#yandere cro
sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
yandere hcs ; longan dragon cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (19/07/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; longan dragon cookie
outline ; “yan!longan dragon please :3c”
warning(s) ; possessive behaviour, yandere!longan, unhealthy dynamics, abuse of power, abusive behaviour, manipulation
longan in their regular state is incredibly territorial, possessive and domineering — but as a yandere all of these traits are turned up from a 10 to an 11 and it makes it all the more dangerous for you and anyone who dares to try and get close to you
you are never permitted to leave their side or their line of sight so privacy is completely out of the question — if they can see you then they can reach you and if they can reach you then you’re safe, so good luck trying to negotiate your way out of their constant surveillance
you lose all sense of autonomy under their watch because, no matter how much they prefer you over your kin, they still view you as an inferior being and treat you and your decisions as such — they decide what you wear, what you think, what you eat and when you get to speak or sleep (and if they could they’d probably choose when and how you breathe)
anyone who gets anywhere near you, or who even breathes in your direction, is going to get brutally killed and made an example of to anyone else who dares to cross the silver dragon — and if you happen to be conspiring with or befriending them then they’ll torture that person to death in front of you as an example of exactly what kind of brutality they’re capable of
even if you manage to escape their palace, you won’t be free of them for very long — not when you have their whole staff of servants, multiple immortal dragons and their staff, and the infamous silver dragon searching for you
no. you’d be found in hours, not days — and the punishment awaiting you would be severe to say the very least
they don’t care if you’re afraid of them so long as you respect them enough to obey their instructions — likewise they’re not averse to weaponising that fear to force you into subservience if you happen to be the fighting type
after all, what are a few bruises and broken bones if they ensure your obedience in the long run? they’re necessary sacrifices to longan — they might not actively wish to hurt you but they will do it as is necessary in their eyes
they will break you down mentally and physically until you are completely reliant on them and their staff to take care of you — until you believe that you’re truly so weak and unlovable and pathetic that nobody would accept you outside of their palace
that nobody would ever be able to love you like they do, so there’s no point in even thinking about running away
once you’ve accepted your fate they start to treat you much more kindly — viewing you as something between a lover and a pampered house pet
something to show off, something to spoil, and above all else something completely and utterly dependent on them to fulfil their emotional and physical needs
just as it should be
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strxife · 2 years
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Warnings: Mature themes, 13+ content
Vampire Aristocrat!Cro x Poor Villager!Reader
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Precocious Tutor teaser~
Fandom:dear dere
Side note : Y'all go cancel Hoshi she made me work my butt off making this just to ask someone else and tell them theirs was better IN FRONT of me 😃 /joke but not really fiwuerfhuwui
Also say hello to Mr.clean guys! @nymphicmuse
Just how did you get in this predicament? You thrash to stop his mouth becoming closer and closer to your collarbone but his hold… His hold on you was too tight but not too much for it to be suffocating. I’m the end your thrashing was coming in vain when he opens his mouth preparing his fangs as you brace for impact.
But how did you fall for it all? Now that you think about it your life does flash before your eyes. Is he going to suck on you empty you till you're pale and bony, or will he have mercy on you? Now you have time to think and it’s true what he said you’ve been incredibly dumb, that’s the only way you can phrase it right now as you thrashing becomes slower until it stops.
A couple days earlier-
You just got home from getting groceries just to be greeted with a black card without an envelope on top of the carpet to your house. You look at it strangely before you go down on one knee and examine it wanting to see what’s on this mysterious letter. ‘Shouldn’t there be a envelope?’ You think to such a weird letter and also couldn’t they just put it in the mail box?
Picking it up you get back on your feet and read the front in your head. ‘Hello we are interested in your assistance with a tutoring job.If you are interested please report to report to the top of the mountain at the mansion if you accept the offer you will get 3k per week.’
You stare at it blankly. 3K!? ‘No,no,no I must’ve read it wrong let me re read it…’ You re read it again with a look of shock it’s definitely the right number. Then you look at it with disgust… ‘It’s one of those rich aristocrats that live in the upside of the town they’re out here paying 3k for jobs while we suffer just to support our families.’
You doubt anyone is going to actually go it’s probably some lame joke by them.You crumple it up into your pocket not caring if you damage the letter. You know they were just testing you... joking that they have the luxury of mindlessly paying people 3k.
What a sick joke.
little did you know in due time you would desperately need that money.
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“Papa what do you mean they cut off our funds!?” You speak harshly to your grandpa who only responds with sweet sorrowful murmurs. "The aristocrats are paying more and more taxes and we now don't have enough money to support us..."
He strokes your back soothingly as your sorrowful cries echo in the small room as the couch creaks with each tremble of your thighs as you papa embraces you in a pleasantly soothing hug.
"It's all going to be alright [Y/N] I'll find a way to get us some money." he whispers in your ear...how is your sweet and caring old grandpa going to get enough money to pay for the aristocrats unreasonably high taxes
No you can't depend on your sick old grandpa anymore hes already endured so much...you cant put him through that at least anymore.
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You were walking around cleaning the house when you stumble upon something on the kitchen counter curious you take a look. 'Its..the same card?' the same card you got today was in your hands which you thought you had crumpled. In horror you go to your pocket fishing out the crumpled card.
You found it how was another one on the kitchen counter. You set them next to each other feeling weird about the current predicament when you hear your name.
"[Y/N] Is something wrong?" your grandpa sweetly calls out. You cant worry him with this.... "Nothing Pa! Just looking through our papers!" you say as normal as you can muster.
He gives you a half hearted nod as if he still didn't believe your words 'Dang Pa is really smart.' you think in your mind before rereading the card once more glazing your pointer finger over the words as you read in a swift movement.
'Maybe this might not be a joke?' you ponder in your mind before intensely shaking your head no, it must be a joke everyone in the downside of town gets under paid they would never give away over a cent for commoners.
But what if it wasn't a joke what if you were the one who doomed your weak papa? What would that feeling be like even if there was the slimmest of chances of helping your papa you would take it.
'This is what I need to do' you grip the letter lightly knowing the extra letter on the kitchen counter could have been a sign to stop holding back and help who needs you the most.
You decided.
You will go to the mansion...*ehm* castle on top of the hill/mountain....
and thats how it started....
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morupeko · 2 years
Why is nobody talking abt this game tho, the art is sobpretty i thought it would have a fandom or smth
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justakiro · 2 years
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Please let me switch teams with Lee
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 months
Yandere Superhero X Villain! F! Reader
Wanna buy me a coffee: ☕
TW: Dubcon, spankings, kidnapping, bodily horror
Your real name is Y/N L/N, but your villain name is Anima. After your latest failure in trying to find a job, you went into the woods to end it all. Then, by some miracle, an entity older than any Abrahamic religion found your dead body and brought you back to life. Your senses were heightened, and you could hear the animal's chatter and noises as words. With a new feeling of power, you went through society doing whatever you wanted. Even if it meant a few people with broken bones or blood on the floor. That was until a superhero by the name of superhero by the name of Ultimate Man appeared and started defeating you in battle.
He isn't going to be a problem anymore after you take him out with your new suit. Not only does it have the abilities and strengths of every animal alive, but it has the strengths and abilities of the extinct ones. It took kidnapping a paleontologist, but it is so worth it.
"Anima, surrender, and you won't get hurt," Ultimate Man commands, floating a few feet above the ground.
"Sorry, but rent's due," You say, running off with the bags of money from the bank.
As you run, he shoots lasers at you, but you dodge them by zigzagging. Unfortunately, this leads to you not paying attention to where you're going, and you run yourself off a harbor walk. The money sinks into the ocean, and you struggle to swim back up. You switch to the abilities of any marine animal, but it's still not helping you. You see your feet entangled in seaweed and try to break free. Your struggle to free yourself has worn you out, and it seems like this is your last run. Your vision goes black as your instincts tell you to go up to the surface and breathe.
When you open your eyes, your jaw and ass feel sore. You try to talk, but there's a gag in your mouth.
"How dare you be such a bad girl and cause so much trouble? Do you have no respect for anyone in this city? Who cares if your rent is due? Get! A! Fucking! Job!" Ultimate Man rants, spanking your ass after every word.
"MM! MH! AWCH!" You scream, your legs kicking as Ultimate Man uses his godly strength to spank you.
The tight latex suit didn't help with the spankings, in fact, the material made sure your body could feel them at their full force.
"Oh, I see the worst girl of the century has awakened. How does it feel knowing you almost got yourself killed trying to steal money?" Ultimate Man asks, taking off your gag.
His blonde hair with light blue highlights, aquamarine eyes, and skin-tight latex white and blue suit is a sight for the eyes. His appearance is ethereal, representing his alien origin from outer space sent to help out Earth on its newest supernatural threat(you.) Who knew having the power of every animal in existence would warrant alien help for the planet Earth?
"I'm sorry, Ultimate Man. I was only trying to pay my rent. Honest," You plead, bracing for another swat to the ass. "I didn't get the raise at my job, even though I deserve it, and I couldn't pay this month's rent."
"I believe you," Ultimate Man says, his hand still rubbing your ass. "But that doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did. I was so worried when you didn't rise from the water. I thought I lost you forever. I need a suitable mate, and you're the only one with abilities almost equal to mine on this planet."
"I'm sorry, WHAT?! I thought you were in a relationship with that news writer, Lora?" You ask, lifting your head.
"Are you kidding me? We're just friends. She couldn't compare to your beauty and strength. Now then, how about we get to know each other."
Ultimate Man peels off your eye mask, then takes out his contacts. There are no pupils in his eyes, just pools of aquamarine. It creeps you out, but at least he's still hot.
"I'm ☍⍀⍜⎍☍⟒⋏ ⏃⏃⍀☍⟒⋔. But you can call me Krouken Aarkem, which is pronounced Cro-oo-can Ar-kem. My human father calls me Ken. Now, what's your name?" Ultimate Man asks, lifting your body with ease.
"It's Marnie," You lie, not wanting to give him your real name.
His fingertips glow blue, and he places them on your head. Pain takes over your head as he searches through the deepest parts of your memory.
"Y/N M/N L/N. What a beautiful name. I'll make sure to bring over your cat so you can have your baby," Krouken says, removing his hands from you.
You slap him and stumble to the other side of the couch.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You groan, holding your head.
"What did I do wrong? Please don't be mad at me!" Krouken cries, jumping onto your body and hugging you tightly. "I'll never do it again unless you want me to! I promise! Just don't be mad at me!"
"Alright! Alright! I'm not mad at you! Just get off of me!" You yell, pushing him off you after feeling his boner on your leg.
"Yay! Now, we can engage in the Plutonian ritual we call Improving."
Krouken starts taking off his suit, revealing his naked body to you. You back up but bump into the couch, leaving you nowhere to run. He touches your suit, liquifying the material and making it fall off your body like water. Krouken kisses you, his hand tracing every part of your body as if he were memorizing it.
"Your heart is beating fast? Do you want to fight me?" Krouken asks his hand on your chest.
"No. It's just something the human body does when we feel certain emotions," You explain, holding Krouken's hand.
"So you are excited to Improve too? Excellent, I can move forward," Krouken replies, his two dicks merging into one with the width of an adult's fist.
Your eyes widen in fear of the inhuman cock in front of you. There was no way it was going to fit. It was too wide to fit in your human pussy. If it were to go inside you, you'd feel it in your lungs.
