#well less pain x'D
ladeldee · 5 months
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2023 Art Summaryyy I did not in fact follow through with more backgrounds but I did indeed get consumed by Qsmp and ship art this year as always x'D Maybe I'll have art for every month next year, we'll see
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amethystina · 3 months
Hi hi, I was drooling all over the tags of Who holds the devil again and I remembered to ask if the kidnapping will refer to Ga On? Or if it's a big spoiler then maybe you could please tell if we'll see protective Yo Han because you write his feelings so well I just can't get enough or over it, you're so talented.
I wouldn't call it a big spoiler, exactly, since I think most people can (correctly) guess that it refers to Ga On xD I mean, what kind of BL fanfic would this be if it was someone else? Gotta check all those dramatic romance boxes!
That said, I will repeat what I've said before, which is that it won't happen anytime soon and, if I were you, there are other tags I would be more worried about. But that's just me ;)
As for Yo Han being protective, that will feature quite heavily as a part of another plot thread long before the kidnapping tag comes into play. And I do mean protective as in full-on Abyss — with all the violence and ruthlessness that entails. To be honest, one of the scenes I look forward to writing the most right now is the culmination of that whole plotline. Partly because writing Yo Han when he's like that is so much fun, but also because Ga On will do what Ga On does best.
That's to say: Place himself in front of Yo Han and be the immovable object to slow down the unstoppable force.
And it will be delicious.
Because with all that Ga On has learned about Yo Han at that point, he's going to realise that the best way to calm Yo Han's desire for vengeance — and remind him of his humanity — isn't to get preachy or aggressive and demand he stop. It's to go soft and vulnerable and needy and a little desperate and just say:
"Please come back to me."
... I think we ALL know Yo Han won't stand a fucking chance.
So you've got that to look forward to, I guess ;)
And thank you so much! I have a lot of fun with Yo Han's emotions, not going to lie. He's got a pretty unique way of both showing and dealing with them and it's particularly interesting to try and convey that from an outside POV (Ga On's in this case). Because even if Ga On is correct in his observation the majority of the time, there are still times when he misses certain details. He often gives Yo Han the benefit of the doubt when he maybe shouldn't, for example x'D
Like, there are times in this story when Yo Han may seem kind, caring, and vulnerable but, in reality, something COMPLETELY different is happening inside his head.
Chapter 39 was actually a good example of that, specifically when Yo Han was pressing his thumb against the scar on his palm. Ga On automatically assumed that had to mean Yo Han was in pain, but that's not it at all. Not even close. Pressing the scar (which was first established in The Gentle Light, which I wrote over a year ago now) has become Yo Han's way of curbing his less-than-moral impulses when it comes to how he approaches his and Ga On's relationship.
Yo Han wasn't pressing the scar because it hurt (though he does have flashes of psychosomatic pain, too) but because he needed to remind himself not to do what he ACTUALLY wanted. Which certainly wasn't to resign himself to being rejected and go: "Then I won't."
In that moment, Yo Han wanted to claim and possess — not surrender.
And it was a struggle for him to choose the path he knew Ga On wanted him to.
In short, both Yo Han's protectiveness and possessiveness are sometimes hidden in the small things he does, which might not always be apparent to Ga On or the reader. Remember that Ga On is an unreliable narrator and while he is astoundingly good at reading Yo Han sometimes, not even he sees all.
And that, on the whole, Yo Han is a lot more vicious and immoral than Ga On wants to admit. It may not be as apparent now that Yo Han is without a revenge quest and more focused on doting on his family, but it's by no means gone. Just dormant.
The Abyss will never fully stop abyssing.
(Yes, I am definitely making this fic and the characterisation unnecessarily complex with breadcrumbs sprinkled across stuff I've written literal years ago — thank you for asking)
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
A less ranty update
So some of you might have noticed a lack of story updates so for those who are curious and concerned I thought I'd give one here.
To start off for the past 3 months I've had a decent amount of pain in my left arm. I thought it was carpal tunnel or maybe a pinched nerve but as the pain kept getting worse I decide to get it checked out finally. Well, I went in for an exam, they ordered x-rays and well the results were a fun adventure.
Turns out I have a partial dislocation in my elbow, swelling and best of all a fracture. So, yeah. I've had a fractured elbow for who knows how long despite having not done anything to my elbow. I have an appointment on Wednesday with a surgeon to discuss options on how to fix it as well as try to figure out what caused it.
Then, just before I got the result from this things in my family got... complicated. My cousin drowned. Medically speaking he was dead for who knows how long but thanks to somebody at the pool they revived him. He was on a trip with his daycare and nobody from the daycare or at the pool even noticed. It was a 70 year old grandmother who pulled him out and a man who was there with his kids and pregnant wife who revived him. Nobody even noticed anything was wrong until after they brought my cousin back. He's alright now, he's acting like nothing is wrong and i can't go into more details than that because it's being investigated.
Now I'm sick as hell and running of fever of 100-101 pretty consistently which refuses to go down with medication - it sucks - but I am doing okay and feeling better than I have for the past couple of days.
I'm hoping to get working on stories again and hopefully post more on MAA but I've decided to wait until the rewrite is done before I post it all at once. Gotham is Haunted will get updates whenever the next part of it is done too but all of my writing has be considerably slowed down due to all of this shit going on.
I've been doing a lot of drawing though which is fun, so maybe I'll post some more of my terrible art in the mean time x'D.
