#young garrus
dukeoftheblackstar · 3 months
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[3] 'Truce' || Castis & Garrus Vakarian
[ 1 ], [ 2 ], by scent.2002 || Meta
So as you know, I have been in this continuous descent of Castis Vakarian thirsting and I just remembered a really fond memory of my grandfather and I when I would be a spoiled little shit. I mean I wasn't really a spoiled child, but I was spoiled by my grandfather a lot.
So after being reprimanded, my stupid little heart would take it soooo personally and won't talk to my granddad until I just fall asleep from crying. Hours later, I'll awake up asleep on his chest.
Have a post-argument sleepy times with daddy Castis and this cute little chub, Garrus. I wanna say Mrs. Vakarian lovingly placed the itty, bitty, baby on sleepy grumpy dad ♥.
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shepgarrus · 8 months
so i'm reading a scifi book about a guy that got part of his face blown off (one guess why i got it in the first place lmao) and a big muscly redheaded woman just appeared. mr author sir have you perchance played mass effect
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spectre-shitposts · 2 years
Shepard: Mom... I think I'm in love.
Hannah: I swear, if this is about a new gun...
Shepard: *gasp* How did you know??
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socialprawn · 11 months
Bruh finally someone said it. Garrus is always treated as Shepard's flawless companion but he has been straight up bigoted. ALSO, Ashley has been supportive to Tali actually and tells her that she hopes her species doesn't keep being discriminated on in the future. People take the animal quote thing too much to heart but no one can look me in the eye and tell me an elkor doesn't look like a rhino. Not nearly as harmful as some of the elevator banter Garrus has said.
Okay I mean... what Ash said was xenophobic. I only said that because Shepard themselves has the ability equate a species to an animal in front of their face to the point that it becomes a 'cute' running gag in the community, same community that condemns Ashley. Just hypocrisy pointing, because it's literally the same thing. If we think what Shep said is funny, then Ashley's remark is also funny, because it's the fucking same thing :V
But yass. I mean, I remember Garrus regretting his ME1 attitude in the later games, and I mean his actions and conversations show that he has very much grown as a person. Ash never survives my playthroughs but I think she also does... need confirmation!
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Miles also has to be kind of self-absorbed and overly focused on the mission during me2 but also the thought of him making ramen with Kasumi is cute. Making use of the Normandy's new kitchen.
Ramen because, as Kasumi insists, it's hard to mess up. And Kasumi because she's the only one willing to actually intrude upon Miles' solitude between missions due to a combination of nosiness, irreverence and boredom. (And in turn, it's a relief for once to have someone who's not overly impressed by Commander Shepard, so he eases up and lets her see Miles a bit more.)
Thane ends up their taste tester because he also doesn't sleep much. It turns out pretty good. Better than Rupert's, which Kasumi promises not to tell.
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Garrus propaganda:
"Garrus is a character who went from being a shit head punk in ME1 and grows and betters himself over the games. He talks over the hard choices in ME3 without judging Shepard no matter what they choice. He is pretty much the first to stand up for them and even when his own home is being destroyed and he doesn’t know if his father and sister are alive he’s there for SHEPARD. He is there for the person who is always there for everyone else! ME3 Garrus is honestly Best Garrus and I want to celebrate how good his character arc is over the games.
And the best part is: the romance doesn’t fix him. He still grows and improves if you romance him or not!
Idk, I just don’t think it’s super fair to reduce him to his ME1 character when the fact that him growing and improving is the part I like best about him. Garrus, to me, shows you can always get better and life is about always getting better. It’s never too late to be better.
And he has the power to make Shepard dance good in the Citadel DLC."
Zevran propaganda:
"what about 'for the chance to be by your side i would storm the dark city itself'?? he can essentially propose!! if you die he canonically never loves again!!"
"literally the sweetest romance ive ever had the chance of doing
everytime i play origins i try to romance someone else but the momebt he starts talking i absolutely melt!!!!!
zevran shouldnt just be boiled down to bisexual elf man
he also is deeply traumatized since he was used for his body since a young child
so the warden and zevrans romance is such a sweet and slow romance ws you slowly help him realize that you dont just see him as his body!!!!
hes the sweetest man on earth and i will die on this hill
i will never love anyone more than this man"
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milkywayes · 4 months
it’s like no one gets me1 garrus and it’s so annoying to me. i love this mid-twenties spitfire who worries so much about justice and making a difference that he overlooks nuance. who’s so young and full of zeal and pent-up frustration over trying and failing to make a difference. who will go against his father’s wishes as well as simply ignore decades’ worth of turian-human conflict to do something he thinks he has to—but who will also listen to the words of a trusted mentor and truly reflect on his actions when prompted. who just cares so much and wants to know so much and wants to do so much that he comes across as abrasive at times even when he’s trying very hard to be polite. i just think he’s neat
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rpgchoices · 5 months
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This is the finals where you will have to vote your favorite rpg romance for female characters. Wyll Ravengard won the other side against Garrus, and here we have a battle of the Baldur's Gate 3!
