#yang refused to stop looking at blake's face
im not sure if this is an okay request but family headcanons with rwby? like what kind of mother they are and how they treat their children and partner :)
Of course this is okay, it's really cute! I know I get a lot of NSFW requests, but wholesome ones are always welcome and highly appreciated!
Team RWBY as Moms
Ruby Rose
Ruby is so sweet as a mom, she absolutely adores her family. No matter how many kids you have or their gender, she is gonna accept them with open arms
Being one of the top Huntresses means she is often out of the house in the mornings. But she always makes sure to come back right on time and call her familly if otherwise
Loves showing off Cresent Rose to the kids, and when they get old enough she lets them hold and try it out. If they want to be hunters/huntresses she is the first person to help them figure out a weapon
Does races with her kids, but always cheats and uses her semblance
Is decent at cooking, but really specializes in baking. Her cookies are to DIE for, your kids always try to sneak them at night (secretly you do too, don't tell Ruby)
Auntie Yang and her partner are always coming over, it's great! Everyone gets to catch up and the kids get to play, it's always a great time
Ruby always talks about how awesome Grandpa Qrow is, so clearly your kids look up to him. You often have to debunk a lot of the outlandish statements but it's cute nonetheless. Whenever he comes by it's always a big deal
Grandpa Tai tries so hard to be cool, it's often a joke in your household. He once tried to teach the kids to skateboard and fell flat on his face, giving himself a nosebleed
It's so sweet though! The kids always look forward to seeing him for a good laugh (plus he gives great hugs)
Ruby loves to barrage you guys with kisses
Weiss Schnee
Weiss never had a good childhood, fault being on both her parents. When she and her partner decided to have children, she swore to never make the same mistakes her parents did. She refuses to continue the cycle of abuse
Winter is always welcome to your house and always makes it to family events. She's still a bit cold but actually smiles when around you guys. Willow stays away a bit since she's still dealing with stuff, but makes an effort to occasionally visit. Jacques banned from even seeing any of you, and if he ever tries Weiss will threaten him with a restraining order
She always makes sure to go to all her kids events, no matter how disinterested she may be in the type of event. The excited look on their faces make it all worth it. Oh, and she's totally the mom to wave at her kids while they perform on stage
Can sometimes be strict when it comes to rules she has instated. No staying up too late, no staying out past curfew, stuff like that. She wants her kids safe!
Anytime she snaps at her kids or partner in frustration she immedietely stops and apologizes
Her dad is quite adamant about your kids having the Schnee Glyth semblance, but Weiss isn't worried about it. No matter what they have she isn't gonna love them any less
Has the BEST Birthday parties on the block, every kid wants to come! Tables lined with delicious food, tons of bounce houses, fun games, all the digs! Weiss also loves to use her summons to entertain the kids (They especially love the giant knight)
When the kids are at sleepovers and leave you two alone, you guys like to have mini date nights where you sip wine and talk. Weiss loves hearing about your day
Once the kids are put to bed she basically collapses on the couch with you and just lays there for a while in your arms
Blake Belladonna
Probably the most motherly of all of them. She had a great relationship with her parents and keeps a lot of her family traditions
Grandpa Ghira and Grandma Kali are very present. Ever since their grandkids were babies they were always very involved. Kali was most obvious about it, and likes to spoil her grandkids whenever possible. Ghira tries to be more aloof and calm about it, but you and Blake once caught him conked out on the couch with your sleeping kids in his arms
Very gentle with her kids and soft spoken. But when she gets angry you can hear the sharpness in her voice (that instantly shuts her family up)
If your kids runs away from you guys in public, Blake uses her weapon to yoink them and reel them back in
Uses her clones when they play games, she always wins at tag
Ever since they were babies, Blake likes to read books to her kids at bedtime. She reads a mixture of children's books and classic literature. It doesn't really matter what she reads, the soft sound of voice is the perfect lullaby
Teaches her children about Faunus issues and history very early on in life. It's important for them to know their history and culture
Always is ready with her phone to take photos and videos. She wants to capture all key moments your family experiences! Once a year she likes to have the family sit down and go through the collection
Sun likes to come by randomly and surprise you guys. Sometimes you'll be watching TV and hear a knock at your window. Blake reprimands him lightly, but it always ends up being a good time
Yang Xiao Long
Yang is the Cool Mom™️
She lets her kids dye their hair, get piercings, and tattoos. Of course the tattoos only when they get to an appropriate age, but it's not discouraged
Whenever the kids want piggyback rides she is happy to provide. If you have more than one kid she tries to carry them all at once
All the kids in the area adore her and loves to call her Auntie Yang
Definitely adores rough housing and play wrestling. She loves to teach simple moves and have contests (whenever she lets them win she gets really dramatic)
If they want to become hunters/huntresses, Yang is HAPPY to spar and train them! And if you want to join it makes a great family bonding activity
Does her kids' hair every day. Even if it's just a quick brush she loves to make sure they look their best
You own a grill that she loves to use. She likes to barbecue on weekends! Most of the time is fine it's just uh... she likes thing on the burnt side. Often you'll have to specifically tell her to not overcook everyone's meal
Loves to flirt and kiss you in front of the kids. Their cries of anguish and cringe is like music to her ears
Auntie Ruby and her partner are frequent guests in your house, they visit all the time. Whether it's to go to dinner or mini golf or just chill inside. It's also great for you all to catch up and the kids to hang out
Yang is the Cool Mom, Ruby is the Cool Aunt, and Qrow is the Cool Grandpa! Everytime Qrow comes to visit your kids practically tackle him. He always tells the best stories and sneaks your kids snacks and money
Tai tries to be the Cool Grandpa but kinda fails. He's sprained his ankle many a times trying to impress. Although they laugh, your kids absolutely adore when he comes around
There is no mention of Raven in the house. Yang refuses to bring that drama into her family life, she hasn't even approached her in general. But Yang doesn't care, she has everything she needs
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bridgyrose · 22 days
Ruby smiled weakly as she watched Penny’s eyes light up again, her fingers shook as she waited for Penny to reboot. Months of working with Peitro and Winter in secret had finally brought the results she’d been hoping for. Penny was finally back. 
“Where… where am I?” Penny asked as she slowly sat up. “I do not recognize this place.” 
“We’re in Vacuo,” Ruby answered as she walked over to Penny and pulled her into a hug. “Its a long story, but… that can wait. You’re back. You’re… you’re really back.” 
Penny slowly hugged Ruby and rubbed her back. “I… I died, didnt I?” 
Ruby slowly pulled away from Penny and sat down next to her, not sure when her legs had started to feel tired from standing. “You did. Weiss and Jaune did everything they could to save you, but they couldnt. But that doesnt matter. What matters is that you’re back and we can start catching up on missed time.” 
“Are you sure you do not need to rest first? You look tired.” 
“I’m fine,” Ruby said as she stood up again and offered a hand to Penny. “Will you at least come home with me?” 
Penny nodded and took Ruby’s hand. “Of course.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit and helped Penny up. Her heart fluttered as she helped prop her up and walked out of the workshop and out to the streets. She squinted her eyes as the light stung for a moment while her eyes adjusted to the light. Not that she was worried, it was normal after her long nights while trying to rebuild Penny with Pietro’s schematics. 
Still, she walked down the streets of Vacuo with her arm around Penny’s, glad that she was still the same from the last time she saw her four years ago. The way she talked, the way she moved, how her skin felt and the smile that crossed her face… all of it exactly as it had been before.
“Where is Weiss?” Penny asked. “And Blake and Yang? Why are they not with you?” 
“They’re around, somewhere,” Ruby said quietly. “But that doesnt matter right now. All that matters is that we catch up and-” 
“Ruby, are you sure you are okay?” 
Ruby paused in her step and finally caught a glimpse of her reflection. Her eyes werent the vibrant silver they used to be, a few streaks of grey stained her hair, even her skin was more pale than usual. With a soft sigh, she looked away from her reflection and continued to walk with Penny. “I-I’m fine, really. Sure, I probably could be taking better care of myself, but I’m fine.” 
“Is that why you dont know where your team is?” 
“You do not seem to be like yourself. I remember you always having a genuine smile but now, its like you are hiding who you are from yourself.” 
Ruby went quiet for a moment as she tried to find a lie to tell Penny. It was hard enough to remember that her team went their separate ways after Salem was stopped, and even harder to accept that it’d been a couple years since she even tried to talk to them. Especially since she hid away to get Penny back. “Home isnt much farther. Once we get there we can relax-” 
“Not until you’re more yourself,” Penny said. 
Ruby hesitated as Penny pulled away, no longer looking at her. “I am me.” 
“You are different. What did you give up in order to bring me back?” 
“I… I did what I had to.” Ruby let her aura down as it shimmered with a few small holes. “Part of my aura, part of my life… I couldnt live without you. My team… they didnt understand and left. But none of that matters if that means I can have you in my life again.” 
Penny looked at Ruby once more, where a soft smile had normally crossed her lips now sat a look of pity. “That is not the Ruby I want in my life.” 
