dragynkeep · 7 months
Not sure why Mistral is Asian inspired when it has a Greek name. Also, Atlas as a concept is bad because it's a poor mish-mash of 1950s New York and whatever Greek inspiration they used to make it. This makes two places where Greek culture is poorly used.
orientalism! they don't think further into the depth of what actually makes these places up, what cultures they have, where these names originate from because they operate completely on the rule of cool & a white, middle american lense of just plain nothingness. which is a disservice to the amount of culture you can also find in america but c'est la vie.
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illusory-torrent · 2 years
Hey there! Valid points you make, but I'm a little confused over what brought this on now? Weren't those posts from 2018? Did something happen to spark this today??
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LOL, you’re correct in that my original post is old. it’s from 2018.
gillfish/alison decided to respond today and let me know that
1) she identifies as a trans lesbian now.
2) bumbleby is endgame and that i should “hold this fat L”.
it’s funny, it’s been literally 4 years and she comes on old posts with the same wasp toxicity she had back before she took her 4-year break from the rwby fandom.
she claims to have left that past behind her but i’d disagree.
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to me, she stills seems to be the same shitty toxic bumbleby shipper she was four years ago. her coming out as a trans lesbian does little to change that fact.
since she was the one who jumped on my and @snowembrace‘s old posts, some others (@ironpines and @zeta-rwde) called her out on her toxic behavior from both 2018 and now. 
the result, for me anyway, is that i’m blocked now. 
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i genuinely hope alison/gillfish ends up changing for the better and giving up this toxic behavior (especially over bumbleby of all things). but i doubt that’ll happen lmao. 
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it’s funny. four years ago we were arguing over how bumbleby wasn’t canon and how its fans were shitty. four years later... bumbleby is still not canon and its fans are still shitty. 
not much has changed in that regard. 
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dragynkeep · 11 months
White girl with piss-poor Chinese name formation and pronunciation, with a tan-skinned aussie dad with the same issues and a Celtic-named mother that's dripped with orientalism aside, how is Yang dripping with orientalism herself?
that's really just it is that yang suffers being the biproduct of raven's orientalism & absolutely no genuine thought being put into taiyang being asian himself beyond a name.
one thing i find somewhat annoying is that any merch for yang featuring an asian language is in japanese, not chinese. we don't even know the characters for her name so actually pinning down a concrete meaning is impossible, her name itself doesn't follow the naming conventions — it should be 2 - 1, not 1 -2 & chinese surnames are not hyphenated for this reason — & overall she just. has very little beyond this name to show that she is meant to be in any way chinese.
which is frustrating because all the orientalism regarding yang & other "asian" characters on the show will inevitably lead to some rwby ghoul unearthing monty's dead body as a defense to it: as if racism against one's own is not something that happens & that for a majority of this show now it has been written & produced by white creators.
i would love for yang to have more chinese influence to her design & character: i love when i see it in fanart! but as is, if you showed anyone this character without her name & asked them what race she was with her blonde hair, light eyes & deathly white skin tone — asian is not the one they're going to say.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Cold take: Either Ruby or Summer should've been "Dorothy" instead of Shade's Headmaster.
I mean Zwei is right. there. The dog's basically Toto. Also, Summer and Ruby's combat apparel nearly sync's up with Dorothy's own - thematically-speaking. And that's not even recognizing the two were "far away from home" - either spending time at Beacon or traveled all over the world, before eventually returning home at some point.
It was such low-hanging fruit and they still find a way to fuck it up.
i really want to like oscar but much like jaune, all i see is how he's introduced to eat up screentime from the characters who really need it because they're the mains of the show & while yes, side characters can also get the spotlight, it shouldn't be at the expense of the mains.
at least jaune has a very annoying character, oscar doesn't really have that. i used to hate how people called him a meat vessel & i still do but it's not an inaccurate criticism, just one that dehumanizes one of the only brown characters we have. if they needed a new vessel for ozpin that wasn't going to be one of the characters we already knew, then they really needed to put in the work to actually make us like that character as themselves first, not just because ozpin is co-habiting their body.
& this whole tangent has been on the ideal that people had for years that oscar was meant to be our dorothy! only for them to then come out & say no, it's a rando headmaster we still haven't met, seen, gotten to know in any capacity & it's just so stupid.
summer being dorothy would've been interesting, especially with the idea of her passing down zwei & her being the only one in team strq to truly see behind the curtain to know ozpin that intimately. with her unfortunately not sharing dorothy's fate & being taken out by the wicked witch.
