#werewolves is snappy. it gets people interested.
storybook-souls · 2 years
the nice thing about my current project is how easy it is to explain. with my thesis anytime anyone asked what it was about i had to be like “yeah it’s a literary fantasy about a seaside small town with magic stuff happening, but actually it’s three pretty separate storylines that only converge at the very end and one’s about a selkie and one’s about a girl who can see a new color and one’s about a boy who can speak magic” but with this novel i just go “yeah it’s about werewolves”
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.71
It should be illegal to be this tired. Lance felt as if he could sleep for a year, yet sleep had come easy the last two nights. They’d finally had their team briefing, now everyone in their group was on the same page. Everyone other than was smartly tucked up in bed... but Lance and Keith were still sitting in the conference room, staring at the boards that seemed to be mocking them all. Keith was agitated, convinced Krolia was going to shop up ahead of time. But with tonight being Wednesday night, Krolia only had Thursday to be ahead of schedule. Having taken Lance to see his Mami, Miriam’s advice to Keith on the matter of his mother was to talk to her. Which was perfectly reasonable advice, seeing he’d suggested the same thing. The problem now lay with Keith who working himself up so much that every waking moment was devoted to these murders like he had something to prove.
For the last hour they’d say in silence. Keith sitting with his head in his hands, Lance watching over him because Keith knew he was being snappy and was upset over snapping at him multiple times. Lance’s opinion had kind of shifted. He’d shifted from someone trying to make these crimes look amateurish to someone who didn’t care about the bodies being found and was probably a hunter, possibly trained by the Blades or an ex-Blade member. He had mentioned the idea of it being a hunter to Coran who’d conceded he’d thought much the same after finding trace elements in the victims blood, but it wasn’t one of the ones working for him, so he couldn’t pursue that line. That’s why Lance didn’t see it coming.
Hearing footsteps, he’d looked from Keith to the door
Keith didn’t acknowledge the pet name, so deep in thought he nearly fell off the chair when a knock came at the door, shooting Lance a glare for not warning him. Opening the door, Coran smiled softly at the pair of them, before setting his face and showing a ridiculously tall man into the room. Keith gaped at the stranger, Lance caught up in being confused before a wave of scent hit. Vampire... but not... but not the same kind of scented ego that’d sent him into heat
“Keith, I believe you know Kolivan. Lance, this is Kolivan. Kolivan caught sight of our murder investigation and has come forward to admit that it was Blade related”
Now Lance was nearly falling off his chair. Keith pushing his chair back in clear anger, slamming his hands down on the desk with enough force that Lance whined involuntarily. Quick to cover his mouth, he felt like he had whiplash
“What the fuck?”
Lance agreed. What the fuck indeed? Kolivan cleared his throat, eyes on Keith like Lance didn’t exist
“Why are you here? Where’s Krolia?!”
Okay... not the angry line of questioning Lance expected. Coming into the room, Coran closed the door behind Kolivan. Softly he spoke as he moved from behind Kolivan to stand beside him
“You’ll have to excuse us. We’re all shocked that the Blades neglected to inform us of this investigation”
“At the time it wasn’t pertinent...”
Excuse him?!
“... However the situation has moved beyond our control”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Perhaps we should sit? Discuss things like reasonable adults”
Coran was obviously pissed. He was always polite but this politeness carried an edge of barely curved anger.
Keith continued to stand as Kolivan and Coran sat. Lance went to reach for his boyfriend only to let his hand drop. Keith didn’t want to be touched. He could sense it. Almost as if telling Lance he wasn’t really welcome in the space anymore
“I can see from your... boards you made a few assumptions. Your assumptions over Honerva’s involvement are correct, however the murders were in fact performed by a Blade member, not by Lotor. We had an unfortunate incident, resulting in the death of one of our deep undercover agents in Platt”
Okay. Okay. Blade member death was not good. Shiro and Keith were Blade members... as was Krolia. Now was not the time to freak out over Keith’s safety. Nope. He wasn’t freaking out of it. Keith was right there... Nope... He wasn’t sitting there potentially pregnant with Keith’s kid freaking out, because he wasn’t pregnant. The condom just got stuck to his arse. Keith was fine. He was more than fine. He was damn fine. Oh fuck... He was internally panicking now.
“Perhaps you can tell us more about your investigation?”
Coran pried gently, Lance regretting not dragging Keith to bed earlier...
“Antok was acting under my orders. We believe Honerva has developed a blood powder that increases healing by overriding the bodies natural flow of quintessence. Normally not an issue. Unless you factor in that she has used fae blood. The side effects are unknown outside of a temporary lapse in sanity and a permanent darkening of ego. We believe Lotor knows of the distribution routes and came to redirect profit. Honerva has an interest in Platt given the harmony the city has seen between between your supernatural inhabitants and the people. My hand was forced today when I found two humans trailing both Keith and Lance’s movements. They were intercepted for interrogation. You’ll understand my shock at discovering they not only knew of werewolves, claiming to be the sister to a wolf, and friend to a vampire”
Oh, no.
“Um, Kolivan. What did you do with them?”
“They were clearly not hunters. After confiscating their devices and sedating them, they were brought here for Coran to deal with”
Coran fiddled with the end of his moustache. Lance felt his heart racing as fast as his thought. Pidge and Hunk were here. Pidge... Pidge who’s never be able to put her curiosity aside... was here. His Pidge. His Pidge that he’d missed like crazy. His hunk, who was still a golden ray of sunshine. Both of them here. Both of them here because they were snooping. Both of them were snooping because he’d scared Pidge. Here. They could be dead. How did they even know where they were? What we’re they doing following them? They hated him. He’d lied to their faces for years. Now they were here. Somewhere they didn’t know. Detained for simply being themselves. What did he say? How did he fit years of explanation into the 30 seconds of explanation time he’d get before Pidge demanded answers? They were so lucky they... what if Lotor knew about them now? Who had Pidge questioned? Had she used Keith’s name? Was Keith in trouble now because of him? He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t... catch his breath. A breathing vampire... he was ridiculous. He was barely a vampire outside of the teeth, and the blood, and he could turn into a bat, and feel death... and oh god, how did he apologise?
Keith was ready to kill Kolivan. It was always the same bullshit with the Blades. He was pissed. He was so fucking pissed. Kolivan walked in and pissed all over their hard work. He knew Antok. He’d run on missions with him back when he was a new Blade and Shiro had other messes to clean up. The fact that Shiro didn’t know about the mission showed someone out there no longer trusted him, or Keith, as agents. How the fuck... How the fuck did not cooperating with Coran help deal with this faster? This was bullshit. He’d worked himself to near death and they couldn’t fucking trust him with an important mission. Instead he’d been lied to. Told Lance was a threat and kicked to bumfuck nowhere on what was supposed to be his first leading kill.
Quietly shaking with apocalyptic rage, his eyes widened at Lance’s voice. So angry he didn’t think about who those humans would be, only cursing them for being stupid mentally. You didn’t tell people this shit. You didn’t trust them. Wrong the vampire or werewolf and you’d be dead. Fast or slow, that was personal preference, as long as the point was made. Pidge... they’d warned her. She must have started her own investigations. That was likely, but they’d slipped up. She had to have investigated Lance, but her thirst for understanding meant she would have started searching wider. Like in a Platt. Like in Platt where Antok was leaving a message to Honerva that her brand of crazy wasn’t welcome here.
Keith jumped as a thud came from beside him, Coran calling Lance’s name as he collapsed. Keith was ashamed it took a moment to move to his boyfriend’s side. Lance morphing from his human form to bat, yet completely limp as Keith lifted him from hunter his shirt and jacket. Normally Lance had a nice scent, like vanilla or whatever body wash he was using. It was weird to say, but what Keith thought he smelt was distress
“Let me see, Number two”
Having rushed around the table to Lance, Coran held his hands out, Keith forced to hand his boyfriend over to him. Closing his eyes for a moment, Coran let out a soft sign of relief
“He’s still dead”
What? Lance was going to magically wake up living? Of course Lance was still dead. It came from him being a vampire
“Is he okay?”
