#yandere moirail
yanderes-galore · 8 months
hoping it's not too late to request, can I have pale!Gamzee headcanons?
Having Gamzee in any quadrant is certainly... an experience. I hope it's long enough!
Yandere! Moirail! Gamzee Concept
Pairing: Pale/Moirail♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Drug use implied because Gamzee, Possessive behavior, Violence, Murder, Dubious Moirallegience, Blood.
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When it comes to Gamzee at the start he's an okay Moirail.
Before becoming sober he's good natured, laid-back, and willing to help friends.
As a Moirail Gamzee would be very attentive to his pale crush.
He's had a relatively lonely life while growing up and may be even a bit clingy when he meets his Moirail.
In terms of how he'd act... there really isn't anything violent about it when he's still on Sopor Slime.
If anything he showers you in attention.
He isn't really jealous and allows his Moirail to do their own thing for the most part.
Sure, you can have a red love... a black love... but he's your only pale crush.
If there's anyone else then THAT'S when he has a problem.
That and if you and your other quadrants aren't getting along.
Gamzee would be the type to soothe you if you're upset, even listening to the issues between you and your Matesprit or Kismesis.
If anyone was causing you trouble then he'd try to help fix things.
Not really in a violent way but he is definitely capable.
Gamzee is very affectionate as a Moirail.
He just likes being in your company, often leaning on your shoulder or something as you talk to him.
Honestly, him before being sober is one of the best trolls to be around.
He's genuinely there for you and only intervenes if he feels you're threatened.
He trusts you to always return to him as his Moirail and to help him with his problems, too.
Then there's after his breakdown... when he's sober.
His Moirail would probably the only thing that calms him after his... spree.
The entire time you're traumatized.
Think about it... the whole time you've had Gamzee as your Moirail he's been fine.
He's been affectionate, caring, and respectful.
Now? Now Gamzee... that same Moirail... is covered in the blood of your friends.
Right when he approaches you he stops with the grin of a psychopath.
You're shivering in your room in the meteor silently hoping he comes to his senses.
He somewhat does... but it just doesn't feel right.
He's still breathing heavy and is just staring.
Maybe you decide to appeal to him and try to shoosh pap him?
He's more receptive to it than you thought he'd be and drops his weapon.
His spree ends up with him holding you with soft honks, the blood of your friends coating your clothes.
His behavior as your Moirail does a complete 180.
He's no longer as laid-back.
In fact, he gets possessive about the fact others are around you.
Which leads to you trying to calm him down.
Gamzee no doubt tried to kill your Matesprit or Kismesis at one point.
He used to be fine with them but now he just wants to keep you as his.
He feels the best way to gain his Moirail's attention is to just isolate them.
So in order to keep Gamzee from getting to be too much of a problem, you're forcefully given the job of soothing him.
Gamzee appears to be manageable if you take him into private to hold/shoosh pap him.
You keep each other in check, as Moirails do
Except it's now mostly you keeping him in check.
Gamzee is still caring, just in a different way.
Now whenever you bring up a problem he's adamant on fixing it with bloodshed.
So you just stopped telling your Moirail about your problems.
Gamzee is only soft with you.
He seems disinterested in everyone else and goes off to find you.
Gamzee is certainly worse after the spree he had during his breakdown.
You wish you had Sopor Slime on you just to get the old Gamzee back-
Yet there's times you still see your old Moirail in him.
Like when you're upset he's adamant to figure out what happened.
He still leans on you and basks in your presence.
He just... makes you worry all the time now.
You worry if he'll snap again.
You wonder if he'll kill the rest of your friends.
You fear he'll kill you next.
Yet Gamzee seems to notice your distance and throws himself at you to listen to you.
If not shoosh pap you like you've done for him.
Overall, Gamzee can be a great/normal Moirail before his breakdown.
The moment his spree starts, however...
He'll become one of the worst yanderes in the series, Moirail or not.
