#watcher protector
aeoris4lovers · 1 year
thinking about verin having a little bit of paladin in him alongside being an echo knight.
his sense of honor and justice being his defining traits. his willingness to walk into a town that’s fighting a fight where a stalemate has been the best case scenario for as long as anyone can remember and saying “we’re going to win this.” him swearing to protect them and refusing to let his conviction be shaken even as the mounting threats weigh on him. his faith in the luxon being more based on ideals than religious belief, and how his commitment to those ideals must be genuine and not just blind faith, given that he can question them enough to understand why essek doesn’t feel the same. him being a “beacon of hope” for the people of bazzoxan, a light cutting through the darkness they’ve grown used to.
thinking about him, in the heat of battle, rushing to the side of a fallen soldier under his command, and a light suddenly reaching out from his hands to touch the soldier, closing their wounds just enough to keep them from fading away. him not knowing where it came from, keeping the powers close to his chest until he needs them most because he knows that people will talk, that they’ll make a big deal of him being “chosen” by the luxon when he doesn’t want to be a chosen one or even know if he believes that’s where they came from, and all he wants is to do his job well and protect the people under his care. thinking that maybe one day he can show them and get the respect and approval he craves, but not until he’s sure it won’t mean being whisked away from people who still need him.
i don’t know, i just think it would be fitting if he had a touch of paladin in him.
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crazy-maracuya · 2 months
Ive always wondered if all this time one angel just kinda gave up
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just-absolutely-super · 3 months
so according to a sidequest, Seto initially promised to get the black materia for the Gi...but he couldn't fulfill it because the Gi was attacking the veil and thus the Gi had to turn him to stone to fight back
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amorfati-rp · 1 year
This is part two of this post
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🔪 - Rania is.volatile so her reactions are not consistent. She may go on a revenge binge. She may just sob and cry into ice cream. Roll the dice.
👑 - Rania wants to be loved. To be adored- something. So she could care less as for what and why or by who.
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🔪 - Imene mourns and protects quietly and from a distance due to her situation. She will care for them until their end.
👑 - Imene doesn't need more want a legacy. She just wants safety for others.
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🔪 - Ilya hasn't cared about anyone sincerely so they may fake an upsetness. They truly don't care.
👑 - Ilya HAS a legacy. The church scientist who made miracle after miracle. A genius who explored and experienced all that a mere human couldn't dream. The warden of the daughter of cosmos. Ilya is proud of their legacy.
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🔪 - Elise is a White Priestess she will come over and heal you to the best of ehr ability and soothe you with her songs. She cares and she loves wholeheartedly
👑 - Elise also has a legacy. The kind white priestess of the wind. The woman who kept the kingdom afloat for as long as she was able. She worries about how her legacy affects others, especially fretia.
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🔪 - Eldora is a protector a knight. And Eldora would through themselves into danger to protect her kingdom and people. Any harm or death is a failure on their title.
👑 - Eldora does not particularly care about their legacy. They care more about their honor and they view honor as being a good person and protector. Simple as that.
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🔪 - Aoife would run to their help and do all she can. She is NOT a fan of standing idly by and watching someone get hurt.
👑 - Aoife cares immensely about legacies. Mostly her sisters though as she desperately tries to uphold their legacy. Even though she can barely match up to their genius minds.
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🔪 - Prima is VIOLENT. she will not stand for someone she cares for being hurt. You will pay.
👑 - Prima's life was always led by legacies. Her mother and father's and ragnanivals. This leads her to despise legacies and honestly she would like nothing more than to ruin those legacies.
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forever obsessed with the idea of The Monster Under The Bed/Hiding In The Closet/etc. as a protector, actually. a big, scary watcher and protector against real life, human horrors.