“I’d say he fainted over news of Miss Katie and Hunk. They’re perfectly okay. Mild sedative, and will be right as rain in a couple of hours”
Coran sounded too happy. Lance had agonised over his two best friends and Coran knew that
“You know what they mean to him. Pidge was fucking lucky Kolivan got her and not someone like Sendak”
“Ah. Yes. Well. Yes. Most lucky”
Coran valued lives but him being awkward about it wasn’t calming Keith down
“They’re our friends! They could have been killed!”
“I understand that. I ensure you that no harm will come to them. I’m actually relieved to finally have a chance to talk to both of them over that day. It has been weighing heavily on my mind”
Keith bit down snapping, instead his shock kind of slipped out
“It has?”
“It hurt both you and Lance. They are valuable friends and I was trying not to meddle in your affairs, but I know it hurt you both”
“It hurt him...”
It hurt Lance a thousand times more than it’s hurt Keith. And Matt...
“It hurt you too. Perhaps this is for the best, yes?”
“I don’t know. Lance fainted...”
“Might I interrupt? Who is this vampire?”
Coran passed Lance back to him. Keith cradling him up against his chest. Coran spoke proudly
“This is Lance. Model vampire citizen. Turned very young, has kept his mind remarkably well. Always cheerful and very helpful. Extremely trusting. Proof that vampires are able to lead a normal life with safe access to blood. Three identities and this is the first slip in 36 years. Very hard worker is our Lance”
“He’s... unusual. Is he the vampire you were sent to target?”
Kolivan was prying. Keith felt he had no right to pry. All the Blades could fuck themselves on their ways out
“All the best people are unusual, so I have found. Keith, perhaps you’d like to take Lance to my office to rest?”
“I’ve got him. He’ll be okay up here. And someone owes us some fucking answers. How could you not approach Coran? This is his city. He works his arse off here and I know we’re all about secrecy, but do you know how much time was wasted because you couldn’t approach us? We wasted hours. Hours that could have been spent tracing this tainted quintessence blood powder shit. Blocking us out this investigation isn’t okay!”
Coran stroked the top of Lance’s head gently
“Number two, I appreciate your candour. You warm this old fae’s heart. Now, I need to talk with Kolivan. For both your sakes, you should take a moment. Lance will be most upset over fainting”
Him being upset probably lead to him fainting
“He does cry a lot... He says feeling his emotions helps keep him human”
“A lesson we could learn from. Honesty is the best policy”
Keith could tell the second half of Coran’s words were directed at Kolivan. Now his anger was fading, he had to admit he was pretty tired. But he couldn’t rest with Pidge and Hunk being detained...
“Are you sure Pidge and Hunk will be okay? Should we get Matt to stay with them? Lance will want someone with them...”
“You seem to care about Lance. Is there something there that we should be made aware of? From what I understand he is still under a 4 month probationary period. Of course allowing humans to discover his identity may complicate things. I expected more”
Kolivan had no right trying to pry again
“The discovery was due to cleansing magic. Not intentional on his behalf and that you’re insinuating something else is completely unacceptable. You haven’t the right to be prying into the dating lives of my employees”
Keith’s stomach dropped like he’d missed the bottom step. Coran had dobbed them into Kolivan. Krolia was tight with Kolivan. They’re worked together for decades now... His mother had time for Kolivan, but not for him. Kolivan was a hard man to get a read on. He didn’t personally train recruits, instead leading his own small faction. Keith could count maybe 6 times he’d been in the same room as the man with less than a dozen people there also. He wasn’t quite the right fit for Kolivan’s group, not when he had issues and distrust anyone other than Shiro. Kolivan’s way of training was leave it all behind, including their lives if the hunt called for it. Shiro was worried Keith’s anger would lead to just that. He’d nearly got himself killed, and Shiro had flipped his lid over it.
“I see. Perhaps it is best Keith does leave us for now. The Blades will be handling matters related to Honerva and Zarkon”
“Frosting Coran out is like chopping off your own leg. Coran knows this city and not to use his knowledge is stupid. I’ll take my chances with him”
He’d never talked to Kolivan this way. Kolivan’s barely disguised chuckle made him feel like a dumb punk. Why was it no one took him seriously, apart from Lance and maybe Shiro when he wasn’t being overprotective. Storming out the conference room only solidified the feeling, but it wasn’t the first time he’d stormed off.
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iveryafterdark · 3 years
Day 128
Part 11, Nameless werewolves. [semi-Long]
Last Part. Next Part.
Ever since the little hunting disaster with Relis and Vaitelin, Time had been doing his best to avoid being recruited to go on another hunt... not that it was difficult. The second they stepped back into camp Relis made sure everyone knew about his broken ribs, so no one had been expecting much of him of late. It had only been about a week, though, so, eventually, that would change.
"I don't think you should be going around patrolling yet, you still have a broken rib." Bear cautioned, though he was starting to sound more like whining with the amount of times he had said something similar. While the dark-toned man wasn't wrong about the rib situation that didn't mean that he wasn't capable of keeping their borders safe. Even with a broken rib, he was still more powerful than any mortal was.
"You worry too much, stop being such a mother-hen." he responded dismissively to the guard, who frowned deeply in response... or Time assumed he did. He wasn't really bothering with throwing the shadow-man a look to check. It had been a little under a week, and for the most part his lungs felt fine again. Gods heal faster than mortals, another week and it would be like it never happened.
"Last time I was careless you got hurt." Bear responded, voice low but pointed. Time pretended he didn't hear him, it was a reasonable thing to do with how quiet he was now speaking, as much as he liked Bear he might have to do something about his penchant for seeing him as needing protection. Despite the, occasional, complaint from the brown-haired man the walk existed mostly in silence. It Seemed Bear wasn't so eager to talk anymore... maybe thinking too much. Time would leave him to it, which meant less of Bear worrying a hole through his ears.
The young-god's attention only snapped back to reality when the werewolf stepped in front of him, arm out to stop him, growling at.. someone. Time rolled his eyes at the bristling guard, clearing his throat and pushing Bear to the side as gently, but firmly, as he could manage. Another stranger stood several yards away, hands raised to show innocence, dark brown eyes watching Bear warily.
"You! Finally worked up the courage to show your face, little stalker?" Bear spat, crossly, Time couldn't help but think that he was just taking his frustration out on the guy. This 'stalker' dipped his head deeply, eyes lowered to the ground, posture poor as if to make himself look smaller. If he stood up straight he would probably be about Time's height... which, yeah, he supposed that would make him 'little' to Bear but he had been named that for a reason.
"Lashing out needlessly, Bear? Let's, at least, see what he wants before you verbally abuse the man." he chided with a light tone, he had been disapproving of the guard enough today no need to put him in a further bad mood. The lack of response told him that he was willing enough to allow the man to speak. This 'stalker' was a fair-tanned man with hair almost as dark as Bear's in brown, short and messy. The most interesting thing about him, however, was the excessive amount of body-paint he was using. White-ash mask over the majority of his face, as well as his hands, wrists, throat, and chest, bright yellow and black stripes cutting around the back of his hair, and arms, that reminded Time a bit of a Bumblebee. This guy didn't look very threatening to him.
"What can I do for you, little bee?" he asked in an amused tone, ignoring the disgusted snort from Bear behind him, the stranger's dark brown eyes went wide at this and he dipped his head further down. As if to apologize for the momentary eye contact.
"Your defender is right to look down on me, to call me such things, I have been following you for some time now." his voice sounded uncertain, but Time didn't focus as much on that as he did the words themselves.
"You've been following me?" his voice harder now, a slight threat.
"Yes." another dip of his head like a duck bobbing in a lake.
"For how long?"
".... Since you first stepped foot into the meadows.. when you met the Robin." Time's blood went cold in his veins at that, the almost constant sensation of being watched that he had attributed to the new territory? It had been this guy following him around like a ghost. How had he went this entire time and not noticed that he was being followed? The young-god turned his gaze to Bear for an explanation.
