#zedaph is just my example here
theminecraftbee · 1 year
you know sometimes one of the things the fandom does that i like the least is joke about how certain ccs are "lorephobic" because it basically always ignores the lore they actually are really and visibly doing. like, sure, they may not be doing the lore YOU'RE looking at, but, one, lore doesn't just mean "big overarching server storyline" it can also mean solo stuff. it can also mean 'builds that have story built into them'. it can also mean 'fun little storyline between like two guys'. it can also mean character continuity. it can mean many things. two, "this guy doesn't do lore" is NOT the same thing as "this guy doesn't do the specific lore i personally like and want to see them doing" and i don't always think you guys know the difference. all of this, of course, is to say: hey guys did you know zedaph can canonically time travel,
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 3 months
All Hermits in Hero Forge!
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Season 10 is coming! And I've finished modeling every Hermit (Thus far) in their TCG-cards poses!
Special thanks to Hoffen for their original minecraft models...
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You've already saw these eight models in my Life-series minis showcase, slight tweaks and costume changes... I really need to buy Hero Forge subscription, so i can manipulate fingers individually... Now, for the new guys... Guess what?! I've figured out how to make links! Now you can see my references directly! Technology!
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Ren got his cool casual look...
Docm77 inspired primarily by Belmarzi's design, such as this... It was very funny to suddenly stop in the middle of this project to model him hugging Snoop Dogg...
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JoeHills, unsurprisingly, based on real-life Joe Hills... But I did have this comic by my side while modeling him, for moral support, because modeling someone's likeness is always stressful...
Cleo's pose pose a challenge, It uses a transparent one-legged skeleton inside the main body... Like a real armour-stand magic! I like how it turned out...
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I've started watching Zedaph very recently, so both Noxolotl's and Applestruda's portrayals of him were very helpful in forming mine...
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Blaise's Hermit line up was used for Cub and Hypno, which you will see down the line... Bee's art was helpful, once again, and these Cub-arts by Sylvan...
My main goal with Jevin was to somehow convincingly make a slime look slimy... I was so ready to make him as rotund as this art, but alas, program restrictions...
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This art was used for False at the very beginning, but it drifted so much with the addition of cheekbones, that it doesn't look like it at all anymore...
Hypno had a surprise for me, because before making this model, I've never saw this brown line on his chest as a boob-window... But now, I am convinced... This is the art, that guided me to that conclusion... Ghostea's and Locus's portraits were useful for figuring out his face...
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Iskall lifted from this art... Hero Forge doesn't have any cool one-eyed visors, so I've settled on monocle for him and Doc...
Hero Forge also for some reason doesn't have a hand-held flower, so pretend, that Stress doesn't hold a pen, okay? And has a cardigan... Based mainly on this and this art, which was also used for XB...
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My best guess with Keralis was that he is doing Edvard Munch's "The Scream" ommage... Thanks to Myra and Cole , without them, Keralis would've looked more like a bug with them big ol' eyes...
Oh, boy, XB... A true enigma for me... Pictured here, lightly jogging... Only you could tell me, if I did a good job with him, I sincerely have no idea... Since this is in part a TCG-inspired project, it would've been wise to use references from the actual TCG-cards... To bad, I've came up with this idea near the end of a project...
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I have made so many Xisuma-costumes, and only now I am showing you the main friendly-neighbourhood DoomGuy cosplayer himself... Do I need to credit id Software for this?
WelsKnight is my champion in regards to how many references I needed for him... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7! Despite how many armour options Hero Forge has, making something coherent out of them was difficult... Especially, keeping in mind, that one day I'm going to model HelsKnight as well...
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And finally, TinFoilChef, based heavily on this stunning artwork... And somewhat on this skin by Ink-Ghoul... It all comes around...
And the Creator Himself! Beef! And his wonderful portraits: 1 2 3 4...
I actually going to use him as an example, to address something...
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Here is how my screen looks, then I am working on a model... My method of creation is derivative by nature, it requires the art and creativity of other people... And I have SO MUCH anxiety about this... Not being an artist, but still trying to make something with my limited capabilities... And post it on the internet, oh horror...
With recent talks about plagiarism and AI-art, it has come to my attention, that I myself not so different from AI, just not so efficient... So, this is why I so obsessively document my influences, it is the least I can do... Credit the artists, that I stole from... Please, check out everyone mentioned, subscribe to them, commission new pieces of art...
And if you've liked my dorky "minecraft youtubers made in DND character creator" models... Thank you...
Sometime later there will be a google doc on my blog with links to every model I've ever made, go nuts with them... Try Hero Forge for yourself, it's fun...
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darubyprincx · 6 months
list of hermits and empires characters who would do drugs and/or smoke cigarettes, ranked from most to least likely
that hermpires chainsmoker poll thats been going around kickstarted a discussion in my discord so i'm compiling the ideas here because honestly its hilarious
list under the cut. warning for... discussion of drugs and cigarettes. obviously
Fwhip: Definitely a chain smoker. Always has a pack in his pocket.
Iskall: that man's radioactive. she does not fear cigarettes. smokes regularly and is not bothered by it.
Cub: does so many weird drugs. high off something or other almost if not constantly i think
Ren: doesn't smoke but has the best weed on hermitcraft and you KNOW he uses it often
False: not exactly a chain smoker but smokes pretty often i think
Wels: maintains that he does NOT do anything of that sort thank you very much. Actually does. inhaling anything destroys him but he likes the taste and the high so he keeps going
Hypno: smokes everything but is pretty chill about it
Beef: also smokes everything and is even more chill about it
Stress: smokes poisonous mushrooms and is entirely unaffected.
Zedaph: definitely does some sort of drugs
Pearl: has a cigarette every now and then
Pix: also has a cigarette every now and then, not really his thing but he'll take one if offered (for esmp s1: i hold that pixandria has at least one hallucogenic that they keep for spiritual purposes but as the resident pixlriffs expert i also hold that pix got really stressed once, horfed an edible out of sheer desperation, and zoned back in in the middle of the night floating on his back in the river anxious out of his shit. he never touched anything of the sort ever again)
Joe: smokes only weed but does not smoke it often, only sometimes when offered
Katherine: smokes weed
Cleo: was a chainsmoker before s2, after that they got their act together
Impulse: not affected at all by anything (weed fumes give him slight headaches) and only does it when everyone else does because why not.
Bdubs: doesn't smoke (takes edibles very rarely) but rolls the best blunts
Lizzie: partakes sometimes but doesn't care for it
Joey: does drugs and smokes cigarettes in the presence of others just to look cool but actually gives zero shits about them
Xornoth: is always so smug about the fact that they smoke what they call "Evil Weed". fwhip steals some and tries it and it's literally just normal grass.
Mumbo: only smokes cigarettes and only when iskall's around. too anxious for drugs- tried weed once and saw the hat man and was shaking for three hours ljke a small dog afterwards
Joel: doesn't give two shits
Grian: nah
Hels: not interested
Sausage: can handle it pretty fine but stopped after he and joel had hermes because he didn't want to set a bad example for his kid
Scott: definitely some sort of drug dealer but i don't think he ever. does them himself?