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incubuszan · 4 months
I am the wendigo outside your house right by your bedroom window in the side by the hill with the tree dear watching till dawn or down by the lake watching from a distance like a twinkling star in your foggy abyss****
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sweet-faerie · 1 year
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Introducing some Sailor Moon to this blog!! My name is Fae, i am 21 This will be my Sailor Moon promo for my OC Tsuya aka Asteria! affiliated with: @chxmpionofjustice This will take things from all forums of Sailor Moon, from the anime/manga to musicals! my rules are on my pinned post and aren't changing! This is just my announcement I'll be adding this to my fandoms^^ Sailor moon tags below for those who wish to block it:
ic; 🔮 [Watcher From Afar] Princess Asteria ic; 🌙 [Protector of Fate] Sailor Asteria ic; 🔮 [Unknown Fortune] Tsuya Sezuki V; [Where Stars Remain Still] SilMil V; [Future is always unknown] Post Canon Au/V; [Fate is Awakened Early] Eternal AU- Canon timeline V; [Ruler of the Stars] Crystal Tokyo
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risarchives · 2 years
reading orphic/homeric hymns and greek texts and coming across terms such as daimôn (δαίμων) and agathodaemon (ἀγαθοδαίμων) is fascinating for me now because i keep trying to connect r.asmr’s demons and daemons to them so i can somehow find answers to unspoken questions
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20220723: finally! all series 22 mini-figures (71032)! this is easily my favorite series so far. series includes: robot repair tech, chili costume fan, troubadour, snow guardian, horse and groom, figure skating champion, night protector, forest elf, bird watcher, raccoon costume fan, space creature, and wheelchair racer. the accessories on these mini-figures are absolutely fantastic and include a racing wheelchair, a toucan, dark green binoculars, a white sack, smiley face spotted red mushroom tops (which are very cute!), gold crown coins, a white dog with blue eyes, a fantastic little droid, and so much more. there’s really only one or two of these mini-figures which tend to find a new home if they show up in my collection and that’s the figure skater and the chili pepper costume. As I mostly build castle things with a few space things thrown into the works, “real world” stuff isn’t nearly as interesting to me.
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1-marigold-1 · 5 months
An AU thingy that umm, please listen to my ramble I beg you :[
Hello!!! Had this AU in mind for a bit too long decided to dump it all here :] sorry if it's all a bit messy I'm bad at organising those stuff hghghgghg <-- delusional (explanation and story below the images)
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I call it the FMN AU [Forget-Me-Not] and it's set in a fantasy world of course, in a great Empire of Heremitaran.
Because of how big the Empire is, it's divided in two, with two rulers: Ren The King of the North known for his bravery, plenty of victories, feared by those outside of his Empire , and the other one in the Sout is ... well... Mumbo.. (yes he's a king because his father died, he sucks at it tho, can't help but be that wet poor cat and not knowing what to do).
And that's when we come in with Grian and Scar.
There's a crown, to be specific, called the Vacivus Halo which is safely kept in Ren's vault , away from the rest of the world. It's the most powerful thing ever known, and Watchers are ready to fight for it against Listeners, who are worshipped by most of north people and Ren himself. The war those two spiecies of angel-gods started over a crown has been going for many centuries and now when Listeners has had it for themselves for so long, Watchers start to fear that they might use it against them to finally get rid of the enemy.
The crown has been under Watchers' control for some time too, that's when they tasked Mumbo's father with protecting it, but he died at war, crown got stolen, landed in Ren's hands and now all they got is Mumbo... They quickly realized that he's definetely not... well.. worthy? So they give the task of getting it back to an orphan living near the palace. He's a poor chicken keeper until he meets one of The Watchers disguised as a snake, asking him for help, the snake promises him everything he wants. So he agrees.
He gets powers such as:
Manipulating others' minds [putting images and memories that never existed before into anyone's head ]. It's his most powerful ability that he uses by just looking into their eyes, yet there's one thing about it: he can't make people forget the things he puts in their heads.
Flight, he has a cape that turns into wings when needed.
He can see what his snake sees whenever he wants, so he can use it to spy on people.
With those abilities he fools everyone at the palace into believing he's Mumbo's new guard and personal assasin, so he can be always close to the ruler who should be visiting the North very soon... he also makes friends with the young king, they get along pretty well.
