#who remembers the post I made about the royal guard zeroing in to the fact that Fox was going to be their future prince?
varpusvaras · 3 months
Sateen and Sheltay are the first ones to notice.
Of course they are. They have to watch Bail constantly sigh wistfully every time the Commander comes up on conversation even in passing, or watch him try to not be too eager every time he is inviting the Commander over for a cup of caf. Her Majesty is not any better, according to Visaiya, and the three of them quickly for a habit of reporting just how bad the Senator and the Queen are pining this week.
It doesn't take them long to notice how the Commander increasingly accepts every single invite for anything Bail just happens to give him, and it takes even less time for the Commander to become Fox and for Fox to become very permanent fixture in all of their lives. The rest of the Guard follows suit, of course, but Fox is the one who has his own designated cup in the office and who both Bail and Her Majesty are constantly fawning about.
Then Sateen walks in one day in the middle of Bail and Fox making out in the office, and that's the day Fox becomes the boyfriend of their employers.
It takes only a few months for Bail and Her Majesty to start talking about weddings and living situations and everything of that sort. Sateen is not the one who let's it slip. Neither is Sheltay. In all honestly, Sateen just thinks that the three of them are way too obvious, as, two weeks after the first time Sateen had heard the word marriage come out of Bail's mouth, the entire Royal Guard had somehow gotten the memo.
Sateen hears them whisper about it constantly. They all seem very excited about it, and the only thing Sateen can do is to wish Fox luck in his mind.
It's very hard for Fox to not notice how every time he goes anywhere publicly, there always seems to be a member of the Royal Guard there.
Fox doesn't mind them, not at all. They never try to interfere with his work, quite opposite.
He is walking down the hallway of the Senate Building one afternoon, his hands uncomfortably full and his mind definitely fuming a bit. He was the Commander of the Guard, a highly trained soldier, not some secretary-
There's a door that needs to be pressed open. Before Fox can even begin the task of balancing all of the datapads and flimsies on his other arm so he can get his other arm free, there are hurrying steps coming towards him, and someone speeds past him.
A Royal Guard slams his hand on the door panel, and it slides open.
"Good afternoon, Commander", the Guard smiles at Fox, breathing just a little heavily. "After you, please."
Fox is...not really sure about what is going on.
"Thank you", is the only thing he can come up with at that moment. The Guard smiles a bit wider and bows his head down a bit as Fox walks past him.
"Can I help you with those?" He asks, and Fox, definitely not knowing what is going on anymore or how he should react to anything, let's him take almost all of the datapads from his arms. The Guard seems weirdly happy to do so, and he cheerily bids Fox farewell as Fox reaches the doors to the Chancellor's office.
He needs to talk about this with Bail the next time he sees him, Fox decides.
Fox hates mornings.
He used to bee good with them, but that was before his hours of sleep had decreased to four on average. So now Fox is not good with them anymore and he hates them.
He is still on time, on his way to oversee way too many security points for the mornings meetings and other visits, and he definitely isn't only half awake under his helmet. His average of four hours of sleep is after all, an average, so the last night had been a night that had brought the average down. Fox really wants to just get into the elevator and doze off for a moment longer.
The elevator is broken. So is the next one. And the next. And the next.
Fox stares at them. Stares at the stairs to the left. Stares at the elevators again.
He could take the elevators on the next hall over...does he have clearance to use those? He's not sure. He should, most likely, but even more likely he doesn't.
Fox stares at the elevators. At the stairs. There are a lot of stairs.
Then there are two Royal Guards, making their way towards him.
"Good morning, Commander!" They both greet him. Fox hopes that his own greeting of "morning" sounded awake enough.
"Do you need to go to the upper floors?" One of them asks him. Fox thinks he has seen him before. "All the elevators here are out of order, but you can take the ones next halls with us!"
"Thank you", Fox manages to say, because he is still not completely awake and he is confused again about the cheerfulness of the Guards in front of him.
He follows them to the elevators, feeling a bit like he is the one being guarded on his way, with one of them walking next to him and the other two steps ahead. They open the elevator doors, let Fox get in first, and then stand in front of the doors the whole way up. One of them steps out first, like he is checking the perimeter, and then the other lets Fox step out before him.
"Have a good rest of your day!" They say as Fox leaves them to go do his work.
Almost three hours later Fox walks back the same way, and the Guards are there, now with a travel cup of warm caf.
"Here, Commander", the one with the cup says, and gives it to Fox. "Do you need to go down?"
Fox nods, and says thank you again, because what else is he supposed to say?
He stands at the back of the elevator again on the way down. Neither of the Guards say anything when Fox lifts his helmet and takes a sip of the caf. It's a good blend, and it's very, very sweet, just like Fox likes it.
They walk him out of the elevator. Thire is there, with a squad of Guards, ready to move out to the next location. None of them say anything about the cup in Fox's hand as he gives them the orders and climbs into a speeder with them.
"Are you more awake now?" Thire asks him as they get on their way. He's smirking behind his helmet, Fox can hear it in his voice.
Fox lifts his own helmet again, and takes another drink.
"Now I am", he says, ignoring the quiet laughter coming from Thire.
Nights on Corucant can be surprisingly cold.
Fox doesn't get it. The weather is already controlled, and there are no large ecosystems left that would benefit from having the air temperature lowered this much. But, it is what it is, and now Fox is cold.
He is also tired. Again. This time because it is very much closer to midnight now, which means he has been awake...almost a whole day. If he doesn't count the ten-minute naps he managed to take every now and then.
He should be calling for someone to come pick him up. It's not safe for a clone to be alone on Coruscant, even if they are a Commander. Fox lifts his arm, ready to open his comlink and get himself a lift-
-when there is a speeder stopping in front of him, and a Royal Guard jumps out.
"Good evening, Commander!" He greets Fox, even tough it's definitely not evening anymore. "Can we take you back to the base?"
Fox is tired, he is cold, and there is a speeder ready for him.
He's not stupid. He nods.
"Thank you", he says. The Guard opens the door for him and lets Fox climb in first, and Fox swears that he bows his head down a little as well as Fox walks past him.