Gem: doesn't because of concerns for her health, however in esmp s1 she smoked wizard weed (like gandalf) when the academy's paperwork piled too high for her to handle without help
Shelby: smoked weed but it made her really sick and after Katherine got mad at her for it she stopped. she's actually completely fine when it comes to everything else but she swore off trying so she never knew
Evil Xisuma: never did drugs or vaped with nicotine because the things they learned about addiction at school kept them up at night however they did vape water vapour.
Xisuma: has asthma
Jimmy: would quite literally die. Mans gets nauseous if there's a whiff of weed in the room he's in.
Jevin: eats cigarettes just to piss everybody off
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allforhavoc · 1 year
hi i just need to post some Etho appreciation content. his latest hermitcraft episode (lengthy and entertaining, what we love from the slab man) does an amazing job of showcasing all of Etho's skills; i have a feeling he did this deliberately.
the episode begins with him showing off his base, which he's worked on in between episodes. in common Etho fashion, the block choice is WEIRD, but works so well regardless---he really shows off his building here. he created a whole alphabet out of stairs and slabs to decorate his walls. in addition to that, he has a farm! smack dab in the middle! king of efficiency.
we see his interaction with Zedaph, where we get to listen to the two complete Zed's Zedvancement, "Perilous Percussion". it's an excellent example of Etho's redstone skills (and Zed's, i highly suggest you check out his perspective). love seeing the return to noteblocks there.
and then DESPITE the fact this is old news, Etho's total chaos round! he came, he served, he whipped around with his honey bottles and trident. the guy managed to kill several of the hermits here, INCLUDING Gem. was this a while ago? yes. will i hang on to the fact he isn't completely irreversibly horrifically bad at pvp? also yes.
the episode concludes with his TCG match with Beef... which he wins. what a man.
so is Etho really washed up? yes... to a certain degree. but he's always going to be a legend in my eyes.
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astronomodome · 7 months
Hi! Mod 🪱 from dailyzedfacts here :3 I wanted to say you do have a good thought with the c vs cc! Although more prevalent in older content, Zed/Kris does play into the narrative of it all. The Blockumentary is a spoof but a great example of separation. ZSMA had plot and relationships and in one of the earliest episodes Kris stated his character had a condition that was based on gameplay mechanics. Just food for thought and something I found interesting!!
very very neat... i find this sort of thing very interesting in the more 'old-fashioned' mcyts (i.e. the mostly youtube video-based folks from the era of let's-plays and tutorials- usually focused more on the game itself than on narrative and storytelling). The line between c! and cc! is very blurred because the minecraft avatar is used as both an extension of oneself and, when the bit calls for it, a character with their own thoughts and feelings specific to the minecraft world. There can be no definite line between 'in-character' and 'out-of-character' because there doesn't need to be; in this case, c!zedaph is cc!zedaph's minecraft persona and can be a fictional character when he needs to be for a joke or storyline, since these are not as important as the gameplay content itself. In my opinion this is one of the reasons that there's such a battle in fandom spaces over whether mcyt personas are characters or real people- they're both and neither depending on the needs of the moment.
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mezzmerizd · 3 days
for the artist ask game - 3, 4, and 14 :D
3. What ideas come from when you were little uuuuuh gosh, mostly interest based things? Like i doodled horses and dinosaurs when i was small, now revisiting those things is like a little treat because!! I did this years ago too omg :33c besides that I don't think there's a lot of like,, concrete ideas that stem from my childhood ngl
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw Ooo I complained about this somewhere else before but as a combination of character and subject: Zedaph's horns!! OTL
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I imagine him to have 2 sets of horns (like shown in example 2 here) but drawing them is such a huge headache it's actually insane. I love drawing and doodling Zed, just not his horns.
Wings / feathers on wings are also just,,, ugh. They're so pretty and can add such a nice effect / silhouette / a bunch of things but MAN what even are they.
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I can draw them looking wing-y enough to be recognized as wings when given enough time to figure it out, but still a massive headache-
14. Any favorite motifs Creature features mainly!! :] I love drawing horns, claws, tails, fangs / sharp teeth, pointy ears, abnormal eyes- all of the above. Isn't hard to guess why Tango and Impulse are my top favorites in my own interpretation / AU of hermitcraft as a whole <3
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automaticdata · 3 months
out of curiosity what was that reddit post you mentioned on the mcyt quadrants post? i don't really use reddit so i've never seen it, but i'm curious to see the specific comment that sparked your theory:0
It actually wasn't just one comment, it's ... kind of a mix of a lot of different factors.
The reddit post I was referring to is here.
Some examples of the negative comments toward the Scar/Grian/Mumbo team up:
"A lot of comments are talking about this, so maybe it’s more popular than I realized, but the “boys club” of Grian, Mumbo, and Scar kind of grosses me out and can feel pretty exclusionary." (this one imo is the worst one I saw for negativity)
"The Grian-Scar-Mumbo collaborations have gotten so overdone that I skip half of them these days."
"Oh, Grian-Mumbo-Scar need to collab less, they are pretty much taking up the spotlight."
"I really think he needs to collab with more people. I genuinely liked that he collabed with etho, cleo, stress, even zedaph in season 6 and 7. These are fun to watch and genuinely I want to see of them. However, I am tired of the near basing with mumbo and scar."
(There was also some general Grian negativity, but that's not relevant to my theory and one of those comments will definitely make me go on an unrelated tangent if I quote it here.)
The reddit thread actually got locked and there's a mod post addressing it here. On that post, they say the hermits contacted the mod team directly about the post, with one of them saying the following:
"The thread caused a lot of pain to Hermits. Especially to one in particular and that person is already having a rough time right now. At the end of day we are only human. Criticism and suggestions are always important and good to hear even if it’s tough. But that felt like a pile on. A lot of us are having a hard time right now and stuff like that can be very demoralizing."
As for my "Scar definitely saw the post", one reddit user tried to find a silver lining and see some positivity that came from the post, and Scar commented on the post with the following:
"I'm going to be 100% honest and say that thread did more harm than good, especially at the start of the season. I hope people keep in mind that no one is a robot and can take a pile on of negativity all at once and come out better. Suggestions and feedback are always important and good to hear even if it’s tough. But there's a way to do that and that thread was not it." [source]
I know that doesn't seem super pissed like I may have implied, but considering Scar's comments on the subreddit are usually super positive and happy, that comment is just huge shift in tone from his usual comments.
My final piece of "evidence," if you can call it that, for my theory are the dates:
Reddit post: March 14th 2022 Mumbo's last Hermitcraft video before his hiatus: May 15th 2022 Double Life begins June 17th 2022
But yeah, if you put Double Life in the context of that reddit post, I think Grian's scream of "NOOOO" when he was paired with Scar makes a lot more sense. If he created Double Life as a creative way of getting away from the default Grian/Scar/Mumbo team up and then his plan fell apart with the game pairing him with Scar, him being so upset makes a lot more sense.
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grimaussiewitch · 2 years
Okay with last life creeping up to us at an alarming rate, I’m making my new players predictions, right here, right now.
