#which ummm is in the skull
fishfilletinacan · 5 months
drawing idea whoa umm Skull sitting in a dark (yet friendly!) Portland Row while everyone’s asleep reading a magazine or something sipping a cup of ectoplasm
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amoneki-ramblings · 5 months
Continuing on the religion thoughts/rambles
I just think that a really interesting comparison could be made between ghouls and needing to eat human flesh/blood and like communion/the eucharist?? Like hear me out,
You could probably already draw the connection with people having to eat the actual body and blood of christ and ghouls needing to human flesh. There's also the fact that this practice is an actual necessity for ghouls, like they depend on it to live, as it's the only thing they can consume that'll actual sustain them (unlike coffee), which makes it sacred in a way (not to mention ghouls treat humans/human bodies in a special way that doesn't translate to humans, for example donato mentions how they view the head as the "centerpiece" of a meal, and it is a special part of ghoul meals, we see Yomo put his hands together and bow his head before collecting corpses, the way Shuu acts about his gourmet meals sometimes (also reminding me of a line I saw once in a tg fic, "Not the blood of Christ but certainly the blood of someone else"), etc., just the way that (by some at least) it's held in high honor, and it is a sacrifice).
There's also the fact that hunger will drive ghouls to insanity (and cannibalism still slowly eats away at their minds), the only way they can be "saved" from this fate is consuming human flesh
There's this one verse; John 6:53 that has multiple variations but generally goes “Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, there is no life in you" While it can be very symbolic in the context of religion for ghouls it would be very literal, as they have no choice but to consume the body and blood of humans or they slowly and painfully die
Just. Something something comparison between ghouls eating humans and communion, something something corruption of religious ideas because the lives of ghouls and their need to kill and feed off of humans is regarded as a sin/sinful. Does this make sense.
Ummm I was gonna try and fit that in with amoneki but I ran out of thought juice orz. Tbf I think this kind of connection/irony would definitely not be lost to Kaneki, I think he'd have some interesting thoughts on that as well I just forgot where I was going with this :skull:
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childhoodgrave · 1 month
who do you go for in stardew valley? (im gonna guess... harvey or krobus? it feels wrong only guessing guy characters but none of the girls really seem up ur alley) also what skill do u end up maxing out first, if you've played multiple files? what kind of farmers do u end up making. r they self inserts or ocs. hi
HI GENO i was like how do you know ive been playing so much stardew valley recently and then i remembeted we are steam friends and ive also been. posting about it a lot LAWL ok so i do actually really enjoy harvey and krobus especially but ive never actually romanced any of thw guy characters they are completely uninteresting to me in that respect even though unfortunately i think they get to be more interesting than most of the women SADLY. a lot of my more recent playthroughs i have gone for krobus or havent pursued any romance options bc i jist like the grind more… i dont think ive ever even gotten to the point in marriage where u like have children at all BUT when i was very very into it in early high school i usually went for maru or abigail. and funnily enough on my current playthru im trying to go 100% on i actually married haley LOL idk why but i now find her very cute.. i feel like she didnt have much of an interesting like arc? infact i kind of enjoyed when she was much meaner to the player character and wish she stayed that way even after she gets closer to you but OH WELL i am just very charmed by her currently.
ummm ok im trying to remember for skills i think i usually end up maxing out mining first… i love the mines but ive never even reached level 100 in the skull caverns yet.. IM TRYING TO THOUGH. fishing is very fun but usually for the first year or 2 in a playthru its not what i focus on. AND my farmers are literally always self inserts lol i dont play many games w like character customization stuff so when i do i usually end up making a self insert.. though if i ever emd up playing bg3 i plan on coming up w just like an oc for it. here what i look like on my singleplayer file AND then how i look in the coop file ive been playing a lot w my friends which i actually prefer more to how i look in single player but ive been too lazy to change it..
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I LIKED THIS QUESTION ALOT and now i want to know what your answers to all pf this are im curious..
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sickvacuum · 4 months
Oh I gotta know more about "a bar…? Like in music?"
Cuz as a musician too i am like "Yes, which bar we talking about?" haha
right off the bat I’m rlly not that much of a musician I’m self taught and just help lead small youth bands n stuff hahah BUT
yeah this is age swap too! This was basically how Teru and Mob meet after their fight together, which is at a bar! Except I’m not old enough to drink and have never set foot in any type of rowdy bar, so it’s mostly formed after movies and things I’ve heard lol.
