#yes I'm still obsessed with this photoshoot
nonamxix · 3 months
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Outtake from Autumn de Wilde fashion story for Vogue USA, august 2020 issue, with Tanya Reynolds (x).
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
Hello, my dear! Love that you/others enjoyed my thought and rambles! Speaking of emojis, because I'm a bastard, can I be 🍆 anon??? If that's taken, I could also go for 💦 anon?? Also, forgive me for any spelling errors, wrote this at 2 am
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Vee's Dom 2: Even More Rambling (because these idiots won't leave me alone)
- If their dom ever become famous, which is likely, and the fans create edits of them, the Vees would absolutely save those vids and watch them over and over again (Imagine walking in on them watching edits of you LMAO, or even you coming over to where they're sitting cause the sound keeps looping and it's obvious that they're watching the same video straight)
- Let's talk about the clothing situation here
* With Vox's freaky ass wanting to keep you close always, it's probably led him to steal your underwear, and might even wear it, but you'll never know. I can also see Val doing the same thing but being hella more shameless, enough to even show YOU that he's wearing them and if you want them back, you better take it off of him
* Velvette probably has taken more comfier clothes, things you would wear for staying in, like old shirts, band tees, or shirts that are well loved
* Valentino has tried, and failed, to return some of the clothes he took. It's kinda hard to take those clothes back considering they look more like rags with how many holes and substances covering it.
- With a built dom
* Velvette will "off-handedly" mention about creating clothes that cater to more muscle-y/bigger builds, and will insist that she needs you to model/do photoshoots for her (she's definitely not using this opportunity just to have more photos of you flexing in HD)
* Vox will 100% build you a personal gym in the tower, but said gym will be covered in cameras/cctvs, all pointed in different directions
* Val would ask you to train his actors, and he will watch supervise said sessions, just to make sure the actors do right (which is totally not a reason for him to watch you flex on his workers)
* Obsessed with pinning Vox to the bed, I bet he'd find it so fucking hot that everytime he tries to close his legs, we just pry them open.
- i know I've talked about punishments, but what about rewards??
* Letting Vox cum as much as he wants (though by the end of it, Vox might start to wonder if it's more of a punishment instead of a reward)
* Willingly let Velvette mess around with some of your clothes/putting you in different fashion designs/putting makeup on your face
* Dare I say even let Valentino call SOME shots during sex, again, SOME shots (do remind him that even if he tops you, he's still your bitch)
- Also rotting in my brain regarding these whores:
* what if you were more powerful in terms of magic/connections/influence/money? (I just know my problems would simply ✨ disappear ✨ if I had a muscle mommy/daddy)
* what if they met you via social media and they immediately hivemind that "yes, this is my dom, right here" ? Like let's say you're an entertainer/dancer right, and one of your viral vids had been a dance to don't go insane (it's the belt dance, boo if you're curious)
* Being in the limelight also means being in the subjective eyes of everyone, and I know for a fact that the Vees have a lot of haters/threats, but what if you protect them from it (bodyguard scenario????)
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I forgot to say this during my last ramble, but, If I may, I would love to absolutely read one of your takes regarding my sub!val ideas, but only if you want to/feel for it.
Btw, on a totally unrelated sidenote, I know the blog is primarily hazbin hotel, but I gotta ask, how we feeling about Arcane Sevika?? Cause I am feeling a lot (missing my muscle mommy as fuck bro)
Anywaaays, have a good day!
xoxoxoxo ❤️
This has been in my drafts for almost ALL WEEK and i’m finally coherent enough to give my thoughts!
Can I just say how much I love the Vees with a well built reader. Like I have no real character study-ish explanation for why in my brain i’m like “they’d be obsessed with that.” But I know for a fact it’s absolutely true.
I’m going to focus on your little side notes at the bottom though. So if they met you through social media I feel like you would definitely start off knowing Velvette first. But even before they start talking to you they would absolutely stalk your page and send fucking edits or something back and forth.
But the Vees with a very powerful reader is very interesting to me. Because like while yes, they’d love to be totally on top of hell, but it’s very convenient for them, and hot and hot and hot, to have your support. Because like super powerful big scary respected dom privilege mixed with their constant self entitlement and attitude? And if anyone says anything about it you fucking destroy their status, business, or hell, even them simply because you can. “Do you think you’ll kill for me one day?” “Yes, of course I will, my love” TYPE BEAT AHHH.
And that leads us to the bodyguard idea because jesus christ. Like this is literally such a mix of the well built buff reader and powerful one I just talked about. Also they would argue for your attention 1000% worse in this case.
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luvkyu · 9 months
wadduh it me again but anon version😈 dowoon x 5th member male reader where dw has the biggest crush on reader (im delulu) and literally admires him during mv filmings, photoshoots or even just normal shit SO the other members notice this behaviour and teases him about it HAHAHAHAHAHA
so let's love ( yoon dowoon )
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dowoon x male!reader
dowoon can't hide his definitely-not-platonic love for his bandmate.
content : 0.4k words, fluff, idol!dowoon x 5th member!reader
( a/n ) MMMMMM DAY6 ( i'm obsessed ) this is rly short im sorry,, i rewrote it like three times and im still not that satisfied with it but its FINE
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"he's doing it again.." sungjin mumbled toward wonpil beside him.
"dowoon," sungjin clarified, "he's doing it again."
wonpil looked over at dowoon, who was a few feet away on the photoshoot set. the group was currently taking concept photos for their next album, and dowoon's gaze was stuck rather obviously on y/n.
"i don't know what else you expected," wonpil replied. "he's obsessed."
"who's obsessed?" younghyun chimed in after just getting his makeup touched up.
"oh. with y/n?"
wonpil and sungjin nodded.
"then yes," younghyun agreed.
y/n continued to change poses and expressions in front of the camera. dowoon felt mesmerized. he was supposed to go after y/n, but he didn't know how well he'd do in front of the camera after watching y/n. he might as well have fallen in love all over again.
"yoon dowoon!"
dowoon snapped out of his trance. he looked over at the rest of his group with raised brows. the color on his face turned to a deep red as he realized they'd been watching him stare at y/n. sungjin waved him over, but dowoon almost felt like ignoring him. he knew the three were bound to tease him.
dowoon walked over to them after taking one more glance at y/n, who finally met dowoon's eyes and sent him a quick smile before looking back at the camera. dowoon felt his heart skip in his chest. he looked down at his feet as he walked before stopping in front of his friends.
"so when are you guys gonna kiss?" younghyun asked.
"never, at this point," wonpil answered.
dowoon blinked, "what?"
"tsk. you and y/n. we're waiting for you and y/n to finally get together," sungjin explained.
dowoon looked back at y/n one more time.
"what do you mean?"
small sighs and groans of disappointment sounded from the others.
"you suck at being subtle dowoon. make a move on y/n already," wonpil urged while sungjin and younghyun nodded along.
"i don't think he sees me that way," dowoon protested a bit shyly.
"shut up, you two are basically each other's favorites."
"there's no way he doesn't like you too."
"dowoon, respectfully, open your fucking eyes."
dowoon continued to watch y/n as his bandmates talked. he really hoped they were right.
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meraki-yao · 8 months
Oh people have been racist towards Taylor for a very long time. They can't even hide it well. On Twitter they also complain when he does something dedicated to the film because he looks obsessed and will not do anything else in his career after this film while Nick will have many projects. What I hate most is that they use Nick to bring him down every single time when he wouldn't approve of any of this crap towards Taylor. I'm not making anything up unfortunately. Who knows why T protects himself by staying completely away from that place, right? It's been full of shit towards him since TKB not to mention the details of his private life put all over the place in various threads. It's horrible I don't know how he can stand it.
...Oh God.
That's what I hate most about this shit show too: comparing Taylor to Nick and bringing him down. I have a lot of experience being compared to my own friends, and it's an awful, awful feeling that took me a long time and a lot of growing up to navigate and cope with healthily. And while I believe the boys are mature enough and truly love and respect each other to not do this, things like these do tend to put a rift in relationships and I never want to see that for them.
And exactly. Nick has repeatedly praised Taylor both on his performance and him as a person, colleague and friend. Nick (and Matthew) would be the first to defend Taylor if he saw people saying Taylor was bad (which I hope he didn't, as naive as it may be I just really want the boys to stay away from the negativity)
The film has a special and personal place for Taylor, with the weight of the story itself, how much he connects to Alex, his first leading role, the missed premiere and press because of the timing and the unfortunate passing of his sister. Of course he wants to do something about it. We, as humans, will carry things this important to us for a long, long time, possibly for the rest of our lives. He's gonna carry RWRB with him for a long, long time, rightfully so. Plus it's just been two months, and we're all still freaking hyped about the movie, of course he can do stuff about it. It's already a lot less than what he, what they could have had and done because of the strike. On top of that, signing books and talking a bit about the film with fans is more for us, the fans than himself. And he has been doing other stuff! He can't do anything acting related because of the strike, but he pretty much spent the entirety of last month attending fashion events, which, mind you, is also his job.
