#watched his former siblings grow up into Big Sisters‚ seen new Sisters forced into being‚ and has observed Lamb's rise to power
all-lars-bars · 7 months
I have a character pitch!
Former Little Sister who is now transmasc
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
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Jim and Jody - Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary; it was one of the biggest decisions of your life, but will you change your mind before your future is sealed?
Warnings; angst, mentions of abortion (everyone is permitted to do what they want with their body, in this imagine the reader wants to keep the baby, but pro choice, as everyone deserves control over their bodies and all 🤍), brief mention of sex and threats
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To see him so relaxed, so completely and utterly himself was a paradise all on its own. There was a heaviness aboard your shoulders, but as you watched him goof tirelessly about, you had no other concerns, not even as you subconsciously raised your hand over your stomach. You shook your head at the sentiment, the two of you had already made the decision to abort this child, it was unknown how the poor fellow would turn out to be; with the combination of your powers and his super everything, it was sure to be quite the complication, and not one that you supposed was to be an easy course.
A smile pried at your face, simply from viewing him with the pack of children, the wind from the docks swept your hair into your face, and in turn, you swept the locks out and away from your vision, so that you had further access to watch the man that you loved in his absolute element. Through the years, past and recent, he had lost so much, and this child was just to be another mantle on the wall of memorial in his mind, it was sad really. If the two of you were normal, with average and lives that had perceptions with no regards of being heroic, there’d be no query about it, you’d keep the baby.
That life though, to your grave misfortune, did not exist, it was merely a fantasy living painfully inside of your mind, haunting you whenever you closed your eyes, with the flashing images of a resolution and end to the errors in your lifestyle. There’d be a big house, yet nothing to prissy, just enough room for the pair of you and few children of your own, a grand garden with a swing set and sand pit, where the infants could grow up and play in once they were older. Then there’d also be a shed for Bucky to work on small projects, such as attaining some love and care to his motor bike, as well as storing the supplies that he’d need to do so.
All that is a universe away, muffled from possibility by the stars expediting through the gorgeous veil of the galaxy, corrupting the possibilities of ever gaining access to such... peace. That was the one thing that the pair of you wanted, however catching a break was rather rare within your predicament. A stifled laugh reeled from the conjunction of your lips as you simply and endearingly surveyed how the boys, specifically Sam’s nephews hung from the vibranium branch of his arm. It was all your attention was focused on, until an extra person took a seat on the picnic table beside you, his sweet yet musky scent detailing whom it was. “If your not going to eat that, I’m sure Barnes Junior might want an opinion on that.”
The underlining of the words caused an abstract grimace to forlorn your features, as you stared not at the speaker of whom you were close with, but instead the slather of cake that was planted on a paper plate before you, the icing beginning to become slightly sick from the beating of the viable son. “You’re glowing, you know? Motherhood is a good look on you y/n/n, I wouldn’t be so soon to let that go.” Your fingers pried at the dismantled crumbs off your section of desert as you looked to your new captain, a resonating conformation fo bridled suffering and hopelessness clouding your view of his attempt at making you atone before you made a sin that you’d forever regret.
He, like many others, knew that the family life was what you wanted; you wanted to be your child’s hero, tending to their each necessary (and unnecessary) need, them being your main focus and project and life. Instead, you had been handed your options on a short stick, and thus, your decision, albeit somewhat of a sensible one, didn’t make it hurt any less. “Sam.” You spoke his name, observing from the corner of your eye how Bucky paraded around the dock with Jim and Jody. It’d be nice to give him a slice of this kinda life, he was thriving as an adult around children, you could only imagine him in the case of this one being birthed into the world. “It’s not that easy.”
“No one said it was going to be easy.” Sam responded quickly, affirming your fears to your nerve wrecked face. “I get it, I do. People will be after this kid, and that is no way to live, but you two aren’t alone in any of this, nor will you be in that. You have me, along with many other old friends of ours, hell even the Wakandan’s. Do you really want to sacrifice this one life so you can continue living this one? You and Bucky have both lost so much, you don’t have to force yourself to willingly give away something else. The decision can be changed the last minute, it’s a lot to take in, I get that, but I see the way Buck is with my nephews, and how you watch them when you think nobody’s looking over at you. With your state pardon, you two can retire, and go far away, and abandon everything for this one little guy or gal, because I know that if you do, no matter what, they’ll be worth it.”
Bucky wailed a warrior’s shout as Jim and Jody playfully struck him down, his unsheathed metal hand grasping at the cloth that was tightly aboard his addictive chest. He rolled on the ground as the children ran to retrieve their toy lightsabers, leaving him to be expendable against their weapons. There was a giddy and fitting smile smouldering his usual stoic expression. It was no wander why he found calm in visiting Sam and his sister’s small, and accepting family. The kids brought out another side of him, which he had been tortured to refrain from showing, but you had seen, and were contemplating many things within your mind. You were lapping up the image, as though you were dehydrated and the sight of him appeased by the company of young ones was a source of water.
Sam was right, he always was and had been. “The decision was on both of our parts, you don’t think Buck’ll change his mind, or do you?” You were invested in getting a responsive answer, yet the man spluttered a laugh at your confused expense. He heaved for a moment, bracing his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. There was nothing stopping him from gaining it back, unlike Bucky whom had grabbed a saber of his own and lightly began to paddle against the one that was directed against him, other than another round of hysterics that abandoned him. A reasonable smile resonated a comfortable position upon the former falcon’s face, as he tentatively patted your knee, watching as you broke off a small rupture of cake and popped it in your mouth, feeding not only yourself but the inmate within your womb.
“There isn’t really much for me to say, it’s easy, look at him. He will be fine with whatever decision that the pair of you succumb to, after all, it’s your body, but it will pain him like nothing else ever has if you go through with the abortion, and if not, then trust me, we’ve both seen how hard he fights; think of that but ten times the mass in consideration of this baby, because I am certain that he’d do anything for them. He lost his entire family when he awoke from his mode of hydra assassin, this could be him getting it back. Different members, but a family all the same.” He stole a little of your cake, making you lightly elbow him as a smirk rendered a beauty upon his face.
“What’s that going to make you, the patriotic uncle who just can’t keep himself from flashing his shield?” Now it was his turn to retaliate, he lightly scuffed your ankle with a feather light tap of the toe of his shoe, causing you to promiscuously roll your eyes. “I’m joking, that was Steve’s aesthetic, this new version of cap is your baby, I have great faith in you to make this world a better and safer place. The funny thing is, when you finally accepted that shield was yours, that’s when my mind shifted to the possibility of keeping this kid. It was and has always been a sign of hope and protection to Bucky, maybe it could be the same for our little one. It was just a thought, I’m not meaning to put pressure on your or anything bu-“
“I get it, and I’m honoured. And if that is how it seems, then I want you to know that I’ll be there to protect them too. The main bump in the road for now is for you to talk to that grumpy ass boyfriend of yours and figure this sperm plus egg equation out, send Jim and Jody over here, I got somethin’ to show those two anyway.” With a nod and a grateful pat upon your friend’s head, you slowly plodded over to where Bucky was being cornered against the side of the truck by the boys. His blue orbs danced around their small and imaginative beings, until they landed on you, it was as though his pupils were calling out for help, begging for you to spare some mercy upon him.
“Jim, Jody, your uncle Sammy has something for you two to see.” They groaned lightly, having been pulled away from the narrative of their play time, but nevertheless their faces were clean slates as they expressed hyper smiles, and bolted their route towards their mother’s sibling, carrying their lightsaber replicas along with them. “Two kids beat an infamous, deadly badass with a metal arm. I think you might be getting too old for these kinda battles Buck, you were losing, and quite terribly if I say so myself.” Crossing your arms, as he came to an upright stand, hoisting himself off the ground, so that he could be more level with you.
“Yeah, yeah, rub it in. Thought you were supposed to be supportive of me and all that, as you said to Zemo, you’d quite happily cut his dick off if he compared me to the shadow that I used to be.” His brow raised, as he reminisced on the thought of you threatening Zemo; it was hot, and certainly had gotten him going, which had shortly left you in this predicament, trying to save the world and execute the one last thing that exhumed hope to either one of you. The baby. It was almost a certain and solid fact that the little one inside of you had been procreated on the Baron’s private jet, more specifically, the small and clean bathroom that had became dirty with your primal sins.
“And I still regret not doing that, he’d have had much less leverage in any sense of the word of phallic if he had it sectioned off.” Silence emitted between the two of you, although a humoured smirk tantalised upon Bucky’s graceful face. For a change, he was not prompting the expression of a grumpy cat that was refused its nip, no, instead he could be compared to a future - actually, he already was a father to the bean held in the shield of your body, having been an ample ingredient in bringing the small person into being. “So, you having fun with Sarah’s kids, sure looks like you were quite in your element before I cut in.”
“I’m always in my element when you’re around doll.” He smiled, wrapping his uncoordinated hands around the oval of your waist, and tugging you sentimentally closer, your hips bumped with his, as your eyes ogled infatuatedly up at him. “They’re great kids, makes me realise exactly what we’re gonna be missing out on.” Bucky gulped, sparks of emotion taunted the behind of his eyes, like saucers of resentful fire. “You’d be the perfect mother, you know that right? After all you’ve done for me, you’ve nurtured me close to the man that I once was, the only difference is that I want to settle, but I don’t know how to go about dropping everything. This kid is killing me, he’s making me question everything.”
“That’s what kids are supposed to do, unborn, or very much avidly attacking grown men with false lightsabers.” Bucky deeply into your frustrated and corresponding eyes, your hands reaching up to play defiantly with the smooth dip in his chin that could be seen through the shading of his light stubble. “What if we did have a Jim and Jody of our own some day? We could keep him or her, they’d be our greatest concern, we don’t have to go down this painful and longing, rusted road. We could bring something good into this world, protect them against all forces that threaten to disrupt their life, I want this with you Bucky. We could move far far away, or go somewhere close to home.”
“Brooklyn.” He stated, causing a line to crease gently in the plain of his forehead. “I want to call them Brooklyn, if I am to fight the rest of my life for something, I want it to be my home. Last time I had to leave there, but it’s my amends to never leave this child of ours, if we’re going to do this, we need to put them in front of everything, and I mean everything.” He spoke, in reference to the other avengers and other aliases that you had stood by for so long. Bleakly you nodded, grasping his jaw down for an amorous kiss, humming against the palette of his lips, as your hands entwined behind his neck, pulling his face closer to your own, prompting his tongue to travel deeper within the realm of your mouth.
“Brooklyn is a nice name. How about Brooklyn Margaret Barnes? I think that has quite the ring to it.” You offered, and he hardly reacted, instead quickly appraising a pleasant smile onto the canvas of his work of art face, as he ducked his head down, conjoining the pair of you into a passionate and meaningful collide of your lips. Sam smiled as he watched the pair of you, pointing at you two from afar, as his nephews from afar. He was giving them a man to men talk, offering them advice that they would have valuable usage of in the future.
“Now that is love. You don’t give up for the one thing that connects you, and those two, well Bucky and y/n have been through a hell of a lot. They deserve this, and when you meet a woman when you’re older, and your mum is watching on towards the two of you, I want you to make her proud by treating your girl like a princess, willing to sacrifice everything simply to create the future that she wishes for you.” He emotionally wiped his eyes, rushing to stand before he grasped a lightsaber, leaving the other to spare for one of them. “Now Jim and Jody, which one of you will be my padawan?”
