#your perfect match based on your zodiac
000-pawz · 19 days
how taesan loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think taesan would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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taesan is "communicative, free, and understanding" when he truly loves.
taesan is a tough shell to crack. because of his gemini moon, he is always looking for excitement and variety, which means that he doesn't "settle down" often. despite this, both his sun and mars are in leo, so he can be very loyal when he genuinely likes someone. he either will have a crush on one person for a very long time, or wait until he finds the perfect person for a long-term relationship.
if he is going to confess, he'll be very detailed and communicative about it. he doesn't take his feelings lightly!!! he's attracted to people who he can have engaging conversations with, learn from, and have witty charm. he's pretty sarcastic himself, so i think he'd also like to have someone who can meet him on that level. other air sign moon placements are a good match for him as they can share their values of freedom and understanding with eachother.
taesan has a high need for variety and change and he can get bored quickly if things stay the same for too long; especially if he feels mentally understimulated. this is why he likes people who are a little unexpected, wild at heart, and have a passion for trying out new things!!! >< introduce him to new music artists, fashion brands, movies, etc.
he'd like dates that involve experiencing the cultures of other cities, road trips, museums, and other things that involve learning ^___^ he'd also like getaway trips to other countries, sightseeing, and stuff like that!
his love language is words of affirmation. he likes to be complimented, whether it be for his taste in fashion, his appearance, his mindset on something, etc. he wants you to think he's cool!!!! and because of his leo placements, he's especially sensitive on his spine, so hugs where you run your fingers up and down his back are ideal <3 also placing your hand on his chest right over his heart when you kiss will have him folding!!!
he is incredibly talkative once he feels comfortable around you. he will talk your ear off for hours if you let him, and please do! communication and sharing ideas and knowledge is one of the best ways to get closer to him. let him info dump about all of his favorite things, and he would like it if you do the same with him!!!
once taesan feels fully safe and commited in a relationship, he can provide you with some of the best security, comfort, and care. with his moon squaring jupiter, he requires the same treatment. he might not be the most emotional person ever, but his loyalty and admiration go a very long way. he can be passionate and driven by desire, so i think people who can match that are a good fit for him. it doesn't seem like he'd be into the "opposites attract" type of thing.
he loves being the center of attention, even though he'll never admit it. taesan is a cancer venus, so he is very sensitive at heart, but he hides behind the dismissive and cold demeanor of his gemini moon. he is very emotionally intelligent and self-aware, preferring to analyze and process his feelings thoughtfully in solitude before confiding in someone.
back to his cancer venus, taesan pays attention to your actions more than your words. don't try to lie about being "okay" if you're going through a hard time because he will see right through you. he'll encourage you to confide in him and if you ask him to, he'll help you figure out how to go about difficult situations.
the biggest area for potential conflict would be his struggle with empathy and concern. don't get me wrong, he does have a genuine interest for his partner's feelings, but sometimes he can be too rational. while he prefers to resolve conflict through communication, he gets really uncomfortable in highly vulnerable or irrational situations. this is where he struggles to incorporate empathy into his communication style, rather than stating facts over feelings.
if taesan is feeling insecure or rejected, he has a tendency to retreat into himself. expect pouting fits and silent treatments if you ever make him upset. :< he can get fired up pretty easily if he feels disrespected, humiliated, or mischaracterized. he might even resort to petty tactics to see how much you really care about him. he's a leo-gemini sun/moon so he has no shame in playing games with you. he'll probably do and say things to get a reaction out of you, like trying to make you jealous or pity him. he can also hold grudges for a bit too (cancer venus lol)
once he has enough alone time to sort out his emotions, with his mercury in virgo, he'll probably organize all of his thoughts in his notes app before sitting down with you to talk because he hates when his words are skewed or taken out of context. he likes serious communication to be neat and thorough. screaming fights and intense arguments make him shut down and go ghost, so communication should be respectful and calm. when he's clear-headed, he can see from multiple points of view very well; "i see where you're coming from", "i understand why you feel that way and i'm sorry".
how can you make taesan feel loved? firstly, be understanding. he may have bouts of criticism and pessimism, so understand that this is just who he is and it's never directed at you or your character! he thinks that being understood and communicating needs and wants clearly are the most important things. he wants you to truly know him and you can show that in whatever way feels best. secondly, be free and full of whimsy! take him out to dance in the rain, roll down a grassy hill...just enjoy those unexpected moments with him.
taesan is truly a big kid at heart, but has built up these walls around him which leads him to being extremely independent. he wants his partner to value independence as much as he does, and understand that they can still be each other's safe spaces. he wants to be able to let his guard down around you, so be open-minded and love him through it all. he'll do the same for you <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
Let's collectively leave astrology out of toxic patterns
Credit @moonastrogirl
Can we all please collectively leave astrology out of toxic patterns ? No, it’s not because that man you dated was a scorpio or a gemini venus that all scorpio or gemini venus are bad or have issues. It’s not either because your mom has her sun in her 5th house that she is narcissistic. No it’s not because you’re an Aries that you have anger issues. And if you do seek help, do some therapy, reflect ! Let’s leave toxic patterns and behaviours to what they are toxic patterns and not personality traits based on zodiac placements…
*synastry can be more accurate to understand the dynamic of a toxic relationship rather than just personal placements so someone could have been horrible to you because of how their chart has interacted with yours ! And be the perfect person for someone else and that is fine. Sometimes the energy doesn’t match. Sometimes it does. And sometimes that person is just toxic alone and need to seek therapy not because they have a certain placement or sign.*
Why am I saying this ?
(Update of my post thanks to the comment section I always appreciate your feedbacks thank you 🙏)
1) Because it can create stereotypes for some placements or zodiac signs and make people not take astrology seriously…
2) Based on the birth chart the energy of a placement can change drastically especially after looking at the aspects and the dominant planets.
3) Some people use astrology to justify their toxic traits or behaviours and it’s not okay at all. Placements create an energy and a dynamic and we all have the will power to overcome the obstacles of difficult placements and do better.
Credit @moonastrogirl
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evansblues · 9 months
I have some vedic insight I would like to share as I have really enjoyed all of your astrological analysis. It's a bit of a long post:
In Vedic astrology, nakshatras play a pivotal role, similar to how planets rule specific zodiac signs in Western astrology. For example, Mars rules Aries in Western astrology, and similarly, each nakshatra in Vedic astrology carries its significance.
