#yandere eula lawrence
yandere-daydreams · 6 months
Title: Carrion in Shadow
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Eula x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Dub/Con, AMAB!Reader, Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of Injury, Oral Sex/Facesiting, Slight Choking, Slight Breeding, and Controlling Behavior.
[Part Two]
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You loved her.
You couldn’t be sure when, but at some point, you’d decided that not only did you love Eula, but that your love for her was going to be the defining fact of your existence; the air you breathed, the light behind your eyes, the blood that flowed through your veins. Some time last night, most likely – when the first wolf crossed that intangible barrier and realized you weren’t in a state to fight back, or later on, when the cold and the blood loss turned your body numb and hollow and all you could think about was when she’d come back. It’d never occurred to you to hope someone else might come to your rescue, and you were never desperate enough to genuinely try to free yourself (an idea which, even from the beginning, you must’ve subconsciously known was delusional). She’d been your sole idol, your only object of worship during the eternity that’d been the night before. Eula had always been good at that – making you forget there was a world beyond you and her.
That might’ve been why you loved her so much. How you knew you really did love her, despite everything you might’ve tried to convince yourself over the course of your relationship.
You needed her, and you couldn’t need someone you didn’t love.
The feeling of her blunt nails raking through your hair drew you out of your thoughts, an airy moan doing away with your ability to think altogether. Her knees were planted on either side of your head, her muscular thighs caging you in as her cunt ground lazily against your open mouth, your flattened tongue. The lack of oxygen left black spots dancing across your vision, but you tried to focus, to keep your attention on what mattered – Eula. In the dim light of her tent, you could only see the vaguest traces of her expression, but you could tell that her lips were turned upward, her eyes half-lidded. Her pace was slow, patient, whatever pleasure she was chasing set at a measured distance. You had to swallow the temptation to silently wish she’d just be rough with you and get it over with.
She was trying to be gentle, tonight, and you had to be thankful for that. The material of her tent was thin, the forest still enough to make any disturbance impossible to ignore, and she was making an effort to stay quiet, to limit herself to the occasional airy groan, to save you the utter humiliation of having to meet the knowing, sleepless eyes of the knights under her command. You’d thought, at first, that she might be wary of your reopening your lasting injuries, but that wasn’t likely. She’d spent most of the time you’d wasted fading in and out of consciousness lingering by your side, running her thumb over the ragged edges of your bandages and savoring your little, pained reactions. Eula wouldn’t hurt you – you didn’t hurt people you loved – but she liked to think of herself as your protector. It was only natural that she’d cherish any evidence that there was a threat you would need her to protect you from.
A mix of arousal and saliva dripped down your chin, from the corner of your mouth, and she pulled away from you with a breathy sigh. You moved to sit up, to chase after her, but the hand in your hair drifted to your chest and pushed you flat against her makeshift bed, the gesture not especially forceful but enough to send a pang of pure agony through your shoulder and down your spine. Your eyes clenched shut, but if Eula noticed how you withered, her only reaction was a slight laugh, a fleeting kiss pressed into your forehead. “Rest, sweetheart.” It was an order – albeit one spoken under her breath, affection heavy in her voice. You obeyed without question, and Eula rewarded you with a soft hum, a cool palm pressed into your bruised cheek. “I couldn’t sleep last night, you know. Not without you.”
Her hand curled around your shaft – hold steady and delicate. You were hard, despite the part of yourself that still resisted the urge to do anything that’d feed into her fantasies, but she still took the time to grind the heel of her palm against the base of your cock, to pump her hand over your length until you stiffened beneath her, your hips jolting stiltedly into her touch. “It’s easier when I know you’re safe in the city, but having to leave you out there, all alone in the wilderness…” She let out a dry laugh. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
Her clouded eyes found yours through the darkness. You tried to hold yourself still, to turn yourself into something quiet and pliable she could use to her satisfaction, but it would’ve been impossible to hold back your voice as she sunk onto you, to swallow the cracked whimper that escaped as her hips locked against yours. While her cunt clenched hot and tight around your cock, she let her head lull back, her hips roll idly against yours as two fingers fell to her clit. “I think—” Her voice was cut off by a bubbling moan, a wide smile. “I’ll have you write me letters when I leave the city, after this. Once a day, if not more, to make sure you’re where you should be.”
Heat pooled in the pit of your stomach. Your fists balled around the fur of the pelts underneath you, but you couldn’t stop your hips from rutting against her, the air catching in your throat and blocking off your better judgement. “E-Eula, please, I—”
“You’re right, that might not be enough.” Now, now, she moved faster, her hand curling around your throat, palm pressing against your windpipe. You needed to pull out of her, but she was already buckling against you, her chest pressing into yours and her mouth ghosting over the side of your neck. “We should break one of your legs. It’ll be our little reminder, just to make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”
Her eyes brightened, catching the moonlight through some unseen tear in her tent. You reminded yourself, not for the first time since you’d made your decision, that you loved Eula more than you feared her. That you had to love Eula. That you didn’t have another choice.
“We should start a family.”
You opened your mouth, jerking upward, but her grip tightened, rendering you trapped and silent. You started to fight it, to try to scream, but as your eyes met hers and her smile broadened into fanged grin and instantly, you went limp.
You couldn’t fight against Eula. You couldn’t afford to.
You loved her. You needed her.
Honestly, you were starting to think there wasn’t really a difference.
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yandere-daze · 4 months
I´ve had this idea plague my mind for the last few days and now it´s finally time for me to unleash it onto the world. Feel free to comment on or ask questions about this idea/ AU if you find it interesting!
This work was inspired by the normalized yandere genshin AU I stumbled upon while scrolling through Tumblr, created by @fancyfeathers
Hope you enjoy!
gn reader
2,2k words
tw yandere, normalized yandere behaviour, mentions of obsession, possessiveness, kidnapping, stalking, murder, emotional manipulation and isolation
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Yandere! Genshin Academy/Normalized Yandere AU
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In this AU, yanderes are a normal and accepted part of society. Not only are their toxic attitudes and behaviours permitted but even encouraged. Somehow, over the years, people have even started to wish for a yandere as their partners. By Teyvat society at large, yanderes are seen as somewhat of an ideal partner. They´re fiercely loyal and would do absolutely anything for their darlings, right?
And yet, many darlings sing a different tune when reality suddenly comes crashing down onto them when a yandere actually starts pursuing them. Fantasizing about things such as being kidnapped is simply something entirely different compared to experiencing the real thing. And yet, when they call out for help from their loved ones, they´re simply patted on their back and congratulated. Some might even express their condolences to the poor yandere, saying that it always takes a bit of time for a darling to realize that this is for the best.
You are one of the few people who are completely horrified by the concept of a yandere and even more so to see everyone around you treat kidnappings or murder sprees as something completely normal or even romantic. You shudder at the thought of ever attracting the attention of a yandere, knowing that you would have no one to help you avoid that dreadful fate.
Which is why your complete world is turned upside down when you´ve been registered at the wrong academy by mistake. An administrative error, you were told. One, that might take a few weeks or even months to correct.
Now normally, you would have been annoyed but fine with this. You would just have to bear with it for a bit and attend a different school until the error is fixed and you can finally go to your desired one.
But you felt a pool of dread form deep within you when you did some research on the academy you had been wrongly assigned to. It actually wasn´t all that easy to find information on the academy, which you found strange, seeing as this has never been an issue with any other well-regarded academy. But no matter how much you search, nothing concrete is to be found. Only a few abandoned forum posts where people asked around about their missing friend who had last been seen close to the academy in question.
It made you feel a bit uneasy but you figured that it probably didn´t have anything to do with the academy itself. As sad as it was, disappearances were happening all over Teyvat, so this one case wasn´t really of note.
But seeing as you couldn´t find anything else, you figured that you would just need to figure things out on your first day attending the academy.
And oh, were you in for a nasty surprise.
As soon as you sat down for your first lesson, you noticed how strange the atmosphere was. Everyone had been staring at you so strangely when you entered the room, it kind of unnerved you.
After that, a few introductions were exchanged and you slowly calmed down again. Your classmates seemed nice enough and you thought that maybe, your time here wouldn´t be so bad after all.
All that quickly changed when your professor finally entered the room and introduced himself as the instructor who would teach you the subject of "stalking".
Turning your head left and right, you tried to see if anyone else was as shocked about this as you were but to your surprise, no one even raised an eyebrow at this very concerning introduction.
A class on stalking? Maybe this wasn´t what you actually feared and more so a clumsy way of saying that this would be a psychology class focusing on the mental effects stalking has on the victims? With all these yanderes running around unchecked, there were bound to be many victims and so a class like this might actually be beneficiary. I mean surely they wouldn´t actually try to teach young adults how to kidnap someone, right?