"Wait, I think we should-" You plead, only for Krouken to shove his massive cock inside of you.
You can feel it moving inside as if his dick was made from thousands of little suction cups that were kissing your vaginal walls. Krouken's arm holds you in place, and he thrusts.
"Keep going, Krouken!" You moan, lifting your leg and putting it on his shoulder.
Krouken bites and sucks your nipples as he thrusts faster, his dick suction cups losing their grip and becoming more slippery.
"You're never going to be a bad girl ever again. I'm going to fill your stomach up with so many babies that you'll never be able to think of doing stupid shit without having trouble standing up. You're going to birth the next generation of my people. You're mine, all mine. Not those villain's colleague or someone else's enemy, mine," Krouken rambles, thrusting at an inhuman rate, destroying whatever tightness your pussy had.
His eyes become white as he cums, his alien cock suction cups releasing thousands of sperm. Upon his sperm's release, his genital suction cups regained their grip on your walls, and sucking on them, making you go into overdrive. You cum on his dick, and he shudders. Both of you relish in your afterglow, sweat dripping from your body.
"So, what did you think of Improving?" Krouken asks, his head resting on your breasts.
"It was good. By the way, why do your people call it that?" You ask, rubbing Krouken's wet hair.
"Because we improve each other's bodies. Once my seed is in you, it will rework some human DNA so you'll be more like me and vice versa. Your skin is already starting to become shiny and ethereal like my skin," Krouken answers, kissing your neck.
Your body feels extremely hot, like lava is in your veins, and your eyes are burning like no tomorrow. Your spine releases a horrifying crack as your body involuntarily jolts upwards. All you can do is scream as your bones and body transform permanently.
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maleyanderecafe · 8 months
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Sweet Dreams (Visual Novel)
Created by: C2PHOS
Genre: Horror
Sweet Dreams is a spin off? Sequel? To Missing. This game pulls the breaking the forth wall when you remove the Key, which angers Cro. If you do interfere, he will kick you out of the game for good so be careful when you play. Still, I think this game is a big improvement to the first in terms of story telling as we get to learn a bit more about Cro and the person that he fell in love with.
The story starts out with Lee on a train. She seems tired, constantly checking on her phone until her mother calls her. Lee's mother seems cold and wants her to get to Bolder Springs(her birth place), with this train being the only way to get there. As much as Lee wants to sleep, she can't due to the loud and love dovey couple just sitting a couple of seats away. Upon trying to leave her seat, she ends up bumping into Cro, who seems familiar. Cro will offer her a drink as an apology for bumping into him, which later extends to the couple as well when they butt in. Cro comes back to offer Lee the drink, and the two start talking. The two talk about why Lee is heading to this city. The couple seems to have disappeared and Lee starts to fall asleep, with Cro coming back to let her sleep on his shoulder. He talks about how different she looks as she's passed out, but how he could still remember what she looks like, promising to never let her go.
Cro can also come close to Lee later, when she nearly passes out, after they have a conversation about why Cro never seems to have left Border Springs despite working on the train. Before leaving, Lee calls out to Cro stating that she'd love to be friends with him while she hangs out in Border Springs, leading to a very flustered Cro. The two pinky promise before he leaves to do something in another section of the car.
The last ending (which is hard to undo) requires going into the game and deleting the "Safety Key" inside of the game files. Upon doing this, Lee will have the option to look around the train and not drinking the drink Cro gives her. Going into the empty car, Cro finds the girl from the couple crying. Eavesdropping, she sees Cro looming over the girl, stating that they had come in at a bad time, and that the girl had seen powder being put into Lee's drink. Cro makes a drink, asking the girl about her opinions on love. Cro talks about how he used to see love as strange, even pointless until he saw someone that he cared for, and how much he was willing to do for them. Cro hands the girl the drink, with hair and her lover's eyeball floating inside of it. He forces her to drink it as Lee runs back in an attempt to call someone. Cro immediately appears next to her calming her down. He turns to the player (you) about how he doesn't appreciate people messing with his story before the game quits out.
Going back to the game, you are greeted with a dark screen and a conversation with Cro. Cro is unhappy that you've changed his story, stating that you decided to make this decision to delete the key. Cro allows you to ask him various questions before kicking the player out again. Attempting to go back in will simply leave you with an empty screen.
I think that it's very nice that we see an expansion of Missing thanks to Sweet Dreams. In Missing, we didn't get a lot of reason to why Cro was so obsessed with the MC's friend much less really any information on him besides that he is a yandere. It's really nice that we were able to get more information on the two. Still, while it is the second game there isn't a whole lot of information on the two (especially Cro)'s past. Of course, this is the second installment out of hopefully more, so it's understandable that we don't have the full picture as of yet.
I was surprised to see that Lee is actually (essentially) a rich kid, considering that her mother seems to be pretty high ranking. I'm not sure if those holographic phones are a style choice or if it's just to show that Lee's family is just that rich. I guess based on her appearance, she doesn't really seem like anything too special considering that she dresses in pretty plain clothing. That being said, besides that and the fact that she isn't the best at conversing with people, there's not too much character for her, so hopefully we get to see more in the future about that.
Cro on the other hand gets a lot more development, especially during the endings where you remove the "Key" that allows Lee to walk around the train. We learn that Cro actually views love in a lot more of a shallow way, believing that it's fruitless, until he actually grows into infatuation himself. From what I can tell, Cro basically never had a crush until he met Lee, which then grew to the yandere levels that it is now. Before, at least from what I remember, Missing doesn't really talk about how he views his love for Lee, only that he is rather calculating and willing to eliminate others for his love. We also know that he does have some awareness over us as the player, as he talks directly to us when we mess with the files, leading us to be kicked out the game permanently, or at least unable to access the original game until it is properly reset. How or if it's relevant that he was able to gain this kind of awareness has yet to be stated, so it's hard to say if this is a skill that Cro has or if it's something that's specific to this game and while it wasn't present in Missing, it's unknown if it will change during the next game that features Cro. Cro, besides his ideals of love, also continues to showcase how he will get rid of anyone who interferes with his love with Lee-even to the extent of kicking the player out.
Overall though, I think it's a fun use of breaking the fourth wall with a yandere. Although the concept has been done a lot, I always find it fun to see how people incorporate it into their games and it's now fun to figure out how to do it via code. If you liked Missing, please try out this game if you are curious about Cro's story.
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mamamittens · 5 months
The Intent Matters
This is part 6/12 of December Event 2023 for @humanoid606
Platonic Yandere Straw Hats & Nonbinary Reader
Warnings: Implied toxic family, child abuse, and murder. Oh, and light yandere undertones.
Word Count: 2,625
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There was a chill in the air that mixed with the scent of warm spices. It lingered over your bedding as you buried your nose into your pillow, trying to sleep a little longer. Peace was a bit rare on the Thousand Sunny with the Straw Hat Pirates. So you tried to enjoy it as long as you could. But, as expected, it didn’t last long.
There was a gentle knocking.
“Are you awake, teaspoon?” Your nose wrinkled at the nickname. An odd one for Sanji. But sweet.
A little goes a long way, teaspoon.
“…Yeah. I’m awake.” You called back, receiving an amused huff.
“Get dressed and you can help with the Christmas rolls.” Sanji called. “As a treat.” That got you up and moving. The opportunity to help Sanji cook was rare, the chef protective over his kitchen—understandably with your menace of a captain liable to eat everything if given the chance. You made record time throwing on a sweater and taking care of hygiene. The chill present all on the ship despite the heating working hard. Something Franky was fixing since he apparently didn’t expect this level of persistent cold when originally planning the temperature control.
You nearly stumbled into the kitchen, Sanji smiling at your enthusiasm as he dipped his head towards a bowl.
“Mixing duty?” You asked, already knowing the answer as pre-measured bowls lined the counter. Dough from the looks of it. Sanji moved aside as you washed your hands with a pleased hum, glad you remembered your manners and didn’t touch food with dirty hands.
It was a quiet, pleasant atmosphere as you assisted in making rolls for breakfast and setting aside cookie dough for gingerbread later. Rolling, cutting, folding, and setting them in the oven under Sanji’s watchful eye. He even let you ice them.
“Don’t forget your gift, teaspoon.” Sanji reminded in a hushed tone as he set the food on platters for serving. You looked at him in confusion. Eyes looking around for an answer. It was there, suddenly, on the counter. A small box with a red bow on top. Sanji looking at you in amusement as you lifted the lid.
It was a neatly folded apron and a pair of oven mitts. White with little spoons embroidered on the edges, the front of the apron spelling out in delicate calligraphy ‘Little Helper’. You flushed, glancing at him in surprise.
“W-What’s this all about?” You asked softly. Sanji smiled, taking out his cigarette to tap out the ashes into a tray.
“Your own apron and mitts. You’re welcome in my kitchen anytime, teaspoon. Merry Christmas.” Sanji pulled you into a gentle hug. The unexpected affection lingered for a moment before Sanji pulled away with a wink. Or maybe he just blinked, it was hard to say with his hair still covering the other eye. “Chopper has his own gift for you next. After breakfast, though.”
Breakfast was received with the usual cheer and gusto, particularly from Luffy. He took off his hat and settled it on your head, much to your surprise.
“Merry Christmas—you can wear that today. Just today though!” Luffy declared through a mouthful of bacon and cinnamon rolls. You couldn’t help but smile in shock. Sure, Luffy was generally chill with his crew messing with his hat, but to wear it a whole day?
That was a surprising gift.
When everyone—even Luffy—finished eating, Chopper tugged you away to his office.
“I had to look around for a quality bag to hold it all!” Chopper lamented, “Nothing was good enough! Usopp ended up helping make the bag. Here, your gift!” Chopper offered a box between his hooves. Getting rather excited, you lifted the lid and found a canvas bag inside. A bit smaller than something you’d wear to carry your things in, meant more to be worn by your hip with a belt clip and thigh buckle to support it. You pulled it out, inspecting the soft white fabric with a red cross on the outside.
The bag could detach from the fastenings and unzip in a surprisingly display of ingenuity. Medical supplies carefully secured and labelled on every flap, including a pouch of ‘miracle medicines’ from Chopper’s own stash. Things meant only under dire circumstances. Short of literal surgery, you appeared to be set for anything life on board the Thousand Sunny could throw at you.
“Wow, this is… a lot! Shouldn’t you be the one to have all this though? I only know a little first aid after all.” You asked nervously. Chopper smiled, eyes gleaming with determination.
“Don’t worry, I plan to teach you how to use everything in here to it’s fullest potential! Just in case we’re ever separated, I wanted to know you could take care of yourself—or any of our troublesome crewmates!” Chopper laughed and you smiled. It would be handy to have an extra pair of hands in a medical emergency. “Maybe if you have a knack for it, you can even make your own medicine!”
It was rather heartwarming that Chopper had so much faith in your abilities.
“Thanks, Chopper. I love it.” You hugged him close and he chuffed, returning the embrace without even a hint of fake-disdain that he usually did when embarrassed. “I won’t let you down.”
Chopper clicked his tongue.
“As if you ever could! Now, I believe Franky had something for you next!” You snorted, setting him down.
“Am I going to be going to each of you today to get gifts? If I’d known, I would have gotten you all something too… though I don’t really celebrate.” You trailed off weakly, squeezing the bag as Chopper huffed, knowing what you were referring to.