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nana2009 · 6 months
Yo anon is just an sjw and does not speak for anyone other than themselves. You are not hurting anyone and you are just having fun i for one love this au. They need to learn that if something is not for them then all they should do is not read it instead of trying to get you to stop doing it. As long as you are not influencing anyone to do these things you are fine and you are also NOT responsible for anyone who acts or behaves in certain ways to this form of media. Do what you love and dont let anon stop you.
oh honey!!!!!! thank u so much idk wat 2 say >.< !!! yea i completely agree! but u kno how fings are nowadays -.-' i make shore to always tag everyfin properly so that no one gets hurt and also try to b as respectful as i can aboat the subject while still having my own fun! im glad u and other amazing peeps agree that this place needs a bit of spice to balance all the sugar~ <333
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psst! wanna know a secret? i don't fink davekat is that innocent of a ship. and they definitely have potential to be veeeeeery fucked up. :)
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alterous-yearning · 1 year
hot take or crack take idk
what if the relationship between osana & raibaru from yansim isn't platonic or romantic??? what if it is alterous??? like maybe they have alterous feelings for each other. or maybe it is just one-sided & like raibaru has alterous feelings for osana but osana only has platonic feelings for her.
idk maybe im just projecting bc i have alterous feelings for one of my close friends & it is similar to how raibaru acts. she just like me fr.
also maybe they are like moirails from homestuck. i havent even read that far into homestuck but like ive heard about the relationships from there & I feel like that fits them. also it fits how I feel for my close friend as well. I may be just projecting tho lmao.
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ase-trollplays · 2 years
Despite how much Sonja (Comedy) claims to hate Thiomi and blames her for their moiraillegiance failing, if she asked him to take her back he would do it in a heartbeat.
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understandableparadox · 6 months
Orfeus Etimio
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Orfeus is soft spoken, docile and as weak as a troll gets, but people tend to fear them because of the horde of ghosts following them everywhere, even for those that can't see spirits the presence is overwhelming.
They constantly give more than they can for the ghosts and have ended up emotionally drained, not properly reacting to most situations and appearing emotionless. İf you grabbed them and took them home they'd only say "ok" and let it happen.
They like playing minecraft with their moirail also
Popahv Arlech
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Popahv came from an amazing homestuck ttrpg campaign called Binary System, which we even tried turning into a fanventure for a little bit there! Popahv is just a sweet little guy with some serious attachment issues. He loves his friends more than anything and thinks it's his responsibility to take care of them, whether they want him to or not. Add this to an exploit in the game giving him some extremely overpowered mind control powers, and Popahv becomes just a little problematic! He means well, honestly. He just wants everyone to be happy and peaceful and never ever leave him. Meet the original Friendship Yandere, Popahv!
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cryptid-catnip · 1 year
Yan!Vriska x Reader Alphabet Headcannons (S-Z)
S: Stigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? What didn't? Vriska's life has been hell for as long as she can remember. From her lusus, Terezi abandoning her, her shitty moirail and kismesis, and just life on Alternia in general. You're the first person to show her kindness while at the same not being super weak like Tavros. She fell for you very quickly.
T: Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? It would break Vriska's heart. She would understand why you would isolate yourself and cry, hell, she could even relate to it. That wouldn't make it hurt any less, though. She would try to comfort you, but considering that it's her fault, she wouldn't really help that much.
U: Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? Vriska would be essentially your garden variety yandere, but instead much more powerful with mind control, the Fluorite Octet, and the powers of a Thief of Light. Not to mention, depending on what your specific blood color is, she's much stronger than you.
V: Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? Vriska is deeply insecure, and if you said that you hate her, over and over, she would stop loving you, because you remind her too much of her lusus. There's a chance she would let you go, but it very likely wouldn't be in one peice.
W: Wit's End - Would they ever hurt their darling? Vriska would hurt you, but it would hurt her to do it. She would make sure to tell you that when she punishes you. "Th8s 8s hurting me more th8n it hurts you, remem8er that".
X: Xoanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? Vriska wouldn't worship you perchance, but she would adore you. She sees you as her equal, that's one of the things she likes about you. You two are on the same level. That being said, she would go to extreme lengths to win you over. She needs you with her ::::)
Y: Yearn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? Vriska would pine after you for a fairly long time, but if she that someone was red for you or, gog forbid, you were red for someone, she would take you much faster.
Z: Zenith - Would they ever break their darling? If Vriska kidnapped you under the reason that you were in a matespritship with someone else, she would immediately start trying to make you fall for her. Just........ forg8t a8bout the other troll. Spidermom is digesting them as you speak. If you tried to bring about the events of V, there's a chance, small it may be, that instead of killing you, she would try to "fix" you. Just rel8x, rel8x your mind, let her take hold of it.
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froms8nsashes · 7 months
For all intensive purposes this mother fucker hides himself as a burgundy blood but is really just a purple blood. Bitch ass is able to wear a disguise and easily blend in, other high bloods easily and quickly forgetting that he is a high blood. Until he bleeds purple.