I’ll add some of it here too cause I like it, I might end up posting this on ao3 at some point in time? I’d just have to explain the context haha. Basically, Pre SnS, Mob worked at a museum. He has the typical repression of his emotions and dislike of using his powers, though he also has a lot of fear surrounding alcohol because in high school he was invited to a party and the people there spiked his drink to get a reaction out of him. In this, Mob got a call to exorcise a spirit at a bar!
Oh and Teru’s scar is from their fight, not from Claw lol. A poor man’s substitute for having his hair shaved off.
The sooner he found this spirit, the sooner he could get out and go home. 
Focusing on the feeling of the aura, Mob traced it back to its source. It was vaguely familiar, but in a way he couldn’t place. It was similar to how most spirits come across. Full of tumultuous feelings that Mob had a hard time tracking. Hints of anger, notes of distaste, and fear seeped out of the source, clouding the air in another level of confusion for Mob to try and read.
But one thing that Mob could sense clearly from the way it throbbed throughout the crazed energy in the room was that it was in pain.
With a soft frown, Mob pushed through the crowd once again, navigating closer to the actual bar seats. He paused once he could see a good view of the people sitting around, watching the bartenders make drinks for the people who ordered and chatting with customers.
He could feel that the aura was located here, but he had a hard time telling where the spirit was. There wasn’t any tell-tale sign of a glowing glob, which made Mob worry that this would be one that he would have to use thought to exorcize. He could barely think straight with the music and voices pounding into his skull! How was he going to focus on using his abilities?
None of the people seemed to be possessed, which was good. 
Oh— well, maybe that one guy? Oh, no, he’s walking away now…  ummm…
There weren't that many people left at the bar. A man and a woman were chatting it up, both of their words slurred and their actions uncoordinated as they attempted to flirt. Well, what Mob assumed was flirting. It was extremely hard to tell.
At the other end of the bar was a small group of men who appeared to come from after work, all clanking their drinks and making continuous toasts whenever they could think of something remotely praise worthy.
Sandwiched in the middle was the frame of a young man slumped over onto the counter, his head pillowed on an arm and his finger lazily twirling the ice in his drink. His medium length blond hair hid any defining traits that Mob might’ve been able to pick out.
Maybe he should just try and talk to the bartender. That way he didn’t have to interrupt the strange courting session, nor try and talk to the intimidating work group. And he figured waking up an almost sleeping person wouldn’t be good etiquette, especially since the reactions of drunk people weren’t ones that Mob liked to experience.
Mob glanced around before he walked forward and sat down in the chair next to the blond. The bartender noticed his presence and came over as he dried off a recently used glass. “What can I get for you?” He asked, setting the glass down and tapping his fingers on the counter.
“N-nothing, thank you—“ Mob winced as the businessmen gave an uproarious cheer, the sharp clanking noises piercing Mob’s ears. 
The bartender gave the men a quick look that went unnoticed before turning back to Mob. “Alright.”
Mob fiddled with the cuff of his coat sleeve, looking at the groups and people around him. “Have- have you seen any sign of spiritual activity going on tonight?” He asked the man, raising his soft voice so that he could be heard.
The bartender sighed (more with his body and less with his voice since subtle things like that got missed in the noise) and shook his head. “The only ‘spiritual activity,’” he grumbled, making air quotes, “comes from him.” He nodded to the blond next to Mob, who had fallen asleep with his finger still in his cup. “He’s a psychic from what he’s told me. Normally he doesn’t bother anyone with his abilities though.”
Mob glanced over at the man next to him, watching the shallow rise and fall of his back. “A psychic?’ He repeated, his voice wavering.
What was a psychic doing in a place like this? Clearly his powers were doing something. How… how could he not know how dangerous it is to be drunk as a psychic? That— he— Mob couldn’t even fathom the idea of willingly doing this! This- This man could destroy everything around him!
“Like I said, he’s normally pretty good at not flying things around,” the bartender said again. He hesitated. “Though, he has had more to drink than usual today.”
Mob frowned and nodded in thanks to the man before he was called off to go assist the couple.
He turned to look at the fellow psychic next to him and pressed his lips together. He tried to reach out with his aura to get a read on the other’s, but the moment he released it the slightest bit, Mob’s hair shot straight up and he gasped. He reeled back in his abilities as fast as possible, his heart hammering in his chest. 
As if on cue, someone knocked into him and shoved him so far forward that his chin slammed on the counter. Mob clamped down a yelp while the person pushed off of him and continued on their merry way. 
He wanted to go home. He wanted to get away from this overstimulating mess and lay in bed under his warm covers and hide from everyone else in the world for a few precious hours. But he was stuck here with a psychic who— who must not care for anyone around him!