Ruby could only watch as Penny walked away, frozen in place as her body refused to move. All that effort to bring her back, and now she was leaving her. Again. But deep down, she knew Penny was right. She had given up too much for the person she had loved.
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kyraxyrespace · 1 year
Evolution of White Knight in RWBY (Volume 2)
Episode 2.2 “Welcome to Beacon” has Jaune approaching the table where Team RWBY is playing Remnant: The Game. After Ruby mentions that it is a four player game, Jaune asks Weiss to play with her hand, which she refuses. Jaune starts the trend of calling Weiss “Ice Queen,” which is a nickname that sticks with her the whole volume. He retreats after almost accidentally revealing Blake’s true identity but is still close enough to see and hear Neptune and Weiss flirt, being especially offended when Neptune refers to Weiss as “snow angel.”
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Episode 2.3 “A Minor Hiccup” begins with Jaune trying to ask Weiss on a date. She ignores him, watching the clock countdown until the end of class. When the bell goes off, Weiss leaves, answering Jaune’s earlier questions with a solid rejection. Dejected, Jaune collapses onto his desk, but Yang walks past and gives him a friendly rub on the back of his head, reassuring him that he’ll get Weiss to agree to a date “one day.” This shows some support for Jaune’s pursuits from Yang, especially since she’s encouraging him to not give up.
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Episode 2.5 “Extracurricular” has Jaune coming to Weiss’ dorm room with a guitar in hand to ask her to the dance in a musical fashion. The whole thing is played for laughs, but Jaune probably chose this method because he knows that Weiss is a singer, and he thought that she may appreciate his attempt. She doesn’t, and still rejects him, slamming the door in his face for the second time that night (she did so earlier when she opened the door to find him with the guitar). Yang, who had watched the whole exchange, tells her that what she did right there is why she’s referred to as an Ice Queen. It’s at this point in the series that we learn why Weiss has no interest in Jaune: “All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name.” In Weiss’ mind, she believes that Jaune is flirting with her to take advantage of her family name. It’s because of these reasons that she continues to shoot Jaune down.
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Episode 2.6 “Burning the Candle” is where we see Jaune’s reasons for pursuing Weiss. He enlists Ren’s help on girl advice and ends up telling Ren his feelings for Weiss: “I'm completely head-over-heels for her, and she won't even give me a chance. She's cold, but she's also incredible. She's smart, and graceful, and talented. I mean, have you heard her sing? I-I just wish she’d take me seriously, y'know? I wish I could tell her how I feel without messing it all up.” This is incredibly heartfelt and is an obvious moment of vulnerability for Jaune. Pyrrha, despite having obvious feelings for Jaune, comes in with the advice for him to stop with the pick -up lines and to just tell her the truth. Jaune takes to this new idea happily and rushes off to find Weiss. He’s prepared to ask her again, bringing with him a flower, but he catches her asking Neptune to the dance, which leaves him heartbroken. He leaves the scene before he hears Neptune’s answer.
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Episode 2.7 “Dance Dance Infiltration” is the turning point in their relationship. Up till now, Weiss believes Jaune is just after her for her name, while we as an audience know that Jaune genuinely likes her. While Jaune and Ruby are at the drinks table, Ruby sympathizes with Jaune for things not working out with Weiss, and then clarifies to the boy - since he thought Weiss came with Neptune - that Weiss came to the dance alone. He catches sight of her attempting to fix a flower and looking hurt in Neptune’s direction, who is clearly having a fun time joking around with some students. Furious on her behalf, Jaune goes to confront Neptune on his actions. He diverts attention when a forlorn Pyrrha crosses his path, and so he goes to check on her. He learns that Pyrrha was hoping he’d ask her to the dance, and she reveals that she likes him. Jaune is shocked, and almost goes after her, but he’s interrupted by Neptune, who unwittingly comes to the balcony Pyrrha and Jaune had been using. Neptune starts a friendly conversation, but when he mentions the “cute girls” at the dance, Jaune gets infuriated and lectures him about Weiss, demanding to know if Neptune ever thought of the feelings of the girls he was hitting on and on why he would turn down Weiss. Neptune shamefully admits that he doesn’t know how to dance, which surprises Jaune. Neptune offers to give up on Weiss, but when Jaune asks him about his feelings for her, and Neptune honestly admits that he thinks she’s cool, Jaune gives him some advice that Pyrrha gave him. Even though Jaune has feelings for Weiss, he recognizes that she would rather prefer Neptune, and gives him the push to go and approach her. Neptune does as Jaune advised and goes talk to Weiss. When Weiss asks what changed his mind, Neptune indicates to Jaune, who at this point in the episode has changed into a dress and is dancing with Pyrrha (he had made a bet that if she didn’t get a date, he’d wear a dress). He tells her that she has good friends, and Weiss is clearly surprised but touched. For all of Volume 1 and half of Volume 2, she thought he was only interested in her name, but this moment proved her wrong, and it’s here that they can begin having an actual friendship.
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sympetali · 1 year
I know we’re all enjoying the cut back to the Bees in the new position, and thinking it means they were just going at it for five minutes. It’s an excellent thought.
But,,, I bring you this thought:
They did stop kissing. They pull away from each other, their eyes opening slowly, soft smiles on their lips. They look at each other.
It’s real.
One of them starts to laugh, relieved and overwhelmed and giddy. The other is a little confused at first but they quickly understand and join in (to me, the former would be Blake and the latter would be Yang but I think it works either way.)
Yang cups Blake’s cheek.
“I love you,” she has to say again.
“Oh, Yang.”
Blake throws herself forward and into Yang, nearly knocking her over. Her foot pops in the air. Yang holds Blake steady by her waist and moves the hand on her face to hold the back of her head. Blake tangles her fingers into Yang’s hair, burning to be as close as possible.
The kiss gets deeper, and they are both so in love and don’t want to lose this moment just yet.
But suddenly they’re in a new place. They feel other people close by. Blake stops kissing Yang, but Yang refuses to let Blake completely pull away. They feel a little sheepish, but not at all shameful. Yang does what Yang does best: lightens the moment.
“It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for that.”
It seems like everyone had been waiting, but no one longer than Blake and Yang.
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howlingday · 2 years
Face The Music
Jaune: H-Hey, Weiss?
Weiss: Yes, Jaune?
Jaune: I, uh, have some news for you.
Weiss: Oh? What is it?
Jaune: It's, uh, about our relationship.
Weiss: What relationship? We're just friends.
Jaune: Um, n-not anymore. See, uh, I've been keeping a secret from you guys.
Weiss: Oh, is this about your late night rendezvous with someone?
Jaune: Oh, uh, I guess you guys do know.
Weiss: I don't pry into gossip, but Blake told Yang and Ruby that they saw you sneak into a hotel with an older woman.
Jaune: Y-Yeah. About that. About her...
Weiss: Jaune, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. What happens behind closed doors is your business, not mine.
Jaune: I'd normally agree, except this is your business. And I have to tell you this.
Weiss: Okay? Why?
Jaune: Because... Because I've been dating your mom.
Weiss: ...
Jaune: Weiss?
Weiss: ...I'm sorry, but I think I misheard you. I thought you said you were dating my mother.
Jaune: Yeah, I did. And... And there's more.
Weiss: Oh dust... Please don't brag to me you've been intimate with her.
Jaune: Uh, it's a bit more than that.
Weiss: What do you mean?
Jaune: I can call Willow right now and-
Weiss: No! You will not speak my mother's name so casually, Jaune Arc! My mother may not be perfect, but she would never cheat on my father, especially with someone like you!
Jaune: Weiss...
Weiss: I don't want to hear it! This is a sick joke, Jaune Arc, and I refuse to acknowledge it!
Jaune: (Sighs) I thought so.
Weiss: (Scroll buzzes, Sees) ...Jaune, you are one of my closest friends. So believe me when I tell you this, because it is with the most sincerity I can muster. I want you out of this room, or I will kill you, right where you stand.
Jaune: (Leaves, Shuts door behind him)
Weiss: (Answers scroll) Mother.
Willow: Weiss. I take it Jaune already told you.
Weiss: ...Then it's true.
Willow: Weiss-
Weiss: Why?! Why would you do this?! With him?! Father wasn't always perfect. No where near so, I admit. But to bring infidelity into our family?!
Willow: Weiss, please-
Weiss: Why?! Why would you betray father like this?!
Willow: ...I had enough of it. When I learned about him embezzling the company to support his campaign, I confronted him. I was sober, if you can believe it. I was so angry, I forgot the bottle and began shouting at him. I called him every name I could, but when I told him he wasn't a true Schnee, he hit me.
Weiss: Mother...
Willow: I left, realizing what had happened. He tried to follow, but... I filed for divorce later that evening.
Weiss: I... I just don't understand... Mother, I...
Willow: Weiss. Please, don't cry.
Weiss: ...I just can't stop thinking about it. All those years you were with him. All the parties, and the galas, and the dinners... Were they all lies? Did you ever love each other?