His horns are actually like bunny ears, part of them folding forward with a sharp point. He wears a hoodie with the burgundy sign Airiborn but his true sign is Capriborn. He is a rage player because he's chaotic as shit and is deffo active in his class.
The only quadrant information he shares with others is that Taurtis is his moirail.
His true sign:
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his fake sign:
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He's a cerulean who likes to party. Very interested in the culinary arts he tries to pursue a career with food. Cerulean's may be chill and laid back but he is almost as chaotic as Sam is and doesn't mind if his hands get dirty, or he has someone elses hands get dirty for him.
His horns actually look like ram horns close against the side of his head to resemble his headphones. On the days he's not working he does wear that stereotypical unfiorm we all see him wear. The shirt, suspenders, pants and shoes. He has a small pin on one of his suspenders with his sign on it. Capripio.
Taurtis is Sam's moirail.
His sign:
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We all know this fuckers void-bound. Anyway! He is a mustard blood, so unlike his friends he is a lowblood but that doesn't stop them from hanging out with him. He isn't weak and those mindbeams of his can pack a pretty mean punch.
This man has pretty basic horns, or he probably has horns that look like Karkat's. Just small lil nubs. He used to tape things to his horns to make them look bigger but gave up because they just fell off anyway. People often underestimate him because of his horns so he gives them some razzle-dazzel. Oh, and his eyes are red and blue.
He wears the standard fit but his shirt is yellow instead of red and his sign is on his sleeve. Gemittanius.
His sign:
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An indigo blood as chaotic as Sam but as optimistic as Grian and Taurtis. She loves atheleticism so it was a no brainer. Considered the best in muscle theater and is far more intimidating than Sam could ever be.
Her horns look almost like wolf ears. She wears something that looks easy to work out in but layers a gray cardigan over top. Her sign is embroidered on the left side of her chest. Sagicorn.
Her sign:
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
Can i please get some yandere moirail eridan hc’s please?
Pale!Yandere Eridan Headcanons
-Before he kidnaps you, he would make very forceful pale advances, such as telling you what you should do to be protected, and trying to calm you down if you're upset, even if you tell him to leave.
-Once he kidnaps you, his main reason would be because you wouldn't listen to what he told you to do, and he felt like you would get injured or cause more problems for yourself.
-It would likely be an almost completely one-sided relationship, even if you ended up getting a pale crush on him.
-That's because he would still have difficulty opening up with his feelings, though he still wants you to comfort him and understand what he's going through.
-He doesn't want to harm you, at least not physically, but he won't shy away from it if he thinks you are misbehaving or trying to escape.
-He's a very controlling moirail, he feels like he knows best for you, and he gets upset whenever you don't listen, even if it was just for something small.
-However, he is also a moirail who would cause many problems, and push you into a position where you feel obligated to calm him down. He would openly talk about his plans of genocide, and try to tell you about when he was going to do it, saying that he was doing it because you wouldn't reciprocate his advances.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
my final request……. kanaya x reader x terezi (auspicticeship, kanaya and terezi looking for a third (pale)) they are INFECTING MY BRAIN
Orderly Anon [💉]
This is actually really interesting... wiki doesn't show if they had much of a relationship with one another so I will do what I can! Doing pale/moirails for this. I actually had a lot of fun with this, too. Hope I got this right.
Yandere! Kanaya Maryam + Terezi Pyrope Concept
Pairing: Pale/Moirallegience♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Poly Moirails, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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So we all know Terezi and Vriska are moirails.
A concept of them sharing a third palemate may make more sense.
However, here's an AU where things are different from canon.
Maybe in this AU Kanaya was originally an Auspistice to Terezi and Vriska.
Then some event happened that lead to Kanaya and Terezi becoming Moirails.
That would leave things open to the two looking for a third.
Maybe Terezi still feels incomplete even with Kanaya as her Moirail.
So they discuss a third with one another... eventually deciding on you to join them.
You could be a troll or human, the two don't really mind.
You're most likely already friends with at least one or both of them, just nothing in the pale quadrant.
You and Kanaya do fashion, the jade blood often making you outfits.
You and Terezi also often role-play, usually something law related.
When the two are Moirails I imagine their interests mix.
For example, Kanaya makes Terezi outfits to fit her love of dragons and law.
The two would also try to give subtle hints to you, their friend, that they want you are their third.
For example, you're also given outfits that mix fashion and dragons.
Said outfits often share jade and teal colors.
Sometimes it's things clearly designed by Kanaya with help from Terezi.
For example, stylistic outlines of dragons surrounding a dress or suit.