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
cdrama rec/review: go ahead
Series: go ahead Episodes: 40 Genres: family, healing/melodrama, slice of life, romance Spoilers in the Rec: for the first 20% ish/set-up If You Like, You’ll Like: reply 1988, le coup de foudre, find yourself (same production company/main male actor), rain or shine/just between lovers, found family stories, meet again stories
Rank: 10/10** (see Drawbacks section)
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widower hai chao and his 6 year old daughter jian jian live happily above his noodle restaurant despite the recent, tragic death of his wife. one day, dysfunction junction a married couple (he ping, a police officer, and chen ting, a real piece of work) move into the same building with their 7 year old son, ling xiao. immediately, jian jian attaches herself to ling xiao, who is unexpectedly grim for a small child. 
because ling xiao’s family is less-than-healthily grieving the loss of their youngest child, ling xiao’s sister who died in a terrible accident. The Apartment of Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms eventually implodes, ending with chen ting abandoning her husband and son. he ping, suddenly a single father, and hai chao come to a friendly partnership that is clearly alluding to gay marriage where they co-raise both of their kids--hai chao as the primary caregiver, and he ping supporting them financially through his job as a policeman.
meanwhile, the neighborhood busybody is dead-set on getting hia chao remarried. eventually she introduces him to a divorced single mother, he mei, and her son zi qiu, who is ling xiao’s age. they sort of start to date, but it culminates in he mei skipping town and leaving zi qiu behind. hai chao, man with a heart of gold, informally adopts him and zi qiu becomes jianjian’s foster brother.
from there, the trio grow up happily and become inseparable. but once zi qiu and ling xiao graduate high school, the bullshit parade their respective childhood skeletons reappear in their lives. circumstances lead to the boys moving overseas, leaving jianjian and their fathers behind. 
they reunite after 9 years, when the boys return to a home where they hope to pick things back up from where they left off. things are more complicated than that, as jianjian finds herself in a new life and surrounded by new people. 
li jian jian
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hai chao’s daughter and the only girl in the family. she attended the required short-hair-low-grades training program required of all cdrama youth female leads. super positive and outgoing, as well as the youngest of the three pseudo-siblings, jian jian grows up spoiled and over protected by her father and brothers, and as a result is completely devastated once her family falls apart. it’s so sad.
after the time skip, she’s an on-the-verge successful artist who makes woodcarvings, and exudes big art bro energy. inhales sugar like it’s nobody’s business. she inherited her father’s disease called caring too much, and it’s incurable!! 
ling xiao
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the eldest brother and resident fun police. ling xiao comes from a seriously toxic home that finally seems to improve once his mother leaves. but then she comes back. fucking great. introverted to the point of being withdrawn to anyone but his chosen family, ling xiao’s had to carry a lot of emotional weight that takes a larger and larger toll on him as the series progresses. please get this boy some therapy. 
becomes a dentist because jian jian needs one. wears a lot of monochromatic outfits with low necklines because heavy angst but make it fashion. has been in love with jian jian since high school and is still carrying that torch 9 years later.
he zi qiu  
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the middle child who grows up in hai chao and jian jian’s home, and is her foster brother in all but paperwork. hotheaded, zi qiu and jian jian basically share two brain cells that ling xiao routinely takes from them for safekeeping. he spoils jian jian, sneaking her snacks and junk food and wants to become a pastry chef so he can open a sweet shop for her!!
my favorite character. just wants to be wanted 8( him and hai chao’s relationship is my favorite dynamic in the series. will sob while driving a pink moped. is too proud to beg
li hai chao (left) and ling he ping (right)
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the greatest (hai chao) and okayest (he ping) dads in the world! noodle dad/hai chao has never done anything wrong in his life, ever, and we know this and we love him. he ping isn’t a bad person, but demonstrates pretty classic absentee parenting/isn’t as emotionally present in his son’s life as hai chao. hai chao is the heart of the family, and would do anything for his kids 8( 
tang can (left) and qiu ming yue (right)
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jian jian’s #GirlGang and roommates. they, like literally everyone in this drama, have some severe mom issue hang-ups. tang can (left) is a former child actress who is struggling with her lack of success as an adult and gives well-meaning but absolutely terrible advice on the regular. 
ming yue (right) is jian jian’s best friend since childhood and as an adult is trying to break free from her mother’s controlling nature--she’s also had a thing for ling xiao for the last 9 years. raises fish for symbolism purposes.
chen ting
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ling xiao’s mom and certified garbage human. unable to cope with the death of her daughter that was her fault lbr, she abandons her family and disappears for ten years. she forces her way back into ling xiao’s life when he turns 18, where it’s revealed that she’s remarried and ling xiao has a younger half-sister chengzi (”little orange”). shit goes down, and soon ling xiao is forced to move back to singapore to serve as primary caregiver to both his mother who abandoned him and the half sister he barely knows. 
emotionally abusive and basically hits every single square on the toxic parent bingo card. i just. i just hate her. even typing this out is making me mad.
he mei
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zi qiu’s mother. after a few dates with hai chao, she ends up ditching her kid and disappearing for unknown reasons. is a slightly better parent than chen ting but that’s like saying some poison kills you slower. the show tries to bring us around on her but it didnt work for me. 
zhuang bei, zi qiu’s best friend growing up who i would like a lot less if he wasn’t played by the same actor who played my beloved dachuan
zheng shuran, jian jian’s first boyfriend and fellow artist who’s got a weird thing for women’s waists and pretentious artists’ statements
du juan, jian jian’s friend who co-owns their woodworking studio. has absolute trash taste in men
chengzi, ling xiao’s half-sister who can be a brat but dear god does she need to be protected/saved 
so this is a weird one for me. what i didn’t like i really didn’t like, but what i loved i really loved. ultimately, the factors/uniqueness of this show and the loveability of the main characters outweighed the negatives and it’s one of my favorite dramas.
THAT SAID. i got some #thoughts on this one. 
first, there are literally no positive mother figures in this show. not a damn one. they are all negligent or controlling at best or down right abusive at worst. no woman over 30 is portrayed positively and that’s a big No from me. 
the last 10 eps have some pacing issues and focus on the wrong people. spending the remaining episodes focused on one of the most universally hated characters vs. the main family was a bad move 
the show tried to redeem or make us sympathize with characters that were, to me, completely irredeemable. one case is worse than the other, but both of them were terrible people that deserved to be cut out of the main family’s lives.  
the main family. the characters are so wonderful and nuanced, and their dynamics with one another were amazing. you’ll fall in love with hai chao aka noodle dad and the trio. they go through so many trials but they still stick together and it’s ultimately a healing drama and i loved it very much.
the central romance was less in focus, but the pining is enough to make jane austen emerge from the grave. i loved the leads together, and while LOL ling xiao’s attachment to jian jian was not always healthy, they supported each other and it made me smile. i love me a tortured pining dude.
#Acting. everyone played their parts to perfection. the child actors in particular were so well-cast (esp baby zi qiu)
the soundtrack lmao. you watch the opening credits and know you’ll need to buckle up
idk it’s a very unique show, and i haven’t seen one like it. reply 1988 comes close, but it doesn’t tackle the same issues and it was all just very real and earnest. 
Final Thoughts.
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admin-in-residence · 5 years
To Lose you...Ace, Luffy and Sabo
Request: ASL have a baby sister around the age of 10, Ace and Luffy raised her and she joins Luffy and goes with him to Marineford, role reversal and their little sister takes Ace’s place and dies in his place.
Extra Note: Ooh boy...this one really got me...I was crying reading this request because honestly I can’t even imagine their reactions if something like this happened...anyways, proceed with caution...because we have so major feels over here.
A little extra warning: Very graphic blood and gore and graphic descriptions of death...please be advised this doesn’t have a happy ending and this may be triggering for a lot of people. I’m sorry in advance.
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From the minute Ace set his eyes on you, all those years ago, he knew that he had to protect you.
You were so small...just a little baby when he, Luffy and Sabo found you whilst exploring out in the forest.
They all decided together that you would be their honorary little sister, and grow up alongside them.
They may have needed a little help from Dadan and the Bandits here and there, but they took it upon themselves to work as a team to raise you together.
The first time that they experienced a loss, was when Sabo “died” and that was unbearable, but it was the thought of you that kept Ace and Luffy going.
So the four of you became three, and Ace vowed to never let anyone he cared about get hurt...or even worse die...again.
Ace loved seeing you grow up, watching you become your very own person...brave and determined, you stood up for what you believed in and he felt his heart soar whenever you asked for his help.
Being the eldest brother, Ace took on a lot of responsibilities, most of which he had to leave behind when he left to sail the seas.
Ace had thought the most heartbreaking thing he would ever see in his life was when his beloved little sister stood at the edge of the docks, crying her eyes out as he sailed away.
He had promised to see her again, and although in his heart part of him wished that she would remain with Makino and Dadan on their home island, he knew that she would sail away with Luffy when he left. Luffy was far more lenient with rules when it came to their family.
But he never thought this would be the way to see her again...in Marineford, crying out to him to believe in her and Luffy.
Ace felt less worried about his own fate and more worried about how he could get you safely away from this battlefield whilst he was shackled and about to be killed...
Of course...everything seemed to work out, Ace, Luffy, and their wonderful little sister were only a little way of being safe, Trafalgar Law, standing upon his submarine after agreeing to allow them board and escape.
Ace had merely turned his head away for one second...away from watching his little sisters back to survey the path ahead when he heard a pained gasp and a grunt of surprise.
When he looked back, Ace had never felt more sick to his stomach.
His baby sister...only 10...was standing shellshocked, eyes were blown wide and mouth open in a silent gasp, blood dripping out of a hole through her small body. Flames and magma oozed around and out of it and Akainu stood behind her, his face a mix of anger and confusion.
It only took Ace a second to see what had happened, the minute he had looked away to the front, his little sister had looked back and taken the blow that had surely been aimed at himself.
There’s really no way to describe what this poor boy is thinking, his body completely shuts down...and it’s as if the entire battle around them comes to a halt. He can feel every person's eyes on them...looking at his little sister.
Akainu pulls away, if not somewhat guilty for what he has done to a child, pirate or not, and doesn’t make another move for either Ace or Luffy.
His little sister takes a small step, and one more before looking down, and then back up. Her face looks confused before she looks to Ace.
The minute she finds his eyes, her body collapses...and Ace is right there to scoop her up.
“You're ok! You're ok...!” Ace gasps, his mind is still shut down, and he can’t think, “Everything’s going to be fine...we can fix this...there has to be a doctor...Trafalgar...he’ll fix you.”
But Ace knows better, he watches as the light starts draining from your eyes, and you look confused...so confused but he can still hear your faint whisper as you say “I love you guys...” for the very last time...
Ace doesn’t scream, he doesn’t move...he can hear Luffy let out the most heartwrenching noise imaginable...but he just looks at you, your eyes still half-open, not quite shut...staring straight through him.
You don’t look dead...surely your just playing a small little joke.
