#with the antennas and everything it would be so cute
basslinegrave · 11 months
furby comeback is great but i would love to see a shelby again! i know they probably wouldnt sell well but if they went with the same cutesy look as the 2023 furby, maybe? you never know
adding a quick artists rendition isnt this the cutest thing ever
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
Sorry I'm a bit late on this, but I just wanted to say congrats on finishing season 1 !! 🥳
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#fanart#This is so so so sweet...seriously thank you so much for everything pio#I'm ENTRANCED!!!!!! I've been ponyfied!!!! with the boots and cutie mark to match!!!!!#you're a huge inspiration in so many ways B'''*)#And the little creatures...they are so small but so perfectly shaped#Miss apple is PERCHED. Little Wangji is BRAIDING. Little WWX is living his best life (that face is..so cute)#little jing lin and fairy....aughh my HEART#and of course the lan junior duo.....standing smiling and standing silly. As they should be.#They are also height accurate to canon form <3#I was wating for someone to point it out but...there's a reason everytime I draw them next to flowers they are small B*)#all pd-mdzs characters are ~5-7 cm tall. They are like little fairies. I was serious every time I referred to the little strands as antenna#Rather they are like little borrowers. They have little mouse paws and tails. little mouse noses. Fine little whiskers. In my heart.#the more you know!#(I will draw them as the creatures they deserve to be. One day.)#On a meta level they are also very small. Each square panel is 1/4 of a sticky note. about 8 comics fit on one page.#Scrolling back up to look at Pio's art again to remember what its all for. That living is worth it.#Kissing this art gently and accidently hitting the post button to let these beautiful creatures roam the world wide web.#Maybe I should draw my sona as a horse for a bit... It would solve my problems about not having enough horses to draw....
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galacticnova3 · 1 year
Since she has now flown off I am obligated to post the order of potato fairy extra large that I looked after for several days. Aka a gloriously chumby Polyphemus moth— the second one I’ve seen alive in over a decade— that decided to hang around our porch for most of its adult life. I saw the first live one on the same day, but he flew away when I tried to get close. But still, that’s a great sign that their population in my area is finally starting to recover! Anyways, here’s the wonderful big little creacher where I found her, which should probably make it clear as to why I moved her. Ants don’t mess around and I wasn’t gonna just leave her inches away from danger.
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I was pretty glad I did, as even after her wings were fully dried and extended and everything she couldn’t actually take off. See: her first “flight”.
Big fan of the loud impact PLAP sound, really added to the already very good demonstration of gravity. Worry not, she was totally fine afterwards. Here she is that night and the day after! Very cute and fuzzy, 1000/10.
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The next day I thought she had flown off, but then the day after that she was back on the porch! I could tell she was the same one because of her damaged antenna. She started laying eggs on the house and I realized that wasn’t going to be good for the caterpillars that might hatch, since it was a relatively long distance to any host plants even without including the vertical climb to reach branches of leaves. Since she clearly felt safe where she was, and I was also worried about ants and birds and possible insecticides, I ended up making a little “baby box” for her out of a thoroughly rinsed plastic container that initially held salted honey-roasted peanuts. I gave her a stick to hold on to which also gave her a route to climb out of the box if she wished, and provided various fresh oak leaves to lay her eggs on. Figured it would be a good setup because I could easily move it to a safe place once she was done, and keep an eye on the eggs until they hatched. I might even try to raise a few caterpillars if the eggs are fertile. However, during the process of me setting that whole deal up, she decided I looked like a good egg laying spot.
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You can see the “glue” that sticks the eggs to surfaces! It was cool to see up close: she’d lay an egg, wait for it to dry, and then lay the next right by it. She ended up sticking four on me before I was able to gently nudge her to the egg laying box. The stick was eventually deemed an acceptable substitute, and over night she… made an egg stalactite of sorts on it? Very weird, I think, I dunno; most of what I read online said their eggs would be laid in spread out clusters of two to three on suitable host plants. I know it wasn’t because she couldn’t get out, as when I went to check on her she had already made her way to the top of the stick and was hanging off of it outside the box. I didn’t think to take a picture of that as I needed to drive to college, but source: dude trust me. Here’s a picture of the egg sculpture I took when I got home.
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When I was done with that I went to move her off the porch where she had been staying safe for the last 5 or so days to the more wooded area of the yard, but she ended up flying off to the treetops on her own after I brought her into the open. I guess laying a bunch of eggs made her finally light enough to fly. Maybe she was feeling upset at me for not being able to pay child support and making her lay her eggs on a stick instead? Or she was just doing normal moth things or whatever. It was bittersweet to watch her go, but I’m glad she had the chance to soar the skies at least once before her time was up.
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catcze · 8 months
OKAY BUT how about matching jewellery with Wriothesley?? You could both wear a necklace or a choker to match his vibe or maybe earrings? (The fact he's wearing some is sending me 😩 His style is really good tbh, def would let him choose my clothes) And if they're embedded with each other's initials? Even better, let the world know you belong to him, the same way he belongs to you (was inspired by your other collar drabble don't mind me 🥺👌)
AAAAA that is SO cute wtf ?!?! And so true, his style is honestly immaculate !! I got inspiredddd and wrote this (even tho it's a little more 'secret relationship for now, but wearing little tokens of each other until we make it public' kind of thing tee hee)
warning for vv slight leaks (Wriothesley's birthdate) and a slightly ooc Wrio !!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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"Your grace?"
"Yes, Sigewinne?" Wriothesley hums, not looking up from his morning paper. He holds a teacup in his other hand, the scent of freshly brewed English Breakfast filling the room.
Sigewinne is staring hard at him, head tilted as she examines the change in the Duke's wardrobe. "I can't seem to place my finger on it but your new necklace looks rather—"
Wriothesley promptly chokes on his drink, loud coughing breaking the quiet of his office as he thumps his chest, sputtering and frantically moving his paper out of the range of fire of his choking.
Sigewinne hands him a handkerchief, which he takes with a wheezed word of thanks. She's squinting at him in suspicion, antennae twitching as she watches the duke squirm.
"I'm afraid I don't follow," Wriothesley coughs one last time into the handkerchief, clearing his throat in an attempt to get rid of the roughness in his voice. It doesn't work. "Perhaps you're mistaken, Sigewinne. Are you certain that you haven't just seen someone around the fortress using something similar? Or maybe you saw it in fashion on the surface."
Sigewinne is sure she hasn't. She just hums in thought, placing her hands on her hips as she continues to evaluate the necklace, while Wriothesley pointedly does not meet her gaze.
It's a simple thing, really. A silver circle on a thin silver chain, and from this distance Sigewinne can barely make out what looks like two letters and a date carved on it. It's this simplicity, actually, that makes it stand out amidst the Duke's otherwise chunky and bold accessories.
Sigewinne keeps staring, trying to remember just where oh where had she seen something like that before, and why does it nag her so much that she can't recall. Wriothesley doesn't offer up any information, however, having chosen to pour himself another cup of tea and resuming reading his paper.
Eventually, the nurse relents and turns to head down the staircase to leave his office with a word of farewell thrown over her shoulder, still bothered by the mystery that she just can't solve, but knowing what the Duke is like when he clams up.
"Oh! Hi, Sigewinne!" You greet, almost running into her as she descends, while you yourself are on your way up. You reach out a hand to steady her lest she roll down the rest of the way. "Leaving already? Everything alright?"
"Everything is fine," she says kindly, patting your arm in thanks as she looks up to your face. "Some patients to check on, but otherwise nothing particularly noteworthy. His Grace just refuses to answer any of my questions, however..."
But then her eyes catch on something shiny on your neck. Something shiny, and looking awfully like the object of her interest just a few short minutes ago. She glances at it, and as close as she is, she can make out what is carved on the pendant around your neck: A simple W and the date November 23 written underneath it.
She pauses mid-sentence, turning to glance over her shoulder.
Wriothesley is still reading his paper, but from here even she can see how he's trying to subtly glance over it in your direction. His fingers clench the sheets in anticipation and how his boot has started to tap on the floor despite his show of nonchalance. She looks at the pot of tea he had put out earlier, notices just how much tea there still seems to be in it, and the extra teacup that she had asked about earlier when she had first come in.
Just in case a guest stops by, he had told her, and nothing after that. Suddenly, she has a pretty good guess of what is written on his grace's necklace.
"Nevermind," she corrects, trying not to smile too widely. "But I certainly have to be going. Enjoy your... meeting with his grace. I'll see you later!"
You blink at her abrupt departure. "Oh? Okay. Uh... Bye, Sigewinne. See you soon!"
She nods, hurriedly excusing herself in an attempt to give you two some privacy, finally letting her happy little grin show once she was no longer in sight. She shuts the doors behind her and takes a moment, then practically skips her way back to the infirmary, her steps light and joyful.
I'm glad. They deserve to be happy together.