Then there's outfits that have hoods and fake dragon wings, ones Terezi came up with because they are cool.
It's like their way of claiming you before you know it.
You take their gifts, even wear them.
You think the designs are cool and wearing them makes your two friends happy.
You are completely aware of the two being Moirails.
What you don't know is them wanting to make you their third.
The gifts are a good hint though.
Why else would they cover you in their blood caste?
You care for them as your friends.
Sometimes you even meet with them for role-play.
Kanaya isn't really that into it but will make outfits for you and Terezi to conduct court scenes.
Honestly you feel you're just friends, especially if you are inexperienced in pale relationships.
It isn't until you realize they do pale actions towards you that you find out what they're doing.
They're essentially manipulating you into the role they want.
Stuff like the gifts and Kanaya/Terezi shoosh papping you at times disguised as just an affectionate gesture.
Terezi probably even uses her powers to try and predict outcomes of the relationship she and Kanaya want for you.
Every action they do is strangely planned.
Kanaya acts motherly to the both of you at times.
Meanwhile Terezi metaphorically "oversees" every action to take to have you as theirs.
Also Terezi seems like she remembers your smell and can tell when you lie to them.
The two are overprotective and surprisingly manipulative as they try to convince you of being their third Moirail.
You may even settle into the role if they can play their cards right.
Terezi reassures Kanaya that they will... she knows it...
You're meant to be theirs.
Once you're officially Moirails, willingly or not, the two never leave you be.
Every outfit is made by Kanaya and their colors/interests are incorporated into it.
You may not want to wear the jade/teal dragon outfits... but Terezi can just tell when you aren't.
The two love you and are actually quite protective/attentive to your needs.
Terezi can just smell when you're upset and is always there to comfort you with Kanaya.
If anyone tries to tell you this Moirallegience is unhealthy or you don't deserve them... both of them aren't happy.
Terezi is already planning out justice and Kanaya claims she'll play executioner.
No matter how long it takes... the two will have you be their Moirail...
It's fate... all according to Terezi.
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nana2009 · 4 months
do u think dave would 👉👈 karkat bleed. or does he keep him very very safe
i dont rlly sea dave as a violent yandere??? at least not unless absolutely necessary or rlly rlly desperate. he would try to keep karkat as safe as possible while still maintaining some kind of control over him, ykno? because as much (subconsciously) controlling and manipulative dave is, he's still caring and near submissive otherwise. to drive him to wounding karkat at the point of drawing blood it would have to be reelly serious, somefin like probably hes drunk or out of himself and karkat tries somefin bold or drastic that doesn't give him enough time to think of a rational solution but attack! rarely would he ever use physical strength against karkat out of his own rational will.
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so in conclusion id say it depends on the situation, but it would have to be the kind where dave can not control himself? :3
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oh yeah, somehow this happens in the future. (///>u0///)
psst. a bonus for blood i didnt add in one image because i thought it would be too over-the-top and lowkey gross(maybe.)
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its a lil detail i wanted in, but thought my initial intentions would have been a little too obvious....(and also got a firm no from my moirail BUT IM STILL SHOWING HEHEHE!!)
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Yandere!Moirail!Polypa Goezee x Human!Reader - Trolls on Earth AU
💚 You’re one of the first humans Polypa had ever met upon coming to Earth! Humanity’s space traveling technology had advanced as to where humanity could travel through galaxies at a relatively fast rate, leading to the discovery of Alternia. Upon discovering that the ppanet was made up mostly of young-to-young adult trolls, the humans had offered to take the trolls to Earth to start a new life - and Polypa, tired of constantly being on the run and having to take hits on other trolls, immediately took the opportunity. You were one of the volunteers in order to help the trolls acclimate to terran life, and Polypa was your assigned charge.
🔥It took Polypa a while to warm up to you, as she was used to mostly hiding in the shadows from others. Allies were few and far between, and were usually only clients she had met once and never again. But, she slowly began to get used to your presence and helpfulness. It comforted her to know that somebody cared for her and wasn’t out to get her.
💚 She begins to feel pale for you when she awakens from a nightmare one night, and you come to her side to calm her down. You shush her and hold her and rub her back, whispering to her that everything is okay and that she’s fine now, that you’re here. Polypa can’t help but blush! It all feels so pale!
🔥In an effort to get to know each other better, Polypa explains the romance quadrants to you - highly emphasizing pale romance and hinting that she… Maybe… Kinda… Sorta… has a big pale crush on you! You say you’re flattered, but… You don’t really understand? And besides, you see her as more of a friend and it would be inappropriate of you to enter a relationship with Polypa.