Anyways, thank you to everybody who is being patient with me during this time and not giving up on me. Updates are coming, slowly but surely.
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fizzingwizard · 5 months
Well, I bought ad-free Tumblr.
I did it because I realized what I would prefer, if I could have my way (aside from just no one needing to pay for anything at all ever hahahahaha), then we'd all pay to subscribe to tumblr and it just wouldn't be free. It'd be like $1.99 per month and all of us would pay it and have no ads and be happy and whee.
Now that's not my serious opinion. I know, for one, what happens when you stick things behind a paywall. Tumblr might not be a scientific journal or reputable news source (lol) but a paywall still divides, still excludes, and that's antithetical to the entire experience of the Internet. And then, there would still be all the other social media sites that have ads and don't make you pay out of pocket, which would sail on with everyone who can't afford or doesn't want to afford tumblr.
Everyone paying a nice, neat, cheap monthly fee or discount annual fee and getting along together is what would work best for me, but it's not realistic for everyone. But, since I'm willing to do it, I thought, why haven't I? And I'll tell you why: Because idk about the rest of you, but much of tumblr really doesn't work that well for me. I have issues with posting, especially with paragraph breaks and trying to move bits of text around. I don't like that posts I reblogged in the past are hidden forever behind "Flagged for mature content" warnings and it's like. A picture of a cat. Not to mention broken music links and videos (which I guess aren't tumblr's fault, just makes me sad). I don't like how pictures seem to always end up sized differently and you have to open it just the right way to see it how you want. Not to mention a bunch of features tumblr used to have that I loved have gone away or been massively de-emphasized: support for music players on blogs, for example. (Yes I still have one but it's a pain the neck.) Polls are nice but I miss that. I also miss convenient free themes - they're still there of course! But finding one that has everything I want (no endless scrolling, clear navigation, visible icon and description, music player, etc) is also a pain and I just end up reusing the same old one I've been using since I joined and recoloring it lol.
So I'd be happier about paying for tumblr if the experience were just a touch cleaner, faster. Oh, and not forgetting about PC users xP I know lots of people use their phone, I do too, it's convenient - but PC is just easier. Well, maybe for teens who can type on their phones at 50 mph it's no big deal. But I love love love my keyboard.
But anyway I paid it so I get a year without ads. Honestly I thought about it and $40 a year is what, ten cents a day? I really don't mind that. I wasn't really bothered by ads anymore since they've been scaled back, but now I can be bothered by them even less, so yay. OTOH, it looks like the subscription auto-renews, which I HATE. If so, I hope they send a warning email a few days before.
Oh and you know what else helped. I did a few youtube searches recently, and wanted to tear out my own hair over how frustrating it was. I just want a list of videos that relate to the subject of my search, not interspersed between "things I've seen before," "random shorts," "things that are similar," "things totally different that Youtube wants to show me anyway." And same thing on Google, Amazon, anywhere. I'm just so sick of it. So I'll fucking pay for fucking tumblr x'D Just work and not be annoying alright!!
I find it amusing that the moment I paid, I got a pop-up asking me to pay more to give ad-free to someone else. I might be more amenable when my pocketbook isn't smarting anymore 9_9
But this was funniest of all:
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OK, I can't imagine ever doing it, but I suppose there's someone out there who thinks highly enough of the stuff that gets blazed to decide they want to continue seeing it even after spending $40 x'D But who is paying the fee and choosing show all ads? Please, is there anyone? I want to see a cryptid for myself.
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lorddoom01 · 1 year
TOTK Spoilers ahead
I finally beat Tears of the Kingdom. It was good. Gameplay was fun. The world always had something new to discover. The building mechanic was fun (expect EVERY open world game to begin stapling this on). Overall, the maps and gameplay manage to over shadow the game's biggest issue.
And that is the story. It does work well enough to keep you pushing along, but there are a lot of nitpicks that keep crawling around my mind and I feel I need to vent them out. Like, Ganondorf is just evil for evil's sake. I know he is the bad guy, but I would have liked a bit more depth. Even a simple "I want to rule everything so no one can rule over me," rather than just "I want to make a world of darkness." Or all the sheikah tech just being deleted from the world, with only the smallest of nods to it having existed.
And then we have the repeated "everything important happened in the past," which works far less in this title than in Breath of the Wild. The snippets of the past don't tell us enough. We don't get to see the relationships Zelda builds with the people of the past. We get major moments, but we still need the information as to how we get there. Like the Zelda doppelgänger, where did Ganondorf get that and why clone Zelda in that era. At least in Breath of the Wild, the past events have meaning to Link. It is his relationship to the Zelda, his relationship with the other champions (all of whom are present in spirit in the current day and have people who knew them or knew of them), and Zelda's own feelings. The simple fact they didn't have silent Link limiting the dialogue means Tears of the Kingdom should have been able to pull more out of the scenes, but it feels like less. The original sages are nobodies, just the reused Breath of the Wild champion models with masks on. There is NOTHING beyond them. Even Mineru is almost a nobody, with two just two short scenes in the past. Heck, we see so little of Sonia and Rauru I question if they ever had kids. Granted Zelda exists, so they must have. But it isn't good I'm questioning it.
Back to the subject of the Sages, their powers are a massive downgrade. Aside from Tulin (who is the best) and Yunobo (when you are piloting a machine), the powers are a pain to use. Having to chase down your companion in the middle of a fight to use their power is a great way to get blindsided. And for some reason Yunobo has lost is powers from the first game.