Willow: I... I don't know, Weiss. The last thirty years feel like a blur now when I think of him.(Shudders) Dust, I wish I had a drink.
Weiss: You are sober?
Willow: Yes. I have been for months now. Ever since... Ever since I started dating Jaune.
Weiss: Right. I... had almost forgotten about the reason you called.
Willow: I met him on my way to drown my sorrows. I needed something stronger than what was here, and I needed to be as far away from your father as possible. Jaune was coming back from a mission at the local school and found me arguing with a clerk. Your father cancelled my bank account.
Weiss: He would do that.
Willow: Yes. Then Jaune stepped in, offered to pay, and then did when I insisted him not to. He escorted me to a bench and we started talking. He said something funny, and... I laughed. I must have looked insane, but it was the first real laugh I had in... so long.
Weiss: What did he say?
Willow: He was telling me how his dinners are set for weeks because his missions have been, quote, "on a cassarole".
Weiss: Ugh, so you were the one woman he bragged to us about. The one who "actually laughed" at his joke.
Willow: I'm glad to know he was speaking of me.
Weiss: But... why? Why all the secrecy? The divorce? The dating? Does... Does Whitely know? Or Winter?
Willow: Whitely was aware, but... he may be taking this worse than you are. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't told you or Winter of this.
Weiss: We have grown distant since I left. Again.
Willow: Can you talk to him? Please? He won't even look at me, and he has his meals brought to his room.
Weiss: After... this, I will. I still need to discuss this with Jaune.
Willow: Of course.
Weiss: And what about Winter? Does she know?
Willow: She does, and she had the exact opposite reaction. She told me I had waited too long on making the best decision of my life.
Weiss: Of course she did. (Sigh) Nothing left now but to discuss this with Jaune.
Willow: Weiss, please, remain calm. I understand this is a lot to process, especially with the baby coming.
Weiss: ...Baby?
Willow: Yes, the... I suppose Jaune hasn't told you everything yet.
Weiss: No. But he's about to.
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calliecat93 · 1 year
Ruby Rose: What Are You?
I have been waiting for this day for so long. For freakin’ years. And now that it’s here and we’re inching closer and closer to the breakdown… OMG there’s so much to dissect and I am ready for it~!
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From Volume 1 to now, Ruby’s role was clear: to be the hope bringer. It’s why she got into Beacon two years early. It’s what’s helped inspire others like Jaune and Oscar up to this point. It’s what’s motivated her up to this point. All of her life, Ruby had only one thing that she ever wanted: to become a Huntress and be like the heroes in the fairy tales that she grew up with. Life isn’t a fairy tale, and she is fully aware of that. She’s been through pain. She’s seen people around her in pain. Her father. Her sister. Her uncle. She's been through loss via her mother. But that didn’t dissuade her. If anything, it only motivated her further. She wanted to help people. To make lives better.
This is why Ruby didn’t get questioned by Oobleck in the Mountain Glenn arc. Weiss, Blake, and Yang were at a school to learn to be Huntresses… but didn’t really know WHY they wanted to go that path specifically. Ruby always did, however. There was never any doubt in her mind about what she wanted to do. About what she wanted to be. When Beacon fell, she went forward to Haven to stop it. When everyone was under The Apathy, she refused to give up even as everyone else did. When Salem attacked Atlas, she clung to sending a message of unity to the world. There was never any doubt. This was who she was. This was her role.
But what has that role done for her?
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Penny, one of her dearest friends, sacrificed her life after all that Ruby went through to save her. And this time, because they used the Relic to make her human which was Ruby's idea, she’s not coming back, at least not the way she was. The Relics were lost to Salem, who is now halfway there to her goal of destroying Remnant. She was betrayed by Ironwood. Her message went unanswered. And the very force that she is trying to stop? Not only is it immortal, but it also took her mother. The person she looked up to the most, who she lost at such a young age, is gone. She couldn’t stop it. Ozpin has been around for centuries and has yet to stop Salem. How can she, a teenage girl, do something that so many generations before her failed to do? And at what cost will it continue to cost her? Does she have to keep having friend after friend die like Pyrrha and Penny did? Where she was helpless to do anything? What’ll happen if she loses Weiss? Or Blake? Or Yang, her own sister? How many more losses can she take before enough's enough?
How much more can she play her role?
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Ruby’s done so much good. She’s driven so many others forward. She��s saved so many lives. But she can’t see any of that. Nor does that change the pain that she’s gone through. Pain that she hasn’t been able to express properly. Whenever she tried, something always happened that placed her focus elsewhere. No one’s really tried talking to her about it because they’ve always seen her as that hope-bringer. The one who, despite whatever she was feeling, pushed forward and kept going. But everyone has a limit, and Ruby is at hers. Weiss, Blake, and Yang have faced their demons and figured out who they are and who they will be going forward. They don’t want or need to go back. But Ruby? After everything? She doesn’t want to go forward. She doesn’t have any hope left, not even a jar’s worth. She isn’t that same young girl who was inspired by fairy tales to make things better. Her past self looms over her, haunting her. Taunting her. Tormenting her.
With all of that said, one question remains: who is Ruby Rose? What is Ruby Rose? And if she can’t be Ruby Rose, then who is she?
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What Ruby needs to accept is that no, she’s not the same girl she used to be. And that’s okay. She needs to allow her team to see the pain that she’s truly in so that they can help her. She needs to allow the others to take off some of that baggage and lift her up as she has them. She needs to have her hope reignited by those same people that she lifted up. Accept that she’s not just the hope-bringer or the motivator. She's not just some role. She’s so much more and will continue to be more going forward. That is who Ruby Rose is. That is who she is meant to be.
But until she comes to that realization, she’s stuck. She doesn’t know who she is or even who she’s supposed to be. That shadow of who she perceives that she must be will continue to loom over her. She can’t live up to what she believes Ruby Rose should be… so why not force herself to be that girl who’s happy without trying? If that fails, then why not leave it behind for a new role? In that case, if we’re right about Jaune being the Rusted Knight and if he’s given up Jaune Arc…
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…yeah, be afraid folks. Be very afraid.
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wolfbetweenrivers · 1 year
My thoughts on RWBY V9C4 (SPOILERS)
In the previous Chapter, Team RWBY, in an effort to find their way to the Tree that can get them out of the Ever After and back to Remnant, went to the Crimson Castle to meet the Red King, only to find the Red Prince in his place. They were still able to challenge him to a board game though, but it involved shrinking Weiss, Blake, and Yang to the size of a playing piece as they acted as substitutes for missing pieces. If they won, the Prince would have to help them get to the Tree. However, upon learning that Ruby was a human, he turned against her. Team RWBY was still able to win in the end, but the Prince banished them, refusing to uphold his end of the deal while also leaving Ruby’s teammates stuck in their small size. However, they were able to escape with the help of a new ally, the Curious Cat and chased after them in an effort to try and get to the Tree that can take them back to Remnant. Meanwhile, the Jabberwalker was attacked by Neopolitan in another Acre. Neo had not only just fallen at that time, but her Semblance also somehow evolved, making her a huge threat, even to the Jabberwalker.
In this Chapter, Team RWBY catches up to the Curious Cat and strike a deal with them. They answer all of the Cat’s questions about Remnant while they take the girls to the Tree. The Cat also promised that they would stop on the way at the Garden Acre to find ingredients to make a medicine that could return Ruby’s teammates to normal size. The result is that the Cat is filled in on everything about the events of the entire series up to this point. When the Cat asks Ruby how she plans to defeat Salem now that Atlas is gone, it’s a sore spot for her and her depression resurfaces, causing her to lose track of the Cat in the Garden. While looking for the Cat, they encounter another new entity; the Herbalist, who is able to make the medicine needed to return Ruby’s teammates back to normal size. However, while making the medicine, they interrogate Team RWBY about their identities. When they initially fail to give clear answers, the Herbalist tells them that they cannot help them become what they want to become if they don’t know what they are now. So they take the girls to another room in their home were the Herbalist starts smoking a hookah pipe, blowing out a strange smoke that causes Team RWBY to be faces with illusions of their past selves. The past versions of the girls offer the present versions a chance to be something else. Yang is offered a chance to be who she was before the Fall of Beacon and have her arm back “to be whole again”. Blake is offered a chance to be either a human or a cat so that she doesn’t have to struggle with bridging the gap between humans and Faunus “to be something simpler”. Weiss is offered a chance to be a nobody with no baggage associated with her name “to be free”. All three girls reject the offer. Yang argues that her losses have taught her how to grow and that she needs to keep going to find what’s missing from her life. Blake argues that throwing away her identity would be betrayal rather than simplicity. Weiss argues that she will define her own name rather than allowing it to be the reverse. But meanwhile, Ruby is stuck and lost. She is mercilessly confronted through her past self by all of the feelings that she has been trying to avoid for so long. The feeling of failure, and that she couldn’t live up to her ideal. She is offered a chance to not be Ruby Rose. Before she can decide though, the Curious Cat returns and intervenes, saving the girls from the Herbalist. The Herbalist then apologizes before suddenly sinking into the ground, to the horror of Team RWBY. The episode ends. 