“We know! Next year you can join in—but this year we wanted to show you that things are different here! Now, off you go!” Chopper gently ushered you out of his office. You left with a smile, taking a moment to secure the bag before going on to find Franky. Likely in the engine room, you’d know when you started to smell soda.
The cyborg was always surrounded by the scent of soda.
As expected, he was messing with the machinery deeper in the ship. Inspecting gears and gauges with an array of tools nearby. After a few moments, you knocked on the wall just loud enough to be heard over the mechanical workings. He jolted, looking back with pleased surprise.
“Oh! Hey there! Here for your gift, right?” Franky jerked his head off to the side against the wall where a colorful box waited. “It’s my part of what Usopp and I have been working on! An attachment for a weapon!” Franky laughed. You opened the box to find what like a thick barrel with a selection wheel around the base. Shapes you vaguely recognized as tool inserts for knuts, bolts, and screws along it.
When you clicked the wheel to what appeared to be a regular screw cross shape, a large piece of metal slid out. The tip of a screw, in fact, though clearly for a very large screw.
“Uh… how often am I meant to run into screws this big?” You asked loudly. Franky laughed.
“There’s a regular sized ones in there too that you can remove! But this is what you might find on bigger machines! You never know when you’ll need to tighten—or loosen—something!” Franky declared cheerfully. “Go to Usopp for the other half!”
“Alright, thanks, Franky!” You laughed, taking the box with you. At the very least Usopp can reuse it for something.
Usopp was in his studio, working on something quietly. He heard you coming in just fine and turned with a wide grin, spotting the rather heavy attachment in your arms.
“Oh! Sooner than expected, but that’s alright! I finished it just a few days ago!” Usopp grinned, standing up to rummage through a closet. He pulled out a pole about as tall as your waist. “It’s got some neat tricks. A taser, light, and even an emergency whistle that can be heard for miles around in a thick forest! And, of course, you attach Franky’s gift on the end here for more engineering problems!” Usopp twisted the top to flip through an electrified prong, a tube with a beam of light, and very briefly a whistle that automatically sounded. It was incredibly loud.
You handed him the attachment and it slid into place easily. Now suitably sized for you to use the oversized tools it gave you. With a flick of his hand, they even altered slightly to turn for you, though the screwdrivers didn’t need to for obvious reasons.
“Neat. Kinda hope I never need any of that though.” You commented lightly. Usopp nodded his head sagely.
“Of course! Of course! Still, I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s better to have it and never need it than to need it and never have it!” Usopp declared. “Like Chopper’s medical bag! Hopefully, you never need to open it for anything but an aspirin for headaches, hah!” Usopp laughed, handing the now sizable staff to you.
You weighed it in your hands, getting a feel for it. It was understandably quite hefty. But also just a little too much to carry around regularly. You weren’t exactly built before joining the crew after all.
“It’s nice but… I’m not sure how I’d use it. Or carry it around all the time.” You admitted quietly. Usopp clapped his hand over your shoulder with a reassuring smile.
“That’s where Zoro and Nami come in! Go to the training room, they’re waiting in there for you!” Usopp declared. Hopeful, if a little nervous, you nodded.
That wasn’t exactly the most reassuring combo you could ask for. But still, you made your way to the training room without any fuss.
Nami spotted you first.
“Oh! There you are! And wow, they really went all out with that staff, didn’t they?” Nami asked, holding out her hand. Despite her slender frame, she whipped it around easily, flicking through the various options with an absentminded nod of her head. “Good. Good. Well, as you may have guessed, we’re going to help train you to wield this! I’ll help with technique and Zoro will help with strength training!” Zoro looked up from his own absurdly large weights and nodded.
“By the time the witch and I are done, you’ll be a terror in your own right.” Zoro added with a grin. “Later, though. For now, here’s our actual gifts.”
Zoro tossed something at you and you nearly fell trying to catch it. It was a pair of fingerless gloves with metal on the knuckles. They fit perfectly and had padding for your hands. As you flexed them, getting a feel for the fabric, Nami placed a pouch in them. It was a bag that looked like an orange slice with the unmistakable weight of money in them.
“An allowance, interest free!” Nami winked. “Don’t spend it all in one place!” She warned.
“Oh. T-Thanks.” You said faintly, a little gob smacked that Nami gave you money. Without expecting it back, even! Out of words to say, you put the bag away. “I… I guess I go find Robin or Jinbe now?” you asked, feeling a little adrift at the unexpected gift giving you’d experienced all day.
“They’re both in the kitchen right now, I think, enjoying some tea.” Nami mused, putting the weapon on the wall. “We’ll keep this here until you’re ready to carry it all day. Wouldn’t want to hurt yourself!”
“Merry Christmas.” You called out faintly as you went to find Robin and Jinbe.
As Nami had said, they were in the kitchen taking a moment to themselves. Sanji likely watching over the helm for Jinbe while he was on break before lunch.
“There you are, dear. Come, join us!” Robin called softly, Jinbe smiling and pulling out a chair for you. “Our gifts are also to be enjoyed at the same time. I imagine you’ve had a surprising day.” Robin commented, gently brushing your back as you sat down. She pushed out a box of tea and Jinbe pushed a journal towards you. Both were clearly high quality.
“To write down your thoughts. It gets pretty chaotic around here. So I thought that you’d like the chance to collect yourself through this.” Jinbe added quietly with a soft smile of his own. The journal was made of dyed leather, ocean blue with waves along the cover and the silhouettes of fish swimming to and fro. On a plate was your name engraved, with a fancy pen slipped into a loop between the covers.
Taking a moment, you pulled out a bag of tea labeled ‘noon’. There was also a section of ‘morning’ and ‘bed’ teas. It smelled zesty and like unfamiliar herbs. Robin assisting in pouring a cup to steep the leaves in. While it did, you flipped open the book to look at the pages. They were completely blank, no lines, so you could sketch if you preferred without any interference. The pages also thick and smooth.
You noticed something sticking out of the top. A scrap of newspaper. Curious, you flipped through the book to find it.
It was a small, cut section from a paper. Dated a few weeks ago. It was terse and professional, expressing the condolences for the passing of…
Your family.
Your eyes watered. After all they’d done to you, it was surprising that you could feel mournful of their passing. But over all of that was the overwhelming feeling of relief. You’d never have to see them again. For real this time. Not a chance they could find their way back in your life to tell you those awful things or drag you into the horrible depression that plagued your every step under their roof.
You looked up at them in shock but they just smiled and drank their tea.
“Shishishishishishishi~” Luffy laughed unexpectedly in your ear. “It was hard to keep it a secret, but Sanji said it would be worth it!” Rubber arms wrapped around you as he hugged you, resting his chin on top of his hat.
“I still say we should have done the same for Sanji.” Robin mused. “At least his father…” she sighed. You could feel Luffy shake his head.
“Nah, seeing Sanji be the best cook in the world is better. Let that bitter ass stew in failure… if he tries another ‘whole cake’ again though, Sanji will just have to suck it up.” Luffy denied ominously. “You’re ours, but as long as they were alive, you’d always be on the look out for them. Afraid of the chance they’d show up and take you back. And now they won’t. Captain’s orders.”
You could hear the rest of the crew respond in kind as they came into the kitchen. Sanji entering your field of view to pull out his knives, ostensibly to cut up meat for lunch but the metal gleamed with warning in the light.
“Captain’s orders.”
There was an unfamiliar and almost oppressive weight to those words. Like there was another layer to the order.
You’re never leaving. Captain’s orders.
But you strangely didn’t feel threatened. They didn’t want to lock you in a room or beat you for ‘ruining things’. You were wanted here. Very much. They wanted you safe. They wanted you happy. And they were willing to go to extraordinary lengths to do it.
You should be afraid. But you weren’t. You relaxed in your chair as Luffy laughed softly above you. Hand over his arm as you finally responded.
“Captain’s orders…”
You weren’t going anywhere. Why would you?
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carlsdarling · 7 months
She-Wolf Part II
Y/N does everything - literally everything - to finally be with Carl… Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: violence, angst, gore, Yandere!Reader
In the aftermath of this event, Ron spoke to Carl when the two of them were on a tour a few days later. "Carl, I think there's something wrong with Y/N," he said worriedly as they rummaged through a grocery store.
"What do you mean?" Carl asked, uncomprehending.
Ron tapped his forehead. "I don't think she's quite normal." He told Carl about your tantrum.
"Girls," Carl dismissed it with a casual wave of his hand. "It's probably just hormones. Enid is often bitchy too. Martha's quite different," he said.
Ron remained silent. He disagreed, but he realized that he couldn't explain to Carl exactly what had scared him so much: Not the fact that you'd been yelling and throwing the Coke can at the tree, but the intense darkness in your eyes. There was something inside you, something sinister and deathly that sent a shiver down Ron's spine.
"Maybe you shouldn't have let Y/N in," Ron said thoughtfully.
Carl stared at him indignantly. "Now stop that bullshit, Ron," he scolded. "Let's go over to the department store, I want to look for a present for Martha. It's her birthday soon." Ron complied and said nothing more.
Enid also noticed some signs of concern in the time that followed, and although she was still angry with Carl for dumping her for Martha, she took him aside to talk to him. "Carl, be careful," she warned, "I don't like the way Y/N is looking at you and Martha. I think she's obsessed with you."
"Rubbish," Carl fought back. "I'm not even sure if Y/N even has a crush on me, or if Martha just imagines it," he stated. "Either way, she knows I'm in a relationship."
"Just watch out," Enid repeated. "I think you're asking for trouble. Maybe you shouldn't always kiss Martha in public." She had observed that you eyed Martha with hatred whenever you thought you were not being watched.
"You're just jealous," Carl accused her.
"I don't have to put up with that," Enid countered angrily and walked away. "Don't say later that I didn't warn you."
Just one day later, you put your plan into action. You knew Martha would be on guard duty that night, and Rick and Michonne were out scavenging for medicine. So Carl would be home alone with Judith, the opportunity was favorable. You carefully chose your outfit - tight jeans and a black, cropped top. Underneath, you wore fiery red underwear, you carefully arranged your hair and spent a lot of time on your make-up. As you applied your lipstick, you smiled at yourself in the mirror. You were a hot piece of shit, irresistible, and Carl wouldn't be able to withstand you. You would seduce him and tell him that you loved him, and he would fall for you, and he wouldn't give a second thought to boring Martha. Before you left the house, you sprayed on your favorite perfume, then floated elf-like through the streets of Alexandria until you reached Carl's house. The first floor was dark, only the rooms upstairs were lit. Bravely, you rang the doorbell.
Nothing happened. You took a few steps back and looked up at the front of the house. Maybe Carl was bathing Judith. You vigorously pressed the bell button again, then you heard a window on the upper floor being pushed open. "Who's there?" Carl called out. He sounded stressed.
"It's just me, Y/N," you shouted.
"What's the matter?" asked Carl in astonishment. "I'm just putting Judith to bed."
"I was only going to talk to you," you claimed. Carl was silent for a few seconds. "Wait a minute, I'm coming downstairs," he then said tonelessly. A few minutes later, he opened the door and gazed at you, perplexed. "What's wrong?" he finally asked. He made no move to invite you in.
