#zeolite ambiente
captaindomy · 8 months
Articolo: Zeoliti, una potenziale strategia per la soluzione dei correnti problemi ambientali e un'applicazione sostenibile per il miglioramento delle coltivazioni e la protezione delle piante
Zeolites: A potential strategy for the solution of current environmental problems and a sustainable application for crop improvement and plant protection Domenico Prisa * Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Vegetables and Ornamental Crops, Via dei Fiori, 8, 51012 Pescia (PT), Italy. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(01),…
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PSA Oxygen Gas Plant Manufacturer Company in India
What is PSA Oxygen Gas Plants
PSA oxygen gas plants utilize the principle of adsorption to separate oxygen molecules from other gases in the air, delivering a continuous stream of high-purity oxygen gas. The process involves two adsorption towers packed with specialized adsorbent materials such as zeolite or molecular sieves.
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During the adsorption phase, ambient air containing oxygen, nitrogen, and trace gases is passed through one tower, where oxygen molecules are selectively adsorbed by the adsorbent material, allowing purified oxygen gas to exit the other end. Meanwhile, nitrogen and other impurities are captured by the adsorbent.
As the adsorption process progresses, the concentration of oxygen in the tower increases until it reaches the desired purity level. At this point, the adsorption switches to the second tower while the first undergoes regeneration by depressurization, purging the captured impurities and preparing it for the next adsorption cycle. This cyclic process ensures a continuous supply of high-purity oxygen gas.
Advantages of PSA Oxygen Gas Plants
On-Site Production: PSA oxygen gas plants offer the advantage of on-site generation, eliminating the need for reliance on external suppliers or cumbersome oxygen cylinders. This on-demand production ensures a constant and reliable oxygen supply, crucial for industries where uninterrupted operations are paramount.
Customized Purity Levels: With PSA technology, purity levels of oxygen gas can be tailored to meet specific application requirements, ranging from medical-grade oxygen (≥ 93%) to ultra-high purity levels suitable for aerospace and semiconductor manufacturing.
Cost-Effectiveness: By eliminating the recurring costs associated with cylinder rentals, transportation, and refills, PSA oxygen gas plants offer significant cost savings over the long term. Additionally, the modular design allows for scalability, enabling businesses to expand production capacity as needed without incurring excessive costs.
Energy Efficiency: PSA oxygen gas plants are inherently energy-efficient, with low operating pressures and minimal energy consumption compared to alternative oxygen generation methods such as cryogenic distillation. This translates to reduced utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint, aligning with sustainability objectives.
Applications of PSA Oxygen Gas Plants
The versatility of PSA oxygen gas plants makes them indispensable across a wide range of industries and applications, including:
Medical: Oxygen is vital for respiratory support in hospitals, clinics, and emergency services, playing a critical role in patient care and lifesaving procedures.
Metallurgy: Oxygen is used for oxygen-enriched combustion in steelmaking and metal fabrication processes, improving efficiency and reducing emissions.
Water Treatment: Oxygen is employed for aeration in wastewater treatment plants, promoting biological processes and enhancing water quality.
Aerospace: Oxygen is utilized for breathing air in aircraft cabins and spacesuits, ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers and crew.
In an ever-evolving world where oxygen plays a pivotal role in sustaining life and driving progress, PSA oxygen gas plants emerge as indispensable assets, powering industries and enriching lives. By harnessing the power of adsorption technology, these plants provide a dependable source of high-purity oxygen gas, enabling industries to thrive, innovate, and propel humanity forward. As the demand for oxygen continues to grow, PSA oxygen gas plants remain steadfast in their commitment to delivering excellence, one breath at a time.
Top PSA Oxygen Gas Plant Manufacturer Companies in India
If you are looking for a Best PSA Oxygen Gas Plant Manufacturer and Supplier of PSA Nitrogen Gas Plant in India, look no further than, PSG Engineering Company, we are a leading manufacturer and supplier of PSA Nitrogen Gas Plant in India.
For more details, please contact us!
Website :- https://www.psggasproject.com/medical-products/psa-oxygen-gas-plants/
Contact No. :- +91–8126173604
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oxygen generator for hospital
oxygen generator for hospital
 Medical Oxygen Generators: A Lifeline in Modern Healthcare
In the realm of healthcare, oxygen therapy is a cornerstone treatment for patients with respiratory conditions, critical illnesses, and during surgical procedures. Medical oxygen generators have emerged as vital devices that ensure a steady, reliable supply of oxygen. These generators, also known as oxygen concentrators, have revolutionized patient care by offering an efficient and cost-effective solution to traditional oxygen supply methods.
