#yandere primarch
kit-williams · 23 days
I think Leman, Horus, Lorgar and Emps would be terrifying yanderes.
They all are terrifying Yanderes and like the others I'll point out why!
Yandere Leman! He's cunning! He plays the roll of the idiot brutish barbarian king who rather you all think he is something that he isn't. So either he can start the relationship off between him and his darling with deception just playing the fool while he is pulling strings in the background (I mean he's also a strong psyker in his own right as well). He's probably also less squimish in using force with his darling. He snarl and snap his jaws at her to get her to obey... to herd her where he wants her to go. I also see him being very reward based... he's going to train his darling on how to behave.
Yandere Horus! Oh he's the ultimate honeytrap! He'll lure you in with sweet charming words and his charisma... the darling might not notice anything is wrong as he bottles up his obsessive nature... he stores it all inside how paranoid he feels when other men look at you with lustful jealous gazes... how easily he could butcher an entire room of mortals for you! And once he starts falling to Chaos... he starts to say the silent part out loud.
Yandere Lorgar! @moodymisty has literally the best Lorgar piece and I can't see this man just not absolutely worshiping his darling. Loving every crevice of her and part of her just was basically made for him to love. Oh this man will croon and go on about how you two are clearly soulmates and it's meant to be... even if he's telling you this while tears are running down your face after he's taken you after slaughtering your family. You just were trying to broker peace but you aren't in charge of anything... the imperium's mercy can extend to your planet through you and Lorgar's favor through you as well. He'll happily kiss those tears away!
You know something like that for Lorgar.
Yandere Emperor! I have said my piece several times on why this man terrifies me. He is the ultimate yandere. You either change for him or he will change you. You might not even realize what is happening because of just his psychic might just changing the way you think and act perhaps becoming something completely unrecognizable to who you were? But as with how I've been writing the 40k yandere's we're saying they're in love with who their darling is already. Few delusions of how you'll act because they're all super smart and probably have been stalking you so they already know how you'll be. For the emps... he just has to look at you... tug a thread of you floating around in the inmaterium to know everything about you and I'm certain if a man like him finds someone that he likes he follows the thread.
He literally could be living a double life all the while being a warlord... his darling completely unaware that the poet (or really anything) she is seeing is in fact just some psychic manifestation of him or something (shit also apply this to 40k emps with the star children or his souls/other obscure lore) but just the fact he can be whatever he wants... he's the perfect bait to lure his darling in. He's someone who knows how to play a role to get what he wants and perhaps that role lasts until he ensnares them or until they die... its up to him how long he wants to pay a game.
I have a lot of thoughts about the emps...
Weirdos who like to hear my thoughts: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon & @sculptorofcrimson because I said yandere emps
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corvusspecialartist · 2 months
Caged Bird (Corax)
You were awake. You were brought here to the Dark tower of Deliverance. You had a nightmare, dreaming of disease and pain. Honestly, it was odd that you were having the same reoccurring dream. But never mind, you had a routine to follow. The owner of the great tower Corax, was away at the moment. This place was a monastery first, and your home second.
Getting dressed, to be honest, you had no idea of how long you were here exactly. There were no chronometers and only Marines attended to you instead of common serfs. The excuse that the primarch had given was that the serfs were on special missions for his cause. While, it maybe true…though maybe it was a way of training the newly fledged Scouts on how to deal with humanity. Getting dressed, in modest black robes. It was what you were comfortable with. You left the room and wandered around the section of the tower. You were given almost free reign on the tower, minus the Eiyre and the lowest floor.
Although, you tried to communicate with the occasional serfs that you have seen, they either ignored you, or spoke with harsh speedy tones. This had to be the some point in the early years of the thirty-first millennium , you remembered the time where the Warmaster Horus and the Emperor would hold a great triumph. However, when you tried to express this to the serfs… before they tried to hide you their faces contorted disgust and anger, before telling you that the parade would happen in a decade or so. Why would the serfs be so angry with the Warmaster in this way? Maybe this would be a question for Corax when he returned. Getting nowhere, you decided to return to your room. After all, maybe Horus could explain everything? You had tried to question the Marines outside about the whereabouts of the Warmaster and Lord Corax, but it was met with gritty silence. After that, you would spend time either entertaining yourself with the finest hobbies (with limited noon-sphere connection of course), and often read books. You could request certain titles, but they had to be approved. Many of your inquires on the history of the Horus from your favorite remembrancer were frequently denied… maybe they just didn't like their work.
That was basically your life… Day in and Day out. You lived a quiet life of luxury… often taking supplements whenever you fell ill from the rare disease. Until you day, you overheard the Marines guarding the area speaking. "Lord Corax, she remains unaware… though she asks about your brother and the current situation. She is showing no signs of disease either… except for the reoccurring nightmare." "Hm.. odd. I will be returning here within the week.. so keep a closer watch." You blinked twice.. trying to process the precious information that you had just heard, current situation?… what time and year was it? There were no clocks or windows in the room, at the time.. the excuse given was it was for security measures…and you had bought it at the time. You remembered going out with Corvus with this siblings and the other primarch consorts. To be honest… when was the last time you had seen them.. you were in good contact with your favorite one. But, Lord Corax was coming, and despite the feeling of deja vu, personally you did not feel anything. Maybe it was time for you to break one of those rules.. you needed answers. So you bided your time, waiting until the primarch arrived. Eventually, Corax had arrived in your chambers. the Scouts guarding the chamber had left. You turned and looked at the tall primarch… his pale skin, and with long black hair. He was beautiful, and some part of your mind yearned for him.. but you shook the thoughts out of your head. He gave a grin, yet it seemed sad. Approaching him, you asked. 'What is happening? Where's Horus?" Corvus turned and sighed. 'I have told you… He is busy at the moment… with wrapping up the Emperor's vision… " He trailed off. The answer proved unsatisfactory.. but he seemed so happy. So you decided to drop it to try and keep the peace. Corax approached you and picked you up hugging you in such a way that as if he hasn't seen you in a decade… He smelt of blood and chemical sweat. Carefully, he set you down. "Come on. We must have things to do." Maybe, you could find a way to loose him… and make it to the forbidden rooms.
It was not until hours had passed until you were put back into your room. Maybe that was intentional… but you were exhausted…you collapsed on the bed. Your dream however, was stranger… Your body was covered in many wounds and open sores… your teeth were falling out. You were on an unknown barge… You coughed letting out some blood. It was painful… and soon a large bloated figure appeared in front of you. He was wide with sickly yellow skin… he was taller than you and you could hear some faint buzzing. He turned and spoke to you. "Feel out the truth… and tell none of this dream." Somehow you could not place the figure… but then you woke up. You felt a cold sweat dripping down, the lights in your room… were still dark. It was now or never.
Quickly you got dressed and soon made careful steps, oddly the guard were gone. It seemed convenient.. but you did not dwell on that. Soon, you made your way throughout the tower, trying your best to avoid the serfs doing nightly duties in the area. After a while, eventually you made it to the forbidden area…The door was large and black.. and was bolted with many grav seal locks and chains… There had to be a way in. A thought went though your head. "Maybe you can enter in…using your clearance." It was true that Lord Corax have given you full access.. but it was worth a shot. Carefully, you placed your hand on the servo scanner, and to your surprise it opened. Honestly, it seemed rather weird. There were little to no guards…only serfs, and you were not quite sure if Marines could really sleep anyway. In fact, it was odd, how there were much fewer Marines… you knew that the Ravens were small in numbers.. but it couldn't have been that bad. The door made a noise and removed its servo locks.. you had to be quick. You entered and just tried to follow your instincts. Your heart was starting to pound, as you felt deja vu. Why exactly did you know the way?, were there others before you? You ran and entered the room and it was a horror. Rows of rows of vats of human bodies just laying in stasis. You almost stiffed a scream, but you have come so far to turn back. You carefully approached one… and saw you. Stepping back, running towards another.. it was identical. What was happening… your hearts started to beat as you backed and heard.