Meanwhile Scar has a simmiliar story, though he was an assasin and Ren's guard before Listeners chose him. Ren is still in a good shape and probably will still be a good protector of the crown, but they felt like they need more than one If Watchers ever plan on getting the crown back, so they chose Scar by appearing to him as a cat, they wanted to tell him that they are ready to give him anything he wishes for but he was like "KITTY!!!!!!!! HELLO YOU SO CUTE!!" and agreed right away, just to have a scarf that turns into a cat...... he likes cats alright, he's been feeling pretty lonely recently too...
Scar's powers are:
Super speed [he got it with the boots]
Sensitive Hearing
Completely silent walking
He also got his cat [he named it Jellie because it's semi-transparent like a jelly when in not-scarf form lol] that can transform into a tiger like creature sometimes.
Yeah guess what.
They meet. Grian and Scar. They. Meet.
And they uhhh kinda make friends with eachother and don't really think that they might be enemies.
Watchers don't know that Scar is Listeners' servant, and the other way around, Listeners don't know that Grian is Watchers' servant.
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Things escalate from here...... and that's where the story starts!
I have plans on making short comics and stories to tell you the lore piece by piece, but be aware that updates won't be very often, I'll try tho!
Just wanted to add that I made this AU long time ago and Jellie is a fundamental thing in it, very important, as much as she was important to all of us, may she rest in peace <3
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Constantly Sleepy!Reader
Requested: No
Warnings: None
Nikto is probably the most confused by your sleepy self. The man lives off of a solid 5 hours a week, and that’s during a good period. It’s worse when the nightmares come on in droves, keeping him up for nights on end, eyes always open, twitchy and trigger happy. But in time he learns to enjoy your sleep, standing vigilant beside you, your watcher and protector. Like you’re his own personal sleeping beauty, and he’s the dragon curled around your bed. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, your own peacefulness will lure him in, driving him to slip into bed with you and get some more proper rest.
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Gaz is the absolute best bf to a sleepy partner. He’s always covering you with blankets or, more likely, his jacket. Setting pillows under your head or carrying you back to bed. You won’t always be able to sucker him into some cuddles but you will a great majority of the time, as long as there’s nothing of great importance that needs to be attended to. And he’s so warm and comfy, like a great big pillow mixed with a heating pad. He’s gotten more than a few good yelling ats from Price because he’s slept through some pressing phone calls, too cozy while being curled up with you to even hear the phone.
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If you’re sleeping anywhere, you’re sleeping on Horangi. Either full on in his lap, cuddled against his side, or with your head resting on his shoulder. Sometimes he can be seen carrying your sleeping body around, holding you tight in the mornings when he’s only half awake, grumbling to himself whenever you so much as twitch or wiggle in his hold. But more often everyone finds you both curled up together by some window, lazily stretched out and all comfy, like two little kittens with a sign above them that says “Bonded pair, must adopt together”. A few recruits took pictures to commemorate the sight of it only to be hunted down for sport later by you and your tiger.
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He adores the way you so so cutely rub at your sleepy eyes or do an adorable stretch like some sort of cat before promptly curling in on yourself, nuzzling your face against whatever it was you were laying on. Though he had to admit that it makes him a bit jealous, you’re not rubbing up against him and he’s pretty sure he’s softer than that table you’re snoring on. Eventually he just pulls you into his lap, uncaring of your whines as he readjusts you to be more comfortable, his arms wrapped around your waist and your face tucked into the crook of his neck. He doesn’t even mind that you drool on him a bit, wears it as a badge of honor even. Proud that you’re so relaxed around him, so comfortable that you just completely melt into his body. He may have taken a few (dozen) pictures to remember this moment by and to tease you with later.
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peachesofteal · 3 months
Dad!John Price/female reader The Ocean anthology Note: The orcas mentioned in this series are based on a real population. Coolest things on this planet.
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The strait is quiet. 
Fog rolls across glass, painting grey sea smoke on top of clear, hyaline waters, mirror images cast from horizon to cliff. It’s a prehistoric stillness, the kind that’s sung low in the belly of this passage for millions of years, volcanos and glaciers all doing their worst, their best, to shape and carve this land to be as it’s known now. 