 Understanding Medical Oxygen Generators
Medical oxygen generators are devices designed to extract oxygen from ambient air and deliver it in a concentrated form. Ambient air comprises approximately 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% other gases. Oxygen generators use a process called Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) or, less commonly, membrane technology to separate oxygen from nitrogen and other gases. The result is a high concentration of oxygen, typically around 90-95%, which is then delivered to patients in need.
How They Work
1. **Air Intake**: The generator draws in ambient air.
2. **Filtration**: The air passes through filters to remove dust, bacteria, and other particulates.
3. **Compression**: The filtered air is compressed and directed into one of two molecular sieve beds.
4. **Oxygen Concentration**: The molecular sieve beds contain a material called Zeolite that absorbs nitrogen when under pressure, allowing oxygen to pass through.
5. **Delivery**: The concentrated oxygen is then collected in a storage tank and delivered to the patient through a mask or nasal cannula.
6. **Regeneration**: The generator switches to the second sieve bed, allowing the first to release the trapped nitrogen and regenerate for the next cycle.
 Advantages of Medical Oxygen Generators
1. **Continuous Supply**: Unlike traditional oxygen tanks that need frequent refilling, oxygen generators provide a continuous supply of oxygen as long as they have access to power and air.
2. **Cost-Effective**: Over time, oxygen generators can be more cost-effective than purchasing and refilling oxygen cylinders.
3. **Portability**: Modern portable oxygen concentrators allow patients to maintain their mobility and independence, improving their quality of life.
4. **Safety**: Eliminating the need for high-pressure oxygen cylinders reduces the risk of accidents associated with handling and storage.
5. **Environmental Impact**: Reduced reliance on oxygen cylinders means fewer resources are spent on manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of these cylinders, leading to a smaller carbon footprint.
 Applications in Healthcare
- **Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)**: Patients with COPD often require long-term oxygen therapy to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
- **Surgery and Recovery**: Oxygen generators are essential in surgical settings to ensure patients receive adequate oxygen during and after procedures.
- **Emergency Medicine**: In emergency rooms and ambulances, oxygen generators provide critical support to patients experiencing acute respiratory distress.
- **Home Healthcare**: Many patients require oxygen therapy at home, and portable oxygen concentrators have made this more feasible and convenient.
 Challenges and Considerations
While medical oxygen generators offer numerous benefits, there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind:
- **Initial Cost**: The upfront cost of purchasing an oxygen generator can be significant, although it pays off over time.
- **Power Dependency**: These devices require a constant power source, which can be a limitation in areas with unreliable electricity.
- **Maintenance**: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the device functions correctly and safely.
- **Training**: Healthcare providers and patients need proper training to use oxygen generators effectively.
 The Future of Medical Oxygen Generators
The development of medical oxygen generators is advancing rapidly, with ongoing improvements in efficiency, portability, and ease of use. Innovations such as battery-operated portable units and smarter, automated systems are making oxygen therapy more accessible and user-friendly. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect these devices to become even more integral to patient care, providing a lifeline to those in need.
Medical oxygen generators have transformed the landscape of oxygen therapy, offering a reliable, cost-effective, and safe solution for patients across various healthcare settings. As we continue to innovate and improve these devices, they will undoubtedly play an even more crucial role in ensuring patients receive the life-sustaining oxygen they need, whenever and wherever they need it.
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 2 months
Generatori di Azoto: innovazione e versatilità in diversi settori, dalla produzione industriale al settore enologico
Un generatore di azoto è un dispositivo progettato per produrre azoto gas in modo continuo e affidabile. Funziona sfruttando processi di separazione dell'aria per concentrare l'azoto presente nell'aria stessa e isolare il gas dall'ossigeno e da altri componenti. Questo processo viene spesso chiamato "generazione di azoto on-site" perché il gas viene prodotto direttamente sul luogo di utilizzo, eliminando la necessità di acquistare, trasportare e immagazzinare azoto in bombole o serbatoi. Ci sono diversi metodi utilizzati nei generatori di azoto, ma il più comune è il processo di separazione per membrana o quello di adsorbimento di azoto. Nel processo di separazione per membrana, l'aria viene spinta attraverso una membrana selettiva che permette all'azoto di passare più facilmente rispetto all'ossigeno e ad altri gas. Nel processo di assorbimento, l'aria viene fatta passare attraverso un materiale assorbente, come il carbonio attivo o una zeolite, che trattiene selettivamente l'ossigeno e altri gas, lasciando l'azoto libero da impurità. I generatori di azoto sono utilizzati in una vasta gamma di settori industriali e commerciali. Ad esempio, nell'industria alimentare, l'azoto viene utilizzato per il confezionamento sotto vuoto e per preservare la freschezza di prodotti come snack, caffè, olio d'oliva. Nell'industria elettronica, l'azoto viene impiegato per proteggere i componenti sensibili dall'ossidazione durante la saldatura. Nell'industria chimica, l'azoto è usato come gas inerte per ridurre il rischio di reazioni indesiderate. Inoltre, i generatori di azoto trovano impiego anche in applicazioni mediche, di ricerca e nell'industria automobilistica, tra gli altri settori.  