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rotten-pomegranate · 2 months
Good morning 🌞, since requests are open, can I please get head cannon ask for how the adult trio with feitan, shalnark and phinks would react if reader successfully escaped them for years. Please I want reader to win just once 😭🙏🏾
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Yes you can 💪🏻
I wasn’t sure if they were supposed to catch you in the end but I made like that
Warnings: mentions of torture, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of rape
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Feitans gonna be pissed and offended that you have so little respect for him you escaped and when he finds you it’s hell
you should have killed yourself when you got away because the things he’s gonna do to you and Any friends you made along the way will make death seem like the better option by a lot
You don’t get any privileges your always chained up and you only get enough food and water to survive
He was being nice before, holding himself back, but not anymore now he does anything and everything he wants
He’s gonna be sad he knows he wasn’t the best but was he that bad?
He’s gonna track you down eventually, probably one of the quickest to find you, I’m talking three years or so
When he finds you he just mocks you, like you really thought he wouldn’t find you how cute
He’s gonna stick you with antenna a lot more often to make you do stuff you would never willingly do and he’s gonna make sure you remember every bit of it
He’s heartbroken, you didn’t love him? Sure he kidnapped you but he was so nice, he got you gifts, fed you, never forced you to do anything and he let you do whatever you wanted in the fairly big house (he’s a but Delusional)
He’s a close second to shalnark when it comes to finding you in sense of time give or take about three and a half years
When he does find you he’s not gonna be as nice as he was before, your not gonna get sweet little gifts or the privilege to go around the house freely and he’s not gonna brush off your attitude anymore, from now on your getting locked away when you give him any sass
even though he tried his hardest to prevent it He knew it would happen eventually, he let his guard slip gave you to much freedom
It’s gonna take him about five years to find you because he has to focus on other stuff such as the troupe
When he gets you back your never gonna see the light of day again, your locked I and chained In his basement from now on and while it’s a nice basement with carpeted floors, a nice bathroom and a big bed with lots of fluffy blankets that he often joins you in your only there for his pleasure now
He regularly pins you down and forces you to do stuff that he didn’t make you do before whispering how it Could be different the whole time
Illumi is savage, has every person in the zoldyck manor out looking for you and that intensity doesn’t go down if anything it gets worse the longer it takes to find you
It’ll take him about four years to find you and when he does your in for it
First he’s gonna beat you black and blue, he’s gonna break both you legs in the process and that’s the only thing you’ll be allowed to see a doctor about
He’s gonna try and get you pregnant as soon as he can and if you where kicking and screaming before he would have stopped but not anymore now your getting tied to the bed frame and having a gag in your mouth
He’s the calmest out of all of them, he knew it would happen, he’s not happy about it but he’s not a total mess like some of these guys
It’s not his top priority to find you but it is up there, so it’s gonna take him about seven years to find you
When he finds you your getting the beating of a life time, I’m talking broken ribs, and kicked out teeth, he will pay machi to come fix you up but he might do it again if you annoy him
He didn’t hit you before but he does now, oh you dropped a glass worth ten bucks? Your getting smacked up side the head
And lastly from now on when you sleep it’s on the cold ground with a chain leash attached to his bed frame around your neck no more comfortable pillows
©rotten-pomegranate- All rights reserved, don’t steal, translate, copy, plagiarize, claim my work as your own or post it on other platforms.
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miguelhugger2099 · 2 months
You Know Where to Find Me
Summary: Miguel is from another planet, fascinated by the stars and nothing else. On Earth, he learns the water might be interesting. A/N: this is so niche i can't find any alien miguel fanart Alien!Miguel x Mermaid!Reader, Fluff, No Warnings
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Humanity loved space, so much so they spent trillions just to find other living sentient creatures just like them. After generations and some centuries, Humanity had managed contact with aliens!
Quickly, and by the grace of the universe, humans and aliens had begun to coexist. It was often that humans would visit the aliens home and aliens to visit Earth. 
Miguel wanted to visit Earth. He loved space as well. A little alien mind that adored the stars and always felt that he was meant for greater things. It’s not that he didn’t love his home planet, but he couldn’t wait to learn and even live with other aliens!
So when he arrived, he did everything he could to learn about Earths space program. Another highlight was that his planets astronomy was still a few centuries behind, so going to Earth was the best choice—and the only one. 
Miguel had gotten along with everyone—his bright mind and leadership skills made everyone admire him! His curiosity knew no bounds! In fact, he grew fond of teaching others about space. So in his spare time, he’d work at a planetarium in Nueva York—one of the only cities in the world that held the largest building that was dedicated to the study of space. 
Despite his unusual appearance, small antennas on the crown of his head and no pupils—his eyes shaded a soft red— his people looked “human enough” for them to be integrated into human society without any problems. He supposed he got lucky—he didn’t like to think of how humanity might’ve reacted to something stranger. Luckily his sharp ears could be hidden behind his curls and his little lisp from his fangs was deemed cute to others—which he’s on the fence about.
He had heard of a new exhibit opening up after a certain discovery humans found within the Earths ocean. Miguel had basically tuned out whatever his colleagues chatted about, especially if it had nothing to do with whatever he was interested in.
However, to his horror, when he passed by the new exhibit during its construction he had found a human body in the tank of water. He hurried out to find security or to call an ambulance—something—to help the poor soul that had fallen underwater. If he knew anything about humans, it’s that they couldn’t breath underwater!
A colleague had seen Miguel’s frantic behavior while shaking a security officer to call for help. The sight was amusing since Miguel was taller than the average human man.
His vacant red eyes found hers. “Jess!” Jessica walked up to them with worry. 
“What’s going on?” 
Miguel breathed in deeply. “There’s—there’s a human! In—in the—they fell!”
“Fell where?” She asked, her tone becoming serious. 
“By the new exhibit! I don’t know how they got there but they fell—I think—and they had their eyes closed!”
Jess became more alert. Civilians weren’t allowed in that section yet and the construction guys weren’t stupid enough to not be able to swim out of a tank.
“Show me.”
Jessica had a bit of a hard time keeping up with Miguel, his long legs taking giant strides while his antennas curled and his ears turned downwards.
Miguel shows her the tank. “Here!”
Inside was definitely what seemed like a human woman passed out in the water. But Jess instead sighed in relief. She places her hand on her chest and laughs which makes Miguel’s antennas curl even more, making it look like a rams horns and his skin turns pinkish. 
Jess giggles after calming down. She taps the glass with her knuckle and falls out your name.
The ‘human’ inside was actually you. Your eyes opened and you give Jess a pointed look. You swam up to the top of the tank which gives Miguel a better look at the tail that was hidden behind a giant sheet of cloth. 
You popped up at the top and leaned on the railing with a glare at Jessica. “I told you not to tap the glass!”
Jessica gives you a grin. “Sorry. One of us thought you were a human drowning so I just wanted to show him that was not that case and to pay attention more to our meetings.”
Miguel’s skin turns a darker shade of red, his antennas uncurling and flops in front of his forehead. Your eyes meet his and he feels the embarrassment running through him.
Not only had he embarrassed himself during his job—but in front of something pretty like you. He glanced between your eyes and your tail, gulping down his nerves and placing his hands behind his back. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled out.
“Miguel, this is our first volunteer for our new exhibition. Since the discovery of mermaids and mermen, this gal,” She places a hand on the glass with a mention of your name. “…is now a part of introducing humanity to the wonders of the sea.”
“I’m a party animal.” You tell Miguel, resting your cheek on your arm with a smile. 
“She’s joking.” Jessica says but he can only stare at you, engraving your smile in his memory. 
“Now that we know a human isn’t drowning, can you go back to work?” Jessica pats his shoulder as he makes her exit. Miguel turns to see her leave and looks back to see you still staring at him.
“You’re not human.” You observe. 
“I’m not.” Miguel clears his throat and approaches your tank slowly. “I’m from Retha. A neighboring planet a couple light years away.”
You him in thought, pretending to know what light years are.
“Didn’t expect to see another alien here.” You splash your tail, a few droplets hitting the ground. 
Miguel tilts his head, one antenna following him. “Alien? But aren’t you from Earth? Just…in the sea?”
You shrug, hanging your arm out. “I’m in a tank, aren’t I? I’ll never be considered like the humans.”
Miguel watches your dive back in the water to rehydrate yourself before popping back up. 
“Miguel. My name is Miguel.” He says, placing a hand on the tank and looking up at you. You smile and dive back in the tank so you can be face to face. You place your hand on the tank where his hand was at. He knows your name, you don’t need to repeat it.
You watch as he turns his head, a soft muffle of talking and you assume he’s heading back to work. He gives you another glance and you puff out a small bubble of air to make a heart in the water and waving him goodbye. His cheeks flush red and he nods, turning away and leaving.
He feels interested in learning about the water this time around. His curiosity knows no bounds.