This was the most powerful episode in the series so far, and it’s mainly because of Team RWBY’s confrontation with their past selves. It was a brilliant reflection of their respective character development and how far they’ve come, and a full circle moment from Volume 2′s Mountain Glenn. Weiss, Blake, and Yang who in V2 were uncertain of who they were and what they wanted have now reached a moment of self actualization. But Ruby, who in V2 was most certain, is now uncertain and lost, and isn’t sure who or what she is, since she feels that she couldn’t live up to her idea of a Huntress, having lost Penny, unable to save Atlas, and having lost her mother to an immortal enemy. Ever since she wound up in the Ever After, she has been repeatedly asked by all of its inhabitants “what are you?” It’s a questions she’s gotten so tired of hearing because she feels increasingly targeted by it, given her current crisis. And now, she has been brutally confronted with the issue during the smoke scene. 
In the beginning of the series, Ruby Rose was a girl who wanted to be a Huntress, which she defined as people who protect those who can’t protect themselves. She recognized that life wasn’t like a fairy tale, but argued that that was making the world a better place was the point of being a Huntress. It was the single thing she would strive for and define herself by. But by the end of Volume 8, she feels she has failed all of that. She kept the truth of Salem from Ironwood, not being able to trust him for good reason. But once she told him, Ironwood was close to doing the right thing for Atlas and Mantle but then it got sabotaged by Cinder, putting the Kingdom in danger. She tried to launch Amity Tower to warn the world about Salem and call for help, but Amity fell and no help came. Her plan to launch Amity made Penny vulnerable to Watts’ destructive virus. Her attempt to evacuate Mantle using the Schnee Dust Company cargo ships was shot down by Ironwood who gave her an Ultimatum to turn over Penny lest Mantle be blown up. She took a risk to try and get around it, giving Penny a body of flesh, free from the virus, and using the Staff of Creation to evacuate the Kingdom, both plans being vulnerable to Cinder who sabotaged everything, killing many evacuees and killing Penny. And now Ruby has fallen into a different world, away from all that, unable to do anything. Through her ideal of being a Huntress and a leader, she has burdened herself with the idea that everything depends all on her and that she can’t let others down. She has tried to avoid it and keep it from her teammates, but now it’s getting much harder for her to do that, as she is constantly targeted with questions about who and what she is and not being able to answer. This raises the question of whether she will eventually come to being able to answer the question at any point and how she will come to that conclusion.
We are seeing more instances of Blake basically switching places with Ruby in relation to the beginning of the series. When Ruby couldn’t define what a Huntress is to the Herablist, despite having done so in V1, it was Blake who stepped up and echoed Ruby’s V1 definition of it. 
There is something about the Curious Cat. Something curious. When the Cat first appeared in C3, it stopped the Red Prince from beheading them by doing something to the Prince’s heart. It did the same thing to the Herbalist to make them remorseful about the ordeal they put Team RWBY through. In this Chapter, this was revealed to be the Cat giving those people a piece of their own heart to seemingly make them more compassionate. It raises questions about how and why the Cat is able and willing to do that, and what their purpose is. The inhabitants of the Ever After are described as each having a purpose they must fulfill at all costs. There is also the idea that the inhabitants change in some way at certain points in their life. Based on the words of the Herbalist, the Red King BECAME the Red Prince somehow and a human who fell before Team RWBY had something to do with it. “This is how a King winds up a Prince”, the Herbalist said in response to Ruby not knowing who she is. Does this somehow tie into the them of Purpose? When the Cat intervened, they told the Herbalist that they were “done” because they had failed their purpose right before the Herbalist was absorbed into the ground. Is this what happens when an inhabitant of the Ever After fails their purpose? Do they later come back but as something new? The way this whole thing was framed and being at the end of the 4th episode makes it seem like this is some kind of dark twist in which Team RWBY learns something disturbing about the Ever After. 
It seems we are now getting to the point where we begin to dig really deep into the realities of the Ever After, now that we’ve witnesses something strange and disturbing happen to one of its inhabitants. Why does the question “what are you?” matter so much to the inhabitants of this place to the point of being so fixated on having a specific purpose while also making it seem as though the idea of change seems ominous? What are Team RWBY going to do with what they are now seemingly about to learn?
Perhaps the next episode will answer at least some of those questions. Whatever it is, I’m on the edge of my seat now, anticipating it.
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fanstuffrantings · 7 months
I'm never going to stop thinking about how interesting Blake indoctrinated into a cult Adam constructed would've been compared to what we got.
This idea of her being one of the most loved and cherished by Adam because she was always well fed and praised by him, despite him slowly growing to view her as disposable the more corrupted he became. How she would've been so supportive of him as he tried to figure out how to control Grimm because for the first time since her parents died she would've felt some semblance of safety.
And when he did horrible things, was horrible to her she'd contemplate if maybe she should leave only to beat herself up for thinking of abandoning him when he was all she had. Adam being aware of her wavering loyalty and sending her on an incredibly dangerous mission to infiltrate and help destroy beacon academy under orders he received from some of Salem's people. Every person she meets only building on this doubt in her mind, but she refuses to listen because how can she question Adam when he saved her.
For every volume of rwby she spent in Beacon she'd be more conflicted and guilty over what she was doing. That guilt reaching an all time high when what she's done leads to the deaths of people she's known who trusted her. And more than anything the look of confusion and hurt she'd see on Yangs face when her true nature got revealed by Adam when she finally stands up to him for the first time in her life and tries to cut ties.
There's no white fang in this that are fighting for the world to understand they're people, no justice Adam is inacting because of how the world wronged him. It's corruption he fell into that Blake would've dove in after him for. And the regret that follows when she realizes what it's caused.
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kienava · 3 years
“I broke my promise.”
The fire crackles and pops, and Blake wonders if it’s eaten her whisper.
There’s a long moment where all she hears is the fire smacking its lips and waves lapping up onto the beach to claim the scraps of her admission.
Beside her, the sand shifts. Yang rolls onto her side and Blake can feel wide, patient eyes watching her, but she can’t look.
So she stays fixed on the ocean - Is it an ocean? Is it even real? - as it recedes, retreats.
“Blake,” Yang says. She’s waiting for more, and the only reason Blake can bring herself to say it is because she’s tired of making Yang wait for her.
“When you... when she made you fall,” Blake explains. She isn’t sure why she refuses to say Neo’s name. Part of her believes it’s because names have power and she doesn’t want to relinquish an ounce more to Neo - but then she remembers another name she wouldn’t dare to speak, and she never felt power in those silences.
Yang sits up, moving so that only a sliver of firelight separates their shoulders. “You can’t blame yourself for that. Blake, even if I could barely see it, I know you did everything you could to try and save me.”
Blake takes in a shaky breath. “That’s not what I mean.”
“It’s not?”
“Of course I feel terrible that I couldn’t save you, but something else happened. After you were gone.”
Because Yang is wonderful and infuriating in the space of a blink, she waits. She’d give Blake a universe’s worth of space, and then she’d make a ridiculous joke about it - Get it? Space?
Collapsing in Yang’s arms on a beach sounds a lot like something Blake would have dreamt about in her bunk back at Beacon, a comforting, peaceful image that could lull her to sleep with the wispy promise to bring such a fantastical future one night closer. It’s all Blake wants to do, let herself be held, but she can’t. Not when her entire being is weighed down by the blunt awareness of what she almost did.
Blake gives herself one breath, one last cycle of the waves before she says something that she swears will make Yang hate her.
She promised to stay by Yang’s side no matter what - but she never asked Yang to make the same vow. She won’t blame her if she leaves.
The ocean crawls back, allowing itself one glittering moment to kiss the shore, and then it leaves again. That’s just the way it is. Blake thinks about how people are mostly water, how they ebb and flow, vanish into the sky and into the ground. How they help things grow.
Blake means to whisper, but it comes out all at once, so loud the fire can’t swallow it up. “I tried to kill her.”
Yang doesn’t move. She doesn’t freeze, and she doesn’t gasp in shock.
And Blake has no idea what that means.
Then, Blake feels a gentle, cool touch settle on her shoulder. She’s wrapped up in herself, knees pulled into her chest, withdrawn, and she doesn’t deserve to be pulled out of it.
Again, Yang says nothing, just offers that one wistful smile. Back when she was trying to understand why that smile broke her heart, Blake used to think that it looked a little bit sad, but now she understands. Now she knows what Yang means to her, and her heart is breaking all over again. She’s pretty sure she’s set a record for how many times that can happen inside of three days.
“What promise?” Yang asks. There’s no judgment in her expression, only a quiet desire to understand. Another small heartbreak.
“Adam,” Blake says, shunting the name off as quickly as she can, whittling it from her tongue. They’d only talked about it once, and Yang had been resolute. Blake, not so much. She might be even less convinced now, in the wake of the past few hours. “Maybe we had no choice against him, but I promised myself I would never do something like that again. Then when I thought you were... I thought she had...”
