#yandere hws england
elsliterarylibrary · 4 months
Scotland x reader x England Idk maybe the reader was expecting to come over for tea only to for the brothers to fight over the reader?
Okay. I feel ya. I might break this down into multiple parts with different endings. I dunno. Let's see if ya like this one shot first.
I'm sorry for the LONG wait. I was just recently put back on an anti-psychotic because I was showing signs of ✨paranoid schizophrenia✨and I'm also struggling to find a job so I can start college. I was barely conscious of my existence for a while there. I'm stressed, depressed, and losing my damn mind.
So let's try to numb the pain with yandere country personifications! Lmfao
(Y/N)'s POV
I drove over to Arthur's house. Arthur invited me over for a cuppa and considering Alfred decided to drop by my house with Matthias and Gilbert, I much rather be at Arthur's. Those three are so annoying.
When I got there, Alistair was there too. He was wearing a loose, white dress shirt that had the top two buttons unfastened and dark blue dress pants. His fiery red hair was messy as usual and he had a lit cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth, smoke slightly obscuring his face. He seemed a little agitated, but he always seemed that way so I brushed it off. (That man needs to take some anger management classes, I swear.)
"Hey, where's Arthur?" I asked, looking around Arthur's big ass house.
"In the sitting room." Alistair huffed, glaring in the direction of the room containing his little brother.
"Alright, thank you." With that, I make my way towards the sitting room, throwing a smile towards the older Kirkland man. Once I walked in the sitting room, I spotted a head of blond hair. He was sat on an arm chair, muttering angrily as he fussed with a tea kettle. I smirked and snuck up behind Arthur. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. Arthur yelped in shock and whirled around with his fists raised.
"Alistair, I swear-" He began, before realizing that it was only me. He put his fists down, smoothed out his vest, and the smiled at me. His emerald green eyes shone and he moved to envelop me in a hug.
"(Y/n)! I'm so glad you made it!" He pulled away from the hug, his hands remaining on my waist as he looked deeply into my eyes. This felt way too intimate for friends. This is uncomfortable. Can he let me go now?
"Um..." I began. "I'm kinda thirsty. Is the tea ready?"
That seemed to snap him out of whatever reverie he was in the middle of. He let me go and led me over to the couch.
"Ah, yes. Tea is ready. I hope chamomile is good enough."
I giggled. "Yeah, chamomile is good. Did you make any snacks?"
He smiled at me, but soon his expression went sour as he looked at something by the doorway.
"If he did, our house would have burned down." A gruff voice sounded from behind me.
I looked over to see Alistair standing against the doorway, his arms crossed and a lit cigarette between his fingers. Arthur huffed.
"My cooking is not that bad." Arthur argued, face turning red from embarrassment and anger.
"I'd beg to differ. You'd kill the poor lass with your cooking." Alistair retorted.
"Okay, please calm down. I came over here to escape Alfred and his friends' annoying antics, not to hear you two bicker." I take a deep breath. "Let's just enjoy some tea."
Arthur sent one last glare at Alistair before fixing me a cup of tea, handing it over to me with a quiet "here, love". I grab the tea cup, taking a sip while I leaned back and crossed my legs. I hummed in satisfaction as the flavor of the tea spread across my tongue. I brought the cup away from my lips, watching as Alistair made his way to the couch opposite Arthur and me. His forest green eyes were trained on me, eyeing me up and down. His staring made me feel subconscious of my choice of clothing. I was wearing a mint green sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. It felt like he was undressing me with his eyes.
"So, Arthur. What books have you read recently?" I asked, turning to Arthur. Maybe starting a conversation will get Alistair to stop staring at me. Or to help ignore his eyes burning into my body.
"Oh, I just finished reading All the Light We Cannot See. It was pretty good. I suggest you give it a try."
"Ooh, what's it about? Maybe I'll add it to my To Be Read list."
"Well, its about-" He was cut off by a groan from the oldest Kirkland brother. Our gazes fell towards Alistair.
"God, why are you both so boring? Can't you talk about something more exciting than books?"
"Well, I-" I began. "I'm sorry that you find the things I like boring."
The Scottish man's eyes flicked to me as they widened, as if he didn't mean to offend me.
"Now, look what you've done! You hurt her feelings!" Arthur growled. "Just because you aren't intelligent enough to enjoy a book doesn't mean you can just insult those of us who do enjoy them."
Alistair huffed. "At least I have more manly hobbies. What type of man does embroidery?"
"Excuse me?" Arthur yelled. "What the hell does that mean?"
"Hey, wait a minute-" I whispered, panicking because I realized that a fight was almost inevitable at this point. I was cut off by Alistair.
"It means that you're not a man. At least not one worthy of having (Y/n)."
"Wait, what-"
"How dare you! I am perfectly worthy of her! As if she would ever want to be with a brute like you!" Arthur shouted, standing up. His cup of tea fell to the ground, spilling it onto his khaki dress pants.
"Hey, guys. Please-"
"Oh, please. All women want to be with men like me." Alistair scoffed, slowly raising himself up from the couch. "She probably gets wet every time she sees me."
"That's not-" I stood up, trying my best to protest against these claims.
"Are you serious? Quit sexualizing her! I highly doubt that she is that much of a tasteless degenerate."
"Quit sexualizing her? I hear you nearly every night rubbing one out while moaning her name. You sexualize her so much more than I do."
Excuse me? What? That escalated quickly.
"I- But I- Well-" Arthur stammered, cheeks blazing red from embarrassment. "Well I never!"
"Please just stop!" I yelled. "I came over here to relax, not listen to you argue! Clearly, that isn't going to happen, so I'm just going to go home!"
I began to make my way towards the doorway, Arthur and Alistair protesting all the way. I was just beyond the doorway of the sitting room when I felt a strong grip on my hand yank me back into the sitting room.
"(Y/n), wait! Please don't go!" Arthur pleaded, his eyes wide and frantic.
"Man, I just wanted to have some tea and relax, not listen to you two talk about what you think is going on with my vagina at any given time or how you masturbate to the thought of me."
"I know! I know and I'm sorry." Arthur's grip on my wrist tightens as tears began to form in his eyes. "Please don't go! We'll behave! I promise!"
"I don't know-" I began, looking into Arthur's eyes. "I don't know how to feel about everything I just learned about how you two view me."
The grip on my wrist tightens and Arthur tenses up.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered. "Please don't hate me."
"I-" I take a deep breath and pry my hand away from him. "I'm sorry. I gotta go."
With that I ran away, not looking back. Hopefully, these two will get themselves together and quit acting like horny teenaged boys.
So this was less Yandere than I wanted. But I feel bad for nearly 2 years of nothing, so I'm going to post this. Maybe in the future I will redo this one.
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
May I ask for some headcanons for your thoughts on what would happen if Germany, England, and Prussia were all romantic yanderes for the same human darling? I imagine Germany and Prussia would probably team up or something. Thank you! (Also, love your work!)
you're absolutely right, germany and prussia would share their darling if they shared the same obsession, no matter what the scenario was.
when it pertains to countries capable of sharing their beloved darling with others, i think the more powerful nations are least likely to come to an agreement - can you imagine arthur sharing during the british empire? mongolia during the yuan dynasty? grandpa rome during hadrians reign? hell nah.
whilst in hp, the yandere's might share their darling out of care for the darling, these are nations we're talking about here. they most likely have a darling who is also a nation, no one is in their right mind here.
current day england wouldn't be too keen on sharing either, but he hasn't exactly had his fall from grace like mongolia, or rome. he's still alive and kicking it and a global power, albeit not as much as he once was.
would he share with the likes of latvia, argentina, iceland, mongolia or hong kong? no, why would he. unless his darling is a superpower that wants to pursue a relationship with a weaker country, what are they going to do (sabotage, arthur).
but germany is a different story, brexit doesn't change the fact that germany is a major world power these days. gilbert would get laughed at if ludwig didn't agree to share with him. but honestly, gilbert is a bit of a second class citizen in this sitatution, assuming it's post ww2. yeah he can sleep in the same bed as his darling but does he get to make any decisions about the relationship? not unless he irritates ludwig into negotiating with england.
so bottom line, they could come to a 'peaceful' agreement, after years of back and forth, attempting to sway the other away from the darling. but once the deal is set and done? it's much easier if the darling is a human or minor country, easier to keep them at either arthur or ludwig's house at all times.
romantically, they are both awkward as fuck - okay arthur has a bit more slick and experience, but overall, darling couldn't have ended up with a worse pair (they could've: rusger), prussia isn't much better. sure, he might act like a bigshot, but mans been a dedicated catholic his whole life who's closest romantic experience was when he tagged along to one of austria and hungary's date nights, circa 1900. he only knows how to handle one kind of sword, there's a reason germany turned out so strict.
honestly, there's probably little indication to the darling that the relationship is in fact romantic, when at arthurs they have to make him tea, at germany's they help sort out his paperwork, aside from morning kisses and sharing a bed, there's nothing particularly romantic about this relationship. gilbert spends most of his time with his darling playing video games, so when they are in their romantic, affectionate moods, the darling is in for quite the shock.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 months
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I sometimes casually cosplay while I write.
