#we've officially entered the dark side of the season
bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
(Previously, in the HPI rewatch...)
Et c'est reparti pour la dégringolade, vous le sentez ce cœur brisé qui arrive à grands pas ?
Mais d'abord un peu de Gilles qui souffre, comme un présage de ce qui va m'arriver dans cet épisode
Et franchement chapeau à Cypriane et Noé pour avoir réussi à maintenir une vraie dispute pendant toute la durée du petit déj, toute cette scène est l’incarnation du chaos
"Oh putain ! J'avais exactement la même, ado !" ENFIN j'ai réussi à comprendre ce que braille Morgane par-dessus le vrombissement de la mobylette 🥳
J'adore, Morgane qui demande à Karadec s'il a changé de parfum parce qu'elle sent une odeur chelou, et lui qui pense clairement qu'elle est encore en train de le cuisiner sur sa conquête (ce qu'elle va faire cinq minutes après, hein) et qui la rembarre direct
Gilles qui tousse de la fumée c'est vraiment trop drôle
"Et sexuellement, ça matche ?" 😆😆
"Vous et moi on est juste collègues, en fait" mec y'a deux épisodes t'étais prêt à démissionner pour elle, te fous pas de ma gueule... 😏
"Ah donc vous avez pas encore..." "Pas encore quoi ?" "Bah ken !" "Vous croyez vraiment que c'est le moment de parler de ça ?" "Excusez-moi de m'intéresser" Je suis désolée je suis obligée de copier l’intégralité de ce dialogue parce que littéralement chaque réplique me termine, EXCUSEZ-MOI DE M’INTÉRESSER, mais qui dit ça en parlant de la vie sexuelle de ses collègues ?? 😂
“Vous savez que Karadec a une meuf ?" Adam qui ferme les yeux en mode oh no, here we go, et la réaction de Gilles, voilà, c’est pour ça que je regarde HPI, moi. Pour le malaise.
"J'ai passé la moitié de ma vie à faire des sittings anticapitalistes" ...et l'autre moitié à faire du shopping du coup ?
"Quitte à passer toutes nos journées ensemble, on pourrait au moins se raconter des trucs" bichette elle veut tellement qu'ils soient amis I'm gonna fling myself off a cliff 😰
Morgane qui se marre quand Adam se fait attaquer par le chien, "bah, défendez-vous" mais elle a vraiment aucun respect 😅
Les ragots dans cette équipe, c'est quelque chose, quand-même
"Sylviane, elle est avec Gérard des services généraux" "Et alors ?" Merci Gilles
Diego de la BRI... 🤭
"Il dormirait pas dans la baignoire" -> Je rêve où Morgane veut se taper absolument tout le monde dans cette série... Karadec, Bonnemain, Diego... Et après ça nous fait croire que ça aime pas les flics... 😏
Toute la scène des "il a niqué" je crois que c'est ma scène préférée de toute la série en fait
"Ça va ?" "Ouais, et vous ?" 🔥🙊
Daphné en PLS qui est incapable de répondre sur l'état des recherches 🤣🤣🤣
"Ouh purée ça fait du bien... Hein, ça fait du bien. Nan ?" Putain mais chaque réplique de Morgane est un sous-entendu sexuel j’en peux plus 🥵 
[Et sans transition ou presque parce que si, si, il s’est passé des trucs entre temps, mais rien qui méritait un commentaire dans ce rewatch]
"Vous êtes contente ?" 😭😭😭
Non mais le regard de Morgane à ce moment là ça me détruit, ça tient plus du SOS que de la joie à ce stade, je-- 😭😭😭
Et puis leur gêne, là, quand elle commence à dire et pourquoi je serais pas contente, comme si elle le suppliait de lui donner une raison de pas l’être, something something si tu reviens j’annule tout et NON j’ai pas honte
Et lui qui perd complètement le fil non mais c’est pas du tout ce que je voulais dire alors que SI, c’était ce qu’il voulait dire, enfin peut-être, j’en sais rien, lui non plus
"Je trouve que vous faites un couple formidable avec Ludo"
I'm crying
"Si vous êtes heureuse moi je suis heureux"
S E N D   H E L P
Et le montage qui m'achève avec la musique de Morgane & Karadec, j'ai plus les mots là 😢
La manière dont elle se retourne en partant... Le fait que c'est littéralement un échange d'une minute avec Adam qui lui fait reconsidérer tous les choix qu'elle a fait et qui in fine est la cause de son pétage de câble... CET HOMME LUI A DEMANDÉ SI ELLE ÉTAIT HEUREUSE AND THAT'S ALL IT TOOK FOR HER TO REALIZE SHE WAS NOT OHMYGOD 😭😭😭
Des envies de crever
Vous imaginez le tournage de la scène du pétage de plomb de Morgane ? Les riverains qui se mettent à la fenêtre en entendant les klaxon et les gens qui gueulent et qui tombent sur Audrey Fleurot ?
"Vous m'expliquez ?" "J'suis obligée ?" 🥹🥹🥹 
Il accepte tellement facilement de ne pas insister I need a minute 🫠
Mais leurs regards, là, j'en peux pluuuuuuuuuus
Le regard énamouré d'Adam quand Morgane fait son show au bar d'impro... On ne dirait pas, mais cet homme est actuellement en couple avec quelqu'un d'autre. Ça vous en bouche un coin, hein ? Bah à moi aussi
"Elle est où Morgane, au fait ?" "Pfff, ouh là là aucune idée" Mouais, tu serais pas encore en train de la couvrir, toi ? 😏
"Si ça se trouve elle est enceinte" "Gilles, ils ont couché ensemble hier soir, c'est physiologiquement impossible" 🤣🤣🤣
J'attire votre attention sur le fait que ça, c'est censé être l'écran de téléphone de MORGANE. Ludo s'appelle Morgane dans son répertoire, je... Comment ça se passe, ils n’ont qu’un seul téléphone au rayon accessoires et ils se le refilent tous ? 🤦‍♀️
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"Donc vous couchez pas ensemble ?" Le malaise est sans limite 😅😅😅
Les regards de Gilles quand il comprend la vérité sont à se plier de rire
Et Céline qui en remet une couche à la fin sur sa voiture de patrouille, mais le dysfonctionnement dans ce commissariat 🙊
Oui je ne fais que retarder l'inévitable
Non je veux pas en parler
Laissez-moi sortir !!!
Morgane qui renifle *avant* d'entrer pour cacher à tout le monde qu'elle a probablement pleuré toute seule dans sa voiture, kill me now 😩
"Moi des doutes j'en ai jamais eu" 💔
La façon dont elle est au bord des larmes quand Gilles rentre mais qu'elle fait tout pour pas le montrer 😭
Et ses petits "oui..." en réponse à Gilles qui veulent juste dire "nan ça va pas DU TOUT" ughhhhhhhh
Des fois je me rappelle qu'Audrey Fleurot est une bonne actrice et je souffre
Encore une fois, on notera le parallèle du fait que ça se passe EN MÊME TEMPS qu'Adam qui part remettre le couvert avec Roxane 😰😰😰
Bichette, sa vie part en couille pendant qu'Adam reconstruit la sienne alors qu'il lui a dit SI VOUS ÊTES HEUREUSE MOI JE SUIS HEUREUX
Et moi je fais une DÉPRESSION
Bonne soirée
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thinkpink212 · 6 months
The Thinkpink Guide To a Pretty Pink Soft Life - Setting the tone for 2024
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Hello lovelies, we've entered November and have one more month to go before we officially reach 2024! This time last year I sat down and wrote out the goals I now have fully compleated through manifestation, dedication and persistance. I've been asked before how I did it, so here is how.
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1. It is important to have the mindset of a believer. More importantly, you must be a believer in you. Belive that you can and will have everything you desire simply because you desire it. You are the univers expanding, creating and experiencing itsefl. Once you believe, as well as trust in your abilities, vision(s) and start honoring yourself - You will become who you want to be (which is who you already are, just not yet)
Once your mindset is shifted, you need to get down to the specifics.
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2. The Four Seasons - Work with nature, never against her. One of the reasons why I felt so sucessfull achieving my goals were the way they were divided. I had 3 major and minor goals for the whole year. These goals were centered around what would further me towards the life I wanted, with the seasons in mind divided into 4 phases. I wanted to factor in changing weather, possible shifting mood's, hollidays and much more to avoid any distraction or change of plans due to seaosn.
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A. Major Goal was to graduate Massage School -> Lead to more financial abundance, freedome due to being more in control of my schedule etc. This had a deadline as school had a start and an end. It required dedication for studying, funds, and also for me to find a job afterwards. Took 8 months and three weeks exactly. B. Minor Goal Finish decorating my bedroom, in the home I had manifested -> Led to a safe, comfortable and tranquil enviorment that was costumized to my liking and need. Boosted my mood, as I had a sanctuary. This had no deadline, so it felt like a fun activity where it required funds, patience and selectivness. Took me 11 months to get 85% of what I wanted for my room. It is considered acomplished even though I may add more in the future, C. Summer is a time we want to let loose, have fun and be outside, so my goal of writing everyday felt easy enough untill the sun was calling my name everyday to go enjoy it. So, I implimented writing 30min daily, where any 30min not spend would be allocated to days were I did not have plans within that same week. Once I had to write for 3 hours (which I did) but never again did I skip my 30min. Most of it occured during late evenings as it was when I was already back home, few distractions and so on. - A habit I created was writing on public transport. The 13min back and forth was no longer spend scrolling but instead editing, writing, brainstorming etc.