I literally can't say anything more about racism other than it's just objectively wrong, racists are shit people, and he doesn't deserve it. (no one does, really.)
Unfortunately, we're not them so we can't protect the boys from seeing things, only they can. And we need to trust them to do so.
But I will say this.
The comments that spawn from things like racism and hatred, there is no actual value. Yes, it hurts to see and hear, but there isn't anything backing it up, there is no evidence to back up these claims. There are, ultimately, empty.
The love and support we have for him/them? Spawn from our reaction to seeing them. Their performances, their interviews, their photoshoots. We write countless essays here explaining and analysing them. Everything we say, every praise we have, didn't come from nowhere. It came from the boys themselves. There's a reason we adore their performance, their relationship, their personality, and we can point to it.
And because of that, our support and love are far more substantial than the hate and hurtful comments, and therefore infinitely more meaningful and worthwhile. We need to remember this, and show the boys our love. That's the only practical and constructive way to combat the stupid hate. We ignore the comments, because their "opinions" are baseless and ultimately meaningless, and we show the boys the support and love that they rightfully deserve.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
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Hello! I listened to this garbage so you don’t have to! —Part 2 (April 6, 2023)
I typed up a transcription from the podcast that I will post below. I typed quickly, so please excuse any typos I might not have caught. Don’t drag me for the grammar. That’s all DM talking. I just typed it out the way she said it. For those of you wanting to hear it for yourself, she starts at 52:30.
DM: Well. I did a little poll on Instagram. Because I posted that Chris Evans is Boston’s hometown hero. And I did a little pill for the Bostonians. I said Who is your hometown hero? Ben Affleck or Matt Damon, I grouped them together, Chris Evans, Mark Wahlberg, or Hilaria Baldwin who I just threw in for good measure. And Matt Damon and Ben Affleck won the poll by a landslide and I just need to clarify for my Boston followers, I didn’t realize that Chris Evans didn’t grow up exactly in Boston, he grew up in Sudbury which
Lex: Yeah, Like a suburb.
DM: Which is like right outside of Boston, so I had someone write in and say “grew up in Lincoln Sudbury, was about 8 years behind Chris, but fully agree with this.” so the Sudbury people, and I hope I’m saying that right, they do think that Chris is Boston’s hometown hero.
Lex: Right.
DM: This person says “Lincoln Sudbury” I’m assuming that’s the school “was obsessed with Chris and our whole theatre department was like a shrine to him. He’d come home frequently to visit his family in the early 2000s and we’d see him at the local Natick mall. Him and his family are super suburb-normie. Like I think his dad coached youth soccer when we were all younger. He’s for sure a Sudbury hero, but not Boston. Just a star that loves Boston and Massachusetts." so I felt like I needed to make that distinction because I didn't realize that before I claimed Chris Evans as the...
Lex: I love this distinction. You know, any chance to talk about Chris Evans is a chance I'll take.
DM: Bost (laughs, cuts off word). Wait, I was just going to say! Aren't you, don't you love Chris Evans? Do you still love him so so much?
Lex: I mean, I do but it's so hard because I'm not getting enough content. That's why I posted, you posted those like high school or elementary school, his like bowl cuts year book photos and I was like "I needed this today!" I feel like we never see him anymore because he's got his girlfriend! But we're gonna get some press soon, right? Because he's got that movie coming out on Apple with Ana de Armas again.
DM: Yes. And he's in New York right now with Alba.
Lex: I mean, yeah, like in my, I don't know what the rumor is circulating or blah blah blah, but like, I just feel like they've been engaged since last year. He would not do the People magazine, come out about his love life, again, you wanna talk PR game. That is all strategic to keep the crazies at an arms length...
DM: You think so?!
Lex: satisfy the beast, but still maintain his privacy. Yes! Yes, yes ,yes!
DM: So you think that their relationship is PR?
Lex: Oh no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I think their relationship is real.
DM: Got you. Got you.
Lex: I think he gave...he's normally very private, but he like gave the PR the big, uh, People's Sexiest Man Alive and blah blah blah to then double down and then drop his relationship so that it's like, you know, he's given, he's giving us, he's breadcrumbing us a little bit and then he can still have his life.
DM: You know, I had heard People magazine was pissed about that. Because he didn't disclose to them..."
Lex: Stop, that he was in the relationship?
DM: When he was....yes. Yes.
Lex: Oh my God.
DM: Mhmm. And he did the photoshoot, did the article, was in the magazine, was in the article, and then was like SURPRISE! I'm in this relationship and they were kinda like...why didn't you just tell us? Like you were just on this huge cover and...
Lex: Talking about what you look for in a relationship...
DM: Yes!
Lex:...and like, what you want in a relationship.
DM: Yes, yes. They were like what the f-ck, but whatever. I mean, you know, happy for him. He seems really happy. I'm still...
Lex: So happy.
DM: in the...
Lex: I'm devastated.
DM: I'm still in the camp that if they do get engaged, or if they are currently engaged, I would not be surprised. I'm still in the camp.
Lex: Same. A thousand percent, I agree.
--and then they move on to the next topic.
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lamonnaie · 6 months
MinQ thoughts (Ft. Ties and Rope)
icymi min is ohm's character and Q is leng's character :]
Early on (ep 3-ish) Something something they're making out now, clothes are coming off, Q's in a suit for whatever reason (Min orchestrating a fake photoshoot of some sort to get people off his back? idk) Q takes off his own tie and all while they're making out, he ties Min's hands to the headboard. By the time Min realises, its too late, Q just drops one last peck to his lips then leaves him there tied up - for revenge reasons not kinky reasons (this time around at least)
Then a while later, around ep 7-ish in terms of relationship development, they've got a system set up where Q's allowed to go out for certain business but he ultimately comes back to Min (is this even for kidnapping reasons or are they just boyfriends without the name at this point? who knows tbh, not them thats for sure) This time he comes back in a suit, they make out about it, Min's undressing Q all sexily but then HE ties Qs hands to the headboard without him realising. Q's all "what the fuck are you using my own trick on me", and mins like "yep", then he walks out the door, Q's shouting after him "you know I wouldn't leave anyway right", Min backtracks his head popping up in the doorway and asks "really", Qs just like "yeah" but Mins like "Mmm, I don't think so," then he walks away for real - this time the tying up is for abandonment issue reasons
(also very indicative of how building trust between them is gonna be so much back and forth, very 2 steps forward 1 step back, min doesnt have to tie Q up but he still believes that he does)
(yes this entire tie saga is largely inspired by ohm and his obsession with tugging around leng by his tie 😩😩)
Also SO many shenanigans (horny and otherwise) from their whole hands tied together while they sleep deal
one of the first times they're sleeping with their hands tied, they're in bed, min's asleep (or is he) and Q's on his side just watching min. he brings up his free hand to trace min's features, the camera follows, doing the thing where it zooms in on each specific part of his face as Q touches over it ever so lightly. He's tracing min's lips when it pans back to reveal Min's eyes are open (maybe they have been all along?). Q's frozen, not sure how Min's gonna react, but then min just slightly parts his lips and all of a sudden Q's fingers are inside his mouth. (logistics of sex when your hands are tied to each other? i'm sure that's a thing people are into, i'll leave the experts to figure it out)
something about how min's the kidnapper and he's technically got the control here, but tying their hands together places them both in the same situation,they're both restrained, neither can fully do as they please, they're equals in a sense
(because isn't that really their whole situation? different circumstances, but at the end of the day they're both trapped)
and the best way to navigate when their hands are tied is to do it together, hold hands and try to work through it with their combined strength
But also as Q's sleepwalking stops, the nightmares don't.
post-canon, they're together, they're happy, no more sick brothers or kidnapping, but some nights (no where near as often anymore, thankfully) Q will still get nightmares. min's heard the stuff about never waking up a sleepwalker, and waking up Q from his nightmares is a whole challenge in itself anyway. but min somehow figures out that having their hands tied together makes the nightmares go away almost entirely. so whenever he wakes up from Q's sobs and thrashing around in the middle of the night, he'll grab the rope from their side table and carefully bind their wrists together, just like they used to before. the first time Q wakes up to the ropes around his wrist again, Min's been up almost the whole night himself, first from Q's nightmares, then from anticipating Q's reaction to the whole rope situation. he's not exactly proud of how their relationship begun and every other time they've brought out the rope since (it definitely gets its fair share of use in the MinQ household) it's been with clear consent and enthusiasm on both their parts sometime beforehand.
but of course, Q wakes up, barely even acknowledges the rope at all, grabs onto Min's hand even tighter, turns around so he's nestled even further into Min's side, and promptly goes back to sleep.
they talk about it later (talking has been something they've been working on in the relationship), and establish that it really doesn't bring up any bad memories for Q (no doubt overshadowed by all the better rope-related memories they've made since) and that min's allowed to tie Q up as he pleases.
