#yandere aph england
elsliterarylibrary · 4 months
Scotland x reader x England Idk maybe the reader was expecting to come over for tea only to for the brothers to fight over the reader?
Okay. I feel ya. I might break this down into multiple parts with different endings. I dunno. Let's see if ya like this one shot first.
I'm sorry for the LONG wait. I was just recently put back on an anti-psychotic because I was showing signs of ✨paranoid schizophrenia✨and I'm also struggling to find a job so I can start college. I was barely conscious of my existence for a while there. I'm stressed, depressed, and losing my damn mind.
So let's try to numb the pain with yandere country personifications! Lmfao
(Y/N)'s POV
I drove over to Arthur's house. Arthur invited me over for a cuppa and considering Alfred decided to drop by my house with Matthias and Gilbert, I much rather be at Arthur's. Those three are so annoying.
When I got there, Alistair was there too. He was wearing a loose, white dress shirt that had the top two buttons unfastened and dark blue dress pants. His fiery red hair was messy as usual and he had a lit cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth, smoke slightly obscuring his face. He seemed a little agitated, but he always seemed that way so I brushed it off. (That man needs to take some anger management classes, I swear.)
"Hey, where's Arthur?" I asked, looking around Arthur's big ass house.
"In the sitting room." Alistair huffed, glaring in the direction of the room containing his little brother.
"Alright, thank you." With that, I make my way towards the sitting room, throwing a smile towards the older Kirkland man. Once I walked in the sitting room, I spotted a head of blond hair. He was sat on an arm chair, muttering angrily as he fussed with a tea kettle. I smirked and snuck up behind Arthur. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. Arthur yelped in shock and whirled around with his fists raised.
"Alistair, I swear-" He began, before realizing that it was only me. He put his fists down, smoothed out his vest, and the smiled at me. His emerald green eyes shone and he moved to envelop me in a hug.
"(Y/n)! I'm so glad you made it!" He pulled away from the hug, his hands remaining on my waist as he looked deeply into my eyes. This felt way too intimate for friends. This is uncomfortable. Can he let me go now?
"Um..." I began. "I'm kinda thirsty. Is the tea ready?"
That seemed to snap him out of whatever reverie he was in the middle of. He let me go and led me over to the couch.
"Ah, yes. Tea is ready. I hope chamomile is good enough."
I giggled. "Yeah, chamomile is good. Did you make any snacks?"
He smiled at me, but soon his expression went sour as he looked at something by the doorway.
"If he did, our house would have burned down." A gruff voice sounded from behind me.
I looked over to see Alistair standing against the doorway, his arms crossed and a lit cigarette between his fingers. Arthur huffed.
"My cooking is not that bad." Arthur argued, face turning red from embarrassment and anger.
"I'd beg to differ. You'd kill the poor lass with your cooking." Alistair retorted.
"Okay, please calm down. I came over here to escape Alfred and his friends' annoying antics, not to hear you two bicker." I take a deep breath. "Let's just enjoy some tea."
Arthur sent one last glare at Alistair before fixing me a cup of tea, handing it over to me with a quiet "here, love". I grab the tea cup, taking a sip while I leaned back and crossed my legs. I hummed in satisfaction as the flavor of the tea spread across my tongue. I brought the cup away from my lips, watching as Alistair made his way to the couch opposite Arthur and me. His forest green eyes were trained on me, eyeing me up and down. His staring made me feel subconscious of my choice of clothing. I was wearing a mint green sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. It felt like he was undressing me with his eyes.
"So, Arthur. What books have you read recently?" I asked, turning to Arthur. Maybe starting a conversation will get Alistair to stop staring at me. Or to help ignore his eyes burning into my body.
"Oh, I just finished reading All the Light We Cannot See. It was pretty good. I suggest you give it a try."
"Ooh, what's it about? Maybe I'll add it to my To Be Read list."
"Well, its about-" He was cut off by a groan from the oldest Kirkland brother. Our gazes fell towards Alistair.
"God, why are you both so boring? Can't you talk about something more exciting than books?"
"Well, I-" I began. "I'm sorry that you find the things I like boring."
The Scottish man's eyes flicked to me as they widened, as if he didn't mean to offend me.
"Now, look what you've done! You hurt her feelings!" Arthur growled. "Just because you aren't intelligent enough to enjoy a book doesn't mean you can just insult those of us who do enjoy them."
Alistair huffed. "At least I have more manly hobbies. What type of man does embroidery?"
"Excuse me?" Arthur yelled. "What the hell does that mean?"
"Hey, wait a minute-" I whispered, panicking because I realized that a fight was almost inevitable at this point. I was cut off by Alistair.
"It means that you're not a man. At least not one worthy of having (Y/n)."
"Wait, what-"
"How dare you! I am perfectly worthy of her! As if she would ever want to be with a brute like you!" Arthur shouted, standing up. His cup of tea fell to the ground, spilling it onto his khaki dress pants.
"Hey, guys. Please-"
"Oh, please. All women want to be with men like me." Alistair scoffed, slowly raising himself up from the couch. "She probably gets wet every time she sees me."
"That's not-" I stood up, trying my best to protest against these claims.
"Are you serious? Quit sexualizing her! I highly doubt that she is that much of a tasteless degenerate."
"Quit sexualizing her? I hear you nearly every night rubbing one out while moaning her name. You sexualize her so much more than I do."
Excuse me? What? That escalated quickly.
"I- But I- Well-" Arthur stammered, cheeks blazing red from embarrassment. "Well I never!"
"Please just stop!" I yelled. "I came over here to relax, not listen to you argue! Clearly, that isn't going to happen, so I'm just going to go home!"
I began to make my way towards the doorway, Arthur and Alistair protesting all the way. I was just beyond the doorway of the sitting room when I felt a strong grip on my hand yank me back into the sitting room.
"(Y/n), wait! Please don't go!" Arthur pleaded, his eyes wide and frantic.
"Man, I just wanted to have some tea and relax, not listen to you two talk about what you think is going on with my vagina at any given time or how you masturbate to the thought of me."
"I know! I know and I'm sorry." Arthur's grip on my wrist tightens as tears began to form in his eyes. "Please don't go! We'll behave! I promise!"
"I don't know-" I began, looking into Arthur's eyes. "I don't know how to feel about everything I just learned about how you two view me."
The grip on my wrist tightens and Arthur tenses up.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered. "Please don't hate me."
"I-" I take a deep breath and pry my hand away from him. "I'm sorry. I gotta go."
With that I ran away, not looking back. Hopefully, these two will get themselves together and quit acting like horny teenaged boys.
So this was less Yandere than I wanted. But I feel bad for nearly 2 years of nothing, so I'm going to post this. Maybe in the future I will redo this one.
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crimson-kisses · 5 months
Yandere Allies and Axis with a nymph darling that doesn't wanna be with them. Because anyone that the Gods have been with that isn't a God as well has ended in tragedy, something the darling is trying their absolute best to avoid so they don't meet an early demise. So as soon as the darling has found out that they are the Apple to not only one but multiple gods eyes, they ghosted all them. It was like they never existed. However the darling's sisters does know where she's hiding...........
Do what you will with this. ( Gods AU )
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Ah yes, my long forgotten abandoned au ;-; I tried to keep this rather simple and short! I like the tragic undertones this ask has 🐝✨
Warning: contains usual yandere themes, toxic relationships and violence.
Fleeting wings
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The evidence of it all remained etched on the walls, arts hidden in cave paintings and harsh whispered tales in the dark recounting and retelling the warnings.
The beings were aware of the tragic history that had occurred and unfolded before them, most carried the resilience of their broken ancestors, determined to survive against all odds.
Your mother had been one of them, a being born from the marrows of nature itself, she reminded you of the unfortunate women who gripped the hearts of the deities’ only to end up in a tragedy that wrote the end of them.
And so, you had always threaded carefully when it came to love- the most powerful, corrupted thing which once shattered entire worlds.
It was a solemn warning, when an old cherry tree, rooted atop the ancient mountains had beckoned you closer with it’s thorny branches, entangling in your dress. Hundreds of whispers echoed in your mind as it told you of the events that were bound to repeat if the deities’ so willed if they didn’t get their hands on their beloved sooner.
Their beloved being a lovely maiden, born from the very essence of untamed nature.
That maiden was you, a nymph.