"You had to find out eventually." You recognized that voice. It was filled with sadness and regret. Lord Corax… "Why didn't you tell me?!" You shouted out… "That I am a clone?!" You backed away form him. "You… I never had a chance! To live… so that's were my dreams were trying to warn me!" He approached closer, his black armor merging into the darkened room, but his pale face sticking out like grim mask.
"How many of came before me? And How did.. the original die?" Corvus sighed… "You, original you..were on the Shadow Emperor on the Istvaan system… the ship and you were blown up by the Death Guard.., and you are the the fifth iteration."
You tried to turn and run… only to get grabbed and held up closer… his face… had tears coming from it. "I am sorry… I just couldn't lose you." You struggled and squirmed. How could he? You never had a chance. he other hand started to reach forward for you and you started to scream… and soon all went black.
Corvus had snapped your neck. He turned at your body and sighed. "It always seems to happen this way… why.. I should just stop." He raised a claw to the other vats… readying to destroy them.. but paused. "No. she just wasn't right." He started to hold your corpse clearly…"You will be given the greatest burial…" He had to make plans to drop of her corpse in mountains for a sky burial. Turning he pressed a button on the new one, the vat opened and the new you, would be take their first breaths of air…he would dress them and place them in a new room. He would try, for as long as it takes.. until you were back in his arms again.
A/N: This (terrible) one shot is a result from the winner of the poll for the poem inspired for "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou. Read it here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48989/caged-bird
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moodymisty · 2 days
Closing requests early because someone’s decided to be a little cunt and spam my ask box like they’re ordering at McDonald’s.
I am one person, and I'm already at my wits end with the UPDATE PLZ????? comments and the demanding ass requests. I am not a vending machine, and I'm this fucking close to just stopping requests for a longer amount of time, or just only allowing mutuals. And some of y’all fucking wonder why no one takes requests anymore.
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shiyorin · 8 months
This is inspired by loony
Ioony (Alpharius/Omegon x Reader)
TW: Yandere.
Alpharius watch in the shadows as usual, observing all yet revealed to none. His enhanced senses tracked each movement as plans took shape. Yet occasionally, amidst the shadows and intrigue, something... Intrigued him on a more individual level. 
You entered. Alpharius allowed his gaze to linger as you conferred softly with others, noting angles of your form, subtle nuances in tone and gesture.
Within his mind, analysis churned as always, strengths, weaknesses, potential vulnerabilities if turned against the Imperium. But in deeper recesses, another current stirred, one strange after millennia walled away from humanity's emotional tides.
He isolated each impression, the subtle play of muscle beneath skin as you moved, each minuscule alteration in breathing or posture conveying or concealing intent. Alpharius' psyche absorbed such intricacies effortlessly, yet analyzed them now with a frame altered.
Attempting simulation, he induced within himself the biochemical surges, corresponding physiological shifts. But like shaping smoke, the emotions themselves would not hold form no matter how perfectly rendered were their vehicles of expression. Unstable feelings gradually turned into something colder, paranoia?
That which watching you could only be described through antiquated, inexact concepts. Concepts like...love.
Was this what humans meant by "love"? An emotion so destabilizing it blurred clarity into chaos? Alpharius scoffed, even as uncertainty gnawed within. Only love, that illogical emotion create by the dissonant harmony your presence wrought. 
Your role here was unclear, its import unfathomed. But Alpharius suspected you will perceived that. How delicious it would be, to draw you in, see understanding kindle behind you at last.
Alpharius watched you leave. Your movements contained a lithe grace at odds with lethality honed within. A flickering spark awaiting tinder, or perfectly balanced steel? This thoughts pulsated, probably an impulse. Strange fruits of idleness, best pruned. 
He trailed your footsteps, mind alight with questions unasked. For now, it must remain a fleeting thought alone. But perhaps one day, when intrigues allowed... A word, a glance exchanged in passing, a meetings in somewhere. Entwining like a small diversion.
The thought pleased Alpharius, for the moment. He would let it linger awhile, hold it close, to be pondered in idle watches or drawn forth when solace was required.
A rare blossom amid plots marching to destruction, worthy of nurturing in ways even he did not comprehend.
You sat across from him as always, but you can't see him, or you can't know of his presence. And he still likes that, still and focused yet revealing nothing. A shadow, answering to one alone. 
Omegon watched you, worlds of speculation churning behind his obscured eyes. What did he truly see, this person shrouded in impenetrable calm? Could any mind withstand your assessing gaze, devoid of judgement yet probing deeper than fleeting surface?
Blankness sways, festering in the back of his throat. Your presence covered, enveloping, concealing all thoughts from intrusion. On your own, revealing nothing to avoid complication, choice or consequence. A clean existence, swimming placid as still waters while worlds collided around your edges.
You moved as through life were a dance, each gesture perfectly calibrated. Detached, you observed all yet revealed nothing, flickering nigh and gone like a little flame amidst machinery of war. 
Omegon was not one for fanciful words, but he understood their allure. With each glimpse of you passing by, he felt uncertainty stir within, a weak flame twitching fitfully to life at your nearness before extinguishing once more.
He did not need such complications. His works demanded perfect singularity of thought and action, without room for sentiments left unsaid. But in your gaze he sensed an invitation, to abandon identity, bleed away all traces of self until only nothing remained between him and you.
But reality persists, as do its obligations. For Alpharius or Omegon, duty must always come first. And in that, perhaps, lay fullest contiguity with the mysterious called you. 
Omegon kept his silence, locking away this vagrant fancy deep within where even Alpharius could not discern its shape. For one who lives divided can ill afford distraction, no matter how fleeting or sincere the source.
If a seed of something more lingered in the fragility of heart, such trivialities held no place in their meticulous design.
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wxnheart · 1 year
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐬 - 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝
a note from the OP.
Thrice-blessed. The red titan considered himself such. In his pursuit, he obtained knowledge. Through knowledge did he become wise, and through wisdom was he gifted power. Thrice-blessed. Unique among the cosmos, limitless in the Immaterium. Thrice-blessed.
"—And yet, not everything is attainable. Take care not to become lost in your quest and beholden to your thirst." Nonsense. He remembered well the words of a well-regarded scholar and still, the red titan persisted, the flames of knowledge fueled by hubris.
Magnus remembers vividly the moment he idly let his mind wander in search of knowledge, tempered by wisdom and shielded by power. He remembers vividly the moment he felt it, a spark different but alike all the same. A mind similar. Kindred spirits. He remembers it... because no sooner had he felt it, the spark vanished and Magnus was left reeling. And so were you.
That wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to do that. You weren't supposed to do any of this. And still, you persisted. For knowledge's sake. For wisdom's sake. For power. Your peers thought you were powerful enough. Your tutors cautioned you against your better wishes. What you had was good but it wasn't enough. And when you felt it, the yearning of your kindred spirit, you knew then that your journey was far from over. But you should've listened. Not all knowledge was worthy.
You remember vividly when you began to rue the day your "two minds, questing for knowledge" first met. It wasn't long before your curiosity led you astray and you poked at the giant yet again. It wasn't long before you were face to face with Prospero's greatest and oh, the promises he made, the knowledge that was at your fingertips—
Against his better judgment, Magnus found himself... taken by your passion. Your desire to push the boundaries. Mm. Not many on Prospero could say they carried the distinction of impressing him but you... What did you wish to know? What was your end goal? He knew not and it made him wish to delve deeper. And so he did. Through you.
