#why isnt this technology that exists
crwndsprkzy · 7 months
starts popping off my feminine body parts like lego pieces and hands them to my transfem friend in exchange for a peen
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cuubism · 2 years
dream: i have learned something today. perhaps humanity is not so bad after--
hob: hey look! cheez whiz! how neat! :D
dream: ..... it is time we had The Flood 2.0 and started over from scratch
#modern life is the bane of dream's existence this i assert#god the sandman is just so ripe for shitposting#dreamling#also like#i feel like dream is pretty good at figuring stuff out and i mean he has everyone's dreams to help#but he also missed out on history for a full century#so there's definitely a few months where he's just having like. constant fits of despair as hob shows him YET ANOTHER#newfangled and cursed invention#and what's funny is i dont think dream would be averse to like phones and the internet and stuff it's probably FASCINATING#from a dream perspective actually#what gets him is the fact that the grocery store has 168 brands of white bread#hes like why. for the love of god why#so much shit has happened to catch up on like#more happens in the 20th century in terms of technological developments and stuff than in like 3 centuries prior#dream looking around at climate change: destruction and despair i see you've been running the place in my absence hmm#hob: hey did you hear about this thing called nfts#dream. who has in fact heard of this from many many distressing dreams: no. no. do not speak to me of this cursed object#hob returning from babysitting a friends kid: god childrens media is awful nowadays isnt it? i mean granted i had literally sticks#to play with as a kid but they have this horrible show cocomelon--#dream collapsing to the floor in a puddle of pure desolation: noooooooo i have already had to watch 500 million hours of babies dreams#of this shit why would you REMIND ME#the possibility for crack is literally endless pun intended
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well, i found something good about the slip arc. it’s the idea that homesickness in the future will be a physical illness that manifests in those especially who will never have the chance to return to earth. cause im gonna be real i wasnt paying attn because i didnt want to but the way i understand it people on new kinshasa weren’t affected by this, people in the upper echelons of sarasvahti (ie people who had money to spend and lives to lead by doing so) weren’t affected by it: only Brahma pests and those too poor for earth to ever be a dream in their hearts were ailing with a homesickness so potent and concrete that it led to physical symptoms.
and i fucking love that. i love that so much, i think theres this divide btwn ppl who would love to go to space and who love the idea of aliens and whatever and then you have those who get sick thinking about the idea that for years the planet has existed with a certain number of souls less than it’s supposed to have because theres always been people on the space station and i FIRMLY belong to that second category so like... this is SO good to me, it’s so fucking real
#penumb#again .... im gonna mention the sacred text this is getting embarrassing but idc its why i love that jet & rita are from earth in ambrosia#and i love the inclusion of second cit in there just on the basis of the fact that it melds so well and i love it#but also because i love how earth has grown and evolved and done so in a pretty insular way all things considered??#because its now considered backwards and old school and wht have you and obviously this isnt canon bc it wouldnt mesh with the homesickness#and also its not canon bc it just isnt but in ambrosia earth has sort of evolved beyond capitalism because theyve had to#bc they are living with the direct results of what human technologies have done in those ghost dinosaurs#and because at least how it comes across with the jet storyline it seems that earth has become a glorified parking lot#an in betweeny for dark matters to park their spaceship when looking for the unnatural disaster#i dont actually know if its canon that jet is from earth i feel like we've not heard jack about earth ever except for that illness#but like to me jet will always be from earth because it explains ... so much to me#this idea of natural disasters which im sure exist on other planets (i mean hello venus global warming) but they still all come back to#us and the way he's so self contained and self controlled seems to have something that for me resonates with earth too#idk. anyway idk if that author even knows what theyve done to my worldview with that fic its unreal
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>why is the hermitheus public wifi planet-wide
>why are they using the wifi from the hermitheus instead of having a separate dedicated s9 wifi
>implied existence of a hermitheus staff wifi?????
>further implication that ren isnt allowed on the staff wifi????? is it just for renbob and goatman?????
>why does the hermit technology even run on wifi in-universe. thats so fucking funny dude. how many things does this apply to
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ganondoodle · 7 months
a sort of mini-rant .. or more a personal opinion of totk; most my issues with it are probably clear by now, given how much i have talked about it, its probably also rather clear that i dont like the sonau (engl zonai) very much the way they were done in the game and its got lots of reason that all play into each other-
tho to mention something that is much more personal taste; i dont think sonau tech is actually that much 'tech', its mostly just magic animating some green rocky looking material or creating flames and rockets kinda out of nowhere
im someone that loves mechanical stuff, like old mechanisms, the first cars and first versions of technology, steam trains and such, i think its in part bc i like knowing the context of things, how stuff WORKS, and why it is or how it makes sense, huge metal beams attached to countless cogs, hearing the steam shoot out of the kettle(?) that powers a huge maschinery ... steampunk if you will
and shiekah tech, while obviously not exactly like that, still has some mechanical parts to it, sure its also magical, powered by some unkown material, but its got bits and pieces that move, it looks like something that seems pretty believable, if you look into a guardians ... hole at the flipside of it (you know what i mean) theres stuff that moves, glowy cogwheels and more, pipes and cores, you can see it between their 'head' and body too, you find springs and screws on broken ones, even the cores have some mechanism around it, and while being automatic and doing stuff on their own .. they are not sentient, not in the way sonau constructs are at least (listen i, in realy life, think of pretty much anythign inanimate as a sentient thing in a way, but maybe you know what i mean, i also like when things cannot just talk directly to you -also a reason i like silent characters- and instead you have to work a little or just ... pay attention to understand it?) (this also kidna goes for the shrine puzzles? like you often had to work with some sort of mechanical thing to get to the end of the shrine in botw, in totk you mostly just kinda glue stuff together and it .. just works?? not a fan of that tbh tho the shrine puzzles where one of the most fun parts nonetheless)
the sonau 'tech' isnt that, really, the most mechanical thing is a wheel or fan spinning? but all other stuff either just works (like rockets and stuff) or its a bunch of floating rings vaguely held together by some magical swirly string, and the constructs literally talk to you, like characters, while still being treated as nothing but 'maschines', i got nothing against magical maschinery (heck i love the shiekah stuff) but thats like .. too far removed from actual mechanisms to hit the right spot for me, that combined with the strange super modern look of some things (like the wheels, and kinda nonsensical steering thing, the rockets that just .. look like literal rockets with a vaguely rock looking texture over it .. etc) it made it all the more bleh to me
and while its far from a deal breaker it just adds another grain of salt on my opinion of the sonau things in general and the game as a whole (especially considering that lame ass excuse to just act like shiekah tech never existed ... ill never forgive them for that)
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virtualrealityshow · 7 months
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HI! this is the vr-tv blog! second time im writing this since first time i wrote it tumblr just chucked the whole thing out the window. BUT THAT ASIDE welcome! :D
to clarify this isnt a narrative/interactive/arg blog but rather a dedicated blog for the vr-tv universe and just storing info, art, writings - whatever about it! yknow, for documentation's sake.
if you'd like to check out more of my work, my art blog is @y2kazoo . my main is @acnitemare if you wanna give me a follow there!
