#warrior 3x01
booasaur · 11 months
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Warrior (2019) - 3x01
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dykedivorce · 2 years
r u telling me... that david and kristen kissed for the first time the day he got ordained.... and the kiss was cut in the middle and you guys had to wait a year for the next ep????????
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goodwhump-temp · 6 months
Shawn Spencer Whump | Psych
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1x02 Spellingg Bee - Motorcycle crash, hospital, knee brace, limp, bumps into bin, pain 1x03 Woman Seeking Dead Husband - Held at gunpoint x2 1x05 Lives - Held at gunpoint 1x06 Weekend Warriors - Held at gunpoint 1x15 Scary Sherry - Nightmare
2x02 65 Million Years Off - Shot at, scared 2x03 Psy vs Psy - Hostage 2x04 Zero to Murder in 60s - Brief boo-boo (chair race sabatoged) 2x05 And Down the Stretch... - Childhood bully 2x07 If You're So Smart... - Bullied by children 2x09 Bounty Hunters! - Handcuffed, jumps off boat, held at gunpoint 2x13 Lights, Camera… - Nearly nailed to death (38:00), character funeral 2x15 Black and Tan - Sad (18:30) 2x16 Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead - Mummy 'curse'
3x01 Ghosts - [Flashback; emo/arrested] Increasingly angry about mothers' return, confrontation, heartbroken 3x04 Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable - Shot at, chased x3, restrained, held at helicopter-point and gunpoint, betrayed 3x06 There Might Be Blood - Held at gunpoint, dangerous confrontation 3x08 Gus Walks Into A Bank - Held back, worried, bank hostage, tight gus hug, manhandled 3x10 Six Feet Under the Sea - Held at gunpoint 3x11 Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing - Punched unconscious, hostage, held at gunpoint, pistol whipped, fatherly care, nearly passes out (40:15) 3x12 Earth, Wind And… - Runs into burning building, oxygen mask, held at firepoint, caught in burning building, briefly thought dead, coughing/smoke inhalation 3x13 Any Given Friday Night at 10PM - 'Abducted' 3x14 Truer Lies - Held at gunpoint 3x15 Tuesday the 17th - 'Trips', held at 'knifepoint' 3x16 An Evening with Mr. Yang - Angry, mom held hostage, scared, heartbroken
4x01 Extradition: British Colombia - Held at gunpoint x2 4x02 He Dead - Daddy issues 4x03 High Noon-ish - Stampede/pushed, falls into mineshaft, pain, held at gunpoint, trapped 4x04 Devil is in the Details… - Confession 4x05 Shawn Gets the Yips - Scared/dumb ("bomb" on treadmill) 4x06 Bollywood Homicide - Slapped (39:15) 4x07 High Top Fade Out - Held at gunpoint, shot at 4x09 Shawn Takes A Shot in the Dark - Shot, abducted/missing, bleeding, pain, knocked unconscious, choked, jumps on moving car, weak, sling 4x10 You Can't Handle This Episode - Shot at 4x12 A Very Juliet Episode - Held at gunpoint, punched x2, knocked down x2, kicked 4x16 Mr. Yin Presents - Nightmare, angry, heartbroken x2, fatherly love
5x01 Romeo & Juliet & Juliet - Held at gunpoint, falls through window, kicked through wall, insane dodging skillz, knocked down, sore 5x03 Not Even Close, Encounters - Held at gunpoint/abducted by 'aliens' 5x04 Chivalry is Not Dead - Hanging upside down (tomato face), poisoned, collapse, hospital, unconscious 5x07 Ferry Tale - Held at gunpoint x2, hostage, kicked in the face, tear gas inhalation, restrained, trips/tumbles down a hill 5x09 One, Maybe Two, Ways Out - Seriously heartbroken 5x12 Dual Spires - Trapped in burning house 5x13 We'd Like to Thank the Academy - Held at gunpoint x2 5x16 Yang 3 in 2D - Held at shotgunpoint, scared
6x01 Shawn Rescues Darth Vader - Jumps off roof 6x02 Last Night Gus - Hungover, stressed, jumps from balcony, shot at 6x04 Amazing Psych-Man & Tap-Man - Trips, found unconscious, punched, kicked x2, thrown, sand to the eye, exhausted 6x06 Shawn Interrupted - Mental patient, hands covered, knocked unconscious, restrained, held at gunpoint 6x09 Neil Simons Lover Retreat - Robbed, heartbroken x2 (29:35), smile through the pain (42:00) 6x10 Indiana Shawn and the Temple - Hand stuck, slapped, manhandled, held at gunpoint, 'crying' 6x13 Let's Doo-Wap it Again - Appendicitis, collapse, hospital drama-queen, held at gunpoint, drugged, drugs wear off, le rigor mortis, le pain, le kitty cat! 6x16 Santabarbaratown - Held at knifepoint, knocked unconscious, black-eye