But when he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to the Heart Pirates captain, Law, he sees the smallest bit of sympathy in his otherwise cold eyes.
He knows that he has one last job to do...one last thing before he can stop everything.
He takes his little sisters body over his shoulder, pretending that the red liquid dripping down his chest isn’t really your blood, on the other shoulder he scoops up Luffy’s immobile body and he races to Trafalgars ship.
He allows Law to take Luffy to the medical wing, hooking him up and begin treating him for shock, and then they bring his little sister's body to another room until they can find a place to bury her. 
Then and only then does he allow his body to fall into the unconscious state he’s been fighting off for what feels like hours.
When he awakens, Ace simply lies in the medical bed that Law has dumped him off then, trying to process the information and everything that's happened.
Ace ultimately makes the choice to bury her next to Whitebeard, knowing that the old man will take good care of his little sister in whatever afterlife there may be.
He also makes the choice to leave the remaining Whitebeard Pirates ranks...choosing to now alliance himself with his brother, and vowing to never. ever. EVER, let anyone touch a hair on Luffy’s head.
Ace won’t be the same ever again, after this loss...but when he thinks of your smiling face, despite the sadness he feels at your memory, it reminds him to keep on fighting, for himself and his beliefs, and for Luffy.
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We know Luffy is goofy and immature, and sometime’s careless...but older brother Luffy is more serious. He observes everything that has to do with his sister, and he takes extra good care of her.
He didn’t put up a fight when it was time for him to set sail and his little sister wanted to go with her. He felt confident enough that he could protect her.
When it was time to go to Marineford, Luffy tried to get her to stay behind, but his little sister wouldn’t hear of it...she wanted to protect her older brothers as much as they protected her.
Luffy and his sister worked together to free Ace, and Luffy was overjoyed. Everything was going to work out, and they would be reunited again.
Luffy wouldn’t have to hear his baby sister sob Ace’s name or call for her brother in her nightmares.
Ace led the group towards the submarine, and Luffy follows eagerly behind.
Unlike Ace, who looked away from their sister the moment she was struck, Luffy is forced to watch the entire thing.
He sees Akainu coming towards them, and he watches his baby sister catch his eye, see’s his fist raised to strike Ace, and all but dives in front of the firey fist.
He is forced to watch the heated fist smash through his little sister's body, he hears the sizzling of their skin, he watches the initial blood crust over before new blood rises.
Ace turns his head back finally, but Luffy’s already seen enough. His voice is trapped in his throat, and everything is shutting down around him. He lets her name slip through his mouth, but it’s merely a noiseless whisper.
He watches her step forward, and collapse into Ace’s arms.
He’s never truly felt like a failure until this very moment, he’s never wanted to lay down and give up, he’s never wanted to think about giving up.
He’s never thought about living without his baby sister.
For a while, he was the youngest sibling in their ragtag little honorary family. And then when they found her...Luffy had never been excited...he was going to be the big brother...he could tease her, and train with her and protect her like he had been as the youngest
But he had done nothing...couldn’t do anything now.
He let out a scream, a scream that came from within him, making his own blood curdle. He saw the light leave her eyes, and the last thing he heard was her saying “I love you...”
Luffy although upright, was unconscious seconds after.
When he awoke, he was a mess.
He fought everyone aboard the Heart Pirates sub, taking off into the woods of whatever island they had landed upon.
He called his sisters name, willed her to come out so perhaps it would all be a dream after all.
When Ace finds him, he asks if he knows where their little sister is. Perhaps she’s playing hide and seek?
But when he sees Ace’s tears, he knows. He’s always known honestly. Luffy breaks down again, utterly heartbroken.
Luffy is grateful for Ace remaining by his side because after everything Luffy isn’t sure he would be strong enough to continue without their little sister by his side.
Extra: Sabo
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Sabo didn’t get the same amount of time then the others did with you. But he still remembers the babbling little baby that he would get to hold in his arms when he was just a child. Who he would calm to sleep rocking her in his little arms.
To forget all about her was painful...
But to finally awaken these memories by a picture in a newspaper, was unbearable. They hadn’t named you, you being so young and not having any bounty.
But he could see it in your features, the shape of your nose, the color of your eyes, your hair, once few and short, now longer and full.
You were so young...and you were gone?
Sabo collapses instantly, and when he awakens he’s remembered everything.
He takes any lead, listens to anyone with information, and it eventually leads to your grave, buried beside Whitebeard, Ace’s former Captain. He sets out 4 cups, fills three of them with sake, and the fourth is filled with a sweet juice he recalls you like when you were little so long ago.
He spends the day there, thinking of you before he continues on his way.
He has a new goal in mind...he plans to find Ace and Luffy.
He wants to hear their stories, know all about how you grew up...your favorite things...what he missed when he was gone and had forgotten.
It takes some years, but finally, in Dressrosa he meets with his brothers once more, a tearful reunion that promises a little relief amongst the grief of three brothers.
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quietlysatan · 5 years
An Invincible Summer - ShanaStoryteller, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: T for read the warnings, but don’t worry too much because of them
Favorite Quote(s): I legit wanna tattoo this next quote on me somewhere
"Oh, the things that can be accomplished through ignorance of their impossibility," 
And this Straight Up Fact
“There’s no such thing as cheating as long as you win,” Natsu says, and the brat’s not wrong.
This one’s just funny
“Chouza,” Inoichi forces himself to say evenly, “Your teachings produced Ebisu and goddamned Gai.”
“Genma’s pretty normal though,” Chouza sighs, “I never could get through to that boy.”
Gently Gai casually caring about Kakashi’s well-being is my entire reason for living, speaking of which if someone wants to come be my Gai that’d be really fucking nice because us Kakashi’s don’t do too well on our own
He hesitates, but says, "Not that I do not find your newfound mentorship to be a most youthful endeavor, but -"
"I don't know," Kakashi interrupts his friend, "I met her while she was taking her genin exam and she, I don't know, adopted me or something. She just keeps showing up."
Gai nods thoughtfully, "Stubbornness is a useful skill to have when trying to cultivate a friendship with you." Kakashi elbows the other man, but doesn't protest besides that. "She's a good cook."
And this one because I love it when people Get It, ya’know?
That's really why he won't say anything, why he won't reveal that the Kyuubi's container and the fourth Hokage's child is still alive: they already killed him once. Naruto and Shikamaru are the same age, they would have been in the same class, and the idea that anyone could want to harm his innocent, precious son makes his blood boil 
And this one, for accuracy
"This sounds like a most youthful endeavor. I will bring Anko! She will fan the flames of youth in our young Konoha blossom!"
Both Itachi and Kakashi look at Gai, horrified. "Please don't," Itachi says weakly, like he knows it'll fall on deaf ears but he has to try anyway.
"Don't worry," Gai attempts to assure them, going into his Good Guy pose, "They will produce youthful flames of feminine excellence!"
"They're going to burn down Konoha," Kakashi says flatly.
Gai's hair and teeth sparkle in the sunlight, and he doesn't attempt to deny it.
Another important one
"The world is a terrible place," she says, and she has to swallow before she speaks again, "and it's full of terrible people. But I don't have to be one of them." 
I love that Natsu-chan has great balance, this is my number one favorite character trope, and I wish more people would write it
She bends down to look at him upside down, and Itachi can feel that she's not using chakra to stick onto him, and sometimes her balance just isn't logical. 
I just love the idea of tiny genius Naruto, and I love that Natsu-chan is a seal master at like, fucking seven and a half lol
Itachi knows it's actually far more complicated than that, but just as he does not tell her minutia of the past shinobi wars in their history lessons, she does not overcomplicate her explanations of sealing. Usually he's grateful for that, but when she appears to break every known law to sealing and chakra, he's not.
"That's," he blinks and he's not going to tell her it's impossible because it clearly isn't, "new," he settles on.
A mood honestly
Inoichi now feels the urge to bang his head against the table top, because 'a huge pain' to Natsu is 'literally impossible' to everyone else.
Another mood honestly
Inoichi watches his former genin dig in with resignation. “When are you guys going to start picking up the tab? Feeding you all isn’t cheap you know.”
Hana swallows her mouthful, “Sensei, I am but a lone healer’s apprentice –“
“I have been a chunin less than a month,” Kabuto pouts, wounded, “and already you seek to profit-“
“Do you have any idea how much sealing paper and ink costs?” Natsu demands.
“Okay, okay,” Inoichi grumbles, but it’s not very effective considering he’s smiling, “I take it back, jeez.”
Okay so, since this is a 100k+ word fic, I’ve been doing this thing lately literally just now on this fic review where I only feature quotes from the first chapter (Depending on length.) but, I’m making an exception because I’ve never seen these three characters and my thoughts on them summed up so well by someone I don’t know which is to say anyone, no one I know cares about my interests really lol
"Maybe a little," he admits grudgingly, "Sakura's really smart, but she acts dumb for some reason. And her endurance is really bad. She probably would have been failed on that alone if she didn't have such good aim with shuriken. And Sasuke's good at like, everything, I still don't get why he didn't graduate earlier. He's just so-" Kiba rubs his hand over his face.
"So what?" Hana prompts, even though she's heard this particular complaint before.
"Sad," the genin sighs, "He's miserable all the time, and he works hard and if you yell at him for long enough he'll work with you, but - crap, I don't know. He's got this really great poker face so you think he's just a big jerk, but I can smell his emotions, the big idiot, and he's just this sad lonely kid who won't listen to anyone."
Hana hums, because if she opens her mouth she'll probably start cursing the Hokage and his dumb rules and his dumb ideas, and that is not the type of thing that leads to a long life.
Just one last quote because dudes, guys, pals, friends of mine it’s important and you should all stop and read it.
 “Thanks for being cool with – everything. I’m really happy you’re not mad at me for not being honest with you.”
“You are my friend,” Gaara says warmly, “and you have always been honest about that.”
Words & Chapter(s): 136,306 words of greatness, and 6 full chapters of nicely done completion
Summary: When Naruto is five, he's gutted by a drunken civilian and presumed dead.
Six months later a girl with ash pale hair and dark blue eyes enters the Academy. 
(Guys I swear on my cool as fuck username, and all around internet personality as practically satan and probably Lucifer and whatnot that nobody we like stays dead or severely injured)
Score: 13, this is one of my favorites for a reason, this is actually my second technically third time rereading this in as many weeks
Pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, background Haku/Zabuza, but don’t worry anything you’re thinking of is addressed quite nicely in the fic ultra background but still there’s a lot of relationships and I’m not going to tag them all
Warning(s): Naruto technically dies more than once because this is Naruto we’re talking about but they also technically don’t??? You gotta read it, but basically temporary character death, only the bad guys stay dead in this one.
Nobody knows that Naru-chan lived so there’s that angst for you, however, to be fair it’s not like this whole story is just characters mourning and crying and whatnot, at this point it’s mostly just passing thoughts and memories which, again, to be fair, does almost feel worse at times... Huh, regardless it’s not overly angsty
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Kakashi is adopted whether he likes it or not by Natsu-chan, we love both of our emotionally fucked over fair-haired ninja in this house so you won’t have to worry about that sorta fic coming outta nowhere from me BTW... but anyways, Kakashi freaks out a bit, much like the abused dog he always reminds me of, but Natsu is the sweetest and most gentle, yet forceful person he could’ve possibly caught the attention of. (This is canon)
The Akatsuki are still bad, BUT ITACHI ISN’T technically SO WHO FUCKING CARES!!!! (The Massacre still happens tho...)