Chris, based on sidereal astrology, is of the Swati Nakshatra lineage. His most harmonious match, according to Vedic tradition, would be with someone from the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. This relationship dynamic resembles the classic Cinderella and Prince Charming tale, with Swati representing Prince Charming and Uttara Bhadrapada symbolizing Cinderella.
To find his perfect Uttara Bhadrapada match, the person should have Saturn as their ruling planet in sidereal astrology. This corresponds to either an Aries or Pisces moon in Western astrology. It's worth noting that sidereal zodiac placements can shift, potentially aligning with the preceding sign or retaining the same sign based on specific degrees.
Claire Nakti has offered a comprehensive exploration of the unique physical traits associated with different nakshatras:
Uttara Bhadrapada (Mermaid Beauty):
Found in Pisces, ruled by Saturn.
Ethereal appearance with graceful limbs and neck.
Recognizable wide-spaced, upturned almond eyes.
High cheekbones, a pointed chin, and an overall compact face.
Entwined in the folklore of mermaids and deep-sea narratives.
Hasta (Fairy Beauty):
Located in Virgo.
Mesmerizing almond eyes in hazel or green.
Distinct diamond face, highlighted cheekbones, and a unique pointed nose tip.
This nakshatra echoes fairy tales and has renowned mystical associations.
Importantly, based on Evans' charts, Alba aligns with the Hasta Nakshatra, not Uttara Bhadrapada.
To delve deeper into the essence of the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, here's an excerpt directly from Claire Nakti:
"The Billionaire's Bride" Nakshatra: The Cosmic Cinderella 🦋
In today’s video & ebook, I delve into the astrological underpinnings of the Cinderella story — from its mythological origins to its contemporary resonance in films and art. Uttara Bhadrapada and its ruling planet, Saturn, seamlessly interweave these diverse narratives. This nakshatra has, through its natives, narrated the Cinderella saga across centuries, signifying a divine “butterfly” transformation from trials to beauty, from ashes to immeasurable prosperity. Its unparalleled prowess in gaining the admiration, favor, and affection of the powerful and influential stands out. This enigmatic nakshatra epitomizes the cultivation of serene, feminine strength. It embodies the “pressure-sculpted” allure of a gem shaped under Earth's profound pressure or a mermaid thriving under the ocean's immense depths. 🐉 Every Cinderella motif — the cinders, servitude, glass slippers, antagonistic stepsisters and stepmother, magical transformation, and more, offers illuminating insights into this nakshatra's profound mysteries.
This exploration unveiled intriguing interconnections, enabling me to delve into this supremely feminine-powerhouse nakshatra and the way the Cinderella narrative extends to the trine Saturn-nakshatras of Pushya and Anuradha. This journey also allowed for a comprehensive exploration of Saturn-dominant women's unique traits. Uttara Bhadrapada & Ashlesha share pivotal connections related to the feminine spiritual path. This led to a riveting exploration of the divine feminine's mysteries and a cosmic interpretation of the "royal wedding" and the coronation of adept figures in occultism.
So given what astrology says and what Claire Nakti says, while astrology might not be perfect, Chris's placements suggest that a partner from the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra would be the best match for him.
Thank you anon, this is fascinating. 🌷🙏🧡
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enluv · 11 months
sleeping under the stars ⋆ ˚。⋆☆ !
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coco’s love note: before anything, i wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me through my journey on this platform, honestly from the bottom of my heart I’m so thankful for you all and appreciate it so much, all the comments, rbs, like, asks, tags, literally everything means a lot to me!! i love being able to write and share my works with you, and it makes me overjoyed when you also read and enjoy them :) i am terrible when it comes to these types of paragraphs but I do want to say thank you again, and I will continue to keep writing for you as much as I can <3 (p.s: thank you to all my wonderful moots who encourage me to write everyday not only with their words but their own works as well !!)
sleepover? what’s that! - well let me explain, I will be hosting a night where we can all come to this blog and stay up with some cute little activities that I have planned out just for us :) below I will explain all the activities we will be having at our sleepover!!
when is it? - july 24th @ 10 PM cdt! – so get your questions and everything ready for the night to come :) !! feel free to send them in already so they’re ready to be answered on the 24th !!
rules? - be respectful, check the open slots - once slots are filled any asks sent after will be deleted, follow the rules for each activity as stated, please be following me if you are participating in my event and do not send in an ask if you aren’t because you’ll be taking slots from my actual followers (moots you can ignore if slots are filled and still send in an ask for an activity!)
the groups for this event are the following - enhypen, tomorrow x together, stray kids, and seventeen.
PSA: please note that you can participate in multiple activities but for activity #2 & #3 I ask that you pick between the two so that others will have a chance to join as well!
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onto the fun, what activities will we be doing?! - we will have three main activities to participate in!! and below I will explain them to you as best as I can with examples !!
activity number one: ask the characters!
how to participate? - as many of you know I have a handful of writings on this account, and even more to come! but i wanted to offer you the chance to get the answer to any questions you’ve ever had when reading my works, anything left unsaid by a series or fic that I’ve posted! the way this works is you can send in an ask with the name of the series or work or character you’re curious about and they will answer your question!! you can also ask me any questions if you’d like <3 (this idea was given to me by an anon!)
example(s): “ activity #1 - I have a question for soft launching jay, how did you meet your y/n?” and he’ll answer the question for you !! OR “this if for activity #1 and I have a question for coco, in three exes blank says this and I was wondering if it meant anything deeper?” !!
activity number two: drabbles & drabbles!
how to participate? - drabbles are some of my favorite things to write, so this is simple enough, send me an idol from the groups i stated above and a word and I’ll write you a drabble based on how I interpret that word! make sure to be specific, include the activity number along with the word, idols name, and group - this activity will have a limit after a certain number so make sure to check back here to see if it’s open !!
example(s): “hi coco, this is for activity #2 - my idol choice is felix from skz and my word is dreamy” OR “for activity two - my idol is yeonjun (txt) and my word is petrichor”
activity number three: alexa play cupid (read: matchups!) !!
how to participate? - have you ever wanted to know which idol you’d end up with? ever thought, hmm he’s perfect for me! we’ll look no further, in this activity I will match you up with the perfect idol for you!!