7x01 Santabarbaratown 2 - Scared, angry, thrown, active mine, held at gunpoint x3, Lassie love 7x02 Juliet Takes A Luvvah - Traumatized (27:00) 7x03 Lassie Jerky - Shot at, held at gunpoint 7x04 No Country For Two Old Men - Held at gunpoint 7x06 Cirque Du Soul - Pain from pull-ups 7x07 Deez Nups - Huge confession, heartbroken 7x08 Right Turn Or Left For Dead - Insomnia, regret, depressed, head slammed into glass, bruise, concussion, denial, stabbed, nearly hit by truck, headache, tackled 7x11 Office Space - Poked x2, trips, bloody nose, scared, framed 7x14 No Trout About It - Painful yoga, choked, fired
8x01 Lock, Stock… - Held at gunpoint, "restrained" 8x05 COG Blocked - Jumpscared out of hammock, painful poke, body decked by cane, held at gunpoint 8x07 Shawn & Gus Truck Things Up - Hand squeezed painfully 8x09 Nightmare on State Street - Slapped, zombie 8x10 The Break-Up - Nervous, held at gunpoint, shot at, emotional
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 To Be Added This Summer.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 02/13/24
Works: 98
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
What the Legos Want
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MK: "I just- I don't want to let my friends down, you know? It's like, I want to help out in the store, do arts and crafts with Sandy, and party with M-m-m-Mei! Mei! But it's to hard, I'm just one guy!"
(1x02 Duplicatnation)
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MK: "Okay! I did bad, I just- I really wanted that peach, and I guess I got carried away."
(1x06 The Great Wall Race)
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Sun Wukong: "Take in everything! Choose what you want to do, and then do it! That is focus."
(1x07 Impossible Delivery)
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MK: "I just wanted to be good enough—like you."
(1x09 Macaque)
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MK: "It's like- I want to be strong, and I'm trying to be! But it- it's like Monkey King isn't giving me a chance! *sigh* What if- what if he knows he made a mistake—chose wrong, chose the wrong successor?"
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Sandy: "Hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength—took me a really long time to realize that. As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me."
(2x08 To Catch a Leaf)
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Sun Wukong: "You want me to leave it, and I want me to take it! Eh, it's toughy." Ne Zha: "What!? Don't do this! Sun Wukong: "I'm sorry—it's the only way!"
(3x01 On The Run)
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MK: “Why are you helping her—Lady Bone Demon—like, look, I get that you’re a bad guy, but you know that she wants to destroy everything, right?”
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Sandy: "I don't want to fight, but I can't let you hurt my friends!"
(3x04 The Winning Side)
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Sun Wukong: "What? You got what you wanted didn't you? Not gonna gloat? Monologue a little before scurrying off to your master? Go on! The Lady Bone Demon is waiting." Macaque: "I couldn't care less about what the Lady Bone Demon wants!"
(3x09 The King, the Prince, and the Shadow)
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Mei: "I can't! I don't want to hurt you—any of you! I'm sorry."
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Mei: "No! Stay back! I- I don't want to hurt you!"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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The Mayor: "All my lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain—until the Monkey King and his companions got in the way. Fate however has gifted her a second chance!"