Blake remembers the mecha under the bridge, flashes of red at Beacon and at the waterfall. It hurt more each time, that premier ache blossoming into a cellular agony. Hours later, it’s still wracking her nerves. To think about it is to relive it.
Yang speaks, cool aloe on a blistered sunburn. “What stopped you? With Neo?”
“Weiss was in trouble. I had to choose. But if I hadn’t had that choice I don’t know what I--”
“Okay. Am I gonna have to stage another intervention?”
Blake snaps to look at her. “What?”
“Remember when you didn’t sleep for, like, a week?”
“Yeah, but this is different.”
Yang turns and crosses her legs, facing Blake just as she had years before, sitting on a desk at the front of a lecture hall. “Sounds like you’re beating yourself up over something that didn’t even happen.”
Blake faces her, because that’s what you do when you’re suddenly arguing with someone who doesn’t hate you as much as they should. “Yang, I tried to kill her. I wanted to.”
“Do you know how many times I’ve wanted to kill Ozpin? Or Raven?”
“It’s not the same.”
“You never had a sword pointed at their necks!”
Yang shrugs. “I don’t fight with a sword.”
“Why don’t you hate me?!” Blake shouts and almost falls back, startled by her own voice.
Now, finally, Yang looks like she’s been stung - it’s for all the wrong reasons, and Blake’s stomach twists. She curls into herself again, burying her face behind her knees and locking her hands behind her own neck.
“I could never hate you, Blake.”
There’s so much hurt in her voice, a deep crack that reminds Blake of the first time she saw Yang cry.
She should apologize, but she can’t undo what she’s said. She can’t take back any of how she felt after watching Yang plummet into oblivion.
Before she can decide on any particular course of inaction, she’s being pulled out of her miserable little cube, and she can’t stop herself from falling into Yang’s open arms.
Earlier, when she saw Yang alive, the guilt burned away long enough for Blake to take after the waves kissing the shoreline.
All she can think now, wrapped in Yang’s arms, is that she doesn’t deserve it.
It would have been easier, maybe, if Yang hated her enough to walk away. Blake can’t very well walk away from herself. Her semblance can leave endless copies of her behind, but she’s always going to be stuck with the original. In moments like this, it feels like a fitting punishment.
With Yang holding on to her so tightly, Blake feels like a tormented copy, shattering endlessly, never escaping. She knows it’s a defense mechanism, but that doesn’t mean she knows how to stop it from coming on. Her self is as real an enemy as another.
Foolishly, she hopes that Yang is going to kiss her again when the embrace starts to break. Instead, Yang rests her forehead on Blake’s, and it’s another familiar reassurance that Blake doesn’t know how to accept.
“If you feel like you broke a promise to yourself, there’s only one person who can forgive you,” Yang says, her words smoldering like embers. Blake feels their warmth in her skin.
Blake is crying - she’s been crying, probably the whole time since Yang fell - but now Yang is here to catch the tears.
She’s right, Blake knows.
It’s hard to break old habits, and perhaps even harder to form new ones, and no one can do any of it for her. But Yang believes, and she remembers all the times Blake proved that she had compassion to spare. Why shouldn’t she offer some to herself? In Yang’s arms, it’s a little bit easier for Blake to believe that she deserves it.
[cross-posted on AO3]
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dragonking10 · 2 years
RWBY and JNPR  Playing Prompt Hunt
RWBY and JNPR were playing Prompt Hunt on their Laptop/PC, Team RWBY was the Prompts and JNPR were the Hunters and it seemed like team RWBY was gonna win with one minute remaining. All seemed lost for team JNPR until Nora had an Idea, an awful idea. Nora had a wonderful, awful idea as she evily grins
Nora: I know just what to do
Jaune: Wait what?
Ren: Pardon?
Pyrrha: How much?
Ruby was prompt as a soda can blending in with the other soda cans near a beverage machine and as soon as she heard Nora’s offer it was entirely impossible for her to refuse
Ruby: You son of a bitch *she comes out of her hiding spot and stops infront of team JNPR* I’m in.
Weiss: YOU DOLT!
Blake: *sighs as she accepted defeat*
As for the game let’s just say team JNPR won with the help of Ruby and only ten seconds to spare, and Ruby counted that as a victory in her book as she looks at the photos/videos of her crush with a perverted grin on her face and Jaune was in a blushing mess as he is STILL processing what the hell just happened.
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ddullahan · 3 years
90 with Blake and Yang?
Okay so this isn't exactly 90, but it's inspired by it because vol 8 and those words just kinda throttled me by the throat and forced me to write this hypothetical of the beginning of vol 9. Angst abound WOO
-------- When Blake hits the sand, her instincts pull from her in the last dredges of her semblance. The shadow clone explodes out from beneath her and catapults her across the beach. She's too tired to catch herself, crashing into the sand and carving a path parallel to the waterline.
She lays there with a high pitched ringing in her ears. Coughing up sand. Too numb to cry.
She lays there, staring up at a cotton candy sky long enough to let the ocean lap at her boots. She lays there, refusing to close her eyes. She can't close her eyes, because in every flash of darkness there is the void below and Yang's outstretched hands are dissolving in nothing and Blake can't fucking reach her-
She's numb, but the sand is warm beneath her body. Her eyes drift, looking out across the beach she'd somehow ended up in.
Blake's entire body screams in protest as she bolts upright. Her hands pat across her body, tracking sand into the zippers and leather of her suit, landing to a stop at her cheeks and temples.
The high pitched ringing turns into the rapid hum of her heartbeat.
She breathes to no one but herself, "I'm alive. I'm alive?"
Almost like a hand is guiding her chin, she looks away from the ocean. Still holding herself, stunned.
There's an entire tropical forest making its way to the waterline. Littered with long palm fronds swaying in a breeze that doesn't exist. A cliffside jagged with broken rocks and weeds backs the palm tree forest, and above it looms... A massive, nebulous, kapok tree.
Blake's seen kapok trees in Menagerie before, but they're nothing like this. It had to be taller than a CCT Tower.
She looks away because it makes her dizzy just trying to gauge its height.
Her eyes land on the hilt of her sword, sticking up out of the sand. The ribbon, singed at the end, is coiled about the magazine.
She manages to stagger to her feet, stumbling the first few steps. Her shoulders curl forwards, she's hunched like there's weighted hooks dangling off her collarbones.
Her long fingers wrap around the handle. The rest of the black katana emerges from the sand. The gold in the middle glares at her from a sourceless sun.
She's slow to react to it.
She's still drowning in grief.
But there's something in her that helped pull her up. Something that keeps her standing. She stares at the gold mending.
She catches a glimpse of her reflection in the gleam.
Her eyes widen.
Blake fell into the same void as Yang. If she was alive, then that meant-
The weapon is collapsed and slung to her back in a blink. Her footprints leave deep divots in the sand until she's sprinting over the beach towards the forest. She clambers over a white rock shaped like a whale and pushes her aching body to springboard off of it, nearly losing her footing on the landing and crashing into a palm trunk in her haste. She grips it like a lifeline.
Her lungs fill with the first full breath of air she's taken since Yang fell, and she screams into the trees with everything in her body.
It's screamed with every ounce of herself that would've jumped if Weiss hadn't been there. Every last drop of her liquified heart that didn't drain from her when she couldn't see Yang's eyes. Every last piece of her that refused to live without that sunny smile.
Her nails dig into the trunk and she has to wheeze into the bark to catch her breath. Hollowed to a husk, her exhausted body falls to its knees.
And all around her, her voice echoes, and echoes. There's no birdsong, or wind to disrupt it. It's just her, echoing off the rocks and trees.
Her cavernous soul pulls down to her toes.
She can do nothing but cry.
Her head bunts into the bark of the tree, her body crumbling into a fetal crouch. Her fingers dig into the sand and soil for dear life. The sobs wrack her body harder and harder. She just lets it happen.
There's no one to see her die a little anyway.
She covers her head with her hands like a child hiding from pain. She has trouble hiccupping air into her lungs. It hurts to breathe. Like someone's sitting on her chest and laughing about it.
Little bites of Yang's name twist between her teeth, each one tasting more like ash than the last.
Blake doesn't know how long she stays there.
But she knows exactly who touches her and calls her name.
She's afraid to look.
She doesn't want to dream of her.
She doesn't want any cheap imitation of Yang her burnt out brain can conjure. She wants her. The jokes, the laughter, the understanding, the warmth. Her ever addicting sun.
Blake loves Yang too much to ever be content with a copy.
Her ears are ringing again. She can't tell if it's her heartbeat or if it's someone trying to speak to her. She's afraid of the latter. Because she knows that warmth on her shoulder like she knows her body is at its limit.
But like everything she's done since Beacon, it's easier to face her fears with Yang in mind. So it's with a strangled, hiccupping gasp, that she tilts her head to peer through her fingers.
Blake opens her eyes, and there's a miracle staring back at her.
Yang's jacket is nowhere to be seen, one of her overall straps loose and bunched up near her hip where she kneels. Her hair is pulled up off the back of her neck into a messy bun, tied with a strip of palm frond.