On one side we have Lae'zel, young arrogant warrior being thrown in a war bigger than herself, she is harsh, and also incredibly supportive, she is there to save YOUR life, but at the end of the day she will have to learn horrible truths about her people and she will learn to love the new world around her and to see beauty and gentleness in it.
On the other we have Karlach, barbarian of the hells, an optimistic enthusiastic tiefling who has been forced to fight in a war against her own will and is now finally free for the first time in ten years. She lives on a timeline, and she is trying to enjoy life to the fullest because of the engine installed in her chest. Her romance is quite unique as she cannot touch the player (for a bit of it)!
Both characters can be romanced by any gender and any player character!
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lassieposting · 9 months
Fic Concept:
Tali'Zorah is, if she does say so herself, something of an expert in galactic romance. Her omnitool hosts a 6 terabyte collection of romance and romcom vids from across the spectrum of known species, and after that much media exposure, she's fairly sure she's familiar with all the ins and outs of each culture's dating milestones.
She knows, for example, that family members have certain duties in a clan member's new relationship, in human cultures. As one of Shepard's closest friends, she also knows that the poor thing has no family to fulfil those duties for her.
Determined to see Shepard and Garrus's relationship turn into Shepard and Garrus's marriage, she starts handing out responsibilities to appropriate members of the Normandy crew. Shenanigans ensue.
(AKA the one in which Tali is convinced common romcom tropes are actually essential milestones in any human romantic relationship, and takes steps to make sure Shep and Garrus get to experience them.)
Ideas that made me horf:
- Wrex, as Shepard's oldest and closest (deeply violent) male associate, is enlisted to give Garrus the if you break her heart, I'll end you speech usually performed by the father, on a visit to Tuchanka. Maybe he absolutely knows Tali has misread this, and lowkey gives the speech over shots of ryncol, wheezing about how Shep would kill Garrus just fine herself. Maybe he has no idea this isn't an actual important human ritual, and performs his part with ceremonial gusto. Anyway, he does it, and somehow manages to be vaguely heartwarming about it anyway or gives Garrus some sign of approval.
- Mordin, as the oldest male friend on the Normandy, is tasked with interrogating Garrus at "Family Dinner". He does so, but very few of the questions he asks are actually relevant to the typical Meet The Parents dinner, and Shepard actually learns a few new things about Garrus herself.
- Joker volunteers to be "mom" and bring out the baby pictures to show Garrus. He doesn't have any pictures of Shepard as an actual baby, but he does have some funny or embarrassing ones from their time serving together under Captain Anderson he's been itching to share, and that's almost the same thing. She's more baby there than she is now, anyway.
- Tali strongly encourages Garrus to spend time "bonding" with Grunt. It's very important to make sure your future wife's child knows he is included in your new family unit, Garrus! An eventful trip to the zoo/museum/etc ensues.
- Bonus wedding chapter where Wrex is bullied into formal wear to walk Shep down the aisle; Jack paints Cipritine face markings on Grunt thinking they're Vakarian family markings and then sets him loose on Garrus's extended family, who are all very confused as to how this young krogan is apparently from Cipritine; Zaeed gives a hilariously inappropriate speech as Best Man and accidentally outs Garrus as Archangel in front of Aria T'Loak; Kasumi attempts to hook up with Jacob in a time-honoured tradition of inadvisable bridesmaid/groomsman couplings, and Mordin makes use of his STG training to break into the honeymoon suite to leave a tasteful gift basket of sex aids on the bed, because Tali has banned him from giving them in front of the guests.
Just. Interfering Interspecies Crew Way Off Base But Have Loving Intentions. And in the end Shepard is deeply exasperated, but also very touched by the effort put in by the people that love them, and honestly lowkey glad that they got to experience those cliche moments after all.