(3x13 Time to be Warriors) (Desired, wanted, same thing.)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Save your hero speech child—I've existed long enough to know when it's over. MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything, from any of us?" Lady Bone Demon: "Don't you?"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Macaque: "Still the same Wukong, doing whatever he wants with no regard for others!"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Sun Wukong: "It's actually amazing how quickly you're mastering your powers—when I was your age-"
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MK: "-You were fighting the celestial armies and generally swinging your big ol' tail around to get what you wanted?" Sun Wukong: "Well I was going to say making regrettable life choices but yeah, thanks for laying out. I'm embarrassed to admit it but—you might have actually already done more for this world that I ever have!"
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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Mei: “What’s the point of having power if you won’t use it? Don’t you have people you want to protect?”
(4x05 Court of the Yellow Robed Demon)
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Sandy: “But you were too WEAK to be who you truly are! I am a monster! That’s what the world wants me to be, so that’s what I’m gonna give ‘em!”
(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
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Curse MK: "Hey no no no- I get it man. You want to get back to our monster of the week adventures, get back to our simple missions with Mei, mastering all of Monkey King's powers and delivering noodles for pigsy. Right?" MK: "Yeah...yeah actually that's exactly what I wanna-" Curse MK: "But we can't! Not after all we've seen! All we know and all we don't? *sigh* Right friend?"
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
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Azure Lion: "No no—this isn't what I wanted! All you had to do was wait, after this was all over I was going to release Sun Wukong, help him see reason! That is now impossible—not after what you've done!"
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MK: “No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain. It’s like the Lady Bone Demon said—it doesn’t matter if I want to help people or not! Everything I do just- it just makes things worse!”
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
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Macaque: "Point is, it’s time to start making your own choices—something I wish I would have learned a lot sooner than I did. You don’t want to fight Azure because people might get hurt, you don’t want to not fight him because people might get hurt–so do something else! Only you get to decide who you are kiddo.”
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
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Sun Wukong: "Ah, don't be like that! Eat some fruit, soak up the sun—that's why I've been training so hard!" Macaque: "What, so you can be the strongest?" Sun Wukong: "Nooo! Well, maybe a little bit—but that's not the point! It's so we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just living a lazy life, sitting in the sun, eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
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Sun Wukong: "I just wanted to protect the people I cared about—to be strong enough. I lost sight of why I was doing any of it."
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Macaque: "You did it for yourself! You've become this like, obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone, he just does whatever he wants!"
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
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MK: "That's what you were pretending to be right? To be my friend? To care about me? When really you were just using me to get what you wanted! To turn me against my own mentor! Put your hand in the monkey cage, and expect to get bit son!"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
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Sun Wukong: "Azure just stop, okay? You've won—you're going to destroy us just like you wanted! Us an the entire universe." Azure Lion: "Huh? No. This is not what I wanted! I can still fix this, it's- it's the whole reason I'm here at all!" Sun Wukong: "Wait, how are you here!?" Azure Lion: "What? What kind of a question is that you know exactly how I'm-" Sun Wukong: "-No! Here and now! I put you in the underworld myself. How'd you get out, how'd you get the scroll? I know for sure you didn't steal it—you couldn't have! Azure, who gave you that scroll? Because whoever it was they must have known this would happen, wanted this to happen! And they used you to do it."
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Azure Lion: "I just wanted to make the world a better place!" MK: "You still can—you're the only one who can."
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
Welcome viewers, to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen! It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear whether they want to or not.
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enidsinclesbian · 11 months
sure warrior nun has been saved, but im not believing it until i see 3x01 with the opening scene of avatrice kissing and doing every domestic fanfic like thing on my screen
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deceptivemorals · 5 months
META + Tristan (Because you subjected me to the arduous challenge of writing something concrete about these two with a meme first so now it is your turn to suffer. Best of fortunes!)