And then there is the absence of the sheikah tech. It is just gone, like it never existed. And it is really bugs me. The Divine Beasts, the Towers, and all the Guardians (save for one corpse) were just crt+x'd out of reality. They don't need to bring the Divine Beast dungeons back, but they should at least be present on the overworld. Damaged by Gloom or incapacitated by the disasters the Upheaval caused. There should have been a guardian scrapyard somewhere. And the retracted Towers should have been in the depths (maybe even throw one or two sheikah shrines down there) given that is where they are supposed to be hidden when not in use.
Anyways, beyond all that complaining, it is still a good game. Always more to do to suck you in, definitely setting up the next trend for AAA studio games (for better and worse). I'm excited to see how crazy some of the builds are going to get.
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celestialmango · 2 years
yes that one scp sun moon and eclipse helping kids and teens with childhood sorry! X'D
Ah, I think it was just typing to fast and auto correct. It happens, anyway. Kids and teens with childhood trauma. Tw mental and physical childhood traumas, neglect, loss of limbs, injury, gore and death(everything but neglect is because plane crash) timeline is a bit after SCP Glitch and the boys meet.
This is complicated, very complicated. As there are so many types of trauma out there. Let's go through only a couple, PTSD, neglect and accidents like crashes, you know what? Let's make this a tiny bit of a story of it's own though short and not exactly detailed,
a plane crashes on the island the facility is on, the only survivers of it are two siblings one teenager and their child sibling, older sibling has the misfortune of losing a leg. It's safe to say if many of the doctors had their way these kids would be separated and used as test subjects, and they are, test subjects that is, before anyone else can Dr. Fukushima steps in, she has an opertunity to test these kids with Sun and Moon and she's damn well taking it part of the reason Dr. Fukushima wanted to work on the island was because there were no child test subjects.(in canon that is)
As someone who used to be a babysitter in college and grew to love kids that sort of thing would be something she couldn't stand to watch, she knows Sun and Moon are rather gentle with reader and the rest of the team, surely they would be the less fatal choice since the kids were forcibly made d-class.
The two siblings are immediately taken by her, a surprise test to be done. Sun's resting so they'll be testing with Moon, Dr. Fukushima tells Moon that they'll be testing him with kids Moon starts to get mad, but she continues kids that have just through a traumatic plane crash on the island and were made d-class. She'll tell him she had to immediately do a test with him because she believes the two are the safest choice for their first test.
Now Moon find the way she said that a last bit strange, the safest choice? The way her tone got weird when she said first test, almost as if-then Moon gets it, he says nothing, he has a guess of what she may be doing. They're put into Moon's right after, one crying child, and the one teen just looking at him, silently while standing with crutches and shaking with a haunted look while missing a leg.
It's been a long time since he's interacted with teens and kids, much less kids who went through something terrible, he's on a time limit but all the same it feel like plenty of time, he has three hours. The first thing he does is sit down on the ground gently, start trying to make himself less of a threat.
the haunted teen looking like they're now having a panic attack but Moon starts to let a melody play, a lullaby, he uses his hypnosis slightly to make the teen's thoughts a bit fuzzy and help them take deep breaths so they don't hyperventilate and also puts the crying child to sleep.
Teen starts to panic when Moon begins to move closer before words cut through it, "Would you like to talk about it?" Big monster with soothing voice wants to listen to their problems, and honestly the kid wants to talk to someone who's willing to listen. They start to to tear up as they state with a sob "I lost my leg." And they breakdown, Moon moving a hand under them before the they fall from loss of balance.
Teen is now sitting on his hand but he doesn't lift it, he just let them cry into his hand, they sob about how there was so much blood, so many bodies and how they screamed when the heated metal sliced through their leg, the horrible pain, passing out and learning their father didn't survive, he had just won custody, their mother controlling and neglectful, their dad was taking them on vacation. They were going to see their favorite uncle who lived on another continent.
They can't stop seeing it can't stop remembering that moment of the crash, the terror, the agony, not knowing if their father and sibling were okay, they never saw what happened to their father but they keep remembering the broken body of a dead passenger right across from them, they could see their face, those dead eyes staring into their own. They can't sleep they keep remembering and the just want to forget everything.
Moon talks to them, he can't help them with their leg but he could help them sleep without night terrors, kid asks what he is, "a big space creature with a moon for a head, and my name is Moon" kid feeling a little better jokes asking if there's another big space creature called Sun with a Sun for a head.
"that sounds like my brother, he lives nextdoor" Moon says as he points at the wall that goes up and down allowed Sun and moon to interact with each other and their shared human. Teen is stunned. Moon doesn't know if his joke set up was a hit or miss. Awkward silence. Anyways they talk a little more, ones kid runs out of steam kid starts asking questions, like how Moon's body works Moon tells them he has a stomach
"But you don't have a mouth." Moon proceeds open his hidden mouth, a few gooey strands connecting his lips and stick his tongue out. Teen is like "holy shit" Moon continues by mentioning his holding chamber and how he has to choose which on to send the things he swallows to. How humans can easily stay in that chamber for days with no harm.
Teen thinks he said that because he's done it before, Moon admit he has, many times. He let them vent, let them forget and get their attention on something else for a while, now he tells them they need rest and makes them sleep. He keeps them cradled safely and securely in that hand while he turns and scoops up the child that was starting to stir. The child wakes, is silent before their eyes start to water and they let out heart broken sobs, Moon holds them in a way that allows him to rub their back with his thumb.