Granitic wall looms above and below, plummeting into the earth beneath you until the water is too deep to see where it ends and hell begins, water and plants and light refracting into a teal green color. painting the pitch something most only see in magazines. It stretches tall too, forms the base of the islands, of all the land that flanks the strait, and you have to crane your neck to see where rock ends and soil begins. 
It’s a marvel onto itself, but you’re not here for the geology. 
Where are they? 
Your paddle dips, pushes, forging a path through the quiet, preternatural stillness, wrists to ribs moving with hypnotic pace. Left, right, left, right. Dig. Dip. Your lungs burn, muscles ache, and still you paddle, up and down the coast, maintaining your determined pace in the face of exhaustion, forcing yourself past the brink of logic and reason, as always, in the pursuit of passion. You focus on your breath, on the cold, settling it in your bones, falling into the beautiful rhythm that is paddling, cold sea spray dripping down to your gloves.
It’s easy to get lost in the quiet of the water. The fog and the cliffs crowd inwards, silent watchers of a sacred place, protectors of a balance long disturbed and derailed everywhere else in this world. Your paddle strokes in perfect time, kayak cutting through the eerie mists and propelling you forward, focus fixed on the horizon, looking, listening. Waiting. You simmer in the silence, straining to hear the telltale blow of air, the signal of surfacing.
Nothing comes.
Where are they?
Salmon jump in front of the kayak, shattering the serenity in their wriggling flight.
The residents elude you. You say good morning to an otter, a sea lion the size of two men, some curious Dall’s porpoise, but are left bereaved at the noticeable absence of the pods. 
It’s the first day. It’s okay, it’s only the first day. 
The alarm on your watch goes off, just as the lighthouse, affectionately named Little Rock, looms ahead, faded and chipped green paint calling you back to the cove, a glacial breeze whipping under your goretex and neoprene, cutting to the quick, right down to flesh and bone. 
Time’s up. 
“Did you see them?!” Aly bounces on her toes at the edge of the dock, running alongside the pace of your paddling. 
“No.” Your tone is light, but you don’t hide the disappointment, and she smiles sadly, sympathetically. What a smart kid.
“I’m sorry.” 
“That’s okay.” 
“Are you coming in now?” You nod, motioning to the beach, and she skips ahead, running down the steps onto where millions of little pearled rocks give way under her feet, echoing the same as you run the fiberglass bottom of your kayak aground, popping your legs out on either side. 
“I know you wanted to see them.” Her eyes are wide and a little fearful. You frown. 
“I’ve got all year, I’ll see them. Don’t worry.” The assurance is tepid, but present, and she shrugs. 
“You should ask my dad. He knows where they are a lot.” 
“Oh yeah?” You could try. She nods, excited, shiny dark braids gleaming in the mid-morning sun. You glance around, looking for an adult, or someone who accompanied here down here, but there’s no one, and you chew on it, pulling your boat higher up than the tide will reach today. “Shouldn’t you like, be in school or something?” 
“I do school online.” She rolls her eyes, gap tooth grin stretched across her face. “It’s for gifted kids but I always finish early.” 
“Does your dad know you’re running around this place unsupervised?” She shakes her head, and then sobers, glancing towards the woods. 
“I’m not unsupervised.” What? You look the same direction, but all you see is the shadow of the forest, darkness so thick you’re not sure you could see your way in broad daylight. 
A chill traces your spine, ice cold and cautious, slow in its discovery, pressing against your skin like it’s moving under your clothes. You gasp, whirling and- 
There’s nothing. Only the lapping of the tide, the gentle waves that rake through the shore. Your beached boat. Remnants of the morning’s mists. 
Must’ve been the wind. 
The Ranger’s daughter giggles. You raise an eyebrow, and then motion up the hill. 
“Want to head back with me then?”
“Aly!” The Ranger’s voice reaches you, even a hundred meters away. She sprints ahead of you, and your stomach twists, iced over fear spreading through your veins. 
He’s going to freak. He already hates you and now he’s going to think you kidnapped his kid or something. 
“Where have you been?” 