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*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!  || @lordofthestrix || accepting
first of all, i have to apologize because you already sent in a similar request in … may. i don’t always respond chronologically and i take forever but it's not forgotten. i also wanted to answer this properly and knowing that i tend to make things long, i needed the right time for it to be answered. and yes, after i finished this really long headcanon/meta post, i noticed that i rambled. i still hope this thing here makes sense and i hope you all enjoy reading it and discovering more concerning young!vampire!elijah.
tristan is a black spot in elijah's story. elijah avoids mentioning him or even worse, giving him recognition for anything that makes elijah elijah. however, tristan had an impact on what & who elijah is now.
to make this meta work, i have to go back a little further.
it is known that elijah is descended from a witch and a viking warrior. rich people (rebekah explains in tvd that they were rich landowners in europe), but simple people. i firmly believe that elijah has been trained to be an outstanding fighter (mikael says he is proud to call him his son which confirms this). even as a human, elijah was gifted in strategy, different fighting styles, the ability to hunt, etc.
elijah has always been naturally gifted at being charming and polite, but as already mentioned, he came from a simple family. he lacked what makes him today: the elitist behavior, the formal language, and the way of dressing.
but until he came to the court of the de martels, elijah had not considered that this attitude/lifestyle was a direction he could take that would complete him.
in the originals 3x01, klaus described the situation of the mikaelson siblings as the following:
"in the beginning, we were so naive. our mother had made us into beasts who fed on blood. but immortality was beyond our grasp, compulsion a trick we had yet to learn. all we knew was a fear of being hunted… that, and a terrible hunger."
but despite this, elijah is shown as the one who is capable of acting farsighted. he's the one who covers the tracks, who insists that they stick together, he's the one who made the rules (of not letting anyone live who saw what they are). i think it's fascinating to say that even finn turns to elijah to present his desire to split up. finn wasn't simply deciding that this would be the way it's done, he's asking elijah.
it should also be added that back then, the mikaelson siblings didn't see themself as vampire royalty, solely because a) they were still figuring vampirism out, b) they were the only one of their kind, c) because they were very much focused on being on the run.
nevertheless, even back then elijah appeared to be a natural leader although i think elijah also had an identity crisis during that time.
elijah was a man who had long had the age and the necessary maturity to lead his own life. he had concrete plans with tatia (i think they soon would have married and started their own family). his parents' decision to turn them into vampires deprived him of this life and stripped him of his wishes. he was no longer human, he was something he could not fully comprehend, something he considered a beast, tatia was dead (and as far as he knew it was her blood that he was forced to drink which made vampirism worse), they were fleeing from their own father, they were in an entirely unfamiliar environment, living in fear and suddenly it was he who was responsible for the welfare of the family, as even their eldest brother finn didn't seem to take responsibility and take leadership. suddenly he found himself being head of the family which wasn't an easy task, especially at this time of new beginnings. in addition, there were also feelings of guilt in connection to klaus which had been intensified by the whole vampirism.
he also had issues with being 'in control' / having the necessary (from him desired) self-control. i think that self-control was already important for elijah as a human being. a good fighter needs self-control, control over the situation and a clear head. i think it's something that was expected in his upbringing (mainly from mikael) and also some kind of protective instinct.
i think the desire for self-control has increased since he attacked tatia. he obviously does not remember, but the trauma of his loss of control remained subconscious. so yes, he strives for (self-)control and to be in control of the situation which gets harder as a vampire.
but how does that get us back to tristan?
funnily enough, elijah was the one who was totally averse to the idea of posing as nobles:
"masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know and whose customs we cannot begin to understand? ridiculous!" - the originals 3x01
his objections were overruled and they were on their way to a real castle, in an environment where they had to be careful not to attract attention and elijah was very aware that this was a dangerous decision ("we're placing our lives in the hands of a stranger." - the originals 3x01) while his siblings mainly saw the luxury of having a comfortable life.
when presented to the count, elijah was impressed by the building, the high ceilings, by everything. he could see the appeal of it, of being something more.
again, it was elijah who stepped forward to answer the counts' critical question of never having heard that his actual expected guest had children.
even later at the party, elijah is shown to converse with the count. on another day, elijah was the mikaelson-sibling in an axe-throwing contest with tristan. he seemed to integrate into this lifestyle with the right amount of confidence while it seems that the other siblings did not do so to that extent and rather focused on romance or feeding.