I generatori di azoto sono strumenti fondamentali anche nel settore enologico, specialmente nelle cantine vinicole e per diversi motivi: Conservazione del vino Nei processi di vinificazione e in cantina, la conservazione del vino è una priorità assoluta. L'azoto viene utilizzato per creare un ambiente inerte all'interno delle botti, delle taniche o dei serbatoi, riducendo così l'ossidazione del vino e preservandone la freschezza, il sapore e l'aroma. L'azoto impedisce il contatto del vino con l'aria, riducendo il rischio di deterioramento dovuto all'ossidazione. Spinta dei liquidi I generatori di azoto vengono utilizzati per spingere liquidi come il vino attraverso i sistemi di tubazioni senza l'introduzione di aria o ossigeno. Questo processo, noto come spinta inerte, è essenziale per evitare la contaminazione del vino e garantire la sua integrità durante il trasferimento o l'imbottigliamento. Tappatura sotto vuoto L'azoto viene anche impiegato nel processo di tappatura sotto vuoto delle bottiglie di vino. Questo metodo consiste nell'eliminare l'aria all'interno della bottiglia prima della tappatura, sostituendola con azoto. Questo riduce il rischio di ossidazione del vino all'interno della bottiglia, mantenendo la sua freschezza e prolungandone la shelf-life. Protezione degli ambienti di invecchiamento Nelle cantine dove vengono conservati vini pregiati o invecchiati, l'azoto viene utilizzato per mantenere un ambiente controllato e privo di ossigeno all'interno delle bottiglie o dei contenitori. Questo aiuta a preservare le caratteristiche organolettiche del vino durante il processo di invecchiamento, mantenendo la sua complessità e la sua qualità nel tempo. Miglioramento della qualità del vino Utilizzando azoto di alta purezza, le cantine vinicole possono garantire che il gas utilizzato per proteggere il vino sia privo di impurità, garantendo così la qualità e l'integrità del prodotto finale. Un controllo accurato dell'atmosfera in cui viene conservato il vino contribuisce a mantenere le sue caratteristiche organolettiche e a garantirne una migliore stabilità nel tempo. In sintesi, è sempre più diffuso l'utilizzo dei generatori di azoto nelle cantine vinicole proprio perché risulta fondamentale per garantire la qualità, la conservazione e la stabilità del vino durante tutti i processi di produzione, conservazione e imbottigliamento, sottolineando così il ruolo cruciale della tecnologia nel preservare l'eccellenza enologica. Foto di Samuel Faber da Pixabay Read the full article
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cistronnn · 2 months
psa oxygen generator manufacturers
psa oxygen generator manufacturers
A PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) oxygen generator is a device used for producing oxygen gas from ambient air. It operates on the principle of adsorption, where certain gases are selectively adsorbed onto the surface of an adsorbent material while others are allowed to pass through. In the case of oxygen generation, nitrogen is typically adsorbed, allowing the oxygen to be collected.
Here's a basic rundown of how it works:
Adsorption: Ambient air is drawn into the generator and passed through a bed of adsorbent material, often a zeolite molecular sieve. The adsorbent material preferentially adsorbs nitrogen molecules, allowing the oxygen to pass through.
Desorption: After a period of adsorption, the adsorbent material becomes saturated with nitrogen. At this point, the flow of air is stopped, and the pressure in the system is reduced. This causes the nitrogen molecules to desorb from the adsorbent material, freeing up space for more oxygen molecules to be adsorbed.
Collection: The now-enriched oxygen gas is collected and stored for use. The process can then repeat, alternating between adsorption and desorption cycles to continually generate oxygen.
PSA oxygen generators are widely used in various applications where a steady supply of oxygen is required, such as medical facilities, industrial processes, and water treatment plants. They offer advantages such as cost-effectiveness, reliability, and the ability to produce oxygen on-site without the need for transportation or storage of oxygen cylinders.
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tridentpneumatics · 4 months
 The Technology Behind PSA Medical Oxygen Generator: How Do They Work?
In today's world, access to medical-grade oxygen is more crucial than ever, especially in global health crises. Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology has revolutionized medical oxygen production, offering a reliable and efficient solution to meet the escalating demand. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricate workings of PSA Medical Oxygen Generators, shedding light on their functionality, benefits, and significance in the healthcare landscape. 
