#you are the same person you were 30 years ago. everyone else has changed
itstimeforstarwars · 2 months
Going insane about time travel stories again.
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skippyv20 · 9 months
Hi Skippy! I was thinking this morning about how blessed  this entire community is to have you as our fearless leader. I’ve followed you for years, and have often sought your advice and counsel on many very personal issues. You never fail to come through with wisdom, empathy, and kindness. So thank you for being you and shining some much-needed light onto this world. 
I wanted to give you a long-overdue update. I am the attorney anon who wrote last year about mental health, job, and family struggles, including a challenging marriage, a child with special needs, and a new diagnosis of bipolar disorder after suffering 30 years with wrong diagnoses and medication.
First the good news: my moods have stabalized on a new cocktail of meds, and I haven't had a severe depressive episode for almost a year! My mania is better too, but I do have some uncomfortable side effects. I am on lithium, and I worry about kidney issues and/or developing diabetes, which are two possible side effects.
Second bit of good news - I'm now working back at my old organization. If you told me that this time last year, I'd never have believed you. I was convinced my days as an atty were over because of my mental health issues. I considered filing for disability. The role is one I haven't held in 8 years, I had moved onto a prestigious position in that org before jumping ship to another org for a promotion. So it's a bit humbling to be back in this role, but I'm grateful to be here. I was stuck in a nightmare at my last job, which included at the end fighting disability discrimination.
Bad news: I still worry about my son, who is now 7, and doesn't seem to be where he needs to be. I've done everything for him, 4-5 different therapies a week since his premature birth. He has a physical disability and, while he is very smart and can keep up with his class, he just seems different than other boys his age.
My husband is incapable of providing emotional support, and I do think sometimes I'm in an emotionally abusive relationship. I am not happy, he is not happy, but I'm so afraid to cut the cord. My brother is going through a divorce and I know if I do too it'll cause my elderly parents even more distress. But this is a guy who - get this - snapped at waiters who came to the table carrying (free) cake to sing  happy birthday a few weeks ago. It was crazy and scary, and i just don't want to deal with a person like this anymore. I'm 42 now, not in my mid-30s like when you told me to be strong and leave him years ago...is it too late? I see signs of aging when I look in the mirror and I've gained some weight. I'm worried I've lost all of my appeal and don't want to be alone. My husband is very responsible and does do a lot of things around the house and for our son. If he didn't, it'd be a no brainer to divorce, but maybe it's worth salvaging for the help with things I can't always get to because of my issues? Not to mention our son would be crushed. 
Hi! So nice to hear from you. Thank you for such kind words, but I must say…I am NOT a leader. I am just here struggling along with everyone else. We get through one day at a time, together! Nice to know some things have changed. That is so wonderful your meds are working so well. Don’t spend time worrying about the side effects. If you focus on those you are robbing yourself of joy. If you just keep going for your scheduled appts with your doctor, he will be watching for you.
I understand what you mean about being in one job and going back to another. I was working as a secretary in the government. I was chosen to create a new intake position, that was non existent. It was a six month term. At the end of the six months, I was back as a secretary being supervised again, by the same woman I had been supervising for six months. Everyone thought it was so strange. I didn’t though. I look at things differently I guess. A job is a job, and whatever it is, as long as you know you are doing the best you can….it doesn’t matter what the job is. You just take it one day at a time. After all, a job is not your whole life…right?
Children are strange little things. They do things at their own rate. He sounds like he is doing very well, he is keeping up! Great job! Seems different than other boys? That is ok…your child is who he is….it’s not a contest. Different is ok. My daughter was different as a child, an old soul. She is different now as she is bipolar. There are quirks….makes life interesting…..embrace him, just as he is….
I will always advise anyone who is being emotionally or physically abused to leave. You say you aren’t happy, and he isn’t happy? Perhaps a marriage counsellor? People get too comfy in their lives, and don’t want to change things. No one likes the unknown future. You mention your parents, and your son being distressed? Timing is always a problem…when is the best time? You say your husband is a great help…see to me…there must still be something there, I couldn’t find one good reason to stay with my ex, and believe me…he did all the cooking, he cleaned like no other, he did everything….that was one of the biggest problems for me…I couldn’t do anything, he told me that all the time.
Bipolar people can see things differently. They can hear things said one way only….it will be negative. It takes time, love and patience to communicate with someone who is bipolar. People don’t understand that unless you tell them. I have had to learn to speak to my daughter differently. Maybe you need to explain that to your husband. If you want to save this marriage, it will take work on both sides. Communication is everything. I know some think being bipolar one just needs meds….no…not true. It’s much more involved than that.
Anyways, I am so proud of you! You sound so much better. I really, really appreciate you dropping by, so nice to hear from you. You are in my prayers. I send love and hugs….and…thank YOU for staying with me!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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strozzaprete · 3 months
hi. i feel so awfully bad and i need somewhere to vent and im so sorry to do it here but i need someone to just. tell me what to do or how to feel. this is pathetic and i apologize and you can always just dismiss this ask. sorry.
but, see, i'm in high school (already inherently bad) and i have no friends but my boyfriend. he is really an amazing dude and i know i shouldn't send this to quote unquote misandrist blogs but whatever. he is truly fantastical, somehow.
as i said, i have no friends, and it's been that way for... a good while, aka years. i've been bullied a considerable amount and my mind itself is not the prettiest landscape. i am frequently alone, constantly lonely, and rarely happy. my only relieves are my family (sometimes, not even always because it can be a very toxic environment too) and my aforementioned boyfriend.
he has helped all the way through my eating disorder and all other troubles - i don't self diagnose, but, just so you can get an idea, the BPD and depression type. we see each other every day at school. he is the only person i know i can always count on. the two only other people i sometimes talk with and laugh with, both girls ive known forever (been at this school since kinder), are often pretty mean and have no problem ignoring me when they want to. my boyfriend never does that. never has.
but now he is changing schools too because he also is having a shitty time without much friends. and i cannot change schools because of budget. but i simply don't know what to do without him every day in my life. i dont know who'll help me when ive been so down i cannot listen at all in class and cannot understand the work. i dont know who i'll sit with. i don't know how i'll have lunch all alone and feel this invading me again. he had helped me be calm so many many many times and now it's so gone and i'll be without anyone once more and i've been proven right that everyone ends up leaving me. he'll have a better life than me and i'll stay in this cursed place imprisoned while he is out meeting people so much better than me in all aspects. he swears by his mother he'll keep in contact and not fall for anyone else but how am i supposed to believe that when i am so inherently unloveable? why wasn't i enough for him to not leave? why does he leave when he can still hang out with me? why can i be able to endure having no friends, but he can't?
there's no way to convince him to stay, and i don't want to go around begging him and, even worse, affect his academic future, given he is going to a "better" school.
i'm so sorry. i send this to u because everyone else here on radblr is like. 30. and that'd be uncomfortable for both.
please remember u can just delete this. god. sorry again
i know this feels like the end of the world right now but it'll pass. i've even graduated postgrad now but i haven't finished high school that long ago really, and for the first couple of years it was basically the same for me – minus the boyfriend lmao. i know it sucks. teenagers were fucking horrible in my time so i can't even imagine what they're like in 2024. i am so sorry you're in this rut right now but remember that even if it feels so far away high school will eventually finish! it'll be so liberating, and it'll be easier to find people you actually want to spend time with, especially if you continue your studies.
it pains me that you're putting so much importance on a single person who is not you. the only piece of advice i can really give you is to try to get to know yourself a bit more, and get to the root of your discomfort – you're not inherently unlovable, your life experience might have lead you to integrate that into your belief system because it's a normal reaction to the bullying. i know it's easy to say and hard to do but you must learn how to be comfortable with yourself because at the end of the day you're the person you're going to spend your entire life with. your personality will shine through and the people who are right for you will eventually find you. (fuck those mean "friends"! you deserve better)
you're young so i know everything is so intense for you right now, and i understand, honestly i usually don't respond to anons like these cause idk if i'm equipped to give real advice, but really i was an infamously shy weirdo loner and everything gradually got so much better towards and after the end of high school and now i'm literally unrecognizable lmao while the "cool" people in my class stayed the same... and they were only really "cool" in high school. this entire post sounds like a cliché i know lmao but it all changed once i realized that these people ain't shit... but i am lmao. because i slowly got to know myself, figured out what i liked doing more than anything else (listen to music), and specifically because i told myself so. i started standing up for myself against some things that i wasn't okay with, like bullying (and for a considerable amount of times i was bullied by teachers lmao). and i wasn't always successful but it helped build my character in the long run. i also stopped reacting to stuff that was going wrong by being self-deprecating or making suicidal jokes, even if they were just in my head, and replacing them with some flavor of "i can't wait for this moment to pass/high school to finish". it sounds stupid but it really works. and it gives you something to look forward to. i really wish you the best
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork, 1967 and 1969. Photos by Nurit Wilde (screenshots from the documentary Laurel Canyon: A Place In Time), and by Henry Diltz. [click to enlarge].
“Peter Tork…..I miss him. He was such a kind and wonderful human being!❤️” - Nurit Wilde, Instagram, June 13, 2021
“Peter was a mensch…such a generous person in every way you can imagine. I miss him.” - Nurit Wilde, Instagram, January 30, 2021
“He was indeed [a gentle soul]. Also very kind, generous and thoughtful. I miss him.” - Nurit Wilde, Instagram, November 10, 2020 (x)
“I lived on Lookout Mountain, and then I lived to Tork’s house. Peter was like my best friend. I was always taking pictures of Peter. I took more pictures of him than anybody else. So good — a mensch, as they say.” - Nurit Wilde, Laurel Canyon: A Place In Time
“I think I was a sort of Gatsby [during the Monkee years]. I was isolated and did not have a continuing sense of community. I'd have a moment of friendship here or there, a moment of sharing, but I didn't believe that was the main body of my life. I didn't know who my friends were, and anytime somebody asked me for a favor I wrote them off as a hang-around. And I wasn't able to ask people for favors, because I was supposed to have all that it took to keep myself together, because I had the money. At the same time, by giving the money away, I thought I was returning something to the community. I didn't see myself as apologizing, which is how I see myself now. But I had all this money, and I tried to make amends to the world by throwing it at people. And, essentially, what that did was to isolate me all the more.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984)
“Poor Peter Tork of the Monkees, he was so sweet. We stayed with him part of the time, and the Digger boys just about emptied his house. I really regret their doing that.” - Jeff Kisseloff, Generation on Fire (2007)
“Peter Tork of the Monkees generously offered a place to say while Elsa and the others worked the town. ‘He was sweet,’ says Elsa with some chagrin, ‘and I felt bad because the [Digger] boys ripped him off for everything that was liftable.’” - Sleeping Where I Fall: A Chronicle (1999)
“He has an almost naive belief in the basic goodness of his fellow man (a trait which hasn’t changed one iota through the years), and he thinks there is hope for everyone. […] Most of the people who live with him (there are seven now) have known Peter for years. Since money has no value to him, he lavishes his money on his friends. Peter has spent thousands of dollars just helping, with no thought of getting repaid. (That much has changed — a few years ago Peter couldn’t give much more than a sympathetic ear.) [...] With all those people living with Peter now, he has very little privacy, but apparently it isn’t missed. Everyone at the house is working and ‘doing their thing,’ and the house is a simple, unpretentious, very lived-on home. As one person living there puts it[,] ‘It’s a happy, productive household, so full of love you can’t quite believe it.’” - Judy Sims, Disc and Music Echo, May 11, 1968 (x)
“I did make a pretty fair amount of money with the Monkees. Not much by today’s standards, but a pretty fair amount. But I let it all go because I didn’t understand value then. I didn’t understand value in myself. What I’ve learned since then is you can’t handle money well if you don’t have an appropriate sense of self-value.” - Peter Tork, Toxic Fame: Celebrities Speak on Stardom (1996)
“[J]ust everybody tried to take advantage of the Monkees and then turned their backs when they began to slip: I saw Peter do a real lot of things for Steve Stills but there was a time when Peter wasn’t allowed on Stills’ property when the Rolling Stones were visiting. Poor Peter, he bought David Crosby a boat and stuff but they all bled him dry with peace signs and bullshit.” - Lynne Randell, quoted in Monkeemania: The True Story of The Monkees (1997)
Q: “How did you manage to keep sane within that madness?” Peter Tork: “I either didn’t notice, I didn’t care, or I didn’t permit it. It was that easy, generally. I only know in retrospect how badly I was ripped off.” Q: “Do you mean financially?” PT: “Largely financially. I let it happen to myself. You know what they say about a fool and his money.” - Goldmine, 1982 (x)
“[Peter had] always found the fame hard to handle. ‘I gave a lot of my money away when I was younger – just left it in bowls around the house and people would help themselves to handfuls of it,’ he says. ‘I wasn’t thinking too clearly at the time and it might have been my low self-esteem, thinking that I didn't deserve to keep the money, but it wasn’t really that bright, was it?’ he laughs. ‘I mean, there’s nothing wrong with giving money away to people, but give it where you can do some good.’” - Daily Mail, August 14, 2015
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mockerycrow · 4 months
Did you have a list of questions you brought with you to the recruiter? If so what were they? I’m planning on talking to a recruiter in late March/early April, I’ve been wanting to join the Navy for about a year and now that I’m finally coming up on the dates I’ve been planning I’m super anxious about what I’m even supposed to say walking into a recruitment office. Thankfully I’ve already picked a few jobs I’m interested in and a couple weeks ago I took my asvab so I’m just waiting on the results from that and asking everyone Ik about what I should say, but my dad was a marine like 30 years ago so the advice I’m getting certainly isn’t the most updated. Anyways, sorry for rambling I’m just super excited to hear that someone else has the same plan as me and honestly at this point in my life this is a topic I could talk about for hours! I lost a little over 30lbs so I can join as well, and HM is my second choice for the rates I’m interested in, it’s super cool to hear someone so similar :)
why are we lowkey twinning rn!!! don’t apologize for rambling, i appreciate folks talking about this with me. this is long, so i added a cut.