“Down at the water.” She kicks a rock, beaming. One of his too wide palms sweeps over her forehead, moustache and lips kicking to the side with a sigh. 
“Not supposed to be down there on your own, remember?” 
“I wasn’t.” She stands tall with her insistence, and proudly points at you. “I was with her.”
John straightens. He stares at you with a scrutiny that you’ve never felt, an intense pressure building behind your eyes, in your thighs, incinerating all the muscle in your body until you’re sure to explode. 
The silence is painful, and Aly hops from one foot to another. 
“You find ‘em?” There’s no softness in his eyes for you, only a hard edge, hand coming to rest on his daughter’s shoulder. 
“No.” You think he’ll turn away then, drift away in the wake of this encounter, but he holds you steady there, caught between him and the earth, crushing weights on either side. It’s unnerving, this stranger, this Ranger, a moon to a tide, and you swallow when he finally speaks, it’s with that rich timbre, the accent that twists you up in boundless knots.
“They make you earn it.”
“You should sleep with your window open.” Aly pipes up, and John’s mouth twitches.
“You can hear them in the cove, in the middle of the night.” He explains. “They hunt and play in the shallow off the beach pretty often. Though it’s too cold to be sleeping with your window open.” The last piece is serious, like a warning, but you’re already vibrating with anticipation, attention fixed through the trees, like you can see down the hill to the harbor.
When you turn back, John is watching you. Hard muscle and tone turned dulcet, there’s less shadow in his eyes, replaced by something wild, willful.
There for a second. Gone in the next.
“Well I’ve… work to do.” Paltry effort. It sticks in your mouth the way this man has stuck to your mind, lurking and wandering, leaving you wondering what he's doing on the other side of your bedroom wall, your living room. Wondering what he’s like, what he’s really like, under the clipped and caustic words, the churlish airs swirling around him whenever he lays eyes on you. He’s the definition of surly, and the reluctance to interact with you stings, even though you shove it down. Secrets lay beneath his ribs, you have no doubt, protected by his thick coat and wide frame, a mass of tenured muscle and strength visible under the heaviest wool.
He nods.
You turn your back.
"Leave a note, when you're goin' out." He's got Aly in hand, halfway up his side of the porch, breath fogging in the space between your bodies. "Shouldn't be out alone, without anyone knowing, alright?"
Leave a note.
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newfallstrangeleaves · 10 months
Yandere in the apocalypse
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M!Yandere X GN!reader Warning: stalking, mentions of killing. Summary: Continuation of the nightly visit story. The world has ended but that doesn't stop your yandere to prove (to nobody other than himself) that he can give you anything. He goes out of his way to get you something you want but things don't go as planned. Author's note: It was really nice to see the first part (and my first post) being so well received. Really thank you!!
Never will he be far behind. Always in the shadows watching over you. He truly is your guardian angel, undefeated protector, perfect boyfriend…
Though in a perfect world he would be close to you, show you how good he is to you.  But because of the friends of yours most of the time Aaron has to go unnoticed. But the times he does get close, he cherishes. 
The weather is nice and Aaron has spent the last 4 hours in a tree. Your group has made the decision to leave the city and head out into the wild. A decision he doesn't exactly agree with, for many reasons. Though your group has decided upon two night watchers now he dont believe for a second they could do a better job than him. 
Half of the group has split up from camp and gone out to look for food. You sit together with a girl with dark braids and a blond girl, who looks to be in need of a shower soon. The boy is there too, blissfully unaware of his surroundings and listening in on the conversation. 
“I LOVED to eat Moules frits, I could eat a whole bucket of those things.” The blond girl says. 
"Oh, you snob!” The braided girl exclaims. “Can you say something normal like a burger?” 
“But what is so weird about Moules frits? It's just Oysters and Fries! The blond pouts. 
“Wrong! It's Clams not Oysters, you idiot.” 
"You seem to know an awful lot about Moles frits, huh? Y/N, who do you think the real posh one is?” The blond looks over at you who throughout this whole conversation has just been smiling at the bickering. 
“Donno, seems like a tie, or what do you think Max?” You turn over to the boy who nods eagerly. You and Max exchange a look as the blond one rolls her eyes over dramatically, but the action prones a laugh out of the three of you. 