– all YOU have to do is send (ALL) the following: your name, if you are a minor or adult, an idol with the same personality as you, favorite song, zodiac sign, and a hobby you enjoy doing !! please include all of these, if your ask does not include them they will be marked as invalid!
example: “hey coco this is for activity #3 - my name is (name), i’m an adult, an idol with my personality is beomgyu, my favorite song is (insert song), my zodiac sign is taurus, and a hobby I enjoy doing is crocheting!!” OR “hello this is for activity #3 my name is (name/pseudo), I’m a minor, an idol with my personality is jake from enhypen, my favorite song is (insert song), my zodiac sign is cancer, and a hobby I have is going to the gym”
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coco’s love note: once again, thank you so much for 3k followers, I hope we continue to grow and you have fun with this event! & thank you to all my moots who read this over and helped me make it the best possible <3
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howhow326 · 10 months
What if I reworked the Miraculous Powers Part 2: Zodiac Boogaloo
(Part one here)
Unlike the Yinyang/Wu Xing miraculous, the big problem woth the Zodiac miraculous is that some of them are waaay overtuned while the rest are situational. So my solution is to make all of them situational! The Pig miraculous has an amazing power, fight me. Because most of these miraculous fit the idea I have for them, Ill only focus on the ones that need a change.
Mouse miraculous of Multiplication
Multitude: Stays exactly the same, I love this superpower!
Ox miraculous of Determination
Resistance: I previously changed the Ladybug miraculous so it can counter every other miraculous, which makes this miraculous kind of redundant... but I can't think of a better power, so I guess it stays?
Tiger miraculous of Elation
Clout: The user roars with exhilarating energy, forcing the target(s) of their choosing to focus on them. (Who's bright idea was it to make this thing a Black Cat knock off? At least the Goat miraculous is used differently than the Ladybug, but the Tiger and Cat have the same job of destroying stuff!) (So Juleka's whole character arc is that she wants to come out of her shell and she wanst her dad to see her so, maybe invisibility isn't a good power for her miraculous fandom:/ Anyway, the new power is just a video game taunt, forcing enemies to hyperfocus on Juleka. You can even give her some rockstar style roars to tie that into her identity)
Rabbit miraculous of Evolution
Rabbit Hole: The user rewinds their pocket watch a set number of times to travel back in time for 5 minutes. During the 5 minutes, the user can change events in the past which is guaranteed to change events in the present. The user can also choose to go back to their time period during the 5 minutes, and if they don't they will become stuck in the past because this power cannot travel to the future outside of resetting itself during it's 5 minutes. (That paragraph up there is the only way I knew to nerf this dang thing because I couldn't think of a new rabbit based power that dosen't step on another miraculous toes. WTF. Where do I even begin. Why is the shows Rabbit miraculous so incredibly different from every other power??? Why does it get its own Doctor Who room? Why does it not have a time limit and NO I do not accept that nonsense, timey whimy answer! Just why time travel in general???? I just, oof. Anyway, the rabbit miraculous is now used the same way Marinette used it during the season 4 finale, we need to do one thing in the past to save the future and then we go back to our time. Doing anything else is going to cause a paradox)
Dragon miraculous of Perfection(the name needs to be changed but I can't think of one that relates to the weather powers)
Wind/Water/Lightning Dragon: Sigh, ok this miraculous is what I mean when I say overturned. You can change into an element, you can control an element, and you can do it 3 times in a row??? No, the Dragon miraculous power let's you control one of three elements and then it goes on cool down. No using 3 powers in a row unless you're mature.
Snake miraculous of Intuition
Future Vision: it's literally a rip off of Garnet's power from SU. The user winds up their snake bracelet to play out different future scenarios in their head. These scenarios are life like to the user, but are not actually happening. (I like the idea that this miraculous seems like it's a psychic power when it's actually time travel, but time travel is waaay overpowered for a zodiac miraculous. Clairvoyance it is then)
Horse miraculous of Transportation
Voyage: The power gets you to your destination because it's a horse, get it? It's super lame, but I'll take it (at least this miraculous requires intelligence to use effectively, which matches its holder's personality. More than I can say for some other miraculous) (wait a minute this is the Miraculous of Migration now, wtf)
Goat miraculous of Passion Imagination
Genesis: Miraculous of Passion, dafaq??? Anyway, the power is still a discount of the Ladybug miraculous but it gets to stay for having a different function than the Ladybug power (I win button vs imagination power)
Monkey miraculous of Derision
Uproar: The power is a little op, but because of the changes I made to the Ladybug and Cat it shouldn't be too bad. (I like how this miraculous title foreshadowed that Kim is like low key a jerk.)
Rooster miraculous of Pretension
Sublimation: The user makes an impossible claim about one of the abilities they already possess, and the power makes that claim true for 5 minutes. (it was so easy to not make this thing broken, but the writer just had to use it as a lazy reason for why Hawkmoth can turn invisible! My reworked power works the way we all thought it did before season 5, it only effects physical abilities you already had. Kicking a ball into a goal is something you can already do, but with the rooster you can never miss a goal. This rework is still pretty powerful as far as zodiac miraculous go, but its no where near as bad as before)
Dog miraculous of Adoration
Fetch: Stays the same, it's not overtuned and it makes thematic sense for a dog hero.
Pig miraculous of Jubilation
Gift: Stays the same. F everyone who says its a bad power, its one of the best!
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Jeon Jung Kook (BTS) Ideal Partner Characteristics based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Crow
Spread: Ideal Partner
Zodiac Sign
Full Name: Jeon Jung Kook
Stage Name: Jungkook
Group: BTS
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Jeon Jung Kook
Jungkook (BTS)
Deck: Crow
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - VII The Chariot
Jungkook’s perfect match probably looks pretty feisty at first sight. They are likely dressed for success, no matter what goal they are pursuing and they walk briskly but calculate every step with precision. They probably don’t smile often, their face remains serious.
Heart - 3 of Swords
Jungkook’s ideal person has been broken-hearted in the past. Their trust in love has been broken into pieces and they’re still trying to collect them and mend their beaten and fractured heart. Jungkook will need to have patience with them, as they won’t trust easily.