I for one don’t think there will be any new players, maybe one or two at best but who knows.
This isn’t in order of who’s most likely to join, just general vibes and theorising.
First things first, I can see any of the empires smp members joining, even with empires season 2 coming very soon. Reasons why, we don’t have a set date for season 2 and at the very lest Scott is returning to both series so it’s possible for members to balance. That’s not saying they will be in last life s3, Scott’s just an example. I also don’t believe afterlife smp will cause any problems as most are on their last lives or have already wrapped up their series. Regardless, here are my picks:
Fwhip: I’ve seen a lot of people saying Fwhip should join. Out of the entire list, I think Fwhip is the most likely. He just fits well. He knows most of the players wither from previous smps or mcc. Heck he even appeared with a bunch of others at the end of the 100 hours smp so I think Fwhip is very likely. Plus with his afterlife series over, he can make videos on his hardcore world, last life and maybe empires.
Gem: I’ve started seeing a lot of people saying Gem should join and I do agree! She’s above average with pvp, knows a lot of the players through hermitcraft, mcc, empires and another small series should fit on her channel. I was going to say I couldn’t see Gem playing due to how many series she has currently but I just found out that her afterlife series is over so she shouldn’t have too many things in her plate.
Mythical sausage: I would love this man to join, please grian, of all the people here let it be sausage. Anyway, I think sausage might be on the least likely side due to him just starting a new hardcore series and possibly joining empires s2, but who knows, that probably won’t stop him. The only other reason I could think of is that (to my knowledge) he only knows some of the members but knowing him, that shouldn’t be hard at all.
False: I highly doubt False would join but it would be a good mix up on her channel, she knows most of the players and she’s probably one of the best pvp players in the group. She isn’t called queen of heads, hearts and body parts for a reason. I can’t really see False joining but it would be awesome if she did.
Hbomb: Okay I know that this one is a throw away theory purely because H doesn’t upload as much or consistently on YouTube compared to the rest of the players. However, I think he could fit in quite well. He knows all of the mcc players, he’s good at pvp and communication and his general vibe just fits well. He can slide in nicely, just his upload schedule is a downside. (Although he has been posting a little bit more sooooooo…)
Zedaph: Listen man, I want Skizz back ;-; Zed’s video style might not work as well in last life but team Zit anybody? (And if there’s a fourth season, team Zits?)
Iskall: I didn’t know this was a popular demand but I’m here for it! I can definitely see Iskall playing in last life but at the same time, no? I’m not sure why I can’t fully see him playing but regardless, it would be cool.
Shubble: Okay I just want her to play. One problem is that she’s still doing her afterlife series and she could be joining empires s2 so it might be a little too much or I’m just being over dramatic. Apart from that, she knows quite a few of the players through mcc so Shubble should fit in pretty well! In other words, pretty please.
That is all! I’ll be surprised if anyone new joins AND if I got one right lol.
Yet again, this is just some funny predictions and some wants so nothing serious lol.
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micer2012 · 2 years
Doodle here!
So, I did have the first little part of an au done that was kind of based on this, that I posted on my side and main (below in indents):
You know how Helsmits and Hermits have their places? Well in this AU, unlike Hermits, the Helses have their own hierarchy. There are two factions of Helsmits, the Crimson and the Warped. '
The Crimson are beings of pure power and destruction, and the Warped have their own special reality warping abilities, and parts of their powers lie in certain and few Hermits whose Hels reign from the Crimson side. (For example, because Zedeath comes from the Crimson Faction, Zedaph has a few reality altering abilities; however, even though PinkPulse [Hels Impulse] also comes from the Crimson Faction, Impulse has no power over reality at all.)
This is where it gets interesting, though. One hels had been promised a life by the hermits when they were just a teen, but was also promised a place of extreme power in Hels at the same time... They accept both, and it turns out they were born at a special place between the Overworld and Hels, so they had to choose between a life with the hermits and life in Hels. This hermit's souls fuse, and they become... PerfectNonsense. (Fusion between Hels!Mumbo and Hermit!Mumbo. Also, Their name is PNS or Sense for short.)
They are held between the ruler of the Crimson (Apathetic X, or Ax for short) and the ruler of the Warped (Gealach, aka the true Hels!Grian). After figuring out their true nature, they slay both Ax and Gealach and become the new ruler of Hels, and unite the other Helsmits with their hermits and the others.
aka Mumbo is both a Hels and a Hermit and is incredibly cracked at both manipulation and PvP
So, I remembered that Evil X was not exactly Xisuma's Hels (based on Ax and EEX apparently existing, which was helped by you recommending those vids to me so tysm) so I thought that Evil X could be something similar- A fusion of a Normal player and a Hels, the Hels in this case being Jeff. Throughout the thing, he intends to extend his reach over The nether factions, to further gain control over the server.
Both Ex and PNS would be pawns to Jeff's plan, Sense being used as a spy to gain further control, and using Ex's triggers for both factions to have a common enemy: Ex themself.
Ex find this out and then somehow, in a buggy and glitchy part of the world near the Nether's void, breaks the fusion and shoves Jeff off the edge. Jeff doesn't die, but Ex escapes into the overworld and helps Mumbo from the outside. He also manages to pull Wormman out, who explains that he had been trapped there since season seven (trying and failing to reach Ex throughout season six)
They were the main person to help Sense throughout that entire operation, with the help of Wormman.
Also! Forgot to mention! This takes place in between season eight and season nine, not really sure how I'm going to fit in how the world was a simulation for season 8.
I call it: The Hels Hierarchy AU! :D
Now officially inspired by 2 songs, and about 30 minutes (45 if you count the time I took to listen to both songs on loop a few times) :D
FORGOT TO REPLY TO THIS. BUT THIS IS SO COOOLLLLLL jeff being a Hels actually has some canon backing (he says hes a demon who Lived in Hell in the pungence video if i remember)
this ideas really cool, you're goin buckwild and im Thumbsing Up:DD
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cyclicalaberration · 2 years
So, redstone is toxic and radioactive and requires ppe. That's pretty standard stuff. Which hermits follow guidelines is less standard stuff. So here is a non comprehensive list because as someone who has put uranium in my mouth, I'm qualified to talk on this. Please let me know who I'm forgetting if I forget anyone!
(I'm kinda treating this like resin or something, it's safe enough that people have it in their houses but you don't want to mess with it without gear, not like actual radiation. It's only radioactive if consumed or absorbed in some way)
Tangotek: 10/10, has a gas mask he wears when handing it, keeps all his skin covered, properly washes all materials and disposes is everything correctly
Keralis: does not work with redstone but when he does he is suited up, he's not getting irradiated today, no siree 10/10
Cub: proper mask, gloves and fully covered skin, he's up there with hermits with braincells, 9/10
Pearl: 10/10, she's very safe with redstone
Xisuma: 10/10, he can't inhale it if he tried, he doesn't have lungs his face is a television and he is a robot.
