#mike wheeler headcanon
sinclairstarz · 2 months
mike wheeler was the brother that was always fucking with bugs and frogs and reptiles and shit and would constantly walk into nancy’s room with a closed fist and she would immediately shriek at him to get away from her
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light-lanterne · 11 months
headcanon that holly watched snow white (1937) once when she was like five and subsequently decided mike looked a lot like the princess (pale skin, dark hair, pretty) so she forced him to learn the entire film's dialogue and songs and sometimes she even forces him to wear little ribbons in his head and, when karen isn't home to stop it, red lipstick on his lips.
and mike always pretends he hates it and constantly tells holly off for essentially treating him like one of her dolls (when in fact, he's a real boy, thank you very much e.e ) and will always groan and complain when holly approaches with a red ribbon and vhc case on her hands,,,
,,,but every time, no matter how much he complains, mike let's himself be turned into holly's favourite princess and plays his part with a dramatic flair not unlike the acts he puts on as a dm, singing and dancing with holly and her plushies until the film is over and holly has crashed from joyful exhaustion. because he might be too old and tired to be playing pretend with his incredibly hyper and energetic little sister, but her innocence brings mike some peace of mind and he'll be darned if he lets her lose her childhood before the time is right (much like he was forced to himself from the second will was taken) >.<
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groovinrightalong · 9 months
Tween Transmasc Mike headcanons (because, once again, I can)
-He really hated girly stuff. It takes him a while (like a LONG while) to figure out his gender stuff, but from age like 10 on he absolutely refused to wear anything feminine. His parents don’t really mind (or care, in Ted’s case). Karen started buying him more boyish clothes to stop him from stealing Jonathan’s, which he only really did twice before Joyce started sneaking them into his backpack.
-He had a HUGE puppy crush on Jonathan. He always asked to hang out with him, hung off of every word he said, wouldn’t shut up about how cool he was. (Will was absolutely not jealous at all. He WASN’T.)
-Nancy actually got jealous of how much time he spent around Jonathan. She and Mike were closer when they were little, but they drifted apart around the time Mike cut his hair. They used to play dress up together (Nancy is absolutely the big sister that dresses her little siblings up like dolls and orders them around), and now he hated dresses and makeup and pretty much everything she enjoyed. Nancy saw him hanging out with Jonathan and Will and felt like he was replacing her.
-He is a prime example of the lesbian to trans gay man pipeline. Enough people suggested that he liked girls as a kid that he started to believe it, so when Dustin and Lucas started talking about how hot girls were, he joined in. He even tried to like Max for a little bit. (A very short bit. They quickly got on each other’s nerves once the group started actually talking to her.)
-Max clocked him from day one. She actually assumed he was a boy until he showed up to the Snowball wearing a dress. She also took about one look at Mike and Will and went yeah, I know what you are.
-Mike and Will went to the Snowball together! Will was really awkward the whole time (he was very aware of the fact that he liked Mike by that point), and Mike was too distracted by how uncomfortable he was in his dress to really notice. They did dance together though. Jonathan got a picture:)
-He tried dating El, but it only lasted a couple weeks. (El actually does like girls, and he is neither a girl liker nor a girl.)
-He dressed up as Han Solo for Halloween when they were 11.
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ash-the-wise · 2 years
Genderqueer Mike Wheeler ft. textposts! 💛💙
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aidyaiden · 11 months
byler/mike headcanon
when the hellfire club made the shirts, mike would always say shit like "Will did this once, and he didnt do it like that!!" "Will gave me this tips" "i dont think Will wouldve done it like that...😐" and Eddie's just like "kinda fruity 🤨"
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messrsbyler · 1 year
a concept:
college student mike wheeler with his same hair length as in season 4 (maybe a tad longer and curlier) in a ponytail. whenever anxiety strikes or he is feeling fidgety and unfocused he lets his hair loose and plays with the hair band, twisting it and stretching it. the problem with hair bands and ADHD's object permanence (mike has ADHD) is that all his hair bands keep disappearing and whenever that happens mike ends up having to deal with his hair being all over his face AND not having his fidgeting toy/object.
one day will byers starts wearing a hand band around his wrist every day.
