#the ocs
shirecorn · 11 months
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Unicorns are actually a species of deer, though they can be mistaken for horses from a distance due to their manes.
There is much that is a mystery about them. Breeding, diet, and life cycle is all based on conjecture due to their rarity and elusiveness.
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bumblebeatrice · 1 year
“there’s a holy war coming” lilith was right and it’s between the gays and netflix
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kumquatqueenb · 6 months
Idk if this has been done already, but this has been bouncing around my head ever since I finished the series a couple days ago:
Adriel: you’ll never beat me! I can’t be slain in this realm!
Ava: Thats where you’re wrong, together we’ll beat you with the powers of:
Ava & Beatrice: love!
Canilla & Yasmine: friendship!
All the OCS & co together: and incredible violence !!!!
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cursedextrovert · 1 year
Yes, and you will understand the OCS isnt just a found family. They are THE found family. We have:
Lilith: the oldest, burnt out, wear people's expectations too long they became expectations she has on herself. Very mean but mostly bark cause she gotta have that mean look to scare people away. Protective but would prefer communicating than force. Unstable.
Mary: second oldest. Learnt from the oldest so she will bark and bite. No bullshiting with her. Very protective.
Yasmine: nerdy, middle child, keep being forgotten at the mall but she doesnt mind, very confused, just happy to be included most of the time, able to have niche hobbies and interesting career because all the expectations are placed on the oldests.
Beatrice: nerdy, second youngest, can be considered somewhat middle child. Crippling anxiety. Fear of abandonment and commitment. Niche hobbies and interests. Sheltered and learned from the older so she will bite and take no prisoner. Quiet so will be forgotten at the mall too(I'm sorry). The "angel" side to Ava, telling her what are and arent wise.
Camila: geeky, too much real life knowledge from the older ones without actually live it so shes a bit chaotic. She knows a lot about how ones should behave but doesn't know how to hide her emotions yet. She likes to be seen and prasied by her sisters. Silent but deadly. She will not be in the front of a fight but will slash your tires afterward and kidnap your dog(only cause she loves them). Will be next to Ava in any shenanigans they pull together and be the opposite of the voice of reason.
Ava: the youngest, very sheltered, keep getting lost after following some sort of bugs, a menace, will pull all sort of pranks on the others and get smacked or tickled the shit out of at the end, always forgiven because she's the youngest. Energetic and extravert. Make friends with everyone. Partake in reckless things and have no concept of riskes(often encouraged by Camila, talked out of by Beatrice and got "she will fall and learn" comment from Lilith and Mary). Fight with Lilith on a daily basis because they're too different in ways of approaching life.
Every dynamics are just heart-warming and adorable and chaotic and full of loving banters. And I eat every fics with them at found family or on a road trip up. I love them so much just thinking about them brought tears to my eyes gosh- what if they just start a whole sitcom with them travelling together in a van like that puppybusby's Discovery fic.
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sunlightwanda · 2 months
Mother Superion to the ocs about Father Vincent: this man is a whore, has always been a whore, will probably always be a whore
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mysticmellowlove · 7 months
How would yan react if he went into our phone contacts and saw that we had his contact name as:
❤️My Skrunkly Meow Meow Googly smoopsie bear❤️
absolutely love the vibes but this seriously depends on the yan.
a general yan wouldn't mind obviously. his heart races whenever you look at him so he really hyper-focuses on the hearts and the 'my'
bowen thinks it's a little overboard, he's really into more classic nicknames like love and darling, i mean anyone who's that deep into their academics is kinda pretentious.
seth finds it hilarious and loves to show it off to his chat, always boasting about how you two are simply meant to be. he loves the playful nature.
lex hates it but he wouldn't say anything, he would rather come off as someone to be feared (affectionately feared albeit). he would definitely break into the phone to change it or just destroy the phone in general.
lex's adjacent yan darling would not put up with it, even for a second. they'd probably hit the offender up the head before demanding they change it.
lastly, noel is just too scared to really say anything, someone help this man. however if he were to be more comfortable he wouldn't mind too much, so long as you don't call him that outside of the contact name
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The Spider-band (with lots of OCs!)
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3 season 2 TV movie show in my head of Hobie, Gwen , Diane , Ansi , Artie (another Hobie) , and Percy in a Spider-band, going on their first world tour.
They're called Wicked Webs
They live on a tour bus, with Hobie's Daredevil, Riri, and Kamala tagging along as well as Angel, who does sound tech, Mariah and Pavi being their charismatic manager and stage manager.
The show is somewhat about their music and shows but it's mainly a It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia style comedy - about the shenanigans the band gets into during off time.
The bus breaking down in the middle of nowhere and they end up at the weirdddestt pub - they're sure they're about to get super murdered but somehow Ansi makes friends with the biker gang????
Hobie loses his guitar and it's the whole gang retracing his steps in the middle of snow-struck Fargo and Hobie can't understand anyone's accents.
A rotten egg gets stuck in the tour bus vent and they spend three hours trying to web it out.
Stuff like that.
Sacha and Tomoka are the wardrobe managers and Diane's variant Annie is the snappy make-up artist.
Asa is their recording manager who lives in New London with his kids, looking after the band when they're back legs of the tour, managing them recording songs in the studio, giving statements, setting up concerts etc.
And the whole thing is shot like a behind-the-scenes documentary.