PSA Medical Oxygen Generators are advanced systems designed to extract oxygen from ambient air, purify it to medical-grade standards, and deliver it for various healthcare applications. This innovative technology operates on the adsorption principle, utilizing specialized molecular sieves to separate oxygen molecules from other gases in the air. 
At the heart of a PSA Medical Oxygen Generator lies a bed of adsorbent material, typically zeolite or activated carbon, housed within a pressure vessel. The process begins with the compression of ambient air, which is then directed into the adsorption chamber. The adsorbent material selectively captures nitrogen and other impurities within this chamber, allowing purified oxygen to pass through. 
The adsorption process occurs in cycles, commonly known as "pressure swing adsorption." During adsorption, the adsorbent material retains nitrogen and other gases under high pressure, while oxygen is collected as the product gas. Subsequently, the pressure in the chamber is reduced, causing the adsorbent material to release the captured gases, which are then vented out of the system. This cyclical process ensures a continuous supply of medical-grade oxygen without needing external storage or replenishment. 
Advantages of PSA Medical Oxygen Generators: 
On-Site Production: One of the most significant advantages of PSA Medical Oxygen Generators is their ability to produce oxygen on-site, eliminating the logistical challenges associated with transportation and storage. This ensures a reliable and uninterrupted oxygen supply, particularly in remote or underserved areas. 
Cost-Efficiency: on site Medical oxygen manufacturers offer substantial cost savings over time by eliminating the need for traditional oxygen cylinders or bulk liquid oxygen supplies. Healthcare facilities can significantly reduce operational expenses associated with procurement, storage, and transportation, making it a financially viable solution in the long run. 
Enhanced Safety: With on-site production and minimal handling requirements, PSA Medical Oxygen Generators enhance safety standards within healthcare facilities. The risk of accidents or mishaps during oxygen storage, handling, and transportation is significantly mitigated, ensuring the well-being of patients and healthcare professionals alike. 
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Environmental Sustainability: Unlike traditional oxygen production methods that rely on energy-intensive processes, PSA Medical Oxygen Generators operate efficiently and consume minimal resources. By leveraging ambient air as the source of oxygen, these systems promote environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption. 
Applications and Impact in Healthcare: 
PSA Medical Oxygen Generators find widespread applications across various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, emergency medical services, and homecare environments. These systems cater to diverse medical needs, including respiratory therapy, anaesthesia, intensive care, and surgical procedures. 
The impact of PSA Medical Oxygen Generators extends far beyond conventional healthcare settings, particularly in regions facing resource constraints or emergencies. During crises such as pandemics or natural disasters, these systems are critical in augmenting healthcare infrastucture and ensuring timely access to life-saving oxygen therapy. 
Key Considerations for Healthcare Facilities: 
When considering the implementation of PSA Medical Oxygen Generators, healthcare facilities should prioritize several factors to optimize performance and reliability: 
Capacity and Scalability: Assessing the oxygen demand and scalability requirements is essential to selecting a PSA Medical Oxygen Generator that aligns with the facility's needs and anticipated growth. 
Compliance and Certification: Ensure the chosen system complies with regulatory standards and certifications governing medical oxygen production and delivery, including ISO 13485 and FDA guidelines. 
Maintenance and Service Support: Establish a comprehensive maintenance schedule and access to prompt service support to ensure the continuous operation and performance of the PSA Medical Oxygen Generator. 
Training and Education: To maximize efficiency and minimize risks, provide adequate training to healthcare personnel involved in the operation, maintenance, and safety protocols associated with PSA Medical Oxygen Generators. 
In modern healthcare, PSA Medical Oxygen Generators are a testament to innovation and ingenuity, offering a sustainable and reliable solution to meet the growing demand for medical-grade oxygen. As trusted medical oxygen plant manufacturers, Trident Pneumatics remains committed to advancing healthcare infrastructure worldwide through cutting-edge technologies and unwavering dedication to quality and safety. Embracing the transformative potential of PSA Medical Oxygen Generators; we pave the way for a healthier and more resilient future, where access to life-saving oxygen therapy knows no bounds. 
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elfagr · 10 months
An oxygen generator is a device that separates oxygen from compressed air using special selective adsorptive technology called pressure swing adsorption (PSA). The compressed air used in the oxygen generation process has a similar composition to ambient environmental air with 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. The oxygen contained in the compressed air is allowed to flow through a zeolite molecular sieve which retains nitrogen resulting in high purity oxygen at gas production outlets.
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kerone-engineering · 2 years
Evaluation of food drying with air dehumidification system
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The main challenge in global food demand is how to obtain high quality dry food products in efficient processing. The dry food or its extract can be a good option due to the long life storage and consumer convenience. To realize this preference, drying process offers the major role corresponding to the moisture removal from wet product. In general, the agriculture and food products with high moisture content (vegetables, herbs, starch products) are dried at low to moderate temperatures to conserve the valuable ingredients (protein, vitamins, enzymes, oil) as well as physical appearance such as color, and texture.
