#with luck i can make this st fanon bible. godspeed amen
poppytuft · 10 months
saw a post abt car guy mike and it made my brain crazy because car guy mike is one of if not my favorite college st hcs in which mike had such a beautiful lovely car in hawkins that he begged and pleaded for for his birthday and of course, its the wheelers, so he got it. and its like a good expensive cool car (girl idk shit abt 80s cars just run with me here) but when he went to college his parents sprung on him that he couldnt bring it with him because HOLLY needed a car and something to learn to drive in and he bitched and moaned about why couldnt NANCY give holly HER car and they said no you bitch nancy needs her car in new york. give holly the car. we payed for the damn thing and we need a second car here goddamnit. and he had a tearful delirious goodbye with the dumb thing before he moved and when he comes home he is REUNITED! AT LONG LAST! but he still needed something to drive at SCHOOL so he saved up and found a beat up piece of shit fuck ass toyota corolla or something (that im sure, again, the wheelers helped pay for because karen felt bad or whatever) and hes SO FUCKING MAD about it like absolutely fuming that he went from the HIGHEST HIGH to the LOWEST LOW and to cope he treats the thing like its his BABY and its the most disgusting horrible vehicle in the world everyone eats in the back seat and the previous owner stained the front seats with something weird and gross and sometimes you have to bang on the radio to get it to work and sometimes you have to stick your hand out the front window to flick the windshield wipers to get them to actually go. but hes SO STUCK ON TREATING IT LIKE SOMETHING PRECIOUS like "no guys seriously this is my fucking car you have to be nice to it. im not joking i PAYED FOR IT you have to be fucking clean in my fucking car shes my everything" and max mayfield is sitting in the passenger seat like "yeahhh man okay. anyway lucas just spilled his DQ blizzard in the back seat trying to prove to dustin that it would actually stay in the cup and not go everywhere if he turned it upside down so now dustin and your car are both covered in ice cream. also some got on the windows somehow" and he goes "you fucking WHAT"
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