since the siblings had a very long stay at the court, elijah had a lot of time to watch and learn. he adapted to the 'correct' behavior and the proper way to speak. elijah is a quick learner. he is someone who does a lot automatically after having it picked up and considered it important, and he had copied most of it from tristan.
so why tristan of all people? why not the count? why not aurora?
i think he identified with tristan (a bit) over time.
they probably have roughly the same age and i think they did spend some time together. out of curiosity perhaps, out of sportsmanship (the competition of throwing axes, perhaps even swordfight etc.), out of recognizing that they are both brilliant minds.
although far from being as educated as elijah is now, he was even back then a smart mind with diverse interests, which have been increased during their stay at the court and the new possibilities that it brought (a library, for example). although i do wonder how they even communicated (how did the mikaelson siblings learn to speak french within a year after turning into vampires?).
tristan was an older brother who was always concerned about his younger sister’s well-being, even though elijah soon noticed that this concern was (almost) an obsession. nevertheless, this reflected what elijah felt for his siblings: concern for their welfare, and the need to protect them. they also shared their disdain for their respective fathers.
but above all, tristan radiated control. tristan always seemed (outwardly) self-controlled and he was in control of the situation. a (self-)control elijah was looking for and something he desired as being in control/self-control is up to this day an important matter to elijah.
tristan also radiated a matter of course to deal with power. it struck elijah how naturally tristan saw his position of power, how he rose above others, but mostly how he wasn't scared to use what was given to him. power wasn't a curse, it was a gift. of course, elijah’s power (even with his limited knowledge of vampirism at the time) differed from the power that tristan had, nonetheless, he learned how to handle/use power by watching tristan.
and even if elijah did not always approve of the treatment of tristan's (or the counts) subordinates, he also learned qualities of leadership from his time with tristan. something elijah had to deal with as his family relied on him (and not on the oldest brother finn). don't get me wrong, i think elijah was taught how to be a leader by mikael but that kind of (required) leadership was different.
elijah learned valuable things during his time in southern france and there are two quotes from 'game of thrones' that fit the situation:
"power is power" – people like the count martel & even his children radiated a different kind of energy when it came to leadership, power, and control. a unique power that elijah (and his siblings) now held as well. a power elijah learned to use and not be ashamed of doing so (the first time when he compelled aurora to despise klaus).
"power resides where men believe it resides. it's a trick. a shadow on the wall. and a very small man can cast a very large shadow." – this can’t be transferred one-to-one to the situation, but it’s also something elijah had learned. appearance is important, without the right clothes (and of course without the initial help from lucien), they would have been noticed immediately. the right clothes/appearance/demeanor immediately brought their family a different kind of power, and respect. through the right appearance, you can achieve a lot without having to play the real trump cards. in the originals season two, esther explains to elijah that he dresses the way he dresses because he subconsciously wants to be 'clean'. i don’t think that’s the only reason, he prefers his suits because they give him authority / strengthen the authority he has. because the right clothes are important to make an impression. his suits are like an armor.
of course, the second quote is no longer quite so relevant, because elijah is now a powerful man. appearances are no longer deceptive and he no longer has to hide behind a false facade to be considered powerful. nevertheless, it is still a valuable lesson when it comes to assessing others. opponents are sometimes just puffed-up pomp, to whom one attributed too much power.
what i find interesting, however, is that tristan (and i am referring to my interactions with @lordofthestrix) acknowledges elijah’s power/monstrosity, while he does not acknowledge klaus' position and considers him small (x) (x).
learning from tristan gave elijah direction and i think that also ended his identity crisis.
nonetheless, elijah was not blinded by the lifestyle. he knew the count was a cruel man (a warning lucien had issued). that not all gold is what shines and a beautiful appearance deceives, was also confirmed when elijah (and klaus) discovered how tristan tortured lucien. there was nothing noble in these noble people. elijah was admittedly appalled by that discovery because despite being a monster himself, elijah still did value humanity and decency.
elijah found the fact that a man was capable of such a terrible thing, although lucien, a loyal servant, had done nothing wrong, horrible and he was disgusted by it, especially because tristan felt entitled to give such a vicious punishment and didn't even question his position as 'judge'.
