#y tarasovich
lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
Answer this? :D
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(i've never been to ikea, lol)
chengyi/changjie: 100% doodling on whatever they can find. sketches the people around them shopping and leaves the sketches lying around - slightly creeping out anyone who comes across them.
noel/noelle: has jumped in the trolly and is convincing L to push them around the whole place. definitely has sore legs after squishing themselves into the small trolly.
yuri/yaryna: do you think that they would turn down free food? of course not! they're taste testing all of the meatballs to the point where they have to be banned from eating any more. as revenge they would steal an item or five 😂.
lian/leilani: has been forced by N to push them around in the trolly, but they're not bothered - they just enjoy spending time with their friends. they will also take any opportunity to sit on the beds though because damn do their feet hurt from all the walking.
vinesh/varsha: not an option above, but they're having a meltdown in the bathroom aisle because they CANNOT contain the rest of the group. they came here for one thing and now one friend is shoplifting, another is drawing random people's profiles, the other is riding in the trolly and giggling like a child, and the last is pushing said trolly and sleeping.
ps, i've kept all the sweet gifs/messages you've sent me in my inbox, i appreciate you heaps <3
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
if the mc was a mind reader for like a day, what’d be the first thing they hear the ROs think when they see the mc
idk if this has been asked yet and also I love love love ur IF seriously also I hope you’re doing alrighty and btw ur writing is the equivalent of that food critic tasting the ratatouille made from remy the rat
that is definitely one of the nicest compliments i've ever received, and also probably the most specific one too 😂 thank you though, i'm glad you're enjoying it!! for these answers i'm assuming you're still in the crushing stage and you've just walked into the room in the morning.
chengyi/changjie: "here's mc! oh wait a second...my heart feels kinda funny...am i having a heart attack? oh no, they're coming over here. why do i feel like this every time? we've been roommates for years, why can't i just get over these feelings?"
noel/noelle: literally no thoughts, head empty. they have the goofiest smile on their face as they watch you enter the room and start talking to people. i guess if they had a thought it would be this 🤭 emoji bouncing around the inside of their head, lol.
yuri/yaryna: "DAYYUMMMM mc is looking extra fine today! did they do something new with their hair? ah, who cares, they look hot. okay, i need to focus on all this work i have to do. hold up, are they giving me bedroom eyes? Y! stop looking at them!"
vinesh/varsha: "oh god. they're here. what do i do. act natural. don't panic. avoid eye contact. act like you couldn't care less that mc is here. this is harder than i though. okay, i'm panicking."
lian/leilani: "mc is here! i wonder if they've had breakfast yet? they slept in kind of late...i should make sure they everything is okay. if they can't sleep, maybe i should offer them a massage to relax them and then we could...wow. where did those thoughts come from. i'm not Y. okay, i'm going to ask them about breakfast."
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
ROs’ reaction to arriving late to a meeting and saying “sorry, i was doing stuff” and the mc walking behind them and going “i’m stuff” please 😏
chengyi/changjie: they would be soooo embarrassed that you'd say that, even if it was a joke. they instantly start blushing and would try to hide their face. they wouldn't be able to look at anyone else in the room, either, and probably wouldn't speak for the whole meeting.
noel/noelle: is surprised that you'd make such a statement in front of other people, but they're quick to regain their composure because you're technically right. plus, it was a pretty funny comment and made them chuckle. for the first time though you might see N slightly bashful and avoiding your gaze.
yuri/yaryna: tbh, they would be the one to say both lines - "sorry i was doing stuff" and then when you walk in they'd say "that's stuff". but for a real answer, they'd just be smug as and probably would launch into a monologue about exactly what you two got up to, much to everyone else's horror.
vinesh/varsha: would fully stop in their tracks as they process your words. cannot believe you would make a comment like that and actually can't form a comprehensible thought for a while. honestly would be pretty upset that you would embarrass them in front of everybody, and would require a few sweet kisses in private to make them feel better.
lian/leilani: similar to N, L would be a little shocked at first but the comment also makes them laugh. you'd be able to see a hint of redness on their tan cheeks and a slight glint of pride in their eyes. would place a hand on your thigh when you sit down together at the table.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
Answer this? :D
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chengyi/changjie: tries to make the child laugh, and when that fails, they cry with the child lol. there's only so much loud screaming they take before it stresses them out.
