#you are jealous of the “oppression”
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I think this really says a lot about how confused and disingenuous oppression-based discourse has become, or something
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dirkxcaliborn · 2 years
bruh "A cage is only a cage if you try to escape it" gagging rn
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newlyy · 1 year
whatever the phenomenon is of people using political/progressive buzzwords to legitimize their own personal gripes or hang ups is the worst
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snekdood · 1 year
Im p sure my sister made a fake acct on instagram, larping as the people she said were doing all of these Horrible Illuminati type things to her and i guess. Shes trying to convince me its real too? Bitch. Your dumbass is so far behind. I know your entire game and im so tired and bored of you. Like. All you have in your life rn is being able to be creepy online to people you formally knew, consuming conspiracy qanon shit, yelling at your family members for not pampering you bc you decided you deserve special treatment and Arent actually ashkenazi bc that would fuck up your entire worldview, like, girl, you're so boring and readable. You dont know secret shit about the world no one else knows about, otherwise you wouldnt be so easily and readily able to find that conspiracy bs anyways. I dont know why you keep trying short of being bored and needing attention.
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cicada-dyke · 2 years
bro i am going to smash my head into a window, my dad tried to explain to me how gay people are t same as zoophiles(??) and they need to seek mental help
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itistimetodisappear · 5 months
Allos trying to cut asexuals out of the queer community are fucking idiots. Do you even hear yourselves? Apparently we're puritans now for thinking sex isn't a big deal. For seeing sex as a hobby other people enjoy, but not us.
FYI Puritans think sex is the Biggest Deal. That's why they're so weird about it. They're both scared and obsessed with it. They're jealous of people who are normal about sex, which is why they hate both you and me brother. We are in the same boat.
Don't come at me with 'gays are oppressed for having sex', aces are oppressed for not having sex. Queerness isn't about sex, it's about sexual deviancy. And your trauma is not an excuse to be a complete dickhead.
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molsno · 6 months
I find the notion that trans women's oppression is at least partially based on a systemic hatred of men and masculinity troubling for many reasons. the biggest reason, of course, is that misandry is not real no matter how you attempt to label or define it. but moreover, it's just flat out wrong.
it is true that many forms of transmisogyny consist of some form of misgendering. however, it's ludicrous to call it misandry just because the underlying implication is that the trans woman in question is really a man; if that were the case, then cis men and trans men would be subjected to the same oppression on the basis of their manhood. but no, the misgendering is always simply a cover for something else - something far more insidious.
if a trans woman is loud, outspoken, and argumentative, then she's accused of demonstrating her "male socialization". she's told she's guilty of "mansplaining". when a trans woman is jealous or clingy with her partner, she's accused of expressing "male entitlement" over them, and being "manipulative" and "controlling". when a trans woman is attracted to cis women and talks about her desire to have sex with them, she's accused of being "creepy" or "predatory". she's told she's being "misogynistic" by reducing women (cis women, or "real women" as is usually the implication in this scenario) to just their bodies and valuing them only for their worthiness as sex objects.
if you think about it, though, these arguments mirror regular old misogyny pretty closely! if a cis woman is loud, outspoken, and argumentative, then she's a "bitch", she's "bossy". she's told she needs to "know her place". when a cis woman is jealous or clingy with her partner, she's accused of being "crazy" and "obsessive". and indeed, when a cis woman is attracted to other cis women and talks about her desire to have sex with them, she's accused of being "creepy" or "predatory"!
so why, then, if these statements are really a form of misogyny, does the justification for them hinge on trans women's supposed "maleness"? the answer is simple: biological essentialism. this ideology, in no small part popularized in feminist and queer spaces by terfs, states that "biological males" are predestined by their very nature to prey on and dominate "biological females". and since trans women are "biologically male", it follows then that they are wolves in sheeps' clothing. any presumption of innocence or harmlessness is discarded, and trans women's actions are painted in a new light.
if you accuse a trans woman of being an infiltrator in women's spaces due to her supposed "maleness", then what you've effectively accomplished is the subjugation of an underclass of women. trans women are not considered deserving of respect, compassion, or dignity whatsoever. if you paint a trans woman as a threat to other women, then you can drum up as much outrage and violence against her as you want, and she will have no recourse. and the simple fact of the matter is that the easiest way to do this is to draw attention to her alleged proximity to "maleness".
perhaps you might be thinking that proximity to maleness being used as a justification for oppression implies that misandry actually is real. after all, aren't women of color, butch lesbians, and even black men also subjected to violence due to their perceived proximity to "maleness"?
I understand how one could make that mistake, but that notion fails to engage with the actual material reasoning behind the forms of oppression these groups face: they pose a threat to the cishet white man's absolute dominion. the root of these disparate but related forms of oppression, biological essentialism, is inherently a white supremacist, misogynistic, and conservative ideology. its purpose, much like its ilk, eugenics and phrenology, is to establish a hierarchy in society that places cishet white christian men at the top by asserting that they are inherently biologically superior to all others in every respect.
if you observe people's behavior, you can see that this ideology permeates almost every level of society. cishet white men are elevated to positions of authority without question; their motives are never scrutinized and criticized in the same way that trans women's are, or any of the other oppressed groups mentioned above. if one of these men is misogynistic, if he views women as mere sex objects to be controlled to suit his liking, he will not be punished for it; he is exercising the right that has been given to him by the society people like him have created through centuries of colonialism. even in queer spaces, men are regularly coddled, their misdeeds forgiven or excused for no real reason other than that many queer people have not questioned the assumptions they've internalized.
the notion that trans women are oppressed by misandry is laughable, really, because we are constantly made aware that, due to biological essentialism, TME people will always trust a man over us.
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eve-was-framed · 30 days
saw some people saying that the woman who did the cass review, dr hilary cass, is just jealous because “trans women look more like a woman than she does” and to that i gotta say.. so you agree? you agree that your definition of woman is just someone who is feminine and conventionally attractive? you agree that your definition of the word woman reinforces restrictive, oppressive gender roles and stereotypes? you agree that your view of womanhood is regressive and that feminists are correct in opposing it?
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fruitsofhell · 9 months
Something I really like about Rose Quartz's characterization is how dedicated the writers were to making what she did morally grey. Idk it would have been really easy for the twist to be she was Just Evil, especially learning she was related to the main villains, but no they created this very vague character who even in her appearances feels mysterious. If anything Rose is the one thing that is less clear to me after my rewatch, because now seeing the nuance in her character pulls me out of a black-ane-white view of her and into one that is just... foggy.
But a vibe I do get from Rose, is that despite clearly being incredibly compassionate, she's someone who lacks empathy in the case of the ability to fully realize others' autonomy and thought processes. There's just a lot of decisions she makes that feel aloof in an odd way, and when combined with how childish she can be it can give the impression she sees everything as a game. But it's still clear that she cares and is genuinely moved by the Earth, and when her entire truth is revealed you can see how ideologically honest she was. Even if it feels like her beliefs are just so she can have fun, but that is part of freedom, the freedom to vibe and explore and do silly things she couldn't.
That attitude clearly just comes from her position as Pink Diamond. It was an oppressive role emotionally, but not as literally oppressive as the lives of those around her. I think her relationship with Pearl is where I find the most of the part of me that sees her as compassionate but unempathetic. Pink can't fathom what it's like to have been born to be an obedient servant and how that would cloud Pearl's judgement. How telling her "I'm going to fight for this world but you dont have to" would mean nothing to her because she is still obsessed with her, how entering a romantic relationship with something while they're still effectively your servant is unhealthy, or how spending her life flirting with other men would probably tear your servant-to-lover-to-ex up inside lmao. With the first she obviously meant to be giving her a choice because she cares about Pearl, but she can't understand how to truly give Pearl freedom of choice she can't treat her like a fully freethinking person. With the second she doesn't understand how her power has an unhealthy impact on her bond with Pearl. And with the last it's not at all that Rose isn't allowed to move on, but I just always found she has a lack of awareness of Pearl's jealousy and misery that's a bit inappropriate. Not that you can't assume she has already let Pearl down easy or cares about her coping, but it's never shown, which feels like a deliberate choice.
I'm working on a more organized theory about Rose's characterization, but it is deeply fascinating. Her and Pearl's relationship is as well, I feel like it's sometimes characterized as just a mean jealous ex situation but like it's way more fucked than that, and is a great exploration of power dynamics, obsession, and grief. Love me some toxic doomed yuri.
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fallingstqrss · 6 months
what about us?
summary: you had always assumed coriolanus was your future. that was until a certain tribute from district came around.
a/n: i'm not sure how much i like this so i might rewrite it or edit it later but i felt like writing and i wanted to post something. so i hope you guys like it! <3
warnings: idk really if i forget any please tell me. just coriolanus like actually being nice?
