#willingness to listen and work with others while also dealing with the issues of the guild and looking out for reika
iuteamstarcandy · 9 months
[INTERVIEW] 230922 IU in Elle Korea Oct Issue (Part 1 of 2)
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Q : You are full of good news for your upcoming 15th debut anniversary which will take place on September 18. Starting from the media art exhibition, you also had your “IU Concert: The Golden Hour” film premiere and now the fan concert which will be held for 2 days at KSPO Dome.
I have been really busy. Since there is not even a day for me to rest in September, I have been wondering whether I will be able to prepare the fan concert well or if I should delay the fan concert, but in the end, it will be the most fun if we celebrate the debut anniversary during the debut anniversary. It is a little bit too much, but I am doing my best to prepare for it.
Q : I think the meeting between Elle and IU which takes place today can also be a present for people who love you.
That’s true. Especially since I can show my new side whenever I have a photoshoot with Gucci. I hope that throughout September my fans will find it as a gift.
Q : You uploaded on your SNS, “Fan Concert? Although it’s my first time (doing this), I have a feeling that this is my expertise”. After preparing for it, do you think so?
Because of my “You Have Done Well” filming, I have to go back and forth between Andong, Jeju and Yeoncheon. Whenever I get to Seoul, I practise for the choreography and the ensemble, and it is really tiring? But when the practice session started, it became like a festival (laughs). We picked less popular songs that we ourselves like, boldly rearranged those songs that seemed like fans would probably have listened to a lot before and it is has been really fun while preparing for the fan concert.
Q : The fan concert was sold out during the pre-sale for fanclub members. You are an artist who is ahead of taking countermeasures to prevent organized ticket reselling or scalpers from reselling tickets for a premium. Is it a characteristic of yours that you need to solve a problem whenever it happens?
Although it will not be eradicated just because I step forward on this issue, I still think it's important to show my willingness to do something about it. As a result, we worked together with other companies to come up with some good ideas to deal with this.
(TL note: If you report a scalper and Edam Ent investigates and finds evidence that the person is indeed reselling the ticket, then Edam Ent will give you the ticket instead as a prize. If you already have a ticket to IU’s concert, then you receive an unreleased IU photocard instead as a prize.)
Q : During the media exhibition “Moment,” last summer, which was held to celebrate your 15th debut anniversary, you released a little bit of the guide recording version of your popular songs, like “Through The Night” and “Palette”. Is there any reason for that?
If I am able to record the guide version, I will usually record it by myself. Through this process, I have great affection for the song, because you can improve your song interpretation skills or your knowledge about music. After all, music is about discovering really good moments even if they are raw and sloppy. I thought it would be nice to show the guide recordings which I have collected and listened to by myself all this time, so I picked a few of them. I also thought it would be nice if I let people listen to just a teeny bit of the song that I prepared for my new album, so I also revealed the unreleased song. I am proud of the fact that everyone got really excited about it.
Q : You also created “Uaena’s Room” for the exhibition while thinking about your fans. To IU, what kind of a person is Uaena?
I have shown everyone a few times my ‘storage place’ where I collected all the items that I cherish. I re-created the storage place at the exhibition and then made “Uaena’s Room” which looks like a mirror image of it, as if this is a décalcomanie. It started with the idea that I think Uaena are people who are very similar to me. I don’t know what kind of life each Uaena has, but I feel that I know the attitude and focus that a person has when you like someone and how soft your heart becomes in that moment.
Q: It’s already been 2 years since you released <Pieces> at the end of your 20s. In the album introduction, you wrote ‘the pieces in between my 20s that I didn’t bother to take out’ and included 5 songs right? Which piece do you think is the odd one out?
Even when I was recording “Drama” which I wrote when I was 20, I worked on it while thinking, “Ah, I can’t make my voice sound like this anymore. If I do it now, it seems like I’m just pretending.” Yet, on the other hand, I’m not someone who changes much as a person. I also feel that the parts of me that are immature and lacking will not dramatically become more impressive (laughs).
Q: Do you feel pressured about releasing your new album?
During the course of preparing for this album, there was a point when I did a 180 degree u-turn. Having released albums one after another without any hiatus so far, this time I have not released my own album for about 2 years, so I think during this period of time, the direction of my thoughts has changed a lot. Now that my songs are taking shape one by one, I think 2 years passed by rather slowly (TL note: meaning 2 years has been a long time). I feel like I’m rich because I like how the songs turned out. I’m talking about my ambition here. I think this is a good time for me to say such things.
Q: You’re the idol of idols too. There are many KPOP artists who covered your songs, bought your merchandise and shared their concert reviews with their fans. Why do you think you have received so much love?
Staying faithful to music is something that I take pride in. I think it could be the closeness and happiness they feel towards someone they have been watching for a long time. As someone in the same industry, perhaps it’s the feeling of wanting to cheer on a senior who has been doing this for a long time. I’ll do my best to repay them with my gratitude when the moment comes.
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
Magazine source: JongHeon_IU0516
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lmaw1 · 1 year
Can hypergamy be controlled or managed in relationships
I. Introduction:
The concept of hypergamy has been a controversial topic in relationships, especially when it comes to gender dynamics. Hypergamy refers to the tendency of individuals to marry or form relationships with partners who have a higher social status or income than themselves. It is often associated with women seeking partners who are wealthier or more successful than themselves. In this blog post, we will explore whether hypergamy can be controlled or managed in relationships.Before we go into the topic, if hypergamy is all you want to learn about women, consider checking out our other blogs, but if you want to learn more about women, then consider checking out our ebook. Hypergamy: The guide to understanding women
II. What is Hypergamy?
Hypergamy is a term used to describe the desire of individuals to marry or form relationships with partners who have higher social status or income than themselves. This concept has been studied extensively in sociology and psychology and has been linked to evolutionary theory. Evolutionary psychologists argue that it is a natural tendency that evolved to ensure the survival of offspring by selecting partners who can provide resources and protection.
III. Why is Hypergamy Considered a Problem?
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Hypergamy is often considered a problem because it can create an unequal power dynamic in relationships, where one partner has more social or economic power than the other. This power dynamic can lead to conflict, especially if the partner with more power uses it to control or dominate the relationship. Additionally, it can contribute to the perpetuation of gender inequality, where women are expected to seek partners who are more successful or wealthy than themselves, while men are expected to be the providers.
IV. Can Hypergamy be Controlled or Managed in Relationships?
Hypergamy is a natural tendency that is difficult to control or manage. However, it is possible to mitigate its negative effects by acknowledging its existence and working together as a team to build a healthy and equal relationship. This requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise. It is also important to recognize that hypergamy is not limited to women, and men can also have a desire to marry or form relationships with partners who have higher social or economic status.
V. How to Deal with Hypergamy in a Relationship? Here are some tips on how to deal with hypergamy in a relationship:
Recognize the existence of hypergamy:
Acknowledge that hypergamy is a natural tendency and discuss it openly with your partner.
Be honest about your expectations:
Communicate your expectations and desires to your partner and listen to theirs. Be willing to compromise and find common ground.
Focus on the qualities that matter:
Instead of focusing solely on social status or income, focus on the qualities that matter in a healthy and fulfilling relationship, such as shared values, mutual respect, and emotional support.
Avoid power imbalances:
Avoid situations where one partner has more power than the other, such as financial dependence or controlling behavior.
Address the underlying issues:
If hypergamy is causing conflict in your relationship, it may be a sign of underlying issues that need to be addressed, such as insecurity or communication problems. Consider seeking professional help or counseling to work through these issues.
VI. Conclusion:
Hypergamy is a natural tendency that is difficult to control or manage, but it is possible to mitigate its negative effects by building a healthy and equal relationship. This requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise. By focusing on the qualities that matter and avoiding power imbalances, couples can create a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.
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actualsunflower · 1 year
🐇 - Who wants to cuddle the other longer in the morning?  Jay usually, since I think Nick is more of an early riser/wants to get right back to work kinda guy, but the longer they're together the more he likes to stay in bed with his giant warm plant man. Jay is definitely a guy who likes to sleep in.
🍀 - Who is better at comforting?  Jay usually, again. It's not at all that I don't think Nick is good at comforting people, he's really good at it in game! But while Nick is more of a words of encouragement kinda guy, Jay is very affectionate and gives very very good hugs. He's also good at listening when people need to get stuff off their chest it's totally not related to Jay needing to know everything and being extremely nosy. or him being an actual empath and wanting people's rank vibes to get off his brain In game, Ellie also mentions her being the one who typically consoles clients when they're emotional, so I think Nick probably just stays back. He might also do it because he thinks him being a synth may be alarming to some people, and he's plenty able to give comforting with just words. Do you think it crosses his mind often people may assume he's the one to get when people run off because he's a synth, and therefore good at catching people in their mind?
🎉 - How did they propose? 
Nick proposed to Jay shortly after Jay and Curie were able to make another cure for the Vault 81 molerat disease. Nick and Jay had been together a while, and had talked a couple times about getting married, but they were very busy and so it just hadn't happened yet. Jay was preparing to propose to Nick, but didn't know how and wanted to make it very special. Before he could, one night while they were out camping on their way back to Diamond City Nick gave Jay a long speech about how impressed he is with Jay's kindness and willingness to live with that disease to save a child he'd literally just met and was very happy that they were able to create another couple cures to use on himself (turned out though, Jay didn't actually have the disease because he's immune to most diseases from the artifact. He was actually still being affected by a dagger that he was stabbed with that was made of the same material Lorenzo's artifact was made of). He proposed to Jay just after sunset and Jay was like aw man!!!! I was going to propose to you! Obviously he said yes and they end up have 2 weddings. 2 because the first one they had, they just went early in the morning to All Faiths chapel and got officially married without telling anyone because they didn't want to make a big deal, things were still hot with people being mad over Zwicky and Edna getting married. Then Piper found out she wasn't told or invited to Nick's wedding and so they had to have a second wedding with everyone invited. I guess maybe they technically have 3 since they recreate it and take pics at a very pretty wedding venue on Mt. Desert Island while they're dealing with the Far Harbor Issues
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markeduke · 10 days
Understanding the Dynamics of Infidelity and Navigating Marital Challenges
Infidelity in a marriage can be a devastating blow, shattering trust and leaving wounds that seem impossible to heal. When confronted with evidence of a cheating husband, the immediate response might be one of anger, betrayal, and a desire for retribution. However, to salvage the relationship and avoid divorce, it’s crucial to approach the situation with understanding and empathy, 夫の浮気が発覚。浮気発覚後の夫の心理とは? and exploring strategies to rebuild the marital bond.