The speeder is warm, a lot warmer than Fox thinks they usually are, like the heating has been put on full just before he got in. The flight to the base is relatively a short one, and once again, the door is opened for him.
"Have a good night, Commander!" The Guard says, and yes, he is bowing his head down ever so slightly. "We'll see you tomorrow at the Senate!"
"You too", Fox says. The speeder doesn't leave until he has walked through the base doors.
It's been a moment since Fox was back on Coruscant.
Bail doesn't really like Fox coming to visit him there. It's not that he doesn't want to see Fox, but Coruscant was all that Fox knew for the entire war, and they both know how Coruscant can be at it's worst. Bail's protective streak is definitely rivaling Fox's own, and Fox can't really fault him for it.
There is a speeder ready for him, waiting just outside the landing platform.
The Royal Guard waiting next to the speeder smiles at Fox.
"Good afternoon, Your Highness", he greets him. "To the Senate?"
Fox smiles back.
"Good afternoon", he greets, and nods. "Yes, thank you. You got me anything good today?"
"A lot of things", The Guard laughs a little as he says it, and he opens the speeder door. "I heard Amedda got into a little...accident, lately, so to say."
Fox grins.
"That's definitely something I need to hear about more", he says, and steps into the speeder.
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argylemnwrites · 3 years
First Noel
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, set around Chapter 21 of that story)
Word Count: ~1800
Rating: R (language, as always)
Summary: As their first Christmas together approaches, Drake and Riley find yet another element of their backgrounds they share.
Author’s Note: Not me posting a Christmas fic after the holiday, hahaha. The truth is that I am trying to get back into the swing of writing, and since I have painfully neglected Why Are We Still Waiting? I wanted to write something in that universe (I haven’t forgotten about that sequel, I swear... if anyone else still cares about that fic, hahaha). The whole discussion of “Walker Christmas” is something that actually really resonated with me during The Royal Holiday. As someone who has needed to work many Christmases, my family would often pick a different day to celebrate to accommodate my schedule, so the Walkers celebrating after the official holiday really rang true to me. So, in the ICWAM universe, this is how Riley leans about that tradition (and posting it after the holiday was totally on purpose *cough cough*)
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Riley knew she’d fucked up. There was no point pretending that she hadn’t. The bad part was that she couldn’t really fix it. She was stuck. She was going to have to tell Drake, and she was absolutely dreading it.
Since he’d come back from Cordonia, things had been good between them. Really good, actually. They really hadn’t had any fights or spats or disagreements even. They had both been trying to be open and supportive and it was working. But now, that was all going to change and it was all her fault.
She’d reflexively agreed to work Christmas without really thinking about it. When Cam had asked for volunteers, she’d thrown her name out there instantly. It had always been her habit, having never had anyone to celebrate with and knowing that the odds of getting generous tippers on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were way higher than your average night. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she hadn’t worked on Christmas.
Except this year, she actually had someone to celebrate with, and she hadn’t really thought about that fact until about fifteen minutes after she’d offered to pick up the holiday. She would have felt like a selfish bitch to walk into the back office and tell Cam she actually wanted to retract her offer to work both days, subjecting all her coworkers to a lottery and being seen as a flake at best, a giant asshole at worst. So, she just kept working, letting a giant ball of fear and regret stew in her stomach, getting worse and worse as her shift inched along and she was closer to having to tell Drake what she had done.
He was going to be pissed at her. She just knew it, and he honestly had every right to be. This was his first Christmas not in Cordonia, as far as she knew. He really only knew her in the city, and… fuck, she’d promised him that they would celebrate Christmas together when he decided he wasn’t ready to go down to Texas to spend the holiday with his mother and aunt. God, she was such a shitty girlfriend.
When Drake popped into the bar a few minutes before the end of her shift, she forced a little smile, but it must have looked hollow, because Drake furrowed his brow and gave her a slight frown. Sure enough, as soon as she had clocked out, slipped on her coat, and headed out from the bar hand in hand with Drake, he zeroed in on her mood.
“Did something happen tonight?” he asked, twisting back to look towards the bar.
Riley just shook her head. “No, I just fucked up.” She kept staring ahead, her boots crunching over the salt on the sidewalk, but she could feel Drake staring at her. He was obviously waiting for her to elaborate. She didn’t want to have to confess, to ruin their little bubble of peace and happiness, but she knew she needed to be honest and get it over with. So, she let out a little sigh before soldiering on. “I told Cam I could work on Christmas.”
Drake was silent for a second or two before he asked, “Eve or day?”
His silence stretched on a few moments longer before his response to that. “Oh,” was all he said. He kept his hand locked in hers, but Riley noticed him slow down his pace just slightly. She felt like absolute trash.
“I’m so sorry, Drake. I just wasn’t thinking. I’ve worked so many Christmases in a row that I think I just volunteered out of habit.”
“It’s fine, Liu.”
“No, it’s not. I was mad thoughtless. I totally get if you’re pissed at me.”
“I’m not pissed at you.”
Riley stopped at that, tugging Drake to a halt as well and pulling him around to face her directly. “Drake, come on. I fucked up.”
He gave her a little shrug and shook his head. “It’s not a big deal. I spent the last couple of Christmases in a bar anyway. At least you’ll be there too this year.”
“You spent your last Christmases in a bar?”
Drake ran his free hand through his hair as he shrugged again. “Well… yeah? Liam always had royal duties on the actual holiday, and after Savannah left, it’s not like I had anyone else to celebrate with or anything.”
Hearing how his most recent Christmases had been spent, Riley found herself feeling even shittier somehow. He finally had a chance at a festive and happy celebration, and she had ruined it. Her expression must have shifted enough to show some pity, because Drake shook his head. “Come on, it wasn’t so bad. Besides, you were the one who just said she was forced to work a bunch of Christmases in a row. That’s way worse than just grabbing a few drinks at a bar and calling it a night.”
“I didn’t have to work; I always offered.”
“You what?”
“I always volunteered if my managers asked, and if they didn’t, I switched with coworkers who had kids or families.”
“Tips that good on Christmas?”