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(gonna keep this short and simple!)
TLDR: it's the 80's and a bunch of world-famous musicians across various genres have agreed to go on this experimental reality tv show hosted by a sentient AI named I. M. PEACEMOUTH. (he's up there waving & peeping over in the blog's icon!). the guy is formal and professional and a smooth talker, but clearly has shady intentions.
(to preface, this version of the 80's is way more technologically advanced than ours was, so in this timeline, around this time technical capacity for 3d virtual reality exists - albeit in a primitive form!)
the company that hosts this show is called CONGLOMOCORP and they're a massive enterprise with a big hold over a lot of markets but they've recently become pioneers in the field of music video production (think mtv type stuff).
they got the idea to make the 'ultimate music video', which is where we circle back to the musicians and the tv show thing.
you see, this 'ultimate music video' is actually a televised broadcast of a virtual reality simulation of this big, huge house thing that all the musicians live in for their time on the show - and the feed on it is always running (well, most of the time.)
in order to get on this show, all the musicians have had to go out to conglomocorp's studio and get put into a coma-like state; and from there, they were hooked up to these machines and their consciousnesses are the ones in the virtual reality. their avatars are shaped around the content of their souls, which is why a lot of the characters you'll see around here look kinda wacky and abstract!
conglomocorp sold the musicians on this idea by claiming that it was just going to be for 'about a year' and that their only intentions behind this project - named VR-TV - was that they just 'wanted to push the limits of technology to its fullest extent'. butttttt you know how it is with stories like this...
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a list of content warnings for things you might see on this blog! (just so you know, if this stuff ever pops up it will be tagged accordingly.) if more things come up that need to be added, i will put them on the list in due time.
✦ references to drug use
✦ unreality
✦ themes involving loss of agency
✦ body horror
✦ digital horror
✦ blood/gore
✦ mental manipulation & other people being manipulated
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✦ i LOVE getting fanart for my projects! if you make any fanart for vr-tv, be sure to send it in!!! i would LOVE to see it!!!
➢ side-note: the easiest way to get me to see your fanworks is by submitting it directly to this very blog! i dont check my notifications very often so if you just mention this blog or post it in a main tag for it, chances are i won't know. BUT if you just submit your fanart here, that's a surefire way to get me to see it AND i can display your work for all to see!!! it's a win-win :D
✦ fancharacters for vr-tv aren't just accepted, they're encouraged! if you want to make a wacky little guy for this thing then be my guest!
➢ side-note: it bares clarification here that vr-tv isn't a collaborative project, it's just something i make on my own. you're welcome to make fancharacters BUT they won't be considered canon! (it's just too much work for me to include multiple people's fan lore in with my own for this project, sorry!) you can still by all means draw canon characters hanging out or even draw oc x canon if you really like, but don't do so with the expectations of them being canonized if that makes sense! like with fanart, i encourage you to submit fancharacters here directly in the case that you make them!
✦ do NOT create nsfw content of vr-tv characters!!! that's just crossing a line that i am not comfortable seeing my characters depicted in. please dont :c
✦ ASKS ARE HEAVILY WELCOMED!!!!!!!!!!! if you send me an ask about this thing i will do everything in my power to answer it to the best of my ability. you can ask me anything about this thing, what certain character's favorite foods are, how the VR-TV virutal reality works (but keep in mind i am bad at describing technology things lol), your headcanons/theories, questions about the lore or character's motivations.... PLEASE ask me any of those and so much more! i will be glad to divulge information to you!
✦ in the case that you want to make ship art between two characters, please reach out to me thru the ask box beforehand to get my approval before you start making anything. i wouldn't want you to draw something i don't approve of especially between certain characters, my characters are precious to me and im admittedly very finicky about how my characters get depicted. (and me giving approval isn't a sign that the relationship will become canon, it's just a signifier that im okay with seeing content of those two characters in that sort of relationship. just thought that was worth adding!)
so yeah - that should cover all the bases!
enjoy your time here!!! buh bye!!!! hope to see you around soon! 👋 ★
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fisheraser · 9 months
okay. analysis time
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MY GIRL AAHHH SHES BACK!! okay SO. inkopolis square. but dead. its a bleached coral forest basically. there seems to be this sorta of,, electricity thing going on throughout the trailer that we can see on the lobby tower. overall looks dope as hell
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WE HAVE THE FULL FIT!! FOR BOTH GENDERS!! okay first of all what are those ink tanks? sorta looks like those IV bags. same with the outfit,, the shoes sorta look like casts and the clothes look like some sort of sensory deprivation tank suit. a lot of medical vibes going on from the white color and everything. i love it
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PEARL BOT! no questions about it, marina definitely made this for her (the wives :D) its interesting that pearl isn't actually there (marina isn't either, ill talk more about my theory later) but she can still talk to us through this robot. also love how marina added the sliding eyebrows to make it more expressive LMAO
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i love how we can ride pearl bot as well. i think this will be an important feature, wonder if we can control her when this happens :O
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okay what are these? i think the first one on the left is a mem cake, not really sure what the others are though
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okay im seeing a theme of electricity and we can see in the background it sort of glitching, so i think side order might a simulation or something. the huge orb in the middle is definitely some fucked up zapfish (where you end the level im assuming), but its glitching and then a ton of the skeleton creatures come out of it
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it looks like a ton of dead fish (dedf1sh...?),, we havent seen any octolings that you need to fight yet so these seem like the new enemies replacing them for side order. though i do wonder if we'll ever encounter an evil octoling (or inkling or salmonid, who knows) also are these an entire new species? or just some simulation creature
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i also love how instead of ink, its the same electricity we've been seeing used to summon the weapons. this whole realms creation definitely has something to do with marina since its side order and its super technologically advanced
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okay WOA numbers. definitely something marina would implement. i don't have much to say about this but yea, im loving the tech-y themes going on. it also seems like pearlbot is helping you fight these guys since she is shooting lasers at them. if she's sorta like small fry, i wonder if we will ever get to use her as a bomb, or if she is automatic
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also its confirmed that the octoling is indeed agent 8! i was like 90% sure but im glad its definite
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okay the biggest thing about this trailer, DEDF1SH!!!!!!!!!