Bonus points: crewmembers who really do see Shepard/Garrus as family also trying to share their traditions with her/him. Like, if a krogan warrior convinces a fertile female to join his clan, that's a big deal and maybe the clan throws a huge feast and party to celebrate, so Wrex does that for them. Or maybe asari pass hereditary jewelry from mother to daughter to be worn at the first bonding ceremony to a beloved life partner, so Samara lends Shep hers to wear for the wedding. Shit like that.
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oonaluna-art · 11 months
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A commission for Otempora / @otemporanerys of young Garrus and Shepard. 💖 This was a great commission experience, and it’s always nice to be commissioned to draw a ship I like!
This piece was based on Otempora’s fanfic “Playing the Long Game.”
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dukeoftheblackstar · 2 months
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[6] 'Father Duty' Pt. 2 || Castis Vakarian
I, II, III, IV, V, by scent.2002 || Meta
Here we have:
Little Garrus stuffing dad's drawers with his blankie because someone has been bring home work a little too much. Needless to say, Castis feels equally touched as he is troubled because Garrus has thrown his stuff away to make room for his blankie.
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Itty, bitty Garr-bear sharing his desserts for dad but ends up taking a huge bite and is now in the dilemma of whether dad would notice or he'd have to take one for the team and eat all of it.
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Hydration is very important. Specially if you're a very young Turian caught in the adventure of making sure dad's OK. The drink was supposed to be Castis'.
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And so was the sandwich — or what's left of it. Castis is not a fan of saliva-soggy bread. [ I wasn't sure if there's an equivalent of sandwich for Turians.]
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Dad's way of saying he's both proud and love the itty, bitty monster baby.
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I'm having dad withdrawal. This may be a little too wholesome for Castis, but I'm pretty sure he did his best. With how Garrus turned out. I know most of his personality is more from mom as per the comics, but I'm also sure that he's got a lot of Castis in him too.
Anyway, have some fatherly sweetness from husband #3, Castis Vakarian.
Tagging my fellow thirsty Turian friends @eyecandyeoz @yuku78
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theslowesthnery · 6 months
I have played some of BG3, it's a fun game, and it may be that my sexuality is somewhere in the triangle of gay for men, demiromantic, and monsterfucker, but none of them appealed to me, appearance-wise. They're cute I guess. It's their personalities that make them interesting romance options for me.
(Most of them are prickly traumatised weirdos with hearts of... I'm not sure that it's gold but something in that region - and also Karlach the big buff brawler demon-y lady who catches light occasionally has a big squishy teddy bear named Clive.)
yeah, i'm sure they're all interestingly and well-written characters, it's just that they could've also been interesting and diverse appearance-wise! like i get that they need to fill their quota of pretty, young, thin (but not too thin), muscular (but not too muscular) characters but with so many romance options, couldn't one of them have been, idk, fat? actually old-looking? part of a fantasy race that isn't just a palette swap of humans?
like the problem isn't so much that the characters are designed to be attractive and fuckable as it is that the devs' idea of what constitutes as "attractive and fuckable" is so frustratingly limited
that's what frustrates me to no end about games set in fantasy or sci-fi worlds with tons of cool fictional races: the devs always default to the ones that resemble humans the most, and the most exotic option you can get for a playable character or a romancable NPC is "human with blue or red skin and horns or head-tentacles that resemble a hairdo" -_- it's especially frustrating because people WANT the weird non-human characters!! in a game with several conventionally attractive human or human-palette-swap romance options, people WANTED to romance (and bone!!) garrus vakarian!
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nanomooselet · 4 months
My Brother's Keeper (III)
So, what's the big difference between Knives and Wolfwood that leads to such disaster? Why, it's the same as the difference between Vash and Meryl. The one which meant Zazie singled out Meryl despite her relative powerlessness.
And more than that.
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Wolfwood has been forced to represent Knives. But he has far more in common with Vash - similarities which, unfortunately, extend to both being victims of Knives's abuse.
The Eye of Michael took Wolfwood from his home because he did well on a test he couldn't have consented to, chemically mutilated him, hurt him when he tried to escape, mocked and belittled him, and used Livio as a hostage to coerce him into being their hatchet-man. Now everything that was ever good in his world depends on him doing what they want, and he can't trust them to keep their word on that anymore.