They're a legit band about to go Platinum, they do talk shows and interviews and photoshoots that somehow always goes wrong because that band is a walking disaster but their music is ICONIC
They get in major trouble because they literally WRECKED the set during a Rolling Stones shoot with their mayhem
Umm. That. In my head. A lot of it. Lol
We are Wicked Webs and we're here to make you hate the government and break shit and stuff!!!! 1 2 3 4-
OC's mentioned:
Disco-Spider Diane, Hobie's Variant Artie Brown, Diane's Variant Annie, Hobie's Mary-Jane Mariah
@spidey-bie Ansi, @autisticarach Asa, @thewolfsoul Percy, @onmyownside1 Angel, and @mothmothmothmothmothmoth Sacha & Tomoka
I think that's everyone lol
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They are My OCs and OCafied NPCs and they are SUFFERING
HIIIIII I was tagged in this one by @justafoxhound to do this here Quizling to find out the style of suffering my birds are. Thanks for the tag!!! :D *forgot to tag tagging! @thequeenofthewinter @saltymaplesyrup @naturalbornlosers @snippetsrus @snowy-weather @orfeolookback @mareenavee @caliblorn Teldryn Sero (Nerevarine) (or the OCafied NPC)
The Giver
Your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. People walk by and take, but no one ever leaves. You're constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. You'd give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can't say no?
Erra Ilaba'andul (Nerevarine's Guard)
The Taker
Your expectations are ones you can barely meet. You compare yourself to others, but with a hypocritical light. You'll never find what you're looking for if you're laying down half of what you receive. It stings to be given less than expectations you've set, but if they were more reasonable, do you think even then you'd be happy?
Sydari Aralen (Last Dragonborn, Nightingale) Yearning
The pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. You're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish you were or had as opposed to what you do. It's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead.
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
Mother Superion and Father Vincent during his Adriel phase are like a divorced couple who hate each other, yet still love each other, and can't help but adore their children together.
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He's like "I see we have a new baby", and she's like "Yes, now fuck off".
I see people ship Mother Superion and Jillian, I assume because of the "take care of our girls". So maybe she moves on, and in the end the OCS has Mom, Stepmom and Dad.
I'm still baffled Druncle Vinc was allowed his old place back
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rayofsuunshiine · 1 year
Rewatching tv shows you were obsessed with in your teenage years as an adult is such an experience.
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bumblebeatrice · 1 year
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Olivia Delcán as Sister Camila — WARRIOR NUN | Season 1
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knightsofrayx · 1 year
So, here's a sort of head-canon/theory that snuck into my brain
The generally accepted pre-canon halo line-of-inheritance is Shannon-Lilith-Beatrice, right?
Vincent killed Shannon because she was getting too close to the truth, and suspected him of betraying the OCS. But what if Shannon wasn't the only target of the attack?
Lilith didn't seem to be as on board as the others when it came to following Vincent (and yes, a lot of that was due to the Ava-Halo situation, but that level of resentment doesn't just crop up overnight), and Vincent seemed quite content to keep the Halo out of her hands. She's ambitious and confident in her capabilities as a warrior, and while yes, her righteous arrogance isn't exactly an appealing character trait, these all would make her much harder for him to control (and get rid of if need be). (and also, at this point he has no idea if Shannon shared any of her suspicions with Lilith, so for all he knows Lilith also suspects him of being a traitor)
So I think Vincent intended to kill Shannon and Lilith, leaving Beatrice or Camila as the next Warrior Nun.
Beatrice, who'd practically break out in hives at the thought of disobeying an authority figure? She would have been much easier for Vincent to control from the get-go, especially since she would have been isolated (Shannon and Lilith would be dead and Mary off on a rampage seeking answers and revenge. Camila would still be there, but she's a rookie, not yet a peer or a mentor figure. Mother Superion had no reason to suspect Vincent of anything, and at this point they aren't as close as they were by S2).
Or, should Beatrice have been killed as well, Camila would be a perfect substitute. An impressionable young rookie completely out of her depth would not have thought to look further or suspect anything. She would have been so busy trying to find her footing that he would have plenty of room to manipulate her into freeing Adriel before she realized anything was off.
This isn't to say that the two of them are blind/idiots. We all know they're not. But Shannon already suspected Vincent of being a traitor, and Lilith's automatic disdain towards pretty much everything would have revealed his true loyalties much sooner. Beatrice and Camila (and hell, Mary and Superion and even Duretti) just had absolutely no reason to doubt his loyalty to the Order.
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shalalalalamova · 2 years
The way the croud HATES The Judgement Day on RAW, but everyone LOVES them on NXT is just INSANE
like listen to THIS and then watch how the crowd on NXT screams "JUDGEMENT DAY" and "RHEA'S GONNA KILL YOU", I just can't-
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sunlightwanda · 3 months
Father Vincent: Lesbians, we're under attack!
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Been slowly but surely plugging away at a fic all day. And I made a lot of progress but it felt like I was fighting tooth and nail for it.
Tell me why now, as I'm getting ready to try and get a little bit of sleep, I suddenly want to stay up and write all of the words 🙃
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judgment-days-kid · 1 year
okay but-
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okay i know i am supposed to hate her because of the O.C.S BUT SHE IS SO PRETTY!!!! Like AHHHHH! Her and Rhea should be friends but i don’t see it 😭
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