He lets them cry till they can't anymore and they've begun to cling to his thumb sniffling, the calming melody still coming from within Moon's body. "Would you like to tell me what's wrong?" Child shakes their head, seeing flashes of what happened, "Would you like to go back to sleep?" Child shakes their head again, "Do you just want to be held?" Child nods "ok." Moon says and curled his finger around them loose but secure and brings both siblings to lay against his chest. One hour up.
Another hour and the pair wake, surrounded by what look like swirling galaxies and stars. Then Moon lift his hands off them, he had laid down holding them close to his chest, the siblings both realize this situation is real, the younger child still doesn't want to talk about it, Moon is quiet and let's the siblings talk, the older trying to get their sibling to open up, go back to their cheerful energetic self, they tell them every that Moon told them and manage to get a giggle when they say what Moon's name is and mention he has a brother named Sun.
They converse a whole longer getting the younger child to feel a bit better but soon time runs out.
Moon Goes no and noms when told time with kids is up and to give them back.
Fukushima plays up "oh no, I guess we have to let him keep the kids if we don't want another Monro incident" and Moon can hear the bit of subtle sarcasm she's using, he was right in thinking Fukushima was throwing the kids at him for their own safety.
Sun meets them next sumed up.
Kids are a bit shook from being nommed but Sun's playfulness manages to make them more comfortable, kids learn more about them after basically getting adopted, another room is added to the containment cell but on Moon's side for the sibling, Moon gives them free therapy to deal with thier loss and new situation.
Sun insists on them having creative outlets for their emotions and has them try out different crafts till the pair find some they like them Sun makes sure that he's always going to have the needed materials in stock and keep them entertained.
Eventual eclipse meeting but I haven't figured out how that would go yet.
Going to add this extra,
When Glitch comes in for his next text with Sun and Moon he just stares at the teen for a while then decides chaos is in order, asks the teen if wants a cool prosthetic.
Teen, missing being able to walk and not knowing any better says yes, they get a hightech prosthetic leg made by Glitch, what's the cool part that makes it chaotic? Glitch tells them exactly what he put in the leg. A friggin cannon, it's an air cannon that's not extremely powerful though because he knows he'd be in a lot of trouble if he gave them anything else he would be in deeps shit with Sun and Moon.
What type of ammo does it take? Water balloons, balloons filled with paint, glitter, confetti, slime. Harmless things like that, cannon causes messes but can't actually do any damages. Teen is thankful, Glitch is happy the teen likes it.
Becomes very interested when teen uses it to fire pain balloons at a canvas to make abstract art because Glitch didn't even think about how it could be used creatively, just about how many problems it could cause when in the hands of a prankster.
He's impressed that the teen thought of using it for that.
As for the other kid Glitch doesn't really know how to interact with them besides inviting them to play games with him or visit his own cell(which Moon allows) to pet sheep and llamas, kid thinks the painted/dyed sheep are really cool. He interacts with the teen the most. Glitch's human is stunned by his behavior towards the kids, does know what to think because big scary monster is interacting with kids without any hostility or distrust right away unlike how he acted when first meeting the doctor's team.
I still have yet to decide the teen and little kids names and genders.
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crystal-lillies · 2 months
Scattered Day-After Thoughts on the xxxHolic 2022 Live Action movie
(shout out to @skellietoonz for the help finding a means to watch it)
These thoughts aren't in any particular order, and they range from silly jokes to serious constructive criticism on the film's structure/plot/layout. Spoilers for xxxHolic across the board (manga, anime, etc.).
-it really was Watanuki's fantasy paradise to have a date with Doumeki every single day. AND Doumeki was able to see the shop after Watanuki took over which means he had a wish, and since he stayed with Watanuki when a new customer came in, clearly his wish was to be with Watanuki!! Dudes just kiss already!!! X'D
-those edits between scenes man. What drugs were the editing team on and are they okay. I've never seen any live action anime edited that way and I've seen a lot of decent and shitty and B-movie live action anime. and, well. live action movies in general, all across the spectrum. there are very few with that kind of editing and fewer can pull it off well.
-Watanuki is homeless now, I guess. he has nowhere to go aside from the shop. boy what the heck were you doing before, where is your apartment that's identical to the Chobits apartment, how are you even alive to contemplate taking your own life HELLO???
-I think the movie's overarching story would have been stronger had Jorogumo just been an original villain since she's basically adapted in name only. I actually really like the anti-Yuko angle, like, the person who Grants Your Desire but in the most chaotic evil way possible without your knowledge vs Yuko who tells you straight up what will happen if she does what you're asking for. (Almost like the monkey's paw episode/chapters but expanded in a way that we haven't seen in xxxHolic before.)
-I'm glad that they weren't too chicken to take out Himawari accepting Watanuki's scars as payment, but they WERE too chicken not to include best bird Tanpopo afterwards. The thing Watanuki WAS ABLE TO DO and DID to help Himawari!!! Gift her a friend that wouldn't be harmed so she would always have a companion!!! Best baby bird!!! Alas. Must have been that Yuko costume budget.