Mentions of The Flower District and what that implies, and also things a Kunoichi might definitely do
Oh my fucking god the Hyuga... Who would willingly do something so horrible as that? Of all the things... Warning for... The Hyuga branch family situation, it’s dealt with nearly as soon as we are informed but, gods, my blood ran cold, and my face whited out, my sister thought someone had died when she saw my face haha,,, who the fuck does this? And do they die? In canon I mean? I think I only watched up to the chunin exams or Pein’s attack, I can’t remember which tho...
Natsu cries because people are nice to her sometimes. And honestly that’s fair, I burst into to tears once because I imagined someone kissing my forehead softly so, Natsu is completely valid... Sidenote, I’m touch-starved and have no cure for this beyond younger siblings and my cat because I don’t have the ability to ask my mom for a hug without literally gross sobbing and I have A Thing about embarrassment sooooo... yeah if anyone has some therapy justu for me that’d be nice
Mentions of Gross Men that apparently want to have Natsu’s increasingly growing collection of the absolute most dangerous people she can befriend pay them a visit. And by that, I mean an old fuckwit has the gall to leer at a TEN-YEAR-OLD and a FUCKING THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD!!!!!! Ugh, I hate those kinds of pathetic worms.
On that note, there is technically underaged things going on, but they are also Ninja soooo???? They’ve killed people and are technically in their version of an army, and by the laws of their lands they’re all adults, actually I’m pretty sure by shinobi life expectancy Kakashi is middle-aged, Inoichi is a senior citizen, and Hiruzen is a walking corpse tbh
Alcoholism??? I don’t really think it is but I’m not sure, but some characters do drink often, and usually when stressed courtesy of Natsu and co. but still... I don’t actually know if it is because it doesn’t actually happen much, more like every few weeks/months
Mentions of past sexual assault, and attempted past sexual assault, neither happen in fic or to any of our main characters, the experiences are not graphic though they do talk about it in chapter five, it’s not to graphically described.
Also, a bunch of off-screen lemon
A Thing (That I copy-pasted from the author so that all of you will see it and not say a single word against it.): If you thought Natsu was too mature for her age - she has seen and been through some really horrible shit. But also: my cousin has, since he was like 4, hung out with kids that were about 4 years older than him because those were the kids that were in his neighborhood or whatever. Point being, even after he started school, his main group of friends was consistently older than him. He very quickly adapted to that, and to this day (he's 12) hangs out with that same group, and considers children his own age 'kids' because he adapted to the behavior of the group he was surrounded with. I hardly believe Natsu would be any different.
And also
4. Quick little note because some people mentioned liking my portrayal of the Sandaime. I base his decisions/motivations (and Itachi and Danzo's to a certain extent) around this quote by Clementine von Radics: "It is so hard to live half monster, to hurt everything you love by trying to protect it wrong."
Pros: Watching Natsu just casually disregard the idea of gender with little to no thought is the greatest thing anyone will ever experience beyond, I dunno, the party we’re all gonna collectively throw when soggy Cheeto dies (I still haven’t decided which song we should make chart number one when that happens)
Given that I’ve technically read this three times you should already know the writing is fucking amazing, like, whoa, mind blown type of amazing, like, wow, so good, I usually hate rereading something I’ve read before, and especially so soon after the fact but geez Louis is this fic amazing
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Natsu is just as easy to fall in love with as Naruto, and they are still the same people with slightly different personalities as is to be realistically expected with a situation like Naru’s was.
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The author manages to convey a very realistic genderfluid character in an incredibly believable manner, while also still keeping Natsu/Naruto themself. They’re still the Naruto that we knew and loved, but they’re different too, as is to be expected. when Natsu is a girl no-one stumbles, she is a girl without a doubt, even the author doesn’t trip up on societal expectations, and when Naruto is a boy there is next to immediate acceptance of this fact with absolutely zero (0) Zero bullshit from transphobes, which, as a genderfluid person myself, is always fucking nice to see. You’ll have to read it to know more though.
Natsu running around creating seals is honestly the greatest thing ever, and the end scene with the village made me cry a lil bit, and dammit this fic is so fucking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, there’s a scene, where Natsu heals Kakashi, and the way the author handled explaining the intimate not sexual relationship between two of my favorite characters ever is just, so subtly beautiful, the sibling-bond these two have is beautiful, and a part of me wants to cry sometimes when I read it, and usually do cry a little when I get to this scene, and only partially because of what happened directly before it.
I love the way everybody just gets up and moves past their trauma and just decides to politely ignore it, oh they still have it, they still deal with it, but they care, and they are careful about it, and even though it hurts them like a knife-wound to the kidney in slow-motion they still get back up and keep fucking going. That’s hella admirable and I can respect that, I can respect even more that they slowly but surely let themselves heal as time moves on. This fic is beautiful on so many different levels but it is this one perhaps, that is the most magnificent. Perhaps.
Sasuke is adorable and depressing and adorable and I love it. And Ino is still a bad bitch but she’s a kid so we only see it like a handful of times in the first two chapters. The Akimichi/Yamanaka/Nara are all great, and I occasionally pity Inionchicause like, he’s putting up with a well-informed seal genius that’s still hyper, a slightly frightening medic-kunoichi with giant dogs, another slightly more frightening medic-nin who isn’t the greatest fighter but damn can he be intimidating and also really good at pointing out “Certain Things” while judging you about them which, honestly, is my greatest pastime. Itachi is so sweet and then so tragic oh my gods, and Natsu never even considers giving up on him. Kakashi is so sweet, and he slowly becomes less of a beaten dog as time goes on and I just love all of these characters.
Except for Hiruzen. Well, no, I still love this particular incarnation of Hiruzen, for all that he’s got one hell of a pathetically small backbone, I get why he does shit. But that doesn’t make me happy. Still, he’s better than dumbledouchebag. Granted that’s not difficult, and you might have to actively put an effort in to be as bad as that guy, but still. Plus, his hearts in the right place, and he’s less about the greater good then... certain disgraces to teaching and being in charge of a large group of people... Hiruzen is actually kinda sweet and admits he has issues and actually has an excuse that’s understandable for the shit that he pulls which is great, if sadly uncommon.
Anyways, Sakura is terrifying, and I remembered why I had a crush on her. She’s so badass, also, she ends up Princess Mononoke basically which, honestly, is fucking great, and the best thing we could’ve asked for, I love all of these characters so much!!!
Aesthetic: It reminds me off beefy stew (We don’t eat beef, so we used vegan soy beef stuff instead, and it was just as good.) it reminds me of the warmth, and friendship, and home that I felt after my mom and I make dinner together with nothing but a little music on and jokes passing back and forth between us. It reminds me of scraping my knee and having my friends help me to their mom, it reminds me of loyalty and compassion. It reminds me of dancing outside at night, alone in the forest with nothing but the moon for company and wind for music. It reminds me of the first time I realized that I could love someone despite their gender and that I should despite mine. It reminds me of finely spun handmade lace, and all it’s delicate while also reminding me of the sturdiest of steels, it reminds me of so much. It reminds me of acceptance, and understanding, and so much more. If I were to say what food and drink it reminds me of, I’d say chicken noodle soup, and sweet lavender-lemon tea.
Music Aesthetic: So, I made a playlist while I was reading this the first time around, and instead of a gif or twenty like I would usually prefer to do I’m going to add that playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbhXmTSBbAyjk0m1b4BZUp3t0RHL83LDK
But if I were to add a gif or two it’d be these
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Because something about this fic reminds me of rainy days with tea and baggy clothes.
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Every time Natsu/Naruto decided to fight ever, to be honest.
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The Just Jedi
The super long summary totally not proofread but whatevers.....
After hearing of the Caspians' demises, Edmund attempts to contact Capt. Elidor, who, he sent on a mission to rescue the rulers of Telmar. Unable to make contact, Edmund Immediately sets off with a small crew to discover the truth. On board, Edmund is overcome by exhaustion and falls asleep. He dreams on of those Jedi dreams that can only be the Force speaking...
In the dream, his betrayal to the White Whitch replays before his eyes. He and his siblings arrive on the planet of Narnia as refugees from a war on their home planet. Yet, Edmund quickly grows bored with provincial life of their forest friends (like the Beavers and Mr. Tumnus) and wants to get away from Peter's overbearing big brother attitude. Which leads him right to Queen Jadis, who instantly recognizes Edmund's sensitivity to the Force. She promises to train him, give him the ability to overpower even Peter, in return for the location of his family's ship. He consents, but does realize she's teaching him the dark ways of the Sith. Jadis then uses part of their hyperdrive (something rare on the outlying, self-sustaining planet of Narnia) to power a weapon of her own design. It (get ready for this) using a combination of technology and the power of the Dark Side, turns her victims in to carbonite upon contact. She uses upon everyone in the forest, Edmund's siblings just escaping with their lives. They retreat to the camp of the rebellion against Queen Jadis, lead by Jedi Master Aslan. As "all traitors belong to Jadis," per Narnia's ancient religions, Aslan sacrifices himself in Edmund's place. Yet, to Jadis's surprise, Aslan is even more powerful as a Force Ghost and aides the newly elected four kings and queens of Narnia in their victory over Jadis. The former queen and Sith dies, butler weapon is lost upon the battlefields.
After their victory, Aslan tells Edmund he must go to the Jedi Temple to learn to control his abilities. Edmund does, becoming Master Windu's padawan. However, Edmund is still plagued by the darkness that Jadis encouraged and constantly fears for his family's safety. After a frightening occurrence involving Susan and a Calormenian suitor, which Edmund had foreseen in a vision, he makes the decision to leave the Jedi and remain with his fellow Narnians. Many question and fear his choice, but he's at his calmest around his family.
Edmund jolts awake when the ship enters an asteroid field. Just as he wakes, he hears Aslan's voice echoing in his ears, saying "The galaxy will need you more."
At the last known location of King Caspian's ship, Edmund realizes there is debris from two ships amongst the asteroid field. He is relieved to find the crew of his rescue ship unharmed in an escape pod. Capt. Elidor tells him the attackers appeared to be pirates, but he was suspicious of that cover as they blew up the ship rather than taking it captive. Edmund suddenly feels something through the Force and directs his ship's flight to another escape pod, containing young Prince Caspian and his tutor. The tutor tells Edmund that he recognized the so-called pirates as Calormenian business associates of Lord Miraz.
Edmund attempts to contact his siblings, but is unable to. His anxiety growing, Edmund orders his ship into full attack when a small X-wing jumps out of hyperspace. To their great surprise, its pilot is the young ex-royal from Commenor (aka the Reader!). She tells Edmund that the Trade Federation has blocked all communications on Telmar. The Federation members have also encouraged Lord Miraz to take his brother's throne, to which the man agreed. King Peter has challenged Miraz to a duel to stall, which both Edmund and the reader can foresee ending in Miraz's claim on the Narnian throne next.