Zedaph: 10/10, full goggles and gas mask and proper protection, this is how you do it people
Impulse: he doesn't fully cover his skin but otherwise he is very well protected 9/10
Gem: 9/10, doesn't fully cover her skin but pants that cover deer legs are hard to find so she gets a pass.
Stress: 8/10, she slips up sometimes and will push up her goggles to rub her eyes but she's pretty safe!
Ren: 8/10, anyone looks like an angel next to doc. 2 points are docked for sheer amount of time spent near doc. Doc is a walking hazard.
Tfc: he's careful enough around redstone but he forgets goggles or gloves or something from time to time, 8/10
Iskall: 7/10, remembers to wear a mask and eye protection but forgets gloves often
Grian: wears a mask and gloves but doesn't cover his eyes and has dragged it around with his feathers on accident 6/10
Etho: 4/10. This man wears a mask. That is it. You are lucky if he hasn't rubbed it into his bad eye yet today.
Bdubs: 3/10, doesn't wear gloves or eye protection, accidentally rubs it into his eyes sometimes, does wear a mask to prevent inhalation.
False: 3/10 she handles it without a mask or eye protection and inhales it on the regular but she wears gloves.
Hypno: 3/10, covers his face with like, a cloth mask and nothing else.
Xb: 2/10, only wears gloves. Just gloves. No other protection.
Cleo: 2/10, while she can't be irradiated because she's already dead, she's setting a bad example
Joe: 2/10 he got redstone in his hair and in his food and accidentally poisoned himself and poured water on his redstone.
Scar: 2/10 he has never worn PPE ever and isn't going to start now, but he doesn't do redstone very often because he can just do magic.
Ijevin: 1/10, redstone gets stuck in and on him. He is a walking hazard. Can't get irradiated though.
Doc: 0/10 being a creeper does not protect you from radiation. Works with redstone shirtless. Rubbed it into his eyes. Has it in his body.
Mumbo: -12736462763/10 he eats redstone
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cassberry · 2 years
hey, I realise this is a. very broad question, but what's hermitcraft actually like? what are the vibes? bc I used to watch mindcrack uhc and I know a few of them ended up doing hermitcraft stuff (beef, for example) but part of the reason I never tried watching dsmp is because it was wayyy too fucking dramatic and emotional for me. so is hermitcraft a little more lighthearted? if so, where should I start? (btw, I know I personally love a good opportunity to ramble abt my current interest, but if this is too much info I'm asking for dw abt it!)
Please don't apologise for giving me an excuse to ramble about hermitcraft! I wish more people would let me loose to infodump so thank you for this! I am so sorry this has become as long as it has and that I took so long to answer lol
The best way I can describe hermitcraft is a chill, fun vanilla server in which the hermits collab together on and build just the most ridiculous things. Just so many big builds. It's super light-hearted and honestly, if you like just pure minecraft gameplay with great creators this is really the best place for it.
Now for a place to start, I would highly recommend the latest season, season 9. Whenever the hermits start a new seed/world they call it a new season, and a new season is to both give the hermits a break from the minecraft grind and allow them to start up again with fresh ideas. There can be callbacks and references to previous seasons as you move forward, but each season tends to be its own self-contained thing so you don't need to watch 1000's of hours of content to "catch up" if you don't want to.
Starting with s9 is great because it’s only been going for a bit over a month so there isn't a tonne of backlog if you want to see if you like the vibe. It has been packed with collaborative events such as the spawn village, secret fools and currently an easter egg hunt is running. S9 has been fantastic so far as all the hermits are at the top of their game and the builds done already are jaw dropping. I made a post with pictures of a few of their "starter bases". Starter bases!
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(This is Scar’s starter base...)
In regards to lore like in DSMP, individual hermits may have storylines or themes their season follows and there will be occasionally a server wide event such as the s6 civil war, the s7 mayoral race and uhhh,,, "moon big" in s8. But most of the time hermits will be either working on their major project for the season, whether it be their mega base or somehow breaking minecraft to get 1 billion item drops in their farms.
(Season 8 is an exception here as it was a highly experimental but condensed season which had lore relating to "moon big". It is an incredible season, with many of the hermits sharing bases and all jammed together on a small island, but if you just want plain minecraft gameplay it can be a little jarring. I adored it but I can see how it might not be everyone's cup of tea.) 
If you do end up wanting to watch previous seasons (which I do highly recommend), I would personally start with s7. There is a post on it that expands on this way more than I do, but s7 and s8 are fantastic and can give you some more insight into each hermit, as well as some great content.
Which hermits to watch is a little trickier because there are currently 26 hermits and they all tend to have their own style and vibe. I was writing out all the hermits I'm watch but I'm actually embarrassed how many of them there are lmao
But for the sake of honesty my favourites that I'm watching this season are Gem, Grian, Scar, Zedaph and Beef. (I would also be watching Etho and Mumbo but alas they're on a break right now ;-; they are very missed)
For hermits I would recommend if you were used to the old mindcrackers maybe start with Beef, Bdubs or DocM. If not, Grian or Scar are always fun, as well as maybe Keralis, Tango or False. Check out hermitcraft.com for a full list of all the hermits or let me know what kind of things you like to watch and I can give you specific recs :)
You did mention UHC so if you wanted something a little more self-contained and death game-y then please watch 3rd Life and Last Life. They are short series run by Grian and are full of a bunch of hermits and non-hermits. 3rd Life is around eight episodes and although it is very, very different to hermitcraft, it’s a great way to see a bunch of hermits interacting.  I could write up a whole seperate post on why everyone needs to watch 3rd Life and Last Life but I'll save you from that haha
If you have any other specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I can info dump about hermitcraft all day, every day!
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impy96 · 2 years
HC Server-wide event featuring many laughs and fun moments? Hell yes I’m here for it! The Hermitcraft Easter Egg Hunt is genuinely an incredible idea and so far super well executed by Jevin, so here’s a quick recap of what we know!
Participants - 19 in total! In alphabetical order;
Bdubs, Beef, Cleo, Cub, Doc, False, Grian, Hypno, Impulse, Iskall, Jevin, Joe, Pearl, Scar, Stress, Wels, xB, Xisuma, Zedaph
17th April was the deadline for eggy hiding, and now the participating hermits all have until Tuesday/Wednesday to find as many hermit eggs as possible around their bases. 
Scoring system works as follows; Number of eggs hidden (18 max) minus the number of eggs found by other hermits. Jevin has also planned a tiebreaker if multiple hermits end up with the same score!
Several of the hermits have shown some of their hiding shennanigans in recent videos, so I’ll link all those with some of my favourite moments under the cut for spoiler reasons! And I’ll make another post after all the hunting videos have been posted with a recap roundup!
Also, Hermits who have worn their egg as a hat count; Cub, Grian, Iskall, Scar, Impulse, Xisuma
Bdubs - Showed a little bit of hiding in his video! Had a brief interaction with Cub about it, and fell for one of Iskall’s “good” hiding spots that he made to trick hermits lol.
Beef - Didn’t show any hiding, just signing up and collecting his easter basket. He also made an interior for his starter base at spawn to make it more fair for the other hermits trying to hide eggs and actually didn’t create any good hiding spots.
