#you guys should change the way you behave for real or don't [as]
justallihere · 2 days
I wanted to reply this to your stop comparing Dain and Tamlin post BUT we got a little long there.
This! People also forget that he was very well taught that Xaden and the rest were bad. Even Vi didn't trust him at first. He was being tortured on the reg, he also has a signet, that lets be real if he was anyone elses kid, would no doubt have been a straight death setence. But lets be real the second he turned his back on his fam/beliefs, he'd be killed for it. We also only get two povs. Vi's and Xadens. Dain knows what this school is like. He has seen it kill people, and given we learn signets are based on what people needs and vi is all about learning/knowing/knowledge, its safe to say he was worried about what she'd manifest signet wise.
Then we get to the other bit people are always stuck on, saying he wouldn't have helped her during threshing. He's just accussed his wing leader of breaking the rules, someone as far as he knows can't be trusted, of course he isn't then going to turn around and admit to someone who can kill him, that oh yea i'd totes do it for her. As for Amber, she was perhaps his closest friend in that whole entire war college, he was hurt that she could have hurt vi, didnt believe she could do something like that, and yea he was a dick when he tried to see for himself, but come on the guy is grieving, let him make mistakes.
And i love Liam and i hate that he's dead, reading it gutted me, hearing the graphic audio, was worse, don't do it. But Dain did what he thought was right. He's been raised on so much hate around the reblion kids that he accidentally sees shit and tells his dad because who wouldn't its not like he told his dad, oh btw go do this and kill them lol.
Dain betrayed his country for Vi. He refused to read her mind the first time, in IF, and who knows what they did to him for that, and helped when he activily realized A. he's been lied to his whole life, and B. his actions directly caused the death of a pretty cool dude. He activily worked to change. What the heck did Tamlin do? Oh right, locked her away, refused to listen to her, treat her as an equal, train her, and then belitted her in front of high lords. Dain would never.
All very good points! Dain is basically still a child. He’s been indoctrinated his whole life to act, think, and behave a certain way. It doesn’t in any way make him right, or excuse his behavior, or absolve him of responsibility for the mistakes he made and the consequences of his actions, but he admitted he was wrong and made a concerted effort to make things right. Tamlin was just an abuser, even if you ignore the fact that he’s way too old and should have known and been better.
Also I really like your point that Dain may have been worried about what type of signet Violet would manifest! Given he toes the line of having a power that would probably get someone else killed, of course he would be terrified that his best friend might end up with something similar or worse.
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This is going to be ranty and I've touched on this subject before. So if you're a Steve worshipper look away. For the record, I love his character but I cannot stand the constant mischaracterization of him. It turns him into a joke. He's not a mom and the comparison is frankly sexist not to mention shows how much people are willing to overlook with regard to his character. Joyce does triple the amount of work and is an actual mom, so if you want to praise someone for being a mom look to the real one. Instead she gets practically ignored by the fandom. Steve does the bare minimum compared to a lot of people and gets worshipped, and the result of this is that people end up turning him into a 1 dimensional version of himself. He has flaws and it's important to acknowledge them. He's far more interesting and relatable this way. Without doing that he gets turned into a god-like figure who is infallible. But the worst of this is the constant erasure of Jonathan. I keep seeing posts saying that Steve would be such an amazing mentor to Will and how wonderful their relationship will be next season. Be for fucking real. They don't have a relationship and never will and Will doesn't need him. Not to mention the fact that Steve isn't a mentor. He is a peer. And only to Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Erica who are the only kids who are shown to have any kind of relationship with him. And honestly Dustin is the only one that isn't superficial. It's especially notable in the case of Mike that they never developed a relationship. It shows that not only are Mike and Nancy not that close, but her ex-boyfriend never bonded with him. Mike tends to respond to Steve with the same contempt he has for his father in the brief moments we've seen between the two.
It's Jonathan who is an ally to Will. It's Jonathan Will and Mike trust. It's Jonathan Mike has known since he was 5. And it's Jonathan who has constantly protected them. Neither one of them have a relationship with Steve. All of these characters have been on the show since the beginning. If Steve had a major impact on any of their lives they would have shown it by now. And yes, Steve is no longer the bullying asshole he once was. He has gone through a great character arch that has shown him growing and changing in a realistic way. However, he still has a lot to learn and this was demonstrated through his shitty advice to Robin early in the season. Him dismissing her fears of asking Vickie out was not ok and shows he doesn't fully understand her point of view. Just because he ended up being right at the end doesn't excuse the fact that he told her to just ask Vickie out simply because she paused a movie at a certain time. He could have very easily been wrong and it was valid that she was hesitant.
Steve used to bully people for being gay, and again, it's good that he doesn't do this anymore and has grown. But this is the version of Steve that Will, Mike, and Jonathan know. They know the version of him that called Jonathan the f word and said his brother deserved to die. They know the version of him that said their abusive father was right. Mike and Will are not coming out to Steve.
In fact, people should expect them to be afraid of him and expect Jonathan to immediately be on guard and protective. Because this is the only version of him they know. Steve was known around town for being a bully and he still has this reputation - Eddie says this season he is surprised Steve wasn't an asshole even though Dustin insisted.
Mike and Will are two scared kids who live in a town that behaves the way Steve used to. They expect this kind of reaction. It's Jonathan's calm, empathetic support they need. It isn't the guy who used to be homophobic - and honestly has no patience for the kids - to help them out. Quiet, sensitive Will does not need someone loud and impatient who used to act like his abusive father in his life. And it's not on Mike and Will to absolve Steve of his past crimes.
And I absolutely cannot stand all the headcanons that I see of how Steve is going to start a LGBTQ support group around Hawkins for Robin and Will. It's utterly ridiculous. We absolutely do need Robin bonding with Will (and Mike and Vickie) but there is honestly no excuse for the constant insertion of Steve into this narrative. It is not a place he belongs. As an ally, it's important for him to recognize there are spaces that aren't for him. They do not need his permission or approval to talk to each other.
And bonding with Robin does not automatically come with a close bond with Steve. It isn't required. She is her own separate person who has her own separate experiences that Steve does not always need to be apart of just because they are friends. It's far more impactful to see a moment between Will and Robin (including with Mike and Vickie) without Steve randomly being there saying pointless shit. And they aren't wasting a moving coming out moment with Steve and Mike and Will instead of with people they are actually close to. Inserting him into this narrative changes the focus from the LGBTQ character to Steve. It makes it entirely about him and his response instead of them. In fact it's not outside of the realm of possibility that he just never finds out or it's a very quick moment that happens in passing. But erasing his characters actual role on the show completely misses the point of why he's still in this narrative. The cool guy isn't the focus of this story for once. It's not his story. That doesn't mean he isn't important. It means that for once the straight, white dude who's conventionally attractive is taking a backseat and not only that, but he's not resentful about this. He doesn't act bitter that he isn't the focus. And this is such an important role to see.
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"𝑭𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆" - 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕3 𝑬𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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A/N: This is part three of the Anti-Love Ettore on-shot.
Summary: You and Ettore decided to give the love thing a shot only it's not what either of you expected it to be which forces you to make some choices that would end up haunting you.
TW: spitting, edgning, choking, smut, orgasm denial, nipple play, cuffing, degredation, sexual assault, blood
Word Count: 4.2k
← Previous Part • Next Chapter →
I cant remember who made the X Banner. If you know please tell me.
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Everything had been going pretty well.
You and Ettore decided to give being in an actual relationship a shot. It was odd at first Ettore didn't know how to act or what to say, he felt off referring to you as his girlfriend and you could tell he wasn't fully into it.
For Ettore, he knew he was only doing it to keep you around. You wouldn't stay with him otherwise in his mind. If being your boyfriend was what he had to do so that you wouldn't leave him that's what he would do.
He tried his best and even did research about what normal boyfriends would do. He took you out on movie dates which would just end up being awkward as he sat next to you rigid. He tried to be sweet to you but it just came off cold for some reason. The only time he showed the smallest amount of intimacy and care was during sex and afterwards.
A part of you just wanted to end it. Go back to the way you were. But you were also scared, what if he decided none of it was worth the trouble? In a matter of seconds Ettore can find someone new and leave you in the dust. This thought scared you and wracked your brain. He could grow tired of you and find a new plaything in a matter of seconds.
So to make him think it was ok you acted like everything was just that. You tried not to show any discomfort when he was acting odd or pretended that the dates were amazing.
But as time went on you noticed his behaviour changing. Ettore insisted you moved in with him saying that that's what normal couples do after a while. You expressed that typically that doesn't happen for some time but he said you both wouldn't need to wait long.
Somehow without you ever physically saying yes you ended up leaving your old apartment and moving in with him. From there it got even worse. Ettore became specific about the clothes you would wear or when you would leave.
The issue is Ettore didn't think anything of the way he was behaving. Considering he was getting most of his information on relationships online and probably on the wrong side of it he was sure that what he was doing was working. And deep down it was helping him too. Every time you left in a revealing outfit he worried about another guy seeing you and you falling in love with him. Not to mention this was also how he saw the men his mom would date behave. Is this not how he was supposed to be?
When you were out too long he imagined you were on a date or secretly with some guy rather than coming home to him. He's scared that you want a softer love than he can offer. The worry tires him down just like his dark and possessiveness do the same for you. You're both on edge with eachother worrying about what the other would do if you were honest. It's become all too complicated and you regret ever agreeing to this.
You think back to the first and only time he has ever said "I love you". Although that he said he meant it you don't think he did. Ettore isn't capable of real love if anything he is against it. In his mind, the only thing that happens between men and women is purely physical.