"I noticed a few nights ago, he's really very good at being a rat."
"Why didn't you let me know we were being tailed when you found out?"
"I... didn't want you to worry about something like that right now?" A question, that same almost guilty look he had worn when Time first met him. The implication in Bear's words were, also, not lost on him. He didn't say anything because of his broken ribs... they'd discuss that later, right now they had a mouse to deal with. Time turned his sharp, orange, eyes back to the strange man. As soon as the attention was back on him he seemed to scramble to say something before Time could.
"I meant no harm, I merely followed you because being near your group makes it safer for me to travel."
"If you wanted safety you should have returned home." his harsh tone caused the striped man to wince. "Why reveal yourself now? You've been in hiding for several months, why change something that's been working for you?"
"Because..." the stalker glanced between him and Bear, before carefully approaching only to stop in his tracks a few feet away when Bear began growling defensively. The man kneeled on the ground, not unlike Robin would when she prayed, and raised both of his hands up to Time like one would in offering. It was a strange thing, he could feel the power connection with even just this gesture, something he had seen but had never been involved.
"Because I am a man with no name, no family to speak of, but I have worth." ah, one of the unfortunate, untrustworthy, people forced to walk the world alone due to the nature of their existence. Not a single soul to vouch for them. Often treated as criminals and chased from cities both human and otherwise... and it was strictly forbidden to give one's self a name. A hangable offense.
"I am an honest man, I am loyal, I will give you everything I have to offer. I just need a chance." His plea was soft, heartfelt, full of pain, and loneliness, and desperation.
"You say this but by the very nature of your existence there is no way to prove any of your claims. You could be a criminal, a madman-" Bear responded, distrust on his voice, Time held out a hand to quiet him. The striped man's eyes seemed only honest, a small amount of hope in them at the gesture.
"You ask for a chance, the opportunity to prove yourself?"
"Please-" he sounded on the verge of tears. "-that is all I ask. Just one." a long moment of silence followed, Time sizing the nameless man up, before nodding shortly. He had never seen such a look of pure gratitude and relief before than the one that followed.
"You already know the way back to camp, but you should walk with us this time." the striped man rubbed his hands across his face, looking at Time like he was as important as the sun, before getting to his uneven feet. Hm, the white marks on his hands and face hadn't budged despite that, maybe they were actually tattoos and not body-paint. The yellow stripes that went through the back of his hair was definitely painted, though.
"What are we going to tell them when everyone expects him to be introduced? He has no name, and I'm sure some of the others won't be like being around an unclaimed." Bear, again, voice unusually hard.
"Leave that for me to worry about, Bear." the man opened his mouth, but at the warning look he was thrown just sighed.
While there had been some raised eyebrows when Time offered no introduction for the new member no one made a particular fuss about it, going about things as usual as the sky began to darken into night. The bee-colored man was following him closely, like a lost pup, seeming to be afraid of being left alone with the rest of the group. Understandable, considering the past experiences that he had probably had with other large groups of people. Due to the constant following, and looks of sheer gratitude he was getting from him, Time noticed rather quickly when the nameless man went missing while the rest of the group was sitting around the fire to eat before bed.
Like usual, Astaria, Felis, and Surie were sitting in a half-circle talking, telling bad stories, worse jokes, and laughing loudly together. The three were nearly inseparable at this point. Near them was Vaitelin, who would briefly exchange insults with Astaria throughout the night. A weird relationship those two had, Time wasn't going to even try to parse out if they loved or hated each other. Sitting close to himself was Robin; who was acting stranger and stranger as more time passed, Relis; who was sitting on the ground instead of on the log like everyone else, and Bear. In the beginning, the nameless man had been sitting next to him as well but, at some point, he had dipped out. A sense of doubt stabbed through his rib, had it been a mistake to trust him? A man with no one willing to claim him or vouch for his goodwill? Was he really dangerous like Bear had believed?
Bear seemed to sense the thought process going on in Time's mind and gave him a knowing look, at least he had the decency to not look smug about it.
"Think I made a mistake on that one?" he was expecting a quip, or a snappy response, or an incredulous look, but instead Bear just looked conflicted and shrugged.
"He... seemed genuine to me." uncertainty, a complete reversal of the confident distrust he had shown earlier.
Time decided to wait beside the fire for the rest of the night, the rest of the group retiring to bed one-by-one until it was just him and Bear waiting.
"You should really get some rest-" the yawn was loud enough to cause him to wince and shuffle a bit further away from the werewolf. "-you aren't gonna heal any better sleep-deprived." it was probably more along the lines that Bear was exhausted and didn't want to stay out any later.
"You can lay down whenever you want, Bear. I'm not forcing you to stay up." the guard just blinked at him in an unamused manner, before rubbing his eyes and stretching. Seems he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. He was starting to think he should just lay down to allow the poor man some rest when a rustle caught his attention.
Turning towards the sound was a figure, with dully-glowing brown eyes. The oddness of the silhouette caused him to bristle, Bear growling beside him, but the familiar gesture of the being just... kneeling with hands out caused him to pause.
"Do not be alarmed." it sure was the same nameless man from earlier, voice soft.
"What happened to you?" Time narrowed his eyes at the shadow, trying to better decipher what he was seeing.
"I was... hunting?"
"Was that a question?" Bear growled shortly beside him, he didn't seem tired anymore.
"I... took down the buck that tried to attack you." the nameless man added, shifting. Ah, the oddness of the silhouette was him hauling a... full-grown deer on his shoulders. Surprising, for a man that height.... even if he was, obviously, a werewolf.
"You.... managed that all by yourself?" a short nod, in response. Time eyed the unclaimed werewolf warily before gesturing for him to come closer. In the fire's light it became more obvious the situation, by the looks of it the man had field-dressed the buck and skinned it, the cloak draped around his shoulders. Once the striped man stood only, about, a leg-length away from the young-god he kneeled once more and presented a thick bear-leather bag that he had been holding at his side before removing the deer cloak and placing it on top as well. The nameless man closed his eyes, muttered something Time couldn't hear, before pushing the hunt to Time and bowing deeply to the ground. An offering, the first he had ever received personally, the gesture made Time felt like he was breathing ice-cold water in the best way. Like he was drowning in ether. He sat stunned for many seconds, staring blankly at the offering and the nameless man, before blinking the tears out of his eyes.
"I underestimated you." Time said, even his voice felt different. Smoother. It must sound different too because Bear was giving him a look. The striped man sat up, though he was still kneeling, cautiously looking at Time with the reverence that Time had only seen directed at his own father before.
"You've proven yourself in my eyes, I see no reason for you to walk the world nameless and shunned. I will claim you, vouch for you when needed." his brown eyes were shining. "I think the name... Hercules suits you just fine, don't you agree Bear?" the dark man blinked, like he didn't understand what was happening, before nodding.
"Welcome to the pack, Hercules." the guard agreed, dipping his head in greeting. Hercules, as he was now dubbed, looked like he was in sheer disbelief. Like the world had suddenly stopped making sense.
"Unless, you would prefer something different, of course?"
"No!" the reaction was so quick it made Time raise an eyebrow. "No, Hercules is... perfect. Thank you, I will not disappoint you." he was grinning, the first time Time had seen him do so, sheer joy on his face.
"Now, everyone else is asleep so I think you should join them, you'll be no use to us dead on your feet." a deep nod, but Time doubted someone who looked so excited would be falling asleep anytime soon.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
March 4th-March 10th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from March 4th, 2020 to March 10th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What are some comic synopses that convinced you to read the comic?  In general, what are you looking for in a synopsis? 
bastard's "there's a serial killer in my house" was all it needed to sell me on it. short and sweet, just begging you to read more to find out what that means
Capitania do Azar
Broken http://broken.spiderforest.com/ had me at "psychic zombie kid befriending a fairy general"
are there monsters? Are there wlw? are the women monsters like werewolves and vampires and demons etc etc I tend to see monster as the main character and I’m instantly hooked! I have a hard time empathizing with purely human characters, (as an autistic, I have often been called something not human, I guess that’s why) so when I see a monster, I’m like YEEEES. That being said, “Fox Fire” on Webtoons really drew me in. https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/fox-fires/list?title_no=125525 A mysterious journey through lands unknown by a raccoon dog? Yes. Inspired by Finnish mythology which I’ve not seen before? YES. It’s not short or snappy, but I love animal stories so much, and seeing them based on a culture I’m not overtly familiar with is so exciting! So many things to learn! To research! Yes!!