Spirit - Knight of Wands
When it comes to their spirit, Jungkook’s perfect match waits for nothing. They are likely quick at judging what’s right and wrong and will stick to their moral code.
Soul - King of Pentacles
Jungkook’s ideal partner is someone rational and practical in their soul. They stand with their feet on the ground and always approach life pragmatically. They probably have a big heart and are generous with their finances, time and affection, which might have been the cause for their heartbreak. People will simply try to abuse their tender heart.
Time - X The Wheel of Fortune
Jungkook and his ideal match will likely meet by complete coincidence and it will feel like a strike of faith. They might initially feel only sympathy for each other but as time goes by, the romance will start to form, turning their lives upside down.
Place - 5 of Pentacles
This is interesting… Jungkook and his special person might actually purchase an old, long abandoned place. They might find it appealing to create their home from scratch, to work on it together, design it and decorate it precisely by their taste.
Zodiac Sign - Virgo
Thank you for reading!
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princessconsuela120 · 7 months
the fall match up is pretty cool :33
but for me can it be southpark ty 🤗
zodiac: scorpio
personality: childish, dirty minded, quiet
Details: can't take anything seriously, horrible at emotions 🤷🏾‍♀️ loves music and gets no sleep whatsoever
🍂 - Fall Matchup: Send in a few details about yourself, looks wise, personality wise, zodiac sign, hobbies and so on, and if you want add a preferred fandom as well. I will match you up with someone from my fic list and write a short Drabble to go with it!
— 🍂
Ask and you shall receive! Sorry this took so long, I hope it does you justice! I’m all for the opposites attract trope, and based off your description I think this would be perfect. I feel like this would be a sarcastic witty duo that would play out PERFECTLY. I hope you enjoy!
— 🍂
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3AM IN THE MORNING, THAT WAS THE CURRENT TIME. Not that you were keeping track or anything, or that you've gotten to the point where each star sticker on your ceiling was another second you would count, but you had come to the realization that morning would be here soon. You weren't even sure if you could call it morning…wouldn't you need sleep for that?
You contemplated calling Kyle, maybe a total of ten different times that you picked up the phone before setting it back down and accepting the defeat. It was sort of crazy, the way your relationship worked. Almost polar opposites to a tee, minus the fact that you loved each other. Kyle was the type of boy who had a whole nighttime routine, and never missed his 10:00 bedtime that he administered himself. You however, tended to ignore the rules of science and see how long your brain could function on no sleep, being solely fueled by Tweek’s parents coffee.
Now, you knew you weren't sure if your dreariness was making this up, but you could have sworn you could hear the creaking of the old wooden floors outside your door. It must have just been your sleep paralysis demon coming to let you know school was upon you.
“Go away Phill, I'm not in the mood.” You yelled towards the door, Phill being what you named said sleep paralysis demon. You two had had far too many encounters to keep referring to it as a demon.
“Dang, not only did you get my name wrong but you told me to leave before you even tried the cup of tea I made you.” Kyle whispered, quietly pulling the door closed behind him to not disturb your parents. You quickly sat up from your bed, smiling widely at the ginger haired boy in front of you as you rushed to hug him.
“Careful, you dont wanna spill this, it's hot.” He teased, pulling away as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“What are you doing here? It's three in the morning?”  You asked, following as Kyle pulled you gently to sit next to him on your bed, handing you the mug of sleepytime tea he had brewed for you and taking a sip.
“Well, you know what they say, you can't fall asleep if someones thinking about you.” You looked at him confused.
“No, I didn't know they said that…who says that?” He shook his head, chuckling lightly at your cluelessness as he squeezed your hands.
“You know what? It doesn't matter. What does matter is that I am here, and we still have 4 more hours til you need to wake up for school.” he lectured, snuggling into bed as you finished off the tea, cuddling up to his side.
“Its-” you were cut off as you yawned, snuggling your head in the crook of his neck. “It's no use, I'm not tired.” you grumbled, slurring your words as you suddenly felt sleep wash over you the second Kyle began combing his fingers through your hair. He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he kissed your head.
“Oh yeah?” he asked cockily, and you barely could answer with the immediate sleepiness you felt.
“Hmm.” you replied, burying your face into his chest as you soon began to let out soft snores. Kyle chuckled lightly, careful not to disturb you as you slept.
“Not tired huh?” he mumbled teasingly, kissing your head before letting himself drift off to sleep with you. 
Okay, now maybe there were some instances where you could sleep. Instances where the child inside you felt safe and warm. Instances where your heart felt so full, you had to sleep off the weight it held in your chest. Instances where you couldn't help but be so in love, that you needed to fall asleep just so you could dream about Kyle. Especially when he played with your hair. The next morning you'd wake up and swear he put sleeping pills in your tea, but deep down you knew. You knew that the child inside you felt safe enough to fall asleep in his arms.
— 🍂
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ithildin15 · 4 months
Taylor Swift songs as SCM Wishes Gods ( In Love Edition)-
A/N: Last year i promised someone that i was going to write headcanons/scenarios based on Taylor Swift songs for each zodiac. But life came in the way. So i am posting what i have managed to come up with. It's not perfect in any sense of the word but i still believe it is something that i would like to share. I don't know if this qualifies for @fluffbruary or not.
You Are In Love
-He stood in front of the guest room. One knock away from confessing his feelings. Feelings which should not have been in his heart and yet they were there.
- But how could he say it? How could he be so cruel to you? So he left them unsaid.
- ( Y/n ) was standing by the window. Her eyes fell on a man, who stood beneath the dark star less sky. Her gaze followed him for quite some time, until he disappeared in the woods.
- You decided to go to bed, to try and fall asleep; to calm the feelings which have been wrecking your heart. You knew these feelings would only bring you pain and suffering.
- The darkness passed away, the stars shore brightly in the night sky.
- Tonight you two found yourselves in his room. His eyes laid his feelings bare in front of you; your eyes mirrored the same expression.
- No star in the night sky, could match the brightness held by the stars within both of your eyes.
- You laid down on the bed. He laid beside you and whispered, " Good night, my love. " Soon you fell asleep, knowing that he will be there when you wake up.
