#ya thats tje good shit
narwhalandchill · 10 months
obsessed with how dan feng describes yingxing as "that exceedingly arrogant craftsman" actually like its Really giving his lizard in-love-so-deeply-it-consumes-him ass just absolutely seething about the matter on the regular energy & i love that. like how this man (now permanently rent free in his head) just woke up with all his stats coincidentally minmaxed into fucking hypnotizing dan feng specifically with his autistic rizz who never stood a fucking chance. countless lifetimes spent in solitude regal and unattached and unaffected by others and then yingxing goes oh bet? and its all over. falling head first. swept off his feet. dumbstruck. sighing like a maiden. losing sleep to longing. knees weak. absolutely owned. and he KNOWS this.
ya id call him an arrogant fuck to cope too
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hopeheartfilia · 3 years
i did pick now to be rewatching owari no seraph. no i dont know why
#owari no seraph#basically i didnt finish it last time i watched it... which was 2015 and i think i just kinda forgot after ep 12?#anyway i was like 'Oh i can play half of it in the background while i do other stuff since ivr watched it'#as if i know nothing about myself and vampire anime#so anyway ive been rapt at attention for the past however many hours#and as I am once more back where i was#mikaaa my beloved. also yuu my beloved but mika my beloved ya know.#also i think its fun how yuu has so kuch less chemisty with shi.. oh shit her name oh fuck shinobya isnt it. anyway purple hair#like its funny that they have less chemisty then yuu and Anyone Else in their squad.#and yet thats the relationship were hinting at over Mika. which perhaps its just to showcase how untouchable that is#as if any emotional link om that shoe could be as powerfull. but if it was better it wouldnt annoy me#id just be like Yeah people fall in love with Yuu. thats not a new thing. Good on him for making friends#but even if i saw all the purposefull relationship markers. Yuu and Shichan yeha i hate how i fogrot her name i love her#Anyway they are so great as best friends. That trying to shoe horn in a romantic subplot... feels really annoying#but maybe it wont go anywhere because yuu is mister oblivous! That at leats has tje potential to be fun#also oue boy pink hair. Its 5 am ill learn their names tomorow. so hes such a tsundere#i basically love them all. im kinda neutral on guran. he does seem inspired by roy mustang but i like mustang much better#which is a very high bar especially given that. vampire anime. but still#anywya the show is good i like it#nor sure if its because of my trash taste or its actually quite good#but im always for sucker for this type of anime soo
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linaisbluepancake · 6 years
You really just seem like you have a lot of stamina when it comes to art. You stay posting new stuff all the time! Which is great because I love your art! I know finding the time to draw is pretty unique to the individual but once you do have time, how do you have the energy to push yourself to draw multiple things or finish a piece without getting tired of the wip?
ME???? I like stop drawing for months and then an energy rush come sout of nowhere and i do multiple shit all the time and then I die again. Thats an adhd mood babes.Look im gonna be honest with u here, my urge to draw comes like a train exactly the moment when I have other respinsabilities to do and attend, its a curse. Homework? I got an oc idea, project for tomorrow? Oops no can do I just gav u inspo for a really cool piece yo, doing physical activities, chores??? Hear me out what about this coold idea for this fanart??? Thats how my brain works, tje moment I have all the time of the work i cant get nothing done nor I have inspo or energy, also I have A LOT of ideas and wips I NEVER finish either because i fucked them up or hot bored or just forgot bout them :(Tbh my rushes of inspi come mostly when i find a really good new interest, or music or aesthetic, ya feel? Something like that
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princeyadon · 6 years
Urf im having a bad day like i just wanna quit this job cuz im obviously not gunna ne good enough ever. Ive been chastised all fuckibg morning
Firat i was told to do all salads by noon and like... obv? I avg getting them done by one pm????
Then as i was doing Cobb salad my coworker reminds me as she ha been all week that im doing them in the wrong ingredient order. Ya ik i fixed that thanks. So i just said mhm and started to put on the first fucking ingredient and she gets on my ass again and im so fucking incredulous that ahe didnt let me get even a quarter through them to tell me off that i asked her if i was doing them wrong right at that moment. She aaid yea i was doing them wrong and i was like, right now? ? Im putting in the eggs wrong rn?? And she comes over to give me a fucking visual on how to organize four ingredients while in as DOING IT RIGHT and JUST STARTED
So whatever im just... fine.
But my supervisor ia back from Holliday now and its her first day back so im prepared to deal w her nitpicking everything i guess
Guess not tho
Im so psyched out abt making mistakes that i keep making them. I didnt notice we had a bag of spring mix in tje back cu its not w her it should be. So i get off the counter which ia bad bad
Keep making multiple trips to the back cu i forget shit
Didn't notice there qas an opened box of romaine and now the fridge is over loaded w it cuz have to uae the older shit first so my supervisor brought it over
I qas changing the tape to print the labels in the machine and sometime tje contacts have glue you gotta scratch off. JUST AS IM DOING THAT and finish scraping it i print another test label and my supervisor comes in and tells me im doing it wrong. I have to scrape hw glue off or its a waste. Thats WHAT I DID. So i watch her do it again for me abd print another test label thats as clean aa the one i did and act like ima fucking idiot cuz i cant change tje god damn tape
Then my coworker gone on break and i confess that my coworker has been on my ass all fuxking week and that im tired of it. She looks at me and then at my hat and goes "oh yeah huh" and the tells me my hat and uniform is really bad covered in fur and im like. I forgot to uae the lint roller and it isnt even that bad CAN I NOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT BEING REPRIMANDED???
Ive been almost crying for two and a half fucking houra w how stressed i am ans im here. All. Day
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erkescapism · 4 years
Sup food tumblr Ima gon teach ya how to make pizza just how my mama makes it ok so *greek /new York mobster accent* what you wanna do is get some pita bread you can make is yaself but store bought is also fine if you dont know wat the pita bread is its the bread you make souvlaki with (the good greek meat skewer stuff) if youve never had it your gonna need to its good shit, anyways you got the pita bread then you get tje regular pizza topping and put it on that bread the spicy salami ooh baby thats the shit. Also two or mar types of chees and ima tell you wich cheese ya want the frickin parmisan on the bottom layer with the sauce to glue the toppinhs down and when you put the other toppings on and sprinkle that that bulb one wazz it called? Oh riight mozzarella then after all the toppings slap some kefalo gaviera idk how to spell in English its translated and head cheese. Anyway then you slap that shit on the grill then after its abit burnt the burnt bits delish toast in a sandwich press for extra crunch done badabing badaboom frikin delish pizza lasy ass grek style im out ded done :)! Ahh ima need a nap now
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