-Mokona also was a casualty of that budget I bet. also for plot reasons lmao. Larg was able to swallow up the spirits from the Hundred Ghost Stories in no time flat, early on in the story. Offbrand Jorogumo and her creepy simp man trying to release evil spirits the whole movie and this little black manju bun would swallow it in seconds. thank u next. Larg was too strong. and also could not survive budgets. 0/10 no mokona
-Yuko's death transition is one of the saddest, gut wrenching, heartbreaking parts of the original story, and it's built up so well and foreshadowed so often not only in the manga but also the anime that divorced itself from crossover. Once the story gets there, it tears you into pieces. The movie does not earn that. I legitimately had to hold myself back from laughing, like. wait, Now??? you're doing this Now??
-Also the movie Watanuki had not grown more than half an inch of development and now he's running the shop??? Djdsjfdjg it took SO much development for him to do that and he is practically a different character by that point in the manga and anime to the fact it's emotionally painful for him to pretend to be how he used to be (xxxHolic Rei kicking me straight into the center of the earth)
-but seriously why did she die though. why was THAT the thing that did it. lmao.
-I DID appreciate the darker kind of end for the Lying Woman. In the manga, she died. In the anime, she got off pretty scot-free imo (even though it has a hopeful ending I am in the headspace for more often than not). but in the movie holy shit. she almost died, but she was being eaten away psychologically by her own lies in semi-physical form and that's exactly the kind of thing I was more or less expecting from this movie. a straddle between the manga and the anime.
-loved the colored manga pages transition to the title card too, that was a nice flourish.
-no ame-warashi. 0/10. she'd have smacked the emo right out of watanuki with her umbrella
-Watanuki's Bad Luck Fall was also like. 10x more brutal than the anime and manga and honestly. I kinda give them props for making it that extra brutal. (but not for cutting the audience out of the details of what Actually happened until the very end in that choppy non sequitur style)
overall, I'm glad I saw it finally! the movie really did a near literal speedrun of the xxxHolic story to get to a few spots at the end, but the emotional impact of the end is bare scraps of what it is in full context.
I give the creative team credit for attempting it, and to their credit, the sets and costumes are good and have their own distinct vibe. and I do give them credit for trying to emulate the dreamlike haze of some of the chapters' story arcs, even if it wasn't always successful.
But I'd say if someone really wants to do a live action version of the later xxxHolic arcs...I'd stick with a TV show format. that seems to work better with manga adaptations that already have anime episodes paced out for TV. and limited series style like an OVA. assume the audience has seen the thing, do maybe a quick montage/explanation of catchup in the first episode if need be, and then focus hard on the adaptation.
thank you for coming to my post-CLAMP day TEDtalk
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gearbroth · 2 years
SFM [Jerma Animated] Where’s My Drink?
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violins??? oh you mean the baby cellos
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azul-marie · 3 years
I thank the one above for finding this blog (づ ᴗ _ᴗ) づ ♡I would like to request a fluff hcs relationships for cozmez and hajun from paralive with their warm and gentle s / o fem who was able to embrace their pain and remind them of what love was, in other words a reader who is all a ray of light haha sorry if this sound too cliche x'd well ~ that would be all thanks for creating this blog <33
hello! thank you for requesting. i think this is a perfectly sweet cliche, no need to apologize! i very much hope you enjoy these. thank you for your kind words. take care!
note: fem. reader
genre: romantic/fluff.
characters: kanata, nayuta yatonokami. yeon hajun.
there was a time kanata did not like you. granted, kanata did not like easily, did not like equally. his trust was slow to earn and to cultivate. but you worked tirelessly for it. he didn’t know why, convinced himself he didn‘t care why either. but it was undeniable, this affect you had on him.
he became used to seeing your pretty face around town, found the warmth of your smiles familiar — they were just for him, after all. he grew to enjoy the sound of your voice, and the gentle words you spoke. it was unlike the brash, rambunctious tones of the few people he reluctantly associated with. with you, kanata knew there would be peace.
this was a love that took months for him to fall into. kanata hardly admitted to liking you; much less would he let himself admit admiration. but the few times he accepted your invitations to spend time together made a lasting impression on him. you had a way about you that had him spilling out unnecessarily personal facts and feelings, the kind he regretted saying as soon as he said them. but you never made him feel lesser than. you considered his words, considered him, made him feel like he was heard.
he starting thinking about you during quiet moments of shady business deals. and during late nights composing lyrics for songs. or when he saw couples holding hands.
it was quite new for him. strange were the beats of his chest when he thought of your smile, of your eyes meeting his. he chose to ignore you for a few weeks to gather these unexpectedly pleasant feelings and figure out what to do with them.
but like a moth to a candle, like a flower yearning for the sun, kanata returned to you. it was a slow, shaky love, with much to learn and much to explore. but you knew of his pain and accepted it, unconditionally. you did not misjudge him, nor shame him, nor want to use him. there was nothing for you to gain but the trust of his heart. and for once, kanata gave it freely to you.
there was a time nayuta did not like you. kanata was all he needed, this was true, and a reason why he stayed away. but nayuta was softer than his brother. more curious, less worldly. he very well found you the same way he did shiki; an unexpected meeting again and again.
it was the easy way you smiled at him, warm, gentle, that melted the cold of his heart. pretty girls and their smiles were known for that indeed, but you were the prettiest one who took the time to know him, and his pain, and his secrets in hiding. you let him speak as much as he liked, whether positive or cynical, and you embraced him through it all.
his illness cost him much. there was a time you did not see one another, not in the way it was before. nayuta hoped this tentative friendship would not falter. there was a fondness he couldn’t shake, a pure emotion that went through him at the mere thought of you. he’d never felt anything like this before. no one made him feel like this, but you.