So after 3 months of giving this a shot...you are ready to give up. But you know you can't do it like normal people. You know Ettore can kill people considering the one time you helped him get rid of a body. Would he kill you? If you tried to break up with him like everybody else on this planet would Ettore murder you right where you stand?
You had spent weeks thinking of what you should do...and finally, you think you found a solution...one you knew Ettore wouldn't like but could free you both of this mess.
Your mind was made up. You'd enjoy this last night with him and leave the next day while he was out.
You both had planned to stay home that night and just watch movies.
You lay on top of him as you both stared at the screen. You could tell he had fallen asleep as his breathing had gone from being controlled to relaxed. You took this moment to take him in for the last time. To truly get a look at him.
You slowly sat up so you were straddling him. You brushed some hair out of his face smiling as you remember the small argument you had when you tried to convince him to let you give him a haircut. He made it very clear he didn't trust your barber skills.
Ettore started mumbling in his sleep, something he does often. He shifts in his sleep his cock brushing against you in the best way.
Even in his sleep his a horny little man. His hips start moving more as his breathing gets deeper. You smirk lean down and kiss him gently. You get an idea in your head that you know he will hate you for but you can't resist. If this was going to be your last time fucking him you might as well make it good.
You get up to retrieve something as you walk away you hear shuffling and worry he got up but then you don't hear anything else. You get what you need and walk back over to the couch seeing he had flipped onto his stomach.
This works better for you as you gently grab one of his hands and cuff it before bringing the other behind his back to cuff it. Just as it clicks close you see him slowly open his eyes.
His brows furrow as he tries to move his hands. He calls your name with a tired and annoyed tone. You duck behind the couch covering your mouth to stop you from laughing out loud.
Ettore sits up rolling his eyes as he feels the cuffs around his wrist.
"This isn't funny." You get up and walk around the couch so you're standing in front of him. He looks up at you with a straight face. "Take 'em off."
You shake your head and get on his lap straddling his waist. He groans as you slowly grind down on him. He leans forward running his nose up your neck, something about your scent had him going crazy every time.
"If you wanted me to fuck you all you had to do was ask." He whispers in your ear as he lifts his hips up so you can feel more of him.
You yank his head back by his hair. He winces as he smirks.
You had never taken control before. When it came to Ettore there was no room for you to be dominant he liked to control everything. So this? This was an opportunity you could not pass up.
You tilted his head to the side as you kissed your way up his neck still grinding down on him. You listened as he gently panted in your ear. He tried to lift his hips but anytime he did you lifted yourself so he couldn't feel you.
"No moving." You switched to the other side of his neck. You gently bite down on his ear lobe before leaning back and sitting up to take off your shirt.
You move slowly as take the fabric off freeing your breasts. Ettore tries to lean forward but you push him back roughly. He gives you an annoyed look.
You lean back and gently rub your nipples in front of him. He calls your name in annoyance but you keep going. You stand up and slowly take off your shorts and then help him out of his sweatpants before getting back on his lap.
He was so hard that it almost looked painful. He again tried moving his hips and you once again sat up higher so he couldn't reach you.
"This is evil." He leans his head back. You lifted his head back up.
"Spit." He rolled his eyes to which you reached and pinched one of his nipples. He winced in pain as his eyes snapped back to yours. "I said" You lifted your hand to his mouth. "Spit." His jaw clenched.
But he gave in and did as you said and spat in your hand. You reached down and stroked him ever so slowly, gently running your thumb over the slit on his tip each time your hand came up. His head leaned back against the couch as he closed his eyes.
Ettore did his best not to move but it was so hard, you were going far too slow for him. Involuntarily his hips bucked forward as you squeezed him harder.
You quickly let go of him.
"I said no moving." You reach down in between your own legs and gather some of your wetness bringing it to your clit rubbing tight circles.
"Please." You could barely hear the words come out of his mouth. He looked down watching you as you slid a finger inside.
"Please what?" You started to slowly move your fingers in and out of you. You could never reach the same places he can but you could pretend it feels just as good to simply piss him off.
"Fuck baby- pl..please fuck me." He was so pent up at this point that all he wanted to was be buried deep inside you. You smirked as you removed your fingers and lined him up. You ran him through your folds repeatedly, and for the first time, you heard a genuine whimper come out of him. "Please please please."
Pride swells in your chest as you slowly sink down on him the second you're filled to the hilt he groans throwing his head back, mouth agape. An idea comes into your mind and...well since you were leaving anyway you might as well go all the way.
Ettore's eyes widened as he felt you spit in his mouth. You grasped his cheeks in one hand.
"Swallow." He stared at you for a moment before a smirk crept on his face. He would get payback later but for now, he'll play along. He swallowed before leaning forward to kiss you. You gave his tongue access to your mouth.
You lifted your hips just till his tip was in and sat down quickly. You moaned into each other's mouths as you repeated the same movement. Wrapping your arms around his neck you started going faster. Deep in your pleasure, Ettore lifts his hips to meet your pace.
You could feel him twitching inside of you as he got closer and closer. He knew you were close to him as he felt your pussy clenching down on him.
"F-fuck." groaned deeply and you knew he was just there. As he was about to finish you get off him quickly. "What the fuck!?"
You reached down circling your clit as you used your other hand to sink two fingers inside of you. You finished yourself off as Ettore watched. When you opened your eyes and looked at him he was absolutely livid and still horribly hard.
"You have to uncuff me eventually baby." He lifted his knees quickly so you fell against his chest. He licked a bead of sweat off your neck savouring the taste. You brought the same fingers that were just inside you to his lips. He opened his mouth as he sucked them clean.
You reached over to the side table and grabbed the key. You eye him before helping him to lean forward so you can uncuff him. You only got one hand free before he flipped you onto your stomach and shoved himself back inside you.
One of his hands held your head down against the couch cushion as the other pressed down on your back deepening your arch. He wasted no time slamming into you over and over chasing back the high you robbed him of. The only sounds in the room were your whimpers and the sound of his hips meeting your ass.
Ettore watched as his cock started glistening with how wet you were getting. His hips and your ass becoming a sticky mess.
He pulled you up by your hair the same way you had done to him and wrapped his hand around your throat from behind.
"Is this what you wanted?" The angle had him hitting that lovely spot inside you over and over. Your eyes were rolled back and all he got as a response were moans. "Such a dirty fucking slut." He squeezed your throat harder. "Fucking answer me."
"Y-yes!" His other hand let go of your waist as he reached in between your legs and pinched your clit. Tears fell down your cheeks.
"Yes? Yes, your a dirty fucking slut?" All you can do is wince as you try to squirm away from him but he has you tight by the throat. He turns your head and licks one of your tears. "Yeah, I know you are. Come on then. Cum for me baby. Soak my fucking cock." He let go of you and grabbed your hips with both hands.
Ettore watched as your body shook as you came. Your pussy squeezing him so hard, begging him for his cum. "There you go. So pretty when you cum." He started breathing quicker as he felt himself about to finish. He came deep inside you still fucking you slowly even after you both came, fucking his cum back into you as it spilled out. You whimpered as he didn't stop.
"Shhh shh." He soothed you running his hands up your back. He moved you to the side not pulling out as he got comfortable behind you. His arm was under your head as his other hand ran up and down your sides. He kissed your neck and nestled himself in its crook, you could feel his breath fanning over your neck. "Go to sleep."
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Ettore opens the door closing it behind him. He places a box on the floor before taking off his shoes and jacket,
Ettore notices how quiet it is which is odd considering whenever you home there's always some noise in the house. He checks the bathroom but you're clearly not in there. He has a gut-wrenching feeling and walks over to his dresser opening the drawers he had emptied to make space for you and your clothes.
His blood runs cold as he sees them empty. No clothes inside. He walks over to the closet by the front door and opens it. Your shoes are gone and your jackets are all gone too. Panicking he takes out his phone sending you multiple messages in a row demanding to know where you were and why your stuff was gone.
He paces around his apartment waiting for a response. No matter how many times she attempts to call you you never pick up. He leaves voicemail after voicemail but you never respond.
30 minutes later his phone dings. He almost falls as he runs to it hoping to see a message from with a lame excuse that will explain everything. But what he finds only breaks his heart. Though you tried to give him a heartfelt message it all went over his head.
His mind only focuses on the fact that you left him. You actually left him.
Ettore wasted no time getting his shoes and jacket back on as he left his house. He spent hours going to all your favourite places and where he would think you would. He didn't stop texting or calling and as he walked out of the last place he could think of he pulled out his phone and sent another text.
He waited a couple seconds before the message had an exclamation mark beside it and said it could not be sent. He tried again and again. He then tried to call you but it immediately went to voicemail.
"No no no." He kept trying and soon realized you had blocked him.
Just like that, he had lost you. The little light he thought he had found was gone and there wasn't anything he could do about it. There was no way he could get you back or track you down.
It sent him in a spiral. He starts searching for you in other women. Trying to see if he can get the same reaction. Two of them were dull, and two others fought back and were too dry for him. There were three others who he had been too rough with and he had managed to clean up their bodies well.
One day he thinks he finally finds one. She looks like you, dresses like you, heck she even talks like you. He was in the same bar as her watching from the corner. When she was finally leaving he followed her. She drunkenly walked home and made the mistake of heading into the park. Ettore made his move then.
He was rough and didn't even try to prepare her. He had hit her multiple times to get her to stop fighting back. When he was finished his dick was soaked in her blood and she was passed out. He sighed as it pissed him off that she wasn't anything like you. She didn't clench around him or cry in pleasure, just pain.
Considering he had some drinks in the bar, he made a drunk error...he had left her there...and that would be his biggest mistake.
Two more days had gone by before there was a knock at his door. He opened it not checking who it was and was met by police tackling him to the ground and arresting him.