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Around the Academy, many knew Coriolanus Snow as someone driven purely by ambition, someone who inspired insecurity and tension among many of his classmates. Yet, to you, he had always just been Coriolanus, a boy you'd known since you both were children, someone who you'd give anything for.
Ever since the end of the war you and Coriolanus had been inseparable. He was your best friend. However, that blossomed into something more when the two of you started the Academy. As soon as you and Coriolanus started dating you knew he was the one for you, you couldn't picture yourself being with anyone else.
With the Plinth Prize announcement looming rumors of his stern demeanor circulated. However, in your eyes, Coriolanus remained the ever-constant presence of kindness to support you throughout all your highs and lows.
You could almost sense the tension that grew in the air the with announcement of the Plinth Prize looming. Coriolanus, usually the picture of composure, seemed on the verge of unraveling under the weight of his expectations for himself. You could tell his nights were spent sleepless and days were consumed by worries about his grades, the Plinth Prize hanging over him like an oppressive cloud.
You understood this event's significance and the importance of the prize to Coriolanus. The sacrifice of time spent together was one of your last concerns compared to the challenges presented to him.
However, the day had finally come. It was now the day they announced who had won the Plinth Prize.
As you walked into the hall you found Coriolanus, amidst a sea of your peers. Coriolanus couldn't see you, his back turned. However, as you approached, taking his hand into yours, you were greeted by him with a smile, him squeezing your hand in silent gratitude. Your presence offers a momentary respite from the relentless pressures that bore down on him.
But, the two of you didn't have time to say much, as music sounded throughout the hall, signaling the beginning of the reaping. You took your place a couple of seats behind Coriolanus, placing a kiss on his cheek before separating from him.
The Dean's voice echoed throughout the hall, outlining the new conditions for the Plinth Prize. You watched Coriolanus, sensing his tension from the announcement. Sensing his realization, the realization that his future was dependent upon the outcome of the Hunger Games.
Tensions reached their peak as the reaping continued, district after district being assigned. Coriolanus' name remained uncalled until the 12th district. You felt bad for Coriolanus watching as an emaciated girl in a rainbow dress walked onto the stage.
You shared in Coriolanus' disappointment, you felt how big of a burden this was to him. However, the atmosphere drastically shifted when this girl dropped a snake down one of the girls in the audience. Coriolanus shot up from his seat, eyes fixated on the screen.
You watched him, your own emotions in a whirlwind. The twist left everyone in shock but Coriolanus' reaction hinted at something else, something deeper. Noticing this sent a pang through your heart, the way he smiled at the girl, watching her with a sort of amazement as she began singing. You felt something that could only be described as jealousy.
This was a new feeling for you. There had been times when other girls had hit on Coriolanus. But, you had never had a reason to be jealous, Coriolanus had always remained loyal to you. However, for some reason, this felt different to you.
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Following the end of the ceremony, your classmates began to speak amongst themselves but you knew you had to get out of there, these emotions being too much to bear in the midst of you classmates. You needed space, making a hasty exit through the back door.
Coriolanus, of course, noticed your departure, pausing his conversation with those around him to follow after you. Your shift in demeanor was obvious to him.
Outside, the breeze offered a momentary break from the tense atmosphere in the hall. You took quick steps, the need for solitude guiding you. Coriolanus, determined not to lost sight of you, caught up to you and closed the distance.
His hand closed around your wrist, gently turning you to face him. Concern was etched onto his features as he pushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.
You stood there, suddenly being faced with an internal debate. The silence stretched between the two of you, Coriolanus' furrowed eyebrows revealed his growing concern. Ultimately, you decided to shield Coriolanus from the petty feelings of jealousy that gnawed at you.
"Nothing, I just don't feel well. I'm just gonna head home," You assured him, summoning a smile to mask the turmoil within you. Coriolanus, however, wasn't very easily convinced.
"Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?" He pressed, the concern in his voice undeniable.
"No, I'll be okay. Just go work on your mentoring abilities," you insisted, offering a quick, reassuring peck on his lips before turning away. As you walked away, the faint echo of concern lingered in Coriolanus's eyes, but you couldn't bring yourself to burden him with the trivial pangs of jealousy that wrestled within you.
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Things between you and Coriolanus had been okay since the reaping. You had been continually growing more and more jealous of his tribute, who you came to know as Lucy Gray, the Songbird. However, you put your feelings on the back-burner, reminding yourself that this was for Coriolanus. However, your feelings came to a head when you heard about a particularly nasty rumor from on of your classmates Festus.
It was the day of the Hunger Games, the day that the tributes went into the arena. Festus had approached you before the games started, pulling you into a quiet corner.
"Y/n, there's something I have to tell you." Festus spoke, his seriousness concerned you, nervousness growing within you as you questioned him.
"What is it, Festus? What happened?"
"It's about Coriolanus," Festus spoke, you felt your heart drop. You had a feeling that news like this was coming but you couldn't bear to accept it as truth. "I saw him and Lucy Gray last night, at the zoo. They kissed," Festus spoke quickly, hoping to deliver the knews as fast as possible.
The blow hit you like a sledgehammer, shattering the fragile façade of composure you had clung to. The news of Coriolanus and Lucy Gray, the Songbird, sharing an intimate moment at the zoo cut through you with a sharpness that left you breathless.
You fought against the denial that arose in you. This was your Coriolanus, he would never betray you. However, things have been different lately. He'd been spending more and more time with Lucy Gray. The shock immobilized you for a moment, leaving you in a disorienting fog. The world around you seemed to warp and twist as you grappled with the harsh reality that Festus presented.
"He wouldn't do that to me," you whispered to yourself, a feeble attempt to convince yourself that this was a misunderstanding. Yet, Festus's words lingered, a relentless truth that threatened to unravel the foundation of trust you had built with Coriolanus.
Your steps faltered as you re-entered the main area, a numbness settling over you. The buzz of conversations around you became an indistinct hum, drowned out by the storm of emotions brewing within. The other seniors, talk amongst themselves in the stands.
You found a seat among them, sinking into it as if the weight of the revelation bore down on your shoulders. Tears welled up, blurring your vision as you fought to hold them back, even as your emotions threatened to break through. The haze of disbelief and betrayal clouded your thoughts, leaving you adrift in a sea of confusion and heartache.
However, the sight of Coriolanus in the front of the room, standing among the mentors, was a fresh stab to your wounded heart. The pain intensified as you realized you couldn't bear to watch him mentor Lucy Gray from his computer, knowing the betrayal that had transpired between them.
As you hurried up the stairs and out of the door, Coriolanus noticed your swift departure. He called after you, a note of desperation in his voice. Ignoring his pleas, you didn't allow the tears to fall until you were safely outside, the cool air providing a stark contrast to the turmoil within.
"Y/n! Y/n, what happened?" Coriolanus's voice echoed behind you, the urgency in his steps matching the acceleration of your own. He caught up to you quickly, positioning himself in front of you to halt your retreat. The tears that stained your cheeks didn't escape his notice, and a pang of remorse struck his heart at the sight of your pain.
"You know, Coriolanus. You know what you did," you managed to say, your words carrying a weight of hurt and betrayal. In your distressed state, you threw a punch at his chest, a futile attempt to channel the frustration and anguish within you. However, Coriolanus, standing firm, felt the impact but remained unyielding.
"No, Y/n, tell me, please. What did I do?" Coriolanus pleaded, genuine confusion etched across his face. The realization that something had gone terribly wrong dawned on him, but the specifics eluded him. The raw vulnerability in your tear-filled eyes, the pain reflected in your every gesture, sparked a pang of guilt within him. He desperately sought answers, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in your emotions.
"You and Lucy Gray, at the zoo last night." You responded. The hurt in your eyes was palpable as you confronted Coriolanus with the words of Festus. Coriolanus' confusion mirrored your own as he took a step forward, a gesture of comfort that you skillfully evaded. The revelation hung heavy in the air, a tense pause that finally broke as you accused him of kissing Lucy Gray.
"What? What about me and Lucy Gray?" he questioned, he seemed genuinely confused, which threw you off, but you were staying true to the information provided by Festus.
"You two kissed, Festus told me." You responded.
"Y/n," he sighed, "Lucy Gray and I were just talking about strategies. I'll admit we were close, but it was just because I didn't want the other tributes to hear. She leaned in but I pulled away, Festus might have left before I did. Trust me I told her there was only one woman in my life." Coriolanus explained, his heart pained at the fact that you believed he would ever cheat on you.