Edmund and the reader make the decision to leave Prince Caspian and his tutor on the planet of Alderaan. (Where he will grow up safely in refuge with Alderaan's soon-to-be-adopted princess as good company.) Best to keep his survival a secret from murderous uncles. Meanwhile, Edmund contacts Master Windu to tell him what has happened. Mast Windu informs Edmund of similar take-over tactics of the Trade Federation all over the galaxy, but tells the king that no aide will be sent to Narnia and Telmar until there are hostages. Senators who were on Telmar have already returned to the Senate.
Racing back to Telmar, Edmund has a vision of the Reader in immense pain. He doesn't mention to her, but she obviously looks quite distressed. She tells Edmund she's already seen the fall of too many leaders to watch it happen to the Narnians. They're too good a people. Edmund, tells her that, when all this is over, she can remain on Narnia as long as she like. She takes this to be an admission of his feelings and kisses him. Edmund rebuffs her, already having enough problems keeping his emotions in check. As they land back on Telmar, Edmund glances at Narnia in the sky, longing for home and wishes he could spend the rest of his days peacefully in Cair Paravel with the Reader and his siblings at his side.
Edmund arrived in just enough time to try to talk his brother out of this stupid duel. They can return to Narnia, gather the troups, and take Telmar back from Miraz and the greedy Federation. Between the four of them, they could easily provide enough guidence until Caspian comes of age. But High King Peter refuses. Declares that he would not sacrifice his troops when he could humiliate Miraz in this duel. Miraz would admit to the conspiracy and crimes when Peter had his sword, Rhindon at his throat. The brothers walk toward the duel together after a final reassuring "For Narnia. And For Aslan."
At the duel, Miraz has a very odd sort of weapon. About a half hour into the well-matched fight, once helmets had been lost, Rhindon breaks Miraz's weapon. Peter has Miraz on the ground, asks him to admit to his crimes. Miraz does, but suddenly lunges forward and pressed his broken weapon into the side of Peter's neck.
The High King of Narnia turns to stone.
It's chaos. The Narnians are surrounded and fighting for their lives. People are running towards the ship, but Lucy is running towards her brother encased in carbonite. Edmund, his anger and anxiety mixing toxically in the Force, fights his ways toward them, only to watch his younger sister turned to stone as well. The Reader drags him away, towards the forest and the ship. He sees that Susan is not with them and knows she's joined the others.
They arrive at the ship in a hail of blaster fire. The gangplank is lowered to allow the last to run, even as the ship rises in the air. Amongst all this, Edmund can feel a darkness rising in the Force, overwhelming the Light. The Reader runs to the communications port to send out distress signals and reports, but the channels are overrun by reports of similar chaos across the galaxy. The Narnians will not be heard.
Edmund stands at the gangplank in a daze. He hears the screaming on Telmar and screams millions of miles away. He hears Jadis's voice ("The traitor belongs to me") and Aslan's ("the galaxy needs you"). He hears Lucy's sobs and Susan's panicked "Peter!" It's too loud, too much.
A dozen years ago, Aslan taught Lucy how, with her minor abilities in the Force and with her relationship with Narnia's natural world, she could heal all those affected by Jadis's weapon. It was while Edmund was a padawan. No one else knew the secret. It took take years to discover how.
Edmund looks over his shoulder as his frazzled and injured people, at the Reader who is desperately trying to find some help in the galaxy. Only the Reader looks back at him and sees the broken look in his eyes before he jumps to the ground. The ship continues to try to escape.
There are troops on the ground. Edmund doesn't care if their droid or sentient, they all fall before his light saber. He fights his way back to where Miraz is showing his weapon to those from the Trade Federation. One tap to on Susan's stone head sends the Just King into a rage. Within moments, the only conscious beings for miles are Edmund and Miraz, dueling to the bitter end.
Edmund's rage dissipates as he feels a familiar presence behind him. Miraz sees him first and falls to the ground in surprise. To keep him there and to give him a reminder in the coming years, Edmund drags his light saber through Miraz's right thigh. Miraz begs for mercy.
"No one will come here." The Just King declares. "You will see to it that no one disturbs us until the end of our sun and this whole system burns. And you will destroy that weapon. Otherwise, you'll have him to answer to." He nods towards the figure of Aslan, standing behind him. Edmund deactivates his lightsaber and stands up straight. Aslan speaks, but Edmund does not turn around.
"Much worse than he will befall this galaxy, Edmund."
"Much better than I will bring an end to their terror. Do it, Miraz."
The new King of Telmar (and soon the whole Narnian system) took a moment to catch his meaning. Then, he seized up Queen Jadis's old weapon, built from the very thing that brought them to Narnia, and froze the fourth Pevensie in carbonite.
Miraz held his promise. As the Republic fell and Empire rose, as he charmed and fell in favor with those in charge, he kept his promise to the stone-faced Just Jedi. Amongst his other tyrannical rulings, he declared no soul shall ever go to the field where Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy stood together for eternity. He split Jadis's weapon and buried a piece on every planet and moon under his control.
The Reader retreated to the safety of Alderaan, where she kept an eye on Prince Caspian X and learned the stories of Narnia from his tutor.
And nineteen years later, she and the young prince sneak into the forbidden field on Telmar. Under the watchful eyes of a lion, they turn four stone faces back to flesh. Peter, Susan, and Lucy are all blind from hibernation sickness, but Edmund can see the faces of two familiar strangers. There's something in the woman's eyes that takes his breath away.
The young man with her speaks.
"Help me Narnians, you're my only hope."
And there it is! I hope this is a somewhat satisfying ending that still stimulates the imaginations. It certainly did for me! If anyone anywhere would ever like to write or draw anything inspired from this narrative, please don't hesitate. Just promise you'll send it to me.
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philcphobic · 6 years
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[ ONE / THREE ] hello ! it’s KRIS with my first of three muses, and she is known as ANGEL, an assassin for the most iconic gang, DRAGON EYES ! she is a FORMER MEMBER OF RED LIONS and lasted almost two years, before taking her leave about a two months ago because a dragon eyes member ( shout out to @bladehoney ) convinced her to ... so ... there’s that. if you’d like to plot, smash that heart & i’ll come to you as soon as i can either through tumblr im’s or through discord !
born as kim jangmi on november 05, 1997 and she was born to two loving parents and the youngest of five children in total !
( DEATH, PARENTAL LOSS ) paradise doesn’t last forever, and she and her siblings lost their parents when she was 7 years old. she doesn’t know much about her parents, as she lost them to what police would call ‘ an unfortunate accident that should’ve never happened ’, but she knows that her father was a big time attorney & businessman.
he’s known to never have lost a case up until his death. let’s just say some people higher up on the ladder were NOT fond of him and wanted him GONE.
after their death, all five kids were sent to an orphanage. one by one, she would watch as her siblings were either all adopted or headed to live with a foster parent, and wondered if they were all ever going to see each other again. reassurance can only go a long way.
eventually it was just her and her oldest sister, and they were considered a package deal, which is why no one wanted to adopt them; everyone that came around always wanted one & one only.
they soon entered the foster care system but it turned out to be a lot more hellish than they’d presume. the first family was extremely promising, and could’ve been their best bet to a normal life again if jangmi just wasn’t so disobedient.
jangmi was confused and scared, and wanted to go home to what she was used to. she wanted her parents and these people were not them.
it was an endless cycle of going back and forth between new homes for a couple of years, and by the time jangmi was twelve, she and her older sister were finally separated, everyone believing they would be better apart like their brothers were.
all she had of her family now were unspoken goodbyes and one last family photo, taken on christmas day, a month before everything shattered.
luckily, a family chose to adopt her. they had other foster kids, troublemakers like her, and they wanted to test if adopting one would change them for the better before adopting the rest.
this … did not sit well with these other kids.
( BULLYING, VIOLENCE ) these older kids did not like her. they had a lot of reasons, but usually pinning it on her beauty at a young age. jangmi was used to rough housing with her own siblings before separation, but the way they ‘ played ’ with her was nothing like that.
she always had cuts and bruises, and told her ‘ parents ’, she was just really clumsy when they asked. her foster ‘ siblings ’ frequently told her that she wasn’t pretty, forcing her to look in the mirror with all of her injuries and tell her this is what she truly looks like.
( RUNNING AWAY ) there is only so much a young girl can actually take. she thinks it’s easier to run far away, where no one else could hurt her or make her cry. she takes whatever can fit into her backpack, and runs as far as she can physically handle.
an old couple end up finding her passed out on a bench in the park late in the night and take her home. they end up becoming her new parental figures, and they take care of her ( and hide her as she pleaded them to, ) as she is still considered a missing child.
the woman is an ex-professor and the man is war veteran, so she believed she had all she needs in order to live what’s considered a ‘ normal ’ life. she plays with the other kids in her neighbourhood leisurely, but is homeschooled for the fear of being found out, despite already having another identity as ANGEL. she’s taught everything she needs to know from them; everything from english & japanese to self-defence & how to use a gun.
life is perfect with them, and they’re the kindest, most understanding people she’s ever met. they give her a lot of freedom to be her own person, and they usually don’t discipline her, partially because they feel bad about her messy childhood and also because they thought she’d rebel if she was contained in a certain box …
despite their efforts, she turned out to become a rebel anyway.
( UNDERAGE DRINKING, DRUGS ) with so much freedom and little to no discipline, it was easy to push her boundaries away from her. they didn’t know about her getting involved with alcohol and drugs underage, her equally troublesome friends, nor did they know about her first boyfriend three years her senior, at the age of sixteen. they just believed she liked the freedom, and since she was obedient when around them, they didn’t feel the need to be suspicious.
( MANIPULATION, RUNNING AWAY ) it’s good up until she turns eighteen, when she’s about to attend university and meets … [redacted], and they hit it off quickly ! they convince her that she doesn’t need her parents anymore, and manipulating her into thinking she’s a burden for being so troublesome, and should leave them alone. this marks the second time she runs away from home, but this time hurts more than the first.
she left nothing but a letter and a necklace they gave her for her fourteenth birthday, and hasn’t seen them since. in her letter she apologizes for taking a gun from her father, and hopes they don’t try to find her.
[redacted is somehow connected to the gang red lions. she doesn’t understand why someone with so much money would be involved with a gang, but she doesn’t question them ... mostly for safety, in case this person was dangerous, but she’s always been curious.