After realizing the horrifying fate that could befall after their corrupted sense of love poisoned their divinity, the only thing that could help you or even delay the horrifying outcome was for you to conceal yourself into the depth of the fragile earth.
Following the long faded away paths of your ancestors, deep down into the abyssal caverns, you had found solace and refuge.
Months had passed, when not even the sunlight had the privilege of kissing your skin with its warm rays, and the wind had to squeeze in through the cracks as you lay in a slumber with the nature curling itself around you, moss covering your entirety and roots cradling your body as a womb of a woman protecting a child.
Unbeknownst to you, the world shifted and groaned, while the winds howled relentlessly and clouds descended, unleashing a torrent of icy hailstones upon the land.
On what appeared to be a tranquil morning, the deities withdrew their feeble mercy and fragile loyalty.
A gentle curl of foam unfurled, its seams unraveling, and soon it overflowed, submerging the islands under its weight.
Inhabitants desperately sought higher ground, mothers cradling their sobbing infants, sons and daughters salvaging remnants of their homes, and fathers striving to protect and guide their loved ones to safety, though their efforts seemed futile.
Sooner or later, things turned sour.
A foreboding realization gripped the hearts of some, understanding that this calamity would escalate to an unimaginable extent. The echoes of their ancestors' experiences were about to resurface, and no one possessed the strength to appease the ferocity of the deities' unleashed wrath. The very structure of the worlds trembled under the weight of their fury, threatening to shatter the boundaries that held everything together.
With a mere curl of their fingers, the sisters, torn from their deeply rooted abodes, were forcefully brought before the imposing throne of the deities. None dared to defy their commands, for chaos ravaged the worlds, teetering on the brink of unleashing something tremendous and catastrophic.
"Speak, for we demand your answers,"
A deep grumble reverberates through the chamber, while gentle droplets of dew caress the roots of the sisters, nurturing their well-being. The deity presiding over the fourteen oceans, the overseer of every movement of the water, fixes them with a stern gaze, awaiting their response.
"We shall not forsake our inherent nature, our lineage, or the vows we have made. Do as you will to punish us, but we implore you, if your divinity is true, grant us mercy," the sisters speak with unwavering determination, remaining steadfast in their convictions.
A heavy silence descends upon the room, mirroring the intense tension and seething wrath that soak through the atmosphere. The skies above darken, as if reflecting the turmoil reaching its breaking point.
A mirror materializes, its surface transforming into a silver portal that shimmers with an ethereal glow. As the portal opens, writhing green flames dance and flicker within, creating a mesmerizing spiral that beckons with an otherworldly allure.
"We shall bestow mercy!" a smooth voice exclaims, resonating with an uncanny clarity.
Chaotic visions envelop the room, casting a hazy, disorienting hue that distorts reality. Horrifying and incomprehensible images swirl around the sisters, accompanied by series of unsettling sounds.
The deity, his figure is surrounded by the flickering green flames, same glow as his eyes, the flames unleash a thunderous roar filled with hunger and echoes the agonized screams of the unfortunate. The atmosphere becomes suffused with terror and despair.
But of course, he wasn’t the only visitor.
Suddenly, amidst the shadows shrouding the room, another dreadful figure emerges, emanating an oppressive presence that drains the very essence of the sisters.
Overwhelmed by the malevolent presences, the sisters stagger, their bodies weakened, as if being crushed beneath an invisible force. They feel trapped, as if buried deep within the earth itself.
The terrifying figure wears skeletal armor that glistens ominously in the sunlight, exuding an aura of darkness and ink-like malevolence. Burning red eyes and searing green eyes fix upon the sisters, both feigning interest while concealing a deep-seated disdain.
"Death is often the pathway towards mercy," the other figure declares, his voice laced with a chilling resonance.
"And even after that, mercy is not always guaranteed in my domain".
The sisters huddle closer together, their trembling bodies consumed by an overwhelming fear that courses through their veins.
A brief moment passes, air heavy with anticipation.
The figure of the deity of Wisdom and Wealth rises from his throne, moving with a measured calmness toward the center of the room, standing before the sisters.
He offers a gentle smile, though it fails to reach his vacant eyes. Slowly, he begins to speak in a voice dripping with honeyed richness.
"Our mercy shall be our forgiveness", he utters, each word laced with authority and concealed threat.
"Speak, unless you wish to endure eternal suffering. Your loyalty is admirable but misguided in the eyes of us deities. Do not test our patience, for our wrath knows no bounds."
No other deity stirs or makes any demands. The room is enveloped in an eerie stillness, as if time itself has come to a stop, casting a frozen stupor over the surroundings.
Silence reigns supreme, leaving everyone in a suspended state of uncertainty.
The sisters gasp for breath, their chests heaving with fear. Is this their end?
Will they suffer mercilessly and face a fate devoid of peace, even after death?
Uncertainty grips their hearts, as they ponder the grim fate that looms before them.
The silence is soon broken, when the king of the deities gives off an amused smile, sky eyes glinting with a newfound excitement.
You supposed the elderly forces had exerted all they could, using their waning strength to shield and protect you, but their ancient power could no longer unleash its full potential.
Within the depths of your enclosed casket, a steady flow of essence awakens you from your deep slumber. Weakened vines and branches still try to hold you protectively, cradling your form.
A towering figure, adorned in gleaming metallic armor and wielding mighty weapons, enters the cavern. With a single swipe of his resplendent sword, he shatters the feeble attempts of the cavern to shield you.
The deity of War and Vengeance.
His helmet conceals most of his visage, revealing only a pair of glowing violet eyes fixed upon your captivating figure. Swiftly, the deity tears away the remaining vines and branches, careful not to cause you harm.
You knew deep down that this moment was inevitable. The ancient times did not truly capture the full extent of reality. Those days were long gone, as the world order had changed since those bygone eras.
It was different now. Their attention, once scattered among their own darlings and the allure of their beautiful women, was solely focused on you. It wouldn't have taken much longer for them to claim their beloved treasure. The powers that had thrived in ancient times could not withstand their might, or perhaps they chose not to.
Above you, the air opened up like a celestial maw, its glimmering teeth of stars welcoming you to your tragic fate.
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hetalia-angel · 6 months
Hey, I love your work! May I please request some headcanons with yandere! England, France, Italy, Russia, Romano, and Spain with a super cuddly s/o? (I'm sorry if this has already been requested.)
Yandere headcanons with a cuddly s/o
England is a strict worrying yandere. He’s one of the more intense yanderes to live with. But with a s/o that’ll willing cuddle with him constantly his darling’s leash will become a lot longer.
Arthur sees cuddling with his s/o as a bonding activity. The more cuddling and skin to skin contact the better. He views the cuddling as sign of her trust and reliance on him.
Arthur has a bad habit of infantilizing his s/o. He’s still bitter about losing his precious colonies. He’ll be tucking in his s/o and cuddling her close every night and cutting out time of his day to read with her on his lap.
France is a delusional yandere. He truly believes that his darling loves him but is still in denial. So when his darling starts cuddling up with Francis immediately believes that his suspicions have been confirmed. And that she’s totally okay with being kidnapped by him.
Francis is the most romantic yandere ever and he loves to spend long hours on the hill tops with his darling in his arms. This cuddling will no doubt gain his trust. So if you’re his darling expect to go on picnics a few times a week at least and spend all of it in his arms.
Russia sees his darling’s affection as her accepting her new place as his s/o. Ivan loves cuddling and physical touch more than anyone else. So he’ll be clinging to his darling 24/7. Ivan will be hugging her in the kitchen, bathroom, and everywhere else.
Sleeping next to the Ivan in the same bed is difficult to say the least. He’s a big guy that takes up a lot of space. But he’s insistent on cuddling his darling all night long. His darling might be cuddly but she’s got to feel smothered by the Russian giant.
Lovino is like a cat in terms of his personality. His darling will cling onto him for hours at a time and he’ll do nothing but complain and tell her that she’s being annoying. But the second she lets go Lovino will be glaring and freaking out as to why she stopped holding onto him.
Lovino will always tease his darling for clinging onto him. He secretly loves it and his darling knows too. Lovino will never admit to loving her embrace.
Feliciano will no doubt match the energy of a cuddly darling. He’ll be cuddling up with her at every chance he gets. Feli will be so ecstatic every time his s/o hugs him every time.