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trashmouth-lies · 2 years
I love projecting ‘lil headcanons onto characters I love to make them more like me because yes.
So, something I do but one of my favourite characters:
Mike Wheeler collects rocks.
not fancy gemstones or crystals. Just random little rocks he thinks are kinda cool.
For years he has told himself he’ll stop, because it’s a bit of a problem. But at this point he’ll do it without thinking. He just sees a pretty interesting patterned/colored/shaped rock and shove it in his bag for later. (He has to do a ‘rock-sweep’ of his backpack and pockets bi-weekly so it’s not just rocks in there)
he doesn’t have a set space for any them either, yet somehow always knows where in the mess of his room his favorites are. He also somehow remembers where and when he found almost all of them. But his all-time favourite is one really pretty and smooth speckled grey stone he found while at the quarry with Will years ago.
When he was really young he used to give some of his coolest ones to Nancy as gifts. She was always confused by that but went along with it anyways. She keeps the first one he ever gave her in her jewelry box. (The one with the little ballerina)
that’s about it. Idrk this was really self-indulgent since I literally just took something I do and threw it at him at tops speeds. (That is if I had any throwing skills at fucking all)
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sammy-is-not-smiley · 2 years
Some ST Renaissance Fair Headcanons
Dustin asked for Steve to drive, but when he refused he just nonchalantly replied "That's fine... I guess we can all fit in the back of Eddie's van." That made Steve snap to attention and suddenly agree to drive. "You will NOT ride with Munson. I doubt there's even any seat belts in the back of that thing."
Unbeknownst to Steve, Dustin already asked Eddie to come and some of the kids rode in his van anyway. (Obviously not all of them would fit in Steve's car, so Dustin strategically split the group between riding with Eddie vs riding with Steve)
Steve and Eddie only realized what happened when the two groups met. Steve rolled his eyes and smacked Dustin on the shoulder. Eddie simply laughed.
Eddie was, of course, decked out in full renaissance garb along with the rest of the party.
He also helped Will with his wizard outfit, claiming Will the Wise needed a little more ✨️pizazz✨️. Will couldn't have been happier with the end result, even if Eddie wasn't that great at sewing.
When Eddie saw Steve's very modern, normal outfit, he forced Steve to at least wear his pirate hat. "It didn't mess up my hair! Yours 'll be fine, now shut up and wear it, princess. The kids are watching."
Steve, of course, gave in and wore it.
As it turns out, Max is really good at archery.
As it also turns out, Will is REALLY bad at archery. At least that's how it seems for the first few arrows. Out of nowhere he began getting bullseyes like a pro.
El would never tell him she directed the arrows for him... His smile was priceless.
Mike only bought one thing the whole day. A dice set for Will. "This set made me think of you, it matches your robe."
Lucas and Max ran off together as soon as they had the chance. Later the group found them squished together in a hammock, just enjoying the environment around them and sharing funnel cake.
Dustin and Eddie bought wooden swords for the soul purpose of dualing each other, which they did until they almost passed out in the grass. Steve made them stop before they did so.
By sunset, El, Max, and Eddie were all wearing flower crowns.
On the way out, Eddie switched his flower crown and the hat on Steve's head. This time, Steve didn't object. He only smiled and shook his head, flower crown slipping down his forehead slightly.
A/N: Went to the local ren fair this last weekend and had some of these ideas pop up. Decided it was better for a headcanon post than a fanfic.
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sinclairstarz · 3 months
mike thought anakin was hot btw. if u wanted to know
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light-lanterne · 1 year
headcanon that mike and max sit in the back of their spanish class together, never quite getting in trouble because they don't actually talk to each other —just being there for each other in silence is enough—, but failing to pay attention to the class nonetheless (hence why they both have the same grade).