The girl had woken up in that park and went immediately to the hospital without showering any evidence off. His DNA was all over her and inside her and that was all they needed to catch him. They tied him to the other three that had died recently and even got him to confess to two more he killed before he had met you.
Ettore knew he was going to jail forever. He would never get out. But that didn't bother him, it was the idea that he would never have a woman again that had him fucking livid.
By the time his trial was over he had been there for two months. He almost assaulted one of the nurses, just itching to be deep inside the poor unsuspecting girl, but he was being watched like a hawk.
There was no death penalty in the UK, so Ettore assumed he would spend the rest of his life in jail surrounded by disgusting men.
That was until he was called into a room where he was told he would be joining a mission. Ettore would head into space and do whatever fucking thing the guy said. He would never return to earth and would die up there. The idea wasn't appealing to him, he could give less of a fuck about stars and shit and didn't even want to entertain the idea. Until the lawyer with pants too tight mentioned it was co-ed.
His eyes lit up and he said yes immediately. Being on that ship was a better fate than being in jail. The chance to be around women again after months of testosterone was so appealing he felt his mouth pool with saliva.
He had never cummed by his own hand so hard in the past few months as he did that night. His brain came up with new material as he imagined the different women that could be on the ship. Surely some of them would be aching for the same thing. They had also been without sex for months just like him. At least one of them would be willing to give it up. And even if none of them were Ettore had no problem resorting to his old tactics.
When the morning finally came for him to leave this shit-hole prison he couldn't have been happier. For the first time in months, he smiled and laughed. The euphoria was all too much for him to contain silently.
That feeling died quick as he watched other inmates board the ship. And across from him sat someone he never thought he'd see again.
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Leaving was one of the hardest things you did. For the first two weeks, you kept contemplating going back to him but you knew that wasn't a good idea. You cursed yourself for not staying but then patted yourself on the back for being able to leave.
It was tough for a very long time. You started stealing way more than before. Your new apartment was filled with stuff you never even wanted but just felt the need to take. But it wasn't enough. None of it was enough to fill the new void.
You made some new friends. Delinquents just like you. They too had a fond for stealing and grabbing whatever they could. Although you had become a more quiet person they enjoyed your presence and your experience in stealing. So they eventually invited you in on their more serious adventures.
It started small. Robbing people at ATMs, breaking into cars, even robbing houses when the owners were gone. You had no interest in stealing money but being out all the time gave you less time to think about him.
The group had grown over time what was once four of you became thirteen. With this new large group the self-appointed "leader", Jarvis, came up with a plan for an actual heist.
You would rob one of the banks in your town. You told him you had no care for money and that you weren't interested in this. Unlike the other members, he didn't have anything on you. Nothing to blackmail you with. So he used his other assets. As he continued to plan the heist he would spend time with just you alone. He could tell you were lonely, he didn't care why but knew he could use it to his advantage.
It had been so long since someone had touched you and you were quick to give in. It wasn't the same as when you were with Ettore. Jarvis finished too quickly and did too little to get you to your peak. You often had to fake it simply because you didn't want to hurt his feelings.
But one thing was different. Jarvis wasn't scared to take you into public. He was able to give you the soft love you wanted from Ettore. He wasn't awkward on dates and didn't hesitate to hold your hand or wrap his arms around you. He even kissed you often.
So how could you deny him when he came to you and asked you to take someone's place in the heist. He made promises that with the money the two of you would leave this shit country and go somewhere tropical.
You believed him and you should have. Jarvis was sincere though you'd always think looking back that he had lied to you, he didn't.
When the day of the heist came you were prepared. He had spent the last week teaching you how to shoot a gun and running over all the plans with you.
But when shit went south and the police managed to get in the building without any of you noticing Jarvis ran and didn't take you with him.
Out of the thirteen of you, four of you died of gunshot wounds, three of you escaped and six of you were arrested.
Some hostages had died and after the trial, it looked like you would end up spending the rest of your life behind bars.
Jail was cold and boring. Your fingers were still sticky and you often got in trouble for it. But you never stopped, occasionally stealing other inmates' commissaries.
You had built a bad rep for yourself and people were starting to get sick and tired of you. So you were also quick to take the offer to get off this planet.
You didn't care if it meant you would never come back. You had given so much to this planet and never got anything in return but heartbreak, pain and fucking depression. You'd much rather die staring at the beauty of space than the faces of women who want you dead.
Getting on that ship felt like confirmation of what you're doing. There was no turning back and even if you wanted to you didn't really have a choice. This was the only version of the death penalty they could give you so thats what you were getting.
You were sat in a chair as the man in front of you started strapping you in. Once he was done he moved on to the next person who was sitting next to you.
As you looked up in front of you your heart dropped to your damn toenails. Ettore sat in front of you with the same shocked expression. You watched as that expression went from something of a shock to happiness to anger then to lust.
You both sat there staring at each other as the rest of the inmates were brought on board and strapped in.
Your name was then called a couple of times but you were too focused on Ettore to even hear anything.
You felt a hand touch your thigh and turned your head to see who it was. Clearly whatever higher power there was wanted to torment the fuck out of you.
Jarvis sat next to you with a smile on his face. You looked back over to Ettore who now wore a look of pure rage.
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A/N: Heyy!!! Sorry this took me so long. I kind of had writers block and then I also had school assignments but im back now!!
There's only one more chapter of this series and im super excited!!
Gen Taglist : @thought--bubble, @valeskafics
"Fuck Love" Taglist: @scarletbedlam @fan-goddess @qyburnsghost @hi-eleonora
*Bold means I couldn't tag you. If you want to be tagged let me know in the comments.
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nardo-headcanons · 1 month
Hey my dear mutual! Another super stupid and weird request coming, so, please, feel totally free to ignore completely if you want, really. So, let's say instead of a criminal organization, the Akatsuki are actually a lab team. Which would be their roles, their work focus or their research topics? How would they behave at work with each other or, I don't know, whatever you can think of. Inspired by your agar plates post, by the way, hahahaha
Hello Sasuke, my dear. Don't call your asks weird, I love how creative they are! If anyone wants to write a fic about this please TAG me!
Big thanks to @the-real-sasuke-uchiha for requesting!
The Akatsuki in a modern research lab AU
Akatsuki Labs, Inc. No one knows what they're actually researching, and how they get their funding, however everyone hires them, they're incredibly popular with institutions and businesses alike...
Deidara is a lab rookie who is still at the beginning of his study. He went to a scientific high school and an absolute ace at chemistry. Besides studying chemistry, his other major is pyrotechnical engineering. He blows shit up on the regular and even adds copper sulphate to fires when he is the one supposed to put them out. He frequently steals minerals from the lab to use them for his pottery projects. And yes, he knows how to make meth.
Hidan is on his way to become a neurologist. He is fascinated by the way the nervous system works (especially while processing pain) and has the ego of a neurosurgeon twice his age. However he is regularly asked for a second opinion because he knows his shit. He's pretty popular with the ladies due to his confidence, however many of them are freaked out when they find out what a huge masochist he is.
I've never seen Itachi as a huge stem guy, but I've actually had a discussion about this with my dear moots @pet-plasma-bubble and @suki91 and came to the conclusion that he's either a plant biologist or studies medicine because he's one of these kids with a chronic and/or underdiagnosed illness going into medicine to make a change. Plant biologist!Itachi regularly talks to his plants when no one is looking and he gives them names as well. He doesn't really care much for the actual lab work and prefers to take care of the plants in the different lab greenhouses. Med student!Itachi is one of these anatomy girlies who draw their stuff in fancy colors and actually enjoy studying human anatomy.
Kakuzu is a senior scientist/professor who initially studied pharmacology/pharmacy to save many lives and prolong the lives of millions, but eventually got disillusioned and sold his soul to the pharma industry. He should technically be retired now, but he joined the Akatsuki labs inc to make some money on the side.
Kisame started out as a marine biologist specializing in shark research, however, seeing these beautiful, innocent creatures get bastardized by Hollywood and pollution made him apply to Akatsuki labs inc to help find solutions to the current crises caused by humanity. During his free time, he volunteers in a dolphin rehabilitation center.
Konan is the cofounder of Akatsuki labs inc, everyone respects her and even looks up to her. Once a brilliant scientist in the field of engineering, she got tired of how male dominated it was and how her male colleagues kept getting the credit for her ideas. She frequently holds lab courses for young girls interested going into the scientific field.
Nagato is the Akatsuki labs founder, and rarely seen in the lab. He has made himself a name in the field of robotics by inventing the Shurado robotics system which helps millions of automated machines run to this day. Rarely seen in the lab, he communicated with his employees via his Pain Alias Email. though to be fair, Konan writes most of these emails for him; she's the only one regularly talking to him face-to-face.
Orochimaru is a geneticist and biochemist, his focus being finding ways to avoid cellular decay, as well as the human genome and anti aging research. His parents are academics as well and he lived up to their expectations to the fullest. He has his own skincare formula which keeps him looking snatched at all times. Given the rumors about several scientific ethical code violations, everyone is kinda scared of him except for his personal lab tech, Kabuto.
Sasori is a renowed mortician who's also very interested in histology. His preparation techniques are unmatched and he even invented new preparation- and histological staining methods, which are called "Red Sand" and "Red Technique", respectively. He often gets into fights with Kakuzu about his microtome collection being unnecessarily expensive.
Tobi is the Akatsuki labs CEO cosplaying as a clueless intern that always steals from the candy bowl in the waiting room. In reality, he has a PHD in physics, his thesis being about rifts in space time and interdimensional interactions, however all of his papers are published under an alias. He has a soft spot for Deidara and refuses to fire him despite the latter's frequent "accidents".