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yawujin · 19 days
hihihi I actually love your writing so much thank you for giving me a hearty meal
could I request dv3 boys with a reader who absolutely LOVES Sanrio like!!! so much!!!!! thank you for your time !!!!
hii thanks anon!! <3 i had an idea just like this so thank you for your request!!!
request | v3 boys x reader that loves everything sanrio
type | react , light hearted , non killing game , fluff , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
often takes nap on your bed that has sanrio plushies everywhere
when he asks you to lend him a pen and later notices that it has a cinnamoroll design all over it
he finds it cute so it's okay lol
he bought you an enamel pin with kuromi on it so you could pin it to your shirts
just a thoughtful little gift
but also because he wanted you to match with the pin he wears from the detective agency he works for hehe
rantaro amami ♡
when he goes on his travels he often finds these little souvenier shops that sell bootleg versions of sanrio merchandise
he buys some of these so you can expand your collection
even though you both know they're fake
it's all for the novelty of it
and bc he likes to see you laugh and smile
"i can tell it's fake because hello kitty has her bow on the wrong ear" he grins while handing a minifigure over to you
K1B0/kiibo ♡
after you showed him what sanrio was, he too, found himself really liking the brand
whenever you invited him over; he sat atop your bed, hugging a plush close to his chest while you two talked
you offered to give him one of your plushies
"really!? i don't want to take something that's yours..."
you insist!
but only because he looks absolutely adorable while holding onto a my melody plush
korekiyo shinguji ♡
finds the difference in your guys' aesthetics fascinating
you two are basically the embodiment of all black s/o x all pink s/o
if there is a holiday rolling around and he can give you a gift you can bet that he'll buy you a shiny piece of jewelry that has a sanrio character on it
"this cutesy look really suits you, my dear." he says while you greet him, wearing a top with pompompurin on it
kaito momota ♡
you two went to a sanrio store once and he found this notebook that had the little twin stars inside of a rocket ship on the front cover
he loved it
you found it funny because he had said:
"this stuff might be a little too childish for me" before walking in
kaito, sweetie, you're really just a big child 😭
gonta gokuhara ♡
likes it when you wear those headbands that look like the top of the character's head (click here for reference if you don't know what i'm talking about)
he likes it bc it reminds him of antennas
also enjoys taking naps on your bed, resting his cute face on the soft blanket you purchased from a sanrio store <3
likes it when you decorate his album full of pictures of bugs with little sanrio character stickers
ryoma hoshi ♡
when you show him all the characters and ask which is his favorite he chooses chococat
you also have the all black x all pink dynamic with him
you placed a few sanrio pins onto his jacket and he wore it with pride
everytime he's out and about and sees anything sanrio related he is instantly reminded of you
kokichi ouma ♡
"you really like this stuff, (Y/N)? it's a little too childish don't ya think?"
sanrio has no age limit silly kokichi
luckily for you, however, that was just one of his lies
his favorite thing about you is when you incorporate sanrio character inspired looks into your outfits (ie: all pastel blue and white clothing for cinnamoroll and red bows for hello kitty)
don't take his teasing so personally
he thinks you look super adorable
would definitely write 'kokichi ouma was here' onto your sanrio stationary just to mess with you
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napstabl00k · 2 months
Ceroba feels sick.
Axis is a simple thing. There's little creativity to him; a box of a head, antenna that automatically swivel to catch radiowaves, a single wheel upon which to roll, a heavy gear welded to his right side, and arms powered by thick smog. He's grey and pink and a stained off-white, he's stiff and monotone and-
Ceroba feels sick.
She can see him in his creations.
A bitch of an AI because he never much liked the feeling of being alone, without some living creature that would feel - that would talk to him.
His voice, changed and distorted to become the words that Axis uses.
The way that he'd weld metal together, the bits that he'd use bolts for, the care in the glass and the crudeness in the wheels.
Axis rolls off, Chujin's distorted voice muttering to himself, wondering where his targets went.
Ceroba can't help but watch him, eyes sharp, searching.
The gear on his side is welded on with little thought to making it pretty or smooth.
An old memory comes to mind -
"I completely forgot to think about the weight distribution of this new one," Chujin says as he washes his dish.
Ceroba absently dries her own. "What are you going to do about it?"
"Shifting it all just enough to balance out isn't worth it," Chujin says, thoughtful. "I might just add something to even the weight of the right side- it's the left that's heavier, see."
Ceroba puts her dish away. "I think this will be the one, Chujin." She offers him a smile.
He smiles back. "You say that every time."
It's a shit job - the final touches were always hastily added because of time constraints or just his need to move on to something new.
It's him.
Ceroba steps out of the locker, careful. At the sound, the child moves too.
Axis is a simple fucking thing.
There's little creativity to him (a box of a head, automatic antennas, a single wheel, a heavy gear, thick smog), and Ceroba feels sick, and Ceroba knows that Chujins before and before and before would have more fun with the design. He wouldn't be grey and pink and off-white, he'd have colour. He wouldn't be so stiff, he wouldn't be so monotone, he'd be more and have more and he'd make Ceroba feel so much worse because he'd be everything that reminds her of Chujin.
Grief grips her in the form of a robot that doesn't recognize her and doesn't recognize who she was to him. Grips her in the form of his bolts and seams. Grips her in the form of his distorted fucking voice.
The trash robot is cute. She likes making it.
There's a bow and Ceroba knows exactly why it's here and exactly who it belonged to. She feels her stomach turn and her jaw clench and she smiles and adjusts it on the shitty scrap metal creation anyway.
Axis is so. Fucking. Simple.
And Ceroba feels so. Fucking. Sick.
He sees their shitty little trash can creation and hearts glow behind the glass of his eyes.
(Of course, even when he's working on something important, on something he needs to get approved, he'd add something like this. Of course, in this antithesis of everything that Chujin loved to do with his machines, wrapped in the ghost of Chujin's way of creating, the soul of it is still so purely him.)
"The shimmer," Axis says, with emphasis. "The complexion..."
There's a beat of silence as Ceroba waits, a memory needling at the back of her mind.
"The..." Axis stops for a half second - just long enough for Ceroba to realize what this reminds her of - and then finishes: "CURVES!"
Kanako makes a gagging noise from the doorway.
"Ewwww..." she whines.
Ceroba turns and sticks out her tongue at her daughter.
Chujin laughs. "Kanako, please. Look, your mother is so wonderful, I just have to kiss her."
"Noooo!!" Kanako wails. "You don't!! Gross!!"
"Her shimmer, her-" he pauses, unsure. "Complexion?"
Ceroba makes an unsure noise. Not his best.
"Her curves-"
Kanako runs up and shoves him, making him laugh and put his hands up to block her.
Ceroba reacts the same as she did then- "Okay! That's enough!"
She places her hands over the child's head, some sort of disconnect between past and present making her pause at the lack of ears perking up under her palms. "C-Clover, let's-" She looks up at the robot.
It's still Chujin's.
"Let's wrap this up."
Clover's soul forces itself back into their body and Ceroba walks up to Axis as he giggles about his newfound love.
There's no similarity to her daughter when she places her hands on either side of Axis' face, but she remembers Kanako's friends coming over, remembers being part of little school-girl's gossip sessions, remembers a situation something like this one.
"Do you wanna know a secret?" Ceroba whispers.
"Yes I would like to know a secret," Axis says loudly.
"They told me that they like you, but will only go out with you if it's casual," Ceroba says, glancing sideways at the trashcan, as though it'll hear her. "Get to know them a little bit, you know?" Advice that once worked on second graders but wouldn't here runs through her head, until she lands on, "Ask what their name is or something."
"Okay," Axis says.
Ceroba stands and takes a step back. "Alright," she says. "Give it a shot!"
"Hello my name is Axis, what is your name?"
Ceroba frowns. Perhaps she hadn't thought this bit through- Their creation can't exactly respond.
Axis waits for a minute, and then starts laughing, a noise so similar to Chujin over the phone that Ceroba jolts.
"You're so funny; want to get married?" Axis asks, and Ceroba is shaken out of her feelings by the absurdity of the sentence.
"Hey! Remember what we talked about?"
Axis turns to her. "They said yes."
Ceroba pauses. "..What?"
"I'm honestly just as surprised as you are," Axis says. "This rocks."
"...Right." A hand comes to tug at her sleeve, and she turns to look at Clover. "Well. Clover and I have to go now."
"Go where?" Axis asks, and he sounds nervous.
"Go where?" Kanako asks.
"Hotland. Just a business trip," Ceroba explains. It feels like a lie.
"Oh," Axis says. "I wish you luck, then. I must recharge, which will set me back to my factory settings, but- [hatted human] and [tall lady] added to [Authorized] list." Axis does a little nod. "There. Now I will not attempt apprehension next time we meet."
Ceroba smiles. "Thank you, Axis."
Axis does a little nod at her again, picks up his fiancé (?) and begins to roll off. Halfway down the walkway, he stops and turns around.
"Oh. One more thing."
Ceroba blinks. "Hm?"
"You said your husband was my creator?"
Her heart drops.
"Would you tell him that I miss him?"
Her eyes burn.
"He was always very kind to me."
"I-" She sucks a breath in, her whole body tense. "Yeah," she says, her voice coming out lighter than she feels. "I'll tell him."
"Thank you," Axis says. "Goodbye."