Two latest pieces coming soon. One is an ask the other has a working title of : Become my Doll a Yandere England x Reader piece that I’m trying to make as a oneshot.
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hetalia-angel · 6 months
Hey, I love your work! May I please request some headcanons with yandere! England, France, Italy, Russia, Romano, and Spain with a super cuddly s/o? (I'm sorry if this has already been requested.)
Yandere headcanons with a cuddly s/o
England is a strict worrying yandere. He’s one of the more intense yanderes to live with. But with a s/o that’ll willing cuddle with him constantly his darling’s leash will become a lot longer.
Arthur sees cuddling with his s/o as a bonding activity. The more cuddling and skin to skin contact the better. He views the cuddling as sign of her trust and reliance on him.
Arthur has a bad habit of infantilizing his s/o. He’s still bitter about losing his precious colonies. He’ll be tucking in his s/o and cuddling her close every night and cutting out time of his day to read with her on his lap.
France is a delusional yandere. He truly believes that his darling loves him but is still in denial. So when his darling starts cuddling up with Francis immediately believes that his suspicions have been confirmed. And that she’s totally okay with being kidnapped by him.
Francis is the most romantic yandere ever and he loves to spend long hours on the hill tops with his darling in his arms. This cuddling will no doubt gain his trust. So if you’re his darling expect to go on picnics a few times a week at least and spend all of it in his arms.
Russia sees his darling’s affection as her accepting her new place as his s/o. Ivan loves cuddling and physical touch more than anyone else. So he’ll be clinging to his darling 24/7. Ivan will be hugging her in the kitchen, bathroom, and everywhere else.
Sleeping next to the Ivan in the same bed is difficult to say the least. He’s a big guy that takes up a lot of space. But he’s insistent on cuddling his darling all night long. His darling might be cuddly but she’s got to feel smothered by the Russian giant.
Lovino is like a cat in terms of his personality. His darling will cling onto him for hours at a time and he’ll do nothing but complain and tell her that she’s being annoying. But the second she lets go Lovino will be glaring and freaking out as to why she stopped holding onto him.
Lovino will always tease his darling for clinging onto him. He secretly loves it and his darling knows too. Lovino will never admit to loving her embrace.
Feliciano will no doubt match the energy of a cuddly darling. He’ll be cuddling up with her at every chance he gets. Feli will be so ecstatic every time his s/o hugs him every time.
Feliciano like Ivan is a bedtime cuddler. He might as well get a smaller bed since he doesn’t need that much space. Feliciano just cramps next to his darling is a small space anyways.
Antonio is also like a cat but in the exact opposite way of Romano. He’s calm and sleepy constantly. He’ll relax with his darling in his arms. Iron grip
Antonio will always humor his darling’s attempts of cuddling and hugging him. While he’s cooking for the two of them he’ll often be snuggly wrapped around her waist keeping her as close as possible to him.
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hwsevents · 7 days
Brief explanation on how these potential events would go.
Prompts given are just examples and not definite.
Disneytalia Event:
-Based on Disney animation, so stuff like their Disney Princess movies, Treasure Planet, Atlantis, Zootopia, Aristocats, etc. I'd also like the main focus to be on actual Disney and not so much on their bought properties.
-Can be Disney AUs with the HWS characters or HWS characters interacting with Disney characters either, but the HWS character must be the focus!
Nyo England Event:
A week about Nyo England. Prompts may involve things like hobbies, AUs, pets, styles, jobs etc. Other characters can be involved, but Nyo England must be the focus.
Nyo America Event:
A week about Nyo England. Prompts may involve things like hobbies, AUs, pets, styles, jobs, etc. Other characters can be involved, but Nyo England must be the focus.
Nyo Girls Fashion Event:
Different styles from different time periods (including modern). Prompts could be things like punk, Y2K, lolita, steampunk, scene, gothic, mori kei, traditional dress, 1920s, 1800s, 1700s, medieval, etc.
HWS Yandere Event:
Prompts could be things like expressions, weapons, love confessions, secret admirer, obsession, collections, shrine, anonymous letters, gushing, two yanderes, etc. This may be a darker week, but let's try to be considerate with it, okay? I'll probably have to come up with several rules for this one. 😆
HWS Magical Girl Event:
Starring Nyotalia girls and og Hetalia girls!
The idea would be to draw them either
-in the outfits of specific magical girls (e.g. Mew Ichigo, Pretty Witch Doremi, Amulet Heart, Lunatic Charm)
-in outfits based on the costumes from specific magical girl shows (Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Shugo Chara, Ojamajo Doremi, Rozen Maiden, Winx Club)
-your own original designs inspired by the magical girl style in general.
@hetaliahappenings @hetaliacalendar @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia
Poll coming soon.
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midnightlee25 · 5 months
England with a submissive darling? So someone who doesn’t ‘fight back’ his just asks to be looked after and not to be given any real reason to want to ‘fight back’
Yandere Reactions: England with a willing darling
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It would be the same on both sides. 
If they don’t give him a reason to punish them then everything will be peachy. 
He will be hesitant at first believing this could just be some kind of trick but if his darling continues to show that they can be trustworthy then he will go back to being calm. 
If they want to be taken care of then he’s more than happy to do so. 
Whether that entails the “traditional” way or something similar. 
He truly didn't think it would go this smoothly yet is happy that they didn’t make it hard. 
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serenityinstone · 6 days
Affections of an Apparition
Yandere Ghost England x GN. Reader
TW: Yandere Behavior | Character Death | England tries to kill (Y/n) more than a few times but then he becomes a simp | Magical Kidnapping | Imprisonment | Magical Induced Forgetting | idk if I forgor something
Uhhhhh I wrote this in literally a day, I don't want to talk about it okay :(
(I came back and read over this later and realized that it's completely gender neutral so my dudes and non-binary pals, you're in luck! Unless I missed something and tbh that's completely possible)
Word Count: 5916
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Perhaps you should have thought a little harder and dug a little deeper inside of yourself when deciding to buy a haunted house… But it was just so cheap!
Sure the shutters creaked during the frequent storms like a man in unpeaceful rest and the wind howled past the house, desperate to invade, but the view was beautiful… When it wasn’t completely enshrouded by a heavy mist so thick that you could get lost and find yourself in another realm altogether. But inside!... wasn’t much better; with winding corridors that created an inescapable maze and sharp corners filled with shadows. Every eave and crevice hid strange noises and eyes; some days you could swear that you heard the whisperings of a man rush by your ear, stiffening your hair to stand on end. You never found any evidence of rodents or even spiders, only a thin layer of dust that blanketed the entirety of the house.
Though there had been an attempt to add electricity to the estate, power surges and complete blackouts rendered it useless. All wiring would alight until it was charred and unusable and bulbs burnt out within days. Things often overloaded and it was a gamble whether or not the outlet you were using would choose to spark. There was a backup generator but it was in worse condition than the wiring and often didn’t work.
That meant that on nights like tonight, where the storm had knocked out your power –again– you had to rely on candles lit around the large manor. You were half sure that you contributed to most of the candle market in the small town.
The ancient Victorian home had belonged to an old noble family whose only surviving member had been assassinated. It had floated through many hands over the years, including yours. The house overlooked the nearby town, of course, that depended upon if the fog would break. The town itself was small and quaint, only a few hundred people and a few large families. Gossip spread fast and you did your best to click with the ‘in’ group. When your wi-fi wasn’t feeling spotty, you often texted with a few local people. They were in their twenties like you and were positively bored of the small amount of people that their hometown had to offer.
It was from them that you learned that the townspeople wholeheartedly believed that the restless spirit of the old manor lord haunted his home with a vengeance. At first you took it as a small town’s superstitions, nothing more than a fantasy or a spiraled rumor. You had lived there for about nine months but it was starting to get ridiculous.
Can you punch a ghost? Because if you can, you were totally going to. All you wanted was toast and tea. You were drinking tea because the ghost absolutely abhorred coffee and would spill your coffee grounds all over the hardwood floor. It didn’t matter where you put it or how tightly you secured it. Every morning you would come downstairs and find the brown powder spilled all over the floor like a crackhead had rifled through your cabinets. You thought, at first, that it might be the brand of coffee. But no, alas, it was the coffee itself. So you were now a tea drinker. Thanks, ghost.