(Min doesn't know whether he wants to cry or be horny about that admission) (He decides on both, maybe even at the same time)
at some point the rope becomes a comfort thing for them, more than anything else. more nights than not they'll go to bed with their hands tied together, holding hands becoming their normal sleeping position
they've had friends over who were offended that they were doing kinky shit with other people there (Min thinks the friend deserves it for coming into their room unannounced anyway), but it takes a bit of explaining to make unnamed friend realise that it really isn't a sex thing
(except when it is, but they keep that to themselves this time)
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Avon is deeeefinitely experimenting with their covers next year and I find it very interesting (because I love romance novels and in fact do have an art history degree that I never use).
In January they're dropping The Duke Gets Even...
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which is riffing off an early 2000s-2010s cover style that they accidentally stumbled into success with. The Heiress Hunt (which is generally, as a note, the least-loved of the Fifth Avenue Rebels series) is more of a classic Avon Era Shupe cover with the hero and heroine in Gilded Age garb and in something of a clinch, the Newport Beach atmosphere that's a mainstay for the series in the background. However, they were not able to do this for The Lady Gets Lucky due to COVID (no photoshoots) and they subbed in an old Tessa Dare castoff shoot (I SUSPECT from her Spindle Cove era, as this seems like a similar vibe to the A Week to Be Wicked cover). The Lady Gets Lucky was quite successful, so The Bride Goes Rogue and The Duke Gets Even followed suit with their cover styles. It's classic Avon, especially if it's based off a Spindle Cove era style--man and woman entangled in bed, lots of nudity, very lush and erotic (the hair grab!).
On that same day, Megan Frampton's Her Lessons in Persuasion...
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is coming out from Avon. Very classic Frampton cover, an open-shirted man with a girl in his lap, she's taking the initiative and dominating him, a little bit of fun is being had with the font. Frampton books are sexy and funny, typically with assertive heroines and heroes who enjoy being pushed around a little, in my experience, so this all fits and again is kind of a classic Frampton/Avon moment (note: will be reviewing this book in part because I really enjoy the cover).
In February, Vivienne Lorret's Never Seduce A Duke...
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is dropping. This one reminds me a LOT of the latter three Fifth Avenue Rebels. Two naked people in bed, very lush, has the same sort of gleaming, feminine, super romantic vibe as the other Mating Habits of Scoundrels books--and the pose totally fits, as this is a book we go into *knowing* from the previous novel that this is an "oops he got me pregnant" novel. They're hitting it sooner rather than later.
In March, we see Scarlett Peckham's The Portrait of A Duchess,
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which on paper seems very different from The Rakess, her other Avon release, but actually has a lot of similarities--the painterly quality, the man taking a subservient stance (visually) with the woman. Him on his knees has a suggestion of sex and femdom--totally Scarlett Peckham, and while the font is a bit creative and modern for Avon, it's still very much a classic Avon by way of Scarlett Peckham in many ways. (Though of course, we will notice that we have an interracial couple, which is NOT standard for Avon historicals.)
In April, you have Eva Leigh's Last Chance Scoundrels conclusion, another cover I love, A Rogue's Rules for Seduction.
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It all makes total sense. Saturated colors just as you saw in the previous two books, a sexy clinch with a very actively involved heroine (a "they're about to bone" clinch), a hint at power play going on (which, from what Eva's hinted at, is going to be A Thing in this book). It's not dissimilar to Megan Frampton's cover, which is interesting. I would say that they're not dissimilar authors, though I think Megan's books are a bit lighter, Eva's a bit hotter.
In February, we also have the kickoff to Lorraine Heath's new series (The Chessmen: Masters of Seduction, a series title I will never not be obsessed with), The Counterfeit Scoundrel.
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Here we see a style that... Is somehow both clearly digital and also more photographic than past Lorraine Heath covers? And this isn't a critique, I love the clinch, I'm a big fan of the color scheme (the blue tones against the hot pink author name, YES). The font is just so clean, so modern, no hint of cursive or--I suppose, "artsiness". Which in itself is very contemporary--you often see contemporary photographic covers with a very clean, clear typeface compared to the looping, illustrative script associated with historical covers.
Similarly, Cathy Maxwell's new series starter, A Kiss in the Moonlight, has this digitally softened photographic couple.
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The clinch is very different, though I don't find that weird--Lorraine writes steamier books, from what I've read of the two, and hers tend more towards "sex and scandal" while Cathy's are more "sweet romantic comedy" in vibe.
This isn't a critique, exactly--I'm always in favor of something that isn't "cartoony" for historicals, and suggests actual romance and sexuality between the couple. But I do think it's interesting that these covers have, in sensibility and certainly in font, similarities to Sarah MacLean's Hell's Belles series. Bombshell definitely doesn't look quite as photographic, but in many ways Heartbreaker does.
I also think that it's worth noting that, of the books I mentioned prior to Lorraine's, all but Megan Frampton's continue a series. You wouldn't abruptly change style of the covers in a series that dramatically mid-series unless sales were super low, OR circumstances dictated it (see: Fifth Avenue Rebels).
I know that these things were done in part to create an appeal to a modern audience--much like the cartoony covers have been. And I find it to be an interesting sort of compromise. It makes sense to me that this approach would first be tried with Sarah MacLean's books, as she's generally a very consistently successful author, one of the bigger names in historical romance right now. You could reliably trust a lot of people to buy her books no matter what--the question is, will new readers pick these up. That's what they're testing.
Whatever it takes to get historical romance out to new readers--there's a need to make it seem more approachable. And I definitely think that there's a bit of experimenting going on.
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jimimn · 1 year
Ohh, I think you are right!! Now that I think about it, Jimin walking between the dancers in SMF does resemble him (& Jungkook) walking between the dancers in ON. And yes, the scale is huge!! I loved that wide angle (?) they used when they spinned the camera around, showing the dancers and the place. I couldn't figure out what this building is, someone said it might be a planetarium/observatory/whatever it's called in english. I'd love that so much, I think it ties into his moon theme so well and we know how much he loves the moon :( Also he looks hot af in those clothes and those reminded me of his vogue korea photoshoot with the tank top and the brown jacket. Sigh. He's just hot no matter what 😞
I LOVE Jimin's high notes, I am obsessed with them like it's not a coincidence all my favorite songs have at least one Jimin high note in them. Mikrokosmos, dream glow, your eyes tell, lights, film out stay gold, all his solo songs and I could keep going?? Like I'm truly obsessed with his high pitch. I love his lower register too, but my personal opinion is that higher songs suit him better. But this is just my opinion and preference 😊 But his verse in we are bulletproof pt2 and ma city though 🥵 I'm just obsessed with Jimin in general 😂 OH and that thing he does with his voice when he starts singing... That's another obsession of mine. I cannot for the life of me figure out what it's called but he does it here too: twitter.com/BIGHIT_MUSIC/status/1356980775070011392?t=SomwrSdzsPcFTHSthy68pw&s=19 (sick and tired) * I * (don't wanna). The sound he makes at the beginning of the verse at * I *. The audio is like weird but he does this thing with his voice in other songs too but I literally couldn't find any when I really needed it 🙃 Anyway so yeah, when his voice kind of cracks like this, or it's kind of raspy, it's usually when he starts a word, I don't know what it's called but I'm obsessed with it whenever he does it, usually during live performances.
Also let's get back to what you said about him looking aggressive / fierce because HIS EYES? I needed to lay down because sitting wasn't enough. I love the duality his eyes have, he could literally be a puppykitty one second and then shoot daggers with his eyes. I love it. And I think he's also wearing pretty eyeshadow? 👀
I am!! I never really figured out if I am Jimin biased with namkook as my wreckers or namjikook biased with someone else as my wrecker because while I do love the others to death, namjikook just does something else to my brain that currently nobody else can do 😂 oh don't even get me started on smoke sprite, Namjoon really gagged me with his verse and then 4 back to back Jungkook lives which I WILL NOT talk about for the sake of both of our sanities, and then Namkook flirting in front of my salad and Jungkook singing Christmas day and listening to there for you, and inviting Jimin for a drink when he's literally across the world? It was a lot 😂 And I still have Namjoon on Jimin's album 💀 I'm still a little sad about that yoonmin collab that they possibly scrapped because Yoongi was so excited to talk about it during the dinner 😭 maybe one day we'll have it 😞
You are Jikook biased, right? Is it only the two of them, or is there someone else as a bias (or only as a wrecker)? :)
ANYWAY sorry for the whole ass essay in your inbox 😭 I got carried away with trying to analyse Jimin's voice 😭😭 -🦋
adding my answer under read more lol 😭😭😭
yessss omg i read on twt in the morning that they used some type of camera (i forgot the name) and they had a video attached of the camera working and it was spinning in circles 😭 I'm so excited!!!!! and yes omg the planetarium thing lmao i loooooove reading and making theories even if in the end it makes me look like an absolute clown 😂 also the fact that this was just one small part of the mv and we could still very well get jimin dancing in the rain (not exactly rain but water would come from the ceiling inside the building basically fdhjhdjdhjs) because i saw someone also say that in the poster the ground was wet 👀 IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!! and omg yes his outfit too gave similar vibes to ON like i can easily imagine jimin dancing to ON in that outfit. but again this was probably just one of the looks from the mv 😳
AND SAAAAAAME SAME like i said yesterday that yes jimin's deep raspy voice sends my soul to the stratosphere, i do absolutely love his high voice more. he sounds angelic and yet so powerful. you get what i mean? and yes omg all those songs you mentioned are some of my faves too. even his high note harmonization with jinnie in 00:00 gives me goosebumps every single time. AND OH YEAH. OH YEAH THAT VIDEO. AND THE THING HE DID WITH *I* . I HEAR IT AND I AGREE. frick i got goosebumps just now when i heard it. that sexy raspy thing he does. you are right we're just obsessed with everything he does atp 😂😂😂
hi eyes ... i could literally write essays about his eyes.. i saw ppl calling his *those eyes* (i know you know which one) siren eyes and i so agree. how does he do it i have no idea. and yes omg i think he's wearing eyeliner too on his waterline and it looks amazing.