Feliciano like Ivan is a bedtime cuddler. He might as well get a smaller bed since he doesn’t need that much space. Feliciano just cramps next to his darling is a small space anyways.
Antonio is also like a cat but in the exact opposite way of Romano. He’s calm and sleepy constantly. He’ll relax with his darling in his arms. Iron grip
Antonio will always humor his darling’s attempts of cuddling and hugging him. While he’s cooking for the two of them he’ll often be snuggly wrapped around her waist keeping her as close as possible to him.
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candykoala0-0 · 6 months
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Some of my cringetober 2023 art
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hwsevents · 22 hours
Brief explanation on how the these potential events would go.
Prompts given are just examples and not definite.
Disneytalia Event:
-Based on Disney animation, so stuff like their Disney Princess movies, Treasure Planet, Atlantis, Zootopia, Aristocats, etc. I'd also like the main focus to be on actual Disney and not so much on their bought properties.
-Can be Disney AUs with the HWS characters or HWS characters interacting with Disney characters either, but the HWS character must be the focus!
Nyo England Event:
A week about Nyo England. Prompts may involve things like hobbies, AUs, pets, styles, jobs etc. Other characters can be involved, but Nyo England must be the focus.
Nyo America Event:
A week about Nyo England. Prompts may involve things like hobbies, AUs, pets, styles, jobs, etc. Other characters can be involved, but Nyo England must be the focus.
Nyo Girls Fashion Event:
Different styles from different time periods (including modern). Prompts could be things like punk, Y2K, lolita, steampunk, scene, gothic, mori kei, traditional dress, 1920s, 1800s, 1700s, medieval, etc.
HWS Yandere Event:
Prompts could be things like expressions, weapons, love confessions, secret admirer, obsession, collections, shrine, anonymous letters, gushing, two yanderes, etc. This may be a darker week, but let's try to be considerate with it, okay? I'll probably have to come up with several rules for this one. 😆
HWS Magical Girl Event:
Starring Nyotalia girls and og Hetalia girls!
The idea would be to draw them either
-in the outfits of specific magical girls (e.g. Mew Ichigo, Pretty Witch Doremi, Amulet Heart, Lunatic Charm)
-in outfits based on the costumes from specific magical girl shows (Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Shugo Chara, Ojamajo Doremi, Rozen Maiden, Winx Club)
-your own original designs inspired by the magical girl style in general.
@hetaliahappenings @hetaliacalendar @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia
Poll coming soon.
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
May I ask for some headcanons for your thoughts on what would happen if Germany, England, and Prussia were all romantic yanderes for the same human darling? I imagine Germany and Prussia would probably team up or something. Thank you! (Also, love your work!)
you're absolutely right, germany and prussia would share their darling if they shared the same obsession, no matter what the scenario was.
when it pertains to countries capable of sharing their beloved darling with others, i think the more powerful nations are least likely to come to an agreement - can you imagine arthur sharing during the british empire? mongolia during the yuan dynasty? grandpa rome during hadrians reign? hell nah.
whilst in hp, the yandere's might share their darling out of care for the darling, these are nations we're talking about here. they most likely have a darling who is also a nation, no one is in their right mind here.
current day england wouldn't be too keen on sharing either, but he hasn't exactly had his fall from grace like mongolia, or rome. he's still alive and kicking it and a global power, albeit not as much as he once was.
would he share with the likes of latvia, argentina, iceland, mongolia or hong kong? no, why would he. unless his darling is a superpower that wants to pursue a relationship with a weaker country, what are they going to do (sabotage, arthur).
but germany is a different story, brexit doesn't change the fact that germany is a major world power these days. gilbert would get laughed at if ludwig didn't agree to share with him. but honestly, gilbert is a bit of a second class citizen in this sitatution, assuming it's post ww2. yeah he can sleep in the same bed as his darling but does he get to make any decisions about the relationship? not unless he irritates ludwig into negotiating with england.
so bottom line, they could come to a 'peaceful' agreement, after years of back and forth, attempting to sway the other away from the darling. but once the deal is set and done? it's much easier if the darling is a human or minor country, easier to keep them at either arthur or ludwig's house at all times.
romantically, they are both awkward as fuck - okay arthur has a bit more slick and experience, but overall, darling couldn't have ended up with a worse pair (they could've: rusger), prussia isn't much better. sure, he might act like a bigshot, but mans been a dedicated catholic his whole life who's closest romantic experience was when he tagged along to one of austria and hungary's date nights, circa 1900. he only knows how to handle one kind of sword, there's a reason germany turned out so strict.
honestly, there's probably little indication to the darling that the relationship is in fact romantic, when at arthurs they have to make him tea, at germany's they help sort out his paperwork, aside from morning kisses and sharing a bed, there's nothing particularly romantic about this relationship. gilbert spends most of his time with his darling playing video games, so when they are in their romantic, affectionate moods, the darling is in for quite the shock.
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hetamyuist · 1 year
i've talked about it before on the old blog how america and canada parallel rhaenyra and alicent (and her children): alfred is rhaenyra to arthur's viserys, the favored child and chosen heir no matter how many times they have a falling out, and matthew is alicent fruitlessly striving for viserys to acknowledge her and her children........ my second thesis is that england is both viserys and daemon. just like how rhaenyra and daemon are drawn to each other by how similar they are so are england and america!! who does america get his best and worst aspects from!! yes they're superficially different but at the very core alfred is the shape arthur made him, filth teaches filth, etc and this is what both repels them from each other and pulls them back together!!
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Hhhh, ok. After stopping my heart like a virgin with the 2p FACE headcanons, can we see some aftercare? Do they spend any amount of time checking on the aftermath?
May wanna have 🚨emergency 🚨 on speed dial because you’ll have a humming bird heartbeat 💓 from this one .
🚬2p France 🚬 : The one who takes the most time himself to recover but he does make sure that you have everything you need and then some. I hope you like long luxurious bubble baths complete with smooth rain lofi, wine, or a hot beverage, a novel or magazine if you want, or he’ll even turn on a podcast. If all you want is silence he will happily oblige to your command. He wants to make sure you are comfortable as you decompress. He will go outside for a few cigarettes and will do his own time to unwind. Also, don’t be intimidated by his elongated silence and nothing more than one-word answers. He’s not angry just he’s 100% has a whole conversation going on his mind about seeing you in such an intimate capacity he… needs time to process.
He’s fallen in love and that’s not really a thing for him.
You now belong to him and eventually, he will come and join you in the bath and make sure that all of your needs are being met. He’s in a state of pure bliss while he gets to stare at your bare form. So enjoy the lavender and rose-scented air that romance has bloomed in.
🕶2p America🕶: Sucks at it but he’s learning. He’ll get it right eventually. And yes, I referring to the way that he’s not so good about romance. He does make sure that you are okay and will offer to help you to the bathroom and get you some water so that you can begin to stabilize yourself. He does make sure that during the act you’re okay and that he isn’t seriously injuring you. He does keep a first-aid kit stocked near the bed that has slings, an AED machine, bandaids, painkillers you name it he probably has it in the dresser. He’s that rough during the in-the-sheet shuffle.
He will gently apply Neosporin to your love bite, scratch, and bruise he gave you. He’ll praise you for surviving.
“Good y/n you’re as tough as the nails in my trusted bat.”
“You’re so eloquent with words.” You say sarcastically.
“I’m hot so what doll.” He will squeeze one of the areas he just finished mending just to be a dick. You’ll punch his arm playfully and call him an asshole. Next thing you know you’re making out again. And you’re going for another round. (Yes, in my previous post I did forget to mention that roughhousing / play fighting appeals to get you in the mood for lovemaking. He’s the only one and maybe Canada that can pull that move off well and put the stamina to keep it up.)
🍁2p Canada 🍁 : He’s a good romantic if not better in his 1p version. That means his aftercare is also top-notch. He’ll kiss you on the forehead and linger and his hot breath adds more condensation to your soft skin. He will look at you directly in the eyes and ask
“Tu vas bien ma feuille d’érable?” in his French Canadian accent he likes to use from time to time.
He’ll help you out of the bed so you can get to the indoor sauna that he built in his log cabin that is deep within the Canadian wilderness. He will offer to massage your hands, feet, and back. Matthew will also make sure you’re relaxed, clean, pampered, and fed.