Hell, Nick's place in the Hopeland Orphanage (earmarked as a storehouse for potential EOM subjects), being likely born S+ chemically compatible, even being orphaned young and poor (and thus being taken in by an orphanage) all meant he was denied a say in his future, long before he was even aware he had one. Almost every major event in his life has been dictated by things he couldn't control, and by now he's resigned to it, just as Vash is resigned to shouldering blame and punishment for everything that Knives does (supposedly) because of him. Wolfwood's been made into the Punisher, and the Punisher is a weapon. He is wielded by another, as Vash is himself often used and fought over.
When in the position of putting aside punishment to protect what they love most, Wolfwood discards his weapon/shield to take the agony of sacrifice upon himself, just as Vash has always done.
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Knives, though... Okay. Fair warning. I've seen it said that Vash "maintains the status quo" while Knives "fights for the oppressed". Now, Knives really is one of my favourites; I wouldn't have examined him so closely if he wasn't. But I don't even remotely share that assessment of the situation.
(And if this seems an excessive amount of attempted placation, I can only say that I'm a long-term BioWare fan who frankly never liked or trusted Garrus Vakarian or Anders, so being skittish about voicing criticism of the fandom boyfriend has become a habit.)
Orange were far, far nicer than I would have been when they said Knives isn't a villain. Or rather, I think when they said they prefer "nuance and complexity" to boiling a character down to merely "villain", that was taken to be a much more positive description of Knives than they intended it to be. They did give Knives nuanced and complex motivations. But they do not mean he is truthful, objective, rational, or morally superior to his victims.
I don't think Knives is the blade and liberator of the downtrodden he names himself. Not even of the Plants. He's something more horrifying and more hateful.
Knives, you see, actively seeks out power. He's motivated above all by a desire for authority, superiority, dominance and control. There are a lot of shots where he stands above - particularly above Vash, who's often kneeling before him. His followers call him "lord". Conrad tells Legato they need forgiveness from Wolfwood, but the one he actually begs for it is Knives. That's exactly what Knives wants. It means he's strong.
To Knives, possessing power and being in power means he's right. He's safe. He can't be controlled as long as he is in control (he cannot be victim as long as he is perpetrator). He's the shadow ruler of the most powerful and wealthy of the seven cities, which practices eugenicist control of its population. He controls the July military police, who carry missile launchers, drive armoured vehicles, and are pointedly demonstrated to be both brutal and deeply corrupt. He steals (or "liberates from oppression") Plants from remote communities like Jeneora Rock, which even before he arrived had no clean drinking water, while July is explicitly described as having a "monopoly" on the sale and distribution of water-producing Plants (they also manufacture and sell weapons). He deliberately sows misinformation and lies to (among other things) persecute and exert control over his brother, who is thus branded a dangerous fugitive and subject to constant violence and pursuit. He founded a religion that glorifies death and preys upon even those like the Windmill Village, who didn't rely on Plants for anything and yet were driven away or slaughtered to the last.
After Knives crashed the ships, he took it on himself to build a new system. This one installed him in a position to exploit the disadvantaged and powerless, these disgusting parasites, for his own ends. All the while making plans to wipe them out - because as he conceptualises the world, it will make what he loves (what belongs to him) as safe and as pure and as perfect as himself. He made himself into a weapon that only he will ever wield. And he wields himself against those who have no way to meaningfully fight back, who have no way even to understand what it is that he so despises them for.
Knives never makes sacrifices. He demands them. Someone else always has to take the blame. Someone else always has to suffer the consequences. Often that someone is Vash, often it's the other Plants, often it's humans - and always it's Rem, even though Rem is dead and has been for a century and a half.
It can't be Knives. He's never to blame. Yet everything that Knives has become, he's chosen to be. Still he refuses to accept any responsibility or compromise, anything that might lead to him being vulnerable. Even as those he claims to protect are ruined as a result of his negligence and cruelty.
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Not wanting to kill anyone… that's just a coward's idealism. Even a kid could tell you that. Folks only get to live 'cause other people die. That's the world we live in. I don't have the luxury of being afraid to make tough decisions. I have to choose in order to protect the things that are dear to me.
Very nice speech, beautifully staged and affecting (also though Wolfwood is delivering it to Vash, it's for the benefit of Meryl, as she checks the derringer is loaded, trying to keep her hands steady). But… what choice besides killing has there been for Wolfwood? He took Livio in as his brother and all that did was make Livio a target as well.
It was Vash who actually gave him a choice.