Anyway back to the current toast issue. You had jumped back a split second before the sparks from the outlet would have reached your skin. Eyes blown wide, you could feel your entire body shaking. A second longer and you could have been dealing with multiple-degree burns. Unconsciously, you rubbed your bare arms over where the injury would have been. Suddenly the lights went out, encasing you in total darkness, save for the low silver light filtering through the windows, bathing what it touched in a blue tone.
You and this stupid ghost were going to have to have a chat.
Stomping angrily down the long hallway, you did your best not to huff the dust you were kicking up. You passed by countless amounts of old Victorian furniture, all in the same place they had been since being placed there over a hundred years ago. It was entirely in vain to try to move the furniture as any time you or any other previous owners had tried, you would just find it straight back in its spot the next morning. Save for the times that pieces would be moved just slightly so you would run into them or stub your toe.
A large portrait caught your eye even through your mad march. It was a painting of the lord of the house. Your current tormentor: Lord Arthur Kirkland. His toxic emerald eyes burrowed into your soul, curling inside and freezing you from the inside out. His shaggy blond hair framed his face, carved into a permanent scowl. Above his eyes lay two thick eyebrows. Oh great, the bane of your existence had caterpillars for eyebrows. He was wearing the ruffles and coats of the period but the tightness of the clothing had you gasping for air just looking at it.
Wait… Nothing filled your lungs when you tried to inhale. Fear struck itself across your face and you thrashed violently, scratching at the air in a desperate attempt to remove the block to your airflow. Finally, like sweet nectar, air rushed into your body and you collapsed to your knees. Tears had formed in the corner of your eyes and a single droplet fell down your soft cheek. Your face erected a scowl of your own as a strand of hair fell down in front. Okay, ghost. Now this was personal.
If this assholic spirit wanted to make your life a living hell, then you’d make its death a living hell.
“Oh it is on.” The fight had begun.
Clearly, he had a very strong hate for any change being done to his home. The constant destruction of cables and any other foreign objects made this clear. So you thought about it. What would a Victorian ghost hate more than anything to have in its house? Most of the decoration was already intricate and ornate to a slightly tacky degree. Then it hit you.
Grabbing your car keys, though quickly stopping to get dressed, you raced out the door towards the only home improvement and building store in town. It was run by a local family, as most things in town were, and you happened to be friends with the oldest son. Dashing through the front door, the brunet looked up at the sound of a jingle. He smiled and stepped out from behind the counter.
“Hey (Y/n),” he said, waving as you bounded over. “What brings you here?”
“Revenge,” you answered simply, stretching the upper half of your body to look at the wallpapers set up past him.
“Against who?” he asked, clearly not sure if he wanted to know.
“The ghost,” you responded, bouncing over to the racks of paper. “He tried to kill me and so I’m going to ruin his precious house.”
“He what!?” Ben’s face dropped. He spun you around and grabbed you tightly by the shoulders. “(Y/n) you can’t stay there anymore. If he’s actually trying to kill you…”
“Sure I can,” you reassured him, prying his arms off and patting him on the shoulder. “I’ve got it all figured out.”
He sighed, exasperated. “(Y/n) you can’t win this fight with house decor. Also if he’s hurting you...”
You ignored him and continued your perusing. “I’m hearing a lot of can’t and not a lot of can and that’s just not a growth mindset my dear Ben.”
“(Y/n) you are dealing with an angry and vengeful ghost who has now expressed interest in murdering you.” You felt the texture of an especially pink wallpaper between your thumb and index finger. “(Y/n) don’t ignore me.”
You sighed, turning back to look at the man. “If you’re really that worried” –he rapidly nodded his head like a dog– “then I guess you could come with me to put the wallpaper up.”
After a few moments of contemplation, he spoke in a defeated tone, “I’m not going to talk you out of this, am I?”
You opened one of the double doors in a wide, exaggerated movement and it skidded into position with a thud. Humming, you trotted inside with Ben a few paces behind you carrying the roll of wallpaper and the bucket… and the brushes and everything else needed for this little makeover. The door slammed shut loudly after the two of you had reached the inside with no input from either of you. Though you were unbothered, Ben jumped and stood petrified like a deer for a moment. His eyes were wide but he reluctantly took another step, then another, then another and then quickly followed after you.
Hopping up the wide grand stairs, you watched as Ben struggled up the twin staircase with all of the materials. Once he reached the top, you were waiting for him and grabbed a singular paint brush daintily and then scampered into a large room.
Ben’s honey eyes went wide as he took in the grandeur of the room. The ceiling was inlaid with swirls of gold depicting handcrafted patterns that framed a large crystal chandelier. Heavy curtains hung above the imposing windows, filtering the little light that came through. Similar gold patterns continued on the wall, outlining the four walls bathed in a shade of dark, luxurious blue. That was a good word to describe the room: luxurious.
“Do you– Do you sleep in here?” Ben asked, astounded.
“Nah. I think it’s the ghost’s room and I’ve already had enough of him.”
“Then why are we doing it in here?!” You just gave him a smug look. “Right. Revenge.”
You snapped your fingers, having remembered something. “I forgot the glitter!” you exclaimed, leaping over towards the door. “I’ll be right back. Don’t have too much fun lovebirds!”
Snickering at your own teasing, you quickly hiked down the stairs and out towards your car. Left behind, Ben twiddled his thumbs, too nervous to sit down on anything for fear of offending the ghost. He chuckled nervously and swayed from one foot to the other. There was something in the room, he could feel it.
“So…” He paused, unsure of what to say. “That’s (Y/n) for you. Always running around with no sense of self-preservation.” He sighed, this wasn’t making him feel any better. “She’s like a little gremlin sometimes… an adorable little gremlin.”
You burst into the room, shouting at him, “Ben, I’m back!” He froze with fear for a second and you waved your hand in front of his face as he blue-screened. You spoke with a wispy and falsely ethereal voice, “Earth to Ben. We have revenge to do. And lunch. Definitely lunch.”
Once you got your things set up and prepared, you started to work right away. You made Ben take the high spots. He was like 6 '3, it would be a waste to have yourself do it. Standing back, you took a moment to admire your half-finished handiwork. It would be so ugly when finished. It was perfect.
“I don’t suppose I’m getting paid for this?” Ben asked, and you looked towards him.
You looked back at your masterpiece. “No.”
There it was. A full room covered entirely in four different wallpapers. On one wall, the first contender: leopard print. On the second: pink flamingos with googly eyes. On the third: something that could only be described as Picasso meets impressionism. And the fourth and final contender, the most ugly of all: banana leaf print that doesn’t match any of the other decorations in the room. Not to mention they’re all covered with glitter so no matter how much the ghost cleans, he’s never getting rid of the memory.
You snickered evilly in the background, rubbing your hands together like an old-timey villain. Suddenly, you snapped back to normal.
“You wanna get lunch?"
The two of you sat at a table outside, happily basking in the sunlight. Behind you was the dumbass manor you owned. It was surrounded by fog and looked cartoonishly evil. You were starting to understand why the townspeople disliked it so much. It interrupted the view.
“So–” You took a moment to ravenously take a bite and swallow it. “Why did your parents stock that hideous wallpaper anyway?”
“For people like you, (Y/n). People like you.”
Because you felt bad, only a little, you decided to pay for lunch. Ben still tried to insist upon paying but every time he got close to the check, you would swat his hand away. He drove you back up to your house and the two of you ended up sitting on a porch swing. It wasn’t original to the house but it was one of the only additions the ghost seemed to approve of.
“You know,” you started, swinging the bench. Ben lifted his legs up so it could move. “I think I figured out the ghost’s problem.”
“Really?” Ben questioned, humoring you. “What is it?”
“Well, he never got married, right?”
“Given the time period, that probably means he never… you know, too.”
“(Y/n), really?” Ben face-palmed.
You argued back with impassioned earnestness, “No, no, no, no. Hear me out on this. He’s like all mad and angry and stuff because he’s a bitch loser virgin boy.”
Something cracked in the background.
Ben tried his best to stifle his laughter and push down the smile threatening to stretch itself across his face. “I’m– pfft– pretty sure that the ghost– pfft– is not upset because he’s a–” He stopped for a moment to center himself. “–a ‘bitch loser virgin boy.’” He airquoted your words and you harrumphed, crossing your arms.
“Fine. What do you think then?”
He blinked at you, almost as if asking ‘are you serious?’ “He got murdered, (Y/n). My guess would probably be that.”
“Orrrr.” You dragged out your ‘r.’ “Maybe we’re both right.”
Ben sighed, agreeing with you if not to just end the conversation before the ghost decided to kill you both. You waved him off about a half hour later and headed back inside. Though you wanted to check in on your ‘artwork,’ you didn’t really want to run directly into the spirit again.
Walking through the manor, you found yourself in front of another portrait of the man. He looked as judgemental as ever, his lime green eyes piercing even as an inanimate photo. You don’t know why you talked to it, or even why you stopped. But you did.