- He placed a gentle kiss on your temple.
- He closed his eyes, and for the first time in ages, he felt safe; he was free from his torment. He drifted off into peaceful slumber.
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mystic-scorpio · 1 year
Can't come up with the perfect gift for your friend? All you need to know is their zodiac sign.
[This is PART 2 with only the last 6 zodiac signs. PART 1 link at the end]
[copyrights reserved ©️mystic-scorpio]
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- air diffuser or purifier and a nice fragrance (to help them keep in touch with nature)
- a quote board (to keep them motivated and happy)
- chocolate with dried fruits and nuts (chocolate of their taste preference)
-Skincare like clay masks and sheet masks to keep them glowing 24/7.
-Cosmetics (a colorful eyeshadow pallet fit for the diva.)
-Gourmet chocolates with dried fruits and nuts.
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- an oversized moody coloured hoodie or jacket (since they are most comfortable in their own skin and have a safe space for themselves)
- crystal candles with a nice aroma and a long wick (these people love to live by the candlelight and a long wick so that they don't burn themselves)
- metallic bracelets, watches, tiepins or cufflinks with a edgy vibe (since scorpio is the house of death and transformation)
-Essential oil diffuser, bath salts and oils, and scented candles to keep their stress at bay
-perfumes (preferably woody scents)
-books(criminal mysteries, detective or horror stories)
-Elegant minimalistic silver accessories
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- sports apparels like spiked running shoes, ropes for climbing or skipping
- take them out for skydiving, bunjee jumping or car racing (sports that gives them a thrill)
- take them to a club, late at night and give them a dance floor to themselves to dance the night away
- exotic truffle chocolate collection with a variety of different fillings (they like to expand their edible variety)
-A gourmet coffee sampler (because they are probably overthinking at night.)
-Metallic watches (they need to look as smart as they are)
-Shoes of their choice.
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- a boxed chess set (no sign appreciates craftmanship and the art of strategy making more than them)
- ambitious people get stressed easily and nothing can it away more than a nice aromatic candle
- ruler of the house of legacies, they love antique products and anything that improves with time like an old grandfather clock
- blankets that are true to their form so as to keep them warm in their safe space
-Aesthetic phone covers (to reflect their cool personality)
- Hoodies (of their preferred color)
- Headphones (to keep the noise out while they concentrate)
-Books with a pinch of drama.
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- being believers of the phrase, "reality is not what it seems", they love to ponder the infinite and bend boundaries of the mind, therefore reading psychological books would make sense
- latest trendy tech products such as wireless headsets, smartwatches would make them happy. They just have a knack for it.
- branded sneakers of vibrant colours
- plan a day out with them and invite all their friends since they are social butterflies
-They like to keep up with the trends, the latest electronic devices make them happy.
-Clothing items and accessories of vibrant colors to match their vibrant personalities
-A Polaroid camera to cherish the memories they make with the people they love.
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- they would love romantic books with a happy ending
- they would really appreciate a heartfelt gift like a bouquet of flowers with a handwritten card inside it
- small gifts of high sentimental value such as an engraved photo frame to keep in their living room
- a nice small notebook to write down their thoughts when they overthink would be highly appreciated
Pisces (FEMALE):-
-Jewellery like earrings and bracelets to make these kind souls shine.
-A personalised gift like a picture album or a handmade scrap book to take them down the memory lane.
-A Spotify playlist made exclusively for them.
[I do not own any of the pictures used here. Credit to their respective owners.]
A/N: Please remember that people are diverse and unique. Everybody may not act as per their zodiac sign. So this guide may not completely apply to the concerned person.
All advice are based on the general behaviour of the zodiac signs.
I hope you enjoyed reading.
Link to PART 1 :
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Pet Astrology; Understanding Your Pet's Zodiac Sign 🐶
Just like us humans, pets also have zodiac signs based on their birth date. 
For example, if your dog was born between March 21 and April 19, he's an Aries. That means he's a go-getter, always ready for action, and sometimes a little too impulsive for his own good. So, if you see your Aries dog running after every damn squirrel he sees, don't be surprised.
Now, if your cat was born between June 21 and July 22, she's a Cancer. That means she's a sensitive little thing who loves to cuddle up with her human. But watch out, because she can also be moody and temperamental. So, if your Cancer cat starts hissing at you for no reason, just give her some space.
Virgo cats, for example, are known for being perfectionists and a little bit aloof. They can literally spends hours grooming themselves and making sure they look perfect. And when they’re not doing that, they’re hiding under the bed and avoiding any kind of attention. It's like they knows they’re too good for us.
Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, this is crazy talk, but in my opinion, pet astrology is a fun way to learn more about your furry friends and maybe even understand them a little bit better :)
So, next time you're cuddling with your dog or cat, take a look at their astrological sign and see if it matches up with their personality. Who knows, maybe you'll discover something new about them. And if not, at least you'll have something to talk about at your next dinner party.
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baizhoobies · 4 months
congrats on 200 followers! ^o^
here’s my submission for the matchup event :3
i’m 22 my pronouns are she/they and i’m bi so gender doesn’t matter, i would like to choose genshin impact and bungo stray dogs as my fandoms!
about me: my mbti is ENFP, i’m a sagittarius sun, my lunar zodiac is a dragon, i’ve played violin for over a decade and have a deep love for all types of music (and i sing a lil too!), i’m a textiles major who likes to sew and cosplay, aaaaaand i have a love for history (especially the 1800s) :D
sorry if these were too random haha
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I match you up with . . . ♡
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ Bram Stoker | Bungo Stray Dogs
Okay, hear me out. You guys are like sun and moon. Bram has been surrounded by nothing but bullshittery with the Decay of Angels, so having someone like an ENFP around him, would honestly be refreshing. As much as he is a sleepy head, he would appreciate your energy. Sagittarius suns are known to be extroverts, lively and enthusiastic - as much as he is the opposite of that, I feel like you’d balance each other out.
A big big reason why I paired you with Bram is for your musical talents. Its no secret that Bram’s weakness is music, so the fact that you not only can play the violin, but also a singer, makes him swoon. He would get you to either play the violin or sing right next to his coffin - either to put him to sleep or to simply hear you play.