ALSO ALSO WAIT can we talk about the soul chilling background vocals in the teaser? the harmonization i mean. i mean the horror like harmonization. IDK WHAT THATS CALLED. ive watched the teaser so many times now and that voice just straight up sends a chill down my spine. ugh im obsessed with each and every thing about the teaser.
LMAOOOOO same (im yoonminkook biased btw) and i too haven't figured out if im jimin biased with yoonkook as my bias wreckers or yoonminkook biased with someone else as my bias wrecker LIKE THIS IS TOO CONFUSINGHSJDHS which is why i call myself yoonminkook biased 🧘‍♀️ oh and please same i am here still hoping that MAYBE... MAYBE yoongi is still featuring on smf pt. 2 BECAUSE idk that "yeah" in the teaser sounded like it could be yoongi's voice but then again when i think abt how if yoongi was featuring then wouldn't they have revealed it yesterday with the teaser like they did for on the street? if not then i do hope they'll have a collab in the future :(((((((
and don't be sorry omg i love talking about these things hehe <333 my inbox is always open <333
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kulemii · 2 years
OMG?? I love your ocs?? Really obsessed with the designs and descriptions for them! Especially that purple on Kenjiro's shirt, it's so shiny! May I ask how did Arika and Majima meet? Also, what did you make the models in?
Thank you so much!!! Fun fact, Kenji's model was meant to wear a teal colored shirt for his profile but I was too lazy to change them and redo the photoshoot! That said, I made all of the models using The Sims 4, alpha CC and heaps and heaps of photoshop! I'm glad you like them! That makes me so happy!!!
And absolutely yes you may!
How they meet:
One night Arika and a few girls she'd just met in university went into Sotenbori to bar hop. One of those bars happened to be Utahime Karaoke Bar near Ashitaba Park. Even with liquid courage none of them were bold enough to hop on the mic no matter how much she begged. However, Arika was determined to enjoy herself. After all, what was the point of going to a karaoke bar if you weren't going to sing at least once? Feeling a light buzz, Arika took the tiny stage with enough misplaced confidence to light up a few faces. One face in particular belonged to none of than Goro Majima. With her form-fitting dress, big brown curls and wide smile, he thought that she looked great with a mic in her hand- almost reminiscent one of those American pop stars he's found himself learning about at his club. That was.. until she actually began to sing. She could keep a beat but the poor girl couldn't carry a tune to save her life. It was horrendously entertaining. Majima spotted her crowd at the table next to him, cheering her on and he was feeling playful enough to join in.
After her song was over, Majima went over to collect the microphone. He told her that she had inspired him to sing his heart out too. She laughed and promised to cheer him on in that case and she did just that. As he sang, he couldn't stop looking over at her and still to this day he wasn't sure how many other people were paying attention to his performance in that crowded bar because his focus zeroed in on her as if he was intending to sing to her from the start. And he felt something. Of course it wasn't love at first sight or anything but whatever it was it intrigued him and he wanted to figure it out. As he ended his song, she gave him a standing ovation and yelled, "Wooo! Way to go, eyepatch guy!" and one of her friends snatched her back into her seat while she laughed.
Long after that finished, he caught her over at the bar ordering another round for her and her friends where he offered to pay. She refused his offer but he insisted. He told her that if she felt so bad about him treated her to a few drinks, she might as well return the favor by joining him for dinner some time and with a light hearted chuckle, she agreed. The two exchanged names and that was that.
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starchild--27 · 1 year
Tag Game ✨️
thank you for tagging me @joon-rkive - i loved reading yours and i always enjoy doing these~ 😊💕
i tag: @heartcravings @kafkascupcake @cxsmicmyeon @byuns-coco @xiu-bee @ladyliliah - only if you guys want to of course ♡
What book are you currently reading?
She and Her Cat by Makoto Shinkai ♡
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Everything Everywhere All At Once, like 10000%. this movie is so good. everyone go watch it if you can. 💫
What do you usually wear?
a t-shirt (plus a hoodie/flannel shirt if it's cold), a pair of jeans (two if it's cold), a pair of socks (two if it's cold), chucks (or boots if it's cold)
How tall are you?
~ 178cm / 5'10 but i'm slouching horribly xD
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
i am a Taurus (or so the birth chart says, i don't really see it tbh), aaaand my birthday is on Beltane, the Gaelic May Day festival. Or if we want to be political, Labour Day.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
irl usually by my name, only online people and sometimes my mom call me by my childhood nickname (which i find really cute btw ^^). and my sister has her own set of nicknames for me xDD
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
i think to some extent i am the person all my younger selves wanted to be xD but career-wise not all. my childhood dream was to be a writer, only at 14 or 15 i started to think about my current course of study and also quickly dismissed the idea again back then xD
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
i'm not. and currently i have no real permanent crushes either, only the quick kind where i spend twenty minutes imagining a relationship with a stranger i've seen for like 3 seconds xD (but yeah speaking in terms of kpop, i have an everlasting crush on park chanyeol, today especially the one from the photoshoot that was teased today, and i have had it bad for han jisung from stray kids the past months too xD)
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
i'm good at.......language stuff (idk why this came to mind first but i have crap self-confidence so i can't really think about anything else); i'm bad at...i guess, being organized, keeping routines and getting things done efficiently, stuff like that. 😬
Dogs or cats?
both :c (but gun to my head, i'd say cat. because i have a cat.)
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
choking on brown sugar and sweetened milk / wrapped in a flannel shirt cause i hate silk / need a neurosurgeon to cut out my brain / need to take a deep breath, i'm not going insane (which, yes, technically is a verse. the first verse of my song brown sugar actually, and i really love how it turned out)
What’s something you would like to create content for?
ohh i think The Case Study of Vanitas, which is my favourite manga series (no i haven't seen the anime (yet?)), i really want to write a fanfic about Vanitas and Noé because no wayyy they don't kiss at night xDD
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
always obsessed with exo xD then again, i think Ocean Vuong still has a hard grip on me right now. i recently finished reading On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous and i am reading his poems every now and then and boy... i think that guy himself invented language
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
mmh... i think the fact my two bestied from school and i planned to meet at least twice and it never worked out - i met them separately, but i miss hanging out with my two favourite crackheads :/ (we'll probably meet over the last days of december tho, so...soon)
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
i dunno, it's not really "hidden" but i've baffled people with is before: i'm really fast at recognizing songs, probably because i know many songs that i don't particularly like listening to as well, i guess i just can memorize sounds quite well.
Are you religious?
i am agnostic, so i'm not strictly religious, i have always been really interested in religion tho. like as a kid i went to religion classes voluntarily despite noone in my family is religious.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a different brain hahahah :') jkjk i guess what i (quite childishly) wish for most is everything to be alright again, life to be less shit, generally. that's probably a crap answer but the most honest one i can give right now.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I wish I could retire soon but alas 😭 despite feeling like an 80 year old I MUST WORK
Lmao I just saw Dylan's video what the fuck is going on and one of my friends was like "I've never seen Zootopia, I should watch it soon"
You're right Park Seonghwa is dangerous, he lures people in... and you can never come back. Siyaisyajhdhahsshh I'm not scared just angry and envious lmao
It's maaaaad, I hate the weird tension between ifans and kfans, it's usually the ifans who get mad though, like Atinys and Stays, they're so annoying when it comes to Korean fanbases. But then Korean fans mob idols at the airports, so many stalkers out there too...
Yes pre-recordings can be crazy, but I was lucky cause the first time I went to see Ateez they also let some of us stay for Stray Kids, and later when I went for Skz I got out and people were queuing for Atz, but they had some free spots and I went in again 😭 so it was worth it. Overall it was an experiment, my friends and I wanted to see how it all works. If I take the meat out it won't be the whole experience jahdushshhs also the egg?!
Omg your friend better have fun for all of us! Who do they bias?
SM is Europephobic for sure 🤡 after years of me giving them money, sigh. Ok Shinee was here, then both Taemin and EXO for MuBank Berlin, Kai was here for the festival, but come on
My non-existent boyfriend definitely does not compare to Seonghwa!
The new Hybe group should collab with Enhypen since they have the vampire/werewolves concept
I'm so sorry about the ebook website, I know it's a huge loss especially for academic purposes 😭🔫 maybe it'll be back somehow? Like Torrents or Pirate Bay, I remember they tried to take them down multiple times until the arrests happened ☠
His Hehetmon, Baek you didn't.....