this behavior, this entitlement, and the lack of humility are also something that elijah still has in mind and that he condemns. my elijah had a magnificent exchange about this topic with @lordofthestrix here.
fun fact: this situation was also the moment when elijah should have intervened. not to stop klaus, but to finish off tristan as soon as he had made his threat to spread the news of their true nature. because even if this threat hadn't been a bluff, they would have had enough time to flee. it's something he regrets in retrospect.
i think it's interesting that elijah and tristan left together after the latter was done torturing lucien. i assume they made some kind of deal (which had nothing to do with turning tristan at a later point).
so what does it mean to say that tristan contributed to making elijah elijah? it was definitely not an active process in the sense that tristan had consciously taught elijah. elijah evolved through interaction and observation of the 'wordly power'.
and he embraced the qualities he had picked up in this place.
"we made each other" - the originals 3x04
without tristan, elijah would have taken a different path or would have taken much longer to become the elaborate, elitist man he is now.
he enjoys not only being 'vampire royalty', but also presenting himself as such: powerful, superior, unassailable. over time, the mikaelsons have repeatedly presented themselves as nobility, 1112 in italy and most prominently 1492 in england.
so yes, tristan did have a major influence over what elijah is now although elijah would detest having to give him credit.
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missezramay · 2 years
portwell warriors —
I don’t even have words for whatever I just watched, but here are some thoughts that hopefully will comfort you as we wait for season 4:
• there may have been a confession scene, but there was still no “I love you” this entire season.
• portwell weren’t given a proper conversation or any closure, leaves scope to explore in S4
• we still don’t know what gina wished for in 3x01
• it’s unclear if ej is going to stay or leave slc
the whole “1 month later” jump really messed everything up… it was actually such a coward’s way out of wrapping up an episode. y’all really just going to leave summer like that. byeee.
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iamnotjules · 1 year
so we can all agree that warrior nun 3x01 should be titled John 20:13 right? :')
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nade2308 · 2 years
I was tagged by @kitthekazoo and @catholicnicky. Thank you both!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Abuse AU Magnum (Magnum PI 1980)
Crossover AU (Magnum PI 1980, MacGyver 2016, Hawaii Five 0 2010)
Hazing/college AU (The Gypsy Warriors modern day AU)
Library/coffeeshop AU (Blue Bloods and CSI)
Martine, Monte and Shorty AU fics (Monte Walsh 2003 modern day AU)
My aim is so true... (the Med AU, includes characters from The Gypsy Warriors, Black Sheep Squadron and Chicago Fire and PD, as well as original characters)
Shorty and Monte fics and ideas (Monte Walsh 2003)
The Merry Whump of May (only one active fic in this folder and it's about MPI 1980 3x01/3x02, an alternative ending)
Trial fic (Blue Bloods)
Turning the page - Bookstore AU (Monte Walsh 2003 modern day AU)
Google docs:
(Ideas, started fics, mostly written and/or almost finished). I am going to list only the more "active" ones because I have so many WIPs, whoops.