Understanding the Psychology of Infidelity:
Infidelity rarely occurs in a vacuum. While it’s easy to view a cheating husband as solely responsible for the breach of trust, it’s essential to recognize the underlying factors that may have contributed to his actions. These can range from feelings of inadequacy or neglect within the marriage to external stressors or unresolved emotional issues.
Many cheating husbands may seek validation, excitement, or a sense of emotional connection outside the marriage, often without fully considering the consequences of their actions. Understanding this psychology doesn’t excuse infidelity but provides insight into the complexities of human behavior and relationships.
Interacting with a Cheating Husband:
Confronting a cheating husband is undoubtedly one of the most challenging conversations a spouse can face. It’s natural to experience a whirlwind of emotions, including anger, sadness, and disbelief. However, approaching the situation with a level head and a desire for understanding can set the stage for productive dialogue.
Instead of immediately resorting to accusations and recriminations, it’s helpful to express feelings of hurt and betrayal while also seeking clarification and insight into the reasons behind the infidelity. Active listening and open communication are vital components of this process, allowing both partners to express their emotions and perspectives without judgment.
Responding with Empathy and Compassion:
While the initial reaction to infidelity may be one of anger and resentment, responding with empathy and compassion can pave the way for healing and reconciliation. It’s essential to recognize that both partners may be experiencing intense emotional pain and turmoil, albeit in different ways.
For the cheating husband, feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse may weigh heavily, while the betrayed spouse grapples with feelings of betrayal, insecurity, and inadequacy. By acknowledging and validating each other’s emotions, couples can begin to rebuild trust and foster a sense of mutual understanding and support.
Rebuilding the Marital Relationship:
Rebuilding a marriage after infidelity requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to confront difficult truths. It’s essential for both partners to take responsibility for their actions and actively participate in the process of healing and reconciliation.
Couples therapy can be a valuable resource in this journey, providing a safe and supportive environment to explore underlying issues, improve communication skills, and rebuild trust. Through open and honest dialogue, couples can identify areas of vulnerability within the relationship and work together to strengthen their emotional connection and bond.
Moreover, setting boundaries and establishing clear expectations for the future is crucial in rebuilding trust and preventing future infidelity. This may involve implementing strategies such as transparency in communication, practicing forgiveness, and prioritizing quality time together.
In summary, dealing with infidelity inside a marriage can be extremely difficult, but it’s not always the end of the path. Couples may endure betrayal and come out stronger than ever by comprehending the psychology underlying a cheating husband’s behaviour, handling the situation with empathy and compassion, and actively participating in the process of rebuilding the marriage. One may save a marriage and build a future full of love, trust, and respect for one another by being committed, patient, and prepared to face hard facts.
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Navigating Rough Waters: The Importance of Marriage Counseling
Marriage, a sacred union between two individuals, is often romanticized as a lifelong journey of love, companionship, and understanding. However, the reality is that every relationship encounters its fair share of challenges. In the midst of turmoil and discord, couples may find solace and resolution through marriage counseling.
Marriage counseling, also known as couples therapy, is a therapeutic process designed to help couples resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen their relationship. It provides a safe and neutral space for partners to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns under the guidance of a trained therapist.
One of the primary benefits of marriage counseling is its ability to foster effective communication. Many conflicts within relationships stem from misunderstandings, miscommunications, or unexpressed emotions. Through counseling sessions, couples learn to communicate openly and honestly, expressing their needs and concerns in a constructive manner. By learning to listen actively and empathize with one another, couples can break down barriers and build a stronger foundation for their relationship.
Additionally, marriage counseling equips couples with essential tools and techniques for conflict resolution. Instead of resorting to destructive patterns of behavior such as blame, criticism, or avoidance, couples learn healthy ways to address disagreements and find mutually satisfactory solutions. By identifying underlying issues and exploring alternative perspectives, couples can overcome obstacles and move forward together.
Moreover, marriage counseling provides a supportive environment for couples to explore and address underlying issues within their relationship. Whether it's unresolved conflicts, trust issues, or differences in values and goals, counseling helps couples uncover the root causes of their problems and work towards resolution. Through introspection and self-reflection, couples gain insight into their relationship dynamics and learn to break free from negative patterns.
Furthermore, marriage counseling can be particularly beneficial for couples facing significant life transitions or crises. Whether it's adjusting to parenthood, dealing with infidelity, or navigating financial hardships, counseling offers couples the guidance and support they need to navigate these challenges together. By providing a sense of validation, reassurance, and hope, counseling helps couples weather the storms of life and emerge stronger than ever.
It's important to recognize that seeking marriage counseling is not a sign of weakness or failure but rather a proactive step towards strengthening the relationship. In fact, studies have shown that couples who engage in counseling experience greater relationship satisfaction and longevity compared to those who do not. By investing time and effort into their relationship, couples demonstrate a commitment to each other's happiness and well-being.
However, it's essential to approach Grief counseling with an open mind and a willingness to participate fully in the process. While therapy can be challenging at times, it offers couples the opportunity to grow individually and as a couple. By embracing change and embracing vulnerability, couples can cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for one another.
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foreverxapp · 3 months
Why Understanding The World Of A Doctor Is Important Before Dating - ForeverX
Dating a doctor offers a glimpse into a unique and often challenging world. While the prospect may seem intimidating at first, delving into this realm can be both enlightening and rewarding. In this introductory guide, we'll explore the intricacies of dating a female dentist, shedding light on the complexities, rewards, and strategies for navigating relationships with individuals dedicated to the demanding field of medicine. Whether you're considering pursuing a romantic connection with a doctor or seeking insights into the experiences of those who have, this exploration aims to provide valuable perspective and practical advice for understanding and thriving in the world of dating a doctor.
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Doctors Are People Too
Behind the white coat, doctors are simply individuals with their aspirations, fears, and passions. Despite their demanding profession, the dentist dating option shares the same human experiences and emotions as everyone else. They value love, companionship, and understanding just like any other person. While their job may consume much of their time and energy, it doesn't define their entire identity. Recognizing that doctors are multifaceted individuals with diverse interests and personalities is essential for building genuine connections and meaningful relationships with them.
The Challenges of Dating a Doctor
Dating a doctor presents a unique set of challenges that require understanding and adaptability. The demanding nature of their profession often means irregular schedules, long hours, and high levels of stress. Balancing work commitments with personal life can be a constant juggle, requiring patience and flexibility from both partners. Moreover, the emotional toll of dealing with a patient's health issues and the responsibility of making life-or-death decisions can weigh heavily on a doctor's mind, affecting their availability and mood. Additionally, the inherent pressure to excel in their career may lead to feelings of inadequacy or guilt when personal relationships demand attention. Despite these challenges, the dentist dating site can also bring rewarding experiences, such as witnessing their dedication to helping others and sharing in their triumphs.
Winning Her Heart: Tips for Success
To capture a doctor's heart, consider the following tips:
Avoid Work Talk: Shift the conversation away from work-related topics to give her a break from the stresses of her profession.
Be Understanding: Respect her need for alone time and flexibility in scheduling due to her demanding job.
Support Her Rest: Understand the importance of rest and don't resent her need for downtime after work.
Show Kindness: Demonstrate compassion and kindness, qualities highly valued by doctors.
Be a Good Listener: Benefit from her ability to listen and offer valuable advice, honed through her interactions with patients.
Ease Her Stress: Provide comfort and support during stressful times, without adding to her burden.
Plan Charity Dates: Engage in charitable activities together to align with her passion for helping others.
Food is Key: Plan dates around food, as doctors often appreciate a good meal after long shifts.
Dating a doctor requires understanding, patience, and a willingness to adapt. Understanding and supporting each other through the ups and downs of their profession is key to building a strong and lasting relationship. By following these tips and trying to meet single female doctors, you can build a strong and fulfilling relationship.
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magnussenstrange09 · 3 months
Become A Great Leader By Using These Leadership Tips!Leadership can be an unclear concept to a lot of people, especially those with no experience of a good leader. The best way to appreciate what leadership greatly entails is to educate yourself as much as possible on the topic. This article can help you find out more about leadership and what it can do.<br/><br/>Keep it simple, leader! Concentrate on the truly important things first. When you know what the big picture is, you can focus on the details. You must simplify the work as much as you can. Allow you and your team positive thinking time.<br/><br/> <a href="https://www.parekhdhruv.com/">Parekh Dhruv</a> are not mind readers. Let them know exactly how work should be done and when it needs to be completed. Also, maintain an open-door policy. This will help foster a willingness in employees to come back to ask questions when necessary.<br/><br/>Honesty is vitally important to a leader. Any good leader must be trustworthy. Always remain trustworthy and honest. If they feel they can trust you, they will gain respect for you as well.<br/><br/>Leaders must be definitely geared towards goals and the future. You should be able to anticipate things before they occur, so you can handle anything that gets thrown your way. While you can't always tell what is going to happen, this is a skill that develops better over time. Always think about where you hope to be a year from now, and then take steps in that direction.<br/><br/>Don't be a know it all. While your ideas might be great, remember that helpful people can always add to them or bring different perspectives. These people can help make suggestions that fix issues, execute plans and improve strategies.<br/><br/>It is important to be a leader that is approachable. There are a great number of people who assume that ruling with an iron fist and intimidation are the right way to show leadership. This is not good at all, and you will have a hard time earning the respect you deserve. Let those that work for you know that you're going to be there when they need something because that's your job.<br/><br/>Provide incentives for quality work. Everyone may already have a salary, but small incentives make things a lot more fun and productive. If a worker goes beyond their job description, encourage them by giving them a gift or bonus. The best leaders reward their team for a job well done.<br/><br/>Synergy is something to always keep in mind. Understand what your goals are. Know what the business goals are. There should always be alignment between them and overlap from time to time. It is always wise to strive to attain both simultaneously. If this is not possible, you may lack enthusiasm for your work.<br/><br/>Make sure you are always looking to learn newer leadership skills. Take classes and join workshops regularly to make sure you are always improving on your skills as a leader. There is constantly a steady stream of new information to learn and apply to yourself as a leader. Stay informed about changes in your industry.<br/><br/>Stay confident as you deal with others. However, don't think that being arrogant means to be confident. Nobody likes arrogance. True sincerity will build a bond of trust between you and the workers, as well as real understanding. Employees will know when you are not being sincere, so try your best to work on that.<br/><br/>Communication between team and leader is vitally important. You need to become an excellent listener so others feel comfortable about talking to you. Don't ignore an employee or have them think you aren't listening to them. If someone has a complaint, concern or even a suggestion, stop and take the time to listen.<br/><br/>With all actions, be decisive. People will respect you more as a leader if you make speedy decisions and you stick with them. No one listens to a leader who can't settle on a decision and make their mind up. Changing your mind often on major issues can also erode the confidence of others.<br/><br/>True leadership is a true art form that leads to success. However, when you don't have a thorough understanding of what it takes to become a great leader, you may not feel confident in your ability to lead. Hopefully you can use what you've read here to help you get on a good path.