"So you and Lucy Gray didn't kiss?" you inquired, a yearning for reassurance in your voice. Coriolanus's response was swift and sincere, a promise that cut through the doubt and uncertainty.
"No, and I never would. I'd never do that to you. I love you, Y/n, you're the only one I want to be with," he affirmed, closing the distance and bringing a hand to cup your cheek. The touch wiped away the lingering traces of tears, and his words began to mend the fractures of trust.
As realization dawned, you spoke words weighed with guilt and remorse. "I'm sorry, Corio. I shouldn't have believed Festus. I should've just talked to you," you admitted, your gaze falling to the ground. Coriolanus gently lifted your chin, ensuring your eyes met his.
"No, I've been so distant recently with the games I've given you few reasons to trust me. But, believe me, as soon as these games are over, and I win the Plinth Prize, I'm going to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you," Coriolanus declared, attempting to lighten the atmosphere with a touch of humor. Your laughter, a melody that resonated with forgiveness, filled the space. Your hear swelled as Coriolanus mentioned the potential for a life together.
Seizing the moment, Coriolanus leaned down, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. The warmth of reconciliation enveloped you, and the weight of doubt lifted. In that kiss, you felt the promise of a renewed connection, a shared future that transcended the shadows of misunderstanding. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the unspoken vow to navigate the challenges ahead together.
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pin-k-ink · 1 month
(Since you were asking for a thirst HAHDNDJDNDSN)
My man (Fukuzawa) has few smut here in tumblr, he needs justice.
And I needed to be manhandled by that fine dilf.
— 🌊🪷
crucible // fukuzawa yukichi
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tw ⇢ jealous!fukuzawa, possessive!fukuzawa, so much sexual tension, fukuzawa in denial, making out, teasing, office sex, sir kink cx its fukuzawa, rough sex, manhandling ofc, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, creampie, dirty talk, spanking
wc ⇢ 5.2k
a/n: anon, you just reawakened my love for fictional characters nearly twice my age
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The oppressive August heat blanketed Yokohama, the air heavy and thick, clinging to your skin like a damp cloth. In the offices of the Armed Detective Agency, the ancient air conditioner wheezed and rattled, providing little relief from the sweltering temperatures. Beads of sweat gathered at your brow and trickled down the back of your neck as you sat at your desk, trying to focus on the stack of case files in front of you.
But your mind kept drifting, your thoughts inevitably drawn to the Agency's distinguished leader, Yukichi Fukuzawa. From the moment you'd started working here, you'd been captivated by him - his sophisticated air, his commanding presence, the way his steely gaze seemed to pierce right through you. It was more than just physical attraction, though that was certainly part of it. There was something about him, an aura of power and control, that drew you like a moth to a flame.
You knew it was risky, knew that getting involved with your boss was a recipe for disaster. But you couldn't help yourself. Every interaction with him left you wanting more, your skin buzzing with a kind of electric anticipation.
It started small, innocently enough. A smile that lingered just a beat too long, a brush of fingers as you handed him a file. But as the months went by, you grew bolder, more overt in your flirtations.
Each morning, you greeted Fukuzawa with a smile that bordered on coy, your voice low and honeyed. "Good morning, sir," you'd purr, leaning in just a little too close as you handed him his daily schedule. The subtle widening of his eyes, the almost imperceptible hitch in his breath, was all the encouragement you needed.
You started putting more effort into your appearance, choosing blouses that hugged your curves, skirts that fell just an inch shorter than was strictly professional. You told yourself it wasn't for him, that you just wanted to feel good about yourself. But deep down, you knew the truth. You wanted him to notice you, to feel the weight of his gaze on your skin.
And notice he did. You'd catch him watching you as you moved around the office, his eyes following the sway of your hips, lingering on the exposed slice of skin at your throat. His face would remain impassive, but you could see the tension in his jaw, the way his fingers would tighten around his pen.
It became a kind of game, a forbidden dance of push and pull. You'd lean over his desk to point out a detail in a report, letting your blouse gape open just enough to offer a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. You'd brush past him in the hallway, your hand grazing his arm, letting the contact linger a moment longer than necessary.
Each small victory sent a thrill through you, a heady rush of power. You were getting to him, chipping away at that legendary self-control. It was only a matter of time before he snapped.
But it wasn't enough. The more you got, the more you wanted. Stolen glances and fleeting touches only fanned the flames of your desire, leaving you aching and restless. You found yourself daydreaming during the long, humid afternoons, your mind conjuring up vivid fantasies of Fukuzawa's hands on your body, his mouth hot and insistent against your skin. You'd imagine him bending you over his desk, his fingers digging into your hips as he finally fucked you, claiming you as his own.
The fantasies were so real, so visceral, that you'd often snap out of them flushed and breathless, your heart racing and your pussy throbbing with need. You'd clench your thighs together, trying to quell the ache, but it was never enough. You wanted him, needed him, with an intensity that frightened and exhilarated you in equal measure.
And so, you started pushing harder, growing bolder in your advances. Determined to shatter his iron self-control, to make him admit that he wanted you just as desperately as you wanted him.
You began openly flirting with the other men in the office, particularly Atsushi, the youngest and most naive of the bunch. You'd perch on the edge of his desk, leaning in close as you pointed out details in case files, letting your breasts brush against his arm. You'd laugh just a little too loudly at his jokes, tossing your hair over your shoulder and fixing him with a dazzling smile.
And all the while, you'd feel Fukuzawa's gaze burning into your back, his eyes tracking your every move. You'd see his jaw clench, his fist tighten at his side, and a dark thrill would course through you. He was jealous, you could tell. The knowledge was intoxicating.
Late one sweltering evening, as you were leaving the office, you suddenly felt Fukuzawa's hand close around your wrist. Before you could respond, he was guiding you into his office and shutting the door behind you. Your heart raced at his proximity, the air practically crackling between you.
"Your behavior has been quite inappropriate," he said in a low voice, his eyes boring into yours. "If you continue this way, there will be consequences."
His gaze drifted to your lips and for a wild, breathless moment, you were sure he was going to kiss you. But then he released you and took a measured step back, leaving you dizzy and aching for more.
In the days that followed, the memory of that charged moment in Fukuzawa's office lingered, a constant distraction. Your skin prickled with awareness whenever he was near, your body attuned to his presence like a tuning fork. You tried to focus on your work, but your mind kept conjuring up the phantom sensation of his fingers wrapped around your wrist, the heat of his gaze on your mouth.
You dialed back on your flirtations with the other men, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop teasing Fukuzawa. If anything, you became bolder, more overt in your intentions. You started staying late at the office, finding excuses to be alone with him. In the evenings, when the rest of the staff had gone home, you'd slip into his office with flimsy pretexts, perching on the edge of his desk and leaning in close as you spoke.
During one such encounter, emboldened by the late hour and the intimacy of the dimly lit room, you placed your hand over his as you pointed out a detail in a case file. Fukuzawa stilled, his eyes flickering to yours with an intensity that made your breath catch. Slowly, deliberately, he turned his hand over beneath yours, his palm hot against your own.
"You're playing a dangerous game," he said quietly, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. His fingers curled around yours, just for a moment, before he drew away.
You knew he was right, knew that you were both wading into treacherous waters. But you were too far gone to turn back now, too intoxicated by the simmering tension that coiled between you.
As the summer heat rose, so did the stakes of your forbidden dance. Stolen glances turned into fleeting caresses, plausible deniability becoming paper-thin. The air grew heavy with unspoken desire, with the tantalizing promise of what could be.
And then, one storm-dark night, the levee finally broke.
You were working late again, poring over witness statements, when the power suddenly cut out. The office was plunged into darkness, the only illumination coming from the occasional flash of lightning outside the rain-lashed windows. You heard Fukuzawa's office door open, heard his measured footsteps approaching.
"The whole block is out," he said, his tall silhouette appearing in your doorway. "We might as well call it a night."
You nodded, your tongue suddenly feeling too thick for your mouth. A strange anticipation crackled through you as you gathered your things by feel, every nerve ending alight. You startled when you felt Fukuzawa's hand on the small of your back, guiding you out into the pitch-black hallway.
In the darkness, every sensation was magnified. The sound of your breathing, the warm press of his palm against your spine, the electric awareness of his body mere inches from yours. Your heart was beating so loudly, you were certain he must hear it.
And then, between one step and the next, Fukuzawa halted. His hand slid slowly up your back, his fingers curling around your nape. You turned to face him, dizzy with want, scarcely daring to breathe.
For a long, suspended moment, you hovered there in the charged darkness. The air felt thick, weighted with expectation. You could just make out the gleam of Fukuzawa's eyes, could feel the tension emanating from him in waves.