Sink your Hookteeth had me at "cosmic horror romance with eldricht mermaids" https://hookteethcomic.com/ Usually I give things a chance past the synopsis to see for myself but there definitely is some keywords that get my attention right away. Stuff like psychological, horror, world-building, surreal, lgbtq+, occult themes etc., but I'm pretty open to most things
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I usually don't get invested in a comic because of a strong premise, but I can get interested in a comic with a unique premise. Ironically the one example that comes to my mind is something I have not yet checked out (but it is on my list!). What is that one webcomic called, the one where time only flows in the vicinity of certain special individuals? And the MC is one of such individuals? I honestly have no idea if I will actually like that comic, but the premise sounds so interesting that I would like to at least check it out.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i too find that premise intriguing
please someone link it if they know what it is(edited)
Feather J. Fern
Premises are really important to me, since there are so many comics nowadays it's hard for me to filter through what I would like and not like. So if something like "Boy meets girl" comes up I tend to shy away but if someone says "Monster boy meets girl who is blind." Then I am like "OH THAT! I WOULD READ THAT!" I think it's the details that really get me, I need more details if possible to make sure I can get the most out of it.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
For me it usually boils down to "relatable/intriguing situation with (insert supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi element here)." The relatable/intriguing situation hooks me on a higher brain level - the fantasy/supernatural element hooks me on my lizard brain level
eli [a winged tale]
Art aside, I look for intrigue/hook and a conflict (whether that’s through a character description/contrast in presentation like a dichotomy/ or a surprise/thwarted expectation). I have my genre preferences but usually if there’s an intrigue (that’s so cool and interesting!) and a conflict (sense of pace/tension/driving the story), then I’m in. These are the examples of ones I love:
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I might be the odd one out that I don‘t look for synopisis much - I tend to read the first ten pages of the comic instead and look for two things: 1) character that interests me and 2) did the plot start yet?
Mind you, godslave synopsis got me at „modern-day egyptology“ https://www.godslavecomic.com/about
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I usually don't read the synopsis if I'm already "there," but like... when people are reccing something for me
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Then I still check out the comic proper. If someone likes it enough to rec it it‘s worth a try!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
My tastes are too specific (yet vague at the same time?), so I fully admit to not checking out every rec that comes my way.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Makes sense! I read quickly and have absolutely no compuction about dropping stuff that doesn‘t interest me, so sample reading works well. But in webcomic lists I found synopsis to be important, that‘s how I found godslave. So I guess I‘m like @Feather J. Fern and look for an interesting premise.
Feather J. Fern
I also try recommendations, which is why I like the CTP since it does help me narrow down reading choices.
Oh also, when someone adds something too typical like "And then romance blossoms" in a premise then I am like "Eh" Especially with the genre of the comic is NOT Romance. Like I think when I am looking into a genre, I want that genre, don't pull the side genres into the main stay in your premise. For example, and Action Comedy being like "Romance blossoms between the two" I would be like "Why wouldn't this be a Romance Comedy with Action side, or Romance Action" If i want Action comedy I WANT the action and Comedy. the romance cna be on the side just don't mention it in the premise, it makes me go pick another action comedy to read.
I guess it's like Confusing Promotion of your Premise is what gets me?
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah that’s fair Featheryjustice. I’m also the same
And chalcara I definitely am swayed by the art and pages too!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
In general, I feel a good summary should tell me why I should read it, rather than what the comic is about. (Those two things are closely related and definitely overlap, but not 100% the same.)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I like this idea a lot. I also think a good summary should match the tone of the story, and kind of give you enough to get you interested but without telling you what really happens in it
I'm not reading a list of traits about your story, I'm reading a bit of an intro to it to get all excited
Feather J. Fern
I agree with Keii and Deo. I want to get excited to know more, not "Ugh I can get this but better elsewhere" from a summary.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think that might be a helpful group exercise to do sometime in story_help maybe -- workshopping a short paragraph/long sentence/list of reasons of "why you should read this comic." It'd be like, an informal rough draft of a pitch maybe?
Anyway, I'm also in camp "art plays a big role." It's not necessarily how pretty the art is, or how much I like the art as art. More like, what kinda vibes is it giving off? Would I like a story with these vibes?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, the art and summary kinda gotta feel like they mesh, they don't HAVE to and there are exceptions of course but for that first impression glance I think it matters a good bit
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I’d be down for some synopsis workshop!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
yes please!
Q (Wayfinders: Off Course)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Feather J. Fern
Eeeeh I'm kind of the oddball in this, I can't write a good synopsis to save my life, so I almost never read them. Not even on recs, promo threads, or masterposts. Usually I go by how the comic looks via the banner/thumbnail/promo art, or if I stumbled on an update showing pages with some interesting content. I would rather have the comic show me what it was about. Maybe if the comic is really young and I can't tell where it will go, but I'm intrigued by what I read so far, I'll then read the synopsis. Even though I'll read just about anything sometimes a genre will catch my eye, usually something really rare for webcomics like: Horror, thrillers, mystery, or anything with the word psychological.
I usually look for keywords that hook my interests specifically when reading a synopsis- words that stick out or create an intriguing combination An example of this os XII: Of Magic and Muses use of 'magical horror light show' was an insta- intrigue! And i def find it most important for people, when making synopsis, to use key words or phrases that make them stand apart. What is it about your mystery story That's so mysterious? Or what makes your romance so special? Twists and unexpected words are also an easy way to pop up in searches too!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't usually rely on a synopsis to determine whether I'll read a comic. As others have said, most of the time I just start reading if the art caught my eye and the genre is something I like. That being said, there are times where a synopsis has really sold me on a story, and it almost always includes the "who," "what," and "why." (Sometimes also the "when/where," but it's not always necessary.)
(Also, if we do a synopsis workshop, I want in. I'm horrible at writing them.)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm sure there's people who'll be down to help you out anytime in shop talk
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
If something says it has pirates I'll click on it usually
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Yo read Tiger Tiger https://www.tigertigercomic.com/tiger-tiger/
Tiger, Tiger -
(@sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD))
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I've seen this before! I read a little bit of it and there was this one scene that was very close to something I've drawn and it freaked me out a little bit. Tiger Tiger is a really great comic though and I appreciate it a lot. It does also have a lot in common with Joe Is Dead and I appreciate you recommending it!!!
Feather J. Fern
Oh speaking of summaries and premises, what are people's keywords for things that does make them read it instantly or things that a premise does that make you want to stay away? I mentioned genre failing but what gets me to click is if the premise itself has good grammar. Soemtimes you get some wonky grammar in the premise statement and it alerts me that the rest of the comic might not be as well edited as I thought.
Oh an a pet peeve, lack of punctuation and capitalization in the premise.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@Feather J. Fern I definitely also get put off by grammar errors in summaries.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm not sure if there's a good way for me to talk about my major turnoffs in summaries without offending those who like to read/ make such stories...
I think what gets me to read is when a synopsis is written in a way that’s off beat, or like they’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it. The synopsis has time put into it, it makes me think that maybe the story itself is a bit more unique or polished, and if the synopsis is generic I feel like the comic might be generic.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I am repelled by mentions of religious topics like gods or demons. Stories like those usually rely heavily on Christian themes that are too far outside my cultural grasp for me to relate to or enjoy
Feather J. Fern
Oh what does grab me is stories that are inspired or made in other cultures than my own. That makes me want to learn more about that culture
I do really like foreign stories. Sometimes I want the familiarity of a cultural context I relate to, but I do like to explore worlds that I’m unfamiliar with
That’s kind of how I feel about Heart of Keol, I’m not very familiar with South Korea so I feel like I’m learning a lot through the world itself, even if it’s historical fantasy based
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
As for keywords I look for in summaries that might actually get me to read: words like "discovers," "mysterious," "ancient," or phrases like "learning to be human."