“I mean, I usually got a customer or two that left a lot due to ‘holiday spirit’ or some shit, but it was more that I didn’t have anything better to do.” Riley kicked the toe of her boot against the sidewalk, her eyes pulling away from Drake’s gaze. She was trying to be better about acknowledging the painful parts of her past she would rather forget, but she still didn’t really like to talk about things like this. It tended to dredge up a slew of memories that she’d worked hard to put behind her.
“Liu… Riley,” Drake said, the switch to her first name prompting her to glance back up from her feet to his face. “When was the last time you had anyone to celebrate Christmas with?”
She bit her lip and let out a sigh. She knew that it wasn’t fair that Drake opened up to her about his past quite a bit while she still kept a lot of things to herself, but that didn’t make these things easy to talk about. “When I was 17. I was with the Andersons during one of my mom’s last prison stints before I aged out of the system. They were excited to finally get a chance to be foster moms since New York finally recognized their marriage from Vermont, so they kind of made it a big deal. I was so closed off by that point, though, that I didn’t really appreciate it.”
Drake just looked at her for a few moments before he tugged her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her back as he held her tight to his chest. “Why do you let me whine about my past when you had things so much worse?” he mumbled into her hair.
She let out a sigh, returning his hug as she hooked her arms around him. “It’s not a competition, Drake. It’s not like either of us had that cheesy Norman Rockwell holiday experience.”
He didn’t say anything else, just ran his hand along her spine. After a few moments, they stepped apart, hands locking back together as they continued along back to their apartment. 
“You know,” Drake said, “back when I was growing up, my dad worked every Christmas.”
Based on his tone, Riley knew he was trying to make her feel better about the fact that she’d agreed to work the holiday, but it honestly made things worse. Not only were his recent Christmases crappy, but so were his childhood ones, apparently. “God, I’m so sorry. If I had known you had a history of having people work on the-”
“No, that wasn’t my point!” he interrupted. “We made the 26th ‘Walker Christmas’ and we did the whole celebration then. Gifts, big meal, holiday movies, all of it. It was really fun and special. Even after he died and we could have just celebrated on the actual holiday, Savannah and I kept the tradition alive for a long time.”
“Yup. As we got older, Sav usually got us invited to some sort of fancy Christmas party with some of the nobles on the 24th or 25th, but the 26th just stayed our family day. I always loved that it was our tradition to celebrate then.”
She glanced over at him, wondering not for the first time how she had managed to find someone like him. Someone who didn’t seem fazed or flustered by any of her baggage, who somehow showed he cared without making it seem like a big deal. Maybe it was because they had enough similarities in their pasts that he “got it,” but that honestly seemed like it was selling him short. Because it went deeper than shared mommy issues and fears of abandonment. The way he treated her felt like so much more than similar traumas, and she sometimes didn’t know how to respond, so caught off guard by a level of compassion and understanding she would have never thought possible.
“You’re too nice to me,” she finally settled on, watching as Drake’s cheeks grew pinker than they had been from just the winter wind.
He shook his head. “Nah, it’s really nothing, Liu.”
She knew that wasn’t true, but she didn’t push him. She knew he wanted to just move forward and not make a big deal of things. So she stepped closer to him, bumping him with her shoulder as she gave his hand a squeeze. “So, what do we need to do to make it a true Walker Christmas?”
“Not let you anywhere near the oven to start.”
She elbowed him and shook her head as Drake chuckled. “I am not that bad of a cook.”
“Uh huh. Sure, Liu. How many times have you made gingerbread?” She just scowled at him, prompting him to laugh again. “Exactly. So I’ll take care of the cooking and baking.”
All Riley could do was roll her eyes as they kept walking along the sidewalk. “I don’t really have any decorations,” she said, “And I don’t think we’ll exactly have space for a tree.”
“Ehh, I bet we can still make it festive. It’ll be good, Liu.”
His steadiness and willingness to just roll with her screw up and make the best of it had made her a little emotional. She didn’t quite understand why someone like him had been treated like shit by so many people in his life, but all she could really do was be grateful that their paths had crossed. “You sure you’re okay with celebrating late?” she asked as they reached their building, dropping his hand to find her keys in her purse.
“Christmas isn’t really about a day on the calendar,” he said with a shrug, following her into the lobby.
She spun and kissed him lightly before starting up the stairs. “Thank you, Drake.”
“Of course, Liu. Of course.”
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Perma: @walkerswhiskeygirl @octobereighth @kimmiedoo5 @mom2000aggie
TRR/TRH: @iaminlovewithtrr @mskaneko @axwalker @jovialyouthmusic @marshmallowsandfire @kingliam2019 @sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @princessleac1 @ladyangel70 @debramcg1106 @masterofbluff  @sarahx206
Drake/MC: @no-one-u-know  @iplaydrake
ICWAM: @thequeenchoices @sunnyxdazed @sammie0220​
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mrslittletall · 4 years
Title: Off Balance (Chapter 2) Fandom: Hollow Knight Characters: The Pale King/The White Lady, The Pure Vessel Word Count: 2.810 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21805333/chapters/52965505 Previous chapter:https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/189683129734/title-off-balance-chapter-1-fandom-hollow
Summary: The Pale King has to deal with his feelings after his decision to ditch the plan with the Pure Vessel.
(Author's note: It's still hard for me to get in the head of these characters because they are still new for me. And don't ask me how hard it is to write for a being who can't speak and is has a completely expressionless face! 
But I did my best and I hope that the characters will talk to me soon ^^)
He had tossed and turned in his bed for hours now.
And he had to admit, he doubted he would fall asleep anytime soon. He couldn't stop thinking about them.
No cost to great., that was what he had told himself when he started the void experiments. He had been fully aware of the impact of his doing, what he had put the Vessel through, what he had put his Root through, the things he had done to negotiate with the ones who were supposed to be the dreamers.
And worst of all... the things he had locked in the Abyss...
And it all was because he had make a mistake. He had tried to let one being shoulder the fate of the entire kingdom. And he could consider himself lucky that he noticed how it broke them before it was too late.
But that didn't erase the fact that the infection was still a very real threat and even though he had reassured the Pure Vessel that they would find a way, he had no clue where he should even start.
