tallulahlucy · 6 years
so perfect. brb weeping forever.
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I am the one thing in life I can control I am inimitable I am an original (x)
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tallulahlucy · 6 years
I’m now posting Part 3!
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BOOK 3: What we’ve Lost [updated Mondays and Thursdays] https://archiveofourown.org/works/14871819
Warded Heart Masterpost
Rating: Teen Pairing: Cullen/Amell Genre: Angsty romance 
Solana Amell is no hero, of Ferelden or otherwise. Alistair ended the Blight. Alistair died. She ran.
For ten years after Alistair’s death, she traveled. She commanded no Wardens, she fought no wars. She kept to herself and tried to forget. Then the sky split open.
The Thedas she discovers when she finally comes down from the mountains is entirely different. Only the Inquisition is trying to set things to rights, and the head of its army is her old Circle crush, Cullen.
Is it possible for a mage and a Templar to live happily ever after?
While Cullen struggles with his addiction and the traumas in his past, Solana has to discover who she truly is. And she might not like the answer.
But true love is more than moonlight kisses and desperate vows. It may just be powerful enough to heal two broken people.
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BOOK 1: Sun through the ashes [complete]: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9788639
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BOOK 2: Into the night [complete] http://archiveofourown.org/works/11849727
SERIES LINKS: AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/series/800907  FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12368660/1/Warded-Heart
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tallulahlucy · 6 years
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My commission info. :)
First time working up my courage to offer commissions.
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tallulahlucy · 6 years
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The amazingly talented @morgalahan painted my OC Solana for me. I love how she captured her personality. I’m so happy she opened up for commissions :D. 
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tallulahlucy · 6 years
Chibi Dorian bit art cross stitch pattern
I made this little cross stitch patch for an overseas friend for Christmas. Now that this guy’s reached his home, I wanted to make the pattern available.  I used 16 colours, but I’m sure you could simplify it further :)
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Here’s the pattern. All colours are DMC codes. Please let me know if you end up using it. You’re free to use it for yourself for for gifts, but please don’t sell it or items crafted using it ^_^ (CC NC). 
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tallulahlucy · 6 years
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Some of my Dragon Age Inquisition Inktober art. Done with ballpoint pens.
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tallulahlucy · 6 years
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Solas, with his shirt off. Yeah, not going to make an excuse. I wanted to paint him shirtless.
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
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“Ugh, the people I have to work with.” “I know right? Good luck with this lot!”
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
10 women 10 fandoms
I was tagged by @seabirdsong to do this, ten women from ten different fandoms! (Thanks for the tag, this is awesome)  B’Elanna Torres (Star Trek)
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Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle)
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Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) 
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Zoe Washburne (Firefly)
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Mulan (Disney)
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Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age)
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Hermione (Harry Potter)
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Jessica Jones (Marvel)
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Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)
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It’s so tough choosing only ten. I know I’ve probably forgotten someone really important to me!
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
The Journals of Cullen Rutherford 168
9:31 18th Guardian 168
In my search to find peace of mind, I found a memory. Buried in bag with a few books it rested. A coin. Feeling its cool weight in my hand, I remembered my brother’s crooked half smile and filthy hand offering a simple token. Bran. Most of his gifts were often pranks or typical childhood silliness, but something in his eyes that day seemed different. Leaving for Templar training later in the afternoon, I wondered why he’d think to give me a coin. The simplest answer was he’d found it in his pocket and thought to mark my leaving in some way.
Perhaps I put more weight into such a simple gesture than is necessary, but as was explained to me, I needed some possession to hold me in this world. Bran’s coin is such an object. Even now, after all I have seen- touching the edge brings back so many happier days-happier times. Stories and make believe games of three unruly children passing the time and completely oblivious to the harsh world growing around them. I can hear his voice in my head, too. Careful, Cul, you almost cracked a smile there.
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
Do you ever wanna replay a game but you remember there’s that one fucking level or mission that makes you go “Actually, maybe not”
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
Growing up with just mom and me I didn't actually realise the extent of this until I was at varsity and treated as incredibly rude/selfish when I stayed chatting with the men (who I had a lot more in common with in terms of interests). I did not understand why the other women were so disapproving or why they felt they couldn't also sit and chat and then rally us all to help out with the food after the conversation was over.
I suppose when you don't have a big family or a lot of guests at any one time it's possible to take turns being the "host" and doing everything, which is what I grew up with. I find it really weird now as an "outsider" coming into a big family how, as soon as one person can't cope with being host, all the visiting women are obligated to be the ones to help.
It's awkward. With the inlaws, all the other spouses are male, so none of the other spouses go to help out in the kitchen either. I'm not really sure what's expected of me, or what they think of me for not playing into this and rather staying sitting with Graham, who I actually know and have interests in common with, and want to spend time with.
We contribute financially to every get together, as I think all the men do, whereas the other women contribute labour, and cook, even when not hosting, or make salads. And some do all of the above. The men sometimes pick up drinks on the way there.
Must be nice to be a man and feel absolutely zero guilt or concern while you sit on your arse in front of the tv as your wife frantically runs herself into the ground with the never ending grind of holiday cooking/cleaning/gifting/wrapping/decorating/tidying/arranging/crafts/familial politics
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
Warded Heart: Sun Through the Ashes OST
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I love making soundtracks for my fics. This is the one for part one of Warded Heart, which I finally got around to compiling and putting in order yesterday. 
In Warded Heart, the mage Hero of Ferelden meets up with Cullen again during Inquisition. She’s still mourning Alistair’s death, he’s still struggling with his feelings about mages, but they are drawn together as they were when they were much younger. With a world to save, the Calling to overcome and so much trauma in their pasts, is romance even possible? 
Hero - Elizaveta You Said - Eurielle Enigma - Danny Cocke You are a Memory - Message to Bears Fuel to Fire - Agnes Obel Seraphim - City of the Fallen You Make Me Real - Rebekka Karijord Memento - Jo Blankenburg God Only Knows - Elizaveta Winter - Mree The Driver - Bastille Hate Me - Eurielle Fine Again - Seether Waves - Dotan Little Ben - Nick Phoenix On the Edge - Peter Roe Nightmares on Repeat - Emily Jane White Circumnavigation - Mark Petrie Fight for Life - Twisted Jukebox Pulse of Life - Armen Hambar The Way - Florian Bur
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
Dragon Age OC Faceclaims
Thanks for the tag, @etaeternum​!
Christina Hendricks is my Hero of Ferelden, Solana.
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but with green eyes (thanks Photoshop ^_^)
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My blood mage OC, Celeste is Charlotte Martin
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Hawke is  Cédric Bihr
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
OC dance
Thank you for the tag @etaeternum and @daisytje :) Tagging @melaena and @yolandiehorak  My main Dragon Age OCs are mages raised in a Circle tower, so neither of them actually know how to dance. Solana (Hero of Ferelden) would be pretty nervous 
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Whereas Celeste would be more like: 
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Meanwhile Hawke is just like...
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tallulahlucy · 7 years
:O I was wondering what those were! This game just keeps astonishing me. 
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* Flag Collection *
So, did anyone else notice that this big Inquisition banner updates with the smaller flags of the Inquisition’s supporters as the campaign progresses?
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