Someone said this about The Fabulous, maybe it's not legit, but I remember seeing comments that the show is indefinitely postponed because some major plot points happen during Halloween? Btw Shinee, NGDA2 2nd anniversary was yesterday can you believe...
Absolutely, more bonuses if you have to work on a project with Hwa or he's your tutor/vice versa, but in your head you see those sinful hips and the dangerous tongue 😳
Idols obsess over JB or Shawn (didn't know he was Canadian lol) yet barely anyone cares about 🇨🇦 :/ what's this
That fallen angel AU I'm listening 👂
Lissssen Seonghwa must be over the moon because Star Wars replied to him three times yesterday 😭 maybe some brands on Twitter are doing good things after all. Now give him some free stuff, you've been flirting with him for a while. I wish KQ let him respond
My friend also said she's become Seonghwa's bitch and that's absolutely pathetic kusydhsgdhsgsgs and that he looked stunning 👀 but something I'm especially happy she posted about on Twitter and Reddit is how a lot of people talk about Hwa's visuals and demon tendencies only, but not about his incredible performance skills overall and his commitment to singing live as much as he can. I always feel like a biased delulu whenever I say he deserves more credit, because yeah I know he's one of the most popular members, but still he has so much to offer
SHUT UP THOSE PHOTOS. I have to force someone to go to another pop-up for me, because I'm not immune to soft photoshoots :( also THE BLANKET. And Lego flowers I'm kms-ing. Look at all the photos it's so cute the mannequins though osyssmshsjgsshjs.
I got Hongjoong on that quiz and I pretty much agree. What about you? - DV 💖
hi hello!!
I wish I could retire soon but alas 😭 despite feeling like an 80 year old I MUST WORK
LMFAOOOO THE RETIREMENT AT 50 NOT COMING SOON 😭😭😭 mo bc what is this life, graduate at 23, get a job by 24, get married by 26, have kids by 30 and then wait for death to come get u 🤨
Lmao I just saw Dylan's video what the fuck is going on and one of my friends was like "I've never seen Zootopia, I should watch it soon"
FBWKDHWK THE UNIVERSE MANIFESTED ZOOTOPIA FOR US 😭😭no bc why the fox kinda 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
You're right Park Seonghwa is dangerous, he lures people in... and you can never come back. Siyaisyajhdhahsshh I'm not scared just angry and envious lmao
seeing his live photos just know, i can’t believe this man’s real ?????? LIKE HE SMILES AND IM 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉 his skin is so prefect??? AND YUNHO?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MAN ????
It's maaaaad, I hate the weird tension between ifans and kfans, it's usually the ifans who get mad though, like Atinys and Stays, they're so annoying when it comes to Korean fanbases. But then Korean fans mob idols at the airports, so many stalkers out there too...
no ur so right, most of the time ifans mad over things they don’t understand about the sokor culture 😭😭 and immediately it becomes problematic bc it doesn’t fit their views 😭😭 now that stalking is officially law in kr hopefully they gET THEM TO JAIL AND LEAVE THEM THERE !!!!!
Yes pre-recordings can be crazy, but I was lucky cause the first time I went to see Ateez they also let some of us stay for Stray Kids, and later when I went for Skz I got out and people were queuing for Atz, but they had some free spots and I went in again 😭 so it was worth it. Overall it was an experiment, my friends and I wanted to see how it all works. If I take the meat out it won't be the whole experience jahdushshhs also the egg?!
Omg your friend better have fun for all of us! Who do they bias?
bestie she cannot speak atm due to screaming, AND YUNHWA I BELIEVE MAYBE EVEN A LITTLE HONGJOONG but seonghwa’s photos????? 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️idk if i can share but 🔫🔫🔫
SM is Europephobic for sure 🤡 after years of me giving them money, sigh. Ok Shinee was here, then both Taemin and EXO for MuBank Berlin, Kai was here for the festival, but come on
NO SERIOUSLY THEY USED TO DO SO MUCH FOR EURO but ever since nct its all america tour america this 😭😭🤚🏼 sm’s main fans come come from asia and euro yET THEY DONT SEE THAT ANYMORE smtown euro when 😭😭
My non-existent boyfriend definitely does not compare to Seonghwa! //// The new Hybe group should collab with Enhypen since they have the vampire/werewolves concept
hoping one day a hwa drops on both of us 🤲🏼🤲🏼 YES AND HOPEFULLY HAVE THOSE NICE SONGS TOO THAT FEVER ONE ESP
I'm so sorry about the ebook website, I know it's a huge loss especially for academic purposes 😭🔫 maybe it'll be back somehow? Like Torrents or Pirate Bay, I remember they tried to take them down multiple times until the arrests happened ☠
ive been looking for torrents def! hopefully they come back again under a diff alias bc coleen hoover it’s on sight 🔫 $100 per book 😀 <3
His Hehetmon, Baek you didn't.....
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Someone said this about The Fabulous, maybe it's not legit, but I remember seeing comments that the show is indefinitely postponed because some major plot points happen during Halloween? Btw Shinee, NGDA2 2nd anniversary was yesterday can you believe...
it’s almost like the industry is not trying to eliminate the entire word instead of having to blame the govt 😭😭 ngda 2nd anniversary??? wHAT DO U MEAN???? ALREADY??? TWO YEARS SINCE HEAVEN DROPPED???? WHAT THE FUCK???? no bc ngda truly is so superior, every track is so carefully chosen and its so beautifully performed by taemin i can’t wait for what he shows after military
Absolutely, more bonuses if you have to work on a project with Hwa or he's your tutor/vice versa, but in your head you see those sinful hips and the dangerous tongue 😳
ANON. HELLO. hear me out what if he’s the junior-
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Idols obsess over JB or Shawn (didn't know he was Canadian lol) yet barely anyone cares about 🇨🇦 :/ what's this
no tbh we don’t claim shawn mendes <3 disrespectfully <3 ryan reynolds tho >>> YEAH WHERES ALL THE MAPLE BLOODED KPOP IDOLS 🤨🤨
That fallen angel AU I'm listening 👂
<3 something like this
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Lissssen Seonghwa must be over the moon because Star Wars replied to him three times yesterday 😭 maybe some brands on Twitter are doing good things after all. Now give him some free stuff, you've been flirting with him for a while. I wish KQ let him respond
My friend also said she's become Seonghwa's bitch and that's absolutely pathetic kusydhsgdhsgsgs and that he looked stunning 👀 but something I'm especially happy she posted about on Twitter and Reddit is how a lot of people talk about Hwa's visuals and demon tendencies only, but not about his incredible performance skills overall and his commitment to singing live as much as he can. I always feel like a biased delulu whenever I say he deserves more credit, because yeah I know he's one of the most popular members, but still he has so much to offer
LMFAOOOO BRMQBDMWBDMQBDKW THIS ENTIRE ENTIRE PARAGRAPH!!!!!! EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS 1000% FACTUAL !!!!!!! i ghost wrote this, i was beside u in spirit while u wrote this,, becoming hwa’s again is like a experience my friends a hwa biased but she’s like “i saw him and it felt like i got to know him all over again” truly what a fascinating man
SHUT UP THOSE PHOTOS. I have to force someone to go to another pop-up for me, because I'm not immune to soft photoshoots :( also THE BLANKET. And Lego flowers I'm kms-ing. Look at all the photos it's so cute the mannequins though osyssmshsjgsshjs.
I got Hongjoong on that quiz and I pretty much agree. What about you? - DV 💖
omg i saw the hong one and it said ur a lil fruity 😭😭 i got yeosang!
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when i tell u i m just a hole
???? san second lead??? 😮‍💨
my turn when
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this your guy?
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m-model hwa
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
Totally understand where you are right now. I have been on a similar journey of detachment after being pretty sure for years that they had something else going on. But it's been weird for a while, I don't know if it's me changing and seeing things differently, or since I've been of the idea that they are dating for a while I may have gradually raised my own expectations and I now apply the standards of my ideal committed relationship to what we see of theirs and get disappointed if they don't fit it? Certainly the pandemic has changed what kind of content we see of them and how often. And it must have changed them too as people. I still think they're extremely close and in good terms, the last time we know of them being out together outside of work is march which isn't that bad considering they've been busy with cb preparation (and most likely solo debuts too). Or we saw them at the arcade in hobi's stories and even if they were not interacting in those seconds they wouldn't have both gone if they aren't okay. I'm just not so sure right now they are anything but close friends. I still think some things in the past are very suspicious and I'm pretty positive they explored the romantic side somehow at least for a while but that's as far as I feel I can go. And now with bts releasing another disappointing album with jiminless songs and autune level 5000 there's really nothing to stay around for. At least before all the negativity from tkers and other akgaes was balanced out by nice content, but now it feels all so staged and like today even an innocent photoshoot (idek why jikookers hyped it so much anyway... jikook didn't even jikook at all) only brough hate to jimin, and jikook relationship and a trending # to have tk subunit. I'm not gonna put up with all this shit anymore.