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kingstonansahblog · 5 months
Mastering the Art of Negotiation_ Transforming Business Outcomes - Kingston Ansah (1)
Mastering the Art of Negotiation_ Transforming Business Outcomes - Kingston Ansah
Negotiation is an essential skill that business professionals must develop in order to achieve success in their respective fields. It plays a critical role in fostering relationships, resolving conflicts, and reaching mutually beneficial agreements with clients, suppliers, and partners. Mastering the art of negotiation enables businesses to navigate complex situations, capitalize on new opportunities, and ultimately, drive growth.
Effective negotiation strategies can have a significant impact on a company's growth trajectory. By equipping professionals with the ability to communicate their needs clearly, identify common ground, and craft creative solutions, businesses can secure more favourable deals and establish long-term strategic partnerships. This, in turn, can lead to increased revenue, improved operational efficiency, and a stronger market position. Ultimately, honing negotiation skills is a vital ingredient for long-lasting business success and expansion.
One of the key aspects of successful business negotiation is the ability to differentiate between interests and positions. Interests represent the underlying needs, desires, and concerns of each party, while positions are the specific demands or terms they present during negotiations. By focusing on interests rather than positions, negotiators can identify common ground and explore mutually beneficial solutions that address the true concerns of all parties involved.
Building rapport and trust with your negotiation counterpart is essential for fostering a productive and collaborative environment. Effective negotiators invest time in getting to know their counterparts, understanding their perspectives, and demonstrating genuine empathy. This rapport-building process helps to establish trust, which is crucial for open communication and the willingness to share information. Trust enables both parties to work together towards a mutually beneficial outcome, rather than engaging in adversarial tactics that can damage relationships and hinder progress. Kingston Ansah
A collaborative mindset is critical for successful business negotiation. Instead of viewing the negotiation process as a competition where one party wins at the expense of the other, a collaborative approach encourages negotiators to seek win-win solutions that benefit all parties involved. This mindset promotes open communication, information sharing, and creative problem-solving. By embracing a collaborative approach, negotiators can discover innovative solutions that not only address their own interests but also contribute to the overall success and growth of all parties involved.
Before entering a business negotiation, it is crucial to be well-prepared and have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. Conduct thorough research on the parties involved, the industry, potential challenges, and market trends to ensure a strong foundation for discussions. Establish a set of realistic and achievable negotiation goals, and be prepared to make concessions and prioritize issues based on their importance to your overall objectives.
In the negotiation process, active listening and asking strategic questions play a vital role in gaining insights into the other party's interests and concerns. This enables you to identify areas of alignment and potential opportunities for collaboration. Practice active listening by giving your full attention, acknowledging the speaker's points, and refraining from interrupting. Ask open-ended questions to encourage your counterpart to share information, and seek clarification when necessary to ensure a comprehensive understanding of their perspective.
One of the hallmarks of successful business negotiation is the ability to explore creative solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties involved. To achieve this, negotiators must think outside the box and be willing to entertain unconventional ideas. Brainstorming and collaborative problem-solving are excellent approaches to encouraging innovative thinking and identifying novel solutions. Be open to suggestions from your counterpart, and work together to develop mutually beneficial outcomes that drive business growth for all parties.
Understanding the sources of negotiation power and leveraging them effectively is crucial for achieving desired outcomes. Power in negotiation can stem from various factors, such as expertise, resources, relationships, or alternatives. Assess your own negotiation power, as well as that of your counterpart, to develop a strategic approach that capitalizes on your strengths while managing potential weaknesses. By recognizing and utilizing these sources of power, you can influence the negotiation process and steer it towards a favourable outcome that supports your business growth objectives. Kingston Ansah
To continually improve in the art of business negotiation and support business growth, it is essential to invest in ongoing learning and skill development. Participating in workshops and courses designed to enhance negotiation skills can provide invaluable insights, techniques, and strategies. These training programs often cover a range of topics, from understanding different negotiation styles to learning how to manage emotions and biases during the process. By attending workshops and courses, professionals can stay abreast of the latest negotiation trends and best practices, further strengthening their ability to achieve favourable outcomes.
Another effective approach to improving negotiation skills is through networking and mentorship. Building relationships with experienced negotiators and industry professionals can provide unique insights and opportunities for learning. Establishing mentorship relationships with seasoned negotiators can offer valuable guidance, support, and feedback tailored to your specific growth areas. Additionally, attending networking events and conferences can expose you to a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of effective negotiation strategies and tactics.
Lastly, one of the most effective ways to enhance your negotiation skills is by applying them in real-life scenarios and actively reflecting on each experience. Practice makes perfect, and as you engage in more negotiations, you can learn from both your successes and setbacks. After each negotiation, take the time to analyze the process, identify areas for improvement, and assess your overall performance. This reflective practice will enable you to continuously refine your skills and adapt your negotiation strategies to achieve better results in future negotiations, ultimately supporting your long-term business growth objectives.
In conclusion, mastering the art of negotiation is essential for achieving favourable outcomes and supporting business growth. By fostering trust, adopting a collaborative mindset, and being well-prepared, negotiators can navigate the complex dynamics of business negotiations with confidence. Continual skill development through workshops, courses, networking, mentorship, and real-life practice is crucial for refining negotiation abilities and staying ahead in a competitive business landscape.
Remember that success in business negotiation is not solely about winning in the short term but rather about building long-lasting relationships and pursuing win-win solutions that drive mutual growth. As you hone your negotiation skills and apply them strategically, you will not only enhance your professional capabilities but also contribute to the overall success and prosperity of your organization and its partners.
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guldagerblackwell26 · 2 years
Become A Great Leader By Using These Leadership Tips!
Leadership can be an unclear concept to a lot of people, especially those with no experience of a good leader. The best way to appreciate what leadership greatly entails is to educate yourself as much as possible on the topic. This article can help you find out more about leadership and what it can do. Keep it simple, leader! Concentrate on the truly important things first. When you know what the big picture is, you can focus on the details. You must simplify the work as much as you can. Allow you and your team positive thinking time. Your employees are not mind readers. Let them know exactly how work should be done and when it needs to be completed. Also, maintain an open-door policy. This will help foster a willingness in employees to come back to ask questions when necessary. Honesty is vitally important to a leader. Any good leader must be trustworthy. Always remain trustworthy and honest. If they feel they can trust you, they will gain respect for you as well. Leaders must be definitely geared towards goals and the future. You should be able to anticipate things before they occur, so you can handle anything that gets thrown your way. While you can't always tell what is going to happen, this is a skill that develops better over time. Always think about where you hope to be a year from now, and then take steps in that direction. Don't be a know it all. While your ideas might be great, remember that helpful people can always add to them or bring different perspectives. These people can help make suggestions that fix issues, execute plans and improve strategies. It is important to be a leader that is approachable. There are a great number of people who assume that ruling with an iron fist and intimidation are the right way to show leadership. This is not good at all, and you will have a hard time earning the respect you deserve. Let those that work for you know that you're going to be there when they need something because that's your job. Provide incentives for quality work. Everyone may already have a salary, but small incentives make things a lot more fun and productive. If a worker goes beyond their job description, encourage them by giving them a gift or bonus. The best leaders reward their team for a job well done. Synergy is something to always keep in mind. Understand what your goals are. Know what the business goals are. There should always be alignment between them and overlap from time to time. It is always wise to strive to attain both simultaneously. If this is not possible, you may lack enthusiasm for your work. Make sure you are always looking to learn newer leadership skills. Take classes and join workshops regularly to make sure you are always improving on your skills as a leader. There is constantly a steady stream of new information to learn and apply to yourself as a leader. Stay informed about changes in your industry. Stay confident as you deal with others. However, don't think that being arrogant means to be confident. Nobody likes arrogance. True sincerity will build a bond of trust between you and the workers, as well as real understanding. Employees will know when you are not being sincere, so try your best to work on that. Communication between team and leader is vitally important. You need to become an excellent listener so others feel comfortable about talking to you. Don't ignore an employee or have them think you aren't listening to them. If esg has a complaint, concern or even a suggestion, stop and take the time to listen. With all actions, be decisive. People will respect you more as a leader if you make speedy decisions and you stick with them. No one listens to a leader who can't settle on a decision and make their mind up. Changing your mind often on major issues can also erode the confidence of others. True leadership is a true art form that leads to success. However, when you don't have a thorough understanding of what it takes to become a great leader, you may not feel confident in your ability to lead. Hopefully you can use what you've read here to help you get on a good path.
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davis91oddershede · 2 years
Become A Great Leader By Using These Leadership Tips!