noel/noelle: ignores the child. they want children of their own eventually, when they're mature and ready, but for right now they are not fan of kids. especially random crying ones.
yuri/yaryna: ignores the child at first because hey kids will be kids, crying is kinda what they do, but will try to play with/distract it when their crying doesn't stop. will probably pull out their lighter and use the flame to entertain it, lol.
vinesh/varsha: is the reason the child is crying. they probably (inadvertently) glared or had a too-serious stare that freaked the kid out. oops, that's not their fault though.
lian/leilani: gives the parents instructions. their time running the shelter means, unfortunately, they've had to take a few kids under their wing before so they definitely know how to calm crying children down. will do it in the gentlest way too so it doesn't sound condescending.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
Hello! Hope you’re well!
Happy late birthday to Y, my beloved! 😘🎉
Sorry you’ve probably already answered this already (tumblrs search function leaves much to be desired…) but when in a relationship, how would the ROs react to MCs parents treating MC the way they do?
I was re-reading the DEMO and I forgot how angry they make me lol
ugh yeah, i hate the search function on here, i have no idea why it doesn't show everything under the tag...
chengyi/changjie: we've already seen how they react to this situation in chapter 2. C was very nervous to meet your parents and didn't want to leave a bad impression so when your parents started being nasty to you, C was unsure what to do. they wanted to speak up but they also wanted to see how you would handle the situation and decide their next moves based on how you reacted.
noel/noelle: N would be the most likely to lose their shit at your parents. they don't have the best relationship with their own parents and would be likely to project their own feelings onto your situation. as much as they would like to handle the situation gracefully, they would probably swear and throw stuff around and get themselves worked up about the fact your parents treat you so badly. in the end you'd probably have to drag them out of the house to stop them from doing something they would regret.
yuri/yaryna: for once in their life, Y wouldn't know what to do. they have very loving and supportive parents and so they would let you handle the situation at first. they know you're capable of standing up for yourself and will encourage you to stand up for yourself. but once your parents say something that crosses the line, Y won't hesitate to hit your parents with a devastatingly witty insult that leaves them speechless.
vinesh/varsha: from knowing what they already know about your parents, V wouldn't even want to be here in the first place. they come into the situation with a foul mood and the second your mum or dad tries to say something nasty, they're ready to refute that. "belle is the only child i love," "you don't deserve to live while belle is dead" etc. V is right there proving why that statement is wrong. the whole interaction would probably last less than three minutes because V is pissed off and wants to get you out of there.
lian/leilani: like Y and C, L really wouldn't know what to do. they still want your parents' blessing so they wouldn't talk back or anything like that. they wouldn't stoop to your parents' level but at the same time they won't let you be treated that way, so as soon as your parents start being nasty, L is standing up and leading you to the door while they say something like "i would say it was nice to meet you, but i hope i never have to see you two again."
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
hii can i request ROs’ reactions to coming home late and finding the mc asleep in lingerie, (clearly intending to seduce the RO but having fallen asleep because it’s late)?
Thank you! <333
chengyi/changjie: is very confused. it doesn't immediately click that you were dressed up for them, they just kind of assume you wanted to wear that to sleep? so they'd crawl in beside you and sleep like normal and it would only be in the morning when they're like "now hold on a minute..." 🤔
noel/noelle: would find it super cute and also a bit funny that you were trying to be sexy but fell asleep instead. they'd stand in the doorway for a bit just taking in the scene before they deliberately started making a lot of noise to wake you up. when you did, they'd ask if you were really that tired or if you wanted to stay up a little longer with them if you know what i mean ;)
yuri/yaryna: their first though is "yup, that's my partner". they're proud you wanted to look nice for them and they don't want this opportunity to go to waste so they practically shake you awake and preposition you, lol. any chance Y gets to have their hands on you they're gonna take so even if you fell asleep, no worries, they'll wake you and you can carry out your plan for the night 😂
vinesh/varsha: they take one step into the bedroom and are immediately backing out again. they can feel their face heating up and their heart is racing because you're in there and you look so perfect but good lord you are wearing a lot less clothes than they were expecting and they don't know what to do. sure, you've slept together before but usually you're wearing more clothes than that so it's okay. they just don't think they will be able to calm down enough to go to sleep lying next to you like that so they sleep on the couch instead.