He will make your favorite comfort food or if you let him he will make some classic Canadian favorites, like butter tarts, Montreal-style bagels, or his favorite Halifax donair. He will even spoon-feed you so you really won’t have to lift a finger.
🧁2p England🧁 :He will always finish by kissing your face all over and saying over and over “I love you” like an addicting harmonic song.
“Are you alright poppet?” He will lower his head to yours and gently ask: “Breakfast in bed with cupcakes to finish.” Once you confirm with him what you desire he cleans himself up so he can do so. He draws you a bath and lights cotton candy scented pink and yellow candles. He trys to keep a romantic but peaceful vibe long after you two are done for the day. He then headed down into the kitchen to help you recover.
“Make sure you’re hydrated by the way poppet.” He leaves a glass of sparkling water next to the bath as he came to check on you while he was cooking. Once your clean and he’s brought up the food you watch a movie together and doze off while snuggling one another.
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Yandere werewolf Allies with a bunny darling, the darling doesn't like to be around them too much because their animal instincts are telling them to run.
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How could this be? Every time he comes around- you seem you just want to get away from him. this isn't fair! He would never hurt you ever! Why do you want to get away from him?? He follows you around in the woods and when he sees you are avoiding him and he sees how scared you are. You are a weak little bunny to him so its fine he can over power you rather easily. He honestly finds it funny you try to run from him, he is amused at your instincts- how your bunny ears twitch when he comes around. As long as you don’t run you’ll be quite alright with him. 
Arthur finds this annoying, he hates how your instincts make you scared of him in his werewolf form. He hates the instincts sometimes because it means you tend to stray away from him and honestly, he is this close to snatching you up and taking you to his home where you cant get away from him. He is willing to make sure you are staying with him, he doesn’t care how messy it has to get he will keep you by his side. I mean you are just a weak little bunny so he can definitely over power you and tie you up for him and him only. So be careful who you are messing with because Arthur isn’t playing games, he isn’t amused he is annoyed.
Francis is a very caring yandere, his werewolf instincts are more protecting than possessive like the other ones. He keeps you in his area and makes sure you are well taken care of- he understands instincts tend to get in the way sometimes but he likes to use his cards to somehow naturally manipulate you to getting closer with him. He may bring you more food or court you where you let down your guard but he doesn’t want to scare you off because it wont be pretty and he will be forced to use harsh methods of capturing pretty much breaking trust of the bunny and causing more drama than there needs to be.
Running away/avoiding him? doesn’t exist- yeah so the moment he notices hesitation/and or avoidance. He jumps on the opportunity he doesn’t have the time or patience like other yanderes-he wants you and he wants you now. He will make sure your needs are met but don't expect much freedoms when you are with him. He will strip those away and it takes awhile for you to actually earn those freedoms back in his eyes, when you are accepting and less jumpy then he will consider letting you outside of the house(with his supervision of course). Ivan is rather...ride or die so be careful my dear when your instincts kick in because he doesn’t care about instincts but rather can you control it...
Yao is weird when it comes to instincts, he understands but at the same time he doesn’t have the time to deal with them, screw trust he is taking you NOW. He did not spend all those weeks stalking you and attempting to court you, for you to become skittish and worried because of him. What has he done to make you fearful? He never hurt you for god sake! Yao is very matter-of-fact and as well as ‘i haven't done shit why are you this way?!”. Like Ivan he does not have the time, he has patience but it more of the timing factor- yes he will be lenient at times but he is going to snatch you up and make sure you understand you are his.
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merakiui · 10 months
Omg!! I'm so late! work kept me busy 😭 but I wanted to reply to your last message! regarding hetalia and such!
Going back to the hetalia fandom it's like coming home after a while <33 and Personally my favourite female characters are Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Belarus (Belarus is low-key yandere for her brother and Unhinged omg),
Did you have or should I say do have any ships you like ? maybe with England since he is your favourite? I'm much more into rare pairs/ships which means there isn't much content of them 😭 like : England x Seychelles (because their interaction in Gakuen Hetalia was cute and funny ♡) or Iceland x Seychelles (I adore opposite-attract 🥺 💛 Iceland is more reserved while Seychelles is more outgoing and now imagine Seychelles helping Iceland coming out of his shell or Iceland cooling down Seychelles! ♡) lol can you tell I like Seychelles??
Nyo France is a charming lady ❤ I like your taste 🤌Personally I also like Nyo America (I love my tomboy princess) and nyo Italy/Romano such babes, Nyo Finland looks cute but will kick your Ass 💪❤
Also, Pirate England and Pirate Spain are Hot af 👌That's all I want to say haha (or even viking nordics 👀)
And Omg I'm actually currently obsessed with Danganronpa! 😭 In fact my profile picture is sonia nevermind bc she's one of my favourites! Which characters do you like the most?? 👀 are there any moments in the game you liked/saddened you the most ? (like favourite character dying 😭)
As for mystic messenger! did you ever notice how similar looking Saeran/Ray and Rollo look like? maybe it's the eyebags but seriously the first time I saw Rollo in twst I thought "Ray what are you doing in twst?? leave me alone, I'm not into you anymore 😭" but not only the physical Apperance both of their characters are kind of similar? I mean Ray is literally in a cult and Rollo is well you know based of an Disney villian who's religious corrupted sooooo yeah! but Saeran/ray/unknown has such yandere tendencies! and yes that one jumin ending omg! 😭 Yoosung is a cutie 💓 and well jaehee keeps us in the friendzone 💀
And Obey me! Asdfghjklöä! while writing this Obey me nightbringer came out! 🎉 I see you like Mammon 😂 seems like you like Greedy Demon and Octopus 🤌 only difference the Octopus is successful business owner and well..... the demon is constantly broke, so broke in fact the steals from his brothers 💀 I can also totally see Idia and Leviathan (maybe yoosung too??) bounding over videogames or hating the normies together 💀 (and maybe talking about having a certain crush on a certain MC 👀👀) they sure would make great frenemies 😂😂 Also Satan reminds me of APH England 💀💀 maybe its the hair colour?? the colour green?? or maybe the small same similarities personality wise?? but omg I can't unsee it now 💀 And AHEM Jade and barbatos, I don’t think I need to say anything else but yeah they also have the almost same hairstyle!!
Ooooh but can you imagine the Twst Characters as Sins?? Like Riddle = Wrath, Leona = Sloth, Azul = Greed, Jamil = Envy, Vil = lust, Idia = ??? Gluttony??, Malleus = Pride!
Oooh yes Omori is such an interesting and Deep game I would recommend you to play it 🌟
Anyway, take good care of you and drink a lot of water! I've seen that you have lots of unfinished Luna love hotel requests and different ideas/fics you want to write! take your time and don't stress yourself or burn yourself out! writing is suppose to be fun, I hope your not overdoing it 🙏
Take Care 🤟 Anon 🌸
Hello again, 🌸 anon!!! I'm also quite late to respond, but omg you have good taste in female characters! Seychelles was a sweetheart and I liked her character a lot, too!! As for ships, I didn't really have any, but I did enjoy the interactions between Germany and Italy! It's very funny and cute. <3 and aaaaaa nyo!America is also a very nice design!!! Wonderful taste once again hehe. I love her tomboy look!!! >0< and nyo!Italy and nyo!Finland are also both so pretty!!!
Pirate England and pirate Spain..... AAAAAA orz and the viking nordics omg omg!!!! The amount of fanfics I used to read with them... too many to count. I remember there was a time I read too many pirate England fics that I ended up dreaming about him LOL. I think I was a stowaway on his ship, but the entirety of that dream was essentially England and Spain fighting over who got the rights to own me????? ^^;;;; I couldn't begin to explain it if I wanted to.