Leadership can be an unclear concept to a lot of people, especially those with no experience of a good leader. The best way to appreciate what leadership greatly entails is to educate yourself as much as possible on the topic. This article can help you find out more about leadership and what it can do. Keep it simple, leader! Concentrate on the truly important things first. When you know what the big picture is, you can focus on the details. You must simplify the work as much as you can. Allow you and your team positive thinking time. Your employees are not mind readers. Let them know exactly how work should be done and when it needs to be completed. Also, maintain an open-door policy. This will help foster a willingness in employees to come back to ask questions when necessary. Honesty is vitally important to a leader. Any good leader must be trustworthy. Always remain trustworthy and honest. If they feel they can trust you, they will gain respect for you as well. esg must be definitely geared towards goals and the future. You should be able to anticipate things before they occur, so you can handle anything that gets thrown your way. While you can't always tell what is going to happen, this is a skill that develops better over time. Always think about where you hope to be a year from now, and then take steps in that direction. Don't be a know it all. While your ideas might be great, remember that helpful people can always add to them or bring different perspectives. These people can help make suggestions that fix issues, execute plans and improve strategies. It is important to be a leader that is approachable. There are a great number of people who assume that ruling with an iron fist and intimidation are the right way to show leadership. This is not good at all, and you will have a hard time earning the respect you deserve. Let those that work for you know that you're going to be there when they need something because that's your job. Provide incentives for quality work. Everyone may already have a salary, but small incentives make things a lot more fun and productive. If a worker goes beyond their job description, encourage them by giving them a gift or bonus. The best leaders reward their team for a job well done. Synergy is something to always keep in mind. Understand what your goals are. Know what the business goals are. There should always be alignment between them and overlap from time to time. It is always wise to strive to attain both simultaneously. If this is not possible, you may lack enthusiasm for your work. Make sure you are always looking to learn newer leadership skills. Take classes and join workshops regularly to make sure you are always improving on your skills as a leader. There is constantly a steady stream of new information to learn and apply to yourself as a leader. Stay informed about changes in your industry. Stay confident as you deal with others. However, don't think that being arrogant means to be confident. Nobody likes arrogance. True sincerity will build a bond of trust between you and the workers, as well as real understanding. Employees will know when you are not being sincere, so try your best to work on that. Communication between team and leader is vitally important. You need to become an excellent listener so others feel comfortable about talking to you. Don't ignore an employee or have them think you aren't listening to them. If someone has a complaint, concern or even a suggestion, stop and take the time to listen. With all actions, be decisive. People will respect you more as a leader if you make speedy decisions and you stick with them. No one listens to a leader who can't settle on a decision and make their mind up. Changing your mind often on major issues can also erode the confidence of others. True leadership is a true art form that leads to success. However, when you don't have a thorough understanding of what it takes to become a great leader, you may not feel confident in your ability to lead. Hopefully you can use what you've read here to help you get on a good path.
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queernuck · 3 years
The Cleveland Browns made the playoffs. The Islanders made the Eastern Conference Finals.
And that’s enough for me.
So long, so long I have been living like this, pretending that I want to keep on living, that life feels worthwhile, that I don’t want to kill myself. Suicide is for cowards but ive been chickening out for a whole decade, to the point where getting on the subway was itself something that involved convincing myself not to jump in front of it. I remember once while working in the city, I watched and waited as two trains came in and left, trying to get the energy to jump in front of them. I had decided, if I couldn’t do it by the time a second train came and went, I would go to work and save it for another day. I came very close, my legs tense like a linebacker on 4th & Goal, but I didn’t do it. Maybe it would be better if I had, I would have saved not only myself but a lot of other people a lot of pain and suffering. I’ve been dealing with feeling suicidal for a decade, an entire ten years, and made it through. And for what? I lost a retail job at minimum wage, I’ve seen the Giants go from two-time Super Bowl kingslayers to a team that relied on the Eagles for a playoff berth, I got to see Evangelion only for the final Rebuild film to be infinitely delayed, I have a useless non-degree that allows me to eloquently describe how the Democrats and Republicans alike are driving this stolen land to Fascism while sycophants tell me Vote Blue No Matter Who. I’m so tired, I’m not even the person people think me to be, since if I were, I wouldn’t be in this mess.
My paychecks, as hard-earned as they were, never seemed to be mine in any real sense, and it made me so frustrated that something in me broke at the beginning of this year. I made some mistakes, some very stupid ones, and got myself fired. I took money from and distorted the inventory of my store to get what amounted to pocket money, less than two paychecks. I was tempted because I feel so powerless, so much like nothing I could ever say or do matters, and so I decided to lash out against a place that mattered to me, against people I cared about deeply. Chain stores, corporations, all of those things are not really high on my list of things to care about. Barnes & Noble pushed out local booksellers years ago, an irony not lost on me whenever our own competition with Amazon was made apparent. We were reaping what we had sown. But what always interested on top of this irony was how symbolic these things could be to people, how much we figured into so may memories for so many. The Manga Aisle at Barnes & Noble is a staple of 2006 scene culture, a way that kids without the pocket money to afford the newest volume of Bleach it Naruto could keep up before scams became widely available. How the store was a place where people studying for standardized tests could use the test prep guides to try and get ready for the eugenic ritual of the standardized test. And just how much a chain bookstore became a substitute, socially, for the now-absent local bookstore. We bear the guilt for that, but at the same time we were still selling books, giving people a place to get coffee and sit and read and talk, in ways that libraries may not be able to. We certainly can never replace a library, given just what a library does for people. But we did do a lot of good all the same. Before it closed, some of my fondest memories came when I was the exact sort of annoying teenage customer I grew to hate, hanging out at the Columbus Circle Borders. Working at Barnes & Noble was tiring, dehumanizing, difficult, made me feel like I would never measure up to the authors we sold, the people books were written about, that I was a failure. And I am, as my death shows. But it also made me a part of something I was proud of. And that Above & Beyond pin I earned is in my jacket still, a reminder of something.
That something was shown in so many of the coworkers I had, who were incredible in so many ways. I feel awful for what I did, I genuinely do, because of how it may have hurt people who thought so kindly of me, people who deserve so much good. I wish I had the ability to address each of them individually but this decision was hastily made, and i have a feeling it will show in the things I miss in this note. Audra, your help in finding me a way to use the company policies to my advantage as a worker was something that gave me faith even after having seen the despicable firings and cuts the company went through. Linda, I can’t quite square the circle here given my actions, but I want to say your disappointment broke my heart and that while I will not be the one who shows it, your reassurance that everyone makes mistakes was welcome.
To my (former) fellow booksellers at Store 2216, all of my love and my sincerest apologies. You all have so much good in you, your willingness to listen to my ADHD-fueled rants and to discuss so many things with an incredible frankness was always impressive, in addition to part of what I loved about all of you. I want you all to be happy, and the kinship I felt with you was a vital part of what kept me going. It was tough, as you all know. But at times, it almost felt worth it.
The same is true of my CTY friends: it was a weird, magical place that frankly, a lot of us idealized for far too long and which sk many of us eventually outgrew without being able to let go of. And that was tough, that was something we had a great deal of difficulty understanding, that what helped us once was not always going to be helping us, was not always what we needed. But in eventually finding that, we found solace, we realized how life as a whole functions and just what it is that we can take from places like it.
To my other family, my Cleo family, I know I haven’t been terribly active lately, but I can never, ever thank you enough for the belonging you gave me. I have never felt anywhere as welcoming as Cleo. As warm as Cleo (even as we struggled to pay for the oil bill) was. As kind and understanding. As tolerant. As questioning and inquisitive into what that tolerance meant to us. I am thankful, eternally, for what you all did for me. The incredible experiences I had as a Cleo make me proud of what the organization can represent, and one of my dying wishes is that the organization continues to reach out to marginalized communities on Trinity’s campus. There is much work to be done in making sure abusers cannot hide in our family, but I trust you all to do that work. Tucker Carlson is a Trinity grad and we must embody the opposite of what he stands for, no matter how difficult it may be. I could go on about how this means opposing liberals and Liberalism/Neo—Liberalism due to the truth of tolerance resulting in a Popper-esque Paradox of Tolerance that implies Popper is a worthwhile philosopher, but that’s another issue.
To my friends on that Blue Hellsite, tumblr, you made a continual presence worth it, even with all of the bullshit this place brings. It’s the reason I read so much Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Guattari, read Žižek against himself, and so on and so on, and the value of that to me can never be overstated. I learned so much from the ways in which I learned to analyze the world, and that in turn became a huge inspiration for why I should try to do what I could to make the world closer to a place of revolution, one where we could perhaps eke out a living for one another. I loved how much I could be an unrepentant nerd and still love hockey on there, and while the
NHL fans on tumblr are incredibly annoying,
I can deal with that compared to the racism of most hockey fans.
Mom, Dad? I just couldn’t live with you any longer. I’m so sorry.
Grandma, I love you.
And the things I leave behind? Donate what can be donated. Hats, please auction, or at least offer to other HatHeads at a reasonable price. I had some nice ones. As for assorted albums, clothing, and other things, sell them and donate to a Harm Reduction organization, or organizations that advocate for PWUD in a radical fashion. WE DESERVE AUTONOMY!
I am a victim of the War on Drugs. Sobriety was always hellish to me, and I could never take it. I want people to be able to live how they want, to see sobriety and being on drugs as equally valuable states, to see the two as no different from one another.
Abolish all gun laws
End the War on Terror
Decriminalize and legalize all drugs, sobriety is what killed me.
I love all of you.
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jeanslongschlong · 3 years
a-z fluff alphabet for eren jaeger
these are self indulgent because i was really craving some eren fluff tonight. enjoy!!
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Let’s face it. This boy is known for being overly passionate about everything, so he adores absolutely everything about you. Specifically, the fact that you don’t try to baby him and often give him the freedom he needs (but not the freedom, if you get what I mean LMAO). He really appreciates that you allow him to do things on his own and aren’t too overbearing. He already gets enough of that with Mikasa.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Probably your hair. This boy could sit around and play with your hair aimlessly all day; it literally brings him so much joy he can’t even begin to explain it. Loves to braid it, pet it, run his fingers through it, basically anything you can think of.
If you don’t have hair, then probably your hands. He loves to hold your hand in public (since we all know this one is probably possessive as hell) just to show that you’re his. Especially in front of Jean. When you’re alone, he likes to lay back on the bed and trace patterns on your palms, play with your fingers, and laugh at the size difference between your hands, claiming he thinks the size difference is adorable.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
I feel like Eren isn’t entirely huge on PDA, so I wouldn’t go as far as saying he likes to cuddle in public, but when it’s just the two of you (or a group of you and maybe a few friends), expect him to be trying to initiate cuddles all the time. This boy is so seriously touch starved, he yearns for your touch all the time. I mean, who would say no to him, though? I love him 🥺
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
I’m not gonna lie, I don’t think Eren is the romantic type perse, BUT, I definitely think if he were to have an ideal date with you it would include a late night picnic with extremely deep conversations about how you imagine your future to be. Lots of cuddles. You’d definitely have a good time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys got so carried away in your chatting that you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
This boy is the worst at expressing his emotions, I swear. He’s sad? Angry. He’s happy? Slightly less angry. He’s angry? You’d better start running. When it comes to getting him to talk to you about his emotions, he really doesn’t like to be pushed. He has issues acknowledging that he has issues in the first place, but once he does realize it, he usually takes a few days to process and think before choosing to talk to you about it (if he ever does). This boy’s feelings are an enigma, but he’s working on it. This can cause a rift in your communication, but it’s an easy fix if you’re willing to talk to him about it. The last thing he wants to do is let his inability to express emotions ruin the best thing he’s ever had.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Okay, canonically? I don’t think this boy has ever thought about it. I don’t think he ever thought he’d live that long. Especially S4 Eren, starting a family is the last thing on his mind. So, probably not, I’d barter.
