#warrior nun smut
avatrice4l · 1 year
*Ava and Beatrice currently fight*
Ava, yelling at Beatrice from the bedroom: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Ava: FINE!
Beatrice: FINEE!!!
-20 minutes later-
Ava, walks to the couch and lays on top of Beatrice: I don’t want to hear it
*Beatrice wraps her arms around her*
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sistertinysips · 1 year
I love every single fanfic writer in the warrior nun fandom, specially those who write smut, but I have a bone to pick with you all.
Y'all always always make Ava the one with the praise kink. Don't get me wrong I love it but... hear me out, because these are hard facts:
Bea is literally, Miss 'excelled at literally everything for approval'. Miss 'became skilled at so many things just to have value', Miss so much of my identity leans on being GOOD at things, on nothing short of stellar peak performance. Are you all srsly telling me, that Beatrice No Last name isn't the one with the baddest case of praise kink ever??? Because... honestly
Now imagine them getting down to it, and just randomly by chance, in the middle of it Ava calls her a good girl for something that isn't even sexual and Bea fucking whimpers. Now that I'd LOVE to read, because we know she's just such a little shit, she'd take it, run with it to me moon and back and just have Beatrice wrapped around her little finger because she just discovered Bea's sexual Kryptonite
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littlestarlost · 1 year
eve, in the garden (an avatrice ficlet)
Ava is generally fascinated by all the things Beatrice does, but it’s all the fruit that finally sends her over the edge. 
Beatrice, who slices her apples into perfect sixteenths and peels mandarins while keeping the skin in one piece. 
Beatrice, who always rests the strawberry against her lips before taking a bite, as if in reverent prayer. 
(It’s a look Ava has only seen when they're in the throes of passion, and when Bea eats strawberries.)
Beatrice, who eats green grapes by peeling the skin off first, using only her teeth and tongue. 
(Ava makes herself come just by grinding her thighs together, panting hot into the corner of the pillow so Beatrice won’t wake up.)
Beatrice only buys things when they’re in season, so it isn’t until the first nip of October that she brings home a pomegranate. She actually brings home five—only one of which is going into the chutney she wants to try, but they were on sale—and as Ava helps put away the groceries she can’t help but drift towards them. Spending twelve years unable to feel has made her a glutton for novelty, even to this day; the chance to feel something new is still a shining golden treasure. Her sensory-hungry hands are immediately drawn to the pomegranate’s taut flesh, the healthy weight of it in her palm, the way something gives just a little under the surface when she applies the slightest pressure. 
“How do you eat these?” Ava asks, her mouth already watering for some reason. “Is the skin good? Can I just go full apple, or this another rambutan situation?” 
Beatrice laughs, her joy like pealing bells on a Saint’s day. “Not quite, but there is kind of a trick to them. Would you like me to show you?” 
Ava nods. “Yes, please,” she says, voice low. She can’t help herself when Beatrice shows her things. 
They have to finish putting the groceries away first—Beatrice, as always, is an edging queen—and then Ava has to do the dishes she left in the sink from this morning. But eventually things are to Beatrice’s liking (Ava would do a million dishes just to see that specific calm smile), and they stand together by the sink: Beatrice filling a bowl with lukewarm water, and Ava with her chin planted on her hands like a brat. 
“Watch this,” Beatrice flashes the tiniest smirk, twirling a paring knife between her fingers before stabbing it into the top of the pomegranate, cutting a neat circle around the calyx and removing it as casually as she might kill a man with her bare hands. “Now, do you see the white pith inside, in between the seeds? You have to peel that off, and it’s often easiest to do in water, like so.” She slices a few straight lines down the pomegranate before submerging it in the bowl and cracking it open like a spine, which sends a delightful shiver down Ava’s own back. 
In Beatrice’s hands, everything becomes holy. The water bath is a baptism, the squirt of juice blooming blood-red like a temple crowned with thorns; the pith floats to the surface like clouds as the arils sink to the bottom of the bowl. They don’t pop out of the pomegranate easily; Beatrice has to coax them off the pith, her thumb stroking the seeds until they submit. She pulls up a handful—tiny seeds, once held in bondage and now freed, pearly pink and nearly translucent around the edges. The water runs through her fingers in rivulets. 
“Here,” Beatrice breathes, as if speaking too loud might shatter the moment. She takes an aril from her cupped palm and raises it to Ava’s lips, her fingers lingering as Ava’s tongue darts out to receive it. “Close your eyes.” 
Ava obeys, eyelashes fluttering as she bites down on the tiny seed. There’s a burst of tart-sweet juice on her tongue, a gentle crunch—refreshing and intriguing and gone far too soon. 
“Delicious,” she groans with pleasure.
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simplykorra · 1 year
trespasser - chapter ten
Sometimes Ava gets far too lost in her head about just how fucked up her life is.
She’s died twice, lived in another realm for so long she’s probably lucky she doesn’t know an exact time. She’s been tortured and stabbed. She has a fucking angel’s halo in her spine that keeps her alive and heals her.