Cleo - No hidey, just sign up. 
Cub - Showed quite a few of his hiding places. Also showed his side of the interaction with Bdubs and found Xisuma stuck in his cactus farm trying to hide an egg. 
Doc - Both sign up and collection for hiding shown in his video. He hid a few, called his egg Lil Doccy, said he felt fatherly towards it, made some extras for himself, and then fed one to Garry the Goat. 
False - She was the first to collect her basket and hid a few on camera, also held her eggs in her hands (Calling them a girl group, maracas, bees, and maggots...). Definitely wanted to keep one for herself.
Grian - Signed up and collected his easter basket (it was named Grain). Hid a couple on camera and his little egg is now a manbun. Followed in Keralis’ footsteps of claiming that this was the best day of his life, better than when he got married lmaooo.
Hypno - Only has his sign up in the video. UPDATE! New video hidey hide. Jevin named Hypno’s instruction book as “Smelly boy”...rude. He also shows a few examples of where he has hidden his eggs. 
Impulse - Sign up only. UPDATE! New video shows that he is the third last to hide his eggs, but hide he does! Only shows a few examples on camera. Also wears his little egg as a manbun. 
Iskall - Please watch the chaos of his and Stress’ interactions around signing up for the egg hunt. Oh my god I was in stitches. Also collected his basket and showed some illegal sneaky hiding. (Jevin clarified the rules and made him change one, please don’t go and give out in his comments). 
Jevin - Didn’t show any hiding of eggs but his last two videos have explained rules etc for the actual event. Would highly recommend checking them both out!
Joe - Has both sign up and collecting the basket in his video, but no hiding. Apparently Iskall paid the commissioned artist extra to make the Joe eggs as his normal skin instead of the Rick Astley april fool’s skin hahaha. 
Pearl - Doesn’t show anything in her latest video, however her vibes are very this season so I would reccommend watching it regardless.
Scar - Collects his easter basket and shows a few hiding spots on camera. His main aim is to make the other hermits laugh when they find his eggs rather than trying to win. Also accidently blows up something under Cleo’s base while Hypno just watches and laughed. 
Stress - Signed up in a previous episode (and showed her POV of the Iskall interaction, again 10/10 would recommend watching) and collects her easter basket. Shows all of her hiding places on camera taking some hints from the Iskall school of cheating sneaky hiding. She wants to win really bad. Does almost get caught by Zed, but he is a good sport and gives her 5 minutes lmao.
Wels - No video from Wels, but he is signed up to play so hopefully we will get a video of the easter egg hunt!
xB - Collects his easter basket and shows a few places where he hid the little eggsB eggs. He also, like a madman, gave the coordinates for his mega base as the place where other hermits can hide eggs. This man lives in a massive cave. I admire him a lot. 
Xisuma - Signs up for the hunt, and then shows a montage of him changing his skin a few times to some “egg” designs (he didn’t specify easter eggs lol) from the community to become Egg-suma. He will be hiding them in the next episode. UPDATE! Xisuma has uploaded a new video where he shows him hiding some of his eggs! He forgets to use his checklist at first and hides eggs in Keralis’ and Gem’s bases lol. 
Zedaph - Just shows his collection of his easter basket, no hidey hidey. 
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hmshermitcraft · 2 years
hello, I am on a quest to give content for a bunch of polyships of seemingly random conbinations, so if those pop up a ton within the next few days, you'll know why :D (also I've been here a couple times, and wanted to ask if I could be rose anon? not sure if it's taken yet)
Anyway, first up, Grethweldaph? Ethdaphwelsgri? Welgrethdaph?? Grian, Zedaph, Wels, and Etho!
There were a few events that lead to them realizing feelings and eventually getting together. One example would be when Etho barged into Wels' house and practically toppled him over since he was just about to leave with half an inventory of shulker boxes. The one he was holding had fallen out of his hand, landing next to them. This resulted in an interaction like, "you hurt my nose- but HELP they're after me- ow, my back-" while a laughing Etho tried getting up but promptly bumped into the shulker box, and at that point Wels just tightened his arms around him and asked if he'd calm down. They hid him down in Wels' mines afterward, the knight denying the redstoner had ever been anywhere close to him.
Another example would be when Grian was delivering something to Zedaph, where the latter said, "My delivery boy is here! And very fast, like my own personal Hermes" and promptly realized he'd said it out loud while counting out the diamonds to pay with. He ended up tossing a random amount that turned out to be double the price, and slammed the door in the other's face. Even worse, he was later greeted with the materials in a barrel outside his front door, alongside a note teasing him about it!
One other notable incident involved Grian asking the general chat for redstone assistance, and Etho saying he'd go over to help. Now, at the time, Grian hadn't expected to be crammed in the small space as the other guided him through how everything worked. It wasn't like he minded, or expected Etho to do all the work for him, it's just that he couldn't pay any proper attention to the words when the other spoke with that much dilligence and so close. He didn't pick up much that day, but at least the job got done, right?
With a dozen other times that felt like a bit more than friendship, all the dancing around the matter stopped when another hermit asked if there was something between the four, pushing them to have a discussion about it between them that resulted in deducing that, hey, maybe they do like each other!
When they do get together, it’s worse for the other hermits, because they are now overly affectionate in public. It often leds to teasing between them, and unrestrained flirting to just make the other hermits annoyed
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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It's Tough to be Mortal
Pairing: God!Reader x Hermitcraft
Word count: 4k
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Grian was standing in front of his mansion, debating on what needed revamping. Sure it was already enormous but there was something missing about it. It’s been bothering him for ages. An answer that always seemed to appear was something others would call outlandish. Something more than unnecessary.
His mansion needed to be taller.
Did his mansion already tower over the rainforest that lay before of it? Yes. Did it also go pretty far below ground level? Also yes. A grand mansion like this must have something to separate it from the surrounding area. The moat-like feature couldn’t be small either. No, that’d be an injustice to the mansion. What he needed was something to-scale for it. Though it’d be nice if his nether portals would actually fit in the little arches he dug out…
“Hey Grian!” a voice suddenly appeared. It’s unexpected entrance made it seem like a bellow and it was absolutely terrifying to hear.
Grian shrieked, jumping around to see who disturbed him from his thoughts. There, behind him, was little ole you. If he weren’t so spooked, he would’ve found your expression rather hilarious.
Your face was a gorgeous combination of joy with a hint of confusion. The expression was similar to one Grian wore often. He mostly wore it when he was found pranking the other hermits. Although you did many pranks alongside him, it didn’t seem like you were trying to pull on now. “Seem” being the key word. Appearances can be deceiving after all.
“Why hello there,” Grian was grateful for your sudden appearance. Another set of eyes to help decide what was missing. It was like the gods just knew of his plight. “Why’d you come visit?”
“Oh I just wanted to chit-chat,” You reply, your eyes wandering to Grian’s most recent muse. “But you seem somewhat busy at the moment. I’ll come by another time.”
“Wait,” Grian still desperately needed an outsider’s opinion. “We can talk right now. I’m just trying to figure out what my mansion is missing.”