With a tired sigh, the Pale King got out of bed and walked to his door and when he opened it, he was surprised to see that the Pure Vessel was keeping watch.
They shifted once they saw him and stared at him with this deep dark eye sockets.
“Are you worried about me?”, he asked and received a tiny small nod.
“Don't be... this isn't your burden anymore...”, he said and walked further, not aware that the gaze of the Pure Vessel followed him until he was out of sight.
He only stopped when he was in front of the White Lady's room. The kingsmoulds appointed to it lowered their weapons once they saw him approaching. It was a good thing that Dryya needed to sleep once in a while or he would have some explaining to do.
The Pale King opened the door and closed it as quiet as possible behind him as he saw his Root peacefully sleeping. He shuffled over to her and snuggled against her stem, closing his eyes.
It didn't take long for her to sense his presence. “Did something happen?”, her soothing voice sounded as some of her roots curled around his form.
“Had trouble sleeping...”, he answered.
“Do you want to talk about it?”, she asked, one of her roots softly stroking his horns.
“I don't know.”, he answered, truthfully. “There happened so much in such a short time...”
“You don't have to find the answers right away.”, she said as her root lowered down to stroke his shoulders. “You should rest first. Tomorrow will be a new day.”
“I just fear that we are running out of time...”, he said, feeling himself dozing off. He could always count on his Root to help him falling asleep.
“Don't forget, you are not alone.”, the White Lady whispered. “For now, take some time. Reflect about your decisions. I, for one, am very happy that you have let go of this plan.”
She very much had hissed that second to last word. He knew that his wife never had been happy with how he had planned to contain the infection, but... trading the life of hundreds for the life of one? He couldn't help but feel incredibly selfish at this decision.
“I guess you are right.”, he murmured. “I should try and get some sleep first...”
And before the Pale King fell into a deep slumber, his mind wandered over the events of the day.
The moment he had tossed out the plan to use the Hollow Knight as their container for the infection, it was obvious for the Pale King that he had to tell the others. And his Root was the first one he told.
As he was walking to the White Lady's chambers, the Pure Vessel stumbled behind him. They were either still shaken from nearly being impaled (he shuddered at that memory) or they had forgotten all their training how to keep balance. Or both. Whatever it was, the Pale King felt them stumble and nearly made him fall too when they clutched to his robes.
As he turned around to check on them, their head lung low and he had the feeling they wanted to apologize to him, impossible for them because of their missing voice.
“Do you require some assistance?”, he asked and offered his hand to them, them standing there in their usual silence for around ten seconds before they raised their own arm and placed it in his grip, making him able to feel the icy sensation of their void body.
As soon as the Pale King had entered the Room of the White Lady, after he had gotten a surprised stare from Dryya who still was guarding her chambers during the daytime, she had turned her head to greet him and once she saw how he was holding the Pure Vessel's hand, her branches wandered over her mouth and he could see tears glistening in her eyes. Happy tears.
“My Root.”, he said and the apologetic tone in his voice was unmissable. “I came to inform you that I have made a terrible mistake.”
“I know.”, she said, slowly lowering the branches from her mouth, “I am glad that you changed your mind.” Her gaze wandered over the Pure Vessel. “Come here, my child.”, she said, the Pale King wincing at her openly affection right away. “Let me give you a hug.”
The Pure Vessel's blank expression stared at the Pale King for a while before he let go off their hand and just said: “Go to her.” They half stumbled half walked and he had to admit, the image of his wife's root curling around them made him feel warm inside.
“My wyrm.”, she said, still hugging the Vessel, “While I am more than happy about this turn of events, you have to tell the dreamers about this.”
“I suppose so, yes...”, he said, still standing near the door, watching the both of them. The dreamers, like they had started to call them, were Herrah, the Beast, Monomon, the Teacher and Lurien, the Watcher.
“I wonder how they will react?,” he continued after his train of thoughts had ended. “We have planned this all for this long now... they may be upset that we have to start from zero.”
“Lurien and Monomon are loyal members of the kingdom. I am sure they may offer their wisdom to find another way.”, the White Lady said, finally letting go of the Vessel. The Pale King noticed that they had reciprocated her hug and their limbs were still holding one of her roots.
“I better write them some letters right away.”, the Pale King said and turned around to the door. As the Pure Vessel attempted to follow him, the White Lady stopped them.
“Would you stay with me for a while so we can make up for the lost time?”, she asked and as the Pure Vessel looked at him and he nodded at them for it to be alright, he left, thinking about how the Pure Vessel had to learn to not need his permission for anything they wanted to do.
...It was his own fault that they were like this. With him having that far too high expectations of them and them having to hide their emotions to meet them. He should get used to his new role, not only as a king, but also as a father.
The Pale King retreated to his chambers and started to work on the letters right away. In them he basically described that he had made a mistake, that the Pure Vessel wasn't up for the task and instead was accepted as a member of the royal family. Thinking about this, that meant they could be his successor someday? He decided to discuss this with them once they had getting used to their new life.
The last line of the letters comprised that he was truly sorry for his bad judgement and that he would find another way to deal with the infection.
Once the letters were written and sealed, it must have gotten late. As the Pale King left his chambers to give the letters to one of the servants, instructing them to send them out right away, he saw the Pure Vessel among the other five knights (minus Ogrim who wasn't allowed to eat with the others because of the smell) taking in their dinner.
The other knights were casually talking, sometimes dropping a question at the Pure Vessel, not really expecting any kind of response. After all, they called them the Hollow Knight because they usually never showed a reaction.
So the knights were quite stoked when they reacted to a simple question with a nod of their head, nearly falling in their food because they misjudged the weight of their horns.
The Pale King stayed a while as the knights bombarded the Vessel with questions, apparently eager to know more about them. Then he remembered the letters he wanted to send away and left the scene to find a servant to take them.
After the letters had switched possession, he went back to his chambers to take in his own dinner, though he lacked appetite. After he had eaten and a servant got the dishes, giving him a concerned look, probably because of all the leftovers, he paced up and down his chambers, unsure about what he should do.
His pacing got interrupted by a knock on his door and as he went to look who came to visit him this late in the night, he saw the Pure Vessel standing in front of his door, looking at him, as if they wanted to ask if they could come in.