“You know…” you started, hugging yourself tight. “For a bitch loser virgin boy” –A ghastly hand illuminated in a cold blue glow stretched out for your neck– “You’re actually pretty cute.”
The hand froze in place. You blew a strand of hair out of your face, readjusting to take another look at the portrait.
“And for how ridiculous that clothing is, you kind of pull it off.” The hand backed away, the light dimming. “I know I keep making fun of your house but I wouldn’t have bought it if I thought it was ugly.” It was barely visible at all now. “I mean, sunshine and a working heater beyond a centuries-old fireplace might be nice but otherwise it’s actually a very nice home.”
You blinked up at the portrait. Somehow, the expression the lord was wearing seemed softer now. There was less disdain and more of a quiet loathing on his face. Nothing could fix those caterpillar eyebrows though.
“The coffee thing was annoying but I guess I’m healthier now because of it. I was really tired that first week though. Anyway…” you trailed off. “Thanks, I guess.” You sighed at what you thought was only yourself. “What am I doing? I should… take a nap.”
Soft breathing filled the room; it was utterly quiet besides the faint sound. Your face contorted into uncomfortable expressions from the rapidly dropping temperature and you curled into the heavy blankets of the large bed. Only your head remained above the covers, the rest below like a figure bobbing in the waves on the open sea. The sun was slowly sinking below the horizon, a low orange light just barely slipping through the mist. The copper colored light spread across the wooden floor and stopped at the edge of glowing, blue feet, creating a soft purple.
They stepped out of the light and into the shadow, the illumination of the azure color growing brighter with each passing step. A face appeared from the foot of the bed, slowly coming into view. Unkempt hair cut in every direction floated lightly, encapsulating the face of Arthur Kirkland, last lord of the Kirkland manor. He watched with calculating yet curious eyes, looking for any sign of guilt or deceptiveness. He found none.
Though the man walked to your side, it would better be described as gliding. The tailcoat pieces of his jacket hovered to the same slow rhythm as the rest of the loose articles on his body. He brought a gloved hand to your face, lightly brushing his fingers across your cheek. Your face contorted from the biting cold and he quickly drew his hand back.
A low thought crossed his mind. If he hovered his lips above yours, could he suck the warmth and life out of you? To make you like him? Arthur stopped himself. Those were improper thoughts. No matter the time period, he shouldn’t think that way, especially of a lady he was not in courtship with.
Still… No!
He suddenly faded out of existence, his presence slipping out of the crevices and with it, the freezing cold. The warmth had returned to the room and in response, you had pulled the covers back down to adjust to the temperature change. Thank goodness he left when he did, you were wearing a tank top. Shoulders, scandalous!
Ben called you the next day, worried about what might have befallen you and your tricks.
“So, is it still there?” he asked, voice scratchy over the phone.
“No. He took it down.” 
Ben sighed. “All that work for nothing.”
“Not nothing,” you said, sitting comfortably on the couch. “I think we finally called a truce.”
“Uh-huh. I guess I’m just too wonderful to hate.”
“Who are you talking to?” A third voice interjected.
“Oh I’m talking to Be–”
You dropped the phone.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you there? (Y/–”
You weren’t listening, instead, you had slowly turned behind you, eyes wide as saucers and body as stiff as a board. There, in glowing blue glory, was the man from the paintings, bushy eyebrows and all. Blinking a few times, you kept expecting the visage to disappear every time you opened your eyes again. But he never did.
“Well don’t look so shocked now, love,” he huffed, crossing his arms and carrying that signature scowl.
“I– I– I–” It was your turn to bluescreen and the ghost rolled his green eyes, tapping his arm impatiently.
“I say, with how chuffed you were over that last stunt, I’d thought you’d have more to say than that,” he insulted, drifting through the couch and watching as you astonishedly followed him.
“(Y/n)?! (Y/n)?!” Ben implored through the phone.
“Oh, I recognize that voice,” Arthur answered his own question. “You can continue on with your nonsense conversation later.”
With a wave of his cerulean hand, you watched in horror as your phone short-circuited, sparked and then burst into flames. It was the threat of fire that knocked you out of your stupor and you quickly ran to the kitchen to grab the nearest fire extinguisher. The white foam drowned your phone but also safely put out the fire. You dug through the froth to find the piece of metal and silicon, uncaring for whether or not it got on you.
As soon as you got it, you dropped it again, the heat from the searing flames had left the metal as hot as if it had been outside on a summer’s day. The ghost seemed oblivious to your plight and as you shook your hands off, he waved one of his own and the floor returned to how it had been before. He looked towards you, cradling your steaming phone with a pair of oven mitts you had grabbed. You felt like crying and clearly the blond could tell.
“Oh don’t cry over spilled milk. You can just get another one.”
No. He was wrong. You couldn’t just get another one. Sure you could get another phone but you hadn’t backed up any of your pictures or videos or documents and there was no way in hell you possibly remembered all of those contacts. From the sorry state the melted rectangle was in, you could pretty much guess that the SIM card would be unsavable. Years worth of memories; gone.
The spirit looked down at you in slight curiosity; you weren’t usually this quiet. He watched as you silently stood up, solemnly placed the phone into the sink, removed and put away the mitts, and then quietly walked up the stairs and back to your claimed room.
You didn’t come back out for dinner. Or for breakfast the next morning. He hadn’t even blown out a fuse this time. By lunchtime, he could feel himself starting to get worried. Well not worried, because he couldn’t possibly be worried about you but simply concerned what your mental state might mean for the physical state of his house. You had lasted the longest out of his tenants because that's all you were: tenants. You didn’t own the house after all, he did. And he was quite sick of people thinking otherwise.
Suppertime rolled around and he still hadn’t seen you. Usually, you’d be trying to figure out how to make the microwave not explode or trying to watch the ‘television’ while you ate. He always knocked out the power when you did that. Dinner should be eaten at the table. He looked towards the kitchen. The one you had chosen as your primary was a servant’s kitchen and so was relatively smaller. It happened to house one of the few things he allowed to work in his house: the refrigerator. Even he could see the usefulness of such an advancement.
Arthur impatiently tapped his foot, it was now eight p.m. and this was around the time you liked to watch a movie or a television show. He didn’t enjoy having the loud television in his home but the drawing room you had chosen for it was far enough from the main foyer. Besides, sometimes you watched this ‘Dr Who’ story and he quite liked those nights. 
There was no one present to change the candles and it's not like the lights were in working condition so Arthur sat in darkness. He forgot how empty this felt. At nine, someone knocked on the door. He –invisible– watched as you slowly trudged down the stairs. You were wearing the same clothes as when he had last seen you and your hair was a mess. There were bags under your eyes but it was the kind from sleeping too much. You pulled open the door and looked up at Ben. The concerned look on his face became even worse as he watched you blink out of sync.
“(Y/n), are you okay?” he asked frantically, pulling you into a hug.
The front porch light flickered in and out.
You shrugged your shoulders, feeling the empty lightness of your stomach now that you were awake. Ben pulled apart from you, grabbing your face to look into your eyes. He rubbed his thumb over your eyebags and pulled you inside, uncaring for the ghostly apparition. After placing you on the couch and throwing a blanket over you, Ben ran to the kitchen to find some kind of food. His eye was temporarily caught on the burnt sockets all over the room but refocused on his mission. Though he wanted to make you something, he’d heard tales of the terror of the appliances in this place. Instead, he rifled through your cabinets and eventually just brought you a bag of marshmallows. He watched as you slowly chewed on the sugary fluff, stopping to take a sip out of the iced tea he brought you.
“What happened?” he finally asked, scooting closer. “I heard a voice and then you cut out.”
Instead of speaking properly, you pointed to the kitchen and mumbled out, “Sink.” 
Then you continued to gnaw on a marshmallow. Ben walked over, took a look inside the sink, stared with wide eyes for a moment, and then walked back to sit beside you again. The two of you stared ahead, not saying a word.
“Ghost did that?”
“... yeah”
“(Y/n) I think you should come live with me.”
You looked up at him with tired eyes.
“I–I mean.” He sighed. “I just really don’t think it’s safe for you here. And besides” –His cheeks were alight with a pink glow– “Would staying with me be so bad?”
A picture frame crashed down from the wall. 
Your heads snapped toward it and Ben pulled you closer unconsciously.
“I… I think you’re right,” you agreed with him, standing up to pack your things.
“I told you; this house is a lost cause,” Ben said, moving to help you.
The crystal chandelier high above glinted threateningly.
The two of you walked close together and as you walked under the hanging tree of diamonds, the strange shaking suddenly stopped. You didn’t take much so it didn’t take very long to pack. You insisted that you would be back after you gave the ghost time to ‘cool off’ but Ben seemed hesitant. The door closed with a creak and with it, the light.