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No, what's coming out of Wolfwood's mouth is dogma of the Eye of Michael. Wolfwood is doing what Knives would do, will do, has done from the very start and has spent every moment of his life furiously trying to justify ever since: paying in blood for the safety of him and his, telling himself it's the only way.
What makes Wolfwood different from Knives in this instance is that he actually bothered listening when Vash talked, then trusted him at least to try and do what he could. And that means the justification, for Wolfwood, is falling pitifully short. He owes everything to Vash's kindness. He knows Vash isn't naïve, or a coward, or childish, or weak. Vash embodies a hope he's never known before in his life, and Wolfwood can no longer convince himself surrendering to despair and complacency is the right thing to do. Not if there's a choice.
He doesn't believe there is one. Belief isn't for him. He's no priest. He's just an undertaker.
But given that, if that's what he is, then... maybe…
There's no way to return his humanity./That monster was not the kid you knew.
You don't, by any chance, think you can make up with Millions Knives, do you?/When you get to Knives, you aren't stupid enough to think you two can just talk this thing out, are ya?
Do you think sacrificing yourself will make everyone happy?/Think sacrificing yourself will make us little guys happy?
Wolfwood... Wolfwood knows. What Vash can't accept. What Knives really is. Has personally been subject to Knives's handiwork, been Knives's instrument going to and fro on the earth, and walking up and down in it. You know what? This time, Knives should be the one to make a sacrifice. After a lifetime of spouting bullshit and ruling absolute over a world that because of him, demands either sacrifice or death, it might finally be his turn. If Wolfwood can convince Vash to make him take it.
But of all the fucking times for Vash to dig in his fucking heels, of course it had to be over this.
(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part IV)
(Part V)
(Part VI)
(Part VII)
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katthekatt · 4 months
Some more of my Mass Effect headcannons, Drinking edition:
> in ME2 when Shepard gets poisoned in lower Afterlife its because of their cyber parts after being resurrected that they survive the poison, Miranda more or less made Shepard even harder to kill.
> speaking of drinking in ME2, Shepard has an episode of alcoholism during the events prior to the Suicide Mission, which is why we can drink at every location. During this, the new companions don't really see it as something that bad. They just think Shepard is just an alcoholic by habit and don't mess with their life. However, our Garrus and Tali know better, and by the time of the Suicide Mission, presuade Shepard to give up drinking for a while. Mordin, too, had called out Shepard on their drinking but with little success in actually preventing them from doing it.
> Earthborn Shepard has a history of drinking from an early age because of being in a gang, due to this, they have a higher tolerance towards it. And abuse this when companions challenge them, in particular James, Jack, Zaeed, and Grunt. If Kaidan or Ashley try to do it, Shepard passes on the offer.
> Earthborn Shepard, again, I think wouldn't mind if Grunt wanted to drink. Although I don't see Grunt doing it offen he does it to show dominance in bars. Colonist Shepard wouldn't encourage it like Earthborn Shep, but still would think it's not that bad and that it grows character if you are exposed to it young. Meanwhile, Spacer Shepard would definitely disapprove become of their strict upbringing.
> Zaeed and Jack share drinks once in a while and talk. Jack doesn't trust Zaeed much at first and thinks of him as just someone she can have a drink with that isn't Cerberus and knows how hard life is. With time, they grow a friendship, and Jack looks up to Zaeed, calling him a badass.
> While EDI and Legion are AI and can't get tipsy or drunk, the conventional way by the time of ME3 EDI has created a virus that works in the same way with its effects that takes about an hour to fight off. She hasn't used it and doesn't plan on doing so because it's counterproductive considering she is the Normandy. The virus was created only for the sole purpose of throwing it in Joker's face after he insisted EDI couldn't do it.
> Wrex and Garrus both don't drink much at all. Garrus drinks only for dates, and Wrex thinks that drinking is for people without courage and need to get it some other way. He has whoever shared a drink with Shepard after they had insisted on commemorating the Genophage cure.
>Thane and Samara don't drink, period, each with their own reasons.
>Miranda, for all her talk of being made perfect, actually has a low tolerance to alcohol. After Shepard learns that they don't leave her alone about it when she brings up being created flawless. Or in reverse, Miranda can't get drunk at all and is a neat party trick she prides herself on.
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helix-studios117 · 2 months
Halo Effect
In the year 2150, humanity found the Halo Arrays. Ancient ringworlds which they decided to use to achieve Slipspace-Travel, and they reverse-engineer old Forerunner technology from these ringworlds to make all sorts of neat tech, leading to a technological new-age that lasts for 400 years and counting. (Forerunners are still called 'Forerunners,' but they play the Protheans' role).