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3. Be selective and prepare for temporary sacrafices. Being real with yourself to choose what you truly want to dedicate the whole year to is crucial for a great year. Sometimes what we want can be stacked/combined. The more selective you are with your goals, and your words, the less things you put on your Goals list and can potentially transfer those to your Phase overview. put on your overall list of achievments. And be prepared to sacrafice time, habits and other pleasures that need to be paused for you to get to where you need to be.
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Example; Major Goal 1 -> to become Financial Stable Phase 1 (January through March) -> Start Education / Courses that will alloow higher earning. -> Get a side husstle or main job earning x amount. -> Stay on budget of x amount weekly/monthly
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4. Remind yourself of who tf you are Staying on track is easy while the spark is there, but after a few weeks, months, maybe even a season, sometimes that spark can start to seem like a tiny flame in the dark. Remind yourself of who you are becoming through moodboard, playlists, friends you trust who you can openly talk about your moves without fear of evil-eyes. Staying motivated is important as that is your fuel, so do what you need to keep your eyes on the prize. I personally made a pinterest board for each month, made sure to change my background to the focal of the Phase I was in, listen to the same three playlists whenever I got down. Journaling And I had an amazing tight circle of friends I would talk to about my moves.
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5. Faileur is not a word you know - Rejection is redirection I do not recognize faileur, instead, I see it as the universes way to tell you you've chosen the wrong brick path and need to go left or right instead. So get up, dust yourself off and get to it. Sometimes life happens, so remind yourself that you can call it, go to bed and try again tomorrow. And I would like to emphesis on the fact that you do not have to start in January. You can rest then and start during the Astrological New Year (Aries season) and move in allignment with the Astral Plain rather then our sociatal concept of time. Just never give up, regroup and redirect.
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Lastly, if you find yourself done before the year is over (like myself), spend that time further enjoying the fruits of your labor and give yourself a round of applause. Never forget that all is possible, you are a creator so create your reality even if it takes a little elbowgreese till you get the hang of it!
Goodluck to you all <3
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Twas the Day before Christmas
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(Catch up on the first three Parts Here)
Part Four of A Very Valtorian Christmas
The kitchen at the manor in Valtoria was a bustling hive of activity. Cakes and pies were being made for the meal on Christmas day, and the warm scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla filled the air. Standing at the long marble island, Hana and Kate are rolling out sugar cookie dough and cutting out shapes to bake.
Hana picks up a star-shaped cutter, "I love stars, they're my favorite shape of Christmas cookie."
"I'm partial to snowflakes myself." Kate says, laying the cut shapes carefully on the baking tray.
Kate feels the baby move and lays a hand on her belly. "What about you little one? Will you be a snowflake lover like Mommy or a star lover like your Daddy and Auntie Hana?"
"Speaking of Daddy, I wonder how Drake and Maxwell are getting along with their mission to spread Christmas cheer." Hana says as she hands off the tray of cookies to one of the cooks.
Kate giggles as she rolls out more cookie dough, "I'm sure they're fine. I know that Maxwell can be unpredictable at times, but Drake assured me that he would let him help in whatever way Maxwell as an elf can. I'm proud of Drake for taking on the responsibility of playing Santa this year. I can imagine all of the smiling faces of the little children."
"I'm still trying to get over seeing Drake in a Santa suit. Shockingly he wears it well. Who knew Mr.Grumpy would make such a good jolly old elf."
Kate swipes a bowl of gum drops as the bakers shoo her and Hana out of the kitchen. There was still much to be prepared, and having the Duchess and her Lady friend in the way was slowing them down.
The two women giggle like school girls as they make their way back to the Great Room. "Well I guess that officially takes us off baking duties. Now what?"
Hana links her arm through Kate's, grabbing a red gumdrop out of the bowl, "Any gift wrapping left to do?"
Kate shakes her head, "No, all done."
Hana takes in the lavish decorations around the Great Room as they sit down on one of the sofas to relax. "Thanks so much for inviting me to your home for Christmas Kate, it really is a nice place to spend a holiday. And you and Drake have really captured the spirit of the season in your beautiful decorations."
Kate smiles and reaches out to squeeze Hana's hand. "You're always welcome here sweety, and Drake and I wouldn't dream of letting a friend spend Christmas alone. I'm so glad to have you, Maxwell and Nicholas here. You're part of the family."
Hana wipes away a tear, "You're the best, Kate."
Pulling her friend into a hug, Hana giggles as the baby belly ends up in the way. "And our family is growing too. I can't wait to meet your sweet little baby."
Kate looks down and smoothes her hands across her belly in a gentle hug of her own, "Can you believe my child is going to be King or Queen someday?"
"You and Drake must be over the moon excited about being parents. This little royal heir is going to be born into such a world of love. Between all the attention from Mommy and Daddy, plus their Aunts and Uncles. I truly believe they're blessed."
"We're both excited and a little nervous, as any first time parents would be. But we also know we've no shortage of help if we need it."
"Have you picked out names yet?"
"We've talked about it, but haven't narrowed down a list."
Hana frowns, "I suppose it's a little complicated to pick out baby names when there's going to be so much importance attached to it."
Kate's eyebrows shoot up, "Exactly! Knowing that the title of King or Queen is going to be forever associated with their first name is a heavy burden on my mind."
"Have you thought about picking a name from ancient Cordonian history and giving it new life?"
Kate smiles, "Ooh that sounds like a great idea. It would give our son or daughter a connection to history and we can tell them stories about who they've been named after. Plus where I'm not from here it's a way to show the people that I'm embracing their Country as my own."
Hana glances around the Great Room, "Does the manor have a library? Surely there's a Cordonian History book around here."
"We don't have a library, but there are plenty of books in the study."
Hana helps Kate up off of the sofa. "Cool, what do you say we score a plate of cookies and some hot chocolate and head down to the study and research some cool baby names?"
Kate tucks her arm through Hana's and gives it a squeeze. "I'm so glad you're here Hana. Do you have to go back to the Palace tomorrow? Because I'd love it if you could stay longer."
Hana grins at her best friend, "Wouldn't I get in the way of you and Drake having time alone?"
Kate laughs, "As sweet and comforting as Drake can be, he can be a bit too helpful sometimes and I have to shoo him away to do something else. I know he means well, but I can tell he gets bored just sitting around while I sit and read or take a nap. And there's only so many romantic comedies on Netflix he can suffer through before he just pretends to take a nap or finds a game to play on his phone."
Hana scoffs, "Well that won't do. You need another girl around to binge watch stuff with you and to gush over cute baby things online."
"Exactly! Drake doesn't have a clue about all the adorable baby clothes, toys and other gear there is out there. I want my nursery to be fully stocked."
"Do you think Drake will change diapers? Or if he knows how?"
"He said he was willing to learn how to do all of that stuff, but I guess we'll have to wait and see."
"Hasn't he helped Savannah with Bartie before?"
"He has, but beyond holding his nephew and chasing him away from things he shouldn't touch I don't know what else he's helped her with."
After stealing a plate of cookies from the kitchen along with two glasses of milk. Hana and Kate head for the study.
As they pass by Kate's office, they can here Nicholas on the other side of the door, his voice is raised and he's talking to someone.
Hana frowns, "What's going on in there? I was wondering where Nicholas was hiding."
"Oh you know Nicholas, you can take the King out of the Palace but he can't leave the Crown and everything that goes along with it behind. He asked me if he could use my office as a base of operations while he's here in Valtoria. I'm hoping he takes a break at some point from running the country and enjoy the Holidays."
The main Study is in the room next to Kate's office, and as the women enter Kate turns on the lights. Hana sets the tray of cookies and milk down on the large oak desk.
"So as the Duchess, you have an office. Does Drake have an office too?" Hana asks, picking up a cookie.
Kate smiles as she leans her hip against the desk and folds her arms. "Well, it's not quite an Office for business anymore. The room next to this one used to be the Duke's office, but Drake had it converted into his own personal man cave."
Hana giggles. "Let me guess, it's upholstered in leather, dark wood and smells of whiskey?"
"Pretty much. He's basicly turned it into his own pub. With a bar and a pool table. Although he still calls it his Office."
Hana looks at the array of bookshelves lining the walls of the Study. "Hmm, where do we start. Do you think Drake would be upset if we start researching names without him?"
Kate shrugs, dunking a cookie into her glass of milk. "I think he would just be happy to have a list to pick from."
Hana runs her fingers along the spines of the books, "So how far back into history should we go? There are books here going back to the 17th century."
"Is there one that chronicles the nobility from way back then til now?"
Hana picks two books, "Yes, two actually."
Kate clears a spot on the desk for the two books. "Cool, let's take a look."
Hana and Kate settle into the desk chairs and each grab a book. Kate pulls a couple of notepads from the drawer and hands one to Hana, along with a pen.
"Ok Hana my love, you pick me out some nice girl names and I'll look at names for boys. And we'll take note of any interesting facts about these people as we go."