I was honestly holding on to the hope that maybe things would change but it's been a while since the only thing that has been giving me reason to believe they were involved, it was just Jimin. I still have a hard time thinking of things like "waking up and seeing Jungkook" or "I get obsessive when Jungkook doesn't answer my calls" and connecting it to platonic feelings when it's coming from a 27 year old man. I'm not a man, but I am 27 years old too. If Jimin was a kid, like he was in the first years, I could dismiss all that.
Then there are things that don't make sense to me. And even if I really wanted to keep trying to understand, the truth is that I don't have the tools to.
Yes, the content has changed, the frequency and the quality of it, but it's not the content that's missing that made me feel differently; I feel different about them precisely because of what's in front of everyone's noses. I can't know what I don't see, I can only make decisions and react to what I see them doing or saying.
The content is little, so whatever they show is what they want to show and.. that says enough to me. That's what each of them want us to keep of them, it's what they want people to know about them. None of them goes on vlive or in front of a camera to tell embarrassing stuff or things that they'd rather not show, they go in front of the cameras and show exactly what they want to show and say exactly what they want to say.
I deactivated my army account like a week ago lol, I had a bad feeling and I was not about to put up with whatever vitriol I feared would go down. I always make the best decisions based on my feelings haha. I do want to enjoy the album or whatever this comeback is, at least try to enjoy it because I wonder if I'll regret it later if I don't.
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minkkumaz · 9 months
CROCHET?? PLEASEEE share the finished 8turn products id love to see them too!! >< (IF THATS OKAY WITH YOU OFC!!)
and omg im glad u asked because like,, recently leehan and sungho have been plaguing my mind.. i saw SO many tiktoks of their recent behind the scenes photoshoot, and LEEHAN IN A TANK TOP MESMERIZED ME. hes so handsome like taesan i get it too.. who wouldnt be staring at leehan..
SO! therefore i was thinking like, gym crushing on leehan.. like ooh whos that mysterious + very attractive guy in the gym.. but sadly theres no right moments to talk to him, hes always so focused working out that itd be a shame to disturb him!! UNTIL one day leehan forgets to connect his headphones to his phone so his songs start blaring around the gym.
Which leads to reader finally being able to start a conversation with him!! (Leehan would be listening to Taesans playlist 100%.)
NOW for sungho, our vocal king. I was thinking producer reader,, with studio Sungho. Reader makes sungho re-sing his lines repeatedly and hes a lil intimidated from the very strict expectations.
but it turns out the reader just wants to listen to his voice constantly.. kwkwkw big misunderstanding.
stop wait bc sunghos cheeks r so squishable,, imagine reader with a little sibling who’s obsessed with playing with sunghos face. SOBBINGGG
yes of course :D! im only going to show a couple bc my irl friends know about them and i don't want to be hunted down >< having a tumblr account and writing fanfiction is like my guilty secret ONLY ONE OF THEM KNOW
myungho and yoonsung!!!
AND BRO I'M SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED THAT BECAUSE TANKTOP LEEHAN IS EVERYTHING. i'd like to giggle and pretened like i go to the gym but my ass would not be working out like i am way too lazy for that. maybe like a treadmill or something but only if but sometimes is blasting. i'd still trip and fall and get my face ripped off because leehan with sweat dripping down his forehead would actually give me a seizure.
stop omg if i was a producer i would be way too nice like i physically don't have it in me to be stern i hate telling people what to do. but ugh the idea of that is so sweet like reader just going :) while listening to him AJAJA.
right now i'm imagining my littlest nephew squishing sungho, but ngl i'd be the one squishing his face i love poking at people im close too like AUGH all my friends are cute i just wanna squeeze em
such cute ideas once again melonnn your brain is so beautiful :,)
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I’m glad, that as you learn to make the perfect Cappuccino, all your attempts are yummy and you can enjoy them. 💚 i am currently drinking my Italian Roast coffee (k-cup). Yummy! It is a pretty morning.
Chen announcing a new mini-album! How wonderful! I enjoyed Xiumin teasing him to produce a dance song in the behind the scenes video of New Brand.
I enjoy kdramas. I will wait for a few more episodes of Soo’s new one before I watch it. I am glad to hear you enjoyed the first ep. Do you have any fav dramas?
Years ago, I remember watching “Hello Monster” and being captivated by a particular actor. I was new to EXO and had not realized that it was Kyungsoo. He did a very good job in that drama.
I am excited for Suho and his new drama. I know he really wants to act more so, yay!! for him. Have you watched any of Chanyeol’s dramas?
Do you have a favorite look or era of Chanyeol’s? I remember you mentioned you loved his Obsession Era. And any favorite photoshoots? I loved him with his Blonde/almost white undercut hairstyle in the W Korea photoshoot.
Have a wonderful week! Your ESS ❄️🎄
Oooh, Italian Roast sounds fancy! I admit I'm not much of a connoisseur or anything 😅 I ran out of milk today so I went to get a caramel latte from the bakery nearby and it felt good even just to breathe in the scent of it. ☕️
YES, I'm curious about the Chen mini album!! I admit I'm usually not a huge fan of ballads (I think I've said it before? 😅 not sure - and there are exceptions, of course) but I REALLY loved "Shall We", it was such a gorgeous song (I guess it wasn't a "typical ballad", either!). Wonder what his next title track is gonna be like! Argh, I haven't watched the behind the scenes videos from Brand New yet, though... But I remembered how someone (I think on Facebook?) pointed out how on the "wheel of fortune"(?? not sure what the correct English term is tbh) that you see in the Brand New MV, the symbols on it point to events in EXO's recent past (like rain for Suho's mini album and the 🎉 emoji for EXO's anniversary) - that person speculated that the symbols following were indicators for future EXO activities and the next symbol up was a cloud, which they speculated was for a Chen mini album. So it turned out to be correct! 😳 I'm so curious because the next symbols were wind (which would indicate... Sehun solo???) and a sun (which that person speculated was for Chanyeol - which I DO hope, he's been waiting for SO long - but I guess it might also be Baekhyun? Though his discharge is still some time away...).
Ahem, anyway 😅 As for dramas, the only one I ever watched start to finish was "Memories of the Alhambra", I LOVED that one OMG. I admittedly started watching for Chanyeol, but since he isn't in it much, I really watched it to the end just because it was THAT good. I watched a few episodes of "100 Days My Prince" but then I sort of lost interest? It wasn't bad, I'm just really not good at sticking with things most of the time. Oh, and I watched "How Are You Bread"! Good thing it was short. 😂 Don't think I've ever watched any non-EXO related dramas... But yesss, I'm happy for Suho, I remember him saying he wants to do more acting!! 😊 As for Chanyeol's dramas (other than MotA) - I started watching "EXO Next Door" (does that count? 😂) but it was so cringey I kind of couldn't get myself to go on (not that I disliked it, it was just kind of too much for me to take?? I still want to finish it at some point!! 😂). I don't think I've watched any others...
Oof. Looks/eras for Chanyeol... There's a few. 😂 Yes, I enjoyed his Obsession look. Generally him with light pink hair (so Obsession and The War era), OR with red hair (Overdose, Ex'act/Lotto) OR with silver hair (Exodus/Love Me Right, Don't Fight The Feeling) are my favourites. But argh, the white blonde look was good, too 😣 The photoshoot question is difficult, I don't think I have too many particular photoshoots in mind... so I'm afraid I can't really answer that question, sorry dear Santa. 😓 I'll try to give it some thought...
I hope you have a lovely weekend!! 🤍
0 notes
tinydeskwriter · 2 years
Request: Jack being obsessed with gf reader. Clingy, touchy, jealous, possessive, etc. Constantly has to have her around and gets cranky when she's not.
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Mark The Territory
Jack was usually very touchy—almost clingy—, as a rule a part of his body always had to be connected with a part of hers, and it was just with her Y/n learned early in their relationship, he had never been like that with previous girlfriends, at least that's what his friends said, Urban, Jack’s best friend, even once joked that Jack suffered from an Y/n Obsession, which everyone thought was funny, except for Jack himself who blushed when even his girlfriend starts laughing. Whenever they are in the same room he is drawn to her vicinity like a moth to her irresistible flame. No one else even blinks anymore when he pulls her to sit on his lap in the middle of a conversation. Or the way he moves in two seconds if he sees a guy getting too close to Y/n.
They were one of those always touching, always together, teeth-rotting couple.
“Shit, dude.” Urban entered the hotel room. “Metta came out of here cursing you in German, what did you do?”
“He bit her head off, because his outfit isn't all-black and he and Y/n ain’t going to match.” Zack commented bored, while sitting in an armchair, scrolling through his phone. “And he’s grumpy because Y/n is going to meet him at the stadium for the game, and he misses her.” Bia made fun of his friend. “He’s suffering withdrawal.”
“Shut up.” Jack grumbled, finishing the buttons on his dark brown silk shirt.
Yes. He was in a bad mood over his girlfriend's absence.
