freedomainnames · 3 months
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gontagokuhara · 5 years
Connor im crying what does that minzcraft post say
i think we should type in blocks from now on
not a bad idea op
“the game” but it’s loss
im not sure whats going on but at this point im too afraid to ask
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monkeysnot · 6 years
☆ give me a government assigned kin u piss boy
>implying i’m the government
ur pidgeor twice, from bnha
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ofregiums · 4 years
--- @ofaphrvdite​ ! ( megaira )
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          ‘ you’re late. ’
     the tone may have sounded acutely severe if it was addressed at anyone else -- but tae’s softening gaze as they landed on the petite woman hinted at otherwise. he could get annoyed with megaira, sure. but it was nearly impossible to be anything more than that. she was all he had and he had no intention of treating that fact so callously.
     after a brief moment, his eyes flitted around the dim-lit but busy diner. it may have seemed like an odd place to conduct business but before his father died, he’d always advised him to hide in plain sight. people rarely paid attention to what was right in front of them. tae flashed the wannest of smiles as the waitress set down the fries and milkshake before him, shrugging unapologetically as he looked over at his partner. 
          ‘ i ordered without you. ’ he answered bluntly, grabbing a fry to pop into his mouth.
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yeahhh I'm the guy with the weird prompt, (the period one) you're absolutely correct on that. it doesn't bother me when I write it or such but yes she would be held captive for a good 5 months, she does get free though! I'm thinking of skipping it because when we read books we don't normally think of the bodily fluids that happen right? also thank you for answering it! I wannest sure if the mention of a woman's period was SFW on your blog, but thank you very much again!
You’re welcome for answering! And it’s understandable to be unsure if you should or shouldn’t include it, so I don’t fault you for asking~ It was no trouble at all~ Best of luck with your work!
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autspoon · 7 years
like i know people use “thou” to sound all poetic and to make something seem overly formal... but the irony of that is that actually, “thou” art actually informal you, not formal. “you” are actually the formal one. like, i know the idea of it is to sound archaic, but it fell out of fashion largely because people felt intimidated by appearing as rude? as in, it went out of fashion because it was informal, and people went for the more formal “you” to play it safe. so really, if thou wannest to sound more like thou art formally speaking to someone, when speaking in an archaic way, thou’dst make the effort to use you over thou.
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finding a place for my animation in this design wannest hard becasue it had already been designed for, however i felt that the spinning circle could fit on top of the image prior to film making.
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gontagokuhara · 6 years
I just got to the d:bh Connor kin ask and got whiplash
my gag reflex is still activated
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monkeysnot · 6 years
i’m looking for a new headline because the hee hee bones one was outdated and i haven’t thought of one yet. die
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