Well, it turns out you were wrong when the professor started outlining different forms of stalking. Following "your darling" around, stalking them online, placing cameras or microphones in their rooms to observe them anytime you wanted.
Your mind was spiraling as you listened to the lecture and you briefly wondered at just what kind of an academy you had been enlisted in. Surely this must be some kind of joke, right? A prank played on newcomers at the academy to get them spooked? Surely someone is going to come in any moment, clear all of this up and then laugh at you actually falling for this?
But no matter how much you hoped for this to be the case, no one was coming. No one was making fun of you for falling for such an obvious prank. In fact, none of your classmates seemed perturbed at all by what was being taught here. How could they be okay with a lesson that basically amounted to "how to stalk someone 101"? You felt like you were losing your mind.
Glancing to your right, you see your blond deskmate eagerly nodding along to whatever the professor was saying and swiftly taking notes whenever a sentence seemed to particularly strike a chord with him. His red eyes practically sparkled as he outlined "helpful tips and tricks for not alerting your darling of your presence" on his paper, using a text marker to highlight a particular passage as if to say that it would come in handy in the future.
On your left, you saw another tall male student and for a moment you hoped that maybe, just maybe, there was someone else here who was bothered by the lecture given. He had a bored look on his face and he was wearing some type of headphones over his grey hair. Was he even paying attention? Maybe he was trying to cancel out the horrific lecture taking place at the moment.
You discreetly leaned over a bit, only to see that he was actually holding a book hidden under the desk, his eyes carefully following the paragraphs of tiny letters. Well, it seems like he certainly wasn´t paying much attention to the lecture because what he was secretly reading seemed to be some advanced material on the success rate of different methods of stalking, from the looks of it.
You quickly turned your head back when you saw him glancing over at you with an unreadable stare. Well, it looks like your hopes were dashed again after all. This guy was nuts too.
Knowing this, you really couldn´t do much aside from waiting for class to be over.
Your small hope that this was just a really strange outlier was quickly destroyed again in your following classes.
Next was a class on emotional manipulation and how to get your darling to depend on you.
Then, a class on how to force yourself into your darling´s life and how to approach growing closer to them.
Finally, the day ended with a lecture on how to kidnap your darling and make them disappear without a trace.
As the bell finally rung, the professor informed your class that there was also an optional class about how to effectively "get rid" of a rival that you can sign up for. You pretended to not be bothered when several students raised their hands to show their interest in attending this course.
You scrambled to get out of your seat as fast as possible, not wanting to stay in this hellish classroom for even a second later. You fled into the hallway and walk by groups of students excitedly chattering about things you didn´t want to listen to.
"Oh, I hope I can find my darling soon! I just know I´ll feel a special connection when we first make eye contact! I´ve been waiting for so long", the first girl swooned as she twirled strands of her long brown hair around her finger, seemingly lost in her own fantasies.
"Agreed. I know that once I meet my darling, I won´t let anything get between us. I will never let them go. It´s only a matter of time", the taller, blue-haired woman chimed in, her voice calmer than that of her excitable friend.
You didn´t like the way her eyes linger on you as you pass by them.
Once home, you tried to make contact with the administrative office again to ask them if the process of your transfer can be sped up in any way. You didn´t want to spend another second in that academy.
With what you have seen today, you were easily able to deduce the true nature of this academy and it left you absolutely terrified.
The fact that you weren´t able to find any information about the academy beforehand, your strange classmates fixated on their potential "darlings" and of course the horrid classes being taught there.
Somehow, you have ended up in an academy for yanderes. Every single person you saw there today was a lovesick lunatic in some shape or form. And the more you thought about it, the more you realized you were in huge danger there. What would your crazed classmates do if they ever found out that you actually weren´t a fellow yandere but someone they could claim as a "darling"? The very thought of it makes you sick. You have to get out of there immediately!
Which is why your heart dropped when after some long hesitation, the person on the phone finally answered you.
"You must excuse me but I´m afraid to tell you that there have been some... unforeseen circumstances that do not permit me to work on your case at the moment. I have been asked to postpone this matter until further notice".
"What? Why?", is all you could manage to say in your befuddlement. You knew bureaucracy can take a long time but for this woman to specifically be asked to postpone this? Just what was going on here?
Again, the woman on the phone hesitated to answer and you could hear a tinge of nervousness in her voice when she finally spoke up. As if she wasn´t sure if she was allowed to say what she was about to.
"I´m afraid that I´m not at liberty to provide this information. The person asking me to...focus on different cases for the meantime wished to stay anonymous. Even so, it is not within my power to refuse their wishes as they have provided our establishment with a generous donation. I sadly cannot help you with this issue", at least the woman did sound generally apologetic but that didn´t really help you in this situation.
Your mind was still reeling as you processed this information. Someone specifically asked for your transferal to not be worked on? Why would anyone do this? And they seemed to have a large fortune too? Why all this to make you stay around?
It can´t be that you already attracted someone´s attention while at the academy, right? Surely that couldn´t be true! You made sure to not interact with anyone directly after you realized just what kind of people attended this school. How could one of these yanderes have "fallen for you" already?
It seemed so utterly unbelievable and if you were being honest, you didn´t want to believe that it was true either. But nothing else made sense. Why would anyone do this otherwise?
Noticing your prolonged silence, the woman spoke up once more.
"I´m sure that all of this will be resolved soon. It will only be a few months. I am sure you will find many friends at your current school soon."
You sure hoped not. The thought of being noticed by any of the yanderes already made the hairs on your neck rise. You vowed to stay away from anyone who even showed a fleeting interest in you. You had to keep yourself safe until you can finally switch schools. You could do this, you had to!
You barely registered when the woman bid you farewell and hung up the phone after you once again didn´t answer her.
Now completely alone, you forged a plan. If you didn´t want to get involved in anything dangerous, no one could find out that you were actually here by mistake and not a yandere. Nothing could be worse than these lunatics finding out that you´re a darling, so you´ll have to be very careful. But how do you do this?
Well, it seemed like you must act like a yandere yourself. You would have to pretend that you´re a lovesick fool who totally isn´t bothered by all this talk about kidnapping, stalking, and murder. Thinking about it again already made you sick but you didn´t really have any other options. No one could find out or it was over for you.
You only hoped that you could convincingly play the part and that no one was perceptive enough to see right through you. Well, it couldn´t be that hard, right?
Surely no one already had their eye on you. Right?
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snailsgoingdowntown · 9 months
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
✭-dark content/yandere
➻Safer Without✭
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merakiui · 1 year
༺♡༻ 𝓋𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉.
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☆ welcome to the lunar love hotel, where bitter/sweet secrets are scattered amidst shimmering stardust! ☆
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𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
☆ the lunar love hotel will be open and accepting guests from genshin impact and twisted wonderland throughout days 1-28 of february 2023. once the month of february has ended, the lunar love hotel will no longer be accepting guests.
☆ all guests will be written as +18. all orders will be nsfw (or sfw if specified) and x reader.
☆ for the convenience of our staff, please be patient and polite when checking in. additionally, please be specific with your order details from the menus listed below. if a reader’s gender is not specified, it will be written gender neutral.
☆ you may order two treats from each menu with up to three guests (separate or together). please make all distinctions clear when necessary.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ guest lists  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
genshin impact - lumine, aether, kaeya alberich, lisa minci, jean gunnhildr, rosaria, diluc ragnvindr, albedo, venti, eula lawrence, mona, beidou, ningguang, keqing, tartaglia, zhongli, ganyu, xiao, yelan, shenhe, kaedehara kazuha, kamisato ayaka, yoimiya, sangonomiya kokomi, thoma, gorou, arataki itto, yae miko, raiden shogun, shikanoin heizou, tighnari, cyno, candace, nilou, dehya, alhaitham, kaveh, kabukimono/scaramouche/wanderer, il dottore, colombina, sandrone, la signora, pantalone, il capitano, arlecchino.
twisted wonderland - riddle rosehearts, ace trappola, deuce spade, cater diamond, trey clover, leona kingscholar, jack howl, ruggie bucchi, azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech, kalim al-asim, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, epel felmier, rook hunt, idia shroud, malleus draconia, silver, sebek zigvolt, lilia vanrouge, rollo flamm, neige leblanche, che’nya.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ miscellaneous menu  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
type of writing & dynamic.
☆ assorted macarons - headcanons
☆ layered cake - oneshot (more than 1k words)
☆ flower bouquet - ficlet (under 1k words)
☆ lacy lingerie - established relationship
☆ sparkling champagne - ex-lovers
☆ cherry wine - rivals/enemies
☆ strawberry ice cream - friends with benefits
☆ sweet lollipops - [insert your own dynamic]
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ midnight menu ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
yandere/dark content.