Axis is a simple thing.
He turns back around, fiancé in his hands, and believes her without a second thought. The gear is still welded to his side. His voice is still something like Chujin's. The smoke pumps from where his shoulders would be, the screws are spaced out with perfect precision, the lights of his eyes still flicker with hearts.
Axis is a simple, simple thing. Who misses Chujin just as much as he is him.
Ceroba feels sick.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Moth To His Flame
 Yandere Rosy Maple Moth Fae x Gender Neutral Human to Fae Reader (CW: Moth transformation, pheromones, kidnapping, stalking, yandere moth-like fae, no smut, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.5k 
(I typed this up in under 2 hours, not beta read so I hope you will forgive any mistakes. Also sorry if there are any formatting anomalies, I had some issues adding a “keep reading” line. I made a post a couple weeks ago about having the idea for this fic and here it finally is! Enjoy!) 
 You did not know what had attracted him to you. Perhaps it was your way with plants, or your vibrant colorful aesthetic, hell it could even just be your scent for all you knew. Whatever the reason he was head over heels for you and you really wished he wasn’t. Very nearly every single day this mothy fae man wandered out of the forest and tried to flirt with you as you tended your many crops.
 It started towards the end of spring about a year ago. He came walking out of the forest seemingly at random and had introduced himself as Basil. He was a tall moth like fae, with large pink and yellow wings and bands of fluff around his wrists, ankles, and neck. His head was entirely like a human’s except for the feathery antenna sticking out from his curly pink hair. You were not frightened, fae and humans interacted all the time where you lived and it was not an odd occurrence to see one, but you did wonder why he had approached you.
 “Well, I am (Y/N), what can I help you with Basil?” You thought perhaps he wanted to purchase some of your crops, though it was still odd to be approached when your market stall and signs were not posted.
 “Oh, well, I thought you were really cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?” Basil flashed you a sweet smile. That was definitely odd considering he had never seen you before, but perhaps you would think it odder had you known that he had been watching you from the woods ever since you moved in over a year ago.
 You had politely declined his date offer, telling him that you two did not know each other and you were not really too interested in dating right now, but almost everyday that you were outside he approached you, made some small talk, asked how you were doing, and inevitably asked if you had changed your mind about letting him take you some place.
 Now that around a year had passed you had gotten to know him pretty well but you remained uninterested in him romantically. It may be a bit of a stereotype but you could not help but worry he was hiding something and might be trying to trick you in some way, and even if he wasn’t you just were not into him.
 Basil, on the other hand, was more interested in you than ever. You were so cute and small compared to him, and your human ways were so fascinating, like how you tended to your plants so sweetly. He wanted to tend to you that way~ You were such a nice human and as far as he was concerned you should just let him take care of you.
 Eventually with all his pestering you agreed to exactly ONE date. He was ecstatic, you had FINALLY seen that he was a good mate for you and agreed to let him “take you some place nice.”
 And, well, he did technically hold up his side of the bargain. He took you to his own gardens, deep in the woods there lay a path accessible only to fae and those with a fae escort that took you to their realm.
 His cottage and surrounding gardens were surreal, the plants were like something out of a dream, the sunlight was golden and everything seemed to shimmer and glow. And when night time came the blooms really did glow under the silver blue light of the moon.
 Honestly you had had a great time exploring Basil’s personal gardens and drinking tea with him in his cottage, but it was getting late and you really had to leave, and you had only accepted the date to end Basil’s pestering, and though you wanted to remain friends you were still uninterested in being his partner.
 “Hey, this was great Basil, but… I still really do not want to date anyone right now.. I hope we can still be friends though!” You looked down nervously. “And uh… I should really be getting back ho-”
 Basil stared at you intensely with his golden eyes as he spoke, “No, I don’t think so (Y/N), you agreed that I could take you some place nice, there was nothing in our verbal contract about me having to take you back.” He wisely grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him before you could react. He had not wanted it to come to this, but he was not opposed to making you stay with him, he knew deep down you had to like him, you were always so polite to him and you yourself had agreed to a date with him.
 The strong fae dragged you kicking and screaming back to his cottage. What had seemed so idyllic and cozy in the day time now only filled you with dread as you were forced inside.
 “I really am a nice guy, you need to just let me take care of you!”
 Basil kept you trapped for weeks in his cottage, he had used a spell that made it impossible for you to leave. He kept trying sweetly to get you to talk to him, but you adamantly refused to say anything other than demands that you be released. But… that really wasn’t part of the deal he made with you so he just wouldn’t do something that silly.
 Besides, he knew you would show your love for him eventually, you just needed a little help was all. Basil tried gifts of the type a human could only dream, he tried candies and other various sweets, he tried physical affection, he made you cups of fancy teas, and offered to let you garden the most wondrous fae plants. He even attempted to use his mothy pheromones to whoo you, it was considered high romance in the mothy fae realm, but as you were human they just flustered you slightly.
 You refused all of it, you just wanted to be taken home and left alone, you told him you never even wanted to see him again.
 Finally he decided he would just turn you into a fae like him. You would be fully at the mercy of his pheromones and completely attracted to him. You had not been born as a mothy fae and you had no resistance to them. Plus you would look just too perfect with antenna, wings, and cute pink moth fluff. Basil had been planning to turn you into his little moth mate since the very first time he had laid eyes on you, but he had wanted to wait until you were willing so the process would be less scary for you. But oh well, you’d forgive him, this was just that nudge you needed to be able to confess your love for him.
 Basil approached you with a strange look in his eye that you couldn’t place, you scooted into the corner of the room but he still approached, stopping when he was a few feet away from you. He did not say anything and you were a bit scared, what if he decided that you weren’t worth the trouble, or worse, what if he decided he was going to be more violent in his persuasion attempts?
 Basil began flapping his large wings and shimmering powder coated your entire body, you went completely limp. You were fully conscious of your surroundings but you were paralyzed, unable to even scream. He easily picked you up and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before laying you on his large bed.
 “I know you’re scared babe, but I am just trying to help you okay?”
 Basil began the task of lovingly wrapping you in his own soft magical silk produced from his wrists. Within hours you couldn’t see a thing and were fully trapped within a cocoon, you could hear Basil mumbling some sort of spell before he lay beside your cocooned form and wrapped an arm around you in what was intended to be a comforting gesture.
 But nothing could comfort you now, over the next 24 hours you slowly became a fae like him. It started with an intense itching that you were powerless to do anything about as fluffy fur grew in the same places that he had it, then an immense pain in your back and head as you sprouted antenna and wings.
 Finally, mercifully, the pain subsided. You planned to fight viciously with your captor. Even though somehow his past actions now seemed somehow a bit romantic as your brain chemistry and perspective of his behavior had been forcibly altered by your transformation.
 Not so much that you actually wanted to be his though, but that changed immediately when the silk cocoon fell away. Your new antenna instantly picked up on a heady intoxicating scent, what WAS that? You sniffed and inhaled deeply in his direction as your antenna began twitching from his pheromones.
It was the scent of a strong and loving mate, just for you! You buried your face into his neck as your antenna continued twitching.
 Basil held you close, kissing the top of your head sweetly and rubbing your antenna against his as he cooed softly. It had taken years, but you were finally where you were always meant to be, at his side as his little mate.
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I am
Wondering if you would be ever so kind,,,
To write the monster au(or the hybrid au) of TF141 and I was like oh,,, Gaz no on list,,, who else,,, Johnny. Request thee Johnny, you could add the others for funsies as well, I don't mind the werewolf Johnny I like hims a lot as ,, but like, imagine, Male!user(I don't know what we call him erm male whatever the fuck his name is idk the WHORE sorry he's not maybe? Maybe he is actually idk it's male reader around those sluts 😠😠/HJ....) who usually kept his hybrid features hidden for god knows what reason because it's him??? He's just?? He's a little silly, but like "omg a human on the team grrr!!!" Is reaction from almost everyone until they warm up to him later and then he's just revealed as a moth hybrid :3 moth man, he squeaks when angry because moths can squeak and that's very interesting to me :3 and he just itty bitty plush like and plush size and shorter than them, but yeah they angry thinking he human, get close to the "human", they wake up early one morning, see the man they thought was human, but is a moth hybrid, standing in the kitchen, deadass staring into the kitchens light for god knows how long he was standing there, antennas just out as he's focused on the light, not even noticing them standing beside him, he's just staring at the light until someone turns that shit off and then he's just back like " ! " "When did you wake up???" Like .
Have a wonderful day yahhhh‼️‼️‼️
RRAAAAHHH MY FIRST ASK!!!! (Omfg tysm u don’t know how happy this makes me :3 )
Lemme get this straight.. a moth hybrid! male reader x Werewolf! Johnny (Soap) Mactavish?? Ill see what i can do!!
(Inspired by the Monster AU by whisperrwarm on X, when I say INSPIRED I mean, not everything is the same!)