( VIOLENCE, MURDER ) it takes a year for her to stop being naive with this person, who has isolated her for her ‘ safety ’ while being her biggest threat as they stay under the same roof. she realizes this one night when she looks in the mirror and sees a reflection of the same girl she was when she was thirteen, living with a bunch of foster kids who hated her. a fight ensues, and it’s clear who wins.
meticulous as ever, she erases her presence in their life to avoid trouble with the law, but realizes she’s alone again for the fourth time in her life.
she slides her way into RED LIONS just days before her nineteenth birthday, already having connections on the inside. it’s the second ‘ unfortunate accident ’ in her life, but this time she’s involved and it’s anything but an accident.
she doesn’t know whether they genuinely thought she’d be a good addition to their growing empire or if they pitied her circumstance ( since she didn’t tell them the blood is on her hands ), but she finally found a stable family.
she is the story of [drake vc] started from the bottom now we here, as she went from having nothing for to her name to rising in the ranks as she proved her worth time and time again. she somehow rose high enough to be one of the trusted assassins in red lions, and was also taking money from outside sources ( coughs aka sugar daddies / mommies ) when she was really in need.
targets are mostly the wealthy, as it’s easier to maintain secrecy when they have reputations to live up to. she usually takes her sweet time with targets, ( no longer than a month ) just to know their schedules and … them as a person. sometimes there are hit & run opportunities but she doesn’t like doing spontaneous jobs like that too often … they get messy.
so she’s there for nearly two years, but during then she befriended sienna and she somehow managed to convince angel to leave red lions and join DRAGON EYES …
or is there more to the story? yes, but it’s not important tbh since it’s minor.
she left red lions at the beginning of september 2018, and joined dragon eyes at the beginning of october 2018. no one outside of dragon eyes knew this until recently … for obvious reasons. hopefully there’s no hard feelings because she still loves the members of red lions !! ( most of them, maybe? hopefully? )
still an assassin, that hasn’t changed ! — not sure what happened to their old assassin, but that’s not her problem — she’s still the same girl, who has tattoos for both gangs despite being only in one. she has been mostly independent in red lions ( except for those times she needed a warm body if ya’ get what i mean, ) and that hasn’t and won’t change. her allegiance is with one gang, but she usually works by herself unless specifically requested to do something other than kill.
red lipstick, pistols & pretty chrome daggers are part of her aesthetic.
she wasn’t always a strong person, but she’s stronger than she’d ever thought she’d be. there were nights when she didn’t think she’d see the sun the next day, so she’s proud of her growth. she’s not too in-touch with her negative emotions, so pride is what she feels.
this girl is always looking for improvement, and is constantly challenging her skills, her strength, her mind, & her perseverance when she has the chance. if you look at her desk, there are files of herself with records of her improvements. she’s extremely organized and careful, which helps for her job too.
she is a university student during the day, just to keep as a front if she’s to be acquainted with targets. she majors in criminology, ironically enough. she minors in chemistry, which is also useful if ya’ get what i mean.
she has a lot of money now, mostly because she has a bunch of unknown sugar daddies / mommies funding her every need. if you need anything just hit her up and she’ll get it … with a small price. it’s two way street, but she is more lenient.
she’s a social person, but she’s not extroverted … does that make sense? she doesn’t go out of her way to go out ( unless it’s a target ) and likes staying home a lot. she likes staying with her persian cat, sumi, and her cute lil rosy boa, nagini.
skills include self-defense, knowledge of & experience with most weaponry, lying, forgery, stealing, disguises … uh … driving? maybe one or two more but … whatever. she’ll do whatever the gang needs her to do, no doubt !
( DRINKING, DRUGS ) she drinks every week, but usually tones it down when she’s got a job. luckily, she doesn’t really do as many drugs anymore, but she smokes marijuana occasionally ( when someone offers it to her ) and smokes cigarettes when she’s really stressed, but also once biweekly if anything.
this girl is pretty much a clean slate. ever since she met [redacted], any life with the elderly couple is erased, and her life in and out of foster homes is so far gone that no one knows about it. her name was kim jangmi back then; NO ONE knows she’s kim jangmi unless she’s told them, or made the connection by themselves on their own time. as far as anyone is concerned, kim jangmi died as a missing child back in early 2010. she’s secretive about her past; don’t try digging into it unless you plan on digging your grave too !
she has a lot of repressed emotions, sadness being the biggest one, and isn’t the type to get angry very often, if at all. annoyed is the most she’d get, but she wouldn’t raise her voice. to be honest, she’s decent as long as people are as well? again, it’s a two way street. give respect & you get respect !
uh … these repressed emotions will eventually spill over : ) one day !
ummmm that’s it for now folks !!!!! pls plOT with Me !!!!!
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katielynn526 · 7 years
B-Team Support Group AU
Okay hear me out...
Donnie and Mikey getting sick of how their family treats them and doing something about it. 
Something happens. The final peg on this jenga tower of awful gives way and shit comes a tumbling down. Mikey gets hit by Raph a little too hard and is seriously hurt, Donnie just pulled his fifth all-nighter in a row and Mikey finds him passed out in the lab, Leo and Raph leave their little brothers in the lurch to prove their A-team bullshit superiority, etc. Whatever it is, it’s the last straw.
Donnie packs up his laptop and a few essentials from his lab, Mikey puts Ice Cream Kitty in her cooler and stuffs some comics and his teddy bear into a backpack. They leave the lair in the middle of the night, no clue where they’re even going. They just need to get out.
Donnie calls April and they crash at her place for the night. Mikey can’t sleep, his stomach is in knots. He stays up with April, watching Donnie snore away on the couch where he’s passed out. He tells her this is the most sleep Don’s probably had in weeks. They stay up talking until dawn and April holds Mikey when he finally breaks down and cries.  
Pretty soon it becomes clear that Donnie and Mikey staying with April is a temporary solution at best. It’s a small apartment and the brother’s can tell Mr. O’Neil, still suffering from his own PTSD, isn’t exactly comfortable with having his home invaded by mutant teenagers. Donnie can be quiet (until he blows something up), but Mikey’s hyperactive energy is too much.Plus the risk of being seen by the neighbors is too great.
April still insists they’re welcome to stay, but the brothers are gone before she comes home from school.     
Karai originally planned to stake out one of the Shredder’s former hideouts with Shinigami, but the plans change when she comes across Donnie and Mikey on the rooftops, looking lost and tired as they try and figure out what to do next. They can’t go back yet, but they can’t survive on their own topside, not without help. Karai knows that hopelessness, knows what it like to feel like you can’t go home.   
She and Shini bring them back to the Shredder’s old lair. telling Donnie and Mikey they can stay as long as they need to. 
Donnie’s still a bit wary of Karai but he agrees, knowing it’s their best option right now. He texts April and tells her that yes, he and Mikey are safe and please tell the family they aren’t dead or kidnapped. They just need some space.
Mikey is just glad he doesn’t have to go home yet and psyched he gets to spend time with his new big sister and her awesome witch-friend.
Karai texts Leo to let him know that his brothers are safe and with her, but also makes it clear that he, Raph, and Splinter fucked up badly and they need to get their shit together. Don and Mike will come home when they’re ready and if Leo or Raph tries to come over and force them to come back she will personally cleave their shells from their bodies.  
-Mikey hanging out with Shini, coming up with countless contests to test their mad skillz™: Who can do the most impressive flips, who’s more flexible, best dancer, most rad yo-yo trick, etc.
-Karai and Mikey playing a Japanese trading card game (like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh) becuase he found one of her old decks and pulled out his own. 
-Karai being super nervous about being a big sister because she’s never had siblings before and Oroku Saki wasn’t a really affectionate parent, but Mikey putting her at ease and telling her she’s doing a great job.
-Donnie being a little uncomfortable around Karai because she used to be their enemy and tried to hurt April. But she’s also helping them and he sees how hard she’s trying. 
-Karai listening to Donnie vent and commiserating with him about how toxic and demanding family can be. Cause let’s face it, Shredder and Splinter are both super harsh Japanese dads so Karai gets what it’s like. 
-Shini showing Mikey her collection of shojo manga (in Japanese of course)
-Mikey showing Shini how to make awesome shadow puppets.
-Mikey showing Karai and Shini Ice Cream Kitty. Shini thinks she’s adorable and loves taking cute videos of ICK with her phone and sending them to Mikey! 
-Shini telling Mikey all about growing up in Japan and showing him pictures of her and Karai when they were kids, pictures of her life in Tokyo, and one pic of her and her ex-girlfriend, Don’t ask. It didn’t end well... ;)
-Shini calling Mikey, “Mikey-chan.”
-All four of them hanging out in what used to be Oroku Saki’s private quarters, watching poorly dubbed samurai movies on the huge flat screen TV and laughing as they get popcorn everywhere.
-Mikey cooking a big meal for everyone in what used to the the foot clan break room, all of them talking in Japanese while Karai and Shini tease the boys about their terrible accents. 
-Sparring sessions where Mikey isn’t constantly underestimated and Karai and Shini try to teach him techniques to focus his mental energy.    
-Donnie fixing up Stockman’s old lab, overjoyed to see all the awesome high-tech equipment left behind when the Foot Clan fled. Once he clears away all the groady candy wrappers and acid fly spit it starts feeling like home. 
-Karai and Mikey tag-teaming Donnie to make sure he gets a good night’s sleep and doesn’t spend all his time in the lab. 
-Donnie and Karai bonding over blowing shit up and the construction of badass ninja weaponry.
-Shini helping Donnie develop cool new ninja smoke bombs and helping him devise ninja tech for hypnosis and illusions.  
-Karai teasing Donnie about his crush on April but actually giving him solid relationship advice. 
-Mikey, Karai, and Donnie all getting to complain about Leo and his self-sacrificing, lone ranger BS. 
-Donnie building a heat lamp for his snake mutant sis. Snake!Karai curling up and basking with her mutant bros. 
-Leo not heeding Karai’s warning and blowing up Donnie’s T-phone with angry messages. Karai finally going to the lair to bitch out her mutant family and call out her father on what a negligent dick he’s been.
-April and Casey visiting the Girl Gang lair (that’s what I’m calling it) to see Mikey and Don. 
-Casey flirting non-stop with Karai while she kicks his ass multiple times. Soon it becomes a friendly contest between the two on who can come up with the dirtiest pick up line. (Donnie has had to cover Mikey’s ears multiple times).
-April being really nervous around Karai b/c of their history. But they bond over wanting what’s best for the b-team bros and become reluctant friends. Cue Shini insisting that April needs a makeover (because seriously how can she not wear armor?) and lots of badass ninja girl talk. Mikey helps while Donnie and Casey just watch the awesome craziness unfold.
-Karai embarrassing Donnie in front of April but also totally setting them up!
-Mikey and Donnie getting to just chill and be bros without the pressure and constant criticism of their big brothers.       
-Raph and Leo dealing with the fact that their little brothers left, realizing how much they were needed.  
-Leo burning everything he cooks and desperately wishing Mikey were there to take over. (Splinter, Raph and Leo end up living off of takeout, rice, and instant ramen over the next few weeks)
-The hot water heater in the lair breaks and guess who’s not around to fix it? Raph grumbling as he looks up how to fix a hot water heater online, thinking about how fast Donnie would’ve solved the problem. Then Leo breaks the toaster and there’s more shit Raph has to try and fix.
-Realizing how empty the lair feels with out Mikey’s laughter and the occasional explosion from Don’s lab. 
-Leo missing being able to bounce his plans and strategies off his calm, fact-checking genius brother.
-Raph missing Mikey’s easy affection and regretting every single time he hit his baby bro just because he was goofing around. 
-Raph and Leo being too proud to apologize and paying for it dearly as things in the lair continue to break and they try not to give each other food poisoning with their terrible cooking skills. The older brother’s getting angry at themselves and angry at their father for not demanding his younger son’s return. 
-Splinter taking a long look at his actions and questioning his abilities as a father. Wondering how he can repent and heal his family when his youngest sons’ return.
-Splinter staring at a picture of his sons and realizing how much of a burden he’s placed on their shoulders by demanding they fight his war with Oroku Saki. He wonders when was the last time he’d asked Donatello and Michelangelo if they were alright. 