From the shadows glowed a brilliant blue, forming into a humanoid shape. There, in all of his ghastly glory was Lord Arthur Kirkland. Alone again. A window cracked and he fixed it using magic with little thought.
As soon as you were gone the lord sank down. Past the servant’s quarters, past the locked doors and into the passageway that not even any of the other supposed ‘owners’ of the house had the key to. That’s because this door didn’t unlock with a key. Whisperings of Latin slipped out of his mouth and the runes in the door glowed and spun, turning until they clicked into place and the door slowly opened.
His magic may not have been as strong as it had been when he was alive but that didn’t mean that he didn’t still have deep and rooted connections to the ley lines that had been passed down through his family heritage. Books and papers flew open and danced around the room as he rushed through. He searched through ancient tomes until he found a heavy book covered in a thick layer of dust. His ghostly breath blew the grime away, revealing a brilliant ruby-red cover.
Arthur had never seen the point to attempt this before but now you had given him a reason. He was going to perform a resurrection spell.
On himself.
You couldn’t say that you hated the last couple of days. It was nice to be able to use modern appliances without the fear of them blowing up on you. Ben had taken time off of work to take care of you and you could feel the guilt piling up. You didn’t deserve him. Not to mention you were pulling possible profits away from his family’s store. They just gave you cheeky grins before poking and teasing you about a wedding. Small towns are just like that.
After literal hours of begging, Ben finally agreed to let you work with him in the shop. It allowed him to keep an eye on you and for you to feel less bad. Many of your friends stopped by and they were almost as bad as Ben’s family. It was still far more relaxing and less stressful than fearing that your phone charger would suddenly spark and electrocute you. You hadn’t gotten a new phone yet. You knew you needed one but it wasn’t exactly on the top of your priority list.
At the end of the week, you had been reorganized and shelving a collection of nails. Your ‘shift’ was almost over, which meant that Ben’s shift was almost over and you were positively buzzing with excitement for movie night. The bell jingled and you leaned over to shout ‘coming’ before shoving the last box of nails in and racing over.
Putting on your best customer service face, you spoke to the person who had come in, “Hi! Welcome in! What are you looking for–”
You stopped. Standing right there. In front of you. In the flesh was Arthur Kirkland. It couldn’t have been him, but it was. Who else would have that shaggy blond hair? Those horribly maintained eyebrows? Those piercing green eyes? You stuttered and buffered and the man just smiled amusedly at your short-circuiting.
“Why I’m looking for you of course,” he answered, taking a step forward.
You took a step backward. “You– you’re– you’re alive…” you gasped out, staring at him, completely stunned.
He wasn’t wearing the period clothing anymore, though what he was wearing still looked quite old. Instead, he had on just a dress shirt, black pants and similarly black shoes. When he grasped his hand around your wrist, you visibly shuddered from the cold but could not break free. You were locked in a staring match until Ben came to find you.
“Hey (Y/n)–” He froze.
“Oh good. I was looking for your dimwitted friend too,” he admitted, pulling you closer.
“Are you–” Ben stopped, looking on in disbelief.
“Goodness, you peasant people are just as slow as a hundred years ago,” Arthur huffed, rolling his emerald eyes.
Somehow, the next time you blinked you were back in the manor house. Ben was there too but he was knocked out and you couldn’t move to reach him. Arthur looked towards you, somewhat surprised to see you awake.
‘I guess my magic is still weak. It won’t matter after this,’ he thought, walking towards you.
More than anything, you wanted to struggle, you wanted to cry, you wanted to scream. But all you could do was watch. The blond snapped his fingers and you unfroze, becoming limp. Your limbs were still useless and Arthur seemed well aware of this as he carried you up the stairs. The two of you went past many rooms, including your own until you reached the site of your former masterpiece.
The door swung open and he waltzed in. The deep blue walls had returned to their normal extravagantness and there wasn’t a speck of glitter in sight. He gingerly placed you down on his bed, the soft mattress bending to your weight. You could do nothing but have your eyes reflect terror as the man manually tied your limbs to the bed. Finally, he placed a soft gag in your mouth and with it, you could feel the strange enchantment break. It wasn’t like your struggling could do anything anymore.
“Sorry, love.” He placed a kiss on your forehead and ran a hand through your loose hair. “I’ll need all the power I can get, so I can’t be expending it here.”
He walked away from your struggling form and quietly closed the door. None of your screams would make it through the walls of that room anyway. Arthur regally walked down the stairs to find his other captive missing. Instead of searching, he chose to stand completely still, hands crossed behind his back.
From the shadows, snuck a disoriented Ben, carrying the only chair he could lift. He smashed it into Arthur’s head, the impact shattering the wooden chair. The brunet expected to see blood and bits of gore. Instead, he came face to face with glowing green eyes, full of rage and jealousy. His jaw was slacked the wrong way but a simple movement clicked it back into place.
Ben dropped the remaining chair legs he had been holding onto and began to back up like a frightened deer. Arthur followed, slinking after him like the apex predator he was.
“You see,” Arthur started, stepping closer. “I’m not exactly alive per se. At least not yet. I’m on borrowed time, unfortunately.” He cornered the man. “Lucky for me, so are you.”
The next time you saw Arthur he looked different. He looked alive. His chest moved up and down, he blinked at regular intervals and you could see blood flushing through his body. Most of all, he was warm. So comfortingly warm.
Eventually, those thoughts faded and you laughed internally at ever thinking that Arthur could have been dead. He looked like a distant relative who had once owned the manor and shared a name. But he wasn’t. He was a different Arthur Kirkland, one who had come from London to learn that he should have been entitled to the estate. That’s when he found you, the person who had recently bought the house. That’s when you fell in love and… there’s something you feel like you’re forgetting.
There was always someone you felt like you were forgetting. No one in the town knew either so you had always assumed it to be a bad dream that stayed with you. Arthur had always encouraged you to forget and move on, but it always stuck with you.
Arthur had helped you properly install appliances and electricity in the house that wouldn't almost kill you and/or burn down the house. Well, he hired someone to make that happen but it was close enough. It always felt so nice to be able to flip a light switch and watch the room light up in a comforting yellow glow, though there were some days where the blond man did insist upon candles. You didn’t know why you flinched when the lights flickered or when the fire on the stove got too hot but Arthur was always just around the corner to watch you. He seemed to enjoy doing that.
You rested your head on his chest, listening to the sounds of his heartbeat and feeling the movement of his chest. The constant fog that surrounded the manor finally dissipated and the two of you were peacefully watching the sunset on the porch swing. Arthur was rocking the bench lightly and the gentle swaying movement threatened to put you to sleep.
“Don’t fall asleep now on me, love,” he laughed lightly, lifting your head to look at him.
Grumbles came out of your mouth instead of words and you burrowed yourself back into his warm chest. He just shook his head and looked towards the fading light.
“Do you still think I’m a ‘bitch loser virgin boy?’” he asked in a teasing tone, running his hand through your hair.
Stretching, you readjusted yourself to situate your head higher, closer to his shoulder. He took in a deep breath, smelling the (smell) shampoo you had used. After yawning, you gave him an answer.
“Hmm... Yes,” you answered tauntingly, closing your eyes again.
He chuckled, continuing his brushing motions through your hair. “Not for very long, love. Not for very long.”
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Um... @newhetaliafan? Remember how Arthur confessed he was a yandere...well...he wasn't lying...
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Don't worry I'll save Ludwig... At some point...