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"just another bystander who got sucked in." what sucked them in? my theory is that marina somehow trapped them in a simulation she made of a world thats orderly- maybe she made it after the final fest?or is this an already existing place? maybe some whirlpool was created after octo expansion and this place exists under inkopolis square?
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SHE HAS A NAME!!! ACHT!!!! also i am so glad all of the fan theories were correct and she isn't evil, just still partially sanitized. i wonder if that will be a factor in the story? more dedf1sh lore?
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her glasses are different! since she doesn't have the hypno shades anymore she prolly has much more awareness now since she isnt being brainwashed, though she is still sanitized- but i think the music is counteracting the effects of that since shes a dj and shes always wearing headphones
also why is her arm bandaged? what happened to her? also all this time i thought she was wearing a tshirt LMAO
i am a huge dedf1sh fan and i have quite a few theories about her, so i hope she is an important character in the story of side order and we get some backstory
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ESPECIALLY ABOUT HER HISTORY WITH MARINA!! they are both djs so that probably is important, but i am really excited to learn more about them. i think marina mightve gone missing and we are looking for her too?
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the color chips seem to be like, stat boosts? and also 8 started to gain color once you add them! its sorta like deep cut's colored fingers. wonder if this will be a new feature after the dlc! i loveee customization options
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this seems to be the respawn animation which !?!?!? IS SO COOL!?!?!
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i have no idea what this is but. oh my god. i am so excited for this. its happening.
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fictionfixations · 10 days
i had a thought
spoilers for up to book 6 (i thought dump. A LOT.)
remember the prologue
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i have a thought so im sharing it
question: what does he think we can even do to stop. well. anyone??? nobody really listened to us (considering we're magicless too a bunch of ppl would look down on us) until we became like friends to them n stuff?? well ace and deuce listened to us i think but we were united under a goal that at all costs had to be reached. to not get expelled. (except us i forgot what was going to happen to us. ..cause we're not actually students ??. ACTUALLY where the fuck are our papers? did crowley just. make them up? cause if you need papers to expel someone then you need some written form of proof then. which means each student probably has files for them, like. say. proof of 'hey this person goes to this school' etc etc. what did he do with us? did he just not admit we existed to the government? but literally everyone in the school knows we exist so surely one of them blabbed like. idk. maybe some stereotypical rich brat whose like 'EWW THERES sOME' uh 'MAGIcLESs PERSON COMMON fOLK wHAtever the fuck IN THIS prestigious SCHOOL!' and like idfk like how ig maybe some of the rich think the poor will give them a disease just by breathing the same air as them [actually maybe they could though but like YKNOW what i mean] but like. if we're just completely undocumented, excluding the unexplainable shift of some funds for ramshackle i IMAGINE so we can pay for shit and live then are we not really. documented anywhere else? styx probably has something but uhh. also theres probably a bunch of law violations attached that i cant even be bothered to touch at the moment. also there are magic diseases right? but so they also have immunities to stuff. but we're from a completely different world so we've never had contact with their sicknesses. so like. ...yknow how theres a ban around like this one island i cant remember the name of because if you interact with them you'll spread stuff to them theyve never been in contact before with that you might not even realize u have cause ur immune and they'll die? like its illegal to go there at all, they're living entirely without technology. also they're hostile. you will die if you go there [if you dont get caught by the people patrolling to make sure they stay without contact]. ..i mean stuff has happened outside of canon we can see. its canonical that the overblot peeps have gone to counseling and medical mages. so maybe im making a big deal out of nothing)
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im. sorry. i got really distracted i didnt intend to spiral down to papers i meant to talk about something else
so just. listen.
actually about the expelling ^ three as in Grim, Ace, and Deuce. oh (so wait if they got in trouble would we just. ..still be able to stay?? ?? he doesnt even address us?? well actually grim isnt a student yet but theres FOUR of us not three then so ????)
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wait sorry how did we get here ?? (why are we involved? i dont think crowley spoke to us at all when he was angry at the others with the chandelier 😭)
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the wiki might be outdated a little because it doesnt update itself when dialogue changes, people have to notice it and then take the time to add it if anything changed so this is from
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so if anything changed since then well huh
(if he blamed us for not being able to stop two teenagers with magic while im magicless though i wouldve been throwing hands but im glad crowley hasnt gone that far. ..he still put a firebreathing cat into our custody though. ramshackle dorm is very flammable isnt it? is dust flammable? idk. a lot of wood also i dont think they know what fire extinguishers are. youd think someone would deal with the flames during the entrance ceremony besides riddle and azul trying to catch the flame setter. or if we have one its very unmentioned.)
but so considering grim is our responsibility.. i have to ask how we're meant to stop him..?
like so this is before we really bond with him (aka we find him annoying. unless u got attached to him right away which good for you, i dont know when he wormed his way into my heart but he did at one point and i realized it at the end of i think book 5 aka ignihyde teaser) so grim wouldnt really listen to us (looks down on us)
also i dont know about you but burns HURT. ive burned myself a few times but they're not like the really bad ones (i dont know the difference between degrees and i feel like googling it will haunt me in my nightmares). i imagine grim cant shoot fire too far? maybe a little more shorter/mid range? what even is mid range idk (and the reason it lasted to hit the statue was because of ace's wind magic imo)
well either he can control the range or he can only shoot it out so far. so then. we'd be really close trying to catch him. maybe its in one of the twistunes where he's running away. he turns around and shoots fire at you. fucking OW (also its BLUE. i dont know how colored fire works, but assuming its blue because its even hotter than normal fire. um. ow.)
like SIR im new to this world i dont know how things work
its like... like being saddled with a baby after being suddenly kicked out of the house with no warning (and thus without any of your stuff besides the clothes youre wearing. ..but youve also been isolated from the world youre whole life so WHAT theres MAGIC? whats this about strange laws i dont know about-- wait THIS IS A BOYS ONLY SCHOOL? .........THERES FURRIES?) and the baby is VIOLENT
like HOLD on a second let me at least get a source of income first before giving me a being that utterly depends on me to survive (well. grim can probably survive on his own if we assume he's lived on his own for a bit until NRC. but um. ...well theres a reason there probably needs to be a bunch of childproofing for grim.) when i can barely figure out how to survive here
so. i feel i got very sidetracked. but its also nearing the time i sleep so my brain is slowing down on me and my thoughts have veered off the train tracks enough that this is just a whole mess of thoughts spewing out
i hope im making sense but im probably not
wanted to crowley bash because why are you putting me in charge of people probably the same age as me (minus grim) but with an advantage against me considering they have magic and i dont (not to say that people who know how to fight cant beat their asses but like. ...i dont know how to fight so.)