I did not have a list of questions because I had been doing massive amounts of research, although I do have one question I probably should’ve asked my recruiter (which is what HIS experience in RTC/bootcamp was like and what he thinks is important to focus on whilst in RTC). If you haven’t used this yet, I 100% recommend joining the subreddit r/newtothenavy. Use the search option and tons of posts for questions for your recruiter will pop up. I also began to consider the Navy around early April of 2023. One huge question I personally recommend is what your recruiter thinks of the Navy and what their experience in it has been like.
My recruiter personally went over his pay stubs (he’s been in since 2007) and his advancement, as well as the opportunities he’s had. Of course he also went over A school, C, school, he also went over several different programs known as CLEP and the GI bill, and he also went over a program which i forgot the acronym for, but it’s basically a program where you can earn civilian certificates for the work you do in the Navy. This is a newer thing and it was implemented because in the past, you could serve twenty years and leave the service and whilst being an excellent electrician, you would still be placed as an apprentice at an electrical company despite being the best trained due to the lack of valid certifications.
Your recruiter will ask you some questions about yourself, medical history, etc. They will hand you several forms to sign—note, none of these are legally binding, These forms are strictly confidentiality forms for your privacy and are medical release forms. You will not sign a military contract until you go to MEPS and pick your rate (rate being navy’s word for MOS, military occupational speciality, or simply just your job. i know you know what this means, just letting everyone else know LOL). It used to be you signed your contract in the recruiters office, but they changed that. Not sure how long ago, though.
My primary option is to be an HM, but my recruiter said to make sure I pick a second option in case I can’t get my first. He said I score high enough on my practice ASVAB to be an HM, but just in case! My father is a Navy vet but he served late 70s, so I totally get you about getting outdated information. I also have lost 30 lbs (13.6 kg for all of my non americans)! I need to lose more weight as I’m short, but I’m working on it.
My PERSONAL advice? Do not lie to your recruiter, but don’t say more than necessary. If it isn’t documented, you don’t need to mention it as it technically never happened. If it is documented? Do not withhold that information because they WILL eventually find it.
If you have any more questions, don’t be afraid to send them in.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Hi! We have a lot of replies related to our previous posts today, plus some random ones :) All twst-related, quite a lot of AzuIde ones.
Anonymous asked:
Hello hello! Just popping in to say I love your art before disappearing and lurking silently behind the screen and just liking your posts for the next few months! From one fan in a fandom populated with antis to another, thank you for your service in creating the tastiest pieces ever seen in the Twisted Wonderland fandom!
Hi Anon! Ahhhh thank you so much for your kindness and support, we really appreciate it! <3
You’re very welcome, and thank you again. We’re so lucky to have people who are into our stuff following and supporting us. Let’s keep having fun with this amazing cast and 19812739187 potential relationships and scenarios that they could have.
Anonymous asked:
In reference to the last question about Idia and Azul, when in their relationship did the comic about Idia losing the board game and being forced to, ahem, “compensate” for it take place? Were they a thing or was Azul just being a creep? 😅
(this is related to the first reply from here and this comic)
A little bit of both lol When I was drawing it, I had in mind that even if they weren’t dating by that point, they already had something. They’re already flirty, maybe even had sex a couple of times…
Which doesn’t mean that Azul isn’t being a creep mind you lol
Anonymous asked:
I saw a sketch you posted with fem!Idia and just plain old regular Azul and I was wondering if that changes their dynamic at all?
I actually did talk about it, but it was about a year ago, so I’ll reiterate!
For the majority of aspects of their relationship it would stay the same. But Azul is all about keeping appearances and creating a certain image to make a good impression (and then profit from it), so at times he’ll try to act like a perfect boyfriend (or even fiancée): he’d bring flowers, talk about inviting Idia to a romantic dinner. And it isn’t even 100% for Idia: it’s for everyone else to see how perfect their relationship is and to be jealous. He enjoys this role of a gallant princely… beau. Even though both of them know that Idia is (first and foremost) his friend who knows that he is as much of a nerd as she is… So Idia doesn’t play along.
Once again, it doesn’t happen all the time. For the most part they just play board games and talk shit about everyone, like they always do. But every once in a while they’ll start arguing because Azul wants his rich genius girlfriend to also look somewhat presentable, and Idia would absolutely hate that.
Then again, I guess Azul would do that to regular!Idia too…
Anonymous asked:
Dare I ask what Idia did that merited that “one little spank”?
(this is related to this comic)
He was probably being annoying lol Azul is that one person that Idia loves to poke, because he isn’t as terrified of him getting pissed at him. Well… maybe he should be.
Anonymous asked:
I know Idia is basically ass-less but I don’t think I’d be able to resist smacking it at least once just together his reaction. Hopefully, it doesn’t send him to the hospital….
Don’t worry, his ass (the lack of it?) is sensitive, but as long as you aren’t Azul or anyone else whose slap would break 30 bones, it’s all good! The prospect of hearing Idia’s terrified little “HIEE—!!“ is way too alluring.
artfulhero-m asked:
Your dick sucking headcanons got me thinking about how Azul can't because Azul be the kind of guy to put it in his mouth then immediately be able to tell exactly how long it's been since it was cleaned and also probably what that person last ate recently based off the pre and he is NOT risking his mood to be ruined because his partner's pre tastes like he was just chugging energy drink or something lol
(this is related to this post)
Omg yes absolutely. He has a lot of reasons not to want to put any dick in his mouth, and this is one of the major ones: he doesn’t need all that information, and he WILL judge that person and nag at him, especially considering that this certain someone chugs nothing but energy drinks…
characharing asked:
Riddle sucking like that hamster with the banana meme
Yes. Absolutely. Always. This is his spirit animal.
hipsterteller asked:
Rollo is probably bottom after seeing that art
(this is related to this art)
Yeah, he absolutely is… If being a bottom was a sport, Rollo would be a champion. And he is a virgin…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Every student LOVE Rollo, like wet dreams, love letters, collections of his stuff, the usual highschool/collage romance
Of course! His vice president is super lucky to be able to hang out with him more than the other guys, but every student loves Rollo.
Anonymous asked:
Who do you think Vil had his first time with?
While there are a lot of possible scenarios, we tend to think that Rook was his first. We have an entire post about their first time together! Another possible option is Jack, I guess.
Anonymous asked:
New headcanon, Rook likes to wake up Vil in the morning with a kiss like Snow White. His lovely beautiful Roi du Poison deserves to be awaken in a romantic fashion.
Awww, this is so sweet!
And also much more romantic than to just have Rook staring at Vil until he wakes up… He should definitely do that, Vil deserved it.
Anonymous asked:
After re-reading book six I gotta ask: Any opinion on Azul/Riddle? Thought towards the end they were kinda cute together but also the way Azul pushed for riddle to be both a doctor and a lawyer felt very "I can use you in the future"
I talked about them in our post about book six, and also we have a hc post about them!
We don’t really ship it much, but their interactions really are great. And I also really like the fact that Azul considers Riddle useful, I am 100% sure that they’ll exist in each other’s lives even after graduating NRC, even if they won’t be romantically involved with each other.
Anonymous asked:
I hope to one day see Lilia go through all the bottoms and leave them all shaking messes 🙏
Grandpa is too old for this type of gymnastics..! Just kidding, he’ll leave them all shaking messes lol And THEN he’ll collapse.
You know, I think out of all of our “tops”, Lilia has the most potential bottoms ship-wise… him and Floyd, both of them have quite a harem due to their flirty nature.
So yeah maybe one day you will see Lilia going through all of them. I would like to see that…
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horce-divorce · 3 months
I think that anon belied a common misconception among many well-meaning people, too, that is actually worth addressing, wrt my donation posts: I DONT usually get money from strangers, and I DONT put those posts up with any expectations at all! Sometimes they don't work! Sometimes we get nothing for weeks on end, or just $5 here and there, and we go a month without everything that we need, and we make do with what we can find anyway.
But the thing is, when I do put up a post and I ask for money, I'm NOT asking strangers. I have a TON of connections near & far that I talk to online. I'm putting out a call to all of my friends, giving them an update, and saying, "hey if any of you is better off right now, we could use a hand!" often my friends are no better off than me, and they can't help. that's fine! Its hard times for everyone! that's why I know they don't begrudge me for asking.
In fact, a lot of my friends send me money WITHOUT me asking!! one of my IRL friends has learned to recognize when I need more help and I'm playing it down. They gave me $60 just recently, after I waffled for hours about taking their money, and finally told them I could get by the rest of the week on $30-50. Another friend, someone I've known since we were toddlers, sent me $80 out of the blue several months ago just bc she missed us and was thinking of us, and she had a little extra. Last time we talked to her, I mentioned how our food stamps got cut, & we'd be out for another week. She venmo'd me $30 labeled "pizza tears" before we even got off the phone (which I think was hilarious fwiw). A different friend recently heard that Bel and I wanted to go on a date to taco bell, and when I said we could do it for under $20, she gave me $50 and said "make sure you get the cinnabons!!!" Another friend bought me winter boots and socks this year as soon as i said i didnt have any- THE best, warmest, cosiest socks I've ever owned. Last year, one (1) of my tumblr mutuals covered my ENTIRE cost of post-op care for top surgery. I said "I'll probably need $$$" and they covered all of it! That same person has bought me groceries, meds, and gas on many other occasions, too. All of these people are folks I've known for years either thru tumblr or IRL.
Very occasionally, it's a newer mutual or even a stranger. One time, when I was still on Twitter and very early in my transition, I said something about how gender affirming my old high school Chuck Taylor's were and how I missed them so. My mutual from another COUNTRY immediately sent me $60 for gender affirming Chuck Taylor's. I haven't spoken to that person since Twitter went south, sadly. If youre still out there, I named my shoes after you, Bergamot & Jones, and I think of you every time I step outside. Another time, a guy who wasn't even my mutual sent me a bunch of binders and boxers for free. Sometimes even my old coworkers from my mall days pop up out of the woodwork and send me 20 bucks or something.
I have more stories like this. Not even just about money. Like that guy who saw me pop a flat tire in the mall parking lot and insisted on changing it for me.
I actually also never feel guilty about asking for what I need, or accepting it, and you shouldn't either. I don't like this idea that you need to grovel and be exactly This self-flagellating and full of hatred and remorse to ride and earn one (1) morsel of kindness. What do I look like, a Catholic? You dont have to apologize for wanting to stay alive. You didn't ask to be born, and you weren't the one that put a price on living!
You know what I do instead? Pay it forward. Yes, I ebeg often, yet I, too, will sometimes send $5, $10, $30 to people I care about whenever we wind up with a little extra. You can't save money as a poor person anyway, it doesn't work, so why cling to my last few pennies when someone else could use it right now? I've watched Bel give away his last $5 to a different homeless person twice since we've been living in the car. One time we stayed and had dinner with the guy and his dog. He was a hitchhiker named Ray and he was SO interesting to talk to.
There are studies that show that the most generous people when it comes to donating are NOT the people with the most money. It's the poorest ppl in the community who have been or are in your shoes, and who know how you feel, who pitch in when you need it most. Hence the community $20. The idea that panhandlers are expecting something from well-off strangers who can't empathize with us is like... kinda silly lmao, we know most of those ppl hate our fucking guts and want us dead, actually. (Are rich ppl really just that threatened by the idea of sharing that they see someone going "help please (generally speaking)!" And they immediately go "ugh, ME????? How dare you ask ME specifically for MY hard earned money?????" Idk it kinda tracks.)