this was a love different from the love he knew for his brother. it was new and wonderful, causing bubbles of excitement to rise up in the chest. nayuta did not know how to express himself or this strange way he felt. truthfully, he was afraid. but if shiki would remain as his friend after all they’ve been through…would there be a chance you would, too?
but nayuta wants you more than a friend. he wants to be the one for whom your smile was for, always. there are things he can’t do, trauma he’ll always carry, but you know this well and accept him for all he is. it is the least nayuta can hope to ask of you. it paves his way to love you with all he is.
it is rare for hajun to pine. it’s much more common to get a headstart in a chase, to have more attention than he knows what to do with. he's proficient with coy smiles, sly flutters of lashes. it is unusual to be the one in pursuit of another. you've certainly enraptured him with nothing more than the softness of your smile and the warmth of your laughter.
it's earned you his ire. he's no qualms teasing you relentlessly, hiding well-placed, backhanded compliments within a sweet whisper. at times, it's difficult to distinguish whether hajun favors you or not. at times, even hajun wonders if he himself knows the answer.
there is a fear within him that you're too good to be true. you are too kind, too soft, too bright for him. he is a star hiding from the sun, unwilling to compare how much each other shines. it keeps him from wanting you at first — if you stay, he might fall in love. he might become attached. he might not be able to handle being unneeded once you realize how lowly he truly is.
you tell him often of how much you like him. how happy you are to see him, to have a moment of his time spent with you. you say this because you know how he longs to hear it. you've built up the courage to speak up for him this way, without he having the need to ask it. hajun fears he won't be able to match your courage. he'd much rather push you away than accept your embrace. at least it's what he tells himself each time he gives into your smile and allows himself to believe you, which is starting to become a tiresome habit.
this love is deliberate on his part. time and time again you prove yourself more than willing to go at his pace. you understand his pain and do not push him more than he can bear. hajun, for all his callous, all his frost, is grateful.
hajun has wanted many things in life. there are few he has achieved; close friends, stability, a newfound sense of belonging. there is much to be desired, he thinks, when it comes to dealing with his trauma. the pang of loneliness poisoning his heart, everlasting. but for what it's worth, you accept him. beauty, flaws, and all.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
What is your opinion on Daenerys and drogo? Many people romanticise it a little too much.
Hi there Anon!
I am inclined to say one of those people might be George 😂 either that or he fooled me well - he might have though to be honest, I am not a very insightful person. And I am not trying to be funny here, I might really be missing stuff because I am sort of dumb/slow sometimes.
I don't think he would have two people call each other "Moon of my Life" and "My Sun and Stars" if he wasn't trying to be romantic. Did he achieve this though? In my opinion no, and actually one of the things I would say *&* did better than George was how they wrote Dany and Drogo's wedding night, because in the books it felt like something not even a 12 year old on Wattpad would write.
Let's break it down. So Dany starts as being scared sh:t, finds Drogo terrifying, has 0 sexual experience, yet he gives her a massage and all of a sudden she's h0rny as f:ck and wants to bang on the spot? Going as far as putting his 👆 on her 🐈?
That scene in a nutshell: Tell me you don't understand anything about women or female sexuality without telling me you... you know where I am going with this. All that was missing for the perfect fanfiction s£x scene would be him entering her in a super painful way *blood and gore everywhere*, she cries in pain, and her still having a gazillion orgasms from 🍆 in 🐈 alone.
Not my first rodeo, George. Been reading fanfiction since I was *not saying*. And for someone who hates fanfiction that scene was like *sigh* fit for any DarkCharater fic I ever read. Not good. Not good.
On a side note during my years loving Twilight I read a lot of DarkEdward fics 😂😂 y'all can mock me for this, I mock myself.
Having seen the show (first two seasons) before reading the first book, I must say I quite preferred their relationship in there, or at least it made more sense because they went from bad to... I don't want to say good but better? In the books it makes no sense.
So Dany is terrified and doesn't want to marry him. Then he gives her the massage of a lifetime - I would pay to know what kind of f_cking massage that was - and she wants some hanky panky and they do IT. And then after seeking some sort of consent (?) from her, Drogo starts to not need it anymore and it's just r@pe fest :D 24/7 with Dany crying out in pain and wanting to kill herself. Then, after in a way being betrayed (?) by Drogo, who goes from seeking some sort of consent (?) to not caring and just f_ck her raw, she decided she wants to please him? Why?
This all to say I didn't find their relationship the least bit convincing. Not from Dany's part. Not from Drogo's part. In the show I found it more convincing because there's at least a logical sequence of events - that very likely lead to some sort of Stockhold Syndrome from Dany - and I think it's undeniable how much chemistry Emilia and Jason had together.
In either case, is their relationship deeply problematic? It is. Do I think George sees the full extent of how problematic it is? No, I don't. Do I think in the books Daenerys will ever have some sort of epiphany about how it was not true love between her and Drogo? Absolutely not. Just look at ALL the other couples George has made, even outside the main asoiaf books, and the types of deeply problematic relationships that are presented as true love. Yeah... not gonna happen - in my opinion at least, which is worth what it is, and if opinions were that good they would be sold not given so #there XD
I will show myself out X'D
Also in the asoiaf universe, I don't think we really are in much of a position to point the finger at problematic relationships given that IDK 99% of them are problematic in some way or the other. It's almost just a pick and choose game of what bothers people less and what they can work with.