but he also hasnt given me reason to in canon i guess (if anythings happened outside of prologue i have no recollection of it. i just went through the wiki searching for every page with 'bill' or 'expense' in it)
surprisingly fanfiction either turns to 'crowley is an asshole' (and also actually pays attention to yuu and blames them like oh) or 'parent crowley' which speaks for itself (and is very cute in its own right but i also dont like him regardless as i dislike all adults that put responsibilities on children to be fucking idk child soldiers or to fight shit or deal with shit. i mean crowley doesnt go that far but i still dont like him)
those fics though start from prologue and go in order (some include vignettes and events) so i assumed that it followed it close enough to be a recreation but [so and so] but i was wrong apparently
still tho
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crushedsweets · 3 months
What kind of weapons do they all have or powers
SO. everyone who was ever infected by the operator (proxies, jeff, clocky) has permanently heightened strength, endurance, and senses. so even thin lanky people like jeff and clocky can hold their own against someone like tim. BUT the proxies are obviously stronger since theyre CURRENTLY infected by slendy. jeff and clockys strength is slowly wearing off as the years go by.
this post gets more detailed with the proxies abilities. kates the strongest when in O/S mode, but it completely takes over her mind (which is why she behaves the way she does in game). brians the weakest in O/S mode, but he's the most stable. toby's a special case cuz he seems to keep his mentality in every situation
jack is pretty similar. his skin feels like normal skin, but wounding it is difficult. sort of like ghouls from tokyo ghoul ... not impossible to kill, but it is difficult. again, echolocation and thermavision. the keratin in his nails forms AROUND the finger tip and turns into the black claws i draw. it can be cut, but it grows back in 2 weeks.
sally is a poltergeist, so. floating, go through walls, can throw objects, make rooms freezing cold, etc. touching her physical form is almost like trying to touch liquid... like, you can feel it, but your hand goes through it. BUT she can sort of 'solidify' her form (usually so jane can hold her hand, do her hair) but it takes energy.
BEN has pretty much the same powers as sally, BUT ALSO is like. inherently attached to the internet and technology. touching him feels like touching an old box TV, where you can feel the static. this is mostly for the sake of story convenience, but i also make him give off a wifi signal LMFAOOO you could be in the middle of the forest and still scroll the internet if he's close enough. he can also completely dissipate his form and exist within technology.
ann and lulu have crazy regeneration. cut off one of their legs and it pops right back on. lulu also knows where everyone is at all times if it's foggy, since she can sense every water particle. so if toby's hiding behind a tree and isnt visible in sight, lulu can still sense him. ann also has this insanely painful scream but idk if i'd call it a power. its just inhuman levels loud, but not killer
dina is the same with all her senses and regeneration, but she also has a lot of like. her body transforms like crazy. mostly into animalistic stuff like owls, occasionally sheep... doesnt really give her the ability to fly or anything, but is pretty scary seeing blood wings rip out through her back
lazari, AGAIN, has all of those senses and endurance and whatever. her body rapidly transforms into demonic figures. goats and hawks and all the eyes and whatnot. she's probably one of the absolute strongest creeps, but her mind is so vulnerable that the proxies+jack get ahold of her very quickly and she relaxes.
jeff uses knives OBVIOUSLY. brian and tim like their guns. toby and hatches. clocky and machetes+guns. kate uses her bare fucking hands (and rocks and scrap metal etc....). anns favorite torture toy when she was alive was a hack saw. jane keeps a gun in a gun cabinet at her house, for self defense. nobody else really has a designated weapon preference
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majorasnightmare · 9 months
from one mineru lover to another ... can i pleek hear the headcanons you have for her
some loose context for the headcanons i have for her
the zonai hail from the silent realm and formed 3 major settlements originating from the decaying trial gates, one in the sky islands, one in faron, and one below in the depths (using the eldin gate that had since been buried under hyrules changing landscape). by the time of totks ancient era, the zonai had been slowly and steadily migrating back to the silent realm with mineru and rauru being the last to stay
hailing from the silent realm, the zonai culturally place a massive emphasis on self betterment through trials, self inflicted or otherwise, as a way of marking time through growth, in service to the goddesses
im using the oot elements, so the gerudo get spirit (which manifests as lightning) and mineru gets shadow, linking her to the sheikah and the technology theyll create
rauru and ganondorf are exes who had an EXTREMELY messy breakup before rauru founded hyrule
i can elaborate on that more (and will later) but for NOW
so i headcanon mineru as this character thats deeply atheistic and autistic. which doesnt make a lick of sense until i explain it further lmao
mineru, to me, is this person thats deeply materialist, whereas her brother rauru is deeply idealist, and sonia is a staunch spiritualist (which is why her and rauru make such a good match for each other). minerus primary concern is The Real. the golden goddesses are Concretely Real but their influence is negligible. mineru grows up in a culture that dedicates themselves to spiritual self growth through trials of self betterment for, ostensibly, the sake of three goddesses no one will ever see or talk to or be touched by. they exist, surely, because the triforce exists, because their power exists, but mineru will never see them, hear them, talk to them, touch them, or see their hands mold reality. in every aspect she would care about, They Are Not Real. and so ascribing to a cultural norm of "betterment through trial" (needless struggle and self doubt) just. doesnt click for her. why chase spiritual enlightenment when theres shit to do RIGHT here?
shes this kind of gruff, non social person who nonetheless cares deeply and intensely but wants to dedicate her effort and energy to things she considers important. her brothers important. her work is important. vague divine approval? unimportant. shes more concerned with how things tick than the Grand Plan of it all.
a lot of this makes itself manifest in her role (in my headcanons and aus) as the sage of shadow, if you understand shadow as Unseen (Concealed) Truth. why do the islands float? how does zoanite work? what can we do with this energy? what can we make? how can we build on it? shadow magic, imo, requires a strong thread of creativity. its what makes OoTs shadow temple so brutal and the history behind it so heinous. but it isnt inherently bad. its creativity, imagination, the Unreal. its the drawing of a curtain and the throwing it aside. this underlying current, the need to understand How and Why, is what makes minerus cutscenes with this understanding so much more enjoyable to me.
mineru is this character defined by her inventions, whos headpiece mirrors the goggles purah and robbie wear, whos role as shadow, the creator the inventer the counterculture, will be revisited when the sheikah create technological wonders that will spread throughout hyrule. she makes a mech to house her soul to survive the thousands of years into the future. whereas other sages choose a successor, mineru says "youll see me there in the temple my damn self." because if you want something done right you do it yourself!