“Um, sure, come in.”, the Pale King said. “Anything you want to talk about?”, right after he had said that, he wanted to slap himself in the face. Who exactly again had thought that they shouldn't have a voice? “My apologies.”, he said as he got a piece of paper and a quill for them.
He sat them on the table, sat down opposite of them and then waited for the scratching of their quill to cease. As they slid the paper over to him he picked it up to read: “Mother asked me how I want to be called. But I don't know my name.”
These tiny little words felt like a stab into the heart of the Pale King. The one thing he always had refused to do... giving them a proper name.
“Um, well...”, he started. “Why don't you choose your own name? That was what I did when I transformed.”
He slid the paper back to them and when they finished writing, he read: “Father, you have a name?”
“Well, I only told it to a few selected ones. Like my Root.”, he said. “Most people know me simply as the Wyrm or the Pale King. It is... easier to rule a kingdom when your subordinates don't know your true name.”
“Can I know your name?”, the next sentence was, written in large, crooked letters, he could practically feel their excitement in their writing.
“Alright, but only if you promise to not tell anyone.”, he said and once they nodded, he leaned down to them to whisper his true name to them. He knew that their face couldn't make an expression, them wearing a mask over their true body, made of void, but he could see them shake lightly with excitement.
“But... how do you choose your own name?”, was the next thing they wrote.
“You use a word that you like or a syllable that feels right or name yourself after an important figure in your life.”, he said. “You don't have to rush it. As long as you don't know, we can keep using the title the other knights have given to you.”
“The Hollow Knight?”, they wrote.
“Yes, if you are fine with this.”, the Pale King said.
They nodded and the rest of the evening was spent with the Pale King showing the Pure Vessel how to improve their writing. He wondered how they should communicate in the future, there wouldn't always be paper and a quill easily available.
When he awoke it became clear for the Pale King, that yesterday hadn't been a dream. He was leaned against his Root and felt her embrace. “Finally awake, my beloved?”, she asked and he could see a smile on her face. She hadn't looked this happy in ages.
He himself couldn't share her happiness as the fate of his kingdom came crushing down on him.
“Yes, but I wish I wouldn't have.”, he said, slowly getting up. “I will have a lot of explaining to do today...”
“I am with you in your mind.”, his root said as she snuggled him one last time. “I plan to unroot myself soon again so that I can stay at your side.”
“Thank you, my love.”, he said, sighing. He needed to get up and freshen himself up to be presentable and take in some breakfast, but he felt like he wanted to lie in his wife's embrace a little while longer.
“Say, my wyrm.”, she suddenly said. “Have you already thought talking about this whole deal with Grimm?”
The Pale King winced at her suggestion. He knew, she was right. The thing they were dealing with was a being that infected others because of dreams and the Nightmare King himself would be the best person to ask for advice, but...
“I don't want to talk to him.”, he said, his robed hand rubbing over his face, “He will never let me hear the end of it...”
“I know the two of you had a breakup, but maybe you should think about burying your past and just try, my dear?”, she asked and he knew every word of her was meant honestly.
“I think about it after I dealt with the dreamers.”, he tiredly said and finally got up to retreat to his chambers so that he could do his morning toilet and get some breakfast.
Before he even managed to get there though a servant approached him.
“Your majesty, you got a letter from deep nest.”, they said.
“That was quick...”, he murmured and added as he noticed the servant looking him over. “Please bring it to our chamber. We will take care of it there.”
The letter left his mind as he spent time freshening himself up and taking in his breakfast but once he was finished and had to start with his royal duties anyway, he noticed the envelope on his desk and took it. He sat down and broke the seal only to be greeted by one single sentence.
“You are not taking Hornet away from me.”
“Really, Herrah, that is your only concern?!”, the Pale King frowned as he read the line again.
That was when he realized something.
Hornet was the daughter of Herrah. She had gained her as part of the bargain of her becoming a dreamer.
And her request had been more than clear, she wanted to have a child from him.
Which made Hornet his daughter.
And therefore, it made her the Pure Vessel's half sister.
He had the feeling he couldn't deny them their right to meet their little sister. But first, he needed to calm Herrah down and spend a good portion of the morning trying to formulate a letter that sounded like she was in no danger of loosing her child but still would allow the Pure Vessel to meet their sibling.
But... he didn't even knew if the Pure Vessel would want to meet their sister. He simply had assumed it. He should ask them first. And certainly before he send off the letter, it would only give Herrah ammunition against him when he asked her if the Hollow Knight could meet Hornet and then they would deny the offer.
The Pale King left his chambers in search of the Pure Vessel and found them watching the training of the knights, them not allowed yet to partake in it. They still held on that tiny nail that they had used in their child form.
“Say...”, he started, prompting them to stop, turning their head around and almost falling over, “Would you like to meet your sister?”
They stared at him for a little while, probably processing what he had said to them before they nodded their head in excitement, falling over and hitting the ground. (Author's note: I completely overlooked that PK speaks canonically in the royal we, but it makes more sense for me when he uses it in his role as the king and not when he is talking with his wife or child, so he drops the royal speech in a more domestic environment. I headcanon that the White Lady sometimes has to stay rooted to one place to get nutrients and stuff and that is why she is locked to her chambers at the moment. After she has been rooted for a while she can decided to unroot herself to be mobile until she has to root herself again. I am still struggling with how the Hollow Knight shall communicate in the future. I was thinking either sign language but I don't know if that would be a bug thing, with lots of them not having hands or if they use like a tiny portable table board and some chalk. What? You want to know PK's true name? Maybe if you ask really really nicely ^^) Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/190573594499/title-off-balance-chapter-3-fandom-hollow
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go-redgirl · 5 years
The Senate Votes To Approve The Controversial Spending Caps, Debt Ceiling Bill. The Final Passage Vote Was 67-28. This Bill Now Goes To President Trump to sign.
The Senate votes to approve the controversial spending caps, debt ceiling bill. The final passage vote was 67-28. This bill now goes to President Trump to sign.
Steven Jones ​yep! Torrok 01 is a paid Leftist TROLL! Everyone just iggy it. Bye Troll! no one cares anymore about you internet morons.