Her hands are gentle as ever, brushing the sand from Blake's feline ears carefully. The buttery gold metal of her right hand brushes over Blake's hands still locked over her head. Yang's perfect, plush lips are moving slow.
"Blake? Hey, can you hear me?"
She's calling Blake's name.
Blake can hear her.
She can hear her.
Blake's hands slip from her head, and she slowly cracks the grief from her spine, sitting up. She stares with wide, wondrous eyes. She can't make her voice work.
Yang's eyebrows furrow in concern.
Blake's hands drift, gently pressing into Yang's cheeks. The skin under her fingertips is warm. Flushed with tropical heat. More freckled than Blake last remembers.
And it's real.
She's - "Real," Blake croaks, swallowing hard. She's swallowed so much sand she's sure she's becoming the beach, but she repeats herself anyway. "You're real."
"Uh, yeah," Yang gives a little laugh, "I'm real. What-"
Blake lunges forward with enough force to knock their teeth together. Yang's voice sounds from the back of her throat, hiking up an octave in surprise. Blake doesn't give a fuck, she kisses her like she meant to two weeks ago. Two days ago. Two years ago. Time means nothing to her. Her hands pull at the overalls, and she sinks her teeth into Yang's lower lip.
And suddenly Yang's pulling her close, a breathy gasp passed between them. Her warm freckled hands come up to frame Blake's face like she's precious.
It's enough to break her a third time.
She cracks a sob into Yang's mouth. Those gentle hands cradle her even closer, a soft, "C'mere baby," brushed across her lips.
Blake is pulled into a crushing hug. Her body aches with the pressure, and it is...
The absolute sweetest pain she's ever endured.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Salem mind controls Cinder (against her will, with some spell I guess) to physically hurt Ruby
But since Ruby doesn't want to kill her,her friends help her by sending the "final blow" that brings back Cinder to mental clarity for a short moment just before dying,sharing her last words to Ruby.
“I… I cant stop it…” Cinder swung her blade at Ruby once more, the heat of the flames brushed across the girl’s face as the blade sliced through the air. The grimm arm no longer obeyed her and seemed to control her every action. “You have to-” 
“I’m not losing you again!” Ruby used her scythe to block each strike. The heat from Cinder’s flames had started to burn her skin after her aura broke. She panted as she blocked another strike, her arms started to give from the force. “I can… still save you!” 
“Ruby!” Yang called out. “Watch out!” 
Ruby moved a bit too slowly and fell back as she felt a fireball slam into her side. She lost her grip on her scythe and landed on her back, too tired to move herself out of the way as Cinder’s blade came down for a final strike. She closed her eyes and waited for the heat of the fiery blade to pierce into her. 
“Get away from her!” Weiss put a glyph between Ruby and Cinder’s blade. “Blake! Yang!”
Blake nodded and tossed Gambol Shroud to Yang while she held the end of the ribbon. “I’ll get Ruby out of here, you and Weiss take on Cinder!” 
“Dont have to tell me twice!” Yang used her gauntlets to speed up as she ran. With the help of Blake, she slammed into Cinder and pushed her away from Ruby. Her eyes went red as she readied herself and went into stance. “Leave Ruby alone.” 
Ruby opened her eyes as she felt Blake pick her up and start to rush her away. “We… we have to help Cinder-” 
“We are.” Blake moved Ruby away from the fight and sighed as she listened to the screams of rage for Cinder. “We just… cant help her the way you want to.” 
Yang slammed her gauntlets into Cinder and left a few sticky bombs on her. She pulled back and smirked as she watched Weiss push Cinder away with a glyph. “Keep her busy! I have a plan!” 
Cinder growled and swatted at Yang with her grimm arm. Red and amber eyes focused on Weiss once she saw the glyph and she swung her sword at her. “Easier said than done!” Weiss used her rapier to block a few strikes from Cinder and summoned her Arma Gigas’ arm and sword to protect herself from a fireball above her. “You better hurry!” 
Yang nodded and rushed behind Cinder. Once again she used her gauntlets to speed her way to Cinder and activated her semblance as she slammed a fist into Cinder’s back. A grin spread across her face as she pulled her arms back and detonated the sticky bombs that were left behind. 
Ruby shielded her eyes as she watched the bombs explode and throw Cinder to the ground. She slowly got up and winced as she took a step. “Cinder…” 
Blake helped Ruby up and supported her as she walked. “We didnt have a choice.” 
“I know…” 
Cinder smiled a bit as her anger at Ruby cleared from her mind. She didnt care anymore if she couldnt move or if she couldnt feel her body anymore, she was just glad to be free from the grimm that had controlled her for so long. “Its… finally over…” 
Ruby limped over to Cinder. “We can still save you. We can get you to Jaune and he can boost your aura-” 
“You and I both know its not going to work this time.”
“I wont let you die like this! You were finally going to have a choice! You were finally going to try to make things right!” 
“And Salem… had something else in mind…” Cinder let out a soft sigh and stared up at the night sky. “I made my choice to defy her. So she made sure I couldnt refuse my task. And now that she will no longer have me, you can finally defeat her.” 
Ruby stopped in her tracks once she realized what Cinder meant. She looked to the ground and sighed. “This… is what you wanted when you said you were going to make things right, wasnt it?” 
“Not… exactly…” Cinder moved a couple fingers and winced. “I knew I would help you stop Salem, I just… thought I’d be able to do more to make things right.” 
“So… now what?” 
“Now, you go to Salem.” Cinder closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her lungs burned from the air. “And make sure no one has to endure what I did ever again.” 
Ruby nodded and started to limp her way back to the rest of her group. Salem had gone too far this time when she forced Cinder to fight. Taking the choice away from her over and over and leading her to her death. Salem had to be stopped. 
Yang walked over to Ruby to help her and sighed. “So, what’s the plan now?” 
“We stop Salem.” A small, silver flame sprouted at the edge of Ruby’s eyes. “And we never let this happen to anyone else again.” 
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Hear hear! Weiss is perfect as is!
BUT, for the sake of thematic continuity, can you write something like, team RWBY go to an onsen (think that's the proper spelling) & Weiss sees Yang's tits bounce free of their confines & does the stereotypical, "grabs Yang's tits from behind, demanding what men see in such large sacks of fat?"
While Yang counters with "she doesn't need tits with an ass like that"
*insert Eminem's song "Ass like that" feat Triumph the Insult Comic Dog"
"Ugh! Finally we get to relax and take a nice hot dip! Just what these aching bones have been needing."
Team RWBY had finally managed to garner themselves enough vacation time from working /slaving/ away as Huntresses in Atlas. And as such, their wonderful buddy ol pal Weiss had suggested a nice dip in a local Onsen.
The place hadn't been too far from the main street, and was easy enough to find. Though! They'd gotten lucky and had managed to book the place for just themselves.
"Stop talking like an old lady Yang. You're still young and fit!"
Ruby was quick to follower her sister in, instantly submerging herself inside the hot soothing water, her aches and pains quickly vanishing.
"No you know what... yeah I think I get what you mean. This is goooooood~"
Blake said nothing, instead opting to simply lay back against a wall with a floating drinking tray in front of her. Her ears flicking from time to time as she enjoyed the soothing water.
Weiss however... had not planned ahead well enough.
Despite herself she couldn't help but hone in onto two annoying floating orbs.
"Careful there Weissy, Blakey may get jealous with how much staring you're doing."
The ex-Heiress quickly looked away, not bothering to deny that she was looking.
"I don't understand... my mom and Winter both have great upper bodies... what did you even eat Yang?"
Yang, for what it was worth, took it in stride and chuckled. "Come on Weissy, you know you look perfectly fine. Ms. Big bottomed booty."
Weiss face flushed, an easy thing to notice as her pure white skin turned a deep red.
"Besides, we both know what VB prefers. He doesn't care about those itty bitty bites."
And that's all it took to have Weiss jump her. "Silence Xiaolong!"
Her hands quickly striking from behind as she squeezed, her fingers and nails sinking into the luscious balls of fat. "Uuugh! They're so soft and squishy! This isn't fair!"
"Weiss! Let me go!"
Weiss however refused, instead grasping, pinching, and squeezing harder and faster.
She couldn't believe how wonderfully soft and plump they were! Like running your hands through soft clay! "I wouldn't be surprised if milk came out of these things."
"Blake help!"
"Nope, deal with this yourself, you're the one that brought this on yourself." And Blake simply took another sip, ignoring the little spat going on.
"Damn it Weiss! You have a fat ass and long legs! You don't need tits too!"
Ruby however, simply swam away from them, hoping not to get pulled into this conversation... somewhere far away she swore she could hear music... "What is that?"
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rachetmath · 3 years
Lancaster vs Rosegarden
Oscar: Jaune!
Jaune: Oh hi Oscar.
Oscar: You think you better than me?!
Jaune: Wait what?
Oscar: You think just because you're tall, muscler, an awsome semblance, and cool armor that'll make Ruby yours. Well too bad buddy, she's mine.
Jaune: I'm sorry, my mind is wondering where are you going with this.