lian/leilani: would probably take a picture to show you in the morning because they find it so amusing. they'd be very careful not to wake you as they pull the covers over you and place the pillow under your head. they'd press a kiss to your forehead and then get in beside you and sleep like normal. they'd definitely tell you about it the next morning though and probably wouldn't ever let you live the moment down XD
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
As a classic follow up to the hickey ask, how would the ROs react if they found out it actually wasn't a hickey at all, but was just something innocent, like a burn, bug bite, etc.?
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link to the original ask here!
chengyi/changjie: C would be so embarrassed that their mind instantly jumped to you doing dirty stuff with someone else, but they'd also be super relieved that it wasn't actually a hickey at all. and then they would be wondering why they're so relieved, because you're just friends and nothing more anyway. and then they'd have a crisis for the rest of the day about the fact that you are Just Friends.
noel/noelle: similarly, N would be glad that it wasn't a hickey, and also glad that they decided not to comment about it in the first place. assuming you'd injured yourself to produce the mark, they would offer to help put ointment on it as an excuse to be closer to you!
yuri/yaryna: their gang members would find it absolutely HILARIOUS that Y got so worked up over a fake hickey, and they'd desperately try to shush their members before you found out how seeing you with the fake hickey made them feel. once they realised it was just a bug bite/burn Y would joke around with you and tell you not to be so clumsy next time.
vinesh/varsha: would be kinda grossed out that they got so jealous about your fake hickey. like bro they can't even look you in the eye without feeling funny so why would they be jealous if you're seeing someone? because they're so surprised by their own reaction they keep their distance so you don't realise it too but they'll calmly explain how to treat your wound.
lian/leilani: they're very grateful that they didn't react like an idiot or say anything nasty to you (not that the thought would even cross their mind in the first place). they're also not afraid to admit to you that they thought it was a hickey and how relieved they are that it's not. they'll bring their whole first aid kit out to treat the injury and make sure it heals properly too!
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
RO and mc got trapped together in a small closet (in crushing stage) pls 😏
chengyi/changjie: they are definitely shitting bricks about being stuck in the dark, and will probably start rambling about how you're both going to die trapped in this tiny little closet. they are not too worried about being stuck in there with you, because they're used to spending so much time with you and sharing a space anyway. however they do keep thinking about how this is basically a 7 minutes in heaven situation and what would happen if they just kissed you in the dark.
noel/noelle: is not bothered in the slightest. i mean, it's a real inconvenience, but N trusts that someone will eventually find you two so they're not worried. they will rest against one of the shelves and try their best to keep you occupied while you wait- usually that means telling stupid jokes or stories from their childhood that are definitely made up. this also means they're distracting themselves and not thinking about the fact they're trapped in a tiny closet with their crush.
yuri/yaryna: tbh the only one who is actually going to try pull some moves on you (once they know you're keen for it too). cue really bad pickup lines and "well would you look at that, two sexy singles stuck in a closet. guess they'll have to make out to keep warm 😏." whether that actually happens is up to your discretion, however regardless Y will be very disappointed when you're finally released from the closet and they don't have any excuse to be close to you anymore (not that this has ever stopped them).
vinesh/varsha: it would be a miracle if V didn't collapse of a heart attack right then and there. this is basically their worst nightmare because they have no idea how they are expected to act, or what to do to pass the time. they will definitely spend time attempting to bang down the door and get someone's attention but they'd quickly give up when they realise that's not happening. they would then spend all their energy trying to ignore how close your breath sounds and how they can feel your body heat radiating off you - and especially avoiding wondering how you would react if your hands "accidentally" brushed.