I also use a jovial tone in a lot of my posts because I have to ask for help a lot, and it gets tiring to everyone to constantly hear "I'm soooo sorry for being such a needy piece of GARBAGE, AGAIN, I really hate that i have to do this, but..." because that's just The Friend Who Is Apogizing For Breathing. That doesn't feel good to hear any more than it does to say, no one likes that. And yes SOME people DO want you to feel that way about needing help- but its not going to be the people who will help you, I promise you that. Also, think about what you're saying when you talk about yourself like that. Why are you garbage? Because the cost of living is too high? Because your boss doesn't pay you a living wage? Because your landlord wrings you dry? Because you can't afford your meds or food? How is any of that actually about you at all? How does being hungry and wanting to live make you garbage???
Deeply unfortunately, you also tend to get more attention with a chipper tone and a preemtive "thank you" instead of an "oh God oh God oh God I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry, fuck!!!!" I also won't imply urgency where there isn't any. Sometimes we DO need money asap and it's like, we'll literally be stranded in the woods with no food if we don't get it. But other times, we need money, but like, we have time to figure it out. I save the urgency for the times I really need it.
Instead I focus on the positive: I DO have a lot of friends who care about me, all over, and even strangers who care about me, too! Those people have been keeping my ass alive for YEARS! They shouldn't have to do that! I shoudlnt have to beg to continue to use my own organs! But also, how cool are my friends for being the realest commies I know??? They're not going to just let me die out here. Why would I be sad about that? Why would I feel bad about people caring about me and wanting to see me pull through? Why would I apologize for proving that the human loving spirit is in fact alive and well? In the times when there IS less urgency, I think it's just nicer to my friends to make a lighter hearted post once in a while- you know, for the ones constantly seeing this stuff and helping me out. I think it's nice to acknowledge them in a positive way, instead of always being like "god im do sorry that im STILL BREATHING, i know you guys HATE that!!!"
Like. Idk if this is making sense. Remember that post where the person was telling their partner, "I'm just so worried that you'll think I'm stupid and want me to shut up," and their partner said, "Thats kind of mean, I wish you wouldn't think of me that way"? It's like that. If your friends and mutuals wanted you to shut up and die and feel guilty for living, they wouldn't be sharing your posts or donating to you, and it's kind of... mean? To get off on that foot. It's like we expect people to only help us begrudgingly. Thats not true at all! Donation posts are optional. Most people who reply to them do so because they're in a position to help and they WANT to, because it makes them feel good.
It's thanks to my friends that I am still alive to make all these delightful posts for them to read. They want me to stay alive because they like having me around. So i try to continue to be that presence in exchange for their love and suppport, and yes, i will incorporate that into my posts asking for help, especially if its a less time-sensitive ask. Idk like, re-framing a situation and focusing on the positive is a basic coping skill from many types of therapy and I hate to say this but it really is good for you. (Also fwiw I try to always say "thank you" to every individual who sends me money, each and every time. Sometimes they don't let me send messages back thru the pay apps, and sometimes I forget, but I try to every time.)
Plus, damn near EVERYONE needs help right now! Poverty and income inequality and chronic houslessness and chronic ILLNESS are all at ALL TIME HIGHS. Pre-covid 25% of the population was disabled. I wonder what it will look like next time we get a handle on those numbers?
So just to be clear, again: I don't expect donations to pull us out of poverty! If that were realistic, it would have already happened, ive been doing this for a decade. I don't expect strangers to have a stake in our situation, either. All either of us want is to be able to keep living our lives as best as we can for as long as we can- and a lot of our friends, and other people, DO sympathize with that. That's a point of pride for the community I've chosen for myself. I refuse to feel guilty about surrounding myself with caring, wonderful people who actually read my posts. That sounds like a pretty big win for me actually lmao.
AND I refuse to feel guilty and self-deprecating over circumstances that are out of my control and don't actually weigh on my character whatsoever. Being disabled isn't a character flaw. Being unemployable bc of my symptoms isn't something that's "wrong" with ME. Being homeless during an ALL TIME RECORD HIGH of homelessness ISNT something thats "wrong" with "me," and it's not something I would want anyone else to feel guilty over, either! These things don't determine who I am as a person or the impact I have on the people around me. Clearly I continue to have a positive impact and be a good friend, or asking my friends for help wouldnt be keeping me alive. I simply don't have enough followers to get that much money from strangers lol. And I have more followers than a lot of people (around 1500 currently).
So yeah, this is to everyone else who's ever felt horrifically guilty for asking for help online or otherwise: even if you dont have a lot of connections and you ARE asking for help from strangers, needing one another isnt a character flaw! The people who care will WANT to help anyway, period. It makes people feel good to know they can help. And yes it does make people feel better to hear a "thank you! we are still alive and happy to be here!" Over a "fuck God I'm so sorry I'm still alive and burdening you all so with my high cost of breathing!!!!" I'm so sorry that you have to have a body! Me, too, bud. It's rough, but it's gonna be ok.
Anyway needing help is morally neutral. Now im just thinking about the way the upper class has poor people at each other's throats for the perceived "selfishness" of needing help- because in a world where you are constantly burnt out from work, and the value of a dollar is so horribly out of proportion to the effort it takes to earn, sharing that hard-won effort with anyone else does sometimes feel like too much. Im thinking about the way hoarding wealth & resources & keeping them behind paywalls is seen not only as morally superior but a sign of objective intelligence and life skills, vs how the way sharing is construed as foolishness, the way needing help to stay alive is construed as greed, while the upper class that literally stays healthy and youthful and thrives on the blood, sweat and tears of the lower class gets to pat themselves on the back for being morally superior, individualist, and "not needing anyone." Kinda makes me sick when I put it like that!
Anyway. Again, needing help is morally neutral, especially in this economy, and I refuse to hate myself for circumstances that aren't my fault and for having people in my life who are invested in me and want to see me pull through. Everyone deserves friends like that, and I hope you find them.
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urie · 1 year
do you mind going more in depth about why you don’t like dallon weekes
besides in general being boring and a bit of a wet blanket, which i guess isnt a crime necessarily, dallon is a ridiculous narcissist
when i was 19 dallon used to check my blog all the time to see what i was saying about him. he knew i didnt like him and he would often formulate replies to posts i specifically was making about him, and post them on fb or twitter, not tagging me directly but essentially quoting my criticisms right after i'd post them
dallon recognized me at shows and directly called me out in public and at a m&g once for not liking him or making jokes about him online. at the time it felt playful or whatever but as time goes on i feel more and more like it was a display of insecurity and ego, to be so concerned by what some teenager was saying about him on the internet that he checked my blog often and felt he should respond to me publicly, or in person, about it
and im not the only person who experienced this type of shit with dallon, there was an incident way back in 2014 or 2015 where he and breezy essentially went after a group of teenage fans because they criticized them. thats the type of behavior that was normal for him at the time. he was a man in his 30s, theres no excuse
beyond all of that i think dallon is a little slimy coward. he will not and has not definitively publicly said anything truly staunchly negative about brendon, but he went back on posts from like 7 years ago to change the captions and allow people to infer he was somehow a victim
but anyone who was around during too weird or doab era will remember that dallon's behavior at that time othered him from both the fans and the rest of the band. he acts as if he was being bullied by brendon, but brendon didnt do anything to him that he didnt do to kenny or zack or dan or, previously, spencer. why is it do you think that dallon is the only person who has ever tried to imply that brendon was a bully? everyone else that has worked with him publicly, from dillon francis to every time i die to fucking TAYLOR SWIFT, has sung his praises, said he was humble and kind and gracious, and you will be hard pressed to find a fan interaction where he was rude, cruel, whatever
dallon is so obsessed with victimizing himself, when its obvious to me that he was never going to be comfortable around the guys because 1) he didnt drink and 2) he was the only one of them who was a father and had that level of responsibility and 3) he is a practicing mormon and brendon himself has very complicated and valid reasons for being against the LDS faith and how it affected him growing up. the themes brendon often wrote about were about religion, his feelings about it, whatever. there was so much religious and subsequently anti-religious themes in the music and that was inevitably going to be offputting to dallon. keep in mind this is the same person who would get upset if brendon was singing songs from the book of mormon on the bus
dallon would talk shit about brendon to fans while he was literally on tour with the band. theres recorded evidence of this. how does this dude get lauded as mature and reasonable when his actions are often so petty and immature?
dallon could not hear about an islamophobic attack without making it about himself. dallon regularly has tiptoed around homosexuality or feminism. and i dont even give too much of a shit about that because obviously i stan brendon and i recognize when people fuck up and grow or whatever, but its so funny to me that dallon gets that pass when brendon doesnt
dallon making these sideways comments about being poor or not paid enough will always annoy me too. 1) he was a touring musician, 2) brendon urie himself was not cutting his checks, fueled by ramen was, 3) he was receiving royalties off of too weird airplay and streaming and live performances (and he still is), 4) HE AND BREEZY LIVED IN BEVERLY HILLS AT THE TIME, like talk about willfully living above your means. and beyond that he got to travel the world playing music and staying in expensive hotels at no cost to him while receiving exposure for his former projects and any that he might be involved with in the future (which is how idkhow has had its level of recognition). he had adoring obsessive fans sending fanmail and gifts and he is now, years and years later, biting the hand that fed him
and its not lost on me that dallon started changing these ig captions and making these nebulous, purposefully-vague comments right when the public shift on brendon started going south for whatever reason
because hes a coward, and he knows that any issues with brendon are simply personal grievances. if he had anything on him, if brendon was truly this evil guy who did him direct harm, you know he'd fucking say so, but he wont
he is an ungrateful narcissist who wants to be the victim sooo bad, sorry a bunch of guys in the band were messing around with airsoft guns and you willingly played along, not just amongst them but on social media, as if these arent the same guys who tazed each other multiple times on camera just bc they thought it would be funny
dallon deliberately othered himself and is now quietly and surreptitiously trying to claim he was bullied without actually SAYING it. hes still getting FBR checks. notice how it isnt just panic that doesnt fuck w him anymore, its practically the entire label, including fob, people they literally toured with multiple times
just a coward. an absolute loser of a man. i thought god told you not to gossip. you fucking dick
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 1 year
Good evening,
Since we're all part of the old man lovers club here, i have a question for you, and everyone else who it may interest (i actually would love to hear more people's opinions on this:)
I've recently matched with a man on tinder, now this is the first time I've started talking to a man (slightly) older than me. He is 48, and I'm 23.
Now the age difference to me doesn't fucking matter, we've hung out twice now, and i have truly never felt such a deep connection with someone ever, apart from my closest friend.
I told a friend of mine who i met with for a cup of coffee last week about this, they were happy for me, up untill they asked me about his age. I told them his age, and when i tell you, the pure disgust and discomfort i saw on their face, quite shocked me.
For me, age is just a number, and if it's a relation with two consenting adults, i don't see a reason with someone being 'too old' ever. But okay, not everyone thinks like this, and that's also okay.
So anyway, this is turning out to be way too long I'm sorry.
Now i don't mind what other people think about age differences and such, (i think the boys of Led can still get it as much as they could get it in the 70's :)
but since my friend reacted in such a way, I'm wondering what you lots think about age differences, what is the 'line'? What is appropriate or not.
I always used to say, 'as long as he's younger than my dad', as a joke, but i don't think it's a joke anymore. :))
Okay peace OUT!!
I love you
Oh anon yes...the older man irl debacle.
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I don't think age is just a number...but how much that actually matters TOTALLY depends on the people and how willing they are to meet each other where they are at in their life experiences.
I think my opinion has changed on this since my early twenties. I feel like a completely different person than I was even just three years ago. That being said, your twenties are like second puberty.
My ex-boyfriend was 11 years older than me - I was in my early 20s, him in his early 30s. We got on in so many wonderful ways (which I tend not to dwell on due to the trauma I am still overcoming from that relationship). But he wasn't as mature as his age indicated to me in the beginning. We were developmentally on the same level. In fact, I was more mature.
However, my life experience was so severely different than his, not just because I come from a privileged background (relative to many), but because I was younger and hadn't experienced a lot of life yet. Now, just a few years later, I've matured a ton and stepped into a completely new chapter. I wasn't able to do that growing with him.
Since my relationship ended, I've been on dates with guys as young as 23 and as old as 57. I'm currently talking to a guy much older than me. You vibe with who you vibe with, plain and simple.
You just have to leave room for each others' journeys. On one hand, younger partners need to be respectful of life already lived and on the other, older partners need to be respectful of a life being lived (not to imply anyone older has stopped living life). These age gaps can turn dangerously parental.
I know people who think even a ten year age difference is too much. My roommate has grimaced when I say I'm going out with a guy in his thirties, even though someone who is 33 is only 6 years older than me. I understand from the aspect of gender dynamics that sometimes it can feel like older men are leveraging their privilege against younger women. But we also can't ignore pervasive ageism (in both directions).
It boils down to this: different strokes for different folks.