As you are a huge fan of history, particularly the 1800s, Bram would be a perfect muse for you as he literally lived through it! Any questions you have regarding that era, Bram would answer. He may find it a little curious as to why you are interested, but he would answer honestly and to the best of his ability.
Please for the love of God, sew his coat up. Its literally in tatters and something tells me that he refuses to get rid of it. Something about ‘too much history’ behind it. So if you offer to sew it up, he may be hesitant, and maybe even refuse at first. But if he sees your talents first hand, he may let you. And when you do, he is smitten; he’s soooooo going to walk as if he’s on the catwalk, hair flipping and everything.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ Yun Jin | Genshin Impact
So unlike Bram, you guys match with similar energies. Although she is dignified on the stage, she is very friendly and extroverted with the right people. The main reason why I paired you with Yun Jin is definitely for your musical talents.
So imagine this, she asks you to play the violin at one of her performances! Though of course her style is primarily traditional, she would adore to have her significant other there with her, and performing with her. Speaking of history, if her opera performances are historical based, the two of you can talk about the history to your hearts content!
As you mentioned your singing talents, imaging song rehearsals together. Yun Jin would encourage you to sing along with her, or to simply hear you sing. I can see her watching you proudly, rose tinted glasses and all. If ever you had any performances of your own, either singing or violin playing, she would absolutely pay top money to watch you.
SEW HER AN OUTFIT!! My goodness she would love it. For her performances, she would love to wear anything and everything that you sew her. Yun Jin would admire the fabrics you use, the artistry that went into creating the garment, and would be smitten with any little details you would include. She comes across as someone who might enjoy cosplaying too, no canon reasoning behind it, I just get that vibe!
A/N: Thank you for your submission! ♡ also, I made sure to look on a few websites regarding ages - all characters I include in my matchups are over 18 :)
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000-pawz · 18 days
how woonhak loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think woonhak would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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three words to describe woonhak are "intimate, intense, and safe".
woonhak can be quite... chaotic when he truly has a crush on someone. with both his sun and venus being in sagittarius, he views love with an open-mind and an open-heart. he doesn't necessarily have a "type" per say, and i wouldn't really say he knows exactly what he's looking for. he's completely guided by his feelings and the spur of the moment. he is definitely a victim of the friends-to-lovers pipeline >< i feel like he ends up crushing on his friends because of that connection they have already formed.
with his venus conjunction mars, woonhak is very popular, sociable, and sensitive. when woonhak likes you, you will know and so will everyone else. he’s a big imaginative dreamer when it comes to love and because of his moon in pisces, he feels very deeply. he can't hide his feelings! he can come across as "emotionally weak" simply becomes he succumbs to his emotions so easily, so woonhak would be head over heels for anyone he has a crush on. i get the feeling that he will confess in literally the first week of liking someone. ><
now, he is a scorpio mars. he craves that intense connection with his partner and can be quite a spontaneous lover. he's pretty impulsive in the pursuit of love and he will always see the best in people. therefore, he can look at people through rose-tinted glasses, similarly to jaehyun (enfp sag suns </3) he simply follows his gut, no matter what.
while he seeks deep and authentic relationships, he falls in love easily. he can sometimes idealize his partner and feed into his own delusions about them, seeing them as this perfect person who was put on this earth just for him. this can cause tension when he struggles to balance his dreamy, spacey nature with the reality of the situation. you may be his perfect match, but everyone has flaws of course!
woonhak doesn't dream of the "settle down" type of love. he wants those new and exciting experiences and feelings. he'd like fun and thrilling dates like riding rollercoasters at amusement parks, jetskiing, hiking, and stuff like that. please do not make him take a class or sit still... his attention span isn't long enough for that!!!
he is an incredibly compassionate lover and loves helping his partner. with his pisces moon, he provides comfort and solace to those he cherishes and puts his partner's well-being before his own. he is huuuuggeee on emotional intimacy because he is so intensely empathetic and he's an amazing listener as well <3
sometimes he can be overwhelmed by his own feelings and the feelings of others. if you are having a bad day, he will be grumpy too. if you are crying, he will cry with you. if you are excited, he's even more excited! he's very influenced by his environment so what you put in will be what he puts out.
because he has a scorpio mercury, woonhak can be your best hypeman and give amazing pep talks, but he ways of going about it is kind of funny. if you had a bad encounter with a classmate, woonhak will literally dog on that person in order to lift you up and make you feel better. whoever you hate, he hates too ><
the thing that makes woonhak so complex is that, although he is a big extrovert and loves being around his partner, he also needs alone time. if he is too overwhelmed or feeling insecure, he can go into hermit mode. when he gets like this, he can be hot-tempered and sharp-mouthed. on the other end of things, he can also fall into depression and find himself spiraling with his own thoughts. give him time to work things out on his own and trust that he will confide in you when he's ready. if he's at his worse and doesn't feel emotionally supported, he may detach himself and pull away slowly.
another thing is that because of his pisces-sag moon-venus, he can get a little obsessive and jealous. his mind can turn into a one-rail track of just his partner and he can sort of put them on a pedestal. because he craves such a deep, intense connection, this can come across as overbearing or "too much" for those who are not on his level of emotional complexity. i see him as most compatible with people who can provide stability for him, or people who can match him at that emotional level.
when it comes to conflict, woonhak tries to avoid it as much as possible. he struggles with being assertive and setting boundaries, so this can lead to some problems. with his scorpio mars, he tends to keep his cool on the surface, but let things stew and holds grudges until it leads to emotional outbursts. when this happens, it's important for his partner to not undermine his feelings. don't say that he's overreacting because he will shut down.
with healthy communication, woonhak can be really passionate and deep. he would probably utilize "i-statements" like "when you did this, i felt..." and would seriously listen to you and how you felt about the situation as well. he won't ever lie to you when communicating because he always says exactly what he means. be honest, patient, and understanding when communicating and problems will be resolved smoothly!!!
to make woonhak feel loved, you must provide him with a lot of reassurance. remind him that his feelings matter!!! although he can be pretty impulsive, he is still self-aware. he knows that he is very emotional and he can sometimes get embarrassed about it. reassure him that it's okay to feel as deeply as he does! that's why so many people love him <3 let him rest his head in your lap while you play with his hair and massage his scalp, give him lots of kisses, and remind him that he doesn't have to hide true self around you. ^___^
woonhak cannot be with someone who dismisses his emotions or is too critical of his feelings. he thrives in spaces that respect, support, and encourage his sensitivity. a good partner for him would be someone who is nurturing, patient, and understanding. he feels most secure when he feels completely understood and accepted for who he is. <333
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
series masterlist
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linawritestwst · 2 years
1,000+ followers matchups event!