"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice rough as gravel, "and I will."
But you didn't want him to stop. You wanted him to keep going, to finally unleash the pent-up hunger that had been consuming you for months. Throwing caution to the wind, you closed the last breath of distance between you and captured his lips with your own...
Heart pounding, you melted into Fukuzawa's embrace, your lips moving feverishly against his. His mouth was hot and insistent, his strong hands gripping your hips as he backed you up against the wall. You gasped as your back hit the cool surface, the contrast with your overheated skin sending sparks rushing through you.
Fukuzawa took advantage of your parted lips, deepening the kiss with a low groan that reverberated through your body. You clung to his broad shoulders, dizzy with sensation, your head spinning with the headiness of finally, finally having him exactly where you'd wanted him for so long.
His hands roamed your curves possessively, setting you alight even through the barrier of your clothing. His hands slid up your thighs, under your skirt, his fingers digging into your flesh. Dimly, you registered the rasp of his stubble against your skin, the throaty sounds of desire he made as he kissed you senseless. It was better than anything you had imagined, the reality of him overwhelming your every sense.
Lost in a haze of lust, it took you a moment to realize that Fukuzawa had suddenly stilled. His lips broke away from yours and he drew back slightly, his breath coming harsh and fast. Confusion cut through the fog of your arousal as he grasped your shoulders and gently but firmly set you away from him.
"We can't do this," he said, his voice strained. Even in the darkness, you could see the conflict etched on his face. "It's not right."
"What?" you managed, your kiss-bruised lips still tingling, your body thrumming with need. "But I thought-"
"This is a mistake," Fukuzawa cut you off, running a hand distractedly through his hair. "I'm your superior. I have a responsibility to maintain professional boundaries. No matter how much I..." He trailed off, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. This ends now, before it goes any further."
You felt like he'd doused you in ice water, shock and hurt warring within you. You opened your mouth to protest, but no words came out. Your throat felt tight, your eyes stinging with the sudden threat of tears.
Fukuzawa exhaled heavily, his expression pained. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have let it get this far. It won't happen again."
And with that, he turned and strode away, leaving you alone in the dark hallway, your lips still swollen from his kisses, your heart in shreds at your feet. You hugged your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling chilled despite the muggy heat.
The storm raged on outside, rain lashing against the windows, wind rattling the panes. But it was nothing compared to the tempest inside you - a maelstrom of frustration, rejection, and an ache so sharp it stole your breath.
How were you supposed to face him after this, knowing how good it could be between you, only to have it snatched away? How could you just forget the searing press of his mouth, the urgency of his touch?
Somehow, you'd have to find a way to lock down your treacherous heart, to bury your desire so deep that even you couldn't feel it anymore. The alternative - pining for a man you couldn't have, burning for his forbidden touch - was unthinkable.
But as you finally turned to leave, your legs unsteady beneath you, you couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't over. That the undeniable pull between you and Fukuzawa was too powerful to be extinguished by duty or propriety.
One way or another, you knew you'd end up back in his arms. It was only a matter of time.
In the days following your heated encounter with Fukuzawa in the darkened office, you couldn't stop thinking about the electrifying feel of his lips on yours, the urgent press of his body against your own. The memory seared through you at the most inopportune moments, leaving you aching and distracted.
Though a part of you knew you should heed Fukuzawa's words and maintain a professional distance, you found yourself incapable of letting go. If anything, his rejection only fanned the flames of your desire, your need to prove yourself irresistible. You became utterly determined to shatter his iron self-control.
You began putting extra effort into your appearance each morning, choosing outfits that clung to your curves, leaving tantalizing slices of skin bare. You made sure to bend over just so when placing documents on his desk, relishing the way his eyes would follow the lines of your body before he caught himself.
In meetings, you started openly staring at him, your gaze heated and unwavering. You'd trace your lower lip with the tip of your pen, gratified to see his eyes dart to your mouth, his fingers tightening imperceptibly on his pen. Under the guise of friendly touches, you'd graze your fingers along his arm or shoulder, feeling the way he'd tense at the contact.
But you didn't limit your newfound boldness to Fukuzawa. You dialed your flirtations up with all the men in the office. You'd perch on the edge of their desks, crossing your legs so your skirt rode up just a little too high. You'd casually touch their hands or face while laughing at their jokes, tossing your hair over your shoulder coquettishly.
All the while, you could feel the weight of Fukuzawa's stare boring into you, his jaw clenched, his eyes darkening with a potent mix of disapproval and barely suppressed jealousy. You reveled in his attention, positive reinforcement for your provocative behavior.
Late one night, as you were once again working overtime, you decided to up the ante. Slipping out of your heels, you padded silently to Fukuzawa's office, easing the door open without knocking. He glanced up sharply from his paperwork, his eyes widening when he saw you leaning against the door frame.
You smiled, slow and feline, stalking towards Fukuzawa's desk with deliberate sways of your hips. Each step seemed to echo in the charged silence of the dimly lit office. The air felt thick, heavy with the weight of unspoken desire and anticipation. You could feel Fukuzawa's gaze on you, tracking your every movement with an intensity that made your skin prickle with heat.
As you reached his desk, you placed your palms flat on the polished wood, leaning forward slightly. The action caused your blouse to gape open just a little, offering a tantalizing glimpse of your cleavage. You heard Fukuzawa's sharp intake of breath, saw his eyes flicker down for the briefest of moments before he wrenched them back up to your face.
"What are you doing here so late?" he asked, his voice carefully controlled.
"I thought you could use some company," you purred, your voice low and sultry. "And I had a few...questions about the case."
Fukuzawa's jaw clenched, a muscle ticking in his cheek. His hands, resting on the desk, curled into fists as if he was physically restraining himself from reaching for you. "It's late," he said, his tone carefully measured, but you could hear the undercurrent of strain beneath the words. "Any questions can wait until morning."
Undeterred by his dismissal, you circled around the desk, trailing your fingertips along the smooth surface. Fukuzawa watched you warily, his body tense, coiled like a spring ready to snap. When you reached his side, you perched yourself on the edge of the desk, crossing your legs slowly, deliberately. The hem of your skirt rode up, revealing a tantalizing expanse of thigh, the lacy edge of your stockings just peeking out.
Fukuzawa's gaze followed the movement, his eyes darkening with barely suppressed hunger. His hands clenched on the armrests of his chair, the leather creaking under the force of his grip. You could practically feel the heat radiating off him, the air between your bodies crackling with electricity.
Emboldened by his reaction, you leaned in closer, placing your hand on his thigh. His muscles tensed beneath your touch, his breath hitching almost imperceptibly. "But I want your input now, boss," you breathed, your lips just inches from his ear. "I'm sure we can find a way to...stimulate some insights."
For a long, suspended moment, neither of you moved. The only sound was the ragged tempo of your breathing, the thundering of your heartbeat in your ears. Fukuzawa seemed frozen, torn between the compulsion to maintain his professionalism and the undeniable pull of his desire. You could see the conflicting emotions warring in his eyes, the desperate struggle for control.
Then, in a sudden flurry of movement, Fukuzawa surged to his feet. His chair clattered backwards, forgotten, as he gripped you by the upper arms, hauling you up with him. Before you could even gasp, he had spun you around, pressing you up against the wall with the solid heat of his body.
Your breath left you in a rush as your back hit the hard surface, your chest heaving against his. Fukuzawa's hands slid down to your wrists, pinning them beside your head as he loomed over you, his face inches from yours. His eyes were wild, almost black in the low light, boring into you with an intensity that made you tremble.
"You just can't leave well enough alone, can you?" he rasped, his voice rough and gravelly with barely leashed hunger. "You're determined to drive me to madness."
Your lips parted, a retort on the tip of your tongue, but it dissolved into a soft moan as Fukuzawa ducked his head, his mouth grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. A shudder rippled through you at the contact, heat pooling low in your belly. You arched into him instinctively, craving more, desperate for the feel of his hands, his lips on your body.
"I only want to drive you to honesty," you managed to gasp out, your fingers threading through his silver hair, holding him to you. "Admit it - you want me as badly as I want you."
Fukuzawa groaned against your throat, the sound vibrating through you like a tuning fork. His grip on your wrists tightened reflexively as he fought for control, his breath coming in harsh pants against your skin. "We shouldn't," he ground out, even as his hips pressed more insistently into yours, betraying the depth of his need. "It's wrong. But..."
You writhed against him, desperate for more friction, more contact. "But what?" you prompted breathlessly, already knowing the answer but needing to hear him say it.