Nicholas opens the door to the adjoining office, "I thought I heard voices in here. What are you Ladies up to?"
Kate waves him over, "Welcome your Majesty! Just the royal brain we need to help us out."
Nicholas grabs a cookie from the plate and leans over to see the open books on the table. "Doing research?"
"Well kinda, we're looking up baby names." Hana says from behind her glass of milk.
"I don't want to impose my opinions on Kate or influence her in any way. She made it clear this is her and Drake's child first, and heir to the throne second. If it got back to Drake that any of my suggestions made the list I don't think he'd be very happy."
Hana and Kate exchange a worried look, "Well I'm sure Drake wouldn't protest that much would he? You know Cordonian history better than we do. I'd hate to pick someone bad out of history to name my child after."
Nicholas nods, "Well I can help steer you away from repeating that kind of history for sure."
"Ok good, pull up a chair."
Hana looks through ancient family trees from the 17th century, "So are you partial to any letter of the Alphabet for name starters?"
Kate blushes slightly, "Well I do have a soft spot for names starting with K. Or containing the letter K. Since Drake and I both have that in common. I figured it could be our new Walker family tradition."
Hana smiles, "That would be nice, plus it would help narrow things down."
Drake and Maxwell opened up the back doors of the SUV and climbed in. Pulling off his Santa hat, Drake settled back against the seat wearily.
“Take us home, Preston.”
In the front seat Preston nods and makes eye contact with Drake in the rearview mirror, “Very well, Your Grace.”
Beside Drake in the backseat, Maxwell's tank of exuberant Christmas energy is still half full. If it weren’t for the requirement to wear a seat belt for safe travelling, he'd be bouncing all over the car like a rubber ball. Between Drake and Maxwell there's a large bag of candy on the seat. They're leftovers from the parade, and Maxwell has already had more than his share. Drake pulls it over closer and throws his hat over top to discourage Maxwell from eating anymore of it. Who needs little children to worry about when you have a Maxwell?
Maxwell looks like he might explode if he doesn't talk about his day, so Drake reluctantly engages him to let him let off steam. “Ok Maxwell, out with it. Did you have fun today?”
Maxwell beams, “Yes! This was the best Christmas adventure ever. Bertrand never lets me do this sort of thing. Now that he has Savannah, Bartie and now dear old Dad to keep him busy he has even less time for doing fun stuff.”
The warmth inside of the SUV is starting to get to Drake and he struggles his way out of his Santa coat, Max grabs a sleeve to help him get free of it. “Best adventure ever, huh? So what was your favorite part of today?”
“Seeing all the kids happy faces when I handed them candy canes and presents. They were so excited. What was your favorite part?”
Drake looked at Maxwell and thought about his answer. He didn't want to admit to Maxwell that the happy children were his favorite part too. Every smiling, rosy cheeked, grateful child reminded him that he was going to be a father himself soon. That warm, emotional feeling he felt every time one of the kids said: “thank you Santa..” had nearly brought him to tears.
Oh my God what's happening to me? I’ve gotta maintain my tough, grumpy guy persona in front of Maxwell or he’ll tease me like the schmuck that he is.
“Uh, sure the kids were great, but driving that sleigh was definitely the highlight of my day. Three horse power doesn’t mean shit as far as motors go, but with three actual horses? Damn that sleigh flew.”
Maxwell frowns, “But the drive to town was terrifying. I fell off, remember?”
Drake gives Maxwell a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “Well that part sucked, sure, but after you got back on the sleigh and sat up front with me; you had fun right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” The corner of Maxwell’s mouth turns up in a smirk as he shrugs his shoulders.
“The children really did seem to enjoy the sleigh’s jingling bells, and the fancy horses.”
Drake gives Maxwell a gentle punch to the shoulder, “See? That’s why the sleigh was my favorite part. Besides, I couldn’t have handed out all of those candy canes by myself. You did good today, Max. Heck, if we do this thing again next year maybe you can play Santa, and I’ll …”
Maxwell’s face lights up, “O..M..G, could I really play Santa?”
Drake nods, scratching at the itchy white beard on his cheek. “Well sure you could. But just let somebody else drive the sleigh for you OK?”
Maxwell grins at Drake, “And would Daddy Drake be my elf helper?”
“Nope, not a chance.”
Continued in ^♡^ Part Five ^♡^
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squidkid-s · 7 years
[80's theme playing] [man] Neo Yokio is the greatest city in the world. It is the most populous urban agglomeration in North America, but its prestige does not merely stem from its size. From Bronx prefecture to the aquatic elegance of Battery Park, Neo Yokio is a diverse labyrinth of cultural and architectural innovation. No wonder we play host to many of the planet's most prestigious events. Of course, whenever a city becomes the envy of the world, problems are bound to arise. In the 18th century, the first wave of demonic attacks wreaked havoc on Neo Yokio. From origins unknown, hateful creatures sought to destroy the city on a mass scale. In a stroke of genius, Neo Yokio's then mayor, Theodore Corelli, invited the exorcists of the old world, peasant practitioners of the dark arts, colloquially known as Rat Catchers to become citizens. [rats squeaking] In exchange for their citizenship, these exorcists used their talents to save the city. Many of the descendants are now part of Neo Yokio high society, adding to our rich cultural tapestry. Although demonic threats have been greatly minimized, you will still be subject to search and questioning at our discretion. Please have your documents ready and welcome to Neo Yokio. [Charles] Sir, I almost forgot. Your watch is fixed. I picked it up this afternoon. [Kaz] It's been three weeks, and I still can't believe she's really gone. My one true love is now living the glamorous life of an investment banker in San Francisco, while I remain in Neo Yokio haunted by her memory. In happier times, I watched her play on this very court. [sighs] No doubt she's found a new tennis club by now. Sir, I understand that matters of the heart are mysterious and profound, but destroying a 1919 Cartier Tank is a bit, well imprudent. Hell, yeah, it is. That's a dope-ass watch. [sighs] Hey, Lexy. Hey, Gottlieb. - You gotta sack up. - Tonight's the big field hockey match against the East Side Gentlemen. You're out here like a pound puppy. Sorry, guys, but I can barely navigate the hellish vortex between breakfast and dinner, let alone the labyrinth of the field hockey field. - What are you saying, dawg? - I'm saying I'm not playing in tonight's field hockey championship. The whole season's been building up to this match! We gotta teach those old money fuckboys a lesson! You can't give Arcangelo the satisfaction, B. Win, lose we'll all be equal in the grave. [woman grunts] Sir, we really should get going. I told you to clear my schedule. I'm grieving the death of a relationship. I understand, but the reservation is in 15 minutes. I'm simply too blue for lunch. I would strongly advise against incurring the wrath of Aunt Agatha, sir. [groans] Fine. Let's go. See you, Lexy. See you, Gottlieb. So, we'll see you at the game? We're counting on you, Kaz! [Kaz sighs] God, I miss Cathy. - She loved ice cream. - [Charles] Come, sir. There's always a silver lining. Now that you're single, your name's officially on the Bachelor Ranking Board in Times Square. It's an honor to top the Bachelor Board, but it's an honor I dream not of. Well, sir, you're not quite at the top. I'm number two? Two is a rather prestigious number. Two is the loneliest number, Charles. Especially when you're second to a jackass. Why are you late? Don't you have a watch? Who cares what time it is when the future's an interminable abyss of wackness? Kaz, you're not a gentleman of leisure like those other uptown buffoons. You can't just drink Americanos and watch tennis all day. - You have work to do. - Aunt Agatha, I'm well aware that I'm We are members of the magistocracy. You are a magistocrat. You have a sacred duty to protect the city as well as our family name. Never forget the tremendous odds your ancestors overcame to establish the family in Neo Yokio. Aunt Agatha, Cathy left me. And I'm sorry if I'm disgracing the family, but I'm depressed. [laughs] Ha. Cathy? [sighs] Did you really think it would work out with an East Side girl? Well, why wouldn't it? Because however many times we save the city, however elegant we become, in their eyes, we will always be neo riche, just a bunch of Rat Catchers. Don't say that, Aunt Agatha. Oh, grow up. You're old enough to see the world as it really is. Now, listen, I've heard some wonderful news from Lady Three Jane this morning. Helena Saint Tesoro is possessed! Helena Saint Tesoro? The fashion blogger? - Perhaps the greatest of the modern era. - Damn, I haven't see her since Freddie Miles threw that crazy party out in the Hamptons. She's possessed? That sucks. Focus, Kaz. Her family's in dire need of our help. I have arranged for you to go exorcise her this afternoon. Aunt Agatha, I don't have the emotional energy to do anything tonight. Even if I did, the guys are expecting me at the field hockey match. [bangs table] Wicked boy, don't you understand? If you refuse to perform your duties, there is no field hockey, no more gentleman's club dues, no more extravagant rent. You need to work to support your wretched lifestyle. Now, eat your tiramisu. I've lost my appetite. You know, Charles, buying a new suit is the only good thing about having to work. You are a true master, sir. Watching you shop purely by touch is inspiring. Welcome back, Mr. Kaan. So good to