i headcanon mineru and rauru as hailing from the sky island zonai civilization, and theyre the last hyrule dwelling generation. she grew up watching these senseless tests of courage that just risked major injury for no good reason, and then her baby brother goes off to better himself because he wants to make a meaningful impact in the world, and it just cascades into a dominos of bad decisions. she doesnt put any stock into divine intervention because the only people who can save anything are us. i picture her being endlessly fascinated by her home and the constructs and that curiosity being the foundation for a lot of what she does from there on out. becoming a fantasy mechanic, an inventor, getting down into the nitty gritty of a machine and getting covered in grime and oil but not caring because theres a problem that needs fixing and she has a wrench. voraciously tearing into any book she can find, any historical record, being this treasure trove of information and trivia and history because she cant help but come back to those questions, how?, why?, again and again.
itd be easy to hear her described as anti social and gruff, and see her interpreted as a little standoffish and blunt, and end up viewing her as kind of an ass, and you wouldnt be wrong per se but its really just that mineru only really puts effort into a relationship she cares about, and she really REALLY pro cons that shit. her first and foremost concern is rauru, her little brother, and as the zonai migrate back to the silent realm, her last remaining family. when rauru descends to the surface in search of problems to fix and Be Of Help, mineru correctly assesses his budding relationship with the gerudo royal is one fated for disaster, because nothing good comes from entering a relationship just to "fix them" regardless of how well intentioned and kind hearted you may be. because of this she doesnt invest much into getting to know ganondorf as he interacts with her brother, because shes expecting it to blow up and doesnt want any of that blowback. nevertheless when that comes to a head in the WORST possible way (a situation in the au that results in the creation of the gibdo queen, the first blood moon, the deaths of several gerudo guards and the eventual deaths of koume and kotake, a situation that will then contribute to The TotK situation) mineru beats herself up every day for not being more involved. her brother is sweet, and truly believes in the ideals of the zonai he was raised with, that to struggle is to overcome trial and better ones self, and such an effort is a spiritual responsibility of those hailing from the silent realms, created by divine hands, because of the power theyre capable of wielding. she cant fault him for that, because rauru IS capable of great good and he WANTS to help people so bad, but as mineru surmised years earlier, when your inundated with this concept that You Have Power and your Obligated To Use It, you never stop to think that maybe you arent the best person to solve this issue. you cant use a wrench for a screwdrivers issue. and knowing that, knowing rauru is driven to help but too inexperienced to know what he CAN help with, mineru feels responsible for not stopping him from biting off more than he can chew. (rauru, on his end, solely blames himself)
so shes a bit More Present when he meets sonia and when his idealism leads him to found hyrule, she stays close, but she really can NOT be assed to be dragged into politics because jesus christ. no. but she continues to be like. Peak Older Sister. every time rauru has a problem, shes the one he turns to. every time rauru wants advise, he asks mineru. he loves her a lot and relies on her guidance because he considers her one of the smartest people he knows (she is, along with sonia) and even though most of the time its rauru once again trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, theyve basically been abandoned by the rest of their people (who have written hyrule off as this kind of Fun Ordeal but Not Worth It as they go on being fucking. philosopher kings in a realm of Eternal Silent Trial where you can freely perfect whatever magic bullshit you want without worry of a body count or, ya know, consequences because very little is physically tangible there). mineru isnt going to like. continue that trend, and just leave rauru to it. hes a grown adult for sure, but that just means its his responsibility to grow and change as a person, not that he cant ask for help. especially because she doesnt want him to handle everything alone
so shes hands off with the hyrule business, and plus sonias got a good head on her shoulders, shes a nice balance to raurus Impulsive Do Gooding and helps him move from individual action to Systemic Good (tho that in itself is another one of Raurus Bad Impulsive Ideas because founding a Divine Kingdom of Good is a fools errand). and for the most part mineru is fairly assured that it wont blow up too horribly (*loud incorrect buzzer*) but man. when they show up with zelda.
so raurus very much a "im divinely obligated to help people" and sonias v much a "fate ordained our meeting" type and mineru is very very much Not That. but zelda? zelda is so much closer in personality to mineru, so when rauru and sonia show up with this girl from the future that theyve basically adopted, minerus like "alright you are once again Back On Your Bullshit so im NOT getting Into It" AND YETTT. zelda ALSO cant stop asking how? and why? (because light and shadow are closer than most people think), and zeldas so invested in what makes this tech work, how it functions, what makes it go, and while rauru and sonia try to give zelda the best they can, zeldas also similarly thrilled to get her fancy white dress all gunked up with oil cuz theres a plug that needs reconnecting and mineru cant get her hand thru the gap. they get on like a house on fire and despite herself mineru loves zelda. absolutely adores her. which was NOT on todays to do list, for sure. and so despite herself mineru is now including zelda in her (very small) circle of family and similarly mineru is this gruff no nonsense figure zelda can earnestly talk to whos similarly concerned with the Real and the Practical and how it can be applied to solve our problems instead of omens chasing and prophecy fulfilling. which is why mineru goes out of her way to help zelda in a way she generally doesnt for sonia because well. zeldas basically her niece. and sonia can handle herself. and also zelda loves hearing about weird programming quirks in the constructs. so its really just kind of inevitable
but minerus pursuit of knowledge is why she knows about draconification (and rauru doesnt), and why rauru comes to her for help because thats kind of his habit. its a lot like asking big sis to beat bowser for you cuz you cant get it, and like she clowns on you for it but still takes the controller.
and when rauru and sonia are like "the ganondorf situation is Our Problem and we arent involving zelda" mineru is 100% behind that because uhh YEAH rauru it IS ur problem this is YOUR ex and your series of Questionable Decisions, but also why she throws herself into it because she does still carry that responsibility. she still feels that guilt for not protecting rauru from himself as his older sister, and that so many people suffered, and that now more people she cares about ARE suffering and WILL suffer. a feeling thats compounded by raurus sacrifice sealing ganondorf
understanding how the sky islands float was a childhood dream of minerus, to understand the hand of the divine and make it tangible and real, and while she achieves that, with the help of someone who really truly gets her and her work, the context surrounding it is so grief stricken and heart rending it thoroughly spoils the joy of scientific pursuit, which is probably why it isnt something mineru records in a lot of detail. in a lot of ways mineru loses all the people she considers family to that same Hand of Divinity, which imo makes mineru being atheist more richly thematic and adds to her character. its this combination of "am i being punished for my lack of faith?" alongside this determination to assert your individual power in SPITE of divine influence, taking herself to the present by her own craft and the sheer power of ingenuity and creativity and the aid of an equally learned peer. also her spirit bond is on the middle finger. i love that for her
this is long as fuck so im throwing bonus thoughts in the tags
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roguelemon · 3 months
This was meant to be a short little joke style theory but it turned into a character analysis so the before cut is the main interesting point and the rest you can read if you want my take on Vox as a whole, and what I personally would do with him nest season.