An enigma riddled with mysteries hidden in ponderance. That's what you were. At least, that's what he thought you were. And what a fool Magnus is.
And you, knowledge at your fingertips, the memory of his radiant (albeit small) smile lingering in the recesses of your mind, gaze bright with mastery insanity, you thought yourself thrice-blessed. Knowledge became wisdom. Wisdom became power. Thrice-blessed. And oh, what a fool you were. What a fool you are. Not all smiles are beautiful. Not all knowledge begets power.
And what fools you both are. Magnus for his arrogance, and you for the audacity to think of yourself just as equal. It wasn't long before you find yourself wilting under his stoic gaze. It wasn't long before he began to push your boundaries and your mind, wandering idly, encountered horrors. Knowledge. For wisdom's sake. For power.
"Go beyond." Magnus would merely murmur encouragingly but his stare was too discerning, too penetrating. And you would, and he would watch, and you'd see horrors and realities beyond your comprehension. Knowledge. For wisdom's sake. For power. Thrice-blessed.
And still, he persisted, wanting to know your end goal. Wanting to know what you sought. An enigma riddled with mysteries hidden in ponderance. That's what you were. That's what he thought you were. And what a fool Magnus is. And it wasn't long before he became beholden to his thirst. And he pushed you to go beyond. For your sake. For his sake. In the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
"—And yet, not everything is attainable. Take care not to become lost in your quest and beholden to your thirst." Magnus told you once of a scholar's caution and you silently wished you heeded your tutors' words. The knowledge at your fingertips, decorating beautiful libraries, became your prison and Magnus your jailer.
And so you persisted, going beyond, seeing horrors and realities beyond your comprehension. Knowledge. For wisdom's sake. For power. Thrice-blessed.
And what fools you both were.
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You never lied. 
You grew up surrounded by lies. By disappointments. A hundred hypocrites and details that didn’t add up. Your father's attempts to mold you into something you were not. 
You were not clay to be molded. No matter how much he pressured you. No matter how he tried to soften or break you. 
You were not a piece of pottery. 
You were lucky when his gaze turned to someone else. The story of your life, in retrospect. The pressures of heir given to a sibling you finally could indulge in the arts you fancied all your life. 
You picked up a brush, and began to paint. 
You were watercolor. Beautiful and messy in your own way. And so so elegant. A careless stroke could ruin or define a whole painting. A hard breath could send drying droplets scattering across the frame. 
A hundred small details building up to a bigger picture. 
Just as you discovered details about a piece as you painted, so did you discover yourself. 
As you discovered yourself, so did the world of artistry discover you. 
Your father showed off your gallery to some visiting Lords. They bought some of your work. They shared it with their friends. 
And on it rippled until you received an invitation to join the Crusade amongst the stars as one of Fulgrims coterie of artists. 
You had your Father's attention again. As he fawned over his "favorite" daughter. You were able to ignore it now. And paint with even more resources than before. 
Gold and purple and silver entered your palette of constant color. 
People took notice of you, of course. You always stiffened under their gaze. An unintentional mask slipped over your face as you picked up on how they thought you should act. Self assured, but not vain. Self aware, but not self depreciating. Frank, but not too much. A well placed joke here, a tale there.
But one thing remained true, you never lied. 
Your skill as an artist grew, as did your portfolio. Now your hands chiseled marble. Worked clay. Placed mosaic tiles. Sewed fabric. Wrote and observed and noted. As your skill grew, so too did your status in the society you were in. First Lords, then Astartes and members of Fulgrims inner circle, and then Fulgrim himself. 
Fulgrim, with his large friendly eyes and soft smile.
You always felt that flaws made the beauty. One small detail out of many that built up to something gorgeous. 
Fulgrim was without flaw. No tangles in his long silver hair. No freckles, scars or pores visible on his skin. 
A massive canvas with not much detail. 
And he was friendly. Too friendly. Always armed with a smile and a compliment. Just a little too excited to be in your presence. A little too quick to wave away your frankness. A little too curious about your process. 
A little too proud to show you his own collection. 
It was beautiful. Bright colors. Serene landscapes. Warriors in triumph. Grand balls. Beautiful animals the likes of which you had never seen before or since. The Emperor himself. Rendered in exquisite detail across every medium imaginable. 
Individually incredible. Together they formed an expertly arranged collage around a statue of the Primarch himself. 
"Tell me, Musa, what is your definition of perfection?" He asked, standing at your side, Looking proud. 
Fulgrim, the greatest artist of all. Fulgrim, who in that moment seemed more distant and flawless than ever.
What your peers would call perfect.
But you never lied.
"To be True to yourself, in all that you do and say." 
It was cathartic to say it aloud. The phrase, the ethos, that defined your life for decades and would- should- have defined it for the rest of your life. 
You turned to thank the Phoenician, but the words died on your tongue.
His gaze was cold and hard. Almost, leering. 
In that moment he seemed very real.
And then he chuckled. Those large soft lips curling into a smile. 
"You are dismissed," He waved you off, and it was hard not to hurry from his presence. The moment you thought you were out of his sight your heart went cold, and tremors shook your body. 
Emperor help you you never wanted to be back in his presence again.
The Emporer ignored your pleas.
Your colors became bolder, your intentions with each piece more clear. Some would say obvious, but many others applauded your brazeness. 
Including the Primarch himself, who more than ever invited you into his presence to perform. 
If you thought you had angered him with your words it was clear you were mistaken. He saw you now more than ever. Smiled at you now more than ever. Everyone knew who his favorite was, and many of your fellows cast jealous glances at you when they thought you weren’t looking. 
Oh how you would have gladly traded places with them. 
The worst though, were the visions. You saw yourself, swathed in purple and gold silk. When you came back to yourself a new painting stood before you.
The silk soaked red.
Something about your proximity to the Primarch caused the curse to arise, and you couldn't say no to his presence.
How many paintings did you throw to the fire for fear your hated gift would be found? You were certain none had slipped through. 
So why, when the Primarch called you to view his gallery once more, did you find yourself staring at painting apon painting of yourself swathed in purple and gold. Your body contorted just as you’d painted. But in these paintings it was not pain or blood. 
But red cords, holding your body in those positions, gazing eagerly up at the Primarch at your side. Arranged so they were gesturing down. Down at the statue that held its hand out to you. 
A statue with painstakingly recreated Sapphire and Emerald eyes that stared into your soul. 
Warmth slid down your arms, and it was the sheer size of the hands now embracing you that kept you from leaping away. You looked up, and for the second time saw Fulgrims true self. 
Cold, consuming, leering. 
First at the statue. Then, lowered inexorably, at you. His warm hands meant you couldn’t shrink away from him. Couldn’t break from that inescapable grip couldn’t stop the cold creeping from your heart. 
“Perfection is to be true to yourself in everything you do. So says my greatest masterpiece. My greatest possession. My most inspiring muse.” 
If only your life had ended then. 
It might as well have. 
I hate the term muse. 
Anyway this is part 2 of the story I started with Phig a bit ago. Not a reboot. We’ll be meeting our half Primarch (Primarchess?) again on the other side of her mom’s backstory. 
Goddess Anon
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sculptorofcrimson · 18 days
Yandere! Valdor
Valdor, the most loyal, the greatest of the Custodes, a Primarch in all but name. Who else can obsess more than him, whose every function besides loyalty was beaten out? A/N: Playing “fucked up obsessive twinks” on easy mode here, aren’t I? I’m sorry, SCP-XXXX who requested this, but you told me Valdor was a twink, and evil twinks are the best kind of men, so therefore this is your fault! Full throttle ahead, let us be damned together! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Relationships: Valdor/Gn!Reader, mentioned Valdor/Emperor Mentions: @kit-williams would you like some food?