have you in the store. And congratulations on your recent appearance - on the Bachelor Board. - Oh, thanks. How are the new suits feeling? Anything else I can help you with? New pair of Margiela field hockey trainers for the big match? Actually, I don't think I'll be playing tonight. What? I've been waiting for this game all season. Sorry to disappoint you, salesclerk, but the universe is dictated by forces far greater than field hockey. I'm sorry, I'm I'm just such a sports nut. Well, you're in luck, my friend, because a real sportsman has just entered Bergdorf's. Oh, Arcangelo. I'd recognize your shitty voice anywhere. Oh, look. It's Neo Yokio's second most eligible bachelor. [laughing] Look at you, trying to class yourself up with a new suit? You'll need more than that to take the top spot from me. You can keep the top spot. I honestly couldn't care less about that stupid list. Gentlemen, please don't fight. It is an honor to have the number one and number two bachelors in our store today. You are both elegant gentlemen and excellent field hockey players. Please, allow me to show you to your dressing rooms. So, I hear you're gonna chicken out on the game tonight. Fuck the game. I have a lot more on my mind these days. In fact, I have a very high profile and lucrative job tonight. Job? You mean, like, work? I am a magistocratic exorcist, and it's my sacred duty, you jackass. Sacred duty, what a joke. No wonder Cathy left you. You're just a neo riche loser. [laughing] I am not neo riche! [groans] [crashing] [grunts] You know what, Arcangelo? I will see you at that game tonight. And, salesclerk, I'll take the suit. [Charles] Sir, I don't see how you can make it to the job and the game. A teen exorcism can take all night. [Kaz] Didn't you see me back there? This exorcism will be a walk in the park. The Sea Beneath 14th Street brings back a lot of memories. Some happy but others, quite sad. [butler] Mr. Kaan, we've been expecting you. Right this way. [sobbing] Charles, who are these girls? These are Helena's biggest fans. - We're called Helenists, you herb. - She's our queen. Her blog is our bible. Neo Yokio's second most eligible bachelor in our home. [sighs] Thank you for coming. I'm so sorry to hear about Helena. How is she? Well, it's a tad awkward to talk about it because she seems a bit possessed. It's so out of character for her. She never cavorts with wraiths or demons. When did it start? Two days ago, she took a trip uptown with her friends to get a preview of the fall collections. The prime minister of Chanel presented her with a custom suit. What an honor. I know. But when she got home, she started feeling unwell. And the next day, she had become an entirely different person. We've always kept her so well-guarded. I can't imagine how this could've happened. Rest assured, your family's nightmare will be over in no time. Now, where is she? She's floating up in her bedroom. [Kaz] Hey, Helena, what's up? It's me, Kaz Kaan. So, this is kind of awkward. I haven't seen you since that party in the Hamptons at Freddie Miles' place. You know, when we hooked up. Uh, anyway, that's a dope Chanel suit. What's it made of, tweed? I'm a huge fan of fabrics. You mind if I touch it? Ow! Okay. Enough small talk. Let's do this. What happened? Is she cured? I'm sorry. No. She was totally immune to my charms. Well, get back in there and try again. There's nothing I can do. She's too powerful. This is outrageous. - I'm calling your aunt. - Could we leave Aunt Agatha out of this? Leave this townhouse at once. I don't get it. Why didn't my powers work on Helena? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, sir, but it has taken a toll on your ranking. I'm behind Luke Silver-Greenberg? That's horrendous. It's always darkest before the dawn, sir. Shall we get you a giant Toblerone? Chocolate always cheers you up. No, Charles, I wanna visit the grave. [Charles] You've designed yourself a beautiful grave, sir. I'm gonna rest for a bit. [sniffs] I recognize that scent. Excuse me, old man, but what are you doing over there? Oh. I'm just tending to my wife's grave. Tending it with perfume? How odd. [chuckles] Might seem strange, but Babylon N°5 was her favorite perfume in the universe. Hmm. It's really not a very elegant perfume. It achieved global success, but in a marketplace far less crowded than today's. I believe a classic is a classic when talking about clothes, cars or watches, but scents need to change with the times, don't you agree? I never thought about it like that. Don't get me wrong. I'm very touched by your dedication to your dead wife, but perhaps her spirit would be cheered by a newer, more youthful perfume. Santal 33 perhaps? I could have my mecha whip you up a sample. [Charles] I have full fabrication abilities. [chuckles] Thank you, but she just loves her Babylon. You old folks are funny like that. You don't have the same understanding of style. The girls of my generation would never wear Babylon N°5. They prefer a less mainstream fragrance. Helena Saint Tesoro once wrote an essay about this. [sighs] I'm not familiar with her work. She's the greatest teen fashion blogger of the modern era. With her, everything has to be unique. Even her Chanel suit is a custom job. [man] Mm-hmm. In fact, she only received it a week ago. It wasn't subject to the same security procedures as other luxury items. It was open, it was vulnerable The perfect place for a demon to hide! Could it really be? Yes, Charles. The reason I couldn't exorcise Helena was because it wasn't her, but rather her suit that was possessed. Brilliant, sir. I know what to do now. Let's head downtown. There's still time! Sir, at this hour, the bubble traffic is horrendous. It could take us hours. To hell with it. Let's go express. [jets blasting] [in demonic voice] Look who's back. Very clever, possessing a Chanel suit. You knew a bespoke item was your only shot at getting to Helena. It was too easy. [laughing] You fools will never be safe. Your vanity ensures it. Karl Lagerfeld said vanity is the healthiest thing in life. God, you really are a herb. Behold the pale horse and prepare to meet the dark forces that lie beneath your precious city. [Kaz yells] Demon, be gone from the Chanel suit! Coco Chanel, may her memory be blessed. Helena, are you okay? Wake up! Wake up! [demon] Ha! You may have destroyed the suit, but you haven't destroyed me. Oh, no! [gasps] No! Helena! [panting] [breathes deeply] [grunts] [coughing] - [in normal voice] Kaz Kaan? - Hey, Helena. [chuckling] Oh, my God. I haven't seen you since Freddie Miles' party out in the Hamptons. That was a crazy night. Yeah, we had fun. I know. How come you never called me when we got back to the city? Well, you started dating Cathy. She actually just broke up with me. That's a shame. Yeah, it is. Well, maybe now I'll call you. That would be sick. [grunting] [cheering] [crowd gasps] The West Side Gentlemen are getting killed. If I was you, I'd pack it up and go home, West Side wimps. Time out! [grunts] [whistle blows] This is impossible, man. - Where's Kaz? - He didn't show up. He doesn't even care about field hockey anymore. Wait. [jets blasting] Is that him? I can't believe it! It's Kaz Kaan! Kaz, homey, you made it! Gentlemen, I'm sorry I'm late. As you know, I've been really depressed, and it's affected my attitude toward field hockey, but I'm here now, and I know we can beat these bastards. [all] Yeah! [whistle blows] [crowd cheering] [Arcangelo grunts] [Kaz groans] Yo, flagrant foul, man! Flagrant! It's a penalty shot for Kaz! This is a field for gentlemen. You should be selling popcorn in the stands, you peasant. A true gentleman excels in both work and leisure. [salesclerk] Heavens to Betsy, they're bringing in a ringer. [crowd murmuring] You see how diesel this goalie is? This shit is impossible. - No way the ball's getting past him. - No way. Good luck, Rat Catcher. [crowd cheering] [buzzer buzzes] I love sports! - Charles, play Vivaldi's concerto. - In D minor, sir? No. In E-flat major. Ah! Very good, sir. [Vivaldi's "Concerto in E-Flat Major" playing] [Kaz] I am Neo Yokio's most eligible bachelor. I am the proud scion of a storied and powerful family. This is my city, and I'm sworn to protect it. Yes, my girlfriend broke up with me to take a finance job in San Francisco, but I am still here in the greatest city in the world. Tomorrow, the cherry blossoms will bloom, the sun will shine. It is springtime in Neo Yokio, and life is worth living.
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ladywolfmd · 7 years
We don't need no letter at all (We've got a thing that's called radar love)
Summary: Jon Targaryen is the son of Prime Minister Rhaegar Targaryen but he is more famously known as "The Ghost" in the racing world by being three-time champion of the Sprint Cup when he was younger, to going for his sixth-peat for the F1 Grand Prix. In the middle of a race, he was lead to an unauthorized detour as part of a kidnapping scheme that was quickly thwarted but was actually a ruse when the real attempt was when he was en route back to the Red Keep. Lucky for him, his beautiful PA who he's been secretly pinning for has secrets of her own as, to his surprise, Sansa Stark takes charge in leading him to safety as she reveals she's been his bodyguard all along.Title is from Radar Love by Golden Earring taken from the "Baby Driver" OST.
AN: Just a little action packed ditty to vent my frustrations with Season Seven Hells. Bodyguard!Sansa AU.
Also up in AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11877483
39/51 Lap
"Jon, keep going, you're almost there. The gap between you and the Brat-theon prick is still there at 9/5th of your time but you can lose him on the 4th turn."
"Copy that Edd."
Jon started slowly decelerating to prepare for the turn, to bait Joffrey Baratheon into charging full speed ahead of him at the sharp turn that curved right then left, wishing he was conceited and stupid enough to take it and lose traction to steer away once he makes the turn.
"The Brat is falling for it! What a dipshit! Make him eat your dust, Jon."