"Can I come in?" you asked softly. He hesitated before wordlessly stepping aside. He pointed to the door to the living room. You took a seat on the couch while Carl stood with his arms crossed and eyed you expectantly. He looked so adorable with his messy hair, rosy lips and his usual outfit of jeans, flannel and shirt. Invitingly, you moved to one side of the sofa. "Won't you sit next to me?" you tempted him and provocatively let your top slide down.
Carl turned red and his face showed a complicated sequence of different emotions. His mouth opened and closed a few times. "Umm, Y/N... I don't think this is a good idea," he mumbled, trying to bring more distance between you and him, but you stood up and approached him, playing with your hair.
"We could have fun, Carl," you purred, "I've been dying to tell you - I like you. I like you a lot." You tilted your head flirtatiously, then tried to kiss Carl, but he dodged you.
"You know I'm with Martha, Y/N," he clarified. "This ain't working."
"Oh, forget about fucking Martha," you hissed. Your face had suddenly contorted into a grimace, and Carl winced. "She's ugly, dumpy and boring. Stop letting her constrict you; she's not worth it."
"You've got that wrong," Carl replied in dismay. "I love her. I'm sorry, Y/N, but that's the way it is. I think it's better if you leave now." He pointed to the door.
"But..." you started.
"I won't tell anyone about tonight, but you're leaving now," Carl ordered.
You hadn't expected that and, full of disbelief and anger, you made your way home. When you got home, you shrieked with rage and threw the sofa cushions across the living room. That damn Martha! What did Carl see in her? Maybe she was blackmailing him with something, but you would figure it out. It was an unalterable fact that you and Carl belonged together. His rejection couldn't be meant seriously.
During the next weeks, it didn't escape Martha's attention that you still adored Carl, and eventually she decided to confront you. Rick and Maggie had assigned you a job at the stables, since you - like Maggie - had grown up on a farm with horses and knew how to handle them. It was already dawn when you mucked out the last horse boxes. Your hair was in a bun, but sweaty strands kept falling into your face and you impatiently brushed them aside, all the while wondering when and how you could finally free Carl from that dreadful Martha. Little did you know that Martha would make it easy for you.
"Step aside, Starlight," you murmured and pushed against the black stallion's shoulder. The stallion sniffed suspiciously and pricked up his ears as if he had heard a noise. You listened, then you heard it too: footsteps approached the door, then a shadow appeared in the doorway. Outside, the darkness had descended. You blinked in irritation as you recognized Martha, who was slowly coming towards you. As always, she looked inconspicuous; her hair flat, no make-up, completely meaningless and without charisma. Hatred was burning inside you. She simply didn't deserve Carl!
"Hello, Y/N," Martha greeted you coldly.
"What do you want?" you snapped as you closed Starlight's box and leaned the pitchfork against the wall.
"We should talk," Martha began. "I want you to stop prowling around Carl like a bitch in heat. He doesn't want anything from you."
"He really does? Is that so?" you replied with a sneer. "You don't know a thing."
"Carl loves me," Martha said smugly. Her stupid face was adorned with a foolish smile.
"That can be changed, if it's even true," you replied venomously.
"Who do you think you are?" Martha attacked you harshly. "You can't come here and lay claim to my boyfriend! Carl has chosen me and you have to accept it!"
"Your days with Carl are over," you said tersely. "Look at yourself in the mirror."
"I really feel sorry for you, Y/N," Martha shook her head. "It must be hard for you. I'll just tell you one more time: stay away from Carl!" She turned to leave.
"Or what?"
Martha wheeled around. "Or you'll get to know me!"
"Oh, you think I'm afraid of you?" You laughed. Martha actually had no idea what you were like.
"I'll tell everyone how disturbed and pathetic you are," Martha warned, heading for the door. How could she think she could threaten you? She was nothing but a weak, dumb parasite!
You looked around frantically and your eyes fell on a small hatchet hanging on a hook on the wall. You grabbed it in a second and rushed after Martha. You caught up with her before she reached the door, but she must have heard you because she turned around. Her mouth opened in horror when she saw you, your right hand raised high with the hatchet. Martha didn't even have time to scream - the hatchet came down and split her skull almost to the root of her nose. She stared at you with an expression of incredulous astonishment as blood and brain matter streamed down her plain face, then she staggered, rolled her eyes and fell to the ground, where she gave a few last convulsions and then lay still.
Your heart raced. Hastily, you pulled the hatchet out of Martha's head; there was a sickening smacking sound and a pool of blood spread across the floor. What were you supposed to do with the body? That hadn't been the plan, even if it did solve your biggest problem – how to get rid of Martha. But if you were caught now, you would have no future with Carl anyway because you would be imprisoned or banished from Alexandria. You sighed in frustration. Your life was so complicated; it just wasn't fair.
The old well behind the stables came to mind. A deep hole in the ground, covered with rotten wooden planks. No one would look for Martha there. You grabbed her hands and dragged her with a groan out of the building, leaving a trail of blood on the floor. You'd have to clean this place soon. You broke out in a sweat, from stress and also from exertion, because Martha's body was heavy. You fought your way through the high grass, passing a rusty combine harvester, then pulled the lid of the well far enough aside so that you could maneuver the body into it. Martha slid through the hole and, satisfied, you heard her body land with a thud at the bottom. You placed the wooden planks back over the well. Then you returned to the stable, where you poured water on the floor and used the broom to clean up all the blood. You also wiped the blood off the hatchet. Why did murder have to be this filthy? It was so annoying! You had planned to watch a movie tonight, but now you could forget about it because you had to clean up this damn mess.
But Carl was finally yours. You had saved him. He just didn't know it yet.
Tags: @taylormarieee @knochentrocken0808 @tessasweet @loveforcarl @xxcarlswifexx @elisiassideb1tch
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jellysxtarr · 11 months
okok so i had a VISION!!!!!! if its alr could you write some headcanons of cro w an s/o who's like aubrey from omori??? like him n lee in the game he knew her from a While Ago except w the reader in this theyve changed a LOT, yk like aubrey!!! hopefully this makes some sense sorry if it doesnt
I see your vision and I'm definitely liking it!
I hope I understood your requests correctly though, please do tell if I misunderstood. Hehe hoho small scenario of the true ending from sweet dreams.
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Cro with a Aubrey! S/O
— ✦ —
Warnings: toxic mindset, yandere behavior (?), reader gets drugged (with a detailed description?)
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✦ as obvious as it was, you've changed a lot. But even with how much you've changed, Cro still recognized you while spotting you on the train.
✦ he didn't view you as different person, you just changed over the years, causing you to look different and having a change of personality completely.
✦ Cro still viewed you as you, the same person he became obsessed with, his prized possession. How can he view you differently now?
✦ of course, he'll even ask if you want anything to drink and he'll get it right away! Maybe even offer to sit with you and strike a conversation if you wish! Which he had to hold his composure while doing so.
✦ he looked..oddly familiar to you, even you couldn't pinpoint on why he is familiar, you don't recall meeting him your entire life (or outside of border springs, everything from there is a blur to you). In your conclusion, he looked strange, he's giving you a odd feeling which makes you rather avoid talking with him much. But he doesn't mind if you do, Cro will still be watching you after all.
✦ once he gets your drink (if you asked for one) and take a few sips from it, you suddenly felt nauseous. Hell, even drowsy while not even being able to think straight or wonder what the hell you even drank. You were already tired from the trip to Border Springs (which probably still takes a few hours), and feeling like you're about to go unconscious doesn't make anything better.
✦ not being able to keep your eyes open any longer, you lose consciousness and probably won't wake up for a good few hours, wasn't that just your luck? But, it won't matter much. Cro's here to watch over you instead, taking a seat right next to you while holding you close (even looking at your face more closely while he's at it).
"..you're hair looks differently." He starts, his fingers gently holding a few strands of your hair "you used to be taller than me. You've changed so much. But I'd still recognize you anywhere." He closes his eyes, seeming to enjoy the moment while you're unconscious (hell, even a blush spreading around his cheeks).
"Do you remember our promise? You said you'd be with me forever." He stays silent for a few seconds, opening his eyes and looking to look at you "you won't disappear off someplace again, will you?"
"..hahaha! You would. You'll leave me again. You'll abandon me again. But that's okay. You see, I've changed, too. I don't need you to hold on to me anymore.." He trails off for a short moment, his gentle touch on your hair and chin not changing a slightest bit.
"..because I wont be letting go of you a second time." Silence returns once again for a few seconds, only yours and his breathing left.
"We'll be arriving soon. Sweet dreams, [Name]. There's more for us to catch up on."
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agippangs · 9 months
(warning: possible triggers/sensitive topics mentioned in my “will not write” list)
hello, please practice kindness in my ask box :) any demanding or rude asks will be deleted.
asks are open for general hard/soft scenarios and mtl! i don’t always have a ton of free time or creative energy so please know i have probably seen your ask and will get to it when i can. i may happen to get inspired and run with something, but i am not accepting specific long form requests. if you want to commission something, message me and we can discuss! if you aren’t sure where your request falls within these rules, feel free to ask :)
open to, but reserve the right to reject:
beomgyu smut (he’s my ult of ults but i call him my son LOLLL i know this is silly but it would honestly be hard for me to write smut about him but ofc will always be included in mtl asks!!!)
dubcon/cnc (consensual somno ok)
free use
will not write:
anything illegal (dv, inc*st, underage/p*do, n*cro, SA/r*pe fantasy)
cheating/abuse/manipulation/yandere dynamics/general toxic behavior
heavy substance abuse/hard drugs (casual drinking/smoking weed ok)
piss/scat/vomit play
age play/age regression
school/university au (i won’t age anyone down or significantly up in general)
break ups
heavy angst
thanks for reading!
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
yandere!abyss monarch smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; tentacle anon (17/07/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; abyss monarch cookie
outline ; “ok ok ok hear me out... yan!Abyss Monarch but with that obsessive possessive cannibalism whatchamacallit so like biting and marking to the point of drawing blood or tearing off bits of flesh etc etc... maybe some smutty undertones idk anon has sent me on a rampage/pos - tentacle (now with both hands!)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, yandere!abyss monarch, possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour, biting kink, blood kink, marking kink, descriptions of a desire to eat the reader (it’s not technically cannibalism but it toes the line lol)
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
abyss monarch cookie is obsessed with you — overcome with the desire to cover you, own you, possess you, to stow you away and hide you from the world and make you theirs and theirs alone
you’re their mate, their spouse, their property and they have no qualms with making sure that anyone that might find you is blatantly aware of this — even if you’re hidden so well that the chances of anyone ever seeing you is so close to zero that it’s hardly worth considering
they cover you in marks when you’re intimate — they bite, suck, kiss, cover you in sucker marks — and by the time you’re finished you’ll be smothered with cuts and bruises and bites from crown to toe, but sometimes that isn’t enough
sometimes they feel the need to go that bit further, to make you so obviously and indisputably theirs that nobody can ever take you away from them
they fight it for so long, trying to hang on to the fraying strings of normalcy that remain from their time as ‘octopus cookie’ but as time goes on they get more and more anxious, more paranoid, more untrusting of your surroundings
they become attracted to the smell of your skin, the taste of your blood and the feel of your supple skin giving way under their teeth — they become overwhelmed by the desire to devour you
to swallow your tongue and tear off your lips so that you’ll never speak the name of another person again
to chew on your heart so it never aches for the touch of another and puncture your lungs so they never breathe the same air as someone other than them
to bite off fingers to leave only blooded stumps that can never card through a lover’s hair or caress their face
to taste ears and eyes so you never hear or see anything but them for the rest of your days
to gnash their teeth and tear apart skin and flesh and muscle and viscera until they reach bone, gnawing on even those cold remains until nothing is left
until you only exist as a part of them: their secret, their property, their lover, theirs and theirs alone
but they don’t want to kill you, so for now they refrain — sating themselves with small things that still mark you as theirs, devouring you drop by drop until one day you only exist as a part of them
biting down on the junction of your shoulder until they draw blood, sharp nails scratching at your hips until you bleed, and hips pounding against yours until you’re bruised and aching and full and spent
filling and covering you with cum, refusing to stop until you’re completely fucked-out and bordering on unconsciousness — only having their fill when sweat mixes with drool mixes with blood mixes with cum and it’s clear that you belong to them
carving their name onto your stomach and your chest and your thighs: first with their tongue and then a fingertip and then then a sharp nail and delighting as each one scars
moaning at the taste of your blood and unable to stop themselves from biting you whenever you’re intimate
fighting the urge to devour you but not completely — overwhelmed with that desire to keep and covet and kidnap
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sweetwolfcupcake · 2 years
The Forest: The Beginning
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The Forest: The Beginning
Yandere Namjoon x Reader
“The forest was vast, but smothering, not a ray of sunshine could penetrate the ominous grounds. It looked sad but menacing. And…GRRR!”