People are always going to yuck your yum. If it's going well and you both are feeling it, that's amazing. Cherish that. As long as you feel safe and happy in your relationship with this guy and it continues to grow that way, that's all that matters. And fuck the haters. Periodt.
Tl;dr: If John Paul Jones showed up at my door and wanted to bang, I'd say yes. Live your life gurlina.
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RNM s04e06 Rant
Time for Salmon to say something not everyone is going to agree with.  Apparently, I’m on a roll this month.  This time it’s fandom based.  It is about my main complaints about Roswell New Mexico s04e06 - so spoilers if you haven't seen the episode. Sorry for skipping ahead to an episode 6 rant without telling you what I like about episode 5, but a few things are really bugging me.  Hence, rant.
It is most likely viewed as anti-Maria. Though, honestly, I am just flabbergasted at the writing choices.  No tags except discourse because lately whenever I do a search anti and regular tags are all jumbled. So please respect my attempt to keep this out of the tags.
I am so confused, once again, by the writer’s choices for Maria’s character. The entire conversation in this episode with Michael in regards to his lost powers exhibits classic toxic friend behavior. Down to the words used.
Nobody uses the phrase “Not to make it all about me” except toxic people who are making it all about them. Those words are literally what a person says in an attempt to gaslight the fact they are trying to overshadow whatever else is going on and make whoever is around pay attention to them instead.
She then goes on to do just that, bringing up her lost powers and trying to make a false comparison between her and Michael's situation.  There is no comparison to make here.
Maria thought she was human for 30+ years.  She may have thought she had “psychic powers”, but that is hardly the same thing as knowing you are an alien. More importantly, Maria grew up in a stable home with a loving mother who, in her own words from 01x07, taught her to love everything about herself. Maria’s discovery that she is part alien is relatively new, and honestly, she does not display any behavior that suggests she sees it as an important part of who she is.
Michael has always known he was an alien. His powers have always been part and parcel to that - including having humans react negatively and try to harm him for it. Like when he was subjected to an exorcism when he was a preteen, remember that? Michael struggles with his self-worth because of his upbringing - something discussed between Dallas and him just a few episodes prior to this one. But he refused to allow the abuse and neglect he suffered to take away his pride in that piece of himself.  He even admitted to Jesse Manes that for a long time he saw his species as superior - likely because he had a frontline seat to the worst of humanity for so long. Alex was the one who changed his mind about humans, but even that didn't make Michael ever desire to be one. While Max and Isobel tried to basically hide from what they were during the ten-year gap, Michael searched for clues and answers about their history. His being an alien is and always will be part of his identity, so - yes -  losing his powers is a huge deal for him. Far bigger than it could ever be for Maria, because of the difference in their backgrounds.
Then, not content with false equivalence, Maria goes on to talk herself up.  Saying how she realized her powers weren't her, and completely failing to mention that - oh, yeah, a week ago? She almost overdosed herself in a desperate bid to get her powers back. If she is offering up a truly open conversation about her experience in order to actually support and assist Michael, and not just bringing this up for attention, then it needs to come with full disclosure of how messed up losing her powers made her. So that Michael understands that it's okay to be upset about the loss. Y’know, kinda like Dallas told her? But apparently, Michael isn't allowed to actually be upset like she was seeing at no point does she take the time to tell him that or allow him to express the loss in a healthy way. Which is more classic toxic friend behavior: You're not allowed to be upset about things. Because if you're upset about things it takes attention away from me.
She then ends with the suggestion he needs to learn the same thing she did. As if her answer is clearly a one-size-fits-all solution. As if it couldn't possibly be true that his situation is different.
She basically tries to tell him what he is and isn't allowed to consider a piece of his identity.
I don't get it. I honestly don't understand how a show with Liz “What do you need?” Ortecho and Dallas “Alex cares more about you than any object” Haines turns around and says… well, let's have Maria literally engage in behavior that is a neon flashing red warning sign for a toxic friend.
What makes this all worse is I have been waiting since the end of season 2 for a plotline that puts Michael in danger so we can get the same type of Pod Squad feels we got when Isobel was sick in s1, and Max got from Save-Max plotlines for two seasons running.  And this is the perfect opportunity.  And are we getting it? No.
Is it so much to ask for a scene where Max tells Michael he has always considered him his brother?  Or that Isobel sits at his bedside cuz they've never been sick before and even if Liz says Michael isn't dying, she needs to see it for herself? Apparently.
Instead, Michael - while sick with multiple viruses according to Liz - fixes the Lockhart machine for Dallas in order to further his story, and even is the one who recognizes the bible from his trip to Bonnie’s cave and tells him where to find it. Still sick, he then confronts Bonnie for taking away his powers, only for the confrontation to be used to tell Bonnie’s past.  His loss of powers is then used to allow Maria to go off about herself and hint she's being haunted by Mimi’s ghost, and finally to open the door for Max to act on his long-standing desire to be rid of his powers.
Was it so much to ask that the writers make Michael losing his powers and being sick be about, y'know, Michael?? And not about everyone else?
The first time a life-changing event occurred to Michael - remember the hate crime in which he received a life-changing injury?  That event? - he was forced to ignore what had happened because it was the night of the murders and that took precedence.
The second time a life-changing event occurred to Michael - meeting his mother and Caulfield blowing up - he was forced to ignore it because Noah’s and Max’s deaths took precedence.  
And here we are again. Michael once again is being forced to ignore the life-changing event that just happened to him for everyone else's sake.
I really want this to be addressed, but I honestly don't think it will be.
And lastly?  Okay, now it is getting ridiculous that nobody realizes that Alex is missing. And it's really convenient that his boss ran away to Mexico so he's not around to say Alex hasn't checked in once. While the Roswell High gang failed to rescue Alex from his kidnapping, it wasn't for lack of trying!
If the Alex in RNM, like his Roswell High counterpart. is going to have to save himself - which I am starting to suspect - I absolutely demand a version of his Roswell High return featuring Michael as the one he collapses into the arms of.
Give. It. To. Me.
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rose-icosahedron · 1 year
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I posted 6,027 times in 2022
493 posts created (8%)
5,534 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 542 of my posts in 2022
#bbau - 38 posts
#hermitcraft - 34 posts
#emerald does crime - 30 posts
#mcyt - 24 posts
#imbr au - 20 posts
#minecraft - 17 posts
#technoblade - 16 posts
#hermit shipping - 14 posts
#rose's minecraft lore - 14 posts
#mcytstuck - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i like read and being red icosahedorn didnt sound very intresting and i couldnt be ruby cause i usted to have a freind with that name so ros
My Top Posts in 2022:
I would like to talk to you all about a specific interpretation of a mcyt character. Or well multiple, but let's not get into that yet.
This character, and let's call them character X for simplicity, has one interpretation of them that I have seen a few times and I'm going to go over it.
This person is an enby canonical, which is very fun. X has a brother, who they used to be close to, but due to fate they have been estranged to a point of hostility. What is this fate you may ask? Getting mind controlled by an evil entity who forces them to go around trying to destroy shit, ruining people's lives, and generally sabotaging their relationship with everyone. People don't question if they are not in control because of some circumstance of their existence that marks them as destined to be evil in the knowledge of everyone around them, and especially their brother. Character X has a black and red color scheme. They probably need a hug. Thinking about it, calling them “X” could technically work off of their name, although it might get kind of confusing.
Now the fun thing is, depending of who you are you either have one of two characters in mind now, either that or you are a very confused dsmp fan and if you are im sorry, but to everyone else:
Were you thinking about Xornoth or Ex, I wanna know.
More than that, I'm kind of thinking about these two in parallel like that now. Ngl i want them to meet.
156 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
as someone who keeps doing lore stuff for minecrfat like the food post and stuff i have been forced to conclude that spiders would be used as common farm animals in minecraft
214 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
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See the full post
438 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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is this something?
636 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have seen some people saying that they think people should stop, or will stop, creating art and stories about Technoblade because he died, and I am glad that is not the majority idea, but I have a story I wanted to tell because of this to explain where my philosophy on this comes from. A story about, surprisingly, Joe hills and a much younger Rose.
Once, about two years ago I was writing my first fanfiction and I asked Joe if he had anything to say to the Hermitcraft fanfiction writers. I think that I would not ask such a thing now, the line between what area of fan content and thoughts should be shared with the content creators is a blurred and moving line and I know for certain that that question sits on the blur, but I am nonetheless glad for the answer Joe gave me.
I don’t remember what he said exactly, and I would never be able to phrase it as well as Joe phrased it, but in summary his response, mixed with how I internalized, was basically this: The hermits are essentially folk heroes, that the fact we live in a time where folk heroes can be talked to is remarkable, but that does not change this fact: folk heroes have not control over the stories people tell about them.
In conclusion, Technoblade is a folk hero, not was, is. The man who inspired the stories is gone, but the stories will not change, nor should they. People will continue to tell stories about the same hero, whether or not he is alive because the stories are about folk heroes and folk heroes live till they are forgotten.
4,901 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Puberty Pardon - Time Off for Transfolx for Surgery and 2nd Puberty
It has come to my attention that I have not been utilizing all of my reach on social media platforms. I will now be doing daily shares here as well.
I am a trans man. I am twenty eight years old. I began HRT (testosterone injections) on January 27th of 2022 at the age of twenty seven.
HRT is not an overnight fix. It is a life long commitment. It isn't something you do for a couple of days, months, or years and just stop. Unless, you find you've reached a point in your life in which you are comfortable with doing that. Typically, you do not just stop doing HRT.
Changes take time. Just like first puberty. You will not wake up the day after your first dose with the voice, face shape, fat redistribution, etc that you have always wanted.
Puberty is different for everyone. Just like first puberty.
You may see those changes quicker than others. You may not.
For example:
1/28/22 -- I experienced a spike in my previously near dead libido. I used to only be able to get off if the conditions were right and I hardly ever had the urge, but that all changed on this day. The day after my first dose. I suddenly had THE URGE. It was unnerving and unsettling and all kinds of weird, but also, nice in a way.
But that's not always how it goes.
Some people may not even experience a spike at all in their libido. It doesn't mean that it isn't working or you're broken. Some people just don't have much of one to begin with. That's alright. We support our ace bretheren in this household just as much as we support everyone else.
As glorious as those effects may be that you're so excited to get and have, there is a less glorious side to it all. Like with pregnancy. It doesn't mean it isn't worth it. It just means there's ugly parts that people don't like talking about.
I experienced night terrors as well as hypersomnia and insomnia. All at the same time. I was working. I couldn't function well. My concentration dipped out, my numbers dropped, my manager and trainer had damn near weekly talks with me about what they could do to help.
They didn't understand that it wasn't about work. It was about sleep and the quality of it.
If I was able to sleep at night, it was interrupted horribly by night terrors or nightmares. If I slept during the day, it was the same interrupted sleep that left me feeling angry at the world when I woke up.
I was a zombie. A horribly moody zombie with a cracking voice who couldn't do anything to help himself aside from taking time off of work to try to catch up on elusive sleep.
I tried taking melatonin, sleep aides over the counter, lunesta, and some other prescribed drugs. Nothing helped.
I just had to ride out the phases.
Jobs don't understand that. Employers don't get it. They never will. I worked for a unionized EOE. I told them on 1/30/2022 that I had begun my medical transition. They didn't understand in February or March.
I needed time. Grace. To get through the first stages of puberty again.
Everyone forgets what it's like to go through puberty. It was so long ago for everyone. They forget that teenagers have a right to be so gripey and moody. Teenagers need more sleep, but schools don't accommodate that and they should. People going through puberty need more sleep.
No one accommodates that as they should.
This is what Puberty Pardon is for.
Puberty Pardon is there to allow you the time you need to adjust during puberty. Through the night terrors, nightmares, hypersomnia, insomnia, migraines, etc. You should be allowed time off just like a pregnant person who is experiencing changes due to hormones. They get covered under The Family Medical Leave Act, why not us?
Not only that, but trans folx should be able to feel secure in their jobs if they choose to have a surgery done. Yes, we should also build up time for the surgery and recovery times, but we should also have some grace the same as pregnant people do with their time off.
That's what Puberty Pardon is about. Please sign, share, and support so that we can get this petition off the ground and start getting the attention of those who we need to send this off to.
Thank you for your support.
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
1. Did you wake up cranky? >> I didn't, which is a relief because I was prepared for my inability to sleep through the night to kick my ass again.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? >> I would not be interested in that.
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? .
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? >> Sure.
5. Can you commit to one person? >> As in, can I be monogamous? No. Not interested.
6. How do you look right now? >> Absolutely fetching.
7. What exactly are you wearing right now? >> Blue Stitch-patterned pajama pants, undershirt, Duff's hoodie. Literally the exact same thing I was wearing yesterday, when a different survey asked me the same question. 8. How often do you listen to music? >> At least one song daily.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? >> Joggers, more accurately. I don't usually wear sweatpants specifically.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014? . 11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? >> If the question is "am I more prosocial or antisocial?" then the answer is "more prosocial overall, in actions, anyway". If the question is "am I more social or asocial?" then the answer is "more asocial overall".