-Casey finding a sulking Raph and using his own experiences as a big brother to call him out and talk some sense into him (And you know it’s bad when CASEY JONES is the voice of reason here). 
-Mikey calling Karai “Nee-san” without even thinking about it and Karai trying and failing to hide how happy she is.
-Karai calling Mikey Otouto and watching his face light up in joy as he hugs her.
-Donnie calling Karai Nee-san quietly when it’s just to two other them after a long tear-filled talk. Karai trying hard not to cry when she realizes she’s earned his trust. 
The health and well-being of the B-team is super important to me, and if I need to make an AU where they get taken in and cared for by a badass ninja girl gang I will! 
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astormofships · 7 years
Pick Your Darling: Annette
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“Darling heart, I loved you from the start, but you'll never know what a fool I've been. Darling heart, I loved you from the start, but that's no excuse for the state I'm in..”
Ship name
Winter Melody. The Wolf and the Siren. The Warrior and the Maid come again, jested Theon. No names blended, it wouldn't be satisfactory. They are much better left alone xD
White Harbour was probably the most prosperous and welcoming city in the North. And luckily, you lived there. All your life, to be exact. The people were fond of sweet Annette; if a visitor dropped by, they might hear tales of a golden haired woman healing the mind with music. They praised your harmonious voice too. Others were curious about your Lannister look, golden hair and green eyes. But it wasn't that bad, considering your noble blood and illogicality of hiding a possible relative when Lord Tywin could have married you to spread his power in Westeros. No, you were not related to the lions in any way. Words reached Catelyn Stark's ears which prompted an invitation to Winterfell. Accepting, you arrived a full moon later. She personally welcomed you and introduced her family during a humble yet tasty meal prepared in your honour. Afterwards, a visit of the castle followed. Sansa and Robb were your guides although the former did most of the task seeing that the latter was required somewhere else.
First impressions, the way it used to be before it became romantic
Words flowed easily. Politeness did not put a strain on the discussion, nor added pressure to the cordial atmosphere. Surprisingly, humor made an appearance. He was not just a lord's son, and you were not just a pleasing face. A friendship surely took root, based on positivity, respect and trust. You stayed a few months, then returned home. And repeat. When you weren't in the city, letters were the best option. While Arya, Rickon and the rest of the Starks preferred to see you in person, Sansa had taken to send ravens. But the one who possessed the most faithful quill feather was Robb. The content of the letters spoke of news of self, families and respective cities. Ranting on parchment or giving opinions was not a rarity. Talking about the plot of stories and characters you wrote happened. You played games, too, like long distance riddles. Signatures were usually “R”, “A” or “Winter” and “Melody”. That way people may not recognize who wrote if they stumbled upon it intentionally or accidentally. If a Littlefinger had access to them, he would figure it out almost immediately. The initials and names, along with the known friendship, were effortless to link back together and guess who the authors were. Annette and Robb were not known to focus on cleverness or worry about intelligence. By no means simpletons, being associated with bravery or fairness were more flattering and accurate goals. But anyway, being together was better, naturally. You knew what to say when he was feeling down, he would be there to offer help even though you were sometimes too stubborn to consider accepting. That unhealthy habit had met its enemy; the young man was determined to be there no matter what, whether support was in the form of physical assistance, a shoulder to cry on or making you laugh. Not particularly knowledgeable in the art of music, he liked hearing you play instruments and sing, or both at the same time. He sang with you when feeling overly bold and merry. Dancing lessons were a thing, to not lose the practice acquired years ago. Yeah, right. Mostly because it was enjoyable too. Knowing how important writing was, he made sure to get parchments, quills and bottles of ink before your current resources were entirely used. In return, you allowed him to read some of your work. Because why not? His hear soared the first time it occurred, honoured by the actual proof of trust you were showing. During competitions including swords, mêlées, archery or any brutish entertainment, you were apprehensive but always rooted for him. When he wanted to get away from his duties or find solace, he joined you in the library. It was a soothing place, nobody spoke there. Just you two, actually. Little rebels. About nothing and everything, or books. The one resting on the table you were sitting at, or other tales. It led to passionate debates, philosophical ones or sharing dreams, who were your favourites heroes and heroines, what lands you would love to see, real or not.
Who took the first step
No meeting organized, fate let it happen when the stars were aligned. Or if you were less poetic, feelings spoke on their own and did the job. It's crazy how both could smile and look at the other without saying anything, content. One day, you were dancing. Eyes met, even wanted to close. Overwhelmed to the point of forcing yourself to break contact or else no more distance would exist between your bodies, you excused yourself. He asked if you were okay. Nodding with a smile to reassure him, he saw through the protective mask and gently took ahold of your hands, caressing one with his thumb to sooth your growing nerves and keep you in place. He verbally acknowledged what was going on between the two of you. Professed his feelings. It made you smile, feeling like everything was perfect at this specific moment. Then laughter openly escaped your mouth. Sighing peacefully, arms lightly resting on his shoulders as it went to circle around his neck, you told him you had fallen too. And with those words, you kissed him with firm tenderness. He responded eagerly.
Who approves, who disapproves
His siblings were pleased. Your entourage were beyond themselves: Annette and the heir of Winterfell? The Sevens had blessed the family. Theon was satisfied if his best friend was happy, there were worse women in the land.  You were a catch.
Well, all the ladies who dreamed of a handsome and wealthy husband and a few men who wanted to seduce you clearly weren't enchanted by the news but what could they do.
Ned and Cat were surprised that their eldest son would settle for you. You were respected and loved by many, including them. But they imagined Robb betrothed to a lady of a higher house. Reed, Karstark, Mormont... your name did not figure on the list. They did not protest vehemently, though. Nobles seldom married for love and if their son had this chance, they would not ruin it for him.
The best friend and the one you get along with the least
Sansa. You both lived in your head and trusting one another, it allowed to gush and share fantasies you wouldn't dare with anyone else. She was the one who got to read your stories and give constructive criticism or compliments. Gaining a new sister was a tempting prospect to her. Being the old one, she had always wanted a big sister to look up to. You were not a disappointing choice.
Robb often asked for her opinion concerning gifts when he was doubting his own.
“What should I offer Annette? Her name day is approaching and she deserves something special. “
“Well, maybe you should favour a sentimental present instead of material.”
“Should I just.. write a poem?”
Let's just say he was relieved Theon and Jon were not here to listen to the conversation, those pricks certainly would tease the crap out of him. He would simply pity them, ignorants to the joy of love.  
In this universe, Theon was fascinated by the way you seem to wish to see the good in everyone, even a scoundrel like him.    
Cersei was convinced you were a tart.
Joffrey and The Hound were a little disgusted by the constant goodness.
If somebody else fancies one of you
Who doesn't sigh dreamily at the thought of Robb Stark? Men wanted to be him and women longed to be in his arms.
Your pretty eyes and alluring voice charmed more than one, especially a young lad back home who you didn't view as more than a friend.
The best and the worst
The common dream of happiness and having children with the love of your life.
His co-existing reliability and playfulness.
Your heart of gold.
The locks he loves to caress and play with, the eyes he never gets tired of staring into.
How embraces feel like home.
Hogwarts Houses
Chivalry, Bravery, Boldness. Loyalty, Honesty and Justice.  Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Robb could fit in both. But he eventually became a rebel and the King in the North. So Gryffindor it is. Dedicated, friendly and unafraid of toil, yours remain Hufflepuff.
Seven Deadly Sins and Virtues
Wrath, both of you. Usually calm and friendly, the young wolf had a temper when provoked. He became the leader of a rebellion, did he not? In the name of his father, murdered by the crown. Revenge in mind and justice in his sword, Robb Stark was ready to destroy those unappeasable enemies who were also ready to fight to the death. Forget positivity for a minute and let's imagine someone crossed the line by engaging in evildoing and betrayal. These were two things you could not tolerate, nor forgive. Especially not from a loved one. You might try to give them a second chance, but nothing would be as it used to be. Messing with you was not recommended.
  Dutiful, content to live a peaceful life and chivalrous,  his virtue would be Diligence.
Kindness is yours again, for obvious reasons.
Who is the sun, who is the moon
The Direwolf represents House Stark, we know that. But he is not the moon just because of that. People watch Robb because he is a son of Winterfell and easy on the eye, let's be honest. The moon can be seen during the day, if you try very hard to see it. Truly? Correct or not, we know it's there. When they look at you, it's because you attract attention when you enter the room. If the place was already illuminated, you'd still bring another source of light with your mere presence. You radiated like the sun, with those good intentions and bubbly aura.  
Endgame or not
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.... no. You thought Ned Stark's death was the end of your romance but when you tried again, a name was the answer. Frey. Or was it Westerling? When Robb prepared himself to go to war against the crown, you wanted to go as well. Refusing categorically, your stubbornness was your strongest ally in this fight. Yes, there was shouting involved. Without condescension, he pleaded with you not to follow because of your chronic pain and how your place was not on an army's camp. They moved a lot and had to be swift in case of surprise attack. He was worried you would get in harm's way although he knew trusted soldiers would keep you safe. Besides, what if they couldn't? What if the enemies took you hostage or worse? What if he died? What if the war was lost? Telling you to go home was the best choice. Even if White Harbour were allies of the North, the Lannisters couldn't dismiss them in the end; business with the Manderlys was useful: Fish, thick clothing, its notable seaport visited by Westerosi and Essosi people... you had the chance to have a decent future, in spite of Robb's presence in your life. You were angry, to say the least. But he was the love of your life, was he not? You wanted to follow your heart, and it was him. You wanted to stand by his side as he lived the worst years of his life,  fighting for a good cause: his family. He accepted, touched by the loyalty but still worried nevertheless. It all crashed down when he told you of his alliance with Walder Frey, how he had to marry one of his daughter. And that was it. Your relationship was over. Pride wouldn't let it pass. Deep down, there was hope for another solution to come up at the last minute but no. Bad news did: Robb suddenly got married to a lady of the west named Jeyne Westerling. Not only were you heartbroken and betrayed, but so were the Freys. That is, betrayed. It's not like they personally cared for the Young Wolf. It was over, truly, when it had the potential of lasting forever. Sorrow, rage, what feeling dominated you the most? You wondered. When a tragic payback called The Red Wedding took place, news began to spread the next morrow. You were speechless at first, literally and figuratively. Catelyn, Grey Wind, Ro'-him. They did not deserve such fate, never. All you could do was mourn, and move on. Thank the Seven for your entourage, what would you have done without them and their support? Quite frankly, you didn't know.          