Zetsu is a biological anthropologist fascinated by human evolution and human behavior. Some think even his colleagues are subjects of his studies. Some people say he's two-faced, but he is very chatty and inquisitive most of the time. He volunteered to have Itachi's venus fly traps in his office and can sometimes be seen feeding them dead flies or mosquitoes.
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leportraitducadavre · 1 month
It's this article even real? I found it hard to believe someone would read the manga or watch the show and decide that Naruto "doesn't need the overdone Sasuke Arc".
First and most importantly, Sasuke singlehandedly moves the entirety of the plot forward, he doesn't have an entire arc dedicated to himself because he's relevant for every single arc the story possesses, and he's the reason key characters behave the way they do; taking away Sasuke's journey to make him a complying tool of the state wipes out the reasoning behind every villain's actions, therefore, it destroys them as well.
It's hilarious how this article exists to take away Sasuke's relevance within the story to give it completely to Naruto, something his fandom has wanted since the very beginning of the manga and that Kishimoto never complied.
In the Naruto series, Sasuke was Naruto's rival in the Hidden Leaf. However, he was training to kill his older brother, Itachi, for wiping out their clan. In time, Sasuke would learn Itachi did what he did to protect Konoha as their Uchiha kin wanted a coup. This enraged Sasuke, who nonetheless vowed to kill Itachi and exact revenge on Konoha.
Okay so, we start awfully, and no surprises there. Sasuke killed Itachi and later on, through Obito, learned about the reasoning behind his brother's actions. It's after this that he vows to bring down those who allowed and encouraged the construction of a system that pushed the Uchiha to rise up against this power dome and forced his brother to murder his entire family.
Regardless of the circumstances, Sasuke hated the fact he had to grow up alone. This is the reason he joined the Akatsuki, formed his own terrorist cell called Taka, and tried to murder Naruto after the wars against Obito and Madara.
No. You cannot use "regardless of the circumstances" when those circumstances are detrimental to his character's actions and the functioning of the system against which he, like other characters throughout the plot, stands. He not only hated having to grow up alone (a consequence of, once again, the genocide carried out BY THE STATE ITSELF through his brother), but also the indiscriminate murder of his relatives, both those who engineered the coup and those who were profiled based on biological conditions over which they had no control.
Also, there was one single war against Obito and Madara that stretched through a couple of days for which he participated in bringing down both of them as his idea of revolution didn't partake in their idea of absolute control of people's minds.
The Naruto movie (and obviously, the sequels) would be better served by doing something unpredictable. The Evil Sasuke arc is overdone, especially since it comes up in the Boruto era. In the latter case, a redeemed Sasuke keeps using it as a lesson to teach Boruto and Kawaki why they should not let rage guide them. Fans don't like being reminded how unnecessary this was in the source material.
Overdone? Did this guy actually watch the anime at least? The entirety of the plot focuses on the system flaws that even the protagonist is "set to change", Sasuke's arc is detrimental to the story as both Naruto and Sasuke observe the same issue from different standpoints, the former wants to keep the system and make gradual changes as not to "bring chaos" and the latter wants its complete destruction as a gradual change only guarantees greater injustices being committed over time until it is "changed".
Take Sasuke off of this equation and there's no reason for Naruto to even go on or have any introspection on the matter of Konoha's political and military system --and I'm being incredibly kind about this as even when Sasuke blatantly exposes it Naruto has a hard time grasping the most basic concepts to rebel against.
Additionally, Sasuke's villain arc would be a lot to condense into live-action, even if it's done over a trilogy. It could be done the way the MCU took 10 years to build the Thanos fight in Avengers: Endgame, but by that time, the story would be stale. Everyone would know what happened. The advantage the MCU had while adapting the source material is that it subverted the lore and crafted an original story. c
Does this author actually know what "adaptation" actually means? Or what it entails? What they seem to want is a reversion of the story as they desire to modify the entirety of the character that is the main plot device within the original product, not an adaptation. Also, what's with the last phrase? How can Sasuke be a loyal rogue? That's a contradiction in itself, is he a rogue of Konoha or is he loyal to Konoha? Pick one -you can't have both.
The advantage of Sasuke being a rebel without defecting from Konoha is that Naruto would have the help needed to fight the big villains of the franchise: the Ōtsutsuki. 
Sasuke fought alongside Naruto against Kaguya, bringing the union of former Team 7, without having to compromise his original ideals... did they just... forget?
Kaguya was the first alien who came to Earth, got sealed away, and then tried to return to enslave it. Naruto and Sasuke were reincarnations of her sons (Ashura and Indra, respectively), but the manga and anime didn't spend much time detailing how they would form their clans down the line and the emotional impact Kaguya had fighting her descendants.
Haha, come on, this is clickbait isn't it? Ashura and Indra are not Kaguya's sons, they're her grandchildren that reminded her of her sons, bet your ass this is a Boruto fan that just heard about the original series and wrote whatever this was without eyeing the og manga.
but the manga and anime didn't spend much time detailing how they would form their clans down the line and the emotional impact Kaguya had fighting her descendants.
That's because one of Kaguya's sons went to live on the moon and the other one, Hagoromo, had two sons on Earth (Indra and Ashura) who -as the manga establishes, founded their own clans (Uchiha and Senju respectively) that were at war until Konoha's foundation.
It focused heavily on Sasuke plotting in the shadows, and Naruto forming an army, realizing much later in the story of their link to Kaguya.
What? They learned about their connection to Kaguya through Hagoromo before fighting her, Sasuke also never plotted in the shadows, he blatantly tells them he wants a Revolution and later on decides to kill Naruto as he's his last connection to his past! That's the whole reason they fight!
By switching this up and making lineage a primary and not secondary arc, the movie can dial more into the emotional core: Sasuke and Naruto exploring their family tree and the overall theme of dynasty. Sasuke could learn more about how Indra developed a dark side, which passed down to the Uchiha, while Ashura's light gave way to the Senju and Uzumaki (Naruto's family) clans.
That's incredibly explored throughout the manga. The Senju are the only clan linked canonically to Ashura himself, the Uzumaki obtained Ashura's attention after the Senju disappeared as they were distant relatives.
Also, love the distinction of "Indra developed a dark side which passed down to the Uchiha" and "Ashura's light gave way to the Senju". Hagoromo favored this distinction by granting the totality of his power to one of his sons and expecting the other to be functional to his brother's decisions. If Hagoromo considered that Ashura's position was better than Indra's, why did he not teach his eldest son to make similar decisions? How is it that Indra decided to form a clan and a collective group of people if his idea was to move and gain power alone? How is it that Ashura, the being full of light, decided to fight his brother for power instead of seeking a peaceful solution to work together if what he wanted was power through union? Why did he not question the idea of a single person having the totality of command?
This would allow the movie to not hinge on Naruto and his fate with his Nine-Tailed Demon Fox (Kurama).
This just proves my initial point.
Instead, Sasuke would become a key player by garnering clues as to who Kaguya is. This would also unearth her plan to place everyone in a dream state (via the Infinite Tsukuyomi genjutsu technique) and drain their chakra. In other words, he would be the egotistical brains of the operation, while Naruto functions as the go-lucky muscle.
What's the point of doing all that if this exact thing ends up happening anyway without having to destroy any character's core? Are they serious?
This would not be different from what's been seen with Iron Man and Captain America, and Batman and Superman.
Brain minimized by the same comic story over and over again, what's the point of seeing a dynamic story repeated hundreds of times in different products? Is the main idea of this theme to make audiences like this guy believe that he possesses some kind of intellect because he can predict a plot he has seen thousands of times before?
Such an approach speaks to the legacy of both warriors, which makes them the yin and yang they were meant to be. 
Don't believe this fool. Sasuke and Naruto as characters explore the Yin and Yang implications very well as they are, he doesn't seem to understand what this metaphor actually entails.
Such a change fits Sasuke's destiny organically because this is the kind of sleuth he would become in the Boruto era, where he atoned and roamed the lands as a Ranger. This same development felt rushed and left-field in the manga, as he never did that kind of work before.
Making Sasuke a heroic anchor in the Naruto movie also works for the evolution of Team 7. To start with, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura were all trained by Kakashi, but their story felt disjointed. Naruto was preoccupied with bringing Sasuke home, Sasuke was off seeking Itachi and an army, while Sakura tried to quell the anger in both of them. This took away time from her personal development and detracted from the bigger threat of the aliens. By making the plot so convoluted, fans found it odd the Boruto era would marry Sakura and Sasuke, despite them never being developed as an official romantic couple.
By not splintering the team, Naruto's director, Daniel Destin Cretton, can focus on what made Team 7 work in the first place. Sakura was known to stop arguments and function as the team's mature, responsible leader. Naruto also liked her while she liked Sasuke. Sakura eventually realized she needed to change the views of Konoha and have the village recognize female shinobi more. This worked in the love triangle that allowed Sasuke to develop feelings for Sakura that would pay off down the line. This would also allow Naruto to understand he was meant to lead the Hidden Leaf.
What is removing Sasuke's entire characterization gonna do for the rest of the characters? The author is not saying Sakura realized this canonically, by the way the paragraph goes, what he implies is that she could realize this in the movie. So he’s telling us that Sakura didn’t notice she needed to change Konoha’s views about females because Sasuke wasn’t there to help her or what? It's Sasuke staying that detrimental to her development?
He wants to change everything about the original Team 7 in order to make them fit their Boruto’s characterizations. Hell, I bet he’s a Boruto fan who barely watched the original series, I’ll go as far as to state he used AI to write this garbage.
That also was Tsunade’s ordeal as well. Shikamaru questioned her involvement and was proven wrong when she “consoled” him after Sasuke’s Retrieval Arc and proved herself to be a good Kage. He’s asking something of Sakura that Tsunade already did.