“Are you sure,” you prod. Talking to Grian after you interrupted him felt wrong. He was obviously busy and you disturbed him more than you should’ve. The creative process could be rather elusive once you have it, easily escaping the moment you stop thinking of it.
“Well, if you insist,” you give in rather easily. How you craved interaction. And it was so readily available here as well. “I mostly came over to thank you.”
“Thank me for what,” Grian was beyond confused. First off you could be thankful for anything. Second off you didn’t need to thank him for anything. Third off he can’t think of anything he’d done for you that you hadn’t thank him for already. “You don’t have to thank me for anything, you know. Everything was a pleasure to do.”
“But i still feel like making you aware,” you reply so nonchalantly to him. In a way it seemed like you didn’t care what he had to say in reply. He knew you did care, you’ve shown you cared in the past. But now it seems to be the opposite. It must’ve been like one of those cases where you don’t listen to a friend when you help them because they think they’re a problem. That’s what it feels like anyways.
“You and the hermits made me realize so many things about life I had either long forgotten or never realized,” your words were spoken in such a soft manner, like you were dreamily reliving whatever you were referring to.
“Again, it wasn’t a problem at all,” Grian reiterated himself. He didn’t want to seem rude but at the same time it honestly wasn’t something that bothered or irked him. Although he may not have realized he was helping you with that, it was nice to know you felt great about your interactions together.
You looked like you were far from finished talking though. So Grian decided to listen to your words. Maybe look at what needed fixing with his mansion. No, that’d be rather rude.
“With our interactions together,” you were restarting whatever you were saying. Oh boy. “the small joys of life have been revealed to me. For example, I never knew those loud boxes of yours had any significance besides just making a loud noise. Well they are made to make noise, but I was unaware of the significance besides that. Now, through you, I have found the sounds rather joyful. I never knew you could trap music in a box until now.”
Grian had been beyond confused with your description. It felt odd and awkward. He only figured out what you meant when you said “music in a box”. Either you meant a music box or a jukebox. Everyone knew what a music box was; everyone had interacted with one in their lifetime whether they remembered it or not. Jukeboxes were also a well known item. Your experience with them felt odd to hear. Very alien. Who doesn’t know what a juke box is?
“Oh don’t even get me started on those little slimy critters,” you excitement seemed to grow exponentially. If he weren’t there to see it, he would have a hard time picturing what that description would entail. “The slimy ones are slugs, right? I think they’re slugs. Not those square ones, no i know those are Slimes. But the cylindrical ones, i think that’s what you call that shape, that most people find rather unpleasant. They live in gardens. Yes, those. I never got to experience them up close until recently. Also the little slugs with shells.” You pause, a look of deep concentration covers your face. A few times you try to restart your description with the name but come up empty.
The pause is long enough to give away that you most likely didn’t remember the name of what you described at all. It was rather cute because you were so deep in thought about it. You looked around too, like anything could give you a clue as to your mystery animal.
“Do you mean snail,” Grian prompted. He was giving you a stick to latch onto. Watching you flail for an answer any longer would be cruel.
“Yes,” you reply gleefully,” those things. Snails and slugs are so sweet. I can’t believe people can dislike them so much. They regard them as pests but they’re just little wonders. It’s so hard to see why people dislike them. Is it because they’re slimy, like blood?”
That description felt like a record scratching or stopping; it felt like the mood got changed completely. “Excuse me,” Grian laughed nervously. He simply must’ve misheard. “Could you repeat that?”
“I absolutely can- wait, which part do you need,” your confusion was rather evident. Did you really have no clue where the problem lay?
“The snail and slug part. Where you were wondering why people didn’t like them. What was the reasoning you gave?”
“Oh that! I said, ‘is it because they’re slimy, like blood’” You reply so helpfully. A child-like glee seemed to emanate from you.
“I don’t think that’s exactly why people dislike them,” Grian began. He didn’t know how to bring it up to you that your description wasn’t wrong but also wasn’t right. “Some people dislike them because they eat, destroy or kill their plants. Or they have a plethora of them where they’re unwanted.”
“Oh,” somehow his answer saddened you. “So they treat them like unwanted kittens?”
Again, you weren’t wrong nor were you exactly right. It just didn’t exactly sit right with him. Because yes, they could be treated like unwanted kittens.
“Sure,” It was simpler to just go along with it. After all, the general idea wasn’t wrong. Anything unwanted was a pest in someone’s eyes and therefore treated like one.
“Oh the poor things,” you start to tear up. “Why do people treat them like that?” You’re tearing up over snails and slugs? This is going to be a long explanation as to why they’re treated so horribly. He really didn’t want to have to break your heart further over the slugs and snails, but your pained yet curious eyes just begged for more information. It was going to be a long day.
The clicking of redstone echoed around the cavern. After a long chain of clicks, lights flickered and moved. It was like the sun, although the appearance was shoddy and limited considering what it was made of.
It’s creation was for one purpose; to replicate the sun but underground. A quirky clock. Very large and eye catching. Much more eye catching than a regular clock anyways. The ceiling was partially ripped out, revealing the dazzling rays of sunlight that peaked over the horizon.
Zedaph, the creator of this magnificent creation, stood below it. Both looking at it in awe and scrupulously. He was only at the beginning stages but this played a key part in showing the progress. Was he actually doing everything right? It already moved once but it did that last time. Oh it’s getting close to changing now, or should be. “Zedaph,” you flung yourself at him, hanging onto him as you two went down. Although not the most pleasant entrance, it was rather endearing. “Oh sorry about that! Looks like I got a wee bit over excited.”
“It’s alright,” you two got off the ground, you much more gracefully than him. “It didn’t hurt too much.”
“Oh my gosh I hurt you,” you frantically search Zedaph over, looking for any sign of damage you might have caused. “Oh i am so so sorry I didn’t mean for any of that to happen I just-” “I said it’s alright,” Zedaph reiterates, gently pushing you away. “I’m perfectly fine. See?” He even does a little twirl for you.
You don’t seem convinced, not in the slightest. But your second attempt to search him gets declined and you’re forced to believe him. At least somewhat.
“So what brings you around here,” Zedaph inquires. “I know my indoor sun-clock system is pretty awesome, but it’s far from complete. And there isn’t really anything else in the cave of contraptions either.”
“I’m well aware of that,” your reply is odd, but easily overlooked. All of the other hermits have their quirks, after all. This is no different. “But I came over for other reasons.”
“Other reasons?” “Well not reasons,” you correct yourself. “What I actually mean is reason. I don’t know why I said reasons. Why did I say- anyways I just wanted to talk with you.”
“Some good ole talking with me,” Zedaph had to clear any doubt, even though there really shouldn’t have been any. “Well I’m quite honored to have you over to talk. What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh I simply wanted to discuss the differences between Hermitcraft and other servers. I knew Hermitcraft was different but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. That was until recently. That “eureka” moment hit me and I just had to share with someone.” Your self satisfaction was undeniable and honestly somewhat charming in the way you were so pleased and proud by your actions.