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HIIII IT'S ME, so, i think i'm finally ready to do this event >:D basically i'm just trying to do it as early as possible because my exams are coming soon as i said before, i'll be opening my matchup requests for this event and they will be opened from december 11 to december 15 and i will close them after that.
the rules are pretty much the same as my 100 followers event's, but i'll still write them here, because i changed them a little bit and added some new rules as well.
i can do a matchup for you OR your oc! so yeah, if you want to know who would your oc be compatible with, you can send me a request for them.
your request can be as detailed as you want and if i have more info about you, it will help me a lot with understanding you better and finding your perfect or at least somewhat good match!
please tell me your gender/pronouns, if you're comfortable with that, so that i know how to refer to you when describing your relationship with your match!
of course, you have to tell me about your personality, interests and hobbies and what you're looking for in a partner, such as personality traits or what you find attractive, also you can tell me about your dorm/club/school year preferences (like for example, maybe you want your partner to be from octavinelle or you want him to be a first year)
also please tell me what you're NOT looking for in a partner and what kind of person you would prefer not to date.
you can tell me your zodiac sign and/or mbti as well.
OKAY THIS IS PROBABLY GONNA SOUND CONTROVERSIAL, but uhh, if you're describing your personality, please, actually tell me about your personality traits and not just say something like "i have anxiety" or "i have adhd". i absolutely agree with the fact that mental illnesses and/or being neurodivergent can influence our personalities in some way, however, please don't list it as your only personality trait. it's not even a personality trait but you get the point i don't think i'm gonna be able to understand what kind of partner you need just based on that fact alone. I HAVE MY REASONS TO ADD THIS RULE OKAY
this event is nrc students-only, so i won't be doing matchups with other characters such as nrc staff or students from other schools.
okay, i think that's it! again, thank you so much for supporting me <3
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hi! may i request a romantic matchup for star rail, tears of themis, and bungou stray dogs please?
my name is twyla, i go by she/any pronouns, i’m acespec but im ok being matched with any gender. my mbti is intp or istp
appearance: i dye my hair pretty often throughout the year but right now it’s black with magenta pink highlights, exactly like draculaura but with a wolf/butterfly haircut and short/baby bangs. i have brown eyes and i’m quite curvy. i usually dress in a bold alternative style and occasionally academia, my style is really all over the place and depends on how im feeling but i’d say im pretty fashionable and often go out looking like a mall goth HAHA.
personality: im super chill and laid back, nothing really bothers me nor do i show it. im very patient with other people even when im annoyed by them. i come off as very monotone and stoic and i have really dry and sometimes offensive humor that would honestly get me cancelled by twitter in a matter of seconds. i joke around a lot and i usually have trouble taking things seriously. im kind of scatterbrained and get bored easily, and am always seeking some form of entertainment or mental stimulation. i’m definitely a realist too and i don’t expect much out of anything nor do i hold strong opinions or beliefs. im autistic+suspected adhd and that sometimes affects how i interact with others.
likes and dislikes: im honestly super nerdy and really interested in science and math like astrophysics, i love learning how things and the world works. im an astronomy nerd (not astrology/zodiacs im so sorry i kinda hate it with a burning passion) and i love astrophotography and stargazing. i read a lot of encyclopedias and watch documentaries about things i find interesting. im not really sure about the rest of my dislikes honestly, maybe just crowded spaces and rollercoasters
hobbies: a lot of things but i like to read and draw, research stuff, and sometimes cosplay. ive mentioned i liked stargazing and astrophotography too, and photo and video editing. i also play a lot of VN or rhythm games.
thank you!!
Hi Twyla! Your current hair sound awesome! I was a big Monster High kid so it's good to hear there are still fans out there. Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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I'm not super familiar with Arlan's personality yet so hopefully this isn't too out of character!
Arlan's not super into science stuff but he does pick up on a few things working on the Herta Space Station. He'll also try his best to keep up with whatever you're telling him about whatever scientific field has caught you interest.
Would enjoy stargazing with you. The space station is the perfect place to do that anyway and Arlan knows all of the best spots to stargaze from.
His favourite part of stargazing with you though is watching you while you explain everything you know about each constellation. He can't help it. He just thinks your pretty while talking about things you're passionate in. Don't mention the soft smile or the blush on his face...
Your sense of humour balances out Arlan's more serious nature. He likes your jokes but often won't visibly react to them. Later, when he's alone in his room, he'll think back on what you've said thought the day and have a bit of a chuckle to himself.
In Tears of Themis, I match you with...
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Marius pays close attention to your interests so he can make you artwork based on them. From paintings of your favourite constellations to sculptures of your favourite cosplays, there's a new art piece being gifted to you every couple of months.
Loves your sense of humour. He can't really make those sort of jokes due to his position (no need to make more scandal than there already is) but he loves it when you make them.
Marius absolutely plays rhythm games with you. He's fairly good at them so he might give you a run for your money. He will let you win on purpose sometimes...
Already has a fairly large collection of books so he's sure there are some on astronomy in there but he'll also buy you astronomy books and encyclopedias whenever he sees on you don't have when he's out.
Marius is definitely the type of person who has hired a observatory for the evening. With just the two of you there, it's nice and quiet and you have access to all of the telescopes.
You can look at the stars and he can watch you. He's happy when you're happy so seeing you enjoy yourself as a result of something he's done means a lot to him.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Junichiro is another one who will listen to everything you have to say about your interests! He's hanging on every word.
He often feels like one of the less interesting members of the Armed Detective Agency so he's always on the look out for new hobbies and interests to pick up.
Stargazing dates! He'll pack a picnic with your favourite food and drinks and will take some blankets and pillows so you stay warm and comfortable for as long as you want to stay there.
I also see Junichiro as someone who would take you on carnival or arcade dates (avoiding the rollercoasters and the majority of the crowds of course). He'd try to win you some prizes but he'd also love to play the rhythm games with you.