The reason why Vox hates the past so much is because he has so many regrets/ kind of hates himself for getting into the situation he's in where every waking moment is either dealing with his public image, dealing with Vals tantrum/manipulative bs (Yes I think Vox is being manipulated by Val I believe in the "Val can secrete a date r*pe drug type substance in his saliva") OR endlessly trying to make power grabs to "prove himself". The other overlords DO NOT like this man, I reckon that upsets him more than he lets on (my theory as to why he sent Velvett to that meeting instead) .
Vox focuses on "upgrading" because facing his past and where he fucked up is his literal worst nightmare. It just so happens that part of his past that he regrets (Alastor, whether you think it was a failed romantic proposal or not it CLEARLY had a big affect) is somebody who embodies the past.
He moves away from past technology to move away from Alastor. He constantly upgrades himself/ his products because looking into his past is not something he wants to do.
Of course, that only worked for 7 years, now Al is back he's FORCED to face at least some of where he fucked up which is why when we see him, despite being an overlord, he looks incredibly pathetic. It's not that his power level is so much below Alastor, (though that could be a factor) but he's facing his worst nightmare every time the deer fucker shows up.
Alastor pisses him off sure, but what really gets him so twitchy and almost paranoid is what Alastor represents, his past.
This isnt trying to defend Vox or whatever but I do think that he's the least objectively evil out of the Vees. To me he's a "doesn't want to be evil he just wants recognition and oops, now you've got it through bad means" kind of guy who's been teamed up with a sleezy manipulative asshole who doesn't seem to have any motivation other than just enjoying being a creep. And Velvette, who while we haven't seen anything super bad yet, she clearly endorses Val (the love potion advert) and is also more abrasive than Vox.
Its even more so shown in the finale when Vox is super exited about something (it's Alastor dying, but still) and the other two are just completely uninterested until it benefits them.
I've seen some people saying that Vox and Val are the main and Velvette is the one that's off to the side out of the three but despite doing, whatever you want to call THAT in the finale with Val, Vox is more obviously the one who doesn't line up with the other two as well.
Vox probably wished he'd pursued a deal with Alastor rather than the Vees because then he'd get what he wants, to be recognised and respected. Even though Al does mostly command through fear there is respect for him among those who are more powerful than him, all save Lucifer of course. Vox on the other hand has basically no respect from anyone who he doesn't mind control, Velvette treats him like Val control and Val is CLEARLY using similar tactics that he would on one of his 'employees' on Vox. (Acting super whiny/ guilt to get what he wants, pushing his buttons to get a reaction after his initial outburst didn't piss Vox off enough, THE RED SALIVA). While the annoyance between the three seems to be just petty bullshit I'm certain that, at least on a subconscious level that Vox knows that if he hadn't got in with them that he'd be better off. VoxTech certainly seems the most lucrative out of what the three control. And the other two wouldn't exist if it warned for the tech HE supplies. (Vox is the real backbone of the Vees). This man clearly SO DESPERATELY wants attention and to be adored. Rather than hating him like I do with Val, it makes me pity him. And THATS the centre of all this, he is pitiful and so has MORE room for character development.
Its fully possible that he blames himself for fucking up whatever proposition he had for Alastor when in reality, Al is just an ass but Vox can't see that
Of course this is just my interpretation, but it'd make S2 where the Vees are confirmed to be a bigger focus much more interesting if Vox also gets this internal dilemma/ self doubt.
They could still feasibly swing in either direction of characyer development and I'd consider it well written and thats what makes him so interesting to me. He has so much potential for both good and for evil, also for general annoyance and comedy.
If it were up to me I'd do the megamind route of FINALLY letting the character win against their enemy, only to end up pissed off about it because the person they pinned all their problems on wasn't actually the cause of them, then swing in a completely different direction because this is hell and the feel good stories are reserved for characters who believe in therapy. Maybe a song where Vox prevails, only to then later reprise in a version where he loses his sense of self a little, maybe finally realises how little the other two care after he finally bests Alastor in something but it doesn't matter because he "didn't get any new territory or souls" or something along those lines. A second song could be Vox actually coming into his own more with a song all about him, nobody singing over or with him. It doesn't even have to redeem his character it would just be singling him out as Vox, not one of the Vees.
This ramble was brought to you by the powers of procrastination. Congrats on actually reading all that shit. (And lmk if you'd add anything in your opinion?) =3.
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ryuuka-balaen · 9 months
I'd dug it up earlier to send to someone as it had been relevant in conversation recently, so may as well post it here too; a lil bit of CatLore(tm) for my main Warhammer Army; the Knights of Noble House Valere.
When I decided that it would be healthy for me to try to partake in physical hobbies more often rather than spending all my free time online and having almost exclusively online friendships, the first thing I went to try was Warhammer. I'd been trying to get into it for nearly a decade and I've always loved my funny little minis and models so it was the most obvious choice to me, especially being that I'd just been given a new 3d printer I could make terrain and models with. However, this came with a small issue; I didn't like the style of the models I already had as much as I used to. Which meant I needed to browse through which factions 40k had to choose from, and find something with an aesthetic I did enjoy.
What I found that i liked was the Imperial Knights and Grey Knights.
First, some official lore as Context;
Imperial Knights are huge mechs owned by influential families called Noble Houses. Before the founding of The Imperium of Man wherein the God-Emperor took the Golden Throne, the Noble Houses were some of the first humans to leave Terra and colonize the galaxy in an event referred to as The Long March. For the purpose of this colonization, they built huge agricultural mechs with chainsaws that could reave forests for lumber, explosives that could level mountains for construction, etc. Of course, these tools were repurposed into weapons of war. The mechs were equipped with armour that can withstand a nuke and autocannons that shoot shells wider than a man is tall. The planets colonized by these Noble Houses are referred to as Feudal Worlds. When the Age of Strife began and humanity lost a significant portion of the knowledge required to create and upkeep their most advanced technologies, contact between distant worlds was also lost. Many Feudal Worlds that were isolated from this regression have yet to be rediscovered by The Imperium.