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poppytuft · 10 months
saw a post abt car guy mike and it made my brain crazy because car guy mike is one of if not my favorite college st hcs in which mike had such a beautiful lovely car in hawkins that he begged and pleaded for for his birthday and of course, its the wheelers, so he got it. and its like a good expensive cool car (girl idk shit abt 80s cars just run with me here) but when he went to college his parents sprung on him that he couldnt bring it with him because HOLLY needed a car and something to learn to drive in and he bitched and moaned about why couldnt NANCY give holly HER car and they said no you bitch nancy needs her car in new york. give holly the car. we payed for the damn thing and we need a second car here goddamnit. and he had a tearful delirious goodbye with the dumb thing before he moved and when he comes home he is REUNITED! AT LONG LAST! but he still needed something to drive at SCHOOL so he saved up and found a beat up piece of shit fuck ass toyota corolla or something (that im sure, again, the wheelers helped pay for because karen felt bad or whatever) and hes SO FUCKING MAD about it like absolutely fuming that he went from the HIGHEST HIGH to the LOWEST LOW and to cope he treats the thing like its his BABY and its the most disgusting horrible vehicle in the world everyone eats in the back seat and the previous owner stained the front seats with something weird and gross and sometimes you have to bang on the radio to get it to work and sometimes you have to stick your hand out the front window to flick the windshield wipers to get them to actually go. but hes SO STUCK ON TREATING IT LIKE SOMETHING PRECIOUS like "no guys seriously this is my fucking car you have to be nice to it. im not joking i PAYED FOR IT you have to be fucking clean in my fucking car shes my everything" and max mayfield is sitting in the passenger seat like "yeahhh man okay. anyway lucas just spilled his DQ blizzard in the back seat trying to prove to dustin that it would actually stay in the cup and not go everywhere if he turned it upside down so now dustin and your car are both covered in ice cream. also some got on the windows somehow" and he goes "you fucking WHAT"
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devilleswisteria · 2 years
i think sometimes i keep forgetting that mike wheeler is a full on literature nerd. he’s into analyzing characters and possibly creating scenarios about his little fictional guys too.
i like to think that even though he’s a big book nerd, he’s also still stupid. and because he’s still a man, maybe at one point he thought (or misread) romeo and juliet as a romance. maybe he thinks him and el being “romeo and juliet” was a good thing. but during the fall of ‘85, when he was alone and felt as if he wanted to disappear, he picked it up again and realized it wasn’t a good thing at all. he picks up another book and plays an old forgotten mixtape: from, will
one of the songs play, a familiar upbeat tune. Smalltown Boy, a classic favorite. Maybe sometime in junior year, mike decided to read into his music now too. an epiphany followed.
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Okay, we can all agree that Mike tolerates Steve at best, but hear me out, if Mike ever found out about Nancy having cheated on Steve he would go ballistic on her.
There's no way that Mike 'fear of abandonment' Wheeler, would take the news that his big sister cheated on Steve well. There's no world in which Mike 'friends don't lie' Wheeler, who treats dishonesty as a capital offense, would be able to handle the fact that his sister (who made Mike agree to a promise of 'no more secrets') cheated on Steve in a normal way.
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elkdiaries · 2 years
max satirically calls mike sunshine on a daily basis i know this because i’m actually vecna
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messrsbyler · 2 years
mike wheeler headcanon based on this post i wrote about the ways mike comforts people and how he wants to be comforted, where mike finds comfort and a shelter by himself on comic books about superheroes, especially after he overheard nancy telling barb about how much she hated the perfect life they had with the nuclear family and a house at the end of a cul de sac. mike realizes he hates that life too, because it's not perfect just as his family isn't either. it's all fake, a facade so other's would think highly of them.
and if that's what a normal life had in store for mike, then mike doesn't want it. he wants to have what those superheroes have instead. he wants the powers and the strength, the fame and the love, but also, mike wants to be able to solve things on his own, just like superheroes do. because when you are a superheroe, you don't need anyone, so even if the people that are supposed to be there for you don't come to your aid, it won't matter. because he's the superhero, the one with the power to make things better and not need anyone else. and mike wants that. he wants that control and that sense of being enough. more than enough. of being super.
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ineffablelvrs · 2 years
mike's the kinda person to pick at the nail polish on their nails for no specific reason
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