In Jon's peripheral vision, he smirked as he saw the bane of his existence on his Golden Tooth toeing side by side with him when they neared the turn and just as he expected it, just as Jon slowed down, Joffrey's car roared as he pushed it ahead of him to take the curve.
Also as expected since Jon's slow wasn't just anyone's definition of slow, so Joffrey wouldn't be able to turn left in time and he'd head straight off track with the speed he tried to match with his.
Jon grinned when he did exactly that while Edd whooped over the team radio as he started flooring it.
"Wow will you look at that? The Brat's car spun around and--seven hells he's back on track, climbing back from P6 - P5 - Seven hells he's on P3 now and passing Royce for P2. Royce needs to block him so we'd take top two for the Night's watch."
Jon was impressed. The little shit was stubborn and, he hate to admit it, good enough to survive one of the oldest tricks in out-racing. Thank the gods his team-mate Waymar Royce gained speed for P2. He won't let Joffrey pass. There was no way their team was going to let the Gold cloakswin, not after the Crag debacle which was still up for debate.
But this wasn't the time to think about anything other than finishing this race. If he wins this, this would be his sixth consecutive Grand Prix win. He felt the second wind of adrenaline rush through him then as he drove over the mark signaling his completion of his 40th lap.
"Eleven more to go. You and Waymar got this! Joffrey is now down to P5 while Trystane and Daemon are tailing you both at P3 and P4 - wait, oh no Martell just passed Royce. He's hot on your tail - oh for the love of all things holy, where did that little shit come from? Royce and the Bratt are neck-in-neck behind you. Lose them now!"  Edd screamed over the radio making Jon cringe but he did as he was told, drifting to gain some more speed to widen the gap.
He can't afford a pitt stop right now, not when the race was so close to ending.
41/51 Lap.
The roar of his engine and the smooth skid of his tires spurred him to move  faster as he stepped on the gas again, his fists gripping on to the wheel just so. Only ten more laps to go and Jon was feeling pretty confident since the Snakes were keeping Joffrey busy while Waymar sailed back to P2 behind him.
He had just made the fourth turn again when he saw a marshall waving a detour flag at him.
What the hell?
"Edd? Edd? What's going on? Why is there a detour? Edd?"
But the airwaves remained static which was very odd.
Jon had no choice then but to follow the detour and into a track that lead to one of the abandoned practice tunnels. Something must've happened ahead of the track but he didn't see or hear anything unusual.
But what was unnerving was the team radio line dying on him.
This never happened before and he started slowing down because he wasn't familiar with this track and he was starting to suspect there was no car trailing behind him anymore.
As he went further, so did the darkness but he couldn't turn back because the track was too narrow and was obviously a one-way.
His heart raced and it wasn't from excitement anymore.
Finally, he saw the light and there were people wearing the race officials uniforms waving him over to stop and Jon thought that maybe this wasn't a race thing but more of a Prime Minister's son safety issue.
He stopped the car and hopped off cautious of his surroundings. He didn't completely remove his helmet, just lifted the visor as he greeted an approaching official but when he saw Arthur Dayne and Larence Snow, both of which were part of his security detail, he relaxed a little.
He removed his helmet, pulled down his balaclava and ear plugs, then and met them halfway. "What's going on?"
"You were almost kidnapped sir."
Jon turned sharply to the voice he'd recognize anywhere on the planet and beyond and he was greeted immediately by red flowing hair and bright blue eyes of his personal assistant and love of his life though she doesn't know it yet, Sansa Stark, who was holding up a phone and her tablet while her smart watch kept flashing on her right wrist, looking at him with concern.
"C-come again?"
"Hang on," Sansa held finger up while she took a call from her headset. "Yes, he's safe Robb. Arthur and Larence as well as some of the staff are here with us. I'll brief him and we can rendezvous back to the Keep from the Dragonpit. Arthur already talked to Barristan. Mmhmm. Yes. Okay."
She tapped the mic off and walked over to him calmly, nodding at Larence to go ahead. "There was a plan to lead you here off track and take you. We're heading over back to the Keep," she explained.
Jon's blood froze. He knew about several kidnapping attempts done on his family but this was the first time that he was the sole target and he was barely listening as Arthur started explaining what happened while they escorted him into one of the Targaryen safe cars.
"It was the Blackfyres and their Golden Company. We got an anonymous tip to watch you closely when you reached your fortieth lap. When Sansa saw your car disappear off track, I had my men go ahead from the other end of the tunnel you entered. Before that we've already blocked off all the exits when you reached your twentieth lap. Long story short, my men apprehended ten company members and their getaway car."
He tried to concentrate and process but he was definitely shaken up. He knew there was something he wasn't telling him but then he felt a warm hand on his arm and saw Sansa's small dainty hand on him before meeting with her eyes.
"Hey, you're safe now, sir," she said softly, her eyes as warm as her touch that Jon visibly relaxed, even offering a weak smile.
"I thought I told you to call me Jon."
Sansa just smiled up at him and waited for him to slide in the car while Arthur held the door open for him. He went in automatically, sliding inside to make room for Sansa to sit next to him as part of the safety drill they've practiced numerous times of having no two doors open at the same time.
Jon was still uneasy. "It's too...easy," he said once Arthur rode shotgun and Larence started the car.
"It is, that's why we're bringing you home for now while the rest secure the Dragonpit," Arthur explained, nodding to Larence to drive once the front escort car rolled away. Jon looked behind them and saw the rear escort car tailing them.
"Why me?"
"We don't know yet," Sansa answered and Jon looked at her then and noticed her tapping away in her phone and tablet that was balanced on her lap. She paused what she was doing to look at him fully then, her eyes filled with determination. "But we'll find out."
He nodded and leant back, setting his helmet on the floor and not bothering to remove anything else yet since his overall wasn't only fireproof but bulletproof and his hands still shook enough for him to remove his gloves.
"So...who won?" he tried not to sound too bitter knowing that his streak ended.
Sansa looked at him sadly before giving a tiny smile and Jon appreciated that she once again, stopped whatever it was she was doing to concentrate on him. His heart started racing when she slid closer and settled her hand on his arm again. "Waymar then Trystane, Daemon, Joffrey, Arys" in that order. Sorry sir, but it's still a win for the team. And if anything, you would've won it hands down if it weren't for this," she started frowning then.
Jon was touched that Sansa cared - what was he saying? She always cared. But he didn't want to see her frown. He wanted nothing but to see her smile so he cracked a grin and ran a hand through his hair. "Hey at least the Night's Watch is still on top and you guys did a fantastic job stopping my abduction."
Sansa smiled a little then but got distracted when she started taking calls again and checking emails, giving him an apologetic look that he waved off with an understanding smile.
He realized then that this kind of thing would drain her from the shit storm of the media, his team, the whole F1 organization, and of course, the whole of Westeros wanting to know about this. Seven hells, Sansa will be completely swamped, communicating with the Palace lawyers and PR staff.
Seven hells, it probably started minutes ago - right at the moment he disappeared off track, but with Sansa as his PA, he'd never know the difference. She was incredibly efficient and not once did he see her as nothing but a picture of grace under pressure over the six months that she started working for him. Father did a good job of handpicking her and her twin brother Robb to work for him. The Stark twins worked with Sansa being in charge of internal affairs while Robb handled the external ones, often representing him politically as well as legally as his personal lawyer.
They were actually bargains if he wanted to continue his career as a professional racer, his father, or rather, Prime Minister Rhaegar made that clear. You can't just run off and leave your responsibilities on the track. Especially now with talks of the Blakfyres trying to overthrow his father's rule.
He sighed but then, at least he gained a friend in Robb and most importantly, he met Sansa.
She was the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on with her creamy alabaster skin, her bright blue eyes, that fiery mane and those incredibly long, long, legs she often displayed under those tight pencil skirts she wore and the fuck me heels that often left him helpless and wanting when it made her tower over him an inch.
But she wasn't just another beautiful face. Sansa was a sweetheart. Kind. Courteous. Sweet. But what drove him mad was how intelligent she was. She was incredibly smart and witty and so in charge that - that turned him on more.
It wasn't really a secret that he was attracted to her. She was working to serve under him but everyone saw that he was putty in her soft delicate hands. But as professionalism goes, they couldn't date.
His father made sure to remind him of that. She was too valuable an asset for the Targaryens with how efficient she worked that sometimes Jon thinks Rhaegar wanted to adopt her, especially with Rhaenys eloping with Willas Tyrell, and Aegon faffing around the world on Jon Connington's boat, his uncle Viserys being an insufferable prick in Dragonstone and his aunt Daenerys galivanting the Free Cities.
It was clear to Rhaegar that once his rule has ended, none of his issue would follow after him.
Really, the Starks cleared their messes with their father Ned Stark often acting as his right-hand man. Ned, like Robb, was a lawyer and had been appointed as the Attorney General of the regime. He then offered the twins' services. Sansa, he learned, had a degree in Diplomacy and International Relations. Truly, if anything, Rhaegar wanted to adopt either her or Robb to continue his platforms.
Jon asked them if they wanted to run for office one day but they both humbly declined saying that they were fine with what they were now, and that there were more important matters. Jon never understood what could be more important than holding office? Surely there were more things they could accomplish than fixing his messes or refraining him from making them.
They slowed down suddenly and the scratch of the radio broke the silence.