Oscar: Ruby is mine. She will be mind.
Jaune: Okay. But what does this have to with me.
Oscar: I'm not an idiot Jaune. I see everything.
Jaune: What are you-?
Oscar: The train.
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Ruby’s scroll.
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I know what you're thinking and trust me she will soon know that chocolate is better than vanilla.
Jaune: Look Oscar-
Oscar: I'm the goat here. I've gone through shit. I do more for this group than anyone.
Jaune: Okay. Noted. Now Oscar just hear me-
Oscar: I'm better than you in every way.
Jaune: Okay but-
Oscar: I'm-
Jaune pimps’ slaps Oscar across his face. The hand was so strong it almost threw Oscar off. However, once Oscar recovered a little, Jaune slaps him again, knocking the drool off him.
Oscar: Ow!
Jaune: You good? A-are you done? Can I finish?
Oscar: Yeah.
Jaune: Thank you. Now let me tell you something um Pyrrha is dead.
Oscar: Okay, so what? What does she... oh.
Jaune: Yeah, she was reckless, she didn't think and she burdens everything on herself. Does Ruby not do that herself?
Oscar: Um..
Jaune: Okay then shut up. If you like Ruby that much then tell her. This has nothing to do with me. We are not even like that. We're just friends.
Oscar: *feels bad*
Jaune: The only girl I seem to have a relationship with is Yang. And it's not even a romantic one, its playful and sisterly. I mean have you seen her with Blake.
Oscar: True. Wait what about Nora?
Jaune: ... ... ...
Oscar: ... ... ...
Jaune: Teammate. A bit of a sister. Nothing less. Nothing more.
Oscar: Wow. That's low.
Jaune: Now, you are better than me but guess what that ain't much. Like what have you done? What sacrifices have you made? What are your reasons?
Oscar: Um I told James the truth about Salem. I saved everyone at Heaven. I helped in the battle with Cordovan. I saved everyone from Salem.
Jaune: Okay. Ironwood shot you. Cordovan was insane and did not deserve to live or have a job after her recklessness. Plus, Ruby stopped her. You were on a plane. And Ozpin helped more than you in Heaven. And if Hazel didn't buy you any time you would have died. In fact, Hazel is the reason you’re alive.
Me: And the reason your journey started.
Oscar: Well I persuaded him to join the good side.
Jaune: Really, how so?
Oscar: By telling him how to use the lamp. Then he freed me and made me do it myself.
Jaune: So, Hazel just let you go because he didn't believe you?
Oscar: Yep.
Jaune: So, if Hazel called Jinn's name and she appeared, what would have happened then? Like would Hazel have freed you then? Or would he had killed you and just let that be the end?
Oscar: ...
Jaune: So Hazel just showed you pity or you guilt tripped him into helping.
Oscar: I helped with James.
Jaune: Who we jumped.
Oscar: The evacuation.
Jaune: The worse plan we ever made.
Oscar: Oh man.
Jaune: Now, I need to say this, STOP being random. Like first you suck for some reason then you start being cool. Like what the hell?! Oscar, I don't know why I should be wasting my time trying to help you, let alone worry about you if you're somehow going to prove how irrelevant that is. Like I could've been helping Mantle instead of helping you. I could've been trying to talk to James instead of helping you. But no, you're my friend so of course I'll help you.
Oscar: But I'm your partner.
Jaune: No. No you are not. I'm the healer. I'm everybody’s partner.
Me: Basically the brother or the father of the group. No, wait a minute, maybe the mother? Still.
Jaune: Now, for your reason. Why are you here? What is your personal goal?
Oscar: To finish this. This fight with Salem needs to stop. I need to stop the cycle of reincarnation.
Me: Bra, that has nothing to do with you reincarnating. Ozma's mission. Remember?
Oscar: Oh.
Jaune: Basically, until the gods show up and we pass, you have no choices here so... you're here because Ozpin and I fucked up. Mostly me.
Oscar: Oh my brothers.
Jaune: Yeah. Now, listen. Ruby has been going through it. Ask her out. Trust me, you'll be making her day. Believe me. Please, enjoy what little life you might have left because in all honesty you barely have one. Considering your just a mini version of everything I was supposed to be.
Oscar: I'm sorry what?
Jaune: Later. *leaves*
Oscar: Um RatchetMath.
Me: What?
Oscar: Do you hate me?
Me: Yes and no.
Oscar: Why?!
Me: Oscar, I’m not going to lie but in all honesty you should not exist.
Oscar: …
Me: Like I’m not going to cap. You’re just Jaune but with everything else.
Oscar: How?
Me: How? Bra, let me tell you something, have you ever notice how you and Jaune are similar? Like coming into a field with no experience whatsoever. You were getting bullied by others. You were in need a pip talk.
Oscar: But I’m black.
Me: Bra, I’m light skin and I don’t even care for you. I’m fine with black representation but I prefer Ilia over you.
Oscar: What why?
Me: Bra Ilia is black. From a poor neighborhood. Her parents worked in low paying jobs. Her parents are dead. She literally went and lived in Atlas, so she has more awareness of what’s going on there. Plus, team RWBY has one faunus and team JNPR doesn’t. Especially if the said faunus is rich and has some nobility.
Oscar: Shit.
Me: And to be honest Jaune looked like Ozpin. He even looked like Ozma. Other than that if Jaune was Ozpin reincarnation then everything would be some levels the same. Hazel hates Ozpin so will Jaune because what Ozpin has done so far. He sees Ozpin’s life and he would have been even more furious cause none the events needed to happen if Ozpin- no Ozma wasn’t trying to get laid like many so-called heroes. He gets out-casted like he was back at Beacon except Pyrrha’s gone. See where I’m going with this?
Oscar: Yeah.
Me: So, in all honesty Oscar you are just black Jaune Arc. You are just a mere shadow of Jaune’s character. Hint to why I like you. And you know what it’s our fault because we didn’t want Jaune to overshadow Ruby. Even though the sad truth is everyone overshadows Ruby. Plus, our writers refuse to give him a purpose or a character.  
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professorspork · 3 years
superhell fic prompt: JAUNE RUNS INTO PYRRHA
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5]
It doesn’t occur to that she’s allowed to talk to them until Torchwick reveals himself to Neo. And even then, well-- Roman Torchwick isn’t exactly a shining paragon when it comes to setting a good example of what’s allowed.
But the idea refuses to stop hounding her footsteps, once it’s come. Once she’s seen it’s possible, without consequences. Still, she waits, and keeps her distance. There’s no sunset, here on the island, no night, but there are shady places beneath the towering roots of the Tree; eventually, they all bed down, and Jaune-- as she’d known he would-- volunteers to take first watch. It’s a heartening display: Yang and Blake twined together like ivy on a wrought iron gate, but each clinging to the hands of their teammates, chained together by grasping fingers. Otters in a stream, unwilling to be separated.
She doesn’t know why she’s surprised to hear her own voice when she approaches.
...I know this can be frustrating, and it can feel like so much effort to progress such a small amount, but I want you to know that I'm proud of you. I've never met someone so determined to better themselves...
“You’ll drain your battery,” she cautions, reaching out with her mind to press the off button on his scroll. His head whips up, expression aghast, and she smiles at him softly. “I’d have thought you’d have it memorized by now anyhow; you haven’t seemed to need it in some time.”
She expects disbelief, perhaps, or shock. Joy would have been nice, but she’d have understood anger. So she’s surprised and---bizarrely proud, actually-- when instead his eyes narrow in suspicion and the first thing he says is, “Your Semblance works.”
“Well, yes.”
“Why does your Semblance work?”
“Because I’m where I’m supposed to be. A soul knows when it’s in the right place. Or the wrong one, as the case may be.”
“Or I’m dreaming.”
“Or you’re dreaming,” she agrees, keeping her voice mild, but feeling it like a punch to the stomach when his shoulders relax at the idea. Does he... not want her here? Goodness, but she’s out of practice. She’d forgotten it was like this; how talking to him had been both the easiest and the hardest thing in the world. “Would you-- prefer that? If I weren’t really here?”
“The real Pyrrha would know better than to ask me that.”
Despite herself, she laughs. “Oh, I wish that were true. I asked myself that every day. Every class, every glance, every study session on the roof. I’m afraid I was never as confident as I should have been.” It’s an embarrassing admission, but an effective one; the walled-up caution behind his eyes dissipates... only for tears to well up in its stead.
“Are you-- can I touch you?”
“I hope so.” (She’d left Torchwick and Neo behind before they’d gotten that far, for obvious reasons.)
“I--” He scrambles to his feet and crosses the distance between them, enveloping her in a crushing hug. It doesn’t feel like she remembers, but then, that’s no surprise-- he’s taller than he used to be, and her body isn’t exactly a body, per se. She’s grateful, even so. Happy just to have the chance to hold him up. She keeps quiet at first, letting him get it all out as he sobs incoherent apologies into her shoulder--
--and contents herself with playing with the short hair at the nape of his neck. Eventually, he calms.