Sonia!!!! I like her a lot!!!! Additionally, I also like Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, and Hagakure! I thought Aoi and Sakura's friendship was very endearing, so Sakura's death crushed me the most in the first game. It's always painful being a Danganronpa fan because your favorite character has the possibility of getting killed and that's the worst feeling. </3
AAAAAAA Mystic Messenger....... every summer, I play it just so I can get more hourglasses to finally unlock Saeran's route. I'm vaguely familiar with what happens, but even so I need to play it. T_T the same goes for Jumin's route. I want that bad ending!!!! OTL I have played Zen's route so many times in the past because he gives the most hourglasses. He's so engraved in my brain hehe. <3 I love him. And Jaehee!!!! When I played her route, I kept thinking, "Why does she keep friend-zoning us? We're so obviously in love." >:( let Jaehee love the player!!! It's what she deserves. <3 aaaa and Yoosung!! He's the cutest. :D
Mammon is my number one!!!! Something about greedy and pathetic men is just so *chef's kiss,* so it makes sense I'd inevitably simp for Mammon and Azul lol. But then Satan and Belphegor are so !!!!!! When the latter was manipulating us and planning to trick us all along when we found him in the attic. :) oooooo he's the worst. I need him. I should play Obey Me again just to see Mammon and Belphegor hehe. I have no idea what is happening in the story now, but I heard there were new characters added and I also saw a few things regarding Nightbringer! Omg but your comments on Jade and Barbatos... I need them to sit down and have tea together to see who can out-babygirl the other. >:) and if memory serves, Barbatos can see into the future or foretell all possible timelines? If that's the case, WOOOOOOO the yandere potential!!!! orz
Also, the twst characters as the seven deadly sins is such a fun thought to entertain. <3 you're giving me so much brain rot... orz
Thank you for your kind words!!! I will make sure to take care of myself and drink water! Please do the same as well! :D though there are many things I want to write, I am pacing myself and focusing on one fic at a time. ^0^
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walsuzu · 11 months
WalSuzu Headcanon #2
One day, 14 year old Suzume meets 17 year old Walter while they were riding in the same train. Homegirl just wanna get home and play her GTA games while Walter just want to chill with his best friends, Clive (Professor Layton) and Arthur (APH England) at his family's estate. Walter was in totally shock when he learned Suzume was into violent video games and Suzume just told him "I just want to be a gangsta!".
One day, Walter walked by Suzume's middle school and founded out that it was actually a middle school full of delinquents and Walter rushed in to search for Suzume because he was concerned about her safely. He discovered Suzume in the rooftop and was in relief. Suzume asked WTF was Walter doing at her middle school. A group of deliquents arrived at the rooftop and told Walter to get his aristo ass off their turf.
So, Walter ended up bringing Suzume back to his family estate after he brought her a new outfit to fit with his family's standards because how dare Suzume came from a poor ass family? Viktor wasn't there because he'd be too busy screwing his secret lover Alice while Viola would be too busy fooling around with her rich ass friends, Ritsuko (Yandere Simulator) and Himeko (Yandere Simulator).
Suzume and Walter developed a friendship and they ended up falling for each other when she reached a certain age for marriage.
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crimson-kisses · 1 year
Oh my gosh I love your writings so much. Don’t apologize for sending in work late, you do such amazing work and you shouldn’t feel pressured about it. ❤️ Anyways, I’ve been loving your “hetalia and nyotalia sharing a darling” writings, and I was wondering if you could do the same but with 2p Italy and 2p nyo Italy? Or If you don’t do 2ps anymore can you do Arthur and Alice? (I’m sorry if this is too much 😥)
thank you so much for the compliments my love, absolutely warms my heart to receive these messages from y’all. always a pleasure to read truly! and don’t worry I will try my best with the request. hope you enjoy honey ♡︎ @lady-cap
Warnings: Descriptive violence, non-con acts, blood and the like.
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"Il nostro tesoro prezioso"— 2p!Italy: Luciano Vargas || 2p!nyo!Italy: Lucrecia Raffaella Vargas
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Her auburn hair glows from the fireplace just behind her, ruby lips giving a peck to her smoking companion. The knife grasped loosely in her hand falls to the floor as she carelessly tosses it aside, a blissful sigh before a loud chuckle comes from her and the man besides her resorts to rolling his eyes.
"Ve~~~, that was quite fun, wasn’t it?", Lucrecia practically throws herself at him, hands wrapped around his shoulders as she rests her head on his shoulder, despite Luciano clearly being discontent with her clinginess. Nonetheless he stays completely silent, not bothering to entertain her any further and the lady slowly withdraws her arms back with furrowed brows then pouts playfully at the lack of reaction.
She stares as he scrutinizes their surroundings, cigarette still lit as he slowly spins it, a smirk slowly forms on his face, which she gives a crooked smile in response knowing he had something in mind for their precious treasure. There’s a deep breath from him and his bloody eyes seemed to pour ice on your soul as they stare straight at yours.
The tape all around your body felt as if they were burning, tightening with every second that passed, itching your skin and making you sweat with dread and possibly inducing a panic attack. If not the tape then perhaps the previous events which included a rude invasion of your boss’s mansion and the all out shoot out, murders that followed, the shards of glasses, blood stains, dead bodies slumped around being the core evidence, would probably be the prime reason.
You didn’t even realize what was happening until you were shoved aside by their men and you only ended hurting a few of them, nonetheless you weren’t going to give up despite only being an assistant to your boss, who wasn’t even a mafia boss for goodness sake. Apparently it was chaos, a battle even which ensued itself out of nowhere.
Though being aware of Luciano's inappropriate stares, whispers and touches, you presumed he was simply like that with all of the women he encountered, which was true, he was a goddamn fucking prick. You didn’t expect this from his counterpart though, although there were definitely a few signs that you probably missed or overlooked. But you weren’t aware of how absolutely deranged they were about you. A simple lady who was caught up in this mess.
"The fun has only just begun",
Identical blood red eyes continued to eat up your withering form, the atmosphere heavy with panicked breathing and the blistering heat from the fireplace, the sound of Lucrecia's heels echoed through the room as she giddily made her way towards you, Luciano watching her every movement until his eyes once again landed on your form.
You couldn’t help but flinch away from her as she got close to you, although with being tied, the armchair you were placed on wasn’t much spacious either, with a single confident stride she seated herself on your lap, her breath hitting your face as you cringed at the smell of wine and cigarette making her frown and sigh slowly.
Her fingers cautiously traced your jawline as you gulped, remembering the knife she had used to end several of your co-workers, she seemed to be studying every detail on your face, eyes unwavering and unblinking, it was unnerving and her sudden closeness to you didn’t make anything better, trying to move your body didn’t seem to deter her one bit either. If anything, she ignored your fidgeting much to your chagrin.
After observing the both of you on the armchair for a while, Luciano takes a long drag of his cigarette, his boots not making a sound yet his presence was hard to miss as he got closer to you both, gloved hands harshly grabbed your chin making you face towards him as he licked his lips, the scared look on your face was absolutely delicious, once again he gave a slight smirk and captured your trembling lips with his with no hesitation, and oh god, was the taste of your fear so exhilarating.
"What a belladonna".
Both of them are sadistic no doubt, I feel as if Luciano would control himself around you to not draw blood at the very least. Meanwhile, his female counterpart is far more sadistic than him, although with you she would prefer saving her blood thirst for when you really manage to piss her off. Or when she’s feeling extra unstable.
They aren’t much better for that though, Luciano is very controlling, even with Lucrecia who rebels against him in subtle ways. Although most of the time he lets her do her thing, she is surprisingly obsessive and clingy towards him, much to everyone’s confusion including his. She could be the most terrifying nightmare for most people so it’s confusing why doesn’t she head butts with Luciano more often or isn’t so violent as him (she is).
You can expect every aspect of your life to go according to what Luciano wants, and you can’t help but not utter a word since just because he’s more lenient towards you than he is towards other people, it doesn’t mean that he won’t be pissed off at your defiance. He won’t hesitate leaving pretty bruises on your skin for Lucrecia to tend after, and most of the time she ends up making it worse with an oblivious tone in her voice, but you just know that they both simply get off your pain, tears, bruises, so you have no choice really.
They will make you do several chores around the house, basically a personal maid just for them, you won’t meet anyone else in the house expect for few maids, who don’t converse much anyways, always scurrying about with heads down and mouth shut. Basically tidying up their beds, personal rooms, cooking just for them and tending to their needs. Your duties revolve around them. Wearing your pretty little dresses that leaves no room for imagination nor any cover against their advances.
Lucrecia is actually the dominant one in the relationship you could say, although her male counterpart is no pushover either, he willingly lets her take the reigns the most. I can see her being in charge of disciplining you as well, although there’s no specific structure for you to follow with them. She will gladly feed you until you can’t eat anymore, smother you with overbearing affection, make you wear embarrassing dresses, pinch your cheeks until it bruises, temporarily fracture your fingers because you did something she didn’t like, eat your ears off with her chatter, it’s fucking exhausting to be around her and it shows on your face whenever Luciano gets out of his office or comes home late.