☆ red velvet cupcakes - non-con
☆ lemon squares - dub-con
☆ sea salt caramels - drugging
☆ custard donuts - forced pregnancy/baby-trapping
☆ banana pudding - kidnapping
☆ red bean mochi - stalking
☆ chamomile tea - somnophilia
☆ sugar stars - [insert your own kink/scenario or a prompt from the morning menu]
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ morning menu  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
non-yandere/fluffy content.
☆ pineapple parfait - honeymoon
☆ fruit smoothie - confession
☆ apple pancakes - date night
☆ cinnamon rolls - marriage proposal
☆ cream puffs - aftercare
☆ blueberry muffins - love letters from them to you
☆ coffee - meet-cute
☆ candy hearts - [insert your own prompt]
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ lunar love hotel masterlist  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
☆ malleus draconia - flower bouquet, red velvet cupcakes, red bean mochi.
☆ tartaglia, kaedehara kazuha, azul ashengrotto - assorted macarons, sparkling champagne, red velvet cupcakes, red bean mochi.
☆ floyd leech - layered cake, sweet lollipops, candy hearts.
☆ jade leech - flower bouquet, sea salt caramels, sugar stars.
☆ rollo flamme - layered cake, red bean mochi, blueberry muffins.
☆ ruggie bucchi - flower bouquet, strawberry ice cream, cream puffs, fruit smoothie.
☆ rook hunt - flower bouquet, red bean mochi, banana pudding.
☆ vil schoenheit, jade leech, floyd leech - flower bouquet, custard donuts.
☆ malleus draconia & azul ashengrotto - assorted macarons, lacy lingerie, sea salt caramels, lemon squares.
☆ kaedehara kazuha, scaramouche, azul ashengrotto - assorted macarons, sea salt caramels, chamomile tea, sugar stars.
☆ scaramouche - layered cake, sweet lollipops, lemon squares, sea salt caramels.
☆ idia shroud - flower bouquet, lemon squares, sugar stars.
☆ floyd leech - flower bouquet, cherry wine, red velvet cupcakes.
☆ alhaitham - layered cake, red velvet cupcakes.
☆ floyd leech & jade leech - flower bouquet, banana pudding, lemon squares.
☆ jade leech - flower bouquet, red velvet cupcakes, banana pudding.
☆ scaramouche - flower bouquet, strawberry ice cream, lemon squares, custard donuts.
☆ azul ashengrotto - flower bouquet, chamomile tea, lemon squares, fruit smoothie.
☆ floyd leech & jade leech - assorted macarons, lacy lingerie, sea salt caramels, pineapple parfait.
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iicheeze · 2 years
Notice me, Senpai! Prologue
Yandere Genshin Impact X Gender Neutral Reader YANDERE SIMULATOR AU
summary: It was your second year at Teyvat High. Expecting another normal year in your high school life. But why is there so many people suddenly courting you?!?! And why is there suddenly so many missing students?!?!
update: Now it has storyline previews for each nations (ones that are currently available at the game, of course.)
a/n: This is an explanation and cast of my Yandere Simulator AU story.
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Senpai as You.
[Name]'s Best Friend as Qingfu.
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Mondstadt Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Aether and Lumine.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Eula Lawrence.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Noelle.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Fischl / Amy.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Albedo Kreideprinz.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Venti.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Lisa Minci.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Kaeya Alberich.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Diluc Ragnvindr.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Amber (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Jean Gunnhildr.
Storyline Preview;
Aether and Lumine was always the same. They're twins after all. Ever since they were born, all they do is help people. No matter what. No matter what they feel. No matter how difficult it may be. It's gotten to an extent where they couldn't feel anything anymore. They just feel hollow. As ever blue sky and its beautiful clouds just turned black and white.
Yet, it became colorful once more ever since they encountered their beloved senpai, [L. Name] [Name]. They can't help that they felt butterflies in their stomach and felt as if the world has gained colour once more!
Yet.. Why do they feel uneasy when they saw their beloved senpai talking to another person?
They can't let them go. Not when they make them feel this way. Not when they are the reason their world is colorful. Not when they make them feel as if they have finally gained a reason to live.
They've been helpful for so long. They're allowed to be selfish.. Right?
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Liyue Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Zhongli
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Xiao.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Mao Xiangling.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yelan.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Chongyun.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Beidou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Shenhe.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Ganyu.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Childe or Tartaglia.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Hu Tao (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Ningguang.
Storyline Preview;
Zhongli had always been the same. Considering, kind, but calm and content. Yet he couldn't shake off the feeling where he felt empty at the inside ever since his beloved, Guizhong, died due to a terminal sickness. He had long moved on from it. But his heart can't reset back to normal. He doesn't feel anything when people confess their feelings to him. Just hollow. Empty.
He can't help but long for the feeling of being in love again.
Yet, it all changed when he accidentally bumped into his senpai whilst walking around his new high school. Spilling their canned soda on him. It was supposed to be revolting. But he somehow doesn't mind. Not when his attention is fixated on their senpai.
When their hands touched, he felt something. Something growing inside him. Like a beautiful sunflower blooming once the sun rises.
He had forgotten what it feels like to be in love. If he is in love, is this what it feels like? Warm, but lovely? If it is, he'd want to feel like this forever.
Their interaction had already ended, yet his feelings kept growing.
However, a flower has to die in the end.
As he then saw his beloved senpai, talking to another man. So lovingly, so friendly. It couldn't help but make him feel rotten on the inside.
He finally gets his heart re-build once more, he can't have another broken. Not again. He will not let his senpai go. No matter what it takes. He doesn't care if he'll have blood on his hands. It's all for him and his senpai. He doesn't want to feel empty again. He will not let them go.
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Inazuma Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Kamisato Ayaka.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Kuki Shinobu.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Kaedehara Kazuha.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yoimiya.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Sangonomiya Kokomi.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Thoma.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Yae Miko.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Raiden Shogun or Ei.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Arataki Itto.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Shikanoin Heizou (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Kamisato Ayato.
Storyline Preview;
Kamisato Ayaka has always been known for their family clan and business. Due to her parents no longer here, she and her older brother had to take care of the business at a young age.
She was always known as smart, elegant, and kind. Yet she stayed alone. She wanted to have friends. But God forbid it.
But, that all changed when she entered High School. The one her older brother designed, to be perfect for her and himself.
She was just relaxing at the rooftop. Enjoying the breeze. Until she decided to practice her dance. After all, no one is there to watch, right?
That is where she was wrong.
Her body swayed along with the wind. Granting her body free moves as she continued to dance with the wind. As she finally finished, she heard clapping.
Turning to where the noise came from.. It was from.. You. Her senpai.
“ That was beautiful..! ”
It was such a simple compliment. So why did her heart start beating fast?
That interaction had ended. It was supposed to be a small one, anyways. As you were busy with other things.
But she couldn't help but think about you. Her senpai. Her mind is basically infested with it. What could she do to impress you once again? What could she do to meet you again? What could she do to finally be of someone's main attention?
She needs you. She has to have you. You were the only one who could understand her. Who could accompany her. Who could finally set your attention to her. Just her.
So just look at her again, won't you? Just her. Don't look at anyone else. You won't need anyone else with her around.
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Sumeru Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Al-Haitham.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Wanderer or Scaramouche.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Candace.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Kaveh.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Tighnari.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Nilou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Layla.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Il Dottore.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Dehya.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Nahida & Collei (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Cyno.
Storyline Preview;
Al-Haitham had always been.. Pretentious.
He was smart, he was attractive, he was looked up on to, he was anything you can ask for in a man.
So why does he feel empty?
It felt as if something is missing. It always feels like something is missing inside him.
He had spent all his time on books, knowledge, education. And nothing else. Was it company he craved? No, he isn't.
His interaction with you was simple. Yet cliche.
You were just going to grab a book in the library, that was obviously too tall for you to take. Getting onto your toes, you tried again. Only for another hand to reach for the book, touching yours.
As soon as the two of you made contact, he can't help but feel.. full.
He felt as if his stomach was filled with sweets, love and butterflies. But it was illogical! There was no way he feels this way just by touching your hand.
You let him take the book as it isn't that important to you anyways. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
It was a nice gesture of you for him. Do you really prioritize others than yourself?
He decided to brush those feelings off, calling them annoying. But his heart kept beating fast. Ignoring what his mind said.
His vision was fixated on you as you left the library, yet through the windows.. He saw you and another.. boy.
Why is he so rude to you? Why is he so mean to you? Why is he so cruel to you? And why are you just laughing it off? Why are you smiling at him so lovingly? Why are you even hanging out with him? Why? Why? Why?!
He doesn't understand. He hates feeling like this, but he can't help but want more. He's never felt anything like it. Why does he want you so bad? Why does he want to get rid of anyone that dares to stand next to you? He doesn't understand.