John (Soap) Mactavish: A Werewolf
Simon (Ghost) Riley: A Wendigo
Captain John Price: A Dragon
Male Y/N: A Moth
Just a cute wee pudgy lad :3
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Tw: Swearing, suggestive content, Male x Male
Since Anonymous wanted M! Y/N to be pudgy, I imagine that he would have the shape of something like this:
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Moth Dust
(A Johnny (Soap) Mactavish x Male! Reader fic)
You, LN, FN, (last name, first name), who would have thought out of all possibilities of hybrids, you would be a moth. Not that its a bad thing, it was just rather annoying though.. you were picked on constantly because of it, your hight, your looks, and what made you insecure the most, your weight.
Not that you were huge, but you were fun sized, the perfect love handles, and the loveliest thing of all, your thick thighs. Aye, its like they say, ‘Thick Thighs Save Lives!’ You tend to hide your moth features though, fearing that a hybrid with predatoristic features might harm you.
I mean.. c’mon, you were a moth and there were damned stronger mutants out there.. its like the food chain with normal animals, and as embarrassing as it was, many things ate bugs. And what are you a hybrid of? A bug. Well.. a domesticated silk moth to be more specific, but still!
Being a moth you were fluffy and small, and well.. adorable. But you never though of yourself as that short.. until you joined the military that is-
“Bloody fucking christ! How fucking big does a man need to be here?!?” You thought to yourself once you actually saw how large the men in Task Force 141 where. There was one in particular who stood intimidated you from his height, Simon Riley, better known here as Ghost, and he stood a strong 6’2”!!
He could easily fucking squish you like the bug you are if he wanted! You were intimidated by the other men slightly, I mean, c’mon! Your captain is a fuckin Dragon for Christ sake!
But wow… boy were they lookers though- there was one in particular who stood out to you the most, he looked like a dog hybrid, but that didn’t seem right for some reason? What stood out to you the most was those elegant.. enticing.. wonderful blue eyes…
(Not finished, currently busy, will finish soon!)
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fl3shm4id3n · 5 months
Bₑᵢₙg ₐ 'bᵢₘbₒ' ₐₙd ᵢₙ ₐ ᵣₑₗₐₜᵢₒₙₛₕᵢₚ wᵢₜₕ: ₑₑₜᵤ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴇᴇᴛᴜ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: mentions of humans and that's it.
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Who would of thought Eetu would end up being with a human. The first time he saw you, he thought you were a flower. How could he not? You were decked out in pink and somewhat blended in with the flowers. That's how he began to call you syulang, because you his flower.
For a long time, Eetu disliked humans. For the harm that they've done. Who wouldn't? He thinks that humans destroy everything they touch, but when you came into his life, he had a change in mind. Maybe not all humans are evil like the RDA. After all, you were from the resistance.
Eetu has never had a mate, so this whole relationship thing is new to him. Specially being with a human, he knows nothing about humans, but he is willing to learn about you. He loves to learn new things, specially when it comes to you.
He likes to watch you do your makeup. You had to explain to him what makeup was. He thought it was human war paint, but when you explained the difference, he understood. He loved watching you apply on your glittery eyeshadows, blush, eyeliner, and put on your fake lashes.
Half of the time, he is asking what product was what. He really likes highlighter for some reason. He asks if he could put it on you. At first he tried using your makeup brush, but it was too small for him to hold, so he just used his index to put on your face. He couldn't help but feel his tail wag every time he does.
Another thing that he likes, if how your lipstick stains on his skin when you kiss him. On the lips, cheek, or forehead. He loves it. Sometimes he asks if he could get a kiss on his forehead. He'll be walking around with your kiss stain in his forehead, right between his face paint. It might be small, but he loves it. He's careful in trying not to smudge it. But in general, Eetu loves your hugs and kisses. He is very affectionate lover and so are you. Both you and him can't keep your hands away from one another. Literally.
When it comes to your outfits, he likes to see what you're planning to wear. You give him a little fashion show and ask if you should wear whatever outfit you had planed on wearing. He'll give you his honest opinion, he'll also compliment you on your outfits. Whether is a dress or your pink track suit, but what he'd really love to see you wear, is his clan's attire.
Since he knows that you have a love for pink, he tried to find you or make you stuff using pink materials. If doesn't mind, he loves to make stuff for you. He made you a songcord, normally na'vi have them, but he thought that you should have one. Its made out of various pink colors, from the string and beads.
Along with giving you pink or similar colored flowers. He loves seen how your cute little face lights up the sight of him bring you flowers. It makes him happy hearing you do that cute little squeal of excitement.
To his surprise, Zomey likes you. At first it worried Eetu that she'd try to eat you or hurt you, but turns out, she likes you. A lot. That made him very happy, his two girls getting along. He's seen how you treat her, he finds it cute when you tie little bows on her antennas or on her headpiece.
He loves to take you on flights, specially when you've been copped up in the lab all day and are in need of fresh air. If you're scared, don't worry, he's holding you the whole time and Zomey is also cautious.
When you and him are in the forest, he likes to help you get around. He know that you're able to get around, since you've been around the forest for many years. But he still likes to lend out a helping hand. He doesn't help holding your hand or even picking you up. Sometimes he gets you to hop on his back, while he climbs high places.
He loves to take pictures with you, he's not familiar with human technology so might teach him how the camera works. His favorite part is when he gets to keep the pictures of the two of you. Your smile being his joy.
Another human thing that he learned, was about music. He grew interested, learning about the many kinds of music the humans made. He'll listen to whatever music you're into, whether is pop, punk, metal, rap. He'll listen to it no problem. He'll even try to learn the lyrics to your favorite song, so that he could sing with you.
Since Eetu had learn things about humans, you also decided to learn more about his clan. It made his heart warm up, seen you learning the Aranahe Clan. He's becomes your teacher in a way, he loves teaching you everything that you wish to learn.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Can I pretty please have some SFW romantic headcanons for Zooble with a humanoid biblically-accurate angel (S/O)? 🥺👉👈
The angel look is just their digital look, though it comes with a perk (Hovering a few millimeters off the ground, though it took them a long while to do so without crashing into someone.)
Also, let me say the angel look is entirely ironic, the (S/O) is a cheeky flirt. Basically the dynamic is “Shut up.” “Make me~!”
(You don’t have to do this, I just think Zooble is neat. I have an OC who is like what I just described. I ship them together and I’m curious how you would write this out-!)
Zooble x biblically accurate angel!reader !
So so so sorry it took so long to get tto this anon ! I've been in a little motivation slump and between fighting intense allergies and taking baking orders, I only really find the time to answer requests late at night 😭😭
Evil so, I hope you enjoy this !!
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Honestly I think theyd think you look cool!
I always say that zooble is into the supernatural and the macabre, and even though Angels dint fit the macabre... and actually I'm not 100% sure if they fit the supernatural..? They still find your look to be very interesting!
Obviously they understand that you're not actually an angel in real life
Gives you a very creative name
I can already hear them saying it in their tired, "I'm so done with everything and everyone" voice
Likes holding your hand and letting you glide next to them
Usually you guys talk while walking around... not really speaking about much
Now onto the flirting
The flirting!
Okay I believe I may have said this somewhere, but zooble does not like PDA
Like I feel like anything more than hand holding is out of their comfort zone... please don't be overly flirty with them in front of others
It's not like theyre embarrassed by you or the relationship or want to hide it, they just dont like the.. vulnerability that comes with being publicly flustered.. gotta keep up the "I'm so done" thing and they don't like being percieved as anything else
You're the only exception ^
When you teo are alone, that's an entirely different story
I like to think their antennae twitch when you get them all flustered... sure I usually hc that they twitch when they're irritated, but I think the flustered twitching is cute too
Their spiral eye spins slowly when you decide to give em some kisses!
Careful not to overwhelm them, they're probably going to fall apart.... literally
Honestly I love the idea of zooble trying to act cool, even when it comes to romance only to just not be used to it at all
Like they're not helpless or totally inexperienced, but... you know...!
I think if I had to rate the characters in order of who takes flirting like a champ and who cant, I think I would put it like...
Caine takes it like a champ, then its ragatha, jax, kinger, zooble, pomni, and gangle who immediately holds and melts
So I guess zoobles a middle point! Just depends on what all you're doing to them !
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yourtoocleverfox · 7 months
"I'm exhausted."
Peter yawned loudly, his long arms straining over his head in an exaggerated stretch.
"Probably gonna take a nap before this afternoon. I get the feeling I'm gonna need my energy for all the little ghouls and goblins running around."
You briefly met his eyes as your fingers flowed over your keyboard. "Do you guys have Mayday's costume all picked out?"
"'Course we do." He leaned back in his seat and propped his feet up on the conference table, scattering a few sheets of paper in the process.
"She's gonna be a ladybug. I was partial to the spider costume I made. It had hairy little legs and everything; MJ wanted her first Halloween costume to be something cuter, though. I personally think she's cute in everything she wears, but I digress."
"To be fair, spiders are kind of gross."
You smiled at him and straightened the stray papers before closing your tablet. "I think MJ made the right call."