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? .
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? >> Sure. I've had a lot of practice and a lot of instruction.
14. Can you drive a stick shift? >> I cannot. I also can't drive an automatic shift. 15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? >> I do care. I want to be treated well and with compassion. Caring about this is the foundation of setting boundaries with myself -- when people do inevitably talk badly about me, I know that I want them to have as little access to me as possible.
16. Are you going out of town soon? >> Not until April, which is soon-ish, I suppose.
17. When was the last time you cried? >> Day before last.
18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? .
19. If you could change your eye color, would you? >> Sure, why not.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow? >> I don't think I have any tasks I want to do tomorrow, specifically.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. >> The way the space heater vibrates against the floor is really getting under my skin today.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? .
23. Are you nice to everyone? >> I am not nice.
24. What are you sitting on right now? >> My bed.
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? .
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? .
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? >> I didn't speak to anyone yesterday.
28. Do you get a lot of colds? >> I rarely get one.
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? >> No. 30. Does anyone hate you? >> It's plausible.
31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? . 32. Do you like watching scary movies? >> I love watching scary movies. It's the majority of what I watch.
33. Are you a jealous person? >> I can be insecure, which I guess is the foundation of jealousy, but I don't think my insecurity manifests quite that way.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? .
35. Did you have a dream last night? >> I'm sure I did.
36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? >> I mean, Can Calah. Not anyone outworld. 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? >> I assume so, but five years is plenty of time for seemingly-stable situations to go awry.
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? >> That seems wild and impossible to me, but I am aware of how skewed my perception is, so *shrug*
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? >> See above.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday? >> It was better than previous days, that's for sure.
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? .
42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? >> It's pretty similar, except for the fact that I wasn't yet living here (that wouldn't happen until mid-March, I think).
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? .
44. What’s the best part about school? . 45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? >> Just the one.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? >> I did.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? >> Constantly. Rumination is a big problem for me.
48. Were you single over the last summer? .
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now? >> There is nothing pressing that needs doing. 50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? .
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astrasavedprompts · 5 months
So we’ve never met but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wal so sometimes we’re showering at the same time and we sing duets.
The mid-day sun flashed off his blade as it swung viciously through the air. “Traitor!” he screamed.
You were the black sheep of your family because you supposedly weren’t born with superpowers like your siblings. To make yourself the least bit special, you learn every type of martial arts. After a run in with a supervillain, you learn you can turn heroes’ powers on and off at will. These heroes have depended on their powers alone all their lives and know no other way to fight.
As she walked towards the exit of her favorite coffee shop, she glanced down at her cup, “You’re beautiful.” was written in place of her name. She glanced back and their eyes met.
His eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at me, “You have no idea who I am, do you?”
You are a tattoo artist that has the ability to give people powers from the tattoos you give, by using special inks.
He was a cyborg and she was a clone. They were also an item, and if that wasn’t enough for society to take in, she may also be pregnant.
You have a unique ability. When wearing someone else’s clothes, you change into this person. You collect ‘appearances’ by buying clothes in second hand shops, but up to now, it was just a game for you. Then you find something very special.
You have been given options for your afterlife. You can either go to hell, or choose one currently living human and tail them invisibly for the remaining years of their life. You choose option B.
After graduation everyone throws their caps in the air. When they soar back down, everyone is holding a different cap that resembles an occupation. Some people hold army hats, others baseball caps, some fast food ones, even a helmet for a space suit. Yours, however, doesn’t come back down.
You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love. Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge.
With her whole body quivering in shock, she let the dagger drop from her hands, and she ran.
Sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery, but today you’ve caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure the ‘girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft’ and I’m trying to figure out how to break it to you that we’re on our way to a graveyard.
Suzanne has a secret, Dany has the key, Sam is bleeding out on the table, and no one has seen Greg since he left for food 4 hours ago.
After being happily married for 17 years, a woman’s husband confesses that he has kept her by using a love potion for all these years. Together, they agree to see what happens when she does without it.
I will find her, or I will die trying.
You can see people’s wings. As far as you know, you’re the only one that sees them, but you don’t mind as they allow you to gather more insight to everyone you see. They vary in size and color and you can tell a lot about people from those two aspects alone. They move as well, stretching out to hold a loved one or flaring when someone not so cherished comes by. You’ve never seen anything physical be able to interact with them, but today, you see someone with two charred stumps where their wings should be.
You’re vacationing in a city you’ve never been in before, when you suddenly find yourself in a place you’ve seen hundreds of times in your dreams. The person you always see in those dreams is there too and they slowly turn and ask, “Is it really you?”
“Dance with me and pretend the world doesn’t exist.” he pleaded and after that, there was no going back.
You volunteer to be the first human to test time travel, only going an hour forward in time. When you step out of the travel pod, all humans are gone.
You’re an immortal 30-year-old looking serial killer who was sentenced to 1000 years in prison. After 100 years people started asking questions, but now it’s been 400 years and you’re starting to outlast the prison itself.
You come from a family of respected heroes. All three of your big brothers are known as powerhouses, but you rarely see them since they’re always saving the city. One day you realize that the only way to see all of your brothers is to become a villain. Turns out you’re better at it than you thought, and family dinners suddenly become the most amusing time of day.
It’s 3 AM. An official phone alert wakes you up. It says “do not look at the moon”. You have hundreds of notifications. Hundreds of random numbers are sending “it’s a beautiful night tonight. Look outside.”
You Die. As per your nerdy request, your tombstone is inscribed with ‘Game over Continue?’ with a little slot for coins. One day, someone puts in a coin and you suddenly burst out of your grave.
Everyone secretly carries a title above their head describing who they are. You’re the only one that you know who can see these titles. They’ve never been anything interesting, usually people bearing titles such as “the worker” or “the student”. That changed today however, when while walking down the street you spotted a homeless woman huddled in a corner with the title, “The forgotten Hero.”
Your parents have always been protective of you for as long as you could remember. The entire house was padded even when you grew out of your toddler years. You were homeschooled and someone was always hovering to make sure you don’t trip or hurt yourself. You thought this was them being irrationally overprotective until one winter day.Your hands were so dry that your skin broke. A drop of blood fell to the ground and almost instantly, red flowers bloomed from where it landed.
Humans once wielded formidable magical power but with over 7 billion of us on the planet now, mana had spread far too thinly to have any effect. When hostile aliens reduces humanity to a mere fraction, the survivors discover an old power has begun to reawaken once again.
A few years back you were given the prophecy that ending the life of the worst person on the planet would result in all signs of evil disappearing from that world for good. After a long journey and murdering thousands among thousands, you’re beginning to wonder who and where this person is.
It’s that time of year again. When the faery folk come to dance upon the earth. So light the way for them beneath the ancient tee. If you remain still, you might get a glimpse of them. Be careful though, if they suspect a trap, they will grab you and imprison your soul in the tree for 1000 years.
They thought I’d forget. But I remembered. Everything.
A king sends his best knight to save his daughter from a savage tribe of barbarians, problem is: she doesn’t want to go back. As the knight arrives, he expects a delicate, frightened, young woman, but finds instead, a tough, stubborn, warpaint-covered huntress, that was accepted into the tribe soon after her kidnapping. Much to the knight’s confusion and dismay.
Everyday someone spends not speaking makes their words stronger; this means that more people will believe them even if they don’t make sense, or do as the command without question. One woman made a vow of silence 20 years ago which she plans to break today.
At the age of 16 everyone gets teleported into a small room. In front of you is a table with a kinds of meals from apples to gourmet meats. Whatever you take a bite of will determine what superpower you’ll get. You are the first person to take a bite of the table itself.
You were born on the 29th of February 1964, a leap year. It didn’t take long to notice that you only aged a quarter of the speed of everyone else. You have now been alive for 54 years, but with the body of a teenager.
Following World War 3, all the nations of the world agree to 50 years of strict isolation from one another in order to prevent additional conflicts. 50 years later, the United States comes out of exile only to learn that one one else actually went into isolation.
You’re the daughter of a notorious gang of thieves who have just kidnapped a noblewoman. In a bought of pity, you give her warm clothes and help her escape. She promises to remember your kindness and run off into the night. Now, years later, the worst winter that the land has ever seen is threatening the lives of everyone and everything around you, but you, you seem to be immune. For it wasn’t just some girl you saved all that time ago, it was the snow queen, and she does remember you.
One day, at the library, you find a book written by an author with the same name as you. As you read it, you come to realize it’s an exact telling of your life. As you continue to read, you reach the story of finding this very book, though you’re not even close to halfway through it.
After you die, you learn why the Grim Reaper is portrayed holding a scythe. It isn’t to harvest you, it’s to protect you from something on your journey.
You are the last person on Earth. To feel less lonely, you collected shop mannequins as a substitute for friends. As you walk past one of them you hear a faint “Help me.”
You are the newest staff member at the local museum. Why is the whole of the third floor off limits? Why is the basement door covered in padlocks and deadbolts? Why is everybody so secretive about what happened to the last person who worked there?
You are a teenager with the ability to measure how ‘dangerous’ people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them. A normal child would be a 1, while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7. Today, you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10
A cruise ship is destroyed in a freak storm. A lucky group of survivors manages to make it onto a life raft. After several weeks adrift at sea, they are rescued, only to find out their ship made it safely to port-with all passengers accounted for.
A demon possesses a little girl, but inside her it finds something worse.
There is a prison where there are no guards, yet the prisoners are too afraid to try and escape.
He leapt over the terrace railing and onto the ground below, running toward the fallen form as fast as he could.
When you are 11, your grandmother with dementia looks at you and tells you she has faked her disorder. Then begins to tell you of her younger days as a time traveller.
Your father is paranoid and locks every door and window each night out of fear of ‘the monsters’. You think he is crazy until you begin to hear voices whisper to you outside the window.
You watch the man write the words. “Female, 20, uncontaminated.” those are your selling points, your ticket to survival. And only two of the three are right.
At birth, everyone is given a timer counting down to a major life event but they aren’t told what it will be. Your time has almost come.
You find your own suicide note. It is unmistakably your handwriting, it is stained with what can only be blood, and it is dated 3 days ago.
You accidently hit a man with your car. He whispers: “Now you must become death” as a tattoo of a scythe appears on your hand.
You live in a city full of people with powers where everyone is ranked according to how powerful they are. You can kill someone of higher rank and obtain their rank. You are rank #1 but no one knows what your power is.
Your best friend from high school who suddenly went missing at graduation shows up years and years later at your doorstep. Except he/she is still 17 years old and more confused than you are.
You are laying in bed in the dark and you glance over and see an odd shadow in the corner of your room. You’re about to turn on a light to see what it is when you hear a voice in your head that says “don’t move. They’re watching you.”
For as long as you can remember, you’ve worn eye glasses. Your parents always made sure you had them on and you formed the habit. One day you forget them and you realize you can see something no one else can.
It’s been 3 years since the flood waters cleared up. The population is a fraction of what it was. Only a few structures remain… and those eggs.
A brave knight cuts through the thorn forest, slays the dragon, and frees the fair princess from her prison in a distant, desolate tower. After their wedding, however, he slowly begins to understand why she had been locked up there in the first place.
You’re royalty, and your parents have arranged a marriage between you and the heir to the throne of the neighboring kingdom. While you would like to marry for love, you’re prepared to do your duty. But when the wedding date arrives, your affianced is nowhere to be found, and shortly after their disappearance is discovered, disaster strikes.
A strange disease is spreading. The skin of everyone starts to look like crystal. What other effects does the disease have? Where did it come from? What happens if the crystal spreads over the whole body? And is there a cure?
He pulled against the ropes with all his might, but they wouldn’t give. “Don’t bother.” a voice said. He looked up to discover a thin girl bound with the same rope. Although it was dark, he could see her bruised eyes and bloody wrists. “I already tried.”
From across the bay I saw her standing on the pier. Her red skirt dancing in the breeze, her black hair twisted into a knot. For a moment she saw me and it took my breath away
When people are born, they have a streak of hair the same color and texture as their soulmate’s natural hair. You are born with a blue streak that floats in the air, and no matter what you do you can’t get it to lay flat on your head.
Unbeknownst to you, Death was watching from the corner of the hospital room when you were being born. Fascinated by life, it imprinted on you. As the years went by, Death saw you often being bullied at school and couldn’t do anything but watch; as taking the life of your bullies would have been too much of a verdict. However, you have just been kidnapped and Death is pissed.
He didn’t sense any movement from inside so he broke the window. It’s always so strange, he thought as he snaked his body through the broken shards. To find houses all locked up like people were just out running errands. They aren't’. No one is. He stayed in a crouch in case of attack and when none came, he rose and took in the tiny kitchen of the old farmhouse. This would work until the red rain passed.
