
mikasa ackerman
sasha braus
connie springer
levi ackerman
—beck: mongolian chop squad
ryusuke minami
chiba tsunemi
vinny hong
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amourlyns · 2 years
any type of scenario for Vinny Hong if u can? loved the joker one xx
⠀ 「 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡. 」
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✦ 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬 ⨟⠀ It was late at night, the morning sun began to set and amber hues feel warm on your skin.
✦ 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 ⨟⠀ Vinny Hong + gn!reader
✦ 𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘 ⨟⠀ I’ve been waiting for a Vinny request!! , tysm for liking the Joker one <3😮‍💨 ➜      masterlist
✦ 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ⨟⠀ None
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⠀ ★ ⠀ | YOU LOVED THE BEACH, AND THE smell ocean breezes sifting through your hair, waves calling to you in sweet melodies. It’s not every day the beach was empty.
It was finally summer break and you had some free time, so you decided to go to the beach you were invited to hang out with some friends but you decided to decline.
It was quiet for the most part, that was until Vinny showed up, instead of the usual hmph there was a silence, it wasn’t unusual per say, it is Vinny we’re talking about.
You decided to speak first, your voice seems small against the oceans trashing. ❛ Hey Vinny.. long day? ❜ there was an audible shifting that emitted from the scarlet, heterochromatic hues glance at your figure for a few moments before glancing away.
❛ Yeah. Just tired ❜ his response was short, and honestly? It was expected, a few extra moments of silence filled between you two, that was until vinny spoke once more ❛ Follow me ❜
It was more of a demand than a request ❪ to which you agreed ❫ you ventured into the night with Vinny, city lights become more visible, you’re not into the city quite yet, just near the outskirts.
You can assume you reach your destination when Vinny pauses, a small park comes into your view, ❪ maybe he wanted something new? ❫ Vinny clears his throat, his figure seems to tense.
And he’s nervous, hues seem to avoid your curious gaze but then he gestures towards the candles and the picnic that awaits the two of you.
❛ What…what is this for V? I didn’t think you would be into the romantics ❜ it’s a small tease, but you’re genuinely surprised.. it’s small sure, but he did put his own work and effort in this. Just to impress you.
It must’ve been hard, you already know how vinny is so.. This was a big feat. But Vinny? he burns from the inside. The feeling is warm.. and hard to describe, did you like it? Did you hate it?
Vinny Hong was ❪sorta❫ formally asking you out to be his lover, and it was incredibly difficult ❪ for some reason ❫, he’s never felt so shy.
You squeeze his arm, a small sign of reassurance. You then smile, and that gives him some more motivation to begin again.
❛ This is fucking stupid anyway… ❜ and you ensure him it’s not, and that it’s a sweet gesture. So, he holds your index finger guiding you to the park, the view is so pretty— the skyline kisses the ocean just right.
Vinny is so entranced, your skin seems to glow in the subtle candle lighting and your lips curve into the most charming smile.
This.. surprisingly went well, a gentle conversation flows between the two of you, the cheesecake tasted delicious.
The time seems to slow between the two of you, heavy lids close, and your breathing slows, it takes a few moments for vinny to realize you fell asleep on his lap.
A calloused hand wavers over your forehead, and a kiss comes upon it. ❛ Sweet dreams. ❜
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