“Excuse me,” Mob started, reaching a tentative hand out but stopping before touching the man. He leaned a little forward, bringing his face closer to the where the man’s hair blocked his own. “Are you awake?”
He watched the blond strands flutter slightly, the absence of response being taken as a no.
Mob nudged his shoulder only for the melting ice cube in his cup to fly towards his face. Mob let the cold square smack him in the forehead, freezing water mixed with whiskey dripping down his nose and cheeks. His trembling hand pulled the ice away from him and set it down on the table, wiping his face off with his sleeve as he desperately tried to keep his rising feelings down. He could feel his skin prickling and his aura beginning to leak into the area around him, causing the edges of his clothing to rise.
H-he wasn’t even drinking and he wasn’t able to control himself. The man who was black out drunk was better than he was.
He had to get out. He had to get out or else some- something awful would happen and- and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself! He— he had gone through this before, he should know better! He should’ve known better than to even step foot in this place, but here he is! Putting everyone around him at risk!
He’s so dangerous— He’s so incredibly dangerous and he has too—
“You’re nngh…messing up my mood,” the man next to him groaned, his words slurring as he inhaled deeply. 
Mob froze and looked back at him, watching as the man stretched his arms out in front of him, his forehead pressed to the counter. “Your aura’n’ shit is bother’n me…”
Mob straightened and got off his bar stool, his legs feeling like jelly. “Your psychic abilities are causing a disturbance,” Mob informed him as professionally as he could. His voice shook as he felt his insides being torn up by electricity that he couldn’t let go. “We need to leave—“
“Do I know youu?” The blond asked, sitting up slowly. “Youuu—” he sang, turning towards him and flashing a grin. “—sound familiar.”
The little bit of color in Mob’s face drained away as he realized who the esper was.
It was hard not to recognize him. He still had the charming smile plastered on his face, and his medium-length blond hair still looked perfect despite being messed up from his stupor. He had the unforgettable electric blue eyes that hid who knows how many insecurities behind them. But the most notable to Mob was the fresh scar that traced up Hanazawa’s cheek and curved around his nose. The one that ‘ruined’ his face, the one that was talked about in celebrity news, and the one that Kageyama had given him.
It was Teruki Hanazawa. The man who fought his way into Mob’s life and seemed unable to find a way out of it. 
That’s a lot to share ahah, especially out of context… oh well
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treecakes · 2 months
tagged by @loquatenjoyer69 thank you crow!!!
do you make your bed?
ummm if i have people over. or i’m going away for a few days. otherwise not really 😭
what’s your favourite number?
what is your job?
i work as a student digital archivist ^_^ and photographer primarily dealing with artifacts. and most insanely and very recently a set of skulls. which i hated.
if you could go back to school would you?
i’m im undergrad still! for anthropology with a concentration in archaeology. and i want to get my masters in heritage preservation. i’m actually going to begin applications very soon…. after that who knows. but a phd scares me. and i’m content with a masters probably. lol.
can you parallel park?
ummmm maybe. badly.
a job you had that would surprise people?
no one believes me when i say i worked at a liquor store for over two years 😭 most insane job ever but it was fun and kind of low-effort when i worked mornings. which i mostly did. but my boss always Also put me on the register (alone!!!) on friday nights. which sucked so bad busiest night of the week and i was the only register. insane. but even customers thought it was weird that i worked there one guy told me i was too modest to work at a liquor store…? 🤔
do you think aliens are real?
yeah the universe is just so enormous there has to be other life out there, even if it’s not to the level of human intelligence there’s stuff out there
can you drive a manual car?
i can barely drive A Car.
what’s your guilty pleasure?
just really abysmal low quality shows movies etc. like i get so angry but that’s the fun to me i like it. keeps me entertained.
no but i have a few i want maybe. idk. i keep changing my mind but eventually i’ll get some probably
favourite colour?
to wear? maroon or navy blue. to look at? green.
favourite type of music?
indie/folk or rock. or jazz.
do you like puzzles?
any phobias?
if you show me a photo of a bug i get freaked out.
favourite childhood sport?
only sport i’ve ever done was x-country running in middle school and i was bad at it. otherwise i’ve always hated sports and will not partake.
do you talk to yourself?
sometimes. when i’m mad. otherwise not really.
what movie(s) do you adore?
i love kiki’s delivery service and mystere a la tour eiffel. that second one is kind of mediocre but i love it and have seen it one billion times
coffee or tea?
tea!!! i love it so much. i like white tea the most or if i have a migraine i drink peppermint for the nausea. but i have a whole collection of tea otherwise those are just my favourites
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
construction worker….
you! the person reading this!!!! say i tagged you and i will smile so wide :)
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helluva-dump · 8 months
Hey guys… so I wanna take a break from critiquing Viv and just want to share some art for fun.