Meanwhile, the modern drying technology has been widely developed with attractive results in the product quality aspects. However, the efficient dryer development has been scared. For example, the energy efficiency in freeze and low temperature dryers is lower than that of a conventional convective dryer. This is due to the low value of driving force for moisture transfer and higher latent heat of moisture evaporation. Recently, the energy usage has become an important issue with respect to the limitation of fossil fuel supply. On the other hand, the availability of biomass as side product of agriculture crops has not been intensively used as renewable energy resource in drying process.
Conventional dryer with sunlight is very advantageous due to its low energy cost, and environmentally benign. The dryer has been widely used for a long time in various sectors, such as agriculture, fishery, forestry, and herbal medicine products. Unfortunately, the uses of this dryer is also restricted by main drawbacks of this dryer such as sustainability and product quality, which are rooted from its climate dependent.
Thus, the application of dryer with pre-dehumidified air for various food or agriculture crops drying can be an attractive option.
Materials and Methods
Based on the model and simple experimental test, the adsorption dryer with zeolite has shown attractive performances. In this study, the dryer was tested in wider range application for agriculture crops drying. This work consisted of two main steps. Firstly, the two types of dryer (fluidized bed and tray dryers) were constructed in laboratory scale equipped with an air dehumidification section with zeolite. The dryers were used for different application (fluidized bed dryer for paddy drying, and tray dryer for onion drying). Secondly, the dryers performances were evaluated based on product quality, drying time, and or/ heat efficiency. The heat efficiency was estimated referring to the total heat used for evaporated water divided by the total heat introduced in the system. The product quality was analyzed based on physical properties as well as important substance content.
Paddy Drying
The paddy drying system was designed as a fluidized bed dryer. The dryer was equipped with a blower to deliver air for the fluidization process. Initially, ambient air at a relative humidity (RH) of 70 – 80% and temperature about 30°C was flown to the heater at a velocity of 4.0 m.s-1. The air was heated up to dryer temperature (designed as 40°C). The air was then used for paddy drying with initial moisture content of about 25% (w/w).
Onion Drying
Generally, onion was harvested from a farm with 88 – 92% moisture content. After drying, the average moisture content in the onion was desired to be 80 – 85%. The onion drying was conducted in tray dryer completed with zeolite, as presented. The fresh air was heated up to 50°C by an electric heater. The air was used for onion drying with addition of a zeolite pack.
Heat Efficiency Estimation
The paddy and onion drying were continued with rice husk combustion as a heat source. The rice husk with combustion heat value up to 15 MJ.kg-1 was obtained as a side product of rice mill industries. Theoretically, with latent heat of moisture evaporation about 2.5 MJ.kg-1 , one kilogram of rice husk can evaporate 6 kg of free moisture.
The air dehumidification has been applied for tray and fluidized bed dryers. The dryers were used for paddy and onion drying. The zeolite as moisture adsorbent performed well. Therefore, the air may be significantly dehumidified. Based on product quality retention, drying time estimation, and heat utilization, the air dehumidification affected the drying performance positively. The fluidized bed and tray dryers were then operated with rice husk as a heat supply. Results showed that the heat efficiency can achieve around seventy fifth. This performance may be promising for sustainable food drying development.
We at KERONE have a team of experts to help you with your need for air dehumidification in various products range from our wide experience.
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Oxygen concentrators: Everything you need to know
What is an oxygen concentrator?
An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that provides supplemental or extra oxygen to a patient with breathing issues. The device consists of a compressor, sieve bed filter, oxygen tank, pressure valve, and a nasal cannula (or oxygen mask). Like an oxygen cylinder or tank, a concentrator supplies oxygen to a patient via a mask or nasal tubes. However, unlike oxygen cylinders, a concentrator doesn’t require refilling and can provide oxygen 24 hours a day. A typical oxygen concentrator can supply between 5 to 10 liters per minute (LPM) of pure oxygen.
How does the device work?
An oxygen concentrator machine works by filtering and concentrating oxygen molecules from the ambient air to provide patients with 90% to 95% pure oxygen. The compressor of the oxygen concentrator sucks ambient air and adjusts the pressure at which it is provided. The sieve bed made of a crystalline material called Zeolite separates the nitrogen from the air. A concentrator has two sieve beds that work to both release oxygen into a cylinder as well as discharge the separated nitrogen back into the air. This forms a continuous loop that keeps producing pure oxygen. The pressure valve helps regulate oxygen supply ranging from 5 to 10 liters per minute. The compressed oxygen is then dispensed to the patient through a nasal cannula (or oxygen mask).