Does he know what character development is? Why should they change everything about the original series to fit better the spin-off? Is the spin-off that it's badly written as it couldn't follow the original's characterizations, not the other way around.
According to his page, Renaldo Matadeen, "author" of this abysmal take, focuses on: As a filmmaker and scriptwriter, Renaldo loves to dissect the nuances of stories, especially narratives involving people of colour, minorities, and the socially-displaced. He believes art is a medium to reflect and provoke, and loves engaging in content that evokes this energy. 
So you mean to tell me that Sasuke, a metaphor for the socially displaced people, a survivor of a state-sanctioned genocide, and a revolutionary is somehow better by being stripped of any value inside a story that focused on his struggles, to begin with? That somehow the story would be better if he, a minority, was more complacent with the State that represses him?
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Mc is afflicted with a curse that shows their true heart
I shouldn't write fanfics on my phone and especialy don't finish them because I can't sleep but here we are
also might turn this in a real fanfic one day but depending how I feel might be an OC instead of Mc dependes on what might be easier for me to write
Mc: (angry) an Angel?! are you fucking kidding in me! which fucked up rule book decided I would qualify as an Angel!
Satan: (laughing) well the curse said you will take form on whatever reflects your true heart
Lucifer: but no one could have guessed you would be an Angel instead of an De-
Asmo: (fawning over Mc) and such a cute one too if it was possible anyone could look better than me you would have the best chance Mc! (cuddling them)
Mc: (fighting) let me go!
Levi: lololo guess even as an Angel Mc still causes trouble
Satan: shouldn't we concentrate on the fact Mc is cursed?
Mammon: come on Satan! let us enjoy this moment a bit longer when do we have a chance to see Mc looking different (taking pictures)
Satan: you're just trying to take as many pictures of Mc as possible to sell them aren't you?
Mammon: (blushing) well who knows if we ever get such a great chance ever again
Beel: Mc is an Angel?
Belphie: (leaning on to their wings) and a really comfortable one
Mc: (still trying to fight Asmo of) Belphie not you too!
Belphie: (asleep) zzz
Mc: (moving around) Belphie!
Asmo: (pulling Mc closer) come on Mc those pictures will get so many likes on Devilgram
Mc: forget it! I won't let anyone see this embarrassement that I'm now
Beel: you look like always to me Mc well minus the wings
Mc: like always?! my entire outfit changed!
Beel: (smiling) it looks great on you
Mc: and!?
Mammon: (taking pictures) yeah Mc you look great!
Mc: Mammon you're so dead!
Mammon: (flinching) now now Mc this isn't something an Angel should say
Mc: oh yeah?! you know what an Angel also shouldn't say-
Lucifer: all of you shut up!!!
Mammon: eep!
Mc: (flinches)
Lucifer: Mc can you remember how you got the curse?
Mc: dunno I just went to sleep and woke up like this
Lucifer: do you know anyone who would want to curse you?
Mammon: curse? it's Mc we're talking about so pretty much the-
Lucifer: (glaring)
Mammon: sorry!
Lucifer: anyway... Mc Me and Satan will take a look at this and will tell you when we find an cure
   ~~Time skip~~
Satan: well seems like the only cure for you is to act like the complete opposite of your true heart
Mc: so a Demon? that will be easy for me!
Asmo: (pinching their cheek) I will miss this Mc you look so much cuter like this
Belphie: and they were such a wonderful pillow too
Mc: excuse you who are you calling a pillow!
Levi: well I won't miss this version of Mc I barely was able to spend time with them
Mc: thanks Levi-
Levi: I really wanted to dress them up as one of my favourite character!
Mammon: yeah Satan! you can't just take away my greatest source of income so quickly! I will make an fortune selling those pictures of Mc!
Mc: (glaring)
Mammon: I mean I will delete them at once Mc!
Lucifer: Mc what do you think would be the quickest way to turn back
Mc: I actually don't know, behaving like I usually do doesn't seem to help
Satan: maybe being rude to us could help
Mc: being... rude? isn't that what I always am (grining)
Lucifer: be serious!
Mc: sorry!
Levi: how about insulty you rarely do those
Mc: great idea Levi! okay get ready for some great insults everybody!
Asmo: I don't think they could say anything to hurt me
Satan: is Mc even good with insults? usually they just skip straight to violence
Mammon: this will be funny!
Levi: not like they would have a hard time insulting a yucky otaku like me
Belphie: wonder what they will say to you guys
Beel: I hope Mc won't take it to far
Lucifer: (glaring)
Mc: okay let's get started! Levi you are first
Levi: just make it quick Mc!
Asmo: ohh that's-
Mc: I actually admire you for your passion in your hobbies and how good you are in video games!
Levi: ...
Mc: next up Asmo!
Asmo: Mc I don't think you quiet understand what we a-
Mc: I think most people just reduce you to your appearence Asmo and forget about your wonderful personality and that you have just as interesting hobbies and unmazxhed make-up skills
Asmo: I take it back Mc dear keep talking~
Mc: okay Satan your turn!
Satan: Mc you do know those aren't insults ri-
Mc: you should stop comparing yourself with Lucifer just because you once were a part of him doesn't mean you still are you are you and we wouldn't want it any other way
Satan: Mc those-
Mc: and wo else could me and Belphie annoy Lucifer with you make the best plans and your a great help for to many things to count and much more fun to be around than Lucifer
Satan: (chuckling) your horrible Mc
Mc: okay how about-
Mammon: hey Mc! the hell you th-
Mc: how about Beel and then Belphie
Beel: Mc those aren't in-
Mc: I know you feel bad because your glutony get's in the way a lot but you're such a caring brother not only to Belphie but the others as well and so hardworking I don't think anybody could hardly be mad at you for this
Beel: Mc...
Mc: Belphie!
Belphie: I know what you'll say just make it quick...
Mc: just so you know I still haven't forgiven you but I'll be the bigger person for once, you know when your sloth doesn't get in the way you can be really sweet and nice you know? and even when it does you still try your best no matter what so I can kinda admire that
Belphie: (smiling) this is a lot nicer than I thought it would be
Mc: okay Mammon
Mammon: Oi! those aren-
Mc: I know your Brothers don't hold you in high regard but your honestly the sweetest demon I could ever meet and I'm really happy I get to spend time with you
Mammon: (tearing up) Mc...
Mc: okay last one Lucifer!
Lucifer: (grining) try your best
Mc: most of the time we don't see eye to eye but I respect you for taking care of your brothers and making sure nothing happens to them
The Brothers: ....
Mc: (confused) did I do... something wrong?
Beel: oh look Mc just got an Halo
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baeddel · 1 year
is boymoding crossdressing? many such questions
it's interesting right? because in one respect i want to say, as a woman, when i wear female clothes, it is obviously not crossdressing. however, if you insist on this most of the uses of the term 'crossdressing' that have ever been said become impossible to understand. these are perhaps no more than two observations of the same phenomenon: the shallow, abstract, somewhat fictional system of gender which we learn and the deeply acquired sense of gender which often disagrees with how things should be. since i'm thinking about language all the time recently i want to make an analogy on that basis, perhaps between grammar and acquired language—after all most native speakers think they speak their own language a bit wrong and will often say, 'i say x, but you're supposed to say y...' we are capable of accomodating multiple points of view in this way.
and trans-, as in transgender, means exactly the same thing as cross-, as in crossdressing, anyway.
however isn't there something about 'going back', backpassing, using your deadname, and so forth, which feels very like a kind of crossdressing? once i settled on calling myself a trans woman i stopped doing a lot of things i used to do—wearing a lot of makeup and jewellery for example—even when i was not hiding who i was for safety reasons, because they no longer had any satisfaction for me. because i had to recloset in real life i stopped wearing my female clothes, and i had male clothes that i wore unhappily. but i then acquired a special, third set of clothes, which i would wear only in situations which were (to use what is i suppose now medical terminology) gender-affirming, such as calls with my trans friends, which were also menswear, for the reason that i was trying to do more of a masc or butch presentation. now i don't really do that, but it's something that i feel became quite common throughout the 2010s up to now, and i wonder if or how it existed previously, at least it seems common online, which is that transfems, when around other transfems, want to appear more boyish or masculine, and passing is not interesting and might even be a bit shameful. especially among girls who are my age and have been in the scene for a while. and which you might interpret as a kind of specifically in-group form of crossdressing proper to a situation where camabs wearing women's clothing is expected rather than surprising. i have known some trans men who look and behave femininely for similar reasons but i don't know enough to say it's the same phenomena. anyway it reminds me of something that Jackson Crawford, an Old Norse youtuber guy, talked about, which is that where he lives in the South in the US when he was younger you would have to take off your stetson hat when you went in a diner because that was the decorum, and if you were sitting in a diner with your hat on it was seen as extremely rude. but today if you go in a diner guys like that are all wearing their stetson hats, and he says it's because there's a change in the signficiance of the hat, and what became most important was signalling your group affiliation to the out-group rather than the in-group signalling of your knowledge of proper decorum. well maybe there is something like that, we have developed at least in some contexts a situation where in-group signalling is more important, because when you were younger the kind of expectations you were chafing against were enforced by mom and dad, while today they are enforced by WPATH.
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lutawolf · 1 year
TharnType Ep 6
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I know this is a long time coming, guys! I'm sorry. Things came up and Tharntype is not an easy series. It involves really thinking and looking below the surface. There are many layers to the book and the show. And for a while there, I just didn't have the energy.
Onto episode 6. Let's bring the pain episode. To recap, Type is making the change from victim to survivor. But with that change comes triggers and emotional upheaval. Which sadly but naturally has Type trying to get back to what he deemed normal.