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The culture talk reminds me! I like stories that focus on non-mythological aspects of a culture. Not that I dislike mythological stuff, but the non-mythological stuff, the mundane everyday omnipresent aspects seem so awfully underrepresented.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
That's basically my favorite part of culture!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I don't code, but if I could, I'd be tempted to quickly make a bot that generates summaries based on the phrases/keywords that have been mentioned in this channel, haha
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Like the way people eat, or what they wear at festive events(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
"Mysterious pirates discover ancient culture. Shenanigans ensue."
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I'd read that tbh
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah or like, even just everyday life things that you don't really think about until you go to a place with a different culture. Suddenly you become aware that you're sitting, standing, walking, looking (as in using your own eyes) different than everyone else
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I would read that because of the pirates
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Even stuff that's considered fairly universal, like smiles or laughs, are different
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) Or certain hand gestures that may be offensive or mean something entirely different in other places(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's true! (though I feel hand gestures, you're at least aware when you use them)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Or how eye contact is received
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
To be clear I don’t have anything against the culture. Stories exploring aspects of unfamiliar cultures are usually really cool. It’s specifically when a story is founded on religious beliefs that I don’t understand and don’t ascribe to that I have a hard time getting into a story because it’s too much work to suspend disbelief and live in that unfamiliar mindset while reading
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, that's fair
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Even if it's fantasy religion?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Especially if its fantasy religion tbh. They’re usually grounded in Christian beliefs by some way or another because of their commonness in culture and expect readers to have a base knowledge of those things
Fantasy religions are rarely made of completely unique material. Its always gods and shrines and prayer
Feather J. Fern
I also like it when the summary is straight forward with not too many crazy descriptions. It's hard to get into a story if they are already throwing all the technical jargon of that fantasy world at you. At least for me.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I agree
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, succinct summaries are Good
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Ah.... I understand your aversion, but I've kind of come to terms with the fact that religion is often so innately tied to culture.
Feather J. Fern
I think Sssfrs is talking if the entire story is based in religion or just a small part will turn you away as well?
I am sure there are stories where a bit of religion is talked about but not a focus
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
If large parts of the story require base knowledge of Christian religion to fully comprehend mainly
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Ohhh, yeah that's definitely far more understandable
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I just have a hard time following whats going on
I specifically mean stories about hell or demons. I once read a webcomic about nuns in a cloister that I really enjoyed
You know ironically, I can't really answer this question without out talking about what turns me away. Now on the one hand, there are certain keywords that will get me to look, but these are 100% about what I'm subjectively look for (like anything with royalty for example). So I don't think these synopses qualify as having convinced me so much as they basically included metaphorical hashtags that I was looking for. As for synopses that actually convince me, it's generally a lot more about it not having things I consider a turn-off. Things that turn me off include: -Being too vague and mysterious. I actually want to understand the who and the what I'm jumping into. -Prioritizing the "message" and/or themes of the story in the synopsis too much. In my experience, this usually means the themes will override the plot which doesn't generally make for good writing. -Too much emphasis on "This story is [insert popular mainstream media] meets [insert other popular mainstream media]." It can be powerful if used correctly, but in most cases I just find is alienating because I'm either a) unfamiliar with one or both of those mainstream medias or b) don't like those mainstream media its referencing -Too lengthy. I find lengthy summaries just paint a poor reflection of what the comic is as opposed to painting a better picture (which is usually the intended goal). There are probably more I'm not thinking of, but my overall point is I'm not overly picky about synopses. None really convince me so it's more about not convincing me to leave.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
You know, in some cases "it turns me off because I don't like the mainstream media it's referencing" might actually be a good thing. IMO the job of a synopsis isn't only to attract people; it is to tell inform people whether or not they might enjoy the thing.
So if a synopsis includes "panty shots galore!!!" and it's accurate... that's not a bad thing to include, even if it will keep me away
I'd agree if not for the fact that a lot of the comics I've read who did this were either a) not really like the mainstream media they were referencing or b) something I still enjoyed despite the comparitive since the comic didn't do the things I disliked the mainstream media for
tho panty shots galore is a lot diff than what im talking about
so i mean like i said
it can be powerful
and a good tactic to target a specific audience
but its a thing you have to be extremely careful with
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, sometimes what you disliked about that comparison media is not why they're referencing it
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Definitely true!
I think those types of comparisons might help you sell your story to a large company by saying, "Look! I make something with marketable qualities like these mainstream stories!"
But it doesn't accurately depict your work to its fullest
Yeah which is my issue when theyre done poorly. Theres a lot of synopsis I've seen that kind just use that instead of also trying to paint their own unique picture. So I only have the mainstream media to decide what to expect.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Oooh, yeah, it shouldn't be the only description
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I'm probably more turned off when I don't know the media. Cause even if I dislike the media there are usually good aspects I can hope for. Like there have been a few synopses I've read that are like "It's a lot like Buffy the Vampire Slayer". And I just sit here blankly staring cause I've never seen a single ep of it
So there's no hope
Cause I wouldn't know what to hope for XD
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
And then the inverse happens because the readers who have seen Buffy and enjoyed it perhaps liked it for different reasons than why you compare your work to it.
So then they are disappointed when those aspects are not included
Yeah. So I mean, I've seen it used really well, but it's super a double edge sword in all cases.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
As a reader, I feel the comparison is more interesting when I hear about it (e.g. "[this mainstream thing] was one of the main influences for this story") after I've already started reading it. I've had a few cases where I was like ooooooh, that hadn't occurred to me before, but now that they mention it...!!!!!
Ah I have had that happen. Cause to be fair I don't always even read the synopsis till later. XD
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
This is a little hard for me to answer because often I jump into the comic without reading any synopsis... but when I do, I like them short and sweet, like an elevator pitch, almost, or very efficient in giving me the bare bones of setting, plot, stakes. An example of the first one is from Awfully Decent Fellows by Ironscarf (find it here https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Awfully_Decent_Fellows/) : A group of friends plan a murder mystery themed evening, only to find they have a real mystery to solve: who's murdering Miss Scarlet?
The other that would be representative of what gets my attention is something like Potato & Kraut's blurb (read the comic here https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Potato_and_Kraut/ ) : Set in early 20th century Ireland, Potato and Kraut centers around two young girls - one Irish, the other German. Brought together by unpleasant circumstances, the odd pair form a close relationship, only to be separated years later by even more unpleasant circumstances - the Great War. This story offers quirky folks, all kinds of love, a bit of silliness, a few tears, a couple of pet pigs and the occasional bloody nose. Welcome to Ireland!
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Sweetwater Revenge: A Choni AU
A Riverdale AU in which the Blossoms are a very old vampire family and the serpents are vampire hunters. With a peace treaty between the Blossoms and the serpents, all seems calm. That is until the ghoulies, an insane breed of vampires, begin to push their way into town. Shocking murders rock the town, but is it vampires, or is it someone out for revenge? On the other side of things is the Lodge family, still buying up land with a different, but sinister, plan.
Choni is the main focus of the story, enemies to lovers type deal. All other characters are treated appropriately.
Riverdale was the town with pep! At least that’s what the faded sign on the town border said. In reality, the town was far more ominous than advertised. Darkness clung to everything in sight. The people, the places and, of course, all the ill formed alliances, were all shrouded in mystery. That mystery being several hundred years in the making.
Over the years the town became divided as more people failed to see eye to eye. It was understandable, given the circumstances. While most towns grappleed only with politics and poverty, Riverdale was forced to deal with something far more sinister, death.
The sprawling Thornhill Mansion on the highest hill served as a constant reminder of the terrible truth. Etched on the rusting gates was the phrase“Radices Currere Abyssi.” It was an old Latin phrase for Roots Run Deep. Those roots were deeper than anyone but the Blossom’s knew. As the founders of the town, the Blossom family owned much of the town, including Thornhill.