Yet he knows one thing. He need to get rid of those who dare to stand next to you, let alone talk to you!? He has to. He has to. Only HE is allowed to stand next to you! Only HE is allowed to talk to you! Only HE is allowed to see that beautiful smile of yours. Only HE is allowed to hear your laughs. Him, him, him! Not anyone else! He won't allow it.
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Please remember that each edition has different storylines. But same ending. So I hope you all are anticipated for chapter one!
Notice Me, Senpai Masterlist
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lilyrealm · 9 months
i simply think it is so fun to imagine a world where a company makes a bunch of androids to assist people and provide companionship so they give the androids stories and release them in certain themes or lines and those androids are the genshin characters. credit to @yandere-daydreams for the idea. i love it so much. yes we all want x character to be our boyfriend or girlfriend and we have sex with them yes but i think its fun to imagine their roles when theyre not being yandere...
also the read more is very long i just went off about my ideas for most of the mondstadt characters. nothing wrong with me
if this is set in teyvats world imagine amber being like a gliding instructor in mondstadt. good engineer too, maybe the first bot that can fix other bots/have intricate knowledge of them (because she made baron bunny).
for human injuries theres barbara and jean, but with different temperaments for different patients. or if we're still set in teyvat, then jean (and the rest of the favonius knights characters) are actually android assistants to the actual human knights. basically the androids replace vision holders??
but yeah kaeya would also be a knight assistant, noelles story is she trains super hard but still isnt a knight (because shes made to help actual trainees!). lisa of course manages the library. yeah sorry thats it. makes tea
and i had the idea (this is all stolen from my own twitter thread from *checks* last year? anyway) that they would tease the release of bots like diluc, rosaria and razor through voicelines from kaeya, barbara and lisa. really like the idea of razor originally being some sort of surveillance android for wolvendom/integrating with them in some way for research and sort of became a guide for people who get lost in wolvendom.
diona and diluc are two different types of bartenders, one is good against people who cant say no to a cute (angry) kitty and the others... are those require some intimidation.
VENTI. god, i think itd be cool if they had prototype models for the seven archons and actual venti bots now definitely play into the "broke bard who plays for alcohol" thing. but of course anyone with eyes knows that his original model was the barbatos android.
oh!! and bennett and fischl being adventurers buddies. bennett is "unlucky" but hes actually like, wired to be hypervigilant and take hits for you while he shrugs it off. and fischl comes with oz if you need some chuuni speech translated, but you can disable that if you want to go full rp with her.
*looks at my thread* oh yeah "Albedo is made for the alchemists in the Knights, and he was meant to be released with Klee, but there was a delay because his ai kept experimenting on its own copies (Flowerfell Albedo?)" ngl i didnt play the albedo event and never bothered to watch a video so i dont know the full extent of his lore here. oh right and i added "sucrose is made to keep an eye on him in the labs" lmao
klee is. i suppose made for the knights. a cute energetic girl to keep morale up, whos fireproof and thus able to scout dangerous areas/bomb them if you so wish.
oh yeah i wrote that the church was not happy about the rosaria bots being made so they relegated her to guarding dragonspine against foolish adventurers. as to why she keeps appearing in bars, well, uh. No comment — Celestia Inc.
the lawrence clan wanted in on this business and sponsored a representative of their family, but mondstadts opinion of them is less than friendly, so the knights compromise and make eula, a lawrence knight.
whew okay for some reason i was able to churn out a lot for mondstadt and then everyone else i was like uh yeah. they exist and do things similar to what they do in game like xiangling being a cook's aide. yep. idk why the mondstadt worldbuilding gripped me so hard like that.
also my last thought is that maybe the hilichurls are just the verryyy alpha version of their bots, the khaenri'ah line (i think daydream mentioned this) and maybe just broke down and went rogue/abandoned. so now they make better bots to fight them and keep people safe. go figure. earns them a ton of cash though. lol imagine if getting them was a lottery too....
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versadies · 2 years
may the places guide you to my yearning [ 7k milestone prompt event ! ]
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make way as the penpal service officially becomes worldwide! come join us as we go on an adventure to many destinations and explore the unknown!
please follow the guidelines to have a smooth journey and understand a few things about this prompt event. if you understand the terms, you may proceed to the prompt list and ask away! (if otherwise, feel free to send me an ask/message/etc. for clarifications!)
characters available: diluc, kaeya, albedo, venti, zhongli, tartaglia, xiao, thoma, itto, gorou, scaramouche, ayato, kazuha, capitano, pantalone, dainsleif, jean, lisa, beidou, ningguang, ganyu, raiden shogun, and yae miko
please follow this format for your ask: (character) + (prompt-1) + (prompt-2) + (genre) + (format) + (optional/extra/etc.)
please submit 1 character (or more if you want the other character to serve as a love rival/etc.) + 1 prompt + 1-3 dialogue prompt/s per request. (you can submit another request that contains a different character and prompt)
regarding capitano and pantalone, there's a high chance that they'll be ooc (out of character) due to how there's not much to know about them as of this moment so please don't put any high expectations !!
please do not request nsfw content + characters who aren’t a part of the list. your request will be immediately ignored and deleted.
please refrain yourselves from mentioning the physical appearance and gender of reader in your request because i’d like to keep the reader as gender-neutral and appearance-neutral.
understand that there’s a chance that your request won’t be made due to my limit of accepting prompt requests. you’d most likely get ur request accepted if you have an idea/plot in mind for ur request (even if you don’t have a plot in mind, it’s alright since youll probably be accepted if the limit isnt too much for me!)
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kaeya alberich
diluc ragnvindr
jean gunnhildr
eula lawrence
lisa minci
albedo kreideprinz
kamisato ayato
arataki itto
kaedehara kazuha
raiden shogun
yae miko
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avidya forest - idol au
feiyun slope - bodyguard au
haar islands - streamer au
brightcrown mountains - post-apocalypse au
starfell valley - roommate au
windwail highland - neighbors au
galesong hill - coffee shop au
windrise - secret relationship au
sal terrae - single parent x single parent au
wangshu inn - royal au
dihua marsh - ruler x knight au
guili plains - hero x villain au
sea of clouds - soulmate au (specify which kind of soulmate au you want)
yanshang teahouse - fake dating au
inazuma city - android au
watatsumi island - internet friends au
evernight temple - flower shop au
grand narukami shrine - police x criminal au
ritou - vampire au
fort hiraumi - assassin/spy x target au
“you deserve better than me."
"...stay with me?"
"here, let me hold that for you."
"let. them. go."
"___ loves you, you know? he's/she's/they're just afraid of admitting it."
"shut up okay? i'm getting you out of here, we're going home."
"you mean more to me than you will ever know."
"ugh just get married already."
"but i love you, ___. it's you i want, not them."
"say it again." "...i love you."
"get away from me."
"tell me where it hurts."
"how long have you felt like this?"
"i don't like the way they're looking at you."
"is this a date?" / "are you trying to ask me out?"
"can i kiss you?"
"i like the sound of that."
"my family thinks we're dating."
"i'd do anything for you."
"they have no idea what they're missing."
WILD CARD! feel free to add a dialogue prompt that isn't a part of the list you want me to write for your request!
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GENRE ! (can be 2 or less)
morning - fluff
night - angst
dawn - comfort
dusk - yandere
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sunny - drabbles (500+ words)
cloudy - hc / bulleted format
rainy - longfic (2k-3k+ words)
windy - songfic
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once again, tysm for the wonderful milestone! i'm glad to have fellow comrades like you guys who enjoy my work. have a good day <33 !!
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npcimpact · 9 months
i ascended to world level 8 on the side account because i was going to help oomf get her last 30 hydroculi. i did not mean to get to wl 8, but i’d coasted so much on wl 6 that it boosted me up to ar 55. i’ll be relying on my lisa more than ever now T_T anyway since i’ll be stuck doing dailies in mondstadt for a while, here’s lessig:
a yandere!lessig
spoilers for the final inazuma archon quest, eula’s quest
he came back from sumeru different. that journey through the glass- world? bottle? he’s truly unsure as to what he should call it- was eye-opening. but life was certainly harder back in mondstadt.
he still experiences the same distrust and contempt from mondstadters, but his family is calling him a traitor now as well. life is certainly not easy for lessig at the moment- so really, you should have foreseen this.
yeah, it’s all your fault.
you are a lifeline for him; the light at the end of the tunnel. you noticed his change in character, his efforts to blend into normal society, and held out your hand for him to grab. of course he got attached? duh?
yandere!lessig is obsessed. obsessed with everything that makes you, you. he can’t figure out why you decided to take an interest in him, but it’s this mystery that sends him digging through your trash late at night, picking out any of your old belongings. you ask a knight about a coat you accidentally threw out but wasn’t in the bin the next day. the knight says he heard rummaging, but nothing more.
during windblume, he makes sure he takes up all your time. nobody else can get a word in. he doesn’t let your eyes wander. there is only him. you’re only interested in him, right? you don’t even realise he’s sucking up all your attention until it’s too late.
he’s not one to get his hands dirty- personally. no qualms, however, about paying someone off to do a hit and run. his family’s had dealings with the fatui in the past, and now that that harbinger’s dead, it’s pretty easy to find a bored enough fatui to take the mora. the chaos caused by the death(s?) only enable him to spend more time with you.
he’s had marriage on his mind since you validated his efforts on that fateful day. and lessig lawrence is not going to let you slip through his fingers.