Valdor does not love. 
The Custodes simply can not love. Their love perished beneath treachery and fire, ten thousand years ago, and they simply cannot piece the remnants that was a heart back together again. 
The Emperor took away their ability to love any but Himself, and what else could be left but a hollow void, an immortality without substances, a heart that beats while it lacks its other half? 
There was simply nothing left of him to spare when the Emperor had brought down his claws. His love, his joy, his dreams, all gone, wiped away like sand upon the sea. Leaving behind nothing more than a hollow without sustenance, a phantom vestige of a dream crushed long ago, its corpse entombed within perfected flesh and bone and blood. 
He loves no one, not even himself. When the Emperor died ten thousand years ago, he lost his way. He lost his tether to life itself. And for ten thousand years he wandered for the corpse of his master. There was a poem once, a poem so long ago about the loyal dog that stood guard before his master’s bones, who licked the once-petting hand once, and laid down to die. 
Valdor’s loyalty is no weaker than that dog’s.
He loves no one, not even himself. But he loves the Emperor. He loves Him, so brokenly, so obsessively, so utterly insane in his adoration, the First Custodian would have let Him tear him apart if He wished. 
He loved the Emperor. 
And that is why he loves you. He thinks you to be his Emperor. If not Him, then at least a shard.
He doesn’t care who you were, he doesn’t care whether you were once a captain, a Chapter Master, a Thunder Warrior even. He thinks you to be his master, back from the dead, one of His shards caught in life and flesh. 
He thinks you’re Him. Or, if not Him, at least a fragment of His former glory.
Valdor calls you his Emperor, his shard, his beloved, he ignores any name you had once in favor of calling you his master. A name is only a word, after all, and you are nothing but his Emperor reborn, in his mind. A guardsman, an Astarte, a Thunder Warrior, you are all mortal beneath his eyes. He only smiles that cold, humorless smile of his when you attempt to correct him, when he brushes off your words with the same cold, humorless disinterest. 
Valdor thinks you to be his Emperor. And he doesn't care that you were once someone else, you were not always his beloved, you were not the master he imagined, that you are not the master he built from memories and bones. 
You were nothing before his master, he reasons, you will be nothing after his master, and you were his Emperor once upon a time. It is doubtful if he can even know love, if he had not projected his own delusions of his Emperor upon another. Valdor failed Him once and only now the fates have judged him fit enough to protect a shard of Him, one that is so frail compared to himself, so unspeakably mortal, his atonement for the master he failed so long ago. 
He failed the Emperor once, and watched Him die. He will not do so again.
Protection. You will never walk free again, never without his cold presence by your side, that effortless, confident stride as he accompanies his master. You will never know the taste of sunlight, the easy voice of another conversationalist before their words taper off into uncertainty, and then fear, beneath the jealous glare of your bodyguard. How their sentences trail off, how Valdor looms like some ancient, murderous harpy, his shadow constantly overcasting yours.
He knows nothing of love, of human emotion. But he knows protection. And he knows obsession. 
Valdor is not a passionate man. But he is neither a cruel one either. Of course, Valdor will never raise a spear nor blade against his adoration, to strike his master would certainly mean death, but he will slaughter your loved ones without even horror. He will whisper litanies of loyalty on his knees while his Custodes sink in the knives. He will speak ironclad promises and gilded oaths when they label your soldiers traitors and slaughter them upon the snowfields, when they hail for unity, and hear the blade fall. 
He seems to like walks in wintery fields. It reminds him of what he lost long ago, when the Emperor took him atop Ararat, and he enacted His first vengeance upon the Thunder Warriors. He sometimes brings you there, to altitudes higher than even what a Space Marine can withstand, and gathers you beneath his cloak, whispering memories that were never truly yours, asking for your orders, asking for your forgiveness, asking if you can remember what it felt like ten thousand years ago.
(Sometimes, you can nearly believe him when he says you’re a shard. It’s flattering, almost, to be under the eye of the captain-general.)
He can kill. There is nothing left of him if he could not. Nothing but the Emperor’s spear, a sharpened tool meant to kill and to serve, and to be cast away when its function is complete. You have nothing to fear from him, of course, he would rather end himself than raise a blade against his master. But he loves no other. He does not know how to love. And that makes him dangerous. You know it when you gaze into his eyes, you are sure you could imagine him covered in the blood of your loved ones, guardian spear flashing as he hacks through them without even the shadow of hesitation. He will take no fear, no regret, no relief, barely even satisfaction in the grim act, and yet that is somehow more profane than joy in slaughter. Not even a single hint of joy, wild and unfettered in the sheer cruelty, not even a single hint of an ambition for why he would lay such altars of blood before his master’s feet, only simply because He wanted it to be so, and simply because he loved Him. 
In his eyes, you are his Emperor. But he does not always obey you. He does not kneel as he would’ve knelt before his master. Because he knows, Valdor knows that to protect Him, to serve Him properly, sometimes he must smother Him for His own good. It’s the twisted rationale of a dog who has lost his master, whose death had rocked him so thoroughly he was willing to kill to save Him again. 
Valdor kneels, of course. He’ll kneel before you and speak his words of loyalty, he’ll give you his names one by one if you only ask. Valdor has never considered himself eloquent with words, but he’ll listen to you, he’ll even let you command him as the Emperor would have done. Rank be damned, he cares not if his Emperor had been reborn as a guardsman or an Astartes or even a Thunder Warrior. 
But he does not hide his obsession. To obsess is the only way he knows to love, after all. He’ll smother his beloved with his protection, with his adoration. He’ll hack his way to be their only protector, their only bulwark before the madness, the only man they can trust to defend them. Gaze upon his Emperor once, he’ll tear them apart. Love the Emperor more than him, and he’ll bury their bones beneath the snowfields. 
And be loved by the Emperor more than him….and he’ll betray them as he had betrayed the Thunder Warriors. He’ll sink in golden knives and golden spears in turned backs without even the hint of remorse, Valdor will remind his beloved that it is he who is the servant, it is he who serves to be praised for his duty. Valdor can take you from your family as the Emperor took him from his, he’ll so effortlessly ensure the utter protection of his new Emperor, all for himself. 
No one will protect you more than I, my liege. 
It is he who should be the favored servant.
No one can love you more than I, my Emperor.
He’ll croon those litanies of loyalty to you. He’ll whisper those promises of protection, of ambition, he’ll promise you an eternity while standing atop the frozen ashes of your loved ones. He’ll promise you a throne if you don’t cry, if you’ll love him as his master did. He’ll bring you a crown of gold, he’ll strangle the living storm for you, if only you promise to let him protect you, if you promise if you’ll be his Emperor. 
You died once. I will not let you do so again, my Emperor.
And his obsession would never be checked, and much less ended by the true power behind the Imperium.
You are his Emperor. In that mind He broke so thoroughly long ago, you are the Emperor, reborn. Heavy is the head that bears the laurel, bloodied is the hand that holds this mad dog’s leash.
It is Valdor who should be the favored servant. 
No one will protect you more than I, my liege. 
He will protect you. 
He will protect you, obsess over you, guard you with the hollow that is a heart. He’ll bring you a throne, a crown, an army, an eternity, if only you promise, if only you’ll be his Emperor. 
The Emperor died ten thousand years ago. And in turn, he casted you in His corpse.
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2lim3rz · 2 years
So I just had a terrifying/ Hot thought…..Yandere primarchs, emperor, and chaos gods. Just…think about it, a tiny reader trying to run and out smart these large men who want them, and it could be platonic too! Auughghhhh, I’m going to badger you with some thoughts!