Who should use an oxygen concentrator and when?
According to pulmonologists, only mild to moderately ill patients with oxygen saturation levels between 90% to 94% should use an oxygen concentrator under medical guidance. Patients with oxygen saturation levels as low as 85% can also use oxygen machine in emergency situations or till they get hospital admission. However, it is recommended that such patients switch to a cylinder with higher oxygen flow and get admitted to a hospital as soon as possible. The device is not advisable for ICU patients.
What are the different types of oxygen concentrators?
There are two types of oxygen concentrators:
Continuous flow: This type of concentrator supplies the same flow of oxygen every minute unless it is not turned off irrespective of whether the patient is breathing the oxygen or not.
Pulse dose: These concentrators are comparatively smart as they are able to detect the breathing pattern of the patient and release oxygen upon detecting inhalation. The oxygen released by pulse dose concentrators varies per minute.
How are oxygen concentrators different from oxygen cylinders and LMO?
Oxygen concentrators are the best alternatives to oxygen cylinder and liquid medical oxygen, which are comparatively very difficult to store and transport. While concentrators are more expensive than cylinders, they are largely a one-time investment and have low operational costs. Unlike cylinders, concentrators don’t require refilling and can keep producing oxygen 24 hours a day using only ambient air and electricity supply. However, the major drawback of concentrators is that they can only supply 5 to 10 liters of oxygen per minute. This makes them unsuitable for critical patients who may require 40 to 45 liters of pure oxygen per minute.
Things to consider while buying an oxygen concentrator
Before buying an oxygen concentrator, it is important to consult a physician to know the amount of oxygen per liter that the patient requires. According to medical and industry experts, a person should consider the following points before purchasing an oxygen concentrator:
One of the most important factors to consider when buying an oxygen concentrator is to check its flow rate capabilities. Flow rate indicates the rate at which oxygen is able to travel from the oxygen concentrator to the patient. The flow rate is measured in liters per minute (LPM).
The capacity of the oxygen concentrator must be higher than your requirement. For example, if you require a 3.5 LPM oxygen concentrator, you should buy a 5 LPM concentrator. Similarly, if your requirement is a 5 LPM concentrator, you should purchase an 8 LPM machine.
Check the number of sieves and filters of the oxygen concentrator. The oxygen quality output of a concentrator depends on the number of sieves/ filters. The oxygen produced by the concentrator must be 90-95% pure.
Some of the other factors to consider while selecting an oxygen concentrator are power consumption, portability, noise levels, and warranty.
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A robust material for the uptake and storage of ammonia at densities that come close to that of the liquefied gas
Handling, storing, and shipping of ammonia requires costly equipment and special precautions because of its inherent corrosiveness and toxicity. Scientists in Manchester, UK, have found that a metal–organic framework, MFM-300(Al), a porous solid, not only effectively filters harmful nitrogen dioxide gas, but it also has outstanding capabilities for ammonia storage. As detailed in the journal Angewandte Chemie, reversible uptake and release of ammonia proceeds by a unique sorption mode.
Ammonia is an essential nitrogen source for plants and it is a basic chemical. This indispensable chemical, which is manufactured on a large scale from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen, has been called "bread from air". But how should this resource be stored and handled? The gaseous or liquefied form is corrosive and toxic. Storing and shipping under pressure or at low temperatures is costly and energy-consuming. Adsorption in porous solids, such as zeolites or metal–organic frameworks—a strategy currently being tested extensively in hydrogen storage—could be an interesting option.
The robust metal–organic framework MFM-300(Al) has been shown to be a potent filter for nitrogen dioxide, which is a harmful pollutant in air. Martin Schröder and his colleagues at the University of Manchester, UK, have now scrutinized MFM-300(Al) for its ability to take up ammonia. They discovered that it could take up gaseous ammonia up to a density that comes close to that of liquid ammonia under ambient conditions. At around zero degrees Celsius it even surpassed this density.
Read more.
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harlanglass · 3 years
Mechanism of Highly Concentrated Oxygen Generator with zeolite material
Start at 2:30 to see how the zeolite functions as a molecular sieve, straining nitrogen out of ambient air 
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tridentpneumatics · 1 year
What are PSA medical oxygen plants, and how does it work?
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All layers of the healthcare system need oxygen, which should only be administered to patients in high-grade, medical-grade oxygen. Medical-grade oxygen is produced in pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen generation facilities. This document outlines the technical parameters that a PSA Oxygen Plant must achieve in order to be used for the delivery of medical-grade oxygen.