Though, I’m actually nervous to. Because part of it is mainly gonna be oc x canon stuff as well as ummm… writing dark headcanons of stories of certain characters….
So I had want to tackle the serious topic oc co*rcion similar to blitzo and Stolas, but it involves one of my ocs. But I also wanna talk about purity culture, it’s harm, and I’m basically wanting to do my take of Heaven and headcanons I have for it.
And ummm these dark headcanons I have involve Adam… yes admittly I thought the idea of Adam being the leader of the executioners was extremely stupid and the leaks I’ve seen were eh… But let’s just say he somehow warmed up to me and I found a way to make him slightly intimidating.
Actually my friend @samiliy4me has been doing headcanons and ideas of Adam and we’ve done a lot of roleplays and omg… the way she writes him is so sinister yet fun. We’ve done roleplays of him with our Angel ocs and it’s been giving me content to do things with my Angel oc
She also did amazing headcanons for Mammon and keeps him an asshole in our roleplays which also gives me content for my hellhound oc.
Now that being said with things concerning Adam, my main thing with him is to criticize toxic masculinity within Christianity and all the Republican Christins that use religion to harm others. While my Angel girl and others badly want to help restore heaven with the New Testament. I’ve been watching history of Christianity and how is slowly because something republicans used for evil (when it wasn’t always like that )
So yeah… I may touch on a sensitive topic with Adam and one of my ocs… but here’s the thing, I am NO WAY gonna romanticize this relationship. Some of this is based on personal experience to help me cope with trauma.
And I know how many antis in the critical blog tend to act like babies over things like this.🙄 Thing is I get it, Viv doesn’t know how to properly discuss this topic without separating her n*nc*n kink. Besides, he’s not even the oc I’m gonna have my Angel end up with.
But I’m also scared shitless of the fandom taking mine and a friend’s take on Adam super personal because me and her refuse to sugarcoat him or do draco in leatherpants. Like the idea of him fascinates us and I rather actually write him being A villain Same with Mammon since we refuse to woobify them.
Now don’t get angry fandom…. I actually may redesign Adam…. BECAUSE GOOD LORD HE IS A PAIN TO DRAW. THIS IS WHY FANS REDESIGN. ITS NOT ALWAYS IF MALICE ITS JUST HARD TO DRAW SOME DESIGNS. I’m gonna do the same for Lute since she also looks tedious.
I won’t change to much of his design but I may change his horns and give him some skull mask.
Also I’m gonna make Bee into a bug/canine hybrid and make her be a princess while her mom is the actual queen since I love that idea Lovearts made.
And possibly do shippy stuff with her, Tex, and Loona… I’m mainly an oc x canon and self shipped but idk I feel like this OT3 can help me develop Loona as a character.
Do you guys care to see these ideas I have? I really don’t want this fandom to get the wrong idea of me as well as the critical community.
I don’t always agree with critical takes and I try not to jump the gun with every allegation if the evidence is flimsy. BUT this doesn’t mean I like Viv as a creator and the spindlehorse as a company since I do believe there’s mistreatment and Viv is kind of toxic.
But hey, I love Ren and Stimpy and hate John K. Been a Catscratch and earthworm Jim fan and hate Doug TenNapel so separating art from the artist is not gonna he that hard for me.
I’m still a fan at the end of the idea and these roleplays and such I’ve done with friends gave me fun art ideas.
But yeah would you guys care if I share this stuff?
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tokito-dulya20 · 3 months
Feel free to ignore this ask. But just note that my other moots will be getting this same ask, but with different descriptions.
I have a challenging for you.
I will give you the description of a random character, and you have to try and draw them, following my instructions.
You may or may not know the character that you get.
Here, is your character.
This character is a heavy-set, muscular dark-skinned man. His right arm was mangled in the loss of his hometown, and has been replaced with his weapon, the gun arm, which lets him interchange various weapon attachments to it. He has several bands of metal around his waist, and a tattoo of a skull on his left shoulder. His hair is cut similar to a hi-top fade. He has a thick beard, as well as two dog tags around his neck. He has three scars on his right cheek. He also wears a silver hoop earring in his left ear. His appearance is a dirty brown vest, green pants, and large brown boots, as well as several bonds of metal on his remaining arm. In between his appearances, a few modifications are made to this: He now wears sunglasses (that possibly serve as ballistic eyewear), a black tank under his vest (with visible chest hair), cargo style pants, and zipper-black styled boots. On his remaining arm, he wears a leather bracer with small metal plates strapped on top of it instead of the simple bonds of metal, and his basic gun-arm resembles a modern rotary-style machine gun. He is a passionate and emotionally-driven leader, caring deeply about his cause and his teammates. His energetic, rousing speeches motivate his team, whose burdens he promises to lift. His passion is a double-edged sword, and can lead him to be reckless.