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rotting--melody · 1 year
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fic info . . .
i will mostly be writing either one-shots or multi-chapter fics. however, if you'd like to request just little blurbs, head cannons, or alphabets, i'd be more than happy to do those as well
wills and will-nots
i will write f!character x f!reader, m!character x f!reader, nb!character x f!reader, f!character x nb!reader, m!character x nb!reader, fluff, angst, smut, kinks (unless they are on the will-nots), yandere, dark romance
i will not write m!character x m!reader ( this is just because i am biologically female and have no idea how to capture what it would be like to be a man), adult!character x child!reader, age regression, pregnancy, non-con, piss, foot fetishes, pet play, incest, stepcest
♧if there is something not listed that you would like to request, do so, and i will edit the list as i get responses♧
requestable fandoms/characters
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Genshin Impact
Traveler (Aether & Lumine)
Arataki Itto
Diluc Raginvindr
Ei/Raiden Shogun
Eula Lawrence
Hu Tao
Kaeya Alberich
Kaedehara Kazuha
Lisa Minci
Yae Miko
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Gwen Stacy
Hobie Brown
Miguel O'Hara
Stardew Valley
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elliotthezubat · 10 months
Aether x Keqing - Vega, female, born on the same day as her cousin.
Diluc x Jean - Janus Ragnvindr, pyro vision, the oldest son, very duty driven. / Arthur Gunnhildr, hydro vision, takes on his mom's surname to continue the Gunnhildr family line.
Albedo x Sucrose - Krista, geo vision, adopted by albedo, a girl of very few words.
Childe x Lumine - Peter, oldest son, cryo vision, protective, mature for his age. / Altaire, male, born on the same day as his cousin.
Thoma x Ayaka - Masaru Kamisato, son, cryo vision, very mild mannered. / daughter (details unknown)
Gorou x Kokomi - Nanami Sangonomiya, hydro vision, daughter, kind of a tsundere. / other daughter (details unknown)
Kaveh x Al-Haitham - Yasmine, geo vision, adopted by kaveh, spoiled princess. / Cerise, girl, adopted by alhaitham, dendro vision, super genius, but lacks social skills.
Tighnari x Cyno - Maya, adopted by Cyno, girl
Itto x Sara - Uzuki Arataki, daughter, oni, just like her dad in personality, Electro vision
Kazuha - Akiko Kaedehara, daughter, adopted, dendro vision, very soft spoken and kind.
Kaeya x Rosaria - Liliya Alberich, hydro vision, resting bitch face, enjoys messing with people, daughter.
Venti x Lisa - Leon Minci, son, playful, mix of both parents personalities. / Aria Minci, daughter, anemo vision, born blind, a bard, cheerful if a bit oblivious.
Barbara - Kate Pegg, adopted, very much a mommy's girl, cryo vision
Ayato x Fuyue (oc) - Touya Kamisato, heir of the kamisato clan, son, very hardworking, hydro vision.
Eula x Amber - Ferdinand Lawrence, son, born to eula, amber is his secondary mother, circumstances of his birth are not pleasant.
Raiden Ei - Raiden Sumire, daughter, electro vision, a lot like her mama.
Ninnguang x Beidou - Mao-Rin, daughter, adopted by beidou, kind of gloomy, pyro vision
Hu-Tao - Jiji, son, kinda yandere, father is unknown, electro vision
that's all i got so far, may update this later.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: The Huntress In Moonlight.
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Eula x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 2.0k.
TW: Unhealthy Relationships, Implied Kidnapping/Imprisonment, Obsessive Behavior, Slight Manipulation, and Intimidation.
[Part Two]
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It’d taken Eula six hours to catch you.
Three hours for one of her many agents stationed within Mondstadt’s walls to report that you were missing, two to find your tracks amidst the dense wilderness of the Whispering Woods, and one to overtake your frantic sprint and recapture you – the target sighted, located, and hunted down in less than half a day. Part of you was proud of yourself. You were familiar with her swordsmanship, had witnessed what she could do with a claymore and a raging vendetta. You knew that the twisted sense of fondness she held for you was the only reason her blade wasn’t lodged in the side of your throat, but still, it was a small miracle that you’d managed to evade her for as long as you did. It was a small miracle that you’d managed to get out of the city at all.
Part of you was proud. The rest of you, the majority of you, was just angry that you’d been stupid enough to try something so foolish in the first place.
Angry, and bitter, and more frustrated than you had any right to be. Even slung over her bicep, her shoulder pressing into your stomach and her gloved hand wrapped over the back of your thigh, you couldn’t do anything to loosen the tight coil of irritation pressing against the inside of your chest, to stop yourself from digging your nails into her back and kicking at her stomach whenever the terrain grew harsh and you could get away with trying to hurt her a fraction of as much as she’d hurt you. She took the abuse without complaint. You couldn’t see her face, but her breathing was steady, unfaltering, and she only ever seemed to pause to check the compass hanging from her waist or brush stray greenery out of her path.
That might’ve been the worst thing about Eula, when you found it in yourself to look beyond the violence and obsession. You could kick and scratch and scream all you wanted, bite and tear and call her names until your own desperate fear had been forgotten in the face of rage and vile hatred, but she was strong enough to take it, to hold you against her chest and bury her face in the crook of your neck until you were too exhausted to fight, until your throat had grown too hoase to scream. She was always hard to read, but her emotions (or, the collection of delusions that she liked to call emotions) were the most shielded in those small hours you spent alone with her; when she saw fit not to take what she wanted from you, but to wait until you’d worn yourself down far enough to let her have it willingly. It was the most excruciating to be at her mercy when—
Your limp body was hauled off of her shoulder and thrown carelessly to the ground – the earth colliding with your back and knocking the air from your lungs. No, you’d been wrong, this was the worst thing about Eula; the feeling of her gaze piercing into your flesh as she loomed above you, lips pressed into a thin line and dull eyes glinting silver in the moonlight. She reminded you of a wolf, silver-furred and nocturnal, an unrelenting force of nature from the minute she caught her quarry’s scent to the moment she had them in her maw, bloody and broken and ready to bend to her will. An unstoppable fury of teeth and canines and all the many things she had stripped you of, during your time together.
A click of her tongue, the setting of her jaw. She stepped towards you, where you remained on the ground, lingering long enough to haul you upward before gripping your shoulder and coming to kneel behind your back. “Hands.”
You hesitated, going stiff at the cold harshness of her tone. Her grip tightened, calloused fingertips burrowing into vulnerable flesh, and you relented quickly, bringing your hands to the small of your back and balling them into fists, your own blunt nails pressing defined indents into the meat of your palms. She wasn’t a wolf. That had been an idiotic thing to tell yourself. Wolves were messy, and barbaric, and they relied on their packs; admitted their weakness each time they shared their quarry with another dozen starving beasts. She was a hawk, or an eagle – a bird of prey who needed no more strength than what she possessed. She did not trek through the dirt and brambles, did not stoop so low as to have to put herself on the same plane as those she hunted. She soared above it all, barely a shadow in your peripheral until she saw fit to make herself known and fell just low enough to spear you with her claws. She was clean, and swift, and lethal. A huntress who did not waste time wondering if her prey knew to fear her.
You felt something cold and smooth wrap around your wrists – shackles, connected by a chain no longer than your forearm. For the first time, you thought to glance around the area she’d dropped you in. A canvas tent bearing a tattered crest sat to your side, covered in leaf litter and clearly not often used, an unlit lantern hanging above it on a thinning cord. An abandoned Fatui encampment, cleared out by some vicious adventurer and left behind by those who might've once inhabited it. Eula, in one of her rare fits of transparency, had once mentioned that there were dozens of them, dotted across the untamed wilderness, uncharted and unnoticed. She may’ve been the only person who knew how to find them, who cared enough to chart the forgotten sites, if only in her own mind.
The idea that there wasn't a soul in Mondstadt who knew where you were or how to find you was, somehow, even less comforting than you would’ve assumed.