Fukuzawa raised his head, his eyes locking with yours. In their depths, you saw the last vestiges of his resistance crumble, the iron bands of his control shattering like spun glass. When he spoke, his voice was low and rough, weighted with promise and dark, delicious threat.
"But...I can no longer stand by while you openly flaunt yourself at every available man in this office," he growled, his gaze dropping hungrily to your parted lips as if he was resisting the urge to claim them with his own. "No more games, no more teasing. You're mine, and I intend to make sure you never forget it."
You felt a delicious shiver rush through you at his tone - was this the unraveling you had been hoping to provoke? Boldly holding his smoldering stare, you replied, "Is that so? And what’re you going to do to me...Sir?"
A muscle ticked in his clenched jaw as he seemed to wrestle with his self-restraint. Then, quicker than you could react, his hand fisted in your hair, tugging your head back roughly.
"This..." he growled an instant before crushing his mouth against yours in a searing, hungry kiss.
You gasped at the ferocity of his passion, all the built-up tension he had been holding back now pouring into his ardent caresses. Your hands clutched at the front of his kimono as you met his fervor with your own desperate want.
Your fingers fumbled with the fabric as your mouth hungrily moved against his. He groaned into the searing kiss, the vibration sending sparks of need coursing through your veins. You managed to part the fabric enough to rake your nails over his toned chest, relishing in the way his muscles twitched at your touch.
Fukuzawa broke away with a ragged breath, his forehead pressed against yours as he gazed at you with molten eyes. "You've tormented me for far too long with your wanton behavior," he murmured, his voice strained with restrained desire. "Did you think I was blind to the way you paraded about, taunting me?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but any retort was swallowed by another kiss. This time he didn't hold back, pinning you firmly against the wall as one calloused hand boldly skimmed over the curve of your hip and thigh, squeezing your ass. You shuddered and arched shamelessly into his touch, silently pleading for him to continue his intoxicating exploration.
He trailed scorching open-mouth kisses along the column of your neck, his hot breath fanning over your sensitized skin. "Perhaps now you'll learn there are consequences for playing with fire," Fukuzawa rasped, his husky tone and the roll of his hips against yours making you dizzy with longing.
With your pussy throbbing and breath coming in shallow pants, you sought purchase by clutching at the broad planes of his back. All this time you had been determined to make this unshakable man crack - but now that he had, you were overwhelmed by the force of his smoldering passion. You wanted to drown in it, consequences be damned.
Fukuzawa's normally immaculate appearance was in delicious disarray - his kimono hanging open, hair tousled from your roaming hands. He pinned you with a look that made your insides liquify as his large, calloused hands skimmed over the bare skin of your thighs and lower back.
"Look at the temptress now," he rumbled, his voice husky and laced with want. "So responsive to my touch after batting those pretty lashes at every other man here."
You opened your mouth to respond, but only a breathy whimper escaped as Fukuzawa rolled his hips firmly against yours, allowing you to feel the undeniable hardness of his cock. Heat lanced through your cunt at the delicious friction.
"I should have acted on this long ago," he murmured against the sensitive skin just below your ear. "Shown you exactly where your teasing leads..."
His words had you trembling with heady anticipation. You fisted your hands in his kimono, tugging him even closer as your pulse thundered in your ears. "Then show me," you managed to rasp, throwing caution to the wind.
Fukuzawa's intense gaze searched yours for a molten moment before he captured your lips in another searing, demanding kiss. His large hands cradled you almost reverently as he walked you backwards towards the sofa, your sense of surroundings fading until there was only the roaring need between your entwined bodies.
With a resolute tug, your clothing began to peel away, his fiery caresses branding your bare skin as you finally surrendered to the lust that had been simmering for far too long. The air was thick and heavy with the weight of your desire, the office silent save for the mingled sounds of your heated breaths and moans.
The sofa bumped against the back of your legs and you tumbled onto it, gazing up at the imposing man towering over you. Even in this compromising position, Fukuzawa radiated authority, his gaze dark and intent as he drank in the sight of your naked, sprawled form.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he rasped, the slight tremor in his voice betraying his barely leashed control.
You could hardly breathe, your heart pounding as his burning gaze devoured every inch of your exposed flesh. He knelt between your legs and you could only watch, entranced, as his rough hands skimmed slowly over your trembling thighs.
"Such a tempting little vixen, teasing her superior," he continued, his voice low and gravelly. "And now she's finally within reach."
He parted your legs further, his thumbs tracing torturous circles on the tender skin of your inner thighs. "I'm going to show you exactly what happens to girls who flaunt themselves."
You shivered as his breath ghosted over your damp folds. The anticipation was torture, the aching need between your legs throbbing with each passing moment. He continued to torture you, peppering kisses all across the taut skin of your inner thighs.
Then, just when you thought you couldn't stand it anymore, Fukuzawa's tongue dragged along your slit. You arched into him with a startled moan, his large hands gripping your thighs to keep you in place. His tongue delved deeper, slipping right between your soaked folds.
"Oh God," you whimpered, fisting your hands in his silver hair as pleasure coiled within you, winding tighter and tighter.
"That's right," he rumbled against your slick pussy lips. "I want to hear every sound you make."
His words were punctuated by the firm press of his tongue against your clit, sending a bolt of electricity arcing through you. Your head fell back against the sofa, a cry of pleasure escaping as he licked and sucked at the swollen bud.
Your breath came in ragged gasps, the pleasure so intense it was almost overwhelming. You could feel yourself hurtling towards the edge, every muscle coiling tight, desperate for release.
Then, just as you were about to cum, Fukuzawa pulled away. You whined in protest, the loss of his hot mouth on your dripping pussy nearly painful.
"Not yet," he said, his voice thick and hoarse with arousal. "I'm not finished with you yet."
With a strength that sent another surge of heat to your core, he flipped you onto your stomach, his hand pushing the small of your back to arch your ass into the air. Your breath caught as you felt him kneeling behind you, his thick length pressing teasingly against your folds.
"You have no idea how many nights l've imagined doing this to you," Fukuzawa growled, the head of his cock sliding slowly up and down your soaked pussy. "How many times l've had to stop myself from bending you over my desk and fucking you senseless."
You moaned and wriggled against him, desperate for him to fill you. "Please, Yukichi," you gasped, his name slipping past your lips without thinking.
At the sound of his name, he grinned widely, one hand coming up to swiftly slap your rear. "You will address me as 'sir'."
Another, harder, smack had you whimpering, the stinging sensation reverberating through your core. "Yes, Sir," you breathed, fingers baring a white-knuckled grip on the couch cushions.
He teased your folds with his cock, his hand kneading your reddened flesh. "Good girl," he murmured, watching the mushroom head of his cock disappear between your puffy lips.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of teasing, he gripped his thick length and guided it to your slick entrance. You moaned as the tip slid into your cunt, your walls stretching deliciously around his girth.
"God, you're tight," he groaned, slowly easing himself deeper.
You gasped as he bottomed out, his hips flush against yours. The feeling of being so full, so stretched, was exquisite. You pushed back against him, wanting more.
With a deep groan, Fukuzawa began moving inside you, his thrusts slow and deep. He built a steady rhythm, his grip on your hips tightening as he pounded into you.
The sound of his skin slapping against yours was obscene, echoing in the quiet office. Pleasure coiled tighter within you, the tension ratcheting higher and higher with each thrust.
You could hear him grunting with exertion, the soft, guttural sounds of his pleasure driving you wild. The heat, the fullness, the overwhelming sensation of being fucked by the man who had consumed your every waking thought for months was almost too much to bear.
"Sir. Yukichi…fuck!" You gasped, your words dissolving into incoherence as his cock rubbed against that sweet spot deep inside you.
He grunted, his thrusts growing faster, more erratic. "Say my name again," he growled, his voice strained.
"Yukichi," you moaned, his name spilling from your lips like a prayer.
At the sound of his name, he groaned, his cock throbbing within you. He pounded into you harder, his fingers digging into your hips almost painfully.
You could feel yourself hurtling towards the edge, the wave of pleasure cresting inside you.
Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, his thumb found your clit, circling and rubbing the swollen nub.
That was all it took. You came with a wail, your walls clamping down on his thick cock. Your vision whited out as waves of ecstasy crashed over you, rippling through your entire body.
As you trembled through the aftershocks, Fukuzawa continued to fuck you, his pace erratic, his breathing ragged. He groaned as his cock pulsed within you, spilling his hot release.
He paused for a moment, his weight holding you down before he slowly pulled his hips back, letting his softening cock slip out of your cunt. He hissed softly as he watched his seed slowly seep out of you, unable to resist the urge to use his fingers to push it back where it belonged.
