#you don't wanna mess with these sith wives
chaoticspacefam · 4 years
That’s called “teamwork” and it’s their wheelhouse
Random Person, staring in disbelief: But you’re like, five and a half feet tall how do you intimidate people?
Sash, smiling: Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Random person, confused: But you don’t -
Saarai (over 6 feet tall), standing behind Sash and cracking her knuckles: She’s the speak softly, I’m the stick.
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Crack au where the Force gives Anakin a dream where everyone but him turns into a Sith/Darksider. He knows it's not a vision. First, well, it's too ridiculous. Second, it feels more dreamy/nightmarish than visionary. He brushed it aside.
(Warning: I literally don't remember the chronological order of everything I mentioned so I won't bother putting them in the right order + they might actually make more sense in a different order for that situation so it doesn't really matter. Voilà!)
But then Krell happens. Barriss. Ahsoka (when Dooku left the Order, he went to the Sith, didn’t he? And she hanged out with Ventress!) Billaba. Quinlan. Yoda (Anakin put a tracker on his ship during the s6 arc and regret letting him go when he sees the coordinates are of a SITH PLANET). Plo (it's the first time Anakin sees him use his emerald lightning). Mace (Vaapad. At this point he's really just too much in his theory and tries to find any excuses possible to make it work). Tiplar (maybe Tup saw something they didn't, something that showed she was a Sith and as a good soldier, he followed orders?) Ki-Adi-Mundi (All those wives and kids but 'not attached'? Totally building a little Sith army or something!) Kit Fisto (Have you seen this guy? Always grinning mid-battle like he loves it and can't wait to get rid of his Jedi robes on any occasion!! Ok maybe he's really, really trying to find excuses there-)
And Obi-Wan. He feels darker when Maul ever since came back/when he's around, which normally is fine cause he's the #1 foe of the dark, but with everything else...
So, at this point, Anakin is extremely paranoid. Think lack-of-sleep-ROTS!Anakin. Understandably so, as he believes that at least half of the Jedi Council are Siths/Darksiders! His (former) master is clearly on the brink of turning and Anakin might still hold grudges over his lack of support with Ahsoka, but that's still his brother-dad-master and he's certainly not losing him (too). Obviously, his next step is to go rant all about it to Palpatine. Who laughs in his face at the absurdity of it. Even that, the Sith hadn't meant to do and couldn't quite believe was happening. Distrust in the Council? Sure. Hate and resentment? Totally his end goal! But, this?
Unfortunately, it's the first and only time he's caught off guard by Anakin and he doesn't have time to smooth the boy's ruffled feathers before the other stomps away. Palpatine doesn't panic though because, clearly, between Jedi-that-are-apparently-dark and him, it's clear to whom Anakin will come back to later.
That'll bite him in the ass later on.
Back to Anakin though, he's heading to Padmé's apartment. Of course he is. Thoughts are also swirling. About Sifo-Dyas and Tyrannus/Dooku. About Fives. About, obviously, the Jedi and Obi-Wan. Even if it hurts, about Ahsoka, too.
But, he especially thinks about Sifo-Dyas. There's this teensy little detail he wouldn't have remembered normally but, well, nothing is normal right now. And that thing is that the one who blocked his file was specifically the office of the Supreme Chancellor. Not his Supreme Chancellor, obviously, but still. And then the Jedi want to cover it up and not tell his Supreme Chancellor? Supreme Chancellor who acts like nothing is wrong when Anakin tells him the Jedi are all turning dark? Supreme Chancellor who he recalls often gave to Anakin his disapproval of some of the Jedi views, which he agreed with, yet kept such comment to himself while in public?
Oh no, he thinks, my friend is manipulated by the Sith/Dark siders!
He pushes his speeder to maximum speed to get to Padmé quicker. When he arrives, he's a mess trying to tell her everything at once and it takes a lot for her to get him to calm down. He's still a mess, but a controlled one.
The only thing that actually makes him really settle is to assure him that she'll help him investigate this, that they'll find proof of something, anything and get justice or whatever he wanna believe. Padmé, whose trust in her beloved mentor has been quite shaken by the war at this point and that has a great amount of trust in the Jedi, is not utterly convinced by Anakin's story, but there are certainly some things worth investigating even if she hadn't mainly agreed to soothe her out-of-his-mind husband. Also, the first thing she does after that discussion is to make sure he sleeps cause oh boy does he need it.
They end up quite surprised at what they do actually find later. Padmé probably ends up convincing Anakin to tell at least Obi-Wan because this, unlike their hidden relationship, cannot wait until the two of them actually manage to put their communication skills to some use between each other. Obi-Wan takes the deepest breath and releases the longest sigh Anakin has ever heard after hearing the whole story but cleverly decides to focus on the actual Sith issue first. The breakdown is also for after the whole mess and Padmé emphatically offers him a drink for now.
Then they get to work.
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