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dragynkeep · 8 months
Owl, which has more of your ire A:TLA or RWBY?
rwby. despite the hangups i have with atla, it does have consistently strong moments & bar moments like aang & the lion turtles, the storylines & moments set up flow cohesively.
rwby never seems to know what it's trying to say or what it's trying to do from one episode to the next, never mind volume to volume.
bryke & crwby are on par for how annoying they are however.
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dragynkeep · 11 months
Platonic!Tauradonna (Mentor x Student) [i.e. the way they were envisioned by Monty himself in one of the earlier RTX interviews]
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dragynkeep · 11 months
So, we have Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Esmerelda and Yaara David.
Is Taiyang getting a redesign and rename brand as well?
yeah! i already posted about it here but the jist of it is that his name is tivon now — meaning: nature lover — & his allusion lends to the poem of the jewish scheitl or "once there was a garden" which i think lends really well to tai's losses throughout his life but the garden he still has & tends to.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
It's always funny to me, Owl, that Yang and Taiyang's names are a prime example of "giving your child an ethnic name to make yourself seem cultured". Like, an aussie with a Chinese name is such a fucking hilarious concept considering that for all the Wasps yelling about Yang and Taiyang being "Chinese", you wouldn't be able to tell aside from their names. They're more aussie than Chinese from an external perspective - especially if you wanna take into account their geneological records (again, using "wasp logic"). And it's ironic that Yang and Taiyang have these names, considering this is the same crew and company that said, in the same breath, "You can't name a white guy [Flynt Coal]".
Honestly, this is the same case with Blake - considering she's supposed to be "Japanese", even though her name is French and both her parents' respective names are Indian - one of which is based on a slur.
it’s pretty much just because of two things :
taiyang & yang are based on two white people respectively  —  burnie & barbara  —  so they’re going to reflect a more white appearance like blonde hair & light eyes. this also isn’t like naruto or other japanese media where they are still given the benefit of the doubt of being japanese or otherwise asian despite european features like hair or eye colour because we have clearly coded characters in the show like sienna or ren.
they needed a name that began with y that meant yellow; ergo, yang.
i don’t know how much of them is aussie specifically, because nothing about them screams that to me & i really would’ve just put them as generic european, which is also what people would guess if you showed them the pair without giving their names. which isn’t applicable to characters like ren, emerald, sienna, etc.
& the same issue comes through in blake, nothing about her speaks to anything but a european look  —  she is based off a spanish actress with an english  /  italian name & a french allusion & mostly european based attire  —  yet somehow she’s “japanese / arabic coded” by virtue of very pale skinned parents who didn’t exist until v4. & it’s especially notable with kali who follows rwby’s very concerning pattern of white women being drenched in orientalism  —  see : raven & salem also  —  but also that like you said, her name is a slur in the culture she’s meant to partially represent. it’s also wholly inappropriate to use religious figures names like that, i would be incredibly uncomfortable if rwby had decided to use one of the names of my god or prophets for a character & i can imagine many others would also.
& all of this exists in the same environment where these white men make racially insensitive jokes about the name of a black character that references the colour of his skin in comparison to dirt  /  coal; which is just. uh, okay then. you do that then, mk lmao. but these are absolutely the same people who would have the cultural cognisance to make blake multicutural in a nuanced way or have yang be reflective of how diaspora can be more “westernized.”
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Honestly, the "Aura should be active" instead of passive (which it was originally intended to be) is one of MK(EK)'s biggest mistakes, considering how easily killable the mains become if the villains were smart enough to exploit it.
But, I'm being nitpicky at this point. There's a whole lotta stupid at this point.
honestly they made aura so overcomplicated & for what? all it does now is leave giant, gaping plotholes not only for the mains but for characters like qrow. qrow’s main thing is that his semblance causes him to drive people away but if aura can be turned off & semblances are tied to active aura, why doesn’t he just ... turn it off when he’s with his family? it doesn’t need to be on 24 / 7.
& that’s only 1 example of how convoluted aura is & how really; it needs a major rehaul that isn’t consistently retconned every five minutes because it really impacts the story at major points & makes it feel like aura is just something to get out of the way in the first five minutes to make a fight “have stakes” when in reality, it just makes them boring.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Looking back at your Jaune asks, and... goddamn these people are trying to manifest Apollo in your inbox lol
they better stop or else 🧹
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Curious. I've heard your opinions on Arryn and Barb, but rarely to never on Kara Eberle and Lindsey Jones. I get Kara's the "lesser of four evils", but I would imagine Lindsey's a mixed bag.
that's just it, at most any of the annoying things the other two do really isn't the lesser of four evils but just that, an annoyance i can usually brush over with the regular cringe that comes with rooster teeth employees. i don't even have major issues with barbara anymore unless it's her allowing her goyishe friends to mock jewish culture like they did with their last hanukkah post because she should know better & that's not just run of the mill goofy shit.