We see Type smiling as he communicates back and forth with Fai. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, lie so strongly that even we believe. Yes, I'm back to normal! Yes, I'm happy! At least until something happens to show that we've been lying to ourselves.
We see Tharn telling Type that he knows what type of food he likes. Not because Type has told him, but because Tharn pays attention. This makes Type uncomfortable because it means something to him, and he doesn't want it to. You can see the struggle in the way he asks Tharn what he likes, but then tells him that he only asked one question. Type is struggling to put his walls back up.
What I love is that Tharn can see the small things and take them for the huge growths that they actually are. It's not easy to change guys, especially if it's changing your trauma protection techniques, even if they aren't good for you. Example: women think that they should be nice and friendly to men, that this will protect them. It's actually the opposite, being nice and friendly can often put us in dangerous situations. Things we know better than to do, but we don't want to appear rude and unfriendly or cause upset. But going into a hallway void of anyone but one man and few exits is stupid and dangerous. It should go against our survival instincts, but we've been conditioned to not hurt feelings. What other animal do you know that pretends to like their opposite sex when they feel threatened?
Now, for someone who has learned this lesson the hard way. Defenses are tight, high, and strong. Few people actually understand why, but I would argue that it's actually more naturally than how we are conditioned to behave. I get it, we're humans and social structure dictates friendliness, but at what cost? There has to be a middle ground, and it can be a struggle to find it.
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Tharn pays a lot of attention to Type. He knows what he normally behaves like, so he knows that Type is acting out of character. It makes him suspicious. Which he should be concerned, as we find out. Techno lets it slip. There is a huge blow up. Tharn tells Type that he is his, and Type hits him. Now what we have to figure out is if this is a trigger or not. You trigger someone with PTSD and it's dangerous. But Luta, he didn't hit those other people who triggered him! No, he didn't, he said nasty things but didn't hit. But Tharn is becoming Type's safe space and his constant. Those people can be in the most danger when someone with PTSD hasn't yet gotten the help they need. PTSD is emotional confusion with the past and the present. A stranger is easier to differentiate than someone close to you. I'm not saying this is right, I'm just explaining how the snap to violence can happen. It doesn't mean someone who loves us should accept it, it means we need help.
What we see from Tharn is actually pretty common of PTSD partners. More hurt than harm.
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Let's talk about the 10 rules for casual relationship: 1) Never get jealous. 2) No emotional involvement. 3) Don't cross the line. 4) Can become exclusive, but not necessarily. 5) Don't share partner with friends. 6) If a partner wants a real relationship but not with you, then don't cause a ruckus. 7) Don't be overly attentive. 8) Both partners can have many lovers. 9) BF/GF is priority. 10) If caught. Game over.
This screams the need for control. Type is feeling out of control right now, and that's something he needs badly. It also says that he doesn't really want a gf, he just wants control back. You see this especially in his talk with Techno because the last thing he wants is for Tharn to get over him.
Tharn really knows Type. He's calling his bluff. Then Type says he isn't coming to his gig, so he thinks he has lost.
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I truly love this series, and it's for the raw moments like this. I've talked before about the fact that there are couples who burn bright. Who need the drama because drama has been such a large part of them that they don't know how to live without it. That's this couple. In a normal relationship, Tharn would smoother his partner and Type would constantly be fighting with an outside source. That would traumatize that partner, but together, they are balanced and happy. Maybe they aren't healthy, but relationships are made up of behaviors, and all behaviors can be characterized as healthy, unhealthy, or abusive. However, the behaviors may look different for different people, and what is unhealthy for one person may be abusive or healthy for another.
Type is telling Tharn what happened, and he says, "The slap was nothing compared to what I did to her." I've said it a million times, but Type is actually a very good person. He just isn't perfect. He doesn't fit the moral standards that everyone thinks he should, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He is a person still on the road to growth. As Tharn says, "Type has some self awareness."
A shy Type is adorable. And they are now official.
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This moment is everything. It's Type pushing his way out of his comfort zone. Showing Tharn that he is trying.
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Giving a protected piece of himself to Tharn. Letting him know that he trusts him. From the way Tharn gulps and says Type's name, it's everything he has ever wanted from Type.
They are far from a perfect couple, but they are perfect for each other.
That's it for episode 6. Drop me some likes and comments to let me know that you want me to keep going! 💜💜💜
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thesamoanqueen · 3 months
By the way, I apologize for my message being too long. Just with everything that's happened all these years and now everything that's been going on since The Rock has gotten involved in the storyline, its just been too much and it's frustrating. Because what have we as Roman fans done that's so wrong and bad? What have we done expect support and enjoy our fave, like everyone else does theirs? It's sad that everyone can go on and enjoy their faves happily and in peace, make gifs and posts about them, write fanfics and prompts about them, etc. And even when their faves have made mistakes and have a history of problematic behavior, they can still have fun and be happy and enjoy those people. But we do the same with Roman, and we get piled on for it and treated differently from everyone else. And why? What makes Roman so different from other wrestlers? And what makes his fans different from everyone else? We aren't so different, he's not so different. Yes, he's the face of the company and all, but that doesn't mean he's gonna be 100% perfect. Even faces of the company and top guys mess up and have their moments. So, I really just don't get it 😔
Forgive me if I don't post the previous message anon, but I prefer to reply to this one. I partly agree with what you wrote there too, because to me the whole controversy still seem ridiculous as all the controversies around Roman often are. The comment might have gone unsaid, but it wasn't that different from what he's said to Seth in the past, although I understand it may have offended someone, im pretty sure of the real reason behind all this controversy.
The problem regarding people's perception of Roman has been there since the beginning of his career, I fear it will always be there and there are many reasons behind these reactions. I have my ideas about why and I have my ideas about why others aren't treated the way he was treated too, that's life. They are personal ideas and therefore have no value. I understand your frustration, but those like me who have been on the boat for a decade have gotten used to this underlying problem. We have overcome worse moments than a promo popularly said to be "wrong" and we no longer expect to be treated well, because we can't always get what we deserve and this is a life lesson. What I invite you anon and all of us to do and I said it before friday too, is to calm down because voices who love controversy have been added to the scene, people who are not exactly reliable have entered the scene and who have made a show that should entertain us, heavy and toxic especially because they are encouraged. Let's give things the weight they have, let's all try to feel less free to say the first thing that comes to our mind just because we're behind a keyboard, let's not follow the temptation to behave like others do and let's not judge just because today we have to play the part of valiant knights.
And as for Roman, I don't accuse him for anything, he knows what he thinks and he's responsible for what he does, it's not a comment that makes me change my opinion on the person I believe he is because in all these years he has showed that he is that person inside and outside the ring.
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laurasbailey · 7 months
if i may add re: one of the women pulling something like that, i always find that such a funny argument in any fandom because, you know. we do #Live In A Society. so them being women Is actually a pretty crucial difference lmao and yes i might very well have liked it if it had been one of them because of it?
(prefacing the rest of this by asking everyone to bear with me and read this in good faith, i’m talking about a character and not trying to say or imply anything about any players)
which kind of tangentially ties into my biggest beef with ashton (and i understand that this is probably harsh and unfair), but between the acting like they always know better than everyone else, the arrogance and massive ego, the martyr/hero complex combo, the dismissiveness of others' feelings, the anger issues and propensity to violent outbursts etc, this is a character that acts and speaks in ways that are virtually indistinguishable from your average misogynist. i don’t think that this is intentional or even conscious (and definitely not malicious) on tal’s part, I think it’s more likely an unfortunate confluence of circumstances with this particular story (ie the campaign being heavily focused on women, so they’re in a position within the story where they're the natural point one would turn to with disagreements and stuff); but it’s like, no amount of dissecting motivations changes the objective fact of how they behave. and to me that makes for a character who’s about as interesting as idk, an asshole coworker. obviously this is all very subjective, and i know a lot of people find him compelling and write very good analysis, and love and light to them, but i personally cannot get past this and bring myself to give a shit you know.
absolutely get where you're coming from, and it's super interesting because as someone who doesn't see a lot of fandom opinion anymore, i wonder how many people also see this? or do most people just adore ashton and this is the minority opinion?
i usually find taliesin to be very self aware about the flaws of his characters, but i think you're right, without context it could very well come across as misogynistic due to the circumstances of the campaign being very female-centric. personally i think he's just being an asshole and by process of elimination, the women end up in the firing line because they're in the spotlight story-wise and are, let's be real, the leaders of the group. fcg is typically agreeable, nobody butts heads with orym, and chetney generally sits back during any verbal conflict. ashton just seems to have a general lack of respect for everyone and just uses the 'i don't know how to show it' excuse.
i think ashton wants to be a leader (whether they know it or not) but right now they just don't have the qualities to be one. in many situations they're like 'i don't like this', 'we shouldn't do this', but offers no alternatives. and sometimes he'll try to take charge in situations where he should really be taking a backseat (i.e. when they were trying to resurrect laudna) and he'll speak way out of turn on things he knows nothing about (again, that time he said he knows loneliness in a way laudna doesn't ??? lmao). it's like he has a compulsive need to always share his opinion and somehow prove he's suffering more than you, and nobody likes that guy at the party.
it's obvious taliesin is playing a lot of these flaws as a character who was raised by, well, no one, which makes sense! but there's been so little character development for 70+ episodes and very little effort made on ashton's part (up until now where he's supposedly going to change) that i just don't have an interest in it. it just bothers me now because characters i do really love will be caught up in the consequences.
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So, Bishop gets real mad cuz our boi JY0B2 has been behaving like a maniac and refusing orders ever since he went MIA for 3 days and like, are you even aware of how much money he spent on this motherfucker? How much time he invested in turning his mind into mush?? Only for this dumbass with a NUT for a brain get all fussy all over again??? It's diving him crazy. Not happy like, at ALL. He talked back, questioned orders, and even flat out refused to obey basic commands like, I don't know, eat your fucking ration??? To avoid dying??? It was honestly embarassing, and the team had to start treating him like a wild horse.
