#zakumint fic
sugoiigrove · 11 months
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Wolfs Instinct: ZakuMint one shot
Written by SugoiGrove (me)
The hustle and bustle of cafe mew mew was growing steadily everyday. Things were busier than usual and that went double for chimera anima attacks.
To broken glass and Retasu’s muttering apologies, to Purins dinner and entertainment. The place didn’t change.
Giving a side glance, the strawberry haired waitress had a displeased look on her face. One she always wore but it was more intense. As Ichigo held a full tray in her hands, she tried not to let her sour attitude spoil the sweetness of the parfait on her tray. Staring at Mint while customers were trying to flag her down, Ichigo huffed.
The high class lady sat at her table with a calm exterior. Drawing out her porcelain tea cup, she lifted the cup to her mouth with her pinky to hover just below. Sighing with an amount of satisfaction, she let the warm sensation of the tea refresh her.
“Mint!” Ichigo hissed as she barged up to the table. As Ichigo hounded Mint for slacking especially during such a busy day, the lavender haired waitress walked out from the kitchen with a full tray in hand.
As her eyes skimmed the floor, she spotted Ichigo nagging Mint like the usual. Zakuro’s performance in the cafe wasn’t spectacular but she worked hard. With a stoic look on her face, she walked up to a table with an order. The customers silenced their conversation as Zakuro’s uncomfortable glares made their stomach churn.
Muttering a nervous greeting, Zakuro placed the dessert on the table and walked away. Overhearing some unusual chatter from another table, she stopped to peer at a table with two males dressed in school uniforms.
Spying on them from afar, they had an odd smile about them. As they threw glances occasionally in a certain direction, Zakuro glanced at their curiosity. Staring across the room, Ichigo badgering Mint about her tea time was what caught the two males attention.
Staring at their body language, it was clear to her that they were curious about the navy blue haired girl. Staring back and forth between Mint and the school boys, Zakuro felt a strange feeling overcome her.
Finally, after Ichigo’s constant nagging, Mint set down her cup of tea and pulled out from her table.
“Fine, if it’ll get you to stop bugging me. Besides, seeing Oneesama work so hard has me motivated!” She added with a gleam in her eye.
“Whatever puts you to work” Ichigo sighed. As Mint picked up a tray, she was suddenly flagged down by the innocent school boys.
“Miss!” They exclaimed. As Mint took notice of the customer, she put on service with a smile and went to work (for once)
As Zakuro looked upon their nervous smiles as Mint took their order, she felt an odd twinge in her eye.
“Zakuro..” Ichigo added nervously. Ichigo, Purin and Retasu stared at her as she exuded a fearsome aura.
“Ichigo” Zakuro added with a deep voice. Ichigo flinched from having been called in such a deep voice. “Can you help me with something?”
Meanwhile, Mint was flustered at the customers advances but tried to stay neutral.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Can I have your number”
Those were certain advances Mint wasn’t particularly used to. During her dance performances, she had fans and people who looked at her with adoration. But none so forward as them.
Denying more advances, Mint was starting to get a little annoyed. Mint wasn’t afraid to kick someone out for misbehaving but surely that would be the last resort.
“Is there anything on the menu you’d like?” She asked.
“That depends” The school boy added “Are you-“
The conversation was suddenly put to a scary halt as a tray slammed on the surface of the table. The school boys looked on nervously as Mint was quite stunned for words.
With an eerie glare in her eye, Zakuro had slammed on the table what appeared to be two parfaits dressed in an odd sauce.
“O-oneesama?” Mint inquired. It took a lot of strength out of Zakuro to not go full mew mew and kick them out.
“Here you go. Two mayonnaise and ketchup parfaits” Zakuro added with a monotone voice. The two boys were honestly too scared and confused to argue with her as she looked as if she could break their limbs.
“Eh?” Mint inquired.
“W-we didn’t order-“
“It’s on the house” She snapped as she glared daggers at them. The two boys looked on with disgust at the parfait, but too afraid to say no, they quietly thanked her.
As Zakuro turned away from the table, Mint looked back at the boys to see them forcing down a parfait with sour condiments. Meanwhile, Zakuro glanced at the other girls who witnessed the whole thing.
“Ichigo, did you have anything to do with that?” Retasu asked. The strawberry haired girl winked and shushed.
“Zakuro-neechan is jealous~!” Purin exclaimed out loud.
Meanwhile, Mint was absolutely flabbergasted at the scene that just unfolded. Mint however, paid no attention to the two boys who were clearly struggling to keep down the odd flavoured parfait.
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atlasisreal · 1 year
utterly fascinated by the Tumblr Tokyo mew mew fandom. I've been here for years and pre-New, we had hikayagami, a handful of nostalgic magical girl diehards, and that one artist whose specialty was Deep Blue and the aliens (shout-out to that artist sorry I never really engaged with your content but I would see it in the tag and it made me happy). Thanks to TMMN we're swimming in content again and I'm getting to see who all is in the fandom these days. Here's a brief field guide to everyone I seem to have seen.
TMM Groupies- Have followed every TMM change for the past 21 years. Have read A La Mode and Au Lait, and probably followed the release of New very closely. A beacon of light and updates to all. These are the diehards and we owe them all a big Thank You for being so active. Probably half the reason New even exists.
2002 Truthers- This is a large subgroup, but it encompasses a variety of subtypes. Kishigos and Paitatsus are the largest of these groups. 2002 Truthers pull from the 2002 series for much of their lore and characterization, hybridizing the two series. I love this stuff. The original TMM was very near and dear to me, and I'm glad we haven't forgotten it.
Here for the Girls- Some of y'all are very gay. That's okay, me too, I'm also a big fruit. But wow. The ZakuMint thirst. The IchiMint hunger. The bisexuality of it all.
New Truther- Fans that see New as an append and update to the old series. With the characterization a little more solid, the pacing much more fluid, and the updated animation style, many view New as the FMA: Brotherhood of the TMM franchise. I fit into this camp just a bit. New Truthers are more likely to enjoy Masaya/Ichigo, since he's a little better written in the new series.
New Recruits- I haven't seen many but I know you're out there. Fresh eyes on the series coming straight out of HiDive. These fans offer the freshest and (IMHO) most interesting takes on the show, as they haven't had "My Sweet Heart" stuck in their head since age 11 which has allowed them to retain nearly twice the brain cells of the average TMM fan. (Source: me. I have the brainrot.)
HikaYagami- HikaYagami
The Keymasters- These are the fans that get it. The ones keeping us alive. These are the fans that draw crossovers. The ones that write long speculative fic. The OC creators. The lifeblood. Few remain in the TMM fandom but the ones that do are like ancient sentinels.
Tag yourself, I'm a New Truther and Here for the Girls.
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aspureasamelody · 1 year
New... ichisaya/zakumint fic?
Crash Course by as_pure_as_a_melody
It’s mostly about Mint & Masaya BrOTP. She’s giving him flying lessons while his Deep Blue powers are coming back after ReTurn. But some side ships are there.
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kayleen756894 · 3 years
I love that thanks to the Tokyo Mew Mew New designs being released today I’m getting notifications of people finding / reading my latest Zakumint fic again 😂
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aspureasamelody · 11 months
New zakumint fic
Tokyo Mew Mew New, Episode 11, deleted scene by as_pure_as_a_melody
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short fic about what I thought was about to happen here ^
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