However, in a modern AU? I definitely see Eren wanting children with you. I can’t see him wanting them until he’s in his late twenties/early thirties, but I 100% think he would want some. Only if you did, though. Kids are something he can live without, even though he would really like to have some if he were given the chance.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Like I mentioned previously, I don’t think Eren is a very romantic person. However, he never passes up the opportunity to buy you something. I think it’s his way of compensating for not being able to express his emotions very well with you. He’s got to show he cares about you somehow, right? Expect lots of chocolates from him randomly. I can also see him sneaking onto your laptop just to see what’s on your amazon wishlist so he can go and buy them for you later.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
All the time! He loves holding your hand; I’d say it’s the only form of PDA that he’s really comfortable with. It keeps him grounded, especially during particularly stressful times in his life. For example, in the canon universe, he’d hold onto your hand a little extra before and after expeditions. In a modern AU, I’d say he’d hold your hand before a particularly rigorous exam, or after he’s had a really rough day at work. It just reminds him that everything will be okay because you’re there. He’s never really had anything to bring him back down to earth when he gets all caught up with his emotions, so he relies on it pretty hard in that sense.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
TBH? He’d probably get pissed LMAO. But not at you, anger is basically the only way this boy can express emotions. Deep down, he’d be really, really worried about you. He’d probably sit around and mope. He’d grumble in response to any questions you’d ask him. He’s just in emotional overdrive, poor baby can’t process anything bad happening to you, it makes him want to go apeshit.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
I feel like he jokes around with you quite a bit, but more so in the form of teasing. If you’re short, be prepared for the short jokes. He’s unrelenting.  
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Say it with me: P👏A👏S👏S👏I👏O👏N👏A👏T👏E👏L👏Y. He does not halfass his kisses. He gives the type of kiss that leaves you gasping for breath afterwards, the type that makes you see stars behind your eyelids. Kissing Eren takes you to another dimension. It’s fucking amazing.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
I’d say mostly through gift giving and physical touch. He’s not very good with expressing that he loves you through words since one, he’s afraid he’ll say the wrong thing, two, he’s too scared that he’ll embarrass himself, and three, there literally isn’t a way to put the way he loves you into words. The way he feels about you transcends all languages.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you two first met. He will never forget the very first moment he laid eyes on you. He considers it to be the best day of his life (though he keeps that to himself because he’s afraid you’ll tease him about it and he wants to keep up his manly facade).
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Unintentionally hurting you or losing you. Eren can’t imagine life without you, he wants to keep you around for as long as he can. He’s afraid one day he’ll go too far in an argument and finally push you away forever. He’s not prepared for that at all.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Loves to hug you just so he can smell you LMAO. Sounds weird, but your scent genuinely just fills him with joy.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Sticking to the classics here: Eren really likes to call you baby and babe, specifically babe. I feel like he only calls you baby when he’s feeling especially affectionate OR he’s begging for something/trying to get out of an argument without any consequences. LMAO
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Alone and at home. Of course, he doesn’t mind going out to movies or out to dinner every once and a while, but he prefers to spend time with you in private, so he can love you without anything to hold him back and no unwelcome and prying eyes.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Heat Waves by Glass Animals. More specifically, the slowed and reverb version on YouTube. I couldn’t explain why even if I tried. I just get the vibes.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
The thing with Eren is, he doesn’t mind laying out his past to you plain and simple. He will tell you every grueling detail of his childhood (including things he hasn’t even told Armin). Presently, he doesn’t keep any secrets from you. The word ‘secret’ doesn’t apply to you. The only thing that I’d say he really keeps a ‘secret’ are his emotions, but I covered that already.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
I want to say that you got together relatively quickly, but I just can’t. If I’m being realistic, I’d say nine months to a year. Eren just wasn’t sure if he was ready to commit (or if he was ready to have something to lose) so he just kept you around as a ‘really good friend’ or you guys had some sort of friends with benefits deal going on.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He doesn’t know how to act. He doesn’t know what to say. He just sits and listens to what you have to say, provides the tissues, and hugs you when you look like you need it. He’s really very comforting once he’s relaxed enough in your relationship to show you his more sensitive side.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Eren 100% loves to show you off. Especially to his friends. ESPECIALLY to Jean. It brings him a special type of joy when he can rub having you as his girlfriend in Jean’s face.
“She’s all mine, horse face.”
Poor Jean. Probably wasn’t even looking in your direction to begin with. Eren’s just a possessive and competitive shit.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He thinks you’re a badass and respects your willingness in the Survey Corps. He would 100% fight for you; he would lay his life down for you if he needed to (let’s hope not). He would worry about you, obviously, but ultimately he knows that you can handle yourself so he’s not too worried. Often times you’re the one who has to keep him from getting chomped, so he’s really grateful to you in that sense. You allow him to fight on his own for the most part but when it gets a little too dangerous you swoop in.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
At first? Tch. Homeboy is OBLIVIOUS to anything you’re feeling. But after you’ve been together one, maybe two years? He can read you like a book.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Probably in a nonchalant way if I’m being honest. Just brings it up so casually in conversation one day that you almost completely missed it.
“Hey, Eren, what do you need from the grocery store? I’ve already got chocolate milk on the list, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Um…more shampoo? Some more shaving cream and…your hand in marriage?”
“Shampoo…shaving cream…and my hand in marriage. Got it.” Eren snickers. You knit your eyebrows together in confusion as to what he’s laughing at and scan over the contents of what you just wrote down to make sure you didn’t write down the wrong thing. When you notice it, you let out the loudest gasp known to man. “Wait- my…oh my god, are you serious?”
“More obvious? What could be more obvious than that?” You mentally facepalm.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
He loves to play with your hair, but have I mentioned how much he loves it when you play with his hair? You could get this man to fall asleep in 10 seconds flat just by gently scratching your fingernails against his scalp.
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mfkinanaa · 3 years
Born with Libra on your Ascendant (or Rising), life is likely to be experienced as a constant series of choices.
It is important for you to consider everything from its various points of view.
Deliberation may be your hallmark, and eventually justice your middle name.
Libra is an Air sign, concerned with fairness, equality and right relationships.
Thus, you are likely to feel the need to be objective in all your dealings, and will specialise in relationships.
However the need to consider all perspectives may be somewhat crippling if a decision or resolution cannot be reached.
Reflective judgement with a committment to equity is the key note for you.
Your task is to find the right principle involved in a given situation, and then commit to it – maintaining your position without changing your mind.
Shall I Do This Or That?
When your Ascendant is Libra, the temptation to change your mind is ever-present. This can lead to vacillation, indecisiveness and a tendency to fence-sit when a choice is not made. You need to become aware of any intrinsic desire to avoid making a decision, as this will lead to others seeing you as fickle, and even opportunistic, rather than the finely balanced, fair-minded individual that you truly are.
You may be easily imposed upon because of a tendency to avoid openly stating what you really want. You yourself are likely to feel frustrated by this inability to choose. It is important to reflect on this and admit to yourself what your true motives are. Are you seeking others approval by avoiding action? Do stop yourself doing what you know is right in case someone else disagrees?
The Need To be Liked.
Often, the desire to be liked, and a willingness to please others can lead you to “people-please”, rather than commit to what is right or fair. In order to guard against this tendency, a reliable, fair and objective system of values needs to be established. You would do well to be guided by principle rather than popularity in the choices that you make.
A balance should be found between activity and passivity, between head and heart, intuition and logic. Negotiation through charm and objectivity is your forte, and you can help bring about resolution through a balanced assessment of facts.
You need to experience both confrontation and compromise to find out what is important to you. Thus, you can be both principled and assertive, willing to compromise yet clear in your objectives once you have decided on what you want. At your best, you are able to express the grace, poise and consideration which is characteristic of this sign. 
Harmony and Balance.
Symmetry, proportion and balance are also important, and you are likely to prefer harmonious, refined or well-designed environments. You need to be surrounded by beauty and will function best in an organized and aesthetic space. Harmony is important for your mental balance.
You are also likely to be quite refined, with a sense of style that is often innate. It may be important for you to project a stylish appearance, and so, you may also be very fashion conscious.
The search for the ideal system, relationship or ideal can lead you into many areas of interest and exploration. This is a mental sign after all, so that information is a key theme. You are also probably known for your listening and negotiation skills, and ability to give good advice. This is the sign of wise counsel, and your capacity to make a detached assessment of any situation is likely to be highly esteemed.
The Gift of Libra Rising.
Relationships are a major concern, and you will get the best from your partnerships when you learn to first define who you are, and what you need, before then making any necessary compromises to keep things agreeable. Libra is the sign of partnerships, and you may feel that you need others to be able to fulfill yourself. Doing things collaboratively brings your best qualities to the surface. You may find it easiest working toward a goal when you have someone else to do it with. Through relationships, you learn to assert yourself, adjust to others, and to stand up for the principles which you believe are fair.
Born with Scorpio on your Ascendant (or Rising) you are likely to experience life as a constant series of obstacles or crises in which you learn about the nature of power through transformation.
Whilst this may seem challenging, once understood in terms of a life lesson, you have the potential to be an inspirational and catalytic individual.
Your strength and insight gives you the ability to change your own life and help others overcome whatever is holding them back.
On the one hand, this is a difficult Ascendant.
On the other it offers you a magnetic and charismatic quality that makes you fascinating to others and deeply perceptive.
There is much in the experience of Scorpio Rising that involves learning to transform yourself and others through episodes of conflict, challenge and subsequent letting go.
Finding the Light Within.
When your Ascendant is Scorpio, a confrontation with that which is dark, hidden, destructive and taboo in your own nature is often required. Despite your best intentions, you may need to deal with negative, toxic and obsessive emotional states that seem to plague you.
Such destructive qualities need to be internally transformed by being acknowledged, accepted and brought into the light.
You may also meet the same qualities in others. You could find yourself confronting darkness in the outside world through facing extreme situations, or attracting negativity to yourself. Whilst your nature is inherently good, you are learning to experience both the positive and negative aspects of life.
Through overcoming difficult situations you find your strength and light.
The Eighth Labour of Hercules.