"This is Arthur. Hmmm. Copy that."
Jon held his breath as he saw Arthur's eyes go to his from the mirror. "We've been compromised. We're moving you to the safe house. We're being followed," he explained quickly while he punched on the GPS and continued talking to someone on his two-way.
Jon froze then and gripped his knees hard.
"Yeah, Robb. Turning off all comms except the untraceable. I'll update you."
His head snapped to Sansa and saw her turning all her gadgets off and extracting a slim black phone he's never seen before and syncing it with her head piece. And by the Seven, why was she so calm?
"How are you doing it?"
She looked up at him confused. "Hm?"
"How are you not freaking out?"
She blinked. "Oh. Nerves of steel, I guess," she shrugged before she studied him. "Hey you're shaking."
He was?
He looked down at his hands and saw that he was. He knew part of it was still the adrenaline from the race, the attempt, and now this. "Sorry."
Jon sucked in a breath when Sansa slid right next to him that her hip was touching his and leant a bit to take his hand in hers as she carefully pulled on the velcro straps and tugged his gloves off one by one.
"Why are you sorry? For being scared?" she said in a low voice without looking at him, concentrating on her task.
"Yeah, not exactly manly of me," he chuckled nervously.
"Hmm, well my father always said that the only time you can be brave is when you're afraid," she said soothingly before holding both his hands in hers and looking up at him with those vivid blue eyes of hers.
Jon could only look at her and their hands before he closed his eyes and took deep breaths and once he was calm enough he opened them and saw her still looking at him, giving him a half-smile when their eyes met again.
"You'll be fine, I promise. I'll protect you," she winked at him.
He couldn't help but smile at her joke. "Sure. You just bat your long lashes at them and they'd be wrapped around your cute little finger. Easy."
She blushed then and Jon realized what he just said. "Er, I mean-"
The car lurched as Larence made a sharp turn, causing Jon to press against Sansa when they got thrown to her side.
"Sorry about that, we're here," Larence muttered.
Arthur went down first to check while the rest of them waited inside the car.
Jon then realized he was on top of something soft and he bolted to the other side in a flash when he realized his head was pressed against Sansa's torso. "Sorry."
Sansa was flushed too but offered him a weak smile as she smoothed down her black twin-set with red details and that was when he noticed that Sansa was wearing his team's colors.
Arthur opened Sansa's door then while Larence helped her out and quickly ushered her inside the safe house in Fleabottom with him and Arthur following behind and flanked by two more men.
Once they were inside, Jon was whisked into the eleventh floor and into a suite. The safe house was actually an intel building.
"This is actually not the safest but it was the closest and we need to keep you safe," Arthur met his eyes.
"Tell me the real danger, I can handle it," Jon said determinedly, knowing there was something they were keeping from him.
Larence and Arthur as well as Sansa exchanged looks. "The order was to capture you. Dead or alive," Arthur laid it out then and Jon stared at him baffled.
They heard a crash then and running followed by shots outside.
"Fuck," Arthur pulled his gun out then and so did the men as they went for the door and formed a perimeter around Jon. "They're here."
Arthur then looked at Sansa. "We'll hold them off. Get him out. Larence will come as far as he can with you. Get the brief and head to the garage with the service elevator." He threw a set of keys to Sansa who caught it in one hand, her eyes hard, and her jaw firm. "Your card will work fine on everything. Get him out and rendezvous at Wolf Den."
"What? Why Sansa? What's going on!" Jon shifted from Arthur and Sansa and his eyes bulged when he saw Sansa toss the painting over the headboard and opened a hidden safe, pulling out a steel briefcase.
He turned to Arthur who wasn't looking at him but at the door where he was aiming his gun at. "Go with Sansa. Now."
Before he could react, Jon was being dragged by Larence towards the closet with Sansa walking briskly ahead.
He saw Larence shut the closet door and bar it then back to Sansa who placed her key card over a panel she revealed and a secret door opened just as they heard shots being fired from the other room.
"Shit, go, go, go, I'll lock behind you," Larence pushed Jon just as Sansa tugged at him.
"Larence but-" Jon felt the reality finally sinking in.
Larence Snow, who he played poker with, had pulled him out of his drunk ass more times than he could remember, being an actual friend more than a guard was going to die for him.
"Come with us," he pleaded.
Larence smiled at him grimly. "It's been fun, Jon. Now go with your girl. She's the Ace." He said before the door slid down between them.
"Jon, come on," Sansa urged as she continued to tug at him. "He knew what he was doing," she whispered hurriedly while dragging him towards another room that she locked after them.
Jon was still in shock until he felt hands on his face and blue eyes steadying his frantic ones. "Jon. Listen to me. You're going to be fine. I'm going to get you out of this. But I need you to do as I say. Do you understand?"
He blinked at her.
"Jon," she said more firmly.
He nodded and swallowed while Sansa let out a relieved breath before she started kneeling as she opened the silver briefcase.
She pulled out another bulletproof vest and handed one to him while she shrugged off her black coat and wore one of her own and that was when Jon saw the twin gun holsters strapped to her lower back.
She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled tightly. "Yeah," before securing her headset and taking out two more handguns. He watched as she slid the magazine in, pulled the slide release, and clicked the glock into place like she was doing it all her life.
"Do you know how to use this?" She looked at him then and he saw the first sign of worry on her face with the tiny furrow between her brows.
"Not well," Jon admitted and cursed himself for not taking those shooting lessons to heart.
Sansa stood in front of him then and took his hands, placing a glock in his right hand and positioning his hand properly. "It's easy. This is a semi-automatic and I've released the lock already. All you have to do," she raised his hand and made him point it straight forward while she used both hands to keep him in position. "Is point and shoot."
She placed his finger on the trigger with hers on top of his. "You don't need to shoot fancy. Just go for the easy targets - the biggest space so you won't miss. Hit the chest or the back. Don't hesitate. It's your life or theirs. These men will not hesitate to shoot. You got it?"
Jon swallowed. This was really happening. "Y-yes."
She released him then and helped him tighten the vest. She placed a radio on the holster of his vest explaining quickly. "If we get separated, use this and go to channel one and shout "Winter is coming," then follow the voice."
He nodded again.
"Okay," she walked in front of him then. "Jon. We're going to use the service elevator. Beyond this room, there is a short hallway we have to pass and we'll encounter men. I need you to stay behind me at all times. Don't be a hero. I'm trained for this. You aren't. You'll get in the elevator first and I'll try to follow. You'll be immediately brought to basement 2 but you'll have to climb out the escape hatch and climb to basement 1 where they won't expect us. Get a car. Any car and drive the hell away and use the radio for directions."
He grabbed her by the arms then and bore at her. "What about you? I can't let you--"
She cut him off with a hurried kiss. "Jon. I'm just telling you the plan in case I can't follow you. But I'm telling you, I'm trained at this. I'll see you through until you're safe. I promise. Now, we need to go."
She fixed him a look that had a hundred different promises swirling in those baby blues and all he could do was keep nodding at her repeatedly, hoping she'd see his own too.
Sansa gave him a firm nod and released him. Strapping on ammo belts over her and setting her own gun.
She tapped on her headpiece then just as she switched her smartwatch on. "Red Wolf to Grey. Do you read? Over."
Jon could hear from his own radio strapped to his chest where Sansa must've kept the line on just in case.
"This is Grey, I copy. Over. I've locked in your position. Is Rhaegal undamaged?"  Robb. He recognized the voice. So he was part of this too? Was Ned Stark one too?
"No. I sent you our coordinates. I need surveillance and possible backup," Sansa checked the windows before hovering over the door.
"Locked in on your coordinates. Activating Warg mode. I'm your eyes Red."
"Good. We're heading out to the hallway. How many men are there? Positions?"
"Seven and four waiting at the left intersection, three guarding the chute. They can't call for backup as I've denied all access to the chute but I can see they're working on override."  
Sansa pursed her lip but was still relatively calm. "How much time do I have?"
"Sixty-five seconds. Go."
"Jon, do you trust me?" She looked at him then.
"With my life," he answered right away and Sansa's eyes glinted with something before she placed her keycard over the lock and opened into the hallway.
"Then let's run," She ran ahead and he followed as they sped off into the narrow hallway, spotting the left intersection where four men appeared from, blocking their way while pointing guns at them.
"Stop. Drop your weapons and come with us quietly now and no one gets hurt," came the burly man with an eyepatch.
Sansa stayed Jon with a hand behind her back indicating to stand down. "Funny, I was going to offer you the same courtesy Greyjoy."
"Ah. What a delight you are. But no girl, hand over the boy and I promise to make it good for you when I take you back with me. Be a good girl now and I'll return the favor when I let you suck me off," Greyjoy taunted and Jon saw red but Sansa stayed him again with her hand.
"Ooh, so you're the dragon spawn's bitch, I see. All the more sweeter to mount a dragon's moun-Fuck you bitch!"
Sansa shot him straight to the crotch and fired another to his leg, bringing him down while she pushed Jon to the ground, shielding him with her body when Greyjoy open-fired.
Jon heard Sansa fire another shot and watched the lifeless eye of Greyjoy, a bullet lodged in between his eyes.