The room was filled with the sound of your labored breathing, the air heavy with the scent of cum and sweat.
You were spent, your body languid and boneless in the aftermath of your passionate encounter. Fukuzawa gathered you tenderly into his arms, cradling you against his chest as he settled onto the sofa. His touch was gentle, almost hesitant, as he held you close.
For a long moment, you simply sat there together, catching your breath, your racing hearts gradually slowing. The silence between you was comfortable, weighted with the significance of what had just transpired.
Eventually, Fukuzawa shifted, pressing a kiss to your temple before murmuring in your ear, "Come home with me."
You pulled back slightly to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's wise?" you asked, a hint of playfulness in your voice despite the seriousness of the question.
Fukuzawa's mouth quirked up at the corner, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and determination. "Probably not," he admitted, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your bare shoulder. "But I find myself throwing wisdom to the wind where you're concerned."
You couldn't help but smile at that, a rush of affection and exhilaration coursing through you. This was uncharted territory, a leap into the unknown. But the thought of not taking that leap, of letting this chance slip through your fingers, was unthinkable.
"Well then," you said, your decision made, "lead the way."
Fukuzawa's grin widened, his hand tightening on your hip. "With pleasure."
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amorphousbl0b · 4 months
Arcane does a fun thing with its narrative Darkest Hour.
Or: yet another post about how insanely smart this show is and how absolutely genius its writers are (and how jealous of them I am).
For the uninitiated, the Darkest Hour is the moment just before the climax in which the heroes are at their lowest point. When the Avengers are scattered and Loki opens the portal in NYC, when the Falcon has escaped the Death Star but lost Obi-Wan, when the Fire Nation is set to annihilate the Earth Kingdom, when Frodo fails to destroy the Ring at the Crack of Doom. The heroes must confront their flaws and change for the better for a happy ending.
Arcane’s darkest hour is, of course, in Act 3. One might place it at the very end of episode 9, and that’s certainly where the story is at its most hopeless. But I’d contend it starts as early as the end of episode 8 and carries on through the entirety of episode 9.
After all, that’s when Caitlyn and Vi have separated, lost all hope, and Cait is kidnapped by Jinx. Jinx’s mind is fully gone and throughout the episode everything falls apart around her. Silco is losing control of his chembarons and may well have lost his daughter, the thing most precious to him, and is only barely keeping his powerful façade in line. Zaun has realized how ridiculously outmatched they are in a war with Piltover and the revolutionary cause has become almost impossible. Viktor has manslaughtered his assistant and may never be cured. Jayce has manslaughtered a child and finally realizes how quickly he’s losing his morals. Mel and her mother are fully separating and she is struggling with her warlike destiny. Sevika gets the absolute snot beat out of her and limps to an empty office without a boss.
So yeah. Lot of personal Darkest Hours going on.
“But what’s the interesting thing?” I hear you ask in my ear. I don’t know why I hear you. Shut up. I’m writing. Are you even real?
Excuse me.
Arcane’s interesting twist on the Darkest Hour lies in part of the trope that I didn’t mention. That’s in the villain.
Most stories with a clear-cut villain have a plot structure something like this:
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Whether things are going well for one side is inversely proportional to the other. During the Darkest Hour, when the hero is at their weakest, the villain is at their most dominant.
Wait… isn’t Silco the villain of Arcane? Not to be too blunt, but he’s having a shit time. Things are falling apart for him just as badly as for everyone else.
That's the trick. Caitlyn and Vi are suffering. Jinx is suffering. Silco is suffering. Jayce is suffering. Viktor is suffering. Zaun as a whole is suffering. There is only one party in the whole story that isn't suffering, that actually is benefitting from this horrid state of affairs...
Kidding. They're not really a part of this dance. A big part of Arcane's theming is that acting to help people without an agenda is simply more virtuous than fighting for any invariably-flawed nation that innately perpetuates the cycle of violence.
No, the side that is doing fine is the other that is conspicuously absent from my two prior lists. While the characters that make up its leadership are experiencing personal Darkest Hours, the organization itself is essentially on top of the world, having just scored a huge victory and getting set to bring the war to an end before it even begins. I mentioned how poor the situation for the Undercity looks, but not its counterpart.
Wasn't it so that Piltover started this whole mess? Didn't their oppression cause the revolt that orphaned Vi and Powder's parents? Isn't it their actions that drive Silco to ever greater extremes? Isn't it their normalized political backstabbing that causes Jayce to sacrifice his principles because that's the only way to get ahead? Isn't it their corrupt police force that lets Silco operate his drug empire with impunity?
Silco might look the part. He might be the most personally evil character, might be the one who causes the most misery for our main protagonists Vi and Powder.
But structurally, the shining city of Piltover, its political machine, and its Enforcers are the actual villains of Arcane.
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tearful-bat · 10 months
yandere alphabet w! Damian Wayne
yandere!Damian Wayne x reader
word count: 1K
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? Damian isn't used to physical affection so I can't really see him giving his darling any. He’d probably show his love by buying you things and making paintings for you
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? Very - if someone was flirting with you he wouldn't be afraid of beating them to a bloody pulp or if he saw them as a real threat to your love he’d kill them
  Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? It kind of depends on how you react to him he would try to be a little kinder to you once he abducted you but if you kept trying to escape he’d hurt you and would mock your escape attempts.
  Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? If you kept defying him he’d probably do things against his darlings will other than that would generally only force you to sit beside him while he's painting, reading or working on cases because he enjoys your company
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? Damian's usually closed off with most people but since you are his darling and he’s infatuated with you he would try and be vulnerable and bare his heart to you - especially since he wants you to reciprocate his feelings. It’s canon that Damian reads Shakespeare so I imagine he’d try and bare his heart through poetic words 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? Wouldn't be afraid to hurt you if you fought back and would openly mock your attempts
  Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? Yes, is confident in his skills so he knows he can always find you when you escape but doesn't like it when you do but secretly enjoys it and watching your attempts at trying sometimes even lets you escape for the thrill of catching and punishing you
  Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? One time when he was angry and fed up with you escaping and you were running away from the manor he caught you and broke your leg
  Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? Would definitely want to marry you and probably have kids, but ultimately just want you to be there for him to comfort and nurse him
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? Absolutely, would yell at you if you got too close to someone and if someone was trying to flirt with you he would beat them bloody. In extreme cases, if someone was successfully courting you he would kill them
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling? He’d try to act sweet to you, would be more soft-spoken and encourage you to do activities with him
  Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? Would buy you anything you’d want and would try to win you over with poetic gestures and his art
Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? He acts totally different around you. He's less harsh and tries to be more gentle with you
  Naughty: How would they punish their darling? Would confine you to a room, take away things that made you happy like your TV or books and if you escaped wouldn't be very gentle in how he detained and brought you back to the manor would even starve you for a day or two
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? Not many, again he's confident in his skills so he’ll let you live quite freely in the manor
  Patience: How patient are they with their darling? When he first abducts you is quite patient with you but as time goes on he gets less.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? You’d probably never be able to escape and if you died he would just bring you back with the Lazarus pit
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Not really he feels abducting you was necessary and would never let you go
  Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? Growing up in the league and being Robin not getting enough attention from Bruce he craves affection so if you give him the slightest bit of affection and you don’t judge him in how he acts he gets infatuated with you
  SPOILERS!!! (for batman rebirth 2016) after the death of Alfred, Damian craves someone to give him and nurture him and he looks towards you for that
  Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? would feel slightly bad but he feels abducting you was necessary 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? He follows his father's no kill rule so will only kill unless he has to and once he abducts you lets you live quite freely
  Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? Not much, maybe his craving for affection from his darling might be able to use that to manipulate him
  Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling? Yes, deems it necessary in teaching you a lesson
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? Damian ultimately just wants you to love him. He's got daddy and mommy issues alright and just wants someone to care for him and he sees you as that person who can fulfil that so will do mostly anything to win you over
  Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? He would try to isolate you and get you to rely on him for things and manipulate you into trusting and spending time with him once he's got you in that position he would abduct you 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling? Wouldn’t want to but if it was his last option he would
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vienssunshine · 3 months
GUAAA you’re the best maki writer on this app istg /&;&;@/@/@-“&/ could you please write smth nsfw where the fem reader like gets jealous of yuuta cause she thinks something is going on between them?
She likes a boy but I'm not a boy
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pairing: Maki Zenin x fem!reader sfw: love confession word count: 1.5k author's note: thanks for the ask! not smut but def jealousy! enjoy! description: it's hard to find out maki and yuta have a thing, maybe a conversation with her could clear some things up
“Last lap!” Yuji calls out, his breath labored despite being far ahead of anyone else circling the track. It’s been twenty minutes of this drill—sprinting until you can’t feel your legs anymore—and with the sun beating down on you, it’s utterly grueling.