The little girl gasped and turned to her grandfather, eyes wide until he began to laugh- hearty, loud but warm.
She had been eyeing the woods all along while her grandfather recited to her one of the tales from the storybook he had gifted her for last Christmas.
She was perched up over the little space the window of her room offered along with it. 
The window faced the woodland that surrounded her mother’s hometown. And the thick greens were separated by high walls and a rather narrow clearing around the town. Her grandparents’ home was nearest to the walls, offering her a closer view of the edge of the woodland.
“What are you looking at?” he asked when she turned to face the window once more
“The woods, it’s beautiful,” she replied, she turned to him once more “But you never take me there!”
“You are not old enough, Muffin.”
“But mother goes with you, I am old enough- I go to college!”
At this, the wrinkled man let out another hearty laugh “You go to college huh? Do you even know what it is?”
“Yes, Samantha goes to college, and she says that she is my friend, so I go to college too!” she asserted.
“Sam adores you so much, but she is much, much older, okay? So she can go there. But never alone. We never venture there alone, Muffin.”
(Y/N)(L/N) was a curious child, as curious as a five-year-old could be. And she had always had an eye for the forest surrounding the town. She did not ask further. Her grandfather would always say the same things- she was not old enough to accompany him and his group into the woods and that one must never venture alone.
 And she should have listened to her grandfather.
“You know, it’s not far from here, we can even see the edge.” Michael stood with his toy gun, eyeing the tip of the tall trees visible. Other than that, mostly they could only see the towering walls.
The tree-tops appeared to be peeping from the walls.
Michael’s family resided in the next house, a little further from the looming walls. Michael was seven and faster than her. But he often burst into tears, and (Y/N) would be immediately worried. He cried so much and feared too many things. Even butterflies.
So the sudden burst of bravery confused her “Grandpa says we should—”
“Yeah, yeah, shouldn’t venture alone, barred from entering after sundown and crap. It’s summer anyway.”
“You aren’t afraid?” (Y/N) was curious now.
Her friend bit his lip and looked at her “You don’t want something to remember? You’re going back next week.” 
She sighed and her lips fell into a pout “Yes– but this just—”
“Aren’t you curious too? I see how you look there. Besides, I need to prove ‘em that I’m not a coward.”
“You’re not. You killed that cockroach yesterday.”
“And I was screaming too. Do you know what they call me in class? Wimp. They call me a wimp!” he turned towards the forest. “We’ll go and get something from there- I’ll show ‘em all.”
“But Grandpa will find out.”
“He’s gone fishing with his mates.” Michael countered
“And Granny? Mom?”
“They won’t find out if we won’t let them.”
“And man guarding the gates?”
Michael looked at her, grinning. He was up to no good.
(Y/N) knew that she had disobeyed the elders- it was wrong- but the closer she got towards the woods, the towering trees seemed to pull her nearer. There was something so sweet about the place. It seemed to lure her in, and she could not resist the urge to walk into the woods.
Michael always had something up his sleeve. (Y/N) did not even remember what he told the man guarding the gate, she had just moved along. And the moment he was out of sight, they had slipped out of the smaller door built with the massive iron gates.
And now, with the afternoon sun shining over their heads, they were rushing towards the forest. Her heart thundered more with excitement than the running.
As they crossed the clearing, she could see the woods. Even though the day was sunny and clear, the woods seemed…darker, it was misty within.
“It’s damp and cold there. How?” she questioned absentmindedly, still peering into the woods.
Nothing much was visible except the towering tree trunks, the trees were larger than any of the mountain trees she had ever seen.
“Must be the density, look at the mist there,” he commented
“Michael, we can’t see much.” 
“Yea.” that was all that came out of his mouth.
They both had stood there for a few moments, she had expected birds singing and sunlight filtering into the woods- there was nothing- it was just…silence.
“What if we get lost, should we run back?” The sight of the woods still tingled her curiosity, but the darkness within was intimidating to the little girl.
“I have a compass. I just wanted to be quick with it. Come on, we won’t venture far.” he sighed and stepped in. 
Spearing a glance behind, towards the walls of the town, (Y/N) quickly followed him in.
“Why is the compass not working?” Michael hissed. He had taken notice of it only after they had ventured far enough.
“You don’t even know how to read one.”
“I do, Dad taught me. You don’t.”
“But it’s not working and…and it’s cold and dark here.” (Y/N) whined, her curiosity was no more appealing, the prospect of getting lost in the dark, cold place daunted her.
“We can still see the clearing from here. We will get through this, okay? Let me just  find—”
Both the children gasped in unison and turned towards the source of the sound- nothing. It was silent, utterly silent for even the sound of a breaking twig to appear so loud.
Their eyes looked around frantically, the mist had seemed to thicken, nothing was visible.
“Michael…” she whispered out, reaching for her friend’s hand.
It was cold and shivering slightly, but his grip tightened. It did not feel right, they did not feel alone anymore.
“Michael…I don’t like it here anymore,” she whispered out to the frozen boy. She no longer felt like it was only two of them.
“Let’s just—”
His words were cut out by a low grunt and they froze, it was far from anything human they had heard in their short life and it felt too near. 
Their breathing quickened.
And then, she saw it- the faint shadow of…Something.
Something massive and four-legged. And that was enough for both the children to scream and sprint away. 
Neither of them let go of their grip on each other’s hand, Michael was faster and he was pulling her faster.
But she could feel it. The ground beneath them thrummed with the fast-approaching predator.
It was catching up on them and it was big and fast. But they did not stop running.
Yet, (Y/N) dared to turn back. It was already too late.
It lept in the air, pouncing through the mist and she screamed her lungs out.
She gasped and woke up. Her breathing was ragged and her forehead was glistening with sweat. 
“Hey, Hey (Y/N), it was a nightmare, it was just a dream okay? Just a dream.” she turned towards her concerned roommate who had sat up and hand grasped her. 
“You were screaming, I woke up and realised that you were having a nightmare. Again.” Cindy’s voice was laced with concern with a hint of panic.
She had not even realised that she had actually screamed. But the nightmare felt so real…She thought they had stopped, they never did.  It would always be regarding the forest, she and Michael getting inside and something following them. The nightmares returned soon after her twenty-first birthday
“It was the same?”
She remained silent at Cindy’s question. The said girl began to rub her shoulders.
“You know it wasn’t your fault right? You both were just kids—”
“And we had been warned so many times to not go there. And yet we did. I could have stopped him, I should have.” she felt her throat closing up and her eyes stinging. 
She did not even remember what was chasing them, but it felt nowhere near friendly. All she remembered was screaming as loud as she could and shutting her eyes tight.
And the next time she opened her eyes, she was sitting, hunched over, head between her knees, terrified- that was how her grandfather and the group with him found her.
There was no trace of Michael.
It was just her, with lapsed memory and a lifelong invisible but throbbing scar.
“(Y/N), you have to stop blaming yourself. Please, it was not your fault.” she looked up at Cindy, realising that tears were already tracing her cheeks.
She had no one to blame but herself for the tragedy. She had not returned to the town since. It was her grandparents visiting her after the incident.
But now, they were waning as well. And deep down, (Y/N) knew that returning to the town and having to face Michael’s parents was inevitable.
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kharmii · 2 years
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Subway Bosses like: They're so cute when they play out Yandere Emmet x Guilty Ingo! Good thing we're not like that. We smooch all the time!
Art credit to: cro@cro_iz Twitter.
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mlmdarkfiction · 2 years
Fandom: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Ship: Guido Mista x Fem OC
Warnings: Yandere Mista, Stalking, Strip Clubs, Referenced Drug Addiction (not Mista or the main OC)
Notes: Connected to my other fic Garden of Love, OC's do not belong to me but were used with permission of their owner.
Read Below:
Bianca tries covering her face with her pillow in an attempt to block out the sun, but at that point it’s too late. She’s awake. She knows she is, and there’s no going back to sleep. 
And she has to get up eventually anyway. 
The pillow is thrown into the corner of the room, and with another groan she sits up, dirty blonde locks pointed in all directions from her bed head. 
Like every morning she grabs her phone off the charging, flipping it open to check for messages. 
That’s right…
The only person who’d be texting her is Sienna, and…
Anger wells up in Bianca. 
She still can’t believe her best friend would be dealing drugs, but it explained how odd Sienna had been acting lately. 
Running her hands down her face in exasperation she just makes her way to the bathroom to start her morning routine, after all she has children to feed. 
After brushing her hair, showering, and doing her makeup, she makes her way to the kitchen.
To her surprise the kids are already up. 
Both Lucio and Lucia are seated on the small couch, watching cartoons. 
“Morning kiddo.”  
She leans down ruffling Lucio’s hair, trying not to laugh at the way the 8 year old scrunches his face up, and tries to duck out of it. 
“You’re blocking the TV!” 
This time she does laugh, but she moves out of the way, briefly ruffling Lucia’s hair now before finally reaching her destination. 
“What do you two want for breakfast?” 
“Crois-Croisa-Cro-” Lucia struggles to try and say croissant, the four year olds brow furrowing, “Croissant!” 
Bianca holds back another laugh, after all Lucia looks so proud of herself for managing to say the word. 
“Right. Alright.”
That’s easy enough, at least. 
    Bianca’s flipping the omelet when she starts to hear the heavy footsteps of her sister getting ready. She shouldn’t be surprised Rosa’s going out this early, she’d woken the kids up after all, but Bianca isn’t sure yet if she’s going out to party, or hook. 
“Morning Rosa.” She hands her older sister a croissant  knowing Rosa probably didn’t have the foresight to make herself anything for breakfast. 
“I’ll be back tonight,” Rosa say’s taking the pastry, “You’ll watch the kids, right?” 
“I have work.” Bianca says, immediately hardening her tone. She’s not about to back down on this. 
They have two kids to feed, and Bianca can’t just miss work because her sister wants to do god knows what. 
Money’s tight as it is. 
“I can stay with the kids until 7, but you’ll have to be back after that.”
A tension fills the kitchen, both women staring at one another.