Alt ending to Med 1x18 (Chicago Med)
Alternative ending of Chicago Med 1x01 (Chicago Med)
Boys with a baby (Chicago Med)
Caged (Magnum PI 1980)
Car wash fic (The Gypsy Warriors modern day AU)
Chicago Med 1x12 filler (Chicago Med)
Chicago Med post 4x13 (Chicago Med)
Connor comes back story (Chicago Med)
Date night gone wrong (Blue Bloods and CSI)
Deal with the Devil (Blue Bloods and CSI)
First meeting and training (The Gypsy Warriors)
Hot basketball imps (Magnum PI 1980 modern day AU)
Hot imp idea (thanks Heather's brain!) (Magnum PI 1980)
I am the purest imp of all times apparently (Chicago Med)
Jack and Nick talk - college Nick/high school Jack - CSI and MacGyver 2016 high school/college AU
Jesse and Dix talk at the station (Jesse Stone movies)
Jesse and Jenn + friends (Jesse Stone movies)
Jesse and the undercover cop (Jesse Stone movies)
Muffled scream (Blue Bloods)
Murdoc evil (35 minutes) (MacGyver 2016)
Nick and evil (CSI)
Post 3x01 MacGyver - Still you on the inside (MacGyver 2016)
Pregnant omega Will (Chicago Med)
Restrained (Magnum PI 1980)
Robin and Thomas smut (Magnum PI 1980)
Side of the road (Jesse Stone movies)
Teddy and Shelly snippets (The Gypsy Warriors)
The nightmare one (I found him between a reality and a nigtmare) (Jesse Stone movies)
The one where Will is a sex worker and Connor falls for him (Chicago Med)
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when (But I know we'll meet again some sunny day) Ruby Jean and Joe (the evil fic) (Ruby Jean and Joe)
Will and Connor together in WitSec (Will breaks up with Natalie after they return, she thinks he cheated on her) (Chicago Med)
Plus the NEWEST WIPs: Black Sheep Squadron 1x13 Hot imps and Evil childhood backstory for Greg (both are for Black Sheep Squadron)
Tagging: @thethistlegirl @99point9percentwhump @sebbys-mama @erinsworld @thesammykinz and whoever else wants to do it because I certainly don't have that many people to tag. I have a lot of WIPs (and this is only the more "active" ones, not the gazillion others that are sitting on my drive).
Tagging @gregorygerwitz because I know you did this awhile back and I mentioned how many WIPs I had and I just wanted you to see the [redacted] list 😉
And yes, pls, yeet me asks, I LOVE talking about my WIPs.
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darkstorm1720 · 11 months
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booasaur · 11 months
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Warrior (2019) - 3x01
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bisidneycarter · 4 years
me finding out there are indeed father brown scripts on the bbc script library site: :)
me clicking the link and realising it’s only 1x01 and 1x02: :(
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mcbrilliant · 5 years
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It’s unanimous. The Furies have found Xena guilty...of all charges.
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LMK Story Motif
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Tang: “The thing you need to understand about the old legends, is that the story is never finished. There maybe be no more pages left to turn, but there’s always more to the journey. “
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Tang: “It’s nice to know someone is taking in all these stories—pearls of wisdom, DRIPPING from my lips.”
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Mirror MK: “UGH, stop that! Listen- every time we get in trouble, we turn to Monkie King or our friends or SOMEONE. They tell us a story, and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well! Now we’re on our own. It’s just you.”
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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MK: “Wait! I am worthy, definitely worthy! I’m Monkie Kid! Basically the new Monkey King—might have heard of me? You know, the next chapter? I’m totally worthy!”
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
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Totally Not Macaque (TNM): “Haha, what would you like to hear—the Hero suddenly remembered his beloved friend the Warrior? That they lived happily ever after?”
MK: “No! Nah no no no- well uh, yeah! Maybe. Um. Okay, I don’t know why I’m telling a complete stranger this but, I guess...I kind of feel like the Warrior in the story. A little. Is that dumb?
TNM: “I take that as a complement young man.”
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TNM: “The tell-tale sign of a good story—that you resonate with it so personally. But I think maybe you missed the point.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Macaque: “Ah MK, you really are dense, aren’t you. Haha, you saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn’t have to work for anything, and you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn’t care less about his friends. That’s you bud.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Tang: “Now, any chance at hope lies in the hands of a monkey, and a kid who wishes he was a monkey.”
MK: “Ugghhhh Mr. Tang! Would you quit it?
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Pigsy: “You’ve been reading your diary out loud LITERALLY all day. You’re bumming everybody out!”
Tang: “Hey! It’s not a diary, I’m writing the next chapter!”
(3x01 On the Run)
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Sun Wukong (SWK): “Okay! Gather round everyone, it’s Monkey King story time!”
(3x01 On the Run)
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SWK: “Kid, why did you...?”
MK: “Uh, well yeah- I- I was trying to do you in- in the omelet story! Do the weird impulsive Monkey King thing and escape the bad guy!”
SWK: “Well, I mean- Ne Zha ain’t really a bad guy but, did you forget about the part where I got really hurt?”