(He also has a daughter!)
(Wuz gonna give this one to Kimmie, but saw her requests were closed, so here!)
ummm.... unfortunately, my requests are also closed as well due to me being busy.
i cant do it.. sorry (T▽T)
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 4 months
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my thesis advisor gave me this book recently, for me to keep forever. it seems like for my thesis i'm going to write about artefacts of the globular amphora culture
this book was published in 1967, so it's ummm how to say it's nicely. a classic publication. nobody read it before, so i will have to cut all the pages. it's a perfect opportunity to test my paper knife i got recently, it;s made of antler and i'm slightly obsessed with it. this book spent almost 60 years on bookshelves in different museums and univeristies until it found me.
i think i will love the globular amphora culture. they had very nice richl;y decorated pottery. i've got to make a replica of their pots one day
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they were nomadic pastoralists :3 which is a nice coincidence, bc nomadic pastoralism is one my my favourite subjects. herding mostly pigs and cattle. almost complete lack of spindle whorls suggest that they didn't have textile production. they practiced human sacrifice, especially of children. and also there is a lot of evidence for their cannibalism (the cool kind of cannibalism). another cool thing is that they were building megalithic tombs, with burial chambers made of giants stone slabs, which is an impressive thing in poland lol. there are many burials of ppl without heads or alternatively, burials of decapitated skulls. cattle had a very important role in their society so there are also fascinating cattle burials, with up to 10 cows buried together, with grave goods and sometimes also accompanied by human sacrifice. overall everything about them is rather creepy and exciting. i can't wait to to see my arrtefacts >_<
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
The man accused of breaking into US politician Nancy Pelosi's home and attacking her husband with a hammer was motivated by conspiracy theories, his lawyer has said as his trial begins.
David DePape believed Mrs Pelosi was part of a plot to "manipulate the country" and "steal votes from Donald Trump", a court in San Francisco heard.
He faces two federal charges, including attempted kidnapping of a federal official.
Mr DePape, 43, has pleaded not guilty.
If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison for the attempted kidnapping charge and 30 years in prison for assault on a federal official's family member.
After the attack, Paul Pelosi spent six days in hospital with a fractured skull.
During opening arguments on Thursday, Mr DePape's defence conceded that their client attacked Mr Pelosi in his quest to find the California congresswoman.
But they said his interest in Mrs Pelosi was not due to her political status.
"The reason he acted had nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi [and her] official duties as a member of Congress," defence attorney Jodi Linker told the court.
Instead, Ms Linker said he was driven by right-wing conspiracies that blame the country's demise on corrupt elites who use their status to spread lies, including facilitating the sexual abuse of children.
"Members of the jury, many of us do not believe any of that," Ms Linker said. "But the evidence in this trial will show that Mr DePape believes all these things… with every ounce of his being."
Prosecutors argued that Mr DePape was calculated and intended to kidnap Mrs Pelosi and hold her hostage in his "plan of violence".
They showed jurors the hammer used that night and pictures of Mr Pelosi in the immediate aftermath of the attack, laying in a pool of blood.
The first witnesses called by prosecutors included three police officers who responded to the emergency call, a crime scene investigator and a police lieutenant who interviewed Mr DePape.
Mr Pelosi, 83, also suffered arm and hand injuries in the attack and is expected to testify from the stand next week.
According to court documents, on 28 October 2022, Mr DePape broke into the Pelosi's San Francisco home using a hammer and asked for Mrs Pelosi, who was not there at the time.
Mr Pelosi then called the police who arrived and found the pair jointly gripping a hammer.
Officers asked Mr DePape to drop the weapon, to which he replied "ummm nope", before he "swung the hammer abruptly and forcefully at Mr Pelosi", according to court documents.
Body camera footage later released showed the encounter between Mr DePape, Mr Pelosi and police.
Mr DePape told police at the scene that he was sick of the "lies coming out of Washington DC".
He told police in an interview after his arrest he had a "target list" that included Mrs Pelosi, and that he planned to hold her hostage and break "her kneecaps" if she did not tell the "truth".
At the time of the attack, Mrs Pelosi was Speaker of the House of Representatives and second in line to the presidency.