When she finished, she pushed herself back to her feet, taking long seconds to skirt her fingertips along your shoulder, then the side of your neck as she placed herself in front of you. “Are you hurt?” As always, her voice was stern, stoic, and as always, you responded to her probing with bitter silence, pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes at the ground. She let out an airy sigh, but any other signs of irritation were muted, hidden beyond the shallow reach of your perception. “If you still have the strength to hold your tongue, you must not be too terribly injured. I’ll take this as evidence that you’re being woefully disagreeable and regard you as an uncooperative party from this point forward.”
You hated it when she talked to you like this; as if you were a criminal, as if you were some evildoer she could lock away without guilt. You grit your teeth, shrinking into yourself, but if Eula noticed your growing resentment, she didn’t deem it worth her acknowledgment. Few things you did seemed to be worth her attention, despite how close she saw fit to hold you.
“You know that it isn’t safe to leave the city on your own,” she went on, ignoring your resistance. “Let alone wander into the forest in the middle of the night. If you had something you needed to attend to, you could’ve just—” She paused, exhaling deeply. You could see her posture slacken, fatigue forming hairline cracks along the surface of her composure, but it was a temporary fracture, hidden just as quickly as it’d materialized. “You know the rules I’ve given you are there for your own protection. I don’t see why you continue to break them.”
“I never asked for your protection.” You were mumbling, speaking under your breath, but you knew she’d heard you. From the abrupt quirk to her practiced scowl to the way her fingers twitched at her side, fighting the urge to grope for her claymore, you knew she’d heard you. “The only thing I’ve ever asked you to do is leave me alone, and you have never once listened to me. Why shouldn’t I pay you back in kind?”
“Because I’m trying to prevent someone very dear to me from getting hurt, while you are being unnecessarily difficult and throwing yourself into danger just to spite someone who cares about you.” Her tone took on a tender lull, softened and saccharine, accompanied by a light touch to the corner of your jaw. You jerked away from her hand, but that did little to deter her. “You know that, don’t you? That I’m just trying to make sure nothing happens to you?”
You opened your mouth, already baring your teeth.
But, just as quickly, you snapped it shut and twisted away from her, bringing your knees up to your chest and firmly shutting your eyes. A childish tactic, but a necessary one. Complete avoidance was the only strategy she understood, the only thing that managed to block out her mantras of love and protection. She usually went on for a while longer, tried to provoke you with a cloying pet names and rhetorical questions, but in a few minutes, her frustration would take control and she’d leave to collect herself or return your silence in turn. Usually, she’d let you have your reprieve. Usually.
But, tonight had proved to be distinctly unusual, and you should’ve known better than to try such old tricks.
When you failed to respond, Eula pulled away from you, regaining her towering stature. The skin of the huntress traded out for the armored façade of a knight, the latter worn just as naturally as the former. “Do you really want to make this difficult?”
Again, you held your tongue. There was another sharp sigh, another shift in her stance, and then, she raised her hand.
Your mind didn’t have time to fully gasp what she was doing. She was holding nothing, and then, there was something – a hulking mass of iron and steel, the spaded tip of a blade plunging down, down, down,  towards your suddenly very exposed and very fragile form. You stiffened, curling into yourself, but the piercing blow never came. Rather, you felt something cool and flat against your back, heard a hollow thud, and reluctantly, opened your eyes to see that her claymore was no longer plunging towards you, but puncturing the ground less than hair's width from your back, buried in the earth with the chain of your shackles pinned beneath it. You jerked at your cuffs, pulling frantically at your restraints, but her claymore held true. All your strength – your diminish, exhausted strength – wasn’t enough to make the hulking weapon so much as tremble.
“I’ll come back in the morning. We’ll see if you’re feeling more mature, by then.” Cold as ice, as cutting as a sharpened knife. You lashed out blindly, kicking at the ground and clawing at the metal wrapped around your wrists, but she stood strong, unmoved by your panic. “My company’s based a few miles north. If you do manage to slip out, carefully consider in which direction you’ll choose run.”
“You can’t—” Your voice cut out, dying into a wordless, frantic sound of desperation. “Eula, there are monsters, and wolves, and— I promise, I’ll be good.” Because that was what she cared about. Not your safety, not your security, just your cooperation. Just how violently you fought back against her. “I won’t talk back, and I’ll let you touch me, and I’ll be so, so good. Just, please, don’t leave me here.”
For the first time since your recapture, her frown gave way to a small, softened smile. With slow, deliberate movements, her hand came up to cup your cheek, the pad of her stroking over your tender skin. “Oh, but you were so sure you’d be just fine without me only an hour ago.” She leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead before rising back to her full height. “Be safe.”
She turned away, but spared you one more glance over her shoulder, the moonlight casting her eyes in cold, unfeeling silver.
“And have a good night, beloved.”
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
(Same 4D chess anon)
I noticed the Al thing due to a video explaining it. But for some reason it didn't fully register in my mind and kept using Al, until I got tired of typing it and just went for Hai 😂
And about Ayato, the reason why you see Inazuman characters with their surname first then their name, is because in Japan they value more the household name as a family rather than by individual (for example, when Kazuha always refer to his family as the Kaedehara Clan) due to pride and honor. That's why Mondstadt characters such as Diluc and Eula, whom are of noble origins but doesn't use their last name as a form of status (Or at least Diluc doesn't. Although Eula mentions it more like the customs of Lawrence family and not as a given) Actually, when you hear the presentation line of Diluc, he says he is from Mondstadt rather than being a *insert his last name bc can't type it*.
Makes sense If you have into account Mondstadt history with nobility!
Oh don't worry I know about how japanese last names work haha :DD was quite the "weeb" before. It's just that I'm not confident on how tumblr works and if people search "yandere kamisato ayato" or go straight to "yandere ayato" lololol. unlike non-inazuma characters, it's really cute how long their names are on screen. Kazuha is my first 5 star so I remember tons of people making memes about his name tag lololol
Euiaiaejwi, we don't know how to really adress alhaitham in my friend group either. He got a couple of nicknames
Ham (a personal fave)
Wife (this one's strange to explain so no i will not explain it. and whatever you imagined, that's probably the right answer lmao–)
And oooh, I never noticed that about Diluc! Admittedly, I probably missed that detail cause I was a major Kaeya simp when I first played this game lol– I wish we could really learn more about Mondstadters and their clans. I'm still on copium that Varka is on the Imunlaukr Clan lol (built the premise of an old fic on that so pls be an Imunlaukr)
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Would you please write Eula a "Regretful Morning" scenerio? The boys' were all so fun to read, but my gay ass needs Eula
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Warning for mild not SFW themes, Fem Reader, mentions of alcohol, and underlying yandere themes.
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You’ve seen your mistress enjoying the peaceful respite of slumber many times throughout your life.
That isn’t what makes this morning starkly different from the ones before it. You're familiar with her habits, how she sleeps with her hands nestled by her face, the way her light blue hair disobeys gravity itself and sticks straight up. No, seeing the usually haughty lady in such a vulnerable position is a privilege associated with your job. You’d enter her room, draw the curtains, set her tray of tea and breakfast scones to the side, and rouse her from her rest.
You’re not supposed to be in the bed with her.
Millions of consequences flicker through your mind in a jumbled sequence. The loss of your reputation, your job; everything you had spent a lifetime to painstakingly establish. What would your family think if they found out? Or, far worse, what would Master Eula think? Could she ever look at you the same after last night’s mistakes? It was already mortifying enough that she had spotted you in the bar, weaning a dress with a cut far from professional, giggling and flirting with whoever bought you a drink.
The Reconnaissance Captain was supposed to be away for another night, or you never would’ve risked such an insolent display in a bar your lady frequents.
She practically dragged you home by the ear, buying some passerby’s jacket for an exuberant price to cover your exposed shoulders. Your wrist is still sore by how harshly she gripped you. She refused to look you in the eye, lecture after lecture pouring from her roseate lips, until in your drunken stupor, you pulled her closer and—
Archons. You might as well file for unemployment now.
You do what you can to sneak out from under the sheets without alerting her. However, it’s a lost cause; her senses are sharp from years of training.
Her fingers pull you back into the velvety plushness of the bed. You fall with an embarrassing squeak, devoid of the grace your lady practically exudes at every waking second. This is further exacerbated when you feel her soft chest press against your back, the fabric of her silk nightgown brushing against your feverishly hot skin. You can’t recall a time when you let out such a litany of embarrassing noises.
“Don’t leave,” Eula huffs into your neck, as if this wasn’t the most scandalous position either of you could be in, “I won’t ever forgive you if you do.”
Master Eula might have a penchant for exaggeration when it comes to ominous statements, yet something deep down tells you she means this sincerely.