Grey Knights are the God-Emperor's Special Boys who live on Saturn's moon Titan in a Grand Fortress-Monestary. unlike other chapters of space marines, there are only every 800 Grey Knights at any one time, and every single one of them is a psyker and has mad wizard powers. They also all wear ~Special Boy~ armour that's been sanctified and blessed with Mystical Rituals that makes them harder to kill than your average Space Marine. They exist only to fight invasions of the Daemon forces of Chaos, and will take any measure to do so. The whole thing is very edgy and they try very hard to be cool.
Unfortunately, the rules of warhammer40k don't normally allow one person to use models from two different factions in their army at the same time, and doing so is referred to as a "Soup Army" which is generally very frowned upon by the gaming community. Regardless, I happen to be and continue to be a fool of a kitty that likes my funny little Knights, and what I wanted to do was run an army that's made half and half of the two factions I like.
That begs the question though; Why would these two factions be fighting together? the Grey Knights are Daemon Hunters, and as such only fight against those corrupted by Chaos, and while the Noble Houses of the Feudal Worlds which have been rediscovered by The Imperium do fight alongside The Imperium, they don't do so Often or Consistently. (And, by game rules, while any imperium army is permitted to field either one large or up to three small Imperial Knights models, that isnt enough for me)
While I do like the Imperial Knights official lore, I'm pretty neutral on that of the Grey Knights (as much as I do like to make fun of them, the idea of an order of paladins that'll show up anywhere, anytime to lay the smackdown on some demons is pretty cool). So, my solution to that question was; What if they aren't Grey Knights? Any military that's fielding gigantic irreplaceable Death Mechs is also going to employ footsoldiers, aren't they?
The Knights I paint and play are of the Noble House Valere, one of the many to take part in The Long March and the many to still be isolated following the Age of Strife. The House, however, has not been idle in it's isolation. From the time contact was lost in the 25th millennium House Valere has continued to make technological progress, re-engineering the systems utilized in their great Knights to smaller and more compact forms, to create Exosuits in which even an untrained wearer could rival a Space Marine in combat. While this is surely impressive, the real feat of innovation achieved by Valere's researchers is undoubtedly their progress in harnessing The Warp. Normally only Psykers would be able to utilize the reality-bending power of The Warp, however the continued study and research between the 25th to the 41st millennium has seen these researchers engineer methods for machines to make use of The Warp, and integrating this into the Exosuits of House Valere's Knights allows every one of their footsoldiers to wield the power of a Psyker.
The current Standing Army of House Valere, which is to say the models I currently have (though many are currently unpainted), numbers at six Knight Mechs, one Armoured Troop Transport, and seventeen Exosuit Soldiers.
In Game Terms that's;
one Knight Preceptor, two Armiger Helverins, and two Armiger Warglaives for 1,000points of Imperial Knights,
one Nemesis DreadKnight, one Brother-Captain, one Brotherhood Champion, one Razorback, five Terminators, five Grey Knights, and five Purifiers for 1,000points of Grey Knights,
which all together makes a happy Tournament-Standard sized army roster of 2,000points.
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House Valere's age of peace is not to last much longer, as the universe permits none to escape it's wrath and there are a great many who, whether for Tech-Heresy, claims of territory, or simply Hunger, would see The House's citizens dead.
As a footnote; I do want to clarify that when i wrote this i felt like an absolute madwoman and it seemed very Chuuni / "9th-grader's Overpowered Self-Insert OC" but fuck it cringe is dead, I'm having fun, and others have said its neat so im keeping it.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
hi i NEED to know more abt your mermaid au (if you dont mind u.u)
so basically in this au, everything is prettyyy much the same except that aren is a merman..
after his meeting with kusuo, it becomes painfully obvious that kusuo doesnt belong there but aren still thinks hes just a cool foreign mermaid.. but he keeps asking so many questions about where hes from and kusuo is already in so much shock he cant keep up the act anymore and tells him hes from the land.. (he probably couldve just told him to leave him alone, but truth be told he had a hot merman right in front of him and he literally just found out mermaids exist ??? so why would he do that)
so after learning kusuos secret (which wasnt explained in full, he really just said he has powers and aren thinks its some sort of secret human magic) he begs him to give him human legs, and kusuo has to explain that he cant use his shapeshifting ability on other people, and the only similar thing is hypnosis, which wouldnt work.. SO kuboyasu introduces him to mermaid magic !! which isnt all that powerful at all.. they just have certain minor spells, charms, and incantations that can have small effects.. so they work together and find a way to make his shapeshifting ability work on kuboyasu!! maybe its a thing similar to saikis limiters, but its like a pendant or a pair of earrings infused with a combination of magic+kusuos powers+technology
and soooooo he transfers to PK!! (with kusuos genius+mind control, its easy to cook up a fake ID+birth certificate and all) and everything else is pretty much the same, including even how kusuo attempts to ignore him at school at first+then spies on him without his knowledge.. but theyre also secretly romancing each other outside of school hours in the literal ocean..
it definitely took a while for kusuo to trust him enough to take him on land btw so they also spent a lot of time in arens home but i havent put much thought into what/where exactly that is or about his family and mermaid friends and such..
either way, even when he trusts him, aren still messes up and almost spills various secrets a lot lmao.. it shouldn't be that hard because hes been told his whole life that humans were dangerous because they couldnt handle things they didnt understand (like.. magic) but somehow he still manages to slip up many times on BOTH of their secrets (good thing their friends are DUMB)
"so aren, where do you live??" "in the sea-" gets elbowed by kusuo "sea.. outh.. district??" "huh??"
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loz-tearsofahomo · 2 years
Genshin 3.0 spoilers//
What I have gathered so far into the story
Ive been playing sumeru for a couple hours and have been very pleasantly suprised!!! This is what I've gathered from the story so far (Im not done yet though lol).