lian/leilani: finds the whole situation mostly just an inconvenience however they always look on the positive side so they also see it as an opportunity to get to know you better. they will make sure you feel comfortable and ask you whether you want them to stand up, sit down beside you, make sure you're not too cold etc. they're the only ro that's able to ignore the fact that they're in a closet with their crush because they would die inside if they did anything to make you feel unsafe/uncomfortable. luckily they're great at talking to people so they're able to easily distract you from the situation until you're rescued. they're definitely looking much redder than they were before, though 😆.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
not sure if ro's reaction are okay but if they are, here's a classic: ro's reaction to seeing a hickey on mc? (in crushing stage) i love the aesthetic of your if!
thank you so much! i'm going to assume that if it's crushing stage the hickey would be put there by someone else?
chengyi/changjie: C wouldn't notice it straight away, even if you weren't trying to hide it. you'd be expecting them to comment about it and it's only when you've forgot it's there because half a day has passed that they say something about it. they'd try make a joke of it, saying something like "wow, you must have been busy last night," but you can tell straight away that it's super forced and their voice cracks. their poor little heart will be breaking into tiny pieces and they'd be more distanced from you for the rest of the day.
noel/noelle: N would notice it fairly quickly, but wouldn't comment on it. they think because you're not hiding it that maybe you're proud of your hickey, and they don't want to fuel your ego by pointing it out. they would tell themselves that it doesn't bother them - however they'd spend a lot of time flitting from person to person trying to work out if anyone knew who you'd been hanging out with last night. and it doesn't matter who it actually was, they'll always think that person is not deserving enough to have you.
yuri/yaryna: 100% would be the first to notice, and would immediately say something like "if you really were that desperate to have a hickey, babe, i could have done it for you." they would act like they're not bothered by it, although you'd notice that they keep trying to talk badly about whoever you were with last night - comments like "i could have done a much better job" etc. they'd also audibly grind their teeth together whenever one of their gang mates points out how agitated they seem.
vinesh/varsha: honestly it would probably take them hours to realise you had a hickey in the first place because they're trying to avoid looking at you since you make their heart go all funny. when they notice it they would assume it was a bruise and you'd hurt yourself - and they'd use that as an excuse to softly lift up your chin and examine your neck, but they'd quickly step back when they realised that it wasn't a bruise from an injury at all. they'd then spend the rest of the day focusing on their work and pointedly not looking at you because the tingle in their chest has turned into a painful ache.
lian/leilani: L would notice the hickey pretty quickly, and they'd suck in a harsh breath before realising how silly they're being. they remind themselves that you two are not dating and you can do whatever you want with whoever you want - they don't own you or anything like that. they come to the conclusion that that's something they would worry about if they had the guts to ask you out. there's a little bit of doubt there, perhaps your connection isn't as strong as L thought it was, but ultimately they just hope you had a fun time and that they'd get the chance to leave a hickey of their own on you at some point.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
❤️&💙 for everyone if it isn't too much
Big hugs for you dear author (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ
straight back at you, lovely 😘
❤ - their love language?
chengyi/changjie: quality time.
noel/noelle: physical touch.
yuri/yaryna: words of affirmation.
vinesh/varsha: words of affirmation.
lian/leilani: acts of service.
💙 - how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
chengyi/changjie: is quieter and less "themself". less likely to tell stupid jokes and speak how they really feel without the reassurance that you are there to back them up.
noel/noelle: they find it harder to focus on what is going on around them and what people are saying to them. it's possible for them to be "present", they just have to pay super close attention and resist the urge to check the entrance to see if you're there every time someone walks through the door.
yuri/yaryna: they are tense and snappier when you're not around. it's obviously not something they do on purpose but there's definitely an edge to their voice when they curtly direct someone to do something. although if anyone mentions their change in behaviour they're the first to deny it.
vinesh/varsha: suddenly become ten times busier when you're not around. partly because they're not getting distracted by your presence and partly so they're too busy to think about the fact you're not here with them. depending on how easily they can ignore thoughts of you they're either very productive or it just looks like they're doing work.
lian/leilani: honestly, not much changes. they had a great work ethic before they met you and they will still have a great work ethic after you've left. however, it's quite easy for other people to spot the way they casually mention you in conversation and manage to reference things you've done. you might not be here but you're clearly still on L's mind.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
what are the ro's first thought when they realise they're falling for the mc? also, y has my entire heart. a murderous, flirty, sarcastic person with commitment issues? sign. me. up
lol Y is exactly the kind of character i would go for too, so no judgement here!
chengyi/changjie: "pretty sure a blind man could have seen this coming."
noel/noelle: "i'm going to break their heart into a million little pieces."
yuri/yaryna: "lmao this wasn't supposed to happen, yolo though."
vinesh/varsha: "what the fuck, i can't fall in love with someone again."
lian/leilani: "i'm finally ready to be happy, this is what i deserve."
leaving these with no explanation because i think i'm ~mysterious~ and they're all spoilers for the relationship routes with the ROs anyway!
