#yk half my time is spent going over old f1 stuff
scrollonso · 27 days
it's so insane to me how even in 2020 people were shitting on lance even though out of all the races he finished in that season he only finished out of the points ONCE.
out of 11 races he completed he got points for 10.
in the austrian gp lance lost power and dnf (not his fault ofc)
in the styrian gp lance finished 7th (qualified 13th)
in the hungarian gp lance finished 4th (qualified 3rd)
in the british gp lance finished 9th (qualified 6th)
in the anniversary gp lance finished 6th (same in quali)
in the spanish gp lance finished 4th (qualified 5th)
in the belgian gp lance finished 9th (same in quali)
in the italian gp lance finished 3rd (qualified 8th)
in the tuscan gp lance got a puncture and dnf (he was doing amazing, having gotten from 7th up to 3rd-5th before a nasty crash)
in the russian gp lance spun out (this race was so insane, like 3 incidents in the first 3 corners)
in the eifel gp nico raced for lance (he had covid)
in the portugal gp lance dnf (early contact with lando, basically ruined his race)
in the emilia gp lance finished 13th (qualified 15th, only time he finished out of points)
in the turkish gp lance finished 9th (qualified 1st, very wet race)
in the bahrain gp lance dnf (he flipped, scary crash in a scary race)
in the sakhir gp lance finished 3rd (qualified 10th)
in abu dahbi lance finished 10th (qualified 8th)
to summarize, lance isn't as bad as people say he is ur just mad his dad actually loves him >-<
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