It's currently 2552...
The United Nations System Alliance (UNSA, which is The UNSC + The System Alliance) are the military and political arm and protectors of humanity, but a shadowy intelligence-agency called "Agamemnon" (ONI + Cerberus) led by 'The Visionary' (Doctor Halsey + The Illusive Man), operates in the dark as they commit various war-crimes in the name of humanity and it's protection; the military and the police are one-&-the-same.
Agamemnon created a program that would train a new breed of military-police troopers that are above jurisdiction and have free-reign to do what they'd like called the "Spectre-II Program" (The Spectres + N7 + Spartan-II) with the best Spectre among them being a Commander-ranked Engineer-class Colonist with a background for being particularly ruthless named John Shepard-117, though he likes to go by the callsign that Captain Jacob Anderson gave to him: "Master Chief" (Anderson was previously Master Chief when a young John asked if he could Master Chief one day).
The Spectres are dedicated to fighting The Matrix (Covenant + Geth), a hivemind of religious cyborgs who believe that the Halo Arrays are ACTUALLY created by The Warforge (Reapers + Prometheans), a legion of sentient starships that are piloted by The Spores (The Flood + The Collectors), and want to liberate thenselves from humanity and their ancestors by activating the rings.
The truth is they were obviously made by the Forerunners to be a counter against the Spore/Warforge, as the SWs collect and harvest any all sentient life to feed and cleanse the galaxy so that the whole universe can live under the Spore's rule; so the Forerunners made death machines, the Halos, which destroys all life in the galaxy so that the mech-piloting parasites can starve. It worked and life began again...
But the Spores/Warforge returned.
And the fate of the galaxy rests in John Shepard-117's hands after he learned about all of this from a Matrix excavation-site on Madrigal Prime, where he touched an ancient Forerunner beacon they were digging up. So assembles a ragtag-team of remarkable people to help him, including: Garrus "The Seraphim" 'Vadamee (a vigilante who atones for his past mistakes by killing the wicked across the galaxy), Kai Alenko-125 (a fellow Spectre-supersoldier and a powerful biotic), Leenda'Zorah (A sniper with keen-sight and is constantly in a skin-tight Hazmat-suit; John gives her Spectre-armor that's the same in-design as her original Hazmat-suit, but offers far more protection and has all sorts of bells-&-whistles that'll keep her safe), Miranda (a super-spy and scientist who is the daughter of the Visionary; her real legal-name is either Keyes or Lawson, but she'll never tell), Ares (a brutish bounty-hunter and ex-clan-chieftian who hails from a planet of dying warriors) and Durandana (the UNSA Normandy's ship AI, given physical form in the form of a blue woman who looks exactly like a younger version of the Visionary).
@mrtobenamedlater, @authortobenamedlater, @makowrites, @empresskadia, @ageless-aislynn, @inthatfandom, @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @pelgraine, @jellotherelol, @killer-orca-cosplay.
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reiline · 2 years
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A small comic strip with Wrex and Garrus with a reference to the Lord of the Rings. Timeline ME1
Once I came across a meme on Tumblr that Garrus and Wrex are literally Legolas and Gimli placed in space. And I can partly agree with this, their mutual skirmishes are indeed similar in some respects, but only during the events of the first part of the game . .
Read the whole text:
In fact, they knew each other even before Shepard’s arrival at the Citadel. Wrex was often detained by C-Sec for a variety of reasons, and that's where he met future Archangel. Wrex's love of teasing every turian and salarian he met could not bypass Garrus too, but unlike other turians, who usually silently endured sarcastic krogan's insults until the last, Garrus always said Wrex back without fear and constraint.
Wrex had already met Garrus's father before when the second one was a young C-Sec officer, and he couldn't help noticing how similar and different the younger and older Vakarian are at the same time. But he definitely liked the younger one much more, because Garrus, unlike his father, was not devoid of a sense of humor and self-irony.
Wrex had never seen Garrus in combat, but the latter's reputation spoke for itself. As a whole, before meeting Shepard, Wrex already had some impression of the turian.
"Youngster, what to take from him so far. He’s obviously green yet, but he'll definitely do some good”
Once on the Normandy, Wrex didn’t even think to stop openly teasing Garrus with or without a reason. As Shepard's constant companions in combat and spending most of their free time in the hold, they were side by side with each other almost all the time.