I totally get not understanding why people like X couple, and yes I have my list of couples I don't understand why anyone likes and ships, but at the end of the day it's fiction. Ship and let ship. Focus on what you like and leave others be.
We don't have to like or understand others but we don't have a right to bother them. And this isn't targeted at you, Anon, don't think that it is please. I am just speaking in general and I do hope every one of you does this. It's one thing to rant with your friends in a private setting, quite another to call out people publicly or try to shame them when this is a fandom for one of the most problematic book series ever. If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen, people. This ain't Disney.
All the best to you, Anon 🤗
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amethystina · 1 year
Who Holds the Devil was a significant part of my 2022. Surely less than yours, but still very important. Its now a year I have start reading it and it's the first time I follow a fic for this long. It's quite a cathartic experience. THAT SAID, happy 2023. May something bring you all the excitement that you offer me chapter by chapter.
Happy 2023 to you too!
It's honestly a little strange to think that my writing can become such an important part of someone else's life, but I'm also thrilled that I can give you all something to enjoy and look forward to. I know it sounds cheesy, but I truly love making other people happy. Even if this specific fanfic is... well, it's a slow and incredibly long one, isn't it? xD
I admit it felt like I hadn't written much this year since Who Holds the Devil still is nowhere near finished, but when I sat down to count it actually ended up being around 180 000 words in total (if you include Yo Han's POV). Which I think most people can agree is a lot. I guess it's easy to forget just how much I've accomplished when I only see how much is still ahead of me.
Anyway! Thank you so, so much for sticking with it for so long. I can't even imagine what it's like having to wait for each chapter the way you all do, especially with my uneven uploading schedule. You're all so patient and lovely and I'm truly blown away by the kindness and support you've all shown me. Who Holds the Devil is, without a doubt, the fic I've received the most encouragement and engagement on — this fandom truly is amazingly generous. And I'm incredibly humbled, especially considering that the fic isn't even finished yet and is, well, only getting longer and longer (though I know exactly where I'm going).
As I've mentioned before, my biggest fear with this fic is that people will tire of it before it's finished. I have a lot planned — Yo Han and Ga On finally getting together isn't even the end — and it's... daunting. And kind of scary. It's so long and so complex and while I love it with every fibre of my being, I have this irrational fear of it becoming dreadfully boring to everyone but me. I know that isn't likely to happen, but our brains rarely listen to reason.
Either way, I'm hoping to write more next year, though I in no way blame myself for having to cut down on the pace this year. More than one close family member has died, long covid is still going strong, I've had issues with my hands, and, this morning — as a final fuck you from 2022, I guess — I fell down the stairs x'D Only three to fours steps, thankfully, and I will without doubt recover, but I'm also bruised, in pain, and very much done with 2022 now.
Above all else, I want to make sure to be more deliberate with what I spend my time on this coming year. I've got so many projects and so many things I want to do and I can't wait to make them a reality! :D The question is really how I'm supposed to have time for them all, but I guess that's a problem for future me.
Okay, this response became a little longer than planned. I guess I'm a little chatty after spending so much time away from the internet or something x'D
SO. Thank you again and I wish you a wonderful 2023, too. Take care, darling <3
Happy New Year, everyone!
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isnt-that-something · 2 years
“Nope. We’re not doing the sad, not on my watch.” Comes the gently rumbles reassurance as the towering man picks you up, cradling you in the crook of one arm.
“We are baking. Well, I am baking, and you are going to sit on the counter and taste test. Then we’ll go relax by the fire pit and all tell you every embarrassing childhood story I have on Meeks and Rei.” He glances down at you; his heart aches to see you in pain. Anger thrums along his limbs, knowing he can’t fix the hurt, but maybe he can ease it.
He brushes away the tears that fall, calling your name softly. When you don’t meet his gaze on your own, he places a calloused finger under your chin and tilts your face upward.
“Treasured one, please don’t hide your pain from me. I can’t ensure tears will never fall, but I’ll work tirelessly to chase them away.” He cups your cheek, peppering soft kisses across your face, before finally placing one last kiss upon your lips. A soft, tender kiss he pours all his affection and love into.
“So gem of my heart, what shall we bake first?”
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Minutes before receiving this post:
Ziz: Heya friend. How are you doing today? Me : Meh, I has a sad. Ziz: HOLD MY BEER! *Ahem* In this essay I will demonstrate how to chase away sadness with pure flusterment in 200 words or less. Behold. *drops THIS in submission box* Me: N-n-nani?! O///////////////O
Dear lord Ziz.... you just really came right for my life here. X'D (in the best way!!!)
I am a little shookth being shipped suddenly, but uh... I do have a weak spot for sweet, gentle giants. >///< Ehee...
Thanks for brightening my day!