You were psyched to have the earlier training sessions this week along with Nobara, Panda, and Yuji, because, though getting up before sunrise is a challenge in itself, it tends to be cooler in the morning. With summer approaching quickly, having the afternoon sessions like Maki, Yuta, Inumaki, and Megumi do is a near death sentence.
However, this morning is uncharacteristically hot. The sun has only been up for the past hour, but its rays are blinding and oppressive. With no shade offered by Jujutsu High’s training facilities, all one can do is suffer until practice is over.
You cross the line and stumble off the field, making your way to the bleachers to lean back on the metal that’s too warm to cool your overheating body.
“I thought that would never end,” Yuji sighs, draping the shirt he had taken off over his forehead and pouring water onto it.
You reach for your water bottle, taking in the cool liquid in clumsy swallows before saying, “I don’t think I’ll be able to get back up.”
“Same here,” Nobara says, lying like a starfish on the grass in front of you. She glances at her watch and groans, “Only thirteen more minutes ‘til we go again.”
Panda sits up, somehow full of energy—you suspect he’s been using gorilla mode to make the drill easier—and says, “That should be enough for some of my favorite kind of break-time talk!”
Yuuji pulls his t-shirt off of his face, “Is it–”
“Sexy talk!” Panda exclaims.
“Gross,” Nobara says, throwing her empty water bottle at him.
“Not gross,” Panda counters, deflecting the bottle. “A necessary bonding experience for those on a team. Haven’t you ever heard of locker room talk?”
“I think that’s different,” you say.
“Yeah,” Nobara agrees, glowering.
“I’ll start,” Panda says, “Yuji, who do you think would make the best couple in Jujutsu High?”
Yuji crosses his legs and strokes his chin. “Umm…I don’t know…”
Nobara eyes him. “Spit it out.”
“Thought you didn’t like this kind of talk?” you say.
Nobara folds her arms, “Doesn’t mean he should take forever to answer.”
“Come on, Yuji!” Panda says, clapping his paws together.
Yuji sits back on his hands, “Maybe…Yuta and Maki?”
You furrow your brow. That’s a strange pairing.
“Great choice!” Panda says, looking smug, “I would agree.”
“What? Totally wrong!” Nobara objects, offended by the idea, “Maki isn’t interested in anyone, she doesn’t have time to be in a relationship.”
This isn’t making any sense. You sit up so you can face them. “Are you guys being serious?”
“Uh, yeah,” Yuji says, puzzled, “I thought they were kind of a thing?”
“Definitely,” Panda says, “I’ve always known.”
You pull your legs into your chest and rest your chin on your knee. This is not what you expected, or understood to be what was going on.
You’ve known Maki for a while, and she’s always been very friendly to you, well, as friendly as Maki can be. But still, she pays you extra attention, noticing the little differences in your appearance—like if you changed your hair or wore a new outfit—and following it up with a compliment that feels strangely intimate. She tends to touch you a lot as well, opting to brush by you rather than go around, or have her hand graze your forearm as she laughs at one of your not-funny jokes. So you’ve been thinking that maybe, after all this time, she might see you how you see her. But this conversation is making you wonder if it’s all in your head.
“Well, I guess if it had to be someone,” Nobara concedes.
“Just admit it, they’re made for each other,” Panda says dreamily.
You huff. Yuta and Maki are definitely close, but made for each other? What makes him so great? Just because he’s a special grade doesn’t mean he’s equipped to handle someone like Maki—he always looks like he’s two seconds away from crying. If what they’re saying is true, if they’re actually together…you’re not sure what you’ll do, but just thinking about it is heating your blood.
The conversation devolves into discussing what everyone’s type is, but you tune it out, instead searching your memory for the signs of Yuta and Maki’s special connection. You're not sure how you could've missed it if it was so obvious to everyone else.
The rest of training is easier now that you’re pissed off. Your form is sloppier as you run around the track, feet hitting the ground in hard, careless pounds, but you’re going much faster than you were; there’s less of a gap between you and Yuji.
You’re still angry when you shower, change your clothes, put on shoes, and go to class for the rest of the day. It’s good that Yuta and Maki are in the afternoon sessions of training, you’re not sure you’d be able to stay composed with how you’re feeling right now.
The day cools as the sun goes down and, after trying and failing to talk your feelings out to one of your stuffed animals, you resort to finding a late night snack in hopes of soothing your inner turmoil.
Only, when you get to the communal kitchen, there’s a light on, and under it, sitting at the table, is Maki watching something on her phone.
She looks up when you walk in. “Hey,” she says, an interesting smirk on her face.
“Hey,” you respond, passing by and heading to the cabinet to grab some chips. You debate going back to your room—you’re not sure if hanging out with her tonight is a good idea—but the urge to stay wins, so you sit down in the chair next to her and open the bag.
Maki puts her phone down and rests her elbows on the table, clasping her fingers together and tilting her head as she says, “I heard you were talking about me today.”
Looking straight ahead, you say, “Did you?”, and put a chip in your mouth and chew. “Maybe you should tell Yuta about it.”
There’s that attitude you were worried about slipping out. You don’t want to give her a hard time, you’re just frustrated, because Yuta? Over you? Really? But then she laughs, and despite everything, it’s immensely gratifying.
“Yeah, you guys were saying we’re a thing or something,” Maki says, expression calming into a soft yet devious smile.
She’s baiting you, though you don’t know why. Her golden gaze is as heavy and intense as the sun this morning as she searches your face for any reaction. It’s peculiar behavior if she likes someone else—unless you’re misinterpreting again.
You’re as casual as can be when you ask, “Aren’t you guys a thing?”
Maki responds matter-of-factually, “Yeah, we are.”
You cough, nearly choking on your chip. That confirms it, confirms everything you were worried about. Maki likes someone else. A boy. Your mind spins, trying to make sense of the situation. Panda and Yuji had a better read on the situation than you? You had just imagined the tension with Maki? The one thing you can conclude is that you were totally wrong.
Maki hands you her glass of water, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you force out, taking a sip. “That’s great,” you say, “For you and Yuta.”
She laughs again. “Don’t ever become an actress.”
You break out into a stupid smile, “I’m serious.” Putting the chips down, you try to recover. Obviously this is terrible news, but you still have to be a good friend. “Really, that’s great. I’m happy for you.”
“Stop,” she says, waving her hand, “We aren’t really.”
“We aren’t really a thing,” she says, her hand landing on your forearm like it always does. Only, this time, it stays there. “I just wanted to see how you’d react.”
She moves her thumb along your skin, and though her strokes are gentle, the sensation is electric. No doubt she’s noticed how your arm has lit up in goosebumps.
“Why?” you ask, your voice quieter than it was, anticipatory. You don't want to be wrong again.
She speaks slowly, her gaze holding steady. “Because, I don’t want to be a thing with Yuta”—her fingers give your arm a squeeze—“I want something with you.”
It doesn’t register at first, the words not sinking in, rather just sitting there, utterly impactful. Her amber eyes watch yours as you tell it to yourself again: Maki doesn’t want Yuta, she wants you.
Your friend, who for months you’ve longed for, dreamed of, desired, Maki, she likes you back.
There’s no room for air in your body, not with the surge of excitement pushing up through your chest. Everyone else—Panda, Yuji, Nobara—they didn't know what they were talking about. Maki wants you.
Your hand lands on hers without consulting your head first. Then you’re leaning forward, leaning closer to her, and you echo the sentiment, whispering you’ve much you’ve wanted this. She smiles before your lips meet; the kiss was mutually long-awaited.
And so, in the dimly lit kitchen, a secret romance was born. Would the others get it right this time?
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devilmen-collector · 4 months
WHB Theory: Vessels of God's Sinful Emotions
A theory I have after reading Chapter 5 and discussing with @sparkbeast20
This post ofc will contain spoilers up to Chapter 5 and religious theme
(God, please forgive me for writing this because I have to use Your name for PB's fictional version of You)
God possesses sinful emotions
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Firstly, in Story 5-64, we have Bimet says God was greedy and jealous, meaning he had Greed and Envy, to which Glasyalabolas replies by saying God possessed other deadly sins as well, namely rage/Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, arrogance/Pride. He fails to mention Lust but we still don't know whether it has a deeper meaning or it's just Glasya is making examples and Lust just happens to not be in the examples listed.