Well that is
Fucking scary
But also stupid fucking HOT
If a Chaos God or the Emperor wanted you, I'm sorry. You're not winning this. You cannot hide nowhere, you cannot exist anywhere. They will find you and keep you for themselves. You would be their prized tool, their treasure
Primarchs are a bit.. JUST A BIT easier to deal with. You are, after all, SMALL in comparison. You have places you can physically use to hide from the more physical based primarchs however there are.. quite a few things against you.
Resources. All of these can and will make it to where you can't get anything without their aid.
Superhuman senses. Primarchs and Space Marines both have enhanced sensory organs. Some certainly more so than others (yes I'm implying Leman and Lion will and can both sniff you out like terrifying nightmares. I feel like Angron would as well as Sanguinius would also be very enhanced on the smelling side of things? Thoughts?)
You're fucked against anyone Phsychically able unless you ducktape a blank to you. You're just- How do you hide from something that can see through the warp to you? That's right Magnus n his fucky wucky magics.
TLDR: The idea of clingy primarchs is the same idea I have of Michael Myers: VERY big VERY territorial man who will murder and more than likely harm you as well to make sure you don't leave him
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xjulixred45x · 26 days
I have been incapacitated by the red tide and now is bed ridden. I just wanted to share some Necro stuff I was thinking about. She has shadow servants ( 18 ) in total and they vary in forms,but they serve different roles. When I think about it, she is similar to Geto. The main difference is her shadows can evolve and get stronger and her undead are max stat wise. Funny , all 18 servants are named after Primarchs from Warhammer 40k. Necro loves reading the warhammer books and so they were each given a name of a primarch based on their skills and roles in her service. The Lady of death would be her title. For Yandere Nanami and Higuruma, I like to imagine they all keep a close eye on both of them and Draven being the only undead they will answer to since he is above them in rank. Draven willingly lets Yandere Nanami and Higuruma hate him so they don't know the other 18 will not be seen. Draven keeps their attention on him so they never know about the 18 existence. All 18 care about Necro in their own way and will die for her. Last thing, They can be brought back from the dead as many times as she wants so long as she is alive and has enough mana/ essence to spare
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Nice info!
Lots of luck with the red Tide, is a bitch(if i can recomend something, drink hot chocolate)
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
Life update: post nurgle plague edition
Hey yall!! Sorry for the lack of content recently!!! But I survived covid with only minor leftover exhaustion , and im back to work again!! I really missed my patient so much.
Fanfic wise: I will have a few things out for the 1st, part of the Warhammer fic exchange >:3!! I also have the end of Castle of Glass coming up (Vulkan/Morty stuff), the follow up to Agency (primarch fem au), and chapter 3 of Different perspective (uriel/Honsou fic), all coming up pretty quickly in the next following two weeks or so!!!
I have multiple projects slowly bumbling in my various pots to keep me occupy until this automn, including:
The actual fanfic of the "Let Roboute Pet a Cow 2k22" au
A follow up to Thrall, my historical viking au with Leman/Lorgar
Perturabo/Magnus epistolary romance in the warp
The continuation of Roboute's sleeping adventure in monster fucking
Fem!Konrad/Oc self insert ish lesbian yandere
Saul/Lucius BDSM pre heresy fic
Planet swap au
..... And so many more! My wip list is, literally, 42 projects long
As for this blog....
This weekend, I'm gonna try to post some hc and answer some ask!! I will ALSO try to figure out how queue work, so yall will not starve so much. Clearly, yall need to know each primarch smash bros main to live your life.
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kit-williams · 8 days
I'm curious to know how yandere Rogal would be like.
(So I'm sorry if I butcher this one I don't know Rogal very well)
Rogal has trouble expressing himself but the man feels... oh if you read about him the man feels so damn much. You would never know his affections for you allowing Rogal to be like the shark in the water... getting closer and closer to the object of his obsession.
On Inwit everything was practical and everything tied back into survival and on the Phalanx the same could be said more or less given it was made up of people from Inwit... but perhaps you were not... you were an outsider to the culture of his origin.
Another way for him to stalk closer and closer like dozens upon dozens of snowy predators from Inwit with their specialized paws to cushion each step upon the frozen ground. Rogal is a predator that you don't even realize is one until his jaws are around your throat and crushing your windpipe.
He is the predator you won't even realize is there... unless you try to run.
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon
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corvusspecialartist · 3 months
The Beloved Brood Mare (Demon Primarch Corax x Pregnant Reader)
A/N: This is Roboutian Hersey AU Corax. This guy in this Universe is object MENACE to society. He is essentially Bile, but as a free agent and as a primarch and Chaos aligned. In fact, in that canon they are described as one if not the MOST vile traitor legions. (If you are the AU writer... I am 50% sorry for writing this terrible fanfic for your AU) AND on top of that, this author gives A REASON on why Rushal joined the Night Lords.
Read it Here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10578370/18/The-Roboutian-Heresy
TW: implied forced pregnancy, rape
You arise. You are trapped in a gilded cage, for Warp knows how long. Getting up, you almost tripped over the golden chain around your ankle, it was a common occurrence by now. Even since the experiments... you have never truly gotten used to this body. Everything about you has been altered to aid the process of birthing.
You were essentially if the primarch body was female with none of the sterilization that would naturally occur. Like the Marines that guarded your room, you were an abomination. You could almost remember when this transformation happened. Glimpses of the Demon Primarch, an older Marine with many appendages, and a screaming captive Thousand Son...
You remember passing out and waking up in this new form... it was awkward.. but never mind... your "duties" had to continue. Corax occasionally visited, but it was very rare. Often to ask brisk questions in a white lab coat about the progression of the pregnancy, you answered honestly.. for he could tell if you were lying given the nature of his place...
Looking around your room, it was time... you could often get food as much as requested, but just enough to make it so you could survive the process... you looked down at the swollen belly. Around this time, it would be time for "breakfast". You were often fed a random assortment of ingredients... often to see the effect would have on the fetus.
You had often tried to escape from the room, often killing the Spawn Marines that stood guard outside of your room with contemptuously ease. The furthest you had gone was at least a couple of miles within the tower before you were hit with a neutralizing gas.
Every step you took, you felt the pain in your legs. you felt helpless.. you felt your two heartbeats move faster.. you had not really entered your body this much before... for Lord Corax demanded that you have minimum exercise. However, you felt a sharp pang within your belly. It was kicking again.
Maybe the pain was fake, a phantom feeling of the soul imagining how pregnancy felt like.
Maybe the room had some form of shielding to protect the fetus from what laid on the outside.
The resulted in resuscitation of you in a lab table in which your arms and legs were strapped. You could feel the eyes of many Marines all on you. Struggling you cursed and tired to escape, but the equipment held fast. Your eye adjusted to the dark quickly, until you saw him come into the room. You felt your skin upon the laboratory table, cold and unyielding. The overpowering smell of disinfectant, mixed blood and other gore made your stomach turn. You also noticed your legs were in stirrups with your privates facing the audience.
Lord Corax's face was scared from the years from captivity, You could recall memories of you being ordered to soothe him and tend to his scars. His face held a mixture of contentment and disdain. You could hear others whisper in the long dead Kivharian, and lean forward almost if they were excited what were to come next. Corvus gave close and his statue seemed to dawn over you. He approached you and stroked your hair almost as if it was kind gently. He was in front of you, and he held a syringe within his left hand and a forceps in his right hand. As if he were giving a lecture, He gave you an gentle kiss on the forehead.. before starting to explain the process. You felt something cold enter your private.. you tried to struggle and fight but nothing really changed, then a liquid flowed in. You started to scream and fight even more... but the lecture continued on. even after the process had been done.