Ya'akov benAwake ​Citizenship question on census please .
Phil Mueller ​Vote Trump to protect America from socialism
caro sato ​1000 dollars for everyone is a Ponzi scheme
Destiny Menzies ​Yeah because y'all are lining your pockets with it rather then spending the money on what it was meant for!!! Gggggrrrrr wake up people!!!
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​ANTIFA = terrorisme
greywolfe ​TRUMP 2020👍
Rod Bender ​the census aids gerimandering
HK ​Artemis Fow Thank you i was confused 😸
Drill Bit ​torrok 01​, Yea, That*s why he gives his Salary to Charity.
Star Dust ​What did you do with those taxes before Trump became President ? Talk to Obama about high drug prices.. He did that
Merlin Krisp ​Where’s my royals Roy’s 😂😂 JK
andrew richardson ​Balance the G da..mn budget, get your sh..t together CROOKS
John Ortiz ​War famine diseases natural disasters and civil war is coming soon to America. Christians prepare
text kite ​CREEPER, AW MAN
Joey Big Things Poppin ​The kids shouting for Trump is because their parents are part of the 1%. while these children never worked a day in their life ,college paid for lmfao..
Havefunplayguitar ​Baltimore? Send money I need to pay my beach house mortgage
Why are you so Angry? ​Thats what we pay you clowns to do! Do your jobs, or fear, fear our LIBERTY!
torrok 01 ​If you make $50k a year Trump tax cut gave you $570. If you make $1m it gave you $70k. Is that fair? I would rather $1k a month
Annika_green ​@Joey that’s a broad generalization .
awildbill rightous ​HK ,, may the force be with you!👀👌
Happy Voice ​tax cuts for the rich lead to higher deficits and diminishing returns for the country
Travis Jackson ​Our President Trump is making Me proud.
GDPops ​Government shouldn't spend money they don't have. TRY DOING THAT AT HOME
Fuzz Man ​1 state 1 vote
Rebecca Brown ​Trump 2020!
Nothing ​Vote for democrats if you want your cities filled with 💩💩💩 and 💉💉💉
Edward Wallace ​Government bad answer to all problems. Marianne Williamson 2020
Mo Hamhead ​If it was up to me there would be zero free stuff for lazy unambitious parasites
nighttr ​I have an idea lets give the super wealthy a tax break,
Danny Hemphill ​the people that make a lot of money pay a lot of taxes idiot
Ramiro Garcia ​RINO'S & DEM'S SUCK.
David Hensley ​shut down the government good do it
Merlin Krisp ​True Danny 👍
richardcvlr5 ​there's creepy joe he's moving kinda slow in the men's room.
IR_Dankenstein ​Will there still be gummy bears? If not, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Drill Bit ​46% of people, don*t pay taxes.
Why are you so Angry? ​Many take pride in the fact that their children are made to work in honorable situations, with the word of god in their hearts, integrity in their minds, and a knowing of behavior. Who made you stupid
torrok 01 ​$1000 a month to everyone stimulates growth better than giving money to the rich
Havefunplayguitar ​I was blocked
abc def ​Joey why u watch fox,no tin foil hats here
Friendly Tourist ​I ❤ Cop Splash 💦🐖🐖
Niobokupletskite ​i say having it in your hand now is better then going out and find it
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​trump 2020 Landslide
HoarderCatG ​Nicole junkermann
Rod Bender ​people that make 12k a year and afford 1k per year taxes dumbocrats
awildbill rightous ​Master Jedi Trump leading the Jedi now! 2020 The lightside will defeat the darkside!🤜
Amy Tyler ​🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
Bob A ​Richard he’s in there with booker
Rebecca Brown ​We The People demand Term Limits for congress and grandfather the limits.
Annika_green ​If there’s a crash & the bankers and corps get bailout, I will be upset!!! I think a check one time to WE THE PEOPLE IS FINE
Fuzz Man ​all the money all the billionaires in the world has would not pay for dems dreams
Dan Williams ​if there is more of something, does it increase in value?
Edward Wallace ​So don't spend pay the dog gone debt. Marianne Williamson 2020
Last Days ​What a fool. OH BUT THEY want to give everybody free S___! to put that debt on the backs of his grands
origine online ​Free education Free medical 5 weeks vacation bigger salary thx , try to be more like my friends in europe
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Never watched fox ever.. Alphabet
Happy Voice ​Raise taxes to reduce the deficit and fulfill budget shortfalls, it's not rocket science. Can't tighten the belt much more.
Stephen Rothwell ​maybe the good senators can donate his salary and half his net worth if he loves the kids so much
L Yachty ​TRUMP 2020
​CUT SPENDING....START WITH CONGRESS PORKERS Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. LEARN MORE
Leandro Garcia ​leave here , and go to the CSPAN live stream if you like
window789456123 ​trump 2020
Mo Hamhead ​There's too much parasite and not enough host now
Steven Jones ​do not buy the 1% LIE! That is all it is. LIES! Taxes went to everyone almost. THIS IS A LIE!
Why are you so Angry? ​Get a job, vote the Nanny government OUT of OUR lives! Figure it out, grow up. Most of us do, with or without the perpetually pubescent.
Danny Hemphill ​oh yes. free this free that equals loss of freedom
Blue Wizard ​🏆TRUMP 2020🏆
nighttr ​Trump supporters sure could use the free education
Drill Bit ​The rich make their money just like you do. Have you ever been hired by poor person???
torrok 01 ​Google Andrew Yang and check out his policies
Merlin Krisp ​Shut up 🤐
KritterKracker ​It's called stealing from Peter to pay Paul
De Dowd ​this guy is a Phoney Windbag! All talk and no action as long as his palm is greased with cash. Just watched a press conference in Baltimor and the Feds are cracking down on the drug dealers. Finally!
andrew richardson ​torrok 01, you sir, are an idiot, don;t breed
GDPops ​$22,022,376,894,711.12 National Debt
Kirrsty Locklear ​this dude is full of it our money is being stolen and not spent on the issues and foreign countries ain't paying their bills
Havefunplayguitar ​Why am I being censored?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Eat bacon our leave USA🥓
Amy Tyler ​This is so interesting! NOT!