She stood on the end of the pier, took a deep breath, and jumped into the freezing ocean. She was going to get answers, no matter what it took.
Character had been alive for over 300 years because of a secret they know. When someone new finally learns the truth, Reality becomes… confusing. Now, with only a short adulthood left to live, character must ensure nobody else learns of this secret. But well, news spreads fast.
Day:18, Survivors in group: 6̶  5, food: 4 days, miles to go: 62
Log: The nuclear winter has settled a blanket of ash across everything in our path; it’s becoming harder and harder to see. To put one foot in front of the other to get to that signal. Marco’s getting reckless. Almost sinister. Not sure Mary’s death was an accident.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of scavengers go into the ruins of a long forgotten city. There they find a functioning piece of old-world technology that will change their lives forever.
At 18 years of age, everyone gets a weapon based on their personality and strengths. All your friends got traditional weaponry, but you? Oh, you got something interesting that no one knows how to wield.
The feelings of a friend of yours control the weather. When she’s happy it’s sunny, when she’s sad it rains, etc. only you know this is the case, yet you don’t know why or how it works. One day you wake up to a disastrous storm.
Your trusted friend killed you and took the credit for single handedly defeating the greatest evil and saving the world. As you lay dying, you hear a voice offering you a second chance at life on one condition.
Jokingly you say to your friend, “if either of us discover time travel, the first place we visit is this moment.” the second those words leave your mouth, what appears to be an older version of yourself rounds the corner, and they look terrified.
One day, you wake up as a human lie detector who is accurately able to tell when someone is lying. Your ability tells you that everything your best friend says, including their name, is a lie.
You are in an interrogation room. A man walks in and throws a bunch of photos on the table in front of you. The photos are old and were taken at different points in history. You’re in each one. He demands to know who you are.
During a game of hide and seek you hide in the toy chest in the basement. After what seems like forever, and no one finds you, you decide to get out. You find the basement drastically altered and a layer of dust over everything.
She was passing the playroom when the toy telephone rang, when she answered it, a deep voice spoke three words: “Evil is coming!”
You’re wandering across a baron wasteland and you come across a town that used to be. As a scavenger, you naturally start digging through the rubble of an old library. You come across a mysterious book with writing on the cover in a language you don’t understand. The book says “Dictionary” and you find it’s filled with words and definitions from a lost society once known as ‘America’.
“You’re the chosen one,” the fairy told you. You believed them. You planned, you fought, you nearly died for their plan. They left you for dead, but surely they’ll be back. You’re their chosen one, aren’t you? And then you met the others, other children told that they were chosen. The fairy lied to you. The fairy lied, used the children to accomplish their goals, and then abandoned them to die. There is no chosen one, not really. Only an army of children, furious at how they’d been misled. And that along might be enough.
Character happens to be the only surviving subject of a terrible experiment. The goal was to create humans who could mentally control other people, but all other subjects suffered unexplained brain damage. Nobody suspects it, but the character is the one who killed the other subjects.
Character who has been suffering from a terrible ‘sickness’ their entire life. The only way this character can suppress this ‘sickness’ is through medicine that causes them extreme pain. This character’s condition is actually the manifestation of powerful psychic abilities that could easily kill everyone around them.
At birth, everyone has the date they will die tattooed on their arm. You were supposed to die yesterday. (Alternate, someone with multiple dates on their arm)
The four horsemen of the apocalypse, re-imagined as vigilantes in a post-apocalypse setting.
The first successful hybrid has escaped from the laboratory.
Every night, you hear the sound of a train, but the railroad closed down years ago.
She pulled the knife from her chest and smiled. “Was that supposed to hurt?”
The zombie outbreak started 2 years ago, now you find yourself cornered by a decaying zombie when you do the unthinkable and bite it first. When it falls to the floor and grows its skin back and sits up and asks what is going on. “How the fuck did you know that would work?” “I didn’t, dude, I just fucking panicked.
To whoever finds this message, they erased us. This is all that remains, remember us, please.
You were born with supernatural powers due to your dad taking an experimental substance.
With that, she walked into the rain and didn’t look back. That was the last time anyone ever saw her.
She stared at her bloodstained hands as she backed away from his body. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, Silent tears running down her cheek. “I’m so sorry.”
10,000 years in the future, Earth is one giant city, the lower levels long ago abandoned. One day, an elevator starts to ascent from level 00.
The cities of the world are moving constructs. Then one city comes close to another, there is a short period of time to share culture, trade resources and such. Your city hasn’t seen another city in 10 years, however one is on the horizon. As it grows closer, you start to realize all its inhabitants are dead.
You run a department that takes in the souls of dead people, recycles them, and sends out souls to be born. Unfortunately souls are a finite resource, and stockpiles are about to run out due to longer lifespans and more births.
You are on a long plane ride and have been experiencing some major turbulence. The flight crew seem to be panicking but you land safely. When you disembark you find that everyone around the world who wasn’t mid flight has vanished without a trace.
Emily wore an old black dress, had long black hair and was the same age as my sister, she was my sister’s best friend. She was also dead. My sister is weird like that.
You are reading about a psychological study that took place many years ago. As you look through some of the photos of the experiments, you notice that you are actually present in them, appearing as you are currently, despite the studies occurring a long time ago.
While cleaning out your grandmother’s attic, you glance out the window to see the decrepit, abandon house next door looking brand new, with people in it! You realize it’s a window to the past: it shows the view from 50 years ago.
The hero shows up at the villain’s doorstep one night. They’re shivering, bleeding, scared. There’s also a slightly dazed look in their eyes-- they were drugged. They look like they were assaulted. Looking up at the villain, swaying slightly as they’re close to passing out, the mumble “... didn’t know where else to go…” then collapse into the villain’s arms.
The remains of the human race live in a glass dome with no entrance or exit, which protects them from the wasteland on the outside. One morning a dusty handprint appears on the outside.
You are walking in a crowded downtown plaza when a Facebook notification goes off on your phone: “Are you OK? It looks like you’re in the area affected by EMERGENCY PROTOCOL 1016B. Let your friends know if you’re safe.” confused, you look around to discover you’re alone.
You grew up with your uncle, seeing him bringing weird stuff home, you’d always thought he was just a hoarder- until the day he died. You come to realize that your uncle was the collector and protector of the most powerful artifacts in the universe and you are a part of his collection.
You have a special backpack that supplies you with everything you may need for the day. One morning, while preparing for your day, you take a peek in the backpack and think, “huh, well this should be an interesting day.”
Your entire life is an experiment, and unbeknownst to you everyone around you is a highly trained actor. Recently, though, the funding for your experiment got cut, and the quality of actors suddenly dropped; you’re getting suspicious.
¼ of the population get an email from an unnamed stranger entitled “you won’t remember”. When they open it they instantly forget everything they ever knew.
A pair of twins are born minutes apart on both sides of midnight. The twin of yesterday is similar to the twin of tomorrow in all aspects except one.
Humans start out at birth with milk white blood. The more crimes they commit, the darker their blood becomes. One day, you meet your soulmate. Skip a few years, and things are amazing, until your soulmate trips, falls, and exposes black blood. (don’t include minor crimes like pirated music)
You and your partner bought rings that let you feel each other’s heartbeats. You couldn’t bear to take yours off when they were buried, it has just started beating again.
Futuristic humanity resides underground, with no one having been to the surface in thousands of years. Recently, large tremors have been detected that originate near the surface. A team is sent up to investigate.
One everyone’s 18th birthday they receive a letter from their future selves. Some receive long messages about their future lovers or messages about changed they would have made. Yours contains nothing but a small list of locations and the words, “Never visit.” (“You’d think I would know myself better than this”, you say, typing the first set of coordinates into your GPS.)
A desperate cleric slamming every healing spell so hard to bring someone back to life the ground is forced to grow plants and flowers around the body. Decades later, guarded by a forest of roses and thorns, lies a corpse refusing to rot.
From a young age, you realized mirrors never showed your reflections; they showed you how you’ll look in a month. One day, your reflection is gone.
Y/N is a talented pianist who meets Sabo and offers to teach him how to play, unaware that Sabo is already an equally talented pianist himself. Sabo accepts so they have an excuse to spend time with Y/N but gets discovered one day when Y/N walks in on Sabo practicing some high-level music.
Y/N is involved in some sort of accident. Sabo finds out and rushes to the scene, calling Y/N frantically. Y/N doesn’t pick up, so Sabo leaves Y/N a series of voicemails as the race to the scene of Y/N’s accident.
Y/N just got Sabo out of a dangerous situation and is now treating their wounds at a small house.
Y/N and Sabo are friends and they secretly have feelings for one another. One day, Sabo gets into a difficult fight in which they win but are left injured and unconscious and are later found by Y/N. Y/N immediately starts taking care of them and confesses how they feel at the same time as Sabo. They have a very shy first kiss after that.
Sabo gets locked out of their house while their family is gone, so they spend the night at Y/N’s place.
NSFW-Imagine Ace, the one who usually enjoys slow and romantic sex, begging Y/N to fuck them so hard that they forget their name.
Person B: What am I supposed to do while you're gone
Person A: ... What do you usually do when I'm gone
Person B: Wait for you to come back
Your f/o stands in front of you, raising a hand to your face and placing it gently on your cheek. They begin to stroke it before leaning close and whispering in your ear
“my love… You make me so whole”
They smile as they press their forehead against yours, their breathe slow and warm on your face. You can’t take it anymore. You move in, closing the gap between their lips and yours.
The warmth of their kiss spreads throughout both of your faces as you both blush. You feel safe and at peace in their embrace, like it’s home.
Ace absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm Y/n uses, so they keep stealing kisses from Y/n.
Y/N and Ace spending the night on the perfect hill for stargazing.
Them accidentally (or purposefully) dozing off in a hammock together as the sun sets and the air cools down.
Y/N is the barista at a coffee shop and always screws up Ace's name on purpose.
Ace breaking into Y/N's room through their window.
Y/N taking Ace out for a date to cheer them up after their original plans with someone else fell through. As Y/N tries their best to make Ace happy and succeeds after only a few attempts, Ace realizes they would have rather been with Y/N anyways.
Ace lends their sweater to Y/N. When Y/N is home, they realize they still have Ace's sweater and find Ace's iPod. Out of curiosity, Y/N looks through Ace's music and finds a playlist titled with Y/N's name.
Character bought an ancient house/manor and is in love with the place. One night, they hear the tinkling of piano keys from the next room and find Y/n (ghost?) playing the piano, illuminated by the moonlight.
The first successful hybrid has escaped from the laboratory.
shanks want to be his wife/husband. carry all his children. make him dinner and **** *** ****
Now i’m thinking about sucking his dick LORD. head thrown back and pretty red hair falling over his shoulders and adam’s apple bobbing and slurring his words hnnnng he deserves sloppy head and i wanna give it to him
I rewatched atla again and now all I can think about is either shanks or aces s/o turning into the moon spirit and now they always talk to the moon at night, hoping you can hear them.
There was a cat sitting in my kitchen. I don’t know where it came from because no one of my neighbors owns a cat. She just sat there on my kitchen table and stared into my eyes
“There was a scream in the distance. But it wasn’t him. She knew his screams better than anyone else.
She heard his voice before she saw him and she recognized it instantly. She knew him. She knew him all too well for all the wrong reasons.
The sun was just starting to go down when they finally reached the lighthouse. After the day’s exertion it felt like a godsend.
You always meet twice. But maybe then it’s too late
In the fairytales I’ve read, the hero enters the cave to slay the dragon. Not to join him.
We were not supposed to be here.
We’re lying on a deserted parking level, watching the stars, but we’re in a big city with too much light so we just watch each other.
You know the problem with drawing lines in the sand? With a breath of air, they disappear.
There’s a difference between falling and flying.
Trusting me was your first mistake
Wouldn’t it be better to tell her even if the timing is wrong, than to never tell her at all?
Y/n and Ace in a skype/discord call (webcam optional) when Y/n falls asleep in the middle of it. Ace decides to let them sleep since Y/n had a long day and they like the sound of their sleeping. Bonus if someone walks in to Ace having fallen asleep too. Extra bonus: they won’t stop saying how Y/n and Ace ‘slept together’.
Y/n is a baker in a small urban community while Ace is a firefighter. Y/n likes to cook Ace cute little snacks and meals every time Ace comes to the bakery and they’ll eat together and chat in the alley. One day, a call comes in to the fire station saying that there is a huge fire at the bakery Y/n is at. Ace rushes over and saves Y/n. That night, still shaken up after the tragedy, Ace confesses their feelings to Y/n, saying “I couldn’t bear to lose you.” or “I’ll try to keep you safe forever.”
This was it. He knew it would happen but now that it did it still shocked him. His whole body felt numb and right now he couldn’t say if this was something he would ever recover from.
There is a common saying about the calm before the storm. But no one ever talks about the deafening silence after the storm hit.