The trial resumes on Monday.
In addition to federal charges, Mr DePape faces state charges, including attempted murder, residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, threats to a public official and others that carry potential penalties of 13 years to life in prison.
Mr DePape has also pleaded not guilty to those charges.
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fishfilletinacan · 6 months
ummm umm AU in which Penelope Fittes happens to come down when Lucy is trying to apply to work at Fittes and she gets noticed (maybe Ezekiel senses her power or they notice Lucy hears Ezekiel speak?) then promptly hired on the spot so that Penelope can keep an eye on her. She works for a bit at Fittes, slowly building a solid reputation for being skilled, even though she was hired without her 4th grade passed. Penelope tactfully shows her favoritism toward her, and Lucy obviously believes this is her chance of a lifetime. But she’s beginning to have doubts in the back of her mind. Things that don’t add up. Of course, she meets Lockwood and George. Uhhh maybe she’s on Kipps’ team and meets them through the Bickerstaff affair? Works w them that way? Either way they all become buds. She goes over to Portland Row, helps them out when she can. Fittes is a large agency, so it’s not very homey; it’s not hard to imagine that she would be lonely. Penelope so would prey on this. Lucy becomes Lockwood & Co.’s “man on the inside” in a way. She doesn’t really like Fittes, either. Reminds her too much of her old agency. She has to be careful not to alert Penelope to her suspicion or where her true loyalties lie.
In terms of the ghost jar it would be super cutesy if Lucy stole the skull instead of George ahaha
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bread--quest · 6 months
mokita !! aaand 6 my favourite number. they don't have to be in the same piece i just couldnt choose between the two on what to send
hiiiii i swear i didn't forget about these! i just ummm was saving them for a rainy day. yeah. and its not actually rainy right now but i am waiting for the bus and whenever im waiting for the bus i am, emotionally, waitin' for the bus in the rain (in the rain). ok anyway here u go
mokita (kilivila): a painful fact everyone is aware of but which--out of compassion--no one mentions
All of the Masgor Marimorts know that Phanta's always been a little...odd. Talking to people who weren't there, smiling at the wrong times, having imaginary friends long past when she should have grown out of it.
Most of her friends have been imaginary, really. In hushed conversations late at night, Hazel and Joel wonder why it is their sweet little girl can't find anyone living to hang out with. She's all of 14 now, and mostly remembers the basic politenesses they've tried to teach her and doesn't usually mention ghosts for at least 15 minutes of conversation, and they think she's perfectly charming even if she is a bit strange, so why can't she find any living friends?
Shelie's hypothesis is that even if Phanta may insist on clinging to beliefs with no basis in reality, they're her little sister, and they've never done anything wrong in their life, and high schoolers are stupid. So there.
Phanta, for her part, doesn't usually seem bothered by this. And the rest of her family has become quietly resigned to the sad fact of it. And yet, when Phanta starts chattering on about her new best friend Leviat at the dinner table, Hazel still hopes enough to ask "And where'd you meet?"
"Oh, the graveyard!" Phanta says happily.
Hazel and Joel exchange glances. Shelie sighs. They all agree, without saying anything, not to push it. Let Phanta have her ghosts.
"That's great, honey," Hazel says.
an-n-n-nother day goes by! so hold me tight, hold me tight– or don't!
"I'm pretty sure my whole family thinks you're not real," Phanta says brightly, balancing precariously on the graveyard gate.
"Watch it, idiot, don't fall off and crack your skull open," Leviat says.
"Or– they think you're a ghost, and they don't think ghosts are real," Phanta says, leaning backwards against Leviat's good advice so the gate swings backward. "Whee! Anyway, don't you think that's funny?"
"Yes you do! I can tell!" Phanta struggles to lean enough to swing the gate back in the other direction–"Watch it—" and is eventually forced to concede defeat. "Anyway, even though it's funny to let them keep thinking that, I still think you should come meet them! Shelie would really like you, I think. You both like a bunch of the same stuff, like being good at crosswords, and doing surgery on stuffed animals, and hanging out with meeee!" They do little jazz hands on this last word.
Leviat rolls their eyes. "I already said no, and I will continue to say no until you give up or the sun fucking explodes, the latter of which is starting to seem more likely."
Phanta sighs. "Oh well. Doesn't really matter, I guess."
"Nothing does."
"Nope!" She hops off the gate and swings it fully open invitingly. "Come on, let's go see if they've come up with a new kind of pasta yet!"
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bonefideqt · 2 years
Northern lights
A little birthday drabble for the lovely @valacre who shares a birthday with me. I hope you will like this and Happy birthday!