(3x01 On the Run)
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(3x05 Amnesia Rules)
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(3x06 The First Ring)
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Tang: “But...compared to the great monk, I’m not so...great.”
Pigsy: “You’re pretty great to me tang. Besides, you’re story ain’t over—not yet.”
(3x12 The Corrupted King)
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Tang: “MK, from the moment you picked up the Monkey King’s staff, their stories became our stories. It’s our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome. If we do this, we do it together.”
(3x13 Time to Be Warriors)
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Tang: “The curious thing about legends is the way we can continue to be moved by the same stories. We’re comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption. At times, the path of the hero might seem unclear, and the stories chaotic and directionless. Sometimes it may seem as though we’ve ended back where we began, but it’s clear to see how much we’ve grown on the journey—for although the story is over, there’s always room on the shelf for another.”
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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MK: “I wasn’t really gonna slice ‘em and dice ‘em you know, I just- I just thought we looked cool and edgy! But like, what if this is the point in our heroes journey where things get a little bit...darker.”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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MK: “You’re telling me that I’m holding THE Journey to the West legend in my hand right now?”
Azure Lion: “That and a great many other tales I’m sure."
(4x02 New Adventures)
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MK: “Alright! Find our friends, defeat the curse, and get back to the good old fashioned story of the week!”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: “L-listen you! Stop holding onto the past, it’s time to go!”
“Aah! What did I say before—earthly connections can only weight you down? Well, I don’t believe it! Your time with your family was precious, and nothing will ever take that away. The memories we make with the ones we love—they’re what lift us up! Your time here is over, but that doesn’t mean your story is finished—you’re not being cast out or pulled down, you were being lifted up!”
“The next chapter is calling you to start a new adventure, it’s time to answer the call!”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: “That’s it! This Tang has had it! We’ve been through a bajillion chapters from Monkey King’s Journey to the West, and I feel like we’re no closer to finding Pigsy, Sandy, or Monkey King!””
(4x04 Pig Napped!)
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Subodhi: “A simple creature, with no past, no family, and no name. There is a reason you were at the center of these stories—a reason you can harness the power of the Monkey King himself!”
“Without question, you were not born from the stone as he was! Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer; but, of one thing I am certain, fate has plans for you—great plans, or foul? Time will tell.”
MK: “I- I can’t be! I’m just- I’m just MK!”
Subodhi: “The Monkie Kid?”
(4x06 Show Me the Monster) (Isn’t it so funny that he’s named MK? Like the initials of Monkey King? Haha. It’s so funny isn’t it? HAHAHA. YEAH. I’M HAVING A GREAT TIME. THIS IS SO FUN.)
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Curse MK: “Hey no no I get it man—you want to get back to our monster of the week adventures, get back to our simple missions with Mei, mastering all of Monkey King’s powers and delivering noodles for Pigsy. Right?”
MK: “Yeah. Yeah actually, that’s exactly what I wanna-”
Curse MK: “-But we can’t. Not after all we’ve seen. All we know and all we don’t—*sigh*, right friend?
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MK: No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain. It’s like the Lady Bone Demon said—it doesn’t matter if I want to help people or NOT, everything I do it just- it just makes things worse!
Mei: “You’re all stuck up in your own head! None of this is your fault-”
MK: “It’s ALWAYS my fault! Ever since I picked up monkey king’s staff, I-”
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
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Ne Zha: “We should have stood and fought till the end.”
MK: “We didn’t stand a chance against them, if we'd stayed, it wouldn’t of made a difference.”
Ne Zha: “So you’re just gonna stand aside and let Azure become the new Jade Emperor!?”
MK: “There’s only one person who ever stood against the Jade Emperor and lived to tell the tale.”
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
Stories, Legends, and Tales.
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
Just got my “Heart of the Truest Believer” script today, and boy is there some fun content! I’ll try to have all the interesting changes scanned and uploaded by tomorrow or Wednesday night!! But as to what you can expect: Neal fans, Swan Fire fans, Sleeping Warrior fans, and Captain Swan fans -- get ready for all manner of shippy goodness and shippy angst!!!
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