“What foods do you miss, Y/N?” Max asks when the laughing has died down. You think for a moment. 
“Well, not the canned potatoes that's for sure, or any other canned foods for that matter. I miss fresh ones, oh I know, I miss Strawberries!” You say. “And actually at this point I would be happy to have any shape, dried or fresh doesn't matter.” 
“Me too.” A voice from the bushes makes everyone jump.
Even Aaron is about to fall out of the tree. But when the other half of the group returns he swears over himself over the lack of awareness. But the conversation had made him think. If his love wants strawberries then she shall have strawberries. 
When night comes he sneaks down from his hideout. A week ago they passed a small community, odd people and overly religious. They had only really gotten a picture of them though three men who were out looking for a friend of theirs. The men had invited them back to their community but luckily your group had declined the offer. Good thing your group had caught their off vibes too and decided not to risk it. But when the both of your groups had parted ways and one of the men decided to turn back to you,  Aaron felt nothing good would come with a second encounter. So the man was killed and buried before sunrise. By then the group was up and away. 
But the men at the time had mentioned a garden filled with vegetables and fruits. Perhaps a tactic to lure you into their claws. But right now it's his best bet in finding Strawberries. 
Traveling alone ment moving at a much quicker pace. Perhaps he will be back to you in less than a week!
When he arrives he realizes the men weren't lying. If something they were playing it down by a lot.  Aaron could see “the garden” from a mile away by the size of it. The only problem he is facing now is getting in. It is surrounded by a huge fence, barbed wires, then on top of that they have built six hunting towers to guard from any intruders. 
He decides to wait until night time and while doing so he can feel his eyes grow heavier.
He wakes up (all stiff from sleeping in a tree) to the luck of a lifetime. Rockets are firing from the other side of the garden, somebody else is planning to break in too. He brings his handy pocket knife and while the guard's attention is elsewhere he takes the opportunity to run straight for one of the hunting towers. 
He just needs a little bit of luck to not be spotted now. Despite having two hunting towers at each side of him that could easily spot him he hopes their attention stays on the forest for intruders. 
The darkness hides him long enough to cut through the fence. His pocket knife pliers are weak, it takes time to cut through the fence. But not impossible. 
As he works up a hole big enough for him to fit through he can hear the guards discussing, the weak attack was quickly disarmed. But Aaron can sense them being on edge for anything else to happen. 
When he is through it's in and out. Their attention is not on the plantation but he still tries to hide amongst the greenery. It doesn't take long before he finds the red little berries. There are rows upon rows of them. They won't miss a few. When he is done collecting and placing the container back in his backpack, he turns to make his way out again. 
Just as he feels confident he is going to make it without getting spotted he gets just that. Spotted. He crawls through his hole as bullets start raining around him. His only option is to run and find shelter amongst the trees. He sprints as fast as he can, the trees approaching quickly. Just a few more steps. 
Then he feels one of the bullets hitting its target, a sharp pain shoots through his thigh. He lets out a cry of pain but with the adrenaline pumping his veins he doesn't stop. 
He pushes further and further through the forest even though he is not as fast as he would have liked, the people deciding to go after him seems to have given up the chase. Their voices grow more and more distant by the second. 
The following days are hard. He has to stop multiple times to not strain his wound too much. Worry starts to grow more and more each day. As he is slowing down you are walking further and further away. The fear something would have happened to you  while he was away grows stronger by the day. 
When the pain in his leg is unbearable as he is fighting to keep up a good pace he wishes he never left you. What if something has happened to you while he was gone? Why didn't he consider this before he left? How stupid he feels. 
He lets out a sigh of relief when he reaches a small lake and in the distance he can see your figure walking out in the water with your pants rolled up. So peaceful. Finally he can allow himself to rest and to heal. 
Mission accomplished too. He feels pride grow in his chest as he watches you. He can give you something nobody else can. He can't wait for your reaction. A smile only he could give you.
The next morning you wake up and the first thing you see is a small package with a note attached to it. 