Though he would just grumble and be bombarded by whatever bullshit Lucrecia spills, her clingy hugs and things about you which is the only part he bothers to pay half a mind to. It’s after a bottle of wine that his day truly starts tho, especially when you look so endearing and breedable with your maid costume showing off your curvy figure, he might accidentally spill some on you, feigning innocence as he attempts to help you but you know that he simply wants to take the damn thing off your body and bruise you all over again.
Surprisingly, Luciano prefers to take his sweet time ravaging your body, biteful kisses on your breast, as his hands hold your waist so possessively, straddling your waist and whispering dirty things, which quickly turns lewder, his touches rougher, your hair almost ripped off from your scalp, bites and scratches decorate you body, when he’s done with you and finally he falls right then and there, staining your walls white and burying his face on your soft chest. He’s almost playful after whenever the day he’s fucked you, in a cruel way though, pulling you on his lap, your hair, calling you names, basically just being a nuisance.
Lucrecia is rather spontaneous, like everything she does, pulling you by your dress as you are fixing the bed, drunk and high as fuck, blubbering about the things, the stuffs she wants to do to you, her hands always fixated on you hips as her nails claw at your waist, always wanting to pull a muscle and have you sore, pained when she’s done with you, her aftercare is showing her art piece off front of the mirror as she fixes you up, ignoring your tears, and whatever she had caused. In her eyes, it’s just the way she had always loved.
I would say both of them are insane and deranged, they don’t really differ much in that aspect but their perspectives on few things are different and a few quirks of their personalities as well. It’s probably easier to know when you are trapped with them, that’s for sure but also Luciano is more composed than his counterpart, more savvy and has bloodier moody issues.
No one is touching, seeing and even knowing about you, they both wouldn’t have it especially Luciano. Although you can expect Lucrecia to brag everything about you, and she wouldn’t mind showing you off to their most closest companions, although in their world such people are hard to come by. It’s safe to say it’s going to be a rough back breaking ride for their precious girl, that’s for sure.
"You are everything to us, our beloved"— Nyo!England: Alice Kirkland.
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Her voice is rather annoying, no scratch that, actually it’s making you want to commit a massacre. It’s as if you are listening to a plate being scratched by forks, yes definitely that, she can screech all she wants with her bloody haughty accent it won’t stop making her sound similar to a dehydrated chicken. Fuck's sake.
She had always been like this, compared to her Arthur was at the very least tolerable. You just could not deal with her constant mood swings, demands, insecurities and what not. Always wanting to prove that she was better than her male counterpart and how the past sexist world was so unfair towards her, basically trauma dumping and she just really needed to stop. She had always held a considerable amount of power, just that Arthur was mostly send off to conquer the world, during wars and shit, not on a bloody vacation.
There she goes berating you for one thing or another, sitting on the sofa across from you, knitting a sweater and very much upset that you couldn’t maker her a cup of tea as well. Or rather, that was the fact that brought up this whole speech of hers in the first place, frankly you did not want to and confined to sip your very delicious cup of tea. She could go—
"You are not listening to a word coming out of my mouth, are you?",
You slowly set your tea on the saucer and calmly stared right into her furious glare directed towards you, used to it at this point. She huffs and before she could utter another word,
"Perhaps you should stop claiming yourself to be a victim all the damn time and actually realize the privilege you have always had over the other truly underprivileged women whether you wanted it or not, quit whining and stop letting what happened in the past drag you down. Have you considered a bloody therapist? I am not your trauma dumpster Alice, I am tired too".
A look of surprise takes over her face which quickly turns into a sneer as she crosses her arms, glare unwavering and a reddish tint of anger still lingering on her appearance,
"Oh you are the one to talk, your generation of women are the privileged ones, you have no idea what …",
Soon enough, it’s safe to say that the whole manor would have been cleared by how loud, ferocious and bitter both of your tones were. Arguing back and forth, with heated glares and firm stances, Alice was probably going to break and honestly you would love a hot cup of tea to soothe your nerves because god forbid, if this woman doesn’t shut up
It wasn't that you didn't sympathize with her, as a woman you had done your best to support her when it came to such things, but what you wouldn't accept is her unwillingness to stop blaming others for her misfortunes in the past or painting herself as an absolute powerless victim. Sometimes you had to brush off your pain, get your ass up and fix shit, like most of the women in your family. Like you had done so, which is why you became a hardened deteticive with a strong resolve none could easily crack.
Not to mention, that you were trapped in her and his mansion with no escape in sight. Of course, you were going to annoy the shit out of her.
"Goodness, just what is going on in here?",
Arthur quickly took off his coat, eyes already scrutinising the scene in front of him, both of you were breathing heavily from all the yelling and he seemed to be beyond irritated himself. It was one thing to deal with Alice in this state, with you in the mix?
He could already feel the migraine he was about to endure from dealing with two stubborn, headstrong woman.
Honestly, both of them are a chore to deal with. I feel as if Alice is used to working harder and striving to be heard which mixed with her desperation, insecurities and possessiveness over her darling is bound to be exhausting quickly. Even aggravating since the only true victim over here is you, not her. If anything, she would treat you as her pet, it’s infuriating obviously.
Arthur on the other hand, would rather not paint himself that way regarding his pride, and is much more collected in the way he represents himself in front of you. He's much more intimidating than Alice, and would be the one to dish out the punishments, hence making you more wary and careful of him than Alice. As she prefers ofc, who do you think encourages Arthur to bring out the cane? She knows Arthur can be a hell of an intimidating person, it has always worked in her favor a lot of times. she bloody loves it.
Not saying that Alice should be taken lightly, when her mind is in the right state, she can be very manipulative even towards Arthur, she knows how to twist her words and render you into trouble. Both of them would be tricky, cunning and charming enough to strip you off your security by any law. Whether labeling you as a spy, as corrupt and spouting rumors. You won't even know what is going on until the answer is right in front of you.
Even though they both would bicker most of the time amongst each other, it’s more of a harmless banter at this point. It’s how they communicate since both of them most of the time than not, suppress their emotions which are bound to burst once they crack. And the target of their actions is you of course. They both are quite closer than they might seem, although Alice is more likely to piss Arthur off and have him torment you one way or another. It’s a power trip, a display of her cunningness which even Arthur gets caught in.
You could be a powerful lady, not in status but perhaps it’s your wits, the way you carry yourself and remain a distinct lady with her own bold ambitions she strives hard to achieve. Maybe one day, Alice stumbled onto you, umbrellas crashing to the ground as both of you curse each other as politely as possible, which quickly turns into playful arguments. Maybe it’s Arthur who looks into you after hearing Alice’s thoughts about you, calling you personally in his office and both of you hit it off from there. All it takes is a specific glance towards each other which seals off your life once and for all.
It won’t take much for an intelligent woman to understand what is going on, a bit too late or early even, not that it matters. You may punch and scream at them as much as you want, Alice does not hesitate retorting with sharp and hurtful words and Arthur isn’t the one to back down either. These both won’t always physically harm you, it’s more mental and emotional punishments with them. Chipping away at your insecurities, controlling your actions, monitoring your emotions and suffocating you with their possessive behaviors. Also I like the idea of Alice getting into petty fistfights with you, she would definitely do that once she’s off her high horse once in a while.
Obviously there is no escape, being as observant as both of them are, they have already planned quite ahead. They have powerful connections and allies who would be willing to help them, even if Alice has to act flustered in front of Antonio and drop her dignity to gain few favors if it concerns you, she will do it. You would be given the royal treatment as long as you stay on your tiptoes and behave mannered. If not, then punishments would be followed.
Honestly, Alice is the dominant one in this relationship I would say, not sexually necessarily, but she does has her way of controlling and manipulating any situation she is in, if she put her mind into it. It’s sort of a switch between her and Arthur, the gentleman though would rather drop dead than be the bottom and let her boss him around just like that.
Arthur does understand what’s going on, but he knows Alice more than anyone else does, and vice versa. They both have this understanding between them which is quite hard to explain and believe. With you in the mix tho, Arthur trusts Alice to share you with her, he knows she’s a cunt but she’s also the one who has soothed his wounds and he’s the one who endured her breakdowns. Even though they might have their moments, once you’re in the mix, they are dead set on claiming you as theirs. They both understand the loneliness they have gone through, your presence is an addiction to themselves.