Underlust Sans = Charm
Not long now until this day would end and a new one begins. Tomorrow was your birthday and you couldn’t wait to spend it with your partner, Charm. This time it would be different as you had brought them with you to your old home town. Sitting in the comfortable window seat you looked out on the night sky as you reflected on the day. You had spent the day sightseeing and showing your sweet partner around. It was so fun to show them all the places you knew and used to hang out.  
Tomorrow you had planned to have a quiet morning together, before you would have lunch with the family, then you would take Charm to one of your favorite places before you would have a nice romantic dinner together. Only a few minutes remain until the day would tick over. Charm had insisted you stay up until midnight so they could be the first one to wish you a happy birthday.  
A warm mug of hot cocoa entered your vision and you smiled up at Charm, 
“Thank you love, just what I needed.” 
Charm snuggled up next to you on the window seat and you both enjoyed the hot cocoa and each other's company. Once mugs were empty Charm but them away and replaced your empty hands with their own.  
“i’m so lucky to have you in my life sweetheart. truly blessed.” You could help but blush, even when you guys had been together for a while, they still never failed to make you blush. Charm started to play with your hands and he seemed a bit nervous all of a sudden.  
“i’ve been practicing this for a bit now to get it right, but i’m not sure i’m saying it correctly. S-so umm, here i go.” 
Charm took a deep breath and looked into your eyes.  
“Gratulerer med dagen...? J-jeg elsker deg...” Charm looked so focused and uncertain as the words they spoke were unfamiliar to them. You were surprised, they had learned how to speak some Norwegian, you mother tongue.  
“o-oh I totally butchered that didn’t i... oh no ummm.” Placing a finger on his teeth you silence the poor monster and gave them a warm smile.  
“No love, you said it loud and clear. Thank you, so sweet of you to learn how to say that.” You cupped their face with your hands. You loved this goof so much, and you told them just that and they melted against your hands.  
Gently you pulled Charm towards yourself and you gave them a sweet kiss. When you both opened you eyes you both gasped. You because you saw how the northern lights danced across their skull and the childlike wonder you could see in their eyelights. Charm was mesmerized by the northern lights not having seen them before.  
“Beautiful.��� you whispered softly. 
“yeah, it is.” Charm softly whispered back. They looked back at you only to realize that you had only been looking at them and not the sky. Their skull lit up that lovely lavender you loved so much. With a smile you kissed them before cuddling up and looking at the northern lights. You felt Charm give you a light squeeze before they further snuggled up, you could just faintly hear them whisper, 
“happy birthday sweetheart. i really am lucky” 
Yeah, you couldn’t be happier and you firmly believed that you were the lucky one here. 
I really hope you like it >w< Had this idea last night and I just couldn't leave it. Might write something for myself later on. Just haven't decided on which bone boy I would like for it lol. Not sure I could write for more then one skeleton right now. We'll see what I get inspired for later. I'm Norwegian and it's also my birthday today so this little drabble is relevant for me as well :3 Lust Sans is such a sweetie.
Gratulerer med dagen = Happy Birthday
Jeg elsker deg = I love you
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udaberriwrites · 1 year
Hm, how about Julian Bashir for the character ask game?
Julian Bashir
1: sexuality headcanon
Disaster bi, emphasis on the disaster. Most likely xenosexual too, and proud of it.
2: otp
Being completely unoriginal, my otp is with the tinker, tailor, soldier, spy himself, Elim Garak. They have so many little, flirty moments, seriously, plus there's the other ways they fit together. They both know the value of secrets, they can let their guard down around each other, they understand the other on a deeper level, and it just works, idk.
I'm also unreasonably attached to my little Julian/Leeta/Rom rareship, even if it has pretty much no basis from canon. It's still cute and mutually supportive and I love ir.
3: brotp
A tie with both O'Brien and Dax! They fit different niches in his life, but they are trustworthy and dependable but also willing to get drawn into the stupidest contests and petty debates with him.
In other words, O'Brien is the "our braincells cancel each other out when in close proximity friend". Dax is the bi "let's rank how hot everyone on the station is" bestie.
4: notp
None really? Ummm... maybe Kai Winn? On the basis of her being Kai Winn and thus opposed to fun? Though talk about crack pairings xD
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I really like the idea that he's on the autistic spectrum, because the genetic treatments certainly weren't a "cure". He just learned to hide and create very convincing masks while he was under his parent's thumb.
On a lighter note... that he also has slept with Captain Boday, and like Dax he doesn't understand why the transparent skull would be a problem.