You shook yourself out of that feeling and sat down... you knew that your tower didn't have windows. But, given the advanced the state of the pregnancy, he would visit. That was something that you dreaded the most. TO try and entertain yourself you started to sing, of course it was old Imperial tunes that you took to heart. At that moment.... the door burst open and Corax appeared.
Immediately you stopped singing...as he moved almost with a slowness, but your mind being unable to process it it he grabbed you by the arm. "Don't even sing that again." He said, his voice still maintaining that softness... he face was a warped tone of anger.. but then softed as he left go of your arm and forcefully sat you down on the bed. It was comfortable sure, but still.. you knew that in your heart of hearts he was only like this because of the forlorn hope that you could produce functioning Marines with working geneseed...
He started to coo as he stroked your belly.. "I hope that this one is a success.... this is your fifth this year. I do hope that this one lives you to expectations..."- you swallowed a bit before trying to move out of range.. but he followed you. "This one.. I tried to do it more scientifically..." He placed his head down.. "And it is growing far past expectations, I should move you... to a more safer place." He started to touch your hair which your bristled. He paused but chuckled. "Though... your womb is really only used for procreation... it does get boring tormenting them." You tried to move away, but he got up and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. He left almost as quickly as he came. You shuddered, why you?
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moodymisty · 2 months
May I request a yandere primarch of your choice getting very jealous after seeing you laughing with one of his brothers at a party and then dragging you back to his room after to remind you who you belong to?
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: the community wanted Yandere Horus, so Yandere Horus you all shall have. I hope you enjoy, anon. I'm ok with this, but there's more I wanted to do. But at the end of the day I had to just bite the bullet and post it so I can take a break without this looming over me.
Summary: It's the first real outing since you've been officially named as Horus' beloved, and he realizes how much he dislikes how curious everyone is of you.
Relationships: Horus Lupercal/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Big Dick Lupercal, Takes place well before the Heresy, Yandere, Toxic relationship, That typical sort of yandere dubcon but not really dubcon kinda thing, Breeding kink if you squint, Size kink/Size difference, Getting absolutely obliterated by a ten foot tall man built like a truck, if you squinted hard you could take some dialogue as a bit sexist but it’s a stretch, Aftercare? lmao this is 40k
Word Count: 2714
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Perhaps you aren't the foremost expert on parties, but the last you had thought, a party was supposed to be...
And lacking in the drawl of military strategy and logistics. This seems more so like an ineffective way for the High lords of Terra and other high value persons of the Militarium to speak to the Primarchs and their captains, but with wine involved.
As the recently crowned Lady Lupercal, many of those high value persons are now eager to make friends with you, attempting to smile as wide as comfortably possible and earn any sort of good will they can. For many of them speaking to a Primarch, let alone making connections of a Legion would be hysterically rare; Though it seems many of them have the idea to do so through you.
Horus had warned you of it, so you suppose you shouldn't be so surprised.
Only just now have you managed to get away from them all, taking solace in a quiet corner of the palace. A Custodes on guard had given you an odd look- and by look you mean just a glance from the corner of his eyes- but he seems content to allow you somewhat near him as long as you remain quiet. Though you suppose you can't remain here for long. You have to be a part of all this, as much as you might dread it.
“Lady Lupercal?”
You turn the moment you hear the distinctive accent of Macragge-born Guilliman, who approaches you as you stand close to one of the palace's myriad of balconies. That title still feels odd to hear. He brushes just past you to stand on it, and waits until you join him. His head is tilted downward at an angle to make eye contact with you.
It's night now, and you can see the lights of hundreds of ships orbiting Terra up high above. It darkens his armor and the lights of the palace cast a harsh shadow on Guilliman's clean face.
"Had your fill of this evening?"
Normally Guilliman is quite forthright, so his small talk is a bit of a surprise. Everything has lead you to believe he was a very politely blunt sort. Though you've only spoken to the Primarch a handful of times, and very briefly.
Only just recently as Horus has made it known to everyone that you are his beloved, have you begun speaking to his legion; And his fellow Primarchs.
"A little bit. I just need a bit of air, and then I'll come back."
Guilliman crosses his arms over the delicate and expensive looking robes he currently wears, having shed his armor for the evening. It must be from his home world, judging by the interesting style and shape.
"I am a bit surprised he's thrown you to the wolves like this. Before, he was quite secretive about you." You doubt Horus would let you leave his sight unless it was extremely important, and it's not as if you can rely on him forever. Or demand him to stay.
"I assumed someone had managed to catch his attention enough for me to get lost." Guilliman shifts his weight slightly, and lets out a very quiet chuckle. It's sincerity makes you smile.
"Don't tell any of the others, but we've all gotten lost our fair share of times in this maze of a palace." He rubs his temple with two fingers. "It just keeps growing, it's like a Labyrinth. I've begun to wonder if Dorn will ever cease."
His genuine exasperation makes you laugh. It's such a human gesture, and such a human problem. It's quite easy to forget they are human, at times.
You hadn't realized you'd been smiling the whole time, but it grows when you see his disgruntled face. It goes away however when he realizes he amused you.
"If I figure it out before you, maybe I'll make us a map." Guilliman smiles.
"I will hold you to that, you know. If cartography isn't yet familiar to you, perhaps you should begin learning."
You were about to respond to him, a smile on your face, but Guilliman turns his head away towards the inside of the palace; Your own gaze follows shortly thereafter.
He must've heard Horus before he could see him, because not moments later you can see Horus walking towards the both of you; His pelt shifts on his shoulders as he does. He makes a straight line towards the balcony the both of you stand on and ignores anyone else along his path.
"Here you are," Horus smiles at you, but it's not his usual one. The one that's warm and casts the room and a pleasant atmosphere. "I see you've been chatting with one of my brothers." You nod with the smile Guilliman gave you still partly on your face, but before you can speak anything more- perhaps what the two of you were talking about- Horus does so for you.
"Perhaps we should take our leave for the evening. It is quite late, and it seems nothing or anyone worthwhile is going to make it's appearance."
He looks towards Guilliman and for a split second it almost seems like an argument is beginning to brew, with the way they're looking at each other; Guilliman is confused and defensive while Horus' jaw tenses. You can't understand how his mood has so suddenly changed, neither can Guilliman clearly, but it seems something has happened in your absence.
Now you stand literally and figuratively in the middle, before retreating your Primarch's side. He will always serve as your anchor, even when he's this turbulent.
Guilliman simply gives a curt hum in response, and seemingly decides to not uncover Horus' sudden change in disposition.
"Very well. I hope the rest of your evening fares you well," He looks down to you, though the pleasant aura he had has now returned to the cold and structured one he is known for. "And I enjoyed our chat."
Horus gives Guilliman no more than placeholder platitudes and farewells, of which the man takes with a short nod, before leaving with you in tow to return to his chambers.
That entire trip to return to them, is intense.
There is no chatter, and Horus doesn't even have the soft upturn of his lips he usually wears. Instead his face his firm, with something clearly boiling beneath the surface. You wonder if it's something from when he was gone that you could ask about, when he isn't in such a sensitive state.
Even as friendly and easygoing as Horus is, his fellow Primarchs are largely not the same apart from a few, and you wouldn't be surprised if one of them managed to- in a phrase not suited to describe a Primarch- pissed him off.
When you enter the deepest most room in Horus' wing of the palace, what serves as his bedroom, you suddenly feel his hand on your shoulder. You would've turned around even if he hadn't done it for you, as he takes a knee to get more on even height with you. But even with it, you still have to almost look slightly up at him.