💚 …But Polypa won’t take no for an answer! She gets enraged in secret. Whenever you go put, she makes it her mission to find anyone close to you and take them out. Family, friends, coworkers, it didn’t matter! She needed to show you that the only one who mattered and was there for you was HER - and how she would pity you after you come crying to her, she’d shoosh and pap you until you calm down, and you’ll finally see how good of a moirail she is!
🔥 Polypa is horrified when ypu come to her explain you’ll be quitting volunteer work due to… Personal reasons. You look awful and distressed as you explain. Polypa’s bloodpusher can’t take it! She uses her muscles to wrap her arms around you, holding you in place. She frantically explains that she loves you! She’s so pale for you it hurts! You two were destined to meet, you were her fated moirail! You try to break out of her grip, but she’s far too strong. Polypa promises that she’ll take care of you, just as you do her - that’s what good moirails do, after all! She shooshes you and grooms you as she holds you in her arms, nuzzling against you and whospering how pale she is for you.
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unstablelover · 4 years
he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his he called me his
he! called! me! his.
i love my darling//////
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mrsegbert · 5 years
Yandere Damara with a willing victim? Maybe moirails? Like imagine going yandere but pale so, like, "shoosh pap me or die"? "Let me calm you down or perish"? (I am a pale slut for Damara, Yandere or otherwise)
GOD anon,, you are the MOST valid person I've ever met,, Damara loves you so palely and so much,, we stan LEGENDS ONLY
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dav3katz · 2 years
Yandere-Aradia has taken Reader(reader is a troll) to her hive. She's been trying to convince reader that being with her is a good idea.
Sollux tries to help reader out this because he doesn't want to have anything escalate.
Poly with arasol is kinda implied ? I guess ? Sorry I could not help myself <//3 also f/I stands for 1st initial ! Since that’s how sollux refers to people close to him (AA, KK, FF, ETC)
It didn’t seem like a sketchy idea or anything, to move in with Aradia, you trusted Aradia with your life after all! But even you knew that Aradia had been acting strange lately, unhinged if you will. Not that you said anything, you didn’t want to. She got a bit.. moody… when you mentioned her acting strange. She would get all upset! And you didn’t want to upset her! Especially since your accusations were quite out there. She was going through a lot at the moment, with that vriska drama and everything, she was rightfully very upset and would’ve sent some ghosts vriskas way if it weren’t for you!
Truly, Aradia was grateful for that. If it weren’t for you.. she doesn’t even know what would happen! You’re truly a wonderful sweet Angel! Naturally, after the incident, she wanted to keep you safe in her hive. Away from vriska… away from everyone! Isn’t that a good enough reason? Besides, you guys are a couple now! It’s only natural you live with her!
You felt like this was all going so fast. You weren’t sure. Aradia didn’t blame you! You have time to think about it. Too much time though, and she may have to do something about it. Not that she’d tell you, but perhaps she got too comfortable with sollux. She trusted him, of course. Why wouldn’t she? Her very own moirail? Somebody who was kind, and caring, despite his cynical outlook.
But as you and her hung out, you had told her you needed to go to the restroom. You left your palmhusk on the countertop, and she noticed sollux had texted you. Ooh! She was just so curious, was he coming over? That would be nice! To be honest, she hasn’t seen him in forever. She was started to worry about him. Perhaps she could have him live in her hive as well.. for his own protection.
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling pezTerchumz [PT]
TA: ju2t lii2ten two me for a 2econd wiill you?
TA: ii know 2he2 your mate2priit
TA: you act liike 2he ii2nt my moiiraiil and that ii care about her very deeply
TA: ii ju2t thiink thiing2 wiill only get wor2e iif you move iin wiith her
TA: liike? Do you 2eriiou2ly thiink 2he ii2 gonna ju2t 2top beiing overwhelmiingly cliingy? 2he wiill get wor2e
PT: but solllux
PT: I willl only feeel bad!!
PT: I think she’s just lonely! :(
TA: f/I for once ii need you two have 2ome 2elf worth and realiize your relatiion2hiip wiith AA ii2nt normal a2 much a2 ii hate two admiit iit
PT: are you saying this because you’re jealous?
TA: dude no
TA: lii2ten can we plea2e put my 2hiitty feeliing2 a2iide
TA: you briing iit up every fuckiing tiime
PT: hey, all I’m saying is.. if you want to go threeeways you could just say so!