Peter made a sound of disbelief. "Yeah, you and everyone else apparently. You know, Halloween is when you're supposed to dress up as something spooky, right?"
"Not true. I, for one, plan to wear something cute."
"Yeah? Like what?"
You slide back from the table and stand, slipping your things in your bag and draping it over your shoulder. "You'll just have to wait and see."
You breeze by him on your way to the door.
"Someone's in a hurry."
"I have a few errands to run for Miguel before I can head home and get ready. Speaking of..."
You pause, hand on the doorknob, and fix him with a pointed look. "Feet off the table. You know Miguel hates that."
"I know, I know." He huffs and pulls his legs off of the glossy surface, giving you a glimpse of his mixed matched socks.
"Thank you." You smile at him sweetly before ducking out of the room.
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"Happy Halloween!"
You waved as a group of kids in busy costumes skipped away, plastic pumpkins briming with sweets.
O'Hara Tech was hosting its annual Trunk or Treat festival for company and community children alike. You'd been excited to hear about this event and even more so when you learned that volunteers were encouraged to sport costumes of their own.
So, here you stood, dressed in white silk with a shinning halo floating above your head as you handed out candy to hyper little creatures and heroes and princesses.
Peter was with you, doing his best to wrangle Mayday as she used him like a human jungle gym, crawling and pulling and hanging from his tattered zombie costume.
"Do you need some help?" You asked with a laugh.
"No, no. I've got it. Don't worry. Everything is definitely okay."
Babbling cheerfully, Mayday reached for her father's nose, smearing his hastily applied makeup as her tiny hand latched onto his skin. Peter winced, earning a giggle from the baby.
"Yeah, no, everything's great. Promise."
"If you say so."
With a smile on your glossed lips, you tickled Mayday's sock covered foot, giving Peter temporary reprieve as she laughed again and reached for you.
"She's got her father's grip," he shrugged, adjusting the insect antennas perched on her mop of red curls.
You shook your head at the pair, but honestly their antics added a particular lightness to the already fun evening. And like that, your mind was wandering to Miguel, imagining what it would be like if he were here with you.
He'd hardly spoken to you regarding the event, and you wondered if he'd make an appearance tonight at all. It was hard to imagine Miguel all dressed up, chitchatting with his employees over handfuls of candy corn. Lately, though, you'd caught glimpses of a different side of him, a secret part hidden under his impenetrable facade that made the idea of him being here tonight a not-so-sure impossibility.
All around you, there were friends and coworkers standing by their decorated car trunks chatting in various costumes as they passed out candy to the groups of children roaming the parking lot.
In addition, there were food stalls and craft stations spread out among the cars and spilling over to the adjacent park. Music played from somewhere you couldn't see and there was even a bounce house set up in the grass.
You stretched up on the balls of your feet, hoping to see even a ghost of his unmistakable silhouette, but your attempt was in vain. The crowd was thick and so much was going on that there was no way to keep track of it all from where you stood.
"Hey, will you be alright if I take a look around? I want to see what all is here, maybe find something to eat while I'm at it."
It wasn't a lie, not really.
"Sure, sure. Bring me back something too? MJ's supposed to bring Mayday and I a snack when she gets off work, but if im being completely honest, I cant wait that long."
"Cheeseburger with extra pickles, extra mustard?"
"You know me so well."
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The sun was just sinking below the red and orange trees, but the festival was still in full swing. You'd delivered Peter his burger and allowed yourself to indulge in a massive puff of cotton candy (shared with Mayday, of course). You'd passed on bobbing for apples, but you did manage to win an adorable stuffed cow in a scarecrow decorating competition.
All of this and still not a single sighting of Miguel. You were beginning to feel a bit childish, roaming around like a schoolgirl with a crush in the hopes of seeing the object of your infatuation. It was silly. He was your boss. Any special attention you thought you were receiving from him was just general amicability. An employer looking out for his employee, nothing more. You needed to remember that.
Now, you were skirting the line where the park met the car lot, carrying your little toy cow in your hands, deciding which activity to try next. There was pumpkin carving and a roped off dance floor, or maybe you would head home early and call it a night. To be honest, you didn't feel like doing much of anything now, and you mentally kicked yourself for allowing your mood to be dampened by something so juvenile.
You paused your steps as a chorus of childlike shrieks and laughs drifted toward you from the grassy field to your left.
"You'll never escape me! Your blood is mine!"
You looked over and felt your stomach do a giddy little flip. Never had you thought you'd see the day when your boss, dressed head to toe in a richly designed vampire costume, made himself subject to an onslaught of playful attacks from a small group of children.
You found yourself smiling as he allowed himself to be tackled to the ground and dog-piled by the mass of tiny, squirming bodies.
"No! I've been slain. Mercy! Mercy!"
He was hardly visible underneath them, but you could hear his laughter among theirs. It was a rare sound, his genuine, uninhibited laughter. Witnessing this side of Miguel felt like something secret, not made for your eyes, but you couldn't look away. You drifted closer, watching the scene unfold like some picturesque film on a screen. And then, deep in your chest, a feeling bloomed as his steady hands lifted one of the little girls into the air with ease. A purple princess with her flushed cheeks stretched in a wide smile, giggling as she flailed in his grasp. It was a perfect moment that you were content to watch forever.
But eventually the children were herded away by their waiting mothers, breathless and eyes sparkling from their time playing in the field. Miguel's dark gaze met yours, a lingering smile on his face, as he climbed to his feet and brushed stray grass from his clothes.
You'd been caught now; he knew you'd been watching, so you approached him, stopping an arm's length away. Even from this distance, there was that magnetism between the two of you that you'd been trying to ignore. A feeling, whenever he was near, that drew you into his orbit. Your fingers slid over the soft fur of the toy in your hand, a gesture to soothe the fluttering in your stomach.
His sharp eyes followed the movement before drawing back up to your face. "Cute," he commented.
"I won him a little while ago." You bit your lip to hide a smirk. "I was thinking of naming him Moo-guel. Get it? Because he's a cow."
Miguel rolled his eyes but the amusement from earlier still lingered there. "Clever. Very funny."
"Think so?"
"Don't let it go to your head. I'm just glad you're having fun."
"I am."
He watched you in the way you'd grown used to, silently contemplating thoughts you could only hope to be privy to one day. The two of you stood there like that, the moment marching on until you began to feel antsy under the weight of his gaze.
You decided to interrupt the silence with something that'd been on your mind. "This is a wonderful event, Miguel."
He looked past you to the crowd of families enjoying their night out but didn't say anything.
"Peter says the company's been doing this for three years now," you continued. "What made you come up with this idea?"
Something unreadable passed over his expression. "Peter talks too much."
You could feel the mood shift, and you scrambled for the correct thing to say.
"He only said that this event was special to you. I figured it was because it was a fun way to give back to the community. I mean, you were having more fun tonight than I've seen you have in six months."
He seemed to consider what you were saying, at least you hoped so. He was such a closed book when he wanted to be. You found yourself relying more and more on your intuition than ever before when it came to understanding him.
His head tilted to one side just barely as he regarded you. You prepared for him to reveal something enlightening about himself or the reason behind tonight's importance.
"Your halo is crooked."
"Seriously?" You let out a sound that was between a sigh and a laugh.
"Mmhm," he confirmed.
The corner of his mouth quirked up into an amused smirk as you looked at him with mock disbelief.
"I thought we were talking about the event."
He ignored you and lifted a hand to your hair. You stood stone still, looking up at face as he carefully manipulated the pins and clips in an effort to right your headpiece. He looked completely focused on his task, refusing to meet your eyes a single time as his fingers ghosted over the top of your head.
When he was finally satisfied, he took a step back. "Better."
"Thank you." You smiled up at him and his gaze seemed to soften. "I like your costume, by the way. Very spooky."
He looked down at his clothes as if it was the first time he'd actually considered them.
"Spooky, huh? It didn't keep those little terrors away."
You felt your heart flutter. He was joking, something unusual for him, and it was almost absent of his characteristic sarcasm.
"I was surprised you survived that assault. I was a little worried for you."
He gave a light chuckle and the fluttering in your chest grew. You decided to take a chance and continue the banter. "I thought maybe I'd have to rush in and save you.
"You save me?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Bold of you to assume I wasn't just luring you into my trap."
He took a step towards you, dark eyes pinning you in place as you fought the instinct to step back. He was clearly playing with you, the amused glint in his eyes told you so. Still, your body was reacting to him in ways unfamiliar to you and you felt like you were floundering.
"Oh, please." You made an attempt to scoff at his antics, but it came out as a breathy sound. "I could easily take you. I'm not worried."
"Uh-huh." He took another step forward and you were sure your eyes must be wide as saucers, but you refused to flinch.
This was so out of the ordinary for him. Gone was your stoic, measured boss, replaced by this new man looming over you. This man with a mischievous smirk painting his lips as he took yet another step closer, taking up your space. This man who circled a strong arm around your waist, large hand pressing into the small of your back as he held you in place. This man who sent your heart racing as his face moved closer and closer to yours, so close that you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin.