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
Can you please do yandere Allies and/or Axis (and Lithuania, if possible 👉👈) accidentally completely breaking their s/o? Like, s/o was unlucky to be already mentally unstable and fragile by the time of abduction, and after some time just couldn't handle the experience anymore - shutting down, becoming an empty shell of a person
I hope such detailed request is okay,,
Detailed requests are very welcome! I would hate to misinterpret a request or fall short of what you want so the more detailed you are the better imo :)
Looking at your emotionless and near lifeless form kills Alfred inside
Alfred isn’t a harsh yandere, more of a middle type, and this was never his goal
He never wanted to see you so….dead
You just follow whatever he says, robotic and thoughtless
He could ask you the most horrific request and you just do it
Alfred doesn’t know what to do
He doesn’t want to see you like this, but he doesn’t want to throw you out, he can’t return you either, and Alfred isn’t mentally ready to try and end your life
In the end, he decides to just care for you as much as he can, hoping one day you return to him
Arthur can’t believe it when he sees you just give up
Arthur is a softer yandere, not seeing the point in hurting his beloved, and he can’t believe you just gave up
He can’t comprehend how stressful it was to be stalked and kidnapped, how sad you were before this
Arthur is likely to just drop you off back home
It’s not that he’s given up on you, but he can tell you won’t come back to him if you’re here
He watches from afar for as long as it takes for you to get better before he makes another move
Francis becomes depressed at the start
He knew it was coming, he could tell since before kidnapping you that you weren’t strong mentally
But he never truly thought you’d become like this
Francis decides to dedicate his life caring for you
Even if he doesn’t succeed in making you ‘wake up’
He even plays a sick game of house in a way
He takes you on walks, to stores, and restaurants and just pretends you’re his wife who had an illness that left you like this
Matthew is so incredibly distraught
He didn’t mean to do this to you, he never ever wanted to hurt you
But now you were just an empty shell of the person he loves
He doesn’t know what to do, and for several days he essentially lets you rot away in a room
Matthew can’t stand seeing you like this and decides to give you back to your family
This experience probably scars him so bad he never attempts to get you back ever again
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want or watch you anymore
He can’t help but abandon you when you become a shell of yourself
Ivan isn’t strong enough to properly deal with the situation
But he can’t let you go back home and he feels to guilty to leave you outside in the cold of Russia
Instead, he locks you away in a room and lets you pass on
It’s not like he didn’t attempt to let you live
But he can’t spoon feed you everyday and force water into you
So he leaves you with food and drink and allows you your own private bathroom
He gives you everything to survive, but when you can’t take care of yourself he doesn’t intervene
Yao has no issues with this
Not to say he wasn’t bummed out when you suddenly stopped talking and reacting to things
But this doesn’t change much for him
You were like a doll in the first place
He loves you and wanted to just take care of you and make your life amazing
So either way you would’ve become some kind of doll to him
Yao treats you like a doll as well, props you up, feeds you, dresses you, and he acts like you’re perfectly normal
Unlike France though, he will never take you out and play pretend
So terribly depressed
Feliciano can’t do anything for you anymore
Not to say he has no means too, but he can’t
It hurts too much to see the persons he fell in love and became obsessed with look so dead and lifeless
Feliciano will let your family have you again, it’s easier this way
He’s always on the look out though
If you ever recover and try to live life again Feliciano will stop anyone from having you and make sure to keep you for himself in a different way
Kiku is very disheartened about you breaking
He blames himself and becomes even more of a shut in afterwards
But he makes sure to care for you
He will never let go again
Kiku is your new full time care giver, making sure you are fed, hydrated, and clean
He will try desperately to fix you, but in the end even if you never come back Kiku doesn’t mind
Ludwig takes a long while to recover from doing this to you
He hates that he wasn’t careful enough and couldn’t care for you like he wanted too
But ever the opportunist, Ludwig vows to care for you even better than before
He will take care of you for the rest of yours and his life if that’s what it takes to make you comfortable or bring you back to him
Ludwig will also play pretend and act as if he lost your mind to some illness a few years back
Toyls might go a little crazy if you broke on him
He loves you so, so much he doesn’t think he can live without you
Even if you aren’t technically dead he feels like you might as well be
He will, however, swallow his base desire to just get rid of you and his guilt and make sure to care for you properly this time
He might even find some shady or underground therapist to see if that will bring the old you back to him
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
Ummm Yandere 2p England headcanons please ( when request is open of course )
Yes, of course! It’s been a while since I’ve thought about 2p England, but there are some pretty remarkable traits of him I couldn’t forget 🧁
(Sorry for the super late reply, but here goes!)
Yandere 2p! England headcanons
He never gave romance much thought, so he won’t realize he’s fancying anyone until he’s swept off his feet. And when he does, it’ll be too late. For you, that is. You’re going to see him so often, he may as well be in the corners of your eyes.
He’s as mad as a hatter. In fact, he’s so unhinged, being around him will eventually have you wondering if you’ve gone insane too. He’s sickeningly sweet and overwhelming at times, so dealing with him is no piece of cake. But other people have it worse. When Oliver decides he wants you, he’ll do anything for your attention. Everything else, he keeps in the dark—scheming the downfalls of your closest compadres, and how to put them in this month’s special.
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Home life
He loves physical touch, but he has a funny way of showing it. Oliver makes the biggest fuss when he receives it. If you initiate so little as a hug, he'll be blushing like a bride. He has no problem returning it with a big, stupid smile, but Oliver can't handle anything more—if you kiss him on the cheek, he'll laugh nervously and lose his wits. "Save those things for the bedroom, dear... You'll give me heart palpitations." If you do it while he's in the kitchen, he'll add salt instead of sugar and set the whole pot on fire.
If you're both in an intimate location, he's a changed man. Context is everything to him. Be it the bedroom or bathroom, he'll do the initiating and drown you with affection. Kissing you on the forehead, lips, and neck, he's as sweet as the pastries he makes. He's eager to make up for his awkwardness elsewhere, so he turns into his own Casanova when he's all over you.
He can cling to you like wet clothes to skin. Where ever you are in the house, that's where he'll be. The guy follows you around like a puppy, and he makes it his mission to make it obvious. When you finally ask him what he's doing, he'll rest his face on his hand and hit you with a swoon-worthy smile. "What I'm doing? Whatever it is that you're doing, of course."
Oliver loves to contribute to every little thing in your life. If you're studying, he'll walk into your room with study snacks and ask how you're doing. He might even ask about what you're learning, but understanding it is beyond his capabilities. If he wasn't so good at cooking, he'd be the boyfriend who stands around in the kitchen with a spatula trying to be useful. He's not exactly book-smart or tech savvy, but he wants to be involved with everything.
He can't help pampering you, and among one of the ways he does that is by doing most of the chores. Oliver doesn't mind because he loves it. Baking, cleaning, gardening, he's obsessed with keeping the place clean and smelling great. He thinks its his job to look after you, though he can go overboard and start babying you. If you don't remind him you can look after yourself too, he may as well blow on your food and feed it to you.
He's always wearing something with buttons, like his pajamas or dress shirt for the day. He barely reveals his skin, and he avoids any questions about it. One day, you were feeling particularly curious, and after pushing his buttons, you've learned your lesson the hard way. The effort he puts into his appearance is what keeps the gun from going off—remember, context is everything. If you start shedding his layers and ruffling up his hair, he'll hold you down to do away with you. Never again.
Oliver loves cuddling, and he'll squeeze you like a bear in bed. He loves the way you feel in his hands, so expect some caressing and fondling every now and then. But he's a gentleman, so he'll always ask before touching anywhere. While he's tracing his fingers down the nodules of your spine, he'll hum in your ear and lull you to sleep.
When he gets jealous
It's hard to get him jealous, but being protective of you is ingrained in his nature. He has an undying hostility towards smelly and macho men. If he sees any, he'll glower at them fiercely like it's personal. They're bad news, he tells you. Unrefined, impolite, and always looking for trouble. Later on, he'll remove you from the scene because he has a problem with them sharing the same air as you. Then, he'll loop his arm around your waist and hold you close like you're stitched to him at the hip.
Whoever wants to push their luck with you will have to suffer his wrath. Persistent people leave a bad taste in his mouth. It reminds him of the 'smelly men' he so hates. How he deals with it is rather interesting—he'll grin like a Cheshire cat and throw fuel into the fire until the prick raises their hand. Then, he'll have a reason to take them out as 'self defense'. Oliver is polite through and through, but he has the silver tongue to say something that's worthy of a mic drop.
When you both get home, he'll be tearing his hair out in frustration. The prim, proper, and collected Oliver will completely disappear in exchange for an erratic and emotional Oliver. He was always clingy, so good luck getting him off you.
When you argue
You rarely argue with the guy, so when you do, it's something serious. He's what most people consider 'Mr. Right', but he isn't called a madman for nothing. When he's down in the dumps, he's more vulnerable to becoming unreasonable. A little crazy, even. He could say something sick or out of pocket with a wide smile on his face. Not only does it scare you, it’s frustrating. That’s when you’re tempted to avoid him.
Oliver was always high-strung about spending every minute of the day with you, so he’ll force his way to be in the same room until you look at him. He can’t handle the distance. It will drive him crazier than how much he already is.
He’s well aware of his insanity, and knows he can only use twisted logic you can’t accept. That’s why he keeps his mouth shut and stays around you until you acknowledge him. It could take hours to days, but he won’t give up until you give in. He will resort to sweet-talking at night if you’re still angry with him.
Psychology + When he snaps
He can’t fathom the idea of being annoying or overbearing. Oliver can’t help asking about everything you think about. When you tell him to tone it down, he’ll tell you he’s just trying to bond with you. He wants to be your other half, and he does this by dissecting your mind down to its most detailed intricacies. When you tell him to stop, he gets really upset.
The only way to cheer him up is through affection, be it through kissing or words of reassurance. He’s a sucker for your attention, so he’ll keep the act up until he’s smothered. After that, he’ll stick to you like glue and want you to coddle him.