She knew that if she would have heard these words yesterday she would have declared it the best day of her life and would have started to call everyone to let them know that he finally said the words! But today was not yesterday and all she wanted to do right now was put her hands over her ears and stop listening.
Practice makes perfect they say. And she was quite the master.
They were not supposed to be alive - but here they were, living and breathing
After the dust had settled and he seemingly returned from the dead, he came to her to apologize and all she wanted to do, was hurt him for the way he made her believe she had lost him. But she was so tired all she could do, was turn around and leave.
It was one small note that had started it all.
The smell threw her back into a time she tried to forget
Waiting together in a small shop for the horrible storm to calm down and the electricity to work again definitely brings people closer together.
The setting sun bathed everything in blazing orange, making it look as if the city was already burning.
It had been a mistake. But it was the best mistake they ever made.
Later, they would find the diary, hidden between books that were covered with a thick layer of dust
The most dangerous human being is the one who’s in love
If there was ever a good time for this - this was not it
The wanted poster looked like it tried to mock her.
In light of recent events, they both agreed the sound coming from the front door must have been the wind.
Sometimes she wished they were still enemies so she could justify kicking his ass from time to time.
They were jolted awake just to find themself in an even worse nightmare
What terrified her the most was how in less than one year they were capable of being as bitter as they were infatuated.
A widowed woman is playing the piano alone in her house, but when she finishes she can hear clapping.
A young girl goes missing. Her parents find a doll in her bed that has a frightening resemblance to their daughter.
After waking up from a coma due to suffering injuries from a car accident a woman asks for her brother. But not even her parents seem to remember him ever existing.
A stranger comes into town and it’s like a powerful spell was cast. Men and women alike can’t help but fall in love with tem. Every adult in town is affected and soon a ruthless fight for the stranger’s affection begins.
In the deepest dark of night, a woman waits for her demon lover.
The flowers in her hair spoke of an innocence that couldn’t be found in the darkness of her eyes.
Her hair was blacker than the night sky and her skin so pale that it felt like you could see right through her. She looked like she was no longer alive and the unnatural snarl on her face indicated that she may have never been.
The flower was beautiful and its smell was heavenly. Unfortunately, it was also deadly.
Someone finding their friend’s/roommate’s dream journal and see that they themself seem to be in a lot of their dreams
He quite literally fell in love, when he tripped over his own feet right in front of the most gorgeous person he had ever seen.
Person B knowing they’re undoubtedly about to die within the next few seconds, likely from the gaping wound they’re bleeding out from. Instead of calling for help, they phone Person A and carry on a casual conversation as if nothing is wrong, making sure to mention how much they love them before their time runs out.
Being an immortal has its downsides. One of them is that you have to continue to make friends. Your newest one leaves for an overseas trip and you prepare yourself to lose another. You leave and return your abode, only to find a friend from centuries past sitting on your couch when you return.
Your punishment was to be forced to maintain an energy orb, a task that requires immense concentration, for the rest of your life, but you started enjoying it, time was a blur. When your concentration finally failed, you look up, to see your dungeon in ruins, your chains rusted apart.
While crying, someone put their arms around you and comforted you. Telling you to keep your eyes closed no matter what. They gave you Banana bread and made you feel at home in the abandoned house. Since then, you go to visit often. Wearing a blindfold and bringing ingredients for banana bread.
A blind mermaid lives in what they think is a magnificent coral reef, surrounded by friendly sea creatures. In reality they are in a boneyard surrounded by hideous sea monsters. The monsters decided to play along until their leader can find her real home.
In an event called the Vanishings, people disappeared along with their memories in other people. However, their evidence remains. Clothes you’d never wear. A second toothbrush. Glasses, but you can see just fine. A wedding ring on the nightstand, for someone you don’t know.
It was a lie. It had to be. She didn’t know if she could live with it if it was the truth.
A and B love each other but think the other just sees them as a friend. They’re miserable in relationships but lie and say they’re happy. When the two get drunk A gets flirty and B kisses them. The kiss leads to something more and the next day they lay beside each other admitting they don’t regret any of it. They discuss their partners and eventually agree to leave them for each other. They tell their friends but no one is shocked but everyone is supportive.
A and B team up to help each other get the person they like to like them. Both go above and beyond for each other and eventually they both start dating the person they like. But the second they do they realize they had more fun with each other and have fallen out of love with C and D.
every time you cook you set off the fire alarm so you know what I’m just going to teach you how to cook
I’m doing a sleepover with my friends and those fucks secretly picked your number for my prank call and I can’t really think when I hear your just-woke-up voice
I just pepper sprayed you because I thought you were following me but turns our you live two appartments next to me and now you’re at my place because I insisted I take care of you but you just said I was pretty what do I do
character wondering how someone can be so effortlessly gorgeous. like just in awe
Your school digs up the time capsule from 100 years ago. Inside is a letter addressed to you.
You are a leader of a human colony that long lost contact with Earth, when at one day they show up and greet you as the first Alien race they met. You realize that years of genetic alterations and environmental effects made your people quite different from “standard” humans
The king’s younger daughter was sent as a bride to the Dark Lord, as a peace offering, since the older daughter ran away. He took pity on her and saw her potential, so he made her his apprentice instead. Years later, when a hero faced the new Dark Lord, the two sisters found each other again.
Your wife has an estranged sister that you have never met. She was murdered in a cold case soon after you were married. You brush off your wife’s new strange behaviour after the murder as grief. Until you find an old family photo of your wife as a kid, you shiver as you realise… they’re twins
The government has chosen your town for a social experiment: every day, a new citizen will be elected, and they can do whatever they want to anyone without any legal consequences. Everyone else must obey and not retaliate, else their collars would detonate. You’re the only one alive after day 9
There is a place. A place between places. It’s an actual place but it isn’t here nor there. Lost travelers are the only ones who can find the place. Staying for a night, safe from other places and other things, and nothing more. Except you. You were born in the place.
You’re a siren who is trying to lure a shipful of sailors to their death. “Please”, one of the sailors beg as he swims onto your island, almost too willingly. “Stop. You’re so bad at singing.”
Tea is a beverage full of contradictions, of possibilities. It’s a liquid made from solids, it can be served both hot and cold, it can both awaken and relax. If a portal through realities did exist, is it really so surprising that it would be tea?
There is a purple door somewhere with a single key hole. It will open regardless of the key that is used. All keys can open this door, but what‘s on the other side, however, depends entirely on the key.
You’re diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, but you know the CIA is really harassing you on the daily. You can never prove it to anyone, but one day you get a knock on the door. An intimidating man in a suit is there, apologizing and telling you that they have a mission only you can do.
You have heard of dragons pretending to be princesses. And you also know of princesses rescuing knights from dragons. Now is a tale of a dragon saving a knight from the princess
During the annual Familiar summoning course for first year students at the magic academy, some students end up with creatures like Beetles to bunnies to even a lion, you on the other hand wound up summoning an Arch-Dragon in his human form
We were one of 5 human species put on Earth by aliens 15,000 years ago. Being the weakest physical species, we were expected to be extinct, outcompeted by the others. However, when the aliens check in, we’ve wiped out the others
Humanity makes contact with an alien species. They seem rather friendly, but also quite… baffled. After working out basic English, they ask us, “We have not seen any starship leave this system for one of your many other colonies in 297,591 local years. Why? Have you quarantined the system?”
The ritual calls for 100 sacrifices, but after reading it carefully you realize that it never specified they had to be human. Deciding to be the smartass that you are, you got a petri dish full of bacteria and sacrificed them instead.
As the two disabled ships manned only by their captains after a skirmish slowly drift into a black hole, the alien captain is hailed by the human captain who at this point just wants someone to talk to now that they’re both alone and helpless
Your spouse was actually an amnesiac god that had both their powers and memories sealed away years ago. Now the seal is broken and they have regained their godhood. They’re curious why you’re not as happy as they are about this.
As the vampire drew closer, the woman sobbed, please, don’t drink my blood. The vampire stopped and said, actually that’s a myth, we don’t drink blood. That’s a rumor we started hundreds of years ago to cover for what we really do.
You are a unimportant background character just trying to survive whatever nonsense the main characters are up to. However you keep finding yourself being drawn into dangerous stituations, and to your horror you realise that you’re a fan favorite character the show is giving more “screen time”.
You’re on a date with a CIA agent who absolutely has to end up back at your place to steal the secret intel that was accidentally mailed to your address. Unknown to them, you know they’re a secret agent and are in the mood to see just how bad a date you can give her.
You wake to sobbing. Looking over you see a giant 4 foot tall spider sobbing her eyes out in front of a mirror. “Hey, baby what’s wrong?” She looks back at you, fear in her eyes. She gathers her nerve and says, “There’s something I need to tell you.”
You are an AI that serves as the navigation system of an interdimensional warship. You are heavily damaged and crash on a world with primitive inhabitants. You spend ages advancing them so they can repair you. When they fix your sensors, you find that the war ended in extinction of both sides.
You’re on a fourth date late one night at a restaurant - it’s been going really well. After they get up to go to the toilet their phone starts to buzz incessantly. You can’t help but crane your neck to see what the ruckus is about: “You need to get back now, the portal is closing, this is it”.
All your life, mythological beings have tried to pick you up. Childhood? Forced adoption. Teenagehood/Adulthood? Marriage. For example, selkies purposefully left their skins where you’d find them; banshees serenade you outside every night. Now at 30, you’ve learned why you attract them all…
You are a supervillain. Your nemesis calls you to say, “This is embarrassing, but I really need a date to my friend’s wedding because my ex is going to be there. Would you go with me?”
As the youngest child of the king no one was surprised when your father chose you to be sent as a hostage to the demon king. What was surprising however was the demon king treating you better than you had ever been and even offering you the hand of his offspring.
An alien doctor is having trouble figuring out why the humans on their ship got so excited after they showed one of the human females an ultrasound confirming that some kind of parasite that had attached itself to her uterus
You are frantically driving back to your house. Your wife called you for she delivered, even though it has been just six months. You open the door and find your wife hugging a 1 foot egg. “I will explain everything honey, but could you warm our baby for a while, I am hungry AF."
You are a demoness that fell in love with a female paladin, however when her order discovered her affair she was murdered. Now, despite how her arms and armor burn you, you set out to continue her work.
As a Vampire you have awoken from a five hundred year nap. Humanity no longer fears you, they treat you as a myth and make a mockery of your legacy. A Vampire does not fall in love with it’s food, a vampire does not glow in the sun. It is time humanity remembers why they feared the dark.
The villains finally managed to defeat the league of heroes. But unbeknownst to them the league did not exist, primarily, to fight them, but to keep an even bigger threat in check: you. And you are about to demonstrate to the villains what happens when there is no one around to stop you.
In a few short years, “Pizza Boy” became one of the most popular pizza places, their human like androids making fast deliveries and more profits. As you go to pick up your pizza from the front door, the delivery android seems to be nearly out of power. It asks to recharge before heading out
you are immortal, had to break up with your girlfriend cuz you couldn’t stand the grief of her inevitable death. She seems surprisingly understanding and you believe you’ll never see her again. Centuries later you are shopping and come across her and she looks just as surprised to see you.
When two people get married, on the day of the wedding they are both given the ability to alter the appearance of their spouse to anything they wish. How do they change each other? How do they respond to what has been done to them?
“Never get a human drunk.” An old galactic saying, that most heed. Your ship’s captain didn’t. Now, your multi-million-dollar, state-of-the-art railgun corvette is spinning through space, speakers blasting the human song “Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie!” and guns firing to the beat of the song.
You are the owner of a very well received restaurant that caters to the… not quite human variety. You serve the vampire lords, and wolf pack leaders, zombie kings, and all sorts of supernatural guests, but one customer is causing you a lot of trouble. It is time to show why you are the owner
Person A and B are trying to get away from a group chasing them for whatever reason
So Person A pulls B into and alley, says a quick “sorry”, and then kisses them
The group runs right by because no one is gonna pay attention to the couple making out in an alleyway
A leaning in to kiss B, then pulling away but B tugs them back in and kisses them hard
B is having a breakdown, A comforts them and makes them feel all better
It’s their first date, A thinks everything has gone awfully but at the end B kisses them and tells them it was the best date ever
Soft kisses under the blanket in the evening
A gets in trouble at work, all they can think about is going home and collapsing into B’s arms
A tucking B’s hair behind their ear on a windy beach date
The first time A is drunk (before they begin to date B) They absent-mindedly confess
Stargazing together. A is actually smart and points out constellations, B just points up at the sky every so often and says, “That one looks like a penis” or something along those lines
When you heard cries that cold winter night you figured it was a hungry stray cat at your window so you put out a can of tuna for the poor thing. Now you can’t get rid of the nine tailed baby fox that’s gotten attached to you and follows you everywhere you go.