“B-But, this is— this is highly indecent of us, and—”
She shushes you, a finger coming up to your trembling lips.
“You owe it to me. I’m already upset with you for parading your body around all those lecherous eyes… that should be reserved for me and no one else. Otherwise…”
Her finger travels downward. Over your chin, your jaw, then upon the prominent pulse on your neck. It thrums wildly beneath her touch. You remain perfectly still, hanging on her every word as if she was performing on stage and you were her captive audience.
“I’ll enact vengeance on you. Don’t expect me to show any mercy, either.”
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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Tyevat is opening again ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
꧁𝕂 ℕ 𝕀 𝔾 ℍ 𝕋 𝕊 𝕆 𝔽 𝔽 𝔸 𝕍 𝕆 ℕ 𝕀 𝕌 𝕊꧂
Honorable Knights from the City of Mondstat. We have Jean, Amber, Kayea and Elua, although Kayea will not be join the girls in their awaking. In his steed, Lisa shall join them.
꧁𝕁 𝔼 𝔸 ℕ꧂
Jean always felt like something was wrong, she asked Lisa about the feeling yet nothing came up. She was so confused, she even went through books in the restricted area just to find out what it was.
She was so confused, what was it that was bothering her? Something felt so odd. She started to write it down incase others felt the same thing.
Then it happened, the feeling of not being in control. She freaked out and went to the statue of the God Barbatos built himself. Sitting in front of it as she whispered to herself- "what's happening to me? Am I sick? Is this barbatos's doing?"
And then she felt herself fade away as a warmth took over, a gentle hug coming from the wind. Her eyes rolled back as she smiled, this was the God Lord Barbatos spoke of. She was also worthy of them.
꧁𝔸 𝕄 𝔹 𝔼 ℝ꧂
Amber was doing her daily business as she hummed happily. Amber had always used the time between each mission to think back on things that bothered her.
This time, it was the traveler and the weird feeling. The feeling of someone being there, watching. This feeling started with the Traveler. For some reason their eyes felt hollow and shared a calling begging for someone to come closer.
She suddenly felt a chill go down her spine, it felt like someone was watching her! She spun around and all she saw was a void, and then a hug. 'Is this... Home? I feel... Safe, protected.. ' Amber thought, sighing as she felt a rush of heat and her hunters bow get replaced with the Rust. 'This is... So scary yet I feel so safe.. ' is the last thing she thought before she started to move without her willing it.
꧁𝕃 𝕀 𝕊 𝔸꧂
She was in a purely relaxed state, leaned back in a chair, drinking tea and reading a book. Recently amber has been telling her about the random feeling she's been getting a lot.
Lisa has been looking into it but never has a book recorded that this has happened, she's worried amber might be getting stalked. But who would even try to stalk an outsider? She's pretty fast and easily can shake someone off her trail. Who would even try? It's odd.
She felt something, she turned thinking amber came back to complain about it again but she wasn't there. 'Huh? Am I just imagin-' she froze this is EXACTLY what amber described. She was definitely the next target. Then it happened, the feeling of warm arms wrapping around her a whisper in her ear 'welcome home' echoed around her skull. As she blacked out.
꧁𝔼 𝕌 𝕃 𝔸꧂
This girl was very used to being watched by people. She didn't even bat an eye at the watching feeling, so she looked for them. She looked up to the highest points and to the lowest points. It's confusing her, she can't find them at all.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned quickly to meet with air. "Who ever is doing this.. I will have vengeance!" She announced loudly, hoping to scare them and lure them out.
She started to get uneasy at the fact no one came out. Then she felt a piercing pain through her body, causing her to collapse. The pain slowly blossomed into a warm heat, nestling into her arms. Then into her chest and then her legs.
She started to black out, but just before she could she heard a yell of joy. "Welcome Home Eula!" She smiled as her eyes rolled back. She was needed by this person.
ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅTeyvat is closing awayฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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lostalienchild · 2 years
Shity Eula drabble tw: Yandere!Eula gn traveler.
Damned if she do damned if she don't. It didn't matter. In the eyes of Mond a bad person can do no good. It was in her blood and therefore her destiny. No matter how many times she proved to the citizens that she valued Mondstat and their freedom, they always assumed she was plotting in the shadows. So what's the harm in proving them right?
She huffed at the notion and the 2 soldiers that stood in front of her stiffened thinking it was at them.
"B-but ma'am this must be a mistake. This is the honorary knight we're talking about! They would never plot with the fatui."
"Enough! I saw with my own eyes. She was found plotting against The knights, how else would the fatui have such sensitive information? This is information only the knights would have."
The disgraced former honorary knight walked on, escorted by a knight on each side and hand cuffed. Framed. She had framed them. She turned back towards her astonished subordinates "You're dismissed."
The knights looked at each in confusion before saluting and walking off. "See? Thoes Lawrences are all the same! To think that she would drop as so low as to frame the honorary knight! They helped us with storm terror while Eula was no where to be found!"
Eula heard them, but it didn't matter. As long as the traveler was locked away from the people she could have her way with them. Maybe evil does flow through her veins after all.
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iicheeze · 1 year
Notice Me, Senpai!
Chapter 1 : The Beginning of the End
Yandere Genshin Impact X Gender Neutral Reader YANDERE SIM AU
Notice Me, Senpai Series Masterlist
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A Harsh Breeze (Mondstadt Ver. ) — Act 1
The Golden Twins were always an infamous name. They were infamous for being ‘ kind ’ and ‘ helpful ’. They have solved many problems like a breeze. And many people thanked them for that. Of course, at first, they felt good after hearing a simple thank you. After all, they're willing to help for a reason.
But as more and more ‘ helpful ’ they became, they can't help but loathe the word ‘ Thank you ’ now. Many people basically forced them to help them with their problems. Saying all kinds of stuff to make them help.
“ But you helped Amber! Do you have favoritism?! ” “ But it's an easy one for you! Do you seriously think you're that great to not help anyone anymore?! ” “ Please! I beg of you! If my problem ends up getting bigger, I'll put the blame on you!! ”
Now they just help people solely because they were forced to. The warm feeling they always get after helping them ends up cold and harsh. It's warm, bright aura they have now turned into a rejecting, insufferable one.
They can't help but feel hate. They despise people. All they do is exploit others for their own needs. Their big, accepting heart turned into a hard, small stone. They can't help but feel empty on the inside. No matter what they do. They just feel as if someone has taken what they used to feel.
That was until they met you.
They were just talking to each other, too caught up in their conversation. Until they turned to a corner and Lumine's head bumped into yours, falling back, causing Aether to fall back as well.
They both fell, their bottoms meeting the hard floor. They weren't expecting anything other than the stranger they bumped to to walk away or insult them.
Instead, two hands were offered. The two looked up and saw a bright, warm smile. It's as if looking at a sunflower, loving and beautiful. Turns out, you were caught up in your book as well, yet you put it aside to help both of them up.
“ Are you okay? I'm sorry for not paying attention! ”
Your words were simple, but kind. Your tone shows that you're worried about them and genuinely feels.. sorry.
All of the time, they'd get fake apologies. Knowing fully well that they're not gonna change their behavior when they said to do so.
Yet you didn't. You felt genuine. All of you felt genuine.
When the two took your hands, they felt so full. It's as if they had a beating heart once again. Is this what it feels like? To feel? They've forgotten how it felt as it has been so long. Too long.
They felt warm on the inside, it's as if they had just ate a home-cooked meal by a loving mother. They felt so full of life. It's as if they had an empty stomach for so long they didn't know what it feels like to have a full stomach once more.
The interaction with you had long ended, as you bowed with your book in your hands and left the two alone. Yet their attention was fixated on you, and you alone.
Is this what it feels like? To feel love? If it is, it felt so.. Innocent. So bright. So warm. It felt like they've been wrapped to a blanket filled with nothing but sweetness.
Yet their warm feelings left without saying goodbye. As they saw another woman talking to you.
“ Who is that.. Woman? ”
Lumine muttered, her tone filled with toxic venom.
Why are you talking to that woman? Why is she badmouthing you? Why are you just laughing? Why are you even with her? Is she your friend? What kind of a friend badmouths you? Why? Why? Why?
She doesn't deserve to be with you. Let alone being your friend. She doesn't deserve to stand beside you. She doesn't deserve to even think about you.
“ I'm sorry, Eula. I bumped into two people earlier! I really didn't mean to be late! ”
.. Eula?
Eula Lawrence?
“ Tch, whatever. Just don't be late next time! ”
“ Awh, alright, alright. Just don't yell at me that loud.. ”
Why is she conversing with you like that? Does she really think she has the audacity to order you around?
They can treat you way better. No, they will treat you better. Better than her.
Lumine and Aether knew themselves that taking someones life will burden you for the rest of their lives.