Suddenly that hand on your shoulder moves to your face, gripping your jaw and forcing you to look at him. That firm, irritated face has been replaced with an angry, irritated expression. His nose slightly wrinkles at the top, brow furrowed.
He holds your jaw tight, but you’re not fooled into thinking it’s anywhere near him putting in effort.
“What is your title.”
You’re confused for a moment, frightened by the look in his eyes, as he adjusts his grip. You try to stay his name, but it just comes out as a confused stutter. He reiterates with more clarity.
“What is the title I gave you.”
You grasp his wrist tight and whimper out:
“L-Lady Lupercal.”
The noise that arises from him is somewhere between a hum and a growl.
“Did you forget it while you were busy being a little coquette in front of my brother?”
You hadn’t; It had been the focus of your short conversation with Guilliman. You’d tried your hardest to be nothing but polite to him, with the formality expected of speaking to a Primarch. But this is all new to you; Whatever Horus saw wasn’t there, and you’re desperate to prove as such.
"N-No, he just came up to me and I was trying to be polite, Guilli-"
He swallows the name of his fellow primarch with his lips, pressing them against your own. It's angry; Forceful. You can feel his hot breath on your skin as he takes in heavy breaths, and how tense he feels. You moan softly into his mouth but even the brief moment of pleasure is overcast by Horus’ fuming anger.
He pulls away from your lips with a soft pop, and still in a kneel begins undoing the broach of his cape. Once it falls to the floor his eyes meet yours and he states:
"Take it off."
His sentence is vague and you stand unsure in the gargantuan room, as he now removes his wristguards. Once they're off, he puts a hand on your waist and pushes upward, disturbing the fabric of your dress. You feel it pull and stretch against his hand, as if it’s little more than parchment. He could ruin it all in one fell tear.
"I am being patient with you."
It's hard to disobey a primarch, especially one staring at you with those eyes. The fabric of your dress falls to the floor moments later, undone and forgotten. You step out from the circle it makes at your feet.
You imagine the only reason he hadn't simply destroyed it was after having it made just for you, in the colors of the Sons of Horus and to his exact specifications- their legion mother needed to be in worthy attire he has said- his patience won out over the potential days of headache.
But it feels like a blink you go from standing to being nearly swallowed by his sea of a bed, blankets tussled around your naked form. You think you might’ve backed up until you fell onto it, but it’s all a blur.
"The Crusade has taken much of my time, and since I have introduced you to my brothers, perhaps you have forgotten your place,” He says as he undoes the fastening of his belt.
Even on pieces of furniture meant to handle a man of such size it still buckles and bows underneath his weight, shifting your body as he cages you underneath him. His hand grips your thigh, and the sheer size forces them apart. Your body tenses and squirms underneath him.
To think such a short conversation would've had him so fuming, as his hand presses against your cunt. It makes your lips purse and and words that you might’ve considered saying don’t even leave your lips. His fingers roughly press through your folds curl inside of you, an aching stretch that has you squirming underneath him.
Though it’s not as if you have any chance of moving, even the slightest bit of his strength has you completely at his mercy.
You can feel his anger in every motion, but your blood is pounding in your ears enough that you can barely hear him. You think you might've said his name, told him to slow down, but even if you had he doesn't listen in the slightest.
Pulling his hand away from between your thighs he’s quick to flip you onto your stomach, and you lay exposed before you suddenly feel him press again the back of your thighs.
In an odd, impossible to explain way, you at times almost forget that your beloved towers over you at near or over double your height. That he possesses neigh untenable strength.
Now is a moment you do, as he presses his hips against your ass and buries you in the plush material of the bed.
Your fingers grip the blanket like a lifeline as he buries himself as deep as he possibly can, staying for a moment for seemingly little other reason than to torture you. Even with only the slightest bit of his weight on you, you feel trapped and barely able to move.
It's taken time for you to get used to taking Horus without hours of preparation- and while it still does take time, you'll always feel like he's overtaken your entire stomach. It’s that teetering on the edge of pain that has you gasping, a body not made for him being forced to. Horus is normally exceedingly gentle, but less so tonight. He is at least gentle enough as to not break you.
Whatever he saw that wasn't there between you and Guilliman, he seems intent on teaching you a lesson on not doing.
“Horus, pl-“
His massive hand grips the blanket beside your head as he grunts overtop of you.
“You are the legion mother of my sons.”
Your back arches and lips purse as his cock brushes against places so deep that it almost has your eyes watering. You swallow the massive knot in your throat and try not let out enough noise that passersby could hear.
“You will be the mother of my blooded sons, one day.”
The implication has your heart race with fear and something else as the primarch holds you down. You barely have the time to think about it, it only sends a jolt of feeling right down your spine into your gut.
Given his size it’s so easy to push you around, that he often times has to press on your shoulder and hold you like some sort of toy. Even the softest thrust can push you forward and nearly off of him; You don't have the strength to hold strong against it.
Worn and tired your nerves spark from so much sensation, cunt tightening around him. Horus continues to thrust into you with little care and your teeth grind, toes curling.
It feels good, so good, but it teeters on the edge of dangerous. Especially knowing his mood. Then again, sometimes even the simplest things are dangerous, with someone like him.
The primarch curses and swears in both high and low gothic as he finally cums inside of you, the inhuman amount leaking from you when he pulls out.
Horus looks over you, and it seems whatever you’d seen in him earlier is gone- for the time being. Even if you can't look directly at him, it's almost as if you can feel the emotion in the room change. More odd Primarch things, you assume. Not that it matters much in the end.
You lay tired, legs limp as your body aches.
Perhaps in the moment it may feel good, very much so, but oftentimes your body then reminds you that it isn’t made for a Primarch. Particularly one who decides not to be gentle with you.
There has time where no one sees even a hint of you for days, after he's done with you. He apologizes it for it, but you can always tell with that smile of his, he isn't actually apologetic.
He gently pushes you with a hand to that you roll on your back, and you look up at him worried, wondering if he's still angry.
“I am sorry, my love.” His words are sweet like wine, like they so often are, as his hand not gently holds your cheek. He isn't anymore, and you don't question it. You don't want to bring it back.
Though this isn't the first time he's become this way, though it is the first time he's done something physical in response.
“Now that my brothers know of you, I can’t help but feel as if they might take you from me, once they realize how perfect you are.”
There’s words you want to say, many of them, but you can’t manage it. Only a requited whisper of love is what you manage to say. Horus takes it well and his saccharine sweet smile always manages to pull you in and ignore the things behind it.
“I only wish for you to be mine. Always and forever.”