Bianca, green eyes narrowed, one hand on her hip, and Rosa, looking back annoyed, croissant still hanging in her mouth, neither wants to back down. 
It’s Rosa who eventually gives up, taking a bite from the croissant as she tears her eyes away from Bianca’s. 
“Fine. Alright.”
“You’ll be back by 7?” 
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” 
Bianca doesn’t snap back. She’s just going to let Rosa have her attitude today, she doesn’t want to deal with any actual fighting today. 
She goes back to cooking the omelets, as Rosa finishes her croissant. 
“I’m leaving.” 
“Be safe.”
As soon as Rosa leaves the house, Bianca sighs. 
“Who’s hungry?” She brings both children their breakfast, putting the plates on the coffee table in front of the TV.  
Both children cheer, moving to eat. 
“It’s just going to be me and you guys today, okay?”  
“Mhm!” Both children nod as they stuff their face, not bothered at all by the turn of events, it’s pretty normal after all. 
As Bianca goes to ask them what they’d like to do today, she’s cut off by the ringing of her cellphone. 
Bianca chews her lip as she considers answering it. Ultimately she decides not to. She knows first hand how drugs can ruin lives, and she’s got two little lives right here that she can’t put in any more risk. 
She declines the call. 
    The rest of her day with the kids is thankfully much less stressful than the morning had been. 
It was spent drawing with Lucia, playing football in the yard with Lucio, lunch, and then dinner. 
By the time Rosa returned home, Bianca was exhausted, but she wasn’t going to get to rest anytime soon, after all, Rosa only came home so Bianca could go to work. 
“I’ve already made dinner,” She tells Rosa, double checking that she has her wallet, and house keys, “The kids have already eaten, your plate’s in the microwave. I’ll see you when I get home.”
She doesn’t wait to hear what her sister has to say, she doesn’t have time, with that she leaves the apartment, stepping out into the street to start her walk to the club. 
Bianca finds herself thinking about Sienna again on the walk. She misses her friend, misses having support, and definitely misses having someone who can look after her niece and nephew so she can nap instead of having to go straight into work. 
She’d been joking about it before, when she and Sienna had gone out to a bar, but Bianca really just wishes she could find someone to just solve all their problems. 
Like a sugar daddy. 
It’s not realistic, and she knows that, but a girl can dream. 
    Mista sighs. He hates doing stake outs, but at least his target is a pretty girl. That makes it better. 
He’d seen her before, he remembers it, when he and Giorno had been out, before Giorno and his girlfriend had gotten together. 
This must be her friend from the bar. 
She’d been pretty drunk at the time, from what he remembers, so MIsta really doubts she’d recognize him.
He can be a bit more lax than he normally would. 
Besides, all Giorno wanted him to do was make sure they’d done a good job separating her and his girlfriend. 
A little weird, but not his business.  
He watches his target, Bianca, as she enters the strip club. 
Things just got a lot more interesting, for MIsta at least. 
The inside of the club is exactly what Mista had expected, really. Pretty standard issue. It’s definitely not the best Mista’s ever seen, nor is it the worst.
He doesn’t see Bianca yet, but that’s fine. He figured she’s in the back, getting ready to go on stage. 
He can wait. 
Mista makes himself comfortable, goes to the bar, orders a drink, and then takes a seat near one of the poles. 
A woman is already dancing there. 
She is…Fine.
Not Mista’s type, but not unattractive by any means. So he relaxes, and watches, and doesn't tip her. 
He isn’t left waiting long. 
Bianca didn’t need much time to get ready, and she comes out, taking the woman's place he’s instantly engaged.
Not just because she’s his target. 
It was hard for him to realize when he’d been trailing her from a distance, but Bianca was incredibly pretty. 
Much more Mista’s type then the woman who’d been dancing before. 
Aside from her body, it was her eyes that drew his attention. 
Blonde hair, and green eyes. 
A lot of the blondes he’s seen around here have blue eyes. 
Bianca is unique.  
    A new customer? 
It’s not that odd. While the club usually just has regulars, occasionally someone will find out about it for the first time, or someone passing through town will pass through. 
Money is money.
And if this new guy is just passing through, Bianca’s going to do her best to get his money before he goes. 
She smiles at him, as she twirls around the poll, wrapping her legs around it, and bending backwards, eyes on the stranger the whole time. 
It’s all she has to hold in a smirk as she sees the man reach for his wallet, pulling out a euro note. 
Bianca can’t see the note, but she doesn’t have to. 
He’s tipping her, that’s all that matters. 
That’s why she doesn’t object when he leans in way too close, and slips the bill in the fabric of her panties. 
The club has a strict rule against customers touching the dancers, and Bianca can see the bouncer shoot her a look, ready to throw this guy out on his ass if she gives the word. 
But she shakes her head, and instead smiles at the stranger. 
She’s turning her seduction up to an eleven, her words coming out in seductive pur. 
Bianca doesn’t wanna give this guy the wrong idea though, and so she backs away from him, dancing at a safe distance. 
    For Mista however, the whole interaction went differently. 
Sure, Bianca was dancing, and this was her job, but she was flirting with him. After all, Mista’s not an idiot. 
He’s been to enough strip clubs to know you’re not supposed to touch the dancers, and he’d seen the signs coming in that read the same thing, seen the bouncer, but Bianca had still let him do it. 
He’d seen the way she’d stopped the bouncer from kicking him out too. 
She liked him. 
Or at the very least was attracted to him. 
He really should thank Giorno for this. 
To his dismay he isn’t able to watch Bianca dance as long as he’d have liked, getting a text soon after from the boss himself, giving Mista other orders. 
So with a sigh he stands, and before he leaves, he’s sure to give Bianca another tip. 
    When it’s finally time for her to head home, Bianca’s feet feel like they’re on fire. She sits backstage, after having redressed into her street clothes, counting the tips she’s made. 
It was slow today. 
Slower than usual. 
From Bianca’s point of view only a few men came in, most regulars, and even fewer of them paid attention to her, since there were other dancers and-
“Holy shit.” 
She’s brought out of her thoughts as she finishes counting her tips. 
It wasn’t that she’d gotten a lot of tips, no instead the few tips she had gotten were in bigger bills. 
“Holy shit!” Bianca repeats herself, absolute elation in her voice.
This is enough to cover rent. 
Bianca is quick to put the pieces together, realizing the big spender had to be the stranger who’d come in at the beginning of her shift. 
She tries to think harder, if she’d seen the man before. 
Maybe, she figures after thinking about it for a while, maybe she’s seen him around town before, his face was a little familiar. 
But maybe she’s just being hopeful. 
Because if he’s going to tip her like that, she hopes he comes back.
It’s bad of her, she knows it is, but Bianca can’t help but think that this man could be her ticket to an easier life. 
With that thought in her head, and money in her purse, Bianca finds the walk back home easy, even with her feet hurting. 
She can’t wait to tell Rosa. 
It’ll be nice for both of them to not have to work so hard, stressing nonstop about how they’re going to make the rent this month. 
    The apartment is quiet when Bianca walks in the door. 
She’s relieved really, glad Rosa was able to get Lucio and Lucia to bed without any issue. They’re both good kids, but like other kids their age, sometimes they just refuse to go to sleep. 
Bianca almost jumps out of her skin as when she passes by the kitchen, on her way to the stairs, the kitchen light suddenly turns on. 
“Rosa!” She hisses out in a whisper, after all the walls are thin, and the kids are asleep. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry,” Rosa does seem apologetic. She gestures to the table where a bottle of vodka and two glasses sit. She’s been drinking. 
“Drink with me?” 
“It’s too late,” Bianca says, turning her down, but she still moves to join her sister, sitting with her at the table. She’s still excited to tell her sister the news. 
“I have good news,” She can’t help the way she cringes as Rosa downs the vodka like it’s nothing, just the thought of doing that makes Bianca want to gag. 
Rosa raises a brow at Bianca, whipping her mouth with the back of her hand. 
“Rents paid.” She can’t help herself, excitedly placing the bills she’d been tipped on the table, letting Rosa see for herself. 
“Holy shit. You didn’t- Did you?” The look of disbelief she gives Bianca is real, assuming naturally, that Bianca had to have done something illegal to get that kind of money that fast. 
A heat quickly floods Bianca's face. A mix of anger and embarrassment. She can’t believe, after everything, Rosa would assume she’d do something like that. Indignantly she wants to snap back to her sister and say of course not, she’s not like you. 
But she doesn’t. 
Bianca takes a deep breath, keeps herself calm, stops herself from lashing out.
She doesn’t want to fight with Rosa. 
“Of course not,” Her response still comes out a lot firmer than she’d intended, shutting down Rosa’s train of thinking immediately. “A new guy came into the club today, he must have been loaded.”
“Did you get his number?” 
“What? No, of course I didn’t,” But as she says it Bianca quickly feels stupid for not. 
It’s not like she’d known, at the time, how much he’d tipped her. She didn’t have time to check while dancing. 
Rosa is right though. 
She should have. 
And Bianca makes up her mind that if the man comes back into the club she’ll get his number. 
    That night Bianca has a nightmare. 
It’s vague, and by the time she wakes, she’s all but forgotten most of the details, only remembering enough to know what the dream was about. 
Her mother…and ultimately her father. 
She stays in bed for a while, dazed by the dream, until Rosa knocks on her door. 
“Bianca, are you up? I have to go, can you watch the kids?” 
She hesitates to respond, but she does. “Yeah. Yeah! Just give me a second.” 
And so today goes similarly to the one before it. 
Bianca gets up, does her routine, makes breakfast for herself and the kids, and the rest of the day, the time spent between Rosa coming back, and Bianca leaving for work, is spent watching the kids and doing chores. 
“I’ll see you tonight,” 
Instead of thinking about how she wants a sugar daddy on her way to work, instead Bianca is actually thinking about the man who’d come in yesterday, and about how she hopes he’s there again tonight. 
When she gets to work, she goes to the employee’s entrance in the back, but she can’t help herself. 
Bianca can’t resist the urge to poke her head into the main area of the club and see who, if anyone, is here tonight. 
She is…disappointed when she doesn’t see the stranger. 
A heavy sigh leaves her, without her even realizing it. 
“What’s wrong, hot stuff?” 
The sudden question has Bianca almost jumping out of her skin. She’s quick to stop looking out into the lounge, she has to get ready anyway. 
“You scared me.” 
It’s not the owner here to yell at her for not being changed yet, it’s just another stripper from the club. 
Bianca doesn’t know much about her, in fact she only really knows her stage name, but they’re on good enough terms. “Sorry.” The older woman grins playfully. “I didn’t mean to, I just came to tell you you’ve got a customer.” 
“What?” She feels her expression scrunch in confusion. Private dances are nothing new, but usually Bianca dances first, and then a man gets interested. 
This is the first time she’s ever come into work, and had a man waiting in the backroom for a dance. 
Suddenly she’s feeling really nervous. 
“He asked for you by name,” Her coworker continues, “He looked expensive, lucky girl.” She gives Bianca a playful little shove to the shoulder. 
“Try not to keep him waiting. I’m going to take a smoke.” 
The first person to come to mind is the stranger from yesterday. Bianca doesn’t know how he’d have gotten her name, from the bouncer, maybe. 
But hearing who’s waiting for her, has Bianca unsure how to feel.
Or even more stressed. 