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
of course I had a two and a half week vacation in march, right when moominvalley season release was allegedly gonna happen... and it never did...
then on the VERY LAST DAY of my break, "hey guys! guess what show releases tomorrow!" like WHAT x'D
it's april 1st and the season's out and it was my first day back at wooooork aaaaaahhh x'D
being an adult sucks hahahahaha
but its not like i can watch it anyway lol im not in the uk. gotta wait till i find it somewhere >_>;
and being back at work was pretty good, random stuff under the cut
got my new class list and i do indeed have the student i was dreading... fingers crossed there but the rest of the group is already so cute and i cant wait to teach them. who knows, maybe the difficult kid will have matured a lot over the last month...
also met new coworker who is cool. and the atmosphere was a lot lighter than it usually is on first term days. we even got new computers which i am suuuuper excited about, the old ones were so. crappy. just the worst computers you can imagine. took ten min just to turn on and another ten to load a single webpage. if you had a fifteen minute break you were screwed. even if you had thirty min you could accomplish next to nothing. it was such a pain because we generally only get breaks (by which I mean prep time) in 15 or 30 min blocks and we have an INORDINATE amount of paperwork. my dude we teach pre-k! why this endless slog through paperwork xD the struggle is real
but now we got shiny new computers and it comes as a total shock! but a pleasant one. less pleasant was the company trying to stick me with our electric piano. we have one but it broke because of being wheeled around to different classrooms, and apparently the only solution anyone can come up with is "keep it in fizz's classroom instead of in the hall." one: how on EARTH does that stop it getting broken since it will still need to be wheeled around from room to room?? and two: where in my teeny tiny classroom do you want me to put a whole ass piano with wires and breakable bits?? first of all every corner of our room is being used, we already do not have enough storage space or enough space for the number of 1-3 year old kids which is upwards of 30. my room stores all the nap cots for two classes. then even if we figure somethign out, there is no way the kids are not going to accidentally break that piano no matter how hard we try to steer them away. i mean even if the kids are good, the pianos gonna get paint on it from crafts. i swear that it will even if we cover it. i am always finding paint and stickers in the most random of places. and last but not least, my classroom is also a nap room (hence the cots). we aren't allowed to even have water bottles on the shelves in case there's an earthquake and the things on shelves fall and hit the sleeping kids. but you want us to put a piano in there? a piano is less dangerous in an earthquake than a water bottle????
lit i told my coteachers "i will fight this." lol i was boiling over. i am not having that piano in my room. if there is no place to put it where it won't break, then either the company needs to pay for repairs when they happen (which so far is not even once a year, yet they actually rejected the maintenance application the first time we sent it -__-), or they need to not have a piano at all. "but the music teacher needs it" yes im sure she does but thats got nothing to do with me! i didnt decide my 2s need to take music lessons! thats the companies choice! that they knowingly made for their busiest school with the largest class size and teeny tiny rooms with absolutely no storage space at all! the company knows all that and yet they're just like "You guys figure it out." Well ok, im figuring it out. the piano can stay where it was last year and get moved around like usual. there is zero benefit to putting it in my room, it only makes HO feel better about spending money on the maintenance (for now - just wait till next time it breaks 9_9). on top of that it would adversely affect my class which is the number one thing i care about here. im fortunate in that our team leader agreed with me and actually went to bat over this even harder than i did. still not sure whats gonna happen but i do intend to block that piano coming in my room unless someone comes up with a reeeeally good idea for how we're gonna fit it in tetris-style without causing problems.
but otherwise a good day, lol
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26, 61, and 99 for the dragon age asks?
Thank you for the asks! ovo
26. Did your Inquisitor choose the Mages or the Templars?
June allied with the Mages, because of course she would. Mage rights or mage fights baby. Although I have to say that in that exact moment she decided to ally with them out of sheer spite. Technically she was very well in the mood to tell Fiona and the mages to fuck off at that point, because she literally *just* returned from a traumatising time travel visit to a very messed up future and was still barely able to process that beyond being absolutely disturbed and horrified, but the fact that everyone was telling her that "maybe you shouldn't ally with them, look what they did" made her go "actually fuck you guys we are allying with them". She did not regret that decision though and stood by it.
Oh yeah also she did consider conscripting the Templars, for the sheer satisfying irony of having Templars being under the command of a Mage. The thought of actually working with them though was a no-no so she never followed through with that.
Arari originally wanted to hear out both sides and did think that maybe having the Templars, whose literal purpose was to cancel out magic, might be a better option, but what was happening in Redcliffe concerned him enough to go investigate there first and then all the time traveling and crap happened. When it came down to it he thought that what had just happened showed that having mages completely unchecked would be too risky and thus conscripted them, but he still made sure they were treated properly at Skyhold.
61. Favorite NPC?
MMmm tough one again x'D I do love Wade and Herren. 11/10 would let them craft my armour always.
I love Dagna, she's such an enthusiastic little nerd and also mad scientist and I love her. Same goes for Bram, I do love me some good nerds who are passionate about their subjects.
I love Niall too, his actions in the Broken Circle are incredibly admirable and the ultimate proof of how wrong the Templars are.
Justice may be a companion so I'm cheating here but he is just so sweet and pure in Awakening. Also there are a lot of very good and painful HCs about him and Anders and I love that.
There are some more I could name but if I do that this list would start getting way too long lmao so Imma leave it at this. Honourable mention is that one kid from Haven though who sings that creepy nursery rhyme.
99. Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?)
Hmm probably the Marches or Ferelden. Rivain and Antiva sound lovely but I'm not made for more tropical climates, I think the temperate climate in southern Thedas would be more up my ally. Also just generally prefer the more rural and less hectic vibe I get from those countries.
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krreader · 4 years
I JUST watched Enchanted and So Close, So Far just hit me a bit too hard, so i went searching for some bts fics inspired by that song and boom! I ran into you! xD and let me just say, I fucking love it :')))) I'm praying to God that it will end well for Y/n and The end of Chapter 2 gave me a bit of a confidence boost too LMAO Damn I hope she heard most of the conversation, She needs to know she's gorgeouss!!! x' D Thank you for making my heart less pained x'D I needed that 💜
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