It’s so much, and all of that happened after she was in a car accident and left paralyzed and alone.
That part of her life somehow still hurts more than all the rest of it.
Still, the cherry on top of it all is her girlfriend. They don’t call each other that, but in Ava’s mind they are and there is no one else in any realm that Ava loves more than Beatrice.
Beatrice, who was once a nun and now has a demon living inside of her that may or may not like the way Ava looks naked.
It’s all just so very fucked up, but it is her life and she is still here to live and enjoy it and that is exactly what she’s going to do.
The sun has just set and Beatrice is tidying up their dining room after dinner (some excellent steaks that they had delivered) and Ava is feeling overwhelmingly gay at the sight of Beatrice being so domestic.
She sits on the couch and watches her, leaning over the back with her head in her hand just…watching.
Ava is convinced Beatrice doesn’t even know she’s doing it, but there’s a soft cadence of classical music playing on the little speaker Ava ordered and Bea is humming along with it.
There’s a tiny smile on the corner of her lips - it’s so peaceful. Almost normal - it’s everything.
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sapphicstacks · 1 year
Ava hasn’t had an orgasm in a month. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is probably not that big of a deal, but it’s getting pretty fucking annoying. Since that day with Beatrice in the Tributary bathroom, Ava hasn’t been able to make herself come.
And not from lack of trying.
Okay, fine, there were two weeks in there where Ava was in so much pain that she had absolutely no interest in masturbation, but now? It’s becoming a bit of a problem.
She’s tried everything. Her hand, her vibrator, a dildo. She even went out and bought a new vibrator just to see if a different shape or speed would finally get her over the edge. She’s tried any and every position she could possibly masturbate in— twice. She’s watched porn, she’s read smut, and she’s fantasized about things that she’s never once even considered as something she would be interested in.
The most annoying part of it is that it genuinely feels good. It’s not like she isn’t getting aroused. Ava knows how to make herself feel good, and it’s working. The problem is that she can’t bring herself over the edge. Her orgasm is always perpetually out of reach.
Her vibrator dies, or her hand cramps, or she gets overstimulated before she can get anywhere near the finish. And it's not like Ava has a particularly hard time getting herself to come. She’s faster with someone else (really fast with Beatrice) and consistent on her own.
Except for this past month. It’s becoming a genuine problem. Ava has been actively edging herself multiple times a day, so even when she’s not masturbating, she’s thinking about it. She’s turned on— constantly. Which is not ideal most days, but it’s really fucking bad today.
Because today is Beatrice’s first day back at the station.
Chapter 8 Cont. on AO3
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explosionshark · 1 year
THE THING IS for like a year or so I've had an idle fancy to like try my hand at some kind of fuck-or-die/sex pollen fic bc I find the whole concept of 'an external factor facilitates action on a long simmering sexual tension' to be like a juicy concept both from a smut and a character perspective HOWEVER my biggest stumbling block is the fact that while intellectually I know most people clicking through on a fic like this wouldn't actually give a shit about logistics and I could handwave to high heaven my own brain NEEDS a set up that makes some kind of sense to me or I can't even get started. And like pretty much every narrative device to make this trope go is, regrettably, monumentally stupid and thin
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toohaughthotdamn · 1 year
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Beatrice took Ava’s hand, “Do you not think yourself worthy of worship?” She lifted her other hand up to turn Ava’s face back towards her, brushing away a tear with her thumb. “Do you not think yourself worthy of devotion?” Ava’s gaze never left the ground, but Beatrice ducked down to meet her eyes, yet Ava turned away again.
Beatrice slid from her spot on the couch to kneel in front of Ava. “Do you not think yourself worthy of my devotion?” All she got in return was a scoff, so Beatrice bowed her head and did the one thing she knows she is good at. She began to pray.
When Ava heard the faint whispers she looked to Beatrice and the sight had her understanding the power of god at the altar. The fire within her gained new fuel as she saw Beatrice knelt between her legs, praying, begging Ava to accept the holy power she sees in her.
Ava reached down and brushed a strand of hair behind Beatrice’s ear, tracing down her jawline and tilting her chin up until Beatrice opened her eyes, and all Ava could see was love. Ava’s voice was hoarse as she whispered, “Show me”
Hello I have finally joined Tumblr and will start to post my fanart and fics in the next few days :) this is from my fic worthy of my devotion
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avatrice4l · 3 months
This TikTok did some justice cuz damnnn that first part is mentalll🥵! This TikTok creator did that!!!