6: favorite line from this character
"It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Are we so different from the Romulans or the Cardassians? If push comes to shove, if we become... angry enough or desperate enough, would we stay true to our ideals? Or would we just... return here? Right back were we started?"
Oh Julian... the show is going to take that question and beat you and Sisko both over the head with the answer ☹️
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I mean, fanfic writer here, I admire his and O'Brien's dedication to LARPing xD
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The 'crush on Jadzia' subplot from the beginning of S1. I was thankful when he outgrew it and I don't buy the "it was true love" pitch the show tries to sell me. It was a crush, and their friendship was beautiful, shut up.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll.
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hi margo!! <3 so i listened to tamino’s songs FINALLY!! i made sure to soak in how unacceptable it was of me to find out about him so late 😔 truly a crime.
i listened to the habibi ep, which i really liked! my favourites are habibi and cigar i think. i also listened to persephone which is ummm beautiful??? i’m in love with his lyricism. “one could call me cruel and deceiving, but in your sacred air i am full of light” LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! crocodile and tummy are so good too!!
off of amir, i think my favourite songs are so it goes, verses, and w.o.t.h (oh my god im obsessed with this one).
the first disciple is so beautiful too, and i’ve had fascination on repeat!!
sahar is probably my favoured album over amir. my favourite songs off of it are definitely the longing, sunflower, cinnamon (😭), and a drop of blood. also his high note in my dearest friend and enemy??? in love with his higher register omg it’s magic
i’m seriously so enamoured with him omg. his voice is so so beautiful. all of his songs are so moving and have so much depth to them, plus, again, his lyrics?? i can’t. i’m so mad at myself for not discovering him sooner bc he’s incredibly talented!
hi vivi! <3 yes! i'm so happy that you finally found him! i've discovered his music a few years ago and i've been obsessed ever since. it's a shame so few people know about him! he deserves way more recognition. but from what i've noticed, there's been an influx of fans in the fandom recently which i'm very happy about!
i absolutely adore cigar. it's one of my favourites. from what i've heard, it was inspired by van gogh's skull of a skeleton with burning cigarette. the influence is also visible in the music video. have you seen it? if you haven't, you should definitely watch it. it's great.
i know, right? he's not only a talented musician, but he also definitely can write. i love tummy! listening to it feels like soaking in sunlight.
my favourites off amir are indigo night, chambers, tummy and cigar, but i love your picks as well. honestly, i love every single one of his songs.
yeah, i have a soft spot for sahar too. my favourites are fascination (i had this one on repeat for WEEKS. and the music video... it's so pretty!), cinnamon (yes, i totally agree) and you don't own me. I KNOW. that moment in my dearest friend and enemy is a religious experience.
again, i'm SO happy you discovered him. life's so much better when you know he exists on this earth. and a quick question... don't you think he's like one of the most beautiful men alive? because i keep saying that all the time and my friends shoot me confused looks... i don't understand them.
(sorry it took me so long to respond. the past few days were crazy.)
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ultramantr1gger · 2 years
LYCHEE if you were any object which one would you be I would be a piece of notebook pTITS JUMPSCARE
Tumblr media
umm ummm id go the easy route and say shadow plushie but thats predictable so i think id be a sick ass skull bandanaGWWGAUWOAH
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 2 years
Oh heyyy Mango, been a while how you been?
Anyway. Fic. Ummm. Honestly there's too many 😂😭 one that I've wanted to write forever that would be a huge task but no mental strength for that these days was a mostly Gosalyn centered fic that....hmm how to describe this.
Basically the idea was to take what little bit we had of Negaduck from DT17 and then have there be an intense story involving a face off between him and our DT17 Drake with Gosalyn winding up a bit caught in the middle. I'd aim for writing Drake the way I have him in TA&TA where he's not full on egomaniac but a little more so than he appears in DT17. Negaduck/Starling would be...Essentially the same lol. Gosalyn would be the character I'd be taking the most liberties with since we don't have a whole lot of her to work with. I'd try to still keep that signature Gosalyn big spirit in tact but I'd be wanting to push her in ways we haven't seen before, either in the original Darkwing show or in DT17. And of course we have Launchpad who is a gem as always. Unlike TA&TA (well, minus lately because my skull is on fire) I didn't quite know where I wanted this story to go beyond a vague idea of an ending which is a huge part of why I've never done anything with this idea 😅 I see some character moments that are beautiful and heart wrenching but it needs a lot of fleshing out before I could even begin to write anything. So yeah, whoops. Maybe someday.
Gah I miss my ducks. I need to get back into writing my ducks.
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