"Are you worried now?" He asked, voice low and husky in your ear.
You gave your head a small shake in the limited space. "No, never."
Your voice sounded small to your own ears, barely a whisper but you knew he could hear. Your free hand found it's way to his chest and clutched at the fabric of his shirt, urging him just that much closer.
"Mi corajuda angelita."
His breath ghosted over your shoulder, and you shivered. That sensation was quickly replaced by a sting of pain against your neck and then the warmth of his lips against your skin.
You gasped in surprise and you felt him still against you. You had been caught off guard by his actions, but you hadn't wanted him to stop. You'd wanted the exact opposite, really.
There was a rush of cold that replaced the warmth of his body as he pulled away to look at you, and you worried you'd made a mistake.
"What's wrong?" You asked, blinking up at him. Your hand was still fisted in his shirt and he made no move to remove it.
He looked at you in that way again, studying you, trying to read your reaction.
You parted your lips to speak again, wanting to reassure him that you didn't mind his closeness- welcomed it, in fact- or the fact that he bit you. You wanted him to pull you in again, into the shelter of his body. You wanted him to kiss you more, on your shoulder, your neck, your lips. You wanted him.
"There you are!"
You whipped around to see that all too familiar lanky silhouette striding towards you in the shadowy light.
You and Miguel spoke in unison, equally caught off guard by your unexpected guest. Instantly he put distance between the two of you, his fingers gentle as he removed your hand from his shirt.
You glanced up at him, but his expression was unreadable. He instead had his eyes trained on Peter who continued to close the distance.
"Oh, hey, boss! I didn't expect to find you out here. Well, to be honest, I hadn't really expected to find either of you out here."
He looked at you. "MJ just got here and she was hoping to say 'hi' before you left. I told her you might have gone already but decided to have a look around just in case."
"Oh, yeah, Miguel and I were just talking for a bit." You laughed nervously but he seemed none the wiser to just how close you and Miguel had gotten.
You looked to Miguel only to find him looking back down at you. You tried to read his expression but he looked away before you could guess what he was thinking.
"I should let you two get back to the party," he said. His earlier lightheartedness was gone, replaced by his usual tone.
"You sure, buddy? You should come say 'hi' too. You know Mayday just can't get enough of you."
You looked up at Miguel with your own pleading expression. "It'll be fun," you offered, but he shook his head.
"Tell MJ I'm glad she was able to make it tonight and that I hope she has a great time. There are some guests I invited tonight that I hoped to talk shop with a little before it got too late. Enjoy your night, both of you."
Before either of you could protest, he was making his way across the grass, long strides increasing the distance with each step.
"Man, that guy never takes a break. I'm telling you, you're gonna have to sit him down and talk to him about that. Goodness knows, you're the only one he listens to nowadays."
Peter continued to drone on as you followed him off in a different direction. You kept glancing over your shoulder, hoping to see a glimpse of Miguel somewhere in the crowd, but to your dismay he had seemingly disappeared into the night.
Tag List: @sukunash0e
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Thinking abt skypiea Sanji latey, lil wings and athena on his head sound soo cutee, maybe he fell down from the sky island and found his way to Zeff? Or maybe Sora was a skypiean judge managed to capture to further his bloodline and Sanji has inherited all his mothers sky traits?
Idk im just soft for the wings
I love that so much, though I doubt child Sanji would have survived the fall if he did do that but I think the second option fits really well with either clown!Sanji or Redhair!Sanji. So that's the one I'm going to focus on but I will probably make a loved!Sanji out of this as well. Genius, anon, simply genius.
Sanji being born with little wings and antennae on his head. Judge immediately knows he's likely a failure as Sora holds her babies and sobs that they're all alive. Still everything is mostly the same except for Sanji's wings are just as big a target as his hands and his antenna are threatened often. Sora tells him the legends of Skypiea and sings him the lullabies and teaches him the language as well. When she dies, Sanji is given a tune dial of his mother singing a lullaby by a maid who keeps it hidden for him.
Sanji is thrown in the dungeon and escapes with the helmet on in the East Blue. He's just running like Reiju told him to and he wishes the wings he had were useful. That he wasn't weak. I'm going with Shanks and Benn finding Sanji first.
Shanks and Benn feel the fear and other feelings from some woods nearby so they go check it out and find the eight year old and take him to the ship where they get Sanji out of the helmet. Sanji's wings are hidden under the rags he was in but Shanks knows what he is. And he's headed to the grand line where this would be more the norm for everyone there than the East Blue. Benn reminds him he doesn't want kids on his boat but Shanks insists this is an exception.
Shanks explains his former crew's time in Skypiea and how they would be happy to get the boy back and Sanji says he doesn't have family there, his mother was the wife of Vinsmoke Judge and she hadn't been there for a while. Sanji doesn't know if he has anyone anymore because he's supposed to be dead and asks why they saved him. Shanks and Benn's hearts break a little at that and say it was the right thing to do.
They make it to jaya and then Skypiea. They find no one related to Sanji and the bugs are terrifying the poor kid. Like beyond normal fear of bugs. And the bugs are big but Sanji was freaking out at the small ones so they go back down and Shanks is holding Sanji while Benn holds him and the ship.
They head to Sabaody and stick a hat and coat on Sanji because they're not going to let home get taken as a slave. They roll up to Shakky's to get information and drinks and when Rayleigh rolls in I gotta imagine everyone but Shakky and Sanji are staring at each other in shock until Rayleigh laughs and says of course they followed in their footsteps and got himself a brat and Shanks mutters his agreement. Sanji keeps fidgeting with the hat and hates his antennae being covered after the helmet and Yasopp says when they're on the ship he can take it off. Rayleigh says he can take it off now and pulls Sanji's hat off making him and Shakky gasp. Shanks tells him off and gives Sanji the hat back.
Sanji grows up with the Redhaired Pirates who embrace what he is. Shanks will spend hours if Sanji lets him stroking the kid's wings. This Sanji never learns about Luffy or Usopp and he runs into them and the crew at Sabaody while chatting with Rayleigh and Shakky after all the shit at the auction house. Before they get pawpawd away. Sanji is smiling and chatting with them easily with his wings and antennae free which makes the crew ask him a bunch of questions about why he's not in Skypiea and how he knows Rayleigh.
"I'm the brat of Redhaired Pirates. I'm out gathering some information." Sanji answers with a grin.
"You know Shanks?!" Luffy yells excitedly.
"Wait, they let you go with them?" Usopp asks.
"They didn't have anywhere they could safely leave me with the whole being Skypiean thing." Sanji shrugs.
"Lame, he didn't let us go." Luffy whines as Sanji gives them a questioning look.
"That's Roger's old hat, Shanks gave it to Luffy. Usopp there is Yasopp's boy." Rayleigh tells him.
"Ah." Sanji says lighting a cigarette. "Mutiny it is then."
Rayleigh laughs and the Strawhats demand more information which Sanji doesn't give them. When he gets back to the crew he tells Shanks about what happened on Sabaody and the Redhaired crew goes into action faster than they ever have. They make it to Marineford just after the White Beard fleet.
"You're not going to commit mutiny after this." Shanks tells his crew as they step onto the island.
"Let's see how this goes and then we'll decide, you deadbeat." Roux chuckles.
"Don't miss a shot or you're off the crew too, Yasopp." Sanji tells him as the war begins.