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shiyorin · 1 year
This is a special request from my friend, the greatest heretic I have ever known ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). And yes, I know this is heresy but I am heretic too ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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Yandere Alphabet Sanguinius
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He'd be so gentle and so soft with how he shows love and affection. He would go out of his way for you, and would do everything in his power to keep you safe and happy. But he also craves touch with you. He constantly is hovering around you, just a bit too close. He always wants to be touching you, whether it be just having his hand in your, or wrapping his wings around you from behind. He constantly offers to help you, to the point of being overbearing. He would constantly be watching you, always trying to be as close to you as he can. But when he finds out someone else has caught your attention... well, just won't do.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Sanguinius isn't messy.... At least on the surface. He'd try to seem well-mannered and decent. He goes to such extreme lengths to keep them to himself that he'd be absolutely messy on the inside. His mind would be so wrapped up in whatever obsessive fantasy of you he'd come up with that he'd be completely unstable.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He'd be very, very gentle to you and would never intentionally hurt you. He would be completely, almost overly affectionate with you, constantly trying to shower you with attention and affection. He definitely wouldn't mock you at all; he's not the type. He wants to treat you as carefully as possible.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
The only thing Sanguinius would do against your will would be holding you captive in the first place. He would be terrified of you leaving him, so he resorts to kidnapping you to keep you. Other than that, though? Sanguinius would be perfectly fine with letting you do whatever you wanted. As long as everything you do is in his sight.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Sanguinius would lay out his heart to you completely. He'd reveal himself to you, but only the good parts. Not the things that he feels make him disgusting. Maybe over time he will show you his dark secrets. He'd be extremely hesitant to do so, but he'd do it on an as needed basis. So, he would only reveal these dark secrets if he absolutely felt like he had to do so to keep you from leaving. Otherwise, he'd keep them to himself. Sanguinius would never allow himself to be perceived as vulnerable, at least not to anybody other than you (but that will be a very long time). He'd want you to always perceive him as strong and as somebody who could keep you safe (and his alone)
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would be sad and angry, but his anger would primarily be directed against himself. He'd be so hard on himself, blaming himself for putting his lover in a position where you would need to fight back against him. It's extremely hypocritical, and he's well-aware of it. But it's the kind of hypocrisy that is forced by his obsession with his love, it's a sort of hypocrisy that he feels he can't escape from. He's not happy to be a victim of his own hypocrisy; he's simply too far in at this point for him to pull back.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He's completely serious about keeping his love. It is most certainly not a game to him. It's something that's been eating him at his soul, honestly. It would break him completely to see you trying to escape. He would be devastated and inconsolable, especially since it would confirm his insecurities that you want out of him. He would be heartbroken, but he would do everything he could to bring you back into his fold.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably the worst experience would be when Sanguinius inevitably falls under the red thirst. At that point, you would probably be in genuine danger. He wouldn't want to hurt you, but the red thirst would drive him to regardless. It's probably the most upsetting experience for the two of you, something that you and him are both extremely scared of.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Sanguinius definitely envisions a peaceful future for himself and his love, an optimistic fantasy that the Imperium of Man is prosperous and the universe safe. He thinks about how they could live in peace and love together forever, with none of the fear from before. He and you would live a peaceful, quiet life on one of his planets. He would try to show his love around as much as possible, and try to show you just how good both of you could have it. Sanguinius would also want you to meet his sons, as they would be a big part of his life. He would want to share that with his love. It's a very impossible picture he's imagining, honestly, but it's something he desperately wants.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He is extremely jealous. It's a very common thing for him to go into a jealous fit every once in a while, and he becomes much more possessive as well. He absolutely lash out, but not that much, he would do so very subtly. He would still remain a gentle, caring person towards you, but you'd feel something is wrong.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He would be gentle, kind, caring, and almost obsessively affectionate with you. He would constantly be reminding you that he'd always be there for you. He'd constantly be watching you, always be staring at you, but he'd also be very gentle with this. He would never hurt you on purpose, and he'd try to hide his possessive and jealous behaviors as much as he can.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He'd probably spend a lot of time watching you from afar for a while, before he eventually approached you with his entire being. He'd be as charismatic as he is possessive, using charisma and charm to bring you closer to himself. He would want to be friendly at first, but also very persistent and almost obsessive in his approaches.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Of course, Sanguinius is an angel, a perfect man with a perfect face and a perfect personality. Even behind closed doors, he'd still be kind and gentle, but his possessive side would absolutely be on full display around the one he's obsessed with.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He's too gentle to punish you, honestly. I think, at most, he'd give some verbal gentle scolding, but he'd never go down the path of physical punishment. In fact, I think if he discovered you were even slightly hurt by anything his obsession had done to you, he'd immediately be completely remorseful and upset.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many would be taken, honestly. Sanguinius would constantly be trying to smother your sense of individuality into submission, but he'd never do anything too extreme. I think that, at most, he'd constantly take your personal space away. He'd be constantly in your space, stay in extremely close proximity, but he'd never try to completely take away your individual freedom. Not yet.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He's extremely patient. He's aware that he's a bit much, and that his overwhelming displays of affection are a lot to take in at once. He knows this, and is perfectly happy to wait as needed for you to warm up to him. He's okay with the idea of waiting for the person he's obsessed with to come around and love him back. But until then, you won't go anywhere.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If his lover died, I don't think Sanguinius would ever be the same, it could easily tear Sanguinius apart completely. He couldn't move on. And he will even expect his inevitable death to come sooner; If his lover escaped, he would be determined to get you back. He would never abandon his pursuit for you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He would feel extreme guilt about abducting you. This isn't a decision that he would relish making, but he would absolutely do it. He would want to let you go, but his obsessive tendencies would keep him from doing so. He'd hate himself but not enough to let you leave.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He is someone who already had a lot of issues, and the extra baggage from his duties as a Primarch would most certainly have pushed him over the edge. The horrors he saw in his visions, having to constantly watch his brothers betray, his sons die, the Imperium they built from so much blood and tears fell,.... He desires for something constant in his life. With everything so unstable around him, you would become his purpose, his constant comfort, no matter how many times the world around him crumbled to pieces.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He 'd feel very guilty and awful about it. He'd want to comfort you, he'd try to help you recover from whatever he did. But he wouldn't want to admit that he was the cause, it wouldn't make him any less guilty, honestly. He want you to see it as an unfortunate circumstance, rather than him being a monster who had put you in that state.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I think he'd be exceptionally gentle compared to the typical yandere, he'd try to be as non-threatening as he could, in order to keep you from becoming too paranoid of his obsessive tendencies. He'd be willing to take things slow. And deep down, he'd probably be extremely remorseful for his actions.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His guilt. I think that, rather than trying to fight against his possession, you'd be able to get him to loosen his grip on you by taking advantage of his guilt. It'd take a lot to get him to deeply regret his possession. It would take a large amount of guilt for him to come to the realization that he'd done a lot of horribly wrong. And then maybe… Maybe he will deeply regret it and will let you go. But it won't be for long. He would snap and realize he'd just lost something really precious to him. It'd be a horrible feeling, and he'd inevitably come after you and not let you go again.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Absolutely no. He'd never intentionally hurt you. But he'd probably end up hurting your emotions deeply and unintentionally. And he'd never realize just how he'd wounded you this way.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He'd revere and worship you exceptionally. He'd go to any and all lengths to sway you over to him, no matter how extreme those lengths happen to be. He'd go through an excruciating amount of pain if that's what it took to win your love.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He'd pine for you for as long as it took. No matter how long it took, he'd wait, and he'd pine. The longer you took to love him back, the more obsessed he'd become. But he'd always be willing to wait for you to return to him.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Absolutely. He would absolutely break you, but he'd do things gradually and gently. He would never do anything suddenly or with sudden violence. He would always take his time to break you, so that it's like being put into a pot of water that's being slowly brought to a boil.
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wxnheart · 1 year
please Perturabo sexcapade
sexcapade story
Tumblr media
how do they flirt?
L. M. A. O.
what turns them on?
Stroking his ego, chile...
what kind of kisser are they?
A better kisser than Dorn could ever be, he bets. There is no competition.
any other nsfw headcanon that comes to mind?
...Uh... Anything Dorn can do, he can do better? AND NO, THERE IS NO COMPETITION.
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All the Yandere 40k characters talking about their objects of affection like
Emperor: oh no she doesn't leave our room. At least 5 Custodians on duty at all times.
Sanguinius: I've got 24/7 security on mine, too.
Fulgrim: I keep mine tied up!
Guilliman: I just married her WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???
-Long Anon
Meanwhile, Dorn and Perty can't say shit because they're too busy fighting over theirs, and Lion is so emotionally constipated that he's having a staring contest with his lion(ess). They have the courage to just silently boop him on the nose and he scrunches his face in confusion as a result.
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