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
On a rate of 1 to 10 how resistant the ROs are to a MC giving them puppy dog eyes 🥺
chengyi/changjie: 5/10. they're so used to MC's puppy dog eyes and theye built up a resistance to it over the years - but they are whipped so they tend to give in quite easily.
noel/noelle: 9/10. N has two younger sisters and so they're also very used to people giving them puppy dog eyes and when they make a decision to say no they're pretty set on it.
yuri/yaryna: -10/10. they like to project a image of them being this scary mafia boss but one glance at them with puppy dog eyes and they're willing to do whatever MC wants.
vinesh/varsha: 3/10. solely because they're not used to people giving them puppy dog eyes and if they initially say no to MC's request they feel super guilty after and will change their mind. don't tell anyone they're so whipped though lol.
lian/leilani: 0/10. they have so much love to give and all MC has to do is 🥺 and there's no fight left in L lol. obviously they have some things that they wouldn't do for anyone but most times they give in very very quickly.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
hiya! i'm feeling for some angst so how would the ro's react to walking in on a mc who obviously just had been crying?
chengyi/changjie: rushes over instantly and wraps you in a massive hug. they stroke your head while whispering comforting words, even if they don't know the reason they will tell you that you're safe and love etc etc. stays with you until you're ready to be by yourself.
noel/noelle: they're very hesitant and unsure quite how to react. they decide to just sit by you so you know that they're there if you need them. they might even throw an arm over your shoulder and squeeze you close and wait until you stop crying.
yuri/yaryna: walks in and walks out straight away. they go straight to the kitchen to get you some water and snacks and also order everyone to stay away from the room you're in so you have space. when they get back they'd reassure you that they're there to help in any way they can.
vinesh/varsha: V is torn because they hate seeing you upset and they want to make you feel better but they also are the worst when people are crying. they can't offer heartfelt words but they will sit in silence with you as you calm down. like Y, V will tell everyone else to leave you alone and not be nosy and ask you any questions about why you were crying.
lian/leilani: sits beside you and offers you their hand to squeeze or hold. they rub circles onto your back and tell you that crying is the best thing to do before you can work through your feelings and that you'll feel better soon. they are conscious of not getting too far into your personal space but they emphasize that if you wanted to talk about it then they would sit with you and listen until your voice was raw.
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
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today is november 18th and do you know what that means? it's yuri/yaryna's birthday!!
ㅡ i wasn't exactly sure what to do for their birthday, but figured that maybe we could hold a Q&A session with them? you ask questions and Y will reply to them!
i realise that it's a little hard to ask a character questions when they haven't even been introduced in the game yet, so here's a few facts about them that might stimulate some questions:
; they were born in the mining town of vens, in the south, where it's very cold and snowy; they have a younger brother called tisha and two dads who they love very much; they had to work in the mines for two years before they fled to zesa city when they were fifteen; from there they built up their connections and created their own gang at age seventeen.
alternatively, you could just ask some "how would Y react in this situation" type of questions!
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
hi all, i've updated the RO information page (found at the bottom of my introduction post) to include inspiration for their outfits! i'll post them here too:
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lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
From these choices, what are the cast's feelings?
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i have absolutely no idea what any of this means so my answers are all based on pure ~vibes~
chengyi/changjie: samar glip because it looks like a very respectable young man/woman/person
noel/noelle: tasio glip but don't ask me why
yuri/yaryna: radok glip because it looks like it has devil horns
vinesh/varsha: galli plok because it looks sad and that's how V looks for the first half of the book lol
lian/leilani: tasio plok because it's tall lol
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