“I like the haircut,” she says, when he pulls away. “It’s handsome. You look so grown up.”
“You look so young,” he croaks in response, and-- she supposes she must, to his eyes. It’s strange to think that she’s the same age as Ruby now; that they’ve kept going on without her, and they’ll continue to do so, once she’s led them out. “Are you--? Have you--?” He wipes at his eyes, laughing at himself a little. “I don’t know what to say. I don’t know where to start. I just-- I can't believe you're here with me.”
“I'm always with you,” she assures him, unable to suppress the urge to thumb away a tear he’s missed. She keeps her hand there, at his cheek, as she she speaks: “Even when you can’t sense me, I... oh, Jaune. I’m so proud of you. You’ve come so far.”
He sighs and steps out of the circle of her arms, hanging his head to stare at Crocea Mors where it rests in its sheath. You’d never know it to be broken, just by looking. The scabbard hides the damage-- giving him the appearance of being armed and ready though all he carries is a shattered hilt. “Yeah, maybe. I-- I thought I had, but...” He swallows, face filled with shame.
She starts to reach for him again, unwilling to waste even a moment of their time not touching him, but forces herself to relax and drop her hands to her sides. It has to be his choice, doesn’t it? “Tell me. You can tell me anything; you know that.”
His voice falters terribly when he finally speaks: 
“I mean, I feel like you already know. For the longest time, I wanted to be this... I dunno. This warrior, or whatever. And it never fit, no matter what I did, or how hard I worked, and I just-- I resented it so much. Being...” He shakes his head. “I just felt useless. But when I unlocked my Semblance, I had to let that go. And it was hard at first, it took time, but for a second there it finally started to feel like... like I knew my place. Where I belonged; what everyone needed from me. I was good at it. But then Penny needed--” He chokes on a sob, and has to stop and take several deep breaths before he can continue. “Nothing’s changed. I’m still useless. The idiot stuck on the wrong side of the glass, out of his league and forced to watch because someone else has to be the Maiden now and there’s nothing he can do about it. Only this time it’s worse, because this time I actually-- I--”
Unable to hold herself back anymore, she reaches for his hands; he squeezes her fingers tight, like a lifeline. “I understand,” she soothes, voice heavy like a vow. “Did you think I wouldn’t? I don’t think I have to remind you that I’m the only other person who knows what that feels like. To have been the one who killed her.”
He lets out an awful, cynical noise; a parody of a laugh. “Depends on who you ask,” he says in explanation, looking askance towards Ruby. Pyrrha sadly follows his gaze. Ruby’s shifted in her sleep, curled under her cape to be as small as possible with her head nestled in the crooks of Yang’s bent knees. Her arms are wrapped around Yang’s shins in a death grip, as though she fears her sister might fly away at any moment. Pyrrha’s heart aches for her; for the responsibility she carries. Weight Pyrrha could have helped shoulder... if only she’d been a little faster, a little more clever.
She shakes off the feeling; now’s not the time for regret. “But things have changed,” she says, bringing Jaune’s hands up to her mouth and kissing the knuckles. It will be a long time, she knows, before he believes there isn’t blood on them; maybe this small act can help. And if it doesn’t... she has other options. Maybe even a little levity, for once. “You’re not useless. You’re amazing. You’re a licensed Huntsman now; you’re accomplishing things you’d only dreamed of. All the mothers of Mantle adore you. You even got to go on a date with Weiss!”
He boggles at her, wrenching his hands away. “What?! That wasn’t a date, we were just hanging out with Oscar, we--” His jaw falls open, suddenly, and his eyes narrow once more. “Wait a minute. Are you teasing me?”
She grins, sheepish and caught. “I figured it was now or never to give it a go; I didn’t want to waste my last chance to try it. Nora always said it would be good for me.”
“To make fun of me?” he squawks, indignant.
She laughs. “To remind myself it’s okay to be a novice sometimes; that there are things I won’t instantly be good at.” She bites her lip, unable to stop her grin. “...And also to make fun of you, yes.”
He surges forward, then-- wrapping a hand around the back of her neck and pulling her closer, pressing a fierce, grateful kiss to her forehead. Then he does it again; then once more, at the bridge of her nose. And then a final time, against her lips. Quick; intense. Filled with meaning.
She’s got not breath in her, and still she’s breathless.
“I miss you so much,” he says, squeezing his eyes shut and resting his forehead against hers. His fingers thread themselves into the hair at the back of her skull, tangled into the base of her ponytail. “So much. I think about you all the time. Every day. Wondering how different things would be, if only...”
“I know,” she says, because she does. There’s more that she should say, probably-- that it’s good that he’s started to move on; that none of them can hold onto her forever. But she can’t quite bring herself to voice the words.
“It’s not fair,” he mutters, then sighs at the sound of it. “I mean, none of it is fair, but-- I feel like a jerk, I guess. That I’m the one who gets to see you, of all of us.”
“You’ll tell them I love them, won’t you? Ren and Nora. They...” They’re doing things she never did, is the thing. Maturing in ways she’ll never have the chance to. Learning that responsibility doesn’t mean putting it all on your own shoulders; that love doesn’t mean giving all of yourself away. It’s overwhelming, how proud she is of them for that. “They were on the right path, in Atlas. Don’t let them convince themselves otherwise.”
He nods, the movement of it levering her own head in shared agreement. “Anything else? Anyone else you’d like me to...?”
So many; too many. But one rises above the rest. “Tell my mother to stop leaving flowers,” she murmurs, wishing she had more to offer than that. “Tell her they belong in the garden; that I like to watch them grow. That’s-- the way it should be.”
“Okay,” he says, and relief rushes through her. “Okay. I will.”
Slowly, they both become aware once more of the gaggle of Huntresses sleeping just a few yards off. Pyrrha could leave dozens of messages with Jaune, if she wanted, but the people she most needs to speak to are right here, within arm’s reach. They need her guidance; it’s selfish not to provide it. She’s taken so long already. And yet...
Jaune beats her to voicing the thought: “I know we should probably wake them, but-- can it be just the two of us, for just a little longer? Please?”
She smiles, and brings a hand up to caress his cheek. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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thetransedrose · 3 years
Ruby wiped her brow as she took a step back to admire her work. She had searched the flooded ruins of Atlas for years and finally found the missing parts she needed. Ruby opened up the chest cavity of the body she was creating and slowly placed a small, mechanical ball into the center. 
“You know this isn't going to work, right?” Weiss walked up behind Ruby, looking over the mechanical body. “You’ve spent years trying to get her back, why do you think this will be any different?” 
Ruby hooked a few wires to the mechanical ball, her lips formed a smile as she heard the familiar click of everything hooking together. “Because this time, I found her core.” She grunted as she tightened up all the connections, making sure everything was tight before she closed the chest cavity once more. “And this time, it’s going to work.” 
“And what if it doesn't?” 
“Then I’ll keep trying-” 
“And keep failing?” Weiss sighed and placed a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You’ve been at this for ten years. I know losing Penny hurt, but… maybe it’s time to quit-” 
“I can’t quit!” Ruby slammed a fist onto her work bench. She looked up at Penny’s body, wires coming out from where the arms and legs should’ve been, portions of the body not covered with skin and the metal underneath exposed. Even Penny’s face had bits of metal showing under the synthetic skin she had been trying to recreate. “I can't fail again. We still haven’t managed to stop Salem and the only thing keeping her from completing her goal is the fact that she still hasn't found the last relic. Not… as if we’ve made any better progress.” 
“All I’m suggesting is that it's time we start finding a way to stop Salem. She’s turned the world against us, used Atlas to put us into hiding. And all you’ve done is try to get Penny working. You need to move on.” 
“If I can get Penny back to us, then maybe we can stop Salem.” Ruby picked up a screwdriver and started to tighten a few bolts around Penny’s core. “She wont have the maiden powers, but at least with her we can take the fight back to Salem.” 
“And then what? Yang and Blake are still missing, Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Oscar refuse to talk to us, and Winter…” Weiss clenched her fist. “You can't keep pushing everyone away on a hope.” 
“Then this will be my last attempt.” 
“And you’re sure this will work?” 
“It… has to.” Ruby finished tightening up the bolts and sat the screwdriver down. “Tomorrow, we’ll start coming up with a plan to fight Salem.” 
Weiss kissed Ruby’s cheek and hugged her. “Make sure you get a bit of rest as well tonight.” 
“I will.” Ruby smiled as she listened to Weiss’s footsteps, waiting until she couldn’t hear her anymore before she continued. She pressed her hand to Penny’s core and focused, her breathing slowed as her aura started to shine as the gaps started to grow. With a deep breath, Ruby pushed aura into Penny’s core. 
The core started to glow as the aura entered into it, the core whirring to life as it pulsed with life. Penny’s eyes opened as they started to glow a familiar green. Her voice slowly came back, robotic as she spoke. “W-where… am I?” 
Ruby dropped to the ground, coughing as her aura dropped. She looked up and smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Penny. You’re back.” 
Penny looked down at Ruby, confusion in her eyes. “Who are you?” 
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