Part of her even wonders if he’s realized how much he tipped her yesterday, and is here to ask for the money back.
And while she’d feel bad if he’d tipped her so much by accident, she’s not about to give it back. She can't afford to. 
But she can’t just leave him waiting there either, so she finishes changing into her lingerie, takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, and enters the backroom. 
Bianca’s expectations are met.
It’s the stranger from yesterday. 
He hasn’t noticed her yet, and Bianca’s able to really examine him now, in a way she didn’t care to yesterday. 
He was cute, actually. 
Beanie, dark hair, strong jawline. 
She’s surprised, a lot of the guys who come into the club just…aren’t her type, but this guy. She could work with this. 
And he seems nervous, she notes. Cute. 
She puts on a sultry smile, purring out her words, as she approaches, the slow clicking of her heels giving her away. 
“Hey…I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
The stranger jumped at the sound of her heels, but quickly seemed to relax. 
“No, not at all.” He clears his throat, sitting up straighter. 
“I was told…you weren’t here yet,” His words trail off when Bianca makes herself comfortable, straddling his lap. 
His hands rest respectfully at his side for now. 
“That’s right,” Bianca purs, her hips starting to sway in time with the song that’s playing, “I heard you asked for me specifically. You were here yesterday right?”
His eyes light up, and Bianca knows she has him hook, line, and sinker. 
“You remember?” 
“I never forget a face.” 
That’s not entirely true, but this guy didn’t have to know that. And it’s worth it for the way he looks at her like he’s absolutely smitten. 
“But I also know I’ve never seen you around here before.” 
And he nods to her, Bianca’s able to see the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows hard, as they’re less than an inch apart from touching as Bianca gets more into the dance. 
She’s all but grinding on him, and clearly he can’t take it, because he reaches out, a warm hand resting against the bare skin of her hip. 
It’s not allowed. 
They both know he’s breaking the rules, but he’s got money, he’s hot, and there’s no bouncer back here to stop them. 
Instead of stopping him herself, she only rewards it, closing the distance between them.
Bianca’s no longer grinding the air between them, but she’s seated herself on his lap, and only smiles when his other hand reaches to her hip. 
She notices that his hands are rough, calloused, the hands of a man who uses them for work. They aren’t what she’d been expecting for someone with so much money, but she likes the feeling. 
“What’s your name?” Her lips are just an inch from his ear, she’s sure he can feel her hot breath on his skin, and she’s right. Bianca’s able to feel the way he shivers at the sensation, feel the twitch of something else pressed right up against her. 
“Guido.” He answers honestly, taking a deep breath when he feels her lips ghost over the shell of his ear. “But you can call me Mista, most people do.”
“Mista.” Bianca repeats it as she grins against the bulge in his pants, using her hands to move his own, letting him rub her soft stomach, tantalizingly moving further up her chest, but not actually letting him touch her breasts. 
Time’s almost up. 
If he wants her to keep dancing he’ll have to pay more. 
She shouldn’t ask this.
It’s dangerous. 
She knows it is, and if the roles were reversed, and Rosa did what she was about to, she thinks she’d kill her sister. 
But they really need the money. 
And she’s always wanted a sugar daddy. 
“Would you ever want to meet up outside of the club, Mista?” 
    Mista is on cloud nine as he leaves the strip club. He was right!
She had been flirting with him the first time he’d come into the club. She was interested in him!
And this proved it. 
She’d given him her number. 
His wallet was a little lighter now, the private dance had not been cheap, but as far as he was concerned, that was money well spent! 
Besides that private dance meant that, at least for a little bit, Bianca hadn’t been giving attention to any other men. 
He can’t ruin this though. 
He’s been told by women before that he can be a bit much. 
He’ll play it cool. 
He can play it cool. 
He’s not about to ruin another possible relationship. 
Maybe he should avoid going back to the club? At least for a little while. He doesn’t want to seem clingy. 
    At the end of the night  Bianca counts through her tips on the way out the door. Once again she’s filled with relief. She got other tips of course, but Mista…He was a majority of her tips tonight, and that alone made the dance he gave him worth it. 
It’s still early enough, Bianca notices, Rosa and the kids are probably still awake. Quickly she sends her sister a text asking if they’d eaten dinner yet, and when she gets a negative response she tells Rosa not to worry about it. 
They all deserve a treat, it’s been long enough. 
Bianca’s picking up pizza. 
Stopping on the way home to pick up two pizzas is easy enough, and Bianca’s able to balance them in her arms the rest of the way. 
When she comes in the door she’s practically tackled by her niece and nephew, excited for the rare takeout. 
She flashes a smile at Rosa, as she sets the pizza boxes down. 
Rosa is quick to open the box, getting plates for the kids, “Thanks Bianca…Are you sure this is alright?” 
It takes Bianca by surprise for a moment. She knows money is tight, and he knows Rosa knows, but it’s not very often that Rosa acknowledges just how much Bianca is doing for their family. 
“Yeah,” Bianca nods, ruffling Lucio’s hair as he’s handed his plate. “I can afford it, don’t worry.”
Both the kids run off with their pizza to eat in front of the TV, enjoying their pizza while watching a cartoon movie. 
The half sisters eat together at the dining room table. 
While they eat, Bianca tells Rosa about what happened at the club today, about how MIsta was the rich man from yesterday, and came back again today just to see her. 
“Did you get his number?” Rosa asks, reaching across the table to excitedly grab at Bianca’s hand. She knows how good of an opportunity this is. “Tell me you got his number?” “I got his number! I got his number.” She reassures her sister. 
“Have you texted him yet?”
Rosa’s excitement is a little overwhelming, Bianca hesitates as she looks at her phone. 
“Not yet,” Bianca admits, almost shamefully. 
She’s just hesitating. 
Sure she’d thought and joked about getting a sugar daddy, but it was a little scary when the opportunity actually showed itself. And she still knows almost nothing about Mista. 
What does he even do to make all that money?
“H-Hey!” While Bianca was lost in her own conflicting thoughts, Rosa had snatched the cell phone from her hand. 
By the time Bianca managed to pry her phone from her sister's hand, the damage had already been done, the text was already sent. 
“There, you can thank me later.”
“You…” Rosa had sent Mista a text, pretending to be Bianca, and asking him if he’d like to take her out on a date. 
Bianca isn’t sure how she feels about it all, nervous for sure, but at least Rosa didn’t make her sound desperate. 
    It’s still early the next day when Bianca wakes up, she takes a moment to just stare up at her ceiling as the first few rays of sunlight fill her room. 
Pretty quickly she finds out the cause of her waking so early. The kids are up. They aren’t doing anything wrong, she’s not mad, but she can hear them giggling to themselves as they plan in their room. 
“I wish I had that kind of energy…”
She sighs covering her face with her arm, trying to protect against the quickly invading light. For a while Bianca just lays in bed, covering her face, and debating whether or not she should just go back to sleep. 
Eventually though, she gives up on that idea, and with a yawn, sits up. 
Like every morning Bianca goes through her routine, and at the end of it she checks her phone to see if there’s a text from Sienna.
Of course there’s not. 
She’d blocked her number when she’d heard she was selling drugs, but she still checks everyday because she still cares about her friend
There may not be a text from Sienna, but there is a text from MIsta. 
Bianca stares at the notification for a moment, not actually pulling up the text. She’s never felt this nervous about a date before. 
Maybe it’s because she knows he has money.
Does that make her a bad person?
She had nothing to be worried about though, the text from Mista is simple, simply asking, “Gelato?”
Gelato sounds great, actually, especially for a first date. 
So she agrees, and they settle on a time and a place to meet up. 
    Mista arrives at their meet up spot an hour early.  It’s a bit extreme, but he wants to make sure everything goes according to plan. He doesn’t wanna mess up their first real date.
This is too important to let anything go wrong. 
The first thing he does is scout out the shop, making sure he wasn’t followed, and that there aren't any other stand users lying in wait. 
Once he’s made sure the area is safe, he switches focus to his appearance, going into the Gelato shop's bathroom to look himself over in the mirror. 
He pulls his beanie off, trying to decide if he looks better with it off. He knows he thinks he looks better with it on, but…
What if Bianca doesn’t like it?
What if she’d like to see his hair for once? He wore his hat every time he’d gone into the club to see her. 
He’s stressing over it, before Sex Pistols make themselves known. 
“What-What are you doing?” No.1 launches forward, grabbing the beanie from Mista’s hands, and starting to tug it back to his head. 
No.2 is quick to join No.1 until the beanie has been properly placed back on his head. 
“This is important.” Mista tells his stand seriously. 
Both 1 and 2 stare at Mista for a moment before loudly whispering to one another. 
“A date?”
“He’s really got a date?”
“I guess we should help…”
The Pistol’s get to work, straightening the beanie on Mista’s head, and also pulling a few curly locks of his hair free so that they frame his face better. 
“There! All done!”
“Much better!”
Once the Pistol’s are done pulling at his hair and scalp, he finally goes back to examining his reflection. 
Mista’s surprised. It’s not how he usually presents himself, he either wears his beanie with his hair tucked in, or he doesn’t wear it at all, but he actually likes how he looks right now with tufts of hair sticking out. 
He’s cute.
He grins at his reflection. 
“Thanks,” He says to the pistols, both of which are whizzing around the mirror taking in their own reflections. “I owe you. I’ll give you both extra lunch today, just don’t tell the other four.” 
The bullets cheer, until Mista cuts them off, 
“But…All of you have to stay hidden during my date,” He tells them. 
It’s not that he think Bianca can see Sex Pistols, but he can’t focus on them while trying to focus on Bianca. 
And the last thing he wants is to forget himself, and actually talk to them in front of Bianca. 
She’d think he’s crazy. 
“Aww…But I wanted to meet her.” The Pistols pout, and Mista does feel a little bad.
He sighs. 
“You’ll meet her,” He promises, “But not now. This is our first date after all. Everything has to go perfect.”
“He thinks we’ll mess it up.”
Mista cringes a little hearing that, although it’s true. 
    “How do I look?”
Bianca spins for Rosa to get a good look at her outfit, admiring herself in her full body mirror. She thinks she looks cute, and Rosa agrees. 
A flowy long sleeve yellow top, tight denim shorts that go mid thigh height, she’s really feeling herself in this outfit. 
“The shorts could be a little shorter,” Rosa says, but the tone of her voice makes it clear she’s joking. 
Bianca rolls her eyes, and jokingly says back. 
“Well, he’s already seen me with my clothes off. No harm in covering up now.” 
She gathers her things to leave, blowing a kiss to her sister. 
“Be safe!” Rosa yells as Bianca heads out the door. “If he’s a creep, call me! I’ll beat his ass.”
It doesn’t take Bianca very long to find their meetup spot, the gelato shop is surprisingly close to their home, but she doesn’t think anything of it. There’s plenty of shops around, and it’s a decent half way point between her home, and the club. Just a coincidence, nothing else. 
The bell chirps overhead as she enters, and she’s able to spot Mista instantly as he whips his head around from where he’s sitting to look at the door. 
It’s cute, Bianca thinks, he reminds her of an overeager puppy, especially the way his eyes light up when he sees her.
She giggles, imagining for a moment him doing the same thing every time anyone entered the store, 
“Were you waiting long?” 
“Oh no, not at all.” Mista tells her, beaming.