So why do they have the urge to get rid of that vile woman?
They've been kind and patient for so long, it's okay if they're being a little selfish.. Right, Senpai?
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Bound Together (Liyue Ver. ) — Act 1
Zhongli had always been a dream man. He was kind, considering, yet also calm, and content. Many has tried to capture his heart, but they always end with the same answer.
“ I'm sorry, but.. I don't feel the same way. ”
It went to the point where he became an ‘Untouchable Dream Man’ , where his behavior is captivating, but his heart is as hard as a stone. An unbreakable, cold stone.
He was in love once. It was when he was in Junior High, he was in love with a woman named Guizhong. She was kind, sweet. But of course, a beautiful flower has to die in the end.
Guizhong had long met her end as a terminal sickness came over her. Leaving nothing but a dying memory. Zhongli himself, mourned for her. But of course, he had moved on. Accepting the fact that she was the only one who could break his stone heart. For she is no more, his heart will be locked for as long as it beats.
At this point.. Can he even call it a heart?
For long, he had moved on. But he can't shake off the feeling that he feels empty. Hollow. As if a part of himself had left without saying goodbye.
But even life finds a way, as a flower can be reborn when a seed from the very same flower had been planted.
He was just taking a stroll around his new high school, trying to find the library. Until an upperclassmen bumped his way into him without paying attention to their way. Spilling their canned soda on his uniform.
“ Oh- Oh my gosh. I'm so so sorry!! I wasn't paying attention. Here! I'll dry it up. Oh gosh, that'll stain, won't it? I'm so sorry.. ”
You kept chanting apologies as if your life depended on it. Seriously, it's just a stain. He can clean it. It's not that much of a problem, really. It's not like that's his only uniform.
Although, he can't help but feel something grow inside him. What is it? He can't tell. Delight? Relief? He doesn't know.
“ N- No, it's quite alright. I can clean it myself. It's not that big of a problem, anyways. ”
Did he just stutter? Was the impact you made that big on him?
“ Yes, but still. Here! Have my handkerchief. My class is going to start soon, and please dry yourself up! Again, I'm really sorry! See you! ”
Oh, so that's why you were in such a hurry. Your class was gonna start soon.
Yet, his heart kept beating so fast, he thought it might pop out of his chest! Did he just feel butterflies in his stomach? Was it something he ate earlier?
He never felt like this. Wait. No.
He has had these feelings before.
ls this what it feels like? To be in love?
It feels so.. nice. So heavenly. So delightful. He can't help but want to make the moment last forever. But he himself knew it's impossible.
It feels like it could last forever, until a... man. Came into the view.
A teal-haired.. boy? He was short. Yet he was so friendly with you. Well, he looked friendly with you.
He was basically screaming at you for being late for class. Surely, you can't be that late. It's not even class time yet for him.
“ Well.. Technically speaking, you're not even at the same year at me, Xiao. So you don't have the right to tell me that I'm late! ”
Isn't that one of his.. friends?
“ Well- still! You're still late!.. ” Hearing that made you chuckle a bit. Oh, how beautiful you sound.
Yet the conversation with you and him made him feel bitter. He can't help but tighten his grip around your handkerchief. As a vein appeared at the side of his forehead.
You can't leave. You can't leave him. Not like this. Not when he can finally feel love once more. Not with another person. You can't go.
He will have you. His stone heart has broken once more, so why are you leaving him? He will not have you leave him. Not again. Not now. Not ever. He doesn't care if he has blood on his hands. He will have you, one way or the other.
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Unforgiving Beauty (Inazuma Ver. ) — Act 1
Everyone knows of the Kamisato Clan. As they have made incredible progress in the small town they're in. They were the top of the food chain. As no peers can ever look down on them.
Of course, being in such a clan could result in a harsh, cold outcome.
The youngest daughter of the Kamisato Clan, Kamisato Ayaka, was always kind, gentle, yet elegant and enchanting. Of course, they see her as nothing but that.
The Youngest Daughter of the Kamisato Clan.
The Gentle Sakura of the Kamisato Clan.
The Kind, Loving Kamisato Ayaka from the Kamisato Clan.
No one ever had the courage to actually befriend her other than seeing her as a business partner or just a simple acquaintance. Leaving her alone with her back being burdened with so many things.
All she ever wanted to do was help her older brother, Kamisato Ayato. Yet, she can't help but feel tired. Tired of her life. She has done nothing but work, work, work. Education was never any better. She had always been homeschooled.
That was until her older brother decided to build a High School from the ground up. All designed to please him and his little sister.
Yet even when he did such a thing for Ayaka, which she is very grateful for, she still felt empty. People will still see her in the same light, what's the point of going to a school? Nothing will change.
Until you appeared in her life.
You were so bright, so warm, so considering.
You were the bright, encouraging fire in her cold, snowy world.
She was simply just dancing at the empty rooftop, trying to kill time during break time in-between classes.
Yet, you were there.
And you were captivated by her beautiful, glamorous dance. You couldn't help but clap for her!
“ That was amazing! ”
You haven't had the slightest idea of who the girl might be. But you did nothing about it, as you don't have any care but to embrace the moment.
Whilst Ayaka was trying to process the moment, her face can't help but heat up. Who are you? Did you see her dance? Do you not know who she is?
For the first time in her life, someone doesn't know who she is. And she couldn't even be happier.
They didn't see her as something to use for their own benefits, they didn't see her as someone to respect, they didn't see her as someone you have to be polite around.
You just saw her as equal.
And that is what charmed her.
That interaction had ended. It was supposed to be a small one, anyways. As you left by the sudden bell, indicating that the next class had started. Leaving the girl alone at the rooftop.
But she couldn’t help but think about you. Her mind is basically infested with you. What could she do to impress you once again? What could she do to meet you again? What could she do to finally be of someone’s main attention?
She needs you. She has to have you. You were the only one who could understand her. Who could accompany her. Who could finally set your attention to her. Just her.
So just look at her again, won’t you? Just her. Don’t look at anyone else. You won’t need anyone else with her around.
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Bittersweet Aftertaste (Sumeru Ver. ) — Act 1
Everyone knew of the renowned Al-Haitham. He was attractive, intelligent, yet closed off and forward.
He was always known to be the popular boy who has a quite annoying personality, as not a lot of people liked to interact with him, let alone deal with him.
Oh well, it's not like he cares.
He's always liked it alone. People only talk to him when they want something. And he knows of that.
He was just going to the library to borrow some more books, as usual. However, he heard that some new books have been shipped from another country to Teyvat High. Obviously, any normal person who has an interest in books would love to read that for the first time.
As the door slid open, revealing the very same small, yet comforting library. Perfect, just the way he likes it.
He was just about to reach the book, before another hand came into the view and reached for the same book, making both hands touch.
Surprised, he looked to where the hand is coming from. Revealing a person looking at him with the same confused expression.
“ Oh- Sorry! You can have that book. I can just wait for another time. It's not that important to me, anyways! ”
Your voice was angelic, ethereal, he might say. This interaction was so simple, yet cliche. He couldn't help but cringe a little.
Yet those feelings was eradicated with an overpowered feeling of... What is this called?
He felt so full. His hands were shivering quite a bit, he felt heat at his ears, yet he also feels so light, he swore could he fly!
He felt so alive.
But.. This is Illogical! A simple hand touch couldn't have caused all of this.
Maybe it's something he ate?
He watched you leave the library, your uniform swaying by the tiny wind. A smile plastered on your face.
Al-Haitham couldn't help but admire you. Your features. Your hairstyle, the way you style your uniform, how you walk, everything.
Yet those lovely feelings was soon to be gone as he saw another man approaching, stomping their way to you.
“ Where were you?! I was waiting at your classroom, looking like an idiot! ” The short male shouted, while you just sweat dropped.
Who is he?
Why is he so rude to you? Why is he so mean to you? Why is he so cruel to you? And why are you just laughing it off? Why are you smiling at him so lovingly? Why are you even hanging out with him? Why? Why? Why?!
He doesn’t understand. He hates feeling like this, but he can’t help but want more. He’s never felt anything like it. Why does he want you so bad? Why does he want to get rid of anyone that dares to stand next to you? He doesn’t understand.
Yet he knows one thing. He need to get rid of those who dare to stand next to you, let alone talk to you!? He has to. He has to. Only HE is allowed to stand next to you! Only HE is allowed to talk to you! Only HE is allowed to see that beautiful smile of yours. Only HE is allowed to hear your laughs. Him, him, him! Not anyone else! He won’t allow it.
He's always felt that something inside him is missing. Perhaps.. You are his only fulfillment. The only thing that makes him feel like this.
So please, look at him for some more, would you?
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A/N: THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭 If there's some mistakes, please tell me!!
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