Most people considered Thornhill to be a home of horrors, haunted not by ghosts, but by the living. Though, some would disagree with the word living. It didn’t really apply, at least not to the Blossoms.
The town, and more specifically the residents of Thornhill had a secret. Vampires were not only real, but they owned most of the town. They weren’t vampires in the sense that they glittered in the sun and were tentative friends with werewolves. Rather, they were the sort that had a blood cellar instead of a wine cellar, and were remarkably old. No one had an exact number, but they founded Riverdale nearly 250 years prior. They also had been rumored to be around several centuries before then.
This was a difficult concept for newcomers to grasp. As such, most of the town consisted of the original families that settled there just after Riverdale’s founding.
The main families were the Blossoms, Coopers, Andrews and Lodges. The Lodge family was the sole family to actually leave Riverdale, but like most others they returned.
Riverdale was a magnet forged by demons themselves. It didn't matter that most town’s didn't have vampires or mysterious deaths. It was a town comparable to no other, a piece of it living inside each resident. No one stayed gone, not for long.
                                                         * * *
It was an exciting day for the people of Riverdale. The high school specifically was abuzz with rumours of the new arrivals. The Lodge family, though one of the original families of Riverdale, had been in New York for nearly twenty years. It marked the longest departure of the original families.
Hermione and Hiram Lodge had a daughter, Veronica, while in New York. After some legal trouble, the disgraced family decided to return to their humble roots. That's what was exciting people the most. The older folks in town knew Hermione and Hiram, but no one knew what to expect from Veronica.
Betty, of the Cooper family, was first to break the news in the school paper. It didn't take long before all of Riverdale followed the peppy blonde’s lead, trading rumours like it was a new form of currency.
It was no secret that the Blossom family both owned and ran the small town, located on the scenic edge of Sweetwater River. However, the Lodges had made a name for themselves in New York, and a showdown was inevitable.
People already knew a lot about the Lodges. For instance, Hiram and his wife started Lodge Industries together. Carefully and over time, they wove a tangled webb of various businesses, some legitimate, some not.
It was some of their earlier businesses that finally caught up with them, landing Hiram behind bars. Though, just like with everything else, money was key. After only six months in jail, he was released. Following the advice of their many lawyers, they decided to start over in Riverdale.
It wasn’t until eight thirty a.m on a breezy Tuesday morning that the news finally felt real. With the front door to Riverdale High slammed open, in came a girl with dark black hair, a neatly pressed skirt matched with a ruffled blouse and elegant string of pearls around her neck. Veronica Lodge had arrived.
Silence engulfed the crowd of onlookers until Betty stepped up with an outstretched hand and her swinging signature ponytail.
The two could not have appeared more differently. Betty with her pink cardigan and comfortable jeans, next to Veronica and her oversized sunglasses and razor sharp high heels. Anyone who knew Betty would tell you she wasn’t afraid of anything. So with a smile, she announced, “Hello, I’m Betty. Welcome to Riverdale.”  
Veronica made a show of removing her glasses and gripping Betty’s outstretched hand. “Hello to you. As I’m sure you know, I’m Veronica Lodge.”
With a smile, Betty released her hand. “Yes, we were expecting you today. Can I take you to the office? You can pick up your schedule and locker number there.”
“Of course” She responded quickly, with an eye on something behind Betty. “Maybe along the way you could tell me about that red hunk of handsome.”
Turning, Betty saw none other than Archie Andrews. He was her best friend and nextdoor neighbour. He was sweet, and the closest thing to selfless a person could be. She didn’t much like the idea of introducing the two just yet.
On the way to the office, they ran intoto Kevin Keller, king of snappy comebacks and stating the obvious. He was a good friend of Betty’s, but as Veronica so animatedly offered to take him in as her best gay, she grew quickly weary of the newcomer.
It wasn't until after escorting her to the office that they ran into her worst fear, Cheryl Blossom.
Everybody was aware of who and what the Blossoms were, but generally didn’t speak on it. It was best to stay out of their way and, when necessary, give them what they wanted.
Cheryl’s striking red hair seemed to light her milky white skin on fire while her eyes felt as if they went through anything she chose to glance at. She moved abnormally quickly, but not enough to make obvious what she was.
What gave her away the most was the way she seemed to float rather than walk. Sure her fit actually touched the ground, but did so in a way that Cheryl appeared weightless.
Stepping to the side, in order to not be between them, Betty made quick introductions.
“Veronica, this is Cheryl. She is captain of the vixens, our decorated cheer squad.”
Cheryl chuckled menacingly, lacing her fingers together. “Oh sweet Betty, you know I’m far more than a mere cheer captain. I run this school and my family runs this town. Be warned, daughter of a sleazy conman, no one gets in my way.”
Crossing her arms, Veronica fired back, “I didn’t realize you and the rest of your blood thieving family could even venture outside during the day.”
“There is a lot you don’t know about my family, and if I were you, I would keep it that way.”
Neither looked like they were going to back down when, like a saint on a mission, Jughead Jones swooped in. Flannel shirt around his waist and pin decorated beanie cut in the shape of a crown, made him stand out in a crowd. His distracting presence was sorely needed.
“Whats up ladies?”
“No one was talking to you, hobo.” Cheryl replied coldly.
Veronica took a different route, with a sickly sweet voice and fluttering eyelashes.
“You are a welcome break from the Anne Rice novel I seem to have gotten stuck in. Hello there, I’m Veronica.”
“Charmed” Jughead said, failing to hide the sarcasm. “Betty, are we still on for Pop’s later?”
“I’ve lost interest in this sidebar.” Cheryl flipped her hair and floated away.
Betty chose to ignore them and only answer Jug, “Yeah, and how’s your dad?”
“Oh he’s fine, you know him, not even a Ghoulie can take him out.”
“That’s good Jug, I’ll see you later. I’m going to show Veronica to her first class.”
“Yes, dogooder Betty, on her first mission of the day.” Jughead gave an awkward bow and narrowly avoided Betty’s playful smack.
When they finally arrived at the classroom, Veronica boldly asked, “What’s a ghoulie?”
Betty thought for a moment, trying to figure out a short but accurate answer. “They are like the Blossoms, but much worse. Compared to them, the Blossoms are basically as human as you or I.”
Veronica nodded, but still looked confused, as she should be. Even Betty, who lived in Riverdale her whole life, couldn't fully explain or understand the ghoulies. They were vile, insane creatures that masquerades as a local gang. Of course they were not to be confused with the serpents. Sure they also wore leather and caused their fare share of chaos, but they were human and,  most, had morals.
For the moment, that was all Veronica needed to know. After all, she was new and not many people should be trusted in Riverdale.
                                                         * * *
Toni’s day was going much like any other. Wake up, go to school, cause a bit of mayhem, and end up at the south side bar, The Whyt Wyrm. Even being in the serpents had become more about going through the motions than anything else.
She had been lured into the gang because of her grandpa’s tall tales of vampires running wild and the small group of indigenous people that fought back with the only known weapon, the venom of a massasauga. Only the venom of that particular serpent could take down even the strongest vampire. For safety, a group of men began to gather regularly and used to the venom to take out any vampire preying on their tribe. They called themselves the serpents and her history began.
After the peace treaty with the Blossoms, nearly forty years prior, things quieted for the serpents. The peace treaty only covered the Blossom family, all other vampires that came near their land were still up for grabs.
Toni had never met a Blossom, mostly because the peace treaty only meant a cease fire, not that old wounds were healed or that there was even any understanding. They were still the enemy, and that was fine by her.
The ghoulies were both a whole different story and breed. While the Blossoms drank only from blood bags and willing donors, the ghoulies drained anything human. Whether it was a man, woman or child, they weren’t picky and never left an ounce of blood to spare.