It’s a lie, but of course there’s no way for Bianca to know he’d been waiting long before she arrived, and so she returns his grin, sitting across from him at the table and…
“Mista!” Bianca has only just sat down when the Sex Pistol’s make themselves known, crying and flying around MIsta’s head practically begging for attention. 
And Mista freezes, he’s at a complete loss for what to do in this situation, it’s not like he can react, Bianca would think he’s crazy, but ignoring the Pistols is also incredibly hard. 
“Feed us!”
“It’s lunch time!”
Mista is once again surprised when a giggle breaks through the air, and it’s not one of the pistols. It’s coming from Bianca. 
Nervously he tears his gaze away from the Pistols and to Bianca, only to be met with instant relief, as behind her is a stand as well. 
“You’re a stand user too?” His anxiety has turned to giddy excitement. This is perfect, after all, and just another sign that the two of them were meant to be together. 
“Stand?” Bianca repeats back at him, just as giddy and smiling. She’s never met anyone with the same type of powers before, and she found the Pistols to be cute. “Is that what they’re called? Stands? I just called her Q-Tip.”
Q-Tip is small when it comes to stands, about the size of a child,  with icy blue skin and eyes, and dark blue, wavy hair.  The stand is constantly moving, dancing in the air even as it reaches a hand out for the Sex Pistol’s, who forget how hungry they are, to play with their new friend. 
“Why Q-Tip?”
“I don’t know.” Bianca admits. “It just felt fitting, I guess.” 
They do introductions. Bianca and Sex Pistols, Mista and Q-Tip, and finally introducing the stands to one another. 
“Now that everyone’s introduced…Gelato?” Bianca says, casually changing the subject, “After all I remember hearing these little guys say it was lunch time.” 
The Pistol’s cheer. Bianca’s already hit it off with them. 
They order their gelato, and the pair and their stands take to the city, walking and just talking about whatever comes to mind.  
And she’s surprised to find that she’s actually having fun with Mista. She hadn’t expected him to be so normal, maybe she was too judgmental, but she hadn’t expected someone who frequented a strip club to be so normal. 
She has to stifle a giggle as Number Five clings to her hair, half asleep. 
Mista had explained to her already The Pistols usually take a nap after their lunch, and they were missing it now. 
“You’re so pretty. I like when we watch you.” Five mumbles a bit, before slumping against her and succumbing to sleep. 
“Watching me?” 
Bianca’s too busy pondering it, unable to notice the way Mista’s whole body goes stiff. 
“Oh like watching me dance!” She grins at Mista. 
“You really like watching me dance, don’t you?” 
“Well…Of course I do. You’re so beautiful.” 
Heat rises to Bianca’s cheeks, but she only grins further at Mista. She does genuinely appreciate the compliments, something about the way Mista says it all sends chills down her spine, but this is a perfect opportunity to get in his pockets. 
“I feel safer, you know? When you’re there?” She bites her bottom lip, while looking up at Mista, doing her best pout. 
It works. She sees the way he blushes, his eyes widening. 
“Yeah. I know nothing bad will happen to me if you’re there.” 
And if he’s there, of course he can spend his money on her. 
“Don’t worry,” Mista reaches out, wrapping an arm around her, and pulling Bianca into his chest. She instinctively curls into the embrace, and Mista’s warmth. 
“I’ll protect you.”
    The date ends where it had started, back at the gelato shop. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?”
Mista had asked once on the walk back, and at the time Bianca had almost accepted it. But she reminded herself she had to be careful. 
They have kids at home, and Bianca’s not about to invite Mista, or any man for that matter to know where they live until things are serious. 
“No, it’s alright.” She gently squeezes Mista’s hand as they part. 
“I had a lot of fun though,” Bianca reassures him, “We should do it again sometime.” 
As they part ways Mista goes in for the kiss and Bianca almost lets him get away with it, only turning away at the very last second so that his lips graze her cheek instead.
The only reason she pulls away is to play hard to get. She can’t have him thinking she’s easy after all. 
Bianca wants him to work for it. 
Usually when she walks at home this close to night, Bianca feels a little lonely, but not tonight. She’s in high spirits, the date went better than she thought it would, she actually likes MIsta more than she thought she would, and he paid for her gelato. 
Her good mood lasts until she makes it in the door of her home. 
Instantly she can tell something’s wrong. 
To start with, the kids aren’t in the living room. Sure the sun was going down, but it was still far too early for the kids to be in bed already. 
A chill runs down Bianca’s spine. 
“Lucio? Lucia?” She calls out into the house. 
If the kids are asleep, and she wakes them up, then she’ll apologize, but there’s no sign of Rosa either, and her first thought is that something bad happened to them. 
She goes to call out a second time when a hand covers her mouth, her instincts kick in, and without even thinking she bites down hard, her assailant's blood quickly filling her mouth. 
“Ow! Son of a-”
All at once everything hits Bianca at once. She didn’t need to hear the voice to know, now that she’s calmed down the smell of the perfume gives it away. 
She turns to face her half-sister, currently nursing her bleeding hand, who scowls at her. Rosa looks…wrong. 
Rosa is pale, her skin covered in a sheen of cold sweat, and she’s shaking. 
Something is clearly wrong with her. 
“Did you get money? From your date, did he pay you?” 
It all clicks in when Rosa asks that, once more trying to reach out for Bianca. 
Luckily Bianca sees her coming, steps away and out of her grasp. 
“Are you fucking high?” 
The older woman doesn't even have to open her mouth, Bianca already knows the truth. 
“Where are the kids?” Bianca’s voice is cold, only just being able to hold back her actual fear and fury, as her eyes narrow in disbelief. 
“Bianca?” “I said where are the children!” 
“They’re in their room-” “GET OUT!” 
That’s all Bianca needed to hear. 
Her rage finally bubbling over. On some level she feels responsible. If only she were here. She doesn’t even know how long her niece and nephew had been hiding upstairs in their room from their high mother. 
“GET OUT OF HERE!” Bianca knows she’s screaming her lungs out, her chest hurts, and she’s sure the kids can hear it upstairs, but she can’t calm herself. 
Her purse connects with Rosa’s face, the other bringing her arms up in an attempt to protect herself. She’s trying to speak to Bianca, to try and get her to calm down, but it’s not possible. Not when she knows Rosa has relapsed like this, when she was supposed to be taking care of her own children. 
Bianca keeps yelling, keeps hitting Rosa with her purse, until she’s able to bully the woman out of their shared home. 
As soon as she’s out of the house Bianca locks the door, leaning against it to catch her breath, and slowly sliding down the door to sit on the living room floor. 
She can hear Rosa banging on the door outside, begging Bianca to let her back in, and promising she won’t do it again. 
Bianca says nothing, resting her head in her arms, and crying until everything goes silent on the other end of the door.
It’s only then that she stands on shaking legs, and makes her way upstairs to the kids room. 
Before entering she gently knocks on the door, so they know it’s her, and then she enters the room. 
She and the kids hug each other, and they cry. 
    The next morning Bianca calls in to work. She’s the strip club's top earner, and if they want to fight her on calling off, she’ll let them. It would be easy for her to get a job somewhere else. 
Right now the kids are more important than her work. 
Bianca’s up earlier than usual, she’s making homemade breakfast, and then after they all eat, she’ll walk them to the bus stop. 
It’s not a lot, but it’s all she thinks she can do, to let Lucio and Lucia know that they’re safe, that everything’s okay, and that no matter what happens Bianca will be there to take care of them.
All she can think of on her solitary walk back home after dropping off the kids is that it’s ironic. Rosa is using again,  and Bianca’s the one having a sobering realization. 
She was too harsh on Sienna, and with no proof. 
The real problem was under her nose all along, and instead of looking into it, and catching what her sister had been doing, she was so quick to believe that Sienna was selling drugs. 
“What am I supposed to do?” 
Truly she feels…hopeless. 
She doesn’t know where Rosa is. 
She doesn’t know how she’s going to take care of two kids on her own.
And she wants to apologize to Sienna. 
Bianca holds her head in her hands as she sits at the kitchen table, staring down at her cellphone. 
She should unblock her number, call her, and apologize. 
Would Sienna even answer? 
It’s not like Bianca would blame her if she didn’t. Part of her felt like she didn’t deserve forgiveness. 
But Bianca won’t be able to forgive herself if she doesn’t at least try. 
It rings. 
And rings. 
And rings some more. 
The phone rings until the phone naturally goes to voicemail. 
Bianca had spent the whole time waiting incredibly tense, waiting, and then all at once it escapes her like a balloon when no one actually answered. 
“Please leave a message after the…BEEP!”
“Uh…Hey…Sienna.” The guilt practically drips off every awkward word, “I just wanted to call and say that…I’m really sorry. I over reacted, and I should have trusted you. I know you better than that and I- I just want to apologize. Give me a call back, I mean…I-If you can.” 
She lets her head fall into her hands once more, letting out a frustrated screaming, now that there’s no one in the house to hear her. 
For a while she sits like that, in the silence of her kitchen, it’s almost eerie now, how quiet it is after her explosion of sound. 
But eventually even that eerie quietness is again broken by the vibrating of Bianca’s phone. 
She jumps to grab it, hoping that it’s Sienna, that she’s seen her apology, and is willing to accept it. 
Willing to be Bianca’s friend again. 
It’s not.
It’s not Sienna at all, in fact it’s actually a text from Mista. 
He’s just telling her good morning, saying that he hopes she slept well, and telling her that he’d dreamt of her last night. 
It might have been sweet, if not for the fact Bianca was already in a bad mood. 
So she does nothing. 
She reads his texts, and doesn’t respond. She doesn’t feel like responding. 
Doesn’t feel like doing anything, actually. 
Bianca has to basically drag her way to the living room couch, to splay her body out on it, before all the stress gets to her, and she falls into a nap. 
By the time she wakes up, it’s just in time to pick the kids up from the bus. The nap made her feel worse than she’d felt before going to sleep. She feels on edge, even, like something is wrong. 
But that all gets chalked up to a nightmare she can’t remember. 
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twviinaquariium2 · 3 years
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Love sick Cronus is a very very intense Cronus.
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Missing (Visual Novel)
Created by: C2PHOS
Genre: Horror
You might have seen this one on Manly's channel, but this is a very short yandere game about trying to find your missing friend. There's not really a "good" ending, and the ending that reveals the yandere only occurs in one, however, there are hints throughout it in other parts of the story as well.
The story starts out with a flashback of you and your friend, before leading to a missing poster of your friend. Determined to find this friend, you decide to pretend to be a police officer to get into a suspicious person named Cro's house. He accepts it after a quick look and you sit in the house has he makes you food.
There are a couple of options here, from trying to ask Cro out on a date (which does not end well) to interrogating him to simply leaving before even actually talking to him. The ending that reveals that he is a yandere allows you to go into a closet only to find a trap door underneath. Upon going inside, you see a stalker room of your friend's pictures all over, with scribbles and threats written on it. While escaping, Cro finds you, and subdues you with a syringe. He stated that he was going to let you go but now that you've found out, he can't let you interfere.
The creator does state that this game is a spin off of another game they're developing, so it's possible that Cro will be in this one as well (and possibly other yanderes) the art style is nice and the atmosphere is pretty haunting for such a short game. I think that it's a good spin on a lot of other yandere type games where usually the player is the one dating the yandere.
In any case, if you are interested, please give this one a go. It's short and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to get through.
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