There were 2 gods of Sumeru one for the forest reigon one for the desert region (Greator Lord Rukkhadevata and the Scarlett King)
They would work together to bring knowledge to sumeru becuase of their ideals
Something happened between them and the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata walled off the desert region to promote "peace"
After she died in the archon war Lesserlord Kusanali took her place
Kusanali never goes to events and doesnt see the public
The academiya doesn't want you to know about kusanali and to most people of Sumeru she exists but isnt important or known about
The academiya basically runs as the governing force in sumeru
Before her death, Greator Lord Rukkhadevata made akasha ports to share knowledge with everyday people
Her and maybe the academiya are most likely doing this to control the knowledge of the people so they dont find out some sort of truth
I theorise lesser lord kusanali is actually the god of dreams and not knowledge
Her child like views arent liked by the academiya so they try to keep her to a minimum
Outside books and knowledge (wisdom cans?) Are banned becuase the academiya again wants to control all information
Dreams are important and help people in ways the academiya doesnt want, children are made to grow out of it
The researcher we first meet suspects dreams arent as bad as everyone says they are but this is apparently crazy and taboo to the general population of sumeru
Tighnari, Nilou, Dehya might all hold some sort of ideology against the academiya for their shady acts
The sun god may be coming back but they are just rumors
The people in the forest region of Sumeru have some sort of bias against the people who live in the desert (The Eremites)
Though technologically advanced sumeru has massive political divides between the 2 regions
Akasha ports probably are a way to control the general populace and narrative of the archon Greater Lord Rukkhadevata
The leylines all connect to a tree that is located on the side with the "real sky" (possibly near khanreiah) it is controlled by the dendro archon
Dottore is seen burning this tree in the harbinger trailer
I believe this tree has a lot to do with the cataclysm 500 years ago
This tree holds millions of memories of teyvat
The question is what would the fatui gain from destroying such a thing?
Are their motives not as clear as we once thought?
Is the academiya corrupt trying to cover up something?
Is Kusanali being prohibited in some way?
Why dont they want people to dream into adulthood?
Im sure i missed alot but i'll probably update it later 😅
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trickstarbrave · 6 months
actually setting aside the controversy for urbanspook/the painter. i saw some people trying to defend the story's goals as "he's inspired by slasher flicks, and slashers are horror. why does every analog horror series HAVE to be psychological? we just arbitrarily decided that"
and i dont think that's fair. we didnt arbitrarily decide all analog horror has to be psychological. there are other genres in analog horror--it can be social commentary, focused on disease, focused on technology. there are mysteries in some, some also function as ARGs, and some where there simply isnt anything to focus on. some are more psychological and narrative focused and some have pretty gratuitous violence or showcase some absolutely stunning technical skill be it in art, programming, or film making.
but the reason there is no slasher genre is because analog horror is a long form story telling medium. it is primarily shown in analog style visuals in piecemeal 'episodes' on youtube. slasher flicks are a valid horror medium and they have their strengths and weaknesses, but i don't think any slasher fan has ever gone "man i wish this movie was actually in 15 parts online". im not the biggest slasher film fan, but the biggest things i seen when people who ARE talk about it is the sense of build up and release--a catharsis. it is much harder to do that in a long form video series without appealing to speculation. its hard to just say "wow someone got brutally murdered in this graphic description and heres the portrait the killer made of their victim based on how they died! wish we could catch the killer" for 15 videos.
like maybe if you were very skilled you could make a slasher style analog horror. the painter definitely isnt that despite the inspiration. shock value is just ONE part of slashers and still needs to be utilized appropriately. showing people disturbing things because said disturbing things Exist is not the only thing that makes up slasher films and is stupid to try and reduce it to that. he didn't utilize the shock horror well. he isn't taking into account how good slasher films are made and what their strengths and weaknesses are compared to the strengths and weaknesses of long form storytelling like analog horror. instead it feels like he just used analog horror because analog horror was popular, which isn't a good reason to pick a particular genre or medium.
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kozykricket · 6 months
some terapagos-centric speculation
alright well back into pokemon brainrot perhaps since the actually interesting to me part of SV dlc (the silly turtle) is very soon um so. i got spoiled by a leaker on a story beat i think? but i wont mention that anywhere here. however i WILL be speculating (without any leaks involved in speculation) about the lore of catching all of the series' past legendaries, using information on the official site. if you havent beaten SV and found out some terapagos lore, or if you dont want to look at the official information on the website then dont read ahead!
Let me first just... put what they have on the page for catching old legendaries "In order to encounter these Legendary Pokémon, first talk to Snacksworth at Blueberry Academy. If you’ve met certain conditions, you’ll be able to get snacks from Snacksworth that let you encounter specific Legendary Pokémon back in the Paldea region. Snacksworth will share his extensive knowledge of these Legendary Pokémon with you, as well as tales of his heroic encounters with them. Why not listen to what he has to say?"
To receive snacks that allow you to encounter these Legendary Pokémon, you must complete Blueberry Quests (BBQs) and report back to Snacksworth.
I think you can read a lot into this. First of all, BBQs is brilliant. but second of all Let's recall what everyone generally concludes paradox pokemon to be, in relation to terapagos. I'm a bit rusty on my SV lore, but as I recall, the general theory is that the paradox pokemon are all created by desire / powered by imagination. From the drawings in the books that aren't fully accurate, to heath waking up having written what I see as designs for the """time machine""" (what I believe to just be a helpful power source for terapagos) to arven literally questioning (especially notable in violet) how his father would have been inspired to bring pokemon from the future... by a book recounting pokemon from the future. from the past. I mean, heck, tera crystals even... somehow power AI sada / turo, and they say that what humanity is capable of isnt really... well, they're beyond our technology. yet they also cannot leave area zero. Theres more to it than that, I think. and I haven't even seen what lil baby terapagos does with liko in the anime... but I think its pretty safe to say this is some sort of wish-maker pokemon, that gives you tangible results, if you just think powerfully enough about something. One might even say... if you practically felt like you were there.
Heck I bet heath was so bored about seeing nothing interesting that he just... IMAGINED some weird freaky not-quite-pokemon. and terapagos thus made them real. but only a bit. Note that the only paradox mons we see outside the crater are the paradox donphan, which is the only one in the book... and the paradox of cyclizar, which was very close to heath. Powerful memories with cyclizar would create a powerful creature I imagine So, back to snacksworth. They're vague about the "certain requirements" for catching past legendary pokemon. I think this honestly just means we need terapagos, or... terapagos' blessing. or whatever. whether we catch it, whether theres only one, i dont even know.
I think he's just a nerd who happens to be giving us exactly what we need to manifest these legendaries into existence (he probably doesnt even know lol). Why would the SV protags know about all these legendaries, what they were like? Well, they dont. but he has extensive knowledge... to clearly give us an idea of what they're like. And he has "heroic tales" of him having met them before. I imagine that'll be essentially the fuel for like- "take this snack and when you eat it, it'll be as if you're about to have an encounter with them just like the story I told you!"
it'll make you feel like you were there because of associating the food with his Legendary Encounter Story (whether hes lying or not lol) and using that, combined with our newfound knowledge on what these legendaries are... terapagos will summon it into existence!
Essentially: Snack = reminds us of a heroic encounter with a legendary thus Idea of a legendary encounter + clear knowledge about said legendary pokemon + funny turtle = legendary
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