He'd tried everything, from punishing to bargaining, but nothing seems to work. And with his brain being a nut and all, bringing up his family doesn't even have much of an effect anymore. Specially now that they're all dead. Oh yeah, that. I should talk abt that.
When Bishop FINALLY decided to send people to investigate the Hamato case, they were too late. There wasn't anyone in the locations given by subject JY0B2. And the man he claimed to be persecuting his clan told him the same story, but on the inverse so like. Who to believe. It wasn't his problem so Bishop just left it at that and washed his hands of this case. Japan was out of his jurisdiction anyways and he was already busy with America's mystic shit.
So bringing up his fam wasn't an option, and that was one of his only bargaining chips. He could try and put the hitman through mind conditioning again as a disciplinary action but. The paperwork. Ugh. Not to mention the adaptation time after that.
Meanwhile having a rat as his best friend gave human Yoshi a purpose. He saved little treats for his rodent friend whenever he got fed and told it all about what was in his mind. Which was, admitedly, not much; he was confused most of the time. But it was nice having someone to whisper sassy commentary of daily life to.
At some point human Yoshi remembered he had a soul. Well, half of it. But he still had his spirit whole! And wondered if he could give a piece of it for Yoshi the rat. Because it'd be more fun if his best friend could talk to him aside from understanding. So he did that, gave a small part of himself for the lil rodent. And it worked! He could understand its squeaks!
Yoshi the rat gaining self awareness, picture taken within the process:
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Yoshi the rat felt self awareness for the first time in his entire 1 and a half years of existence. He existed and was perceived. Wowzies. Holy shit, his human looked like crap. Grooming him would be hard work due to his size, but he was persistent. The human chuckled. They'd talk after missions, after experiments, after disciplinary sessions. Yoshi the rat was worried for his friend, so he often spied on that Bishop guy to see if he could find a way to help his human.
The guy was talking about mystic energy harnessing, and Yoshi was surprised when he understood what that meant. Huh. Curious. Well, it was bad. Meant his human would scream and cry again, maybe die, so he better get him the fuck out.
Yoshi's human was stubborn and didn't want to leave, saying that was all he knew, but Yoshi knew better. He had a family waiting for him, far deep in a forest, where sunlight was soft and air was pure. The human seemed to vaguely recall something like that, so he did as Yoshi told him and ran away. Wasn't easy with all the security, but they managed. They hid in the sewers and Yoshi was so very happy to see his family again.
They weren't like him, not since he changed, but he loved them all the same. For a while, things were good. Yoshi the rat and family brought Yoshi the human food and warmed him in cold nights and groomed him if he was too dirty. He started to remember things again, like how to use his power for something other than killing. To nurture and raise, even if it was just a bunch of rats. And day by day Yoshi remembered more bits and pieces of better days, and told those stories to his human, who in turn became more and more enthusiastic about said family. He decided he wanted to find them, to learn why he wasn't there with them.
And because of that Yoshi remembered fire and blood and loss. And he didn't tell his human about those things because he had just started to act like a person again, this would destroy him. But his efforts were in vain as the human wasn't as easy to fool anymore. He decided to go back to the EPF and demand answers, which like, horrible idea, period. But he escaped once, he could escape again right?
WRONG. Bishop got them – yes, them. He finally took notice of the little pest talking the human's shoulder and got interested. Somehow it was as if JY0B2's fragmented mind had been planted into a little creature. Instead of restarting any process of brainwashing Bishop gave the human and the rat to the scientists to figure out what the fuck happened and how to replicate it.
They tried many things, for a long time before the first and only success happened. The human felt a shift in his own soul when his powers were pushed out of little rat Yoshi, causing his small heart to stop.
Hamato Yoshi awakened in wrath, with thirst for revenge. He broke his bounds and killed everything in his sight until he found his friend. He infused everything he had into the rat.
He didn't have a family to return to, a clan to save, a reason to exist. He'd stained his hands in so much blood he would never be able to redeem himself. So he did what he did best and destroyed everything related to the organization that caused him so much pain. Just like with his clan, the destruction of the Earth Protection Force happened through fire and blood.
Unbeknownst to him, however, this rampage didn't affect only those who caused him pain, but also those who were victims very much like himself. Dr. Baxter Stockman, who had been serving as a scientist against his will in a project with a mysterious substance, was inches of completion and possible freedom (haha, he thinks. Boy was about to either get unsubscribed from life or have his contract unwillingly renewed to the EPF). Rat Yoshi's essence had been pulled out in order to be transfered into the creatures Stockman had been working with, as the ooze would amplify the natural potential of creatures and the more potential they had, more would be amplified. When Yoshi the human broke in, the carefully constructed environment got contamined and the process didn't get to finish. One of the ooze samples fell onto rat Yoshi just as Bishop, injured and hanging on by a thread, managed to shoot human Yoshi.
His soul, already broken, split into many splinters, the biggest of them claimed by the rodent, who scattered away from danger with renewed energy.
The missed shots landed on the doctor himself, on some of his experiments, and in flammable substances. An explosion was imminent, everyone had to evacuate. The rat managed to flee.
And after long days of agonizing pain as his bones and organs slowly rearranged, he was something new. He wasn't Hamato Yoshi, and wasn't Yoshi the Rat anymore.
He named himself Splinter.
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: 𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐫 (ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇ 4)
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In which the turns have tabled, and Jungkook saves you this time.
Tags/Warnings: homelessness, sketchy people, kind of cliche savior moment, JK issa spoiled brat, someone please smack that attitude out of him thanks, fluff, typos can be eaten if found
Length: mid/long
Anchor Masterlist
Despite Yoongi and his human asking you if you'd like to stay at their place, you declined their offer. You've always been rather independent- so even if it's a little cold at night, you rather be on your own and charge your social battery, than get a panic attack in their home.
However, right now you're reminded why you maybe shouldn't be alone all the time.
Now, people on Arion know how to behave themselves, but you'll always have bad apples in the bunch. The guy has been following you for a while now, making you nervous to say the least. It's not until you run it someone, their hands the only thing preventing you for smacking face first into their chest, that your attention is pulled away from the guy behind you, having reached out for the hood of your jacket. "I'd suggest you let go right about now." Jungkook states lowly, his voice pretty easily recognizable to you, so you know it's him even without looking up.
Which is difficult anyways since he's got you pulled towards his chest in a rather possessive manner.
Once you're alone again, you awkwardly push against his chest a little, making him part from you with a little hesitation. "I've been wondering where you went!" he smiles, looking down at you. "I saw you at the festival. Why didn't you come to me?" he says, almost accusingly so with a little whine to his words.
"I- you know, you're a prince and all, I didn't think it would've been appropriate." you explain, and he huffs out a breath as if offended.
"why would it be inappropriate? I'm gonna be your legal guardian, how would that be inappropriate?" he scoffs a bit amused, making you look at him a bit confused.
"I- you're what?" you ask, confused as to what he's talking about. "I thought I was exempt from that rule by your father?" you wonder, and Jungkook simply shrugs, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants.
"I mean, yeah, but without a legal guardian you still won't be able to live a good life here." he reminds you. "you're not allowed to work, therefore can't make money, therefore can't get a home and so on. I can give you all of that, and you don't need to work at all!" he excitedly says, though he's confused when you don't share the same visible happiness. "what's wrong?" he becomes a little irritated now- annoyed, more or less. "it's the guy who sat next to you isn't it? Did he claim you already?"
"No, no he didn't, it's just-" you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose before you answer him. "Don't you think we should both think about this a bit more thoroughly? It's a big step after all-"
He cuts you off. "Nah, I like you." he states, and you raise an eyebrow.
"well maybe I don't like you." you threaten, though your body betrays you when you turn red at the way he bends down, face merely inches from yours, cat like pupils staring at yours with hooded eyes.
"hm, that's a lie and you know it." he chuckles.
You pout at that, before turning around and simply walking away from him. "hey, wait-" he calls after you, catching up, but now at loss for words since he feels like you're mad at him now.
See, this is the more nasty side of him that he knows he possesses.
All his life, Jungkook got whatever he desired whenever he desired it, easy as that. It's the life of a royals son, and with no boundaries or rules, his behavior quickly got out of hand, and never changed for the better the older he got. And while he doesn't ever mean real harm, he also doesn't know when to stop or hold himself back- never having been held accountable for anything he does, no consequences ever sent his way.
So a situation like this is more than overwhelming for him.
He trails after you like a lost dog, until you sit down on a bench, where he takes his seat with a bit of distance between the two of you. "I.. I'm sorry." he mumbles quietly, kicking a small pebble with his shoe, gaze lowered. "...can I ask you something?" hr wonders, and you shrug before nodding. "I- can you teach me?" he asks, and you look at him with a questioning gaze.
"teach you what?" you wonder, as he bites the inside of his cheek.
"how to be kind." he explains. "you know. How to be nice, and not.. Like me." he tells you. It's quiet for a moment, and he's sure you'll laugh at him, pity him-
But you instead bump your body into him playfully, smiling at him. "sure." you say, and his eyes sparkle at that.
"so you'll let me be your-" he starts excitedly, though you put a finger to his lips, shutting him up.
"I'll think about it." you correct him, but he just nods, grinning so much his nose scrunches up.
Oh my.. What did you get yourself into?
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luverofralts · 5 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"It's nice to actually see you in Arkhelios. You're always off at school when I come by."