Wrex also noticed that the turian quickly won over not only him. Shepard regularly went down to the hold to chat with Garrus about a variety of things and, sometimes, stayed there long. Since her childhood, the turians were the most unusual, interesting and at the same time frightening race for her, that she was so eager to learn more about. All the books were studied to the holes, the extranet was rummaged through, and her father, who had already encountered them, was asked all sorts of questions.
During his years at C-Sec, Garrus had dealt with almost all known races, including humans, but he knew little about the latter and mostly negative. And this is not surprising, because after The First Contact War, humans and the turians were hostile to each other, and many people raised their children, cultivating in them hostility to an alien race. Fortunately, this did not affect Shepard, so as Garrus who was always neutral to humans. Her interest in his people was unexpected for him, but he readily answered all her questions time after time. Later, as he got used to the new environment and his new superiors, he dared to ask Shepard questions himself: about humans, about herself, about their mission. The interest was mutual, five-minute conversations eventually turned into half-hour ones, and sometimes they completely lost track of time. Well, Wrex, being nearby, now and then put his two cents.
The only one of Shepard's companions who was clearly unfriendly to Garrus, and to the other aliens on board, was Ashley. While in the hold, she tried to ignore the aliens next to her, but it was impossible not to notice how tense she always was, and how much she was disgusted by all these non-human races. And while she was more or less neutral towards Tali and Liara, given that neither of them often caught her eye, then Garrus and Wrex were much more unlucky. She didn't hesitate to speak disparagingly of them in their presence, talking to Shepard or any of her new friends on board. She didn't answer Garrus' questions about weapons or the mission, and didn't even look up, as if he wasn't even there. They spoke only on missions, exchanging standard phrases in battle. Garrus simply put up with her attitude in his direction, the sneers and hurtful words from her and her cronies, but would never say a word against her. Especially a woman. Especially a woman of another race. With Wrex, by the way, Ashley did’t dare to treat like that, and therefore the turian was the only easy target for her. Wrex had long taken his behavior for softness, and generally admired his endurance, so he often stood up for Garrus if he was around. By the way, after one incident on board, Ashley changed her anger to mercy, and the open taunting from her side stopped.
- If I were you, I'd bite their heads off a long time ago. What are you, lad, pissing in front of some pyjaks?
- I just don't want to cause conflicts on an alien ship, Wrex.
Wrex could have died on Virmire. Infuriated by Shepard's decision to destroy Saren's krogan-growing laboratories, he nearly shot her. The situation was extremely tense. All the companions, including Garrus and the salarians, were on alert, waiting for any signal from Shepard to eliminate the problem in the form of an enraged krogan. But there was no signal. During the entire flight, Shepard got to know Wrex enough to understand that the information about a possible cure for the genophage simply clouded his mind. Convinced that this was definitely not the future he would have wished for his people, Wrex came around and lowered his gun.
When he returned to the Normandy, he went to Garrus first, who, somehow in his own sad way, kept glancing at the empty space next to the armory.
- Would you really shoot me?
- You pointed a gun at Shepard, Wrex, I'd have to. But the Normandy would definitely be more boring without you.
- Huh, well, if so, then I forgive you.
Much later, after getting valuable information from Vigil on Ilos, passing through the Conduit and ending up on the Citadel, the team splited up, and Shepard with Garrus and Wrex went to the Citadel Tower on foot to finally deal with Saren and put an end to this story. But that was just the beginning.
Wrex did not know then how much the young turian would mean to him in the future, how much he and Shepard would do for him and the entire krogan race, and how much, for the first time in his life, he would regret that the krogan lived so long and the turians and humans so unforgivably little. Their relationship wasn't always smooth at first. Old grievances of the past years kept popping up in conversations. But they found common ground rather quickly, and during the time they spent together, they were able to understand themselves and each other better.
And yes, getting back to the subject of the post, the relationship of Garrus and Wrex really somewhat resembles the relationship of Legolas and Gimli from The LotR, but only at the beginning of the journey, when their friendship was just starting, dark times were still ahead, and their jokes were above the belt :D . .
I almost died while translating this text from my native language into English, but I made it
Many of my future posts will be plot and informative, and I will try to write it in such a way that it will be interesting for you to read it and delve into my headcanons ♥ . .
Music theme: 🎶 Normandie - Dead
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