“Whatcha got there?” Ginny asks as she frantically tries to brush through her blond curls with her fingers. 
“I don't know. Was here when I woke up.” You turn over the note and read what it says out loud. 
‘Got these for you. 
Until we meet, A.’
“A? There is no one here who starts with A.” Ginny says loudly. A ruckus begins amongst the ones that are awake. Their discussion is loud enough to wake up the rest.  
“What do I do with these?” You ask. 
“Leave them, it's not worth the risk.” Felice says and pulls her braids out from the shirt she just put on. “Come, you go with me from now on.” 
Aaron limps over to the spot you sat at as he is fighting tears. The anger and disappointment bubbling up in his chest. He wishes he could kill them, hurt them as they have hurt him. 
But all he does is pick up the berries. 
He knows revenge will come in due time.
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amourlyns · 2 months
❛ HEY VENGEANCE. ❜ ➜ ⁽ masterlist ⁾
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𐙚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: in which batman visits crime alley, and the reader indulges the bat with sweet notes and baked goods.
✧ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: none
𐙚 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔: inspired by this post. thought it was the cutest thing ever and i wanted to write it out, something short n sweet !! dedicated to @armin-ocean-eyes
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⟡ ⠀ | 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲. Of course, The Bat doesn’t want to jinx his nightly patrol but (…) it’s been nice.
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In all honestly, it finally felt like a break. A time to hunker down and take time to focus on his parents. A stroll through Crime Alley would do. Bruce never forgets about his parents, nor does he forget that night. He comes back to remind himself of what happened. How he couldn’t stop it. How he failed to protect them. It’s a constant reminder, a punishment.
Tension never leaves Bruce’s body. He’s always so high strung, constantly prepared for fight or flight. Shoulders are tense, brows are furries and teeth are gritted. This was his very being now.
Late nights, cold and oh, so lonely. The heavy bass of boots sloshing through rain water across the concrete street. Vengeance has filled the role of Gotham’s protector for long enough to know everything about the city he tirelessly protects. He knows this city better than anyone else.
But he still can’t stomach the alleyway.
Today, Bruce doesn’t bring flowers, but he brings himself. And hopefully, that’s enough for them.
From above the street, unbeknownst to the Bat. He has an angel, a watcher if you will. The city has swallowed him whole and spat him right back at out tonight. Senses are diminished, hazy from the beatings of tonight. Usually, he’s more attentive than this.
Funnily enough, you just moved into the city of Gotham three weeks ago. It’s a dreary, dull city. But at least it’s away from home. Right? Sure, the apartment you were currently living in definitely seemed haunted and it literally oversaw the alleyway the Waynes died in. Why did no one tell you they got mugged? (…) But what could you do? It’s shitty but the only thing you could afford in this damned economy.
And dude, it was definitely haunted.
You actually thought you were hallucinating the first time you laid your eyes on it. The fucking Bat, Vengeance. Gotham Cities actuals protector? It was odd and horrifying. You expected to see him raging through the alley in his moody glory. Big, defiant, and spooky!
But he actually seemed defeated? In a way? His strides were slow. Then, he knelt down onto the pavement and stayed there. It’s weird, this habitual routine of the Bat coming by and kneeling happened constantly. Well, to be fair he did patrol your building after that. Scouring the rooftops for any signs of peril within the area.
When he was done, he would come back to your building and linger on the fire escape. Sometimes you could hear his heavy footsteps on the rooftops or the iron steps.
Now, no one ever said you were the brightest in the bunch. You moved to Gotham for goodness sake. Anyways, you decided to actually make contact with the Bat. Which in theory, sounds like a good idea because who wouldn’t want a hero in their pocket? Well, a vigilante. But you digress (…) If coming near the alley brings him down, maybe he needs a lift?
The general idea was, leave a note or a gift for Vengeance and leave him be. So, that’s how it begun.
It was the third time Bruce visited the crime alley. This time, he had the intention to make his trip revolve only around his parents.
But then he saw you.