The themes which present with this sign on the Ascendant can be described by the mythic tale of Hercules battling the much-feared Hydra, a demonic creature of the Underworld with ten heads and a deadly bite.
The Eighth Labour of Hercules tells the story of how he overcame the beast. Victory required submission rather than brute force. Every time Hercules cut one head off, another would appear.
To overcome the Hydra, Hercules had to follow the guidance of his teacher – “We rise by kneeling, we conquer by surrendering, and we gain by giving up”. This experience could be described as the quintessential lesson for those with Scorpio rising.
The Curse of Jealousy.
Jealousy is often an issue, especially in the early part of life. You may find yourself envious of others apparent power, beauty or success – with no rational explanation as to why.
This destructive emotion can alienate you from others, generating friction that needs to be released. Envy pulls you down and can trigger a nasty backlash. If not released, resentment and associated feelings fester within, rearing their ugly heads at inopportune times with a powerful and destructive force. Internal pressure slowly builds until an explosion occurs.
Just like the Hydra, toxic emotions can only be conquered through submission. This means letting go of negativity and aligning yourself with something greater than your personal desires. Humility and self-acceptance is required.
You may find yourself oscillating between hopeful and hopeless responses to your feelings and external stimuli. You can unconsciously create dramatic events in your life which trigger catalytic personal experiences as you discover more about your true self.
Sometimes, situations of disability and impairment come about, so that the fear of helplessness or restriction is materialised. These challenges then become the opportunity for you to experience surrender, learning eventually to open up and trust others.
Private & Sensitive.
Private by nature, you are likely to give very little away about yourself until you know who you can trust. Others may not be sure of your true intentions. They may find you somewhat inscrutable, mysterious or just hard to read. You are likely to play your cards very close to your chest.
Rather than being secretive, you are self-protective.
Your acute sensitivity to environmental influences means you try to avoid exposing yourself and feeling vulnerable in any way. For you, letting others know how sensitive you really are means giving them a kind of power you are not sure you want to give.
You are often extremely aware of the underlying emotional currents surrounding you. This sign is extremely perceptive. You can easily pick up on another’s mood, and will sense how they feel – sometimes before they do.
You will also have a knack for exposing hidden intentions, and will need to dig deep to uncover the underlying psychological motives in any important situation with which you are involved.
You will also be aware of others potential to be deceptive, abusive and less than truthful, and so you can be at times disarmingly honest. Most often, your preferred form of attack is defence, and so you keep yourself to yourself.
You are generally quite content therefore to wait while others reveal who they truly are to you. 
Careful in Relationship.
With a warm and passionate heart, you are likely to respond intensely to significant relationships, and it will be especially important for you to find a partner you can trust. You do best with calm, placid yet strong lovers who are able to withstand the intensity of your emotional reactions, and your need to work them out through others.
When you have committed your heart to someone, you are loyal, giving and devoted. You need someone who is stable enough to ride any emotional storms and patient enough to give you the security you need.
In many ways you might take an “all or nothing” stance with affairs of the heart. You need time to get to know someone so won’t be inclined to rush in. Even if you do form a connection quickly, you will probably withhold parts of yourself. You need to know your partner is “all in” before you can trust them.
Or you could try avoid intimacy because it means you have to let your guard down. For this reason, you can be hard to get close to, as your self-protective mechanisms are very strong.
This can mean you end up remaining on your own, leaving others feeling uncertain as to where you stand but safely at a distance.
The Fires of Transformation.
Once the necessary transformations have come about, you then become a powerful catalyst or agent for change in your own and others lives.
You have the ability to renew and rebuild your life, and can show others how to do the same. Negative states can be transformed and redirected through internal processes. A creative outlet, some form of therapy, a mystical experience or an intense sexual exchange can serve as the means to refine these energies.
As you let go of pain and open up to light you find strength and wisdom within.
You are likely to have a penetrating kind of insight that makes you a valued confidante and friend. You have great compassion for others, but will not suffer fools. You are also likely to be patient, persevering and reliable, and can be a source of strength in times of need.
Your desire for truth means you may sometimes have to employ shock tactics to instigate change. Usually this is not to be upsetting, but rather because you know sometimes you have to say the things that others will not in order to shake up the status quo.
Your highly developed emotional intelligence can make you privy to others’ secrets. When you share vulnerabilities with others you also learn to let go of your own fear of being overwhelmed.
The Gift Of Scorpio Rising.
Yours is an intense rising sign, with the potential to experience great rewards. You have come to learn the secrets of resurrection and rebirth through experiencing transformation in certain areas of your life. Once you learn the techniques of inner growth by finding your power within you then have the capacity to become an incredible force for change.
Born with Sagittarius on your Ascendant (or Rising) you are likely to experience your life as a quest, challenge or search for adventure where the prize you seek is meaning.
Self-awareness comes about through expanding your horizons – at either physical, mental or spiritual levels.
You are likely to approach new experiences with a sense of optimism and hope – an expectation of success.
The dynamic, fiery qualities of this rising sign need to be directed toward reconciling some of the metaphysical and philosophical quandaries of life.
In your quest for meaning, you should leave no stone unturned.
The Search for Meaning.
When your Ascendant is Sagittarius, every situation can be viewed as an opportunity to learn. You are likely to feel a sense of restlessness and need to have the freedom to roam, explore horizons and see how far you can go. This might happen at physical, mental or spiritual levels.
At times, your life could feel like a pilgrimage, where the need to find the holy grail of your own “truth” is paramount. A way to express this approach might be – “I see the goal; I reach the goal, and then I see another”.
Gifted with energy and inspiration, you are often able to inspire and uplift others. You are typically broad-minded and so happy to let everyone live their own lives. Charged with faith and optimism, you can look for symbolic meaning wherever you go, finding portents in life’s circumstances and omens to guide you on your way. Usually, every event is seen as part of a larger, connected whole. You find meaning in patterns and serendipity at every turn.
Times of Excess.
Yet there may also be times where you allow your faith to dwindle. If you fail to find the answers you seek you can become despondent and cynical in the extreme. You must be careful not to set yourself up for crushing disappointment by setting expectations that are unrealistic or too big to achieve.
Added to this, there may also be a tendency toward excess, inflation and overstepping the mark. Your exuberance and optimism can sometimes turn to greed, recklessness or a lack of due care. Your tendency to go to extremes goes hand in hand with a belief in your own invincibility and need to push boundaries in terms of what is possible. It is worthwhile checking in at times to see if you have in fact gone too far – despite the fact that you want to. 
Sharing your Truth.
If your Ascendant is Sagittarius, you need to find your truth on your own terms, and there may be an extended period of searching for the right path, teaching or philosophy to satisfy your quest. You may spend significant chapters of your life travelling or immersed in a particular belief system, exploring ideas and concepts to their broadest level.
You are likely to be passionate about the pursuit of knowledge, and so it is important to allow yourself plenty of opportunity to explore new horizons, and broaden your sphere of reference.
Once you have found a path that fulfils, you can become so enthusiastic that you want to share with everyone else what you know. You are eager to teach others what you have learnt. Many excellent teachers have this sign pronounced in their charts.
Yet some of you can turn to preaching and even zealotry in your eagerness to share. There may be times when you go to extremes in your efforts to recruit others to your particular belief system. Care should be taken to extend to others the same intellectual, moral or personal freedom that you require for yourself.
In this way, you can manifest the darker side of Sagittarius, trying to co-opt others into agreeing with your version of the truth. Cynical disbelief can be equally vehement as optimistic faith. In the end you will find that trying to convert others is an ultimately futile preoccupation.
The Gift of Sagittarius Rising.
With Sagittarius rising, life is best viewed as a quest and adventure. Faith and a positive attitude are your greatest assets. You are likely to approach life in a grand way, excited by possibilities and certain of your right to experience them. Using your innate gifts of insight and perception gives you the ability to inspire and uplift others, helping them become the best that they can be by lighting the fire of meaning and purpose all around.
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himboarcher · 3 years
reasons i've seen folks say that grad critics hate grad:
they hate travis (in fairness, i’ve def seen some comments of people shitting on trav for the sake of shitting on trav, but it’s not super common and typically gets downvoted into oblivion on reddit.)
it's not balance / travis isn't griffin (???????)
they hate neurodivergent people (again, in fairness, i have seen a handful of comments that could come across this way! but most of the time when travis being ADHD or his NPD is brought up, it's by defenders saying that criticizing travis is ableist because he's neurodivergent or, in one particular comment, infantilizing him bc of it and literally comparing grad to putting a kid's artwork on the fridge. there were some comments early on that pointed to him being a narcissist as the reason for things people disliked about grad, but everyone seems to have realized that that's a shitty train of thought and left it behind.)
they're just toxic haters (again, there are a small handful of people like this because this is the internet, but the genuine criticism greatly outweighs their bullshit. i 100% think that the people, which is mostly just one dude who is also insufferable on reddit, who have been responding rudely to positive tweets under the episode announcements lately are out of line and need to stop. there's been an influx of that lately, presumably because people are frustrated that after over a year of grad going on, there's been no improvement to most of the major issues. that's still no excuse to be a dick to folks, though.)
vs some of the actual reasons i don't like grad:
the racism / racist tropes, and the way that they’ve straight up ignored this criticism and will likely never acknowledge it. pretty wild considering a core tenet of their brand is their willingness to acknowledge when they’ve messed up and do their best to course correct.
clumsy attempts at inclusion that are shallow and often end up being fairly offensive ("...ask me about my wheelchair," anyone?)
on a related note: i don't think that travis had bad intentions, but as an nonbinary person, it feels othering to me that travis only has enby characters give others their pronouns unprompted. i'm thinking specifically of kai here. having listened to their introduction, i don't think it's as bad or awkward as some people have said, but i can't remember travis ever having another NPC tell the PCs their pronouns, especially not a cis character. it's not a huge deal, but it's something that rubbed me the wrong way. admittedly, i don't think it would bother me so much if travis hadn't dropped the ball so much with performative inclusion in the past.
okay i'm putting the rest under a read more because even without getting into all of the problems i have with it, this got Long.
little to no player agency. player choices are ultimately meaningless and have little to no effect on the world. even when he seems to go along with a plan they come up with, it always ends with them having to go back to travis' pre-written script (see: subpoenaing the xorn, but not really because they had to go with travis' original plan of "send the xorn home through the rift".) the players repeatedly get told things about what they think or feel or what they've been doing to an unnecessary degree. fitzroy is the only one who really gets space to play and decide things for himself, and that's only because travis has decided he's the main character.