Time spent with Junichiro is always guaranteed to be fun and mentally stimulating.
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cl00udyyanan · 1 year
the zodiac based matchup has intrigued me, could i request kazuha and scaramouche/wanderer? i’m a scorpio
sigh... another scaramouche huh? jkjk now i haven't even done the research while typing this and i don't have the highest hopes im sorry.... i think with kazu it'll be better since you're both the same signs but we'll see
scorpio and scorpio
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okk our fave blond boy,, off the bat you two are ATTACHED AT THE HIP. literally don't leave eachothers side, beidou makes fun of yall saying you guys are cojoined bc yall are always right there ("whatever you need to tell kazuha, you can tell me too!" type vibes, ya feel) its kinda cute??? ig.... lol even though kazuha is a traveler, no matter where you go as long as its together, its home. yall do anything and everything together. you can talk about anything or anyone (gossipers much?) both are so loyal to eachother and fight for eachother really. i mean you both are scorpios, you have to be the perfect match huh?
WRONG! you both are too controlling! kazuha is more calmer than the average person, but he has a possesive and jealous nature that is very strong, he doesn't act out on it initally but the after math is terrifying. you can see him staring red daggers into you from afar, silently plotting against you when he's mad. he may seem intimidating, but just go over and kiss him and hug him a bit and he'll be ok he's just a bit jealous. its possibly the same for you, when you miss him you may not say anything at first, or you'll go all out and beg for him to come to you. even demand. thats where your downfall is, yall are too emotional with eachoter.
this relationship is the one, everyone talks about. you guys are the couple thats lowkey toxic but you guys are toxic together. the good moments make up for all the bad ones and all you guys need to do is kiss and make up a bit,, come on itll be ok.
compatibilty: 84 basically perfect for eachother
capricorn and scorpio
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sigh,, scara. actually you guys can basically trust eachother no problem. you both have the same goal in the relationship, which is to feel something. you both need that sense of touch and to feel love and man, you two can bring it. if you need a hug, even though he's hesitant, he's gonna give it to you. if he needs a nice peck, just give him one and he'll be satisfied for the whole day really. ya'll are cute together truly. you guys have a respectful communication, wherest you can give eachother space when its needed and love when its wanted. you guys help eachother grow and try not to give a negative atmosphere to the other. you don't want to bring eachother down, and you can spend good quality time together. its a nice peaceful love.
that its, its peaceful when you guys aren't fighting. its not a loud angry fight, its quiet and scary. like watching to cats prepare to pounce on eachother, just hissing at eachother and throwing fake paws. you two have emotional issues (he's got mommy issues when know that for sure) you both can't help eachother with it all that well so your relationship is mostly a physical one, where you think thats enough but. you both need that emotional support that you just cant give him all too well.
this relationship is kinda,, sad. its love and thankfully it has nothing to do with how you treat eachother, its how you both feel inside. hopefully you're both able to work on your confidence because i promise, when you both learn to love yourselves, you can love eachother. (i means this! ik this is fake but i hope you love yourself!) in the end, you both feel guilty, feeling this relationship isn't enough for the other,but its an enjoyable one. so even if it does end, you love eachother sill no matter what.
comaptibiltiy: 62
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
hello ♪ヽ(´▽`)/ I saw that your request are ope, so I was wondering if I can request a romantic twsited wonderland match up? (but only with the third years please owo) Only if you can and want of couse ♡ (sorry for my english btw)
about me: 1,58 cm, brown eyes, brown hair, she/her, 18 years. ^w^
mbti: infj
zodiac sign: capricorn.
personality: caring always for others before me, I really don't talk that much bc I really dont know what to say, workaholic, I really like taking care of  kids but they also scare me a little bit (bc they pull my hair and cry too much sometimes TT) I tend to be pretty pessimistic about myself but I really like to encourage others bc I don'twant them to feel like me, I also get jealous when people dont treat me equally, another bad thing about me is that I'm resentful ): and I really like when other people talk me or show me their interests.
singing, drawing, writing, gamimg (specially otome♡), dancing, sleeping,  music, languages, martial arts, and makeup even if I'm still learning how to use it properly.
mean people, disrespect, when other laughs about my interests or interests of other people, people that are not loyal, lies, crowded places, stairs, loud noises.
A/N: Thank you very much for your request, I hope that you like this! Im sorry this sat for so long! It is a very time of year between all the baking and delivering!
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I match you with......
Cater Diamond
• Okay, I had a lot of ideas and I will try to tuch bases on as much of them as I can. But, you both share a similar personality. While he put on the act of the happy-go-lucky third year student, we all know how he really is. You especially see this.
• The first thing he ever feels from you is validation. Despite the persona that he puts up, you see right through him. But only confront him about that in private. Show to him that you are there for him, that he's not alone. Cater is a very loyal friend, and you see this. You both have each other's back no matter what.
• You love dancing and there are plenty of dance challenges that are going around! With your consent, he would live to record the both of you doing various dance challenges and upload them to his Magicam. If granted this permission, you are both now trending as the #couplesgoals! all over Magicam.
• Speaking of Magicam, he would love to upload some of your amazing art! Whether to his account (with your credit of course!), or hooking up a secondary account just for your art! Congrats, you're going to be famous!
• He is all for helping you with makeup looks! He follows quite a few related pages so he would be happy to help you out! He may not be as good as Vil but practice makes perfect! If you need help, you both go the Pomefiore housewarden for assistance and if he has the time, he js more than happy to help the both of you out!
• He knows that you're a workaholic. And you're going to take a break! He will pick you up and sling you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carry you off to his room. From there, it's a pull pamper session. He is bringing out face masks, massages, various skin care, and you both just chill while listening to your favorite playlist!
• Speaking of music and singing, come over to the Light Music Club! You will honestly have so much fun and Lilia has plenty of game recommendations as well just for you!
• Please don't bring up his family. Honestly, he would rather not talk about them, especially his sisters. It's just complicated right now and he really doesn't want to try and deal with it at the moment. Not when he had you by his side.
• Overall, you both validate each other, help lift each other up when if you won't do it to yourselves. With you, he feels like he's on top of the world and there is no place that he would rather be than at your side.
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