A PSA oxygen-generating plant is an apparatus created to concentrate oxygen from ambient air on a large scale. Its output capacity varies depending on the estimated oxygen demand, often falling between 2 Nm3 per hour and 200 Nm3 per hour. To distribute oxygen produced by PSA plants, it can either be piped directly from the oxygen tank to the wards or further compressed to fill cylinders using a supplemental booster compressor and a ramp/manifold for cylinder filling.
PSA medical oxygen generator manufactured at pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen production facilities. This document outlines the technical parameters that a PSA Oxygen Plant must adhere to be used in delivering medical-grade oxygen.
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology is used at the oxygen gas plant to provide a constant supply of pure oxygen. Building low-maintenance oxygen gas plants that effortlessly deliver the desired outcomes is possible due to PSA technology.
The PSA technology uses a synthetic Zeolite Molecular Sieve's capacity to predominantly absorb nitrogen to produce enhanced oxygen gas from ambient air. While nitrogen gathers in the pore system of the zeolite, oxygen gas is created as a by-product. There are many providers and manufacturers of PSA oxygen gas plants on the market. They offer you a PSA oxygen gas plant for an affordable price.
A PSA oxygen-generating plant is a small-scale device that concentrates oxygen from ambient air. Depending on the estimated oxygen demand, the plant's output capacity can range from 2 Nm3/hr to 200 Nm3/hr.
When air from an air compressor is drawn in Zeolite, molecular sieves are used in the oxygen gas generation process to separate oxygen from other gases, such as nitrogen. Zeolite molecular sieves in two towers absorb nitrogen before releasing waste.
The oxygen generated is 95% pure. The procedure moves to the opposite tower to help with the continuous oxygen-generating process when one building reaches saturation with nitrogen.
Medical oxygen plant Manufacturers plants may serve most applications since they can deliver oxygen at 5 kg/cm2g pressure without needing an additional booster. However, if the customer processor needs more storage pressure, it includes another booster.
Oxygen gas plant uses PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) technology to offer a constant supply of oxygen guaranteed to be pure. With this technology, we can create hassle-free oxygen gas plants that are significantly cost-effective and require minimal maintenance. Two absorption jars loaded with the most effective zeolite molecular sieves for nitrogen absorption are used by these generators to absorb nitrogen. PSA Oxygen Gas Plants are manufactured and exported by us.
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lets-grow-online · 3 years
Madison Oxygen 5L Oxy-Pure Ultra Silence Oxygen Concentrator
Madison Oxygen 5L Oxy-Pure Ultra Silence Oxygen Concentrator
Price: (as of – Details) Madison 5L Oxy-pure medical oxygen concentrator is a device that extracts oxygen from atmospheric air. It will typically be an electrically-powered molecular sieve (artificial zeolite) used to separate nitrogen from ambient air. It could be applied widely in the hospitals at all different level, clinics, health centers and family nursing, health care for the old person,…
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earthstory · 6 years
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Thomsonite on Heulandite
We have here two minerals of the zeolite family that forms when heated hydrothermal convection cells circulate through rock (usually in the bubbles and cavities in basaltic lava though it has turned up now and again in granitic pegmatites) picking up and precipitating elements depending on the ambient chemical conditions as it does so. The brown potato like spheres are the first named in the title and the pinkish matrix the second, which I have already covered (see http://bit.ly/2BQR9Zr). Like many such it forts what is known as a solid solution series, in which two or more elements can substitute for each other at the same spot in the crystal lattice due to their similar size and e4lectronic affinities (in this case strontium and calcium). Advanced testing is needed to reveal which element is dominant and how it should be properly described.
Its type locality (from which it was first described in 1820) is in Scotland, and it was named after a chemist hailing from that part of the British Isles who first analysed and described it formally. Colour ranges from white or brown through to greenish, yellowish or reddish and it tends to form in long thin bladed crystal that often internest into spherical radiating sprays like the examples in the photos. While soft (5 on Mohs scale) it is occasionally faceted for collectors. Localities include the Faroes islands, several places in the USA, Russia and the Deccan Trapps of India, source of many zeolite mineral specimens in the global gem market. A unique massive variety with banded colouring is found on the shores of Lake Superior which is often tumbles into pretty pebbles or cut into dome shaped cabochons. The 7x6.5 cm specimen in the photo came from Maharashtra state in India.
Loz Image credit: LGF Foundation
https://lgfmuseum.org/ https://www.mindat.org/min-28896.html http://www.galleries.com/Thomsonite http://bit.ly/2llt4Tv http://www.minerals.net/mineral/thomsonite.aspx http://bit.ly/2C40h0F
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How does an Oxygen Concentrator Work?
An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that concentrates oxygen from ambient air. Atmospheric air has about 78 per cent nitrogen and 21 per cent oxygen, with other gases making up the remaining 1 per cent. The oxygen concentrator takes in this air, filters it through a sieve, releases the nitrogen back into the air, and works on the remaining oxygen.