The serpents managed to keep them out of Riverdale, both the north and south side up until that point. Rumours of them growing restless, however, had been confirmed when several ghoulies were spotted circling the perimeter of Riverdale.  For the moment, all the serpents could do was keep a close eye on them. Some members wanted to go after them, but most realized their dwindling numbers would not produce a victory for them.
Her days of checking on ghoulies and pouring beers were shaken up when FP, king of the serpents, announced they had been paid off for a simple job. They were asked to takeover and trash the drive in theater. It was true that the job wasn’t exactly usual for them, but it seemed simple enough and they were all low on cash. Toni figured it was as good a job as any. She could use a break from the monotony, and trouble was her favorite extra curricular.
For the north side, there was nothing better to do than a movie at the drive in and a milkshake at Pop’s. For the south side, there was nothing better to do than bother the north side. They had a funny relationship that way.
Unlike a lot of the southside, Toni didn’t hold any ill will against the people of the north side. Sure they were annoying, stuck up and had a nasty case of tunnel-vision, but they never did anything specifically against her.
So while she was happy to pester them in the name of fun, thats where Toni drew the line. She joined the serpents to protect people from the ghoulies, not deal drugs and rob the north side. The serpents had lost their way, and she wasn’t yet in a position to point that out.
Instead, like the good soldier she was, Toni marched into the drive in, large bucket of popcorn to toss and orders to bug as many people as possible.
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Sun hasn’t died
You know when I asked for a disgustingly fluffy prompt which a few people were actually kind enough to send me? Yeah, turns out I actually wanted to get this out of my head. It’s loosely based on the Radioactive video and I kinda maybe would write more about it if you’re interested; please keep in mind that I wrote it very quickly because I had to get it out of my head to write something else, so ... eh. Let me know with kindness.
The crowd is loud and Magnus is bored, a drink in his hand, his elbow resting carelessly on the armrest, middle finger against his lips.
He doesn't care much for these fights, only shows up because Camille would never let him hear the end of it if he didn't. Plus, he's never been a gambler – he doesn't really believe in luck and he doesn't have it in him to pay enough attention to figure out who might win. He's never really enjoyed violence either, he's never developed a taste for it, unlike his companions who keep yelling and laughing, intoxicated – then again, they are all so young they probably haven't seen enough of it yet.
Sudden silence falls over the crowd in waves, starting from the last rows, working its way up to the enclosed square of dust and dirt, startled and hostile, so much so that even the fight stops, vampire and werewolf taking a step back, chests heaving and glistening under the dim lights of the basement, and Magnus feels Camille straightening up next to him, coiling like a snake ready to strike.
Magnus raises his head, the shadow of the black hood covering his golden eyes, magic already dancing between his fingertips, under his skin, just in case – Valentine's monsters have never found them there thanks to his wards, but it's not like there's peace even between survivors.
He stiffens when he sees a Shadowhunter making his way trough the crowd, vampires and warlocks and werewolves hissing and snapping their fangs at him, but the Shadowhunter doesn't pay them any attention.
He's tall, tall enough to tower over most of the crowd, not terribly broad but definitely not lean, black, messy hair too long on his forehead, hazel eyes betraying his nerves as he stares at the ring.
Magnus knows Camille is smiling next to him.
-Don't even think about it,- he murmurs, voice hard. He knows everyone can hear him.
Camille ignores him and studies the Shadowhunter like he's the most delicious thing she's ever seen: -What do you want, Shadowhunter?- she asks, voice thick and overly sweet, like honey making its way over to him, and Magnus presses his lips together.
The Shadowhunter keeps his hands pressed against his thighs, elbows straight – probably to avoid crossing his arms over his chest. He raises his head defiantly as he looks at Camille, his eyes moving quickly over Magnus: -To fight,- he says, blunt and dry.
Whistles and shouts erupt around him and he doesn't flinch.
Magnus speaks before Camille can, can already feel her excitement thrum in the air and he's not going to clean up that mess: -We don't let the children of the Nephilim play with us.
Someone groans in the crowd as the Shadowhunter's eyes settle on him and Magnus is glad for the black hood that's covering most of his face, doesn't enjoy that scrutiny at all.
-But he's asking so nicely,- Camille says, her voice betraying her annoyance at being stepped over; she leans forward, sinuous: -And he's so cute,- her eyes shift towards Magnus, -I bet even you wouldn't mind seeing him fight.-
But then she turns to the crowd and Magnus knows he will lose this battle.
-Wouldn't we all love to see a Shadowhunter fight?
The cheer that erupts is almost deafening.
Camille huffs when she notices the hard set of Magnus' shoulders, the way his fist is tight on the armrest: -You should learn to enjoy yourself, Magnus.
Magnus keeps his eyes on the Shadowhunter entering the ring, nervous energy flying between his fingers: -He's going to get hurt,- he murmurs, furiously, -We can't afford a war against the Shadowhunters.
-Relax,- Camille says, sounding like she's rolling her eyes, -Everyone knows you don't tolerate deaths in our ring.
-Your ring,- Magnus grunts, and Camille laughs.
The Shadowhunter is dressed in simple black, black shirt, black trousers and black boots, black and purplish runes wrapping around his arms and neck, and Magnus rolls his eyes when he sees his opponent.
Aloysius is a huge werewolf from New Jersey with a buzz cut and a brain that doesn't match his muscles, which means they're just hoping to see the Shadowhunter piss his pants.
Camille sounds overjoyed when she says: -Begin!-, and the bell rings.
The Shadowhunter is good. He doesn't dive into the fight without thinking, doesn't let Aloysius' size intimidate him. His fists are wrapped in white bandages and he holds them high, defensive as Aloysius talks some shit about his mother that makes Magnus roll his eyes.
When the Shadowhunter attacks he's nearly too fast to see: Aloysius crumbles down, his hands pressed on his stomach as he growls, more wolf than man, and the Shadowhunter takes a step back, moving with small jumps; the crowd whistles and boos and a small smile curls Magnus' lips.
He's not a huge fan of Aloysius – the werewolf doesn't have any grace or technique when he fights, he's simple brutality, and they've often had to pry him off his unconscious opponents, so Magnus is all for someone teaching him a lesson.
Of course, this doesn't mean that the Shadowhunter is going to have it easy.
Aloysius drops the taunting and holds his fists up high, growling, fangs pressing against his lower lip, and then he moves.
There are no rules in the ring apart from don't kill and don't bite, so Magnus sits up straighter, his hood pushed back enough that he can see the ring as Aloysius attacks, relentless, fury and hurt pride pushing him, making him lethal; the Shadowhunter keeps his movements clean and elegant, he's fighting by the book, and Magnus thinks that's probably his first mistake when Aloysius catches him on the jaw, the Shadowhunter's head snapping back.
The crowd cheers.
None of these fighters learned to fight with rules. They fight for survival and fun.
Magnus' fist is tight on the armrest and Camille chuckles next to him: -Pretty boys were always your weakness,- she comments, careless.
Magnus glares at her for a moment only, doesn't miss the redness already blossoming on the Shadowhunter's chin. -I'm making sure he doesn't get hurt,- he says, cold.
-I don't doubt that,- Camille says, gesturing for one of her vampires to bring her a drink, -It's the reason behind that that makes it interesting.
The Shadowhunter lands two punches in quick succession and Aloysius takes a step back, swings wildly and catches him in the side.
Magnus turns towards Camille, his eyes bright with magic and his voice hard and cold: -I enjoy this so called peace we have with the Shadowhunters who are actually on our side and I don't have any intention to jeopardize it to have some fun, unlike you.
Camille's grin turns into something cold and ugly, her red lips pressed together; she looks away to take her drink from the vampire and sends him away with a flick of her wrist. -No need to get snappy,- she says.
Magnus turns to look at the fight again. He knows he shouldn't have. Camille can hold a grudge for decades.
Neither Aloysius nor the Shadowhunter look like they're in particularly good shape. Their punches don't look as fast or as focused and the Shadowhunter isn't moving around as much, just trying to keep his strength as he ducks and hits back, ducks and hits back.