Arthur is more likely to talk down to you while Alice would talk against you, as if your mere opinions bother her, as if she hates that you think independently and not follow what she says. Arthur, as said before simply disregards your stand on most things, such as why it’s morally unacceptable to hold a woman captive. You will suffer from being mentally unstable at some point, until things get worse and worse and the dam breaks. To them though? It’s entertaining. They love you, but there are few things that have to broken so that they may be mended in a more say, preferred form.
Of course, both of them would show you off to others, and also make sure you don’t misbehave and ruin their reputations in front of their peers, that would result in a swift punishment. You would be their pretty blooming rose, a wonderful woman who will forever be in a cage of their making, and no one’s going to save you darling, to beings like them? it’s more entertaining than anything. And these both would make sure to drill that in your head. The world is a disgusting place, not suitable for a beloved lady such as yourself.
Tempted to write a one shot
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hetalia-angel · 6 months
Any headcanons for the Allies with a short darling? (Like 5'0 ft)
Have a nice day! <3
Yesss! Love this idea (I’m barely 5’2)
Allies with a short darling
Alfred finds it very endearing how short his darling is. While Alfred loves everything about his darling he’ll sometimes be very forgetful that they can’t do the same things as him since they’re way shorter. Alfred will be jumping over fences and walls like hurdles and be shocked that his darling is still 200 meters behind him struggling to get over.
Alfred likes to be your hero after all so he’ll gladly help you with any task. Spices off the top shelf? No problem. (He will tease you though.)
Matthew is the sweetest man ever. He’ll help his darling with everything around the house if she can’t reach it. Even without asking he’ll be coming to darling’s aid.
Although Matthew is very helpful he loves being useful. He definitely doesn’t purposely put things on high shelves to get his darling to need him more.
Matthew loved cuddling with his darling is bed since she’s so small and fits perfectly in his arms. He loves being the big spoon.
Francis is a true romantic at heart and loves holding onto his darling. Francis is a wild spirit and loves going to different events and concerts often. One time Francis took his darling to a large outdoor event. It was completely packed with people. Since his darling couldn’t see the stage he took her up on top of his shoulders. To the dismay of all the people behind him.
Arthur loves everything about his darling especially her height. It’s not secret that Arthur is an avid reader. When he’s not overly swamped with work from his boss. When he’s getting into his reading sessions he’ll swoop his darling up into his lap to have a nice bonding time together.
Arthur will never make his darling self conscious about her height. Unlike Alfred who constantly teases his darling playfully Arthur would never. Even if Alfred is joking it can still be hurtful and Arthur is always extra vigilant. Arthur is a bit of a short king himself. I headcanon him around 5’7.
Ivan is a giant guy. He stands at 6’5 and towers over everyone he meets. So when he gets with his short darling it looks very comical. Like a bear and a deer in love with one another.
Ivan is very childish at heart. Since he didn’t have much of a childhood at all. So expect lots of childish teasing bullying. Ivan will constantly poke fun at his darling’s height.
Although the second he sees his darling have the slightest pout he’ll immediately feel the guilt kick in. He’ll be holding his darling for hours and apologizing.
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kallulovesu · 3 years
Heyooo :) can you do headcannons for a platonic yandere allies ?? Am aroace so that's the kind that floats my boat, also do you ever feel tired of writing ?? Like .. ur so productive, it's awsome but like .. I hope ur doing it cuz u have energy not cuz you have followers waiting 😬 take care Plz ❤❤🥺
For the anon that asked that yandere reader ask, thx u inspired this ask ur idea is rad :3
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(A/N:) ahh thank you for the worry anon, but it’s no problem really!💞 I wouldn’t be making as much content if I wasn’t having any fun, since it’ll probably end up feeling more like chore...and I hate doing chores 😭
That one protective friend that makes sure to check up on you every second (but it’s turned up to the extreme and downright becomes unhealthy in some cases)™
It was ironic to him. Out everyone that he had gotten to know over all these years— hell, perhaps even Arthur; you were the only one he felt like understood him the most. Not many seemed to notice what was going on beneath the surface of his facade, which was why he appreciated you being there. You still liked him despite the many flaws that he had, and tried your best being with him even if it became downright tiring. Alfred would be heavily dependent on you because of this, often going to you to cheer him up— or before he was going to make a rash choice.
So it was only natural that he couldn’t see himself being without you.
You were like a best friend to him; Alfred would even go as far as to say that he felt a familial connection between the two of you. So the deep desire to protect you was normal, wasn’t it? Even when he felt himself worrying for your well-being at even the slightest approach of a stranger, it was just his instinct telling him that there was something wrong. It wasn’t anything unhealthy. Thus, would usually drag you away from anyone that he found to be suspicious; even those he was already familiar with. This would probably result in a lot of arguments, with him trying to say what was ‘best for you’ and with you denying that you needed this much...protection. You swore that it almost felt like he was just isolating you from the others, to have you purely depend on him for whatever reason you couldn’t make up.
Alfred can’t handle being apart from you— nonetheless the idea of you being angry with him, or even hating him . It truly didn’t matter if the reason was rather ridiculous or not, the idea of you hating him just...made his stomach churn uncomfortably. You were his best buddy, and basically one of the only ones he could trust with his inner worries; and the risk of it all being taken away from him because of a silly, childish mistake was all it took to send the poor boy into a state of panic. Please don’t leave him, he’d do anything to keep you there with him. Begging, gifting— you name it.
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Arthur didn’t completely seem to realize his feelings at first, confusing it with romantic attraction for a little while— before quickly seeming to realize that it was all purely platonic. He did feel a bit protective of you, maybe even possessive...but it had nothing to do with romance, nor lust. It was just him wanting to have someone beside him, someone that he could call a friend. And someone that would never leave his side.
It won’t be hard to notice how...bad his communication skills were; with him often saying things that he didn’t really mean and slightly setting you off. Arthur is stubborn, so it may take some time (and slight teasing at how much he hesitated) for him to actually apologize. You’ll probably get used to it after a while, since he’s one big tsundere.
Saying this out loud was an absolute no-no for this man— but you being around Arthur was often enough to make him the slightest bit happier. It felt a bit lonely at times, especially with less and less people being around him these past few years. So having you as a friend almost felt like a breath of fresh air.
He’s very critical of those you choose to be around with, often analyzing even the smallest of things so he can determine if they’re actually worth being around you. Which more often than not ends up... not being the case. Arthur will tell you to stay away from them; saying that they were suspicious, and probably had something bad in mind. He’ll resort to isolating you if you were to disobey him, trying to take as much of your attention— and perhaps even kidnapping you if the extreme were to happen. You were his one and only best friend, and he had to make sure you were safe. Always.
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Totally the big brother type...well, he usually proclaims himself as being one, so it isn’t that much of a surprise.
Francis will make sure to absolutely pamper you with his attention; hanging out with you, sending letters whenever he was too busy...and simply sending gifts from France. He simply couldn’t let you go off feeling unloved!
He adores talking about you; usually going off on a mindless ramble whenever someone even mentions your name, like a proud father showing off his child. Others will usually compare him to one due to how much he adores talking about you— or simply the way that he treats you. Which would quickly be disregarded with a: “oh, I’m no father! They’re just such a nice little friend to have around, who wouldn’t want to praise such a delicate person?”
On a second note....he actually did feel like a father figure to you. Huh.
Francis will often suggest helping you out with your love life, perhaps even gushing over cute guys together that you found on a random dating app— before quickly realizing that he didn’t really want this. Those silly moments were fun and all, but having you talk with someone that could just be out to use you made him a bit angry...and paranoid, mainly the latter. He will make sure that anyone that even so much dares to get close you first gets his approval first. The feeling of a broken heart was all too familiar to him, and he didn’t want you to experience such a thing.
This may result in him checking up on you...an awful lot, making sure that those around you were only the best of the best and wouldn’t end up being bad influence to you. Yes, he truly was like a father.
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A sibling-like person in his life that he didn’t feel insecure against and acknowledged him as his own person? Fuck yes!!
Jokes aside— Matthew really does care deeply for you. Perhaps it was due to the Canadian barely having those that he could...truly call close friends, so having you around almost felt like a blessing. Unlike Francis, he won’t really show you off or talk about you much, especially around his brother. The American had already stolen enough from him, so why would he let something like that happen again?