the NPCs are all too nice and willing to give the PCs anything they ask for and more, unless the PCs are trying to follow their own plan and then the NPCs are completely useless. but honestly, aside from gray, all of the NPCs are just.... nice. travis refuses to even let his antagonists be mean or cruel or even more than just slightly rude, because that'd be a bummer and we don't want that! the "twist" of gordy the lich king actually being polite and chill is not a twist at all because everyone is like that in this world. the NPCs are also wildly overpowered, but then suddenly absolutely useless when the PCs actually want their help.
too many cliffhangers that are dropped immediately at the beginning of the next episode. i feel bad for travis because so many of these cliffhangers actually set up good momentum and seemed like things were gonna get interesting, but almost every single time he just dropped them at the beginning of the next episode. like when althea showed up to interview the boys and the next episode started with travis being like "actually you went to sleep, she said she'll be back tomorrow!"
that time travis specifically said in his exposition dump that the thundermen left their horses behind because they thought the centaurs might be offended by them riding horses, only to later on rag on them for being surprised that the centaurs had horses they could ride.....
also the centaur arc in general, but i already listed racism above, so.
the way that the toxic positivity and parasocial tendencies in the mcelroy fandoms have made a large portion of the fandom take ANY criticism as a personal attack on travis and/or on themselves for enjoying something others consider bad, either morally or just quality-wise. it’s okay to admit that something you like has problematic elements or just isn’t as good as it once was. you can and should engage critically with the media you consume.
related to above: the way travis has handled genuine criticism, which is to throw public tantrums on his twitter or make weird passive aggressive tweets & ultimately ignore all the genuine criticism and advice he's been offered by claiming it's all subjective, even after he specifically asked for it and set up an email for folks to send in genuine, objective advice for him (after he threw a tantrum on twitter and replied to someone's criticism publicly, which resulted in his followers dogpiling on that person bc how dare they insult their internet best friend). while i was writing this last night, he actually announced that he’s taking a break from Twitter and acknowledged that he’s been using it as an echo chamber where he can easily get validation from folks, and honestly i’m happy for him that he’s recognized this problem and is stepping away for a while! i hope he’ll genuinely use this time to reflect on how he’s been behaving and find a more healthy way to use social media. i’m leaving this point in because i think his Twitter being such a positive echo chamber was encouraging him to do stuff like this, and him somewhat acknowledging his behavior doesn’t mean it can no longer be discussed.
rainer. extremely cool concept in theory and i was very into it until that awkward "does anyone want to ask about my wheelchair?" moment. also when travis had her use her mobility aid to RAM INTO A DOOR instead of just fucking knocking???? also all the times travis has tried to force a romantic relationship between her and fitzroy, despite fitzroy displaying no interest in her in that way. also, just to clarify: as an ace person, i don’t think this is aphobic! (and it’s kind of a stretch to call it that imo, especially since griffin never explicitly said that fitzroy's aromantic!) i just think it’s weird and awkward and a little uncomfortable for me personally, mostly because it reminds me of the times i’ve been in similar situations.
less of a problem than a lot of the other stuff and more just bad writing, but the forced emotional moments. in general, nothing in grad feels earned (why are the boys heading a war? when they have multiple actual heroes with combat experience on their side and a supposedly powerful secret organization? and the thundermen are like 21 years old max and have only had like ~10 fights in the entire campaign?) but there've been a couple times where travis has tried to force unearned emotional moments, presumably because he knows people enjoyed those with the last campaigns. but the difference is that in balance, the big emotional moments happened because they were earned. in grad, it's just travis throwing a baby pegasus at us for a few minutes and then the next time she shows up, it's supposed to be a tearful goodbye.
there are absolutely no stakes. remember when the thundermen got told that if they left, gray would kill 10 students? and then they left and came back and it turns out that what gray actually meant was, "i'll tie ten students who are mostly nameless NPCs to a tree and throw some dogs at them that you can easily stop in time, then throw a tantrum because how dare you but i'll leave before you can really do anything to hurt me lol" travis did have fitzroy's magic get taken away, but like. it didn't really do anything? also all he had to get it back was be coerced into using drugs by an authority figure and trip in the woods?
we're told that the school is weird and the hero system is corrupt, but the world of nua is still presented as more of a liberal utopia than anything? althea getting fired because of a corrupt villain is the only time we've somewhat seen corruption, but even then, she was still allowed to get (what seems to me, anyway, but admittedly i don't know for sure bc nothing about the HOG makes much sense) a fairly important job from the very people who stripped her of her hero license or whatever the fuck heroes need?
travis doesn't actually seem to understand how capitalism or bureaucracy works and just chalks up everything to "red tape." also more on the rest of the boys than him specifically, but the "let's destroy capitalism!" thing turning into just pushing some filing cabinets over................... okay.
and one last piece of extremely subjective criticism: it's just kind of.... boring. i think a lot of people, myself included, would be willing to overlook 90% of the problems with graduation if it didn't feel like such a slog to get through.
also people saying that we can't or shouldn't criticize graduation because it's "free" is absolutely absurd for several reasons. first, something being free does not make it above criticism. second, there ARE people who directly financially support the show with monthly donations. three, there's a difference between something being free and something being not for profit. podcasting is their full time job. they make their living off of money made from TAZ and MBMBAM (and probably their other shows to a lesser extent). this not a fun home game that they are graciously recording and sharing with us. it is a product they are producing that they make money off of, both from ads in the episodes and merch & books based off of these podcasts. they have marketed themselves as professionals, and both griffin and travis have been on panels where they are marketed as professional DMs and appear alongside other professional DMs (which makes it incredibly frustrating when people say that travis is just a newbie DM and we can't criticize him because of that. if he's a newbie, then he should not be taking part of panels as a professional DM where he speaks as an expert). TAZ is free in the same way that an episode of NCIS is free. i may not pay for it directly, but the creators are paid to create it and profit off of me consuming this product. so saying we should be grateful for any mcelnoise that the benevolent good boys share with us and that we're not allowed to criticize it "because it's free" is absolutely wild.
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Hello, I am a big fan of your analyses! Being francophone the translation can be approximate. I would have liked your analysis on the dynamics (relationship...) between the team members (Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Sara and Greg) with Grissom. You’ve already referred to "that Greg would be kind of Grissom and Sara’s kid, and Warrick considers Grissom "like a father, 9X01" but I have more trouble with someone like Nick. Thank you
hi, anon!
thank you for your kind words! i'm glad you enjoy my stuff.
analysis after the "keep reading," if you're interested.
we'll just take everyone one at a time, okay?
if we use the "family" analog, catherine is essentially grissom's "work wife" (a point humorously acknowledged by the show itself in episode 04x06 "jackpot").
catherine and grissom have known each other since the mid-1980s. in addition to being the supervisor and assistant supervisor for the graveyard shift, they are also frequent field partners. they have a great deal of working history between them and also maintain a social relationship outside of their work.
other than sara, catherine is grissom's best friend, as is evidenced by the fact that they socialize outside of work (see catherine coming over to grissom's condo to drink screwdrivers with him in episode 02x15 "burden of proof"), are familiar with each other's personal lives* (see catherine's comments in episode 01x04 "pledging mr. johnson" which insinuate that grissom knew about eddie's cheating before she did), support each other in times of trouble (see catherine showing up to the hospital to wish grissom good luck before his surgery in episode 03x23 "inside the box"), have a playful rapport between them (see their back-and-forth banter in episode 03x19 "a night at the movies"), are comfortable showing vulnerability to each other (see grissom telling catherine about his father's death in episode 06x10 "still life" and catherine collapsing sobbing into grissom's arms after keppler is shot in episode 07x15 "law of gravity"), know each other incredibly well (see catherine anticipating that grissom will forget about her deadline and working around him in episode 01x20 "sounds of silence"), etc.
* of course, grissom does keep the biggest part of his personal life—i.e., that he and sara are a couple—a secret from catherine for many years, so while they are certainly socially intimate, they do also still have a degree of separation between them.
while both catherine's ex-husband eddie and some fans believe there is a romantic/sexual element to their relationship, i firmly believe that there isn't and never has been. to my mind, theirs is a truly platonic dynamic, based in mutual respect and a willingness to be frank with each other.
though they're two very different people—a socially-savvy, streetwise, politic, sexually-liberated single mother on the one hand; and an asocial, academic, impolitic, demisexual bookworm on the other—they care about each other deeply and have each other's backs.
many times over the course of the series, we see that grissom is willing to take catherine's advice, both with regards to professional matters (see, for example, how he listens to her when she tells him he needs to go home and get some rest so he can have fresh eyes during the events of episode 04x12 "butterflied") and personal ones (see, for example, when he heeds her advice to make nice with sara during the events of episode 02x15 "burden of proof"). he also literally trusts her with his life (see episode 01x23 "strip strangler").
while they do sometimes butt heads regarding certain issues and in particular grissom’s quirks do occasionally drive catherine up a wall, they also generally have a good working rapport and help balance each other out as leaders/partners. catherine alerts grissom to his social and political blind spots and reminds him to consider the human element in their cases, while grissom tempers catherine's zealousness and encourages her to maintain objectivity, even in situations where she has personal feelings about or interest in a case.
ultimately, grissom believes in catherine very strongly and recognizes her strength and leadership potential, which is why he feels comfortable leaving the team in her hands upon his retirement from the lab (see episode 09x10 "one to go"); after so many years of her being his right hand, he has total confidence in her abilities.
see here.
as is the case with grissom and warrick, grissom and nick also have a very father-son relationship.
their dynamic is generally a warm one, with genuine adoration coming from both sides. while grissom loves teaching nick and pushing him to be the best criminalist he can be, nick loves learning from grissom, which is why when grissom finally leaves the lab in episode 09x10 "one to go," he calls nick the best student he ever had.
their big thing, especially early on, is that nick craves grissom's approval.
as nick himself explains in episode 01x22 "evaluation day," part of the reason he got a job at the lvpd under grissom is because he wanted to be told by someone he considered "the best" that he was the best ("you know why i took this job? honestly? i wanted to pack heat, walk under the yellow tape, be the man, but mostly because i want you to think i'm a good csi").
for this reason, much more so than with either warrick or sara, nick will bend over backwards in order to please grissom, following his orders unquestioningly—as nick remarks to sara during episode 04x07 "invisible evidence," "i don't care if you're working on the hottest case of your career: if your supervisor tells you to leave a scene to go wash his car, you do it”—and trying to model himself after him in order to win his praise.