“How so,” Zedaph inquires. He wants to listen to you, he really does. But redstone is just calling his name and how can he deny it. So he starts to fiddle with some redstone. Find a way to do the decline of the sun for his clock. He could easily listen to what you were saying and figure this out, right? It couldn’t be that hard.
“So I noticed how everything is so nice and peaceful here,” you remark, slowly following him. “It’s like one of those fairytales you share to your children. So absolutely perfect. Then there are others where chaos reigns like there’s no god but itself. You know what I’m saying.”
“Uh-huh,” Zedaph mindlessly agrees with whatever you just said. “Fairytales are like that.”
“Excellent,” you quietly cheer in joy at his supposed “understanding”. “So anyways this place is so much less malevolently chaotic and more playfully chaotic. And I recently realized something. Something that you guys don’t do that many other servers do. Are you aware of what that is?”
“Yea sure,” Zedaph started to fiddle around with the placement of droppers and redstone. “Go right on ahead.”
“Okay! So what you guys don’t do is something many other servers do- oh I just mentioned that. But anyways! There’s so little violence, it’s truly wonderful, don’t get me wrong. I must inquire though, do you expect there to be any violence? Anytime soon for that matter?”
Zedaph gives a simple “no” before his mind and hands are back onto the redstone before him.
“Well that’s great yet terrible,” you sigh in disappointment. “A true tragedy. Guess I need to go to another server again.”
Those words caught Zedaph’s attention rather quickly. He’d only half listened before but you now had his entire attention.
His mouth spoke faster than he could think. “Why would you go somewhere else? Especially for violence?”
He turns to you and is greeted with your confusion. Perplexion shows itself well on your face, accentuated by a small head tilt. It was a silent way of asking “are you really asking this” or a simple curiosity. Either or really. Yet this didn’t clear his confusion at all. If anything, it made everything just that more muddled. Why are you acting like he should know the answer?
“No I genuinely don’t understand. Can you please explain?” Zedaph hoped you could actually clear his confusion rather than make it worse. You had to. After all, people usually start to clear up what they said after you ask at least once or twice.
“Well you guys have no violence,” You reply so matter of factly. This still doesn’t help. Zedaph’s mild fear and confusion must’ve been evident as you continued with your explanation. “It’s rather simple really. I feed off of violence, in a crude description of it. And I could spark some conflict here rather easily, get my fill without having to leave. But I like you guys too much to just make you suffer so. That’s why I asked. Because if I did it, the conflict would be so much worse than what you guys would create.”
Zedaph was baffled and stumped. Okay that made sense yet didn’t all at the same time. Like yeah some people thrive off of drama, so violence could be similar-ish. He was just making excuses at this point. He really didn’t understand any of that.
“And you guys rarely make sacrifices as well,” you muse, not taking into account that you lost Zedaph literally ages ago.
“Excuse me did you say “sacrifices” because I must’ve heard wrong. Nobody really makes sacrifices in this day and age.” Zedaph was getting more unnerved with each new thing you mention. It’s like the more you talk, the worse everything gets.
“Yeah I said sacrifices. Gosh you’re so silly,” you giggle at his “ignorance”. “People still make sacrifices! You just aren’t in the right crowd when it happens, that’s all.”
“Okay and uuh,” his confusion blurs everything ever more. How could he nicely and politely state this? Is there a nice way to state or ask what in God’s name was going on? “What do they sacrifice, exactly?”
“You know, the usual things,” another answered in a manner that just screamed “you should know this man”. Like a teenager with their fads. “Like items and that jazz. Things that are deemed “important” or whatever. You know, the usual sacrifice stuff.”
“No, I have no clue why,” his irritation was becoming very apparent. “That’s why I was asking.”
“Oh well I’m no good at explaining this type of stuff,” you mutter, going deep into your thoughts. “You know what? I should get going. I don’t want to bother you much more.”
Zedaph sees you walk out a door and tries to stop you, yet you’re gone before he knows it. You just magically poof away the moment you’re out of sight. Wow you are just so darn fast. The awkward energy became too much? Or was it the explanation that chased you away? Did he pressure you too much?
Questions ran rampant in his mind after your interaction. He wanted answers for them, but he’d have to wait until he saw you again to ask.
Many other odd events go on across the server. Each having one thing in common: you. You were in every interaction where something odd was mentioned or happened. After stories were traded about your interaction with each of them, it finally became too much to ignore. Yes, all of them had little quirks or be quirky in general, but this was excessive. Maybe it was just the style you did things, but they needed confirmation.
So they called together a meeting. One where everyone could hear what you had been up to and these anomalous events.
Around their little circle they went, each recounting your actions and the events that happened afterwards. With each person you became more peculiar, more of a figure to be gawked at. There were so many things and all so incredible.
Doc recounted how you were helping him with his redstone and in turn trying to learn the redstone Doc was doing. It was supposed to be a day-long-ish lesson for you two. Everything had gone well, quite normal, in fact.
You were rather studious, watching his actions slowly and taking all he did into memory. A few questions were brought up, which was also a normal thing. Redstone was a rather confusing subject. But then an odd question came out of practically nowhere. Nothing prompted it, as far as Doc was aware. Well, one thing could’ve but even then it was farfetched.
He had mentioned how he was a block or two short on what he needed. A block that’d fit the color scheme of the farm he had been working on. And you simply asked if he needed a block because you had one on you. He replied with a simple yes and that should’ve been the end of the interaction, besides the transition of said item.
Dropped into his unsuspecting hands was a block of bedrock. It was black and grey. Something that went with what he was building with. So he placed it down without much of a second thought. But when he tried to move it later on, he realized what had happened. Though how it all exactly happened was a mystery. How could you have gotten some bedrock?
When everybody at the meeting had shared what was going on, it was clear. Clear but not clear. It was like you had some powers. Admin powers, to be exact. But you weren’t an admin. Far from it. You had only recently joined the server. So that begged the question; how did you obtain those items and why were you reacting the way you were?
Your actions seemed to hold little to no regard for those you found “unimportant” but hyperfocused on those you did. Aloof was another way to describe your demeanor. An aloof person that held a regal air around them. Like nothing could touch them.
Their chatter was growing in volume the longer they were together. Arguing ensued over what could be going on. Was some mythical force at work? Were you some type of hybrid? A hybrid with powers they were unaware of? Were you a hacker? The possibilities were nearly endless but one thing was certain; you were not a normal hermit.
A loud cough broke through the cacophony of voices, effectively silencing them. Confusion soon took hold of the group. Wait, everyone was here though. And nobody in the circle did it. Right? It didn’t sound like any of them, at least. Another cough was released and almost every head in that circle whipped toward the direction the cough originated from. Their answer stood behind them, at the entrance.
You stood there, a confused look adorned your face along with a little head tilt. Why were you here? Did anybody invite you? They didn’t remember inviting you. At least the majority of them didn’t.
Scar quickly got out of his chair, walking over for a hug and some greetings. He thanked you for coming and gave you the unfortunate news that the meeting was coming to a close. Man he really told you the wrong time, huh? That was his bad.
You simper, shifting your view over to the remaining hermits. Grin widening, you give them a squinted smile and a little hand wave.