They had already spent the entire afternoon apart as she had had a photo shoot for a lingerie campaign. And he'd been banned from attending by her manager—just because he'd threatened the photographer in the last photoshoot, it wasn't like the guy didn't deserve it —.
And to worsen his mood, Jack had seen on IG that two of Y/n's ex-boyfriends would be in the game.
He didn't really care about Colson, the guy was engaged and their relationship had ended peacefully, they kept as friends, Y/n even went shopping with Megan.
Jack's problem was the asshole who still DMed her as if he didn't know she was dating him. He didn't have any beef with Gerald till the rapper he collaborated with on the song 'Moana' made it clear he didn't respect his relationship with Y/n.
"C'mon idiots, I don't want to keep my girl waiting." Jack took his cell phone and wallet from the bedside table.
One of his hand was intertwined with hers over her knee, and the other was playing with his hair. From time to time he would attack her bare neck with his lips—completely aware that he would leave marks—his free hand gently holding her jaw in place, as if she were his prey.
Jack was also aware of the other rapper sitting across the court, apparently unable to take his eyes off his girlfriend.
“Just ignore.” He heard Y/n whisper in her ear, and turned to look at her.
“Hard when he can't stop looking this way.”
“You're the one who's going to take me home… or rather to our hotel room.” Y/n rested her chin on her boyfriend's shoulder. “While he's the guy who messed up all his relationships and he's going back to a big empty house.”
“How did you know….” He turned to face her in time to see her roll her eyes.
“Please Jack, give me some credit, I know you.” She said. “And since you arrived, all that's left is for you to piss on me to mark your territory.”
Jack blushes.
And then he heard Zack and Urban choke on their drink.
Assholes. That's what you get by listening to other people's conversation.
“I'm yours Jack, there's no reason for you to be jealous or feel insecure, Gerald, Colson, all the other guys are in the past, none of them made me feel the way you do.” Y/n kisses her boyfriend just as the kissing cam focused on the couple.
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softtdaisy · 2 years
Hello did you see tick tick boom? if you saw it, it could be a request from andrew garlfield where the reader was his girlfriend, all good, love, but they separated due to agendas, just like it was with emma. And they meet again in the movie, the reader plays Susan. in the scene where susan and jonathan fight, and susan says when is later jonathan? She says andrew's name
And since I like angst but with a happy ending, could it be that they reconcile when they film the green dress scene? and as a good cliche when the director says cut, they keep kissing
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DESCRIPTION I after breaking up with andrew, you end up in the same movie as him: tick tick boom, as susan, his love interest
PAIRING I andrew garfield × fem!reader
A/N I Hi!! I'm obsessed with this request ever since I received it. Now that I feel better and I can write again, I wrote this in...one day? Thank you so much for requesting it I hope you will love it 🥰
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You loved Andrew. You really did. With your whole heart. And losing him was probably one of the hardest things you ever had to go through.
You weren’t even mad at him. You were an actress yourself. You knew how hard it could be to maintain a sane relationship in this world. It still hurt to know you couldn’t save yours.
You started dating almost a year ago. You and Andrew officially met at an award show after-party. You knew about Andrew, who wouldn’t? He was one of the best actors of his generation and probably one of the most beautiful too. You were a massive fan of his work and wished on playing with him one day.
Andrew knew about you too. You had just started your acting career by playing in a musical…nominated as best pictures in different ceremony. Yes, no less! He had heard your musical numbers and was very impressed by you. He knew you would do great things. Plus, he had a kind of crush on you. You were so pretty, many magazines asked for a photoshoot with you.
You had run into each other multiples times before that night. But awards shows weren’t always the best place to discuss. You were with your cast; Andrew was with his.
It wasn’t until a mutual friend of yours decided to put you in front of each other’s. A mutual friend to whom both of you confessed having a crush on the others.
“Andrew!” He was holding your hand and was making sure to bring you to Andrew. “I want you to meet my lovely friend [y/n]. But I think you already know her, right?” He winked at Andrew. And disappeared. Just like that.
Leaving you two alone.
“I’m sorry, I just told him I was excited to meet you and he was even more excited to bring me to you.” You explained, laughing from the embarrassment of the situation. Andrew was laughing too, but not from the situation. He was surprised to see you this close and didn’t even know what to say. It was like his crush had taken over his body.
“Don’t worry.” He started, putting a hand on your naked shoulder which made you shivered. “I’m excited to meet you too, [y/n].” He looked into your eyes. And you knew from that moment that you will never be able to forget about this.
You and Andrew spent the whole night together. Sure, you went to your co-stars and him to his from time to time. But you never stayed away too long. One of you would always find an excuse to come back to the other: bring a drink, something to say, stealing Andrew’s jacket to use the excuse that you have to bring it back… it was obvious to everyone in the room that something happened that night.
And it did happen.
You and Andrew started dating not long after that to everyone’s pleasure. Yours, of course. Your friends too, who were glad to see you this happy together.
And the paps, that would never miss an opportunity to picture you two together. It was quite easy for them: you were so happy in love that you weren’t hiding. You were always out for dates or just for casual trips like shopping. You were always holding hands and close together like you were only one person.
It was something you understood pretty early in your relationship: Andrew’s love language was physical touch. He would always find a way to touch you: holding your hand, putting an arm around your shoulder, putting his hand on your tight when you sat next to him or around your waist if you were sitting on his laps. He would kiss your check every time he could, kissing your forehead when you’re hugging or kissing you on the lips when he was sure no one was watching. It was the only thing, with sex of course, he wasn’t willing to do in public. “It’s too precious for me for the whole world to see.” He explained.
Everything was perfect for at least a good six months. Until work called you. You had to move to LA while Andrew had to go to New York. You were mad at the universe for putting you though this but at the same time, you always knew it would happen. You were two high selling actors now so of course you would have to work.
Being away wasn’t easy. You would call Andrew every day, you would go see him when you could, and he would travel back when he had a day off. But it wasn’t enough. You wished you could spend all your time with him. But one of you would have to give up on its project and it was unfair. So, you accepted your fate.
Specially because every time you met Andrew again was more beautiful than the last. It was always so magic you were ready to go through this all your life. But Andrew didn’t really feel the same way.
Not that he didn’t love. Andrew fell in love with you so hard. He hadn’t felt that since Emma, and he loved her a lot. But he was facing the same issues as his relationship with her. And he suffered the first time. Was he ready to suffer again?
When you had to leave again only a few weeks after coming home, Andrew knew the honeymoon phase was over. It would be lying to both of you to say everything was alright. You noticed how different he looked: he was tired, his smile was less shiny, and he wasn’t touching you much. You thought Andrew had fallen out of love with you.
When in reality, he was loving you so much, he was ready to lose you to protect you.
“You know I love you [y/n], right?” he said with a low voice. You had spent the night at your apartment, and Andrew said he couldn’t stay. Usually, he was staying every time he was coming. Just another proof that something was wrong.
You nodded, even if you weren’t so sure of that. “I’m not sure it’s good for us to be apart that much. I wish you the best in your career; and you know I won’t give up on mine. And I know you’re not asking me that! But I just think that maybe…we should call it quit for now. And see when things can work. I mean, if…I…”
“If it ever works.” You finished with a small voice. Andrew couldn’t resist and hugged you so tight that night that you felt his touch on your body for days after he left.
You barely saw Andrew after that. You both worked very hard, and you didn’t get invited to many awards shows that year. You didn’t even want to go, in all honesty. It hurt to know you met Andrew there just a year ago and then you would have to go through the same events without him.
Andrew had a hard time too. He wished he could have you on his arm with him. He needed you, but it would have been unfair for him to come back to you after leaving you like this. You were both so in love you couldn’t imagine a day without the other. And having to live with this was terrible.
It took you a few good months to go over your breakup with Andrew. But fate was a bitch. You understood that when you got cast as Susan in Tick Tick Boom.
The new movie Lin Manuel Miranda was producing.
The new movie in which Andrew was playing the leading role.
The new movie in which Jon, Andrew’s character, was dating Susan.
The first day of shooting was pretty weird, you had to admit it. You had no idea how you were supposed to act around Andrew: should you grant him, should you ignore him, should you wait for him to make the first step?
You didn’t have the time to really think about it in the end. Because Lin, who always knew everything, anticipated the meeting. When you came to set the first day, Lin immediately grabbed you by the hand. “You must meet everyone!” A funny flashback from the night you met Andrew, you thought. As if people didn’t want you to stay away from him.
So, of course, the first person you saw was Andrew. He looked so different with his new hair, that was the excuse you used for not talking. It was so difficult to see the man you loved again and not being able to kiss him or hug him. You had so much respect for Andrew that you wished you could at least take him in your arms.
He was the one who started the embrace. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you as tightly as he did when he left you. “Hello [y/n]” he mumbled against your cheek. Your hands were running on his back. You ended gripping his shirt with your fingers to keep him against you. You didn’t want to break the hug. You wanted it to last for hours.