Nothing ​no such thing as free you will have uneducated taxpayers paying for top earner college graduate degrees
Niobokupletskite ​tax break for the rich is a disinfection for the rip of businesses that surround us
john doe ​ugh...
ascii ​Has anyone mentioned Israel yet?
AA14/MoshDuck ​Amy Tyler: Then why are you here?
Friendly Tourist ​🌚 PAGAN 🌛
IR_Dankenstein ​Word of the day is: Entitlement
Rod Bender ​"healthcare" should not be confused with "health insurance" DUMBOCRATS
Edward Wallace ​No one should be taxed by Government. Marianne Williamson 2020
grabitz ​slow mode
Bill Bush ​n
Star Dust ​why did you let Bush and Obama have all that money ?
Annika_green ​Stop taking too many meds and eat healthy. Again, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
No Regrets ​vote Trump 2020 President Trump 20/20 all the way
Happy Voice ​It's fiscally responsible to raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich, but middle class as well, before we even talk about changing healthcare or education.
Greig Ballantine ​oh my omar
BayouSef1 ​I don't know what he is talking about. It didn't cost me that much for a 12 year old.
Drill Bit ​Mushroom Williamson, Throw back from Woodstock
Steve Landy ​Trump 2020 ok
torrok 01 ​Trump has done nothing for you. Google Andrew Yang
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Talk deficit yet their spending more than they can print
andrew richardson ​National debt goes up 100 million per hour 24/7
Spiny Norman ​taxation is theft, crime does not pay
DRUNKEN RAMBLE ​We're all gonna get a Skyscraper on 5th Ave one day. It's gonna be Huge!!!!......lololol
David Hensley ​so who is this guy lobbying for big pharma?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Omar antifa leader?
Dawn Gray ​Joe Biden SAID it last night. GOV'T has failed us 40yrs. Joe has BEEN THERE 49 THERE LIES THE PROBLEM. #TermLimits #ForthepeopleBythePeople
Danny Hemphill ​torrok01. your delusional. never gonna happen. IT'S called communism
DFG ​Corey Booker is the whitest person running for president
junior ​Andrew Yang 2020
KritterKracker ​The Superiority of the Republics freedom TRUMPS the inferiority of Congress
Keonte ​Andrew Yang 2020
awildbill rightous ​We clearly need Master Jedi Trump another 4 years ,💯
HK ​Torrok 01 come on man don't be Rude
abc def ​soros antifa and dem leader,fact
Mo Hamhead ​How come the Democrats aren't talking about Mueller any more? It's like he never existed
Ganesh Jayatpal ​🚩🚩🚩
American Patriot 1776 ​Andrew Yang 2020 I agree Keonte
Happy Voice ​Taxes are used to support a government that provides necessary public services, such as a police force, public education, and public infrastructure, "taxation is theft" is simply idiotic.
Roger Clinton ​F Dems
Drill Bit ​Spiny Norman​ It pays for these people. They all rich.
Jenny Ward ​I I bet Nancy Pelosi cart and baby roaches and lice flee from her arse.
Jim Brauer ​YANG 2020 / FREEDOM DIVIDEND / M4A / Humanity First / Abundance Mindset / $1,000 per mo per adult / Solution to POVERTY = CASH in the hands of Parents and Teachers !!! YANG = YES !!! TRICKLE UP
Annika_green ​@American Patriot 1776?Yang?! You want the taxation called VALUE ADDED TAX???
no halo ​President Trump should read that deal again because democrats and republicans agree to it,there has to be a catch,and you can't trust crooked career politicians!
Why are you so Angry? ​No more alms.
L Yachty ​Majority vote TRUMP obviously
OurSavageGaming ​MAGA 2020 🦅🦅🦅
Alan Johnson ​All of them are thieves! If they are talking they are Lying! Drain the swamp!
AnabelleLee100 ​Universal Health Exploitation does not fix Costs. Caps on Medical Charges ONLY Way to Fix Healthcare.
Joey Big Things Poppin ​So Taxation on the American people is a crime
Nothing ​democrats hate all human rights. they are anti free speech, privacy, self defence, due process. I cant think of 1 human right democrats support
Danny Hemphill ​yang is a con man commie
Borng Jak ​ខ្ញុំ
KritterKracker ​Freedom from Congress' Bad Debt
Dawn Gray ​MY Indep VOTE goes to TRUMP2020 #IndependentsForTrump
David Hensley ​and the police force is a arm of corporate America that listens to those who make the laws they are the arm that inforces them
abc def ​deport the whole yang family,enemies of the state
Kodiak ​suddenly Durbin cares about the troops.
OPINION:  Great, great news to hear.  The Senate is doing an outstanding job.  
Lets give them applaus👏
0 notes
thepersephonecabin · 7 years
Volstovic Cycle OCs ctd.- Adamo spouses
As mentioned here, it is mine and @toaslanscountry‘s hc that adamo and laure have 9 kids, with their 9 kids come a combined total of 11 people commonly known as “the spouses” aka the people the kids are married to. And without further adieu here they all are below the cut because its looooooooooooooong
1. Rory’s wife Emmeline- Emmeline was originally only known as “neighbor girl” because Emmeline lived a ways up the road from the Greylace Estate. Not within spitting distance, but close enough that they’re houses could be seen from the windows of the other. Emmeline’s parents were semi-rich snobs who were obsessed with propriety and raising Emmeline up to be the perfect wife for a noble, to the point that they would use violence to abuse her into submission. Unfortunately for them, Emmeline is a giant repressed lesbian and she happened to live down the road from Rory, an openly gay butch woman who spent years being run off by nobles whose precious daughters she was caught fingering. Emmeline and Rory hid their relationship for years, but eventually were caught by Emmeline’s parents. Em was locked in her room like Rapunzel in a tower until she could be married off,  but Em managed to sneak out and run to the Greylace estate where she and Rory begged Rook, Rory’s godfather to marry them before her parents found out she was gone
2. Jean’s wife Nina- Nina is a sex worker in Molly with a toddler daughter who for a time was left in the care of the children’s home Jean ran in Mollyedge because Nina was too poor to care for her. Eventually however, Nina saved up enough money to get her daughter back and it was then that she met Jean. Jean thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and gave zero fucks about the fact that she was a sex worker. They eventually married and Jean legally adopted Nina’s daughter the same day.