the only one i actively dislike is arryn because she's a proven narcissist & an abuser who's managed to twist the narrative like narcs do when she was getting called out for being downright heinous about her ex's lost child & mocking him for it on stream. the fact she's still perpetuated this lie three years on, interacted with racists & biphobes on twitter, been pro israel, pro ed culture, racist, ableist, transphobic & yet all of it gets brushed off with her "being a victim" or just outright lying about proven things is downright infuriating.
she's not a victim, she's a cunt. ♥
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Still confused as to how CRWBY still haven't confirmed that "Sacrifice" was a Raven song as fans (correctly) predicted, given the fact that said song basically explained her views on the war with Salem, how she felt about Summer's death, and her entire reason to why she doesn't trust Ozpin.
While we're at it, how the fuck is "All Things Die" a Cinder song? It's mainly a Raven song given how a lot of the lyrics have Corvid allusions and also summarizes both Raven's Darwinistic mentality and how everyone was sick of Cinder at that point in time, her death would bring the equivalent of "Ding dong the witch is dead". I mean Cinder was getting her ass beat to said song, and lord knows when your theme is playing in the background, you're destined to win that fight, or at minimum, have the upper hand.
sacrifice is very much exemplary of an issue a lot of people have with rwby songs in that they sometimes fail to actually define who they’re about or play with just enough vagueness that people can have concrete justifications for how it can be for other people. other examples of this are touch the sky, wings or red like roses part two which is supposed to be about ruby & summer but it feels nothing like ruby’s established character & honestly feels more like yang.
unfortunately a lot of these songs are either repurposed from jeff / casey’s original works like not fall in love with you, awake, all our days, etc so there’s not the specificity needed to apply them concretely to characters. even for sacrifice, i’ve seen people speculate it’s salem, pyrrha, cinder, etc. there’s nothing about it that’s wholly set in stone to go yes, this is about raven even though she is one of the most likely choices & it does fit her warped narrative about ozpin.
all things must die is however a more cut & dry example because it does have both raven & cinder’s leit motif’s in the song’s music track. cinder did also have the upper hand for some of that fight, she was very close to draining the maiden powers from raven before raven managed to turn the tide; i think that the lyrics in the second verse of the song, while being very generic, do also reflect cinder’s state of mind in how her arrogance & need to wipe any of her enemies out is eventually her undoing like it was in the fight & has been throughout the series. her telling them to beg for mercy before death like amber, to only comply & abide like emerald, admit that the hour’s arrived like with the fall of beacon & what could possibly be a subtle nod to cinderella’s “last hour” do all show that this was meant to be a duet between them.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
What's even more jarring about the Silver Eyes is that they're not even special. By that (and Owl will hate me for pointing this out), they're the ocular version of the Patronus Charm from HP. ....Which would explain why the Apathy Grimm ("Dementors") were the first Grimm Ruby would use her newfound power on. Another reference by CRWBY from a well-notable series, which, in this case is fitting since both series and their creators are antisemitic.
ugh, if i have to hear jkr’s cursed name or series one more time—
but honestly, i think it’s an apt comparison, especially with the patronus charm also essentially being fuelled by extremely potent emotions like love, which is what drives the silver eyes to work. combine that with both the grimm & dementors essentially being soulless beings who are driven by negative, painful emotions & while i don’t think this was probably a conscious connection since rt have mentioned it nowhere unlike their other “anime homework references”, it is interesting to note.
now if only both creators would stop being so fucking antisemitic smh.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Honestly Owl, if someone were to give me the choice of a continuation of Dead Fantasy or RWBY existing - (both of which involves Monty still being alive and both Sheena and Shane still being with the company), I would go with Dead Fantasy on the grounds of Fight animation >>>> story in general.
i never watched dead fantasy but i've only ever heard good things about the fights that monty produced there. i can't say whether or not i'd agree but i do think that there is just something missing from rwby that has been for a long time & no one has cared to acknowledge it in the company or the writer's room.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
You know Owl, with all the treatment that Jaune gets, and Jaune being Miles' insert, he might as well be a girl since he has the same level of plot armor as the Main 4.
rwby? no i think you mean jrwby <3
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dragynkeep · 2 years
There's a reason why Blake x Roman is called Sephora, Owl. Where do you think Neo and the rest of Team RWBY + Sun gets their makeup game from?
i love the name sephora i just wish it was more searchable sobs. but also you're so right, both are absolutely responsible for the make up games of their friends ♥
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