#volca drum
popmilofirst · 2 years
I spent my afternoon making this song. It’s really fun making electro songs and throwing together videos for them. Starting to understand all my gear a little bit more each time I come up with a new jam.
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i spent all my rockerboy points on performance instead of production
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sleepingangelmusic · 1 year
#Jamuary2023 /Liven lofi12 & Korg Volca drum/All Sequences recorded on t...
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vviederholung · 2 years
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Korg Volca Beats Rythm Machine
Japan, 2013 {x}
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neurosismancer · 1 year
Today's experimentation with my synth and drum machine:
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ryansholin · 2 years
Music updates:
I finally googled “Volca Beats snare” to see if it was just mine that sounded weird or if it’s a thing, and, sadly, it is a thing, and the hack to fix it is more or less “GET REALLY REALLY GOOD AT SOLDERING” like much moreso than the average electronics project, and, reader, I have never soldered.
Who needs a snare drum anyway?
Meanwhile, I have started learning Ableton and it’s going really well? Like, a tutorial and a half in, and very much supplemented by all the things, vocabulary, toy sequencer apps, drum machines, etc that I have played with for the past couple years, I understand some of how this software works.
And it’s much, much, much better than GarageBand.
Also, the KeyLab is in the mail, I think, and my Sweetwater sales engineer sends me texts, which seems like a troubling business model, but if they have a thousand customers each and only 30 engage, it probably works fine.
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beatsmithblog · 9 months
Dust Your Drum Machines
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tetrismage · 1 year
Korg Volca Sound <3
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The Korg Volca Drum and a pair of studio headphones. I have been producing some lovely Industrial tones with it thus far. I would like to eventually purchase a few more of the Volcas. Imagine the times we could have once they’re all synced up and beautiful.
~ A.
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corduroyinstitute · 1 year
December 22, 2018: Four years ago today, Corduroy Institute convened on a winter afternoon to record Corduroy 22. This piece was unusual as it was the first to be witnessed by an intern visiting the institute during a recording session. Having someone outside of our immediate purview added an interesting observer effect, particularly since this intern possessed experience with digital audio and MIDI.
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We employed the technology pictured in the archival image thusly: During the first improvised layer, the Elektron Digitakt sent a 120 BPM loop on the left channel & live drumming on the right channel while the MIDI synched Volca Beats was processed by the Keeley 30ms pedal. This was joined by the Bass VI. Then, during our second layer, the Digitakt was used to send MIDI notes and CC control messages to the Audiothingies Micromonsta which itself received audio processing via the 30ms. This melodic content was augmented by a Telecaster tuned to CGCFCE and processed by a bevy of guitar pedals—most notably, the Boss MO-2 Multi-Overtone. While a third layer of music was attempted, this yielded nothing of value and was discarded.
Corduroy Institute convened, sans intern, the next day for overdubs. Drums from the Alesis SamplePad4 were added and vocals based on "lyrics from way back when" were recorded by both members. These vocals were processed via the Boss RV-6 and Boss PS-3 pedals using the effects loop of our Tascam 2488neo. To this day, we consider this to be the weakest vocal performance we have ever released.
Corduroy 22 would become "The Spirit of the Times," the opening song on our 2019 album Abruptly Forgetting We Never Were... and today we submit this piece for your consideration and peer review.
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abandonedniche · 6 months
Sunday ambient/experimental/lo-fi jam w/volca drum (and a little bit of bass station)
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sibelin · 11 months
what synth do you own? i want to start playing something and i feel a synth would be a great start :)
hello anon!! i hope you're having a very good day <3
i am still a beginner so take my (cheap) setup with a grain of salt. for now, i only use three machines for my synth music purposes, not counting the effects i add in post on my computer. i bought them separately and you can absolutely start with one main instrument dependind on your ambition with the music (if you just want to play, if you want to write songs, etc)... but personally, here's what i work with:
a Korg Minilogue, a polyphonic analogue synthesizer which is very beginner friendly in my opinion. there's an upgraded version that is called the XD, it's a bit more expensive but maybe it's worth looking into it since it has more options to fiddle with (including a built-in looper). i am very happy with my original minilogue though! great instrument, easy to understand and fun to work with, no matter your level. i have to say the sequencer can be limiting if you're not working with an audio interface since it only has 16 steps. which leads to my second machine on the list.....
a Behringer U-phoria UMC22 also known as the cheapest audio interface i could find. it does what it does well, nothing fancy but if you plan to put your music on a computer one day, it's good to have an audio interface (and all the cables that goes with it. i love you audio jack cables <3)
and finally, a Korg Volca Sample which i both use as a drum machine and a sampler. it's not the best drum machine out there but it's very easy to use. useful if you want to write full songs!
it you're not against pads instead of keys, you could check Donner and their B1 for the cheapest option or you could check Arturia's Microfreak which is another great entry-price synth. if it's too expensive, which i have to admit it is, i'd advice you to check the second-hand market, lots of people are selling synths so you might find what you need at a cheaper price than what you expect!
i can't encourage you enough to pick up the synth. it's a great instrument. it has so many layers and it pushes you to experiment and have fun with sound.
have fun ! 🎹 🤖
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First _real_ mixer 😎😎
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sleepingangelmusic · 2 years
Aura Handpan and Korg Volca Drum Improv/ AKG CP11 mic for pan into Mixer...
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etherdiver · 1 year
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An earlier iteration of my studio, circa early 2021 if the file date is to be believed. Basically the first iteration of my DAWless setup. If I recall correctly, this is essentially the setup I used to record my Oneirogen Codex album. Pretty sure this was the photo I took to commemorate this edition of the studio, and the album recorded with it, right before I rebuilt it.
Novation Circuit and Arturia Beatstep Pro (both since sold) handled sequencing and synching the whole thing. Korg Monologue monosynth (now sold); Arturia MicroFreak and MiniBrute 2s are both still in the collection, as is the Korg Volca Drum propped up in the middle there. Various modular stuff and a Koma Field Kit FX (all still part of the studio, minus maybe a few modules). You can just make out a vintage Akai tape deck on the right there; I used that to master that album. Still have it and use it all the time.
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neurosismancer · 1 year
Further experimentation with my drum machine, synth, and some pedals.
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ryansholin · 2 years
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The gear purchases have begun. First, I picked up a used Pocket Operator KO-33, complete with case and cables and another case for all of it. It’s in perfect shape, and I’ve started playing with it, chopping up Stereolab beats, sampling cicadas, and even figuring out how to download drum sounds from my laptop. No, there are no beats worth sharing here yet, because I have not had enough free time with these tools to come close to completing even a single experiment yet.
But time will come.
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Then, I added the lightly used Korg Volca Beats in the pic at the top of this post. Y’all this thing is fun. I’m still short a couple cables to comfortably and intelligently connect it to the laptop, but it’s been pretty neat to mess with it in headphones.
I’m still shopping for the “main” synth in my gear plan, although I have definitely stretched both the plan and budget in the direction of a Korg Minilogue instead of the originally intended Monologue because why not. I think the deciding factor might’ve been learning that’s what Laetitia from Stereolab has been using on their recent US tours (well an XD model I think) rather than lugging a delicate Moog around, and if it’s good enough for Laetitia, it’s good enough for me. By far.
In related news, I’ve started describing both my sabbatical plans and current state of middle-aged-ness as “gettin’ into synths” and people my age chuckle, and I think they get it. Maybe. Maybe they’re just being polite.
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