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anitabighug · 1 year
❥ A Perfect Experiment : Wally x Reader (She/Her Pronouns, Named) ✿
Chapter Masterpost: [  ♡   ♡    ♡ ] Chapter Two; But Why Can’t I? ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●
It had been a few weeks at this point. You’d settled into a comfortable routine, and you continued that routine today as usual. Sleep in, spruce up, enjoy a fulfilling breakfast, and scurry outside to collect samples of the various flora and fauna scattered through the neighbourhood. You were thrilled with the prospects in front of you; it was almost as if this place had just never been explored! Everything was fresh and new, and every day was fantastic! You could always hear distant cheery music, unless you ventured too close to the woods– you were already warned by Barnaby that it wasn’t safe to head in too far, and you took the words to heart. Today, you focused on some of the grass in the area, collecting a pot and uncaring how dirty your coat or hands got. You took in a deep breath of the sample. It smelled like granny smiths. How absurd!!! You hurry home to place your spoils in your greenhouse, only to find a pair of friends arguing on your porch as you approach. Ah! A scientific lesson must be in order today, as part of their cheery adventure. Though, they didn’t look so cheery today. These visits happened occasionally, though you almost wish they happened more. “They just can, Julie! Its what butterflies do, and what you do not!” Frank told her sternly, which only caused another huff from the girl. It was only now that you noticed an absurd costume on Julie’s back, a pair of cardboard wing with crudely made handles on each of the corners. It looked like she had put a lot of effort in to the getup; she had a headband with cute bouncing antennae, and the wings were painted exquisitely, though it seemed they’d hardly had time to dry before she’d rushed on with her own experiment. Grass and dirt flaked the edges of it, stuck in the paint with no escape in sight. You let out a knowing sigh, announcing your presence to the pair. “Oh! Thank goodness, just the purple person we were looking for!!!” Exclaimed Julie, who hurried to your side to hustle you inside and to your lab. Couldn’t very well explain out here, now could you? After opening the door to the pristine lab, she turned on her heel and continued, throwing her hands in the air, “Daisy DeWitt! Why can a butterfly fly, and why can’t I???” Ah, yes. There it was. You giggle and set the pair each in a comfy bean bag chair as you roll your blackboard in from its hiding space, and your lesson begins. Julie wiggles in her seat excitedly, after sticking her tongue out at Frank. He scowls at her, but turns towards the blackboard quickly, brow furrowed as he listened intently in the lesson that was practically tailored for him. “Well, you see, Julie my dear! The answer is simple; Physics!!!” You exclaim, and turn towards your audience as your drawings finish. A little, tiny butterfly. A big, giant Julie. You explain kindly that to fly, Julie would need to be much, much lighter, and have much, much bigger, stronger wings. You quickly sketch an approximate size of the wings she’d need for her size, and Julie’s jaw drops. “Truthfully, Frank is right! A butterfly is made to fly, and unfortunately, you are not!” Frank looks smug at this revelation, and Julie looks absolutely devastated. “BUT!” You shock them both to attention, a catlike smirk crossing your face, “You see, with science, anything is possible!!! Anyone can fly!” With a flourish, you flip the blackboard to the other side, where a large diagram of an airplane is visible, “Nowadays, we make big machines! They can help many, many people fly at once. Its not impossible, dear Julie. You just need a little help from science!” Your audience claps at this revelation, and the three of you make your way back to your front door, the two of them satisfied with their answer. They thank you, and tell you goodbye. No doubt to continue their adventure, maybe to head to Howdy’s to see if they can order a plane. You watch them go with a smile, but it fades slowly once they turn their backs. You’re disappointed, honestly. Your neighbours seem so sweet and kind, but you don’t seem to be making much headway in making better friends with them at all. You close the door, wondering if maybe you should have offered them some lemonade, or cookies, though admittedly you didn’t have the hosting items in stock that you’d hope to. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● He’d been observing you closely, though he couldn’t put a pin in why. You seem trustworthy enough, and his friends liked you. So why, just why, couldn’t he get you out of his head? He peered through your window as you prepared your lunch, same as always. You liked consistency, and you liked your solitude; so why did you look so sad when the neighbours left your home? At least this scouting wasn’t a total wash, Wally mused to himself, as he heard you start to sing to the macaroni on your stovetop. Music wasn’t unheard of in Home, far from it in fact! The puppets often had feelings so big they just had to sing them out (pushing past this compulsion was a terrible idea), and Sally’s plays often had musical numbers spiced in that everyone adored. This, however, was different. It was quiet, just for you, singing and swaying as you strained the pasta in the sink. It was awfully cute. You seemed free to be yourself at these times, bouncing around your little space with reckless abandon, only barely taking time to clean up after yourself after you finished. How nice it would feel, to be included, singing along and dancing while a meal bubbled away for the two of you… His face flushed, his smile quivered. What? Oh, Wally Darling, What an absurd thought! He shoved it forcefully from his mind and stared even harder at you inside of your home, breathing heavily. Something was dangerous about you, and he was determined to figure it out.
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● Almost done, just had to mix the juice, and the salad, and then your nice, simple, feel-better lunch would be complete! You’d made this one special, you’d even have some extra left for dinner!! At least, you thought you would. The insistent rapping at the door told you otherwise. You covered the pot and set it off to the side safely before wiping your hands on your apron, and wandering to the door. You never really got more than one visitor a day, so you weren’t quite sure what to expect. Definitely not Wally Darling, with his suave grin, straightening his ascot outside your door. “Oh! Good afternoon, Mr. Darling! How can I help you today?” You ask with a cock of your head. He almost winces at this. You have that habit, and he’d yet to correct you on it, though he sorely wished you’d just call him Wally. “Golly, look at you! Making lunch, are we? I was just in the neighbourhood, and thought you might enjoy some company, Miss DeWitt!” Two could play at that game, he thought. If he could scowl, he would have, when you didn’t seem the least bit upset by his antics. In fact, you lit up instantly. This caught him terribly off guard, and it took every amount of willpower he had to keep his composure. You reply in the affirmative, opening the door wide to let your guest in. A guest– a real, honest to gosh guest! Not a student, not a gift, but a guest! “I was just about finished, please come in!! I’d love it if you joined me!” Not to even mention that this was a good way to save face after the culinary disaster that had happened the first time he had graced you with his presence. He nods and steps inside, taking a deep breath. Oh, wow. He hadn’t been able to smell from outside, but that did smell divine now that he was within the walls. Wally settles himself at the kitchen table as you hurry back and forth to finish the lunch for the two of you, setting the lettuce-filled bowl on the counter and adding various nuts and fixings; noting that you could hear his breath hitch behind you as you chopped an apple into the salad, grinning internally. You’d heard that little tidbit from another friend, and were grateful now for it; You’d be a good host today if it killed you! The apple wasn’t enough to distract him, however. He stared at your back with intense eyes, almost worried for a moment that he might just burn right through you. What was wrong? You kept working away, chopping and mixing and moving… But there was no singing. This wasn’t right. Had he ruined it? Should he leave? Did he upset you? No– No, nonsense! You seemed so happy when he’d stepped inside; Just what had made you stop??? He is about to open his mouth and demand an answer, when a sound stops him dead in his tracks. You tried to keep it to yourself, but honestly… Gastronomy was a science, and boy did you love science. You tried so hard to keep it quiet though, so as not to annoy your guest. You submit to hum the bars of your favourite song instead, your head bouncing softly with an imaginary beat. The air around you softened, the worry starting to slowly melt away… “Fill my heart with song, and let me sing forever more~” A voice sang softly from behind you, almost making you jump out of your felt. It was Wally Darling, of course, and when you turned, he gave you the same cheshire grin you’d seen him do countless times already. His head was resting on his hand, and his half lidded eyes gazed at you lazily, “What a lovely choice, darling. Oh– Don’t stop on my account. Come, continue, continue!!” He encouraged the song and the blush trailing across your cheeks. You let out a giggle, and turn back away from him to finish the juice,
“You are all I long for, all I worship, and adore~” The two of you finished the line, and the next, and the next. The air was easy, and you wished you could hit pause on this moment forever, with your heart full and warm… Your stomach, however, objected to the notion. With another joyful laugh, you serve up a plate for the both of you, along with a glass of the juice, and set up your spot next to his, and fill the void left by the song with light conversation and laughter… ( A/N: Headcanon!! The neighbourhood follows the same laws as a disney movie, and the only one truly immune to singing his big feelings is Wally. If you try to hold it back bad things happen :o) )
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adobe-outdesign · 3 months
I know you've reviewed the Goodra line, but have you talked about Hisuian Sliggoo and Goodra?
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While I don't like it more than the original, I do think Hisuian Sliggoo is pretty solid for a regional. The original line were mostly slugs with a few snail-like touches, so taking them and adding a shell to make them true snails makes logical sense thematically. Making the shell a result of increased iron in the line's diet and then making them part steel-type also works nicely.
In Sliggoo's case, while the body itself barely changes, the way it hides within its shell gives it a very different silhouette from the original and helps to instantly make the two unique. I wouldn't have minded more changes, but what we got is distinct enough, and cute to boot.
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However, Hisuian Goodra is kind of a major step down from Sliggoo. What makes Hisuian Sliggoo work isn't just that it has a shell, it's that it has a shell that it stays in 24/7. Completely removing that element from H. Goodra makes it way too similar to the original. Sure, the shell itself is different, but it mostly feels like the same creature with one single design change. It actually has multiple changes—one less spot on its head and tail, the spots being desaturated, longer antennae, a different expression that doesn't really add anything—but everything else is so minor it's almost unnoticeable.
Off the top of my head, here were some things they could've changed about the body if they really didn't want to have it in its shell 24/7 (ideally, these would be applied to H. Sliggoo as well for consistency):
Change the colors (there are tons of snails out there to pick from)
Inverse the body so the darker color is on top and vice versa
Make the antennae curled up to mimic the shape of the shell
Change the position of the slime drips
Change the position of the spots, such as putting them on the shell or along the sides of the body
Change the face to look more like Sliggoo's
Change the feet to be more gastropod-ish
Etc. The shell itself is fine—but it's not enough to do all the heavy lifting on its own.
For the record, while I prefer regular Sliggoo slightly I do prefer Hisuian Goodra a bit over the original, just because I like the weight of that giant shell and the way it merges directly with the tail, as well as the more hunched-over posture. I do like the more saturated colors and happier expression of the original though, so it is what it is.
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Overall, Hisuian Sligoo is a pretty good regional that puts a nice twist on the original design. Hisuian Goodra is fine, but it doesn't change enough to really feel like its own unique thing.
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