He runs purely on your love. If you smile at him and kiss him in the morning, he will have the best day at work. If you don’t do either of those things, he will start questioning his existence. You’ve come to realize that, so you always make sure to dote on him so he can be energized. If not, he’ll be the saddest sap.
He’s no textbook genius, but he’s calculating and crazy good at picking up small details. On most days, he does this on his own accord to be charming and friendly, which he is—he’s witty and loves hanging around pleasant people. However, his friendly front is more like a fuse than anything. Once that goes, the uglier sides of his self is revealed. For people he doesn’t like, he’s cynical, mocking, and arrogant.
He’s always been insanely obsessive with the things he likes. If he chose to curse, he would scream, "I FUCKING love baking!" Oliver is a man of passion, and that applies to the special someone in his life. If you spoil him enough with your time, he will grow co-dependent on you. He will think about you as much as he can, which is easy to do when he’s doing housework. If he doesn’t see you after an hour, he will practically start chewing his fingernails off.
Oliver is more dependent in the relationship. You’re like his anchor—his pacifier. You’re everything that’s keeping him from losing his head, so he’ll go apeshit if someone tries taking you away. How they do that is through acts of service, one of his love languages. If you do it for someone other than him, he’ll get pretty irritable. But if that person keeps helping you out or giving you advice, he will understand that as a declaration of war.
He’s more lenient with friends, but if it’s a potential love-interest, he’ll be on edge. As it continues, he won’t stand the sight of them. If they don’t back off after acts of passive-aggressiveness, jeering, and personal remarks, he will start seeing them as a rival. Someone who disapproves of him. Someone who wants you. That’s when all hell breaks loose.
The bastard isn’t afraid of him, so he’ll give him something to be afraid of. That’s another great reason why he’s so happy all the time—it hides the fact that he’s a psychopath. Too bad his victim let that fly over their heads when interacting with him. But it’s too late, and Oliver is about to give them a stalking of a life time. He will psychologically torture them for months until they lose their minds.
All of a sudden, Oliver will stop. He wants to give them a false sense of security that they’re safe. He’s patient enough for the thrill. Once they finally think they’ve escaped his grasp, he will corner them and kill them in the most gruesome way possible. When he sees the look of terror on their face, he’ll laugh like a maniac as satisfaction surges through him. He’s finally one-upped the prick, and the whole process of terrorizing them was so worth it.
Once he’s done with his victim, they won’t be identifiable. They will be nothing but red slop. What can he say, he has an arsenal of world-class cooking equipment. Then, he’ll make sure to incorporate them into a menu item for everybody to enjoy. You don’t know why, but he won’t let you eat the month’s special. "It isn’t professional to eat while you work, dear."
If you find out what he did
Oliver will never be found out. He’s an expert at homely duties, so you better bet he’ll clean everything up, spic and span. For a while, he’ll be a little loopy after letting loose and turning someone into goop, but you dismiss it rather easily. He isn’t directing it at you, nor is he saying anything questionable.
Instead, you end up liking this strange episode of his. He’s just as affectionate, and doesn’t make a huge fuss when you kiss him outside the bedroom. In fact, he returns it, and you’re pleasantly surprised by his boldness. He could even initiate kisses in public, and not the shorter, innocent pecks. Breathless ones are more like it.
Oliver wouldn’t call himself bold. He’s just reveling in how lucky he is that you’re just as into him as you were yesterday. So long as you think he’s sane and lovable, he’ll believe it too.
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
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I am really craving yandere England. If anyone is up for writting some headcanons, imagines, or fanfiction do tell me.
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yanxidarlings · 2 years
Hey, if isnt much trouble, can i request yandere platonic england? And also dont forget to take some rest! Have this flower 🌻
(so i was going to post a continuation of the androphobic post with the axis but then tumblr deletes my writing :(, i was pretty much done then i accidentally click on an emoji and it disappears, and i have to rewrite japan, romano and prussia now. :( amd i've lost all motivation to write for that ask, so here's some platonic england. just to avoid confusion, i'm not going back to the old general headcanons format, if the headcanons are specified as romantic or platonic, then this is the format they're written in. under the cut because this is a bit dark.)
• there are many yandere who, when platonic, become much less of a nightmare. belarus, germany (kinda), russia and america to name a few. as much as i'd like to say this is the case with england, it really isn't. arthur has many expectations of his darling no matter the nature of his obsession, and they will be met no matter how far he has to go.
• as a platonic yandere, he is still overwhelmingly manipulative, perhaps even more then as a romantic one. arthur uses his silver tongue to his advantage, he'll have his darling believing that he's the only one who loves and would protect them, that they're too gullible or naive to make it on their own, he manipulates his darling is a mother gothel-esque fashion, in a similar way to how russia and japan would treat platonic obsessions.
• he's also controlling and possessive, although the latter is not to the same degree as with a romantic obsession. assuming his obsession happens after the revolutionary war, arthur will be hellbent on keeping his darling, and the only way he knows how is to isolate them from the outside world and control their life. if america thought he was controlling during his time as a colony, he's got no idea just how bad he is as a yandere.
• speaking of the revolutionary war, i can't see him developing a platonic obsession before it happened. there are a few circumstances such as the warmonger darling, but as i said, the revolutionary war is where he snaps as a platonic yandere.
• arthur is most likely to obsess over a younger person, as a platonic yandere. of course there are a few circumstances where he could obsess over for someone his age or older, maybe a relative, or a longtime enemy. but he's far more likely to become obsessed with one of his colony should's, or a younger country he's taken under his wing, or a country without a parental figure. i say country, since arthur is one of the least likely countries to fall for a human, romantic or platonic, him and countries like china and france avoid human darlings like the plague. but that's not the say it's impossible.
• no matter the nature of his obsession, arthur doesn't stalk unless he's snapped. he'll hire private investigators, have people watching his darlings every move. stalking isn't gentlemanly nor does it befit someone of his status. arthur doesn't interact with his darling much during his early days of obsession. i'm torn on how he'd treat them when they do, however. he can put on this gentlemanly act to charm them in, or he could act tsundere towards them. for a platonic obsession, i can see him leaning towards both, depending on the person. has he fallen for one of his colony's?, then for the most part he puts on a gentleman act so they won't want to leave.
• but for most other circumstances, especially in his early days of obsession, he'll treat them with disdain and always find something to pick at. but at the same time, the moment someone else tries this with them, they'll get hell from arthur. initially he doesn't know why his darling plagues his mind, and lashes out at them as a result. this is especially true if his darling is a male, like romano, he treats women better then he does men, however he isn't as adament about it as the italian.
• of course, as his obsession develops, he'll regret his behaviour if he was tsundere towards them. and scold himself for not acting like a gentleman. either way, once he reaches the point where he wants to apologise, or whatever the equivalent is for his gentlemanly act is, his darling is absolutely, to put it lightly, fucked. if they're smart they'll accept his apology and play pretend as his friend, because if they don't, then he won't be far off from snapping.
• all it will take is for him to spot his darling with france, or spain, overhear them talking about going somewhere without him, reject an offer for afternoon tea, and his last shred of sanity will shed. and he'll promptly begin planning a way to keep his darling tied to him. arthur is a yandere who, even when snapped, won't act impulsively, unlike italy or sweden.
• as soon as he finds a way to 'kidnap' his darling without any repercussions, he'll expect them to be on their best behaviour, tantrums won't be tolerated. arthur is a rough yandere to be stuck with for the first few months especially, whilst some are their most leniant during this period, arthur is his least.
• most of the time, his methods of teaching them to behave are psychological. he'll use solitary confinement, starvation, manipulation, any way he can to have them meet his expections of a well behaved darling. he finds psychical punishment brutish, even if in his pirate years, he would have done it all the time. there are some instances where he'll loose his cool, and maybe break a bone, or cause a concussion, but he won't apologise, since in arthur's mind, if his darling pushed him far enough to physically hurt them, then the punishment as well deserved.
• as i've said before, arthur is a controlling yandere, and doesn't care if his darling isn't happy about it. but as a platonic yandere, there are ways he can be manipulated into loosening up his leash. as difficult as he is, he genuinely loves his darling, so if he see's them miserable, then after a while, he'll want to make them a bit happier. but his darling should tread carefully, because if he catches on to any fake act, then they're in for a week of solitary confinement.
• not every moment with arthur is horrible, if you enjoy a fancy lifestyle, then arthur might not be so unbearable. he'll even try to improve his cooking skills just so he can cook the both on you a dinner fit for royalty. he'll make his darling comfortable, and after things have settled down, then requests for things to do that don't include outside communication will most likely be fulfilled.