"Stay down!" Sansa yelled at him as she strode forward and pulled another gun from behind her and began shooting from both sides, taking down three men straight to the head while she aimed at two others but Jon saw the last of the men aiming behind her.
Jon didn't think then, brought himself up, aimed at the man's chest and shot.
Jon watched as the man clutched at his stomach that was starting to shoot out blood before dropping his weapon and collapsing.
He was still heaving and holding the gun with wide eyes when he heard more shooting from behind him and his name being called.
"Jon - Jon."
His head snapped to Sansa and he saw another guy aiming at her. "Sansa!"
Sansa was too quick as she dodged and lunged at the guy, elbowing his chest while she leant across that guy's shoulder and shot at the other guy straight to the heart when he saw him aiming for Jon but in a second she was caught in a headlock with the first one, a gun pointed at her head.
Jon's eyes locked with Sansa's then and she urged him to run. Pleaded with her eyes as she mouthed "Go!"
But Jon couldn't leave her. He won't. And Sansa saw that he wouldn't but tried to shake her head at him anyway as she clawed at the arm that was holding her back.
"Don't make another move. Drop your weapon or I blow her brains out!" The lone henchman spat at Jon.
Jon raised his hands and dropped the gun slowly, his eyes never taking them off of the attacker. He kicked the gun towards him and took a step back. "Take me. You can let her go. It's me you want."
Sansa was about to shout her protest when a hand clamped over her mouth.
"You have thirty seconds left Jon or you won't make it to the chute in time," came Robb's voice over the radio. "Sansa knows. We have to get you out. Let her go Jon." He could hear the pain over the controlled voice of his lawyer who quickly became his confidante at letting his sister go. But Jon wasn't raised this way.
He had to fight for the people willing to risk their lives for him too.
Sansa's eyes softened at Jon then and she gave him a nod that the attacker noticed when Jon saw him grin. And that was all the signal he and Sansa needed - his sudden arrogance as he saw Sansa escape from the man's loosened grip, kicking the gun out of his hand before she pulled his arm and threw him over her shoulder where he landed roughly on his back with Sansa's knee digging on his spine while he pulled at his arm making him scream.
Jon ran to them, picked up the gun and threw it to Sansa who caught it and shot the man in the back before quickly grabbing her two other glocks and nodding at Jon to run as fast as he could to the service elevator with only ten seconds left.
Sansa quickly placed her keycard over the monitor and the doors slid open. She pushed Jon inside quickly while they heard Robb bark at them that there were a dozen men going their way.
Just as the doors were sliding close, Jon pulled Sansa all the way inside before repeatedly pressing the door button close as the men started appearing. Sansa shot a few rounds until the door finally shut close and they were both panting and splattered with blood and sweat as the elevator went down.
Sansa looked up at Jon as she wiped her brow. "You oka-mmph
Jon cupped her head and kissed her fiercely then before pulling away. "Seven hells, woman! You almost died!"
Sansa chuckled. "So did you, sir. Thank you sir." She smirked.
Jon was about to retort when Robb's voice came through.
"Well done. Both of you. But remember to get off B1. I'll open the doors for you. All of them are expecting you from B2 so you'll only have a window of thirty-five seconds before they catch up to you on the street. You have to shake them off as best as you can. Do you copy?"
"Roger," Sansa answered just as she observed the ceiling. They were now at the 8th floor.
"Jon, I need you to boost me up," Sansa tilted her head at him.
She pointed to the escape hatch. "That's our exit. The faster we're up there, the easier we can go. Help me up?"
Jon looked from the ceiling to her and understood, crouching down so she could climb up his back. He felt Sansa's hands on his shoulders then before a leg hitched over his shoulder, and then another on his other side that made him suck in a breath as he felt her skirt against his nape and heard a rip.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I had to rip it because it's too tight to move freely," she muttered. "Um, Jon, I need you to steady me because I'll be reaching up."
"Oh, sorry," he mumbled back as his arms held on to her thighs where he felt garters that made him pause again.
"They carry my gun and a knife. Boost me up?" she said hurriedly.
Jon nodded and stood straight, trying not to think of Sansa's gartered and stockinged legs were around his neck and focused instead on the sounds of Sansa tinkering with the hatch as they descended to 4th when suddenly the elevator lurched to a stop, the lights flickering on and off until darkness then the emergency light.
Jon kept Sansa steady while he braced against the wall with one hand.
"Grey, what the hell?"
"Hang on Red. I'll hook it back. I had to terminate an attempt. Sorry, hold on."
Sansa cussed for the first time and that was when Jon felt that shit was real. He didn't know how much his sanity depended on her cool.
Sansa noticed him stiffening and worked faster before urging him gently to let her down.
"We're still good. I'll protect you, I promise, didn't I?" she smiled up at him as she cradled his cheek.
Jon grabbed her wrist and looked straight at her. "What exactly did you promise when you took the job? You promised your life?"
She didn't back down and leant forward that their noses were touching. "Yes."
"Fuck, Sansa-"
"Don't. Not now. Tell me later," Sansa said before she backed away, then sprang on the elevator rail before pushing her body upwards to catch on the opened hatch where she dangled for a moment before hoisting herself up and disappearing into the ceiling just as the elevator started moving again.
She appeared again and offered him her hand. "Jump up Jon. You can do it. Grab my hand."
Jon did and it took three tries before his hand clutched at Sansa's where she pulled him up with both arms, grunting while he saw her teeth clenching until finally they were both holding on to the top of the elevator as it sailed down.
Sansa closed the hatch.
"This is our stop. When I say jump, jump okay?" She took Jon's hand in hers and Jon squeezed it tightly. "Yes."
Sansa looked to her left then where the doors where and slowly she stood up with one hand bracing Jon's other arm and nodding at the direction.
Hand in hand they jumped towards the ledge of B1 level. But Jon slipped if not for Sansa's iron grip on his arm.
Jon could see the strain heavy on Sansa as she struggled to pull him up. "I'm too heavy. Let go."
Sansa shook her head. "Don't you dare. Now try and swing your hand to grab on to my arm. Try."
Jon tried and missed and Sansa winced. "Try harder."
He did and this time he was able to grab ahold of Sansa's arms with his other hand and they both hoisted themselves up over the tiny ledge, with Jon collapsing on top of Sansa, both of them panting.
"Gods be good, Jon! Just do as you're told!" Sansa scolded as she slapped his back. Jon didn't know why but he started chuckling while shaking his head.
"Yes, yes it's all very amusing. Now get off me and let's get our car."
Jon quickly got off her and offered her a hand and helped her up.
"Grey, Alohomora this bitch," Sansa tapped her headset.
"Opening the portrait. Good job you two."
The elevator door opened and Sansa stepped inside first, gun out and gestured for Jon to stay low behind him.
"All clear. Proceed." Robb's voice broke through.
Sansa chose the nearest car then, a Porsche Panamera, and Jon should've known that of course there would be armored sports cars in every safe house.
On instinct he went inside the driver's side but was quickly shoved over to the passenger side by Sansa who gave him a look that said seriously going to fight me at this point?
He raised his palms as Sansa started the car, syncing her smartwatch to the comm at the dash where Robb's face came to view. "Hey guys. Let's get you out, shall we?"
"You okay?" Sansa demanded as she received the coordinates Robb entered on the GPS split screen.
"Sit tight," she said instead while she backed out the parking space. "You're not the only one who can drive fast."
Jon obeyed at once while Robb chuckled from the screen. "Better do as she says, sir."
"You two have been saving my ass, I think it's time you called me Jon," Jon grumbled.
"Oh heads up sis, you're going to be met with a lot of resistance once you reach the gate. There's a shotgun at the back and two more pistols on the glove compartment. Godspeed. I'll keep surveillance and get back to you."
Robb's face disappeared then while the GPS zoomed out.
Sansa peeled out of the basement and up the exit where probably thirty armed men were waiting, shooting at them right away.
"Keep down," Sansa drifted to let her side face the onslaught while they heard the bullets pelt against the car that aside from a few cracks, held.
Sansa was able to escape the firing squad and onto the street.
"Fuck!" Sansa cursed again when they were flanked both sides by larger cars where men were shooting at them.
"Robb! Where do I go? We're surrounded!" she glanced at the rearview window where another car was gaining on them.
"You gotta take them out and speed up towards the backstreet then through the Muddy Way and we can come get you on the Street of Steel."
"Shit," as the car shook after a few more rounds at them. She looked at Jon then. "Jon, I have to take them out."
Jon held on to her look, not liking where this was going but she pleaded trust from him and he was going to give it. "What do you need?"
"I need you to take the wheel and let Robb guide you while I try and take them out. Do you understand me? Can you do that?" she used the full force of her gaze at Jon as she took a large swerve to the right, still pressing the gas to the floor.
Finally, something he could do. Something he was good at. He started to slide in to her space as he nodded. "Yes. Leave it to me."
Sansa smiled at him softly then before she lifted her body up so he can slide under her. Quickly Jon's hands replaced hers on the wheel and on the pedals while she started clambering off his lap but before she could do so, the other car slammed at them from behind that Jon almost hit a pole if he hadn't turned swiftly to the right to avoid it, but he was able to right them immediately.
"Jon. I'm going to take out the left car first, okay? So I'm going to open the door and shoot and I need you to keep driving straight, okay?"