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prettymimi · 11 months
me trying to hide how much i want a filthy toe-curling back arching sheet gripping doctorsuperior smut fic
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littlestarlost · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Warrior Nun (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva Characters: Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun), Ava Silva Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with minimal Plot, Beatrice shows Ava how to open a pomegranate and then things get even more sapphic, TFW your gf eats fruit so good you have to top her immediately, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Counter Sex, Kitchen Sex, quick and filthy Summary:
Beatrice only buys things when they’re in season, so it isn’t until the first nip of October that she brings home a pomegranate; and as Ava helps put away the groceries she can’t help but drift towards them. Spending twelve years unable to feel has made her a glutton for novelty, even to this day; the chance to feel something new is still a shining golden treasure. Her sensory-hungry hands are immediately drawn to the pomegranate’s taut flesh, the healthy weight of it in her palm, the way something gives just a little under the surface when she applies the slightest pressure. “How do you eat these?” Ava asks, her mouth already watering for some reason. “Is the skin good? Can I just go full apple, or is this another rambutan situation?” Beatrice laughs, her joy like pealing bells on a Saint’s day. “Not quite, but there is a bit of a trick to them. Would you like me to show you?” Ava nods. “Yes, please,” she says, voice low. She can’t help herself when Beatrice shows her things.
 ~ Avatrice smut due to sensual fruit prep, because our girls can't keep their hands off one another.
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chappelroans · 1 year
i remember everything (it all comes back to you)
Fandom: Warrior nun
Ship: Ava/Beatrice
Word Count: 18332
Rating: Mature
The bar is loud. Their bar.
It’s Saturday night and the city is alive. Though small, it never fails to feed gaggles of partygoers into the streets every weekend, taking students from the mountains and providing them with liquid stress-relief. Almost like coming home, the bar is always waiting for them with open arms.
The rafters seem to tremble with the music, like blood pumping through tight veins, bass spilling out of the mouth of Hans’ brand new stereo system -- all thanks to Beatrice’s meticulous budget-saving techniques. The glasses behind the counter shake and the bar’s stone walls and concrete floors reverberate sound like the belfry back in Andalucía. Beatrice no longer calls that place home. This is their home now. With the cavity of expectations filled instead with laughter, this is their home.
read the rest here on ao3
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sappho7 · 1 year
Just uploaded the newest chapter of my fanfiction 'Love Among the Shelves.' (it's very smutty).
If you want to check it out, please do! It's an AU Avatrice fic, taking place in a bookstore in the English Countryside 📚
Hope you like it!
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sapphicstacks · 1 year
Firefighters know the importance of good water pressure. Or, at least, that's what Ava would tell the crew when they asked why she always took a shower at the station.
The water pressure at Ava's apartment was shit, and the station always had hot water. So, every night, every morning, and sometimes, randomly in the middle of the day, Ava would take full advantage of the facilities.
Except that wasn't the whole truth. They really were great showers, sure, but the real reason Ava carefully planned every time she showered was what Ava was doing right now.
Sometimes, if Ava got the timing right and said just the right things, she could convince someone to join her in the shower.
So, tonight, during her second shower of the day, Ava was pressed against and three fingers deep inside one Lieutenant Beatrice Lin-Watson while the rest of their crew was obliviously watching Sharknado: The 4th Awakens across the firehouse.
Here's how Ava managed it.
An Avatrice Firefighter AU
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darklthemsby · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Warrior Nun (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva Characters: Ava Silva, Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun), Sister Camila (Warrior Nun) Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, They Flip Flop, Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Small Camilla cameo at the end, ava is horny Summary:
“What did you do to me?” Beatrice whispered, not as an accusation, but as a plea, a hope that whatever it was, Ava could pull at it more, draw it out of her, let her fully embrace it. “It’s okay Beatrice. I’m here.” Ava’s voice was gentle, almost a little apprehensive as Beatrice felt a hand gently cup her face, lifting it so she could meet Ava’s gaze. Oh.
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anonymousviolets · 1 year
Excerpt from my next fic, entitled “The Gardens.” Set in 2x06, the night before the first attack on the temple. (Beatrice has overheard Michael’s plan, in my head that and the “war council” happened the day before and they go in the next day, since they did say it was at 9 a.m.) When Bea wakes up and Ava is gone, so goes looking for her and finds her sitting out in the gardens around Jillian’s Estate.
A full moon makes the water sparkle, and the babble hides her almost silent footsteps entirely as she approaches a figure seated under a gnarled tree, lost in darkness except her silhouette that shows black and crisp against the light’s reflection in the pond before her.
“They came to a plot of land called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, 'Stay here while I pray.' Then he took Peter and James and John with him.”
“And he began to feel terror and anguish. And he said to them, 'My soul is sorrowful to the point of death. Wait here, and stay awake.' And going on a little further he threw himself on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, this hour might pass him by.”
Ava’s response surprises her. In all the time they’d spent together, Ava had avoided most theological topics, at least since the night on the train. She sits beside her, resting her hand just beside Ava’s. Not quite touching.
“So you know the story of the agony in the garden?”
“I was stuck in a bed in a Catholic orphanage for most of my life Bea, I remember some stuff. A bit on the nose, don’t you think?”
“Perhaps I wanted to illustrate that in his time of need, the night before the passion, even God asked for companionship from those who loved him. Even He didn’t want to be alone.”
Ava lets out a heavy sigh, staring out into the darkness. “Jesus got a raw deal, knowing he was going to die.”
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avatrice4l · 2 months
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YUMMY😏 ohh lord the comments has the creator of the artwork in it in ppls comments stop crying yall
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