• if englands darling is well behaved enough, then they'll be allowed to attend world meetings again, and do more then just paperwork for their government. for a country darling, arthur is a yandere who understands that if they disappear for too long, things will look suspicious, but a human darling, unless they're a member of a royal family, will be locked away in his house for the rest of their life.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 5 months
I don't know if you're ask box is currently open, I couldn't really tell but I really like your yandere alpha asks and I was wondering if you could do either 2p England or 1p America, please 🥺
I think I did 1p America as an Alpha at one point so I’ll do 2p England also this post will be kinda spicy and mention gore because ya know it’s OLIVER. So read at your own risk.
⭐️🌟⭐️🌟 Enjoy🌟⭐️🌟⭐️
He eats Betas because to him they’re a versatile meat he can use when he cooks. Their blood is reserved for his teas, cakes, and soup thickener / base. He refrains from eating Omegas since the poor weak things already have a difficult time within society. They’re lower class and depending on that and the range of skills they have, looks, birth are just a few factors that contribute to one’s overall quality of life. Plus Oliver an Omegas blood is only tasty if it’s someone he’s bonded to. He will only hunt down an Alpha if he’s assigned to do so by his boss.
He’s 100% will control how his S/O will look at all times. He’s got coordinated couples outfits: sleepwear, tea-party, casual walk in the park, you name it he has an outfit for it. And yes, you better believe that it’s pink with maybe a few blue pieces here and there.
You have to be able to maneuver yourself through a ground caked in glass shards, discarded needles, and murder weapons most of which a pills or knives. What I mean by this is you have to be able to read his mood shifts. It can help you formulate sentences that won’t leave you chained to a wall or a chair for an evening. One way to see his mood shifts is that his eyes will flicker with colors. But if they turn blood red or they’re simultaneously blue and pink… that's the sign to RUN. Other colors along with the intensity and duration are other things you’d want to look out for. It aids you in dictating the severity of how he took what you said or did . So plan accordingly when you speak to him. It’s like trying to navigate a rabid mind field .
It take him about a month of obsessing over you for him to finally make his feelings known to you. He’ll intentionally sit next to you at meetings, just happen to be at the same brunch spot as you, and know exactly what to bring when it comes to your beverage you’d want from the local coffee shop. But be warned that the coffee he brings you has low dosage magic pills he’s concocted. They make you think of him more often and even have lucid dreams with him. It’s one that he will harvest for future dreams he can savor in his spare time before you decides to ensnare you. Not to mention that your psyche is no longer safe and will belong to him.
It’s 1000% too late when pastel sugary treats appear at your place of work and implores you to have tea with him. It will instruct that you wear the outfit that has been provided date and time plus he even arranges for a ride to come and fetch you on the day of. Depending on if you say yes or no to this will dictate how he treats you from there.
If you say yes
Things will be easier in the beginning. Oliver will be the kindest alpha to you albeit the staring he does at you is off putting when you go on your first date with him. “Oh poppet you’re simply just too cute not to stare at!”
He already formulated a magical contract if you seem hesitant to continue to move forward with a relationship with him. Oliver will do his best to highlight only the positives that you’ll benefit from if you become his. Things like never having to cook, spill some of his magical secrets to you and raising your overall socioeconomic status. You’ll want for nothing more. The catch will be that your freedom to do anything without him or one of his trusted magical beings hovering over you 24/7. The spells he offers are all superficial illusions and other basic things like levitation of small items etc. (Oliver is smart enough to know to not teach you anything that could give you ideas about escape or leaving him)
If you say no
You’ll be relieved when you find that he decides to be absent for a few weeks after you reject him. But that is only the calm before the storm because Oliver is PISSED that you’d dare to reject him. He’s been at home prepping a perfume that has his musk and a potion that was designed just for you. He crafts a bottle that is beautiful and can draw any eye in and masks it as one of your own bottles. Both his musk and the potion together make a poignant concoction. You will put it on the following day after it’s completion and you’ll be unaware of what’s happened to you once it hits your nostrils. You’ll be knocked out instantly. Oliver’s friends from the darkness will drag you right to him and you’ll be slapped right into having a tense conversation with him on how dare you deny him what he deserves. Oliver’s teeth will be showcased a lot through it. He wants to mark you with his hungry teeth so no one can tell him that you don’t belong to him.
He’s also going to be putting a ton of aphrodisiacs in all of what you’ll consume that night. Right down to the water you drink. You’re going to be horny out of your mind so much so that Oliver won’t be able to handle it either and he will also have to drug himself in order to keep up although he’s amazed that you are able to milk him dry. It’s highly likely he will form a knot with you on the first night.
During Rut
Oh god he’s frantic as hell and kinda helpless when he’s in rut. He will dote on you and be subtle (kinda … not really) about how much he needs tender loving. Oliver will do things he thinks are sexy but it’s either wow that’s creepy or pfffffft please calm down.
The slightest bits of affection in terms of physical touch will make him orgasm.
When he cuddles you on the couch, you touch your foot to his under the table at tea, or if he does something as simple as kissing your hand. His face is red, he’s totally holding back a guttural moan, and his pants are tighter than they should be. So he either is trying to have sex with you for longer periods or he’s running around like a confused bat out of hell who doesn’t know what do do when they have a crush and a majorly excited. Or on the very rare occasion he’ll lock himself in his study with some suppressants and wait it out.
He’ll want to stare at you for a good 20 minutes or so before he has his way with you. Sometimes he does this while playing with a knife or making a new brew.
Or he will draw out some of your blood and he will have you watch him make a special tea with it. This according to him helps him last long while he rams himself into you.
He can be cute when he preps an entire spread of sweets for you to try (some may or may not have a poor unfortunate soul within them.) as a sweet yet intimate way to get you into bed. This normally only happens at night when the moon is full and completed with saccharine candles that put your mind at ease.
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hetalia-angel · 6 months
Any headcanons for the Allies with a short darling? (Like 5'0 ft)
Have a nice day! <3
Yesss! Love this idea (I’m barely 5’2)
Allies with a short darling
Alfred finds it very endearing how short his darling is. While Alfred loves everything about his darling he’ll sometimes be very forgetful that they can’t do the same things as him since they’re way shorter. Alfred will be jumping over fences and walls like hurdles and be shocked that his darling is still 200 meters behind him struggling to get over.
Alfred likes to be your hero after all so he’ll gladly help you with any task. Spices off the top shelf? No problem. (He will tease you though.)
Matthew is the sweetest man ever. He’ll help his darling with everything around the house if she can’t reach it. Even without asking he’ll be coming to darling’s aid.
Although Matthew is very helpful he loves being useful. He definitely doesn’t purposely put things on high shelves to get his darling to need him more.
Matthew loved cuddling with his darling is bed since she’s so small and fits perfectly in his arms. He loves being the big spoon.
Francis is a true romantic at heart and loves holding onto his darling. Francis is a wild spirit and loves going to different events and concerts often. One time Francis took his darling to a large outdoor event. It was completely packed with people. Since his darling couldn’t see the stage he took her up on top of his shoulders. To the dismay of all the people behind him.
Arthur loves everything about his darling especially her height. It’s not secret that Arthur is an avid reader. When he’s not overly swamped with work from his boss. When he’s getting into his reading sessions he’ll swoop his darling up into his lap to have a nice bonding time together.
Arthur will never make his darling self conscious about her height. Unlike Alfred who constantly teases his darling playfully Arthur would never. Even if Alfred is joking it can still be hurtful and Arthur is always extra vigilant. Arthur is a bit of a short king himself. I headcanon him around 5’7.
Ivan is a giant guy. He stands at 6’5 and towers over everyone he meets. So when he gets with his short darling it looks very comical. Like a bear and a deer in love with one another.
Ivan is very childish at heart. Since he didn’t have much of a childhood at all. So expect lots of childish teasing bullying. Ivan will constantly poke fun at his darling’s height.
Although the second he sees his darling have the slightest pout he’ll immediately feel the guilt kick in. He’ll be holding his darling for hours and apologizing.
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hetaficcentral · 3 years
Hello darlings! This is the account of bad decisions and fanfics. I will write for pretty much any Hetalia character, with the exception of the micro-nations because most of them are minors.
Iᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs!
𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣:
𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎: 𝟷𝚙 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢
𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚊: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝚁𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚊: 𝟷𝚙 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢
𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚜: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚊: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙶𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚢: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙹𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚗: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚢: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
𝙿𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚊: 𝟷 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝚙
I may add more later, but for now those are all I have the confidence to do. I’m willing to write out almost any scenario, with the exception of any thing to extreme. Examples of something to extreme would be:
Scat kink
Piss kink
Other than things like that, I’m open to pretty much anything. It may take time to get to your response, but I will do it unless I tell you otherwise.
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bunny-bun-draws · 6 years
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So... I had an art attack-
I had been looking at my old art lately and I saw how my drawings used to be so full of movement and seemed more free. I got very frustrated and just drawed all over the page-
Now I feel better and, well, I like these very much :3 Hope you all like them as well!!
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