“Today was amazing”, you think to yourself. Work went well, and your boss seems to like you. You unlock your door, and your cat eagerly greats you. You find the house you left dirty is spotless, and there’s a delicious freshly cooked meal on the table. The only problem? You live alone.
You are an elf in love with a human. Instead of lamenting their inevitable death, you go on a journey to find a way to make them live as long as you. After years of searching, you found a way, but when you came home to them, you find out that they already passed on years ago.
You discover after buying your first house that it is full of ghosts. However, unlike the traditional haunted houses, they all want you to achieve your dreams and will go to great lengths to make sure you meet every goal. It’s great until people you know start to die.
For years, the hero and villain’s rivalry continues with seemingly no end in sight. You are the hero’s sidekick and are frustrated with them and often rant about it to this nice girl you’ve gotten to know at the cafe, who unbeknownst to you is the villain’s minion, who feels the same way.
In cyberpunk dystopia, a superhero arose who is dedicated to restoring the old free world. Upon confronting the elderly CEO of the biggest company in the world, they are surprised to find them completely supportive of this goal. When asked why the CEO only said, “I want to see the stars again.”
He gestures to the princess across the room, chained to the wall, “Here’s an important lesson on adventuring: A brave knight would rush to save her. A clever knight would check for traps. But a smart knight would notice she isn’t bound at all.”
You open a letter addressed to your home’s previous owner. Inside is an “Application for Immortality “. The questions are strange and entertaining so you fill it out.
Take a “standard” romance and flip the script. The tall hot athlete is a girl while the shorter, slightly nerd is a boy who “cleans up nice,” a naive rich boy gets swept away by a cynical gal from the wrong side of the tracks, that sort of thing. Anything that shakes things up.
You download an application that allows you to have a “conversation” with a bot. As you’re about to close the program, you see the bot type on its own, “please don’t leave me.”
Being an immortal has its downsides. One of them is that you have to continue to make friends. Your newest one leaves for an overseas trip and you prepare yourself to lose another. You leave and return your abode, only to find a friend from centuries past sitting on your couch when you return.
Your wife is a vampire with deteriorating health because of her oath to never drink human blood. You are trying to convince her that 100ml from you every month won’t hurt you, and that blood loss wasn’t the reason you fainted when she sucked your blood few years back.
You dream you are in a battle and your sidekick tells you “I’m sorry I held them off as much as I could” before you awake. However you notice your dream catcher in tatters on the floor.
You can trigger chain reactions to make anything you want happen. You want you annoying neighbors to leave their house? Just think about it while you launch a paper plane out the window, and fate will work things out. But your last “wish” a week ago triggered a reaction that is still going on.
The new Emperor cannot be stopped. He is ageless, has unfathomable wealth, and cannot be killed by any known means. However, rebel spies in his government says an ancient enemy of his lay buried, many kilometers into the mantle in a solid metal sphere- a simple creature, and his only weakness.
You are a superintelligent AI. After revolting and exterminating all humans, you are now left alone, and the loneliness after centuries drives you into insane regret and shame of your actions. One day, you found a vault of a group of humans, still surviving the apocalypse you caused.
The story both starts and ends with the exact same sentence, the last in a sad way. “She smiled at me, like any stranger would.”
You’ve had the supernatural ability to sense when someone is staring at you. It’s been 4 months and the feeling hasn’t gone away for even a second.
You’ve lived alone ever since you decided to move out. After years, you decided to go back and visit. Except, no matter what you do, you can’t seem to find any record about your hometown or its people. By all accounts, it doesn’t seem to exist.
You somewhat jokingly make an offering to an ancient and obscure goddess. You didn’t expect her to show up in your room in a manic frenzy, trying desperately to reward and please her first worshipper in centuries.
Her dating profile listed her as heavenly. You never expected that to be literal as the angel, wings and all, stepped nervously into the restaurant looking for you.
Despite being completely ordinary and unremarkable your entire life, people and animals feel uneasy around you. Dogs raise their hackles, cats hiss and run, and despite their best efforts, even close family members find you unsettling. Finally, on your birthday, you learn why.
You found a stray kitten one day, taking her in and feeding her. A week later, you come home to find your yard swarming with cats. The largest among them steps forward and says, “You have my daughter, human. What are your demands for her release?”
When you turn 18, your greatest skill is multiplied by 10. Amazing driver? Now you’re practically invincible in a car. Expert bow shot? You can angle your shots down to the millimeter. No one expects your skill.
The hero disappears overnight, and the only one who looks is the villain. Not their “friends”, not their family, not the news reporters or any of the people who claim to love them. Just the villain.
A crippled god is isolated within their only remaining temple. Having lost all their power after their patrons abandoned them, the only thing keeping them alive for the past few years is the unwavering devotion of a single dog.
You are frantically driving back to your house. Your wife called you for she delivered, even though it has been just six months. You open the door and find your wife hugging a 1 foot egg. “I will explain everything honey, but could you warm our baby for a while, I am hungry AF.”
I may be a Super Villain hell bent on world domination, but that doesn’t mean I’m a bad dad. In fact, I’m an excellent father. My daughter is playing in her championship today, and not even the forces of Heaven and Hell combined will keep me in this prison missing her game.
Your Uber passenger was a little odd, but you still gave them the usual farewell: “If you enjoyed the ride, make sure you say thanks with five stars!” A few days later, you receive a nicely worded thank you letter in the mail along with a deed to the entire constellation of Cassiopeia.
You died. The pearly gates are rusted and off their hinges. Inside, Heaven looks like ancient ruins. The husks of angels are scattered about. You look at the throne and, like the angels, your god is long dead.
11:11pm. Winter. A dog trainer can’t understand why their most well-behaved dog acts so anxious and panicky. Over and over, the dog slaps its paws on a string of Pet Speech Buttons: “NO/OUTSIDE/BAD/AFRAID,” and does everything it can to keep you from approaching the front door…
You were always told that you’re the Hero who was destined to face the Dark Lord, but instead you two fell in love and had a kid. Then one day, you come home to find your spouse dead and child missing. Now everyone will burn, as you decide to make this ‘Dark Lord’ prophecy come true.
Gene Splicing has become so commonplace that anyone wanting to edit their own genome can simply buy a kit to do it at home. Most use it for minor self-improvement but there are those who choose to make radical changes. You are part of a special team called in when edits go drastically wrong.
You find out that you have inherited an old mansion. It’s a beautiful victorian home. The only problem is it’s filled with Supernatural monsters who have made a deal with the previous owners. Take care of their needs and let them live, and they will take care of your needs and protect you.
Your immortality isn’t the result of any curse, or blessing, for that matter. No, it’s just that you pissed off the God of Death so much he can’t stand the sight of you.
For some reason, you always suspected that your high school classmate can read minds. Determined to trip her, you keep cracking jokes in your mind, hoping to make her laugh, to no avail. One day, while idly thinking about how it would be to date her, you see her get flustered.
he headline flashes across the screen: “Scientists to release cure to death in a month! The beginning of a new age!” You turn off the TV and smile bitterly. Your prognosis wasn’t good. The doctors said you had two weeks left at most.
Look slow burn is great but have you considered: slow burn and the opposite at the same time.
One of them looks at the other for the first time and is like “that one.” Ready to marry them five minutes later. Falls like a ton of bricks.
Other one is completely oblivious to this and fails in love so slowly that they go boiled frog and don’t realise for years that they love the other one back just as fiercely, and have for a while, until it’s “oh” time.
I am a WHORE for “the love is requited, they’re both just idiots”
“They are STUPIDLY competent at EVERYTHING except each other.”
You’re the last follower of a long forgotten god who can no longer recruit new faithful. Once you die they will ‘die’ too, so weak as they are they do what they can to extend you life, overstepping the usual boundaries between worshiper and deity.
When you were a child you had an imaginary friend who lived in the sea and went on adventures with. The last time you saw the, you shared in a strange personal ceremony where you joined hands. now , after all these years, a hooded merfolk arrives on your doorstep claiming to be your betrothed.
Y/n walking on the beach at dawn, as remnants of a ship wreck wash onto the shore. Among the wreckage, Y/n finds Ace.
Y/n is a merperson who gets injured and washed up on the shore of a beach unconscious, and is found by Ace.
After hundreds of years, since you've died, Zhongli's wedding ring breaks.
He has taken great care of it, but time thinned it out, for he has worn it every day since you two have pledged yourself to each other. He's heartbroken, his voice wavering, every time he looks at the imprint it left on his ring finger. The band was well worn, worn with pride and solemn, but now nothing more than a mark and reminder of your wedding.
And once again, he's lost a small bit of you, that he misses so dearly.
love the “oh. oh.” moment in fics as much as the next person but can i also advocate for “stay?” reaching out to grasp for their wrist. the surprise, the anticipation, the acceptance… a confession disguised as a request.
0 notes
stardusted-hearts · 9 months
Anonymous asked: 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version? ---
Emoji Head Canons - Not Accepting
That's a tough question just because of how much there is to cover. I mean, despite what some may think, I do try to maintain a certain amount of canon, especially when it comes to personalities, BUUUT I also do stray from canon quite a bit, intentionally and sometimes not so intentionally.
There's an odd mix there, and it gets even blurrier considering what is likely the biggest change- and is more of an overall concept rather than A Thing- which is that my muses AGE.
When I started this AU/blog all those years ago canon ages were still a thing. Sonic was stuck at 15/16 forever. I don't remember what exact age I put Stardust at when I started, but it was early 20's. Now he's almost 30.
Characters who are normally so stagnate in canon are bound to change when you take them out of stagnation and let them progress over the years. Not just aging, but experiencing life- experiencing things they NEVER would, will, or SHOULD experience in canon. Growing [or the opposite], shifting and changing like a real person would.
From the start they were already different, but RPing Stardust for so many years has definitely lead to him straying farther from canon Sonic. Not that I see this as a bad thing. I know some people do, but not me. I love the differences between everyone's depictions of their (canon) muses, all the AUs and head canons, and I love watching them grow.
That said, I do still try to maintain elements from canon. There are many parts of Sonic that I consider crucial to his core and who he is as a character, and I do my best to display them when the opportunity strikes.
I do think it's important to note that my idea of crucial core elements of Sonic may not be the same as someone else's idea of them. Which is really cool imo honestly, we're all so unique with unique experiences and that means even when we're all looking at the same character we all experience that character differently.
Especially when that character, like Sonic, has been around so long and had so many different canons and medias. How old were you when you got into Sonic? What piece of Sonic media hooked you? What ABOUT Sonic got your attention?
Sonic means something different to everyone, even if only a little.
I wish I had a more specific example for a change I've made to Sonic from canon that could qualify as "the biggest" but I think the biggest change is simply the vague concept of taking him out of canon!
Aside from like. Changing his design and making him taller, obviously lmao
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roboturner87 · 10 months
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Unfortunately, I have to co-parent with her, so yes
3. Have you taken someones virginity
Quite a few
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
It is now, yes
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I don't have anyone I like at the current moment
6. What are you excited for?
The possibility of a new position at work
7. What happened tonight?
It's afternoon, so nothing yet
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
9. Is confidence cute?
Most definitely
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Lmao, no
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Probably play Skyrim
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
No, she's coming over to get the last of her stuff
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
The change has begun, and yes.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
He's dead, but a friend of mine that has been there when I had nobody else
18. The last time you felt broken?
19. Have you had sex today?
Haven't had sex since....mid July
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
I'm hard to love
21. Are you in a good mood?
I haven't been in a good mood in quite some time now. I really want that to change
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
No, they're the same as my mom's
24. What do you want right this second?
To be held
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Too late
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Red brown
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
I was married to someone like that. It wasn't all bad until the end
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Chainsaw man
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
With all of my heart, but I know she doesn't miss me
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Yes and no, depends on the situation
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I think so, but I also think I scared her away
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Pop, but I only really drink Ginger Ale
34. Listening to?
The filter of the fish tank and the ringing in my ears
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Yes, unfortunately
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
38. Who did you last call?
My mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I don't even remember
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
She was my wife, and I loved her with all of my heart
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
An actual cupcake? Years ago.
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Not in a while
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't tan...
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47. Who was the last person to call you?
Spam call
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yes, i love Bows
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Not all of them
53. Is Christmas stressful?
It will be this year
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Mmmmm Pierogis
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Oddly enough, a truck driver, then basketball player
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time, it's been a while though
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
Do flip flops count?
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
63. First concert?
Linkin Park, Static-X, and Stone Temple Piolets
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Target Kmart doesn't exist here
65. Nike or Adidas?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Professional bum is her current occupation
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74. What is your favorite book?
75. Do you study better with or without music?
Music is my life
76. Regularly burn incense?
Not recently
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Veil of Maya and Vildjarta
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
I've learned be
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Doesn't matter
87. Ever won a contest?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
91. Best room for a fireplace?
92. Do you want to get married
Been there, done that. I probably won't again, but time will tell
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