"Good. Don't be scared," and then she opened our door catching the assailants by surprise as she shot at them straight, hitting both the driver and the passenger with one shot each and Jon pushed the car so fast ahead to avoid colliding against the now spinning car to the left.
Sansa shut the door right away and started climbing to the back where he could see her taking out the shotgun and loading it from the mirror.
"I can help you two escape. I found a route. Follow my directions. Go straight for three kilometers then turn right."
"I'm going to take out the back now," Sansa declared. "Just keep driving, you're doing fine." She said while she opened up the sunroof and climbed up. "Sansa! What the fuck?!"
Sansa was now on the roof, shooting at the back and depending on him to keep the car steady or else she'd fall.
Okay, calm down Jon. Calm down. You've driven worse tracks at faster speed. You can do this. He mentally cheered himself and gripped on the wheel like his life depended on it, sighing in relief when Sansa dropped back inside from the sunroof. The car behind them hitting another car, turning over before crashing on a sidewalk, catching fire at once.
"Seven hells, Sansa at least warn a man!" he glanced at her.
"Just keep driving Targaryen," she tore at her sleeves and that was when Jon saw that she was shot.
"I'm fine," she said through gritted teeth. "Just a bullet graze." She started wrapping the giant gash it left on her right arm with her torn sleeve. "Keep driving. Our turn is near."
And she was right, Jon could see the turn and he made it just as Robb started ordering again.
"Good. Now you just need to keep going straight until you see The Hook. Take the sharp left then immediately the next right exit then go the roundabout to Street of Steel. It's not that far now."
"Okay." He shot a worried look at Sansa who was reloading the shotgun when they were hit with a big blast from her side that shattered the glass.
Jon kept the car from spinning around and ducked when he saw a car going straight for them from his left.
He let go of the wheel then and allowed the car to spin before he drifted off the path and watched the car collide against the new one tailing them at the back. Just how many were there?
Once he was able to get them back on course, he noticed that Sansa was quiet and saw that she was unconscious with a big cut against the side of her head.
"Sansa - Sansa" he hissed and he breathed out when her eyes fluttered open as she winced but started going for her shot gun again.
A motorcycle with two people sped up to her side again and they were so near her side. Jon tried to bump them off but they were too quick and Sansa aimed the shotgun at them from the broken window and fired but missed.
"Shit," she cursed and before Jon knew it, Sansa opened her door, shot the rider at the back and jumped on the motorcycle, kicking the one at the back off while pointing a gun at the driver's head and firing. She pushed him away then and Jon saw Sansa now driving towards the back.
"Sansa no! Get back here!"
But Sansa didn't and open fired behind her, targeting the wheels of the two cars that were following before she drove back to the still hanging passenger door.
Jon glared at her horrified. "Get in, now!" He reached his hand as far as he could stretch it, leaving the wheel on straight lock as he frantically reached for Sansa's own overstretched hand.
"Come on!" He shouted and finally he was able to grab Sansa's hand and pull her in, smiling in relief when they heard a shot fired with Sansa collapsing on his shoulder, her arms falling from his body as she slid down his.  
"No, no, no, no!" Jon quickly assessed her and there he saw it, Sansa got shot at her left shoulder from the back. She took a shot meant for him.
Jon saw red then as he quickly shut the door, buckled in an unconscious Sansa who was still breathing heavily from the pain, and got back to driving.
"Robb, Sansa's been shot at the back. Shoulder but she's still breathing. Only one more car is tailing us. Where will we go?" He said completely clear headed now and focused on the drive.
"Fuck. Okay, change route. On the next right exit, take it and head straight to River Row. There's a medic bay there. Drive the fuck over there and save my sister."
He saw it then. Two cars toeing in on either side and he slipped into his racing mode.
This is just another race.
You've never lost a race in years.
The last one didn't count but this would.
Sansa's life depended on it.
They all know me as a dragon, Rhaegal they named my mount in court.
But in the track I'm only known by one name.
And that's Ghost.
It's time to vanish on the streets.
He gripped the wheel and started letting on the gas, breaking a little, making them think he was slowing down for them as he eyed the curve.
They roared beside them then and Jon smirked as he lead them to the narrow curve, stopping abruptly and watched as they vainly tried to turn but ended up crashing against each other.
Jon started the car again, roaring it to life and steadily started backing up, gaining speed, before pushing forward full throttle as he used the piled car as a ramp and let the car fly over them and back into the street with a loud screech and a jolt, moving as fast as he could away as the cars exploded behind him, pushing his car forward from the impact.
But he didn't relent.
He drove and drove until finally he reached River Row where he immediately saw Robb Stark get out off a car and ordering a team to get them.
Jon slowed to a stop. Hands still tight on the wheel as he heaved in and out, his pulse throbbing in his ears. And he heard his door and Sansa's being opened but he couldn't move, or let the voices register. Not until he heard a familiar whimper.
His eyes shot to Sansa now who was being held by her brother then. Her eyes fluttering open and searching his, offering a weak smile at him. "You okay?" she said through gritted teeth.
Jon felt all the tension slip away from his body then only to be replaced with exhaustion and relief as he returned her smile, reaching over to move her hair off her face. "Never better. You?"
"Just another day," she grinned.
"Okay, that's enough for now." Robb carried Sansa then and looked at Jon gratefully. Jon could only nod at him. Of course.
Jon stepped out the car and shook off the paramedics fusing about him, going instead to Sansa still in Robb's arms as he carried her towards the medic bay himself.
"Thank you, Jon," she grinned up at him.
Jon snorted. "No, thank you."
"Well, the jig is up, I guess," she giggled then winced after, earning a frown from Robb.
"Who would've thought my sweet and pretty assistant could be lethal. Hiding knives and guns under her skirt," he joked earning a glare from Robb but didn't comment.
"A skirt, you've been trying to chase," she winked.
Jon blinked but laughed instead. "Well, you did say the jig is up."
"I hope you're not too betrayed."
"Stark, you took a bullet for me. You killed for me. Betrayed is the last thing on my mind," he scoffed.
Sansa closed her eyes then and smiled. "I'm just doing my job. Pretty smooth driving though. World class."
"I'm just doing my job," he shot back at her.
Sansa reached up and took his hand then, looking up at him. "Jon, now that we're out of the woods. Do you know yet? Did they tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
She tilted her head. "Where will you go?"
He bid Robb to stop walking a minute so he could lean down Sansa. "Where will we go?"
Sansa grinned up at him then though she looked pale and worn but still fucking beautiful. "You're my bodyguard, right? You made a vow to me. You promised you'd protect me," he winked.
"I guess I did," she said before closing her eyes and surrendering to her exhaustion.
Jon leant down again and kissed her forehead. "I'll protect you too."
And they started walking again.
"You know she can't be your bodyguard anymore, right?" Robb eyed him.
Jon just grinned. "Of course not. But she'll still be obligated to stay by my side."
"Oh, is she now?" Robb raised a brow at him.
"Yes. When she runs for office after my father, naturally, the first gentleman's place is beside her," he said matter-of-factly.
Robb burst out laughing. "Rhaegar will be pleased."
Jon snorted. "Rhaegar will shit bricks when he finds out Sansa's finally going to run and then he'll throw those bricks at me when I tell him I'm going to marry the daughter he never had that he specifically told me not to date."
"I'm sure Sansa will make him come around," Robb grinned at him. "You've seen how demanding she is."
Jon grinned wickedly. "Yeah, yes she is."
"Oy, get that filthy thought away from my poor incapacitated sister or I'll kick your ass. We're not known as Stark Protection for nothing."
"Oh, yes, yikes. Wait until you meet our mom. She's the one who taught Sansa how to fire guns and arrows."
"Double yikes."
"Will you two shut up. I just got shot here," Sansa mumbled, squinting an eye at them. "And it hurts like the seven hells. I think it's lodged in my scapula."
Robb laid her down the stretcher and stepped back, dropping a kiss on her forehead as the staff went over her. "See you later Red Wolf. I'm proud of you pumpkin."
Sansa rolled her eyes and looked at Jon then who was looking at her tenderly.
"So, first gentleman, huh? The Palace is the cart before the horse there or what?"
Jon chuckled and kissed her gently then to the sigh and grumbling of the medics. "Yes. And that's after we have three children. One mini-you, one mini-me, and one a combination. Oh and a dog too."
"Awfully sure of you," she winced a little.
"Take it easy, and yes. Yes, I've never been more sure. I should've said it earlier but I love you."
Sansa closed her eyes and smiled serenely. "I love you too."
"I'll see you later," Jon squeezed her hand.
"You'd better,"  she muttered before looking at him then.
Jon watched as they wheeled her off, raising a hand in a wave and watched as Sansa smiled at him and lifted a hand, though a little weakly, back at him.
Sansa's been following him around and cleaning up after him as he went on his races but starting now, he'll be chasing nothing but her.
It was his turn to follow.
Professionalism be damned.
It was time to rip out her contract and give her a new one while he planned just one more race.
The race to the altar.
No way in seven hells was he wasting any more time.
Not when speed was all he knew.
When you knew, you knew.
And seven hells they both almost died today.
She was it.
She was the goal.
And speed...not necessarily a bad thing.
He smirked.
Not a bad thing at all.
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