It was obvious now, didn’t need to be said. But it seemed Scar had invited you along as well. They really should have specified who needed to come to the meeting instead of “everyone” because- well this could work in their favor.
“So what’d I miss,” you ask, making your way over the hermits with Scar by your side. “Scar didn’t exactly tell me what this was all about. But he didn’t know either. Did you all miss some information when you were inviting people?”
They look between each other, trying to find someone with the courage to break the question to you. One of them had to do it, but which one of them would?
Finally a brave soul spoke up. It was their admin, Xisuma. Grateful couldn’t even describe how they felt when he started to talk to you.
“We’ve actually been meaning to ask you something,” Xisuma speaks in a measured and steady tone. One that gave away no weakness he might’ve been experiencing. Like anxiety or how awkward it was to even ask someone something about themselves. Something that would, in usual cases, be seen as an insult or something akin to that. A negative thing.
“Oh,” you play his game, humoring him and going along with the unspoken script. “What do you want to know?”
“It’s actually quite simple really,” Xisuma starts, but soon pauses again. A few false starts later and he’s back on his feet, metaphorically anyways. “This is going to sound very odd and quite possibly rude. But are you, um, are you a god, by chance?”
Silence came to suffocate the room after his question came out into the open. The air was tense with anxiety.
“Oh yea that,” you giggle. “Yea I am. So what?”
“I’m sorry, but did you say “so what”?” Xisuma wanted clarification because there was no way you just answered with that. “So what”? That was definitely an unexpected answer. Honestly they weren’t expecting too much or too much. It was hard to tell.
“Yes I did,” you speak your words slowly and methodically, checking the reactions of everyone in the room. Like a switch your words flow from a molasses like pace to water. “Look I’d absolutely love to get into this and talk with you all about this in depth, but it really isn’t a good idea. I haven’t had the best experiences with explaining this type of stuff with… well with beings like you.”
Everyone was giving each other looks, silently asking each other “is this really going on” or “Excuse me, what now”. Silence settles over the group again. You leave them some time to ponder over the news, but not enough for it to cause any trouble. At least that’s what you think.
You clap your hands and it echoes around the room, once again catching everyone’s attention. “Look like I said, I’d love to explain this all to you. This isn’t the best time though. So why don’t we just chill out? Talk to each other like the friends we are! You guys have cookies, right? Scar said you guys would have cookies.”
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10 current favourite things about hermitcraft (in no particular order)
1) Proximity chat, first and foremost. As other people have said, it allows for more spontaneous and organic interactions on the server without faffing around with discord channels. In particular, the Hermits Helping Hermits stream yesterday was an absolutely glorious example. 
2)  Ren's skin having dog ears now. Plus the actual canon explanation for  them being that Bdubs accidentally snipped off his actual ears and replaced them surgically during a haircut that somehow went very wrong???
3) Pinkpulse. He went from freaking out when he saw Stress turned his base pink to going all out and having his hair dyed pink and his t-shirt turned pink, like this man really had a full-on mental crisis and came out the other side like “fuck it, pink base looks really good so let’s go nuts with it” and I love that for him.
4) Scar and Bdubs’s realty business war, from fighting over clients (*cough*Xisuma*cough*) to just trying to make their office bigger than the other’s. Anyone else having flashbacks to the tallest house competition from season 6?
5) Hermits pitching in to Tango’s Among Us project and expressing their hope that it’ll be finished soon. I can’t wait to see everyone play, especially the Hermits (Xisuma, Zedaph, etc) who we haven’t seen playing the actual game ALL I WANT IS SOME ZED AMONG US CONTENT IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK
6) Grian's expansion of the barge coinciding with the potential rise of Pacific. I’m personally loving the angst potential of the season 6 Architechs being on opposite sides of a business war. Probably won’t happen (one war per season, Grian) but a writer can dream!
7) Speaking of Mumbo, I have to mention the mental breakdown he had in his last episode (18/03/21). I’m very concerned about this man and someone definitely needs to check on him, but that being said, I absolutely died laughing many times that episode. “Hearing myself talk here, I’m starting to be concerned about my mental state” ME TOO MUMBO
8) Going back a bit, I gotta mention Tango’s reaction to False’s lil Perry the Platypus. As a massive Phineas and Ferb fan, I found it hilarious, endearing, and very relatable when he almost started crying and sang the Perry the Platypus theme song. (thank you for blessing us with this False)
9) Sewer Cats getting busted. Obviously I’m sad that this storyline has come to an end (mostly bc I was living for those Grian/Impulse collabs) but whenever a storyline like this finishes, it feels weirdly liberating as well, cuz who knows what’s gonna happen next! Would anyone have seen the entire Keralis/Cleo Games storyline coming back when Grian decided to build a secret base inside Impulse’s base just to show his viewers that he can do what he wants?
10) The whole HHH stream but particularly Grian in it. Showing up halfway through the stream having done no work so far and saying “you’re welcome” when Ren thanks them for their hard work. Ren: Grian if you’re not in proper Star Wars apparel I’m gonna be upset. Grian: *pause* Imma leave real quick-. Burning diamonds just to piss people off. Acknowledging essential workers. Saying that the best thing Canada ever made was Etho (yes I’ve already made a separate post about this. no i’m not gonna stop talking about it).  Admitting that he regularly has Nerf battles with his wife. “You guys shower?” 
And that’s it! Hermitcraft is always so good but there’s something about it at the moment that just fills me with joy. And honestly if I was to list every single thing I love about it, I’d be here a full week.
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
I don’t understand why people hate zedaphs skin I think it’s cute
okay, as someone who makes mc skins, i do have beef with it!! Namely: He doesnt have any neck shading!!!! What the fuck!! Everything else is passable (even if he does look like he has a spray tan) but he doesnt fucking have SHADING!!!!! He looks like a piece of bologna!!! there is no contrast between chin and neck/chest!!! theres just no color variatey besides the hair and kiiinda the pants.
ok ok let me show you some examples, just to prove my point.
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this is zedaph's arm. do you know whichside of the arm it is?? i sure dont, because THERE'S NO COLOR VARIATION OR SHADING TO DIFFERENTIATE THE SIDES.
heres another example:
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this is a screenshot of his chin + chest, as big as i could get it without any other pixels getting in the way and revealing where the difference is. can you see a difference? NO. YOU CANT. heres a bigger picture just so you can see better
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like, i dont even care about the face composition, i dont care about the fact that the only outer layer pixels (which are removed in the previous picture of ease of view) are on his hair, i'm just mad that theres no COLOR VARIATION. AAA.
the only place where I see any important amount of diversity in the pallet (besides the aforementioned hair and pants) is in the spot that NO ONE sees
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ok. im not even gonna complain about the out-of-place pixel because 1. no one can see it, and 2. it could have easily been an error in translation to the skindex. but. NO ONE CAN EVEN SEE IT. WHY PUT A SHADOW THERE IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA PUT IT ANYWHERE ELSE???
anyways ive gone on a rant. i just. wish that whoever made his skin knew what this tool was:
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