This oxygen, compressed and dispensed through a cannula, is 90-95 per cent pure. A pressure valve in concentrators helps regulate supply, ranging from 1-10 litres per minute.
According to a 2015 report by the WHO, concentrators are designed for continuous operation and can produce oxygen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for up to 5 years or more.
Pressure swing adsorption
These oxygen concentrators use an atomic sifter to adsorb gases and work on the rule of fast tension swing adsorption of environmental nitrogen onto zeolite minerals at high strain. This kind of adsorption framework is accordingly practically a nitrogen scrubber passing on the other air gases to go through, leaving oxygen as the essential gas remaining. Public service announcement innovation is a dependable and conservative procedure for little to mid-scale oxygen age. Cryogenic division is more reasonable at higher volumes and outside conveyance by and large more appropriate for little volumes.
At high strain, the permeable zeolite adsorbs enormous amounts of nitrogen, on account of its huge surface region and substance attributes. The oxygen concentrator packs air and ignores it zeolite, making the zeolite adsorb the nitrogen from the air. It then, at that point, gathers the excess gas, which is for the most part oxygen, and the nitrogen desorbs from the zeolite under the diminished strain to be vented.
An oxygen concentrator has an air compressor, two chambers loaded up with zeolite pellets, a tension balancing repository, and a few valves and cylinders. In the principal half-cycle, the primary chamber gets air from the blower, which goes on around 3 seconds. During that time the tension in the main chamber ascends from barometrical to about 2.5 occasions ordinary climatic strain (regularly 20 psi/138 kPa check, or 2.36 airs outright) and the zeolite becomes soaked with nitrogen. As the primary chamber comes to approach unadulterated oxygen (there are limited quantities of argon, CO2, water fume, radon and other minor barometrical parts) in the principal half-cycle, a valve opens and the oxygen-improved gas streams to the strain leveling repository, which associates with the patient's oxygen hose. Toward the finish of the primary portion of the cycle, there is another valve position change with the goal that the air from the blower is coordinated to the subsequent chamber. The tension in the principal chamber drops as the advanced oxygen moves into the supply, permitting the nitrogen to be desorbed once more into gas. Mostly during that time half of the cycle, there is another valve position change to vent the gas in the primary chamber once again into the surrounding air, keeping the grouping of oxygen in the tension balancing repository from falling underneath about 90%. The tension in the hose conveying oxygen from the adjusting supply is kept consistent by a strain lessening valve.
Older units cycled for a period of about 20 seconds and supplied up to 5 litres per minute of 90+% oxygen. Since about 1999, units capable of supplying up to 10 L/min have been available.
Classic oxygen concentrators utilize two-bed sub-atomic sifters; more current concentrators use multi-bed sub-atomic strainers. The upside of the multi-bed innovation is the expanded accessibility and excess, as the 10 L/min atomic sifters are stunned and duplicated on a few stages. With this, more than 960 L/min can be created. The increase time - the slipped by time until a multi-bed concentrator is delivering oxygen at >90% focus - is frequently under 2 minutes, a lot quicker than basic two-bed concentrators. This is a major benefit in portable crises. The alternative, to fill standard oxygen chambers (for example 50 L at 200 bar = 10,000 L each) with high-pressure supporters, to guarantee programmed failover to recently filled hold chambers and to guarantee the oxygen production network for example if there should be an occurrence of force disappointment, is given with those frameworks.
Membrane separation
In membrane gas separation, membranes act as a permeable barrier which different compounds move across at different rates or do not cross at all.
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Metal-organic frameworks cut energy consumption of petrochemicals
In the chemical and the petrochemical industries, separating molecules in an energy-efficient way is one of the most important challenges. Overall, the separation processes account for around 40% of the energy consumed in the petrochemical industry, and reducing this can help addressing anthropogenic carbon emissions.
One of the most important products in the petrochemical industry is propylene, which is widely used in fibers, foams, plastics etc. Purifying propylene almost always requires separating it from propane. Currently this is done by cryogenic distillation, where the two gases are liquefied by being cooled to sub-zero temperatures. This gives the propylene-propane separation process a very large energy footprint.
A solution is to use "metal-organic frameworks" (MOF's). These are porous, crystalline polymers made of metal nodes that are linked together by organic ligands. The pores in their molecular structure allow MOFs to capture molecules so efficiently that they are now prime candidates in carbon-capture research.
In terms of separating molecules, MOF-based membranes are among the highest performers, and can carry out the propylene-propane separation at ambient temperature. One MOF called ZIF-8 (zeolitic imidazolium frameworks-8), allows propylene to diffuse through its pores 125 times more efficiently than propane at 30oC, offering high selectivity without the need for sub-zero temperatures.
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