Everyone was silent around you, not wanted to break your moment. Lin was proud of himself; he knew how stressed Andrew was about seeing again. “You did a great job at casting her, she’s perfect!” He kept saying, in case someone thought he didn’t want to play with you. Andrew was only asking for that. He just wished it would have happened sooner. “I’m just scared…what if she hates me now? What if she doesn’t want to play with me? I don’t want to ruin this movie for you…”
Andrew Garfield, always thinking for the others and never for himself.
This first day could have paved the way for a great shooting…but it didn’t stay like that. After that, things got weird again. Andrew was working a lot so of course you couldn’t talk. It wasn’t like you planned on talking about your relationship between two songs. You just wished you could at least have a normal conversation about life, like friends. But he didn’t have the time.
The only moments you were talking were when you were shooting. But it was more Jon and Susan talking than you and Andrew. At least you gave anticity in everything you were doing. Love scenes were just you and Andrew acting like the couple you used to be. The couple you wished to be again.
And you loved singing with Andrew. “I can’t say I didn’t know you had a beautiful voice; I remember when you lulled to me at night…” you said one day in rehearsal. You were being honest and opened your heart. Of course, it changed something in the atmosphere because you reminded him of something that was over. But after that, it was the time he sang the most beautifully. Even Lin had a small tear in his eyes.
But some scenes were harder to film. Like the scene when Susan and Jon break up because he was obsessed with his unwritten song.
“I need you to talk to me.” You said as Susan. From this moment you knew things were going to be difficult. It was hitting close to home. You wished Andrew had told you before about the issues he was having with your relationship before breaking up with you.
When your eyes met, Andrew understood you were speaking with your heart. And he knew it was going to be difficult for him too.
“Thank you for being so supportive of my job.” He snapped. It was Jon, it was Jon…you kept repeating yourself. You couldn’t take personally. You respected Andrew’s work. “Oh, because you’re such a champion of mine.” And he was so supportive of yours. That was the reason you broke up: because acting came before you.
“I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to talk about my needs.” You said and you felt your heart beating faster and faster. You never talked about it. Andrew decided to leave and never asked what you needed. Maybe you needed to hear about his needs too. Maybe you could have made this work if you talked.
“Can we talk about this later? Please?”
“When Andrew? When is later?”
And then. Silence.
It took you a few seconds to realize you said the wrong name. Andrew looked hurt, when in reality you didn’t mean to attack him. But maybe he realized that you were suffering from this. As much as he was.
He was feeling sad for you, not because of you. But he was so shocked from the situation he couldn’t move.
“I’m sorry…” you said before running out of the set. You ran outside and let the tears run down your cheek. You didn’t care about ruining your make up right now, you didn’t care about anything. You just wanted to hide. You didn’t mean to open your heart that much. If only you could have talked with Andrew before filming…
You heard steps coming behind you and you were not surprised when you recognized the perfume. “[y/n]…” Andrew whispered. You didn’t think more and fell immediately into his arms. Andrew hugged you and tried to calm you down with his touch. He missed touching you so much and to be able just to caress your skin like that was melting his heart again. How did he manage to survive without you for so long?
“I’m so sorry…” you said against his chest. He only heard it because everything was silent around you. And it broke his heart to think you were sorry for something you didn’t plan on doing. He hugged you tighter, kissing your hair slowly and repeatedly. “You don’t have to be love…”
“I should have come to you sooner; I should have talk to you before leaving. I didn’t offer you the chance to say you didn’t want me to leave. It wasn’t fair for you. I’m the one who’s sorry.” You shook your head to say he was wrong, but Andrew put his hand on the back of it. So, your head ended up against his chest and you were unable to move it. “I thought you wanted me to talk…” you tried to say with a little laugh. And no matter how much Andrew tried to keep his tone serious, you could feel his little chuckle.
“Not now because you are wrong. And I don’t want you to embarrass yourself.”
You didn’t fight it. It was too good to be in Andrew’s arms again even just for a few minutes.
The filming took another turn after that night. It was lighter and more friendly. There were still some tensions. It was obvious to everyone that you and Andrew were still madly in love with each other. But you didn’t talk about that, to the cast biggest disappointment. They were hoping you would confess your love, so they could celebrate it with you.
Yes, they were a little too committed to your relationship.
After the fight scene, there was still one scene you were quite scared of: the green green dress one. Fighting with Andrew was a thing, but it was acting. Dancing seductively around him and kissing him was another. You weren’t so sure you would be able to consider this acting. You didn’t want it to be just acting.
Recording the song was already a challenge. How were you supposed to react when Andrew asked you if he could tie you up? Of course, you wanted to say yes.
“I always knew green was your color…” you heard Andrew said in your back. You had just put on the dress. You had to admit it looked really beautiful on you. But hearing Andrew saying it was even more satisfactory. You turned around to see him and you noticed how his eyes were shiny. He stayed like that for a few seconds, just looking at you without saying anything.
Andrew was too mesmerized by your beauty to even consider talking. He saw you in beautiful dresses before. You met at awards shows of course, he did. But seeing you like this was different. You looked like you were going on a date with him. It made him want to take you out immediately and forget about the shooting.
“That man is crazy about you…” the stylist said once Andrew had disappeared, in silence again. You ignored her. But deep down you recognized the look he gave you. The same one he used to give when you were dating.
You were now on the rooftop, ready to film the scene. You were shivering. Not because it was cold outside. But because you had no idea how your body was going to react from all this. Lin explained to both of you how he pictured the scene. You didn’t want to disappoint him, just like Andrew. So, you knew you were going to give all your efforts in making this scene magic and unforgettable. But it was special to flirt with your ex you were still in love with.
Andrew had to confess something: knowing you like that helped him being this touchy. He was a tactile person. So, it wasn’t like he minded touching someone else. Sex scene was never a real problem for him. He just had to create a trustworthy relationship to make sure everything would be ok. You can’t touch someone’s chest if they don’t want to.
Andrew knew your body by heart, and it was quite easy for him to know where he could or couldn’t put his hand on. He just had to remember all the time he got to touch you before.
You weren’t even that surprised when he started putting his hand around your neck or when he played with your chest. It was Andrew’s thing. He was like that when you were dating. You were not surprised he used what he knew for the scene. You just wished his hands would stay a little longer, he would hug you a little tighter. That he would kiss you a little faster…
You moved to the apartment to film the rest of the scene. Your world stopped moving when Andrew grabbed you by the neck and the hair for the scene. It was so hot, you felt like you were back in your own living room. Back when you were having the most amazing nights of your life with your boyfriend. When he was too excited after a night out and he couldn’t resist holding your neck in a kind of dominant way.
You had so many flashbacks from these days. You had to remind yourself it wasn’t a good time to be horny.
You ended up in the bedroom to finish the scene. Andrew went on top of you, and you put a hand on his neck, bringing him closer. You were still singing; it was still part of the filming. But right now, in your head, nobody was around. It was just you and Andrew, in a bed together.
Andrew was trying his best to hide his excitement. But he could see in your eyes that you were just as excited as he was, so you probably wouldn’t notice. He hoped, at least. Not until this was over.
When the last lyrics were sung, Andrew was only a few centimeters away from your mouth. Did you push him a little with your hand on his neck? Yes, probably. Did Andrew want to kiss you so bad he was going to do it anyway? Yes, absolutely.
Andrew put his lips on yours and it was the most breathtaking kiss you ever experience. Of course, most of your kisses with Andrew were amazing because he was a good kisser. But you waited months to be able to kiss him again. His lips tasted incredibly good, just like you remembered them. He was holding your face with one hand, still maintaining his weight above you with the other. You grabbed his hair with your finger and pulled them a little. You wanted him to stay as close to you as possible.
It was magic.
So, magic you didn’t even hear the multiples “cut” Lin was saying. But it wasn’t really like anyone was trying to stop you. They were so happy to see you two follow your feelings that they didn’t want to interrupt it.
It was Andrew who stopped it, he needed to breathe if he didn’t want to fall on you. When he freed your lips from his, you both realized what was happening. “Oh shit.” Andrew whispered before getting back on his feet. You stayed on the bed, hiding behind his back while everyone was clapping. Clapping?
“It took you a whole shooting to finally kiss?” Lin asked, crossing his arms. He wasn’t even mad at you, how could he? You managed to shoot this whole movie without a problem, and you did the green green dress perfectly. That’s why he was smiling like that. It was like watching his favorite characters getting together.
Andrew looked back at you, and you smiled at him. You couldn’t do anything else. You were too in love with this man. He grabbed your hand and kissed it. “We needed time.” He said to Lin. But you knew he meant more than that.
It took you some time to realize you couldn’t live without each other. Some time to realize you loved each other so much. Some time to realize there was no one else you would spend your life with.
Andrew kneeled beside you. “Is it ok for you if later…is now?” he asked with a small smile. Scared you would say no. You could, he was the one who left you. Andrew thought that maybe some scars were still opened, and you won’t be ready to take him back.
But the way you kissed him, slowly and sweetly, convinced him that you still wanted him. “It’s ok for me.” You answered against his lips. This time, the kiss wasn’t capture on camera. Kissing you was still too precious for him. He didn’t want to the whole world to see him give his love to you.
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