3. Ivy’s “””wife””” friend with benefits Sophie- as mentioned in the previous post, Ivy is aromantic, but he has a long-term sexual relationship with his best friend Sophie, another sex worker and the godmother of Nina’s daughter. They met through Nina and Jean’s relationship and Ivy first began seeing her as a client not long after. Eventually they became good friends, then roommates, and eventually they married legally for technicalities only. That way they wouldn’t be separated by life in Mollyedge and Sophie could have the financial benefits of being married to Ivy. They never become romanitc. Ever. The end.
4. Vera’s wife- Vera met her wife while giving aid in a warzone. Her wife was a refugee who knew no Volstovic, and Vera didn’t know any of her language either. Vera ended up saving this mysterious woman from gross misconduct on behalf of some Volstovic soldiers, and decided to personally guard her until further notice. Despite the language barrier the two had obvious chemistry and grew very close. Eventually, when the area became particularly dangerous again, Vera married the woman she was already beginning to fall for in order to give her safe passage as an immigrant into Volstov away from the fighting. 
5. Natalia’s husband- Natalia and the Prince of Volstov grew close out of pure accident. He was autistic, though at the time, the word “autism” wasn’t in fashion, and he was panicking and overstimulated in the midst of a royal ball. Natalia stumbled upon him and having grown up around PTSD ridden veterans mistook his anxiety attack to some sort of post traumatic episode, so she sat down and calmed him with basic kindness and understanding. He had never experienced such a kindness and became quite attached. They fell in love, and courted for some time, before he proposed. Natalia initially rejected the offer out of fear of ruining the prince’s reputation with her skin color, but was heartbroken and changed her mind not a half hour later
6. Niall’s husband- Niall specialized in capturing unusual bodies in art, only accepting models with scars, disfigurement or obesity. He was tired of drawing porcelain, flawless, mannequins, but he’d never been so enamored with anyone than when he was sent to fetch a sack of coffee from the general store a block aways from Luvanders shop. The store was family owned, and the cashier run by a shop boy, who measured up at 6′10″ and hundred and hundreds of pounds. He was gorgeous but he thought he was repulsive and Niall made him feel otherwise.
7. Lauren’s 1st husband Lindsey- Lindsey was a thief living out of the remains of a long burned church in Mollyedge. One day as he ran from the cops with loot, he accidentally slammed a girl with crutches, Lauren, to the ground. Her brother Jean who was walking with her, enraged by the disrespect given to his obviously disabled sister, chased him down and caught him. Upon realizing that Lindsey was on the run from the Wolves and likely a punishment that outweighed the crime, Jean gave him a place in the children’s home seeing as Lindsey was only 16 at the time. Lauren visited him every day, and soon became his most trusted companion. She became the first person to know that he’d been born a girl, and his first love.
8. Lauren’s 2nd husband Viktor- Years after Lauren and Lindsey met, Lindsey had been preparing to propose to Lauren when a tall dark and handsome man named Viktor dropped into her lap. He was a bastard of a noble white father and a black indentured servant mother, disowned for the shame he brought to them and forbidden to see his mother, he was heartbroken when Lauren offered him a place to stay. Lauren was polyamorous and Viktor had nothing to lose, so he Lauren and Lindsey formed a triad relationship, despite the uneasy start he and Lindsey initially began with. He was Lindsey’s best man when Lauren and Lindsey said their “I Do’s”
9. Lauren’s wife Zaaira- One day Viktor came home one day to find that Lauren and Lindsey were both pregnant and the babies were both his. It was pure accident and luck, but there was no denying it. Lindsey adamantly refused to go to the doctor, even when he started spotting. Given this predicament, the news of Lindsey’s pregnancy reached Karakhum, carried by Malahide, Ana’s mentor of a sort. Kalim remembered his friend Mollyrat Rook, and eagerly sent his tribe’s best midwife, a woman named Zaaira, to help knowing that she would be sensitive to Lindsey’s unique situation of being a trans man having a baby. She as sweet and full of light, and by the time the babies were ready to come into the world, Lindsey, Lauren, and Viktor couldn’t imagine life without her.
10. Mags’s husband, Cpt. North Thorne- North Thorne came to Ghislain’s ship as a runaway youth, only 6 or 7 and already wanted for capital murder. He had been sold to a mob as payment for his father’s gambling debt, and he killed those who kept him captive. Ghislain sheltered him and raised him up to be his First Mate. After Ghislain died after a mortal injury in a raid on a trading schooner, North inherited his ship, Chastity’s Revenge. In his time as a youth on a pirate ship, North had seen Ghislain’s infamous godson, Mags Adamo, in passing, and when he met Mags again after Ghislain died, North was disgusted to see that Mags had become a Naval captain and a spymaster at that, in effect betraying his godfather’s memory. North seduced Mags with the intent of interrogating him or taking him captive, but Mags explained with a knife to his throat that it was a misunderstanding, that Ghislain had known about his role as a spy and approved. North let him go, and the two began a cat and mouse game of rivaling fuckbuddies before it grew into much much more
11. Ana’s husband- Ana wasn’t necessarily held back from dating because she was trans, but she was cautious nonetheless. Her intimate escapades were primarily limited to casual hookups and short flings, until she was in her late 30s, early 40s and Inglory’s airwoman in the 3rd Wave. Her husband was a goofy fellow airman, who rode a dragon of Natalia’s creation. They began as best friends and suddenly, when he saw her dressed for a ball in a sparkly blue dress meant to look like the night sky, he realized he wanted to be more than friends. He already knew she was trans and was completely supportive, so she was able to trust him full stop and if nothing else, she liked that for once there was a man in her life who was taller than her and who liked her family as much as she did. Though Laure and Adamo had both passed on by the time they married, they said their vows in front of the statues of all the Airmen who prededed them, so Laure and Adamo were truly there to see their last daughter wed after all
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