PT: hehe >;)
TA: oh 2hut up
TA: iim 2eriious riight now
TA: liike my feeling2 a2iide
PT: maybe you’d be happier if you moved into Aradias too :)
PT: then we’d all be happy
TA: dude no you’re liike 2ome miind controlled puppet
TA: how can you not 2ee how fucked thii2 ii2
TA: come over
PT: no!
TA: come over
PT: I’m with Aradia!
TA: F/I don’t make me tell you how much ii hate you
PT: it isn’t true!
PT: Aradia raises good points anyhow
TA: like what exactly
TA: plea2e, enliighten me
PT: I am safer
PT: Aradia made sure of it
TA: how
PT: Zahhhak
TA: that truly doe2nt make me feel better iin the 2liighte2t
TA: F/I iim fuckiing worriied about you okay?
TA: F/I?
TA: dammiit wiill you fuckiing an2wer
TA: fuck
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling pezTerchumz [PT]
Aradia read it, then read it again, and again, and again. He likes you? LIKES LIKES YOU? You. Her moirail. Her most trusted friend. Likes you? Her matesprit. Normally, she’d wanna kill the bastard. But she was just so happy at your loyalty, how sweet of you. Maybe you were right.
He should be apart of this relationship. He will soon learn how healthy you are, he’ll see it for himself.
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yandere-homestuck · 2 years
Hightblood Masterlist
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 13: Petplay with Terezi Pyrope
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Terezi NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, M, P, and S)
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Drabble
KinkTober Day 3: Sadistic Giant/Tiny with Vriska Serket
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Headcanon
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Oneshot FLARPing
Yandere!Vriska x Timid!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Sadistic Vriska Praising her S/O for Breaking Down
♐ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Yandere!Equius x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 20: Lactation with Equius Zahhak
KinkTober Day 22: (M!Reader) Somnophilia with Equius Zahhak
KinkTober Day 25: Collaring, Breeding, and Bondage with Equius Zahhak
Yandere!Equius x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, E, and H)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (K, O, and V)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (L and Y)
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, N, and J)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B, C, and D)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (H, I, and K)
Emoji Themed Yandere Headcanons (🥀)
KinkTober Day 28: Breeding with Gamzee Makara
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, L, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, E, and S)
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee Makara x shut-in introvert!Reader headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Writerohno]
♒ Eridan Ampora 🌊
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Eridan x Human!Reader - Quadrant Vaciliation Headcanons
Yandere!Moirail!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, and Y)
Yandere!Eridan x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Eridan x Yandere!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 11: Femdom with Eridan Ampora
KinkTober Day 21: Shower Sex with Eridan Ampora
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Cuddling
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Winning Over a Darling
Pale!Yandere Eridan Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, F, H, I, and U)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C )
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (T)
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Eridan - “I’m trying to help! You had a problem, and I fixed it!”
Yandere Alphabet Sexcanons (A, I, K, M, S and U)
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Empress!Feferi x Reader Fluff Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!Feferi x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 2: Femdom with Feferi Peixes
KinkTober Day 14: Vore with Feferi Peixes
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Love letter
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
Hi!! Super sorry to bug you, but i would love some more nepeta stuff!! It may be neat to do either nsfw headcanons or maybe explore something with a coordinated effort between her and equius? I imagine the combo of stalking and affinity for watching could be neat! but please dont push yourself to write much (or at all!) Im just wordy!!
Meowrails Headcanons
-Nepeta would be first to fall in love, whether they were both yanderes or if Equius was just lending a helping hand to his moirail.
-Nepeta does more active stalking, she'll find things about you from the past, she'll look through your things at your house. Equius is more of a passive watcher, he focuses on what you do and how you act now.
-When Nepeta is doing the watching version of stalking, she would likely be doing it with Equius, and she would get rid of her excitedly anxious energy by pulling him into a bone-crushing hug after watching you do anything she deems cute.
-She's still protective, more so than Equius, so if you're in any significant danger while she's watching you, her mood will change almost immediately, and she'll jump out from wherever she was hiding to help protect you.
-They always share what they've learned about you, Equius tends to do it in more of an official reporting way, while Nepeta just goes on rambles about what she saw you do and how it was so cute and how you were so purrfect.
-Neither of them would be willing to approach you, at least not until your kidnapping. Equius would likely be the one to kidnap you, while Nepeta would be there the whole time for emotional support.
-Honestly even if Equius wasn't a yandere, he would still do a lot of stuff that would be very similar, just to help out his moirail.
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