I. God doesn't want these sinful emotions
My theory, God doesn't want the sinful emotions in him. There may be several reasons, maybe because he doesn't want sins, we all know too well why the Seven Deadly Sins are preached against and virtues are praised in real life, the consequences of the Deadly Sins are evil things such as murder, rape, oppression, corruption and many other evil actions. So God decided to keep the virtues within himself while removing the sins. But since those deadly sins are attributes of God, he couldn't just remove them and throw them away carelessly, he needed something to store them.
II. The 7 Kings were created directly by God, not through a pair of parents
We do know that devils don't give birth, but having their children made according to their likeness by Lilith. Even so, the devil child is considered children of the parents who requested Lilith to make a child. Some of the nobles have been proven to be born in this way (Andrealphus, Amon, Buer). Exception is the Unholyc, born through the union of Asmodeus and a human female, their case is procreation just like human.
However, my theory that I have been telling my friends since months before the game's release and the kings are created directly by God.
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In Story 5-86, we have an NPC angel telling us about the rumors that subject no. 87 (Leviathan) was created carefully by God. My point here is why is this angel saying God "created it carefully", aren't all created by God? Why making the difference? So there are at least 2 different ways in which one is created by God. The superior one is that one's body and soul are both crafted by God directly. The inferior one is that one's body is created by God but indirectly through procreation of the parents (as in the case of human) or Lilith (as in the case of normal and noble devils), God only infuses the soul the moment life begins.
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In Story 5-96, Valefor says that it's difficult to create a body equals or surpasses one that God created for Mammon. (My opinion: it's impossible lol). So Mammon's no different from Levi that he had his body created by God directly.
If it has been the case with two of the seven kings, I think it's safe to assume it applies to other kings too. Lucifer's a little different because he was an angel but since he was God's favorite Seraph, I think he falls into the same category of having the privilege of having God created his body directly.
Another proof is that you have never heard the kings mentioning a parent. For some of the nobles, their parents were mentioned (Buer, Amon, Andre, etc.) But for the kings, just no mention of parents at all (excluding Levi because he was kidnapped as a child), even though devils are immortal (they only die if they are wounded in a battle or a serious accident).
III. God created the 7 Kings for a very special purpose
The next question is why did God have to create them directly, different from all the others? It's understandable if they were the first generation demons whom God needed to create directly then let them make/give birth to the next generation, who would make/give birth the generation after that and so on. However, the kings are not first generation demons, there are demons who are older than them (Gusion is one example). So there must be a special reason why the kings got such a special treament.
Returning to what I was saying at the start, God wanted to remove the sins and he needed something to store the sins. And God, being the omnipotent Creator, he could create the solution himself by making 7 vessels to store the sins. And since demons/devils were made with evil attributes, the vessels were created living devils. And because they are devils keeping God's Deadly Sins inside, they are stronger than any other devils, and God made them kings. Remember the kings and the nobles keep saying they were chosen by God to be kings and nobles but they don't know why. I think the kings are appointed kings to hide the facts they are vessels storing God's Deadly Sins, this only God knows (perhaps Solomon too since God favors our peepaw).
In Lucifer's case, he was created an angel, yes, but remember, God can foresee the future. To explain it in religious term, God can see all the possibilities but he knows which possibility will become the future with 100% precision. God saw Lucifer falling and included him in the grand plan so he only needed to create 6 vessels more beside Lucifer (remember God had Sloth so it makes quick work for him).
IV. The kings are the original and only deadly sins
So that lets to another point of mine, which is the current 7 Deadly Sins are the original and only Seven Deadly Sins and kings of Hell. There is no king before them.
V. Sinful Divine Power
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In Story 4-87, after hearing MC could die by Levi's hands, Satan gives in to his rage too much that it affects the surrounding environment, even nearly killing other devils, the only devil who isn't affected is Mammon, another king and Satan's equal.
Since the Deadly Sins came from God, if the kings don't or can't put their sins in check, they could bring disaster, even upon devils who they are supposed to protect.
VI. With Divine Power comes Divine Knowledge
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Leraye tell us in the chatroom that only the 7 Deadly Sins know why God disappeared. It could be understood that God told the Sins why he had to go or they saw what happened to him. But I believe in another possibility. God disappeared mysteriously, no one knows where he has gone or why he disappeared, but since the 7 kings have with themselves the sinful attributes of God, they get a glimpse of divine knowledge on why God disappeared.
In the event "Where is Beelzebub?", Beelzebub says while Bael is sleeping about "things that are going to happen soon", which could be understood to be about MC/us. So how could he know that? I used to think Lucifer told him, of which I got the impression after knowing he owes Lucifer something. But could it be that he knows about MC from the Divine Knowledge in which he gets to participate. (Tbh, now I think about it, if Lucifer told him, then where did Lucifer get the info from, God doesn't seem like the kind to tell him, given how he let him fall, so Lucifer must have known it from the Divine Knowledge of his Pride too).
In conclusion, the 7 Deadly Sins are living vessels of God's sinful emotions. And thanks to that, they get access to powerful divine abilities.
That's all I'm able to put down from my brain for now. Please let me know what you guys think <3
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kangaracha · 4 months
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n i send in a job application, you get a new chapter. the world continues to go round. (i also got two skz albums for writing my application, and a bonus chan card for walking up to the counter with $150 worth of skz merch in my arms (she was like damn i wonder what group this girl likes the most what a mystery))
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At some point in the last two months, you'd become more used to the presence of eight boys than you'd realised.
The thought only makes the quiet air of the studio all the more oppressive as you sit on the floor, legs stretched out before you as you wait for the livestream to load. You'd spent plenty of time in here alone since joining their group, but not as much as you have in the past week, with the boys gone from the moment they woke up to the late hours of the night on schedules and promotions. It was strange to be here for twelve hours or more and not hear a single voice coming through the door, to wander up to the cafeteria for lunch and not see them, or Minseo, or even the other trainees you'd worked with for so many years, your personal rhythms no longer lining up with the regimen of classes and mealtimes and monthly evaluations, which you know are drawing close without even having to check.
Even your home is lonely, the empty rooms echoing with no voice to respond to you. You haven't had your own room since you left Australia all of six years ago. You've never had your own apartment. You're not sure you know what to do with it anymore.
The livestream erupts in a burst of noise and colourful pixels, clarifying slowly into a picture of a stage. You've missed most of the opening performances, not watching the time as you practised. You've seen them all three times this week already; you'll probably see them all again next week as well. And if you said that watching the rookie groups in the earlier stages of the show didn't make you a little bit jealous, you'd be lying, especially this of all weeks.
(If you said that watching the boys perform God's Menu didn't make you a little bit jealous, you'd be lying too, but you won't allow that thought to cross your mind.)
As if summoned by the thought of them, they flash up on the screen, one at a time, and then as a group as the stage begins; senior idols, playing top billing on a weekly show watched by millions, a position you have no business being in. And yet here you are, sitting in their studio and watching their shows and thinking that it should have been you and you've been cheated again.
A shiver that has nothing to do with the music or the sweat that clings to your skin runs down your spine. Were you just being conceited about this whole debut thing; signing this contract to join a senior group, watching other debut groups like you had the right to be out there with them, occupying this private dance studio as if it is your own space, as if you'd earned the right fair and square to leave the darker, shared spaces of the fourth floor rooms, where all the other trainees ground away at their skills with only hope in their future. 
Weren't three missed debuts just three signs that you'd ignored that maybe this wasn't the life promised to you?
Your phone vibrates, a text notification from Minseo covering Felix's face. Your thumb hovers over it, the desire to ask where she is and what she's doing tugging at your breastbone. You let it slide away though; she's been at different schedules all day too, if she is even home yet, and night is drawing on quickly. You're exhausted anyway; you'd probably fall asleep in the first five minutes of a movie, or even midway through a bowl of icecream.
You need to keep practising anyway. That was the key to this debut you'd stolen off of fate; every minute of every day spent in this studio, until you made it or they dropped you. You already know how it feels to look back and see an hour or a day that could have been spent getting better, and you'd hated it; this time, even if you never debuted, no one would say that you didn't try. No one would call you lazy.
(But the wrong look was what they had said, not lazy. Just not pretty enough, just the wrong face in the wrong lineup in front of the wrong man. It was one thing to fail out of merit; it was another to fail because of the way you were born.)
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98 @weirdhumanbeinglol @morinuu @the-weird-mold-in-the-sink @bokkiesplace @amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @skzstaykatsy @blackhairandbangs @jungkookies1002 @hyuuukais @imsiriuslyreal @thatonedemigodfromseoul @gini143 @mercurywritesstuff @splat00z @filmbypsh @palindrome969 @crabrangoongirl25 @enzos-shit
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