Granted, you were definitely not expecting to see anyone or someone like the Batman at this time of night. So you scrambled off of your balcony and dropped some sort of post-it note on the way out. There were three things on Bruce’s mind. How many times have you seen him and did you know his habits or who he was? Paranoia gnaws away at his guts and creates a nasty hole in his stomach.
He was a master of overthinking.
The Bat was quick to snatch up the post-it note you dropped, taking the time to read and analyze your penmanship. Was it lined with some sort of poison? Was it a tracking device? He waits for a moment. Grunting at the words etched into the paper.
〞I don't know what you're going through but I know you'll get through it. Xoxo. 〞
Alfred would tease him for this.
An admirer? He was stumped.
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It’s been about a week since you’ve seen Vengeance, your gifts of food and ever abundant notes never stopped though. You were starting to think he changed his route ever since that night he caught you on the railing.
First off, he was terrifying up close (the man was ten feet away) and second off, how was he able to catch you. Some part of you expected the man to interrogate you or something.
He didn’t, thank goodness. But you kind of missed seeing the cryptic Bat.
On the other hand, Bruce decided to do some research on you. A through background check would never hurt and who knows if you wanted to kill him? It could all be a facade. Each baked good and beverage you left out for the Bat was analyzed and tested. It could’ve been poisoned, laced, or worst, set to detonate. He was taking precautions. But Alfred insisted it was a good gesture.
Whatever it was, you never stopped. Bruce changed his route of course, there was no reason to let his guard down. But, he did appreciate the notes. To an extent. He just couldn’t help but think of the uncertainty.
The latest one he was holding onto was nothing short of thoughtful.
〞I hope you're having a good day :) (Btw, I haven’t seen you around!〞
So for the most part you were attentive. So he could commend you for that.
Despite all of the alarms in his brain telling him to stick to the new route, he returns to the old route for your sake. The very least he could do was thank you for the messages and treats. At least, that’s what Alfred said. For once, he didn’t feel like being stubborn and listened. The first thing he saw was your silhouette against the glass of your sliding door. Then, your emergence.
Bruce is frozen in place. But you’re waving frantically and running down the steps to greet him. Should he turn away? Just leave and never show up again? What if ⸻
You’re realizing how that sounded; Bruce notices how you cower in fear. Despite his own anxiety driving him up a wall. The least he could do was say thank you, or show his appreciation. It takes him a few moments to say anything. He can hardly hold eye contact, but it eventually comes out.
Well. You definitely didn’t expect him to sound like that. His response was so soft you couldn’t even tell if he was directing that towards you. It was so quiet he might as well been talking to himself⸻ and before you could even ask him another question, he’s gone by the time you look up.
Introvert much?
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scatterbrainedart · 6 months
Reasons why I like the (old) winners' poem and why Martyn as "mars" is the superior version. Over explained and pure info dump because I'm insane and I wanna talk about it before Secret Life is over :]
"The sun, the stars, the moon and mars"
First of, pure melody. "Sun" and "stars" both start with an s, and both "moon" and "mars" starts with an m. But also, but "sun" and "moon" ends with an n, and "stars" and "mars" even properly rhymes (both ending with "ars").
But also the fact that the words go together (besides all being celestial bodies. Which is also a nice touch, but not the point I'm necessarily trying to make here). The sun and the stars are all stars, and the moon and mars are both satellites.
Then, of course, the meaning. The symbolism. The name Grian literally means "sun" in Irish. Scott has a lot of star motifs going on. Pearlescentmoon. All very straight forward.
Mars? The fourth planet from the sun, the fourth winner. Mars is also the roman god of war, which goes along well with the way Martyn won the game. Although Mars is usually seen as less destructive for the sake of it than his greek counterpart Ares (and rather as a defender and protector), he is still in some versions described as savage or animalisticly feral. The whole "red planet" ordeal could also have been applicable, had it not been applicable to practically every winner. And, of course, the name Martyn literally translates to "dedicated to mars".
There's probably some kind of watcher reference or something to be made there, but I'll leave it at that.
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mythicalmuseomine · 23 days
Lady Medusa
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Protector and watcher of survivors
Requested by @ironrainmain
I am taking requests.
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