Who I truly ship you with regardless of the requests’ details
Robb is my favourite match even if you end up with Jaime, which won't last either. This lion man has another woman in mind and heart. And it isn't his twin, nor you.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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NICKNAME(S): addy, aj, jun, junnie, kyu INSPIRATION: his primary inspiration is simply his love for performing and listening to music. he is a fan of all genres, but some of his favorites throughout the years have been phil collins, the beatles, the gazette, and utada hikaru. he yearns to perform and compose music as good as theirs SPECIAL TALENTS:
languages — he is fluent in english, korean, and japanese. in the future, he wants to learn others.
imitations/impressions — to name a few: donald duck, goofy, mickey mouse, a motorcycle/racecar, a helicopter, and characters in the super mario universe.
ping pong — it started out as a fun game to play during breaks at school, but then he learned that he was good at it. these days, he finds any excuse to play, and when he does, it’s competitive.
he was born in toronto, canada and moved to osaka, japan at age 6.
he can play bass, guitar, and piano.
throughout junior high and high school, he was the bassist and vocalist for a 5-member rock band formed by his neighbor. he was known (among classmates and people familiar with the band) for wearing a bandana over his eyes and playing bass blindfolded.
he was a contestant on kpop star season 6 and got 5th place.
he has a bookshelf dedicated to his manga collection.
his most pressing short-term goal is the same as most every other trainee’s — making a debut. while he hasn’t been a trainee for very long, he is determined to strut his stuff and show his company and future fans what he is made of. in addition, he also wishes to apply for university soon and study music composition. he has some experience with songwriting as a hobby, and he wants to hone and apply that skill to his future career.
first and foremost, he wishes for prestige and success in whichever direction his journey takes him. his hope is to debut in a group within his current company — and in a group that has a powerful and meaningful presence. not a low-ball gig that takes the entirety of his prime years to break even. truly, he wants other idols and fans alike to know his name, recognize his face and be aware of the accomplishments he makes in the future. he won’t settle for just being another boy group member. he’s determined to be known as a risen star — one of the most skilled and balanced idols of his generation.
there’s a charm about adam moon that makes it hard for people to look away. maybe it’s his good looks, the way his eyes and smile seem to shine brighter than the lights aimed at him while he’s performing on a stage. he’s promising, and he knows it. two years ago, he may not have agreed, but he’s aware of his worth now, and he doesn’t want to be taken for granted.
the brand kjh makes of adam, if he can have it his way, should reflect who he is in real life. likable by anybody, trustworthy, determined, confident. being forced to act while under the watchful eye of fans and media isn’t the life he wants to live. the real adam moon wants to live on and off stage as the same man, free from leaving anybody wondering if he’s a fraud. but in addition, he hopes fans never learn about what happened with his father that horrible day when he was a child.
he wishes to be seen as well-rounded, an idol that would draw in all types of fans — international, local, male, female, young, old. he wants to be the member of a boy group that fans feel they can trust, one that will openly take their hand during a fanmeet and wish them luck on their upcoming exams with a genuine smile. he’d leave them spellbound with the simplest curve of his lips — any gesture to express his love on stage, be it a finger heart, wink, or a slightly modified choreography to incorporate his own flair.
but he doesn’t want it to stop there. his charms won’t end with meaningful face-to-face interactions, cute selcas wishing his fans sweet dreams, or viral stage fancams taking social media by storm. the duality of adam moon — the ability to flip back and forth between adorable and seductive at the snap of his fingers — gave opportunity for so much more. it meant modeling gigs, auditioning to be the face for lucrative brands, being chosen for special performance stages over other top idols. it meant being viewed as a jack of all trades — an artist who can write, play, and sing his own music with ease, an artist with an infectious smile and fiery charisma on and off stage. he wants to be everyone’s first choice when it came to promising up-and-coming male idols. the first crush of young fans, and a man that even their mothers would love. and though they couldn’t have him, their advances would only fuel him to become better and better at everything he did until he reaches the very top.
tw: alcoholism, abuse, parental neglect.
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adam moon hails from the beautiful wintry wonderland of canada. he grew up in a slightly less-than typical household, where police officers knew the child by name because his father was the former police chief in their toronto suburb. since retiring early from the force, adam’s father suffered rising levels of alcohol dependence, and in turn caused a lot of tensions within his family, although at the time adam was too young to understand. as a toddler and young child, he was often hand in hand with either his older brother or sister — their attempt at protecting him from their father. adam’s mother was not often in the house, using her steadily-advancing career as an excuse to keep herself out of their home and away from her husband. adam’s father was never violent — but his alcohol abuse was a habit that no member of his family wanted to be involved with. for the most part, everybody would opt for giving him his space, which was easy when they lived in a home that was considered larger than average. other than the constant yelling that took place whenever his mother was home, the majority of the memories he has of his childhood were days spent laying in his sibling’s bedrooms listening to music. he heard every genre known to man via fm radio as well as old cassettes and cds his siblings managed to collect. even if he weren’t exactly steady on his feet or fluent in his speech yet, he sang and he danced — all the time. there was something about music that seemed to move through him, and music was a language adam quickly learned to speak on his own.
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when adam was age six, on a night of a particularly bad snow storm — one of the heaviest toronto had ever seen — his mother and father got into the worst and last fight they ever had. until that day, his father never laid a hand on his mother or any of his children. in the midst of the verbal altercation, he turned violent, and when adam’s older brother stepped in to defend his mother, he was struck by his father as well. police officers ended the ordeal after someone had managed to make an emergency call.
later, young adam sat in the safety of the backseat of a cruiser with his siblings, tears welling in his eyes at the sight of his handcuffed father being pushed into another cruiser mere feet away.
“where are they taking daddy? why was he yelling at mommy again?”
“it’s going to be okay, adam. you won’t have to see him like this any more…” his older sister held the child in her embrace as he wept. he was too young to understand. it wasn’t clear to him that his own father was a danger to those around him — to adam, a piece of him was being taken away and there was nothing he could do about it. one day, though, he would understand.
that night was the last time adam ever saw his father.
days later, when the snow storm that devastated the city of toronto had settled, the scarred matriarch packed bags for herself and her children and they flew to osaka, japan to stay with adam’s aunt. she no longer felt safe being in the same country as the man who’d dealt so much damage to herself and her children, and with the passing of her own parents years ago, her older sister was the only person remaining to turn to. and thankfully, she was welcomed with open arms. adam’s aunt had lived in osaka since before he was even born — she was the lead data scientist for a reputable research facility that was located there. for a few years prior, she’d worked for a company in south korea, but after a job offer from her current employer, she decided to relocate and has worked for the company ever since.
the family continued to live in osaka after the dust had settled — a divorce was in order for adam’s parents, his mother quickly found employment with a new company executively comparable to her last, and adam was enrolled in an international school while diligently learning the japanese language. the siblings acclimated — they already had experience with two languages, having been raised to speak both english and korean, but the adjustment didn’t come quickly. adam studied long and hard, and with the life change that struck him so heavily at such a young age, he sought solace in the only recognizable thing he could: music.
his love for music led him to start learning to play bass, guitar, and piano, and at the start of junior high, he joined a small rock band that was started by his neighbor. adam spent a lot of time with his neighbor’s family, seeking valuable friendship with his bandmate and his sister, who also happened to be one of his classmates. throughout junior high, adam was earnest in his studies, but with his free time he excelled in both his music ability and with a dance crew he practiced with one day each week.
the family, in addition, had a difficult time adjusting to the tensions of living in a big japanese city as foreigners, and namely, ethnically korean foreigners. he suffered sleepless nights on many occasions over growing up in a climate where he wasn’t necessarily welcome by the general public, but in time, he had started to truly embrace the culture of japan. none of it was easy — being a canada national, ethnically korean, but holding a permanent residence in japan wasn’t supposed to be easy. it was a challenge that adam had a hard, and yet fun, time conquering as he grew up, but he never truly felt 100% welcome.
it was easy for adam to spend most of his time away from home — but it wasn’t like he had much of a choice. after his family had moved to osaka his mother seemed to pay much more attention to her children, but she didn’t keep up the act for long. she soon became engrossed in her career just like she had when they still lived in toronto, and with her usual absence came adam’s as well. by spending so much time with his neighbor’s family, he learned what it was truly like to live under a roof with people who loved unconditionally — a concept he just wasn’t destined to have under the roof in which he slept at night.
it sucked.
but it was okay.
[ ☂ ].
adam’s growing love for performing music only fueled his desire to, one day, make it a career. all the arrows were pointing in a different direction — study business, climb the corporate ladder in the shadow of his mother — but that seemed to only make him want to rebel more. music was his passion; and he certainly had no aching desire to become an emotionless robot of sorts like his mother had become. his siblings, his aunt, his mother… every single one told him, by the time he entered high school, that he wasn’t paying enough attention to his education and spending too much time playing music and dancing.
he was managing just fine. he may not have had perfect marks, but he certainly wasn’t putting his education on the back burner.
he didn’t know why his mother cared anyway. it seemed that whenever she was at home, the only things he heard from her were complaints about his plans after graduation.
if he was honest, he couldn’t give two fucks about what his mother wanted him to choose as a career path. she hadn’t cared about the majority of the things he’d accomplished throughout his teenage years, and he could only assume she wouldn’t care about anything he’d accomplish in the future.
and as it turned out, his assumptions were correct.
[ ☀ ].
in 2016, he participated in midas media’s global auditions that were held in tokyo. at first, when his neighbor told him that she was planning to audition and wanted him to do it with her, he thought it was a joke. he certainly wanted to audition, but his negativity was starting to get the best of him. he was second guessing his ability to achieve his dream.
she had convinced him to try, in the end. it didn’t take much, though — just a little begging. it was usually impossible for adam to say no to her. sometimes he just needed a little extra push before breaking.
not a peep from adam’s mother when his neighbor was accepted and he was rejected. no encouragement, no urging him to try again. but he was sure that in her mind she was screaming, “i told you so.”
in the few months after his audition fell through, adam was even more determined to hone his singing and dancing skills. he practiced more than he slept, most of the hours in his day being taken up by the part-time jobs he worked in three different cafés. he quickly became a customer-favorite, offering free samples of his honey voice in the form of ballads as he prepared coffee. his mother’s disinterest was one of his main motivators — he needed to show her that she was wrong. even if his intentions with gaining success in the korean entertainment industry were partially ill, it gave him the push he needed to work as hard as was necessary to actually make a foothold.
his initial plan was to audition for midas media again, until he learned about open auditions for a show in south korea called kpop star. he participated in the online preliminary auditions, sending in a video of himself both singing and dancing.
when he passed the audition, his mother seemed more detached than ever. she truly believed her son still was making a bad decision, that it would still blow up in his face. but despite how she felt, she never once offered any verbal support or advice because she couldn’t be bothered to. adam’s neighbors were more encouraging, more excited, offering any support they could in his journey.
adam used the money he’d saved up while working his summer away and flew to south korea to start filming for the program. by the middle of autumn, he’d miraculously passed through the first round by a slim margin. he continued to work his hardest, practicing until his lungs gave out and his entire body ached. he needed to rank well to prove to his mother he could be good enough.
in the end, he ranked in the top 10 — right in the middle at number 5, to be exact. it wasn’t where he wanted to be. it wasn’t the top spot. it probably wasn’t good enough in his mother’s eyes. he didn’t ever bother finding out if it was.
but it was, however, good enough for adam to be contacted by a representative from kjh global creative mere days after his elimination. they wanted to sign him, and as soon as possible. they wanted him.
he jumped at the opportunity, eager to step into the industry, officially, by any means necessary. he learned quickly just how rigorous, exhausting, and rewarding training could be. attempting to adjust in yet another new country proved difficult as well, but in time, adam knew he would feel comfortable. knew he would adjust. eyes set on the prize, adam moon would soon prove to those around him that he was a force to be reckoned with — and he would, without a doubt, be chosen as part of the final lineup for kjh’s newest boy group.
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