of course, since grissom and nick are two very different people/criminalists, nick isn't always successful in trying to earn grissom's approval and/or be grissom 2.0. for as much as he wants to please and emulate grissom, it never comes naturally to him to be as emotionally aloof as grissom is from his cases; he always wears his heart on his sleeve, always gets invested, always cares too much. he can never ignore the human element in the way grissom sometimes insists that he ought to.
for these reasons, he and grissom occasionally come into conflict, particularly over the first several years of the show (see, for example, grissom chewing nick out about his involvement with kristy hopkins in episode 01x11 “i-15 murders”).
the real turning point in their relationship comes in episode 04x11 “eleven angry jurors," when nick finally asserts to grissom that he is ready to be his own man and approach criminalistics in his own way, with his feelings intact ("so what? you know, i'm always getting criticized for empathizing with the victims and their families, but that's who i am. that's how i do my job. and as far as the promotion goes, it's all good, man. i can live without it. i'm not you").
perhaps paradoxically, it is only when nick stops craving grissom's approval that he fully and completely earns it, winning grissom's respect and his recommendation for the key position promotion.
from then on, grissom is much more permissive of "nick being nick," and nick is much more confident in himself.
of course, even once they achieve this equilibrium in their mentor-mentee relationship, the "father-son" aspect of their dynamic remains intact.
nowhere is it more on display than during the events of episodes 05x24 and 05x25 "grave danger" pts. i and ii, where we see grissom agonize over nick's kidnapping as if nick were his own son and even call nick by the same affectionate nickname that nick's own biological father uses for him ("pancho").
it's clear both in these episodes and throughout the series that grissom loves nick deeply—that he has high expectations of him, is proud of him when he succeeds, cares about him on a personal level, and wants to see him grow and become the best version of himself.
nick obviously reciprocates the adoration, looking up to grissom as a role model, seeking his counsel, showing him respect, and trying to do right by him/their team/and the lab.
of course, sara is grissom's actual wife—the love of his life, his best friend, his source, his motivation, his soulmate.
i've written upwards of 400 metas and analyses on grissom and sara's relationship, which to my mind is one of the richest, deepest, most complex, and beautiful dynamics in fiction.
to summarize it succinctly here would be too difficult, so instead i'll direct you to my archive and specifically to my gsr shipper's guides posts, which go over all of the ups, downs, ins, and outs of gsr in detail.
like warrick and nick, greg also has a father-son relationship with grissom, albeit one of a distinct flavor.
to quote from this post,
particularly during the early seasons, grissom struggles with greg just because greg’s brain works so differently than his does.
while they both are possessed of genius-level intelligence, one of grissom’s great gifts is hyperfocus, whereas greg is very much a multitasker, who not only is able to work on many projects at once but actually needs to do so in order to be stimulated enough to finish anything.
greg needs to have music blaring and be working on some sort of elaborate but totally superfluous presentation for his data and be cooking up a prank on nick and warrick and flirting with sara at the same time he’s running five different dna tests in order to function at the top of his game, but grissom, who tends to work best when he’s locked in a room by himself, nose down in his experiment, with nobody around him and nothing to bother him, looks at that chaos and assumes that greg is distracting himself.
though he knows greg is both smart and capable, he’s always at least a little bit exasperated by his behavior and wonders if he could be more productive if he just buckled down and focused.
of course, eventually, i think grissom realizes that part of the reason why greg needs all of those distractions is because greg isn’t being challenged enough in his current role as a lab tech.
thankfully, grissom arrives at this conclusion at around the same time greg starts showing interest in transitioning into fieldwork, so he is able to address the problem not long after he really puts his finger on what it is.
greg becoming a field mouse changes his and grissom’s dynamic for the better.
while grissom still never fully understands greg’s squirrelliness, he finds that once the kid is being properly stimulated, he’s far less “all over the place” and easier to take.
being in the field gives greg an outlet for his excess energy and intellectually challenges him, which means he has less of a need to create diversions for himself outside of his work. operating outside of the lab and having to deal with unique situations and people on the fly helps him to find new capabilities within himself, and he really grows up quickly, impressing grissom in the process.
that’s not to say that grissom never rolls his eyes at greg’s antics going forward, but it is to say that he does become very proud of him in time—which is something that we see particularly surrounding the demetrius james case in s7.
though grissom is oftentimes hard on greg, it's clear that he cares for him (as he does his "other boys"), as we see in episodes like 03x23 "inside the box," where he reassures him when his hands are shaking, and 07x04 "fannysmackin'," where he visits him in the hospital and expresses pride in him for his heroic actions at the crime scene.
meanwhile, for greg's part, for as much as he does occasionally goof off, he also does, in his own way, crave grissom's approval (much like nick does) and want to do right by him/the lab. he's happy when grissom shows faith in him and when he's included on the team, shining when he's given opportunities to put his unique brand of creative forensics to the test.
that's what i've got.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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kingstonansahblog · 5 months
Mastering the Art of Negotiation_ Transforming Business Outcomes - Kingston Ans ah
Mastering the Art of Negotiation_ Transforming Business Outcomes - Kingston Ansah
Negotiation is an essential skill that business professionals must develop in order to achieve success in their respective fields. It plays a critical role in fostering relationships, resolving conflicts, and reaching mutually beneficial agreements with clients, suppliers, and partners. Mastering the art of negotiation enables businesses to navigate complex situations, capitalize on new opportunities, and ultimately, drive growth.
Effective negotiation strategies can have a significant impact on a company's growth trajectory. By equipping professionals with the ability to communicate their needs clearly, identify common ground, and craft creative solutions, businesses can secure more favourable deals and establish long-term strategic partnerships. This, in turn, can lead to increased revenue, improved operational efficiency, and a stronger market position. Ultimately, honing negotiation skills is a vital ingredient for long-lasting business success and expansion.
One of the key aspects of successful business negotiation is the ability to differentiate between interests and positions. Interests represent the underlying needs, desires, and concerns of each party, while positions are the specific demands or terms they present during negotiations. By focusing on interests rather than positions, negotiators can identify common ground and explore mutually beneficial solutions that address the true concerns of all parties involved.
Building rapport and trust with your negotiation counterpart is essential for fostering a productive and collaborative environment. Effective negotiators invest time in getting to know their counterparts, understanding their perspectives, and demonstrating genuine empathy. This rapport-building process helps to establish trust, which is crucial for open communication and the willingness to share information. Trust enables both parties to work together towards a mutually beneficial outcome, rather than engaging in adversarial tactics that can damage relationships and hinder progress. Kingston Ansah
A collaborative mindset is critical for successful business negotiation. Instead of viewing the negotiation process as a competition where one party wins at the expense of the other, a collaborative approach encourages negotiators to seek win-win solutions that benefit all parties involved. This mindset promotes open communication, information sharing, and creative problem-solving. By embracing a collaborative approach, negotiators can discover innovative solutions that not only address their own interests but also contribute to the overall success and growth of all parties involved.
Before entering a business negotiation, it is crucial to be well-prepared and have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. Conduct thorough research on the parties involved, the industry, potential challenges, and market trends to ensure a strong foundation for discussions. Establish a set of realistic and achievable negotiation goals, and be prepared to make concessions and prioritize issues based on their importance to your overall objectives.
In the negotiation process, active listening and asking strategic questions play a vital role in gaining insights into the other party's interests and concerns. This enables you to identify areas of alignment and potential opportunities for collaboration. Practice active listening by giving your full attention, acknowledging the speaker's points, and refraining from interrupting. Ask open-ended questions to encourage your counterpart to share information, and seek clarification when necessary to ensure a comprehensive understanding of their perspective.
One of the hallmarks of successful business negotiation is the ability to explore creative solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties involved. To achieve this, negotiators must think outside the box and be willing to entertain unconventional ideas. Brainstorming and collaborative problem-solving are excellent approaches to encouraging innovative thinking and identifying novel solutions. Be open to suggestions from your counterpart, and work together to develop mutually beneficial outcomes that drive business growth for all parties.
Understanding the sources of negotiation power and leveraging them effectively is crucial for achieving desired outcomes. Power in negotiation can stem from various factors, such as expertise, resources, relationships, or alternatives. Assess your own negotiation power, as well as that of your counterpart, to develop a strategic approach that capitalizes on your strengths while managing potential weaknesses. By recognizing and utilizing these sources of power, you can influence the negotiation process and steer it towards a favourable outcome that supports your business growth objectives. Kingston Ansah
To continually improve in the art of business negotiation and support business growth, it is essential to invest in ongoing learning and skill development. Participating in workshops and courses designed to enhance negotiation skills can provide invaluable insights, techniques, and strategies. These training programs often cover a range of topics, from understanding different negotiation styles to learning how to manage emotions and biases during the process. By attending workshops and courses, professionals can stay abreast of the latest negotiation trends and best practices, further strengthening their ability to achieve favourable outcomes.
Another effective approach to improving negotiation skills is through networking and mentorship. Building relationships with experienced negotiators and industry professionals can provide unique insights and opportunities for learning. Establishing mentorship relationships with seasoned negotiators can offer valuable guidance, support, and feedback tailored to your specific growth areas. Additionally, attending networking events and conferences can expose you to a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of effective negotiation strategies and tactics.
Lastly, one of the most effective ways to enhance your negotiation skills is by applying them in real-life scenarios and actively reflecting on each experience. Practice makes perfect, and as you engage in more negotiations, you can learn from both your successes and setbacks. After each negotiation, take the time to analyze the process, identify areas for improvement, and assess your overall performance. This reflective practice will enable you to continuously refine your skills and adapt your negotiation strategies to achieve better results in future negotiations, ultimately supporting your long-term business growth objectives.
In conclusion, mastering the art of negotiation is essential for achieving favourable outcomes and supporting business growth. By fostering trust, adopting a collaborative mindset, and being well-prepared, negotiators can navigate the complex dynamics of business negotiations with confidence. Continual skill development through workshops, courses, networking, mentorship, and real-life practice is crucial for refining negotiation abilities and staying ahead in a competitive business landscape.
Remember that success in business negotiation is not solely about winning in the short term but rather about building long-lasting relationships and pursuing win-win solutions that drive mutual growth. As you hone your negotiation skills and apply them strategically, you will not only enhance your professional capabilities but also contribute to the overall success and prosperity of your organization and its partners.
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