Aloysius seems to be getting angrier and angrier with every punch that hits him, his growls louder and deeper in his chest as the wolf flickers in and out of his face, and Magnus knows, knows that usually, by now, he'd receive a warning, but not now because Camille is pissed at him. Damn it.
His fingers are drumming on the armrest, magic so close to his skin that the air around him is shimmering.
He sees the moment the Shadowhunter decides that he's not going to lose this.
There's a stubborn set to his jaw and he takes a deep breath, sweat shining on his forehead mixed with the blood spilling from his eyebrow and his lip.
And then he moves.
Aloysius doesn't even see it coming, hits reaching him everywhere on his torso and his jaw and his throat, the crowd in a stunned silence when the Shadowhunter kneels, quick, and hits his knee.
Aloysius falls to the ground, screaming when his knee hits the dust.
The Shadowhunter stands up again, his arms and legs shaking, his chest moving erratically to keep up with his breathing.
He stands there, arms dangling at his sides as he breathes in, and Magnus lets himself relax in his seat, a smile curling the corner of his lips.
The Shadowhunter turns, his back to Aloysius' heaving form, and the crowd takes a small step back from the ring.
Magnus' lips curve up into a full grin.
But then there's a body launched towards the Shadowhunter, so fast that Magnus has not time to see, to think, he simply raises his hand, energy flying around the Shadowhunter, protective, and wrapping tightly around the body.
The Shadowhunter turns, chest heaving, eyes wide, and the crowd murmurs as they recognise Aloysius' wolf floating a foot away from the Shadowhunter.
Magnus' lips curl into a grimace, blue and golden energy still flowing from his fingers. He stands up, slowly, black cape falling to his feet; his voice is calm despite the anger boiling right beneath the surface: -You know we don't appreciate sour losers, Aloysius.
He lets a quick burst of energy run through the golden strings wrapped around the werewolf and he sends him flying backwards, crowd parting behind him as he hits the rope around the ring and drags it to the ground.
Magnus' eyes scan the crowd: -Anyone else?
A few murmured nods and some quiet steps back and Magnus drops the shield around the Shadowhunter, who's still looking at him with wide eyes.
Magnus tilts his head towards him with a cat-like smile. He says: -I think we have a winner.
He finds the Shadowhunter in the room on the back that works as a pretty depressing locker room after everyone else is gone; he has his head against the wall and he's sitting on one of the benches, probably the only one that's not falling apart, his eyes closed as he simply breathes.
Magnus says: -Good fight,- and the Shadowhunter immediately sits up, eyes flying open, his shoulders tensing. His hand immediately covers a battered paper bag on the bench. Magnus smirks. He bet on himself.
-Thanks,- he says, clearly wary of him, his eyes alert.
Magnus shows him his hands in a peaceful gesture: -I have no interest in hurting you,- he says.
The Shadowhunter studies him for a moment, his eyes like blades in Magnus' mind; he seems to give up: -I guess that makes sense,- he says, -And it's not like I could defend myself if you did.
Magnus grins, and the Shadowhunter eyes him differently now, more curiosity than mistrust. -Thank you,- he says, different, more sincere, like he's carefully weighing his words, -For what you did.
Magnus half-smiles at him, no real humour behind it: -Like your people like to say, dura lex.
A self conscious smile curls the Shadowhunter's lips, and he winces when it pulls at the cut on his lip.
-Why don't you use an iratze?
-Don't have my stele with me,- the Shadowhunter says, fingers moving carefully on his face to gauge the damage, -It's always dangerous to take it with me to the matches.
He stops and looks at Magnus like he thinks he's said too much; his eyes are bright under his messed up hair, in the midst of his skin darkened by the ring's dust.
-You do this often then,- Magnus says, not quite a question as he moves closer to the Shadowhunter, inspecting the cuts on his face.
The Shadowhunter moves backwards slightly, his head hitting the wall: -It's the only thing that feels real,- he murmurs.
Magnus' eyes snap into his, his fingers a few inches away from his face, magic already thrumming beneath his skin.
He knows what he means.
He snaps his fingers, focusing back on the cut on his lip, and lets his magic flow from his fingers, lets it knit the skin together, lets it wander on the Shadowhunter's skin to find scraps and cuts and bruises and pushes the blood back in his veins.
A relieved sigh escapes the Shadowhunter's lips.
Magnus' lips curl into a smile and he playfully taps on the Shadowhunter's chin when he's done, right under his lip, enjoys the way the Shadowhunter's eyes seem brighter when he opens them, there's a moment of quiet where they are just breathing, lips parted and eyes wild.
And then the Shadowhunter's lips are pressing against his, dry, like he's gasping for air, and Magnus tenses, takes an instinctive step back, eyes wide and shocked staring into the Shadowhunter's as he immediately starts babbling: -I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I just – -
But then Magnus is kissing him, no grace or finesse, just lips pressing against lips, taking and looking for life, the Shadowhunter's hands in his hair and he feels more real than he has in months, he whispers: -What's your name, by the way?- when they stop to breathe, and the Shadowhunter chuckles, says: -Alec,- breathless, -Yours?
-Magnus,- Alec repeats, like he's testing it between his lips, leans forward to kiss him again, inhaling through his nose into the kiss, -Nice.
-Yeah,- Magnus breathes, a grin on his lips before he kisses him again, diving after the erratic beating of his heart, -Nice to meet you.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
Ghost (1990)
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Ghost is a great date movie. Whether you’re trying to impress a girl with your Swayze-like charms, or your feminine side wants to test your date's ability to respond to emotions.
After Sam (Patrick Swayze) is murdered, he stays on Earth as a ghost but is unable to interact with his lover, Molly (Demi Moore). When he realizes his death was no random event, he enlists the help of Oda Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldberg), a reluctant psychic.
Ghost isn’t just a romance. It isn't just a comedy. You begin and essentially end with a romance. Two people, in love, torn apart by a tragedy. The most famous scenes in this film are from right at the beginning where see Sam and Molly make some sexy pottery together (not a metaphor) and there's a lot to enjoy from there. It has one of the most romantic and tastefully done love-making scenes I've seen. Your interest in the couple is greatly amplified by the actors' chemistry. This is what you use to rope in your partner. They’ll be hooked by the romance and will eagerly await what's next (you will too). Consider it a bit of a test. If your date thinks the scenes where that juke box is singing ballads to our couple are hoaky, give them the boot right there. Don’t waste any more time of your time.
Then, we get to the body. Here, we get a good balance of big laughs courtesy of our straight man Swayze and our funny lady, Whoopi Goldberg. Often, comedians are cast in comedies as a way to boost a lousy script. Director Jerry Zucker and writer Bruce Joel Rubin play to the actresses’ strength. She’s got snappy lines and excellent timing. Sam and Oda Mae are placed in a series of hilarious situations, the best of which have the two of them working together to protect Molly from a threat she has no idea is coming.
There’s a third part to this film that a lot of people probably haven’t thought of or noticed but that’s what I’m here for. This movie has a lot of romantic scenes, and many funny ones as well. It also contains is a villain you'll love to hate. Not only because they’ve offed our dear Swayze, but because of what they do afterward. You just know they're going to get what's coming to them, and that it's going to be a deliciously ironic fate like you would in an episode of Tales from the Crypt.
As for criticisms, I must point to two scenes that establish both Molly and Oda Mae as dumber than the audience. I understand seeing a ghost or believing in the supernatural is a pretty big revelation that might get you upset. The issue is that anyone who has seen any movie ever knows better than to try to convince other people that ghosts are real. Imagine your house was suddenly under siege by werewolves. You wouldn't tell that to the 9-11 operator. You would say some scary-looking thugs in animal masks are trying to break in, and that they have guns. Not in this world. It’s nowhere near enough to sink the movie, but worth mentioning as a weakness.
There’s a little bit of something for everyone in Ghost. It’s not just a chick-flick that will have you teary-eyed and weepy. It’s got heart, comedy, and great performances. Whoopi Goldberg, in particular. It even has a few dark laughs to offer and an original take on a ghost story. You can tell why it has endured. (On DVD, July 31, 2015)
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