He’s extremely wary of anyone that even so much tries to make a move on you. It’s just...you were someone that he held extremely dear; and having you potentially getting hurt due to some lowlife that managed to slip into your life would absolutely break his heart. Matthew didn’t want to fail in protecting you, he would never forgive himself if something like that were to happen.
Losing you is something that he wishes to avoid completely. He’ll even go as far as kidnapping you if it came down to it, Matthew just couldn’t see himself living happily without you by his side.
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Yao likes cute things...and you’re a cute friend, so it’s a perfect match!
But seriously, he thinks that you’re absolutely adorable. Whether it be because of your personality— or your appearance, it really doesn’t end up mattering in the end. You’re his cute little friend, and that’s all that matters!
He’ll often treat you with more, yet gentler care than most of the others around him. He knew that you were well capable of taking care of yourself; but he just couldn’t help but see you as something fragile, something that he had to protect. So you can already imagine how frustrated he gets when someone treats you with even the slightest bit of disrespect— Yao will often confront them immediately, while you awkwardly have to sit back and watch it all. Almost feeling pity for the person that had to endure your friend’s seemingly never-ending complaints.
Oh, he probably doesn’t quite realize how he comes off as a father at times; seeing how much he’ll scold you for the smallest mistakes (while making sure to correct you of course!) and how he usually made decisions for you, making it hard to refuse his gestures due to his pushy nature. But it’ll probably become a normal thing for the two of you as time progresses, since it’s just...how Yao was, you assumed.
His controlling behavior will also reflect on how he treats your personal life. Yao is very selective of who he lets you be around with, so he’ll often look at your acquaintances and friends with a very critical eye, immediately expressing his distaste in them if they were even to do the smallest thing wrong. “Such a brute isn’t worth being around, (y/n).” Yao will warn you to stay away from them, but won’t bring it up any further if you decide to do what he says. If you don’t then...well, he had special friends to help him out with his dirtier work.
Yao might consider kidnapping you if this behavior keeps on repeating, but won’t feel compelled to actually do it unless something bad were to happen.
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Ivan will always try his best to be there for you! While it most likely won’t quite work with him being a rather busy person; a country, nonetheless, but he’ll do his upmost best. It was extremely hard for Ivan to make friends that...weren’t scared of him or secretly disliked him, so having you was such a relief!
Being his only friend, he’ll make sure to be absolutely devoted to you— perhaps in a way that wasn’t too healthy in a friendship, and would often be looked down upon by those looking at your relationship from an outsider’s perspective. But could one truly blame him? Ever since he was born it felt like everyone around him were either toying with him, or were utterly terrified of the boy expect for his two sisters. It was lonely...so it isn’t hard to imagine how overjoyed he was once having you in his life; someone that didn’t display the usual fright whenever he approached them, nor did you look like you were out to hurt him.
Ivan appreciated you a lot.
It wasn’t hard to imagine that you’d most likely become the target of a few other countries, your connection with Ivan wasn’t extremely hidden from the outside world... (from how much he’d senselessly mutter things about you when daydreaming, and the many times he stuck by your side) and so, others would take it to their advantage. Those like Alfred will probably try convince you to leave Ivan’s side, spewing terrifying stories of the man to try and stir up something inside of you so you could leave him. It was mainly for your own safety, yes. But it was also to make the Russian weaker. It was obvious that he was depending on you heavily, and losing you would...god forbid if that would ever happen. Ivan would completely lose himself, perhaps even snapping completely.
So don’t hesitate to tell Ivan if someone was bothering you! Ivan will make sure to get rid of the little parasite from your life in an instant, giving them a short warning whenever the two come across each other...and making sure that he got his point across! It’s better to ignore their sudden disappearance after that day, since someone like them wasn’t worth lingering in your mind.
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How would the the Allies go about a darling that rejected, but the darling seems scared when they did. Not scared of them but something else. Before the nations can do anything, The darling fearfully tells them to stay away from them, because they don't want to see them get hurt or worse killed. After that they ran away. After a good 2 weeks of the darling avoiding them. The Nations go threaten ask the darling's friends what's going on. The darling's friends has told them they have this crazy stalker (Yandere) that's been threatening them and hurting the people they care about. So what are the Allies going to do when they find out that the darling only rejected them to keep them safe and that they actually do love and care about them; that and they have another Yandere after them.
Aph America -   Alfred F. Jones
Alfred would honestly feel offended. What does this mean, babe? Did you think that he was weak and couldn’t protect you? Okay, he knew that you were pretty awesome, but still! He has been training to try and impress you, so, he is even stronger than before! Please, some stalker isn’t going to stop him. Without a second thought, he would kill the fuck! And if it’s a country, he is a big country, he could wage war and put that country into its place! Honestly, Alfred would find your reasoning for not accepting his love very stupid and would punish you after getting rid of the problem. Losing half of the people that you considered close was good enough punishment, right? 
Aph England -  Arthur Kirkland
Arthur wasn’t physically all that strong, that’s why he knew that he couldn’t win against the person in a physical fight, especially if the stalker is someone who is strong like Ludwig. Because of that, he would find different ways of getting rid of your stalker. For example, a poisoned cup of tea, or poisoned food. Worst-case scenario, he could just poison that area's water supply. Yes, many people would die, but if it gets the job done, who cares, yes? Everything is fair in love and war.  After the problem would be taken care of, he would move on to punish you. Avoiding him without telling him anything? You think he was not going to punish you for such a thing? I hope you are ready for some heavy psychological torture because he needs to teach you some new rules, it seems...
Aph France - Francis Bonnefoy
Francis would be horrified, and understanding. It must have been so frightening! He really isn’t sure what to do though... He isn’t that strong, and he isn’t talented in assassinating people in different ways... Oh, wait! He could just hire someone to kill them! Very easy! And if it’s a country, he could make up some lies and deliver them to both Ivan and Alfred, so that country would be destroyed by the two idiots! Don’t worry, he will save you! Afterward, he would officially ask you out, and he hopes you finally accept otherwise.. Well, after what he managed to do, he isn’t going to be a pushover anymore, willing to hurt you to get you. 
Aph China -  Yao Wang
Yao would say that it’s nonsense! Just give him a day or two and that person will disappear. He is a martial arts master, and you need to remember that he has a very loyal family that would do anything just to make him proud. Not even talking about them actually being very talented at martial arts, minus Kiku.. He’s the only one who wanted to be different.  Afterward, Yao would feel very proud, having another reason to show off and explain why he was the perfect partner for you. I mean, he dealt with the problem almost immediately. Now, there is no reason to reject him anymore, yes? 
Aph Russia -  Ivan Braginsky
Ivan would nod, smiling and saying that you didn’t need to worry about the problem. He will go and make sure that the little person is crushed. No mercy for someone who scares his little rabbit. He is the most brutal with his execution, seeing as he will beat the person to death with his metal pipe and won’t hold back at all. After Ivan returns, he wouldn’t even ask if you want to be together, as he isn’t going to let you escape. Clearly, you were attracting very bad people, so, to keep you safe, he is going to lock you up in his small cabin, so the two of you can be together happily.
Aph Canada -  Matthew Williams
Matthew would be completely enraged. Both with you and him. What, you think he is not enough of a man to protect you? Just watch! He will prove to you that he is enough of a man to protect you and after he is done, he will make sure to punish you for ever doubting you. It seems you were like everyone else and didn’t see his true potential.  When he is done beating the person to death with a hockey stick, he returns to take you away. He was nice before but he won’t anymore. He will take you somewhere far away and teach you what happens when you doubt his skills. I mean, he is even stronger than Alfred! He could have killed the person in seconds!
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Yandere kidnaps the s/o and then they get hit with the ol' "Im not mad, just disappointed" Who do you think out of the countries would get wrecked by that.
Why is this so funny?
Honestly, everyone would probably become pretty bummed out if their s/o said that, some more than others.
 I see England, Spain, N. Italy, Russia, Sweden, Prussia, and Canada as more of the sensitive yanderes. Basically this would lead to feelings of pure confusion (Spain, N. Italy, Prussia), anger (England, Russia, Canada), or overall sadness (Prussia, England, Sweden, Canada) with the yanderes.
England and Russia are more likely to lash out on their darling and be pretty crushed for awhile. Spain and N. Italy would be extremely confused (and maybe a little sad). Prussia, Sweden, and Canada would be completely destroyed.
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