Melvin Jr Hydes smiled at Theo. It really was nice to see the Bellamy child closest to his own age. Melvin was going to college in a few weeks, so he wasn't sure when the next time he'd see Theo would be. Arkhelios certainly talked about Theo often, and Melvin couldn't resist seeing the infamous demon hybrid for himself.
Of course, Theo had come home with his boyfriend, Adam, who never seemed to be far from his side, as well as Adam's cousin Eero. The three of them joked about magic and Pleasantview and demons, all things that Melvin knew very little about but was interested in learning more about. Soon, he'd be leaving for adventures of his own in the world beyond Arkhelios.
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"You're lucky that you get to go to school in Pleasantview," Eero grumbled. "Aunt Edana says we can't transfer from the Arkhelios coven's 'classes' until next year. We're 'helping her keep an eye on them' or something."
"Well, you are," Adam insisted. "She always has a plan for everything. You're there for a reason."
"And that reason is because she can't stand looking at us," Eero shot back. "We're practically the same age, Adam. She raised you and your sister and half-siblings, but when she was given custody of me and Despina, we were the ones who were raised by the coven, not you."
"She was young and just lost your dad," Adam protested. "How many kids could you raise by yourself? It's not like she abandoned you. She's paid for everything you and Despina need and you guys were always at the house."
"Geez, you're overly defensive. She's your mom, not your girlfriend."
"You wouldn't know what having a mom is like, considering yours died in a cult that was trying to sacrifice you to the Grim Reaper!" Adam snapped, only to regret his words when he saw the look on his cousin's face. "Shit, I'm sorry, Eero. That was uncalled for. I don't know why i said that. My mom did the best she could for you guys, that's all I meant."
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"So, the kids are behaving, Theo hasn't said anything snarky since he got home, and dinner was great. I think we should celebrate."
Abe took his husband in his arms, swaying to the music of the stereo that the teens were blasting to muffle their conversations.
"I agree," Abe murmured, spinning his husband around when the song sped up. "Things may finally be settling down. At this rate, we may be able to go on a date if we wanted. Imagine leaving the house for something other than groceries, work and pediatric check ups. It's unthinkable."
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"That sounds wonderful," Roman agreed, nuzzling into Abe's shoulder. "A real date, for grown-ups only. A bar maybe. It's been ages since I've been drunk in public, staggering my way back home."
"You're only twenty-nine once. You have to live a little before you hit thirty."
"Oh, trust me, I've lived plenty," Roman laughed. "Having a kid at sixteen and murderous mother will do that to you. I'm so glad that you're still here beside me after all these years."
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"Me too."
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"So, uh, Melvin. What are you taking in college?" Adam asked, awkwardly changing the subject.
Melvin shrugged.
"My dad wants me to take police foundations and follow the family business," he replied. "I'm not so sure that that's for me though. I'll see what I like when I get there. I applied for philosophy. Whatever I end up studying, I'm sure it will be something that I'm just as passionate about as he is policing."
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"Hey, the kids are asleep, and Theo seems to be pretty distracted with his friends. I might, uh, retire to the bedroom for a bit, if you wanted to come with me," Roman offered, kissing his husband passionately.
Abe smiled against Roman's lips and nodded.
"That sounds like a great idea."
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
i'm a literature student at a fairly prestigious university for my country and i've recently returned to tumblr - i'm honestly shocked at how fandom has changed. Obviously in traditional literature there are 'problematic' things that happen, that you can dislike and even be disturbed by, but that doesn't mean the literature isn't valid? And its the same for modern media. Like in the 'real world' at school (at least where im from) we have content warnings (we call them health warnings) for nasty topics and then we just. . . discuss and analyse, which ig is stating the obvious in a university setting but still, like what do people who are fandom purists believe actual literature analysis is like?? idk I'm just rlly surprised honestly.
I also personally believe in free publishing, because if everything is published or posted above board then everything can be open to critique and criticism, otherwise people will talk about the same things in underground spaces and it could get way more toxic than having general mild fandom discourse on tumblr. Although it seems like fandom discourse is anything but mild these days.
I don't really have a super concise point but just some thoughts ive been having since returning to fandom spaces, wanted to know what you make of how i'm feeling :)
The authoritarian puritywankers existed before, but they were slightly different demographics or in slightly different spaces from now.
I think some of the more "thoughtcrimes are real" types who freak out over the most minor of fictional transgressions live in a bubble. That doesn't mean their lives are perfect. Hell, they may be dealing with actual abuse in their daily lives. But they aren't forced to confront how messy life is even among people one respects and mostly agrees with and are able to cling to the idea of Good People vs. Bad People.
That said, for every booktuber going on about how some YA book's misstep will indoctrinate the youth and spell the end of civilization, I still see 10 old, bigoted guys bleating about "political correctness run amok" just because a school assigned a book by a black author. Annoying wokesters are very present and more of an active problem around fandom on Tumblr, but I think it's easy to imagine that they're far more powerful and numerous than they actually are.
The few young anti types I know offline tend to have random bouts of rage over problematic things but also are often too shy to speak up in person. Many of them get laughed at for their Very Online views and have trouble connecting with people offline. If someone they admire or just someone with a strong personality asserts the opposite of the anti party line, they instantly fold.
I would not say that the average Youth™ falls for purity discourse. Some do, but not only do we tend to not hear from or notice the ones who can behave themselves, but also, a lot of the most virulent wankers are older people who should know better and who are engaging in this bullshit for clout.
Bullies and idiots probably aren't any more numerous than in the past. They're just expressing it a little differently these days.
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jennyandvastraflint · 4 months
Xena Reactions S3Ep1! We're baaaack! I got to watch some Xena, partly as recovery from stuff.
Heyyy, Gabrielle is on the DVD cover now yippie!!
O///O I start episode and there is woman dancing...
Ngl they're pretty hot
I don't like the voyeuristic character of thiiiiiii IS HE GETTING A LAP DANCE
Alecto??? Are those the Furies??
Uh oh... Guilty?
Ares ur gross. Fuck off.
"Cool" sdhfhd
Gabby's top changed. The clothes top I mean.
Awwww, Xena wants food
"Okay maybe cheating is an overstatement"
Uh oh. She's lost her mind. The comedy sound effects
"I didn't mean to do that" gives him his sword back dhfhdd
"I love the smell of warrior sweat and in the morning" 😭
Did she call her Manes???
"I can see where I've been" 😂
Please, she's hungyyy
Xena is a pouty kid, and Gabrielle is like Please for me? And Xena, ok 😘 (Vastra is like that too XD)
Awww, she's putting daisies in her hair
Gosh she wakes up and is so frightened for her gf
SOMFT TOUCH "Xena they're afraid of you" btw is she naked. I guess if the people died they'd at least have seen Xena naked XD
Awwwww, Gabrielle is so gentle with her gf 🥺
"Then take it it's driving me insane"
Father? Gosh, like the one Ares pretended to be?
Noooo, BABYGIRL! She ran off
Gosh poor Xena
Bad CGI :D
Nooooo poor Gabrielle!
I mean... Xena tying Gabrielle up? 👀
Her hands not behaving
SPIN PUNCH. Holy shit.
This is just me stimming honestly
Her mummmmm. Aw poor Xena
WHAT. PLOT TWIST??? I mean. Good for you Cyrene
I love the composition of that shot of Xena focused in the foreground and Cyrene in the background.
and now the same shot with Gabrielle
"That life is a joke" Ough
"Lunatic with lethal combat skills"
Aj aj aj, Xena leaves...
Urgh. Fuck Ares
Oh ffs he wants to turn her into a brutal killer again
Yuck, Ares, yuck
"I'm crazy, I'm not stupid" REAL
Her just yelling at Ares. As she should
Yes well DUUUUH he didn't regain his sanity like that...
Ares, stop grabbing Gabrielle
"Cos you're my father" dhfhdhdbdvd
"Do the bargaining"
Please the way they WIPE THE FLOOR WITH ARES
Alecto is funky XD
"Hey come on you two, you're nog gonna get it on AGAIN are you" please
Oh what a nice callback to the very first episode and Xena's fight with Draco
Not the gravity-defying kick back
"I'm gonna use you as a shield, Gabrielle. Just kidding" 😂
"I still don't get what you see in her" WELL I DO, PISS OFF, ARES.
Gosh poor Cyrene... 😢 No one blames you, love
HANG ON SO WHEN ARES PRETENDED TO BE HER DAD IN S1 😭😭😭 I mean... I don't think Ares could get it on with Cyrene. She's too good for him. But ah well
Yesss hug Cyrene!
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no-more-hide · 12 days
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Dad! You cut off your hair and dyed it. And now you're smoking!
Since your mother left us, I have tried to undo the changes she urged me to make. But they are irreversible. At first it was only small changes, such as losing weight. But then she made sure that my bosom flowered and I had to wear dresses in public. She said she doesn't want any smoking and drinking guys in the house who don't know how to behave. But that's over now. There will be much more changes. First of all, I take you from this church school, where your mother sent you. You will attend a public school where you'll experience the way the real world lives. Finally put on jeans and hoodie. At sixteen, you should no longer wear a school uniform.Then it's about time you started smoking and drinking wine and beer so you're ready for parties like I was at your age. I'll teach you everything you need to know about sex with girls, or even with boys, if that's what you want.
But Dad! Why do I have to be an ugly, pimpled boy who drinks himself at every party? I like to wear the school uniform, the short pleated skirt, the tight tops that outline my tities, plus the knee-highs and Marry-Jane-shoes. During the lunch break, all the school-girls go to the park and the old, horny men grope our sexy ass under the skirt. They want us to kiss them. My little weenie doesn't bother them. They give us twenty bugs for each kiss. I want to be a sloppy schoolgirl who is popular with the horny guys. I want to become such a slutty sissy whore, like mom made you.
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